#rice flour nachos
Writing Reference: Food History
10,000 - almonds, cherries, bread, flour, soup
8,000 - wheat ⚜ 7,000 - wine, beer, pistachios, pig, goat, sheep, lard
6,500 - cattle domestication, apples ⚜ 6,000 - tortilla, dates, maize
5,000 - honey, ginger, quinoa, avocados, potatoes, milk, yogurt
4,000 - focaccia, watermelons, grapes, pomegranates
3,200 - chicken domestication ⚜ 3,000 - butter, onion, garlic, apricots
2,737 - tea ⚜ 2,500 - olive oil, seaweed, duck ⚜ 2,300 - saffron
2,000 - peaches, liquorice, marshmallow, pasta, ham, sesame seeds
1,500 - chocolate, vanilla ⚜ 1,200 - sugar ⚜ 1,000 - mangoes, oats, pickles
900 - pears, tomatoes ⚜ 700 - cinnamon ⚜ 600 - bananas, poppy seeds
500 - artichokes ⚜ 400 - pastries, appetizers, vinegar
300 - parsley ⚜ 200 - turkeys, asparagus, rhubarb ⚜ 65 - quince
1st—13th Century
1st Century - chestnuts, lobster, crab, shrimp, truffles, blueberries, raspberries, capers, kale, blood (as food), fried chicken, foie gras, French toast, omelettes, rice pudding, flan, cheesecake, pears in syrup
3rd Century - lemons ⚜ 5th - pretzels ⚜ 6th - eggplant
7th Century - spinach, kimchi ⚜ 9th - coffee, nutmeg
10th Century - flower waters, Peking duck, shark's fin soup
11th Century - baklava, corned beef, cider, lychees, seitan
12th Century - breadfruit, artichokes, gooseberries
13th Century - ravioli, lasagne, mozzarella, pancakes, waffles, couscous
14th—19th Century
14th Century - kebabs, moon cakes, guacamole, pie, apple pie, crumpets, gingerbread
15th Century - coconuts, Japanese sushi and sashimi, pineapples, marmalade, risotto, marzipan, doughnuts, hot dogs
16th Century - pecans, cashews (in India), Japanese tempura, vanilla (in Europe), fruit leather, skim milk, sweetbreads, salsa, quiche, teriyaki chicken, English trifle, potato salad
17th Century - treacle, pralines, coffee cake, modern ice cream, maple sugar, rum, French onion soup, cream puffs, bagels, pumpkin pie, lemonade, croissants, lemon meringue pie
18th Century - root beer, tapioca, French fries, ketchup, casseroles, mayonnaise, eggnog, soda water, lollipops, sangria, muffins, crackers, chowder, croquettes, cupcakes, sandwiches, apple butter, souffle, deviled eggs
19th Century - toffee, butterscotch, cocoa, Turkish delight, iodized salt, vanilla extract, modern marshmallows, potato chips, fish and chips, breakfast cereal, Tabasco sauce, Kobe beef, margarine, unsalted butter, Graham crackers, fondant, passionfruit, saltwater taffy, milkshakes, pizza, peanut butter, tea bags, cotton candy, jelly beans, candy corn, elbow macaroni, fondue, wedding cake, canapes, gumbo, ginger ale, carrot cake, bouillabaisse, cobbler, peanut brittle, pesto, baked Alaska, iced tea, fruit salad, fudge, eggs Benedict, Waldorf salad
20th Century
1901 - peanut butter and jelly ⚜ 1904 - banana splits ⚜ 1905 - NY pizza
1906 - brownies, onion rings ⚜ 1907 - aioli
1908 - Steak Diane, buttercream frosting ⚜ 1909 - shrimp cocktail
1910 - Jell-O (America's most famous dessert)
1910s - orange juice ⚜ 1912 - Oreos, maraschino cherries, fortune cookies
1912 - Chicken a la King, Thousand Island dressing
1914 - Fettuccine Alfredo ⚜ 1915 - hush puppies
1917 - marshmallow fluff ⚜ 1921 - Wonder Bread, zucchini
1919 - chocolate truffles ⚜ 1922 - Vegemite, Girl Scout cookies
1923 - popsicles ⚜ 1924 - frozen foods, pineapple upside-down cake, Caesar salad, chocolate-covered potato chips
1927 - Kool-Aid, s'mores, mayonnaise cake ⚜ 1929 - Twizzlers
1930s - Pavlova cakes, Philly cheese steak, Pigs in blankets, margaritas, banana bread, Cajun fried turkey ⚜ 1931 - souffle, refrigerator pie
1933 - chocolate covered pretzels ⚜ 1936 - no-bake cookies
1937 - Reubens, chicken Kiev, SPAM, Krispy Kreme
1938 - chicken and waffles ⚜ 1939 - seedless watermelon
1941 - Rice Krispies treats, Monte Cristo sandwiches ⚜ 1943 - nachos
1946 - chicken burgers, tuna melts, Nutella ⚜ 1947- chiffon cake
1950s - chicken parm, Irish coffee, cappuccino, smoothies, frozen pizza, diet soda, TV Dinners, ranch dressing ⚜ 1951 - bananas foster
1953 - coronation chicken ⚜ 1956 - German chocolate cake, panini
1957 - Quebec Poutine ⚜ 1958 - Instant ramen noodles, crab rangoon, lemon bars ⚜ 1960s - beef Wellington, green eggs and ham, red velvet cake
1963 - black forest cake ⚜ 1964 - Belgian waffles, Pop Tarts, Buffalo wings, ants on a log, pita bread ⚜ 1965 - Gatorade, Slurpees
1966 - chocolate fondue ⚜ 1967 - high fructose corn syrup
1970s - California rolls, pasta primavera, tiramisu ⚜ 1971 - fajitas
1975 - hicken tikka masala ⚜ 1980 - turducken
1980s - Panko, portobello mushrooms, bubble tea, chicken nuggets, Sriracha, Red Bull energy drink, everything bagels
1990s - artisan breads, Jamaican jerk ⚜ 1991 - turkey bacon, chocolate molten lava cake, earthquake cake ⚜ 1993 - broccolini
1995 - Tofurkey ⚜ 1997 - grape tomatoes
21st Century
2002 - flat iron steak, tear-free onions ⚜ 2007 - Kool-Aid pickles, cake pops
2008 - Mexican funnel cake ⚜ 2013 - cronuts, test tube burgers
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tea-with-evan-and-me · 3 months
after i was diagnosed with diverticulitis i slowly started to change my diet. now, eating primarily whole foods isn’t always exciting but boy do you feel the difference and i lost 20 pounds in two months 🤦🏻‍♀️
Holy moly admin, I’m sorry 😥 I had to read up on that, it sounds painful. I’m glad you were able to turn your diet around and found a way to stick to it, getting older and the harsh effects that come with it is no joke. The way my metabolism changed between my 20s and 30s is such a kick in my ass. If I don’t do something active every day and even think about a chocolate shake or chicken strips and fries my ass automatically jiggles for like 2 weeks 😭
What are some main staples in your whole food diet? Like do you avoid carbs altogether or just certain ones at certain times? I find that if I don’t eat carbs (flour products, bread, potatoes, rice, pasta and corn), added sugars, processed food, dairy, grains, legumes, alcohol or oils (cooking and all fat oils and butter) 3 consecutive days each week, my cravings for the bad stuff becomes less, my inflammation goes away and I can drop at least 2 pounds a week and that’s without any working out, plus I quit caffeine period. *I’m not a nutritionist or diet expert* It is easy to maintain and each week gets easier if you stick to it, but obviously I’m human so this is not something I do all the time for weeks at a time. I’m a foodie at heart and if I want loaded nachos with a steak and bang bang shrimp on the side, I’m a do it 🤣 especially around that time of the month….but that’s when I’ll up the weight and reps in my workouts too.
you're right, i swear i turned 25 and all of a sudden shit got real 😂 i know exactly what you mean though.. nowadays i have been trying to do at least 10k steps every day (walking or jogging) and weight lift 3/week. 2022-2023 was challenging health wise for a variety of reasons and i felt like a big change was needed. ended up having surgery for my endometriosis/an ovarian mass and promptly put on a medication that basically was like a taste of menopause.. hot flashes, joint pain, insomnia, nauseous all the time.. i'm just now coming off of it and i tell you that shit made it so hard to lose weight lmao i'm hoping things will be stable off of it.
everything you said makes perfect sense to me! the longer i go without eating ultra-processed/hyperpalatable foods in general, the easier it gets and the less i crave them. this year i actually ended up buying and participating in a medical weight loss plan because i NEEDED for someone to.. basically just tell me what to eat. i wasn't technically overweight - i know how to eat low calorie and i know how to lose weight if i need to, but not in a healthy way at all. that really was what changed for me, taking their little nutritional class and receiving a meal plan with tons of details about the different groups and how much to eat each day. i realized i was eating so much MORE food - my meal plan was more than i could even manage most days, and yet i lost weight, like now i look like a different person.. it's crazy. i realize i'm sensitive to sodium and i was really inflamed, even in my face, looking back it was so pronounced. on my meal plan, i couldn't add any salt to my food, only salt free seasonings. so that was a big thing lol to answer your question about staples, it's a little tricky.. i haven't banned carbs at all, but i have reduced them a bit. for instance, i'll still have rice, but i will do 1/4 of a cup or 1/2 cup and load up on veggies. nowadays i just eat the live carb smart bread and buns. potatoes are my FAVORITE, so i just try and eat a bit less of them, corn as well. the tricky part about trying to eat as many whole food meals as possible, is that i don't want to cook a meal every single night. i'm big on meal prepping, but i don't really like to eat microwaved food. i feel like it makes food taste weird, ESPECIALLY chicken, which happens to be my general protein of choice. so i've been eating a lot of beef, eggs and cottage cheese for protein. i love vegetables so there's countless options to add in my rotation. i'm very much still learning what works for me, and like you, i'm a foodie who loves to eat. i'm never going to be someone made miserable trying to stick to a very strict diet. i want to enjoy those delicious nachos every once in a while too LMFAO
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lowrescryptid · 2 years
For Veganuary, some of my favorite vegan foods!
As a general rule, I use canned or frozen veggies in all of these. They’re cheaper, they last longer, and you don’t have to do any chopping (which is especially convenient when it comes to onions). The only exceptions are mushrooms and potatoes.
I cook it with veggie broth (or a vegan chicken flavored broth), garlic powder, onion powder, salt and pepper.
Before I set it to simmer, I dump in a bag of frozen veggies (I like mixed veggies or spinach) or fresh veggies (I like mushrooms) and throw in a can of chickpeas for good measure
Right after it’s done, I stir in some vegan cheese if I have it. I usually do about a cup of cheese when I make a big pot and that’s plenty.
Dirty Rice
To stretch mac and cheese, melt some vegan butter in the pot, add your unsweet dairy free milk, then add garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and whatever seasonings you want. Bring it to a boil and then whisk in enough flour to get it to a gravy-like consistency. then add your dairy free cheese--you’ll only need half as much.
Garlic Butter Pasta
Chickpea “Tuna” Casserole 
I like to add red bell pepper or spinach to a mozzarella mac and cheese; peas or meatless crumbles to a cheddar mac and cheese. 
For tomato sauce, I just use a can of crushed tomato with salt, garlic and onion powder, italian seasoning, and a bit of balsamic vinegar. Spinach and mushrooms go well with this, too.
Some of my top recipes
Biscuit Topped Chickpea Pot Pie (takes a while but so worth it!)
Tabbouleh (I usually add chickpeas to make it heartier)
Corn Fritters (I just throw in whatever veggies I have on hand)
Biscuits and Gravy (I usually add some fake sausage to the gravy to make it more filling)
Split Pea Soup
Hummus and Pita (This isn’t real pita, but it’s close and much easier. Of course you can always just buy it at the store, too.)
Potato Wedges
Refried Bean Burgers
Burritos (No recipe, but I fill mine with refried beans, spanish rice--the little knorr packets are vegan!--taco sauce, and mexican style dairy free cheese)
Nachos (No recipe, but I top mine with black beans, a vegan cheese sauce, salsa, and black olives)
Desserts are easy--just sub out dairy-free milk and dairy-free butter. Or search for vegan versions of your favorites! 
Cinnamon Rolls
Banana Bread Cinnamon Rolls
Orange Rolls
Sprinkle Sugar Cookies
Rolled Sugar Cookies
Double Chocolate Chip Cookies
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Vanilla Pudding
Chocolate Pudding
Lots of stovetop pudding mixes are vegan--just use non-dairy milk!
Vanilla Cake
Chocolate Cake
Coffee Cake
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
Banana Nice Cream
Frozen Pineapple Whip 
Vegan Egg Substitutes for Baking
Cheese - I buy raw cashews in bulk from foodtolive--shipping is free, tax is included, and the price is very reasonable. I eat cashew cheese every day so I usually get the 7lb bag and keep it in the bottom of my fridge.
Easy Cheese Sauce (no cashews)
Go-to Cashew Cheese (This is a great base! Sometimes I add tomato paste and hot sauce for a buffalo cheese, or sometimes I go heavy on the lemon juice and add dried dill and parsley).
Pimento Cheese
Sundried Tomato Cheese
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thespicedpalate · 2 years
These black bean burritos are filled with aromatic black beans, vibrant Mexican rice, sharp cheddar cheese, and a melty nacho cheese sauce served inside a chewy and crispy flour tortilla. This is a great way to fill your freezer with food for cheap.
But the best part?
They only cost about $.53 cents each, and you can fill your freezer with them.
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foggycityfriend · 28 days
Savor the Bold Flavors of Mexico at Loco Mexicano
Situated in the lively heart of London Victoria, Loco Mexicano offers a vibrant dining experience that brings the rich, bold flavors of Mexican cuisine to the city. Known for its colorful decor, energetic atmosphere, and delicious menu, Loco Mexicano is the perfect spot for anyone looking to indulge in authentic Mexican dishes with a modern twist. Whether you’re planning a casual meal with friends, a festive celebration, or just craving some spicy tacos and margaritas, Loco Mexicano promises a fiesta for your taste buds.
As you step into Loco Mexicano, you are immediately greeted by a burst of color and energy. The restaurant’s interior is a feast for the eyes, with bright, vivid colors, traditional Mexican artwork, and festive decorations that create a lively and welcoming atmosphere. The comfortable seating and upbeat music set the stage for a fun and enjoyable dining experience, making Loco Mexicano the ideal spot for both relaxed meals and lively gatherings.
The menu at Loco Mexicano is a celebration of the diverse and flavorful world of Mexican cuisine. Each dish is crafted with fresh ingredients and traditional spices, ensuring an authentic taste that transports you straight to the heart of Mexico. From classic favorites to inventive new creations, the menu offers something for everyone, whether you’re a seasoned fan of Mexican food or trying it for the first time.
Start your meal with a selection of appetizers that are perfect for sharing. The nachos, topped with melted cheese, guacamole, sour cream, and jalapeños, are a crowd favorite, offering a delicious combination of flavors and textures. The freshly made guacamole, served with crispy tortilla chips, is another must-try, providing a creamy and refreshing start to your meal. For those who enjoy a bit of spice, the spicy chicken wings, coated in a tangy and fiery sauce, are sure to please.
When it comes to the main course, Loco Mexicano offers a variety of dishes that showcase the best of Mexican cuisine. The tacos, available with a choice of fillings including grilled chicken, beef, pork, or shrimp, are a highlight of the menu. Each taco is packed with flavor, thanks to the fresh ingredients and perfectly balanced spices. The fajitas, served sizzling on a hot skillet with a side of warm tortillas, are another popular choice, offering a fun and interactive dining experience.
For those who prefer something heartier, the burritos and enchiladas at Loco Mexicano are sure to satisfy. The burritos, filled with your choice of meat, beans, rice, and cheese, are wrapped in a soft flour tortilla and served with a side of salsa and guacamole. The enchiladas, smothered in a rich and flavorful sauce, are baked to perfection and topped with melted cheese, providing a comforting and indulgent meal.
Vegetarians will also find plenty to enjoy at Loco Mexicano. The vegetarian tacos, filled with grilled vegetables and topped with fresh salsa and guacamole, offer a light and flavorful option. The veggie burrito, packed with beans, rice, cheese, and sautéed vegetables, is another delicious choice that’s full of flavor and texture.
No Mexican meal is complete without a refreshing drink, and Loco Mexicano’s bar offers a wide selection of beverages to complement your meal. The cocktail menu features a variety of margaritas, from the classic lime to more adventurous flavors like mango and strawberry. The bar also offers a range of tequilas, beers, and soft drinks, ensuring that there’s something for everyone. The Loco Mexicano Signature Margarita, made with premium tequila and fresh lime juice, is a popular choice that perfectly balances sweet and sour flavors.
The staff at Loco Mexicano are known for their friendly and attentive service. They are always on hand to recommend dishes, explain the menu, and ensure that your dining experience is enjoyable from start to finish. Their passion for Mexican cuisine and dedication to providing excellent service shine through in every interaction.
Loco Mexicano is also an ideal venue for special events and celebrations. Whether you’re planning a birthday party, a work gathering, or just a night out with friends, the restaurant’s team will work with you to create a customized experience that’s tailored to your needs. The lively atmosphere, delicious food, and exceptional service make Loco Mexicano the perfect place to celebrate any occasion.
For those who prefer to enjoy their meal at home, Loco Mexicano offers convenient takeout and delivery options. Their expertly prepared dishes can be enjoyed in the comfort of your own home, bringing the bold flavors of Mexico right to your doorstep.
Loco Mexicano is more than just a restaurant; it’s a place where you can experience the vibrant culture and flavors of Mexico in the heart of London. With its lively atmosphere, mouth-watering menu, and exceptional service, Loco Mexicano promises a dining experience that is both fun and unforgettable.
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ezcater · 2 months
Why the Fajita Bar Is Such a Great Catering Option
Catering is convenient. It’s a simple way to bring food into the workplace for team lunches, events, or for any reason. When it comes to convenience, one kind of catering can take things to the next level: the food bar.
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Food bars come in all kinds of flavors, like the burger bar, salad bar, taco bar, and fajita bar. They come with “all the fixins” you need to feed a crowd. You don’t have to go around taking everyone’s order. You put in a single order and go from there. That said, the fajita bar stands out from the rest. When you search for local Tex-Mex or Mexican catering, you may find a fajita bar. While food bars like the burger bar or taco bar can be convenient and delicious in their own right, the fajita bar might just offer even more convenience. How can a fajita bar possibly be more convenient? Here are a few ways the fajita bar stands out from other kinds of food bars. Start by Customizing Your Fajita Bar The convenience of the fajita bar begins the second you start your order. Many caterers let you customize your own fajita bar. You may be able to choose from a few different proteins like marinated beef, chicken, or beans. From there, you can choose additional toppings for your overall order. Many fajita bars come with a standard assortment of toppings, like sauteed veggies, cheese, and rice. Exact toppings can vary between caterers, but you may be able to add extras if you want. Then there’s arguably the most important detail of your lunch catering order—the amount of food! You don’t want to get too little, but you definitely don’t want to be stuck with a ton of leftovers, either. The best catering platforms let you order based on headcount. This ensures you get enough food to minimize waste and keep your budget under control. Get All the Delicious Ingredients You Need to Get Started You may be able to customize your fajita bar to a degree when you order, but the customization really matters once your bar is delivered. Whether you’re feeding the team or hosting an event, everyone in attendance can pick and choose what they want in their fajita. This is generally true of any food bar. People can pick what they want to eat and they can make their fajita their way. From the protein to the veggies to the sauces, it’s up to each person. If someone wants a veggie fajita, they can have it! Fajita Bars Make It Easy to Customize Your Meal Options The interesting thing about fajita bars is that they don't have to be “just” fajita bars. This is one feature that can set them apart from other food bars. They offer a level of flexibility you might not get with other kinds of food bars. Fajita bars typically come with flour tortillas, though you may be able to get a side of tortilla chips or other kinds of tortillas. This means your fajita bar can double as a taco bar or even a nacho bar. It’s just another level of delicious convenience! About ezCater How easy is it to order team lunch on ezCater? You can order a delicious meal in minutes and have it delivered just in time for lunch. ezCater is the leading catering platform and makes it easy to find reliable caterers near your workplace. You can turn to ezCater to help you cater sales calls, team meetings, and company events. Why is it so easy? ezCater puts dozens of search tools at your fingertips to find the right food for your needs. They’re also connected with over 100,000 caters and restaurants nationwide. You can order highly-rated Cincinnati catering if you’re in the Cincinnati area. In Charleston? Get the catering Charleston SC can’t stop talking about. Make your next meal happen with ezCater. Find convenient and delicious fajita bar catering near you at https://www.ezcater.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/3LXTfMD
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findgeneral12 · 6 months
Top 10 Office Snacks to Order For Your Team
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Office snacks are small and convenient to store in breakrooms and coffee stations, providing employees with quick and easy nibbles to enjoy throughout the day. These snacks, available from Find General Trading, the office snack suppliers, can help reenergize tired workers and contribute to overall employee satisfaction and well-being. Here are some popular office snack options:
Pretzels: Pretzels are a crunchy and less fatty alternative to potato chips, making them a great option for salty snack lovers. They can be provided in various flavors such as buffalo and nacho cheese, or included in trail mix for added variety.
Popcorn: Popcorn is a fiber-rich whole grain snack that can help curb cravings and stabilize blood sugar levels. Popped in olive oil and seasoned with garlic powder or sea salt, it makes for a guilt-free workplace snack.
Protein Bars: Protein bars are an excellent choice for a healthy office snack, providing longer-lasting energy compared to carbohydrate-rich snacks. However, it's essential to avoid overindulging due to their calorie and protein content.
Granola: Granola, typically known as a breakfast cereal, can also serve as a satisfying workplace snack. It offers a combination of carbs and protein, although it's essential to choose brands with minimal added sugars and oils.
Trail Mix: Trail mix, made from nuts, raisins, and sometimes chocolate or dried fruits, is a versatile snack option that caters to various tastes. It provides a mix of crunchy, salty, sweet, and savory flavors in every handful.
Crackers: Crackers are a crunchy snack that pairs well with dips and spreads. Opting for whole wheat or almond flour crackers can offer added fiber and nutrients, while choosing low-sodium varieties can help reduce salt intake.
Pita Chips: Pita chips are a satisfying alternative to potato or corn chips, offering a distinct crunch and nutty flavor. Pair them with healthful dips for a flexible and tasty office snack option.
Salsa, Guacamole: Salsa made with fresh vegetables and spicy ingredients is refreshing when paired with veggie sticks or pita chips. Similarly, guacamole provides heart-healthy fats and can be enjoyed with rice cakes or whole-wheat tortilla wraps.
Energy Bars: Energy bars combine granola, nuts, seeds, and natural fruit for a convenient and nutritious snack option. It's essential to choose bars with minimal processed ingredients to maximize nutritional benefits.
Rice Cakes: Rice cakes offer a gluten-free and low-calorie alternative to traditional bread, perfect for creating customizable snack combinations with toppings like peanut butter, cream cheese, or hummus.
Offering a variety of office snack options can help satisfy cravings and boost energy and morale among employees. By providing both sweet and savory snacks, employers can promote healthy eating habits and contribute to overall employee well-being. Order your office snacks from Find General Trading for a convenient and satisfying snack experience.
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restaurantify · 7 months
200+ Creative Restaurant Name Ideas for Your Culinary Venture
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Selecting the ideal name for your restaurant is a pivotal branding decision that can significantly impact your business's success. However, brainstorming restaurant names can pose a challenge. That's where we come in!
Why Choose a Memorable Restaurant Name?
Your restaurant's name is often the first impression potential customers have of your establishment. It's a key component of your brand identity and plays a crucial role in attracting diners. A captivating and memorable restaurant name can set you apart from the competition, pique curiosity, and draw customers in.
On the flip side, a lackluster or uninspired name may fail to capture attention and could deter potential patrons. Investing time and effort into crafting a creative and original restaurant name can pay off in dividends by generating interest and enticing customers to give your establishment a try.
In essence, a well-chosen restaurant name can make a significant difference in your business's success.
How to Choose a Unique Restaurant Name
If you're wondering how to come up with a standout restaurant name, here are some tips to guide you:
Define Your Restaurant's Identity: Consider your restaurant's mission, vision, values, and cuisine style to inform your name choice.
Get Creative: Utilize a restaurant name generator or brainstorm with friends and family to spark inspiration.
Seek Community Input: Solicit restaurant name suggestions from your local community or target demographic for diverse perspectives.
Incorporate Location: Highlighting your restaurant's geographic location in the name can add a personal touch and attract local patrons.
Restaurant Name Ideas to Ignite Your Imagination
Cool Restaurant Names
Pulse Plates
Urban Bites
Frosted Flame Grill
Quantum Quisine
Eclipse Eats
Byte Bistro
Neon Nosh
Zenith Zest
Tasteful Trails
Ethereal Eateries
Bistro Bliss
IceBox Eats
Midnight Morsel
Polar Palate
Fusion Fare
Vibe Vine
Nomad Nosh
Bite Boulevard
Creative and Funny Restaurant Names
Punderful Plates
Fork in the Road Diner
The Cheeky Chef
Haute Dog Diner
Lord of the Fries
Not Your Grandpa’s Grill
Vincent Van Doughnut
Wok This Way
Grillin' & Chillin' Cafe
The Taco Trap
Poultry in Motion
Eat’s Funny
Nosh Pit
Wok and Roll
Grub’s Up!
Munch a Bunch
Lettuce Eat
Bread Pitt
The Dish Dash
The Funky Fork
Cultural References
Tap into pop culture with these clever restaurant names:
Happy Grillmore
Lord of the Fried
Café Jack
Planet of the Crepes
The Codfather
Custard's Last Stand
16 Handles
Tequila Mockingbird
Of Rice & Men
The Hot and the Furious
Field of Dreams
Earth, Wind, and Flour
Lord of the Wings
Eat Pray Love
Frying Nemo
Grillenium Falcon
Pita Pan
The Notorious P.I.G.
Planet of Grapes
Men At Work
Inject humor into your restaurant name with these playful puns:
21 & Cup
Let's Ketchup
The Brewseum
Cheesy Does It
Lettuce Eat
Nacho Daddy
Egglectic Cafe
Sun of a Bun
Basic Knead Pizza
Moon Wok
Sea you soon
Dairy Godmother
Meat U There
Eats Meets West
Award Wieners
Jamaica Mi Krazy
Rhyming and Alliterative Names
Make your restaurant name memorable with rhymes and alliteration:
ZestZing Kitchen
MunchMate Diner
Pig 'n' Pancake
Late Night Dine Right
Chops and Hops
Pies & Thighs
Backyard Bowls
Mellow Mushroom
Wicked Wok
Slice of Spice
Pie In The Sky
Yummy in the Tummy
ChowChampion Café
Savory Symphony
TasteTrove Eatery
CrispCrave Café
Morsel Muse
Seafood Restaurant Name Ideas
For seafood lovers, consider these catchy names:
Seaside Sizzle
Tide & Table Seafood House
Seabreeze Bistro
Salt & Scale Seafood Kitchen
The Nautical Noshery
Fin & Flounder Feast
Deep Dive Dining
Siren's Suppers
Mariner's Menu
Oceanic Ovation
Pescatarian Palace
Seafarer's Supper Club
Neptune's Noshing
Aquatic Appetite
Oyster Oasis
Coral Café
Blue Bay Bites
Tidal Tastes
Coral Cove Cuisine
Anchors Away Eatery
Bakery Names
Indulge your sweet tooth with these bakery name ideas:
CinnaMan’s Café
The Uprising Craft Bakery
Frosty Favorites
Bunnie Cakes
Sans Gluten Bakery
Mad batter bakers
George’s Ginger Emporium
A Dash of Sweet Bakery
Crumbl Cookies
Mindy’s Muffins
Prairie Boy Bread
Butter Galore
Flour Child Bakery & Café
Bakeology Café & Bakery
Pizza Restaurant Names
Satisfy your pizza cravings with these mouthwatering names:
Crust Culture
Mamma Mia's Pizzeria
Dough Daze Pizzeria
Pizza Pantheon
The Saucy Slice
Crispy Crust Cafe
Pizza Planet
Dough Divinity
Pie Panorama
Pizza Picasso
The Rustic Crust
Pinnacle Pizzeria
A Pizza Napoletana
The Sassy Slice
Escape to Italy Pizzeria
Brick Fire Tavern
Cheese Please Pizza
Cindy’s Cucina
La Leggenda Pizzeria
Fast Food Restaurant Name Ideas
For quick and tasty bites, consider these fast food restaurant names:
QuickBite Express
Speedy Eats
Rapid Munchies
FastFuel Diner
The Crystal Table
The Mountain Chef
ZoomZest Fast Food
QuickCrave Cafe
SnapSnack Shack
The Central Garden
The Glass Duke
The Pink Faire
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restorativemeal · 9 months
Menu Sixteen
Menu Sixteen from Bishop and Carruthers’ “The Vegetarian Adventure Cookbook”
Minestrone con Pesto: canned tomatoes, celery, onion, garlic, vegetable stock, water, salt, pepper, tomato paste, parsley, basil, olive oil, parmesan.
Yoghurt Bread: yoghurt, plain flour, wheat flour, wheat bran.
Neopolitan Salad: cos lettuce, capsicum, olives, mozzerella, tomatoes, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, parmesan, salt, pepper.
Week sixteen could be described as a week of psychological abundance, both within the parameters of Menu Sixteen and without. I thought back to an earlier week on this journey in which comparison was the central theme, only this week comparison was the root cause of this psychological abundance. Bishop and Carruthers’ had another soup on the menu, the second warm soup, and one that I knew had promise of being delicious. Things were looking up for the Christmas season. I was again considering change, not so much the violent kind that I longed for weeks ago but more so the way that we begin to shape things to evoke change, and the way that every year is sort of just the previous year only it’s rewritten according to changes that have happened since the last. Any shackles we might have will disintegrate eventually.
I was sick on Monday, an illness I had contracted from a friend the day before when we shared a plate of nachos at bar in the neighbourhood beside our own. Because of this, I did not do the grocery shopping that night. Still, positively, the dinner party was on the up and up, friends were reuniting. There were to be seven of us around the dinner table, a reunion episode if you will. I had read over the menu late on Monday night taking in the asterisks with the fine print, Bishop and Carruthers’ were telling me I was allowed to swap out the brown rice for pasta in the Minestrone Soup con Pesto and leave out the mung beans in the Yoghurt Bread. I believed these notes may be the key to making Menu Sixteen not just an edible meal, but a delicious one too.
On Tuesday the weather was freezing and I wore a black woolen jumper over a black dress and blue jeans. It was the second week of December and I was even sicker than Monday, the sore throat had modified itself into a cough and snotty nose. I went into work because I needed to take on the role of a waitress for the board later that evening and I was quietly riveted to do so. I also knew I wanted to go to the bulk store on my lunch break. When I did, I realised the entire store had been recast. I bought kidney beans and sunflower seeds and walked out. I wasn’t sure I’d return. When I parked at the fruit and vegetable shop later that evening I did my worst park yet, when I returned to the car after making my purchase, the woman who had pulled in beside me while I was in there was refusing to step out until I pulled out and I suspect it was because she couldn’t and not because she didn’t want to.
I still wasn’t sure if I was interested in cooking on Wednesday, the day of the dinner party. It was another cold day, I wore a turtleneck under my apron, I hadn’t worn my apron in weeks but felt inclined that night to do so. I had bought a loaf tin specially for the yoghurt bread since in a way the recipe called for one. That was where I began, the dough very sticky but came together with a wooden spoon as a lump in baking paper in my new loaf tin. I covered it in tinfoil, a special touch brought about by necessity and it went into the oven to stay there for 45 minutes. The Minestrone Soup con Pesto was put to cook and simmer, a true testament to the patient nature of cooking. That’s something I’ve had to change about myself through this journey, become a patient person. All things take time to simmer and change, myself included. I made up the Neopolitan Salad, it looked gorgeous, then let it chill out in the Fridge behind the table in the dining room. Back inside the kitchen, the oven shut down, lights out, at the Yoghurt Bread’s 40 minute mark. I remained positive and left it there in hopes it would cook anyway. My guests began to pile in around 8 PM, slowly gathering around the table congregating after separate and not-seperate days. I used the blender as the talked and felt I should start changing the process of my cooking to use the blender before anyone showed up.
At 8 45 PM dinner was ready and my seventh guest had just arrived. It was a reunion episode. The dinner went down so well and at the end of this week I was a warm person, albeit with poor morals, but I loved everyone that I knew. I’d forgotten to put the bay leaf in the Minestrone con Pesto but the photos in my phone were regenerating.
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formeryelpers · 11 months
Taco Social, 1627 Colorado Blvd, Los Angeles (Eagle Rock), CA 90041
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Replacing the fried chicken concept, Taco Social finally opened in Eagle Rock. It’s a nice looking, open, bright space offering an international take on tacos (because everyone loves tacos). They’re larger tacos made with flour tortillas (or you can opt for corn tortillas or lettuce wraps) filled with chicken, beef, pork, shrimp, and vegetarian. But they’re not your usual tacos. The taco types include Greek Life, Tikka Masala, K BBQ, Cheeseburger, Banh Mi, Thai Chili, and Nola Po Boy. They start at $4.95. Also on the menu: nachos, chips, salads, and other sides, beer, wine, craft cocktails, frozen cocktails, etc. There’s a kids menu and happy (social) hour from 3 PM – 6 PM. The fountain drinks are self-serve (free refills). They also have a few house sauces at the drink station: habanero sauce and TS sauce.
Tikka Masala taco ($5.25): crispy chicken tender, spicy tikka sauce, buttered basmati cilantro rice, house crema, cilantro. Nice sized chicken tender, lots of sauces on top. The rice was soft. The tikka masala sauce was creamy and a little spicy. It wasn’t bad – of course the sauce wasn’t what you’d get at a real Indian restaurant but it was a reasonable effort.
Banh Mi taco ($5.25): slow roasted pork, sweet chili aioli, pickled carrot, daikon, cucumber, sliced jalapeno, cilantro, mint. The flour tortilla was warm. The roasted pork was tender and there was a good amount of it. The carrots and daikon were actually pickled and tangy. Fresh herbs were very nice. It did remind me of banh mi. The sweet chili aioli wasn’t needed and it made the taco saucier and sweeter than optimal.
Nashville Hot Cod taco ($5.95): beer battered cod, pickles, scallions, radicchio, sauce: Piece of cod could have been hotter and bigger, spice was mild.
Guac & chips ($5.95): thicker corn tortilla chips with a cup of chunky guac. The guac is topped with cojita, corn nuts, and pepitas. Liked it – the flavors were simple but good. The guac was seasoned well. I thought the corn nuts might be too hard but they weren’t.
Caesar salad: Romaine, cojita, pickled red onions, tiny bits of tomato, pepita seeds. Fresh, straightforward. Would like more going on.
It looks like a historic brick building that was once a brewery then the fried chicken place. The layout is similar to when it was the fried chicken place. There’s a bar area with TVs tuned to sports games, indoor seating, sidewalk seating in the front, and an outdoor patio. They need more umbrellas or something to provide shade though.
The self-serve ordering kiosks are meant for to go orders. The tacos were packaged nicely so that all the fillings didn’t fall out. The tacos are larger – about 8 bites worth. Two are good for lunch but if you’re hungry, you’ll want a third or a side.
I found the tacos to be packed with flavor because they use a lot of sauce. The flavors aren't exactly authentic but they're reasonably good.
3.5 out of 5 stars
By Lolia S.
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dan6085 · 1 year
20 popular Mexican foods with details:
Tacos: Soft or hard shell tortillas filled with a variety of ingredients such as beef, chicken, pork, seafood, vegetables, and cheese. They are typically served with salsa, lime, and other toppings.
Nachos: Tortilla chips covered with melted cheese and toppings such as beans, ground beef, jalapenos, sour cream, guacamole, and salsa.
Queso Fundido: A melted cheese dish typically made with Chihuahua cheese, served hot with tortillas for dipping.
Chiles Rellenos: Large green or red chilies stuffed with cheese, meat, or beans, and then battered and fried.
Enchiladas: Rolled or stacked tortillas filled with a variety of ingredients, such as shredded chicken, beef, or cheese, and covered in a flavorful sauce made with chili peppers, tomatoes, and spices.
Fajitas: Grilled strips of meat, usually beef or chicken, served with sautéed onions and peppers, tortillas, and toppings.
Tamales: A traditional Mesoamerican dish made with masa, a dough made from corn, and filled with various ingredients, such as meat, cheese, or vegetables, then wrapped in a corn husk and steamed.
Guacamole: A creamy and tangy dip made with mashed avocados, lime juice, salt, and often with diced tomatoes, onion, and fresh cilantro. It's typically served with tortilla chips or used as a topping for tacos or burritos.
Churros: Fried dough pastry sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar and often served with a dipping sauce.
Pozole: A hearty soup made with hominy, a type of corn that has been dried and treated with an alkali solution, and slow-cooked with pork or chicken, onions, garlic, and various seasonings.
Salsa: A spicy sauce made with chili peppers, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and other ingredients that can be used as a condiment for various dishes.
Tostadas: Crispy corn tortillas that are topped with beans, meat, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and salsa.
Burritos: Large flour tortillas filled with rice, beans, cheese, meat, and other ingredients, rolled up into a cylinder shape.
Menudo: A soup made with tripe, hominy, chili peppers, and various seasonings, often eaten as a hangover cure.
Carnitas: A slow-cooked pork dish that's seasoned with various spices and served with chopped onions, cilantro, and lime. It's often used as a filling for tacos, burritos, or tortas.
Chilaquiles: A breakfast dish made with tortilla chips that are sautéed in a tomato-based sauce and topped with cheese, sour cream, and often with scrambled eggs or shredded chicken.
Mole sauce: A complex sauce made with chili peppers, spices, and chocolate, among other ingredients. It's often served with chicken or pork and is a specialty of the state of Puebla.
Barbacoa: A dish made with slow-cooked meat, usually beef, that has been seasoned with various spices and herbs and served with tortillas and toppings such as onions, cilantro, and salsa.
Sopes: Thick, fried tortillas that are topped with beans, meat, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and salsa.
Flan: A custard dessert made with eggs, milk, sugar, and vanilla, often topped with caramel sauce.
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menuandprice · 2 years
Abuelo Restaurant Menu Prices [March 2023 Updated]
Abuelo is a Mexican restaurant established in Texas, United States. The restaurant specializes in delicious made-from-scratch authentic Mexican food ideal for the age of guests. The Abuelo restaurant menu with prices is also reasonable enough for all the customers. The Abuelo menu has an extensive food menu offering enchiladas, tortillas, salsas, chips, fajitas, burritos, shrimp, scallops, mushrooms, and more. At the restaurant, you can visit any time of the day either for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. The Abuelo Mexican restaurant vouches to offer you the best recipes crafted out of farm-fresh ingredients along with rich flavors. This article is all about the real Abuelo menu and prices and other relevant details regarding the locations, hours, franchise information, and more.
Abuelo Restaurant Menu Prices
Appetizers & Dips Menu Prices Chile con Queso $8.79 Queso Diablo $9.29 Abuelo’s Dip Sampler $11.19 Guacamole Small – $9.39 Large – $11.19 Bacon-Wrapped Stuffed Shrimp $10.19 Green Chile Quesadilla $9.89 Fajita Nachos $16.29 Also Check Updated Paris Baguette Menu Prices Salads & Soups Menu Prices Grilled Chicken Salad $14.79 Reynosa Salad $12.29 Fajita Salad $14.49 Tortilla Soup $7.49 Fabulous Fajitas Menu Prices Steak Fajitas $20.89 Chicken Fajitas $18.79 Vegetable Fajitas $16.29 Fajita Combo for 1 $20.79 Fajita Trio $25.39 Also Check Updated Barburrito Menu With Prices House Specialties Menu Prices Los Mejores de la Casa $27.59 Rib Eye & Enchiladas $24.89 Pork Tenderloin Abrigada $20.09 Pechuga con Calabaza $18.89 Australian Sea Bass $20.09 Tilapia $16.79 Tex-Mex – Combos & Enchiladas Menu Prices Enchiladas 2 – $12.79 3 – $14.69 4 – $16.79 Chile Rellenos $18.39 The Grande $22.19 Laredo $15.79 Juarez $18.09 Mi Abuelo’s Manjar $17.29 Steak Quesadilla $15.69 Chicken Quesadilla $14.69 Also Check Updated Pancheros Mexican Grill Menu With Prices Tex-Mex – Burritos, Chimis & Tacos Menu Prices Durango Burrito $13.39 Fajita Steak Chimichanga $18.39 Fajita Chicken Chimichanga $16.99 Fajita Steak Tacos $15.69 Fajita Chicken Tacos $14.69 Sides & Extras Menu Prices Papas con Chile $2.89 Refried Beans $2.69 Charro Beans $2.89 Mexican Rice $2.89 Guacamole $3.09 Flour Tortillas 12 – $2.99 12 Corn Tortillas $2.99 Shredded Cheese $0.75 Sour Cream $0.59 Salsa Roja 1/2 Pint – $1.50 Salsa Tropical 1/2 Pint – $1.50 Chile Con Queso Pint – $10.79 Quart – $20.55 Guacamole Pint – $14.09 Quart – $24.89 Salsa Roja Pint – $3.15 Quart – $5.25 Chips $1.99 Also Check Updated Mad Mex Fresh Mexican Grill Menu Prices Kid’s Meals Menu Prices Kid’s Quesadilla $7.39 Kid’s Bean & Cheese Burrito $7.39 Kid’s Soft Taco $7.39 Kid’s Crispy Taco $7.39 Kid’s Chicken Nuggets $7.39 Kid’s Grilled Chicken $7.39 Kid’s Enchilada-Queso $7.39 Kid’s Enchilada-Carne Sauce $7.39 Kid’s Nachos Kid’s Tamale $7.39 Desserts Menu Prices Traditional Flan $7.49 Dulce De Leche Cheesecake $7.49 Tres Leches Cake $7.49 Holiday Capirotada $6.35 Also Check Updated On the Border Mexican Grill & Cantina Menu Beverages Menu Prices Iced Tea Gallon – $8.29 Sweet Iced Tea Gallon – $8.29 Lemonade Gallon – $8.29 Premium Margarita Mix $8.95 Coke – ToGo $1.99 Diet Coke – ToGo $1.99 Sprite – ToGo $1.99 Dr Pepper – ToGo $1.99 Unsweet Tea – ToGo $1.99 Sweet Tea – ToGo $1.99
History of Abuelo Restaurant
This Mexican delight has been serving in multiple locations in the United States. Starting from seasonal recipes to signature dishes, the Abuelo Mexican restaurant menu has everything that you want. Be it, young guests or true foodies, the Abuelo prices are ideal for all the customers looking into the extensive range of recipes they offer. The first Abuelo came up in 1989 in Amarillo, Texas. The restaurant was initiated by Chuck Anderson, Dirk Rambo, and James Young as a passion project to serve authentic Mexican food to the natives of America. The founders ensured that everything that was served at Abuelo is made from scratch and is the best quality. They wanted to cocoon a simple space where customers of all ages could come together to experience unique flavors. After the success of the very first Abuelo restaurant, the founders went to open new locations in American states. At present, Abuelo serves in 9 American states Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Kansas, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. Each of its locations is known for having the best Abuelo lunch menu with prices, which is fair and affordable for all. What started as simple Mexican food now hosts a variety of eatables just to serve a wider range of audience. Apart from the mouth-watering fAbuelo senior menu, the fair Abuelo menu prices are yet another attraction.
Review of Abuelo Restaurant
The Abuelo hours of operation vary from location to location, however, at most Abuelo restaurant locations, the restaurant starts at 11 am and closes at around 10 pm. The Abuelo restaurant menu hosts a variety of mixican food starting from quesadilla, tacos, enchiladas, burritos, salasa, chips, Fajitas and a lot more. At Abuelo Mexican cuisine, enthusiasts will find the best appetizers in which Guacamole, and green chile quesadilla are the most popular. In salads and soups range the tortilla soup, Fajits salad, Reynosa salad, and grilled chicken salad are sure to treat you with the best of goodness. Don’t forget to try on the house’s specialties like steak and enchiladas, tilapia, Australian sea bass, pork tenderloin abrigada, etc. The chicken quesadilla and steak quesadilla are a must-have when in Abuelo. For burritos and tacos lovers, Abuelo has exquisite breakfast burritos and tacos made with a rich authentic Mexican touch. Abuelo also has some sides like charro beans, refried beans, papas con chile, etc. You can also enjoy some delicious desserts that would complement your meal at Abuelo. Options like tres leches cake, traditional Flan, cheesecake are some popular desserts you can try. The Abuelo Mexican restaurant exclusively hosts a kid meal that includes tacos, nuggets, quesadillas, nachos, and much more to delight young guests. At Abuelo, you get to have a remarkable experience in their relaxing and friendly ambiance. Over the years, Abuelo’s menu with prices has evolved a lot as per the reviews of its customers. Also Check Updated Juan Pollo Menu And Prices
How to Order Online from Abuelo Restaurant Menu in Few Steps?
You can order online from Abuelo Restaurant with the help of Grubhub by following the same steps below. Other than that, you can also check the latest menu prices of Abuelo Restaurant by following the same steps below as the prices may vary from location to location. - First head over to Grubhub and select your location. - After selecting your location, the latest menu prices of Abuelo Restaurant will be displayed (here you can check the menu prices of Abuelo Restaurant based on your preferred location). - Now, select all the food items that you want to order from Abuelo Restaurant and add them one by one to your cart. - In the next step, sign in to your account and fill in some of your details and confirm your order.
Abuelo Restaurant Contact Information & Important Links
Official Website abuelos.com Abuelo Menu Check Here Abuelo Locations Check Here Abuelo Catering Check Here Abuelo Nutritional Information Check Here Abuelo Careers Check Here Abuelo Gift Cards Check Here Abuelo Order Online Order Here
Social Media Handles
Facebook Visit Now Instagram Visit Now Twitter Visit Now
Abuelo Contact Info
Abuelo Corporate Office Address 2575 S Loop 289, Lubbock, TX, 79423 Abuelo Phone Number (806) 785-8686 Abuelo Contact Page/Form Visit Here
Since its inception, Abuelo has expanded its reach to many locations to cater to the high demand of the audience. This American-based restaurant is widely loved for serving delicious Mexican cuisine. Be it for dinner dates or birthday parties, Abuelo is the perfect spot to have a great time with great food. So what do you think regarding the given Abuelo menu with prices? Share your views in the comment section below.
Frequently Asked Questions Related to Abuelo Restaurant (FAQs)
When did Abuelo start? Abuelo started in 1973. Where did Abuelo originate? The Abuelo restaurant opened its first location in Amarillo, Texas. What is the Abuelo franchise price? The Abuelo franchise options are not yet available for people. How much is a Abuelo quesadilla? An Abuelo quesadilla is priced between $13 to $16. Does Abuelo offer delivery to the home? Yes, Abuelo restaurant offers both delivery and takeout services to customers. The post Abuelo Restaurant Menu Prices appeared first on Everymenuprices. Read the full article
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100dayproductivity · 2 years
Day 26/100.
I'm tired and lazy today. But I'll try and get motivated to continue my declutter project.
Next pantry shelf to tackle:
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I know there's expired stuff at the back.
First layer: all stuff I use regularly. Couscous, rice, pasta and some cookies.
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The tall blue wine gift box is what I keep long pasta in (linguine, spaghetti, fettuccine). I'm pleased with myself for having found a way to reuse the gift box. It's a bit too tatty to gift to someone else.
The empty peanut butter container is for rotini. I've recently started buying it from a bulk food store that opened near me (not Bulk Barn). I'd love to eventually get most of my staples from there, because I hate packaging waste. But they have so many nice things, it's a bit overwhelming. So right now I just get my couscous and rotini from there.
The couscous you see in the photo is not in its original container; I saved the container and then reused it for the bulk couscous.
Next layer:
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Banana chips. I don't like banana chips, but my daughter does. But she tends to forget we have them. I need to put a small container of them on her desk so she can snack on them while doing homework.
A container labelled "cream of wheat" so I always think it's cream of wheat, but it's not cream of wheat. It's flour mixed with what smells like garlic powder, which I evidently batch-prepared for when I'm battering meat. How very efficient of me. Too bad my past self thinks my future self doesn't need labels. (Yep, we've gone over this before.) I need to label this properly, and then keep it together with the paprika-salt-garlic powder mixture I probably batch-prepared at the same time. And then I need to use them!
Chocolate syrup. My household doesn't consume chocolate syrup. I had to buy this for my daughter when she was taking a desert-making course over Zoom. She used about a half cup. The rest has been sitting there since. It's not that we don't like chocolate syrup, we just never think of having it. I need to buy some vanilla ice cream and whipped cream to give me a reason to consume this.
A container of chopped walnuts. I have no recollection of when or why I bought this. This will have to go in the compost.
A very nearly empty container of honey. I will use this up tonight in some tea. I've just added a bit of water to the container to dissolve it, it will be faster and easier than trying to scrape it out.
Low-dose aspirin. I must've got this as a freebie trial product or something because no one here needs a daily low-dose aspirin. I should probably throw it out but instead I'll keep it with the other painkillers. Might be good for period cramps.
Ok, we're on the last stretch.
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Some cardboard boxes for holding six cans of beer. Not sure if I need these, but maybe I should keep them where I keep empties.
Woo, some fancy dip mixes! I sort of remember these. Only a little bit left of the, I think, onion-cheddar one. Chucked it. Box in recycling.
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Lasagna noodles. I don't know why I always end up buying lasagna noodles. It's such a pain in the butt to make. But I guess I'll have to make some at some point to use up the noodles.
What are these? Flat wooden sticks. For ice cream? *Sigh* I don't know why I have these. Garbage, I guess.
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I used to keep an emergency kit stocked with dry foods when my kids were really little. These meal packets are from that.
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They are made specifically for camping or emergency kits, as they have a long shelf life and only need hot water added directly to the pouch to prepare them. It says they have a shelf life of 3-5 years, but they are best before dated 2013 😕 I'm tempted to open them up anyway and see if they're still edible though 😅 Maybe tomorrow.
Alright, so all that was left was an empty cardboard box, an empty plastic container and some plastic bags. I recycled those/stored them for reuse, and then I just had to clean up some spilled nachos and crumbs. Wiped everything down, put everything back, and here's what I have in there now.
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So much space! 😮 WOW!
I'm pretty pleased with myself ☺️
I'm sooo tired though. Time to tea and read before bed.
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foodmeal · 2 years
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invisible-bob · 2 years
I recently remembered a place I used to work at. It was a small local chain of fast food restaurants called Fiesta!. It was basically a high-end local Taco Bell if you can imagine. Highly Americanized Mexican cuisine. I still remember most of the recipes for everything we would make there. Our most consistently popular item was the Chicken Rancherito Wrap. Fried chicken atop a bed of cabbage, pico de gaillo, rice, and cheddar cheese, drowned in ranch dressing and wrapped up in a huge flour tortilla. 
I never ate one.
Of course there were many seasonal items that, for the time they were available, gained much more popularity than the wrap. Fish tacos, chipotle quesadillas, nacho burritos… Of course everything had the word Fiesta in front of it, otherwise lawsuits would have probably been made. It was definitely cumbersome to say every item's full title when repeating a large order back to the customer. None of the people who worked there actually tacked on the “fiesta” prefix. We all tried to, especially when the manager was around, but no one did it consistently. 
I remember one guy who worked there… Well, his name escapes me, but we would always close together. He was cool. A very quiet fellow, got his shit done and got out. It’s not like he didn’t goof off, we all goofed off, but he only did it once his stuff was done. He smoked too. Never took orders, didn’t do dishes, in fact I don’t think I ever saw the guy even touch the sink, but he was a good guy. 
I don’t really remember why I quit, but I’m glad I’m not working there any more. Onwards and upwards. I probably would have ended up in some trailer ark if I had stayed anyway. Although I guess that would beat being on the run. Maybe. Honestly if I was in that trailer park, I would think being an outlaw would be a better way to spend time. 
I probably shouldn't confess I’m on the run, but it’s not like anyone knows my identity here. And if the people who want me come here, than I’m already a dead man. 
Sometimes I miss Fiesta! and the life I held there. 
It sure was easier. 
Thank you for your time.
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cheat-meal-ideas-wg · 2 years
cheat meal ideas work DTC%
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Mac and Cheese. Gail Simmons' Epic Spaghetti Pie. Chicken Nachos. Baileys Chocolate Truffles. Jul 20, - Cheat Day Eats board is all about your favorite sweet and savory dishes you can See more ideas about cheat meal, savoury dishes, recipes. Even people who have their eating habits dialed in need a treat now and then! The antioxidants in coffee may even soother some after workout inflammation. Try adding creamy oat milk or delicious flavored MCT oil to satisfy your sweet tooth. Acai is packed with antioxidants, while other fruits like bananas offer fiber and potassium. Some recipes also incorporate peanut butter, which is loaded with protein. There are plenty of ways to make a classic pancake healthier! Consider making the batter with oat or almond flour or using a whole-grain mix. Dark chocolate chips and a monk fruit-sweetened syrup are toppings you can feel good about indulging in. Bananas smothered in peanut butter are a rich snack and a must-have in your cheat meal line up. Bananas are an excellent source of potassium and simple carbs, and peanut butter offers healthy fat and proteins — making this meal a great go-to for your post-workout snack. Alternative nut butters — such as almond, cashew butter, and macadamia nut — are a delicious and satisfying treat. Full of fiber and healthful fats, nut butters provide a luscious snack and can be spread on breads, rice cakes, and more. For those with allergies, sun butter — made from sunflower seeds — is a delightfully sweet and savory alternative! Turkey burgers are a guilt-free alternative to the classic cheeseburger. Turkey is much leaner than beef and can help cut down on unhealthy fats, making this a satisfying cheat meal you can look forward to. Sweet potatoes offer a slightly better-for-you treat than french fries. Both are typically deep-fried and high in calories, but, fortunately, sweet potatoes are nutrient-rich. These fries are a salty and sweet treat to enjoy on occasion! This comfort food is often made unhealthy by its sauce, which is typically dripping with heavy butter. If you bake your chicken wings and use a lower-fat sauce, chicken wings make for a feel-good cheat meal. Sushi may be delicious, but it hardly qualifies as a cheat meal. It is largely healthy — sushi is primarily made of high-protein, lean fish and wrapped in rice and veggies. For dessert, consider dark chocolate, which is rich with health-boosting antioxidants. Enjoying dark chocolate covered nuts or strawberries is a decadent way to enjoy your hard-earned treat meals. Before enjoying any of these treats, remember to consult with your physician as you would with any changes to your diet. Reach for any of these 10 snacks and feel good about your choices! Request a free consultation here. Please note, comments must be approved before they are published. Be the first to know about special offers, product releases, fitness trends, contests, promotions, and more! Seriously, ask us anything about fitness equipment! Contact Us contact livefit. Contact us. Smoothies or Acai Bowls. Related Products. Adjustable Ankle Weights - 20lb Pair. Adjustable Ankle Weights - 10lb Pair. Acupressure Balls - Set of 3. Expansion Kit for PowerBlocks Stage 2. Expansion Kit for PowerBlocks Stage 3. Related Articles. The Best Treadmill Workouts for Beginners. How Much Weekly Weight Loss? View All. Facebook Twitter Email. Older Post. Newer Post. Leave a comment Name. Live Fit Newsletter Be the first to know about special offers, product releases, fitness trends, contests, promotions, and more! Close esc Have a Question? Age verification. By clicking enter you are verifying that you are old enough to consume alcohol. Shopping Cart. Your cart is currently empty. Shop now.
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