#rexsoka doing life day wrong
darthgoosegoose · 2 years
'When Chewbacca told you we had to wear red, I don't think he meant taking it this far.'
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ahsokathegray · 6 months
A Remedy for Memory || Part Two
Pairing: Rexsoka
Prompt: Rexsoka Monthly Jan. ‘24 - Accidental First Kiss
Summary: One simple fall causes a certain commander to fall in love with his co-commander all over again. Rex expresses his gratitude to his lover rather affectionately — unaware that he's never done so before, unaware that he and Ahsoka aren't together.
Tags: order 66 didn't happen, temporary amnesia, whump kinda, fake dating kinda, protective brotherly Anakin
Word Count: 5,713
A/N: if you saw the rom com this was inspired by, no you didn't. but fr go watch it, it's called the other zoey! (@rexsoka-monthly)
read on ao3! / masterlist
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Three Months Ago
“Commander Rex, the latest briefing has come in.”
Her Commander turned to face the officer on the bridge before focusing his attention back to her, “Want to have a look? It might have an update on General Kenobi’s efforts.”
That kind smile flashed upon his lips and reached his bright eyes. Ahsoka found that she was incapable of refusing. Being at his side in these few days since her return felt almost magnetic and she didn’t desire to part with that anytime soon. She followed the officer and Rex waited for her to fall in line before he let himself move his feet. 
The doors to the briefing room swept aside and encased them in the small space, the holotable glowing with the waiting figure of Commander Cody. “Rex, are you and Commander Tano en route to Coruscant?”
Ahsoka smiled at the man’s use of her former title. No one was seemingly able to drop it either out of habit or respect or both. Even outside of her former legion, the clones continued to refer to her as their Commander. She smiled and Cody greeted her as well. 
“We are. Just departed from Mandalore and had entered hyperspace right before you called. Maul is in custody below,” Rex answered. “Any update on your end?”
“Yes. My men are retrieving the body of General Grievous as we speak… what’s left of him, that is. General Kenobi was successful in his efforts against the pile of scrap. I shouldn’t speak too soon on such matters brother, but, with the death of Grievous comes the end of the war — rendering the Seperatist’s forces without orders and therefore… ineffective,” Cody said, his voice sounding as if he didn’t believe the words he spoke. 
The words sounded wrong to everyone. 
Rex’s eyes narrowed and he had to sit his helmet down, “You’re positive?”
Cody laughed, “I had to confirm three times myself. My medics declared him dead. Proceed en route to the capital, Rex. Commanders. We’ll join you shortly. Cody out.”
His blue form fizzled and the holotable went dark. 
Ahsoka’s mouth hung open and she searched Rex for his reaction. His eyebrows were high on his forehead, a similar expression of shock painting his face. They stood there in a weighted silence. Neither of them knew what or how to feel. 
It went without saying that this war had been their only real purpose in life, each of them growing up in it and knowing nothing other than to be a soldier. All they knew was the mission, the field, the fight, the reports, the lack of sleep. They only ever knew the hurt and pain of war — the never ending loss amidst small victories. It wasn’t an endless cycle, it was just their life. 
Neither she nor Rex remembered a life without the war or life without the other person in it. 
What did they do now if it was all over? How did they proceed after the people they were on Mandalore? 
He was the first to speak, cutting through the loud and suffocating silence, “Well, in the theme of good things resulting from war.” A half-hearted chuckle rumbled in his chest, referencing their earlier conversation on the bridge. “They end.”
“What will you do now?” she blurted, the words leaving her mouth as soon as he finished. 
He put his tongue in the pocket of his cheek, scanning the empty room. No… not here. Such honesties weren’t appropriate in this location — not that said honesties were appropriate in any scenario. “Whatever the Republic asks of me, I suppose. My loyalty remains with it. The fight won’t end overnight,” he said. 
“And if it does?” Ahsoka prompted, not satisfied with his answer and knowing well that he was right. 
She should’ve felt more shame with the way her focus rested on his lips, watching them part in anticipation of his response, far too hopeful that he’d mention the gundark in the room. Rex’s tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip and she hung desperately onto each torturous movement. His tongue rose behind his teeth as he prepared to speak, but his response never came.
The door opposite of the bridge slid open and Jesse and a squad of clones stepped in. Rex’s attention fell from her to his brothers. 
Jesse was out of breath. “Commander Rex, I just got an update from Cody.”
“We just got off with him,” Rex said. “What he says is true, but don’t go telling the men just yet. We want them to finish up with everything before they start producing flasks and alcohol out of thin air.”
Jesse laughed guilty and patted a pouch on his waist, “You got it, Commander.” He saluted Rex and faced Ahsoka, doing the same, “Commander.”
The doors didn’t close behind him as his small squad left, allowing air into the tense little room and allowing the Commander and Advisor to catch their breath, but stripping them of their criminally short bit of privacy. 
Rex fought with his decision not to tell her. He’d waved the opportunity by as it passed him yet now intensely wanted it back. They’d unfortunately rejoined reality, but it was nowhere close to feeling as real as the reality they’d been a part of when the briefing room had been theirs alone. The tight, charged bubble of air that had encapsulated them on Mandalore followed them on the bridge of the Tribunal, shrinking steadily all the while and pushing them further together. It had reached a point of suffocating smallness, but one that Rex and Ahsoka both had welcomed — only for it to suddenly burst. 
Ahsoka stepped away from him and he could physically feel the distance growing between them in the pit of his stomach. It was then that he realized the end of the war didn’t quell his fear of losing her again — now in more ways than one. 
“You coming?” she asked, moving toward the exit. His stomach lightened. “The sooner things get done, the sooner we can tell everyone the good news.”
Rex picked his helmet up and his shoulders along with it. The soft curve of her full lips made his entire body feel lighter. There was not a thing in the galaxy to feel so mournful about just yet. 
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“We could check up on how far along the men are with the post-mission checklists again,” Rex suggested. 
Ahsoka bit her lip midway through his sentence, suppressing a curious grin and shutting off her datapad. 
“What?” he asked, his own lips curving upwards. They’d been doing that frequently since her return. 
“We can only check the status of the gear so many times, Rex,” she laughed. “It’s been four years. Your men have it under control. They could probably do it in their sleep, I’d wager.”
That pulled a laugh from his lungs, “I reckon’ you’re right. The boys would start thinking I’ve come down with something if I start hovering again. Besides, the corries being on board are enough to do a lot of it for me.”
“I think I’ll have to confer with Jesse on that one. A relaxed Captain Rex is not something I can picture,” she teased, bypassing the final set of ships in the hangar.
“I’ve told you. It’s true. More than just Jesse can attest.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it,” Ahsoka kept on, giving him a wink and that smirk of hers as he jogged up to catch her. “We’ve seen to our duties three times over now—”
“Two and a half,” he corrected, winking back at her, the blood in his ears pumping furiously.
That earned him a mocking eye roll, squeezing at his heart. “So far, you’re not proving your case. And as your advisor, I’d advise you to turn in early and get caught up on lost sleep. You should take every opportunity you get. I hear the war will be over soon,” Ahsoka jested. It’s all the men were talking about. Word had spread more quickly than even the Blue Shadow Virus had. 
He shrugged his shoulders, a loose smile playing at his lips, “Which doesn’t exactly mean the end of reports.”
“Vaughn has them covered as Captain,” she countered, crossing her arms and foiling his one and only excuse to remain in her presence for just a little while longer. 
Blast it. 
The last thing Rex wanted to do was turn in early. He very much wanted to finish overseeing the men, and he wanted to fill out the various mission reports from the siege… not that it necessarily needed to be done now or by him specifically. It was something that gave him purpose and perhaps a bit of joy. Did he still experience that same joy from said tasks when Ahsoka wasn’t around as he did them? 
Well, not exactly, but that has nothing to do with anything. And how many more opportunities would he get to do those things with her if the war truly was ending?
Even though it was still unclear, Rex felt a mass settle in his chest that told him their time together was limited. Did they just not address all that banter? The absence of appropriate distance between the two of them? The shortness of breath where they got perhaps too close? 
They were running out of time and he knew it. Everything was about to change. 
Rex wasn’t Force sensitive by any means, but he could feel that Ahsoka knew it too — just as he could somehow sense that she felt everything he felt. 
They came to a lift adjacent to the hangar and Rex stepped in after her, something like the wings of keeradacks brushing against the walls of his stomach. Had these things always been so narrow? 
He swore they were bigger on the Resolute. The Tribunal had to be an updated model of the Jedi cruiser. 
Their arms touched. 
Ahsoka cut her eyes up at him from under her lashes. He smiled but didn’t move. She didn’t either. Her gaze fell to his throat, watching it bob as he swallowed. The confines of the lift were having a physical effect on him and it was not going unnoticed. Ahsoka smoothed her dress. It was doing the same thing to her. 
A sharp ding then filled the thick air between them and Rex cleared his throat, hanging behind to allow her to exit first — because he was a gentleman and also because he wasn’t.
He bit his tongue at the way her short dress hugged her backside.
Ahsoka led the way through the corridor, passing the men’s empty barracks and heading toward the wing reserved for commanding officers and other such superiors. She was taking the long way and didn’t think he’d notice. 
It shouldn’t have, but the air felt thick up here as well. There was no one around but the two of them — their forces still cleaning weaponry and finalizing tasks for their return to Coruscant. These halls wouldn’t be so deserted soon, but for now, they echoed.
Commander’s quarters were within sight all too soon and Ahsoka leaned against the wall opposite of his door. Rex stopped suddenly, not approaching the door. It had been on his mind since they departed for this mission and he’d not gotten the opportunity to offer beforehand.
“Ahsoka,” he said, earning her curious eye. “You can have my quarters if you’d like. I know they used to be yours and it’s something that would feel familiar. You shouldn't have to sleep in a guest room.”
She smiled softly, “I wouldn’t ask that of you, Rex. Besides, I am technically a guest as an advisor. I appreciate it, but it’s quite alright.”
“I know you’d never ask it of me, which is why I’m offering it to you.”
“Rex, I’m not taking your bed from you.”
He swallowed, that specific string of words lighting his insides on fire.
“Then sleep in the General’s quarters at least,” he suggested. “If the Council hadn’t done what they did to you… that’s the room you’d be in right now anyway.”
Her brow markings dipped questioningly, an amused yet honest expression decorating her features. “What’s this about, Rex?”
If she said his name one more time, it would be the medic he’d have to seek out.
The closer she stepped, the more his throat seemed to close. “General Skywalker promoted me and, well, your bed is worlds more comfortable than mine — the Commander’s bed, I mean,” he corrected himself, cursing the blush that was blooming under his collar. “It’s worlds better than the Captain’s ever was and I deduced that the guest beds must be about the same as the barracks.”
Ahsoka raised her brows and nodded, confirming his suspicions, a little laugh punctuating her words, “You’d be right on the credits with that assumption. Always seeing between the lines.”
“Skywalker didn’t assign me to you for no reason,” he said, half joking. She laughed. Kriff, he loved it when she laughed. He loved even more than he could be the reason she laughed.
“You wouldn’t tell if I hijacked the General’s quarters, then?”
“Not a soul, General,” he playfully saluted. 
She rolled her eyes and pushed herself off the wall, approaching the door beside his. Her door whooshed open and his followed. 
Slender sienna fingers gripped the door and they drowned in one another’s eyes, staying quiet for too long and staring longer than was acceptable. If the war wasn’t coming to an end and there were more scenarios like this one, Rex wasn’t so sure either of them could keep a leash on their self control. That pull was back — that gravitational force between them — the bubble shrinking around them. 
She finally broke eye contact and glanced away, skin tinged with a blush. Her goodbye was reluctant. “Good night, Rex,” she whispered.
There was no no remaining moisture in his mouth and a frightened love in his “Good night, Ahsoka,” tugging back on itself, trying to keep itself a secret.
He waited until her rear lek disappeared through the door and it slid closed, the distance and the wall between them a heartache. Rex ran a hand over the back of his head and looked at the cold door. 
He loved her. It was in every word spoken to her, in the crossing of blaster under saber, in longing stares, in the lingering behind after everyone else had gone, the accidental touching, the knowing what they were doing with all that banter. He loved her. She made him understand the word in a way he never thought possible. 
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At no point in the war had Rex paced so karking much. He did it until he thought maybe he was keeping Ahsoka awake with it, as they shared a wall. One wall. One fucking, miserable, mocking wall. He sat on the bed. His knee bounced incessantly. He didn’t even try to shed his armor and get the shut eye she’d advised. Sleep would not be coming any time soon. Rex knew well that her being an advisor had meant the war variety, not in the sleep variety. She had only been half teasing when she’d suggested it, of that he was aware, but he didn’t want to let her down.
She plagued him. She infected his every cell. He ought to find the medic and get him to run a diagnostic. He was sure the monitors would beep with a high amount of ‘A-count’ over that of the normal M-count he heard talk of all those times Kix had seen to Ahsoka’s injuries. 
Ahsoka had invaded his body and mind and he didn’t want to get her out. She reigned over all of his senses.
He checked the chrono and released a huff of air. It had only been an hour since they’d both confined themselves to their quarters. His mouth was void of all moisture, knees bringing him to stand from the bed and approach the door. With a sharp inhale and a setting of the jaw, he pressed the button to open it and the brightly lit hallway greeted him.
Roaring laughter could be heard to the right, pouring from the barracks. A drink was what he really needed, a bit of Tihaar to numb his nerves. Jesse would no doubt have a separate stash he could borrow from, with no fear of running low. But he didn’t turn to the right. Rex took one step to the left and found the door to the General’s quarters open — Ahsoka’s door. 
It was dark inside and he peered in, finding the sheets awry and no one in bed. No one was in the room at all. Where had she gone?
For a fleeting moment, Rex reconsidered the barracks, wondering if Ahsoka had joined the men in celebrations. But he shook his head, walking in the opposite direction. Rex had no destination in mind. Like his future, his current path was undetermined, leaving him aimlessly wandering about the cruiser. 
Most sections of the ship were completely untouched, indicating that the Tribunal had only recently been released from the Kuat Drive Yards. He wondered if Mandalore had been its maiden voyage — if it had been constructed for a war it would never see. 
After all, the siege had not officially been a part of the war. 
He sighed, trying with proven difficulty not to think about the time that had already passed and the time that still would. They were all waiting like sitting convors as one era quietly bled into the next. He didn’t expect to ever be so… unsettling. 
The rambunctious chatter in his helmet did nothing to lift his mood or ease his mind, moving him to switch his comms off entirely. No one was looking for him at this time of night, all under the impression he’d gone to bed. Hell, if a drunken trooper came face to face with him in the corridors, they’d look even more so like a kybuck in headlights than they did when sober. 
At any rate, Jesse was with them and doing an excellent job of being both the babysitter and the drinking buddy.
Their laughter echoed down the halls even this far away from the barracks. Ahsoka had to know what they were all doing, but either didn’t mind or had gone somewhere else to sleep. Between her not being on this mission as a Jedi as well as the war’s status being up in the air, she wasn’t there to bust any codpieces.
His face flushed furiously under his bucket at the thought. 
Rex had no idea how all this had managed to happen in just a few days' time. She was never not on his mind. If he took a left up ahead, it would lead him on the path to the medbay. It might be worth going to sort this thing out. He had to have breathed in some kind of pollen or intoxicant that made him feel this way about Ahsoka…
But deep in his heart he knew that nothing had gotten into his airways — nothing except her. 
Rex took said left and found himself walking above the hangar. The lights had been shut off, meaning the men had properly finished their assigned tasks without him going behind them to ensure it. He spoke too soon, however, as there was one light still on.
Without the comm chatter of the boys in his helmet, Rex’s own thoughts filled the bucket and suffocated him. Completing that earlier two and a half rounds of inspections would do well to clear it. He sighed and made for the lift in the hall to take care of the light when he passed by the hangar control center, catching sight of sharp movement from within through his periphery. 
The room was completely dark. 
“Hey,” he called, walking into the small room, his tone taking on that of reprimanding a loitering shiny. “No one should be in here, it’s after hour—”
His pauldron caught the edge of the wall and he lost his footing, catching himself with ease but not before bumping into someone.
She was leaned up against a panel, smirking up at him as if she’d been waiting for him to get here, backlit by the one light in the hangar and the glow of the control panels. More importantly, she was flush against him and hadn’t moved despite his misstep. 
He had never been more regretful in his own steps as he backed away. Kriff, she was angelic. 
“After hours? Even for advisors?” she asked playfully, crossing her arms. 
He’d done nothing but smile like a fool since her return and now was no exception. Rex stood there admiring her, transfixed with her beauty and out of breath at the way she shone in the dim light. It was difficult to swallow, but he managed, thankful she couldn’t see his lopsided grin under the helmet. “I distinctly recall you infamously never abiding to the rule anyway,” he said, adding, “Some things never change.”
Even in the dark he could see her knee-weakening curve of the lips, smiling at his second use of the phrase, referencing a slice of their amorous interactions on Mandalore. Karking hells. This had taken the top spot of most beautiful things he’d ever seen — and everything on the list was Ahsoka.
Rex didn’t smile so genuinely very often, yet her return had broken new records. Seeing her face for the first time again, her reaction to the helmets, his handiwork had swelled in his chest and engorged his heart. He didn’t anticipate her being so beautiful, so perfect. As soon as those doors had opened and she’d walked in with Skywalker, Rex had been done for. And once they were on their way to Mandore — once they were alone — the banter began, but not ever how it had been before. His heart fluttered and his stomach flipped, that muscle behind his navel coiling. It was charged, magnetic, and only increased over the past few days. 
His poor heart hammered against his chest plate, threatening the integrity of the armor. 
“Don’t tell me you’re up because you were going to triple check the men’s efforts in the hangar,” Ahsoka taunted. 
He pressed his lips together and chuckled softly, “Well, if I told you I couldn’t sleep, that would be a lie.”
And a lie it would be. As much as he hadn’t wanted to admit it to himself, his path tonight was never undetermined — it was always going to lead him to her. 
Ahsoka stepped forward and yet again they were nearly flush together, the distance between them now so small that it would raise all sorts of concern and probably broke several protocols. She studied his helmet and tilted her head, offering him a sweet smile. Rex knew better than to think she was merely taking stock of the armor, looking instead past it at the man underneath.
Ungloved hands closed around the bottom half of the bucket and lifted, all of Rex’s suffocating thoughts and feelings dissolving into the air. 
That had to be a protocol violation — but it would be one he never filed and his heart wasn’t complaining. 
And he was past letting it. 
Ahsoka hummed, “You didn’t even try, did you?” Rex offered her a guilty raise of the hands and purse of the lips and she laughed. “Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me. And,” she said, running a finger along the rangefinder on his helmet, her words tickling his lips. His entire body came alight with electricity. “You’ll be pleased to know that the men did a perfect job with the ships in the hangar, like I said they would.”
His brows knit together and his mouth fell slightly agape, their breaths mingling. They were probably the only two people on board not drunk off their shebs, but Rex swore that was changing. He was becoming intoxicated just being this close to her, his mind struggling to work past the haze. 
Thankfully, his reserves kicked in and her meaning fell into place. “And you called me unrelaxed,” he heard himself say.
Shrugging, Ahsoka mirrored his earlier words, “Old habits and all. Like you said, some things never change, right?” He swore she winked at him but couldn’t be sure, the haze fogging his brain could’ve seen what it wanted to. “I did save you one though.”
A single brown eyebrow raised and he mirrored her smug little smirk, “Oh yeah?”
“I had a feeling I’d find you wandering this way at some point tonight,” she said, turning to exit the room, still holding his helmet and casting a soft, unreadable smile over her shoulder. 
Rex followed her again into a tiny lift and made a point to purposefully graze her arm with his, not that it wouldn’t have happened naturally if he didn’t try. He watched her lips raise out of the corner of his eye. 
The ding sounded all too soon and he decided that there was very little in this universe he wouldn’t give to be able to get stuck in this lift with her. 
She led him down the dim hallway towards the main doors, walking in comfortable silence and feeling his heart inch further up his throat with every step. This was where he had to tell her. They were quite literally walking into the opportunity. It was quiet all around them, but his thoughts were loud, so loud in fact that he was sure they’d start echoing in the hangar along with his and Ahsoka’s combined footsteps. 
The ship in question was a small shuttle tucked away to the left. It was the only thing in the hangar that was lit — the overhead light above it buzzing. 
“I can practically hear the gears turning in there,” Ahsoka commented softly, glancing back at him. 
“Just on edge a bit,” he said truthfully. “Guess we all are with the rumors that are circulating,” he said less truthfully. 
She pressed a button that lowered the ramp of the shuttle, nodding in agreement. “Whatever happens, I’m looking forward to not being a soldier with you, whether it's now or later.”
Rex straightened his shoulders, “I’m not sure what will happen to all of us clones, but it would be the highest honor to assist you in being a keeper of the peace. There’s nothing I’d rather do.”
He half thought she’d salute him again as she did on the bridge, but Ahsoka only boarded the ramp and set his helmet down on a nearby surface. 
“So… you’re rejoining the Order, then?” he asked, feeling the available air around them diminish.
Her lips flattened in thought and she nodded. “I think so, yes, but I'm not without my conditions. Besides, how else am I supposed to see you all the time?” she added, pretending like she was only joking. 
Something in the way she wet her lips told Rex otherwise. 
They’d barely made it two steps inside the shuttle’s narrow entryway and his heart already threatened to short out. He could control his breathing in any and all other situations, except for those that involved her. And for the first time, he noticed that her breathing pattern was the same. If not even the use of the Force could help her with regulating it, then he was fighting a battle he was destined to lose. 
By some miracle of the universe, his voice didn’t betray him as he spoke. “Did you really save this ship for my inspection?”
Ahsoka didn’t miss a beat and took a step forward. “You do have the better eyes,” she said, searching him far beyond that of the surface level. She seeped into his very pores.
Not another missed opportunity would pass him by, not when she was this close again, not when she was looking at him like that.
Rex pushed away from the surface behind him and matched her forward step, entering her space and turning her steps into reverse, backing her into the opposite wall. 
He was careful not to crowd her and she pressed herself into the durasteel behind her, looking up and finding his intense gaze. “I’d wager a fair amount of credits that yours are better,” he drawled, not at all in reference to her inspection abilities. One of his hands raised and settled on the wall next to Ahsoka’s head. Her left montral grazed the inside of his wrist and the breath in both of their throats hitched. 
The blue of her eyes felt like home and not just because they were the blue of Kamino’s waters on a day without rain. He would gladly sink to the depths for her if she asked it of him. Her wide eyes searched his, full lips parting as the inches between their faces dwindled. His knee ran along the outside of hers, that bubble around them tightening — constricting the air around them, forcing them to share the same breath. 
Whether or not Ahsoka had truly left this shuttle for his inspection or not was irrelevant. He’d figured out her unreadable smile and sleight of hand. She wanted to see if he truly had relaxed, if he could allow himself something like this despite his duty and despite his title — if he could love her. 
He did. 
He did and he was tired of not admitting it. Both to himself and to her. 
The backs of his knuckles slowly swept up her inner arm, gliding along her bicep. His fingers shook and his breath trembled, but he refused to look away from her, ready for any sign or signal that she wanted him to stop.
She swallowed visibly, tucking her bottom lip between her teeth and tilting her head just so, exposing her neck to him. The subtle movement was almost imperceptible, but Rex caught it, journeying to the skin and grazing her lekku with his knuckles along the way.
Ahsoka sucked in a heavy breath, heart pounding mercilessly. Rex continued, sliding his fingers over her neck and pressing over her very rapid, very visible pulse. She let out a breath of air as if to laugh at herself, but it became trapped in her throat as he leaned down, eyes on her. The ‘no’ never came.
His lips were soft as they pressed to her pulse point, kissing with the utmost delicacy and lingering not nearly long enough. 
Her eyes were blown wide when he pulled away, chest pushed forward and heaving. 
“‘Soka, I—”
She whimpered and cut him off, bringing both of her hands to his face and pulling him close, desperate to share his air again and feel his lips on hers this time. Rex’s hand fell to her waist and she wiggled to where his leg was situated between her legs. Ahsoka inhaled with quivering lips into his mouth and Rex did the same, lips touching briefly. His other hand cradled her face, thumb stroking the marking on her cheek, watching as her brow markings couldn’t settle on what to do.
Rex smiled into her mouth, sighing in relief as he closed his eyes and—
“Who left this light on? Someone turn that off before Commander Rex shuts the party down,” a voice echoed in the hangar. 
Ahsoka’s forehead pressed against Rex’s, the both of them out of breath and looking desperately into the other’s eyes as the footsteps drew nearer.
Another voice joined the first, “I saw Sterling turn all these off. Must’ve been an accident.”
Two orange fingers were held up and Rex nodded. Two troopers were coming this way and the ramp to the shuttle was still lowered. Fek, he hoped she had a plan. 
He wasn’t disappointed. Ahsoka closed her eyes and lifted her hand into the air, her nose scrunching as slightly as she navigated the Force. Rex watched on as the light from outside flickered a few times, repeating a few times and sparking before shutting off completely. The dark blanketed them completely. 
“Keep going,” she whispered breathily.
A blush blossomed over Rex’s entire body. Those men were still out there. 
“What the—” he heard one of them say.
“Must be a bad fuse. Tell a droid and let’s wipe our hands with it. I’d like to return to my drink,” the other giggled.
“Good with me.”
Karking hells they had to be right by the shuttle, with no idea that their Commanders were inside. 
His lips found that spot on her neck he’d kissed before, pressing his lips to it and deepening the kiss, one hand cradling her neck as the other found the tip of her right lek. Ahsoka sucked in a sharp breath and clenched her teeth to keep from making any noise. He bravely swiped his tongue along the tender skin and her body jerked, hands wrapping around his neck. 
“Rex,” she whispered, panting.
He hummed against her feverish skin, squeezing her lek and running it through his fist. 
She sighed, trying to control her reactions, “I think, I’d like to— I’d like to amend my statement from earlier.”
Rex sucked at the spot he’d been stimulating, right where her jaw met her neck, drawing the most delicious sound past her wavering lips. “Yeah? Which one is that, ‘Soka?”
He felt her swallow and catch her breath, antsy hands falling to his belt, “Whe— When I called you my friend,” she gasped.
All he could do was chuckle against her, pressing one final kiss to her neck. “I think we both knew what you meant,” he breathed. 
A small bit of light bled through the hangar as the two troopers vacated the area. She glanced towards the door and straightened despite the return of their privacy. “Linger back a bit,” she whispered. “Meet me in the General’s quarters.”
“Ahsoka,” Rex said, being sure to use her name properly. “Are you sure?” 
Her wrist was taken between his fingers and her other hand rubbed his shoulder in response. “I’ve never been more sure of anything, Rex. I’ve been sure for… how many days has it been?”
Rex expelled a bit of air from his nose and leant down to peck her cheek, “I’ve lost count by now, because of you.”
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anxiety-banana · 4 months
Ty @royallykt and @twentyfunnybunnies for the tag!!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
103 + however many dozen nony fics
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
262,661 which is both terrifying and disappointing... I just wanna have a novel written lol
3. What fandoms do you write for? 
Star Wars, Marvel, and Smosh (but all the smosh stuff is unpublished as of yet) with a past sprinkling of white collar!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
when it matters (white collar) inevitability is a stupid, stupid, thing (marvel, penny parker) if you’re so smart, tell me why are you still so afraid? (suits) (used to be anon haha) big brothers make it okay (clone wars) insert the anon fic i will not be publishing publicly
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yup! It's my one and only fic superpower lol, I really love responding to comments
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
call me what i am, call me a monster is definitely one of the angstiest endings, but I sure do write a lot of angst... it usually ends well though
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I Know, I'm Sorry (But You Can Do Better) is a very fluffy fic overall and though it's technically a one shot book, it will most certainly always end fluffy haha
8. Do you get hate on fics?
A LOT of passive aggressive hate lol, usually people telling me I wrote an arbitrary fact in a fictional world wrong, in which there's no way to really be wrong, so those are sort of fun haha. It's usually just a lot of mean corrections for things that don't need correcting (like what translation of Beowulf I used for a fic title)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope and nope. I've written like,,, one fade to black haha
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No, but I would if I had the inspo
11. Which fic are you proud of but wish had gotten a bigger response from your readers?
we know your name (but not who you are) has a special place in my heart, so I'll always wish it got more attention
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but as always, we're working on translating all my fic into legible English prose for once in my life
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I tried to with my friends Ash and Lily like two years ago and it stressed me out so bad, we reeaally should have planned better ahaha
14. What's your all-all time favorite ship?
hgnghghg Shourtney has my heart also modern Rexsoka has me in a CHOKEHOLD
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a feeling I won't finish a shot in the dark, no chaser, but I'm IN LOVE with it, so it'll live with me forever now <3
16. What are your writing strengths?
I tend to be good with prose when I get into it, and I've been told my dialogue flows very naturally
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I suck at just... very basic scene transitions. Like yes I know they just went from their house to their job but that took me three weeks to write
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I like it! I may be able to do a tiny bit of French but personally I wouldn't trust myself to haha
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Marvel, when Endgame first came out, and a BBC Merlin fic that was actually just a reader insert but I had no idea what that was
20. Favorite fic you've written?
where the hurt never mended, i see a grave that never got covered is still one of my all time favs because I wrote it in like a day and I just had so much passion put into it
Thanks again for the tag!! I've been tagging a whole lotta people recently so this is your open invitation to take this as your tag
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blacklilyqueen · 3 years
Pregnant - 12 Days of Rexsoka
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Prompt: 12 Days of Rexsoka Day 10: Domestic/Family
Summary:  When Ahsoka finds out she's pregnant, she's having mixed feelings about it, but talking to Rex helps her to figure things out.
Pairing: Rexsoka
Word Count: 867 words
Warnings/tags: (Unpanned) Pregnancy
Tagged Blogs: @rex-is-best @flybynite19​ @12-days-of-rexsoka​
Read it on AO3
Tears were streaming down her face as she looked at the test in her hands. Two lines. This couldn’t be true. This couldn’t be happening. Not now! She felt panic taking over her entire body. What was she supposed to do? Did she even want this? How was she going to tell him? They were on the run, fighting against the Empire how were they supposed to have a child right now?
Ahsoka’s mind wandered to all the terrible things she had witnessed in her life so far. The suffering, the pain, the dead. Did she really want to put a child into this world? She spent every day fighting, hoping to change this world, make it better for everyone, but she wouldn’t be able do that while being pregnant. She couldn’t fight, couldn’t risk her life on the battlefield with a baby growing inside her. And what if the inquisitors found her? She wouldn’t be able to properly fight them off, she would be completely defenseless.
Then she thought about what could be. She saw herself holding a tiny little bundle in her arms. Small hands holding onto one of her fingers, big eyes staring at her and a laugh filling the room with a sound more wonderful than she could have ever imagined. Suddenly she felt arms wrapping around her from behind. Rex pulled her closer to him, giving her a soft kiss on the cheek, smiling at the little baby in her arms as he looked over her shoulder. She leaned back, resting her body against his, feeling nothing but peace in that moment.
The sound of the door being opened, ripped her out of her fantasy and pulled her back into reality. She heard his footsteps coming closer, but before she could do anything and hide the test, he was already standing in front of her. The smile he had on his face, when he entered, immediately vanished, when he saw her swollen, red eyes. He was next to her in less than a second, one arm around her shoulder, the other caressing her face, sweeping her tears away.
“Soka, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Before she could answer, he had already noticed the test laying in her lap. It took a moment for him to fully realize what it was, but when he did, his eyes widened, “Is this…? Are we…? You’re pregnant?!”
Surprised, Ahsoka noticed the joy in his voice. Her vision was still blurry from all the tears, but she still saw the smile spreading on his face. He pulled her closer, kissing her everywhere. Her lips, her cheeks, her temple, her nose, her lekku. Everything. His hand wandered to her belly, carefully caressing it, as if he could already feel the baby. Seeing him this happy should have made it easier for Ahsoka, but instead it just made her cry again. Her head rested on his chest as the tears run down her face.
“Why are you crying again? This is great. We’re gonna have a baby.”
“This is not great,” she pressed out the words between sobs, trying to calm her breath and regain control over herself. Her voice still sounded shaky, when she kept speaking, “We can’t a baby right now! It’s constantly going to be in danger. We are going to be in danger. I won’t be able to fight, while being pregnant. And how are we supposed to protect ourselves and the baby when it’s born? Am I supposed to carry it on my back, while fighting stormtroopers and inquisitors? Or should I just leave it sitting in a corner until I’m done?”
“We have been undercover for over three months and the Empire still hasn’t found us yet. We will find a quiet place, where we don’t have to fear being attacked. And when the baby is here, we have enough friends at the rebel base, who will be helping us to take care of it, while we are on a mission. Besides you can still help, while being pregnant, you just can’t go on any missions anymore. But you can help Bail organize everything in the background.”
She hesitated, before she spoke again. What he said was true, but it these weren’t the only things worrying her. She didn’t know how to say it. What would he think of her, if she told him about her other concerns?
“What if I’m a bad mother? I don’t know anything about children. I can’t even remember my own mother. How am I supposed to do this?”
“Cyare, you will be a great mother. You are the most caring person I know. You are warmhearted and loving. You are patient and a good listener. This child will be so lucky to have you for a mother. You are going to do so well and I’ll be there with you the entire time.”
Ahsoka looked at him, diving deep into the amber of his eyes. She truly loved this man with all of her heart and it were moments like this that showed her how lucky she was to have found someone like him. She leaned in closer to him, placing a kiss on his lips.
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absolutechaosebrain · 3 years
Sooo this was not me procrastinating on multiple half finished 12 days of rexsoka fics by writing another fluffy peek into the life of Bucky and Sarah. She said hoping no one could see through her absolute BS……
Well here we go enjoy!
Sarah walked in the back door of her home to be greeted by every flat surface in her kitchen covered by trays, holding the most adorably dainty shortbread cookies she had ever seen. The cookies were round with a scalloped edge and dusted with purple sanding sugar giving them a slight sparkle. She turned toward the oven only to be hit by the mouthwatering smell of the dainty delights, vanilla and lemon with a touch of lavender. She was greeted by the sight of Bucky pulling a pan from the oven with his metal hand, the flesh one holding the next batch ready to go in.
“Hey Sarah,” he said decidedly more interested in making sure the cookies went in then greeting his fiancé.
“Bucky baby, what on earth are you doing?” She said still in shock of seeing her super soldier baking the most elegant dessert she had ever seen.
“What does it look like,” he replied with a roll of his eyes, huffing a bit of his once again long hair out of his eye. “I’m baking, remember tomorrow is the PTA bake sale for the boys school.”
Sarah let out a little huff at his facetious answer. “I didn’t forget, but you said you were going to make cookies baby not dainty little works of art, how did you even get them to shimmer like that?” She said picking up a cookie to admire.
“Try one,” Bucky said eyes lighting up, bringing a cookie to her mouth.
Sarah’s eyes went wide as the cookie met her tongue “Baby, this is the best short bread cookies have ever had in my life.”
“Thanks” Bucky said the smallest tint of red coming to his ears, exposed by his hair having been pulled into a bun while he was baking “I came up with the recipe while in wakanda Romanda suggested that making cookies might help me get use to living with just one arm, ya know fine tune my motor skills.”
Sarah nodded along and taking another bite of the treat sensing he had more to say.
“Steve had some of his things that Peggy had kept and one of them was a recipe book of his mother’s, turns out that she had wrestled my mothers prized short bread recipe out of her at some point and it had always been my favorite so I decided to try it one day.” Buck paused to take a deep breath and sarah knew this was about more then baking cookies and fine tuning motor skills, she nodded for him to continue picking up a second cookie.
“Well turns out that familiar flavors can do a lot in bringing back memories, and the second I took a bite out of one of those cookies I broke down sobbing in the middle of the royal kitchen. Romanda found me sitting on the floor crying over a plate of cookies. She knew somehow that I had not simply been caught up in nostalgia, knew it was more then that. That recipe felt like a metaphor for who I use to be, who I wasn’t anymore and it felt wrong to enjoy something I had loved before I became a monster.”
Sarah narrowed her eyes and started to open her mouth to lecture him about what an amazing man he is, but he brought up a hand to stop her and wrapped his other around her waist.
“Hush and let me finish” Sarah nodded her head and wrapped her arms around his neck loosely as he moved his hand to toy with the end of one of her braids. “Romanda thought it may help me to make the recipe my own, make something new on the fountain of something old. So we added a little lemon and then use the lavander from the palace gardens to make the sugar to put on top, she actually sent me the lavender to make these ones. The point she was making by helping me make this new cookie on the foundation of my mothers was that I could become a new man based on the foundation of who I once was. I didn’t have to go back to being the smooth carefree Bucky Barnes I was before I fell off that train in Germany nor did I have to become someone entirely new, I could be both I could have parts of who I use to be, the base of the recipe, but I could add new things, like lemon and lavender, and I would be all the better for it.”
Sarah felt tears in her eyes at his story of a journey to self acceptance, she understood how it felt to feel disconnected from who you had been before traumatic events, some days she felt miles away from the girl she had been before her husband had died and her brother disappeared.
“I don’t think I fully understood what Romanda was trying to show me then, but as I have been here with you and the boys, I think I’m starting to figure it out. So when I decided to pick a recipe for the bake sale I decided on something with a little of the old and a little of the new.” Bucky looked at her cracking a little grin “that and they are going to blow Carols basic ass lemon bars out of the water.”
Sarah giggled at his mention of the annoying PTA President who Bucky had immediately taken a dislike to.
“I see what it is” she said between giggles “you just want to finally put Carol in her place.”
“Hell yes I do” he said moving back over to the oven to take out his final pan of cookies. “She kept going on and on the other day about the how kids who grow up without a traditional family dynamic end up in therapy or jail and it’s all because of the rise in gay couples adopting and crap, purposefully in front of Jenna and Alex”
Sarah quirked a brow at his mention of the lesbian couple that Bucky had immediately befriended when he decided to join the PTA . She had suggested it hoping that being more involved in the boys school would help people see him as more then Captain America’s team mate, and Sarah’s boyfriend, and actually see him as just Bucky. He had walked in to the first meeting sat down beside Alex and by the end of the week the two were conspiring to reform delacrouix elementary and middle school PTA, even if the had to do so by force.
“I can tell you right now, I am not in therapy twice a week because a bunch of Gays decided to manipulate my brain chemistry for 70years, baby why are you giving me that face?” Bucky cut himself off after seeing the amusement on his fiancé’s face.
“It’s just that Seems like one thing definitely has not changed since the 40s about you baby” Sarah stain with a twinkle in her eye.
“Oh” he said crossing the kitchen to wrap his arms around her again “what is that?”
“You, James Buchanan Barnes,” she said wrapping her arms around his neck “absolutely hate bullies”
“That I do” he said pulling her close “but I do absolutely adore a strong woman”
“Oh do you Sargent Barnes?” She said sensing a welcome shift in his mood.
“Oh yea I do” he said pulling her flush against him and starting a trail of kisses and nips of teeth from the base of her neck to her ear dragging the lobe between his teeth before whispering into it “let me show you how much I adore my powerful woman”
And with that, the oven was turned off and Sarah was swept off her feet and up the stairs, for a entirely different type of desert.
Well there you go, I am 100% convinced that Bucky would be the type of parent to lead a PTA revolution.
In my world Bucky got really close with Queen Romanda, you can not tell me this amazing woman would not have seen this poor broken boy and not decide immediately that she had now had a second son! I really want to explore more of Buckys relationship with the royal family of wakanda let me know if you want to read that. And as always thank you for reading!
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xecutivecucumber · 3 years
Rexsoka Week 2021 Day 5: Show Me Your Dark Side
Honestly, I’m considering fleshing this one out into a full fic.
Day 5: Show Me Your Dark Side
Commander Rex stood at the communications station. He was not supposed to be here, but as both Lord Vader's and the First Sister's favored pet, few would challenge him. Rex never thought he'd be grateful for that position, especially now that he was leaking information to the Rebels. But it gave him protection from the clone-hating higher ups, like Tarkin, who would have him killed in a moment.
Rex tried to look business-like as he entered the frequency for whoever received his information. Part of him clung to a hope that it was his brothers that used his knowledge to fight against the Empire. He had been able to wake up from the chip; surely there were others.
"This is King." He muttered into the receiver. "Sending coordinates for Imperial supply rendezvous now." 
He entered the data stick that would wipe itself after it transferred the information. He waited, tense as it uploaded the coordinates.
"Coordinates received." A distorted voice crackled through the comm. "Thank you, King." 
"May the Force be with you." Rex said before shutting the comm off.
It was easy to erase the logs of his communication. He crushed the datastick under his heel and threw it down the garbage chute. He sent a few sanctioned messages before turning to the doorway.
It was occupied.
The First Sister's sickly yellow eyes narrowed as Rex met her gaze.
"My lady." Rex said calmly, though his heart was in his mouth. "Do you need something?"
"What were you doing?" Her voice was harsh.
"I was sending communications to-"
"Don't lie to me, Commander."
Rex stood straight as she stalked around him. 
"Did you think we haven't noticed?" She hissed in his ear. "Your work is sloppy and obvious. You think Lord Vader and I will protect you. You are wrong."
A lightsaber ignited behind him and Rex tried not to flinch.
"Why now?" Rex asked, hit with a surge of boldness. "If you've known this whole time, why only now?"
The First Sister did not immediately run him through.
"It is the Emperor's will." She said softly, sounding more like herself than Rex had heard in months.
Then Rex was correct. She, along with Vader, had tolerated his treachery out of, if not affection, respect for their previous bonds. Rex slowly turned to again meet her gaze.
"That is not my name!" She hissed.
"You know this is wrong." Rex plowed on. "You've always known."
"I thought you were above stalling for your own life, Commander." She said.
"I'm not stalling for mine." Rex said. "I'm trying to save yours."
She once again didn't respond.
"This isn't who you are, Ahsoka." Rex said. This time she didn't protest the use of her old name. "You're like me. We are meant to protect."
"There is no turning back." Ahsoka said. "The person I was is dead. It's- too late for me, Rex."
Rex shook his head. He refused to believe the woman he had loved was gone.
"I don't think it is." Rex said. "And I don't think you're going to kill me."
For a moment, Rex thought he was wrong. Her eyes grew hard and she lifted her sabers. 
Rex tried not to shake as he reached past the red blades to touch her face. Immediately she closed her eyes against his touch and her lightsabers lowered. They shut off.
"I can't, Rex." She whispered. "You know what we've- what I've done."
"I can be with you." Rex said. "I'll help you. We can undo the harm we've caused."
Pain crossed Ahsoka's face. Rex could see her slipping back under into the shroud of the First Sister.
“Ahsoka-” Rex pleaded, desperate to keep her here with him.
“So, you have caught the traitor in the act.”
The deep voice of Vader made Rex’s blood freeze. He barely turned his head to see the imposing figure of his general in the doorway.
“Why do you hesitate?” Vader said. “The Emperor has ordered his death.”
Ahsoka’s lightsabers ignited again. Rex closed his eyes and readied himself for her strike.
It did not come.
“He’s been leaking information to the Rebellion.” Ahsoka said. “There is much he could tell us.”
“The Emperor was clear in his instructions.” Vader’s voice was flat. “If you are too weak to do it, then I will.”
He ignited his own lightsaber. Rex flinched as the red blade swung towards him. It was caught by Ahsoka’s sabers. Ahsoka stumbled back, as Vader lifted his blade. She seemed surprised by what she had done.
“You are not only weak, but a traitor as well.” Vader said. 
“No, Master, I did not mean-” Ahsoka stammered. “His information is beneficial to us! Master-”
She sounded like the padawan Rex had first met on Christophsis.
“I had deluded myself into believing you would not be a disappointment.” Vader went on. “I should have trusted my instincts.”
Rex did not expect the pain that flashed across Ahsoka’s face. Nor did he expect Vader to raise his hand and hurl Rex backwards into the wall of screens. Rex let out a strangled shout and then darkness fell.
Rex woke with a throbbing headache. His training kicked in and he forced his eyes open regardless. The first thing he saw was the glowing streaks of hyperspace and the dashboard of a ship. He was propped up in the co-pilot's chair of a Lambda-class Imperial shuttle. He knew who would be in the pilot's seat, but he still slowly turned his head.
Ahsoka was silently controlling the craft. What he could see of her face was pale, but her hands were steady. She was turned slightly away from him and he couldn't see her eyes.
"Ahsoka?" Rex asked.
"How do you feel?" There was something in her voice that hadn't been there since before the Empire rose to power.
Rex reached his hand up to feel the back of his head. His fingers met bacta patches.
"Like I've been thrown against a wall of screens." He said.
Ahsoka was silent.
"I'm sorry." She finally said. "I should have realized he would have gone for you.”
“It’s okay.” Rex said. “How- how did we survive?”
He had served under Vader long enough to know that few escaped his wrath.
Ahsoka shrugged.
“I knew there was a storage bay beneath that room. I managed to cut through the floor and grab you. I was able to lose him there. You know he can’t move that quickly.”
Rex nodded slowly.
“Thank you.” He said.
She didn’t reply. For a moment Rex let the silence hold, but eventually he needed to know.
"Where are we going?" 
"From where?" Rex asked.
"Everything. The Empire, the Rebellion, all of it." Ahsoka said.
Rex sat up straighter. This- wasn't what he expected. He supposed it was foolish to think she would turn back into the idealistic young woman he had known. Too much had happened to them.
"Ahsoka, we don't have to run away." He said. "There's good we could do."
"No." Ahsoka said. "No, the Empire is searching for us. We would do more harm."
"You're all I have left." Ahsoka said. 
She turned to look at him. One of her eyes shone a soft blue at him. The other was still a sharp yellow.
Rex was suddenly glad they were not going to the Rebellion.
"Okay." Rex said. "Okay. We'll lay low."
For a while. He added in his head. They would have to do something about that eye. Rex wasn't very knowledgeable about the Force, but he knew Ahsoka's eyes had changed when she had.
But he was confident that he would be able to turn her to the Rebellion's cause.
She leaned forward to take his hand. She studied it for a moment, before pressing it to her lips. He shivered at the touch.
"I will protect you." She said against his skin. "I won't let them have you."
Rex cupped her cheek with his other hand. He swiped his thumb across the white markings of her cheek. He relished in having her back..
But the back of his mind shuddered at her words. Protect him from what? And at what cost?
Check it out and my ongoing Rexsoka fics on A03!
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countessofbiscuit · 4 years
*shakes my tin cup like a victorian street urchin* please ma’am spare some rexsoka porn for a poor lass down on her luck?
hope this fills your boots, anon <ladles out some sad smut> it’s all i’ve got ;__;
Some Diversion
(ao3 + art that inspired this by @redsong) (3k, Explicit) 
People were always more receptive when you told them you were honeymooners. Even in a motel that probably couldn’t pony up for a classified ad in the planet’s second-best travelzine.
“Oh!” chirped the concierge, a glum theelin, skin faded by spice. “Congratulations.”
It helped that she and Rex looked odd and threadbare themselves, having stuffed beskar in the backpack and left plates in the ship. Rex stepped an inch closer to put a hand around Ahsoka’s bare midriff, playing along. Her eyes welled up at the gesture. She smiled through it, selling the charade with a wave of her hand under the counter. The concierge became extremely obliging: happy to offer a quiet en-suite near the rear exit, uninterested in payment until checkout, and supremely sorry they didn’t keep bubblezap on the premises.
Ahsoka was just grateful the farce couldn’t follow them to their room.
It’d be a cruel facsimile of previous missions, and of dreams whispered in the dark, now that they could actually do it: get hitched and cut loose. But somehow, with that face and that other chip in his arm—the identifier, a detainable offense to remove even under the Republic—Rex was less free than he’d ever been. He’d jumped the fence. At least in the Grand Army he could leave the wire now and then.
No—Rex hadn’t jumped, Ahsoka reminded herself: she’d flung him over it. And she was finding her actions harder to justify, when he’d been nothing but a studied blank these past few days, clearly at pains to hide himself from her, Force or no Force. White noise had more personality.
She struggled anew when he tossed her poncho aside, leaving him in just his blacks, stamped with that bendu they couldn’t unpick or peel off. Sleek and broad-shouldered and solidly familiar in all his Rex-ness. It reduced her choice to something carnal, and her stomach roiled with shame. Ahsoka gripped the windowsill, unable to even face him in this small room made smaller by the hutt-sized bed.
“I’m taking a shower,” he declared behind her.
Ahsoka stood at the window and stared at their y-wing in the shiplot until her eyes crossed. In just her sparring bra and leggings, she probably looked like some sorry tailhead picked up the station who was already regretting her companion for the night.
Her regrets were abundant, certainly, but how could Rex be one?
The sonic hum ceased, eventually, followed by a rationed burst of water in the sink. Rex padded and rustled around the room. Ahsoka remained fixed to the window. She couldn’t bear to turn around and acknowledge the old sham that had never been so awkward. Faking wedded bliss was once a promise of things to come, not a reminder of everything that had gone wrong.
When Rex’s thighs pressed against hers from behind, Ahsoka nearly crashed into the ceiling.
“Soka,” he mumbled. He circled an arm around her waist, anchoring her, and thunked his forehead against her rear lek. The intimacy washed over Ahsoka like a warm bath. They hadn’t been this close since burying the last of the men they'd been able to reach; her head had bonked his as they arranged Fetch’s broken limbs, their tears that wouldn’t run dry mingling in dots on Fetch’s dusty armor.
“You don’t have to, Rex,” Ahsoka heaved, forcing the words out.
“Pretend—pretend like we used to.”
He went very still, catching his next breath before it swept down her skin. “I was never pretending. Were you?”
She swallowed. “No.”
“Good. Didn’t think so.” His voice was husky. His cock was impossible to ignore. Hard and free, lengthening between her thighs where she stood quivering. “And I’m not pretending now,” he said, jerking up to jerk the blind down.
Ahsoka jolted. Rex still wanted her. Even if just to scratch an itch. Even if just to spend one more night in the slipstream of normalcy, before it dissipated forever. The thought was heady, a faceful of exhaled spice. His nakedness against her skin smouldered. This was the first thing that felt real, that felt normal, in days.
She reached for Rex’s hand and slipped it into her bra. Her nipple tightened at the contact, sparking something in her belly. When he palmed her with interest, she tugged the zip down at the front, freeing her breasts, and Rex shucked her bra from her arms.
Ahsoka shoved his other hand down the front band of her leggings. “Touch me, Rex,” she croaked, arching into him.
He obliged. His fingers spread her fine folds, thin from neglect and starved of blood. Ahsoka opened her thighs further, allowing him the full use of his broad hands. His slow, two-fingered strokes against her besh pulled her pleasure down until it pooled like hot oil that threatened to leak. Her arms, propped atop the windowsill, felt spongy and not equal to his skill. These were the same deft fingers that could shoot straight two seconds post-op, when he was still half-under—fingers that could take life and make it worth living. Rex had mastered this terrain a long time ago. He’d know exactly what to do next: two knotted joints would slide into her—
Rex backed off, to her thin moan of protest. “These need a wash,” he said. He squatted and rolled her leggings down to her ankles.
Ahsoka huffed at his martial fastidiousness. “So do I.” She’d only seen wet wipes since a sink in Sundari. But she’d always been an impatient, hitched-skirt of a lover, either by nature or necessity. Hard to know, anymore.
Her right foot was barely free from the fabric when Rex thrust two fingers into her slit. Ahsoka wobbled and choked on a squeal. The first gasp of the little death that was building in her core.
“You’ll just make another mess.” Rex curled his fingers against her ring, making her vision tremble, loosening her body’s grip around his knuckles until it proved his point. Her slick leaked out, wetting her upper thighs. She flopped forward onto her elbows and let her head hang heavy, to watch his face and watch the blue bleed into paleness down his brown skin.
“What are you going to do with my mess?” she panted.
“What I always do.” He brushed the back of his hand up her thighs, catching some of the slick and bringing it to his mouth. “Clean it up.”
It was definitely meant in tired jest. A natural answer in the easy back-and-forth they fell into before a fuck. But it hit different, now—now that she was standing over leggings still stained with moondirt and blood not her own. Ahsoka slumped forward, away from his hand. Had Rex not been clone-quick and stood to catch her, she’d have fallen to her knees against the wall, faceplanting into the grotty wallpaper where she belonged.
“Hey, hey, hey … ” He may have been trying for comfort, but his voice struck flat, like a flint against her heart; Ahsoka’s face flushed hot with tears. “Don’t think about it, Soka. Fuck, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I shouldn't have—stop blaming yourself.”
They’d already had this conversation—a few times before they’d even dug the first grave. I’d have done the same, he kept saying. But that was an empty reply to a question Ahsoka hadn’t asked, assuming her hypothetical boots in the situation. What would he, Captain Rex, brother and commander to those men, have chosen, if she hadn’t selfishly chosen for him?
And he refused tell her. Because he had his own guilt to bear. Because there was no easy refrain for the truth that would alienate the one person he had left: After what you did, I would have chosen my brothers. I should have chosen Jesse. Even in madness. Even in death.
Ahsoka sobbed, held in Rex’s silent, naked embrace. She was a juggle of raw emotions—guilt, devotion, shame, desire—each clamoring for primacy; some needed to fall naturally, or she’d be crushed trying to hold them all.
Her Force-blessed privilege had told her, you can fix this. She’d been so very wrong, and she’d taken everything from Rex in her blind panic of an attempt. But she could still give him this, at least: her body and small comforts.
Ahsoka breathed deeply through her nose, making a show of regaining composure. Rex's hands gripped his elbows around her. She unfastened one to guide it down to her besh again. “Please keep going,” she said hoarsely, nuzzling her montral against his cheek in encouragement.
His fingers weren’t eager. “I don’t think this is a good idea.”
“We’ll sleep better,” she countered. They hadn’t slept at all since passing out in their respective seats at the edge of a waystation’s artificial atmosphere. Too many unknowns, too much distance to cover. Surely this would ease some of the anxious wakefulness parked behind her eyes. Ahsoka reached back and found his halfie. It answered to the heel of her hand. “And you started it.”
Rex groaned into her lek, gripping her crotch. “Cockheaded shiny mistake.”
“Finish the drill." She bucked into him. “Please just fuck me out of my head.”
With a pained sound, he began stroking the length of her crotch, like he wanted to tease her in half. Her slit burned for lack of him. With every pass of his fingers, her core clenched as if to suck them in. Ahsoka tugged harder on his cock.
Rex tried to spin her around, weary of this mutual reacharound, but Ahsoka squared herself firmly. “No—from behind.”
His brothers had always held flashes of Rex in the twitch of their smiles, in the warmth of their eyes and the quirk of their earnest brows. Now she was sure it would torment her in reverse. She couldn’t meet his face right now. They were all carved into the features of each other. But saying as much would magnify his survivor’s guilt, adding a mirror to his own, until Rex was trapped in his own reflection.
“If you’re sure,” said the man who knew all her preferences, and doubted the choice of this one.
Ahsoka had all the vanity of a secondhand binary droid. That Rex also knew. She couldn’t quibble convincingly about her red eyes or puffy face. “I’m sure. I want you like this,” Ahsoka repeated, plaintively, rising on her toes in invitation to present her ass. “The harder the better. Like that night in Iziz—on the balcony.”
Rex paused, quickly fetching the memory. “You were in heat, then.” Read: it was easier to thrust like an animal because your besh was too loopy to bite back. A jealous urge to drive everyone else from her head had probably helped, too. It was the first time he’d ever marked her.
“Yeah, and I still can’t think of Onderon without getting wet. So just … take me back there.”
“Alright,” he said. “Into the glass you go. Hold on.”
Ahsoka shuddered at the gruffness in his voice. But Rex proposed himself gently, holding his stout head to her folds. She eased back to push her slit around it and stuff it through her ring. She groaned heavily around the space his cock took up. Then Rex plunged in, giving her the rest, until Ahsoka felt gluttonously full.
He hissed. “Stars almighty. Fuck.” He held still for a beat, as if to recalibrate his sensor array in the vacuum of her body. “You’re tighter than baby’s first blacks.” Like he had any reason to act surprised. But it was calming, in a crude way. One charade supplanted another, like this. They weren’t newlyweds: he was just some washed-up veteran looking for a good time, and she was a local dropout, cashing in on mundane speciesism to cover the debt.
Ahsoka latched onto the conceit and relaxed into the lewd delight of his nakedness flush against her. Of him inside her. “My tail—” She tilted her head back, to offer Rex the forbidden thing his eyes had lingered on since she’d rocked up again, taller and longer and fuller in interesting places. “Take it, Rex. Pull it.”
He didn’t need telling twice. Rex swept his palm along the underside, stopping finally to grab the midsection, just above the flare of her fattier tail. Ahsoka trembled when he squeezed, her nerves clattering between alarm and arousal. A tog who submitted to tailgrips was considered as base as a twi who invited lekjobs. But she had nothing to be missish about anymore, and certainly not with him.
And to be in thrall to Rex, her captain, this best of soldiers, was still a fucking thrill.
The ache of Rex’s grip warred with the pleasure of his hood sliding inside her walls—back and forth, back and forth, until he reached her ring, gauging the give he had to work with.
Holding fast, hand on lek and hip, Rex plowed into her.
Ahsoka cried out, rebracing her arms against the sill to counter him. She slickened further to the sound of smacking skin. What ass she had rippled with every punch of his thighs, and she hoped he was eating up the view.
A purr curled under Ahsoka's breath, sharpening into a growl at the strange clench around her headtail. If her adrenal system got too offended by the intensity of their fuck, she’d be drooling venom into the carpet and would have to sleep on the floor, away from him, for fear of a feral dream. She’d been gagged in Iziz.
“Drop my tail, Rex,” Ahsoka panted. “But don’t fucking stop.”
He let go, but his pace ebbed. Never would take her every order. “You alright?” he asked.
“Yes, yes,” she growled. “Mouth was going cottony.” Ahsoka rocked into him, testing her grip against his shaft. The window of opportunity was narrowing. “Harder,” she urged.
Rex held her hips to better his leverage. He thrust, again and again. Ahsoka tightened around him, his movement tugging her tacky cunt and plucking at her bliss. He took her with him as often as not.
Dropping to her elbows, Ahsoka dunked her head again to get an eyeful of his effort. Rex’s legs were sturdy and strong, flecked with fair hairs, knees pistoning his handsome, muscled thighs. Where they met, his sack hung gravid; it was ready to fill her, slapping her wet folds as they careened together. Her lekku tossed wildly, tits jiggling in time. She’d have to wait for her next heat for a real socking, but this was all Ahsoka needed, now. A vestibular riot. A rave of simple physicality.
Rex made a sound like straining plasteel. “‘m close—so close.”
Everything—all the sucking and jerking and grunting—coalesced in a ferment of pleasure, contracting around knowledge that Rex was the cause of it. Her brave, bright knight, a golden heart and warm smile at the end of so many shit days.
“Fuck—gods beyond, I’m gonna—Soka, I’m—” he groaned and spasmed hard. One shuddering arm landed beside her face.
A heat flooded through Ahsoka. She had to tell him—she had to warn him over the roar of climax in her own head. “Hold on, Rex—oh! Rex—” Her orgasm punched down. She lurched under it and into the curl of Rex’s arm, her senses whiting out.
There was really little danger of flying off in telekinetic euphoria. She and the Force hadn’t communed beyond the basics in days—suited her just fine, there wasn’t much to hear now, and the void was worse than anything. And she was beyond exhausted.
She remained rooted to Rex, held underneath him, sagging soggily. More comfortable than she’d been in weeks. Rex could probably maintain the hold for the next few inescapable minutes. But it was awkward.
So he shimmied them backwards to the bed, where he sank onto the mattress, bringing Ahsoka down with him, hugging her to his bare chest. He couldn’t do otherwise. Her besh had him in a primal lock, eager to relieve a togrutan penis of its seed; it regarded the presence a much broader human appendage as an affront. Ahsoka relished the fullness, but she’d long since been made aware that this aftermath sucked major dick, and no, that wasn’t just a turn of phrase. Untold millennia of reproductive evolution simply refused to recognize Rex’s frequent caller card—or accept that it’d have better luck sucking glue through a curly straw than getting viable swimmers out of a clone.
So they sat, waiting it out. Rex knew the drill.
Once or twice, Ahsoka’s lungs ballooned to speak, but she didn’t have any idea what would come out. Her lek was tucked into his neck. His carotid pulse thumped into her tips, and his strong heart beat solidly against her back. We’re still alive, she might have marvelled, had she not paid for it so heavily: a destroyer of men, whose valiant hearts lay dead as moondust.
At last, Rex sighed broadly, clearing himself out to say something. It took some time before he did, Ahsoka dreading all the while that they’d fucked an inch forward, only to fall a klick back.
“I forgive you, you know,” he said, factually. Like a reporter beginning a transcript of bad news. “For trying to save me. For not letting me march away.” The words were like the stubble on his cheek. Raspy. A little harsh. Trying, in particular, cut her deeply—and not just as someone who still half-believed herself a Jedi. Rex deemed her actions a failure … or unfinished, at best.
But Ahsoka had heard the words correctly, and there was no lie in them. Rex went further. “I’ve got … there’s a lot of work to do.”
There was a chink in the blastdoors. Held open in the way he rephrased what was on his mind. Ahsoka felt a draft of hope. “I’m here to help, Captain,” she said, completing a circle of intimacy as she took his hand. “If you want me.”
Rex twisted to look at her. She let him find her eyes. “I do,” he said. He squeezed her fingers and closed a bleeding circuit of faith with a kiss.
84 notes · View notes
afigureofspeech · 8 years
I’ve got a bad feeling about this: a Star Wars fic rec post feat. Ahsoka Tano and Leia Organa
Guys. GUYS. I’m having so many Ahoska Tano feels right now YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW. So many feels that I am rewatching all my favorite bits from The Clone Wars series. So many feels that I have been reading and rereading fics over and over again. So many feels that I am coming back from the dead because I am compelled to make this rec post. So many feels that I changed my damn icon. So here it is.
Also I’ve got some Leia ones because I love Leia too and some misc. ones because they’re too good not to include. So it’s more of a “Here’s all my favorite Star Wars fanfics that happen to have a few key focus characters.” Also at some point during my aforementioned Ahsoka fanfic binge I started shipping Rex/Ahsoka by accident bUT IT IS NOT MY FAULT THE FICS ARE SO WELL WRITTEN OKAY.
In other news, I’m not in fandom so much any more, obv, so it’s not quite as thorough as my previous rec posts have been. Strictly fanfiction atm. Didn’t realize how many I’d collected until I made this list either lol. My other rec posts can be found here.
* = new →AHSOKA
Optimal Functioning AO3 | Tumblr Ahsoka is planning a major Rebel action, if only she can be sure Darth Vader won't interfere. Leia thinks she knows someone who can help. Fulcrum, meet Ekkreth. [Ahsoka & Anakin; AU; part 6 of the Double Agent Vader (AO3; Tag) series]
The Unstolen Child AO3 | Tumblr Every Force sensitive child must be registered with the Imperial Inquisition. When the time comes, they'll be collected for training. Ahsoka is determined to make sure that doesn't happen. And she has some unexpected help. [Ahsoka & Anakin; AU; part 15 of the Double Agent Vader (AO3; Tag) series]
Captain & Commander - AU Rexoka Stories FFN A collection of Vignettes that were spawned by, or didn't fit with, the original "TCW - Captain & Commander" thread. These are mostly Rex & Ahsoka being paired romantically - AUs of Vignettes that are written, or original versions of those already posted before that had to be tweaked to fit. [Ahsoka/Rex; AU]
The Clone Wars: Captain and Commander FFN A series of 'Episode Tags' from all of the various seasons featuring, primarily, Ahsoka and Rex. Written as they struck me; 'missing moments' and things I felt should have been seen 'on camera' as it were. Supposed to fit into canon universe. [Ahsoka/Rex]
Coming Home FFN Post Season 5, episode 100 AU. Clone Commando Captain Gregor hadn't expect to wake from the explosion that decimated the space port as the droids and Colonel Gascon escaped. Waking, however, is the least of his surprises… [Ahsoka/Gregor, Ahsoka/Rex; AUish]
Where It Is FFN Sequel to the Short Story "Gone Without Goodbye" of my "Captain & Commander: Rexsoka AU" stories. After Rex is sent after Ahsoka by Anakin, they leave Coruscant together and head to Saleucami to give Ahsoka the space she needs to heal, recover and decide what to do with the rest of her life. [Ahsoka/Rex; AU; WIP]
Battle-Tested AO3 Friendships are forged in the fires of war, but nurtured in moments of peace. Neither Captain nor Commander have ever encountered missions quite like these before. But Ahsoka supposes that's what Rex means, when he talks about "experience." [Ahsoka & Rex, Ahsoka & clones; warning: references of threats of sexual assault; part 1 of the Fire-Forged series]
Cuts Both Ways AO3 Ahsoka hasn't returned from Carlac yet, and Anakin's insecurities are beginning to get the better of him. ...Ahsoka is not in the mood to deal with insecure men at the moment. [Ahsoka & Anakin, Ahsoka & Rex]
Lex Talionis AO3 noun 1. the principle or law of retaliation that a punishment inflicted should correspond in degree and kind to the offense of the wrongdoer, as an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth; retributive justice. OR Rex learns from his past experience. [Ahsoka & Rex; part 2 of the Fire-Forged series]
Trusting Hearts AO3 Sneaking along the mission to the Citadel helps Ahsoka earn the greater trust of her Masters. But it also garners her some unwanted attention from some in the Republic and the Separatists alike. Luckily, she has Rex to watch her back. [Ahsoka & Rex; part 3 of the Fire-Forged series; WIP]
The Apprentice AO3 The doors only open when a Master opens them for their Padawan, a subtle reminder to them that a student needs a teacher's guidance and that teachers must let them go. The force thinks it's rather funny when it alters history by forcing Master Yoda to take on a very young Ahsoka Tano as his Padawan. Follows Ahsoka Tano from when she is found by the Jedi to when she leaves. [Ahsoka & Yoda, Ahsoka & Anakin, Ahsoka & everyone basically; heavily AU; WIP; part 1 of the Close But No Cigar series]
Interuptions AO3 [Ahsoka & everyone; heavily AU; WIP; part 2 of the Close But No Cigar series]
As Long As There Are Dreamers There Will Always Be Sailors AO3 Kal Skirata doesn't know why he's surprised when Ordo comms him to say that the entire 501st has up and disappeared from the barracks with no warning and no orders. If the Jedi worry that the Nulls and Omega are Kal’s private army, then the 501st is certainly Skywalker’s. Short fix-it for the end of the Wrong Jedi, wherein Anakin leaves the Order to follow Ahsoka rather than watching her walk off alone. [Ahsoka & Anakin, Ahsoka & clones; AU; part 1 of the Dreamers & Sailors series]
Die With You AO3 | Tumblr Trapped behind enemy lines and gravely wounded, Ahsoka Tano and Captain Rex have little hope of surviving and making it back to their base. Rex is ready to die for his Jedi, but she refuses to go on without him. [Ahoska & Rex; warning: attempted suicide]
Welcome to the New Age AO3 When Anakin and Ahsoka left the Jedi Order and the Grand Army of the Republic after the events of The Wrong Jedi, they didn't expect the 501st to follow on their heels - even though they should have. Drifting through the Outer Rim without a mission, a plan, or a clue, they have to find their own purpose and begin to construct new lives together, with the wrath of the Republic at their backs and an uncertain future ahead. [Ahsoka & Anakin, Ahsoka & clones; AU; WIP; part 2 of the Dreamers & Sailors series]
victoria_p (musesfool)
And All Along You Knew My Story AO3 | Tumblr | DW In which Ahsoka meets the pilot who destroyed the Death Star. [Ahsoka & Leia, Ahsoka & Luke]
Hide Yourself for Me AO3 | Tumblr | DW Ahsoka won't teach Leia to use the Force, but she can teach her to hide herself within it. [Ahsoka & Leia]
Stuck in the Middle with You AO3 | Tumblr | DW * "These are the flattest, saddest pillows I've ever seen." "They are sufficient," Obi-Wan says. "You must have very particular pillow needs." [Ahsoka & Anakin & Obi-Wan]
trade your heroes for ghosts AO3 | Tumblr | DW Vader presents Ahsoka with an ultimatum. [Ahoska & Vader; AU]
The Wild Chance of Living AO3 | DW "Not like you to use a honey trap, though." "That was not my intention." [Ahsoka/Aphra, Ahsoka & Vader; AU; warning: explicit sexual content]
The Belonging You Seek AO3 A chance discovery gives Luke and Leia a glimpse into who Anakin was, and leads them to more than they ever expected. More questions, more answers... and more family. [Ahsoka & the twins, Ahsoka & Anakin; post-Rebels, Ahsoka lives; WIP]
Fractured AO3 The name burns in his mouth, as anything Skywalker loved burns. Kenobi is a white-hot lance each time he speaks it, Padmé an inferno he cannot even approach. "Ahsoka." [Ahsoka & Vader; Rebels-era, Ahsoka lives] 
All's Fair in Cake and War AO3 When Rex said he'd pay good money to see Ahsoka mess with Fives, he didn't think she'd take it seriously. Because the universe needs more clone trooper and commanding Jedi slice of life. Fluffy, silly thing, goes off a scene from Chapter 3 of "Enough for Us," also by me. [Ahsoka & Rex; canon compliant-ish; part 2 of the Between Eternity and Time series]
All too Fleeting AO3 After being raised up to Knight-Errant, Ahsoka has a day to soak up all the good feelings from her friends, reconnecting with her fellow Padawans, attending a Padme-hosted celebration, and, of course, partying with her troopers. Oh, and Fives drunk dials Rex. Just some cuteness before the pace picks up again. [Ahsoka & Anakin, Ahsoka & Padme, Ahsoka & clones, Ahsoka & Rex, hints of Ahsoka/Rex; AU; part 2 of the Knight-Errant series]
Enough of Us AO3 A series following the developing friendship between Ahsoka and Rex, which fills in the gaps between episodes where there was downtime, chock full of camaraderie, some burgeoning feelings, and how two people find happiness in the small moments.  Well, until they have to say good-bye. Goes up through the end of Season 5. [Ahsoka & Rex; canon compliant-ish; part 1 of the Between Eternity and Time series]
Howling in the Gale AO3 Ahsoka, on her way to rendezvous with Anakin and continue the fight for the Republic, has a vision. Meanwhile, on Coruscant, Barriss Offee struggles to make the other Jedi listen as she holds to her convictions about the darkness in the war. Working at opposite ends, these two (former?) friends find they might have to meet in the middle to save what is worth saving. However, Ahsoka, Anakin and their men need to take the Ringo Vinda station first. That is, if they can. [Ahsoka & Anakin, Ahsoka & Rex, Ahsoka & clones, Ahsoka & Bariss; AU; part 5 of the Knight-Errant series]
I Shall Not Live in Vain AO3 AU after Season 5. Ahsoka Tano left, but where did she go? What did she do, and what did she learn? And what if after Order 66, Rex found her.  This follows Ahsoka and Rex (and their cobbled together family) as they live through the last of the Clone War, Order 66, and the Empire era. They make a life for themselves, but as the Force calls Ahsoka back to help the people of the galaxy, she comes to accept that she never really could run from a fight worth fighting. [Ahsoka/Rex, Ahsoka & clones, Ahsoka & padawans, minor Ahsoka/Bariss; AU; warning: some explicit sexual content and also this will make you cry; part 3 of the Between Eternity and Time series]
In Pursuit AO3 AU - The Jedi Who Knew Too Much. Rex decides to stay "in pursuit" of his Commander; he jumps.  Now, with backup, Ahsoka navigates the lower levels and deals with Ventress.  Meanwhile, Anakin takes the Order to task, finds a little more support, and things turn out a little differently for everyone. And this is just the beginning. [Ahsoka & Anakin, Ahsoka & Rex; AU; part 1 of the Knight-Errant series]
Lethe AO3 Alone, without memory, a woman walks on, and in so doing rediscovers herself. Inspired by Filoni's Digital Cards at Topps. Deals with themes of selfhood, memory, time, and being. [Post-Twilight of the Apprentice]
Lethe Coda: Faith be for aye AO3 Takes place after "Lethe." After the events of Return of the Jedi, Rex is told that Ahsoka's alive. He has to go see for himself.Reunion fic, but you don't necessarily need to read "Lethe" first. [Ahsoka & Rex]
Life, and Other Details AO3 Life in the rest of the Galaxy moves on. Ahsoka spends time with our favorite troopers, Anakin learns to adjust to life without Ahsoka always around, Kit Fisto teaches important lessons, Aayla Secura and Quinlan Vos have a chat that goes sideways, Wolffe and Tai (Plo Koon's padawan) continue to annoy the hell out of each other, Padme Does Politics, and more! Snapshots, adventures and moments of life all while there's still a ticking time bomb at the heart of the Republic. [Ahsoka & Rex, Ahsoka & Anakin, etc.; AU; part 4 of the Knight-Errant series]
On the Altar AO3 After the events surrounding Tup's death and Fives' faked death, those who know about the chips are trying to quietly deal with them and figure out a way to deal with the Sith that has been pulling their strings. However, Sidious has already set his newest attack dog on the young woman who seems to be near the center of events.  The young woman who is far too close to his desired apprentice. The young woman who might just tip the balance against him.It is time for Ahsoka Tano to die.... Meanwhile, Anakin, Obi-Wan and Ventress (of all people) investigate a source of darkness on Coruscant and find more than they bargain for. [Ahsoka/Rex, Ahsoka & Anakin; AU; warning: explicit psychological/physical torture with threats of sexual assault, plus all the PTSD that goes with that; part 6 of the Knight-Errant series]
Shakedown Run AO3 After being raised to Knight-Errant, and getting some time to celebrate, Ahsoka gets her first mission as a Knight-Errant.  But the plan goes pear shaped (of course), things blow up, people get shot at, and Ahsoka has to make some hard choices. [Ahsoka & Rex, Ahsoka & clones, Ahsoka & padawans; AU; part 3 of the Knight-Errant series]
Sing, and Know that I’m with You AO3 Because sometimes, the only way to say something, is to sing it. Various moments throughout Star Wars when people needed to sing, written as I think of them. Tags added as I go. Not a "musical", but rather an exploration of the importance of singing in life and how we live together as people. [Link goes to second chapter which features Ahsoka & the clones but it’s all really good]
Slaves of the Republic AO3 AU of S04E12: Slaves of the Republic. Taking on the trope of "what if Rex was the slave and Ahsoka was the seller?"  How would our heroes really feel at dealing with the wrongness that is Zygerria, the sleemo that is the queen, and the pressure to complete the mission at the expense of their own integrity? By doing the job, of course, no matter how horrible and weird it gets. [Ahsoka & Rex, hints of Ahsoka/Rex, Ahsoka & Anakin; AU; warning: mature content]
Sleeping Patterns AO3 Anakin tries to get Ahsoka to stop falling asleep on the troopers after battles. It goes about as well as you would expect. [Ahsoka & clones, Ahsoka & Anakin]
all the tender strength in your body. AO3 by vasnormandy seven times in the arms of the man who was almost your father; seven times with your arms around the daughter you almost got to keep. || snapshots of anakin and ahsoka's relationship over time, told through embraces. [Ahsoka & Anakin; warning: you will cry]
The Rogue Dreams of Stars AO3 by starbirdrampant (ineasako22) * With the DEATH STAR destroyed and Imperial forces focused on the task of eliminating the Rebellion, Rebel agents LUKE SKYWALKER and LEIA ORGANA have been sent to an unnamed planet on the Outer Rim in search of a weapon that will aid them in their fight against the Empire. Unbeknownst to them, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, missing since the Clone Wars, is trapped in a stasis pod on the planet’s surface, waiting to be awoken by either the Rebellion… or the Empire. Should they find their wayward father, the twins may set in motion a chain of events that could possibly bring the Sith Lord, DARTH SIDIOUS, to his knees... MEANWHILE, in the Clone Wars, Padawan AHSOKA TANO is left without a master in the throes of an increasingly deadly war. Without Anakin, she must become a Jedi Knight and learn to command the 501st Legion in order to find her way in a Republic that is soon to tear itself apart... [Ahsoka & Anakin, Ahsoka & Rex, Ahsoka & clones, Anakin/Padme, Anakin & the twins; part 1 of The Rogue Dreams of Stars series; AU (another one of those General Ahsoka AUs that I am all about); WIP]
Tano and Kenobi AO3 | Tumblr (Chapter 1; Tag) by FireflyFish Master Skywalker always said “The Force works in mysterious ways” and Ahsoka Tano has to admit, getting thrown backwards in time by about forty years was very mysterious. Now she just needs to figure how to get back home and how to get Master Qui-Gon Jinn to take Senior Initiate Obi-Wan Kenobi as a Padawan before the young boy is shipped off to Bandomeer to take up the quiet life of a farmer. Of course, that’s assuming she doesn’t take him as her Padawan first... [Ahsoka & Obi-Wan; time-travel fix-it; WIP; READ IT IT’S SO GOOD]
Time to Go AO3 | FFN * A version of the “Anakin doesn’t find Ventress at the end of season 5, with the result that Ahsoka gets Dramatically Sentenced To Death” plotline. Obi-Wan makes choices, Anakin freaks out, the Jedi Council behaves somewhat questionably, Darth Sidious behaves completely reprehensibly, and Ahsoka is generally her bad-ass self. [Ahsoka & Anakin & Obi-Wan; AU; WIP]
Elizabeth (anghraine)
Daughter of Time AO3 Leia Organa, fifty times. [Part 2 of The Quality of Mercy series]
Son of Necessity AO3 Luke Skywalker, fifty times. [Asexual!Luke; part 3 of The Quality of Mercy series]
The Ascension of the Queen TFN with ami-padme In the sequel to "By the Grace of Lady Vader," the Skywalker family battles the galaxy and one another for ultimate control. [Padme lives/dark!Padme AU; warnings for even more dark themes.]
By the Grace of Lady Vader FFN | TFN with Aeryn & ami-padme When Amidala of Naboo rejoins her husband in Imperial high command after the battle of Yavin, they will stop at nothing to reclaim their family and avenge themselves upon those who tore it apart. [Padme lives/dark!Padme AU; really long and really good; warnings for dark themes.]
Father’s Heart TFN During Princess Leia's teenage years, she discovers a friend in an unlikely -- and disturbing -- person: Lord Vader. [Leia & Vader; canon-compliant iirc]
The Only Question FFN | TFN When Vader captures Leia on Bespin, he asks her only one question... the one she knows she can never answer. [Sequel of sorts to Father’s Heart; Leia & Vader]
Aftermath AO3 | Tumblr “I don’t blame you,” she said fiercely. “For Alderaan. I want you to know that.” (Leia meets with Vader in the aftermath of the destruction of Alderaan and the Death Star.) [Leia & Anakin; AU; part 11 of the Double Agent Vader (AO3; Tag) series]
Bedrock AO3 | Tumblr “And now, Your Highness, we will discuss the location of your hidden Rebel base.” (Leia's Death Star interrogation in the double agent 'verse.) [Leia & Anakin; AU; part 9 of the Double Agent Vader (AO3; Tag) series]
Children of the Force AO3 | Tumblr In which Leia begins training in the Force with Luke in secret, continues to mourn Alderaan, and says goodbye to Ekkreth. Now featuring a bonus cameo by Han Solo, dweeby schoolboy with a crush. [Leia & Luke, Leia & Anakin; AU; part 13 of the Double Agent Vader (AO3; Tag) series]
Decryption Codes AO3 | Tumblr Newly appointed Senator Leia Organa meets Darth Vader for the first time. And then she meets Ekkreth. [Leia & Anakin; AU; part 3 of the Double Agent Vader (AO3; Tag) series]
The Emperor’s Speech AO3 | Tumblr Leia hates the Emperor's interminable speeches. But they're slightly more tolerable when she has someone to mock them with. [Leia & Anakin; AU; part 5 of the Double Agent Vader (AO3; Tag) series]
Empire Day AO3 | Tumblr Three birthdays with Leia Organa. [Leia & the Organas; Leia & Anakin, Leia & Luke; AU; part 14 of the Double Agent Vader (AO3; Tag) series]
A Larger World AO3 | Tumblr In which Leia discovers she is Force sensitive, finds herself a teacher, talks politics with Darth Vader, and reaches all the right conclusions…about the wrong parent. [Leia & Anakin; AU; part 4 of the Double Agent Vader (AO3; Tag) series]
The Only Verdict AO3 | Tumblr In which Darth Vader prevents Leia from Force choking someone (yes, really), Leia swears revenge, an escape plan is hatched, and Luke Skywalker finally makes an appearance. Or, the destruction of Alderaan in the double agent ‘verse. Because this is Star Wars, and everything is pain. [Leia & Anakin; AU; part 10 of the Double Agent Vader (AO3; Tag) series]
Optimal Functioning AO3 | Tumblr Ahsoka is planning a major Rebel action, if only she can be sure Darth Vader won't interfere. Leia thinks she knows someone who can help. Fulcrum, meet Ekkreth. [Leia & Anakin, Ahsoka & Anakin; AU; part 6 of the Double Agent Vader (AO3; Tag) series]
Rocks and Water AO3 | Tumblr part 1 part 2 Anakin builds a lightsaber, and Leia gets a delivery...and some surprising revelations with it. [Leia & Anakin, Leia & Luke; AU; part 16 of the Double Agent Vader (AO3; Tag) series]
Sometimes as Many as Seven AO3 | Tumblr Leia and Han talk about the Force, philosophy, and that bounty hunter they ran into on Ord Mantell. A short coda to Rocks and Water, written as a tribute to Carrie Fisher. [Leia & Han, Leia & Anakin; AU; part 17 of the Double Agent Vader (AO3; Tag) series]
by a burning book FFN Leia Organa was once something like an ally; now, she would seem to be a problem. Lord Vader's problems do not often last long. [Leia & Vader]
just try not to worry FFN This is the last day of Leia Organa's life. From a certain point of view.
think our paths are straight FFN "You're far too trusting," Tarkin said, and that was a lie. She gambled for her very planet on that bridge, and she lost; but Leia Organa was never trusting. [Companion to just try not to worry]
Aggressive Negotiations FFN Five times Prince Luke Organa's diplomatic powers failed him. AU, obviously. [Companion to Inversion]
Inversion FFN AU crackfic. "I'm Leia Skywalker. I'm here to rescue you." [Companion to Aggressive Negotiations]
Inheritance FFN Leia is nothing like her mother, no one at all whispers.
Scream AO3 In Cloud City, Vader personally forces Leia to watch Han's torture. Heavily references my other piece concerning Vader's suspicions about Leia, Siren Song. [Leia & Vader; warning: references to sexual assault, psychological torture]
Siren Song AO3 Lord Vader has a crippling headache, and the source of it fascinates him. [Leia & Vader]
victoria_p (musesfool)
And All Along You Knew My Story AO3 | Tumblr | DW In which Ahsoka meets the pilot who destroyed the Death Star. [Leia & Ahsoka, Luke & Ahsoka]
Hide Yourself for Me AO3 | Tumblr | DW Ahsoka won't teach Leia to use the Force, but she can teach her to hide herself within it. [Leia & Ahsoka]
Just a Little Bit of History Repeating AO3 | Tumblr | DW "I'm in charge of security, Your Highness," Vader said, haughty and automatic, and had to shove away a sudden onslaught of memories. It was this building, he thought, and the presence of a small brunette senator with a smart mouth. That was all. [Leia & Vader; AU]
Mother Is the Name for God AO3 | Tumblr | DW * Leia dreams of a beautiful woman with long curly hair. Sometimes, she's smiling brightly, and sometimes, she's sad, but Leia knows, deep in her heart, that this is her birth mother, and that she loves Leia very much. [Leia & Padme, Leia & Bail & Breha]
The Belonging You Seek AO3 by WiliQueen A chance discovery gives Luke and Leia a glimpse into who Anakin was, and leads them to more than they ever expected. More questions, more answers... and more family. [Leia & Ahsoka, Luke & Ahsoka, the twins & Anakin, Ahsoka & Anakin; post-Rebels, Ahsoka lives; WIP]
Of Queens, Knights, and Pawns AO3 by chancecraz I went to sleep on the worst day of my life and woke to find myself in the past on the second worst day of my life.  As experiences go, I don’t recommend it. [Leia time-travel fix-it; Leia & Luke, Leia & Vader, Leia/Han; WIP]
perfect & boundless attachement AO3 by leli1013 “My father fought alongside Jedi in the Clone Wars. He said they held a vow of celibacy. Will you do the same?” His quiet laughter and the tenderness in his eyes when he answers “No” sends a shot of some painful, nameless emotion through her heart. A distant part of herself wants to call it dread. [Leia & Luke, unrequited Luke/Leia; warning: accidental incest]
A Thousand Pieces FFN by motchi There was a puzzle there, you just didn't see it. Han/Leia oneshot, follows original trilogy.
Apology Accepted AO3 | Tumblr What really happened to Captain Needa. [Lorth Needa; AU; part 18 of the Double Agent Vader (AO3; Tag) series]
Flowers for the Emperor AO3 | Tumblr * Someone is sending the Emperor seditious flowers. Senator Pooja Naberrie is delighted. (Or, I finally write the Bouquet of Disdain as an actual fic.) [Pooja Naberrie; AU; part 8 of the Double Agent Vader (AO3; Tag) series]
Shape-Changer AO3 | Tumblr His Master liked to say that Vader was born in fire on Mustafar. But Ekkreth was born in the desert. [Anakin; AU; part 1 of the Double Agent Vader (AO3; Tag) series]
Trickster Steals the Moon AO3 | Tumblr This is the story of how Depur stole the moon from the sky, and how Ekkreth the Trickster stole it back thrice over. (But that's no moon...) [Anakin; AU; part 7 of the Double Agent Vader (AO3; Tag) series]
Trophies AO3 | Tumblr In which the Emperor is far from pleased with the destruction of the Death Star, Darth Vader remains a bit of a disappointment, and Obi-Wan Kenobi’s death serves more purpose than he ever could have imagined. Or, Palpatine’s point of view following the events of ANH. [Palpatine; AU; part 12 of the Double Agent Vader (AO3; Tag) series]
Words in the Heart AO3 | Tumblr “XF-53,” he said, “will your programming permit me to tell you a story?” “There is no prohibition against that. A story cannot do damage.” “Is that what he thinks? Good.” (Or, what Anakin was up to during those four hours between meeting the Grandmother and finally contacting Palpatine in Shape-Changer.) [Anakin; AU; part 2 of the Double Agent Vader (AO3; Tag) series]
The Beginning After the End AO3 | Tumblr by notbecauseofvictories * Padmé wakes to the back of Obi-Wan’s head, his hair mussed and his arms spread, outstretched over her knees as though to shield her from all that would come. (Too late, Padmé thinks, feeling the dull ache around her throat, where phantom hands tightened. Much too late for that now.) [Padme lives AU; Padme/Anakin, Padme & Obi-Wan, Padme & Obi-Wan & the twins]
Circle into Motion AO3 | Tumblr | DW by victoria_p (musesfool) "A Jedi doesn't dwell on the past or fret about the future. A Jedi is present in the moment, in each moment, as it happens. But there's nothing wrong with occasionally reminding ourselves where we come from, and keeping our eyes open to where we're going." [Rey; Rey & Luke, Rey & Ahsoka, Rey & Leia]
i remember summer, dimly AO3 by stitchingatthecircuitboard In a secret compartment at the side of her bed — the bed they shared — there is a dagger. Long as her forearm, slim, elegant, deadly, it slides neatly from its hiding to sit against her skin, under her sleeve. She opens and closes her hand, remembering Sabé’s training, until the dagger leaps into her palm at the speed of thought. [Padme lives AU; Padme/Anakin, Padme/Sabé, Padme & Obi-Wan, Ahsoka/Bariss; WIP]
Last Serving Daughter AO3 by starbirdrampant (ineasako22) * Fifteen years after the fall of the Republic, Queen Sosha Soruna – the latest of Emperor Palpatine's puppet rulers of Naboo – decides that she's had enough. [Sosha Soruna; AU; part 2 of The Rogue Dreams of Stars series, part 1 of the Rebel Queens of Naboo series]
No New Thing FFN by Lisse Rey dreams of a dead man. No, not that one. [Rey; Rey & Anakin]
An Old Song, Re-Sung AO3 by Mira-Jade * Even as Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker dreams. [Anakin/Padme, Anakin & Obi-Wan, Anakin & Padme & the twins; AU; WIP]
A River Flowing AO3 by Barkour A shadow has left the force, but other threats remain as Padmé and Anakin prepare for the birth of their child. [Padme; Padme/Anakin, Padme & Ahsoka, Ahsoka & Anakin, Anakin & Obi-Wan; AU; WIP]
road trip playlist AO3 by magneticwave Rey is XO of a piece of junk, her captain is a foul-mouthed Wookiee who doesn’t respect people who respect authority, and there are pictures of naked people glued to the ceiling of the Falcon. She honestly couldn't be more thrilled. [Rey; Rey & Chewbacca]
Your Contribution To The War Effort (A Mercenary’s Guide) LJ by threeguesses [“Don’t pick a side. If you do, don’t broadcast it (this makes it easier to switch when the time comes). Do not, ever, under any circumstances, get involved in the fighting. (Exception: unless someone pays you obscene amounts of money to do so. Obscene.”] [Han; Han/Leia]
Updated as of 6/6/2017
8 notes · View notes
ahsokathegray · 1 year
I Bleed the Same || Thirty-Two
Pairing: Rexsoka
Summary: Ahsoka and Rex try and make sense of who and what they are after Order 66 occurs. Figuring out what to do with themselves, they remain together for a period of time before parting in their own directions.
Warnings: slow burn, mentions of Order 66, ptsd, injury, death, and future nsfw situations
Word Count: 5,214
A/N: thank you all for waiting an extra day! no warning for this chapter except for that the next update will be on 6/20! I'm having a bit of writer's block with this fic and want to make sure I'm putting forth the best chapters possible for you guys ❤️
read on ao3! / series masterlist
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The sun rose and fell twice outside of the viewport before Saw made his final decision. Whether or not it really took him that long to weigh the situation, or if he was just being cruel, remained to be seen. 
Someone had come to provide them both with rations and a cot as time strung out; the kindness coming as a surprise to Ahsoka. She was fearful that Rex hadn’t received the same treatment, but the vibrations emitting from his Force signature told her that he was being taken care of just as well as she was. 
Coming to find Saw was feeling more and more like the wrong decision. He was a trusted ally of the Republic after the success on Onderon, but the end of the war had changed everyone. Even if that had just been but a short time ago, Anakin’s trust in the man they once knew was no longer something she could use as a basis. 
The way he treated Rex… who was so adamant and optimistic about finding him… hurt her heart more than she was capable of describing. His pain was her pain, and she was helpless but to feel every ounce of it. 
Their days locked away had been excruciating. Both of their throats had been screamed raw. What little sleep Rex was getting was evident, as the screams from his nightmares traveled through the thin walls that separated them. Ahsoka didn’t sleep a wink, not because he was waking her up, but because she refused to close her eyes in case he needed her. 
The first time the nightmares came, she’d panicked and called for help, yelling over and over again at the top of her lungs for someone to wake him up. All it took was one angry fighter, shouting at Rex to stay quiet, for Ahsoka to decide she couldn’t rely on any of them for the proper help. Afraid that he’d receive physical punishment if he startled everyone awake, Ahsoka refrained from sleep to access their connection and offer him some semblance of comfort. It worked well enough, but not nearly as well as it did when they were side by side. 
The guilt building inside of her had only increased, stacking on top of that which was already there. Since removing his chip, Ahsoka realized that she’s done nothing but continue to put his life in danger. She felt responsible for his suffering — for killing his brothers, for getting tangled up in this mess with Saw and Lux. Coming to him was the wrong idea. It had been the easiest and clearest route, and therefore the one she jumped at. Hope was in short supply and any glimmer of it could be a mirage. Even after what Lux had done to her… she’d looked past it in order to bring Rex his brothers. How could she think for a second that Lux and his like-minded fighters wouldn’t do similar to Rex?
Try as she might, she couldn’t shake the image of him with a knife at his throat and three of Saw’s biggest men keeping him at bay. Her entire body had gone up in flames, her focus difficult to keep away from him. Facing Saw, speaking with him, was only possible because it meant Rex’s survival. It had hit differently this time. Seeing him in life-threatening situations wasn’t uncommon, but this time it had been because of her… It wouldn’t have been merciful or honorable in any way if they’d gone through with it. He was defenseless and innocent at the hands of mindless lackeys. 
Ahsoka bit her lip and rested her forehead upon her drawn up knees, hugging her legs and awaiting his screams again. She longed for the four walls that had been theirs in the Martez apartment and for the hours that had belonged to them before coming here. There were many things she’d give if it meant having those moments back. 
As the room finally darkened with the end of the second day, her door opened once more and, this time, stayed open. A slender shadow extended into the room and didn’t move. It was Lux who stood in the threshold when she looked up, his arms crossed and face sunken in. It seemed as if she and Rex weren’t the only ones who had been losing sleep. Though, she couldn’t help but decide that Lux deserved it. 
She stood immediately and he glanced at her before looking quickly back down at his boots. “He won’t stop asking for you,” Lux said quietly, “You’re being closely monitored. It may help your case if Saw sees how you interact when you think yourselves to be alone.”
“Let me see him,” she demanded, only really registering his first few words, balling her fists and making for the door. What Saw thought of them was far from mind, the need to see Rex taking precedence over any other matter. All she knew was that the door was open and she wasn’t going to be kept from Rex any longer.
Lux backed out of her way and took the few steps to where Rex’s room sat next to hers. Once they were in the hallway, she gave him a more scrupulous look. “Why are you helping me?”
“I wanted to make amends for the way I treated you when you arrived at our other location. I made a mistake in bringing you here so quickly. Saw may not have seen enough, but I have.”
She took in his appearance and scoffed, amazed at her younger self for ever finding interest in what little he has to offer. Rex had been right, of course. He was always right. Experience outranks everything. And she’d had enough of it by now to see past Lux’s flimsy charms and shifty character. His loyalties were never truly to himself, but to whoever he could use to get there. What part Saw played in that, she still needed to figure out. But Lux was never without an underlying plan. 
Ahsoka stepped closer to the panel, but Lux spoke again before her finger pushed the button, unsettled with her lack of response. “I’m sorry, Ahsoka, for how they’re handling this,” he rushed. 
“Then do something about it,” she snapped and pushed the button. The door slid aside and the dark room was revealed to her. It was just as unimpressive as hers was, but she was relieved to at least see a cot in the corner nearest to her. A few more steps into the room were required before she could make out his form. Rex was seated against the wall — nearly in the exact spot she’d been in since they were locked away. 
They’d been back to back this entire time. 
“Rex…” her feet carried her to him in a clumsy run. He caught sight of her and immediately picked his head up, eyes twinkling with the light pouring in. Ahsoka collapsed beside him when she reached his spot on the floor and they united in a tangle of arms. Rex wasn’t even able to fully get up before Ahsoka was on him. Somehow, he’d managed to lift himself to one knee before she’d joined him, wrapping his arms tightly around her and holding her close as if his life depended on it. One hand slipped to her back and under her rear lek, while the other ran the length of her face. Both of Ahsoka’s hands were on him — everywhere all at once. She inspected his head and face, seeing by his darkened eye bags, confirming just how little sleep she knew him to be getting. His armor made it difficult to check the rest of him for injury, but he seemed fine.
“You’re alright?” she asked breathlessly, searching his deep brown eyes.
“Yeah. Yeah, only if you are,” he said, his voice raw. 
She nodded furiously and could see his visible relief when he knew that she was unharmed. Tears pricked in his eyes, not leaving hers for a moment. Only then could she register the feel of him. His gloves sat beside him along with his hand gauntlets. She could feel the roughness of his knuckles under her lek, his skin against hers. Rex’s other hand caressed her face, the pads of his fingers resting over her headband. 
It wasn’t a sensation she’d prepared herself for, but one that felt like it had always belonged. She suddenly became hyper aware of their current position. His hands were comfortably on her, neither one of them a trembling mess now that they were reunited. She was straddled across the one knee of his that was still on the ground, but made not move to back away. Rex swallowed thickly and opened his mouth to say something, but Lux cleared his throat. 
They both snapped their heads to face him, forgetting that he was even present at all. He moved out of the way of the door and Saw himself came into view, his shadow casting into the room and covering their faces. Ahsoka remained still, using her position slightly above Rex to guard him from both of the men that stared down at them. 
Both sets of eyes seemed to be both shocked and confused. No one knew how to address the situation. 
“Get up and come with me,” Saw said finally, returning to the corridor and clasping his hands behind his back. 
Ahsoka helped Rex to stand and together they joined the two in the hallway. Lux gave her a remorseful look before falling in line behind Saw. It was then that she saw right through him. The tough act he had been putting on was nothing but a facade. Who she and Rex had faced when they’d first arrived on-planet was not who he was at all — it was his attempt at convincing himself he was anything more than a tool in someone else’s belt. Lux was always serving someone. The fact that it continued to be Saw didn’t surprise her in the least. In fact, she should’ve guessed as such from the beginning. 
Together, the four of them entered a small lift. It was less rickety than the last one they’d used and opened directly into a room that was presumably Saw’s office. Lux took a seat near the large desk while Ahsoka and Rex continued onward behind Gerrera, stopping to stand in front of a large floor-to-ceiling viewport. 
Saw looked out at the city. Ahsoka followed his line of sight to what was presumably the federal district. Her entire life she’d seen Coruscant for what it was at the surface, not thinking for a moment that the same corruption that existed below also dwelled topside. She supposed the way Nar Shaddaa looked was a more accurate visual as to the current state of their former home. Picturing it any other way would prove to be difficult after seeing such a similar planet. Rex stood tall beside her and she could only guess that he was thinking the same. She didn’t want to imagine what GAR headquarters looked like these days. 
“Bonteri speaks highly of you, Jedi,” Saw began, still looking out over the city rather than at them. “He got to know you better than I did, evidently. You’ll forgive my hesitance in trusting your word. His, I have more faith in.”
“And was two days really necessary to—”
Saw cut off Ahsoka’s question, “It was. I had more to weigh than I anticipated. We’ve all worked together previously, but I’ve had to up my security since leaving Onderon. Friends and allies aren’t who they once were. The sides of war change, the people change. Innocent civilians and a handful of my fighters, killed in cold blood on their own world. And what do I find at the scene? A clone trooper and the footprints of the rest of his squad. Shot in the chest and left for dead. They turned against one of their own — clone or otherwise.”
Rex’s eyes narrowed and he set his jaw, “What do you mean, otherwise?”
“It wasn’t a clone underneath that helmet, Captain. The rumors about recruits are true,” he revealed, finally facing them. “So you’ll understand why I had to be sure that you weren’t one of the ones who had been there that night, coming back to finish the job. I had you under constant watch. My people did a bit of digging. You’re both listed as killed in action, so I figure you're not doing the Empire’s bidding if they believe you to be dead. You actually seem to care about one another, whereas these troopers did not. So I’m inclined to believe your story about these chips. But first, I need you to tell me who’s bidding you are doing.”
Ahsoka tilted her head, “You misunderstand. We aren’t doing anyone’s bidding. We came to you for assistance, and to possibly offer up our own if it was needed. We share a common enemy — this Empire and its self-proclaimed Emperor. Rex and I want to help others in our position, starting with the clones.”
“The clones?” Saw asked, the disbelief in his voice difficult to miss. He found the truth amusing. 
Rex spoke before Saw could make some arrogant comment, “Not a single one of those men would’ve taken the order to kill a Jedi had they been in control of themselves. I almost…” he trailed, unable to relive the horrors of his own actions. “I could only fight it off for so long. Ahsoka was able to remove my chip and bring me back to myself.”
Saw chewed on that information for a bit and glanced at Lux, who only lifted his eyebrows. Lux leaned forward in his chair, “It would explain the reports of troopers going AWOL.”
“I won’t pretend to know the full extent of the chip’s capabilities, but I know those men to have been unwaveringly loyal to both the Republic and the Jedi who led them. If they’re defecting now, they’re seeing exactly what we see. That the Empire is the worst outcome that could’ve resulted from the war,” Rex said. 
“Your clones are of little concern to me, Captain,” Saw stated, “I’d rather put my time and energy into this galaxy’s citizens than an army made in a lab. Under my operations, we focus on larger strikes. I have no interest in starting off small. Better to knock them down before they can even stand up. I could use all the help I can get my hands on if the two of you have allegiances to spare.”
Ahsoka crossed her arms, Master Kenobi’s negotiation techniques coming into play. Saw knew how to speak to get what he wanted, but it wasn’t effective on those who knew how to sniff it out. He had no idea how invaluable the clone lives were to her and Rex. “Give us an incentive, then. Our skills are of high value to you. If you want our help, we’ll need something in return.”
Saw laughed, “What? More Imperial credits to add to your collection? Yeah, don’t think I saw those when we turned out your pockets.”
“Credits come second only to the clones,” she reiterated, nearly seething at Saw’s disrespect of the lives of the clones.
He didn’t care much for her headstrong attitude. The man scoffed after a while and crossed his arms, “You’ve got yourselves a deal. I’ll see what I can dig up, but neither of you gets any favors after this. I’m sticking my neck out here. Cause me any trouble, Jedi, and you and your clones are done.”
“Deal,” Rex ground out, his eyes still narrowed and shoulders squared. 
“Bonteri,” Saw addressed Lux, prompting him to jump out of his chair, “Show them to their quarters. Come speak with me after.” 
Rex pursed his lips to hide a smirk. If anyone was someone’s pet around here, it was Lux as Saw’s. The boy nodded and Ahsoka turned her attention back to Saw. “Welcome back to the fight, you two. Hope you enjoyed your time off. Don’t make me regret this,” he stated before peering out across the distant metropolis again as the lift door closed behind them. 
“Well, this is headquarters. It’s in an abandoned warehouse just outside of the city, not far from where you two happened upon my operation in the old industrial sector a few levels down. We uh… don’t have much room to spare, and I can’t promise you comfort, but if we do anything, it's watch the backs of our own,” Lux explained, leading them down a series of corridors and looking under his lashes at Ahsoka. 
Ahsoka shared a wary look with Rex. He gave her a look that told her to bite her tongue. Instead of bringing up the fact that they’d tracked Lux here instead of happening upon him, Ahsoka changed the topic of conversation. “And what about our comms and weapons? Our ship?”
Lux leaned against a door to their left and a new room was opened to them. It was small and the old furnishings were covered in a thick layer of dust. None of the lighting worked well either, but Rex could see where their belongings sat neatly on the bed. “Already taken care of,” he said, “Your ship has been relocated to a more discreet location — where we keep all of ours.”
Rex was the first to walk inside the room to inspect his pistols when he saw a cot sitting beside the bed. He suspected that it was meant for him. It wouldn’t be as comforting as Ahsoka or even an old mattress, but it was a discomfort he’d grown used to as a soldier — a discomfort that he couldn’t decide if he would ever be able to shuck or not. To sleep on a bed was a privilege he felt he had to earn. But to sleep in a bed with Ahsoka… was something he’d never deserve. 
Whispers began to circulate at the door and he saw that Ahsoka was still standing there with Lux, speaking at a volume low enough to where he couldn’t detect the words. 
He detested how close the greasy rakeweed was to her. Rex may not allow himself this luxury of sharing her bed, but the fact that Lux thought himself worthy of the same air as Ahsoka enraged him. Rex’s jaw locked and his nostrils flared as he fought to keep his feet planted. Though, he did take one of his blasters out of safety mode in case the little shit tried anything.
“You look good, Ahsoka,” Lux said quietly, “It’s a relief to see that you’re well.”
Ahsoka wanted to roll her eyes at his words but chose not to. She eyed him suspiciously and chose her words with care, making sure to keep them as neutral as possible. “Seeing a familiar face is a rare occurrence these days.”
Lux nodded, but he couldn’t possibly relate to her words to the extent that she and Rex were able to. He shuffled his feet and glanced towards her companion, “Ahsoka… Are you sure you trust him? That the rest of us can trust him? You I know, but him—”
“I trust Rex with my life. You would be wise to do the same,” she corrected, moving away from him, “We can catch up another time. Rex and I have got it from here.” Ahsoka stepped into the room and severed their conversation with the push of the panel button. The door slid between them and hissed shut, sealing her inside with Rex.
An audible sigh escaped her and she pointed her chin to the ceiling, eyes closed. She didn’t know whether her exhaustion was from not sleeping or from her brief yet taxing interactions with Lux. 
When she opened her eyes, she found Rex sitting his things beside the cot. He held a blaster out to her. 
She offered him a smile, “Thank you, Rex.”
“It’s no trouble. I can get by with one and it’ll at least keep me to your word,” he said. 
“Keep you to my word?”
He twirled his preferred pistol and laughed, “It wouldn’t exactly be wise of him to trust me with his life. But I suppose I’m easier to trust with just one of these on hand.”
Ahsoka smirked and shook her head, “You know what I meant.”
“I know,” he smiled softly, one corner of his mouth tugging up higher than the other. Her shoulders fell slack as he approached her, holstering his blaster and removing hers from her hands. Rex’s height towered over her and suddenly her mouth was dry. He turned the weapon over in his hands, giving it another once over before his eyes turned to hers again. 
She tucked her bottom lip between her teeth and flicked her attention briefly to his lips. They gravitated towards one another and Ahsoka’s eyes went wide, a warm pressure being placed over her hip. Rex’s gloves were across the room, his body heat radiating through her jumpsuit. His hold on her tightened slightly and another pressure was added. The pistol he’d given her was being slipped inside of her thigh holster. Ahsoka gasped with the touch, her heart repeatedly kissing her ribcage as she gazed up at him, every fiber of her being set aflame in a way that had become all too familiar.
The air between them grew thick and their desires bled into one. When it felt as if the tension between them might snap, a loud crack thundered outside, followed by a bright light which illuminated the emerald colored room. 
Ahsoka flinched and collided with Rex’s chest in seconds. Lightening began to light the night sky in short bursts, the show visible through the viewport. She would’ve laughed at herself, but the weight of Rex’s arms across her back removed any humor from the situation. She felt one of his hands hover over her rear lek before moving to tuck under one of her arms and squeezing. 
Rex inhaled her scent, all of his tense muscles relaxing in an instant. Knowing that she was safe, that she hadn’t been treated as harshly as he had, repaired his cracked soul. If a single hand, or knife, or anything dared touch her, he would’ve lost all honor. He hugged her tighter and held back a strangled sob, the relief that swept through him so intense that it was capable of bringing tears. Opening his eyes again to confirm that she was really there, he saw her shoulders shake. 
He rested his chin between her montrals, “Hey. Hey, we’re okay.”
Her teeth clenched as she prevented her cries from coming forth, “This was cutting it too close, Rex. I cannot lose you again.”
“That’s not going to happen,” he promised, rubbing one of her arms. 
The storm outside continued to intensify, leaving the room in a continuous undulation of light. Somehow the light from the storm was stronger than that of any lamp in the room. Their designated quarters must’ve belonged to a Senator long ago, as the decorations and drapings were gaudy in nature and intricate in design. It was such a surreal image for Rex, standing there with his former Commander in a room fit for someone of great wealth, in a reality far from what they were used to, and closer than would’ve been permissible during a war that had now ended. 
Not a single thing about his current situation was anything he thought himself worthy of. 
Rex remembered himself and finally pulled away, shocked at what he’d almost just done, yet still wanting it anyway. Ahsoka’s cheeks glistened with the few tears that had managed to escape and Rex wiped them away with his thumbs. He kept her face cradled in his hands. “Look at me, Ahsoka,” he breathed and her brilliant blue eyes found him. His knees grew weak and his heart constricted for the love of her. “You will not lose me. I’ve got you and I always will.”
Her brow markings unknitted and she gave a small nod. They separated all too soon to prepare for bed, taking turns in the tiny refresher to use the sonic. Ahsoka coughed as she turned back the sheets on the hideously patterned bed. The dust became unsettled and Rex helped her to shake the sheets free of most of it, prompting her to offer him one for his cot. He declined, as she knew he would, but helped her remake the obnoxiously large bed all the same, retreating to his thin cot once the job was complete. 
The contraption creaked as Rex settled and he groaned, throwing an arm behind his neck for added support. Despite the luxurious nature of the small room, the pillows proved to be incredibly thin, though it could very well have to do with their age.
He looked up at the tall ceiling, preparing himself for what they had to face in their new situation. This was no quick stop at the Lawquane’s or a pocket of time with the Martez sisters. This was an organized group of fighters. They already had missions under their belts, a set way of working together, and had begun mapping out what this new Empire was really up to behind the scenes. Saw was ten steps ahead of them already. 
Rex didn’t much care for the man now, but he had to respect what he’d built. The once unskilled, fighter in the making, had made something more of himself and in such a short time. He had loyal fighters, a team he deemed as close as family, a base of operations, and inside information on the Empire’s dealings. It was nearly everything that Rex had before Order 66 had been given. He longed to have it again. He longed for Ahsoka to have it with him, somewhere far from Bonteri or anyone else who didn’t have her best interest at heart. 
Beyond all else, his greatest desire was that — a life in which he could ensure the safety of those he cared most about.
“Rex?” Ahsoka asked from the bed. He flicked his eyes to where he could see the edge of the large, fringed canopy, pausing in his thoughts to listen to her. “Are you awake?”
“I’m awake,” he answered, “What’s on your mind?” He didn’t receive a response for a beat, but continued to hear her move around on the old mattress. 
Ahsoka couldn’t see him from her spot in the bed, but looked down to where she knew his cot to be on the floor. “I’m sorry for the way they treated you. I heard Lux’s voice on that Holotrace device and didn’t even think to find Saw another way. It’s my fault that they—”
“No. No it isn’t,” Rex stated a bit louder before she could even finish her sentence. “Do not apologize for that. That is not on you.”
She huffed, “But the way they treated you…”
“Is on them and them alone. I knew the risks before we even decided to come here. Nar Shaddaa is one story alone, but after you told me what that piece of shit did... It was the fastest way to find Saw and I wouldn’t change how we did that.”
Again, a brief silence filled the room. They were just circling around what they really wanted to say, performing a sort of dance to avoid saying it altogther. Ahsoka tossed in the sheets again before voicing what she actually wanted — what they both wanted. They’d lost enough sleep during their stay here and that was ending tonight. She took a deep breath, “Could you just come up here, please?”
Rex blinked, unsure if he’d heard her words correctly. Quickly, he sat up on his cot to look at her, but the bed was still too tall for him to see her from the floor. He swallowed before standing, using his knees for support. 
She was curled up on her side in the middle of the mattress. The size of it swallowed her, making the bed from the Martez’s spare room pale in comparison. Her eyes followed him as he approached the bed, taking the space closest to the door. The mattress dipped with his added weight and he slipped under the covers, keeping his distance. His head hit the thin pillows and Ahsoka watched him, cracking a smile as he struggled to find a suitable position.
“Not really designed for neck support, are they?” she joked in a soft voice.
He laughed, “That’s a pretty big understatement. I’d be willing to bet the last person to sleep in this bed either had no neck or a very thick one.”
“That doesn’t really narrow down the species,” she said.
“No. No, it doesn’t,” he agreed, losing himself as he settled and found her eyes in the dark confines of the room.
Ahsoka’s fingers twitched in the space between them and she considered inching forward. “You can get closer, Rex. If you’d like to. I don’t want you to fall off the edge.”
They both knew the bed was so comically oversized that he was in no danger of falling off the side. She watched his throat bob as he registered her meaning, making those connections in his mind. “Is that what you want?”
Her breath hitched, the answer coming out in a whisper, “Yes.”
Rex shifted and moved an arm underneath her, hooking around her waist and pulling her into him. For the second time, they pressed against one another, intending to willingly fall asleep in the same bed. Sure, more layers of clothing separated them this time around, but that couldn’t have mattered less. All that mattered was that they survived yet again and lived to see another day in which they could find rest wrapped up in each other’s arms. 
One of Ahsoka’s legs slipped between Rex’s and his lips parted, stunned with how bold the action was yet how natural it felt. She hugged herself to him, but still continued to roll her head around on the pillow beneath her. Finally, Rex placed a hand to the back of her head and moved her head to his chest. Her cheek pressed into his pecs and he felt her eyelashes tickle the scar that sat between them. By no means should it have been comfortable, but it was. Ahsoka’s montral curled around his shoulder just as it did back on the couch in the Martez apartment. It was the perfect blend of that blissful sleep and the last one they’d had together before coming here. 
He then pulled the pillow she’d been using up over his own to stack them, creating the perfect amount of support that even a GAR issued pillow couldn’t rival. Ahsoka giggled again, vibrating his chest. 
“What?” he laughed.
A smile spread across her face and he could feel it through his blacks. “Seems this arrangement worked out after all, huh?” she asked, tapping on the pillow below his jaw, putting together what he’d done. He only hummed in response as she began to trace his jaw and up the shell of his ear, her curious fingers venturing to touch the buzzed hairs nearby.
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blacklilyqueen · 3 years
Dark Desires (Rexsoka Week)
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Prompt: Rexsoka Week 2021 Day 5: Show me your dark side
Summary: Dark AU! Ahsoka Tano, student of Darth Vader and Stormtrooper Captain Rex have hated each other for years. But after an incident on their last mission both can’t seem to let go of the other. Soon both find out that hatered isn’t the only thing they feel for one another and things are starting to get hot. 
Pairing: Rexsoka (Dark!Ahsoka x Dark!Rex) 
Word Count: 8140
Warnings/tags: smut, enemies to lovers, choking, force choking, hatefuck, insults, toxic relationship, dom!Rex, rough sex, nipple play, lekku play/pulling, teasing, handjob, fingering, oral sex (male and female receiving/blowjob and licking), deepthroating, dirty talk, cock slapping, spanking, doggy style, penetration
Author’s Note: I spent a lot of time writing this, so reblogs and comments would be highly appreciated. 
I got super excited about this AU and started thinking about turning it into an own multiple chapter story. Would anyone be interested? 
You can also find the story on AO3.
I also got an entire side blog just for Rexsoka. It’s @the-captain-and-the-commander.
Tagged Blogs (please message me if you want to be removed or added): @officialrexsoka @lizzowinkyface​ @luoiae​ @elsaanna007​ @loulines​ @madagaskarka​ @captainrexsoka​ @lilrexsoka​ @imnewintown00​ 
"Captain. Do you finally have the reports I need?"
The door was not even closed properly behind her when she made her demand. As usual, she had not thought that it was necessary to knock before entering. Now she stood there and looked at him with her usual mixture of contempt and arrogance. He didn't understand why she didn't just send someone else. It would make life much easier for both of them. Especially after their last mission together....
"Almost. There are still a few details missing."
"Then take care of it like you're supposed to! Now!"
"I'll put it on the list."
"That wasn't a request, it was an order!"
"Are those the same words Vader used when talking to you?"
He knew he would have been better off keeping quiet, or just assuring her that he would take care of it, but he couldn't. At first, he had seen potential in Vader's new apprentice. Someone who cared about the well-being and success of the Empire. Someone who had the big picture in mind and wouldn’t hesitate for anything. Someone who burned passionately and never gave up. But soon he realized how wrong he was. She only cared about one thing: Vader's recognition and for that she would do anything. Like a little pet, she followed him wherever he went, begging for attention. Pathetic, as the stormtrooper captain felt.
It was her greatest weakness and he knew how to use it properly. But this time he had gone too far. He had been present at the meeting with Lord Vader that morning when she was lacking this information. Although his face was always obscured by the black mask, Rex could see the look he gave Ahsoka and hoped Vader would never look at him that way. This wish was confirmed when he later learned through one of the officers that Vader had subsequently ordered her to his personal quarters. What exactly had happened there, he could only guess, but it was certainly not just a minor reprimand.
Ahsoka's eyes widened in shock at his words. But this state lasted only a tiny moment. Because right after that, anger spread across her face. The burning in her eyes that Rex had admired at first could now be his doom.
"What did you just say?" Her voice was quiet and almost calm, yet every single word carried a deadly threat, which she didn't have to express explicitly.
"I-," he was interrupted by the feeling of something wrapping around his neck. Rex reached for his neck out of reflex to loosen the deadly grip, but there was nothing there to loosen.
"How dare you? I am Lord Vader's apprentice and you are nothing. I am the best inquisitor in the Empire and possess power that a nobody like you cannot even imagine in his dreams. You, who are only one of millions, unimportant and replaceable at any time. And you dare to speak to me like this?!"
The captain gasped and tried to squeeze out an apology, knowing that this was his only chance that she would loosen her grip.
"I'm sorry," was all he could manage, and he fervently hoped that was enough. Because he wouldn't be able to make it like this for much longer. Fortunately she let go of him shortly after and then disappeared without another word.
He hesitated when he stood in front of her door. Had it really been a good idea to come here himself to give her the reports or should he have sent someone else? But something inside him told him that he had to come here himself. Maybe it was the same thing that made Ahsoka show up in his office again and again, even though she could leave this task to others.
The relationship between the two had always been strained, but since the incident on their last mission together, it had become virtually unbearable. He remembered the small cabin they hid in after their ship crashed. He remembered how they started talking after an eternity of silence. Things he had never told anyone. Things she had never told anyone. Things they knew would never leave the little cabin. He remembered her lips on his. Remembered her skin under his fingers. Remembered her naked body on top of him while she was in complete control. And he remembered what happened after. Remembered how much they had both enjoyed it, and how much they hated themselves and each other for what had just happened.
Shortly after that, the Imperial search forces had found them. They hadn't talked about the incident since. He hated himself for letting her get so close to him. For a moment he had understood her, had trusted her. But as soon as they had left the cabin, she showed her true face and turned away from him. And he hated her for that. For her deceitfulness, for her falseness. If only she could use these skills half as well against their enemies as she did against him.
Once again he hesitated. Considered whether he really should not rather send someone else. No, he would not give her that satisfaction. He would not knuckle under to her and hide. Unlike her, he was polite enough to knock, but he didn't give her time to ask him in, but simply entered the room.
Ahsoka sat cross-legged on the bed and opened her eyes as he entered the room.
"I was just busy," her disapproving tone was impossible to miss. What was also impossible for Rex to miss was the sound of the door closing behind him. He wondered if he had just blocked his only way to escape - in case he needed one - but he didn't let his fear show. Rex wouldn't give her the favor of an apology, and so he just held out the datapad to her.
"The reports you still wanted, Sir," her eyes briefly moved back and forth between the datapad and him. Then she closed them again.
"Put it on the desk."
"Yes, Sir," Rex did as she told him and was glad that their conversation was apparently over. The feeling of relief vanished immediately, however, when he turned around to find Ahsoka standing inches away from him. Rex swallowed and forced himself to say something.
"Is there something else, Sir?"
"Why are you here?"
"Because of the reports that..."
"No. Why are you really here?"
Rex hesitated. Why was he really here? The question that had plagued him even before he entered. And then it was suddenly clear to him.
Ahsoka was waiting. She waited for the answer she hoped and feared to know. Why was he here? Was that even the right question? Often enough, she had wondered why she was with him. She thought she knew the answer to that. And she didn't like that answer. Would his be the same? If so, was that a good thing? What would she do then? But more importantly, how would she deal with the humiliation if it wasn't the same answer?
He would think she was weak. Would mock her for her foolishness. She hated that she felt this way. Hated him. He thought her unqualified and incompetent, she knew that. If he found out how she felt, it would only reinforce him. And it should. She didn't want to feel that way. Especially not for him. It drove her crazy that of all the people in this galaxy, he of all people caused such feelings in her.
She regretted their last mission together. How could she have been so foolish as to confide in him? She knew that he wouldn't treat her the same way after that. Not that that would be any better. He now knew of her weaknesses and that was intolerable. But during those hours in the lonely cabin, something had happened to her. She had felt something that she had not felt for a long time. A memory that faded with every second she spent at Vader's side. So far that she no longer knew if she had really felt that way or if it was just an illusion. But in those moments with Rex, she realized it wasn't an illusion. She knew that feeling and she had lost it when she was dragged away from her family as a child. She felt safe.
Safety. Ironic, considering that this was exactly what made her feel even more insecure now. She wasn't worried about him telling what had happened between them - after all, he'd have a problem, too, maybe even a much bigger one than she did - but what would happen if he told someone about the things, she had told him in secret?
For years he had looked down on her. For years she had tried to gain his respect, even though she would never admit that to herself, let alone tell him. She didn't want to covet his approval, and yet she did. And for that, she hated him and herself.
Why was he here?
She hoped and feared to know the answer. Hope and fear that plagued her innermost being. One movement that confirmed both.
His lips were on hers before she even registered the movement. And just as quickly, they were gone.
For a moment, they both just stood there. No one moved, no one said anything. Rex had the feeling the guards three floors below could hear his heartbeat pounding so loudly in his ears. He hadn't thought about what he was doing. Had he gone completely insane? Every cell in his body hoped that this was the right decision. That she felt the same way.
The answer to his question came quickly, loudly and painfully. Emotionally and physically. His cheek burned and he could feel the blood coursing through it. The bang Ahsoka had made with that slap seemed even louder than his heartbeat before. As he looked at her, he was convinced she was going to kill him any second. How could he have been so stupid? Why had he done this?
"Listen to me, I-"
"No! You listen to me!" Rex froze. She was angry, but not like she usually was. He could never stand her, but he had always admired how she could burn for something. There was always a certain fire in her eyes. It burned passionately and devoured everything around it. No enemy, no obstacle, nothing was safe from it. The blazing hatred that devoured her from within. Sometimes he had wondered if this fire could also burn for something else, but he dismissed the thought each time immediately out of fear where it might lead.
Now he was here and he had an answer to that question and he didn't like it at all. The fire had disappeared and iciness was looking at him. Her words had been determined and calm. Sharp daggers that pierced his skin and slowly killed him. No matter how hateful she was before, there was always passion. But this was now gone and left nothing but pure hatred.
"I have fought for years for what I have now. I have endured so much. All in the name of the Empire. And you, you ridiculous little nothing, you always looked down on me," with each word she circled around him like a predator that had cornered its prey, "Thought I was too young, too inexperienced, too incapable. You have no idea what I was, am and will be capable of. I've endured so much all these years and now you think you have the right to do whatever you want to me just because of a little moment of weakness?"
Her fire had disappeared, but it began to burn inside him instead. Normally, he probably would have apologized. Such a conflict wouldn't have been worth it, but he couldn't just let the things she was accusing him of stand like that. Besides, after all, he could hardly make her angrier.
"I looked down on you? Oh yeah, you're right. You must have had to put up with so much bad stuff as Vader's right-hand woman. Tell me, was it hard to get every command you wanted without some kind of leadership qualification? Was it hard to have everyone do what you commanded, even though everyone knew it was their certain death, just because you had no idea what you were doing? People just didn't say anything out of fear. And not even out of fear of you. Yes, you could kill them and you killed many of them. But in the end it didn't matter. Because they were only afraid of Vader. If he had stood against you, you would have been nothing. And yet you always thought you were better than everyone else. You know, I have to admit one thing to you. You really are a damn good liar. On our last mission, you really convinced me. I thought maybe there was more to it than that. Maybe she's not just a little plaything for Vader's entertainment. But I guess I was wrong. I'm not even mad at you for trying to lie to me. Instead, I feel pity for you. Because no matter how much you lied to me, you lie to yourself the most."
As he spoke, she had stopped and stared at him wordlessly. He wasn't quite sure what was going on inside her. Had her hatred been fueled further? Was she actually thinking about his words? Had he perhaps even hurt her, even if just a little bit? When she tilted her head to the side, he had expected many things, but definitely not the broad grin that spread across her face. It looked distorted and unnatural and sent an icy chill down his spine.
"That sounds fascinating. But explain one thing to me, please. If you really detest me so much, why the kiss? Why do you seek my closeness if you find me so distasteful? Did you want to humiliate me even more? Or is your self-hatred just that great?"
Step by step she came closer. Filled the already small distance between them until she stopped right in front of his face. She stared directly at him and that's when he saw it. In her yellow eyes blazed the fire he had thought lost. It seemed to set her whole being on fire and he had the feeling that it would jump over to him any second.
"You really want to know the truth? I did it because I didn't see the sick bitch, I've hated all these years, but the woman I was stuck with in that little cabin. The woman who told me something about herself. The woman who made me feel like I was allowed to be vulnerable. The woman who had a heart."
This time it was her lips that touched his and this time the kiss didn't break as quickly. Instead, her hands settled on his shoulders as if searching for support. Their kiss grew more intense as she did so, and she felt the strong desire to be closer to him. Her arms wrapped around him even tighter as he grabbed her tightly and pressed her against the nearest wall. His hands also stirred and moved first to her hips and then higher and higher. As soon as they reached her shoulders, everything happened very quickly. With a jerky movement he grabbed her arms and tore himself out of her grip. He pushed her off him and threw a grin at the Togruta before turning and leaving the room.
Ahsoka was left transfixed. Confused, she stared at the door that had closed behind the captain and tried to process what had just happened. He had returned her kiss, she could feel that, but then why had he broken it? Was he really just trying to humiliate her? Wanted to show her how foolish she was?
Before she could worry further, the door opened again and Rex came in, only mumbling kriff it really quickly. She wanted to say something, wanted to yell at him and ask what that was all about, but he had already grabbed her and pulled her to him. His lips were on hers and his hands had started groping every bit of her body. For a moment, both of their mouths parted and Ahsoka got a few words out.
"Rex, why-"
"Just shut up," his tone was firm and left no room for discussion. Any protest would have been silenced anyway by his lips, which took possession of hers right back. And so she said nothing, but simply enjoyed what he was doing to her. In a flash he had grabbed her ass and lifted her up. Like a reflex, her legs immediately closed around his hips. Not even when she could feel the table, to which Rex had carried her and set her down on, beneath her, did she loosen that clamp grip.
Their kisses became more and more intense. His tongue violently gained access to her mouth, thereby suppressing any objections she might have voiced. Her tongue was also no longer in her own mouth, but was exploring that of the captain. Again and again the two tongues touched and caused loud moaning on the part of the Togruta, which, however, fell silent in the mouth of her counterpart.
Her hands played with the latches of his armor as he grabbed her wrists and pushed her down with all his weight. She felt the hard table under her back as Rex held her hands above her head. One hand held her wrists firmly in place while the other first groped her lekkus and then her breasts. For a moment Ahsoka tried to squirm out of his grasp, not wanting to just let him have the upper hand, but his grip only tightened. Once again she pulled to get her arms free, this time his other hand sped from her breasts to her neck. His grip wasn't tight enough to do her any harm, but he had her attention now that her kiss was interrupted as well.
"Don't try it. Just let me take control and I promise you won't regret it," despite the firmness in his voice, she could tell he was waiting for a reaction from her. A small nod of her head was all he needed in response.
"Good girl," he gave her neck another quick squeeze and then released his grip. His hand moved to the clasp of her dress behind her neck. He didn't hesitate a second to open it and pull it down until her breasts were completely exposed. Immediately he released his lips from her mouth and turned his attention to her neck. His left hand, which had been holding her arms until then, now released its grip as well. While his lips were now working the sensitive skin of her neck in such a way that she would surely keep marks of it, his hands were playing with her breasts.
When he was satisfied with his work on her neck, his lips joined his hands and all his attention was now on her breasts. But first he grabbed a breast with each hand and looked at the half-naked Togruta in front of him. Then he grabbed her nipples, rolled them back and forth in his fingers until they were hard and then tugged on them lightly. The reaction he wanted followed directly. A cry of pain escaped from Ahsoka's throat, mingled with an even louder moan that escaped at the same time. Her back arched in an attempt to escape the pain from pulling toward him, and her fingers clenched around the edge of the table.
Her back stopped arching as he let go of her nipples. Instead of his fingers, his mouth now devoted its attention to them. Alternately, he kneaded her breasts while his mouth sucked on the other. His tongue played with her nipples and every now and then his teeth scraped over her sensitive buds. Again her back rose and she stretched her chest out to him, but this time not to ease the pain, but to be closer to him. With each flick of his tongue a moan escaped her and once even a cry as he bit down ever so slightly. Her now free hands had wandered to his back in desperate hope of touching him as well, but his thick armor made any contact nearly impossible.
He realized what she was up to and let go of her breasts. Immediately he began to help her remove his armor. As soon as the plastoid armor was off, Ahsoka began to touch his entire torso. He was still wearing his black body suit underneath, but she could feel his muscles under her fingers through the layer of fabric. The armor on his lower half also fell to the ground, and Ahsoka could clearly see the bulge that was beginning to form in his crotch.
Rex had been eager to get rid of his armor. At the latest since her breasts lay free in front of him, he felt it getting tighter and tighter under the unyielding plastoid. As soon as this burden fell from him, he reached for her face and pulled her to him for a kiss. It was intense, long, and possessive. Ahsoka should be quite clear about who was in charge at this moment. Without breaking the kiss, he grabbed her hips and pulled her off the table, closer to him. His hands fumbled with her dress for a few moments, trying to pull it down further, until he decided to just rip the fabric off her body instead. Her leggings were removed with just as much roughness, but it didn't bother him in the slightest.
As she stood before him with nothing on but her panties, he grabbed her ass and lifted her up. Her legs instinctively wrapped around his body. Without much hesitation, Rex pressed her against the nearest wall and began kissing and biting her neck there. Sandwiched between him and the hard wall, Ahsoka began to unzip his bodysuit. When it was open, Rex released one arm at a time from her to get rid of the Blacks. His upper body was now completely free and Ahsoka ran the muscles of his six-pack along.
Getting rid of the lower half, however, proved a bit more difficult in this position. And so he lowered Ahsoka down again. Before he even had a chance to get rid of his Blacks himself, Ahsoka began to move down his body. On her way down, she left a trail of wet kisses all over his body. Starting at the crook of his neck, moving to his chest, down each of his abs, and finally to his still-clothed lower body. Once there, she reached for the fabric that covered him, making sure to stroke ever so lightly over that part of him that, by all appearances, had been eagerly awaiting a touch from her. Rex let out a groan at the touch, which only encouraged Ahsoka.  
As his shorts slid to the floor, Ahsoka paused for a moment. She looked up at him, watching his reaction very closely. His eyes were fixed on her, sparkling with lust. Very gently, her fingertips touched his shaft. That tiny touch was enough to make him close his eyes for a moment and he parted his lips slightly. Ahsoka couldn't help but grin. Knowing that a tiny touch could trigger so much in him gave her an incredible sense of control. She loved it. And wanted more.
After running her fingers along his cock a few more times, making sure to stroke the tip lightly, she grabbed the bottom of his already erect shaft. However, she didn’t proceed with anything further, before taking another look at Rex. Their eyes met and Ahsoka started pumping his cock. Her eyes still fixed on his face, she realized that he soon needed more than just her hand around his member. She saw how desperately he was carving for more and she knew exactly what to do.
Without breaking eye contact Ahsoka started taking him into her mouth. Rex held his breath when she only took part of him in at first. Her tongue playing around his tip while her hand was still stroking the rest of his dick. He couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. Again. But this time it was different. This wasn’t the hurt girl from last time. No, this time she was determinate. Wanted to prove him something. But this thoughts about that soon faded into nothingness, when she started taking him in entirely. His cock was now balls deep down her throat and he couldn’t help himself but start moaning. She started bobbing her head up and down while her hands were playing with his balls.
Even though it felt amazing, Rex soon felt the need for more. So he quickly grabbed one of her lekku in each of his hands. Ahsoka looked up once she felt the touch on her sensitive lekku and he could see in her eyes that she knew what he wanted to do. And he saw her excitement about it. So he grabbed them a bit tighter and started pulling her head up and down his hard member. He quickly started moving his hips as well, now thrusting in to her mouth while pulling her down at the same time.
“Look at you. What a good little cockslut you are. Taking my dick in so deep.”
She gulped around his cock, which Rex took as an agreement. After one hard thrust, Ahsoka had to gag and pulled back. He quickly let go of her lekku. She was coughing a bit and had to take a few deep breaths.
“Did you choke on something?” Rex asked mockingly.
“Don’t worry,” and with a grin she added, “It wasn’t too big anyway.”
Almost immediately after she spoke, Rex had grabbed her back lek and pulled it back, forcing her to look up at him. With his other hand he held his cock and slapped it against her face a couple of times.
“Are you sure about that? Don’t act like you didn’t like it, you little slut.” The only response he got was her licking her bottom lip and biting it. Rex chuckled at bit.
“Thought so,” followed by another slap with his cock, “Now be a good girl, open that pretty little mouth of yours again and take this back in.”
Without hesitation she opened her mouth again and let him enter. And so he continued throat-fucking her for a bit longer. The feeling of her wet mouth around his dick was breathtaking. He wanted to cum in her mouth right there, but then he thought of all the other things he could do with her – could do to her – first.
He pulled out of her mouth and pulled her lekku up a bit, signalizing her to get up. When she stood in front of him, he grabbed her ass and lifted her up again. Within only a few seconds he had already carried her to her bed. Her back hit the mattress harder than expected, when he roughly dropped her there. His lips were already attached to her neck again wandering to her tits. At the same time his hands were fumbling her lekku, knowing that they were just as sensitive as her breasts. Ahsoka grabbed a fist full of the sheets, when Rex’ lips started moving to her lek as well. He gave it a few kisses, before he took the tip of it in his mouth. His teeth were scratching over her sensitive parts and his tongue played with it like he did with her nipples earlier. She left out a soft moan and raised her hips upwards, pressing them against his hard erection.
“Someone seems a bit impatient. Are you so eager to get fucked?” Rex mumbled against her lek, feeling the young Togruta shivering beneath him.
“Rex, please,” her words were quiet. Nothing more than a whisper. She started spreading her legs even further for him, her hands wandering to his hips and back, carving every touch she could get.
“I think you can do that begging part better, don’t you?” And with that his hand wandered down her body to her most intimate part. She was still wearing her panties and the thin fabric was everything separating her skin from his touch. His thumb brushed over the spot that covered her clit, circling it a bit. Even though her panties were still between her and his fingers, Ahsokas let out a small whimper. Her hand wandered from his back to her chest, touching her own breast and playing with nipple. But before she could arouse herself even more, Rex had already grabbed both her hands, pinning her arms above her head again.
“You will not touch yourself, unless I tell you to. Do you understand me?”
His right hand grabbed her neck, while the other hand was still holding her wrists.
“Yes what?”
“Yes, Sir,” Ahsoka looked into his eyes while she spoke. They were almost completely darkened by his widened pupils. Only someone who knew him could still see a little bit of the usual gold brown within them. When she said the words, she noticed a glimmer in his eyes. A spark of lust and desire. And she knew that it was exactly what he saw when he looked into her eyes.
“Good. Now leave your hands right where they are.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Rex loosened the grip around her wrists and turned his attention back south. Her hands however stayed right where they were supposed to be above her head. His fingers started gliding up and down her slit. Even through her panties he could feel how wet she was. Her arousal soaking the fabric more and more with every touch of him. It took him a lot of willpower to not just fuck her right there, but he wanted to play with her a bit more first.
One of his fingers slipped under the fabric and he started touching her there. At first he continued tracing up and down her dripping wet slit a bit, making sure to rub over her clit as well, but only for very brief moments. Then he slid one of his fingers inside her pussy. She was warm, damp and tight around his finger. Ahsoka let out a squeal as he entered her deeper. She instinctively wanted to start touching her clit, but left her arms right where he wanted them to be. She could feel herself getting even wetter when he started pumping his finger in and out of her vagina. When he started adding a second finger, while his thumb played with her clit, she could do nothing more than close her eyes and moan every time he entered her.
As he watched her, Rex had to grin to himself, loving how much control he had over her and how desperate she was for his touch. He had wanted to wait a bit longer, before doing more, but seeing how close she already was made him decide to fasten things up a bit. While his one hand was busy fingering Ahsoka, his other hand grabbed her panties and ripped them off her body. He withdrew his hand to take a full look at the naked woman on the bed. Ahsoka opened her eyes, wanting to protest at the sudden lack for touch, when he brought his fingers up to her mouth.
“Go on, clean up the mess you made,” he brushed his fingers over her lips, slightly pushing them inside. He didn’t have to ask twice, since Ahsoka had already opened her mouth and now started sucking on his fingers. When she was done sucking him clean, he stroked over the side of her face for a moment. The brief touch wasn’t as rough and demanding as the ones before, but rather tender. Looking in his eyes she saw something soft for the first time. For a moment she even thought he looked caring. Before she could think more about this, he started talking again.
“Good job. Something like that should be rewarded.”
And with that his head disappeared between her thighs. Ahsoka only realized what was happening when she felt his tongue flicking over her clit. She let out a loud moan and buckled her hips up. But he just grabbed them, holding her down while he continued eating her out. Her moans and screams were getting louder as he kept playing with her clit and entering her pussy with his tongue. She squirmed beneath his touch and he started grabbing her harder, leaving marks that wouldn’t go away for another couple of days. He looked up watching her, as she lost complete control. The look of her laying there, eyes closed, mouth opened, moans escaping her throat, combined with the taste of her pussy on his tongue turned him one more than anything else.
Ahsoka felt her climax coming. Rex tongue kept sucking on her clit, his teeth scratching and biting it from time to time. He had started adding his hand again, fingerfucking her hole while eating her out. The so familiar warm feeling started building inside her. Her hands started grabbing the sheets. She knew that she would cum any moment and the wave of pleasure would take over her body. Rex started speeding up the pace of his fingers thrusting into her. Her muscles were already clenching. Just a tiny little bit more was all it would take.
And then all of his touch was gone.
Her eyes snapped open and she stared at him in disbelieve. He was sitting on the bed, grinning at her. Not making a single move to touch her and more importantly give her the so anticipated relieve that she had been waiting for. She sat up.
“Why did you stop? I was so close. I almost came!” She was so frustrated she almost wanted to cry, but she wouldn’t do that in front of him.
“I know,” he leaned forward, cupping her face and slowly pushing her back onto the mattress. A devilish smile started spreading on his face as he hovered above her, “That’s exactly why I stopped.”
“What? Why would you do that? You just ruined my orgasm!” She wanted to get up again, but his muscular body above her stopped her from doing that.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Did the little spoiled brat not get what she wanted?”
“I can’t believe you would do that. No wait now that I think about it, it perfectly suits you,” she asked herself how stupid she could have been to fall for that. He was just trying to play with her and she was foolish enough to let him trick her. Well, she wouldn’t let do that. Her hand wandered down, touching her still wet pussy, wanting to finish what he started. Should he watch her if he wanted, but she would not let him ruin that for her. But only a second after she started touching herself, he had already grabbed her arms, restraining her for the third time this evening.
“What did I tell you about touching yourself, you cunt?” other than before he didn’t sound playful this time, but more angry.
“Let me go!” She struggled trying to free herself from his grip, but with her wrists held firmly and her body being trapped between him and the bed, it was impossible.
“Are you sure? I thought you still wanted to cum?” There was the playful tone in his voice again. Still overshadowed by his dominant tone, but there nonetheless. Ahsoka stopped wriggling under him. She was confused. Didn’t he just stop her from doing exactly that? She looked at him baffled, not knowing whether he was serious or not. All she did was cautiously nod her head a bit. Before she could say anything, he had managed to flip her over with one quick move. Her front was now laying on the bed, her backside facing him. He was sitting on her legs, trapping them under his weight. He still held her arms, but started pulling them behind her back and taking them both in one hand.  
“Great. Again, what did I tell you about touching yourself?” His words were followed by a hard smack across her ass. Ahsoka let out a loud scream followed by a whimper, not expecting his slap.
“I couldn’t hear your answer,” another hard smack on her ass. She screamed again and tried squirming away, but he held both her arms and legs firmly in place. Before he could hit her again, she quickly spat out: “I shouldn’t touch myself.”
“What was that?” followed by his hand slapping her ass again. She knew that her ass was already starting to get a few shades darker, so she spoke the words again, this time more clearly.
“I should not touch myself.”
“Good,” he started rubbing over her hurt flesh, “Now tell me, what happens if you do touch yourself?”
As expected, his hand hit her ass again after he spoke, but she noticed that this slap wasn’t as hard as the ones before.
“I get punished.”
“How do you get punished?” Two slaps. One on each of her cheeks.
“I get spanked.”
“Exactly,” he placed a few light slaps on her ass. Compared to the ones before it felt more like he was patting her butt. Despite the pain in her ass cheeks, she could still feel her pussy getting wetter with every slap, “And do you like getting punished?”
“Maybe,” before she could even think about it, the word had already left her mouth, followed by instant regret as Rex spanked her harder than he did before.
“So you like that?” He kept smacking her ass multiple times, each slap harder than before. Ahsoka didn’t say anything. The only thing leaving her mouth where screams.
“You really like that? Are you screaming out of joy? Do you want me to keep doing that to you?” He smacked her ass again and again, this time so hard that her eyes were starting to fill with tears.
“Answer the question or I’ll keep doing it!”
“No,” Ahsoka had to try to control her breathing as she was forcing the words out between sobs, “No, I don’t like it.”
He pulled her back up, so that she was now kneeling on the bed, her back still facing him and then he let go of her arms, but she wasn’t trying to move away anyway.  His hand reached for her face, turning it around so that she was facing him.
“Does that mean you will behave from now on?”
“That’s what I wanted to hear,” he placed a soft kiss on her cheek and then on her mouth, his thumb tenderly brushing over her lips when he left them, “I don’t want to have to hurt you. I want to please you. But you have to follow my rules if you want me to do that. Do you want me to do that?”
“Yes, please.”
“Remember when I told you that you could do better at begging?” Ahsoka nodded, “Well, now would be a good time for that,” she could feel him pressing his cock against her ass, “Tell me what you want me to do to you right now and then beg for it.”
He let go of her face and placed his hand on her tit instead, the other one on her hips. She didn’t know if it was his erection being so close to her entrance, his dominant presence, his words or maybe the spanking from before, but she could feel her pussy getting wet again.
“I want you to fuck me, please. I want your cock thrusting in my pussy, making me scream for more. I want you to take control and just take me. You can do whatever pleases you with my body. Rex, I’m begging you, please fuck me. I will do everything you want. Everything! I will be a good little hoe and suck your dick and let you take me in every single position you want. Please, please fuck me. I need to feel you inside me so badly.”
Both of them were surprised by the words coming out of her mouth. Neither of them realized how badly she really wanted him until she said the words out loud.
“Well, how could I say no, when such a sweet little whore begs so nicely for it? Lean a bit forward, I want to take you exactly like this.”
So she did what he told her to do, resting her hands on the mattress. She was on all four her ass up for him to enter. He placed his hands on her hips, carefully stroking over the bruised skin of her butt. One of his hands reached around her, cupping her tit, while he leaned forward to place some kisses from her spine to her shoulders. The feeling of his hard cock pressing against her ass combined with his sweet kisses drove her insane.
“Rex, please. I need you.”
“I know,” he turned her head again. This time he kissed her on the lips. His tongue entered her mouth, exploring every inch of it. Their kiss was long and passionate, but without the roughness he had shown to her before. When they parted, she was secretly wishing for it to continue for a bit longer.
He started turning his attention back to her lower regions. She felt the head of his cock pocking against her entrance. Her walls started stretching when he slowly pushed himself inside her. Moaning his name was all she did while his cock stated to fill her out. He was well endowed, giving her a good stretch. When he was fully inside her, he waited a moment giving her time to adjust and him to get used to her tightness.
Then he started pulling out and in of her. Slowly at first, but he quickly grabbed up a faster pace, when he was sure it wasn’t too much for her. His arousal about the sight of her in front of him like that only grew, when she started moving her hips as well to meet his movements. He knew that he wouldn’t last long with her turning him on like that.
Ahsokas thoughts circled around the feeling of his cock pumping in and out of her pussy, hitting all the right spots over and over again. She had already started thrusting her hips back at him, hoping to get even more friction like this, to feel him even deeper inside her. Her moans turned louder, when he started grabbing her back lek and pulled it back. She had to bend her back, while he kept pulling it. The straining pain in her lek and back was oddly satisfying and she caught herself hoping he wouldn’t let go.
Her moans were a constant encouragement for him to keep going. The wetness dripping down between her legs created another wonderful sound each time he thrusted into her. Her tits were bouncing up and down and made a clapping sound that mixed in perfectly with her moans and his balls slapping against her wetness. He could feel her walls tightening around him more and more, making him realize that she wasn’t far from orgasming either. So he pulled her head back even more and whispered to her: “Don’t cum yet. Not until I tell you to.”
With that he started speeding up his pace again, thrusting into her mercilessly. She tried to hold back her orgasm, trying to do as he said and not cum right on the spot even though she would have given everything for that sweet release. At first she thought she could handle holding her orgasm back pretty good, but then Rex started reaching for her clit. The sensation of his fingers rubbing her clit combined with his thrusts were too much for her. She knew that if he kept going like this, she wouldn’t be able to hold it back anymore.
“Please, Rex. Fuck, I can’t. Please, let me cum. I- fuck, please. Rex!”
“Fine, you’ve been a good girl. You may cum now.”
She didn’t let him tell her that twice. The heat that had started building inside her since he started thrusting into her reached its peak. The knot that had formed inside her seemed to loosen. Every single muscle in her body clenched only to completely relax as a wave of pleasure ran through her body. She arched her back even further and moan louder than any sound she made before left her throat while the pleasure took complete control of her body. The walls of her pussy started tightening around his cock so much that he couldn’t even move it any further.
The extra tightness was all it took for him to cum as well. With a groan he released himself inside her, pumping her up with his hot semen. While his cum started filling her cunt a second wave of pleasure rushed through Ahsokas body, making her scream out again. When she stopped clenching around him again, he pulled out his now wettened dick. Her arms had already given in and she was laying flat down on the mattress as he collapsed on top of her as well. He tried not to crush her beneath his weight, but he barely had the strength to support himself.
For a while they just laid there like that. He eventually started rolling over onto his back, his weight no longer pressing onto her. She felt both their cum dripping down her legs, while she just laid there not being able to move even the slightest bit. It took a while for either of them to do something. It was Rex who moved first. His hand started brushing over her shoulders and she turned her head to face him. He was smiling at her and by seeing that she immediately had to smile a bit as well.
There it was again. That caring look in his eyes. But it couldn’t be. That wasn’t the relationship they had, the feelings he had. There was something between them, yes, but she wasn’t stupid enough to believe she actually meant something to him. She had to do something about it. Carefully she rolled herself on her back, never stopping looking at him.
“We should probably get up. We can’t stay here like that for too long.”
Ahsoka was surprised by her own words, but she knew that it was right that way. She didn’t mean anything to him and she couldn’t let herself start feeling something for him. It was better this way.  
“We probably should,” she tried reading in the tone of his voice if this was actually okay for him, but she couldn’t tell, “Before I go, we should probably clean up. After all we don’t want anyone to find out, right?”
“Yes, that would be the best.”
“Good. And because I know how good you’re at cleaning up the mess you made, you should start with that.”
With that he reached between her legs and caught up a bit of his semen, mixed with the wetness of her release, dripping down her legs with his fingers. He brought his hand up to her mouth. She had already opened it once she realized what he was doing. He put his fingers inside it, making her taste their combined fluids. Once she was done sucking his fingers clean, he withdrew his hand from her mouth. He started caressing her face again. Cupping her face in his hand, he pulled her forwards him for another kiss. He could taste them both on her lips, but only continued to kiss her deeper. When he let go of her, he looked at her with a stern expression.
“I wish you could be like that all the time.”
“What? Slutty and naked?” Ahsoka giggled a bit, but the serious look on his face didn’t change.
“No,” he started tracing her skin. He touched her things and hips. Moving upwards he came to her tits, circling around her nipple until it was completely hard, then slightly pulling at it. Not enough to actually hurt her, but considering how sensitive she was everywhere right now, still enough to make her let out a sharp breath. Then he moved to her neck. Placing his hand around it, but making no move to squeeze it, “Not slutty and naked,” a devilish grin forming on his face, “Submissive and obedient.”
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blacklilyqueen · 4 years
Maybe tomorrow
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Summary: Rex and Ahsoka both worry about each other after the war and desperately hope for a sign to know that the other is still alive.
Pairing: Rexsoka
Warnings: Angst
Word Count: 1849
Note: Based on this comic by @luoiae​
"Any news from Ahsoka, Wolffe?" "No."
Part of him had expected that answer, yet he hoped for some news from her. It didn't have to be much. Just a small token to let him know she was okay, that she was safe, that she was alive.
Rex hadn't heard from her since their escape a few months ago. At first, he thought she was just trying to maintain a low profile. Messages could be intercepted and right now it was important that he, and especially she, stayed out of sight. And even though that thought was somewhat comforting, he always wondered if something bad had happened to her.
He wished he could have contacted her, but for their safety, they both thought it would be the best if he didn't know her exact location. His days were filled with as many chores as possible, hoping it might distract him from his worries. But every night, when he closed his eyes and nothing else remained to occupy him, he would see her in front of him. Sometimes everything was peaceful. She just stood there looking at him with that beautiful smile. Her eyes shone with joy and it was as if nothing could destroy that moment.
However, there were other nights. Nights when he woke up from sleep with his eyes wide open and his heart racing. His mind plagued by images of Ahsoka, covered in blood and in captivity. He saw the Emperor’s Inquisitors torturing her. Heard her screams. Had to watch her die slowly but surely. And there was nothing he could do about it.
He had such a dream that night and like every time he had hoped for a message from her to make sure she was alright. Almost every day he asked Wolffe if he had heard from her and day after day he was disappointed. He left the former clone commander behind and returned to his daily distractions.
Maybe tomorrow he would hear from her.
 "Hey, Rex. I hope you're all safe."
Although there were a thousand things she wanted to say to him and tell him about, that was all she said. For months she had tried to contact him over and over again, but he never answered any of her transmissions. So it happened that she didn't produce more than that one sentence, because at that moment all the other things didn't matter. The only thing that mattered was that he was safe.
More and more often she caught herself worrying about him. What if the Empire found out he was alive? What if they knew he had helped her escape? It would be his death sentence.
But maybe he just cared about her and was afraid to answer her. Over the past few months, she had increasingly tried to convinced herself that it must be because of that. Although this thought gave her a little comfort, she still wanted certainty.
Maybe he would answer tomorrow.
 "She still hasn't...?" "No."
"I see," the words hardly seemed to leave his mouth. He stood with his back to Wolffe and now turned his head away again. His muscles tensed a little at Wolffe's answer and his fingernails dug into his palm even though he didn't realize it. He was about to leave when Wolffe said something else:
"She's not dead. If she were, we'd know it. The Empire tends to make a big spectacle out of the death of a Jedi."
Rex knew he was right. He also knew Wolffe only meant well, yet it was anything but reassuring. The thought of Ahsoka's death plagued him enough as it was, now saying it out loud didn't make it any better. Three years was an extremely long time when you don’t know if the other person is still alive or not. He fervently hoped so, but his doubts grew with each passing day.
He turned his head once again in his brother's direction and gave him a small nod. He didn’t have enough strength for more. He left the room and went to the small cabin that the three clones shared for sleeping. Since Gregor was exploring, Rex had a moment of peace to himself. The door closed and so did Rex's eyes. He took one deep breath and as he exhaled, he slammed his hand, still clenched into a fist, against the wall next to him with all his strength.
He ignored the pain in his hand as his knees gave way and he slowly went down. His back was now leaning against the wall he had just punched. He angled his legs, propped his elbows on his thighs and buried his face in his hands. His chest rose and fell faster and faster as his heart seemed to contract further and further. When he lifted his face, he ran his right hand over his short hair, trying to get his breathing back to normal.
She's not dead. She is not dead. She is not dead.
Over and over again he repeated the words in his head. As his whole body focused on that thought, he slowly calmed down. His breathing was back to normal, the pain in his chest lessened, and his muscles began to relax.
She’d contact him tomorrow.
Yes, he was sure she would. Wolffe was right. If she were dead, he would know. He shouldn't worry. Soon he would hear her voice again, assuring him that she was alive. He tried to hold on to that thought, but part of his mind wouldn't give him that peace, and so a second thought mixed in.
There are things much worse than death.
No. She was fine. She would call tomorrow. She had to call tomorrow. Because he didn't know what to do if she wouldn’t.
 "It's been a while. I hope you're okay."
Even Ahsoka could hear how weak her voice sounded. It had been too long since she had last seen Rex. Her mind kept wandering back to that day. She shouldn't have left him. She should have stayed. Every time she left, she lost the people who mattered most to her. It was like she was abandoning everyone she cared about.
Rex, Anakin, Obi Wan, the 501st, the Order, she had abandoned them all more than once and she had lost them all. But this time there was no going back. The Jedi Order was past, Anakin and Obi Wan were dead, only Rex was left. At least, that's what she hoped. She couldn't possibly admit to herself that the last person who represented a connection to her former life had just disappeared like that.
Again and again she thought about flying to him to make sure he was okay. But she could not risk putting him in danger. No matter if someone followed her or if they clashed with the Empire on the ground, she could not let him die because of her. And he would if they were seen together.
"Please contact me. Please. Please. Please."
The connection had been broken for a long time, so she spoke only to herself. He would get back to her tomorrow. She clung to that thought as tightly as she could. Yes, he most certainly would.
“…” “Still nothing.”
He didn't even have to say anything anymore. It had been 14 years, and yet Rex asked the same question every day. There was a time when the uncertainty had made him angry, but not anymore. Where anger used to be there was now a great emptiness now. He had grown accustomed to taking no for an answer. When you expected nothing, you couldn't be disappointed, but hopelessness hurt just as much and Rex couldn't tell which pain was worse.
For a time he thought it would be the best to accept that she was dead. If it were true, he wouldn't have to worry every day about the unknown. And if it were false, he would be even more relieved should she come to him after all. But he was so wrong. Day after day he had reproached himself for declaring her dead just like that. How could he ever look her in the eye and tell her that he had simply given up on her? He couldn't do that to her and he couldn't do that to himself.
So every day he lived with the pain of hope that would probably never be fulfilled. And with each passing day, that hope dwindled bit by bit. He could never bring himself to fully acknowledge her death, but he knew that he would probably never hear her voice again, never see her face again, and never touch her body again.
Despite the daily disappointment, a part of him whispered to him, as it had every day for the past 14 years: maybe tomorrow.
 "I hope you're still alive."
Ahsoka tried to suppress the tremor in her voice. But it didn't help and she felt her voice break on the last word. Hot tears ran down her cheeks and clouded her vision.
All these years she had convinced herself that there must have been a reasonable reason why he didn't answer. Had convinced herself that he must still be alive, but now she was no longer sure. The horrible truth she had recently learned made her doubt his safety.
The feeling of Anakin's presence in the Force surrounded by icy coldness, which held him captive and had completely taken possession of him, wouldn’t let go of her. She did not want to believe it, but it had to be true. Anakin was Vader, and once she admitted that to herself, all her hopes that her old friends were still alive were dashed.
She knew how obsessed Anakin could be, and if he really had turned to the Dark Side, he certainly wouldn't let up in pursuit of his goals. If he knew Rex was still alive and that he had helped her escape, that he had disobeyed the Order 66 and sided with the Jedi, Vader would kill him without hesitation.
The only thing that gave her a little hope was that her old master had thought her dead, and hopefully the same was true for Rex. He certainly wouldn't have wasted time looking for a single clone who was presumed dead. But if Vader had even the slightest suspicion that one of them might still be alive and rebelling against him and the Empire, it would have been a sure death sentence.
But if Vader had really found Rex and learned that his inhibitor chip had been removed, he would have expected Ahsoka to still be alive. Yes, that's how it had to be. So Vader couldn't have known about Rex. Normally this should be good news, but even without the danger from Vader, there were a thousand other things that could have killed Rex. But she didn't want to think about that. Kanan, Ezra and the others would surely find him soon and then they would meet again.
But a small voice in her head whispered: Maybe tomorrow…but maybe never.
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absolutechaosebrain · 3 years
Alrighty kids this one was down to the wire, didn’t finish until 1130 last night so please excuse and grammatical errors as it was a rush job! But here you go 12days of rexsoka
Day 9 Fix It.
Ahsoka had spent quite a bit of her time away from the Jedi order learning to hear the force and let it guide her, so when she felt it nudge her to go with Anakin and Obi-wan to rescue the chancellor before going after maul, she had listened. That is how she found herself locked in a mental battle for her masters very soul. Anakin stood before Count Dooku sabers crossed as the chancellor urged him to slaughter the sith.
“Kill him, do it, remember he took your arm”
“No master, this is not the Jedi way” Ahsoka cried “you are better then this master, we must take Dooku back to the temple to stand trial”
“No Anakin he is too dangerous, he must be killed now”
“He is dangerous Ahsoka” anakin said the struggle clear on his face “he could escape”
“It is still wrong,” she replied “if you kill him now you will be doing so in anger Anakin, you would be no better then him”
“Yes Anakin, kill him, your anger is justified, he has orchestrated so much pain”
“He orchestrated the attack on the temple Ahsoka, he tempted Barriss to the dark,” Anakin said as his hands began to tremble. “He is the reason I lost you snips”
“I know master, but he must stand trial for those sins.” She said pleading with her master to stay in the light “he must face those he has wronged if you kill him now you spare him of the punishment for the pain he has caused”
Anakin stood frozen in conflict, unable to decide what argument he would heed, his mind clouded and heavy. Ahsoka could sense the influence of the dark side reaching for Anakin, without a thought she reached out grabbing hold of the thin training bond that remained between them, opening it wide once again and allowing all of her feelings of hope and faith that her master would do the right thing flow from her into Anakin. Wave after wave of light slammed into Anakins mind pushing the darkness and its fog of confusion away soothing him in the force. Finally Anakins mind felt clear he immediately retracted the sabers then pulled his blaster from his belt he stunned Dooku and turned to his padowan removing the binders from her hands. He then turned his attention to the chancellor, as if seeing him for the first time, with the clarity from his bond with ahsoka flowing through him, he could feel the darkness rolling off the chancellor, he suddenly remembered what Fives had said in that warehouse months ago, about the chancellor and a conspiracy to end the Jedi. He was immediately wary of the man he had once trusted so blindly. However he did not have the time to examine this new realization this ship was going down and they needed to escape. He quickly released the Chancellor and turned his attention to his own master.
“Ahsoka, I can carry Obi-wan, do you think you can get Doku?” He asked lifting his former master onto his back.
“Already got him SkyGuy” Ahsoka replied appearing at his side. Anakin had not even realize how deeply he missed the training bond between them until he felt it again a lifeline of light pulsing between them reminding him to strive to be the best he could be.
The rest of the rescue operation went rather smoothly, aside from a crash landing and a bit of trouble in a lift shaft, but that was all normal for any mission Anakin went on. Now after a quick meeting with the council, a few moments and some life shattering news from his wife. They had headed to Mandalore to face maul. They had chosen to split the forces, most of the forces attacking at the gate alongside Anakin and Bo Katan and Ahsoka would lead a small force through the catacombs to drive out The Sith and for once plan A worked. And as soon as they had been alone Ahsoka had told him what Maul had said about a Sith Lord working to tempt Anakin to the dark. Pairing this new information with what he had been feeling from the chancellor after the face off with Dooku had been all Anakin needed to conclude that Palpatine was the Sith they had been searching for, and that he should have listened to Fives Sox months ago. Anakin had Kix begin removing the bio chips the second they left Mandalore, and by time they reached Coruscant the 501st was chip free, and he had put a private message out to the rest of the Jedi Generals advising them to begin de-chipping their men as soon as possible.
When he returned to coruscant he immediately gathered any members of the council who were planet side, to inform them of Palpatines deception. They had then take a group of Jedi as well as several clone officers with them to bring in the chancellor. Th Sith Lord had tried to text Anakin with promises of un imaginable power but with the haze of the dark side cleared from his mind by his bond with Ashoka he was able to see the false promises for the lies they were. When Palpatine tried to fight them off and escape after seeing his ploy to tempt Anakin would not work, it had been surprisingly Commander Fox to shoot the killing shot before completely passing out mumbling vaguely about not wanting another mind wipe.
A lot had happened in the last 24 hours, and Rex was having a hard time process so much of it, but even with the siege on Mandalore and discovery of the chancellor’s betrayal the most difficult thing to process was the return of Commander Tano. Rex had been broken when she left, angry that she hadn’t even tried to say goodbye, and absolutely lost at the thought of never seeing her again. He had walked around for months afterward un able to hear her name without feeling a new stab of grief, but then they lost Tup, and then Fives, suddenly he had other worse things to be angry about. So when she asked to speak with him after they had taken a passed out Fox to the hall of healing he agreed, and fallowed her into the empty meditation room.
“What can I do for you Commander,” he said standing at attention ready for whatever orders she had for him.
“At ease Rex” she replied with a tight smile, “I’m not technically you superior anymore, and I just want to apologize.”
“Apologize? What for sir?” Rex replied relaxing his poster.
“Rex I am so sorry that when I left I didn’t say goodbye” Ahsoka took a deep breath and began fiddling with the fabric wrapping on her arm before continuing. “I tried, I really did but my clearance had been cut off when I was arrested and it never got turned back on since I refused to rejoin the order, I tried the barracks and the ship yards, I tried to send a message every way I could but nothing would go through. I didn’t want to leave you like that and I don’t want you to think that I haven’t missed you, you were my best friend and leaving was the hardest choice I have ever made, I’m so sorry, can you ever forgive me Rexter” she looked up as she finished cyan eyes full of unshed tears.
Rex felt like a weight had been lifted from his soul, she hadn’t left him without a word, she had tried to say goodbye, she still cared. “Already forgiven” he said placing a hand on he shoulder “I won’t lie thinking you left without a goodbye hurt kid but now I know it wasn’t your fault, you would have contacted us if you could, and I missed you too little’un”
As soon as he finished she was pulling him into a bone crushing hug, and he let her, returning it just as tight. Rex had spent months wondering if he would ever see Ahsoka again and after the insanity of the last two days he was just happy to have her back. Knowing that she had tried to contact him, tried to say goodbye, was a great comfort but everything would be changing. While they had been putting an end to Darth Sidious, Kenobi and the 212th had defeated Grievous on Utapau. The war was over, the Sith defeated, and balance restored. But all of this did not change the fact that as a Clone Rex still had little to no rights in the eyes of the republic. He still had little to offer, so he would give her all he had, his friendship, and hold her close in this moment and maybe dream of a day when he could give her more, until then simply having her back, and knowing she missed him, well that was enough for now.
We are almost to the end, meaning it is almost time to bring this slow burn up to a boil! As always thank you for reading, and have a lovely day.
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countessofbiscuit · 4 years
thank you for the reply to the codywan ask! I've been a long time admirer of your fics and the way you write, and i adore the way you engage with sw lore, characters and relationships. i'd love to pick your brain about something - how do you write and see characters with all their flaws without being "turned off" by it? i recently read meridian, and was fascinated by your exploration in the power dynamics btw ahsoka and rex, but also discomfited because ahsoka is one of my favourite characters1/
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Hey there — you’re very welcome and it’s always an honor to shepherd someone into the Rexsoka fold ♥ There’s a lot of meaty stuff here and I’m kinda hungover from Christmas Adam, but I’ll pitch in a little on what I think are your two main questions:
1. How do you write and see characters with all their flaws without being "turned off" by it? . . . . I frequently am turned off by it — if by ‘turned off’ you mean, that I feel my instinct to stan diminish. It’s almost bound to happen when one stops privileging their POV by exploring them from the perspective of somebody else, especially when said character is privileged in and by the narrative, too. And I don’t think transforming and complicating one’s relationship with the source material in that way is a bad thing; it makes for stronger writing and more empathetic stories. It’s interesting that you mention Ahsoka, though, because where I used to enjoy her pretty easily as a character with flaws, in the sense that she was written as being real (and therefore, relatably human), I have struggled to reconcile myself to her as a character who now seems flawed by inconsistent writing — or perhaps I should say, inconsistent framing. There’s a dissonance (imo) between how she’s elevated by the Powers That Be, and what her late actions in canon beg us to believe about her. There’s a chasm in the treatment of her character that I’ve felt somewhat compelled to fill with fic (as I am sure others have), while at the same time, I’m sitting under a disappointment that’s not very inspiring, lol. 
(n.b. Interestingly, Bo-Katan has lately been subject to a similar inconsistent treatment from On High; but as she’s never been practically deified by the creators or the fandom, I don’t find the discordance so jarring, since I’m used to admiring her as a difficult anti-hero with dips into villainy.)
2. Escapism vs Critical Engagement: There’s a doozy. Let’s just say we contain multitudes, and acknowledging that as individuals is hard enough sometimes, let alone when people come together to enjoy (or not) A Thing (especially A Thing as big as Star Wars). I don’t have the answers on how to make it less unsettling when someone critiques or criticizes something that you (general ‘you’ here) just want to casually imbibe for the feel-good factor, except to allow yourself to be comfortable with being unsettled. It’s a popular adage in fandom that people come to the table for different things: some folks want a five-course meal complete with palate cleansers and wine pairings, some folks want a bowl of Easy Mac, and other folks want a rigidly healthy Paleo plate; as long as we’re all sitting down and engaging in good faith with each other about our choices, knowing when to leave the table or just swap seats or try something new, all to the good. The problem comes when one person demands that everyone should have what they’re having (usually the Paleo person, lbr), and lashes out when they meet opposition. We understand this pretty well in day-to-day life, yet when it comes to something as intensely personal as consumption and production of fictional material, everybody’s got an opinion about how others are doing it wrong — undoubtedly because, for so many of us in fandom, our identity and self-worth are so wrapped up in it. I catch myself doing this all the time; to reference Codywan again, I feel my lip curl when people write it with no reference to the ~reality~ of those characters’ situations as I see it (as I am sure plenty of people recoil at ships that I like) … but then, I recognize this feeling as irrational and selfish and I just channel my frustration into doing my own thing instead and hope it touches somebody else who feels the same. 
To bring this back round: “Let people enjoy things” and “think critically” should be able co-exist, and beyond saying that yeah, it’s difficult and takes maturity, I’m hesitant to add any other sort of proviso to that statement (“should be able to co-exist, so long as X Y Z” &c.). Do I think people have to performatively genuflect in the direction of all the ~problems~ with something before they are allowed to engage casually with it? No. Do I think acknowledging war crimes in a google doc about a some cartoon space siege will stop actual war crimes? No. Do I personally appreciate when even casual engagement displays some element of critical thought, and do I find myself drawn to those creators in particular? Yes and yes. Everyone’s escapism looks different. 
But if I can make one random value judgement statement about critical engagement here, without equivocating: the anti preoccupation with defanging sex and interpersonal romantic relationships in fiction, to the exclusion of other topics concerning humanity and the myriad ways it can be shitty, as part of some progressive movement is so bizarre to me; not only do the goalposts constantly change for what’s “pure” between two or more people, but it’s a very myopic way to regard characters who exist in the complex round, and, imo, a really privileged Western mindset. Also, it’s boring as fuck. I like intellectually playing in the dirt; someone who tells me to wash my hands while I’m sitting ass-deep in mud just makes themselves look supremely dense.
Not sure I really answered anything here, but I did appreciate the chance to noodle over your thoughts. It’s always a good exercise. And thank you for taking the time to engage with my writing : ) 
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ahsokathegray · 8 years
vday rexsoka - request 11
Word Count: 699
Era: Post Order 66
Pairings: Rex and Ahsoka
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Thabeska, she determined, reminded her of blue milk. It was tasteless, monochrome, and flat. She thanked the Force she didn’t have allergies like some of the other citizens that had migrated to the planet. Her species wasn’t used to a sphere of dust, but not like the other wheezing humanoids she’s come across. The only downfall of her day was realizing that the soles of her boots had worn through. If she’d been born a Trandoshan, perhaps the downfall of her day would be that and the pleasure of a snotty nose.
She’d consulted with Fardi earlier, and he agreed to let her go get some new boots with prepay. It would come out of her earnings, but there was nothing else she had her eye on. Buying them would probably cost her a meal; but it was something she could handle.
Her hand shielded the scorched sun and relieved her eyesight. The next thing she may have to invest in would have to be something that blocked the raging white fire. She removed it upon entering the doors of her destination. It smelled rather musty in the shoe shop and Ahsoka had presumed the building, like many others on Thabeska, had an ill-performing ventilation system. Picking up the boots that most resembled the ones she presently wore, she inspected them and made the decision. Her size was in stock and she pried the correct box from its situated spot in the cubby. With a defeated sigh, she sat on a provided bench and crossed an ankle over its opposing knee. She examined the heel of her worn shoe and saw that her socks, too, now sported a hole. She huffed and began to fumble with the buckles. Doing so was not the issue it had once been when they’d first been purchased. She took it off and reveled in the freeing sensation. The second boot soon followed, quicker than the first.
Now barefoot, Ahsoka picked up the newer boots and situated them just below the knee. She looked ahead in the mirror at the new shoes; sizing herself up. The make was familiar. Rex’s civvies once consisted of a pair of those model boots with the black clasps.
He didn’t want to let her go out on her own. It was wrong, he’d said. But she didn’t listen because she’s “been on her own before” and she “knew what she was talking about.” She rolled her eyes, for the first time, at herself. How could she be such a … such a di’kut? Rex should be there with her. Afterall, he wanted to be. She didn’t want to be on Thabeska. She was skilled at mechanics, but it wasn’t right that her captain wasn’t underneath the ship next to hers. Working on mechanics gained its own sense of life when they were doing it together, cracking jokes instead of getting up to get a cleaner rag. The Outer Rim was no place for her without Rex.
And now, she had no idea where he’d gone. She’d made the wrong choice. She regretted her decision. She wanted nothing more than to go back and have left with him; to be wherever he was.
Hastily, she finished buckling her future purchase and stood. Once more she looked at herself. She should’ve seen the both of them in that mirror. Ahsoka picked up the empty box and her earlier pair of boots. Reluctantly standing, she moved toward the front of the store. She dangled the boots over the garbage before dropping them and then placing the box on the counter.
“I’ve already put them on,” she informed the cashier. He nodded.
While he rung up her purchase, Ahsoka stepped away from the counter. Her comm began to blink.
The other line crackled with static before clearing, “Ahsoka?”
She looked around hurriedly and responded, “Uh, this is Ashla.”
The calling end picked up her innuendo, “Well?”
The heat of the sun embraced her, “Send your coordinates.”
Rex responded with a respective, “Yes, Sir.” He ended the call and Ahsoka was overcome with happiness; stepping out into the sun and onto the dust with her fresh boots.
“Hey! Yer gonna pay ‘fer those!”
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