#rewrite the script
since i'm once again on a TOS binge, here are some of my favorite Bill Thiess creations. truly the best to ever do it. the pink number from "Who Mourns for Adonias" that is only held up by the weight of the train??? sensational
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after his death, Thiess's estate auctioned off a lot of these pieces and donated the money to charity. if you ever want to feel insane read the prices some of it sold for. that metallic halter top + cape fit??? $173. are. you. kidding. me.
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heartsteel-heartbeats · 8 months
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Heartsteel Kayn relationship HCs!
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No warnings for this one, you may proceed.
(( Psst! Hey! It’s not explicitly listed that you are also a performer, but you are free to assume that! I like leaving stuff open for ya. Also I may have gone a bit overboard… Sorry! )) ~ OBBY 💗
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Before Heartsteel
You’ve been with him before he was kicked out of his old band (maybe even well before he started his music career), so of course, Rhaast was no secret to you. He never was, really. You actually liked Rhaast and loved seeing him just go crazy and do what he wanted without much of a care of the consequences. Kayn figured this is why he was initially drawn to you, because you accepted this part of him.
His band was pretty much the opposite. They held him back extensively because of Rhaast. The situation itself and seeing him lash out time to time made you worried on how much more he could stand being with that group. Some days, you just let him rant to you. You don’t know much on the other members in general besides their names and their roles in the band, but seeing him so frustrated because of them felt like maybe it’s best if you didn’t.
When Kayn did get kicked out, you let him stay around for a bit. A bit eventually became a while. Totally weren’t preparing for this, you made sure there was plenty of room for him. An artist needs his own space after all, though he didn’t exactly pick up his guitar for some time.
It’s been rough for Kayn for a while. He was getting easily irritated over the smallest things and seemed to often get into fights online. You’ve had to keep him off social media more than once before he really made things worse for himself. His reputation has taken quite a hit when he was kicked out, so this was for the best if it means he doesn’t damage further by doing something stupid.
Rhaast, on the other hand, was a bit harder. Rhaast liked to leave a mark, mostly in a physical sense. There were times where you had to stop him from actually getting into serious trouble. It was hard to talk him out of it and sometimes you had to keep him from walking out that door. Doing such a thing did make you feel bad since you’re holding him back almost like his old band did with him, so there were times where you hesitated. Don’t get him wrong though, he knows you’re just worried about his wellbeing.
When he finally did pick up his guitar again, the songs he made were quite clearly targeted towards his old band. Rhaast was going all out and you encouraged that. Of course, these songs never went public for obvious reasons (though Rhaast almost argued with you to upload them somewhere). Hearing songs like these from him were really the one and only times where you can hear just how truly angry he was. Still, you were glad he was letting it out in a way that felt natural to him. Artists letting out their frustrations through songs weren’t uncommon, and most of the ones out there needed to have their listeners read between the lines to understand and see the artist. But you? You didn’t have to. It was all right there in front of you.
Approaching Kayn on the topic itself is rather difficult as he tends to get defensive and dismissive over it, so really, the best you could do was get his mind off of it for a little while. Anything works as long as he was doing something, anything. It didn’t matter what it was.
It’d take quite some time for him to actually come to you for comfort on the matter. When he does though, it was a huge weight off of both of your shoulders. It basically just happened one night, and it was one of those nights for him where his thoughts were keeping him awake. He can’t sleep, you can’t sleep either, so you two just kind of talked for a bit to tire each other out. Eventually, the topic shifts and you can feel his hold on you tighten ever so slightly.
Kayn almost never showed a vulnerable side of him, especially around you. He had his own reasons for that. On the rare occasion that he does, know that it means he trusts you more than anything.
He is happy that you stayed and helped him as long as you did (both being his muse and just supporting him). He makes you aware of it during that night and he does continue to show his appreciation in his own way, whether it’s simply some quality time or even writing a song for you.
Things did eventually calm down and Kayn was beginning to just enjoy doing what he wanted to do again just for the fun of it rather than out of spite. As long as he’s happier now. There’s nothing else to say about his old band.
General stuff between you two
Teasing. So much teasing… He loves your flustered and/or slightly annoyed look when he does it. He finds it adorable.
Kayn can drive but for the love of god never actually let him drive. The chances of getting pulled over and arrested for reckless driving is really high up there. Just let him be in charge of the music, he’ll at least he satisfied with that.
You two still text each other on Discord even if you’re in the same room. He just likes hearing you laugh over what he sends. This does include videos he finds online that he thinks (knows) you’ll laugh to.
Matching hair color! It’s fun, a pain in the ass to get done, but fun. There was a bit of a mess in the bathroom though, and that wasn’t fun to clean.
“Hah! It looks like a murder took place in here!” “I murdered your hair, that’s for sure.” “What?! Are you kidding me? This isn’t the first time you did my hair! It’s perfect!” “Well yeah, but your long hair is gone… I really loved your long hair…” “I mean- It’ll grow back eventually.”
Lunch and dinner sometimes include ordering some food and having it delivered, then eating it in your shared room. Is it healthy food? No, but hey, at least you’re both eating food. If it wasn’t that, then one of you was cooking. Kayn’s cooking is not that bad, but it could be better. Don’t say that though.
Doing each other’s makeup. Although, it started with you wanting to do his and him saying he’ll let you do it if you let him do yours. Now it’s routine.
Playing with his hair. Loves it when you do it. Just him laying his head beside you, or on your chest, with your hands running through his hair. It calms him down and makes him sleepy sometimes. He’ll deny it though.
“Sleepy?” “No.” *literally about to fall asleep* “Sureee.” “Shut up.”
Though there are some nights where one of you can’t fall asleep no matter what you do. Whether it’s insomnia or the other just won’t shut the fuck up (Kayn), at least one of you is still awake. If you feel someone brushing your hair in the middle of the night and giving small pecks, it’s totally not Kayn.
When Heartsteel found one of his songs and sent him a message, you were okay with him eventually moving in with the group. Kayn has been talking about them for some time, and you think this might be good for him. From what he’s been telling you, these people accept Rhaast. Totally not the one reason why you were okay with it in the first place.
He often texts you about what’s going on and teases you by asking if you miss him. Say no. :) Sometimes complains to you about Yone, but it’s just him being assigned a chore (dish duty).
It does get a bit lonely sometimes now, but he’s happy to be around a group of people that doesn’t push Rhaast away so it doesn’t bother you. Kayn does make up for it by calling you and sometimes dropping by. The second one isn’t often though. Again, gotta keep fans and paparazzi from finding out about your relationship. Although speaking of calls, there were times where you two fell asleep while on call. It usually ends with one of your phones running out of battery.
The group seems to know about you. Yone and Sett has heard of you once or twice, but K’Sante is the one that knows about you the most. According to K’Sante, Kayn talks about you a lot. Ezreal only knows about you cause he got a peak at his phone and saw your name thanks to one of your over night phone calls and he won’t stop asking Kayn about you.
“Dude who’s [name]??? Is that who you’re always talking to all night?” “The hell are you looking in my phone for??!”
Ahem… Kayn did get some relationship advice from K’Sante. Honestly this is exactly why he knows a lot about you from him.
Aphelios only knows about you because of Sett, who then tells Alune.
Kayn tried to keep the music video of Paranoia on the down low so it could surprise you, but he needed to tell you about the dog the moment they picked him up. With that aside, seeing the music video definitely put a smile on your face. He looked like he was having a lot of fun with the new band (you totally saw the Discord calls Aphelios leaked).
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annymation · 6 months
The Kingdom of Wishes- A “Wish” Rewrite
Chapter 2- Asha's Big Day
Please read Chapter 1 before this one.
Asha wakes up with the first rays of sunshine coming out of the window hitting her eyes, she blinks a few times as things start coming into focus.
The room she’s in is not the same we saw her in the opening with Sabino, it’s a rustic bedroom with a more detailed built to it, with wood carvings that resemble animals on the walls and furniture, including on a bed next to Asha’s with the name “Dahlia” carved on it.
Also there’s way less of Asha’s drawing hanging on the walls, just a few of her favorite ones. One in particular it’s a drawing of her and Dahlia together, although, Asha’s face doesn’t look exactly how she really is in real life, she still needs more practice with self portraits.
Asha stretches her arms and yawns, waking up a little someone on a little bed next to hers.
And from the tiny bedsheets comes out a baby goat that quickly jumps to her lap excitedly bleating and licking her cheeks.
“Heheheh good morning to you too, Valentino” she says as she hugs him.
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"Did you sleep well?" she asks as if the goat could answer, and sure enough, he does
"Maaaa! Maaa!" the baby goat bleats shaking his head positively
"That's good, I slept well too... Although, I had the weirdest dream"
"Maa?" not to brag but I'm writing peak dialogue here the goat raises one eyebrow
"I can't remember much but... I think I saw a boy made of light, and he was trying to tell me something, I couldn't understand what it was… but I feel like he was asking me to not give away something, something important… Weird huh?" She asks her baby goat, who's too busy munching her blanket to pay attention, since ya know, baby's short attention span.
"Yeah, I guess it's just as weird as the fact I ask for advice from a goat hihih" She giggles to herself as she takes the blanket off his mouth, Valentino hops out of the bed jumping around and falling over like:
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(Baby goats are so cute, like, how did Disney manage to make a baby goat NOT cute?)
Asha looks at her pet fondly and chuckles a little with his little jumps. But then her smile lessens a bit and she looks out her window, from there she can see the castle, imposing and radiant in the distance.
"Today really is the day, huh?..." She says softly, with a hint of both anxiousness but also hopefulness in her voice
Asha hears something approaching her door, the distinct sound of footsteps, as in, MANY footsteps, and a few whispers like "shhh she might still be sleeping" "be careful with that cake, will ya? It took me all night " "ouch! Simon, that's my foot!" "SHHHH"
Asha smiles, knowing full well who's coming, she waits eagerly for the door to open.
The door opens revealing her friends, all together trying to fit through the door, with Dahlia on the front, and she says:
"Is she awa- OH SHE IS! SHES AWAKE OKAY LETS GO- Happy birthday to-"
They all sing happy birthday as they get in, some more gracefully than others since Gabo just tripped over Valentino and fell on the floor, he's clearly very angry about that.
Hal rushes over to Asha holding a purple birthday cake with one candle, she's smiling widely and singing louder and more beautifully than everyone else. (She did have the best singing voice of the 7, in my opinion)
Meanwhile Dario is struggling to balance a tower of 7 presents, all of different colors and sizes, he manages to catch some with his feet before they fell on the floor, he’s pretty much performing a balancing act.
Simon stops in the middle of the song to give a big yawn.
Safi sneezes because of the smoke from the candle.
Bazeema is singing veeeeery quietly and clapping her hands softly.
Asha is overjoyed by the surprise "Awww guys! Thank you so much! Dahlia, this cake looks amazing!" She says looking at a beautifully decorated cake
If you wanna picture it lets say it’s just like the unbirthday cake from Alice in Wonderland, but purple.
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"You're welcome!" Dahlia replied, very proud of herself "I guess when your little sis is an assistant at the royal kitchen you get some perks, am I right? hihi" Obviously they're not actually sisters but since Asha has been living with Dahlia and her parents they treat each other as if they were.
"We are soooo happy for you Asha!" Hal exclaims "You'll finally get a wish! this is so exciting!" She starts jumping up and down with the cake, Gabo quickly takes it off of her hands, annoyed by her recklessness.
Bazeema shyly and quietly remarks "yes, you deserve it more than anyone Asha, after all the kindness you spread to others" she has a big smile on her lips.
Asha puts her hand behind her neck smiling awkwardly "I mean, it's not really that big a deal, I think I'll just wish for something small"
Gabo, who is placing the cake on the table next to Asha's bed, turns his head abruptly after hearing that "Uuuh haha, excuse me? After 18 years of waiting you just gonna ask for something small? Are you crazy? A wish can change your life for the better, ya know? I ,for example, am gonna wish for a bunch of diamonds and gold" he claims smugly
Simon doesn't seem like he's fully paying attention, but even then he realizes Gabo had an oversight "… Wait, but now that you told us, it won't come true, remember? that's one of the king's rule-"
"THANK YOU FOR REMINDING ME SIMON! THAT TOOOTALY DIDN'T JUST RUIN MY DAY" Gabo screams, frustrated by his slip up, because yeah, you CAN'T wish for something that other people know you want, it has to be a secret.
Safi is itching his nose as he claims "I think we all know what Asha is gonna wish for tho"
he glances at Asha's sketchbook that is laying next to her bed
Asha gives him a smug smile "Ooh-ho you think I'll wish to become a better artist? Hehehe nope!"
Dahlia of all people looks the most shocked "What?! Really? Aww that was my bet too, all I see you doing is drawing on that sketchbook everyday"
"And you often complain that you don't feel like they're good enough" Simon adds
"Heheh well yeah, I just don't feel they're quite the same level as my mom's drawings, that's all"
Hal raises her eyebrow as she smiles "Now that's just silly, I've seen you draw Asha, your drawings are AMAAAAZING! Just look!"
Hal grabs Asha's sketch book and starts showing to the others
"H-heey wait! those aren't finished!" Asha stutters, concerned they might see some of her rough and less than perfect drawings
(side note, never look at an artists sketchbook without permission, that's like reading someone's diary)
Asha grabs the notebook back, but sees all her friends staring at her expectedly (except Gabo cause he's still frustrated he'll have to think about a whole new wish) , so she breathes in and shows them.
She goes through the pages showing animals, landscapes, rooms, people, and if this was in the movie maybe some pages could have concept arts, both from wish and from previous Disney movies, as a subtle homage to the artists.
All of them sit next to Asha on the bed as she turns the pages, they're amazed.
"Wooow you've improved so much, Asha" Bazeema says, while giving some excited little claps
"You call that unfinished? then they'll look even better when you're done" Safi commented.
"They look really pretty" Dario communicates using sign language.
"See? I told ya'll" Hal says victorious.
Gabo and Simon look slightly unimpressed. Dahlia has already seen most of those so she has no comments, Asha knows how much she loves her drawings, she even glued some of them on their room.
"Thank you, that means a lot actually... " Asha says while staring at one particular drawing of her grandfather and her on a tree branch, looking up at the stars.
"… Most people say I'm just wasting my time but I really feel like I'm getting better everyday… Although." she flips the pages to show a drawing she made of herself, but the face doesn't fully resembles Asha's (could be a concept art) "I still can't figure out how to draw myself properly."
Gabo seems to try holding his tongue but he let's out anyway "I mean… to be frank, it kinda is waste of time when you think about it"
"Gabo!" Dahlia scolded him
"Hey I'm just saying, why take so much time practicing to be as great of an artist as your mom when you can just wish TODAY to be the best artist ever?" Gabo says frankly.
Asha doesn't really mind Gabo's previous comment, she's used to it, so she just shrugs and explains "Well for one, like Simon said, a wish that other people know about cannot be granted"
"Ugh don't remind me" Gabo facepalms, still angry by his own mistake.
"And second" Asha continues "I just feel more satisfied like this, working hard to improve everyday, even if I don't think my art is perfect just yet, I feel proud of myself every time I improve, and that drives me to keep trying to get better and better."
Simon chuckles at that "Hehe you're an amazing person Asha, but that's one thing I'll never understand, all of that sounds so hard, sometimes it's easier, and smarter, to just...*yaaaawn* take the easy route, ya know?..." As he rambles, Simon starts laying down on Asha's bed without noticing and almost immediately falls asleep.
That doesn't phase the group at all, they're used to it.
Asha closes her sketchbook and starts getting ready for the day "Well not for me, and another thing, if I wished to become a better artist I would forget that wish and my passion about drawing for a little while, and I REALLY don't want that, no, I'm gonna wish for something else." She says while taking off her braids scarf (Like this one, she wears it to sleep)
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Hal claps her hands, smiling ear to ear "You go Asha! make a wish that counts! Now... BOYS! OUT! Shoo shoo! Get out of here, this is a girls only zone" She says pushing Dario, Gabo and Safi out the door
(Yes Hal, please get them OUT, I can't keep writing dialogue for 8 different people!)
"You too sleepy head, wait with the others downstairs" Dahlia shakes Simon a couple of times to wake him up.
"Uh what- why?" Simon wakes up confused
"Cause' we gotta get the birthday princess ready for her big day" Hal says, while sitting Asha in front of a mirror.
"Princess? Haha what?" Asha asks, holding her laughter
"Why, yes. You're a princess for today! Whatever you say goes, now, let's get your birthday hair done!" Hal says excited, while Asha grabs from a drawer some silver beads to decorate her braids.
"I can help you pick up a dress" Bazeema says quietly
"Heheh you all are too much" Asha says with a smile
(I just realized while writing this that Valentino kinda just vanished, didn't he?... Okay let's say he went downstairs after Gabo tripped on him, there, crisis averted)
Dahlia walks holding something behind her back and coughs a little as if to clear her throat, but really it's just to get their attention "If you think this is too much, wait till you see EVERYTHING else we've planned for today"
Asha gives Dahlia a knowing look with a smile "You made a list, didn't you?"
"You bet!" Dahlia reveals a long list that hits the floor with a step by step plan of all the activities they'll do the whole day.
"First! We gonna eat my cake for breakfast, yay! Then! We'll visit the royal garden, Bazeema has spent months preparing a small garden of Purple Hyacinths just for you"
Asha gasps "Those are my favorite flowers!"
"hihihi I know" Bazeema says giggling bashfully
Dahlia continues "Of course, Safi won't go with us to that because of-"
They hear from downstairs.
"... That, so to make it up to him, the next event is at his house where we gonna play our instruments the whooole morning"
"But I don't play any instruments" Asha says, her hair fully ready while she takes a dress Bazeema picked up for her.
"No problem, you can just dance and sing." Dahlia says "And then after that we have lunch and finally when it's sunset we go to the wish ceremony! So, what do you think?"
"That all sound's amazing" Asha says coming from behind a room divider (ya know those wood curtain like things that people use to dress up behind them?) now dressed in a purple dress, with a few star details embroidered on the base.
"Great!" Dahlia says "Because that's just the first part of the list, we got a filled day ahead-"
"You do indeed" Dahlia is interrupted by a new voice coming from behind the door "Good morning girls, may I come in?"
"Oh! Sure thing mom" Dahlia says opening the door
We see a woman that looks a lot like Dahlia but, of course, older, and wearing a dress that is composed only of muted shades of blue from top to bottom.
"Morning ms. Hayashi" Asha waves to her cheerfully.
"Good morning Asha, happy birthday" the woman says with a smile then redirects her attention to her daughter "Dahlia, I need your help, the King and Queen's wedding anniversary is in 2 days and the queen didn't like the cake recipe I came up with, I need to test a new recipe as soon as possible, so go to the market and buy me these ingredients." she hands Dahlia a grocery list.
"Wh- but mom I told you I'd be dizzy- I-I mean busy today” Dahlia replaces words when she’s nervous the same way Doc did constantly in Snow White “it's Asha's birthday, and this list is huge, it'll take me too long and mess up our whole schedule"
"I can help you" Asha chimed in
"whAT- OH NO YOU WON'T YOUNG LADY!" Dahlia exclaims pointing a finger at her
Hal and Bazeema are just in the background watching now
"Young lady? I'm officially older than you, remember? hehehe" Asha jokes
"Don't get funny with me you little ray of sunshine! You're turning 18 today, I won't have you spend your birthday in a carpet- I MEAN market!"
"Umm we can help too" Bazeema says meekly.
"Yeah, and the boys too, so we can get it done faster" Hal adds
"Huh? but-but our plan though" Dahlia points to the list
"Anywhere I spend with you guys it's special, then, after we're done buying what your mom needs, we can go to the royal garden, and then to Safi's house" Asha reassures her friend
".... *sigh* fiiiiiine, we'll help you, mom" Dahlia bemoaned, very frustrated with the change in plans.
"Thank you girls, please be back before sunset" She starts walking down the hallway
Then, Dahlia remembers something
"oh OH WAIT- Bazeema, grab a book that is under my bed please!" she asks her friend, since it's more difficult for her to bend down with her crutch and overall her mobility disabilities.
"Um alright" Bazeema grabs an old book that is almost falling apart, it has "family recipes" on the cover "This one?"
"That's the one. mom! mom!!" Dahlia walks up to her mom and shows her the book "Look what I found under the food cabinet last week~"
Her mom looks surprised "Huh... I haven't seen this in years"
"You said you wanted to test a new recipe, weeeell this book has a lot of cool recipes I've never heard about before! And I'm sure King Magnifico and Queen Amable would think so too!" She opens the book, it has hand written recipes in both English, Spanish and Japanese "By the way, how come you never told me about this?"
Asha and the other two look at them talking and Asha notices how Dahlia's mom looks... Indifferent to this book that is apparently a family relic, with recipes from her native culture, surely she'd at least feel nostalgic by it, would't she?
"That's nice sweetie, but that's not the type of food your majesties would like, I only make meals for them, remember?" she says in a very detached way, almost robotic.
Dahlia looks disappointed "Oh... Okay... Then maybe you can teach me later?" Dahlia asks, hopeful.
"... I don't think I'll have the time dear, I have way too much work already at the castle, besides, there's nothing interesting in that book anyway" she explains, clearly not caring at all.
Her mother leaves, Dahlia hugs the book tightly.
... Well that was weird wasn't it? I'm sure it's not foreshadowing anything...
Anywaaaay that's enough of a scene on Asha's bedroom, let's move this along.
We cut to the gang splitting up at the plaza, each one going to a different sales stall.
It's our first look in the actual kingdom, and it is... Exactly like it was in the actual Wish movie, only notable difference is that the sculptures and paintings on the walls and floors are no longer only of king Magnifico, there are images of the king AND queen all over the place.
And most people are dressed head to toe with muted shades of blue, white and yellow. Younger people like kids, teenagers and Asha and her friends stand out because they dress up with more varied and bright colors... Except for Simon, whose clothes are more of a muted bluish green and white... I'm sure that doesn't mean anything tho.
Asha and Dahlia are picking some fruits together, and Asha notices how Dahlia looks upset and deep in her thoughts.
"I'm sorry your mom is too busy, if you want we can try making those recipes together later" Asha says trying to comfort her best friend
"Huh what?" She snaps out of her train of thoughts "Oh that? pffft That was fine, I'm used to it, she and my dad... Always prioritize working for the king" she looks clearly frustrated.
Asha places a hand on her shoulder, concerned.
Dahlia glances at her friend and takes some deep breaths
"But yeah... I'd like to try making them with you, that'd be nice" She smiles at her friend and holds her hand "But hey enough about me, this is YOUR day! So, excited to have your wish granted? humm? hmm?" Dahlia is back to her bubbly self, trying to lighten the mood
"Honestly? I'm excited because after today I won't have the expectation of MAKING a wish at all" Asha says sounding almost relieved just thinking about it.
Dahlia looks confused "Huh? What's that supposed to mean?"
"Don't you feel it? Like everyone expects you to have this--like-- GREAT goal you want to reach more than anything, that something you can't wait to wish for King Magnifico, and if you don't have it everyone thinks you have no ambition? Well, I don't have that something, I just want a simple life." Asha explains like this is something she has been holding inside for a while.
"... Sis, you lost me" Dahlia chuckles a little "You can wish for anything, doesn't have to be grand at all, and that won't CHANGE your life, if anything it'll just make it better." she says trying to reassure her friend even though she doesn't understand her struggle
Asha is smiling but there's a hint of sadness in her eyes, knowing her best friend doesn't understand how she feels, so she tries changing the subject "Yeah... It sure didn't make Simon happy, did it?"
"What do you mean?" Dahlia asks while buying some apples
"The droopy eyes, the constant yawning, the fact we gotta cary a pillow for him everywhere we go because he might literally collapse from exhaustion out of nowhere" Asha lists it like it's obvious (because it kinda is)
"Ah he explained that to us before, remember? Since the day he turned 18 his dad has been more strict with their training, so he can be the next captain of the royal guard. Sometimes Simon just doesn't get enough sleep"
"I know… I guess that makes sense, kinda" Asha looks down, thinking about how Simon reminds her a lot of her grandfather... But Simon is literally 21, he should NOT be acting and feeling like a man that died when he was 100, that's not right, regardless of how terrible his dad is.
"Okay I gotta ask" Dahlia interrupts her thoughts "Do you even know what you'll be wishing for, because I somehow got a feeling you don't know yet" her best friend looks at her suspiciously.
"Oh ya know, just something simple. Something that won't change my life at all-"
That comment caught the attention of a nearby juggling performer who was entertaining some children near the market, he stops what he's doing and rushes over towards the two girls while doing some cartwheels.
"After all the only one who can change my life is m-"
"MAGNIFICO GRANTS NO "SIMPLE WISH", CHILD" the jester exclaims interrupting Asha as he points his finger to her face.
"Oh- Hello there" Asha looks surprised but she can kinda already tell where this is going
Because now, it's song time!
This is a concept lyric still, with no specific instrumentals nor established rhythm yet, just inspired by "Keep your friends close" From Epic: The Musical. But in the future the song may have it's own instrumentals, with the help of @annamations03
But for now, just read these lyrics like a poem and try to imagine the vibes.
I Made A Wish
Lyrics in bold white are sang by background characters
(Jester) Child, are you not in the know? How can one not dream to have anything they wish for? Why, you’d end up hopeless and alone! But! if you’re in need of assistance Perhaps a jester with no persistence Can show just how wondrous is this kingdom we call home!
Ha ha ha I made a wish! Yes, I was as young as you! Then your majesty made me into something new Back then I was shy— You? I know, right? But now I bring joy to all of those around!  See, it’s that simple, no need to think so much! Just look within and a wish can be found And our dear king will bring in his magic touch! Yes yes, I know how this works I’ve been living here since birth But the thing is that I don’t see any perks… Sounds like you lack self-worth What? Ha ha ha I made a wish! And my light shone brighter! Whatever you want is what you’ll get! Show some gratitude, kid, don’t you wanna be wiser? Just forget with no regret! Ummm 'Cause why would ya take the hardest route? When dreams coming true here is more than allowed So make a wish too, for your life to turn around! Whatever you want is what you’ll get! (Whatever you want is what you’ll get) (Asha Talking)  Thank you for the advice, but… I still think I can make my dreams come true on my own, I'll just  give him a simple wish because it's tradition. (Jester, still singing) *sigh*  Alrighty then, but don't forget That's something you might regret. (Dahlia Talking) Okaaaay now that THATS over,  let's go meet up with the others … Hey, this is the day for you to make YOUR wish. Doesn't matter what anyone else says that wish should be like, okay? … *Breathes in* *breathes out* Okay! Let's go!
(Asha and her friends are on their way to Safi's house to play instruments together, Asha looks around listening to background characters singing as they walk)
(Random Citizens)  I made a wish, and the king made it all better! Whatever you want is what you'll get (Whatever you want is what you'll get) Here in Rosas we got no worries, no pressure Just forget with no regret (Just forget with no regret) 'Cause in a world so cruel and unjust We can trust our dreams won't get crushed, so I made a wish, and I don't regret it! Just forget with no regret (Just forget with no regret)
(They get to Safi's house and start playing instruments together, Asha dances but internally she's very conflicted, and we get a glimpse of what's going on inside her head as she sings to herself while still listening to her friend's voices faintly. She recollects about her grandfather, and how he never remembered what his wish was.)
(Asha) It's my day, so they say  Make a wish that you won't regret Well, I know it may not go this way Cause' when you made a wish, all you got was to forget (7 teens) Today 's your day! Will the same happen to me once I wish away? To celebrate you! And what even is this wish I wanna pursue? Now it's your time Time step up those stairs and do what's expected Now it's your time You all are the only ones who I truly feel connected Now it's your time Can't I just stay here Please, let me stay here Now it's your time (????) Now it's your time
(Asha looks confused, a voice she doesn't recognize echoed in her head. But she has no time to question it, because Gabo just realized... The sun is setting.)
(Gabo) It's time… GUYS! It's time! It's wish ceremony time! (Everyone) LET' S GO! (7 Teens): We gotta go, we gotta go, we gotta go (Asha): I know, I know, I know, I know
(Citizens sing the main chorus as they run to the castle, we cut to the wish ceremony, and we see Asha and her friends getting there, just in time for the king's entrance, with a huge puff of green smoke covering the stage, and lighting effects to dazzle the public, we hear the voice of the king of Rosas echo like a thunder, as he jumps out of the smoke.)
HA HA HA Come on! Come all! It's that time again! Don't be shy now! All you'll do is gain! Just fall in line now! Here's where dreams start! Cause' if I'm your ring master then you are all my stars!
(The king dances around the stage, full of energy as he hypes up the already excited crowd. Meanwhile, queen Amable walks in gracefully and begins to sing melodically as if she's singing a lullaby. Asha is already in the line to give her wish, she's the last in line.)
Ooooh This, my flowers, is our reason for living To see all your wanting be turned into wishing So just come now ,my darlings, and welcome to Rosas Where your yearning comes true, no what-ifs and no wonders
(People in line) We forget with no regret All he got was to forget What we want is what you'll get I'll finally get my wish I'll make a simple wish With just a magic swish
Oh I can't wait for it! Oh I can't wait to end this! Oh I can't wait to grant it!- ...
This last part is like the end of "We Don't Talk About Bruno" where characters sing all at the same time, and we see Asha slowly approaching the king and queen more and more as the line keeps getting smaller and smaller the more people give away their wishes, Asha's turn is approaching, and then...
She's right in front of Magnifico, he stands his hand to get her wish, she takes a deep breath and... she thinks on her wish.
Nothing happens.
The song ends abruptly.
Asha opens her eyes expecting to see a wish bubble.
All she sees is Magnifico's hand.
The whole crowd goes quiet. Magnifico and Amable exchange a quick confused glance to one another.
"... Is anything wrong, little one?" The king asks, staring at her expectingly but still with a very calm smile.
Asha get's nervous, she can feel everyone's eyes on her.
"I- I'm sorry your highness, I might not be focusing on it hard enough... Is it supposed to be hard?" She looks up to them both looking for some guidance.
The queen notices the girl's anxiety and gives her a soothing caress on her shoulder "Do not fret my flower, it's different for everyone, you can take aaall the time you need" She says in a motherly tone.
That does help Asha calm down a little bit, but she still can't manifest her wish no matter how hard she tries.
"Hmmm" Magnifico ponders for a moment "Say, how about you just whisper what you wish for to me?"
"... But isn't that against the rules?" Asha asks
The king can't help but chuckle at that "Well, I'll know what your wish is either way so of course the "Keep your wish a secret" rule doesn't apply to me. Come now, I promise I won't judge." He speaks in a soothing tone and a welcoming smile.
Asha hesitates for a moment, but she steps closer to the king, who's now leaning down to be on the same level as her so she can whisper in his ear.
She whispers something and...
Magnifico's face contorts from a gentle smile to a dumbfounded frown with his eyebrows raised all the way up.
The queen is staring at them puzzled, what could she wish for that threw him out of the loop so quickly?
As they slowwwwly distance themselves, the king and Asha are now staring at each other, the king still leaning down to her eye level... He whispers to her:
"... Why on earth would you wish for high grass to grow on your backyard?" the king questions like she's insane.
Asha whispers back
"... Because my pet goat likes to eat high grass... A lot... Your majesty" she adds that last part like she almost forgot to address him formally.
The king stares at her for a few seconds, that to Asha felt like it were minutes.
His smile returns to his face though, so that's good right?
But the smile turns into quiet snickering, as if the king is trying really hard to hold in a huge uncontrollable laughter, but he has to hold it in, can't lose his composure like that in front of his subjects.
Asha did have a wish in that moment, she wished the floor would eat her up so she could escape this embarassment.
Everyone in the crowd, and the queen as well, looks shocked at the king's reaction.
Magnifico takes some deep breaths and calms down.
"Oh my... hahah that's a good one, thank you, I needed a laugh today... oof okay okay I'm good, *cough* now come on, what's your actual wish?" He asks her again cheerfully
"... It wasn't a joke my king, I just have a simple wish, really." she explains with her voice sounding meek
The king realizes his mistake...
"Wait... Has no one ever told you?" The king asks her, raising one eyebrow.
"Told me what?"
"Well eh- now how can I put this... I believe you might misunderstand what I actually DO, my dear" The king starts explaining
"... Misunderstood what?" Asha is very concerned with what the answer may be
The king starts walking around Asha, circling her while he explains, similar to a teacher lecturing a child "You see... People who come here don't wish for simple mundane things, although yes, I have gotten a few who, like you, thought they could just wish to "Dance on beat" or "Have hair that touch down on their feet"... Which was very odd may I add- But the point is that my magic is not made to grant those wishes."
Asha can already feel her heart sink, she's starting to understand where the king is going with this, but she holds some hope it's not what she think's it is
"So umm..." Asha shyly asks "What kind of wishes DO you grant?"
The king looks at her with a big radiant smile as he answers her qauestion
"The ones that matter, of course! The wish that comes from deeeep inside that big heart of yours, your main goal in life! To put it simply, my child, what you must give me is the wish that makes you... well... YOU!" The king claims passionately, his demeanor full of enthusiasm like he's describing the most beautiful thing in the world.
That's it... That's exactly what Asha was afraid he'd say.
She CAN'T give him this wish because she doesn't know WHAT THAT WISH IS!
And even if she did know for sure... She doesn't want to hand it to him... That wish... whatever it is, it's HERS.
Her father used to write about how important it is to chase after what you wish for, how is she gonna chase after something Magnifico is just gonna hand to her, where's the fun in that?
Also, is this common knowledge?? How come no one ever told her she had to give to the king the most essential part of herself???People are just okay with that???? Do all those 18 year olds that came before her already have that figured out?????
(Technically the Jester did tell her, but she didn't think he was for real, the lesson is, take clowns seriously)
"Hey! Are you listening? Helloooo?" Asha is snapped out of her own thoughts by the king literally snapping his fingers in front of her face.
"I- I'm sorry I dozed off for a second... What were you saying, your majesty?"
"We were saying that a wish is what makes you who YOU are." The queen says patiently "Which begs the question, my dear...
Who are you?"
Chapter 3
Final Thoughts
"Asha's Big Day" indeed, this took me the whole day to write lmao
Okay so let me just say, the reason I focused a on Dahlia's mom for bit was because I wanted to introduce how Magnifico's magic is affecting the people of Rosas, besides just Simon who is affected because his wish hasn't been granted yet, unlike him Dahlia's mom DID get her wish granted...
You might know where I'm going with this if you read my blog explaining how I'd rewrite the villains, but if you're new, hi, welcome to the madness, you don't have to read how'd rewrite them if you'd rather be surprised by the twist.
Oh, and you surely don't have to worry about what's the symbolism behind a purple hyacinths, Asha's favorite flower, there sure is no meaning to that.
Also I legit laughed to myself for several minutes thinking about how I builded up Asha's wish the whoooooole chapter
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She must be protected at all cost.
Alrighty, hope you’ve enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it, see you guys on the next chapter!
Thank you for reading!
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salarymanwaka · 2 years
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Jamais Vu : Life on Mars Astronaut Yoo Joonghyuk (38) washes up on the shore of an unknown planet where he meets an unknown lifeform impersonating his dead lover.
script (sample) twitter art/lore compilation
cover picture for a sci-fi romance manga I've been working on!
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bookinit02 · 10 months
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5x01 • playlist
5x02 • playlist
5x03 • playlist
5x04 • playlist
5x05 • playlist
5x06 • playlist
5x07 • playlist
5x08 • playlist
5x09 • playlist
5x10 • playlist
next expected update: script 10, week of 7/1!
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museaway · 16 days
Uh so hey fellow event mods, I just queued a few promo posts to one of my event sideblogs. Same thing I've done with events for years! And out of nowhere, Tumblr wiped the sideblog from existence.
It was a long twenty minutes. I think I went into shock.
Twenty minutes later, tumblr reinstated the blog citing an error with their "anti-spam control." Everything is there, all posts, the followers, the queued items. Everything is fine now.
But the point is: If you use Tumblr to hold event posts, request a backup of your blog just in case. Keep a separate backup of your event's records. Do not rely on a website that can accidentally blast your blog out of existence between sips of coffee.
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torricelling · 2 months
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white roses? tall grass? big the dreadful energy
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deku-verde · 1 year
“Is This A Date?” Part 2
(part 1)
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the end~
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nectar-cellar · 3 months
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amir's life - to be continued
transcript & explanation/spoiler:
Amir: ...Dani?
Dani: Had a good workout, baby?
Amir: I... was just thinking about you.
Dani: I know.
Dani: I've been thinking about you too. I've been so lonely without you.
Dani: Tonight, I want to make up for all our lost time.
Amir: Waiting for me in your panties like an eager little slut, were you?
Dani: Come over here and get me out of them.
the idea for this story was to write from amir's perspective and show him having an indulgent romantic sexual fantasy about his ex. dani's not really there, it's all in amir's imagination (the dreamy filter represents the fantasy) because he's so lonely and horny and desperate for his desire to be reciprocated. after he climaxed the filter would've gone back to being dark, gray and drab to represent him coming back to his cold reality: laying in his own sweat, shame and self-loathing, completely alone.
so yeah! thank u for reading along <3
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thecrimsonjaguar · 8 months
i think when it comes to the F+C finale it's important to see where the writers were coming from. And it's easy to do that, the lesson/moral they gave simon is fairly clear: Simon needs to appreciate his life because Betty sacrificed so much to get him here. alright, cool, that's good on paper.
I do Also think that the execution was poor.
up until this point, the crown has represented/could be viewed as many things. Alzheimer's, substance abuse, and anything else people have called it. In this series, a newer interpretation has arose: Suicide. And I'm certain the writers were aware of this. Depression and suicidal ideation are such strong themes in this series that they can't NOT be purposeful.
So their attempt at teaching Simon to appreciate Betty's sacrifice can ALSO be read as: Simon, the suicidal, on the verge of a relapse-man, gets put into a body of a child, (and that is very powerful imagery that does not help, actually) and is told nearly expressly that he fucked up in his relationship with the love of his life. He is told he should have sacrificed more for betty. And he says to himself: "Maybe i wouldn't have even found the crown". Basically it's simon pinning the blame on himself for his 1000 year curse on his mistakes with Betty. Which of course can be read as Simon's self loathing but the show does nothing to refute his statement, which i also have issue with. Simon putting on the crown was stated to be a Mistake. it was an accident. No matter what, the crown cursing him Was Not His Fault. Ever. It's not Betty's fault, it's not Simon's, it. was. a. Mistake.
regardless on if they should or should not have introduced these new flaws into simon's character, having simon learn his mistakes like This feels. icky. to me.
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In The End
[Scene: BadBoyHalo sits next on a hilltop, looking forwards. Behind him, in the far distance, you can just see the tips of the outermost builds.]
[A waystone noise.]
[Enter Foolish, stage left. He carries a glass of red wine in each hand.]
[BadBoyHalo holds out a hand. Foolish places a glass in it, then sits down. They do not look at each other.]
Foolish: Phil left already. He said to share the last of the wine between us.
BBH: all these cycles, you'd think eventually he'd stay.
Foolish: Nah. You know how he is - likes to pretend there's hope and remember them whole.
BBH: I know. But it's so pretty when it comes!
Foolish: And you'd like not to be stuck with me. Well, tough I guess. I didn't want to be stuck with you either.
BBH: aww Foolish don't be like that! You're my favourite enemy.
Foolish: yeah sure.
[BadBoyHalo sips his wine. Foolish does not.]
BBH: Do you think, next time, we'll win?
Foolish: Maybe. We won this time, didn't we?
BBH: Did we?
Foolish: Dunno. Feels better if we did, though. Doesn't it?
[Foolish sips his wine. BadBoyHalo does not.]
Foolish: Do you think it'll ever end? Or are we just going to keep finding our way here again?
BBH: Foolish, we're immortal. Of course we'll meet here again!
Foolish: No I meant.... Never mind.
[Foolish leans his head on BadBoyHalo's shoulder.]
BBH: Huh?!?! Foolish?!?!
Foolish: Ehx shut up.
[A long pause. In the quiet, there is a slight rumble in the distance.]
BBH: Thanks.
Foolish: Huh?
BBH: It's beautiful, but it gets lonely sometimes.
Foolish: Oh. Right yeah. [Laughs] I think I'll miss this one.
BBH: I'll miss them.
Foolish: ... I'll miss them too.
BBH: Not you, though. I'll never miss you.
[BBH leans to rest his head atop Foolish's]
Foolish: Yeah same. I still hate you, you know?
BBH: Awww thanks Foolish! I hate you too.
[Another pause. The rumbling is closer now.]
[BadBoyHalo holds up his glass.]
BBH: To next time?
[Foolish clinks his glass against BadBoyHalo's]
Foolish: To next time.
[They drink.]
[The rumbling is not a rumbling, it is a screech. The stage fills in bright, shining light - front the front, not behind. In the last moments before it consumes all vision, you can just see the ground crumbling and falling into the abyss, two laughing figures falling with it.]
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ganondoodle · 6 months
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chapter 2 rough draft wip (✿◡‿◡)
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merrymorningofmay · 4 months
ok i read the draft script for eps 1-2 and i wanna do a bit of a follow-up post to this one where i talked about rust being dehumanised/his bodily autonomy being violated by the police pre-canon, because the changes/added context fascinate me
first of all, "crash" being short for "crash test dummy". just. no notes
marty's eyes shooting to rust's tattoo when rust mentions working in narco, which kind of confirms my previous speculation that, since the bias against tattoos on Respectable People was stronger back in the day, rust probably wouldn't have gotten those if he didn't have to for his undercover persona. which would make the (admittedly sexy) tattoos another permanent mark left on his body by his job regardless of his consent. in addition to the brain damage
this line: a little change, but the passive voice "got passed around" + the political clout remark make it. nasty
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overall more focus on this part of rust's life and more stress on it being traumatising for him.
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flea-palace · 2 months
we need to discuss how erik in the yeston/kopit phantom is probably the most socially isolated version of erik in that he has presumably only ever had a conversation with one other human being his whole life (gerard) until he meets christine. she is the first person he has ever held a conversation with aside from the man who is basically an extension of himself (and whom he has known since birth) and we are expected to believe he would pull off a convo with his new crush smoothly? where are the fics that rewrite their first meeting and erik is an absolute loserboy cringey mess??? hm????
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saltysplayt00ns · 5 months
FlameGuard Tribe Reworked
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I had more writing involving them but ya know, It got lost somewhere, but its also good cause I have a fresh mind to write better. Take note that anything most is going by concept and not 100% fully of cultural accuracy and may lean into animal similarities and/or mindset. If I recall what I wrote from the past, I wanted to rework on Flametribe cause they could’ve been a nice add in of the story; HOME, since they can easily interconnect with the others in some way. I do not like the fact the author just randomly has a blatant  culture without respect nor branching out to flesh the ethnicity, it’s no different when media/companies use ‘ tokens' or checkmarks to fill in, and to avoid being blacklisted. Doesn’t help that the tribes are all cookie-cutter, copy-pasted format.
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A mix AWD x Dingo breed Called Emberkin or Caniflamma Nexus
Flame tribe or As I edit their names to Ignisylvan Enkindlers Or Emberfang Tribe for remembrance later, is a AWD and Dingo mixed themed pack around Africa/Australia? They prefer dense forests, and more open terrain with tall grasses.
Instead of muskrats because ‘teehee funny.’ Laughing at others' beliefs  is funny right? Look, I made a joke?…guys…seriously, this could have executed Better on the jokes - it gets cheap and just - lacks taste. Worse it's Rhovanion, a character that is less likely to make jokes like this, Axilyah I would not be surprised.
 Their  belief revolves around the idea of a sacred bond between the members of the pack, a belief that through their bond, achieving the collective omnipotence and immortality through unity, not for personal gain but for the collective well-being of the tribe and their offspring. This belief emphasizes the importance of a harmonious pack, with leaders serving as immortal parental figures, guiding the tribe through a shared legacy. Rituals and ceremonies reinforce this commitment, celebrating the pack's unity and the perpetuation of their unique cultural tapestry across generations.
Omnipotent Unity:
The heart of the Ember-Fang tribe lies in the concept of omnipotent kinship. The pack believe that by harmonizing their strengths, skills, and unique traits, they can achieve a state of collective power that transcends the abilities of any individual. This union is not just physical but extends to the emotional and spiritual realms, binding the pack members in a profound connection.
Immortality through Legacy:
Unlike the traditional notions of immortality, the Canid union emphasizes achieving a form of everlasting existence through the perpetuation of the pack's legacy. Leaders are considered immortal in the memories of their descendants, as they become the guiding spirits, watching over the pack and guiding future generations.
Parental Figures:
The pack's leaders are revered as the ultimate parental figures, embodying the qualities of both motherhood and fatherhood. They are responsible for nurturing and protecting the younger members, imparting wisdom, and ensuring the well-being of the entire pack. This parental role extends beyond biological relations, fostering a sense of communal care and responsibility.
Generational Tapestries
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The generational tapestry woven by the canids holds immense significance in preserving the collective wisdom, history, and cultural values of the pack. It serves as a living testament to the shared journey of the tribe, highlighting the contributions of each generation and reinforcing the ideals of the Canid Covenant. Through intricate patterns and vibrant colors, the tapestry becomes a visual representation of the pack's unity, strength, and the eternal bond between its members. How do the dogs make the tapestries with the limitations?
Communal Weaving: The pack engages in communal weaving, where each member contributes by using their teeth to manipulate and intertwine the fibers. The collaborative effort from all members not only strengthens the bonds within the pack but also compensates for the lack of individual dexterity.
Natural Material Adaptation: The canids select materials that are more manageable with their paws. Flexible vines, grasses, and strips of bark become the primary elements, chosen for their pliability and ease of manipulation. The pack members use their teeth to tear and strip these materials into manageable sizes. additionally, they have contractions that are used by paw and jaws for protection and to make working the material capable.
Terrain Utilization: Rocks and natural formations are employed as makeshift tools. Canids use flat stones to press and secure woven sections, ensuring durability. They may also utilize tree trunks or the uneven ground to create tension in the fibers, aiding in the weaving process.
Tail Assistance: The members cleverly employ their tails to hold and stabilize certain sections of the tapestry as they work. allowing for a more controlled weaving process and prevents unraveling.
Layered Approach: Understanding their limitations, the canids adopt a layered approach to tapestry-making. Instead of intricate, fine details, they focus on bold patterns and larger motifs that can be achieved with their paw-centric techniques.
Natural Dye Techniques: The pack extracts colors from local flora and fauna, crushing berries or plants to create pigments. The canids use their paws to apply these natural dyes, embracing the imperfections and variations in color as a testament to the wild and untamed essence of their craft.
Guidance from Elders: The older, more experienced members of the pack take on leadership roles in the tapestry-making process. They guide the younger canids, sharing their wisdom and ensuring that the traditional techniques are passed down through generations.
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Example tapestries, each tribe has their own distinctive theme and style that makes them unique.
The colors usually being Earthy browns and greens, Bold red and blues and Golden hues. Having symbolic significance to each of these colors. The red and blue are used for important events; successful hunts, important rituals and birth of new leaders while gold is reserved for representations of the leader’s legacies.
Patterns and Differentiation:
Patterns within the tapestry play a crucial role in differentiating between pack and family lines. Each pack develops its unique set of symbols and motifs that reflect their particular strengths, challenges, and cultural nuances. Families within the pack may have individual patterns, creating a subtle but distinguishable thread within the broader tapestry. This visual language enables The Emberkin to identify their own and fosters a sense of belonging and continuity.
As the tapestry grows over the generations, the patterns evolve, incorporating new elements that represent the changing dynamics of the pack. The elders, keepers of tribal wisdom, guide the younger members in maintaining the integrity of these patterns, ensuring that the tapestry remains a vivid reflection of the tribe's endurance through time.
Paint & Scarifications
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Different ways of painting the fire for either members or tribe.
The Fire color, a vibrant and intense hue, represents the fiery spirit of the pack, embodying qualities such as passion, strength, and the unwavering commitment to the embers. 
Members of the pack adorn themselves with Fire-colored paint markings during important ceremonies and rituals. Often take the form of bold streaks or intricate patterns across their fur. The Fire color serves as a visual representation of the pack's collective strength and unity, reaffirming their commitment to the community.
Paint is used mostly on members but leaders are given scarification for identification along with imbedding their beliefs of the pain they’ll  endure to protect, nurture and guide the pack and family while also given the blessings from the spirits/gods to guide and protect them after passing the ritual.
The paint contrasting with the Mottle patterns or any in general have a harmonized contrast; bold hues of vivid oranges, deep blues, and radiant yellows are strategically chosen to create a visual contrast against natural tones. The tribes honor their ancestral roots by incorporating patterns reminiscent of ancient symbols or motifs passed down through generations. It is a visual tribute to their cultural heritage and the enduring legacy of the Emberkin.
Scarification practice involving intentional scarring of the skin, is adopted by the canids as a physical manifestation of their endurance, resilience, and commitment to the pack. Scarification patterns are created using sharp rocks or bone implements, leaving lasting marks that tell a story of hardship, perseverance, and integrity.
Parental Leaders' Scarification:
The parental leaders, embodying the ideals of the Covenant. These scars, etched with precision and purpose, symbolize the challenges they have faced and overcome for the greater good of the pack. Each scar carries a specific meaning, representing a lesson learned, a trial endured, or a sacrifice made. Aligns with the pack's commitment to facing challenges, persevering through hardships, and upholding the integrity of the pack.
The use of Fire color in paint markings and scarification reflects the intense energy and enduring nature of their beliefs.
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Pack Name: Azuflare & Emberfang Family
Within this big Tribe of mixed packs forming one big congruent; Ember and Azu is has the highest amount of living members integrating and contributing to the diversity of a larger community.
Hierarchy and Role
Parental Leaders: Osiris and Kellan, as the parental leaders, hold the highest rank, making crucial decisions for the combined Family's survival and well-being.
Elders: Elders provide wisdom and counsel to the pack, offering valuable insights based on their experiences. Their role is respected, and their guidance influences major decisions.
Huntmaster: The Hunt masters oversees the pack's hunting endeavors, ensuring a stable food supply. This role is crucial for the Emberkin Family's survival in the harsh wilderness. They're also the one's to defend the tribe and be sent to battle, for many members take this role if not an artisan.
Artisan: The Artisan is responsible for preserving cultural traditions and crafting essential items for the pack. This role upholds the Tribes identity through artistic expression and practical skills. ____________________________________
Leadership Structure:
The Emberkin and Azuflare Family operates as a close-knit pack descended from their sole leaders, deeply loyal and bound by strong family ties. The parents, as the pack's leaders, hold a revered position, and abandonment by parental figures is considered a severe transgression.
Attitude Towards Betrayal:
Betrayal is taken extremely seriously within the tribe. The consequences are so profound that they may extend to wiping out an entire bloodline, holding a deep-rooted grudge against any surviving children. Leaving the pack without proper permission and introduction can lead to tensions within neighboring packs, emphasizing the tribes commitment to respect, etiquette, and preventing unnecessary conflicts.
Grudge and Retribution:
The Emberfang tribe carries a deep, guttural grudge, and those who abandon their own are not only ridiculed but also hunted down or forced out of the area. Packs or alliances harboring such traitors face similar condemnation until the grudge is resolved.
Cultural Traditions:
Within the tribe, outside marriage is uncommon for those without ancestral connections. Arranged marriages are prevalent, especially when forming alliances with other packs. The Tribes, with the ancestral syllables, represents separate family lineages arranged by tradition.
Alliance and Disapproval:
The Emberfang Family values alliances but is cautious in forming connections. Packs harboring traitors are deemed as traitors themselves until the matter is resolved. This emphasizes the Emberfang commitment to loyalty, respect, and preserving the integrity of their lineage.
In essence, the Emberfang and Azuflare Family is a deeply rooted, conservative pack that values family, loyalty, and respect. Betrayal is met with severe consequences, reflecting their commitment to maintaining the honor and unity of their bloodline. The ravel cultural dynamics, arranged marriages, and the cautious approach to alliances underscore the tribes' adherence to their unique traditions.
Brief Backstory 
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They were originally Azuri/Azura but changed to Emberfang Tribe
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Osiris exudes a fiery and passionate demeanor, driven by a deep sense of loyalty and protectiveness toward her family. Her emotions can be intense, especially when the safety of the pack is at stake, leading to fiery outbursts that reflect her protective instincts. Osiris is quick to respond to threats, sometimes allowing her emotions to momentarily blind her to reason. Despite this, her heart is steadfastly devoted to her family, and she possesses a fierce determination to ensure their well-being. Osiris values tradition but is willing to challenge norms for the sake of her family's survival.
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Kellan embodies a calm and composed nature, providing a stabilizing presence within the Emberkin Family. He is slow to anger, thoughtful, and methodical in his approach to challenges. Kellan's phlegmatic temperament makes him a patient and understanding mate to Osiris. While he may not share the same intensity of emotions as Osiris, Kellan's steadfastness serves as a crucial anchor for his mate during moments of fiery outbursts. He values harmony and balance within the pack, often playing the role of a peacemaker. Kellan's wisdom and measured responses complement Osiris's fiery nature, creating a dynamic partnership.
Dynamic and Contrast:
Osiris and Kellan's personalities create a dynamic contrast within the Emberkin Family. Osiris's passionate and impulsive nature contrasts with Kellan's calm and methodical approach. While their differences occasionally lead to conflicts, their individual strengths complement each other, forming a powerful synergy. Osiris's fiery emotions are tempered by Kellan's calming influence, and Kellan finds strength and purpose in Osiris's fierce determination. Together, they form a united front against threats to their family, becoming a formidable duo that outsiders and enemies approach with caution.
Summary: Emberkin's Descent into Deception
In the heart of Emberfang traditions, Osiris and Kellan's union emerged from the intricate tapestry of predetermined matches between packs. Osiris, with her fiery spirit and unwavering loyalty, represented the Emberkin Family, while Kellan, known for his composed nature, stood as the chosen mate. Their union, crafted for strategic alliance, initially bore the strain of their contrasting personalities.
As Emberkin parental leaders, Osiris and Kellan faced a medical crisis as Osiris was a soon mother to be, prompting an alliance with the Capitol despite it not favored by their culture. the decision that would unravel and crumble in the face of a brutal wolf attack ( Jahla & Thakir ). Among the losses were family members, including Osiris's brother Taku and Anzi, the daughter of an artisan. Nursing emotional wounds, Osiris and Kellan severed ties with the Capitol, forging a path marked by unconventional alliances.
The emotional toll of family losses tested Emberkin resilience, propelling Osiris and Kellan and surviving member's to hold through on their own. With Osiris's fiery determination, a force driven by her loyalty to family, found balance in Kellan's patient guidance. Together, they navigated the aftermath of tragedy, seeking now vengeance against Jahla and Thakir, wolves responsible for the massacre.
In a morally complex choice, the Emberfang tribe aligned with Ranach, an exiled outsider with selfish motives. While Jahla and Thakir fueled the Emberkin's quest for justice, Ranach's manipulation threatened the family's integrity. The Capitol's favoritism towards wolves added another layer of complexity in their journey.
Osiris and Kellan's love, born from a predetermined match, evolved beyond tradition, becoming a testament to unity and the strength found in embracing the hardships. Their journey, marked by challenges, alliances, and love, painted a tale of survival, deception, and the resilient spirit of the tribe.
Emberkin Coat Variations and Markings
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Inheriting a default black hue, Emberkin coat genetics showcase a diverse array, including liver, darker tan, and red variations. Pups with ginger and yellow coats often thrive in desert and plains territories. The rarest hues, such as diluted blues and faded Isabellas, add a touch of uniqueness.
Emberkin coat patterns draw inspiration from African wild dogs and Australian Dingoes. The base coat's darker tones serve as an ancestral foundation, aiding in the prominence of distinctive markings. Mottled, tricolored, or two-toned patterns embellish the coats, manifesting as either subtle fades or bold, pronounced blotches.
The choice of darker base coats among the Emberkin is not merely aesthetic; it serves a practical purpose. These common coat patterns contribute to the perception of health and provide effective camouflage during hunting, particularly in the dim light of dusk and nightfall. The mottled, tricolored, or two-toned markings enhance their adaptability in the wild, allowing the Emberkin to blend seamlessly with their surroundings.
Page Edit
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Script Rewritten
It's more better and correlates to the information here;
Scene: EmberFang Family Confronts the Capitol
The Emberkin Family, led by Osiris and Kellan, confronts the Capitol officials, expressing their discontent with the perceived favoritism towards the wolves and unprofessionalism.
Osiris (fiery determination):
"We did not forge alliances and shed blood to be treated as expendable pawns! Our family suffered losses, and what did the Capitol do? Turned a blind eye, favoring wolves over our kin!"
Kellan (composed but firm):
"We seek unity, not divisive favoritism. Your actions endanger the delicate balance we've strived to maintain. We won't tolerate such disrespect to our family or any other tribe."
Capitol Officials, taken aback, attempt to explain their decisions.
Capitol Official (defensive):
"It's a matter of strategy. Wolves provide a different kind of strength, and we have to make decisions that benefit the Capitol and tribes as a whole."
Osiris (indignant):
"You speak of strength, yet you disregard the strength forged through generations of our unity. We won't stand by and watch our family's sacrifices belittled for political convenience."
Kellan (calm warning):
"Spread the word to your superiors. The Capitol's unprofessionalism won't go unnoticed. Favor wolves if you must, but know that other tribes will hear of your betrayal."
The Emberkin Family, fueled by a mix of anger and determination, leaves the Capitol, severing ties that were once deemed essential for survival. As the Emberkin Family readies to leave the Capitol officials, Jahla, Thakir, and a rabbit happen upon the scene, drawn by the outcries and angry growling. The leaders stop for only a moment, but a moment enough for the Capitals last whine of intervening.
Capitol Official (pleading):
"Leaders, please see the reason! The wolves, in their instinctual defense, are willing to compensate the tribes for any losses through alternative means that avoid bloodshed. Moreover, the Capitol is prepared to contribute their own compensation to ease the burden. Please, Consider the greater benefits!"
The Capitol's words like a slap, anger and baffle the leaders even more, intensifying the confrontation.
Osiris (furious):
"Benefices? Compensation? Your blindness astounds me! We won't be swayed by your audacity!"
Kellan (disgusted):
"You speak of reason, yet you fail to recognize the pain and loss inflicted upon us. Your ignorance is intolerable!"
Osiris (sensing the haunting echoes of the past):
Despite the Capitol and others not smelling the iron scent, Osiris pinpoints and familiarizes with the old blood of her dead family, lingering through the air like an ominous taunt. Osiris sharply locates the smell to Jahla and Thakir. Them.’ How dare they show their faces after the murders have they no shame’,  It took every fiber of her being to hold herself back. Resolving to leave with her mate, Kellen, both simmer with a quiet rage, their departure laden with an unsettling discontent.
Jahla (shivering with fear and sadness):
"What have we walked into, Thakir? Their anger is...overwhelming."
Thakir (solemn):
"We are witnesses to a storm, Jahla. A storm we might get caught in if we're not careful."
Rabbit (eyeing Jahla wearily):
With weariness, the rabbit observes Jahla, sensing the impending turmoil.
As Osiris and Kellan leave, the Capitol Officials, saddened by the loss of the alliance, reflect on the consequences of their decisions. Jahla shivers with fear, Thakir remains solemn, and the rabbit watches Jahla with a wary gaze.
Thank you everyone who made it this far, and Hope you enjoyed this meaty blog and that the rewritten tribe adds more depth and interests.
Ps...if this ends up being snuck into home, just so you know, I'm the OG that did it.
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bookinit02 · 11 months
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in honor of my s5 announcement this week, here’s one of the scenes from the first episode! hope you all like it🫶🏻
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