#reylo fanfic recommendations
rainydaybaby · 1 year
Friends, I need recommendations of the most toe-curling, smuttiest, most beautifully written, idiots in love Dramoine/Reylo fics, please & thank youuu.
Emphasis on the smut, I’m in heat
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petrerpkr · 2 years
Mini reylo fanfic rec for @lifepoop
Through Space and Time
Always in Motion
we could plant a house, we could build a tree
When I Dream of You
Under Different Stars
so a smuggler walks into an orphan's bar..
This Moment Found in Sleep
Now I’m The Wine and She’s The Taster
Try Again
Body Double
Sun Spots
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*** defunct - as we are no long on Spotify because their AI policy.
Please consider following us on AO3 for our updates !
Hello everyone new and old! We are ETL Echo Audiobooks! We produce fanfiction audiobooks of the Enemies to Lovers Variety.
There are Dramione Audiobooks, Drarry Audiobooks, Reylo Audiobooks, Darklina Audiobooks, you name it! All Enemies to Lovers (ETL) Pairings!
Here are all of our podfics/audiobooks/audiofics organized into playlists!
This includes the Manacled Audiobook here
Also the Chronological Manacled Audiobook here which we recommend after experiencing the story in the order intended by author @senlinyu
*Dramione Audiobooks: The Fallout Audiobook by everythursday
The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy Audiobook by Speechwriter
Choice and Chance Audiobook by chaosandcrumpets
Remain Nameless Audiobook by @heyjude19-writing
Wait and Hope Audiobook by @mightbewriting
The Auction Audiobook by @lovesbitca8
Bring Him to His Knees Audiobook by musyc (@willhavetheirtrinkets)
Love in a Time of the Zombie Apocalypse by @rizzlewrites
*Reylo Adudiobooks: Proposal by Any Other Name audiobook by @lucidlucy
Conscience and Unconsciousness audiobook by pontmercy44
World in my Eyes by sasstasticmad (@mygrandmathinksimsassy) Audiobook coming Spring 2024!
*All Dramione Audiobook one-shots
*All Drarry Audiobook one-shots
*All Other HP Pairing Fanfic Audiobook one-shots
An ever growing list of Wizarding Podfics/audiobooks/audiofics from different creators can be found here! The listings specify title, creator author, ship, status, and whether or not it has been censored for content.
We are a team of folx from all over the globe who do this for fun in our spare time to make fanfiction more accessible to everyone!
Love from,
ETL Echo Audiobooks
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emdotcom · 1 year
Need to archive some iconic posts. A hitlist (will update w/ links as we go):
Three weed smoking girlfriends
Chocolate fountain cockatoo
Bee centrifuge
Bitch, that's the tubby custard machine
Thomas Jefferson Miku binder
Dashcon post
Alexandria's Genesis
Human Pet Guy post that led to everyone calling him Human Pet Guy
All or Nothing
That one Abt the bear & the cop
Bone stealing witch scandal 1 (this is the one w/ the toe necklace I believe?)
Bone stealing witch scandal 2 (this is the one with the selfie of the stolen child scull from the low-income shallow grave graveyard)
Infinite chocolate
Homestuck cop
"Are you a fucking Reylo?" crepe post
Homestuck cosplayer bathtub incident
(if it is a post? I can't remember if it is) Sixp*nce therapy
The Sixp*nce repost of the hammerhead shark that is "Me after sniffing bleach" that casually drops the child slave detail
"It is a mystery" 👻
Down with cis bus
Children's hospital
Color of the sky
The Hannibal slash-fic writer call-out post, after they were caught racefaking & pretending to be a refugee from a war-torn country so they could continue to write Hannibal aids fanfic without being called a hypocrite for calling out ANOTHER Hannibal slash-fic author for writing cannibal mermaid fanfic
Feel free to recommend stuff of a similar vein!
Special thanks to our lovely contributors: @footsteps-on-the-dance-floor
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athelise · 2 years
Hey! It’s me again 😂
I was wondering if you could recommend some good ff ?
Hmmmm, some good fanfic!
I do love those. I'm assuming in the Naruto verse? I'll throw in some Reylo as well and a lil bit of Darklina since the stuff I tend to read falls pretty much in line with what I currently write, and so you might like it.
Now, not all of these will be complete, but I personally don't let that stop me.
For Naruto verse, I'd recommend:
Words that Tie, Ties that Bind by binx, a Gaasaku soulmate AU to crown soulmate AUs: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32162464/chapters/79690114
Broken by Mustsleep, an excellent characterization of both Madara and Sakura: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39953697/chapters/100049814
Burning Daylight, a positively sumptuous Sasosaku: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40998750/chapters/102748863
Really anything by fallen__alien, but particularly Cherry, a positively delicious Kakasaku BDSM with some teacher/student: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22309717/chapters/53287255
And her series, Feral Love, which are all separate but connected one-shots, here is the first one: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39906396
I don't need to say this but there are plenty more where what came from, but this is the jist of some of my favorite works in the Naruto Verse
As for beyond Naruto, here we go.
The darkfic upon which I cut my teeth: the hauntingly horrifying Little Animals by amybeegood: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19902718/chapters/47141557
Anything at all by MalevolentReverie, she's a fookin' GENIUS, but I'm currently obsessed with Moon-Shaped Pool and Oh, My My: https://archiveofourown.org/users/MalevolentReverie/pseuds/MalevolentReverie
Malfeasance by Vuas, an icon among us lowly peasants: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31435907/chapters/78263738#workskin
AND SO MANY MORE!!! I would rec them but my brain is completely fried from combing through some of the great works I love
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mermaidsirennikita · 9 months
wait was it like a published fanfic or was it on ao3?
A fanfic on ao3.
I’m gonna soapbox now because this really bugs me lol, not related to the ask really
A published fanfic that has been edited and reworked as a book is a book—and if it’s trad, it’s probably been reworked a *lot*. And it loses a lot of the benefits a fanfic writer does (and should) enjoy, imo—namely, fanfic gets projected to an audience that is ready and waiting for something connected to a world they care about, theoretically containing characters they care about. Even when you’re reading an AU, you read because you want to read about Kylo and Rey, Spock and Kirk, whatever. The fic writer has to work for a subsection of that audience, but it’s nothing close to publishing a book where you need readers who do not give a fuck about your leads going in (if The Love Hypothesis was only read and enjoyed by reylos it wouldn’t have been nearly as successful, though it definitely benefited from reylos promoting it). Totally different environment.
There’s more of a space to get really granular when critiquing books because readers pay money for books, and books are naturally meant to be read by a wider swathe of people. Fanfic is supposed to be for this specific sect of readers, and I think this thing where people are like “if you love this romance novel, read this dramione fic” (for example) when recommending shit to people who have no idea what dramione is…. I just think it both devalues unique challenges faced by book authors AND sets fic writers up for criticism that they wouldn’t have received otherwise and don’t deserve because they’re doing something that is ultimately NOT meant to be professional on any level. And can’t be.
People obviously profit from converted fics and I do think there are some specific phenomena happening there, but at least someone like Ali Hazelwood did the extra work of editing and converting to make the work totally separate from Star Wars and knew her work would be, as a product people pay for, subject to a different type of critique.
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Still dealing with chronic illness issues, but that's okay! I was able to read what I was!
The Sword of Summer & The Hammer of Thor
By Rick Riordan - I read the first two books in Riordan's Magnus Chase trilogy, and as usual, I have little to say that hasn't already been said! Riordan continues building his mysterious universe of delightfully fun and silly young adult characters navigating their lives as the children of gods. I'm a huge fan of Norse mythology, and this series dives right into that stuff...
The first two Magnus Chase books are just like the rest of Riordan's works. Each follows a new adventure amongst unlikely friends who suddenly encounter some sort of doomsday timeline--something terrible is about to happen, and this time our team only has three/four/five days to stop it! It's a familiar script, but if you're familiar with Riordan, you know not to take the books too seriously. You go in to meet colorful characters and learn obscure facts about godly mythology. They're guilty pleasure novels, but somehow, Riordan is always able to attain stakes. Characters gain and lose, kill and die. That, I believe, is what make his worlds most endearing.
My biggest shock of this series? The representation. A homeless hero. A deaf best friend. A Muslim partner. And a genderfluid love interest. My jaw was consistently on the floor, and I was once again absolutely thrilled with Riordan's commitment to inclusion. Thanks to cheery, playful dialogue, it never comes off as forced, and I will never not recommend Riordan's work to people of all ages. RENT IT!
Love, Theoretically
By Ali Hazelwood - All right, I have to be honest. I'm in a book club with a friend, and we love bad books. We previously read Hazelwood's The Love Hypothesis and had a great laugh. Published Reylo fanfic? Unbelievable. We had to know what happened. That book was so strange and...upsetting (a sex scene where the MC is uncomfortable the whole time? Wow, that's sooo hot...). So my friend insisted we read another book from Hazelwood...
I admit, I am not the target audience for books like these, but I really hated this one. Hypothesis was fun because of the Reylo of it all. But Theoretically? Bland, slow, and incredibly unrelatable (to me, at least). Incredible average. I don't enjoy fanfic, nor do I enjoy relatable-girl rom-com reads. This book was made to be disliked by someone like me. The constant mentions of Twilight. The persistent, quirky thoughts of cheese. A seemingly perfect love interest with exclusively perfect friends. A quirky family that's...actually also pretty perfect. And an absolutely, objectively perfect ending. Come ON. I was ASLEEP.
At least reading all the different ways Hazelwood could skirt around using the word "vagina" kept me laughing. If you like plain, inoffensive, modern-day romance, sure. Read it. Whatever. But I prefer more turmoil in my love stories, stuff that goes beyond "It's so hard to just be myself...". SKIP IT!
By D.M. Cornish - Okay, now this is the stuff I love! Can't sing enough praises for Cornish's series, and this finale does not disappoint. Like the two books preceding it, Factotum struggles with pacing at times, but otherwise, it's another fascinating thrill in a horrifying world. I may have teared up a bit at the end.
I'm a sucker for huge fantasy. I love gothic settings, and I love a heartfelt parent-child relationship story. I would die for this series' main character, and so would all of his caretakers. He must be protected, and in this finale, our poor MC is being actively hunted. As the reader, you just want this young boy to be safe, to follow his dreams and go about his life, but never has he been more in danger. It was scary and violent, and I had so much fun--even when our little boy was being mind-tortured.
Great, high-stakes action. Beautiful prose. Mesmerizing world with monsters and kings and gods. Delightful artwork, and loveable characters. Bloodborne for kids, and now one of my new favorite book series in the gothic/fantasy genre. I'm just desperate for more. By all means, do not overlook this little series from the 2000s. BUY IT!
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orangedodge · 9 months
"Tag nine people to get to know better."
Three ships: First ever ship: Last Song: Last Movie: Currently reading: Currently Watching: Currently consuming: Currently craving:
I was tagged for this by @dannybagpipesarecalling back in November, and then I got stumped on the first question for an embaressingly long amount of time. It's been so long that I'm sure I've missed whatever occasion this was for, so I won't tag anyone--but if anyone wants to share then please feel free.
Three ships: At the moment, I really like Ianthe/Harrow from the Locked Tomb books. The concept is just so funny to me (especially considering that Gideon has to watch them 24/7 and can't say anything or let anyone know she's there). And I'm replaying Andromeda agaim, so Sara Ryder/Liam Kosta is always in my thoughts--as is Sara/Peebee. But I slightly prefer her relationship with Liam, and I've never quite been into them as an OT3. I didn't want to pick something I've actually written for (published other otherwise), so after a lot of wasting time, my third will be... (it took me weeks to decide on this) Bobby/St. John from the X-Men movies. They were my ship back in middle school
First ever ship: I think it was Kikyo/Sesshomaru? It could have been Link/Zelda though, and I also have strong memories of liking Rogue/Remy very early on. John Sheppard/Elizabeth Weir is also a possibility. (I never did find out why we used to call them "Sparky"...) Actually, maybe it was House/Wilson that I shipped first? I'm not sure I knew what shipping really was, yet, with the other stuff, even though I was already into fanfiction and art.
Last Song: Fast Car, at time of originally writing this. I've listened to both the original and the new cover frequently over the last few months. Honorable mention for dragostea din tei, which my dashboard keeps reblogging. It's been giving me war flashbacks of IB exam season when my homeroom teacher would have that song blasting when we were supposed to be having a free study period.
Last Movie: It was a netflix horror movie called Night Teeth. I don't recall if I knowingly chose to watch it, or if it just happened on its own. It was better than it should have been, but not much better than you'd expect of it. A little better than the average low budget Netflix vampire movie. Jorge Lendeborg and Alfie Allen were good, but very little else was.
Currently reading: The Traitor Baru Cormorant. Not sure if I like it yet.
Currently Watching: Finished Shadow and Bone. Good performances all around, though I can definitely see why people joke that it's Netflix's live action Reylo fanfic. I guess it's sad it's not going to continue; I was a lot more interested in the third season stinger, and the promise of the Crows' adventure than anything that had happened so far, but I guess it's at least something that they managed to finish up their primary story before getting cancelled. I think it was a generally satisfying ending. I've also started something called Dare Me, that came to me recommended, but I haven't figured out what the show is about yet.
Currently consuming: At the time of writing, it was tomatoes and bread.
Currently craving: Not anything in particular tbh. I'll probably have toast next?
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Happy Ace Week!
I've done this for a few different visibility awareness days/weeks/months and now it's time for everyone on the aro/ace spectrum to shine! Happy Ace Week friends. 💜 While searching for books that I could recommend that featured Ace characters I realized I was DRASTICALLY missing Representation of the ace community on my bookshelf. Which was... depressing. So what I'll be doing is sharing the few I have read and would recommend and then sharing the books I've found recommended by others that I am adding to my library waitlist as I am making this post!
Book Recommendations with Ace Representation for Ace Week! 💜🤍🖤
Vicious by V.E. Schwab
🔹️Ace biromantic MC
🔹️Trigger Warnings are so important
🔹️Morally Grey or just bad? Lol you decide!
🔹️No romance in book 1 at all, I loved this duology, the ace rep is coded, not explicity stated but has been author confirmed. Been debate among the community over if this counts as ace rep or not, but im included it anyway since it was author confirmed, willing ti be corrected if needed! It was a ton of fun, fast paced and high stakes, kept me at the edge of my seat, in my opinion
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Loveless by Alice Oseman (same author who wrote the beloved Heartstopper books)
🔹️Ace MC
🔹️Overall good and would recommend but it does have its own set of issues with some problematic stereotypes over bi/pan sexualities. Overall the message Is a positive one and one worth reading still in my opinion.
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Ophelia After All by Racquel Marie
🔹️bisexual and Ace Bi romantic MCs
🔹️YA Contemporary
🔹️Adding to my TBR!
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Let's Talk About Love by Claire Kann
🔹️Ace Biromantic MC
🔹️YA Contemporary Collage Romance
🔹️Adding to my TBR!
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The Charm Offensive by Alison Cochrun
🔹️Demisexual MC
🔹️New Adult Contemporary 18+
🔹️Adding to my TBR!
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The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood
🔹️Demisexual MC
🔹️New Adult Romance 18+
🔹️ was actually originally Reylo Fanfic lol
🔹️ fake dating trope
🔹️Has its own set of problems again lol its not great writing, but it was fun. Enjoyed myself for the most part while reading even if I had some moments of cringiness. Lol
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My Heart To Find by Elin Annalise
🔹️Ace, Demi, and Gray-sexual rep
🔹️chronically ill rep too
🔹️Adding to my TBR!
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The Poppy War by RF Kuang
🔹️AroAce Rep for one of the MCs
🔹️Epic High Fantasy
🔹️If you read this book without reading the Trigger Warnings it's not my fault
🔹️Very Graphically violent but I throughly loved this book and am looking forward to finishing the Trilogy
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Heartsong by TJ Klune
🔹️Book 3 in GreenCreek series
🔹️Ace MC, mlm relationship
🔹️Trigger Warnings for Violence mostly
🔹️again, has its problems, but I love this series ALOT lol and this book and relationship were SO CUTE and I would recommend them!
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^ and from this author above, he has a new book coming out next year called "In the Lives of Puppets" and has already confirmed Ace Representation
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Bonus mention to the Stormlight Archive as well, for minor Ace rep in a sort of side sort of main character. Author confirmed, Jasnah is Asexual heteroromantic.
Happy Ace Week friends! And Happy Reading! If anyone else has any other good recs to share with Ace Representation that I (or others) should check out, please share!
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First off, I looked up Zodiac Academy because I was curious about the hate, and the description alone had me on the floor😂 Also, I don’t know if I could read a book where one of the mains is called Tory Vega, as I would literally just be thinking of Victorious the whole time.
Secondly, you mentioned how kingdom of the wicked had a watered down Rhys, and I think it’s super interesting to see so many books with fae/mates/fantasy pop up with the success of SJM. It reminds me of when dystopian books had a huge surge after Hunger Games became popular (I just dated myself, I know), and up until now, I feel like there hasn’t been a trend that has been as popular as that one was. I think it also being coupled with the rise in fantasy tv shows has helped too. I’m curious to see how long it will last!
Without touching on the ZA thing, because I didn't read past like, three chapters of zodiac hogwarts.
I do want to talk about the way this obsession with like, tropes/romance/dark haired enemies turned to lovers has caused a lot of people to write books that are just barely romance to begin with. Romance novels have structure, they have rules the same way ALL genres do. And because people are selling/recommending books based on tropes, I have been noticing a lot of the books I'm being recommended don't have the classic romance structure. They just BARELY have a plot at all- and lot of them read like fanfiction. And I'm not here to talk shit about fanfiction given how much of it I personally write, but if people are reading your book and thinking, "this feels like ACOMAF/Reylo fanfic", that's a problem.
And instead of like, engaging with what makes a book good or why people should read it, you're getting overlays of books with "spicy enemies to lovers" written on a pretty instagramable square, which tells me literally nothing. Three "spicy" scenes and a dark haired asshole aren't enough to carry your plot but a lot of writers think it is.
Oh he's so mean- there is a difference, I think, between a hero who is a jerk you spend enough time with to sympathize with, and an asshole who is an asshole and the heroine inexplicably likes it. That's also not enemies to lovers, which irks the fuck out of me. "He tried to kill me and now I'm wet between the legs" IS NOT ENEMIES TO LOVERS. There is also no transition between the hating to loving- what do they like about each other?
And I chalk it up to people seeing how popular ACOTAR is and wanting to capitalize on it, without understanding what so many people even like about Rhysand to begin with. At best you get ACOMAF fanfiction because the author can write witty dialogue and at worst you get a heinous abuser breaking his victim down to nothing so she has to love him because he's made her feel worthless but the spice is good, so it's forgiven.
And then it's "I read these for fun, I don't want to critique it" okay. but why not? Because you can actually do both, and it feels like people don't think that's possible. I like ACOTAR and I can recognize the problems and discuss them. ACOTAR is saying something- most books are. Even if its just a reflection of the authors beliefs, that's still a statement, like we should critique how quickly these books are being written, how poorly they're being written, and how very popular book influencers (because thats what they are) utilize very large platforms to both demand silence from critiques through toxic positivity AND reward authors for putting no care into the work they're asking people to consume.
This is a rant, but I find myself really frustrated seeing authors calling reviewers "bitches" for calling out their poorly written work. I'm tired of reading what often amounts to vague plagiarism, or being marketed books based on three tropes- it's very much giving, readers are too dumb for a synopsis, here quick, tell them it's enemies to lovers and there is only one bed!!!
And I'm tired of every man being a worse version of Rhysand. Dark hair, tattooed, brooding isn't a personality and if you can't explain what your hero likes about your heroine (or vice versa), stop asking me to believe he loves her for anything more than a wet pussy.
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petrerpkr · 2 years
Reylo fanfic rec
Modern & canon. Mind the tags!
Guardians of Balance
Odds of Rolling Dice
Darkness Rising
Falling In Love With The Storm
The Cost of All We Are
Hold Our Destiny
Light Rises... and Darkness to Meet It
They Don't Have A Word For What We Are
Right Here Waiting For You
Across the Stars (And into the Unknown)
My Neighbor, The Stray Cat
Ready to Fall
into the great laugh of mankind
The Island
I Can't Love You In The Dark
Force Dyad
Darkness, Take My Hand
captive no more (we are free)
Torn Apart
The Last Hope
Shadows in Sunshine
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yellowocaballero · 2 years
1, 3, 4 (listen to your heart!)
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
Fuck y'all would have to tell me :v. I get experimental a lot, and I know sometimes it just ends up confusing. I know which fics would be very bad (Fahrenheit 101, apparently...). I think Mens Rea is like. Normal. Mens Rea is normal. It's a normal fic. From the TMA side I think Martin and the Dream Boy is the funnest without requiring you to understand the Lore of Hot Jon!
Seriously do you guys have any idea how often people come into my comments section calling me a freak. Does this happen to other people? Do other people get comments going "what the fuck is wrong with you op"? Who like the fic? Is this a human experience?!
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
Man vs self! Amnesia plotlines! Self-hatred! God complexes and all-powerful man-children! Mortifying ordeal of being known! Characters inexplicably becoming teenagers! Guy trapping himself in his own lotus eater machine! Pontificating on politics and/or religion! Denial! Escapsim! I am SO predictable lmfao.
4. What detail in [listen to your heart] are you really proud of?
Holy fuck I'm so glad I remembered this. I mention in the fic very briefly that Layla's reading The Love Equation - aka that published Reylo fanfic haha. A few other mentions of her reading published Reylo fanfic didn't make it in (hence the Layla's a reylo tag). Layla is a Reylo. This explains THE ENTIRE STORY. I cannot stress enough that I legitimately put this in as a shorthand to explain a lot of things about why Layla didn't catch so many red flags with Jake.
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redheadgleek · 10 months
WWW Wednesday
1. What are you currently reading?
I just started Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. I saw the movie The Martian, but I've never read the book, so this is a first for this author. 
I've started Sweet Like Jasmine by Bonnie Gray for my "facebook friend recommendation." It's a short book, only 250 pages, and it's exceedingly Christian and Christian self help and I think it's going to be a slog.
I'm still listening to The Ladies of Grace Adieu by Susanna Clarke. I'm about 2/3 of the way through it and I love it.
2. What have you recently finished reading? 
The Twisted Ones by T. Kingfisher - this one started out really great. It was definitely more fantasy based than horror, but the beginning was really creepy. I loved the characters, especially. But then there were chapters of a copied manuscript (apparently it was a short story by Lovecraft) in the middle and it started to drag. Rather disappointing. 
Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarrow. I managed to get over the hump of unbelievability and enjoyed the rest of the story. It is not high literature and it's trope-y but in a good way. The spice was just right too. Iron Flame has a really long waitlist, but the audiobook is available so I might be listening to that next.
The Magical Language of Others by EJ Koh. NPR did a write up on her debut novel, but it wasn't available at the library, so I looked at her other books and this one fit in with my unofficial theme of "Asian women write about their complex relationships with their mothers" of 2023. It was a quick read but I found the writing to be confusing in places and lacking in emotional growth.
Check & Mate by Ali Hazelwood. Have I been avoiding reading Ali Hazelwood’a novels because she wrote Reylo fanfic even though they are about smart nerdy women? Yes. But this one came available at the library and I was in the mood for something light and I found it charming and nerdy and engaging. Even though Nolan Sawyer is just Adam Driver by another name. I do have to protest with it being labeled as Young Adult. The protagonist has graduated high school and her love interest in a few years older. It’s definitely more of a new adult novel.
3. What will you be reading next?
Well a bunch of books all came available at the library at the same time, so I'm shifting around a little.
Part of Your World by Abby Jimenz. My friend has highly recommended these books and the main character is a doctor. Will I finally find my goldilocks of a medical romance?  
A Power Unbound by Freya Marske. I really loved the first books of the trilogy so I'm excited.
Mister Magic by Kiersten White. I heard that she wrote this book as a way for her to process leaving the LDS church, so of course, that got me interested.
Know My Name by Chantel Miller. Book club book.
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes - still on the list. I've managed to avoid spoilers from the movie so far.
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rist-ix · 2 years
What are your all time favourite smutty fanfics irrespective of ships and fandom
Okay so this one makes you waaaaaaiiiiiit for the smut, but if you aren’t reading How To Catch A Goblin King what are you even doing with your life. Seriously if you liked Sparked you will LOVE AND WORSHIP this one. (you don’t have to watch the movie but it's 1.5 hours of fun cheesy 80s dark fairy tale aesthetic so I do recommend)
If you'll let me is a Darklina Student/Professor au that hits hard and never lets up, plus it’s complete!
Followed by the Thud, Between Midnights, And your kingdom too, and Lightning Strikes Twice are all Reylo one shots that will not disappoint, most of them by vuas, who is a god among mortals when it comes to smut.
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alligatorjesie · 11 months
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Hey OP are you blamings reylos for the reason Ben Solo didn't get a good redemption in EP9?
Something we had no control over? Do you think we run Disney?
I fuckin' wish.
God fucking knows if a reylo did do EP9 it would have been Good.
I would give away every egg left in my body to have EP9 retold by a goddamn reylo if it meant Ben Solo got a better redemption and since I actually read reylo fanfictions I know we can pull it off.
Because we have.
Hurricane Wars is a fucking reylo novel.
The first line in the book is quite literally 'I did this for the rats'
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You know, that loving nickname you feckless antis gave to reylos.
I’m pretty fucking sure there is not a goddamn interview Anywhere of Thea mentioning how this is a reskinned reylo story exploring the deep inner workings of internalized racism because that's never what it fucking was.
Did OP... watch interviews of Thea talking about her experiences with racism and now they've mashing the concept of this story together with that interview because I can’t for the fucking love of god remember an instance where Thea rolled up to an interview and said This Story:
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is anything but a modified reylo fanfiction. She mentioned how she added some Southeast Asian influences into the book that were not in the original fic but the original was based in the world of Star Wars so that makes since.
I remember that interview.
Editing a fanfic to be publish friendly takes A Lot of effort and isn't as simple as using the 'find and replace' feature in Microsoft Word like I think OP is assuming it is. There's plenty of opportunity to put in whatever new worldbuilding makes since for the story.
I’ve been following this publishing since I read Landscapes With a Blur of Conquerors, back when she was actively still writing it as reylo fanfiction.
Small segway in somewhat related conversation:
The Sword of the Jedi series is still my favorite fucking Star Wars fanfic by her I can't recommend this one enough.
a story still available on AO3 for free if anyone would like to check it out.
If you liked Hurricane Wars and love Star Wars you'll love this one.
It's a really fun 'What If' on the sequel trilogy where the change is 'What if Luke and young Ben found Rey as a child on Jakku and she got to grow up at Luke's Jedi academy?'
A far better storytelling of those characters than we got out of the actual media. I fuckin' blew through it in a week the first time I read it.
Go read it if you get the chance.
Anyways, returning to @shallanspren being a prick who talks out their ass and don't know diddly fuck about this fandom.
Who has just been posting hate to this fandom's tag since 2020.
They’re not a reylo.
In fact they sound so disgusted to read reylo fics that they made this shitass post but they’re going to sit there and tell me and everyone else here straight to our faces that they sat through reading the original fics, the entire books, along with reading/watching full interviews with the authors?
OP is full of shit.
They’re lying and they’re so full of fucking shit I can smell them from here.
They’ve never read the fanfics and they’ll never read these books so how the fuck would they know what the fuck is even in it? How would they know how they differ?
Now, I HAVE read both and I can tell everyone right now from simply having read the original fic; it’s very 'Alternate Universe/AU'. I mean, yeah, it uses some of the basic concepts of the ‘Star Wars universe’ but mostly it’s just new story using well established characters and themes.
So right from the start this fic was kinda it's own thing in it's own world with it's own rules and that's when it WAS directly a reylo fanfic.
Love Hypothesis/Head Over Feet was So Fucking AU besides borrowing the characters' basic personalities and names it was a whole ass original story.
There was nothing Star Wars Universe in that one At All.
Full Stop.
Adapting these fics into books makes both of them very original works because the source material was already very Alternate Universe as we like to say in the fanfic world. Ali never admitted on record she didn’t craft her own stories and I know she never fucking has because I've read So Many of her fics on AO3 back during that blissful period between The Last Jedi and EP9 that she could publish 30 more reskinned reylo fics and still have more to go. She was And Still Is a Very Proficient Writer and a Goddamn Treat of a smut writer.
They're fucking Great!
Way fucking better than regular porn. I can only watch a unempathetic guy rail a uninterested chick moaning the most fake 'Oh! God! Yes!' for the entire length of the video before that shit gets old.
With Ali's fics you can feel the horny but most importantly, The Love, and as a furry smut artist I'm Here For That Shit.
This woman is a Goddamned blessing to this fandom and now to published books too. She writes Such Good Smut she could make a sailor blush. I hope her many more years of happy writing with hundreds more publishing deals. I hope she becomes the next harlequin romance writer so she can continue to pay reylo artists to draw covers for her books God Bless they all fuckin' deserves it after the 8 years of constant bombardment with harassment and death threats from stupid fucks like @shallenspren have thrown at us over the years.
Telling a POC her experiences of racism ain't valid just because just so happens to be a reylo and had the audacity to talk about racism during an interview once and now OP has somehow conflated those two very un related things is kinda shit.
That's a shit thing to say. It's a shit opinion to have.
@shallanspren hates reylo and they'll say any fucked up shit to make these artists look bad because they’re mad and jealous about fanfiction writers making money off their Hard Earned Skills and that's kinda fucked up of them.
What @shallanspren said are lies.
They just made up lies because they're mad someone from the fandom they've been shitting on since 2020 told them the shit opinion they posted into the main fandom's tag is wrong and if they don't like the ship they're welcome to fucking leave that fandom's space.
They got so fucking butthurt about me telling them to fix their tags and leave this fandom alone they
Made Up Two Lies About People They Don't Even Fucking Know
OP ain't got a quarter of the skill to create loved things like either of these artists have because OP has spent too fucking long being bitter and hateful to a group of people for just being super passionate about something.
Too fuckin' blinded by hate to see why these stories are flying off the shelves. Reylos got fucking shafted by Star Wars because stupid anti fucks like OP here have made it their life's mission to spread lies and hate about this fandom by being the loudest minorities I've ever fucking seen. I know of one anti reylo on this website alone who has At Least 4 accounts dedicated to being a anti to this fucking ship.
And I know they're all the same person.
That's a lot of dedication to hate.
OP is so goddamn ignorant they're getting hung up on the fact these fics started out as reylo fics not realizing They Were Always Original Works.
Gorge Fucking Lucas didn't write these fics.
JJ or Rian did not write these fics.
These are original works, regardless of the characters they borrowed to make them. These fics would not exist if the writers didn't sit the fuck down and write them.
Saying these books ain't valid all because they started out as fanfics is fucking stupid. EP9 was written by 'professionals' and had a scene with three characters who know full fucking well Stormtroopers can fly say 'They fly now' so I know for a fact fanfic writers put more consideration into storytelling than JJ fucking Abrams or Chris chuckfuck Terrio ever did.
To simply Sit Down and Write takes Skill and Effort, something both of theses writers have in goddamn spades and OP has NONE of because all they post is broken English run-on paragraphs of shitass hateful opinions no one in the tags fucking asked for.
Live long and die fucking mad about it and stop telling lies about strangers because you're jealous they're more skilled than you OP.
Fuck's Sake.
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do you read reylo fanfics
Not so frequently anymore! I've switched fandoms a few times since then.
But I'm always open to recommendations!
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