#return to 🪼
wooeo · 3 months
I have two things I need to say:
1) we need to talk about enha girlie being sick. enha girlie waking up super early in the morning not feeling good and sunghoon staying up to make sure she’s okay. heeseung singing to her when she can’t go back to sleep. jay MAKING HER SOUP!!! jungwon defending her against managers who still expect her to perform/practice bc he’s a good leader!! sunoo entertaining her when she feels bad that she has to stay in bed. ni-ki and jake cuddling with her even though she doesn’t want them to get sick, they don’t care!!! just them staying by her side and making sure she’s alright 🤭
2) DOMESTIC ENHA!!! the hc that enha girlie ruffles ni-ki’s hair every morning…….,now I need EVERY member to have a special greeting. who gets back hugs?? who holds her hand?? who sits next to her at the table when they eat breakfast?? WHO EATS THE FOOD SHE DOESNT WANT AND GIVE HER THE FOOD OFF THEIR PLATE?? OMGG AND GAME NIGHTS!! if enha girlie is IN a video game, ik she’s a master gamer. heeseung, ni-ki, and jake think they have to go easy on her but then she just destroys them. i know game nights in the enhypen dorms go crazy. ESPPP when TXT or the fimmies come over for the night, they wonder how they haven’t gotten a complaint from the neighbors bc of all the noise. I could go on and on about domestic enha.
- 🪼
domestic enha really does it for me wow i hope this is readable
jungwon kisses you on the cheek each morning. you're getting up before him and get started on breakfast for the whole house, when jungwon comes up behind you to press a quick kiss to your cheek before walking to the bathroom. sunghoon tucks on your hair as a greeting; you see him again after a break? he's giving your hair a gentle tuck. he laughs when you whine. cliki (clingy niki) come out of the bathroom and hangs out with you in the kitchen, maybe - MAYBE - helps you if you ask and he's feeling nice. he stands beside you until you ruffle his hair. he's quick to take a seat beside you no matter where you are mostly because you give him food you don't want. heeseung ruffles your hair as a good morning, grinning when you swat his hand away with a whine. you get him to set the table that's never completely occupied in the mornings, someone is always missing. halfway through making breakfast you usually feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist and then a head resting on your shoulder. sunoo mutters a good morning to you before closing his eyes and almost falling asleep against you. niki, if he's there, bothers him until sunoo kicks him and leaves the kitchen, leaving you to scold niki. jay, your beloved, helps you cook on most days. the two of you learned your way around the kitchen together and it shows; you move around each other with ease. jake has a thing for making your heart go crazy - mostly by scaring you. his favorite way of greeting you is by sneaking up behind you and give you a heart attack. he laughs when you hit him before giving you a hug.
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bizarrescribblez · 1 year
just realizing Spot doesn’t have any lips…. He can’t give me kisses
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I bought a buttercream cake that was half off at d&w and i want to eat it soooo bad but it's for my extended family that I'm seeing tomorrow >:(
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lqfiles · 4 months
u guys haven’t heard the last of me!!!! just bc stg is over does not mean i will shut up!!! my nct bias line consists of hyuck xiaojun jaehyun jaemin and john.. (honorable mentions na yuta) … for the past two weeks i have NOT stopped thinking about johnny j suh… SAVE ME JOHNNY SUH 😖😖😖
i would give up my first born if it meant getting to compare hand sizes with johnny.
sidenote johnny and gojo satoru sit at the same table in my head siri play daddy’s home by usher
professional yapper🪼 WILL continue to clock in and continue the rambles we love it !! OMGFHSJDJE im not big into johnny in that sense but did you see him at paris fashion week the other day? whole chest out like HAVE SOME CLASS OH MY GOD…. (he looked good) and your gojo johnny comparison reminds me of this tiktok edit i saw of jaehyun and toji. you best believe that went straight to my saved folder 🤫
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inkluvs · 1 year
oh em gee blue theme !!!
blue theme !!!
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astrologylunadream · 20 days
How Their Higher Self Feels About You💍💎🩷 (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hi it's Lunadream~😇 We will be "diving into" a reading on exactly how your person's true higher self feels about you!🌊🩷 hope you find your message ^^
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of yourself, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~🌊💞
Pile 1🫧
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Pile 2🪼
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Pile 3⚪️
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Pile 4🐋
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 🌊💍🩷
Pile 1🫧
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Sign energy: Soul connection, Demand, Cheeks, Suspicion, Offer, Libra, 8th house, Neptune, 4th house, 11th house,🩺🧖‍♂️🫰📱
🩷Your person's energy: So this is a very dreamy and lovely person, they have really soft cheeks I'm hearing😇💕 Some of you may have met them online, through friends or possibly a dating app🤭 I can see a lot of my pile 1's falling in love with them through your phone. Your person is very kind and sweet, they feel spiritual aswell as emotional. Sign placements are Libra, Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, and Aquarius. There is a very soft feminine aura to your person in this reading!💗😭 This is someone you have a soul connection with, they can be psychic when it comes to you and you are the same with them. This person is very intuitive, and they may have a sneaking suspicion about their connection with you.🔍🫢 They are comforting and gentle, also they seem friendly and good to you. Now some of you may have an obsession with this person, and you can't get enough of them.💓👀 They have a refreshing vibe, could be a water rising or neptune aspecting ascendant for some in this pile. You feel comfortable about this person, they feel safe and protective.🫂💖 Your heart rate may increase when you two are alone together or when you feel an intense energy from them.😮‍💨 Their fingers are really hot just saying😂 Some of my pile 4's like their posts or stalk their social media, or just fantasize about them a lot. This person has a lot to give especially in their relationships with people, they just give out so much love and kindness.🤗💞 But they may expect something deeper in return from their lovers. They can be a little pushy when it comes to getting back what they give. So they can be really sweet but they then want the other person to return their kind gesture🫴👀 Lol they may spend a lot of time on their phone, or with friends. You see this person as a soulmate or a potential forever partner which is so sweet.💗
💎How their higher self feels about you: Flower, Keep a secret, One and Only, Unrequited love, Practice, Water, 10th house, Capricorn, Pluto, 9th house,🎨🏃‍♀️‍➡️🐝🦵 Okaaayy they know you like themmm🙈💞 You are the only one for them!! They're keeping you like you're a secret PILE 1😝 You're just so soft and cute to them they wanna pick you up and bring you home😭🥰 Their higher self is aware of your feelings towards them and they aren't mad about it either😏💖 They actually really enjoy you feeling that way about them, it makes them feel reliable and admired.👑 Also they wanna make all your dreams come true, they bee-lieve in you haha because the bee emoji😂 I just realized the emojis is a girl running towards the bee, the bee movie anyone?🤣🤣 LOL now I can't stop laughing maybe that movie resonates with you. If you're going through a time of unrequited love they want to encourage you to confess and go through with it! Your person's higher self really wants to keep you in love with them, because it feels so good.😭 Their higher self also sees your spiritual or occult practices as something very intelligent and knowledgeable, like wow pile 1 knows all this that's amazing😢💗 You are unlike any other to your person's higher self, they feel you are so creative and ambitious! They have very delicate feelings for you, so soft for my pile 1's!💭 Their higher self is very drawn to you, there is a deep attraction to your legs and thighs🫢 They kinda want to be the only one to own you, there is this magnetic attraction towards you they can't ignore. They want you to be able to depend on them, and care for you. Their higher self does want to warn you to be careful of falling into deep obsession and hiding it, they want you to focus on broadening your horizons with knowledge instead💡🥰 Their higher self hopes you can keep running towards your goals and make it to the top!🔝🎉✨️ You can do it pile 1 and their higher self believes in you. They feel so much love and care towards you, they see you as something so pure and gentle that must be protected by them.😩👏💓 They feel you are the "only one of your kind" so maybe you're different than the people around you, family or your cultural background. Pile 1 this person is cheering for you so hard! Their higher self is supporting you every step of the way and that is so adorable and sweet I'm gonna cry🥹💗
💌Messages from them: Hug me, We have a past together, I can't tell you, This happens every time, Can we be together? Thinking of you, It's so hard to resist you, I wanna steal your kiss (Hug me then I wanna steal your kiss CUTE😖😫💗💞💓) Extra cards: Melody, My everything, Corner, End, Autumn, Cancer, 8th house, Gemini, Eros, 2nd house (You are their everything pile 1!!! Their higher self desires you so much, they are here for you!🫂💗)
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🌊🩷
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the emoji~ Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 2🪼
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Sign energy: 5th house, Material, Dance, Violate, Foreign country, Saturn, South node, Sun, Mercury, 11th house,💍🏃‍♂️‍➡️🔊💀
🩷Your person's energy: Wow so pile 2 this is interesting your person is a very unique individual🤭 Sun energy just jumped out first thing from your person, they have a powerful presence about them! There is Capricorn, Leo, Virgo, Gemini and Aquarius energy here.✨️ Could have 5th house placements, Sun-Mercury conjuct or aspected, Sun or Mercury in 11th house those are some placements I'm picking up on for some of my pile 2's person.💞 I personally love that energy so it makes me want to assume they're automatically really attractive to you guys!😩🫶 I just knowwww lol. They could speak a different language than you, or learning one just for fun.😁💬 For some of you this person is from a foreign country, others they are just simply interested in other cultures and languages.💗 I feel like your person is very reliable and stable with money, they may work hard and it's giving husband/wife material💲💍✨️ There is something creative they like to do, could be dancing or something artistic for a hobby or work. Oh for some of my pile 2's this person has a dancing career. With the sound emoji and mercury coming through, maybe a singer for some of you too.🎤🎼 They could be an investor or entrepreneur or that's something that they would be good at. Some of you may have had a past with this person, there could have been problems surrounding boundaries or barriers in communication.🔇🚫 Your person is very successful and far from ordinary, they have a lot of worth👑🥰 I'm picking up on another scenario for some of my pile 2's, who this could have been a short romamce kinda thing. So the passion started out strong with this person and it may feel like it ended as quick as it started, so the romance with this person may have fell flat.💔 For others your person is not in contact with you. Some of you may be manifesting them, manifesting marriage even.🫢💭 Your person could be chasing their dreams and ambitions for their career, they are very talented and focused.🌟 They have a lot of passion, also come off flirty and smooth. They do shine and I think they have very high standards. They could be running away from something, possibly commitment.😬 They give a busy vibe too, they may tell themselves they don't have time for a long term romantic partner.
💎How their higher self feels about you: Cage, Drop, True, Comfort zone, Chaos, Fire, 4th house, Gemini, 3rd house, 10th house,🎧🪫🫡☹️ I think their higher self is a little worried about you, as they have a perspective on how everything is playing out.😭 They feel you are very hyperactive and hard to contain, they know you think of them a lot...😳 You appear a bit chaotic in the eyes of their higher self, they may see potential problems surrounding around you and their reputation or career.💼👤 Aw but this is so sweet they would drop everything for you pile 2, because you are like home.🏠💗 Their higher self find you sweet and caring as much as energetic and fun. They wanna hold your hand😫🤝 I'm kinda getting like a shark cage imagery you know when it drops into the water and that can seem scary, your person's higher self sees you in that cage and they want to keep you safe. Maybe they represent the cage, not to trap or contain you but to protect you and keep anything harmful away from pile 2.🥺💕 Okay so your voice gives them so much comfort, they love hearing you speak and if they had your voice on recording they would drain their battery so much just from listening to your voice LOL that's what I'm seeing with them.😂 You could be going through a hard time with your professional/public life, there could be rumors about you or things feel very unorganized and problematic.😵‍💫 Your person's higher self has a lot of empathy for you, I can picture them so sad just thinking about what you're going through. Their higher self misses you if you're apart, they feel everything is moving too fast. Some of you moved away from this person, their higher self feels the time is running out.⏳️😢 You are like a true best friend to them, I'm also getting even though you make them feel comfortable I think their uptight nature is challenged by your seemingly unpredictability. Everything feels new with you, they are faced with things they aren't used to or questions they never had before.💬 They are on the edge of their seat with you sometimes I'm hearing. Their higher self may feel like you are a handful, but they're willing to free their hands just for you.🩷 I think there is just a lot going on for you both in 3D and they know it's a tough situation with you.😞🌧 But they want to give you comfort from their higher self, and they would hold you in their arms if they could.💞😭 They definitely wish to communicate and talk with you my pile 2's. They want you to know it's going to be alright, and all the bad things that are keeping you from smiling will soon dissolve. They would give you head pats OMG pile 2 their higher self is really there for you, they just really wanna keep you safe.🫂🥹💗
💌Messages from them: Tell me more, Your fantasies are achievable, I wish I had you, You have so much worth, I want to comfort you, I'm going to steal your heart, You make me look bad, I was wrong (YES pile 2 they want to comfort you as said and they wanna hype you up!!👏🥰💗) Extra cards: Unrequited love, Hands, Purpose, Chains, Cutie, Sun, 1st house, Juno, Air, Leo (They don't want you to be held back from what you can achieve!! Also they really wanna hold you😫✊️ You have a purpose in their life and they do in yours, likely commitment!! They think you're cute😉 And a little something else but it's not that type of reading~😏)
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🌊🩷
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the jellyfish emoji~🪼 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 3⚪️
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Sign energy: Care taker, To the grave, Prediction, Maturity, Jealousy, 5th house, Leo, 2nd house, Gemini, Saturn,🌃✍️✌️💐
🩷Your person's energy: Okay pile 3 this is someone responsible and sweet, physically your person is really eye-catching and appealing.😘💕👀 They could be a bit older than you, or that is just the vibe they give off. Mature, caring and very polished💅 There are significant 2nd and 5th house placements in their chart, Leo, Taurus, Gemini, and Capricorn energy. I am getting a mostly masculine vibe, just because they are quite stable and efficient.✨️ They give off some feminine aura too. You could be intimidated by this person's presence, status or maturity. They just come off like they know what they're doing.😩 The vibe they give others is like untouchable. Lol They look like they mean business I'm hearing lol, they could have capricorn mercury or mercury-saturn, mercury in earth sign or 10th house those are some aspects take what resonates.🤗 They are quite commanding and naturally authoritative, their neck is also something very attractive😳 I'm hearing "dictator", feel like this person looks like they have a lot of money, they spend well💸💰😍 Also they put pride and effort into their appearance, they're big on self care. They are a wise thinker and can plan ahead nicely.⌚️⏳️💭 Pile 3 your person is HOT😭 They're just so snazzy, they could be a writer for some of you. Also night owl, they could enjoy journaling at night before bed. For some of my pile 3's they're in the entertainment industry, director, producer, brand ambassador or business owner. Those could be things they're interested in starting as side gigs/hobbies omg something really impressive okay lol😍 They could be a singer for some of my pile 3's. They could like to invest, also their time is an investment I'm hearing.✨️ AH pile 3 your person also has such a romantic smooth side, like they can win you over so easily with their words😩💋 I'm seeing that a lot of people want to take from this person, your person has a hesitation to give to others and they find it hard to trust. They're like in their own spotlight so they could have a lot of people jealous of what they have, some more harmful than others😬 Your person could have a hidden/secret hobby, could be writing, something that helps them settle down in calm and quiet. also they have a specific scent or perfume/cologne. They are not only phsyically attractive but also mentally too.🧠👀
💎How their higher self feels about you: Words, Activity, Past, 9th house, Throne, Eros, Cancer, Sun, 9th house, 2nd house,😬🧯🫗👏 Okay so 9th house came out twice lol there could have been a lot of spontaneity within this connection, their higher self may have seen it as something unstable or costly. I think they feel very uncertain about you, because on one hand they find you very charming, but also difficult to manage.😳 Some of you could be cancer sun or cancer placements. They see you as someone very soft and sensitive, with the cup spilling their higher self sees you as someone with many emotions.😢💗 They could feel like you are too giving, which is a reflection of their own fear of giving too much. You appear very different from them at first glance, but you both share similarities aswell.👥️ Your person's higher self has an admiration for your sensual beauty and they kinda put you on a pedestal tbh😏👑💞 They feel very drawn to your sweet and calming aura, they also feel you are someone of very high worth. You feel precious to them, and they would pay anything for you if you had a price tag😭🏷💖 Their higher self knows how much you care about this connection and that really touches their heart.🫶 But I think the thing is, they are quick to defuse these feelings you give them. And they prefer to keep a distance from it, mostly because their higher self does not want to pour their heart out more than they should. They are very cautious and considering the possible outcomes from these feelings.💭 Ah but the things you say really turn them on honestly😩❤️‍🔥 Their higher self is really good at resisting, but it seems like you make them waver. You're like that really expensive and high quality item on sale that they can't ignore.😘 I love that they see you as something precious, because this pile is represented by the pearl!⚪️💕✨️ I think if there was an unpleasant situation in the past, they have worked past it with you. Their higher self feels a little bad, because you may give so much of your energy and they wish to give you the same in return. They want to pay you back for your love and/or kindness to them.💗🔙 Their higher self almost feels like a charity case to you, and may feel bad if you pity them ever or from caring about them for whatever reason. You radiate a beautiful soft aura and it definitely has them curious.💭 Your person's higher self feels inclined to treat you like royalty, they think you're really classy😉✨️ I think they see you as a loyal and kind person, and feel drawn to you physically as well as emotionally. They may worry about their power or status if they fall for you too much, afraid of letting their guard down for someone. They have a lot of respect for you, I'm picturing them slowly clapping for you like a sophisticated individual at a classy event.👌🥂✨️ Their higher self feels as you are on the same status as them, and that makes them both intrigued and concerned. They are uneasy with someone matching their level, and they may not know how to approach you. They're worried that their superior presence won't phase you.😧🙊 You are just so valuable to them, admirable and lovely💞💕💗
💌Messages from them: Things didn't go as planned, I can't hide it from you, I don't want to decieve you, You make me mad, I wish I could, I wish I could stop thinking if you, I would kill for you, You're wrong (Haha things didn't go as planned and yeah they're such a planner like mentioned before so this is just freaking them out😭 They have a knack for investing and they do NOT wanna miss out on a limited deal which is pile 3!!!😍💓 They could be at a loss for words or repeating themselves a lot, because they are just so stuck on this situation🥺💭) Extra cards: Ability, Tongue, Beginning, Let go, Intense, Aquarius, Aries, North node, Eros (Ohh we really have some spicy energy here. Intense passion and aggression from your person.🥵 Not that type of reading but you can head over to one of my spicy pacs for that!!!🫢)
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🌊🩷
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the pearl emoji~⚪️ (actually just a white orb lol) Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 4🐋
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Sign energy: Restaurant, Childhood, Acceptance, February, Last, Earth, 1st house, Pisces, Air, Water, North node, 4th house, 10th house, South node, Saturn,🆓️🤷‍♂️🏖☀️
🩷Your person's energy: There is a lot of summer/beach vibes in this pile! Your person has a lot of bright vibes🥰 This could be someone some of you know from childhood, but I think your person's past is significant to their personality. They could be born in february or that is a significant month, signs that came out are Pisces, Cancer and Capricorn. Air, earth and water sign energy, there is also sun symbolism so Leo placements are also possible. They could have saturn in 4th house, pisces in 10th house, or earth rising. They could live in a coastal region, or interested in those locations.🏝🛶💗 Your person may not have the best self esteem, they also don't have a very solid reputation. They could own a restaurant or love to eat out.🥗 For many of my pile 4's this is a water sun, but not for everyone in this pile. They could have bad a strict or limiting childhood, I'm hearing "lack of freedom"😭 Your person is on the inside artistic and sensitive but they may have restricted that behavior from themselves when they were younger. Maybe they couldn't really express themselves to their family.😢👤🚫 They don't have confidence in their identity because of how they grew up, they could have felt unaccepted or unacknowledged for the real them. I think they have become so positive and bright despite the odds!🥺💞 This person could be from an island, also I am really getting heavy hawaii energy from this pile lol that may resonate for some here😂💫 This person is often confused and feels like they lack direction. They hide their feelings. They may have not had enough stability when they were younger, so that is something they are working towards having themselves.🥹 They have such a comforting and welcoming presence about them, but it doesn't come for free I'm hearing. This person may be hesitant to easily trusting anyone, they really have to make sure you are a safe person. Because they can be taken advantage of if they aren't careful😭🫂 I feel like people never believed in them enough! They are so sweet and have so much to offer, they are a hidden gem💎💕 For some of my pile 4's this person acts oblivious, or just doesn't notice things much. They could be a bit childish, or wish they could be like a kid again. They are very funloving🌟 I feel like this person is just sort of stumbling through life trying to find their place and where they belong🥺💗
💎How their higher self feels about you: Zoo, Prince, 7th house, Happiness, Consume, 6th house, 1st house, Jupiter, 5th house, Fire,🍫🛫♑️🥗 OHH pile 4 you are in for a wonderful surprise!!! (Unless you already know it😉) Your person's higher self sees you as a romantic partner, you literally bring them a ton of happiness like it's in the cards!😍💓 This is so sweet, you make them feel better instantly. There is so much love and passion for you, their higher self feels like you are so nice and dependable, you are a stable source of happiness for them🥺❤️ Also their higher self feels like this is a very healthy connection you two share, you are nothing but good for them! They think you're so sweet, and also consumable😳 I won't go into detail since it's not that type of reading BUT, let's just say there is a lot of physical attraction from them. They can't get enough of you❤️‍🔥 They want a taste of you y'know....😉 It's kinda naughty of them. Besides that! Their higher self feels like you complete them, you make them wild honestly. They feel so lucky that you exist, and wanna work so hard for you😫✊️ Their higher self feels so much passion and romantic feelings for you, their emotions just off like a flight.✈️ They may want to travel with you. Pile 4 you make them smile so much omg it's so cute💗!!! Their higher self thinks and even overthinks about being in a relationship with you, there is such an urge to date you. You make them feel looked at as something worthy, also they really want what's best for you. You are so sweet to them, and they are just so charmed by you😭❤️‍🔥 I'm hearing "fly away with me" they wanna go so far with you. Another thing I'm seeing is your person really wants to eat out with you😆🥪🍵 They wish to experience so much with you guys, like they wanna make sure you're theirs too💍😭🩷 All they want is to see you smile. The may want to visit a zoo with you aswell, I see many fun trips they wanna take you on🥰 Their higher self sees you as their person, they think you're so pretty and lovely. They would do anything to make you happy that is WHAT IM HEARING😭💗
💌Messages from them: Would I be asking for too much? Think of the things that make you happy, You'll do anything, I want to please you, Your eyes are beautiful, You will find happiness, You should smile more, I am your future (Omg🥰😍💞 Pile 4 they love your smile, honestly there is so much love in this pile it is so sweet!😭) Extra cards: Cage, Matching, Bad habit, Past, Comfort zone, Gemini, North node, 9th house, 10th house, Earth (They feel like you guys just FIT together, and you literally heal wounds from their past, you make them feel so safe pile 4 their higher self absolutely loves you with all their heart.🫂)
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🌊🩷
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the whale emoji~🐋 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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gremlingottoosilly · 5 months
monster gaz and soap have a special place in my heart, does 141 do cuddle sessions/hangout together with their mate or do they all try to hog her any chance they get. i feel like price would want them all to get along but soap would try herd you away
Oh, the cuddle pit! Yes! Price knows how to manage a group of various hybrids under his paw - he is the captain, after all. Being in charge of an unruly group of hormones and testosterone and monstrous tendencies is no easy task...luckily, he has his pretty little assistant to help. Luckily, just your presence is often enough to get the boys in line. Sometimes, when they are especially riled up after a mission, the bloodlust is flowing through their veins, and the bodies of the enemies aren't enough to get them to calm down even after they return to base; Price would just pick you up and throw you on the nearest soft surface. If you're lucky, they would just go to your nest, laying here and crushing it under weight...if you're unlucky, they would just push you on the floor with them, wiggling like a bunch of puppies in a cardboard box. Soap is always so so so touchy and clingy, he is almost banned from cuddling sessions - always trying to bite you and to hump your leg, he loves to mess with you and squeeze just a bit too much but, essentially, he is satisfied with just having your hands gently scrape his mohawk and pet his head. Price is always in charge of the cuddling sessions - so it's only natural that he will put you on his body, the broad chest of his acting like the best heated pillow in the world. Poor thing, dumb little baby, you just love when he is cooing at you and allows you to just fall asleep while you all are cuddling - he knows how tired his pretty doll is.... Ghost is content with laying on your side, one large hand stretched to lay on your side, playing with the soft skin of your waist and hips, kneading and touching. Sometimes, when the positions are just right, he would be able to push his face in your breasts, just laying here while you're hugging him...but usually Johnny is the one to take it. Gaz...well, he is sometimes a cheeky bastard who loves to lat on top of you and Price, esentially pinning you between two large, warm bodies. He will cover you with his wings if the positions are switched but, either way, you're getting extremely heated from his body temperature. Cuddling is a tough job!
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animalshowdown · 3 months
Phylum Round 3
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Annelida: Segmented Worms. This group includes earthworms, leeches, and many classes under the umbrella of “polychaete”. This diverse phylum encompasses deposit feeders (eating dirt), detritivores, scavengers, deadly ambush predators, filter feeders, parasites, herbivores, and more. They are broadly defined by their repeating body segments and parapodia, which are nubby appendages used for both movement and breathing. Some have curved jaws for catching prey or scraping detritus off of rocks, while others have wide, elaborate, brightly colored feather-like fans for filter feeding. While able to crawl freely, a majority of marine Annelids spend most of their time in self-built tubes or burrows. Among their many important functions, they play a key role in mixing soil/sediment, breaking down decaying organic matter, and providing a key food source to countless other animals.
Cnidaria: Jellyfish, anemones, corals, box jellies, and hydroids. They have a gelatinous body with radial symmetry, a decentralized nervous system, and tentacles surrounding a simple mouth. The defining feature of this phylum are their cnidocytes, or stinging cells. There are two different body plans of the Cnidaria; an immobile “polyp” attached to a surface, or a free-living “medusa” which can swim or drift in the water column. Many polyp Cnidarians, such as corals, live in colonies. Some corals build reefs which serve as habitat for other animals. Free-living medusa Cnidarians must return to the seafloor in a polyp-like stage as a part of their life cycle.
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rosemaze-reveries · 2 months
During an interview, the manor guests suddenly get a question about you. (Part 2)
hello hello! here is part 2 as promised. there are less characters than I hoped to write, but in exchange each blurb is a little longer than pt.1 !
part 1 can be found here
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Q. Could you describe your relationship with (Y/N)?
🦌 Bane rubs his chin, tracing his memory. "Hm... Indeed, I'm familiar with that name. I'd suppose that's someone I knew when I worked for the DeRosses." He crosses his arms with a low, contemplative grunt, as if struggling to remember anything else. "I'd need a photograph." I happen to have a couple on hand, and he takes them gently. A long period of silence follows. After leafing through the photos for some time, he says: "I remember. They were always talking about marriage." With you? "Mm. I was never interested, but I never said no. Eventually I made them a ring from a scrap of iron. I hoped they'd stop visiting me if I satisfied them... It's too dangerous to come to the forest everyday." Then he reaches into his pocket, pulling out a ring of his own. "In exchange, they gave one back." He's been cherishing it all this time, even when he'd forgotten its origin.
🪼 Ivy - "I'm no stranger to feeling like I'm missing my other half, you know. That sense of loss is one of the only constants I have left. (Y/N) fills my emptiness, and without them it increases twofold." I open my mouth to ask, Do you think you could be soulmates? but then my eyes dart to the Yithian and I realize my mistake. Sorry, was that insensitive? Ivy is not amused with my implication that she might be interested in claiming (Y/N)'s soul. "My dear interviewer, I am a scholar, not a monster. Whatever you're insinuating, you're gravely mistaken."
🤡 Joker's face suddenly hardens, in spite of the fragile, twiddling-thumbs demeanor he'd shown me thus far. His hands ball into shaking fists and his lips purse, as if he's psyching himself up for a fight. Are you okay? I ask, preemptively guarding myself with my clipboard. Tears brim his eyes and the strength falls from his shoulders. He mutters out, "All I wanted was to be their sword and shield, their angel of light, and they left me out of my mind. Hahaha... Wanna know the biggest joke of all? I'd let them drive me crazy all over again."
🦎 Luchino's mouth stretches into a lazy grin. "That one's a cutie, eh? Had the pleasure of meeting them yet?" I shake my head, reminding him that (Y/N) is the focus of my current investigation. I guess his laidback attitude fooled me into saying too much. He promptly straightens his back, the smile fading. "Yeah... Yeah, from one researcher to another, I get the intrigue," he says. "But I can't say I fancy another guy using my love as a test subject."
🪞 Mary - "Do you take pleasure in nosing around a lady's private affairs? I'd expect more tact, even for an interviewer." The chill in her tone startles me. I sputter out something in my defense, but Mary huffs and waves me into silence. "(Y/N) is enjoying the privilege of being my right-hand. They're my favorite one so far, too. I dismissed the others without a second thought."
🤕 Naib - "On good terms." Wringing out any insightful answers from this man is tougher than I thought. In hopes of inspiring more of a reaction, I tell a small lie: When I interviewed (Y/N), they described a rather colorful affection for you... Almost immediately, Naib breaks eye contact and crosses his arms. But I still only get a guttural "Hm." in response. Can you confirm if this is true? I press. His answer is, once again, a curt "Hm." (Slightly more affirmative, I would say).
🕯️ Philippe - "My work has always stood as a testament to my love," he caresses the wax figure grafted onto his shoulder, "but shielding someone in life is a far greater challenge than honoring my losses. My worries are endless." Suddenly reminded of his sister's tragedy, I offer a sympathetic smile. Do you believe (Y/N) is in danger? Philippe returns my smile, though I can't make out the intent. "Of course. Evil lurks around every corner. At the very least, it won't reach them while I'm around."
🎭 Sangria - A fond smile graces her face as she recounts her memory. "It was clear to me after some time that I had disastrously entranced them." Then she adds, lightly, "I hadn't meant to, of course. At the time, I thought, I'm not looking for love—no, I'd had enough of it all—but soon, their smile would appear in my mind every time I sang. When someone gives you that much inspiration? You'd be a fool to let them go." She has a playful tone of voice, but I can tell (Y/N) means a great deal to her.
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wooeo · 2 months
NAUR CAUSE BEOMGYU HAS ALWAYS BEEN IN THE BACK OF MY MIND. when did beomgyu start having feelings for EG (enha girlie)? how quickly did heeseung (and the boys) find out? what else has beomgyu tried to do to win EG over? i totally think beomgyu has a habit of getting EG her fave drink from the hybe cafe, even if heeseung tries to scare him away. like imagine a cute little cafe date that the other hybe idols gossip about!! ouuuu or what about at award shows, beomgyu always looking at EG to see her reaction. so many headcanons and i want ALL OF THEM!! - 🪼
i think it runs deep,, like years on years deep. like he probably saw you sometimes when both of you were trainees and he was like "pretty girl 😵‍💫" and avoided you 😭😭 i dunno how long heeseung and beomgyu have been close but hee def found out pretty quickly, even before iland. beomgyu probably told him about the 'pretty girl with the pretty eyes and pretty smile' and heeseung was like 'ohmygod get UP!!!' (but then he met you and nvm he gets it).
beomgyus crush being common knowledge for hybe idols 😭 it's really only you who doesn't know n everyone teases him about it. he always gets really awkward around you, so every attempt to win you over leaves him with crippling embarrassment and you mildly confused. heeseung gets both sides of the story and finds it highly amusing. the others gossiping about your every interaction 😭
beomgyu bribing heeseung into telling him your favorite drinks and foods. (beomgyu thought hard and long about who to ask but niki, jungwon, sunghoon, and jay scare him and sunoo and jake would simply refuse to tell him. he did also ask kai and taehyun to ask but they laughed at him). heeseung eventually giving in and telling beomgyu. the next time you come across him in the hybe cafe, he shoves a cup in your hand and walks away. in his head it's a victory but you're left just as confused as you always are after interacting with him 😭 he tries
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 5 months
Siren!Leon headcannons 🧜🏼‍♂️🐚
A/N: this was so much fun!!! I got a little carried away, but I feel there's still so much I could add here, so let me know if you want to see more! There's not smut in this one sadly, because um... idk.. how that would work?
~Fi 🐝
《Prompt》: lovely request by @maviettt is here!
《Warnings》: brief mentions of gore and Leon eating people, obessesive and possessive Leon, some angst, insecure Leon :(, lots of luv for the fish boy <3
《Word count》: 2.4k
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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Siren!Leon, who spends his days luring all the pretty sailors to their demise, having himself a tasty meal of naivety and pure unawareness. I mean, what girl wouldn't be enarmoured with this handsome and so kind merman, right? With his blue, ocean eyes and shiny scales.
Siren!Leon, who lurs them in with promises of love and care, only to yank them into the deep sea and tear into them with his pointy teeth. He's not too fond of doing this, but he doesn't really have a choice, and you get hardened over the years.
Siren!Leon, who casually swims through a nearby Lagoon, catching a glimpse of you and your sisters lounging in the sun. You're laughing, and Leon swears that you're the Siren in this scenario. You look so pretty with your colorful, glittery tail. Your damp hair that's drying up from the salty water. The small trinkets braided into your locks and hung from your body.
Siren!Leon, who is always drawn back to this Lagoon, always wanting to see you again. He thinks you're a bright, shining pearl, and the world is your oyster. But he also understands that you're off limits to him. You would be scared of him, wouldn't you? You're such a pretty thing. His treasure.
Siren!Leon, who admires you from afar, always hoping to see you smile once again. He's infatuated with you. He's sighing dreamily when he sees you throw your head back in laughter or hiding your giggles behind your hand.
Siren!Leon, who looks for you after he hasn't seen you at the Lagoon for a while, only to find you washed up on the beach, all tangled up in a net. You look so... dry. The colors of your tail are dulled, and your skin doesn't look like it was kissed by the morning dew anymore.
Siren!Leon, who is so conflicted. He needs to help you, but what if he scares you? He doesn't want to risk that. You're the favorite part of his day! Alas, he relents and carefully swims up to you as close as he can before gently tugging you back into the water by your tail.
Siren!Leon, who holds you until you've gotten some of the ocean's energy into you. He can basically watch you flourish as you're returned to your home. But his heart breaks when you gain back consciousness and immediately try and get away from him.
Siren!Leon, who tries to explain to you that he just wants to help. You're still bound in the net, and you can't swim properly like this. You're obviously skeptical. Acting all kind and luring people in was kind of his deal as a Siren, after all. But there's something so soft about his voice and expressions.
Siren!Leon, who truly has no bad intentions, but he has to restrain himself from pouncing on you the second you give him the go-ahead to free you from the net with his sharp teeth.
Siren!Leon, who doesn't miss your blush, when his lips brush against your skin while he's chewing you out of your bounds. He can't help himself and grins, and accidentally bumps his lips against your scales more just to see you react.
Siren!Leon, who is quite flustered himself when you thank him and tell him that he's not as scary as you thought he would be. And when you tell him you like the color of his scales and his cute little fin ears, he is over the moon!!
Siren!Leon who tries to hide his malicious side from you as best as he can just because he is terrified that you would be scared of him. Maybe even disgusted. He doesn't want that.
Siren!Leon, who sees you wave to him on his usual morning round past the Lagoon, and he almost passes out. Yeah, he had saved you, but for you to so boldly be nice to him in front of your sisters? He's thinking of that for the rest of the day.
Siren!Leon, who gets bolder each day, waving back with a smile, maybe even greeting you and your sisters until he fully swims up to all of you! He's kinda crushed when your sisters scatter like little anchovies. He just wanted to say hi :(
Siren!Leon, who gets comforted and assured by you, saying that "they don't know you like I do." You explain how, although Leon is a Siren, he's so sweet! He saved you from certain death, after all.
Siren!Leon, who eventually gets taken in by your sisters, and he gets to lounge in the Lagoon with you. Some are still a little weary, but as time goes on, they all warm up to that smile and those pretty eyes.
Siren!Leon, who only has eyes for you. You are the sun in his sky, the moon that guides his tides. He's head over heels for you. It started off as forbidden glances, admiring your beauty, and now he is making you laugh and spending as much time with you as he can.
Siren!Leon, who knows you're falling for him too when you start bringing him little treasures and trinkets that you found. It's usually a shiny rock or a seashell, but sometimes you bring him valuable shinies from recent shipwrecks that you're not supposed to be around.
Siren!Leon, whose heart pumps out of his chest when he sees all your sisters nudging you in his direction with your hand behind your back and a red face. He revels in your cuteness when you shyly press the rock into his hand and speed off.
Siren!Leon, who starts calling you his treasure or his pearl. That's exactly what you are to him, and he needs the whole seven seas to know that. Plus, your pretty smile and the kiss to the cheek he gets from you after is a nice bonus.
Siren!Leon, who lets you decorate him and his tail when you run out of space on your own. You tie cloth and braided seaweed around his fin and arms, adding one of your little trinkets at the end. He wears them with pride because everyone knows they're from you.
Siren!Leon, who loves to braid your hair for you. You're always finding more pretty things to put in your hair, and you can't see the back, obviously, but he loves doing it for you. He gets so good to the point that he's doing all of your sisters' hair, too.
Siren!Leon, who rarely goes back to luring humans to their death, simply because he would rather spend time with you. He's acquired a taste for small fish, which unfortunately can't match the salivating taste of humam flesh, but he's willing to give it all up for you. he's still so worried that you'll catch him one day and see the monster he truly is.
Siren!Leon, who sits in the small tide pool close to a bay, soaking up the moonlight with you, and the way it makes you look ethereal. You look even prettier like this than in the sun. The silvery streaks reflect off of your features so beautifully, and he knows that he's doomed.
Siren!Leon, who spends all of his nights with you, not wanting that image of your lovely self dipped in the rays of Mother Moon to go away. He loves talking to you at night. Sharing quiet stories and tales interrupted by soft giggles.
Siren!Leon, who kisses you for the first time on the beach where he saved you. He melts when he finally feels your lips on his, and he's holding you so tight and full of love that you can't imagine being anywhere else.
Siren!Leon, who found a pearl at the bottom of the ocean, your favorite color, and he gives it to you as a gift under one of those moonlit nights. He's confessing his love to you, giving the pearl to you as a sign of always wanting to be with you.
Siren!Leon who doesn't know whether to blush and hide or be giddy like an idiot when he sees you wearing his pearl the next morning, showing it off to all your sisters who are all in awe of its beauty.
Siren!Leon, who loves to spend his days lying in the sand with you, playing with the many small braids and twists that adorn your silky locks. There's not much to do, but you make the days go by so fast.
Siren!Leon, who goes ballistic when your sisters rush to tell him that you've been captured by some filthy pirates while you were out exploring a new shipwreck, trying to find more odds and ends for your collection.
Siren!Leon, who can feel his blood boil in his veins. It's like a switch was flipped, and he falls back into his bloodthirsty and feral ways. It scares your sisters, but they know he's doing it for you.
Siren!Leon, who follows your scent and your soft pleads for mercy as the pirates decide whether to gut you or keep you for themselves. He has never swam this fast in his life. He had a strong tail, no doubt, but he pushed himself to his limit only to get to you.
Siren!Leon who feels so deeply and can feel the storm brewing inside of him. He can't help but feel somewhat reassured when dark, thick clouds rise in the sky and heavy winds, rain, and thundering streaks of lightning descend from the sky. He thanks Mother Moon with all his being for helping him rescue his treasure.
Siren!Leon, who sneaks close to the ship undetected, due to the heavy rain and loud thunder. He is out for blood, and one thing is clear; that ship will sink today, and he will make them pay.
Siren!Leon who punches holes into the body of the ship with his strong tail, making the ship sink slowly into the dark embrace of the ocean.
Siren!Leon, who when he finally gets to the bastard pirates, tears them to shreds without a thought. Thick crimson spills into the rowdy waters, and you can almost see the red reflecting in his eyes.
It's a mess of limbs and guts, the blood clinging to his pale skin like a curse. He doesn't want to admit how refreshing this felt- he was still a siren after all.
Siren!Leon who snaps out of his craze and immediately starts searching for you, calling out your name with desperation and fear. The lightning gets worse as he looks around frantically.
Siren!Leon, who finally spots you clinging to a piece of wood with bloody hands and teary eyes. He rushes over to you, and the relieved cries that rip from your throat make his heart hurt.
Siren!Leon, who scowls at the deep gash on your tail, no doubt courtesy of those pirates. He embraces you so softly, kissing your temple and whispering sweet reassurances to you.
You sniffled and looked up at him, the rain slowly washing away the blood that tarnished his skin. You spotted tears of his own welling up in his blue eyes, pained by the image of your wounded self. He never stopped stroking your hair and wiping away the rain that mixes with your tears as it falls on your face.
"They... they only hurt me because I didn't want to give them... this.." You spoke quietly, opening your bloody hand, revealing the pearl he had gifted you now smeared with blood. Leon felt his heartbeat all the way in his head. The gusting winds, loud thunder and the electrifying strikes of lightning died down and the surface of the water stilled into a soft ripple as he stared at you, not knowing what to do, or to feel.
Only the soft patter of rain on the ocean filled the silence that lingered between you two. Leon swallowed thickly and cupped your face, finding his words.
"My treasure, My pearl... why?"
You'd never heard him this hurt, defeated before.
"Because you gave it to me."
With your simple answer, he pulled you tight against his chest with his lips pressed to your forehead, hoping the rain would cover the tears that ran down his face, soaking into your hair.
Siren!Leon, whose blood freezes in his veins when you catch a glimpse of the massacre he had left and absolute horror washes over your face. He can feel his heart shatter with the way you look at him, with so much fear and- ...gratitude?
Siren!Leon, who gets the words knocked out of his head once again, when you softly touch his cheek and tell him that you're not afraid of him. You're still shaken up, in agony, and dismembered bodies aren't part of your usual routine.
But you tell him that you could never be scared of him. You know he would never hurt you, he loves you, and he only did what he needed to in order to rescue you. You're fully aware of what he is- a Siren, not a monster. He proved that to you many times with his gentle and kind nature. He feels pathetic when he breaks down as you whisper that you love him and press kisses to his hair. You're hurt, and he's crying, utterly overwhelmed by you and your love.
Siren!Leon, who will take care of you and the wound on your tail until it's fully healed. He gently drapes seaweed wraps over the gash and always makes sure you're not in any pain. He will make you hang onto him by his neck when he swims so you can still get around but not put any strain on your tail.
Siren!Leon, who plucks a scale from his tail and gifts it to you as full proof of his love and devotion for you. It hangs around your neck, right next to the pearl he had given you, and he can't help but smile when he sees how his shimmery blue scale looks against your skin.
Siren!Leon, who wears one of your scales on a cloth, tied around his arm, proudly showing it off whenever he can. Because he's as much yours as you are his. <3
I loved writing this so much!! Lmk your thoughts on Siren!Leon <3
More Leon works are here 🩷
《Tag list》: @dmitriene @k-fallingstar @vampkennedy
Comment to be added!
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dreamlovetarot · 10 months
☁️「𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑎𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑓𝑢𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑑」🏹
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left to right: pile 1, pile 2, pile 3
Welcome, 𝑓𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝐷𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑤𝑒𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟,
as we embark upon a journey through the veils of time. In this celestial reading, we shall unveil the whispers of what your destined beloved shall hold most dear in you. Embrace this ethereal dance with an open heart, and may the stars above sprinkle their magic upon your path.
𝐼𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑠, 𝐸𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠,
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ 𝒆𝒇𝒇𝒚 ⁓
Enchanting Disclaimer: Let it be known that Tarot's realm, found within these pages, is one of whimsical entertainment. What transpires is my personal interpretation, a delicate thread weaving through the cards' tapestry. Each portrayal, though bathed in speculation, seeks to capture your imagination. As you tread the starlit path of this reading, the harmony between your heart's song and its melodies shall guide you. Tarot's allure, an ethereal waltz, rests upon the tendrils of choice, where your intuition casts its own spell.
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꒰ 🪼 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚𝑃𝑖𝑙𝑒 01
The cards of your destiny: 7 of cups, child: orphan, the sentinel, the twins
Within the realm of your being, an enchanting tapestry unfolds. Your future spouse is drawn to the radiance of your imaginative spirit, finding allure in the way you perceive the world. Your ability to discern opportunity in even the most intricate patterns of life, and your unwavering understanding of choice, create a symphony of admiration.
Your essence weaves dreams into reality, infusing purpose into each step you take. There's a delicate magic in your willingness to dream without restraint, to paint your life with the hues of possibility. This mystical aura you carry isn't tinged with negativity, but rather a sparkling optimism that kindles fascination.
Yet, beyond the ephemeral, your independence shines like a distant star, guiding you to gather knowledge on your own terms. You're a self-sufficient learner, a wanderer across the cosmos of wisdom, and your partner cherishes this self-reliance.
In your stride, your beloved sees a warrior spirit. Your unwavering faith in yourself and your capacity to conquer any challenge bestows you with an aura of courage and resolve. This inner certainty sets you on a path of endless possibilities, a journey your partner deeply admires.
The Twins card whispers of your multi-dimensional nature. You're a puzzle with pieces that delightfully don't always fit together. Your unpredictability paints your journey with intrigue, offering a constant sense of discovery to your partner's heart.
This fusion of dreaminess and autonomy creates a unique alchemy. You master the art of emotional balance, a dance between grounding and flight. Your independence is the armor that shields you, and your dreams are the wings that let you soar.
In this cosmic dance, you embody a spectrum of hues, and your beloved admires everything about your essence, encompassing green, beige, and even the occasional red flag. You are an enigma with layers that continue to captivate. As you navigate your journey, remember the charm that emanates from your fusion of dreams and self-reliance, as it is casting a spell that keeps your partner forever captivated.
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꒰ 🪼 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚𝑃𝑖𝑙𝑒 02
The cards of your destiny: the moon, angel, the aspirant, the runaway
In the tapestry of your future, your beloved finds fascination in your intuitive nature and your profound self-awareness. Your thoughts, akin to twinkling stars, intrigue their curiosity. They are drawn to your emotional transparency, where you fearlessly share your worries and anxieties, offering a glimpse into the depths of your soul.
What truly enchants your future partner is your selflessness, a trait that shines with a brilliance of its own. Your willingness to extend your help without seeking anything in return casts a radiant glow upon your being. You embody a magical essence that radiates empathy and compassion, pulling them into your orbit.
But you're more than an angelic presence; you're a dreamer with aspirations that stretch toward the cosmos. Your ambition and tenacity in pursuing your dreams are evident. Even in the face of challenges, you approach them with open dialogue and a spirit that marches forward undeterred.
The Runaway card, cloaked in mystery, adds a layer of intrigue to your essence. While you're resolute in facing difficulties, there's also a yearning for personal freedom. Your desire to keep certain parts of yourself hidden imparts an air of enigma. This doesn't hinder your ability to connect; rather, it adds a layer of complexity that draws others in.
In your journey, you may momentarily retreat from challenges, but your determination never wavers. Your reliability shines through, especially in supporting others through their tribulations. Your partner is captivated by the unique harmony you embody, a symphony of strength, compassion, and an alluring aura that casts a spell upon their heart
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꒰ 🪼 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚𝑃𝑖𝑙𝑒 03
The cards of your destiny: ace of wands, warrior, the heir, the enchanter
Within the enchanting dance of your destined union, your future partner is captivated by the radiant bloom of your creativity. You are a wellspring of inspiration, a vessel brimming with untold possibilities. Like a star yearning to blaze brighter, you embrace growth and new horizons, ensuring that every moment shared is a tapestry of exploration.
In your presence, the strength of galaxies twinkles. Your spouse admires your unwavering fortitude and adeptness, where discipline and unyielding determination harmonize effortlessly. An aura of power surrounds you, untainted by the trappings of ego, allowing you to navigate both your internal landscape and external connections with an elegant grace.
Your self-awareness casts a gentle glow, illuminating both your strengths and vulnerabilities. The Heir card alludes to concealed potential, a treasure trove of abilities awaiting discovery even by you. This interplay between modesty and untapped gifts weaves an enchanting allure that draws your partner closer.
Occasionally, hesitation may cast its delicate shadow upon you. Doubts may cloud your perception of your talents, questioning whether you truly measure up or possess the necessary capability. This humility, coupled with a touch of uncertainty, forms an irresistible magnetism that pulls your partner into your orbit.
In your essence resides the art of transformation, a symphony of alchemy. Your mastery lies in transmuting the mundane into the extraordinary, crafting new dimensions from the threads of everyday life. This isn't manipulation in the conventional sense, but a kind of enchantment that breathes fresh life into situations, relationships, and your artistic pursuits.
Be it as a designer, an artist, or a weaver of light, your innate talent to manipulate and shape scenes entrances your future partner. They're captivated by your ability to reshape perspectives, inviting others to see the world anew through your unique vision.
In their eyes, you shine like constellations in the velvet sky, a mosaic of brilliance. Your creativity, your potential, and your artistic flair are celebrated and cherished. They stand as your most ardent supporter, unwavering in their belief in you. In their gaze, your essence swirls like stardust, a mesmerizing fusion of potential and artistic magic.
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© dreamlovetarot 2023 — where every right is held in delicate embrace 🤍 I kindly ask you not to appropriate, replicate, alter, or disseminate my ethereal content.
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thetreefairy · 6 months
Please do part two of "Not My fault" where he's able to revive reader but they've just given up on life and escaping and just lays there not even eating? - 🪼 anon
tw: distorted eating, distorted thoughts, angst
I kinda dont know how to write this part? But here's ya girl's attempt.
Part one
Your fault
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Muzan had achieved something no one else had.
Not Nezuko, not Tanjiro, no-one has done what he has done.
he cheated death, by bringing back his child. He cheated death by returning their soul back to their body. First thing he did? Turning Reader into a demon, of course.
But he didn't expect Reader to be so different, he had expected fighting, yes.
But he didn't expect Reader to just lay there so lifelessly. He thought maybe it was him, maybe they were angry at him for pushing them to the point of suicide. So he gave them space, ordering Akaza to watch them.
Reader generally did talk to the other demons, even respected them to some extent.
If Akaza were to ask them to eat, they might listen.
But Muzan was wrong.
While demon's generally don't have to eat, Reader's body was weak. Blood sustained them yes, but in principle it's like drinking water. They still need to eat.
But they won't, they'll punish Muzan, and he'll lose his mind.
Just like Reader did.
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linalaine · 5 months
Birthday Boy <3
Scaramouche x Reader Smut
i love this man w my whole being
🪼🌸cw: afab reader, soft sex ?? , soft Scara, cunnilingus, use of cunt/pussy, Scara barely has any dialogue, inspired by the scene from Don’t Worry Darling >:)
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Scaramouche has lived many years, many different lives. The concept of his “birth” date being something special simply has no meaning or significance to him anymore after so many years.
He doesn’t even think “birth days” apply to him. Since he technically wasn’t even born on this day! He was created? Awakened? Whatever. It’s not important. It’s not special. He’s not special!
So the idea of you spending your entire day cooking all his favorite foods and baking the few sweets he likes, even decorating the house and making him a birthday banner, once he comes home, leaves him utterly speechless.
You even got him presents..
In all his years of being, no one has ever gone all out for him like this. At most he received a simple “happy birthday” from his colleagues when he was back in the fatui. But never this. He’s never received presents, or had decorations made specially for him, or all his favorite foods laid out in front of him.
The way you rush to greet him with a tight hug. Face full of excitement as you smile up at him.
“Happy Birthday Scara! Surprise! I made all your favorite foods for you! And I tried to bake you a cake, but I know you don’t like sweet stuff so I didn’t add that much sugar. I’m not really sure how it’ll taste, but I hope you like it!”
Like it? He’s still speechless, staring up at the handmade banner. He can tell it’s handmade because he recognizes your writing and the way you write his name.
You notice he’s staring at the banner you hung above the table all by yourself! You turn your head to look over at it without breaking the hug.
“You like it? I didn’t really know how old you were turning exactly.. So I hope you don’t mind.”
Oh he doesn’t mind. Not in the slightest. He grabs your head, pushing it back onto his chest. His way of returning the hug. He can’t understand why you would go through such lengths for him..
It’s not even a special day. He’s not that special. His “birth” wouldn’t have made any difference at all if it never happened. So why? Why would you waste your day trying to make him feel special?
It makes him feel all weird inside! Like wanting to cry but not in a sad way! It’s confusing!!
Until he realizes for the first time in his thousands of years of living, he’s experiencing pure gratitude for you. And not only that.
He places his hands on your waist, backing you up into the table slowly. You give a confused yelp as he pushed your down onto the table, your hands quickly shooting out to clear the food out of the way to not ruin your work.
“Scara?.. What are you doing?” You ask while your back meets the tables surface.
Once you’re lied down, he pushes your legs and skirt up making you gasp in surprise as he lowers himself between your thighs.
“Thanking you.” Is all he says between soft kisses on the inside of your thighs, leading up to your purple lacy panties that you were saving for later for him!
He places a kiss to the outside of your panties, making you let out a shaky sigh as he slides them down your legs. His fingers are already separating your lower lips, allowing him to place sweet kisses to your clit. Resulting in a soft whine from you as a hand snakes down to hold his hair.
He can feel your cunt get more wet with arousal from his kisses before latching his lips around your clit and giving it a few sucks. Scaras thumbs stroking the inside of your thigh soothingly. He swirled his tongue around your clit, flicking at it before sucking on it again until it got all puffy!
You let out a strangled gasp as your back arched off the table, your hand involuntarily yanking at his hair. But it’s okay. He didn’t mind. You deserved this for being so amazing to him. He had no idea how he got so lucky finding you.
He swept his tongue inside you, his nose pressed against your clit while he dragged his tongue along your gummy walls, making your legs wrap around his head and whine.
You bucked your hips up into her mouth. The feeling of his tongue enveloping your warm gushy cunt was too much! You pulled at his hair again, trying to speak coherent words through your moans.
“Sc-ScarAH! Mmm.. ‘m gonna- gonna cumuhH!” You managed to breath out. His lips latching around your clit again to help you to your high.
“C’mon pretty girl.. Just like that.. Cum on..”
Scara whispered softly against your puffy pussy. His warm breath sending you over the edge as you let out a loud moan, your legs clamping around his head and pressing his face into your cunt as you came.
He kitten licked up and down your pussy, helping bring you down after your orgasm. After your breathing had calmed, he pushed himself up, not bothering to wipe its mouth before kissing you sloppily and whispering softly against your lips;
“Best birthday ever.”
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vix3nsthings · 6 months
January Cosmic Calendar🧞
🪼January 1-2nd: Mercury goes direct in Sagittarius (thank gawd it’s now direct!!!😮‍💨🫠)
🪼January 4th: Mars enters Capricorn
🪼January 11th: New moon in Capricorn
🪼January 13-14th: Mercury enters Capricorn
🪼January 20th: Sun enters Aquarius (Happy Solar Return Aquarius Babes🫶🏽)
🪼January 20-21st: Pluto enters Aquarius
🪼January 23rd: Venus enters Capricorn
🪼January 25th: Full moon in Leo 🦁🌙
🪼 January 27th: Uranus turns direct in Taurus
Saturnians do ya thing it’s your time to shine this month!!! ♑️♒️
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cipher-the-sidhe · 6 months
Hi! I just went through your entire WtTK AU and I have a (potentially sad) question :D
Has baby Eclipse ever accidentally hurt Y/N? Cause I noticed he's got some pretty big claws, and kids (especially young ones!) don't tend to have very good control of their strength and coordination when they're little
*grabbing you and shaking you*
Thank you for liking my au and for engaging! I love these fish a normal amount!!!!! As for your question~
The first time it happens, Eclipse is too young to realize what he’s done. Tiny baby teeth are still sharp enough to pierce and tear, and when he mindlessly mouths at you a little too hard Moon is the first to notice the blood at your shoulder where your baby nestles his face. Sun is a mess of anxiety over the realization that your little guppy has teeth and claws sharp enough to hurt his mama now, and no will yet to prevent it. The bites don’t leave a visible scar, but the boys never forget.
It happens again, of course. Many times. Little nicks of careless baby claws and eager baby teeth. Nothing serious, and your mers are diligent in teaching Eclipse to be careful with his mama and her delicate body. Sun maybe goes to far with it really, and for a while your little boy handles you like you’re made of glass. Eventually you ease the anxiety he develops over hurting you into a more reasonable level of caution, but he’s always very careful.
But even the most careful, cautious people slip sometimes, and Eclipse is just a boy after all…
He hadn’t meant to. He swore up and down around hiccuping sobs over and over again how he hadn’t meant to and how he’s so so sorry. You coo and shush him, one hand pressed down firmly to stem the bleeding from your calf, and the other holding onto his hand (so much bigger than yours already, and covered in your blood) even as he tries to pull away.
“Clip, sweetie, look at me. I’m ok. It’s going to be ok. It was an accident. I’m not mad. It’s ok.” You talk to him as gently as you can, holding him as close as he‘ll let you. For a moment you resent how big he’s gotten so fast. Eleven years old and he’s already taller than you.
Moon doesn’t take it well, of course. Sun takes it worse. They get your injuries cleaned and stitched up, and they end up healing into four pale pink scars just a few inches above the first scratches Moon gave you on your ankle years and years ago. Eclipse doesn’t speak almost at all for weeks. He stays with Moon most of the time, and his nocturnal father uses the time to share whatever wisdom he earned from his own time as a sharp and dangerous creature on how to be gentle. Your son keeps his hands entirely to himself for that time, accepting hugs but not returning them. Your heart hurts far worse than your leg. Sun stays by your side while the other two are away, and his son won’t meet his eyes for days either.
Things get better. They heal, they scar, the marks fade and leave behind lessons for all four of you. Eclipse grows into a frighteningly deliberate predator, and those claws and teeth never do any harm that they don’t fully mean to do by the time he’s mature. Certainly after that, though he causes his fair share of carnage, he never hurts you.
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