#rewritten cc
themagicalghost · 7 months
Haters when they see you live a life of whimsy and joy
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dorkfruit · 3 months
to say toontown lives in my mind rent free would be an understatement, toontown is the landlord of the apartment complex that is my sanity. anyways heres some of my recent sketches
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art meme by @purgatorei . i decided no repeats because it would just literally be ms. mingler for every single one
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the new supervisor designs kinda slap tbh aka i wanted to draw the freaky smiley golf lady but decided i should do the others too
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oh and then i realized its called toontown and i literally never draw the toons so i did that and then caved and drew a cog anyways im sorry for letting capitalism win
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gorgugplushie · 4 months
Whooo up normal abt flippy and slappy rn.
Song: captain estupido - runner
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your-fav-is-divorced · 3 months
All the Toontown post feel like ploy to get you to play Toontown.
is this what's going on here?
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saffiroll · 7 months
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Things are heating up!
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Are we sure we want to put the tropical vacation destination next to the Always Nighttime
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"If all three of them were dating, and all three of them resigned instead of just John (CJ), I think it would've pissed the Chairman off a LOT, and then COGS Inc would be crippled, and the toons would win, and then they could all live happily, except for the Chairman, but it'd be fine because the Chairman sucks and has a stupid LAY-Z boy chair for a head." - Anonymous
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toontownlibrary · 1 year
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In Toontown Online, entering the Toontown Central building "Toontown Sign Factory" resulted in a grey, clouded texture where the "void" of entering a building should be.
This is because that specific building model was intended to be animated, with the clouded texture being left behind.
This visual oddity is removed in both Toontown Rewritten and Corporate Clash, where the door is back to normal.
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importedmeh · 8 months
People actually liked my Techbot Composition...want to hear something cooler?
How about an orchestral medley of many songs throughout Toontown's history as a celebration for these crazy 20 years?
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toontastictoons · 7 months
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I joined the Toon Resistance that JJ keeps talking about today! Guess I'm official now! ... They should make shorter desks..
- 🐭
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Name: Wilbur Soot Minecraftia
Age: 15 when joining the server, and due to weird limbo bullshit, somehow 43 upon its end
Height: 5'11
Origin: Deathling
Born of a mortal man and the goddess of death, his life was always followed closely by his mothers realm. He was never ment to live, never ment to exist, but due to Kristens magic, he was granted many years beyond what the gods originally gave him. Pain started to follow his movements when he turned 14, each step, each breath, becoming difficult. He and Phil tried everything, every medication, every pain releiver. And nothing worked. after a year of nothing working, Phil advised him to leave the hardcore world of his birth, as maybe being far from Kristen's realm would assist him. And for a long time, it did. But as death started appearing at every corner, the pain only grew stronger and stronger. Driving him mad, as he tried for any reason he could find to get the fighting to stop. Lmanburg, Pogtopia, anything and everything. At the final control room, he collapsed into his fathers arms, begging him, at 18, to be killed. That he couldn't bare this pain any longer. But that Tommy would be destroyed if he found the reason for his brothers death.
He pressed the button, and Phil, to end his poor baby's suffering, allowed him the mercy of being held in his dads arms as he let out his final breath.
In limbo, he was trapped within a train station. No one around him, not even his mother. He had tried so hard to get rid of the pain, that he forgot what mattered within the world. His family. 13 years he spent in this limbo. at his revial, his body adjusted to the time he spent in limbo. So the man who was 18 at his death, was now 31, only 9 months later. Offically making him the Big Brother of SBI.
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themagicalghost · 3 months
Rewritten Pride Parade (2024) photo dump
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Clash player detected
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Minglers were invading until the end of the Pride event
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I bumped into said Minglers, thrice
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More Clash players yahoo
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I ended up being stuck in a battle like this for a few minutes until a Mingler joined, and when someone else took too long I just ran
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I had a good time going around with everyone, thank you for making my first Toontown Pride Parade enjoyable :]
See you all tomorrow in Corporate Clash
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dorkfruit · 22 days
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who invited *her* to the function -_-
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gorgugplushie · 4 months
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Bessie x Clara bc yeah . She fumbled a femme now she has to fumble a butch
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cherrycookies · 1 year
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very regulatory flippy, nothing to see here
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saffiroll · 10 days
*A shot of the camp can be seen, and we are taken inside the counselors cabin*
David: *putting his boots on* I've never been more excited in my life!
Gwen: You say that no matter what you do David.
David: This time is different Gwen. Finally after gosh knows how long we are getting new campers! Apart from the ones we had last year-
Gwen: Why are you so excited about this? It's not something to be so jumpy about.
David: You clearly just don't understand the Camp Campbell life Gwen.
Gwen: *picking up some enrollment forms* Thank god i don't.
David: This summer all these kids will learn something new and exciting
Gwen: Half of them will be dead by sundown.
David:...yeaaahh probably
Gwen: God you're unbearable sometimes
*Bus honking*
David: The bus is here!!
*David ran out...and got hit by the bus*
Gwen: Ah fuck, why does this happen every time.
David: I'm okay!
*Kids started walking out*
Gwen: New campers huh? None of them are different
David: Uuuhhh- well i guess we're out of luck then-
Gwen: I dunno, there is one extra form, could be unexpected
David: oh come on now Gwen, Nothing here ever happens unexpectedly!
*bus door opens again*
QM: Forgot one.
Max: *steps out* Prepare for hell this summer.
*Everyone stares*
*Intro plays*
David: Well hello there! Welcome t-
Max: i don't want to be here camp man, don't tell me stuff i don't care abo- is that girl just consuming dirt?
Gwen: Nikki no we talked about this last summer!
Nikki: *inhuman hissing noises*
Max:.....was i just sent to an insane asylum outdoors?
David: Hey! That wasn't very nice!
Max: Shshshshshsh- nobody caaarrreeesss
Nikki: *runs towards Max* Well hello!!
Max: *steps back* Woaaah there speedy gonzalez do NOT touch me.
Nikki: *jumping around* My name is Nikki! What's yours? *points downward* I like your shoes!
Max: *looks down* Where are YOUR shoes? You're just wearing socks.
Nikki: You don't need shoes in nature! It's natural!
Nikki: Sooo you're the newest one here no? All of us came here last Summer and we're back again! But you? You're not.
Max: Wow, no shit
Nikki: *poking around her hair* My mom forced me to cut my hair because it got dirty often and-
Max: What does that have to do with out conversation so far
Nikki: Oh! Right! Camp!
Max: What even-
Nikki: ANYWAY LET'S GO LOOK AROUND! *She pulled him by his hand and started running*
Max: FUCK-
*The scene cuts to the Mess Hall*
Nikki: Behold! *she showed it off with her hands* The place where we eat, fight and throw up!
Max:..oh i hate this place even more...
Nikki: *walks over to the door* The mashed potatoes are my favourite personally-
Max: i literally don't care.
Nikki: *she opened the doors to chaos happening* aaannndd behold, again!!
*All the kids are either throwing food at each other or slipping on it*
Max: i-
Nikki: I'm already feeling like i'm home.
Max: Well i DON'T?
Nikki: Don't worry! It's only your first day!You'll get used to it! *she sat down on a bench*
Max: What does this camp even represent?!
Nikki: look at this potato bug i found!
Max: NIKKI!!!
Nikki: Ah! Don't yell at me!
Max: Then answer m-
David: Ahem! What Gwen wanted to say is..we just want to remind you all what makes this place special and fun for you all! Especially for our newest camper Max!
*Everyone just glanced at him*
Max: *whispering* ffffffucking kill meeee-
*A momemt of Cameron Campbell can be seen as he goes down the stairs and climbs up again*
Max: What the fuck?
Nikki: This is normal.
*Annndd he's back. Ew*
Cameron: Well i'm here now as well- apparently!
David: Mister Campbell! What are you doing here?
Gwen: Oh god please no.
Cameron: Well i'm not hiding from any authorities if that's what you're talking about! Haha!
David: Haha what-
Cameron: Come on now Davey! How about you show this uh-
*he looked at Max*
Cameron: New gremlin- around the camp!
David: Hey! Maybe you could do it Nikki!
Nikki: Me?
Max: HER?!
David: Well sure why not? It'll be good for you two to get to know each other better! Since you've been near each other this entire time!
Max: nononoNONONO-
Cameron: Great! It's all settled then! Haha! Off you two go! Davey go supervise them! Or else.
David: I wont disappoint you Mister Campbell!
Cameron: Yeah whatever- *closes curtains*
*After 5 minutes*
Nikki: Okay so! Here we have these uh- things! Camps! Let's see *Starts pointing at each one* there's Sports camp! Which the best girl does! Magics! Stars! Shakespeare! Art!...other magics- and other stuff i do not remember!
Max: *rolls his eyes* Wow how wonderful.
*Gwen walked over*
Gwen: David i think we need to discuss MANY things about running this at this scale with Cameron-
Nikki: Gwen?
Gwen: What is it Nikki?
Nikki: *pointing* Max ran off
Gwen:....David can you-
David: On my way- *he ran after Max*
David: *he did.*
*10 minutes later*
Nikki: You'll get used to all of this eventually- i promise
Max: Ughh i hate this...so mu-
*he bumped into someone*
Neil: *turns around* Can i help you?
Max: PFFTT- hahaha! You look ridiculous! Is that a costume for a halloween party?
Neil: I'm a scientist.
Max:....your tone is uh- new.
Neil: Is that a problem? *He looked at him with a skeptical expression*
Max: Ye-
Nikki: *covers his mouth* No no! Not at all! We'll just be on our way! We just ran into you accidentally!
*she pushed Max away*
Max: what the hell is the problem?
Nikki: Neil...uh..intimidates me...
Max: intimidates you?
Nikki: It was a whole thing like last year...i don't wanna talk about it-
Max: Oh- jeez- uhm...well- that sucks. I'm sorry.
Nikki: It's fine! I mean it's not like something weird is gonna happe-
*bullets were suddenly being heard*
Max: the fuck?
Cameron: Code black! Well look at the time! i gotta go now!
David: Wait sir! Where are you going??
Cameron: International waters! Have a decent summer kids! *grabs on a helicopter ladder as agents follow him with the gunshots*
Max:...wanna run away together?
Nikki: Spy escaping let's go!
*they started running*
David: Max get back here this instant!! You're being a bad influence!
Max: don't tell me what to do!
Nikki: *she took Max's "new camper" pin and yeeted it at David*
*they got on the bus...annnddd immediately crashed it*
Max: Ughhh we were so clooseeee
Nikki: i cut my arm on glass.
Gwen: well honestly Max how were you expecting to drive a bus?
Max: Fair.
David: Well i think we all learned something today!
Max: No David. I think YOU learned something today. I will make this year hell and none of ypu can stop me, and i have a wild and probably traumatized sugar full gremlin to help me!
Nikki: *Jumps in joy* Yeah yeah yeah!
Max: C'mon Nikki. We're out of here.
*They walked off*
David:....can i play the song now?
Gwen: *Snatches the guitar and slams him with it*
*Outro plays*
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