#rick and morty season 3 episode 5
misslisamiray · 4 months
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Something I've been thinking about that I never see brought up: We all know Morty saw Rick's whole crybaby backstory in the S5 finale... but Jerry has seen as much, if not more, of Rick's memory. Of what he's seen, how much does he remember?
The two have been merged in some way twice now, first in S3 ep 5, "The Whirly-Dirly Conspiracy", and more recently in S7 ep 2, "The Jerrick Trap". There have to be some lingering effects from that, right?
More below the cut, and I warn you, this gets LONG.
Maybe Jerry wouldn't necessarily remember anything from that first encounter where his consciousness, Rick's, and that of the large alien trying to kill them were all intertwined - the "I just spent an eternity merged with your essence and I'm already back to thinking you're an asshole" line implies the effects of said merging wear off quickly. So, any memories/knowledge gained then might also fade away fast. But even if he forgot almost instantly, Jerry has to have seen Rick's past (a full two seasons before Morty did!)
Now... The Jerrick Trap is where this gets interesting. Rick and Jerry spent days - maybe weeks - with their minds shuffled as Burger and Fries. Followed by at least a full day as Jerricky. While it's questionable, even unlikely, the events in Whirly-Dirly had lasting effects, there is no way, after all that, these two don't know EVERYTHING about each other.
Of course, there's, I'd say, a 50/50 chance Rick erased Jerry's memories of the entire incident, specifically because of that. He let Morty see the crybaby backstory, and Summer & the Beths have at least some vague knowledge of Prime. But I can see him drawing the line at Jerry just... being able to see all those memories as clearly as Rick himself can.
Which brings us to: Memory Rick! (and something else I never see brought up). Even if Jerry doesn't share Rick's memories for any other reason, would he automatically have them through Memory Rick being marooned in his brain? I'm thinking yes, but since Memory Rick is sentient, he *might* be able to block Jerry from accessing them.
Anyway, if Jerry has retained any of Rick's memories, I really hope the show addresses it at some point. It's actually one of my most-hoped-for-in-the-remaining-seasons things.
In the meantime, I'd love to hear others' thoughts on this. I am sorry this post got so long, and if you are seeing this, thank you for reading my essay. 😅
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yahoo201027 · 2 months
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Day in Fandom History: August 1…
Rick's obsession with a Voltron-like vehicle that he found in one of his adventures has him and the Smith family to pilot the vehicle while getting a lesson on the message of family. “Gotron Jerrysis Rickvangelion”, premiered on this day, 3 Years Ago.
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thelassoway · 9 months
Tagged by @thesumdancekid , thank you 🍻
Comfort Shows:
1. Parks and Recreation
2. Futurama
3. Ted Lasso (season 1 only) + Carol of the Bells
4. Bob's Burgers
5. The Good Place
6. What We Do in the Shadows
7. The Last of Us
8. Schitt's Creek
9. 30 Rock
10. The West Wing
Tagging anyone who wants to do this!
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courtingevil · 1 year
Re-watching The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy episode of Rick and Morty and thinking about all the possibilities for attractions you could have under an immortality field. If the proprietor was smart, he'd milk every sin and indulgence.
Binge eating (gluttony)? Check.
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Violence (wrath)? Check.
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Dangerous rides (vanity/pride)? Check.
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But what about...
Drugs: Hell yes. Or wait, can you still develop a chemical addiction in the immortality field?
Animals: If the owner wanted to make even more money, he could run a zoo or aquarium and sell so many more experiences. Eating an endangered animal, selling endangered animals, allowing customers to hunt endangered animals, allowing customers to experience being eaten by an endangered animal.
Death Scenarios: Indulging in various death scenarios just to know what it would feel like? It wasn't clear to me whether it hurt when Rick was stabbed through the chest in this episode, so this one might not be as viable.
Other uses of the immortality field could include:
Hunting or being hunted for fun?
Open a for-profit hospital slash hospice?
Lease out some extra space for government interrogations?
The possibilities are unlimited! It might be cool for the comics to explore this place a little bit more. Maybe Rick purposely told the immortality resort proprietor that the field could only be built so big so that Rick could make enough money to fund his personal entertainment while not having to worry about dealing with any liability or responsibility associated with maintaining a larger field.
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Brother body part swap part 2:
Oh man, my brother is such a dumbass, and now I get to keep his, I mean my new awesome big cock, I get he was trying to be helpful and make me happy, but how dumb could he be?
It started a few days ago when I got kinda self conscious after hanging out with my friends smoking pot, talkin about all the girls we fuck, when in actuality I don’t fuck many, kinda been hurt too many times when they make fun of my dick size….
After my friends left, I sat down with my bro who was high as a kite watching Tv
I asked him “hey Christian, I have a question for you”
“Yuh” Christian said not breaking focus from the tv and looking like a zombie
“How old were you when you first got laid” I said clasping my hands together and leaning in, trying to look like I was focusing on the tv and not his answer
“And how big is your dick?”
“Um about 9 inches… um you?” He said tilting his head to try and look at me
I wasn’t ready for him to fire back a question like that, I don’t wanna lie but I don’t want him to make fun of me if he’s actually 9 inches, bro must have gotten the good genes in the family
“Um, 7 myself. Why do you ask?” I said feeling like a fraud for lying
“Bro chill, I don’t care, you asked me first after all, what’s the problem, something wrong?” He said finally breaking from trying to make eye contact with me and faced the tv again
“Um, I mean, kinda I guess… some girls I’ve been with kinda think I’m small” i said sinking into the couch feeling embarrassed
“Nah bro, your good, I mean your pretty good looking, no homo. And 7 inches isn’t small, bigger than average, she’s probs just a college slut, there’s always someone bigger. Now let’s just watch the rest of this, and finish the season haha” my brother said laughing referring to the show we’re watching, Rick and Morty, what a fit show for a smoking session might I add
“… wait you think I’m good looking?” I said smiling trying not to blush for some reason “haha thanks bro, just one more question what’s your body count, like how often do you get laid?”
“Uh like 2 or 3”
“2 or 3!? Times or girls?” I said shocked from what I herd
“Times bro, now shut up we can talk about this later dude” he said annoyed that I kept bothering him
I was quiet for the rest of the episode and decided to go up to my room after that figuring that’s the most I could get out of him without it being weird. I mean it was already weird but I didn’t want it to be anymore
I ended up falling asleep pretty early that day sense me and my brother actually go to the same college, we both gotta get up early so he can drive us both there
I wasn’t asleep for long when I herd a knocking at my door
I sat up letting my hair dangle in my face and just pulled my phone out that way I could play games or whatever when whoever walks though the door decides to talk to me
Chris opened the door a little bit and stuck his head in
Ultimately he was just checking in on me asking how I was doing and eventually came in having one of those brotherly talks where he basically just tells me he cares about me, that he’s here if I ever need to talk, and how I’m his favorite little brother, when In reality I’m his only little brother…
We started talking about my problems and I broke down a little bit completely throwing myself onto my bad trying to hide my face so he couldn’t see I was about to cry
I told him I mainly just wanted a actual relationship but all the girls I do like dump me
He told me something along the lines of how he’s not like me, and was shocked this is what I actually want and how it seemed like me and my friends were playing a game of who could fuck the most girls
That just upsetted me even more cause I forgot for a moment about how I’m very good at making it seem like I’m a fuck boi that gets all the girls, when in reality all my one night stands, weren’t one night stands cause of my choice, they all decided 5 inches isn’t enough
Chris could see I was hurting on the inside from this, not knowing the actual reasoning why I can’t keep a girl, and told me that most of his girlfriends always thought I was the cute one, he then proceeded to ask if I wanted him to try and hook me up with one of them
“Ya” I said trying not to let my voice break
“Ok, I’ll start work on it tomorrow” Christian said walking out
The next day came and went as usual, however Christian did tell me I had a date with his Ex Beth in like 2 days! That’s not alot of time to prepare but I think he purposely set it up cause that’s my birthday, must just trying to be cheap and call my date a gift or something
I spent the whole rest of that day and the next telling Christian all my ideas for my date and asking questions like what did she like
Chris told me “just be you, maybe hang out for a little bit, dinner if she gets hungry, perhaps take her out to the lake and go for a swim”
I asked Chris “ how are we gonna get there? It’ll be pretty weird if you have to drive us, even more pathetic if she has to drive us” I said annoyed
I saw chris roll and eyes and reach into his pockets pulling out the keys to his mustang and tossing them to me
“Duh bro you can borrow my car I guess while you go on your date, don’t fucking scratch it tho, you know mustangs aren’t cheap” he said all seriously
“Seriously bro? Your gonna let me drive the stang? What’s the catch, why are you being so nice all of a sudden” I said squinting my eyes at him
“No reason bro, it’s your birthday, that’s like 1 of the 2 days a year I legally have to be nice to you, what you don’t wanna drive it?” Christian said raising an eyebrow to me
“No!, No!, I do! It was just a question that’s all” i said back peddling trying not to get him ask for his keys back
“Listen we can talk more about this tomorrow ok?” I said tossing him back the keys
Me being the stoner I am I proceeded to go back to my room and get high so I can fall asleep and wake up sooner to start enjoying my birthday
As always I’m typically the first one out the door but this morning I almost tripped over a packaged addressed to Chris
I opened back up the front door and yelled “Chris there’s a package here for you! On the step” And the. Proceeded to go back to the car
Once inside I kinda just closed my eyes and tried falling asleep again, sleeps one of my favorite things and I’ll take every minute I can get of it
For some reason my feet got super tight in my shoes but I didn’t think much about it just kicked them off so it quit distracting me from taking a few minute nap
After a bit I could hear my door open and a pair of shoes and keys were tossed on me
“Your driving” I herd a voice say
I looked up was shocked to see my own body wearing my clothes
“Bro what the fuck! Why am I looking at myself” i said frantically trying to pull the sun visor down just to be greeted with my brothers face instead of mine
“Holy shit! I’m you now Christian, how did this happen!?” I said feeling my face thinking I was still asleep
In the corner of my eye I could see my brother reach into his hoodie and pull out a necklace dangling it around his neck
“Remember the necklace you wanted” he said still jiggling the necklace around
“Ya and you got it? And it actually works!?” Holy shit bro this is crazy” I said unbuttoning my jeans so I can check his dick out
“Aye bro, I think you forgot a part” I said looking at him disappointed
“Nah dude, I just felt like it’d be weird to swap that, now anyways get up your driving.” Chris said standing there waiting for me to get up
I stood up, putting on his shoes and walked over to the driver side and started the car. Not gonna lie, really weird being in my brothers body, like carrying the weight feels weird, we both weigh almost the same but since Chris is taller I’m way skinner now than in my real body… but anyways I was really excited to drive my brothers car, I fucking love his car, I kinda have a thing for mustangs
I know it’s important to let your car warm up so I left it started for about a minute before I put it in drive and started heading to our classes
“So… um, how long is this gonna last? Or how long are we gonna stay swapped” i said trying to keep my eyes on the road
“Oh I don’t know, there was a instructions booklet but I don’t think we need that haha… aslong as you want bro, aslong as it’s within reason, so could be for a day, could be for a week or two, but I definitely don’t wanna be you for a whole month haha, guess you could consider this another birthday gift” said laughing checking his smile out in the side mirror
“Oh jeez, thanks bro, but you do remember I have that date tonight right?” I said a bit annoyed about the timing of the swap
“Well I mean we could always swap back after class. Or we could stay like this and I could go on your date for you maybe? That way I can do everything possible to make sure you get a 2nd date and continue seeing you, sense, ya know… you like to fuck up a lot haha” he said laughing at me
“Not funny dude, but ya dude I guess maybe it would be a good idea for you to go as me. You’d probably know what she would like and could probably seal the deal with her to date me” I said pulling off the main road and onto the campus looking for a place to park
“So we have a deal then?” Chris said holding a hand out
“Deal” i said shaking his hand
After turning the car off and opening the door to get out I herd Chris yell “Hope you have a good day CHRISTIAN” he said putting emphasis on his name, er I guess my name for now
“You too benji” I said also putting emphasis on his new name
I went to Chris’s class for the day and they were a lot harder than what I expected mainly the bullshit math and science ones that typically don’t have much to do with whatever major you pick
After school I waited by the car for my brother to come that way I can drive us both home and he can start getting ready his date
Chris was going though my whole closet looking for a outfit that was date worthy and when the time finally came for him to go pick Beth up, he came and grabbed the keys to the car
After he took the keys and left me in his room, I started looking at myself in the mirror slowly stripping looking at my boney figure
I mean Chris ain’t that bad looking but even he admits I’m the better looking one, I mean truthfully I don’t think I’d mind staying in his body, but only if I had his dick, that’s also assuming he’s not lying about being 9 inches hard haha, I know I’m no where near that, I’m really 5 inches and our dad is about the same so I doubt bro is even above 6
Wondering if it was possible a swap could be permanent I remembered Chris said there was a instruction book that he threw away cause who needs one for a fucking necklace
I found a little pamphlet in his trash and started reading it, really only 2 pages explaining how it works, how to do a swap, but after that there was a section explaining what to do if you want a swap to become permanent
The pamphlet said if you want a permanent swap all you have to do is jerk off since the magic in the necklace is holy magic, any sins done while swapped can break the magic link leaving it useless to those that used it. So things like sexual conduct before marriage, or even just jerking off was enough to break it
It’s a good thing I read this cause I was gonna jerk off but I don’t think I wanna be stuck as my brother, taller and skinner now but with the same sized dick I have, it kinda looks even smaller
I decided to get dressed again and started playing Chris’s Xbox looking for a good game to play, finally settling on over watch playing quick play not wanting to mess up his competitive score
About an hour and a half later, I was in the middle of the practice range testing out a new hero when I herd the door open, I paused it and turned around looking up to see my brother “how’d it go, does she still wanna go out with me?” I said
“Oh ya bro, it’s still not over, I’m just here to grab some shorts cause she wants to go down to the lake and go for a swim before it gets real dark… do you think it’d be wrong of me if I tried to fuck her on the first date?” He said grabbing a bag and putting some black shorts and some towels in it
“Nah bro, I mean it does sound like something I’d do, so she might be expecting it” i said not able to help giving him a sly smile
Chris ended up setting his bag down and went into the bathroom connected to his room, just then an idea struck me and I ran to my room grabbing a pair of my shorts and ran back taking his shorts out tossing them under the bed and stuffing mine in the bag
Just then chris came out the bathroom seeing me stuff something in there.
“What’s that” he said walking closer to grab the bag
“Uh… just some condoms, can’t be too careful right?” I said taking a step back trying not to seem suspicious
“Ugh ya thanks bro, stopping at a store to buy some might have been weird if she knew I was planning to do this haha” grabbing the bag and laughing while he walked out saying “see ya later bro”
After he left I couldn’t help but laughing to myself “oh man, I can’t believe I just did that, well I guess atleast now I I’ll know how big his dick is… although I suppose if he does fuck her once we swap junk, we’ll permanently be stuck like this, but I mean if he’s actually that hung and not lying, I think I could live with this, but fuck, I hate the fact that this is a gamble that he’s not lying about how big he is” I thought to myself
I went back to playing my game, going back to quick play, after like 5 or 6 games holding the controller in my hand resting them on my sweats, I started feeling someone brushing my hand, I lifted up both hands and saw a larger bulge than before
“Oh my god this is it, he put my swim shorts on” I thought myself backing out my game and getting up to go to the bathroom
I pulled my sweats down some and could see the large imprint on my underwear, I pulled those down too, to take a piss and was left almost speechless, bro looks as big soft as I do hard that’s insane haha
After getting done with taking I piss I went back to the room and took my pants completely off standing in the middle of the room in just my brothers underwear, I swapped into his early cause why not, not like I could actually swap anything myself
I pulled them down a little bit and grabbed my dick, thinking about how I have my brothers dick might be a little weird but the fact that it’s so much bigger is even hotter
It started growing in my hand and once fully hard I grabbed a tape measure and measured it, I just had to know
And sure enough he wasn’t lying, Chris actually does have a 9 inch dick, we’ll actually 9 inches and 1/4th
I started slowly jerking off at a pace that wouldn’t be able to make me cum, basically just edging and enjoying the use of my huge cock debating if I wanted to cum, I could be the nice brother and swap back with him, but at the same time he probably fucked his ex already, oh man she HAS to be disappointed, but at the same time I don’t wanna go back to disappointed women. But I might not have to, if he fucked her then that means we can’t swap back anyways, but if he hasn’t then that means I have to give him his dick and body back
I sped up my jerking and kept stopping short of cuming for over an hour continuing my internal debate, on whether or not I wanted to do this and keeping Chris’s body, trapping him in mine, like I said kinda hot we’ve swapped bodies entirely, the big dick is even hotter, but I don’t know if I could keep his body forever
Just then I herd a car door slam and I figured that was Christian pissed off, not having anymore time to debate, I sped up, hoping I’m making the right decision, sense I’ve been edging for over an hour it didn’t take long for me to cum now that I ramped up the speed trying to bust before he walks in on me jerking, probably took less than half a minute of me jerking furiously to finally bust sending giant ropes of cum flying out my dick, 6 or 7 ropes total flew out my dick landing a couple feet away and a few more smaller ones landing on my feet
Just as I was panting, about to wipe the tip of my head off and put it away, Chris walks in, i looked at him the moment he opened the door, looking like he was about to yell but went into shock for a few minutes at the site of me with his dick in my hand
“You didn’t!” He said loudly with my old higher voice
“I froze, uh uh uh, this isn’t what it looks like” i said panicking, I thought I’d have a few more moments before he’d come in
“Really? Cause it looks like you swapped my shorts out for yours, I come back after my date almost exploding after I told her I’m almost as big as my brother, which was a let down for her when she saw I’m only 5 inches hard! And walked in right after you got done jerking off in my body!” He said angrily
“Uh, uh, Im sorry just couldn’t help myself, when I noticed my dick didn’t feel right I decided to check it out and then I got hard from looking at this chopper and I just couldn’t help myself haha” i said trying to break the tension
“Whatever dude your lucky Beth still wants to go out with you, we’re fucking done with this swap, get out” he said grabbing some of his clothes and a beanie
I walked out smirking knowing what was gonna happen.
“Hold on,” I said stopping at the door “I thought you said we could stay swapped for a week or too”
“Ya well you forfeited that when you took my shorts and swapped them with your own, I told you I didn’t wanna swap junks with you, I mean who wants a smaller dick, not to mention balls. I didn’t wanna lose 2 inches and instead you forced me to lose 4! Now get out!” He screamed at me slamming the door on me
I went back to my room smirking and just laid on my bed waiting for him to realize swapping back wouldn’t work
I laid in bed for about 5 minutes when I herd a “WHAT THE FUCK” from across the hall and then stomping coming my way
“Oh? Did you change your mind?” I said trying to look shocked but failing to hide a creeping smile from popping up on my face
“No as you can see, I’m wearing my clothes but nothing happened, now help me get this dam necklace off” he said failing to get the necklace off
“Oh this is great, I mean might not be the best body to be stuck in but with a dick this big, I don’t mind giving up the cute brother title, atleast I’ll be the big dicked brother haha fucking sweat!” I thought to myself as I walked over and tried to unclasp the necklace to no prevail, I decided to pull it off breaking the clasp to the necklace
I decided to grab some of my old clothes and put them on before I decided to loosely tie the necklace around my neck so I was technically still wearing it
“Did you ever read the instructions” i said trying to hide a smile
“No, what would be so important about stupid instructions for a necklace” he said frustrated
“A magic necklace, and well in the instructions it says that part of the magic is if you desire to keep your parts you have, all you have to do is cum, ether jerking off or sex, whatever gets you to blow” i said with a full blown shit eating grin now as I saw realization Dawn upon Chris’s face
“And well you already had sex with Beth in my body right?” I said
“Ya” he said changing facial expressions from confused to horrified
“And I already jerked off right before you got back. Which means nothing is probably gonna happen” i said
We waited in silence for a couple minutes before he finally snapped
“So you knew if you jerked off we wouldn’t be able to swap back!? What the fuck is wrong with you dude? Now we’re stuck like this! We gotta find a way to swap back, I don’t wanna be known as the small dick little brother” Chris said with tears in his eyes
“Let me reiterate something you said to me not long ago. “” who wants a smaller dick”” well not me, when I saw you weren’t actually bullshitting about having a 9 inch dick, I decided I don’t actually mind having your body. Knowing you probably would try and bang your ex in my body, I decided to seize the opportunity and jerk off in your body, just to seal the deal in case you didn’t fuck her, just so I can keep this” I said putting my hand in my pants and fondling my dick and balls
“I mean not to mention even if I didn’t swap our shorts out, sense you fucked her we’d still be stuck but then you’d be hung in my body while I kept my shrimp dick in yours, it kinda looked weird on me sense I’m skinner and taller now… so don’t be mad that you fucked up and made it permanent, I just took advantage and swapped the final thing out that way it’s a complete Bodyswap” i said
“I mean you don’t have to be known as the little dicked brother, your known as the cute brother now, you just happen to have a small cock now, so if I was you BENJI, I’d get use to being the smaller brother in more than one way, cause luckily for me, this is permanent now haha” i said laughing and putting emphasis on his name
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gtinthepot · 4 months
Disclaimer, I have not looked up everything on this list and most of it was suggested from others. I cannot promise the accuracy of the content. Suggestions for the list are more than welcome, leave a comment on the post for people to browse through after checking to see if its on the list already :)
I’ll be editing and adding to it here and there, so some reblogs of the post might be outdated. I suggest clicking on the source /main post to get the newest version. The old list can be found here.
7 deadly sins
A bug's life
Aaahh!!! Real Monsters (some episodes)
Adventure time
Alice in Wonderland
Alvin and the chipmunks
Amour de poshe (the girl in his pocket)
Animorphs: #24
Ant bully
Ant man (1 and 2)
Archies weird mysteries (one ep)
Army of darkness
Art Attack
Arthur and the Invisibles
Athena complex (webcomic)
Attack of the 50 foot cheerleader.
Attack of the 50 Foot Woman
Attack of the puppet people
Barbie and the nut cracker
barbie movies (look up specifics)
Barbie Thumbelina
Beatle juice
Big man japan
Bottle Fairy
Bramble the mountain king. (video game)
Brave little tailor (mickey mouse)
Bugs life?
Captain America: Civil War
Card captor sakura (one ep and some scenes)
Christmas Stories: The Tin Soldier is a good one.
Clifford the big red dog
Cuphead: Don’t deal with the Devil (mostly with certain bosses)
Darby o’gill and the little people
David the Gnome
Dr cyclops
Dr who (one ep: into the dalek)
Dragon ball
Dungeon meshi (a few chapters)
Ella Enchanted
Elusive people.(video game)
Ernest and Celestine (more of a mini-giant/doll-sized tiny size dynamic)
Fairytale: a true story (1997)
Fantastic Planet
Fantastic voyage
Final space episode 5
Frame arms girl.
Futurama (some episodes)
Gelias and the giant
Gen V
George shrinks
Gods of Egypt
Grandpa in my pocket
Gravity falls (one episode)
Grounded (video game)
Guardians of the Galaxy (vol. 2 more so than the first one)
Gulliver's Children (webtoon)
Gullivers travels (1939, 1977, 2010) as a well as a mini-tv series
Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child: Aladdin
Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child: Season 2, Episode 2 thumbelina
Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child: The shoemaker and the elves
Help I shrunk my friends
Help I shrunk my parents
Help I shrunk my teacher
Here come the littles
Honey I blew up the kid
Honey I shrunk the audience ride at Disneyland
Honey I shrunk the kids
Hornby sets
How to Keep a Mummy ( Miira no Kaikata)
Inch high private eye
Invincible (Some episodes)
It takes two (game)
Jack and the Beanstalk
Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story
Jack the giant slayer
Jackie Chan Adventures (one episode)
Jaimes and the giant peach
Jitsu wa watashi wa (mostly the 4th episode)
Journey 2 The Mysterious Island
King kong
Kubo and the two strings
Land of the giants
Lilo and Stitch the series (two episodes)
Little (Grrl) 
little nightmares 1 and 2 (game)
Lord of the rings
Macross sequel shows (-anime-)
Mars attacks!
Mickey and the bean stalk
Micro Machines
Micro Ventures
Militsioner (Video game)
Minami-Kun no Koibito (2015)
Minish cap (video game)
Modest Heroes Kanini and Kanino (Short film)
Monster (video game)
Monsters Vs Aliens
My hero Academia (some episodes)
My Little Lover
My Miniature Manual (webtoon)
My Monster Secret (specifically one character)
natsume yuujinchou
Night at the Museum
Nils holgersson
Ok Ko! lets be Heroes season 3 episode 9 Planet Vacation
One Punch Man (some episodes)
Onward (a few scenes)
Osmosis Jones
Ozzy and Drix
Pans labyrinth
Paper mario sticker star (Video game, two levels)
Peter pan
Pikmin 1, 2, and 3 (game)
Pokemon sun/moon anime second season (one ep)
Rainbow Magic
Rick n morty (one episode)
Robotech (-comic series; new ones-)
Robotech (season one/The Macross Saga) (-anime-)
Robotech Remix (-comic series-)
Super Danganronpa 2 (video game, final boss)
Shadow of the colossus (video game)
Small blessings (webcomic)
Small Lands Survive The Wilds (Video game)
Small soldiers (1998)
Smurfs lost village
Spirit of wonder: The shrinking of miss China
SpongeBob SquarePants (the wumbo episode)
Steven universe
Stormlight Archive (-book series; has tiny fae people-)
Strange days at blake holesy high (one episode)
Strange magic
Stuart Little
Sugar apple fairy tale.
Super giant robot brothers.
Tales to Astonish (comics)
Ted Hughes
Tentacular. (video game)
The 3 worlds of gulliver
The 7th voyage of sinbad
The amazing colossal man
The bee movie
The bfg 1989
The borrowers (1973, 1993 1997, 2011)
The Borrowers (Arrietty)
The Borrowers exhibition at the Hancock Museum
The Boys (some episodes)
The dwarf and the giant 1901
The Fantastic Planet
The hobbit
The hulk
The incredible shrinking man
The incredible shrinking woman
The Indian in the cupboard
The iron giant
The iron man
The Journey.
The Last Guardian (video game)
The Last of the Huggermuggers by Christopher Pearse Cranch
The Little Bits
The littles
The magic school bus
The nut cracker
The owl house (one episode)
The phantom planet
The Rescuers
The return of the Borrowers 1992 and 1993 tv series
The Secret of Nimh
The secret world of Arrietty
The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde
The simsons (one episode)
The storyteller (one ep)
The Suspicion and #42
The Sword in the Stone
The tale of the princess kaguya
The ultimate avengers (1 & 2)
Time loader. (video game)
Tinkerbell and The Great Fairy Rescue
Tinkerbell and The Pirate Fairy
Tinkerbell movies
Tinykin. (video game)
Tom and Jerry
Tomb thumb
Townsmen VR. (video game)
Toy story
Transformers (old series)
Troll hunter
Troll in central park...??
Trolls band together
Ultraman cosmos
Unravel. Porcelain tales. (video game)
Valkyrie Drive Mermaid (one episode.)
Village of the giants
Violet Goes to The Beach (webtoon)
VR Giants. (video game)
We’re Back! A dinosaur story
When the Dolls Woke (book)
Wild Kratts
Wild, wild planet
Wrath of the Titans (one scene)
Wreck it ralph
Yarn (video game)
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fanbun · 1 year
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Here to say rickorty is literally becoming more canon each season.
In season 3 Rick had two emotional breakdowns over Morty rejecting him and it was revealed that Rick considers Morty an "irrational attachment."
In season 4 Rick manipulated Morty into giving up on his dreams so he would spend all his time adventuring with him instead. They referred to each other as partners and Rick asked Morty for a kiss on the lips.
In season 5 they broke up and then got back together. Terminology for romantic relationships was used throughout the final two episodes, with the show confirming that it was a purposeful metaphor.
In season 6 Morty expressed that he wanted Rick to earnestly tell him he loved him. So later on Rick made an effort to give Morty what he wanted by making a robot version of himself that would do so while he was busy falling back into his toxic behaviors. But since Morty got mad, Rick decided to welcome him into his "darkness" after all.
And now we're heading into season 7 with a visual that suggests Morty is closer to Rick than he's ever been. At the start of season 6 he tried to go in for a hug like this but Rick stopped him. The clear twisted romance-coded development between these two is insane.
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fandomwe1rd0 · 1 month
Rick and Morty tag game!
Don't know how I'm gonna start this off BUT basically after you do this, you have to tag 3 people and your tag has to say their favorite episode, favorite season, favorite character, hardest hitting emotional moment, least favorite episode, least favorite season, and least favorite character. I'll go first
Favorite episode: If you saw my ranking, you already know that it's Fear No Mort. Just a really emotional, funny, and it has some really cute moments.
Favorite season: I like season 3, it has a lot of good episodes imo.
Favorite character: It's Rick. He's the worst but I love his development, his complexity, he's funny, interesting, and fun to watch. I really love him!
Hardest hitting emotional moment: Uhh probably a tossup between the jellybean scene in Meeseeks and Destroy, the endin scene in Fear No Mort, and the ending scene in Unmortricken. The ending scene in Auto Erotic Assimulation is up there as well.
Least favorite episode: Again, if you saw my ranking I said the dragon episode, it just really sucks, there's not really any good things about it besides maybe the cold open.
Least favorite season: Season 4, there was a lot of particularly bad ones in this season and there was no amazing finale to make up for it like there was in season 5. There were some good episodes, but not enough to make up for this dumpster fire of a season.
Least favorite character: Mr. Jellybean. I mean do I HAVE to explain why? It's pretty obvious.
No pressure tags!: @hazelnut-u-out @mortricken @mortypone @conanssummerchild @dirty-bear-rick-sanchez there were some other people I wanted to tag but Tumblr won't let me tag usernames with Gs for some reason-
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elladorathegreat · 2 months
What I thought of TUA season 4
(Just my opinion pls no hate n if ppl wanna talk Abt it I would love to)
1. Victor FINALLY having it out on reggie
That was fucking amazing all those years of pent up exhaustion and aggression towards Reginald has finally come out and it was just beautiful to watch tbh
2. Ben and Jennifer
THIS HAD ME IM NGL I LOVED IT SO MUCH I love how through all the timelines there’s ALWAYS them, I was picking up on it throughout the season and it was just amazing, I loved that, I am a hopeless romantic so I was all there for it even tho it did destroy everything
3. Paralells
there were so many parallel’s throughout it from the previous seasons and just even the parallel of Jennifer knocking on the wall to Ben bro It just had me, I also love how the violin was still a theme throughout it through Abigail and the music during certain scenes, also having I think were alone now as the ending song was absolutely amazing although it was a different version/cover I loved that they used it in the first and last episode
BENS DEATH WAS CRAZY, had me and my best friend GASPING I’ve spent years theorising over how he died and I NEVER ONCE thought of Reginald being the case
ALSO ABIGAIL (reggies wife) ended up being on the opposite side which was insane. The way she also let lose on Reginald in the skin of gene was hilarious
5. Lila and Five
Just gonna say this first, I DIDNT LIKE IT. Even though as disgusting as it looks (due to fives body being younger) Lila and five makes sense as Lila said it was survival and they thought that they weren’t ever going to find a way back however five hiding the journal and way home from Lila just to have a relationship with her when she’s HIS BROTHERS WIFE is CRAZY I hate how they made him the bad guy in the end when it came to Lila and Diego and I did hate how they ruined Diego and Lila’s relationship for that :(
The fact they both genuinely fell in love tho is just crazy and tbh I never knew how to feel whenever it was on the screen however klaus, Allison and Luther were HILARIOUS at the confrontation scene.
6. TUA growing up!
Content of the kids FINALLY
IVE WAITING SO LONG FOR THERE TO BE MORE SCENES OF TUA AS KIDS ANS WE FINALLY GOT IT! I loved seeing them interact with each other and also showing that viktor wasn’t CONPLETELY alone growing up as he and Ben had a friendship, it also shows how klaus and Alison’s friendship has been deep rooted since they were young
7. Allison EATING
Allison was HORRIFIC in season 3 as we all know due to her crisis(?) but this season she was such a boss bitch and I actually lived for it icl the way she put reggie in his place and also helped klaus so much it was beautiful
8. The last episode!
The last episode was very Rick and Morty esq. but I loved it, it was so sad but so good and although it felt a bit rushed and I WISH they had more seasons coming they ended it off so well and with the 8 marigold flowers growing at the END END it was just beautiful and also kinda made me think like what if there is more? (Even tho there’s not :() also having all of the characters at the end such as the triplets from season 2, the commission workers, hazel and Agnes, the handler, grace, it was just all amazing and left me speechless
I actually can’t believe it over tho, they did so well with all of it and I love it so much.
Ofc this is all my opinion and I can’t wait to hear what other ppl think cuz honestly there’s so much to debrief and talk Abt it was also rly funny but honestly I loved it.
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mortypone · 1 month
The people who review the Rick and Morty anime on YouTube frustrate me. Some of them haven’t watch the show for 3-4 years 😭
I feel Rick and Morty the anime is suppose to be different! RnM universes are SUPPOSE to be different. They’re so shock there’s anime too like have you not seen the shorts they made
“Oh the art style is bad” the show is too ESPECIALLY season 1. The anime art style is not perfect at all. I see the weird pauses but I’ve seen like so much worse tbh-
Like I’m fine if people don’t care or just confused by the first episode but like don’t judge if you haven’t been through the mess of the middle of season 5 throughout the amazing to decent season 7 of the show.
Thank you all for coming to my Ted talk. It’s the first episode and it’s meant to be confusing cause of the crazy time stuff.
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thebunniesgrim · 1 year
Helluva boss needs to slow down  
I know I know take of the century I'm so big brained  
What I mean is the show is too excited  
Its given us some good episodes sure but goodness  
(You just can’t top Ozzie's there will never be a better episode and I'm trying cope frankly)  
I understand that as a show grows older and is still in development things change visions shifts yeah, I got it.  
But Viv has said that that she plans for Helluva Boss to have multiple seasons like at least 3 or so she has time to work out all her ideas  
Why is she rushing?   
like slow down babes the show isn't going anywhere
This show is so excited to get to the fun stuff they don’t want to build it up. They want Stolas and Blizto’s slow burn and love story but don’t want to really build them up as people outside their relationship or even together in the relationship. anytime blitzo and Stolas hangout together its whenever some other 3rd party is around. In LooLoo Land its Octavia, in Ozzie's its moxxie and Millie, and in Seeing Stars its Octavia again I mean at this point she’s the catalyst for their relationship. When they don’t have someone else involved its sex for the book. Bltzo and Stolas haven't hanged out in a meaningful way. Without sex  
I saw in a tumbler post that in the Helluva boss poster the fact that Stolas is bigger on the poster than the main characters who are small and off to the side. It really tells you how the show is going so far.  
And it's true so?  
If you knew nothing about Helluva boss and saw that poster you’d think Stolas was a main character, the protagonist, or the villain.  
Stolas is in 90% of the episodes and is a side/supporting character, at least that’s what the wiki says.  
A supporting character is supposed to not be important to the main plot but still helpful to the protag  
The folks behind Helluva boss are picking favorites and you can tell in the eps  
How come we didn’t get to Moxxie’s family life till season 2? a main character! But we got to see Stolas family life? A supporting character? and we see his wife her reaction to the cheating, his daughter and her view on the situation. But we don’t know about Moxxies family till season 2 or Millies family where it’s dropped to focus on Moxxie and Striker and the pain games (Sally Mae wasn’t in the pain games).  
Helluva boss made it seem like from episode one it was going to be about a trio of imps and a hellhound going to the human world to kill people for sinners and how many times did they do that? Let's see 
Murder family   
Truth seekers off screen at the being (I'm assuming because why would they be on earth as a group? the only people I think who’d go on earth to fuck around is Blizto and Loona)  
Ozzie's off screen at the beginning  
Imp has only done their job like what? A few times? On screen that we’ve seen  
The synopsis of the show says according to IMDb says: 
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And then the wiki says:  
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Like what is this show about? because we haven't got what we were promised like?  
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Like I get that helluva Boss is a satirical show and we aren't supposed to really be reading into it but what is it satirizing? hell? Office shows? What?  
Even “edge” adult shows have some semblance of structure or plot you know? Like Rick and Morty or smiling friends (can't wait for more episodes tbh) 
Rick and Morty didn't have an episode about not physically going to alternate universe still what? Ep 8 season 1? I could be wrong  
And Smiling Friends didn’t have Pim and Charlie do their job (I.e., making someone smile) still the Halloween episode or if you don’t count holiday episodes. Episode 5 Who Violently Killed Simon S. Salty   
They stick to the structure of the show for a few episodes and then do other stuff you know?  
Helluva boss was like nah speed run! And did the other stuff in the second episode and didn’t return to it till ep 4. I don’t count Spring Broken because it doesn’t really feel like they're doing their job basically it's not the same set up of sinner comes to them, tell them back story, they go to earth shenanigans ensue, and they kill the target. They've only done their job twice on screen  
Even non adult shows like  
Wonder Over Yander (I'd love another season) they don’t have a story not about Wonder or Syliva till season 1 episode 7 about Westley  
Steven Universe didn’t have a townie episode till episode 5  
In the episodes about killing, we could have gotten more intel on how the characters feel about their job. How they feel about each other and stuff  
Also, this show can't take plot points seriously or do good foreshadowing or set up  
Ok so Ozzie’s my favorite episode I love it :) 
So stolas and Bilzto have a falling out in the end of the episode.
gasp drama!  ikr?
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But here’s the thing they messed up the flow with Seeing Stars let me explain (studios)  
It makes since to me that they wouldn’t talk the next episode sure give them time to stew in their misery. sure  
So, the next episode is Queen Bee, then The Circus all goes good gives us some backstory cool  
it's going well... Until  
Uh no
Seeing Starts where Stolas and Blizto are just talking to each other like normal like nothing is happening between them  
Don’t say they're worried about Octivia because if that’s the problem they get sidetracked so much and Stolas just forgets about his daughter.  
Like instead of just killing the humans stopping them from getting to Octivia. you're telling me that Blizto couldn’t shoot the van door open? Or overtook the drivers and drove around LA?  
Press x to doubt bitch  
Also, the fact that Stolas “has his ways” to find blitzo without his book he couldn’t use that to find Octavia? Really?  
I'm starting to think they aren't royalty. More like upper middle class you know that family with a 2 story house and pool you feel me?  
Because you're telling me that you “need” security to a theme park but you're only child and heir is out here magically unsupervised? wow  
Also, Stolas hasn’t taught Octava how to use the book. You would think that with how many hits he has out for his head he’d teach Octavia to use the book by now. Stolas started when he was like 7? Just saying  
Anyways what I'm saying is they fucked up the flow for western energy.  
If they didn’t have Seeing Stars there it would have been fine frankly  
Also  Stolas getting hospitalized and being fine in Opps was much a slap in face  
Like homeboy was fucked up right?  
Like leg messed up  
arm broken  
he was stab! With a holy weapon!  
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And 1 episode later he’s fine... what? You almost died dude! Are you not traumatized? Worried about your daughter? No? Ok.  
And then the conflict in Ozzie's gets resolved through text  
>laugh track<
Also set up for like villains is kinda screwy  
So, first 
Villains we haven't seen again  
The Cherubs and D.O.R.K.S. we haven’t seen then since episode 4 and 6 respectively we don’t know where they are or what they're up to at all.  
The cherubs are a direct conflict to they’re business and the dorks are literally a threat if they catch them all of hell is in trouble and Stolas, Blizto, Moxxie, Mille and Loona (possibly Octivia and Stella if they know about it) are like fucked and will most likely be killed by higher ups for putting everyone in danger. Idk seems more important than Blizto and Stolas sex life  
(Also, if heaven and hell exist for a fact does that mean in the Helluva and Hazbin verse does that mean there are people in hell who didn’t believe in the Christan God? Also, what if they were good people? no wonder hells overcrowded) 
It's fine if they did a villain of the week thing like the powderpuff girls but in PPG the villains came back! No matter how irrelevant or lame (unless it’s the cooties kid then sure also did that episode make anyone else uncomfortable as a kid?)  
Now Villains that did comeback 
Striker, Stella and Crimson or the S.S. Crim. as I call them  
heh you know like a boat :)
So stella was obviously a villain from the start but she didn’t openly threat stolas till Western energy as well as Striker that was his grand entrance. So stella and striker were a threat and stella didn’t show back up still and pose a threat till like 4 or 5 episodes later. Striker didn’t come back till like what 7 or 8 episodes later lol and Crimson only had to wait 2 episodes to come back. Quickest we have so far honestly.  
(also, we were rob of more robot Fizz I like the way they made his voice it was fun to listen to)  
And the reason they came back is because they're popular! And favorites of the fandom and the writers and the creator  
No one's making horny fan edits of the dork agents no one's putting the cherubs in their favorite characters list unless its Collon because Collon is cutest of the 3 so... they got that going for them  
But other than that  
They most likely aren't coming back and if they do color me surprised  
The show keeps setting up problems and setting up major events then just not doing anything with them  
If Helluva Boss slowed down then Western energy could have been a perfect way to wrap up Ozzie's, made a call back to Blitzo’s trip in Truth Seekers, and foreshadowed Oops.  
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The episodes are  
Ozzie's(the best episode) , Queen Bee, circus, (get rid of Seeing stars put it in season one or hold off) Exes and Oohs, then western energy 
Give Stolas and Blizto some room to brood over what happened at Ozzie's  
(throw unhappy campers somewhere in there if you have too)  
Stolas moxxie and Mille just got done fighting Striker to save Stolas (so many s’ in one place lol) or better yet Blizto by himself saving Stupid ass I mean Stolas. Oops sorry  
Because let's be honest the hospital scene was unneeded and Moxxie and Millie could have took Loona to the hospital. It wasn’t a bonding moment between Loona and Blizto it was a waste of animation and time.  
Blizto (and the M&M’S) are fighting Striker having some witty banter back and forth. Striker playing into Blizto’s insecurity about the relationship with Stolas to the point the background of the cave is becoming goopy before fixing itself and they win agent striker as he flees to spouts “I'll get you my pretty and your little dog too!” setting up his return in Oops before one more cheap shot at Stolas maybe dropping a stalactite on Stolas or shooting Stolas with Holy bullet in a place that’s not fully lethal.  
Have stolas think he’s actually going to die from his injuries to keep Stolas from passing out or to stay conscious or whatever have Blizto talk to him (if moxxie and Mille are there have them drive and Blizto is the back with stolas). Stolas is using what little life he has left to apologies to Blizto fully say he’s sorry for getting him in this situation, sorry he put in a situation he doesn’t want to be in for his business, sorry for being embarrassed at Ozzie’s, sorry for treating him like a play toy. Yada yada yada yada  
Have Blizto be covered in the goop from his trip and have some of it drip on Stolas. The person he views as untouchable and clean being corrupted and stained by his goop.  
Have Blizto try to reassure Stolas that he’s going to be ok and that he’s not going to lose him too. Have green flames subtly lick at the background and foreground as he stares at stolas slowly dying. He’s going to lose him but he’s not going to let what he has with Stolas slip from him like his mother, sister, Fizz, Verosika, etc. He’s going to save him like he couldn’t save his mom or Fizzarolli. maybe have the voices from truth seekers whisper failure, loser, and other demeaning things to bilzto.  
Have Blitzo declare he isn't going to let Octavia go through what he went through with the loss of his mom. When they get to the hospital and help is on the way have Blizto about to say something to him like “we’re at the hospital everything is going to be ok” before his sentence cuts off and Stolas is unconscious and unresponsive. Have Blizto yell his name a few times heart broken and worried as the nurses and doctors whisk him away. And a single feather from stolas falls infront of Blitzo as he whispers “please be ok” or a soft sorry  
But hey I’m not writer or showrunner so hey what do I know  
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miami-lolz · 8 months
I saw this awesome question sheet by @bisexualricks and wanted to throw my hat into the ring!
1. top 5 episodes and why!
The Vat of Acid Episode - It was both a solid character introspection for both Rick & Morty, and also had some really funny moments. Morty flipping Rick off after he had to kiss the vat of acid absolutely sent me
Rest and Ricklaxation - There’s was a lot of funny bits in the episode and is generally pretty good. Also Jessica saying Rick would call her drunk asking about Morty or something is hilarious to me
Ricktional Mortpoon's Rickmas Mortcation - It was a huge turning point for lore but also Rick saying “perfectly fucking vertical.” In an incredulous tone absolutely kills me. Also solid light saber fight
The Rickchurian Mortydate - this entire episode was great from beginning to end. “oh I’ve got pubes, commander-in-queef, y-you wanna count them?” And Ricks rant on the Oval Office was hilarious.
Rickmurai Jack - I absolutely love Evil Morty’s character and the last half of the episode was especially fantastic. The music, EM’s rant “That’s what makes me evil, being sick of him.” Also I absolutely believe EM’s offer to let Morty Prime come with was a genuine offer. The whole “it was a toilet” was just EM trying to save face like he wasn’t kinda hurt.
2. least favorite episode(s) and why!
Claw and Hoarder: Special Ricktim's Morty - The subtext on this episode was mortifying and was just kinda weird and all over the place.
Final DeSmithation - There was a good couple funny bits throughout but again, any funny moments is ruined because we can’t go one season without weird incest plots.
Rickdependence Spray - I feel like this is self explanatory. Jfc Justin what we’re you thinking?
3. Moments that make you insane
“I don’t know this guy, you’re a my grandpa, Rick!” OH MY GODDD
The fact that Morty cares for a family he knows isn’t even technically his.
Mortys voice and expression when he yelled “Your not even in the hole, are you?!” In Fear No Mort because the amount of desperation in his tone nearly killed me
Rick lying to Morty about the Purge candy so he doesn’t realize what he has done. Like Rick absolutely could have told Morty the truth but decided not to.
4. your favorite lines
“oh I’ve got pubes, commander-in-queef, y-you wanna count them?”
“A Vat of Fake Acid, are you dying from dementia??”
“We could be clones, we could holograms, we could be clones controlled by holograms controlled by special remote control headsets the real Rick and Morty are wearing while they’re fucking your mother!”
“Betrayal! Betrayal on all sides!”
“You have a death crystal in your pocket??”
“No, yes, maybe!”
“You little monster, I thought you were masterbating!”
“And you took that in stride??”
“You rather I address it??”
5. Rick head-canons
⁃ Stopped doing any heavy partying after around season 1, not wanted to expose Morty to that, though he’d never admit that out loud
⁃ Is Bilingual, specifically he speaks Spanish. I’m pretty sure he’s canonically Hispanic as well.
⁃ He’s pansexual. He also hasn’t been in a serious relationship in decades. He avoids them after Diane. He did want something serious with BP tho
⁃ When he’s wasted, like emotionally upset and absolutely shit faced he will lock himself in the garage and avoid going near the Smith family
⁃ Sometimes Morty does things that reminds Rick of Prime and it drives him crazy. He will go out of his way to chastise Morty to try to get him to stop the things he can control
⁃ Rick doesn’t heal his battle scars as it’s a way to separate himself from other Ricks in the finite curve
⁃ Rick purposely let the original Prime universe get mutated and made it worse as a last middle finger to Rick Prime. He later felt kinda bad about it, just because he knows what he did is some petty shit Prime would have done.
6. Morty head-canons
⁃ Morty Prime has a lot more physical similars to Rick Prime then he does to Jerry. Most Mortys have brown but Morty Prime has blue eyes, similar to his Rick. His hair more disheveled and a bit more spiked.
- Refuses to drink alcohol most of the time because he’s seen what it’s done to people. However he will do recreational drugs & smoke cigarettes. Often on the roof on his house.
⁃ Morty has a jagged scar around the end of his hand where he had to use the train to cut his hand off. As well as a bit missing from his left ear from a stray gun shot, his nose is crooked from getting broken a lot and he’s missing a tooth.
⁃ He carry’s a blaster in his waistband and one under his pillow just in case. He is in general kinda paranoid
⁃ If Morty has a serious nightmare and/or can’t fall asleep he will sneak into his moms or Ricks alcohol stash and drink until he passes out because it’s the only way to get him to fall back asleep.
⁃ Sometimes Morty will stare at himself in the mirror and try to see if he has any similarities to Rick Prime and will try to change anything he finds. If another Morty refers to him as “Prime” he will bust their head open. Or cry.
⁃ Morty is aware Rick sees him as Rick Prime grandson, and is convinced one day Rick will finish what he started and kill him to. He’d never admit that to Rick
7. Family Head-Canons
- Is a lot more observant then she gets credit for.
- One of the reasons she started going on adventures with Rick is because she wanted to look out for her brother.
- She nearly cried when Rick told her she reminds him of Diane.
⁃ I could see her as Bi, as she’s flirted with Ethan and the girl from S7.
- She was planning on moving out as soon as she was 18, but lately has been thinking other wise. Her relationship with her family is a lot better then before.
Beth/ Space Beth
⁃ Trash TV is her guilty pleasure, like she says she watches it ironically but no she doesn’t
⁃ Not that great at cooking to be honest, never really got taught how to and can’t be bothered anymore
- is honestly proud of Summer for not ending up like her when Beth was her age
⁃ is actually really solid at cooking, and would be a good house husband if he wasn’t kinda lazy.
⁃ Family is genuinely important to him and he honestly would sacrifice everything for them. Rick knows this and can respect Jerry for that
⁃ he’d never say it out loud but sometimes Morty scares him. He’s seemingly the only one to notice how aggressive he’s gotten lately and was mortified when Morty told him about the Tina-Teers thing.
8.Prime head-canons
⁃ He doesn’t regret what he did with Diane, but he did regret letting it get to that point
⁃ He honestly didn’t want to kill his own Morty, and was conflicted seeing him with C-137.
⁃ He was far from thrilled seeing what had become of his planet. He wasn’t necessarily attached to it or anyone in it, however he didn’t want it to end up as a wasteland.
- He’s been keeping tabs with Rick and Morty as was a little surprised with how Rick C-137 hasn’t killed Morty Prime or even really tried to.
- Wasn’t expecting Morty to take after him as much as he has.
9. Evil Morty head-canons
- Was actually bothered when Morty Prime didn’t accept his offer and just lied about it being a toilet seat to save face because he was kinda salty about it
- he’s definitely a clone, not sure what universe he’s based off of and doesn’t care anymore
- EM is lonely as hell and watch’s rom coms to pass the time. He’s not use to getting to live normally and isn’t sure what to do with all that free time
- he chose to use an eye patch because he knows Ricks are scared of pirates
- after the S1 finale, EM started keeping tabs on Rick C-137 and Morty Prime. It was also how he learned about the Prime universe
10. favorite rick and morty pair that ISNT c-137 and prime
Not technically a Rick & Morty pair but the Mortys from the citadel, Left-Handed Morty, Slick Morty, Glasses Morty, and Lizard Morty. The way Slick threw himself into the garbage shoot in a desperate attempt for other Mortys to be better off lives in my head rent free I wish they were still alive.
11. songs that you think relate to them
“This is love” by Air Traffic Controller. This song is such a good way to express Mortys codependency to Rick (not shipping btw you nastys)
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yahoo201027 · 18 days
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Day in Fandom History: September 5…
Rick's time with the crows and living in his own adventure gets cut short when he comes across a middle-aged Morty hoping to reconnect with him, leading down an emotional path in a familiar location and an ominous old face anticipating their arrival. The Season 5 finale, “Rickmurai Jack” premiered on this day, 3 Years Ago.
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littlealeta · 2 years
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Rick hugging and rubbing Morty’s hair is an adorable callback to the scene in M. Night Shaym-Aliens. Even better that this isn’t a simulation, this is the real Morty that Rick is doing this to. I know some people were thinking that he was testing to see if Morty was a simulation but I theorized that the reason he was acting weird in the simulation episode was because he knows this Morty isn’t real so he’s able to let his guard down. Now he’s comfortable enough to show him the same sort of affection/playfulness without feeling guilty. The scene in the simulation was so heartwarming despite what was going on and I was really hoping to see Rick do this to the actual Morty someday. I also saw a scene in one of the comics where he also kinda did the same thing too? It was at the end of issue #14.
I have problems with some of the directions they’re taking Rick in these last two seasons. I do think they should tone down on his softness but it’s so nice to see him being domestic and showing affection and being playful and happy with his grandkids again. He just seemed perpetually pouty and petulant around them in seasons 3-4 with only like one scene of genuine bonding between them in each season in seasons 3-5.
Also it’s interesting how we’ve had two separate scenes in this season where one half of the duo is trying to hug while the other is stopping them.
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animesavior · 1 month
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“Find your dream, Akira. Find the biggest one you can. Your dreams keep a man solid; don't you ever forget that.” -          Teruo Tendo, Zom 100 (Ep. 12)
“If that's the case, I think it's time I leave the village. If what Shizuka's said was true and the zombies are caused by a virus, I'll travel the country and look for a cure to it. they'll convince dad to get surgery for his hemorrhoids, yeah. Do your best to help humanity and do what you can for the world. Those were dad's last wishes after all.” -          Akira Tendo
This Toonami Trending Rundown is a double feature for June 28 & 29-30 and July 5 & 6-7, 2024, as these two weeks marked the season finale of Zom 100.
In regards to trending, during both Toonami Rewind broadcast of June 28 and July 5, #ToonamiRewind would trend in the USA. And for both nights of June 29-30 and July 6-7, #Toonami would trend in the United States alongside My Adventures with Superman and Zom 100. #Toonami would also trend on Tumblr during the latter week.
The Zom 100 manga continues on Akira, Shizuka, Kencho, and Beatrix’s storyline, which is also being published stateside by Viz Media, which is still going strong with 17 volumes and 67 chapters and counting. Unfortunately, there’s no word yet on when and if we’ll see a second season of the Zom 100 anime as of now. As previously mentioned, the anime saw numerous production issues and setbacks that regularly delayed the release of episodes during its original Japanese run, most notably with the final three episodes being delayed for over three months. So even if a second season is already greenlit, it’s quite understandable that the animation studio might need some time to get things back together. Nevertheless, Zom 100 sure was a fun ride, and hopefully we’ll see this show return in the future. In the meantime, feel free to check out the manga, in addition to a live action film by Netflix, that has been on their service since August 3, 2023.
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This week’s feature was a game review of Animal Well, a platformer developed by Shared Memory and published by Bigmode. It received an 8/10 score.
During the Production I.G panel on the Saturday of Anime Expo 2024, the panelists revealed the voice cast of the upcoming anime adaption of Junji Ito’s Uzumaki. The English cast will include:
Abby Trott as Kirie Goshima
Robbie Daymond as Shuichi Saito
Cristina Vee as Azami Kurotani
Doug Stone as Kirie's father
Aaron LaPlante as Shuichi's father
Mona Marshall as Shuichi's mother
Max Mittelman as Katayama
As for a potential release date, In an interview with The Japan Times released on June 29, Ito revealed that “the first of four episodes is complete, and lives up to his expectations.” The article also mentioned that Uzumaki is set to air later this year. During San Diego Comic-Con, Toonami announced that Uzumaki would indeed be premiering this September 28, 2024 at 12:30 a.m., following premiere episodes of Rick and Morty: The Anime.
Speaking of Comic-Con, we also got some news regarding several original productions and acquisitions. We got a new show announcement in Rooster Fighter by Shū Sakuratani. Rick and Morty: The Anime will also be premiering on Adult Swim on August 17, with the Japanese with English subtitled version of the episode premiering on Toonami starting August 19. Lazarus by Shinichiro Watanabe will be premiering in 2025. And finally, Aniplex has announced that Toonami will be airing Demon Slayer’s Swordsmith Village arc on August 10 at midnight, with successive episodes airing on 12:30 a.m, at least until September 28.
Crunchyroll has revealed a new trailer, key visual, and release date for the third and final season of Fire Force. Season 3 will be split into two cours (roughly around 24-26 episodes combined), the first half premiering in April 2025, while the second premieres in January 2026. In terms of trending, #FireForce would trend in the USA as a result.
As I attended San Diego Comic-Con in person, unfortunately, we’re running a bit behind on posting the most recent trending rundowns. We’ll have the trending rundown for the rest of July, featuring the season finale of My Adventures with Superman, up in the coming days. And be sure to tune in tonight for the premiere of Demon Slayer’s Swordsmith Village arc. Until next time, stay gold, be sure to register to vote for this year’s elections if you’re eligible and haven’t already, and let’s go Team USA.
Legend: The shows listed are ordered based on their appearance on the schedule. Show trends are listed in bold. The number next to the listed trend represents the highest it trended on the list (not counting the promoted trend), judging only by the images placed in the rundown. For the Twitter tweet counts, the listed number of tweets are also sorely based on the highest number shown based on the images on the rundown.
June 28, 2024 Toonami Rewind Trends
United States Trends:
#ToonamiRewind [#13]
Tweet Counts:
#ToonamiRewind [1,435 tweets]
#Naruto [6,288 tweets]
June 29-30, 2024 Toonami Trends
United States Trends:
#Toonami [Trended with #MyAdventuresWithSuperman]
#MyAdventuresWithSuperman [#5]
#Zom100 [Trended with #MyAdventuresWithSuperman]
Tweet Counts:
#MyAdventuresWithSuperman [3,128 tweets]
July 5, 2024 Toonami Rewind Trends
United States Trends:
#ToonamiRewind [#24]
Tweet Counts:
#Toonami [1,218 tweets]
#SailorMoon [3,321 tweets]
July 6-7, 2024 Toonami Trends
United States Trends:
#Toonami [#8]
#MyAdventuresWithSuperman [#9]
#Zom100 [#9]
Tumblr Trends:
#Toonami [#5]
If you wish to send me a tip for the work on the trending rundown, donations can be sent to https://paypal.me/DanielLimjoco.
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Secrets upon secrets. Only Toonami on [adult swim] on Cartoon Network.
7 notes · View notes
garndiddlious · 10 months
just can’t get off my mind how a lot of these recent episodes have been about intellgience in some way. i mean first off they brought back evil morty, who is literally KNOWN as the “smart character” in the show aside from rick. and then last episode we had the bigfoot guy outwardly state his intelligence, and rick apolgoized for “thinking he was stupid” and “didn’t acknowledge that people can be intelligent in different ways”. and of course there’s morty’s slider, and i know people say that morty just had summer’s old sliders however 1. he didn’t look strange like summer did and 2. if they really wanted to do that it could’ve been a little one of joke where all his sliders were low and 3. it’s a theme this season that, once again, underestimating people is NOT smart.
i honestly have no clue HOW the finale is going to end of the season, they could stick with the introduced light adventure and save heavier stuff for the next season, it could incorporate both the light story and heavy story, it could totally turn a different direction like season 5, like we don’t KNOW. it could be anything. however i hope it’s heavier because these last few episodes have been really light for rick and Morty, and a lot of them have some kind of underlying idea.
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