#rigel rambles
rigelgoesbrrr · 9 months
Messing around with designs and thinking about anatomy/biology of these things
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I'm obsessed over them, even more over the "transformation" thing. How could they all disappear if they could've "changed" themselves and continue living?
Maybe not all of them had the power to do so. Maybe they got crushed by their own shells. Perhaps they fought against each other and eventually wiped themselves out?
So many questions, so little answers
I have so many headcanons about these things, so many ideas
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solaris-arceus · 5 months
:000000 My egg is hatching!
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multimuse-citadel · 5 months
Good evening, everybody. I'll be unavailable until tomorrow so if I have any threads ongoing, please wait until tomorrow evening for a reply. Thank you!
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logicpng · 1 year
true to my word I Have been working on something :3c
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I'm working towards converting an au project into being disconnected from its source fandom :3c
still working them out but I'm enjoying just the process itself
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tezuka-brainrot · 4 months
My AU of Tenma 🤝 my AU of Epsilon
Genuinely really caring about their children and just wanting to be a father again. But their current personalities make it really difficult... They are immatiations of actual loved ones who are practically long dead...
I mean it's different considering Riguel is a robot clone of Tenma like Atom was of cannon Tobio. Purposefully made with a different personality that Tobio thought he'd like way more than his real father, but he grew to despise it because he realized he can't just play God and make everything perfect, under his control.
Meanwhile Epsilon...is still, well, Epsilon. Rebuilt and revived after Pluto murdered him. But his memories were wiped completely, and the orphans are confused and heartbroken over their guardian not recognizing them (or even himself.)
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llolian · 2 years
now that there's a Rigel nation in the making, what if I confessed that besides Ines, I already have another Arcana Twilight Oc to compliment and contrast Rigel-
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siennaditbot · 1 year
First chapter has been dropped!
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The Pluto Club is starting its Webtoon journey today!
I'm having so much fun with this, and learning a lot! I got Clip Studio Paint for this, and though it's still a huge mystery, I'm getting the hang of things!
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rigelswrittingsquare · 10 months
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my small human wheatley HC scenario
because I'm down BAD!!!!!!!!! RAH!!!!!!!!
- wheatley having an absolute PUPPY crush on you and finding the stupidest excuses to see you , him being stupidly down bad self just to confess in the end after a (time skip) few weeks
indulgent saansosnaKSNSHAHA, and not written very seriously
for gn readers!!
So you've caught his attention. HOUGH. Let's say you've been working around Aperture as a data logger or some other desk job, most preferably one that doesn't require a lot of talking, but his cubical is like right beside yours. It's basically like a drab monotone setting, classic crammed together offices under that gross florescent lighting
He's talked to you a few times, mostly small office talk, classic conversations by the water cooler, that stuff. GOD he talked a lot in those small moments. saying things like:
"Some brilliant water right here, it just... Quenches the thirst, like water should, you know." He's propped up his elbow on top of the water jug on top while drinking from those pathetic little paper cups, looks like he could just drop that thing with how bad his hand is shaking, and yet he STILL continues.
"Nothing like .. Aperture refreshments, like, seriously, it's some...er..." He drones off, before looking at your confused yet entertained expression, and trying a DIFFERENT approach than the pathetic water convo starter. bravo wheatley!
"...How's it going!"
Usually he can never get very far to talking to you without being told to go back to his cubical, so he's practically quaking in his own skin right now?
if you give him a nod or any positive affirmation? he lights up says things along the lines of:
"Brilliant! That's great to hear mate! Ah ..I mean. Good, good. That's good. Myself? Not doing too shabby, just small quarrels with Jerry here and there, no problem, no problem whatsoever."
however if you are feeling stressed out of not really your best?:
"Ah..Right, hmm..Right, I'll tell you what, at least you haven't spilled your coffee all over the desk, right?.... Don't look, no, don't look at my shirt, I still haven't gotten the stains out." He nervously chuckles, trying to cheer you up. there is a VERY prominent coffee stain plastered on the mid section of his shirt, it's.........it's something alright.
When the two of you part ways, and go back to your cubicles, he's absolutely anxious. we are talking about nervous leg bouncing, chewing on pencil erasers, tapping his hands against the desk, just absolutely ITCHING (hehe you get it like the chapter in portal called the itc * gets thrown off the stage * anyways) to see you again. His gaze drifts down to the gap that separates you and him, and gets an idea. He scrawls something on a piece of paper, before tearing off on his APERTURE BRANDED stick it note pad, and bending down to the floor to push it under the gap with his pencil, stretching to poke your leg with it to get your attention before sitting up in his chair
the note??? you ask?
"Lunch is in 30, can I buy you something? - Wheatley :]"
If you decide to go, oh he's DELIGHTED. definitely knocks on your door the MINUTE OF. NO LATER. and waits for you to come out
he's absolutely Smitten. with you, watching carefully as you point out what you want, and he gives it to you, maybe even splurges on a stale cafeteria cookie for the two of you, and finds a small break room for the two of you to chat
He doesn't care that you don't talk much, it makes you all the more interesting. What's stewing in that brain of yours? What mysterious oasis lays inside that noggin? He's going to crack that egg and find out, one ramble at a time.
He blabbers on about something, noticing you watching him, and he gets flustered, but continues blabbering nonetheless :
"Just thought of something, and quite honestly, it's bloody unnerving. You ever noticed them birds perched up on the lab equipment? Nasty critters, they are... Conniving....Bet they are plotting something ..something big.. nasty... But! But, but but... If you like birds, that's cool too, in all honesty it makes you seem cooler than you already are.. That is, if you even.. Like them critters."
He runs a hand through his hair, before sinking in his seat with relief of your laughter. So this makes him continue.
"But aside from them nasty.....Corvids, I'll tell you what, mate, these things are uhm..." He gestures towards the stale cookies, before clearing his throat. "Horrible. GOD awful. Quite honestly, I'm ashamed to have even given you that." oh he's pitiful. I love him so much
he would continue to do this for some amount of weeks, before working up the gall to finally ask you on a proper date. It started out as usual, him sliding the note under your cubical and buying your lunches, but this time, he takes you outside the office space, and onto the catwalks. He sits down, patting the spot beside him, before staring out into the abyss, just outside the guard rail.
"So.. Uhm.. Sorry about the change of scene, er, I figured it would be best if we found a little snug spot, hm?" He couldn't even look at you without thoughts of backing down plaguing his mind, so he continued on.
"Listen, I've been thinking for a while and uh.. We're good mates, yeah? We're office buddies, we get along, have a bit of banter, eat lunches together.. you listen to my absolute LUNACY, and.... My banter, which it's honestly maddening how you keep up- which is absolutely amazing! I'm glad I got you mate, really, I do." He glanced over at you, looking for any mutual understanding in your eyes, before continuing, looking away once more. god he's a mess
"Well I guess what I'm trying to get at is... More so propose, I guess in a sense, is that I wanted to know if.. you possibly... Wanted to be more than mates?" His eyes darted to your face, before looking away once more. "You just make my day, and..Even if I talk you up a bloody tree," he chuckled, running his hand through his hair again, before pushing up his glasses, facing you entirely. "I think I genuinely like you. Like. Like, like you, if you know what I mean. You don't gotta nod, you don't even gotta answer! Although that's most... preferable, I figure I should just... Y'know...out with it!"
when you accepted, oh he was happier than a kid who got turned loose in a candy store. had to absolutely PHYSICALLY restrain himself from squeezing you into a hug, if it wasn't for you eating your food, he would be more than happy to swoop you up into his arms. however one thing was for sure, he was definitely already calling you luv instead of mate.
it was you, and he didn't want to keep the two of you a secret.
after all, we are talking about you!! who would keep you a secret?
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rigelgoesbrrr · 9 months
Speedruns be like: no upgrades for you
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I finally did all the achievements of the game.
Just gotta beat all the Radiant bosses and do full-binding pantheons and I'll be happy
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solaris-arceus · 5 months
:0000 Mama gave me an egg as a surprise! She said she made it with her powers!
<attached is a photo of Rigel in his human form wearing his Zeraora hoodie looking very happy holding the egg>
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multimuse-citadel · 9 months
Just like how I think Raimon and Wanderer are similar, I like to think that Subaru and Kazuha are similar too. 😊
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themagdalenes · 1 year
I see the projecting going on RN (Adora and Shinobu masking their emotions solidarity)
Shinobu Kocho, Nina (Artiswitch), and Adora came for my head, but honestly yeah. I also saw a post recently that was like Adora is really an icon for people who leave a whole ideology behind and begin fighting it, and I was in that post and didn't like it. If I can find it again I'll send it to you.
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yyyyanyan · 2 months
that feeling when you read an old favorite and it's even better than you remember <3 <3 <3
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justagaycryptid · 4 months
Been doing a bit more musing on Rigel herself as a character and then the au where she has a relationship with Morgott over Ranni bc Morgott is currently my little meow meow blorbo of choice (tho I still love Ranni and I am v gay for her)
I imagine Rigel is like a woman-ish in that she's typically viewed as a woman but is fine being referred to however. He/she/they/it whatever she doesn't give a shit.
Local Tarnished declared most male woman of all time
Plus she doesn't have any tits, got 'em burned off by Agheel since she still wore like the blue cloth armor set when she fought him so like yeah they're gone its all just burn scars there though she doesn't miss 'em (probably not actually how it would work but oh well)
I also think that she would be really gross mainly in the fact that she constantly smells like blood/rust/leather/sweat/whatever since there are few and far opportunities to bathe in the Lands Between tho it doesn't really bother her and she readily takes any opportunity to get drenched in blood (blood build for the win)
She also is not against biting or fighting dirty in general. If she starts something she's gonna win by any cost goddamnit
Tho surprisingly enough despite her inclination towards immediately using violence as a solution to any given problem she's actually quite witty and intelligent
Seeing as how she's a Dragon Communion user I also like to think that over time there are more changes to her physicality that she would experience especially as she learns more of the incantations.
So like it starts with the eyes, then she gets slightly sharper teeth and claws, and maybe she is then able to make like deep, rumbling growling noises. Maybe it can affect her more dramatically because she's of Draconian descent.
Speaking of her being Draconian, I imagine that the Tarnished player was revived from being dead at the beginning of the game which could somewhat explain how weak they are since they're kinda trying to re-learn how to be alive at that point.
In Rigel's case she's of warrior descent, so I imagine that she was born in a warrior tribe that splintered off from the initial banishment of the Tarnished from the Lands Between, but is from a couple generations after rather than having ever actually lived in the Lands Between before. Her tribe more of focused on living in the present, something something don't be stagnant, don't look too much to the pass, just keep moving forward or whatever, so she wasn't taught much about the lands her people came from which is why she doesn't know shit when she gets called back. But initially, yeah, she was from a Draconian warrior tribe and died relatively young as most Draconions do a la the description in the character creation menu.
I dunno if I'll decide how she died, but yeah she had been dead for a couple hundred years before being revived and called back to the Lands Between. So like girl is REELING being suddenly alive again and summoned to a land where everyone wants her dead. She has a rough start to say the least.
Which leads to her meeting Margit at Stormveil since he was the first major boss I defeated on my first playthrough with Rigel, which sparks a very heated rivalry in the two considering how badly he kicker her ass
Like they fucking HATE each other so much and want to beat the absolute fuck out of the other
But then as Rigel kinda travels through the Lands Between and learns about how Omens are treated and comes across some Omen Killers and the like she's like 'Oh this is FUCKED'
Though it isn't until she's fighting Morgott in Leyndell that she realizes that he doesn't deserve to die and that she didn't want to kill him
Such mercy only earns her a sword through the chest
fuckin RUDE Morgott
Que shenanigains wherin she tries to gain Morgott's favor through various means like gifts of flowers and fruit which usually just gets her tossed off the balcony or something
It isn't really until she brings him the body of the Omen Killer that skulks about Leyndell (whole time she was lugging it up the stairs to the Elden Throne she was thinking to herself 'motherfucker better appreciate this because why is this guy so heavy') that she somewhat makes some progress in his hard exterior, although he isn't immediately amicable to her
Mainly her goal at this point is getting him to the point where he'll let her pass to the Erdtree which takes some time and effort on her part, as well as making sure that he doesn't think she merely pities him
It takes work to get them to even be able to speak to one another without immediately throwing hands, and even more work for her to be like 'How long is the madness going to go on Morgott' in reference to the decrepit state of the Lands Between in the aftermath of the Shattering
Cue a very angsty and slowburn attraction and romance since when he's no longer trying to kill her Rigel is like 'shit he's kinda hot actually' but she would never tell him that to his face at this point
I'm still undecided if they have started anything before Rigel goes to burn the Erdtree... maybe? There's some good potential for angst with Rigel setting fire to the very thing Morgott had devoted himself to protecting despite how necessary it may have been which even Morgott can eventually admit to considering his dialogue that you get when you do kill him ingame
But yeah the beginning of their relationship is mostly a begruding agreement to not kill the other despite how much they may think about it and still want to beat the shit out of one another, to a sort of angsty mutual attraction that they don't want to admit to, to longing and more angst before they start any sort of romantic relationship
The finer points are still nebulous to me at this point but anyways
Then once they are in a more comfortable relationship with one another, probably once Rigel has established herself as Elden Lord, they settle into a more gentle and relaxed sort of thing with one another
Rigel also finds that Morgott is the King of Cling in that while they don't really do pda they're always touching in some regard whether that be linking pinkies, his tail brushing against her legs, or just being right there next to each other. Then when they're in private it's all over. Rigel likes it tho bc of how fluffy and warm Morgott is (girl does NOT like being cold and Morgott is basically a personal heater for her lmao).
They both love each other very much but also they like being petty and snarky with each other bc they have too much attitude for their own goods
I also think it would be funny if they were like that thing that was like 'my girlfriend and I saw you from across the bar and we hate your vibe so we're gonna beat the shit out of you' because both of them still kind of instinctually default to violence to solve any given problem or just because (thought they do try to rein themselves in at this point since they're supposed to be responsible leaders now considering the fact that the Lands Between are no longer a war-ravaged wasteland)
They probably end up sparring with each other a lot, though just for funsies now rather than actually trying to kill each other like when they initially met
Morgott probably is also the main administrative force between the two considering he's had hundreds of years of experience maintaining Leyndell as the Veiled Monarch while despite her smarts, Rigel has no experience in being a leader so while she technically is Elden Lord and does learn a bit about how she should be acting in her role, she typically deferrs to Morgott for most things
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cero-sleep · 8 months
I'm so bored guys
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a-sad-moth · 2 years
I should post about my ocs more. They're so silly I love them
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