#reverse bnf
mrghostrat · 6 months
dude. that reverse bnf fic sounds SO fucking good… the ideas u have cooking up in there… i’m excited just thinking abt it ASKFNKF
i had more thoughts today... thinkin of the ask i got about the "i'll always know the stain was there" scene and how i've never written that before. which. ofc. turned into more ace porn.
Aziraphale spills wine on himself at Crowley’s place. He’s resigned to throw the shirt away. Crowley, Mr minimalist clean freak, rolls his eyes and takes charge of cleaning it off. Aziraphale hesitates then takes his undershirt off too, and Crowley bluescreens. Aziraphale half-asks him, “I’d hate for it to be stained too. It might be an undershirt, but I’d always know the stain was there.” Crowley takes it as well, leaving Aziraphale shirtless in his house.
While they sit around and he scrubs on his homemade stain remover, Aziraphale sits a little shyly, clearly affected. His nipples are hard. Crowley gathers the courage to ask him if it turns him on. “What, you cleaning??” “No. Being exposed like that. The air on your skin.” Aziraphale hesitates because he thinks Crowley is calling him out on some kind of abnormal kink or fetish, so he deflects, “Is that some ace thing as well?” not expecting Crowley to say yes. Crowley sits next to him.
“For me anyway. It’s not the person who turns me on, it’s the touch. So, sometimes, that touch comes from unexpected places. Cold tile on my skin after a shower. Satin sheets.” Aziraphale noticeably shivers.
“S’why I like, personally… Being teased. Light touches; Chasing after it. That anticipation adds to the sensation.” He grazes a hand over Aziraphale’s bare arm and Aziraphale gasps. Crowley laughs at him.
“Ffs. No wonder you struggle getting off if you’re watching the same porn everyone else does. Probably Google Imaging boring old pin ups of girls in fancy bras—“ Aziraphale gives him a LOOK, so Crowley adjusts, “—Or, Boys in skimpy briefs. What good’s that going to do if you can’t imagine how they’d touch you?”
Aziraphale is momentarily perplexed. “You know, I can’t think the last time anyone assumed me anything other than flamingly gay,” but it somehow doesn’t feel avoidant of the topic, he’s just so caught off guard by it.
Crowley’s suddenly a little annoyed, mostly at The World, but a little bit creeps in towards Aziraphale. “Assuming doesn’t help anyone. It only gets people confused about the boxes they’re meant to fit into. Bloody useless things, boxers. Er, boxes.”
His fingers have been dragging idly up and down Aziraphale’s thigh the whole conversation.
He stops when he realises Aziraphale’s hands are strategically placed in his lap. Crowley stops. Apologises, didn’t realise what an effect he was having, he just wanted to make a point—
But Aziraphale hasn’t felt like this in such a long time. He’s worked himself off, but nothing’s compared to this feeling of anticipation and bone deep arousal. He somehow finds the words to ask if Crowley would keep going. Show him what kind of touches he likes, maybe it would be informative. Crowley gets him off on the sofa, teasing and working him to a climax that has him death gripping Crowley’s arm and whimpering into his neck.
Later, hours or days later, Aziraphale is watching Crowley move around the house, maybe in his pants or a towel or something, but being totally innocuous. As innocuous as Aziraphale’s voice when he pipes up, completely unprompted, “I don’t think I’m asexual, Crowley.”
“This again?” Crowley’s exasperation is fond.
“No. Sometimes the sight of you makes me want to… Pin you against a wall or something.”
Crowley freezes, a mental ngk that takes a few minutes to reboot him. He tries and fails to sound casual and unaffected when he says “Maybe you’re demi,” and keeps folding his laundry like Aziraphale hasn’t just shoved a hot poker into his brain.
“Mmm,” Aziraphale agrees, even though Crowley knows he doesn’t know what that means, but he’s too busy leching to follow up and ask.
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cuties-in-codices · 10 months
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christ in the winepress
in the 'bible moralisée de philippe le hardi', france, 15th c.
source: Paris, BnF, Français 166, fol. 123v
(footnote for transparency/academic integrity: these miniatures do stand next to each other in the manuscript, but in reverse order, and i'm not entirely sure how they relate to each other and what or who is being pressed in the one i put in second place for humorous effect)
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
From my experience, it's both the projection stuff + cis writers responding to what's popular in fandom, but I also think some of it is because when trans fic started getting really popular, you had a lot of trans BNFs in various fandoms who insisted that writing these characters a particular way was THE right way to do it or you're offending them personally. I think that tends to be disproportionately likely with people who prefer pre-op or non-op vs. prefer post-op or don't care, both because if you care more you're angrier about it, but also people in the first category are more likely to be newly out (and thus in that obsession with their identity stage that plagues every LGBTQ+ person when we first come out) and younger and more online. So they're more likely to fit into the demographic of "people who obsess over what fic other people are writing" or "antis" in general.
I remember in Yuri on Ice fandom circa 2017-18, there was this one newly out pre-op trans guy who projected hard on to Yuuri and therefore insisted that any fic with cis Yuuri was hurting him personally. But it went beyond that.... Yuuri also had to be a bottom, because he was a bottom, and also this guy seemed to think that having a vagina meant you were automatically a bottom if your partner had a dick? Which made the whole thing kind of funny in a way... imagine declaring yourself the spokesperson for all trans men in your fandom (which he clearly did see himself as that, he clearly saw what he was saying as the One Right Way To Do Transmasc Rep) and yet being seemingly unaware that strap-ons are like, a thing that exists in the world, lol. That pegging exists. (Or at least, it would've been funny if he wasn't an obnoxious anti who harassed people, and had this parasocial fixation on someone who wrote a lot of bottom Yuuri and age-reversal Victuuri which he decided was the absolute worst thing for some reason.)
So just from that, I do have to wonder if some of these patterns in writing trans fic are just more popular vs. they're baked into fandom because some obnoxious individuals in a variety of fandoms (because he definitely wasn't the only person and YOI wasn't the only fandom where I saw that shit, though he was the worst) at a particular time were insisting that was the one right way to do things.
I was able to resist what he was saying even though I'm cis, just because I've had enough trans guy friends IRL to know that what he was describing as the One Right Way to Write Trans Sex is suuuuuper dysphoria inducing for a lot of trans men. Like, a lot of people who write M/M trans fanfic would be floored at how many pre-op trans men find that PIV is just completely off-the-table for them. They don't want to be penetrated at all, at least in the vagina. So much trans fic treats PIV as the gold standard. Like, it's weird to think gay trans men wouldn't be into butt stuff as much as cis gay men are? Am I the only person who thinks it's kinda weird how often that's assumed?
I have no idea what the state is like for trans women in F/F - even though I read a lot of F/F, there seems to be way less trans fic for whatever reason, even the stuff written by trans women IME seems to prefer to focus on cis women or at least women who both have vaginas - but while I've known fewer of them than trans men who just really don't want to use their vaginas during sex, a fair number of trans women just really don't want to use their penises during it either. Like, people, there's a reason that "bottom surgery" exists.
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istumpysk · 2 years
Operation Stumpy Re-Read
ADWD: Davos IV (Chapter 29)
Even in the gloom of the Wolf's Den, Davos Seaworth could sense that something was awry this morning.
I swear to god this guy spends half the story in jail.
Davos rose and paced his cell. As cells went, it was large and queerly comfortable. He suspected it might once have been some lordling's bedchamber.
The food had come as a surprise as well. In place of gruel and stale bread and rotten meat, the usual dungeon fare, his keepers brought him fresh-caught fish, bread still warm from the oven, spiced mutton, turnips, carrots, even crabs. 
Davos had furs to keep him warm by night, wood to feed his fire, clean clothing, a greasy tallow candle. When he asked for paper, quill, and ink, Therry brought them the next day. When he asked for a book, so he might keep at his reading, Therry turned up with The Seven-Pointed Star.
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He knew there were true dungeons down in the castle cellars—oubliettes and torture chambers and dank pits where huge black rats scrabbled in the darkness. 
Obligatory rat highlight.
The Den was much older than White Harbor, the knight [Ser Bartimus, chief gaoler] told Davos. It had been raised by King Jon Stark to defend the mouth of the White Knife against raiders from the sea.
King Jon Stark defended the north from raiders? What kind of raiders?
Even before the coming of the Andals, the Wolf’s Den had been raised by King Jon Stark, built to defend the mouth of the White Knife against raiders and slavers from across the narrow sea (some scholars suggest these were early Andal incursions, whilst others argue they were the forebears of the men from Ib, or even slavers out of Valyria and Volantis). - TWoIaF
Oh, raiders and slavers from Valyria.
I wish a bnf was around to tell me what that could mean.
Many a younger son of the King in the North had made his seat there, many a brother, many an uncle, many a cousin. Some passed the castle to their own sons and grandsons, and offshoot branches of House Stark had arisen; the Greystarks had lasted the longest, holding the Wolf's Den for five centuries, until they presumed to join the Dreadfort in rebellion against the Starks of Winterfell.
The name is hinting at Greyjoy, but the history sounds like Karstark.
Reavers from the Three Sisters took the castle once, making it their toehold in the north. During the wars between Winterfell and the Vale, it was besieged by Osgood Arryn, the Old Falcon, and burned by his son, the one remembered as the Talon. When old King Edrick Stark had grown too feeble to defend his realm, the Wolf's Den was captured by slavers from the Stepstones. They would brand their captives with hot irons and break them to the whip before shipping them off across the sea, and these same black stone walls bore witness.
This doesn't feel like anything, but I'm not sure.
How about a reversal! Let's have a friendly visit from the Vale.
"Then a long cruel winter fell," said Ser Bartimus. "The White Knife froze hard, and even the firth was icing up. The winds came howling from the north and drove them slavers inside to huddle round their fires, and whilst they warmed themselves the new king come down on them. Brandon Stark this was, Edrick Snowbeard's great-grandson, him that men called Ice Eyes. He took the Wolf's Den back, stripped the slavers naked, and gave them to the slaves he'd found chained up in the dungeons. It's said they hung their entrails in the branches of the heart tree, as an offering to the gods. The old gods, not these new ones from the south. Your Seven don't know winter, and winter don't know them."
Brandon Stark, Ice Eyes? Bran, what are you up to?
Slavers struggling with the cold, and more blood sacrifice. That's all I picked up from that.
"I never knew that northmen made blood sacrifice to their heart trees."
"There's much and more you southrons do not know about the north," Ser Bartimus replied.
Can you tell us.
Davos sat beside his candle and looked at the letters he had scratched out word by word during the days of his confinement. I was a better smuggler than a knight, he had written to his wife, a better knight than a King's Hand, a better King's Hand than a husband. I am so sorry. Marya, I have loved you. Please forgive the wrongs I did you. Should Stannis lose his war, our lands will be lost as well. Take the boys across the narrow sea to Braavos and teach them to think kindly of me, if you would. Should Stannis gain the Iron Throne, House Seaworth will survive and Devan will remain at court. He will help you place the other boys with noble lords, where they can serve as pages and squires and win their knighthoods. It was the best counsel he had for her, though he wished it sounded wiser.
He had written to each of his three surviving sons as well, to help them remember the father who had bought them names with his fingertips. His notes to Steffon and young Stannis were short and stiff and awkward; if truth be told, he did not know them half as well as he had his older boys, the ones who'd burned or drowned upon the Blackwater. To Devan he wrote more, telling him how proud he was to see his own son as a king's squire and reminding him that as the eldest it was his duty to protect his lady mother and his younger brothers. Tell His Grace I did my best, he ended. I am sorry that I failed him. I lost my luck when I lost my fingerbones, the day the river burned below King's Landing.
At least he acknowledges he's an absent father and husband.
His final goodbye to his family, and he manages to sneak in an apology to Stannis. Lol
Glover led him along a darkened hall and down a flight of worn steps. They crossed the castle's godswood, where the heart tree had grown so huge and tangled that it had choked out all the oaks and elms and birch and sent its thick, pale limbs crashing through the walls and windows that looked down on it. Its roots were as thick around as a man's waist, its trunk so wide that the face carved into it looked fat and angry.
When dogs and their owners look alike.
Then there was a blank stone wall that turned when Glover pushed on it. Beyond was a long narrow tunnel and still more steps. These led up.
"Where are we?" asked Davos as they climbed. His words echoed faintly though the darkness.
"The steps beneath the steps. The passage runs beneath the Castle Stair up to the New Castle. A secret way. It would not do for you to be seen, my lord. You are supposed to be dead."
Obligatory secret tunnels highlight.
"Please sit." Lord Manderly was richly garbed. His velvet doublet was a soft blue-green, embroidered with golden thread at hem and sleeves and collar. His mantle was ermine, pinned at the shoulder with a golden trident. "Are you hungry?"
Wyman is!
But not for food.
"How did I die, if I may ask?"
"By the axe. Your head and hands were mounted above the Seal Gate, with your face turned so your eyes looked out across the harbor. By now you are well rotted, though we dipped your head in tar before we set it upon the spike. Carrion crows and seabirds squabbled over your eyes, they say."
Davos shifted uncomfortably. It was a queer feeling, being dead. 
I tingle when a character is adamant they're not dead.
This is different, this feels more like something Bran or Arya would think to themselves.
"Wylla." Lord Wyman smiled. "Did you see how brave she was? Even when I threatened to have her tongue out, she reminded me of the debt White Harbor owes to the Starks of Winterfell, a debt that can never be repaid. Wylla spoke from the heart, as did Lady Leona. Forgive her if you can, my lord. She is a foolish, frightened woman, and Wylis is her life. Not every man has it in him to be Prince Aemon the Dragonknight or Symeon Star-Eyes, and not every woman can be as brave as my Wylla and her sister Wynafryd … who did know, yet played her own part fearlessly.
Kind of irritating we didn't get Wylla and Wynafryd on the show.
Who am I kidding, they would have been given the Lyanna Mormont treatment.
"Soon I must return to the feast to toast my friends of Frey," Manderly continued. "They watch me, ser. Day and night their eyes are on me, noses sniffing for some whiff of treachery. You saw them, the arrogant Ser Jared and his nephew Rhaegar, that smirking worm who wears a dragon's name. Behind them both stands Symond, clinking coins. That one has bought and paid for several of my servants and two of my knights. One of his wife's handmaids has found her way into the bed of my own fool. If Stannis wonders that my letters say so little, it is because I dare not even trust my maester. Theomore is all head and no heart. You heard him in my hall. Maesters are supposed to put aside old loyalties when they don their chains, but I cannot forget that Theomore was born a Lannister of Lannisport and claims some distant kinship to the Lannisters of Casterly Rock. Foes and false friends are all around me, Lord Davos. They infest my city like roaches, and at night I feel them crawling over me." 
Damn, who needs Varys?
"My son Wendel came to the Twins a guest. He ate Lord Walder's bread and salt, and hung his sword upon the wall to feast with friends. And they murdered him. Murdered, I say, and may the Freys choke upon their fables. I drink with Jared, jape with Symond, promise Rhaegar the hand of my own beloved granddaughter … but never think that means I have forgotten. The north remembers, Lord Davos. The north remembers, and the mummer's farce is almost done. My son is home."
Something about the way Lord Wyman said that chilled Davos to the bone. 
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The lad? Was it possible that one of Robb Stark's brothers had survived the ruin of Winterfell? Did Manderly have a Stark heir hidden away in his castle? A found boy or a feigned boy? The north would rise for either, he suspected … but Stannis Baratheon would never make common cause with an imposter.
Little bit of Arya, little bit of Aegon.
"He is a mute, but we have been teaching him his letters. He learns quickly." Glover drew a dagger from his belt and gave it to the boy. "Write your name for Lord Seaworth.
"There was no parchment in the chamber. The boy carved the letters into a wooden beam in the wall. W … E … X. 
The little bird who isn't a little bird is back!
Lord Wyman nodded. "The tale you tell is one we all have heard, as full of lies as a pudding's full of raisins. It was the Bastard of Bolton who put Winterfell to the sword … Ramsay Snow, he was called then, before the boy king made him a Bolton. Snow did not kill them all. He spared the women, roped them together, and marched them to the Dreadfort for his sport."
"The evil is in his blood," said Robett Glover. "He is a bastard born of rape. A Snow, no matter what the boy king says."
"Was ever snow so black?" asked Lord Wyman. 
<- Jon VI
Once a man had said the words his blood was black. Black as a bastard's heart.
Looks like it's time to remind the reader Ramsay is bizarro Jon.
A bastard born of rape. What are you telling me about Rhaegar Targaryen, George?
"Ramsay took Lord Hornwood's lands by forcibly wedding his widow, then locked her in a tower and forgot her. It is said she ate her own fingers in her extremity … and the Lannister notion of king's justice is to reward her killer with Ned Stark's little girl."
"The Boltons have always been as cruel as they were cunning, but this one seems a beast in human skin," said Glover.
A beast in human skin? Wow, that sounds like Jon too!
I guess that means he's going to marry Val to lay claim to Winterfell! Snort.
"The Freys are no better. They speak of wargs and skinchangers and assert that it was Robb Stark who slew my Wendel. The arrogance of it! They do not expect the north to believe their lies, not truly, but they think we must pretend to believe or die. Roose Bolton lies about his part in the Red Wedding, and his bastard lies about the fall of Winterfell. And yet so long as they held Wylis I had no choice but to eat all this excrement and praise the taste."
Sounds like you owe them dinner.
"It was the Bastard who murdered Ser Rodrik and the men of Winterfell," said Lord Wyman. "He slew Greyjoy's ironmen as well. Wex saw men cut down trying to yield. When we asked how he escaped, he took a chunk of chalk and drew a tree with a face."
Davos thought about that. "The old gods saved him?"
"After a fashion. He climbed the heart tree and hid himself amongst the leaves. Bolton's men searched the godswood twice and killed the men they found there, but none thought to clamber up into the trees. Is that how it happened, Wex?"
The boy flipped up Glover's dagger, caught it, nodded.
When he was done he flipped the dagger in the air, caught it, and stood admiring his handiwork.
The mute flipped the dagger, caught it, then flung it end over end at the sheepskin map that adorned Lord Wyman's wall.
What is up with this?
Daggers, the old gods, and hiding in trees. Am I supposed to be thinking about Arya or the children of the forest?
Wex held up five fingers, tapped each one with the dagger, then folded four away and tapped the last again.
"Six of them," asked Davos. "There were six."
"Two of them Ned Stark's murdered sons."
"How could a mute tell you that?"
"With chalk. He drew two boys … and two wolves."
Davos understood. "You want the boy."
"Roose Bolton has Lord Eddard's daughter. To thwart him White Harbor must have Ned's son … and the direwolf. The wolf will prove the boy is who we say he is, should the Dreadfort attempt to deny him.
Placing this much significance on Shaggydog is making my heart sink. It's feeling a little like the show.
That is my price, Lord Davos. Smuggle me back my liege lord, and I will take Stannis Baratheon as my king.
Ha, make him work for it.
My oh my, how the tables have turned for The Beggar King, Stannis Baratheon.
"Be that as it may, my lord," Maester Cressen said gently. "Great wrongs have been done you, but the past is dust. The future may yet be won if you join with the Starks. 
"Lady Arryn owes you her allegiance, as do the Starks, your brother Renly, and all the rest. You are their one true king. It would not be fitting to plead and bargain with them for what is rightfully yours by the grace of god."
"I make common cause with no one," Stannis Baratheon said. - Prologue, ADWD
"You have better men than me in your service. Knights and lords and maesters. Why would you need a smuggler? You have ships." "Ships," Lord Wyman agreed, "but my crews are rivermen, or fisherfolk who have never sailed beyond the Bite. For this I must have a man who's sailed in darker waters and knows how to slip past dangers, unseen and unmolested."
"Where is the boy?" Somehow Davos knew he would not like the answer. "Where is it you want me to go, my lord?"
Robett Glover said, "Wex. Show him."
The mute flipped the dagger, caught it, then flung it end over end at the sheepskin map that adorned Lord Wyman's wall. It struck quivering. Then he grinned.
For half a heartbeat Davos considered asking Wyman Manderly to send him back to the Wolf's Den, to Ser Bartimus with his tales and Garth with his lethal ladies. In the Den even prisoners ate porridge in the morning. But there were other places in this world where men were known to break their fast on human flesh.
Is he going to a wedding?
There is zero reason to put any hope into this plot.
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Somehow I doubt the mostly irrelevant 4-year-old boy and the imposter daughter will be the central Stark figures in the fight for the north. Call it a hunch.
Final thoughts:
That was Davos Seaworth's last chapter in the series.
You get the sense Bran and Rickon are waiting for the rest of the plot to catch up.
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femmehysteria · 8 months
so my university was like we can't book computer rooms for your exams this year so instead of using the online BNF we have to use the huge paper copy (BNF: British National Fomulary - basically list of all drugs/medications ever).
anyway I decided for practice I was gonna use the book for whatever work I was doing rather than online or the app and I see
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OPIUM AS TREATMENT FOR DIARRHOEA, like I knew a significant side effects of opiates is constipation but to reverse engineer it to treat diarrhoea is crazy to me, I was just looking up loperimide dosage. surely there's more risks than benefits of using opium for diarrhoea but I'm only a student what do I know
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tiffbaxter · 10 months
hi!! I was wondering if you happened to have the name of the manuscript where the original cat picture you based your drawing on was?? I study medieval literature and would love to look at the whole manuscript, I think your art of it is absolutely adorable <33 thank you!!
Hello! Thanks so much, where I originally saw the image it was posted without a manuscript name which is why I never listed one myself. However, upon reverse image searching the only type of listing for the manuscript I can find states:
[BnF, lat. 1393, 16th c.]
As I understand it BnF refers to the Bibliothèque nationale de France, so you may be able to find it somewhere in their digital library.
I hope this is of some help!
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sharkiegorath · 10 months
About two weeks ago, my reverse hanahaki story was accepted by a magazine I really like. I was happy about it for about a week. Yet I'm stuck in a doom loop over a different story's revision and resubmission, for a different magazine. Insane behavior. Anyway.
The editors are kind and experienced. The edit letter is really nice. It stresses that they don't want to make changes that I don't want, etc. I've only ever heard good things about them. They even had the opportunity to act Twitter brainpoisoned at one point, and they didn't.
The editors' questions are thoughtful. And I'm one of those writers who enjoys analyzing their own work and talking about it.
This story is special to me in an unhinged way and I want it to be its best version.
I like the magazine. I love one particular story they've published. In all its years of existence I've never read a story in this magazine where I've seen glaring issues and went "why was this published at all????", unlike one or two big names.
The pay is not only the recommended rate but higher than the standard (and through developmental editing I'm adding to the word count, on their suggestion.)
I like the assigned editor as a person and they're from a similar background, which is pretty crucial to the story. I actually briefly spoke to them during a volunteer thing in April so I 'know' their vibes.
There's no real deadline, just a January goal to work towards.
It's good to have new experiences!!!
General imposter syndrome feelings of "it seems this wasn't perfect, looks like I have to crawl into a hole and die now".
It's taking up time and mental energy I'd prefer to use to write other things, especially with important deadlines mid-December and January.
There's no guarantee the story will be accepted for publication even if I spend all that time and effort revising.
It's a story ABOUT alienation and the cycle of abuse OF COURSE I'm going to feel fucking weird explaining and dissecting it, especially parts I wrote as The Point, which apparently weren't clear enough.
I feel bad about being told it's "not ready to publish" because this exact version made it to the final round of a dream magazine I love, with no feedback, overseen by a guest editor I wanted to impress.
I've never done something like this before. The first time I worked with an editor, I reverted almost all of his changes because they were objectively wrong. My second piece was barely edited and I didn't even have to look at it before publication. And I don't like having new experiences in November. The last time I enjoyed a new experience in November was 2011.
I absolutely hate feeling like I'm being guided or mentored, because throughout my childhood, adults failed to do that, and as an adult I've done most Meaningful Tasks on my own. I automatically feel patronized and condescended to when someone wants to help me from a position of perceived power. The advice I've received, while not always hurtful or dangerous, usually wasn't useful. It ranges from overall positive relationships (parents, first boss) to neutral (first editor, volunteer work supervisors) to outright bad (teachers, church, adult fandom BNF's as a teen????) My absolute first knee-jerk response to unsolicited or 'mandatory' guidance is "oh, great, another fucking problem"
Because of this particular magazine's mission and history, I cynically wonder if I'm being viewed as a charity project or scrappy underdog or something.
Basically it's become a locus of negative feelings about community and culture and The Industry, through no fault of the magazine's own.
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contentment-of-cats · 10 months
Video Playlist: Wank in the Fandom, Chapter 6. Narc 101: Fandom Family and When It's a Bad Thing
A lot of people say fandom is like a family. When the family relationship is loving, caring, and supportive, it can be great. When it's not, holy shit it's really not. If you think that middle school sucked, and nobody can outdo the Mean Girls from that time, imagine them middle-aged and having refined their technique. Where do you think all those Karens came from?
The Dark Fandom reading shelf is here, and you'll find playlists, history, and tutorials on protecting yourself.
Narcs are all about patterns, and they repeat them endlessly. Families are a pattern, and I know from dealing with my narcissistic mother, they can't do anything but repeat with minor variations. After all, they are right and everyone else is wrong, they're the victim, and they will vengefully show everyone who's boss around here. Retaliation or sticking up for oneself or someone else is to unleash hell. It doesn't matter if it's only the internet, narcs can harm. The narc refuses to acknowledge past behaviors and deeds, even when the evidence is clear and the weapons of the narc are many and varied.
DARVO (Deny, Argue, Reverse the Victim with the Offender)
Victimhood signaling
Straw man arguments and linquistic ambiguity
Recruiting flying monkeys
Stalking and trolling
Selective memory
Targeting conscience, confidence and self-esteem
Controlling behaviors
Trauma bonding
Narcissistic rage
So let's go over the roles inside the narc-centered family, because they are much the same in a blood family or a fandom family. People who grew up in disordered families can gravitate to abusive relationships because they feel like home. The core of the narc-centered family can be a parent or a Big Name Fan. The BNF often acts in a parental role, having an 'Inner Circle' of fandom friends that fulfill the narc familial roles of Golden Child, Hero Child, Mascot Child, Invisible Child, and Scapegoat.
First, understand how the 'family'operates.
You also need to understand what drives the adult narcissist, and what happens as a narc grows older. This s a spot-on snapshot of my lte mother.
And onto the 'children' in the fandom family.
The Chosen One/Golden Child
The Hero/Mascot/Caretaker.
The Lost/Invisible/Forgotten One - child and adult
The Scapegoat.
And finally, the narc's enabler.
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i dont know if this is "in" "character" and i dont care because its funny BUT
in the eyeball swap polycule au karin is a BNF in the akatsuki RPF community. she has a brutally defended timeslot of 2 hours a night where she completely ignores all her other responsibilities and either blasts out a bunch of overwrought, aggressively mediocre fic or just absolutely rips someone else on the akatsuki RPF mailing list to shreds. (orochimaru dies during the chuunin exams arc in this fic and karin becomes the nidaime otokage, but she's been writing fic for a few years before that happens. also, hinata, karin, and kabuto are Unhinged Childhood Friends in the hinataverse, btw, but karin & kabuto haven't heard anything from hinata from when she escapes otogakure until after orochimaru dies.)
now, karin is not a sasori girl (sasori being the most popular guy in the akatsuki rpf fandom) because sasori tried to make kabuto a sleeper agent and now kabuto is uno-reverse-card spying on HIM and it just feels too weird, quite frankly, but the second-most-popular blorbo in the akatsuki rpf fandom is itachi and, well, thirteen-year-old karin thought when she was picking a blorbo, she doesn't have ANY weird personal relationships with ITACHI, nor is she likely to form any, right? like, if she ever meets uchiha goddamn itachi irl he's probably going to kill her instantly, at which point the fanfiction is no longer going to be a concern.
fast forward several years. hinata isn't dead after all! cool, karin says, can you beta my itachi/kakashi slash? since you know them irl, and all.
hinata: fine. give it here.
(several minutes pass)
hinata: he would not fucking say that.
karin: which one?
hinata: EITHER OF THEM!! also, i'm banning you from using the phrase "crimson orbs". say ANYTHING else
karin: fine, but i need to get this in the mail by tonight. i need to win an argument with xXx_uchihafucker69_xXx.
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the-chomsky-hash · 2 years
[II. The Absolute - cont'd]
B. The greatness of Balzac's novel would be due to this: To have given way to this desire for unrelated desire [i.e., a desire to know, but one that is unbiased by temptations found in social relations,] in a romantic discourse where it is only a question about
–in short, about the other and the desire for other.
1. Throughout the novel,
a. there will be effectively and visibly only these relationships;
b. and what will appear hollow as excluded is the reverse of this desire which excludes the other;
c. and, to sum up all this, we could say that the whole novel is a development of the often repeated sentence of Balthazar Claës: "Make the glory and fortune of his family".
– Michel Foucault, La Recherche de l'Absolu, Conférence prononcée en 1970 à l'Université d'État de New York à Buffalo), BnF, Fonds Foucault, NAF 28730, boîte 57, dossier 4
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gireportstory · 3 months
Global Polydeoxyribonudeotide (PDRN) Market Size was Valued at USD 27 million in 2023
On 2024-7-4, the latest report 【Global Polydeoxyribonudeotide (PDRN) Market 2024 by Manufacturers, Regions, Types and Applications, Forecast to 2030】from Global Info Research provides a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the global Polydeoxyribonudeotide (PDRN) market. The report provides both quantitative and qualitative analysis by manufacturers, regions and countries, types and applications. As the market is constantly changing, this report explores market competition, supply and demand trends, and key factors that are causing many market demand changes. The report also provides company profiles and product examples of some of the competitors, as well as market share estimates for some of the leading players in 2024.
According to our (Global Info Research) latest study, the global Polydeoxyribonudeotide (PDRN) market size was valued at USD 27 million in 2023 and is forecast to a readjusted size of USD 298.6 million by 2030 with a CAGR of 41.2% during review period. PDRN is deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA) product, mainly comes from semen and roe of fish, rapidly repair injured scars. It can promote the collagen synthesis on the cell surface, reverse aging signs. PDRN is the excellent skin repair product widely used for both high-end beauty products and medical products. Strong functions of anti-radiation and shrinking pores, make skin appears brightly and elastically.
Global key players of Polydeoxyribonudeotide (PDRN) include HTL Biotechnology and ReaLi Tide Biological. The top two players hold a share over 44%.
China is the largest market, has a share about 40%, followed by Europe and South Korea, with share 24% and 33%, separately. In terms of product type, Powder is the largest segment, occupied for a share of 65%, and in terms of application, Mesotherapy has a share about 31%.
This report also provides key insights about market drivers, restraints, opportunities, new product launches or approval.
Polydeoxyribonudeotide (PDRN) market is split by Type and by Application. For the period 2019-2030, the growth among segments provides accurate calculations and forecasts for consumption value by Type, and by Application in terms of volume and value. This analysis can help you expand your business by targeting qualified niche markets.
Market segment by Type: Powder、Solution
Market segment by Application:Mesotherapy、Bone Injection & Dermal Fillers、Pharmaceutical、Cosmetic、Wound Healing Products and Others
Major players covered:HTL Biotechnology、ReaLi Tide Biological、PharmaResearch Co., Ltd.、Humedix、Ruijiming Biological、HENGYU BIOPH、Mastelli、Dongkook、BR PHARM、BMI KOREA、BNF Solution
The content of the study subjects, includes a total of 15 chapters:
Chapter 1, to describe Polydeoxyribonudeotide (PDRN) product scope, market overview, market estimation caveats and base year.
Chapter 2, to profile the top manufacturers of Polydeoxyribonudeotide (PDRN), with price, sales quantity, revenue, and global market share of Polydeoxyribonudeotide (PDRN) from 2019 to 2024.
Chapter 3, the Polydeoxyribonudeotide (PDRN) competitive situation, sales quantity, revenue, and global market share of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast.
Chapter 4, the Polydeoxyribonudeotide (PDRN) breakdown data are shown at the regional level, to show the sales quantity, consumption value, and growth by regions, from 2019 to 2030.
Chapter 5 and 6, to segment Polydeoxyribonudeotide (PDRN) the sales by Type and by Application, with sales market share and growth rate by Type, by Application, from 2019 to 2030.
Chapter 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, to break the Polydeoxyribonudeotide (PDRN) sales data at the country level, with sales quantity, consumption value, and market share for key countries in the world, from 2019 to 2024.and Polydeoxyribonudeotide (PDRN) market forecast, by regions, by Type, and by Application, with sales and revenue, from 2025 to 2030.
Chapter 12, market dynamics, drivers, restraints, trends, and Porters Five Forces analysis.
Chapter 13, the key raw materials and key suppliers, and industry chain of Polydeoxyribonudeotide (PDRN).
Chapter 14 and 15, to describe Polydeoxyribonudeotide (PDRN) sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion.
The Primary Objectives in This Report Are:
To determine the size of the total market opportunity of global and key countries
To assess the growth potential for Polydeoxyribonudeotide (PDRN)
To forecast future growth in each product and end-use market
To assess competitive factors affecting the marketplace
Global Info Research is a company that digs deep into global industry information to support enterprises with market strategies and in-depth market development analysis reports. We provides market information consulting services in the global region to support enterprise strategic planning and official information reporting, and focuses on customized research, management consulting, IPO consulting, industry chain research, database and top industry services. At the same time, Global Info Research is also a report publisher, a customer and an interest-based suppliers, and is trusted by more than 30,000 companies around the world. We will always carry out all aspects of our business with excellent expertise and experience.
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mrghostrat · 6 months
If you end up doing reverse bnf, does that mean we get more possessive Crowley 👀
(I know it wouldn’t be one for one but I’m specifically thinking about that bar kiss with Aziraphale staring that stranger down. It lives in my mind rent free tbh. it’s so good but the reverse would also be amazing to see)
oohhhohoh. i haven't thought about any of the plot beats beyond the initial set up, but i'd love to give crowley a chance to shine like aziraphale did in that fucking pub 👁️👁️
so far i've pictured the initial proposal (this would work so great as a perfect mirror of the phone call in bnf), aziraphale going to the con for the artist alley rather than the pub meet ups, the shared hotel room turning into hangouts at crowley's london apartment, and getting the "i'd always know the stain was there" scene into it. since reverse!aziraphale is a little slower on the uptake, could have a lot of fun making a "i forgot all the books" scene as well 👀 i will keep u updated if a possessive crowley scene comes to mind 😈
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cicaklah · 3 years
Fic writer meme
Nicked from @alienfuckeronmain
1) How many works do you have on AO3? 83 as of touched by the feasting tendrils of the night, my first mainline oxventure fic (which no one but me cares about)
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
372k (as of 10th August 2021)
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
27 though there's a couple of multitags in there. 22 without.
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
look what you made me do - So I'm good at writing fast and being new to fandoms. This paid off for me. I wrote this very quickly and it includes a lot of taylor swift references, including some very oblique ones that I'm pretty proud of. Also its got a great sex scene and some good OCs and the phrase goatus interruptus.
feel you from the inside - my first viral fic! AKA when do you guys do rec? Turns out Stormtroopers have orgies like workouts and superstitions about wanking and Poor Poe Dameron. Never saw it coming. Jas Queen - the sequel to lwymmd. There's so much in this story that I really love, I think the sex scene is one of my best, its symbolic, its funny, it has songs and puppetry and crossdressing! Catch me when I'm falling for you. - again, early to the fandom, reaps the reward. The perfect girlfriend is better, but this was me on a post-ghostbusters high writing science girlfriends
vestis virum facit - this is a reverse striptease/clothing porn/cockblocking geralt for fun and kudoes fic.
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Probably 99% of them. Only really don't answer ones that are "thanks for sharing" on very old stories.
6) What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Lolololol consent to be wrecked. I genuinely thought I'd write a sequel after the last Jedi came out so I purposely didn't give them a happy ending. Absolute lols. I also thought I'd be a bnf off the back of it. the amount of humble pie I ate in the aftermath of that story would give me diabetes if it was real. I needed it though, the experience.
However, if there is love at the end of everything is a twilight zone style story, it has the most "bad ending" of all my fics.
7) What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
The schmoopiest ending is definitely the rose of terok nor, I kind of almost hate it but it is the point that they have a romance novel ending. Honourable mention to go let the stars watch let them stare...the happy ending is a single line but fuck did I work so hard for it.
8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you've written?
I've written and published two crossovers but I don't think either are crazy really. I wrote never noticed the rain, an X men/Hannibal fusion, and a dS/bsg fusion/crossover called the poets let a generation down that I think everyone in latter-day dS fandom has to write. I wrote a lot of weird ones in my nsfw Fridays days, and I wrote two raffles/star wars crossovers interesting basically just me and one other person. Oh and I have an outline for a Hitman/Bloodborne fic I will never write even though I really, really want to.
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I was the target of dsanon like everyone in latter day ds fandom, and once a peer in swtfa fandom said that one of my stories was rapey (it was not ctbw) and I'm STILL furious about it. Also back in my ff.net trigun days someone said I was "waisting my talent" and I was sad for ages.
10) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
lolololol. I used to exclusively write slash smut, then I moved to femslash smut, now I write 75% het smut. honestly I wonder what happened to me.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Mostly femslash stories into Chinese, Russian and Thai.
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I don't even have a beta. I've discussed it a couple of times but honestly it feels too much like work.
14) What's your all time favourite ship?
Raffles and Bunny, probably. Obviously 47 and Diana are my current otp, (we will always have Mendoza and the launch trailer even if we don't have the lust dlc) and I have other fandoms and I'll always love most of the pairings I've written (sit down johnlock). That said, I think only Raffles and Bunny still give me the fluttery feeling in my chest with how hard I ship them, 12 years since I first read the first pages of the ides of march and lost my mind.
15) What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Pioneer au. The last Jedi killed off everything good about star wars, but this was going to be SO iddy and SO brilliant and I'm still SO keen to write it. I might file the serial numbers off it and make it an original story...but its such a star wars story, its such a classic fic, I think it'd just feel like a fic with the names changed. plus, the twist won't work...god fucking damn it Kyle Ron. I'll never get over the loss of that fandom.
16) What are your writing strengths?
Character studies, smut, character studies through smut. Cadence and rhythm of prose. Dumb sex farces.
17) What are your writing weaknesses? Dialogue, pacing, plot, OCs. They're improving though.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?   I think there's only one fic where there's another language that's a plot point, which is in blow a kiss fire a gun, which no one has ever told me was wrong, unlike every single time I try and use Latin for fic titles. I once got Latin so wrong I got so immediately called out for it I ended up using the translation in the gibberish of chapter three of consent to be wrecked.
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?  Trigun. Well, technically the X files, but I never posted it. Trigun was my first fandom, I was 13, I wrote smut. It is still floating around on the internet and I'm not linking it. You're welcome.
20) What's your favourite fic you've written?
I have a list on my ao3 profile of my faves but it needs updating, but number one probably has to be even steak don't cry. Second place is the rose of terok nor...2019 was a good year for my fic writing. Shout out also to the currently unpublished final part of watch me (its coming!) which I have reread and redrafted so many times and love so much.
I'd love to read other people's, so if you want to, give it a gooooo.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Writers who are salty believing the rules operate differently for fanart, what is that you want? For fic to get more love, or for people to stop shelling out for pixels and trinkets? Tell your fellow fans to stop paying for illegal merch if it bothers you that much. Or if that's not it, you just wish you could get in on the action? Good luck trying to squeeze the community for money. Why should other writers commission you, unless you're fundraising for charity or they really like your style? In a hobbyist space by writers for writers, that's just not the norm, and it shouldn't be.
And for that matter, there are other norms in how writers support writers. When people put together events, why is a Big Bang structured that way, with the opposite known as a 'reverse' bang? That''s just how the majority thinks by default. Maybe you'd like for fandom to be a little less oriented from a writerly perspective, and I would too; an influx of more non-writers would be nice, yeah. Even the lurkers. But the loudest people in the room will always be writers, 'cause, hey, words.
It has been highly amusing to me to see all the crying in recent years about how artists are what fandom revolves around, pity the poor writers, etc. That's hilarious after my time on LJ and mailing lists that basically defined "fandom" in terms of fanfic.
Somebody's always got the short end of the stick. One usually prefers it to be someone else, but there was never a time or a community in fandom that was perfectly fair and egalitarian.
The downside for artists is that a commercially-oriented space has less room for newbies whose art isn't professional level, for mentorship without a sense of competition, and for small fandoms or rare pairs. I'm not saying nobody does things for the love of it or treats other artists as peers instead of rivals, just that there are tradeoffs to either a highly monetized or non-monetized fandom space.
TBH, I think what a lot of people want is the pipe dream of paying the rent with fanworks. They think they see others doing this, and they're envious. In reality, a tiny handful of BNFs who've picked the right juggernaut pairing do appear to be doing that, but the vast majority of people who do fanworks for pay earn peanuts.
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swordmaid · 3 years
Catelyn Stark: BNF and prolific fic writer or an Anti who Thinks About the Ship So Much That She Accidentally Begins to Ship It Herself?
prolific fic writer bc she knew exactly what she did sending brienne off with jaime on the asos road trip. she literally planned everything to happen, and discussed the lovers meta with the brave companion beforehand but they claimed that they wrote the meta themselves. the angst in brienne affc with stoneheart etc is needed because it’s for the hurt/comfort that they are going to experience later, mimicking their dynamic on the road trip but reversed. her brain is just that big
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kedreeva · 5 years
After thinking some more, I think what bothers me the most about the idea of "some BNF is rewriting people's fanfiction to 'fix' it, without permission, and then gifting it back" is that it's destructive in a community that should have roots in constructive and even collaborative work.
Fandom is a collective community. It takes in people that have sought out those like them. It is built entirely on communication and interaction. That's literally what fandom is: sharing. Anyone, individually, can create something as a fan of any kind of media. I could write a story and never show it to anyone. An artist could paint a picture they never share. Fandom only happens when people collect in a location (even a virtual one) and share. Fandoms are built on this foundation.
Fandoms are also, in ideal situations, collaborative! Maybe not in the sense that everything is made by everyone but think about this: most of us know what a big bang is. A reverse bang. A fic exchange for holidays or something. A prompt week event. A themed prompt list. People give each other fics as gifts for birthdays. Some fandoms encourage round-robin fic where one person starts and the next person adds a little and the next person adds a little more. Artists draw scenes from fanfiction. Writers scribble ficlets for art. Podcasters record fic written by others. How many times does one person write down a plot bunny and set it free for anyone to fill? How many times has fandom collectively created popular headcanons or discussed meta back and forth that results in fic?
And to have someone come in and actively destroy that sense of community by taking someone else's story and 'fixing' it and giving it back like they created a gift? It pretends, badly, to be the same kind of creative collaboration as the rest, when it is in fact an insult to that very thing. It's incredibly bad manners, and only serves to insult the other kinds of positive collaboration fandom is so amazing at doing.
And I want to be clear that I'm saying this as someone who 100% HAS copy/pasted stories into a document on my local hard drive, and then fixed what I wanted to fix, or even wrote continuations for unfinished work (or things I just wanted more of). The difference is that I would never, not in a million billion years, ever have the audacity to send any of that to an author and tell them it was a gift. Can you even fathom the amount of arrogance that would take? How condescending it would sound? How rude? Not to mention that literally no one asked and thus it is acutely none of my business.
I've also argued time and again regarding consent in fanfiction regarding comments. Rewriting someone's fic with your "fixes" without permission and then giving it to them is just one more shitty unsolicited criticism comment. A long one, and one that takes infinitely more effort, but that's all it is.
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