#revolver beatles
psyphigirl · 5 months
The second I'm off for summer I'm writing a one hundred trillion word essay on why Revolver by the Beatles is a trans coming out story I will be publishing it on every social media site I have. If you by pure chance see it anywhere else other than here that is Me and you Can say hello
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helga-oko · 4 months
It's always nice to start drawing a picture and then find the perfect reference. I'm not sure, but I think John has a little yellow submarine hanging on his griff
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paulic · 2 months
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My best friend crocheted the Paul vest for me!!!!!! You suckers WISH you had a friend like her
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ceofjohnlennon · 1 year
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From the book "Revolver" by Robert Rodriguez.
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taepomme · 8 hours
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Here, There and Everywhere
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thestarsarecool · 1 year
Q: Do you worry more now than you used to?
PAUL McCARTNEY: No, it's just who I am maybe, you know. For instance, when we'd done, we were now famous with the Beatles and we had done "Revolver," one of the early Beatle records. And, um, I got the horrors one day. I thought it was outta tune. I thought the whole album was outta tune. I listened to it and for some reason just, like, oh my god. And I went to the guys, I said, "It's outta tune. It's outta-- I don't know what we're gonna do." You know? And they said-- and they got a bit worried and listened to it. They said, "No, it isn't." I go, "Oh, okay.”
CBS 60 Minutes Interview by Sharyn Alfonsi, October 1st, 2018.
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lascitasdelashoras · 4 months
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The Beatles - Revolver
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nothing-to-say-okay · 1 month
And Your Bird Can Sing - The Thesis
Tell me that you got everything you want and your bird can sing, but you don’t get me
Caught up in thinking about this song that we have conflicting reports and opinions on what it’s actually about and ready to present my thoughts.
TLDR: And Your Bird Can Sing is about a cycle of torment (or cycle of abuse, but I prefer to be careful with usage of that word for various obvious reasons).
Disclaimer: It is not my intention for my take to be seen as the ultimate reading, you can agree or disagree and I will be happy to discuss!
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First person to claim they served as an inspiration for this piece is Marianne Faithful in her relationship to Mick Jagger (sorry Marianne, the song can’t be inspired by you, you and Mick weren’t even together when it was written - AYBCS was recorded in April 1966 and written probably earlier, Marianne and Mick got together in November 1966. That does not mean that she cannot identify with something in it though).
Then we have Cynthia who said it’s about a golden bird cage that she says she gifted to John and while this seems a bit absurd as Cynthia does not appear to match the person addressed in the song, I wouldn’t be quick to disregard her as a partial inspiration for this song. I will talk about it later when applying a plausible autobiographical reading.
There’s also a theory that it’s actually inspired by an interview with Frank Sinatra and his criticism of The Beatles. We know that there was some sort of a rivalry going on between him and the band, a representation of a generational clash between the old world and the new. I actually like this interpretation and as Paul once said, “most of our songs start as a newspaper article”. I do think that this news piece probably inspired some lines and in a way, it is also about that - you can actually view the lyrics that way - remember that a song can be about multiple things at once. But I don’t think this is the ultimate reading.
More under the cut.
First of all, let’s forget all about the supposed inspiration and take a look at who’s who in these lyrics.
We have what looks like three characters in the song: the narrator, the ‘you’ that’s being addressed and a bird that seems to belong to the ‘you’.
Over the course of the song, the character of the narrator is chastising the ‘you’ character for manifesting several unflattering character traits akin to narcissism and not understanding them.
The ‘you’ person is:
materialistic (prized possessions, got everything they want) 
sort of know-it-all (they claim to have seen seven wonders and heard every sound there is)
yet they don’t get the narrator (to “not get” can either mean “not possess” or “not understand”, I assume it’s supposed to be both)
don’t see them and don’t hear them (therefore they don’t understand them or completely miss them and their point). 
Now, let’s take a look at the ‘bird’ character that belongs to the ‘you’ (I assume that I don’t have to remind Beatles fans that ‘bird’ can be synonymous to ‘woman’).
The bird:
can sing (which could mean this person is literally a singer or they are capable in doing something else, anything they are supposed to do), important takeaway - it makes noise that can be heard
is green (green is usually synonymous with jealous/envious or alternatively inexperienced, although I don’t think the latter makes sense for this song in particular. It can also be something else as ‘green bird’ is a recurring character in the lennon/mccartney-verse - hello, chica ferdi/Sun King), important takeaway - by being colored green the bird makes a visual impression that can be seen
can swing (the most puzzling part, I saw people interpret this in connection to the swinging London in the 60s and maybe), important takeaway - the bird can move independently to its ‘you’ """"owner""""
Now, I’m going to propose something a bit out there. The bird and the narrator could be (but also don’t have to be at the same time) interpreted as the same person.
Considering the important takeaways from the ‘bird’ character section:
your bird can sing (you can’t hear me)
your bird is green (you can’t see me)
your bird can swing (you don’t get/own me)
The narrator further complains:
When your prized posessions
Start to weigh you down
Look in my direction
I’ll be ‘round, I’ll be ‘round
The narrator worries that the ‘you’ prefers money/material things over them (and their spiritual experiences). But once they decide that the narrator means more than the prized possessions, they can come around. The narrator will be waiting.
When your bird is broken
Will it bring you down
You may be awoken
I’ll be ‘round, I’ll be ‘round
This gets a bit dark, I must admit, but it reads to me like the narrator is imposing some emotional manipulation here (either they are straight up threatening with self-harm or not so subtly reminding to the ‘you’ that their mental well-being is dependent on them and if they won’t clean up their behavior and wake up, shit will go down, yet the narrator doesn’t intend to leave). But the narrator is also doubtful that the ‘you’ will care - will it [even] bring you down?
This song is thematically very reminiscent of two particular songs on the preceding album Rubber Soul:
Girl - where the narrator also describes a person with narcissistic traits that they cannot leave and Nowhere Man (he’s as blind as he can be/can you see me at all?) about two lost characters who don’t understand each other. And Your Bird Can Sing is like these two songs were combined together but the stakes are higher.
First of all, I want to say that not every song has to be based on the author’s life. And if it is, maybe it’s a metaphor or an exaggeration due to poetic license. That said, let’s take a look at two likely subjects in John Lennon’s life and his relationship to them that could have inspired him to write this because I think it’s easier to understand the song that way. Also if you are uncomfortable discussing real life relationships in this way, I guess it's time to quit reading now.
Yes, Cynthia herself suggested that this song is about her. But how could that be? It doesn’t seem like her to be chasing prized possessions and ignoring John in the process and I don’t get the vibe that she would be emotionally manipulative like that though of course, we don’t know the reality. And I doubt she would have claimed to see “seven wonders”, even if it is a hyperbole.
What I think is more likely is that if Cynthia, in her relationship to John, is someone in this song, it’s the bird trapped in her golden cage (that she literally gave him or… he metaphorically gave her in some way?) and John is the ‘you’ who treats her poorly as well as he is the narrator. He is chastising himself for how he treats her. He knows he hurts her. He understands that she’s her own person who is strong and can do her own thing without him (sing, swing). And he doesn’t like it. He understands that he will break her if they will go on like this (when your bird is broken, will it bring you down?).
For this interpretation to be true, it requires a great deal of self awareness but also inability and/or lack of willingness to change and put his words into action. In my opinion, that tracks perfectly with what he said about himself in the interviews over the time. It’s cruel but also kind of soul crushing and difficult to live with, if he felt guilty about the situation at all (I want to say he probably did).
Cynthia is kind of a satisfactory answer for the second character casting in this song, although I don’t think this is all there is to it. And the second subject that likely had influence on this song is…
Unpredictably. Now, I feel like I will get stormed by both skeptics (not every song has to be about Paul!) and Paul fans (he wouldn’t treat John like this!) for what I’m insinuating here. But give me a chance to explain.
Well first of all, John is the POV, feelings are subjective and the narrator, real or fictional, is not always reliable. It might as well be that the harm that is being inflicted on John is only perceived that way by himself because of his own issues which I won’t be getting into here. But also maybe not? Or not fully (something about the intent).
That said, the narcissistic traits described in the lyrics of both this song and the song Girl match up with traits John would later ascribe to Paul and explain John’s own Jealous Guy (green guy, hah) sort of behavior. It is not far-fetched to me to hypothetically assume this is how he could feel about him. Give it a couple years of bottled up hurt, some sort of a ‘final straw’ kind of action (not only leaving the Beatles but John flipping about Paul buying the prized possessions Northern Songs shares to "one up" him, something happening in India or whatever), a questionable primal scream therapy or whatever else went down and you might as well get resentful 70s Lennon.
If this is indeed about Paul, then I think John sees himself as the narrator and the bird. Paul is the ‘you’ in that case, just to be clear.
One more thing I want to propose as a part of their lyrical dialogue, let’s say, is the connection to another Rubber Soul special, I’m Looking Through You, a song largely recognized as a piece depicting a quarrel between Paul himself and his girlfriend, Jane Asher. I am not disputing that at all (as well as I’m not disputing Cynthia being an inspiration for this song), but a song can be about more things at the same time (let’s say, in this case, Paul’s general attitude towards people he loves but who in his opinion also mistreat him).
I’m looking through you, where did you go?
You can’t see me
I thought I knew you, what did I know?
You don’t get me
Your lips are moving, I cannot hear
You can’t hear me
Funny how that works, eh? And then you have this.
You’re thinking of me the same old way,
You were above me but not today,
The only difference is you’re down there,
I’m looking through you and you’re nowhere
Because he's a real nowhere man, sitting in his nowhere land.
(And I’m Looking Through You is also about perceived harm - why did you not treat me right? - caused by the subject of the song, it’s a cycle of… miscommunication and vindication, I hurt you, you hurt me, you won’t be above me, i won’t give you the pleasure, I won’t resign myself to you). It’s like a game of pride. Who’s going to give in first? Who will be the first one to be broken (or break the cycle)?
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I also think it’s interesting, assuming I got things correct, to contrast how John views Paul and Cynthia as different characters in his inner world/the song, Paul views John and Jane as the same character.
…and that’s the crux of my thesis. The song is, in my opinion, about both John’s relationship with Cynthia and with Paul. But whereas in his relationship to Cynthia, John sees himself as the tormentor but he also doesn’t want to let her go, in his relationship to Paul he sees himself as the person who’s being harmed but cannot make himself leave. (There’s three characters in this play after all). And my interpretation of Girl is similar, although it’s thematically a bit different as it concerns torment and desire (Girl is how John sees Paul but Girl is also a part of John’s personality who mistreats people).
(There’s also a part of me who believes that John on some level wanted his dream girl to treat him like that due to his self-deprecating turn on connected to oedipus' complex and him sort of fancying being a tortured artist but that would also make for a separate post).
Pain will lead to pleasure.
It’s a vicious cycle that repeats itself not only vertically within John and Paul’s relationship (and to them from their parental figures’ mistreatment). But also horizontally as it spreads from them to their respective partners (or rather from John to Cynthia - from his own POV, we don’t know much about Paul’s relationship with Jane and I am not insinuating he abused her!!! but if I’m Looking Through You is about her as well, he was looking through her, just like he was looking through John - he was ignoring them in a way - passive aggressive way - to feel in control - rather than facing the issue head on) and perhaps others (enter annoyed George). (I also think ILTY is meant to mirror Paul’s behavior with a behavior of his father Jim towards himself when he was younger based on the information available where Jim would be the emotionally unavailable character that also doesn’t treat Paul right - love has a nasty habit of disappearing overnight).
I want to also go back to the theory about Frank Sinatra as a representative of the old generation and generational abuse inflicted by parents on their children because I do think ultimately think the song is about that too. We are at the cusp of summer of love and the new generation that the Beatles represented is about to start a revolution - a fight for liberty of all kinds and freeing themselves of the old established rules. I already mentioned John’s abandonment issues but maybe he’s also being more general? Maybe he feels like the old conservative world is hurting him (and other young people) for whatever reason.
You know, fair question… The easiest explanation is that they just got high and forgot about their problems for a moment, it was not all dire (just like it wasn’t between John and Cynthia) - to paraphrase John, sometimes it was fun and sometimes it was not.
Maybe the autobiographical reading is not as biographical as we are lead to believe. Or it’s highly dramatized. Maybe it has nothing to do with real life J&P, really. Maybe they are just projecting their struggles with their girlfriends on each other in their made up fantasy world. I mean, who knows? Plausible explanations are many. It is not my goal to give an interpretation of their relationship as my take on the lyrics applies to many possibilities, in my opinion. Though I think it's meant to be connected like I suggested.
What do you think? And have you ever noticed something about Revolver and cycles?
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maxwelllhammer · 6 months
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psyphigirl · 4 months
I think (almost*) every song on revolver can be linked to the (or at least my) transfem experience;
Taxman about the overreaching hand of the government, Eleanor Rigby about how difficult it can be to live with little to no real life support network, I'm Only Sleeping about trying to live in denial of your identity, Love You To about the fears of starting too late, Yellow Submarine about wanting/finding/having a support network, She Said She Said about having to justify transitioning to others and For No One is from the other person's perspective, Doctor Robert about HRT, I Want To Tell You about coming out, Tomorrow Never Knows about the pure joy of being trans.
*Not sure about Here, There and Everywhere or Got To Get You Into My Life
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noodleshook · 1 year
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Eleanor Rigby and all her lonely people
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The Beatles / Ed Sullivan Show, Abbey Road Studios, 19 May 1966.
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himiamx · 3 months
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javelinbk · 13 days
New release incoming 👀
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thebeatles · 2 months
John Lennon, for "Tomorrow Never Knows," (1966) wanted to sound like "Dalai Lama chanting from a hilltop" and shared his idea to George Martin. John's idea was hanging upside down, suspended with wired, and spinning him around a microphone. That idea was reasonably rejected by George and was left to look for better options.
The solution: connecting John's vocals through a Leslie rotating speaker.
Here is an excerpt from Bob Spitz, The Beatles: The Biography (2005) (p. 601-602):
Meanwhile, John discussed several ideas for the vocal with his producer, each one a conceit of his overactive imagine. "He wanted his voice to sound like Dalai Lama chanting from a hilltop," Martin recalled. Most producers would have dismissed such a cheeky idea out of hand, but Martin, a wise patient man, gave the Beatles enormous leeway. Their ideas might sound like gibberish initially, but he recognized that because of their lack of formal musical training, they often only needed someone to "translate" what they meant, to express in terms that made sense to structured technicians and in that respect Martin viewed his role as "the officer interpreter." In many cases, he struggled to create some kind of Tibetan influence or effect in the studio, realizing that ordinary echo or reverb wouldn't do the trick. Recording out of doors was also out of the question; there was no way to contain or control the sound. And John's suggestion -- that "we suspect him from a rope in the middle of the studio ceiling, put a mike in the middle of the floor, give him a push, and he'd sing as he went around and around," according to Geoff Emerick -- was met with a meaningful, albeit barely a tolerating smile. (When pressed by John, they were always said to be "looking to it," Emerick recalled.) It was nineteen-year-old Emerick who eventually came up with an inventive solution he suggested putting John's voice through a Leslie speaker and re-recording it as it came back out. To a straitlaced, formalistic EMI technician, this sounded about as nutty as suspending John from a rope, but the more Martin thought about it, the more he saw its possibilities. A Leslie was a speaker with variable rotating baffles that was usually paired with a Hammond console organ. "By putting his voice through that and then recording it again, you got a kind of intermittent vibrato effect," Martin explained. It was a revolutionary idea -- but considered taboo at Abbey Road, where engineers were discouraged from "playing about with microphones."
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