#reverse heaven
kimbapchan · 2 months
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TGCF Reversed AU: Ghost King Xie Lian’s besties
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i think the barbie movie would have a profound psychological impact on hua cheng
prev comic / next comic / follow for still more hualian barbie movie content because i am not done
bonus angsty version 🎉 i hate love expressions just a couple tiny lines on the mouth and eyebrows and it goes from silly to sad
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xielianlover2 · 2 months
Feng Xin: I don’t know what to say at funerals. It’s always so uncomfortable
Mu Qing: Just say “I’m sorry for your loss,” then move on. It's not that hard
*Later, at a funeral*
Feng Xin: I’m sorry for your loss. Move on. It's not that hard.
Xie Lian, *beside him, alarmed*: ... What? Feng Xin, no that’s not-
Mu Qing: *clutching his stomach from laughing so hard*
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magicalbunbun · 22 days
Fun fact! All my aus are connected to the main lobby of mine!
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muqingfx · 2 months
pei ming: I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room.
mu qing: Screw that, I’m not kissing any of you.
*feng xin walks in*
mu qing: Fine, I’ll do it. Rules are rules you know.
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...And she will make the face of heaven so fine, that the world will be in love with night, and pay no worship to the garish sun
Goddess Homura Akemi.
Based on the awesome design and idea made by the talented (her design is so good I couldn't help myself but do some art of it/ I just did a tribute.) @soliidiot, and the awesome A @cult-of-yuri, whose reverse au is a delight. uwu
Please go and check their art/ profiles. It's an inspiration and a delight!.
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becabeale143 · 10 months
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ladyhavilliard · 10 months
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I had the pleasure to work with the wondeful @ryxkenkxgami for the @tgcf-reverse-big-bang!!! Here is the piece I did and I am sooo amazed by the fic it inspired!!
stuck in your head, won't come out of your mouth
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In the unlikely event that we ever get a very censored version of The Coffin Scene in the donghua wherein Xie Lian is just kind of socially anxious about being crammed in a sardine tin, I rest easy knowing that James Cheek and Howard Wang will come along later and turn Xie Lian's inner monologue into a flustered string of "What is happening? Is that...moving? No no no, not now not now!" and James will have just the right panicked hitch in his voice on "Don't move!" and all will be right with the world. 😇
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ying-an-sanren · 9 months
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Hello hello, let me introduce you to my illustration for
@tgcf-reverse-big-bang!! Be sure to read the amazing fanfic written by @superninjanugget right here!!!
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the master is fucking around and the doctor is finding out (or rather, their companions are getting fucked around and finding out)
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kimbapchan · 3 months
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TGCF Reversed AU - San Lang made Gege cry :(
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fuck it!!! mxtxtober day 1: chibi/animal
follow for more art <3
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tgcf-reverse-big-bang · 5 months
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📣📣 It's time! 📣📣
Sign-ups for the 2024 TGCF Reverse Big Bang open today! The form can be found right here and, as Ling Wen is helpfully reminding us, will be open from April 21st through May 11th.
Come join us for art and stories and fun! 🎨✍🏻🎉
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magicalbunbun · 27 days
Guys! About those asks in my box I got, I can't write a book! I'm a loser in it, I'm better at drawing, those types of things! Maybe...I could find someone who could write the fanfic for you guys! But...I'm just really scared to ask anyone, really! And trust me, if I could I really would write you guys the fanfic.
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Please forgive me for not posting any fanfics you guys really want! I'm really sorry.
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sleeplesssmoll · 3 months
The Timekeeper and the Warden (Reverse 1999 AU)
I know I said I was studying but this is all @blehhhhhsthings fault! They keep making me brainstorm (thank you but also what have you done lol)
I was inspired by their Mask Tk au, but I put my own twist on it since I am a twisted individual. This is the scenario:
Vertin and Sonetto never make up after the break-away event because instead of Madam Z reaching Smoltin, Manus does first. They were waiting for her because they heard rumors about a child with Storm Immunity from their inside sources. Finding Vertin as the only child left confirmed those rumors.
Sonetto never gets over Vertin. She thinks about the way she treated Smoltin and blames herself for Vertin's Reversal.
Years later, Sonetto graduates as the top of her class and becomes a field Investigator so she can witness the outside world Vertin longed for. Two years after her graduation (roughly 6 years after break-away), a Manus Vindictae Renegade waltzes through the Foundation's front door. Sonetto pins her to the ground but falters when she realizes they have silver hair. However, she can't see her face because of her mask. The voice is both unfamiliar and nostalgic (because Smoltin is grown up now) but she doesn't have time to dwell on it. The deserter doesn't resist and claims they want to stop Manus more than they hate the Foundation. She's seen the way they treats arcanists who aren't purebloods and the unnecessary violence. She wanted to escape long ago and waited for the perfect opportunity.
Constantine decides to interrogate her further, especially once she sees the special umbrella the renegade brought with her. She must be one of Arcana's pets.
Later, the renegade becomes the Foundation's Timekeeper, and Sonetto is her Warden. While the Timekeeper has flexibility within the Foundation due to her rare Storm Immunity, it's Sonetto's job to keep her in line.
The Foundation also sealed off the Timekeeper's ability to communicate by branding an arcane skill (a curse really) around her throat. She can only speak with her Warden's permission and even if she tries to be sneaky by writing or something, the markings burn red and are incredibly painful (they're triggered by intent, like the bangles on the Island that Arcana and Vertin wore in the real story). Sonetto thinks it's cruel but Constantine informs her its for everyone's safety. This deserter has a silver tongue and she plants dangerous ideas in people's heads. By limiting how much she can say and forcing her to have Sonetto nearby in order to speak, they reduce her opportunities of betrayal. Besides, she's already betrayed Manus. Who's to say she won't turn her back on them next and return with their secrets? Sonetto's whole thing is loyalty and devotion so she starts off very cold with the Timekeeper.
The Timekeeper no longer wears a Manus Hand Mask, but a monochrome Foundation mask that covers her upper face (as much coverage as Bessmert's blindfolds or 2B's mask from Nier so it covers her freckles but leaves her mouth open to eat and make smug smiles with). It completely hides her eyes but she can see better than the average person through it since it has the same enchantment as the other Investigators (the ones that completely cover their face like in the prologue).
The Masked Timekeeper does the sort of the same thing as the Timekeeper we know. She shelters "unhinged" arcanists and takes on the most dangerous missions since her people are considered dangerous and disposable. She is very protective of her crew.
However, she and Sonetto are painfully awkward.
Vertin has no idea how to interact with her former deskmate. In her mind, Sonetto was always nice enough to put up with her but actually couldn't stand her. She doesn't blame Sonetto either because she was...difficult. While Vertin is a touchy and affectionate person, she hesitates with Sonetto or changes her mind last minute.
Meanwhile, Sonetto hates this game of hot and cold she ends up in every time they interact. As much as she hates to admit it, the TK grew on her. She's kind, sincere, and never treats Sonetto like her Warden but as part of her beloved crew. They argue at times but Sonetto never uses her status as Warden to silence her. There is an odd understanding between them even if they never seem to get one another.
This Vertin was raised by Arcana instead of Madam Z. She's a smooth talker and a skilled fighter outside of her crappy arcanum. Instead of a stoic face, she smiles (like Arcana but a smug smile instead of Arcana's creepy "I dare you" one.)
As much as she says she despises Arcana, she kept the Umbrella she gave her. The Umbrella is infused with Arcana's slime and can shape-shift into many things: a shield, a sword, a cane, heck even a fishing pole (she did this to piss Arcana off but her leader found it amusing and creative). This Vertin is also completely shameless when it comes to manipulating others as a means to an end.
She finds out what you desire most and uses that against you. It's one of the reasons Constantine branded her.
"You deserve more. They can't give you that, but I can," type of persuasion. She also frustrates Sonetto by talking around her instead of answering her questions or telling her what's on her mind.
Eventually Sonetto opens up to the Timekeeper about a friend she lost long ago. She's afraid one day she'll forget her.
Vertin has no idea she's talking about her because she didn't think Sonetto thought of her as a friend, just a deskmate she was stuck with. She assumed her friend fell in battle. Lots of people were reversed too so she still doesn't connect the dots until Sonetto specifically brings up the break-away event.
Vertin's name was added to the Forbidden List and you'd be punished for saying it (like the word "Storm" before it was public knowledge). This is one of the reasons the Timekeeper took so long to put together Sonetto's still grieving for her. She's not sure how to deal with this but she doesn't know how to make Sonetto happy. All these years later and she's still a burden on her deskmate.
Some things never change.
Aaaaand that's where I decided to start writing my story from. Although, I could sprinkle this background information throughout...if I knew what I was doing anyway. Reverse did it with AS while Vertin was in a coma so I decided on a dream route.
Sonetto is so scared she'll forget Vertin, she uses AS to see her again. However, she can never remember the color of her eyes. Smoltin would lower them when she spoke to her or avoid her gaze after she found out Sonetto asked the Instructor if she could switch deskmates. That's why it was the first thing she forgot. This makes her panic!
I also want to put Yeni in this fic. She's sooo much like Sonetto but more direct and sarcastic. Essentially, what she and the TK develop is what Sonetto and the TK could have been.
Sonetto tells herself she doesn't care. She's only worried about remembering Vertin and nothing else matters–
But how come she's never seen the TK's face but Yen has!? Unfair. She's known her longer.
Sonetto hasn't realized the others have seen Vertin's face. Constantine only dictated she wear the mask on missions to represent the Foundation, but doesn't care about what Vertin does in her free time once she realizes it's THAT VERTIN. Not many people recall what Smoltin looked like since she was never in the Spotlight due to her awful grades and she was tiny. Just harder to notice in general, especially when everyone's looking down to see her. The school did their best to cover up her past since she had no family to fight for her anyway. They were her "family" since she was a month old.
Vertin finds it hard to face Sonetto so she doesn't take it off in front of her. It's easier this way. She's also still figuring things out.
Constantine's happy her little pawn returned as a more powerful piece to play with. Madam Z cries a bit when she see Vertin, the child she failed to save.
Idk what to call this au or even if it's worth naming if I don't actually do anything with it but I'm open to opinions!
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