#shipping adults in this house
darthgoosegoose · 2 years
'When Chewbacca told you we had to wear red, I don't think he meant taking it this far.'
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anistarrose · 19 days
SO as an aromantic villain liker, I have to admit that whether aro or not, there's something compelling about Philip perhaps clinging to Caleb in part because of an alienation from the Other way of acquiring a Good God-Loving Family in his day and age. because if Caleb spurns their witch hunting dreams to go fall in love with a witch that's a perceived betrayal to Philip on two fronts, the witch sympathizing and the abandoning Philip for romance. it's compelling in a "Belos selectively ignores all the norms of his own oppressive belief system that he spurns, when he could have easily found a home amongst the freaks if he let go of his hate" way. it's compelling in an "adds even more parallels to Lilith, who avoids following his path, and shows that people who start in a similar place, with both genuine flaws and genuine instances of being wronged by the world, the latter not entirely unrelated to aromanticism, are still able to find joy instead of hatred, because aromanticism is not a destiny to endlessly suffer nor a destiny to do evil" kind of way.
BUT. unfortunately. I've seen way too many posts that just spew garbage like "Belos is evil because he's incapable of love, obviously! and the heroes are good and moral and (cough) not subhuman (cough) because they actually love people 🥰," just total horseshit right at the intersection of aphobia and ableism. just a total admission that they don't think love can ever motivate people to hurt anyone, that they don't think they can hurt anyone they love and no one they love could really hurt them, that love is a get out of jail free card when doing harm while harm is a get banned from love and humanity permanently card, so. basically, we can't have nice things.
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luuxxart · 2 years
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important dynamics to take note of ✍️
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that-girl-glader · 2 days
Spot the difference games getting harder and harder....
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indecisive-dizzy · 1 month
Alright the Gravity Falls brain rot is kicking in (aka I watched a 4hr video overanalyzing ATOTS <3 iykyk)
So have a loosely thought out concept of a hypothetical Welcome Home x Gravity Falls au with my "Hear me out!"s This is a long one, you've been warned <3
Wally - Dipper
Sally - Mabel
Julie - Stanley
Frank - Stanford
Eddie - Soos
Barnaby - Wendy
Poppy - Abuelita
Howdy - Gideon
Home - Bill???
Ok hear me out! (under the cut) Please ignore typos <3
Very quick clarification! For this au everyone is at least in their teens and I'm gonna add their ages as I elaborate. Ok? Ok!
Gonna Start with Poppy and Eddie. In this hypothetical au Poppy is Not Eddie's grandmother. Originally I thought of assigning Poppy the role of Lazy Susan but I wanted her to have a closer connection to the rest of the cast. And Abuelita fit the role well enough for me! She's just a sweet homebody who wants to knit and bake in peace. Eddie tells her all about work and Wally and Sally visit. <3
So Poppy and Eddie live together as Roommates/Family. Poppy took Eddie in as a teen (16ish) when she was in her early 20s (22-23?) He views her as a big sister. And she views him as a little brother. Anxiety siblings <3 (yes I hc Eddie has anxiety) Eddie started working for the shack soon after being taken under Poppy's wing. He's a tad forgetful and clumsy but is a very reliable handy man and a good friend! He's got a big heart and worries about Julie sometimes.
Currently, as in the time the au takes place, Eddie is 24 and Poppy is 30-31.
Julie and Frank would in fact make a Fantastic Mabel and Dipper. Tbh I think I've seen the comparison before. Which is exactly why I'm not doing it! They're not twins here but they are childhood friends and very close in age, Frank being slightly older. Currently, Julie is 57(?) and Frank is 58(?). (Ages aren't confirmed, all I know is I want them to be A Bit younger than the Stans. Currently this would put them in their late 20s at the time of the portal incident)
I feel like people sometimes forget that Frank is not against resorting to violence lol. Which is great for post portal Ford (and maybe Paranoia era Ford. bbg was not afraid to use that crossbow.) And Julie is a girl bossing business woman! She's scamming people selling breen to the tourists! Whatever that is! Tbh Big inspo for this decision is Relativity Falls, like I said these two make for great mystery twins.
So! Wally (15) as a teenage Dipper! It's just Wally but his curiosity is bumped to 100. Still the same lil guy but he's got a hyperfixation on the supernatural and cryptids. Maybe he hasn't quite figured out his style yet, maybe he's a bit more awkward, I dunno.
He kinda didn't want to spend his summer here but ends up enjoying himself as he makes friends and gets to over indulge his curiosity.
Sally (15) is Wally's adopted sister! By sheer coincidence they have the same birthday but Sally always points out that she's older because she was "born at sunrise!" She's very adventurous and is often the one leading their escapades. I imagine she meets this aus equivalent of Candy and Grenda at the local theater. Very much wants to be her own person, separating herself from the Adopted Twins thing. Not in a bad way! She loves Wally very much but wants people to see her as Sally! Not just "Wally's Sister."
Barnaby (22) is very laid back and so is Wendy. Yeah I don't actually have a lot to say? Um. He does the bare minimum work but is a good friend to Julie. He's real observant and can tell she's not always as bubbly as she seems But she's also his boss so he doesn't pry. Instead just offering a distraction or a rare bit of advice..
Oh! There's a parallel with him and Wally and Wendy and Dipper. Except Wally just wants to be friends with Barnaby but doesn't quite know how to communicate that. Maybe he just kinda follows him around the shack hoping to figure out what to say?
Thinking their relationship is literally the recent quote from Clown's Q&A: "Barnaby meeting Wally felt like business as usual, and Wally meeting Barnaby felt like meeting the whole world." yeah that's it. Sums it up Perfectly <3 Wally thinks Barnaby is really cool and friendly. And he wants a friend who treats him like he's mature. Like he's 15, not 5. And Barnaby does that right out the gate. Calls him kid but obviously doesn't treat him like a small child.
Ahem. Capitalism. Howdy's (21) a filthy capitalist and wants the shack for Profit. I don't think he'd resort to literal breaking and entering to get the deed? Can't make Profit from jail if he gets caught. But he's definitely trying to buy the property off of Julie. Maybe we stray further from Gravity Falls canon and say he gets an early redemption bc I'm a sucker for this goof. It would be sometime after taking the shack (and losing it.) Oh but he does summon the Evil. Can't break the law if the law doesn't account for Interdimensional Demons!
On that note, Yes Howdy could be Stanley. But again. That's the easy way out! Also in my brain that would make,, idk Barnaby? Ford. And I couldn't do that.
Ok final (wh) character. Home. So I'm on the side of Home Isn't Evil/The Antagonist. He's just a guy (house)! A sassy fella! But someone's gotta be the Eldritch Horror and Unfortunately, Home,,, well he's a lil quirky!
But idk How to incorporate Home. They speak in onomatopoeias! They're a house! Is Home now a Vague 2D House Shaped Demon? Do the have Limbs? Wear a top hat? Do they talk now? Home speaking words feels cursed. But I genuinely don't what else to do? Maybe we suspend our disbelief and they still talk through banging shutters. Everyone just understands them bc Cartoon logic pffff maybe they have subtitles projected into your brain that only you can see idk lol.
So obviously there's Way more GF characters than there are WH characters. insert characters [(y/n)] aren't my thing for aus so that's a no go for me personally. I imagine the town is filled with characters we've heard of outside the neighbors (Ma Beagle of course lives in town.) Maybe some of Howdy's family is here who knows. And the rest would be randos or ocs I guess! Tho I don't believe Julie's siblings are in town.
Anywho this is all hypothetical and I made it up and retyped things as I went along. I wanted to ramble some nonsense so I did! If you read it, Awesome! You sure did that!
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grahoriasfancave · 7 months
Things that could’ve fixed the awkward Eric/Rachel/Nick drama in House of Ashes imo:
The love triangle is omitted entirely and the fandom is left to ship as it pleases
They have the conversation before the briefing and that’s that
They try to have the conversation in the Star Cave and get shamed into dropping it for the time being by Jason and Salim
(Alternately, Jason steps in Murray Bauman-style and insists they get their shit together before they drive him insane)
There’s no big conversation at all, just a little tension from knowing there’s a problem but they’re professional and save that for post-game
All three have multiple chances to bond Jalim-style depending on dialogue options and QTEs, possibly resulting in them behaving more like a polycule by the end
Rachel straight-up kisses Clarice in front of Nick and Eric after they make it to the “safety” of the temple
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fionalexin · 19 days
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"Don't remember calling you to rescue me,little prince~♡"
"What were you THINKING?? You've almost gotten yourself KILLED!!"
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thegelicopter · 2 months
People are STILL condemning Shutaba shippers in the year of our lord 2024????? Touch some grass for the love of God, this is such a chronically online take.
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drachenfalter · 1 year
Look, I know it's a trope because it helps to simplify the narrative and limit the amount of characters the audience has to keep track of,
but I still don't like that virtually all of the important adult characters in the Owl House are childhood friends/high school sweethearts.
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artemisdesari-blog · 1 month
Saw the most bizarre comment on a fic I was enjoying this morning that was along the lines of "this ship is disgusting because he's very short and she's very tall and if she marries him it means she's a pedo". Which is not how any of this works.
One: it's a work of fiction, if you can't separate fiction and reality you shouldn't be consuming any sort of fictional media. Get off the Internet, go outside, talk to real people who will give you the side eye you deserve.
Two: height is not an indicator of maturity. Some people are tall, some people are short. Just because a person is short does mean they look like child. Age, along with physical and mental development is what makes a child. If you are 20, you are considered an adult by society.
Three: as a 4'11 woman, married to a 6'2 man I find such assertions infantalising as all hell. How dare you reduce me, a short person, to a child simply because I am short?!? I, the short adult, have accomplished all the same things my tall adult husband has accomplished (except reaching the top shelf without a stepping stool). In fact, I have given birth twice so I'm two up on him. Physically, my body is that of an adult woman, as a short man's body is physically that of an adult man. Mentally, I have the mind of an adult woman, as a short man's mind is that of an adult man. Finally, I am over the age of consent for my area of the world and thus am considered an adult. As is the short adult man.
In summary: short adults are not children. Stop infantalising us. And that applies to fictional characters too.
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novelconcepts · 4 months
for the ship ask: lotta/shauna? also, love your breakdowns of all these relationship dynamics!!
Anon, I will tell you a secret: Lottie and Shauna are my second favorite ship in the entire show. I love the LottieShauna dynamic down to my bones. It's so antagonistic, but only from Shauna's perspective; Lottie has, like, no idea about this, she's just out here trying to hand Shauna knives and throw her baby showers. When I think about how Shauna views Lottie, this figure through which she's channeling so much of her anxiety about the pregnancy--and then, after, her grief about losing the baby--vs how Lottie is just genuinely trying so hard to help, it cuts open something in me. The scene where Lottie presents herself as a physical target for Shauna to let out all her feelings on, come what may? The martyrdom of it all? WHEW. Unparalleled.
And then to look at them as adults, where Shauna is still not trusting Lottie to have good intentions--"you're gonna make me love this goat, and then you're gonna make me KILL this goat"--while Lottie's just like "I dunno, dude, I feel like it'd be good for you to care for something?" Except now Lottie's looking at her with the eyes of a woman who knows this person almost beat her to death with her bare hands once. Have they talked about that? Doubt it! Has she been sitting on that pain for 25 years? Almost certainly! They have this insane not-quite rivalry that I'm obsessed with. They're on the same page from the jump when Taissa's making her plan, and they're not on the same page at all, and Lottie can never replace Jackie like Shauna can never replicate what Laura Lee offered, but they're always finding themselves staring each other down anyway. It's so much.
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darthgoosegoose · 2 years
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In a galaxy where the clones look their canon ages, that guy waiting for Ahsoka down by the river like he's ready to take her to prom.
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4belphie · 1 year
feeling frustrated bc i love the house of mouse au but i kinda hate how shippy it is 😭
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brot-dae · 8 months
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It's the girls' first kiss!
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aimishix · 1 year
The fact that teen Butthead said Beavis wouldn't live in his future house then them being in their 40s moving into their own apartment together is sending me
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factorialsotherfandoms · 11 months
(Happy end AU, Pac gets his ugly as fuck peach bathrooms because Fit and Mike care too much about his happiness to say no. This is like.. Not just the end of the series but like a post-credits bonus scene, and I'm missing so much of the middle, but after writing about them talking about the house last night how could I not? It heavily references the fic I wrote yesterday [here], but... tldr: there's a plan to build a new town in a new world with the island residents once they escape the island. This is probably like 3 years beyond canon, where they have escaped. Some day I might fill in the rest, but I am /horrible/ at long projects.)
There is a six bedroomed house on the south-east side of town. It is large, but unlike its neighbours it looks like a very normal house. Four walls, three floors, a roof, a basement, an attic, built of brightly coloured concrete. The front garden is paved over, the back garden left mostly untamed. There's a single football goal on the grass, and a bit further back an extensive vegetable garden the inhabitants only sometimes remember to tend - a contraption will harvest and replant, but nobody ever remembers to turn it on. Some trees, some flowers - all of the plots of land are large, here.
The bedrooms are upstairs, all six of them. On the ground floor is the kitchen, the dining room, the living room, each an explosion of the inhabitants colours, while the conservatory is simple in brick and glass. The hallways are painted not cream, but to look like danger tape instead.
Then there is a patio, a barbecue, an attic to store things and a basement with warp-plates to the adult's places of work and a little extra room for the mechanics to mess around.
Richas and Ramon chase each other across the grass. Dapper, over to spend the day with Ramon, reads under the shade of a hawthorn tree. Pac sits up on the roof, terracotta in hand as he tries to rebuild it into something prettier. Mike, meanwhile, works in the basement, adjusting their heating for the coming winter. They rebuilt Chume Labs at the outside of town, and with all the machinery it is always warm, but now, for the first time in so long, they have a home.
"Oi!" Comes the call from the street, and Pac would know that voice anywhere these days.
Recklessly, ridiculously, with full knowledge that even if he misses he'll just wake back up in his room, Pac runs to the edge of the roof and throws himself off, laughing all the way.
Fit catches him, swinging him around to burn the momentum, and keeps him in his arms. It's obvious that Fit showered and changed over by the portal network, but beneath the smell of communal bodywash the blood and dust and death remains apparent. It does not scare Pac. Both a lot of things and not much at all scare him these days.
"How was it?" Pac asks, looping his arms around Fit's neck.
"Let me sit down first," Fit laughs back. "But, there were plenty of idiots. Like always."
"Did you kill anyone?" Pac continues to question, hopping down from Fit's arms to open the door. "Can we come next time?"
"Yes, and if you arrange a babysitter."
Mike meets them at the hatch to the basement, wiping oily hands on his lab coat.
"Hear that?" Pac grins. "Fit says we can go kill people with him next time!"
Mike's returning smile is a little sharp, just as it always has been. "Richas has more than enough parents," he agrees. "And Bad or Philza or someone will take Ramon."
Fit laughs again, and it's such a good sound. Pac never wants it to wnd.
"Alright, alright," Fit waves them down. "I'll take you both next time. I don't see the appeal, though."
Before they can argue their point Ramon runs in to the room, trailing mud, and throws himself at Fit's leg. Fit pats his head, and hands him a gift from the Wasteland - mechanical components, looted from a corpse no doubt.
Ramon slams down a sign. Pac doesn't quite catch what it says, but he sees Fit scoop his son up with an "I missed you too, Ramon."
Pac hands out the coffee while Mike starts instructing Fit on the new heating controls.
"A story?" Fit asks - glancing over, that is exactly what Ramon's latest sign asks. "Someone did try to set up a government again. Someone else had already blown it up by the time I got there, but I lava-casted the ruins."
Pac and Mike both know there is more to it than that - they know his work, and how it goes. There will have been death and murder and strife, pain for all parties, but this way the children laugh about it. Mike leans against Pac, and Pac wraps an arm across his back as they listen to Fit describe some ruins he found, and the narrative he constructed about them. A campfire, a river, and an illegal End Portal, all wrapped into one.
"And then I came home," Fit ends his stories. "To my beautiful baby boy."
Ramon squirms his arms free of Fit's hug, earning laugh after laugh. Again, Pac does not see the question asked on the sign, but Fit softens at it. Looks to Ramon, to Richas and Dapper, to Mike and then to Pac.
"Yes, this is home," Fit says, a little wonder in his voice. "Do you like it, Ramon?"
Ramon nods vigorously.
"We haven't had a home before," Pac says, a little light. "But I like this one. I tried with Ilha Chume Labs, but…"
"But that fucking bear," of those resident in the house, Mike always speaks most easily of the holiday island turned prison. "I know. You tried."
"It's funny," Fit says. "The Wasteland was my home for so long that I forgot what loving it felt like. Leaving... Here I can love forever, there I can only love by its absence in my like."
"We've always had our labs. Those were home enough for then," Mike replies.
"I nearly died our first lab," Pac points out.
"You lived, didn't you?"
"You saw my attempt at a home," Fit cuts in. "Your lab on the island at least had bedrooms."
"Pac's island didn't."
Pac pulls his hands from Mike to hide his face, and the laughter all over it, "I tried, okay? I tried!"
"We know," Fit's voice is soothing, but amused. "We all did. And then, together, we did better."
They failed, but they tried, and what the three of them can build together will always be greater than one alone. Even with Fit's ugly preferences, and the colour scheme.
They built a six bedroomed house on the south-east side of town, with materials they carved themselves from the land, and painted with flowers from the garden. Fit built the walls, strong enough for any blast that the god and goddesses ensure will not touch them here, and sorted the plumbing when they realised he was the closest thing their community had to one. Mike wired all the redstone and the warp plates, and made Fit rebuild his initial, ugly design. Ramon and Richarlyson became lords of the gardens, mostly to keep them away from the building equipment, but also to give them a challenge to do.
Pac chose all the colours, because he wanted to, and has not wanted anything in a very long time; there is a green bedroom and a blue bedroom, one for each scientist, and a yellow bedroom for the son they share with so many other households. A bedroom decorated white for the owner of the local gym, and one with wood paneling for his inventor son. The spare bedroom is an ugly shade of red, but Pac chose it himself, and so the colour stays.
And then there are the bathrooms - one on each floor. A bath on the ground floor, a shower on the first, and a shower-over-bath on the second.
And the bathrooms, of course, are tiled peach.
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