#project zeta
tezuka-brainrot · 4 months
Good news: Epsilon is alive!
Bad news: he can't remember shit.
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takineko-arts · 1 year
Is Braniac's robot body and head shape a reference to The Zeta Project as he appeard in Batman Beyond?
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Before his ugly redesign when he got his own show anyway
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vikenticomeshome · 5 months
Cyberworld QBorgs (part 3) - Zeta Quest 3D
Here's another post about Cyberworld QBorgs. The QBorg "Zeta Quest 3D" was based on the cartoon "The Zeta Project" from the 2000s. Unfortunately, much of the content from this QBorg is currently lost. I believe I have assembled just about everything that could be retrieved from the Internet Archive. While it is possible to walk around in the known levels, it is currently not possible to interact with the characters or get much of the story. Maybe someday a former Cyberworld employee will come forward with assets.
Here's the page where they explain the premise and ask you to download the Cyberworld browser. I will transcribe the text.
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The Zeta Project Presents Zeta Quest 3D.
Become Zeta, and continue the search for Dr. Selig in this revolutionary 3D game.
If you have not already downloaded the Cyberworld browser you will need to do so, but trust us; it's worth it!
I like that we get a small screenshot of the game world which shows what the right-side panel is supposed to look like. Even after gathering all of the files that could be archived, much of the right-side panel is missing.
Since we're here, we may as well see the system requirements.
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The Cyberworld browser is for PC users only.
System Requirements: Windows 95 or 98, Windows ME, Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 3 (or greater), Windows 200 Professional/Server
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 (or above); compatible with Netscape Communicator 4 (or above)
VGA with 256 colors or greater
Pentium 90 MHz (133 MHz recommended)
16 MB RAM (32 MB recommended)
I think I can handle that.
Our first borg is the intro. It is just a flash animation that discusses the premise in more detail. I will transcribe this as well.
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Begin Narration Bucky has intercepted a transmission from Dr. Selig, Zeta's creator, who is working on a new Infiltration Unit at a top secret lab deep in the mountains of New Mexico. By triangulating the Satellite signals carrying the transmission, Bucky has pinned down the location of the lab. This may be Zeta's best chance to find Dr. Selig.
Playing the role of Zeta, you must find Dr. Selig, and keep from being captured by security forces at the lab.
We are then dropped off in a forest, presumably near the lab that we need to inflitrate.
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If we move forward, we can find Ro, one of Zeta's allies in the show. She has a phone for us to take.
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She's also supposed to have some dialogue here, but that is lost.
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We can walk down the single path until we reach an ominous looking building. I believe this is the hidden science lab. However, we cannot just walk in there. Zeta is an infiltration robot on the show, and I think he has disguises in this game. However, with most of the buttons missing their images, I can't figure out how to put on the disguise. I'm guessing the correct disguise is "Lab Tech", which is the top right item.
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However, it looks like, if I was able to put on a disguise, I would move onto a borg called "guard" next. So, let's skip ahead.
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I think I can make out my character's face on the Wanted poster.
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Shhh.. the guard is sleeping.
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You can steal that tablet computer off his desk. I also found some power cells down the hall.
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The white void awaits at the end of the hall.
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It's supposed to lead to the "office" borg, but its broken. Let's skip ahead to that borg anyway.
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Someone painted an entire desk, chair, and computer on the wall, which is odd.
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We can find some office workers.
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I found this area in the office map, which looks out of place. It has a white void, but it didn't seem to take me anywhere.
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So, I tried another white void that looked more like it belonged.
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I think I put on a scientist disguise, though its hard to say when the disguise menu doesn't have labels. Anyway, that second white void took me to "IU 8 Lab A".
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I found a new friend. He is called weldbot. He doesn't speak, move, or do anything, so he may not be alive.
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And then, I found another white void with no real way to continue. There are no other maps (called borgs) known to exist.
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So, what did I think of that? I have never seen "The Zeta Project", so I can't speak for the accuracy or any creative liberties here. Unfortunately, so much of the game content is currently lost that it would be unfair for me to form much of an opinion on it. Here's hoping that we get another situation like when Eddie Ruminski came forward with the assets for those other Cyberworld QBorg games.
Anyway, I should probably watch the show at some point. I like the concept of a an assassin robot growing a conscience, rebelling against his agency, and trying to track down his original creator.
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slocum-dodson · 6 months
I have expanded my empire.
beneath the toy store is an abandoned government facility.
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and look at that shit. It's another alien. It's similar to the one that I found and ate in the cave, but different. And beside it was a decive. I clicked it and Preston and I were enveloped in brilliant, green light. I came too a little later in a tube, crammed inside beside my husband.
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we watched these little guys fighting and the one in the red freed us. I have named him "Roger" and I don't understand him. I hope he doesn't find out about how I've eaten others of his kind.
Preston, Roger, and I massacred the rest of the crew of the ship. Preston landed the killing headshot that did in the creature I assume to be the captain and I tried to destroy these horrible tall things.
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Look at him, the beautiful bastard crushed this abomination's shoulder between his hands. Now we have arrived on Mars. Slocum's Joe has expanded into the red planet.
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creatorofuniverses · 1 year
Gt July Day 31 - Free Day
This last prompt was completely open, so I decided to do a short drabble in my Project Zeta verse. All of my friends and relatives who are public school teachers are going back this week (my god) so school was on the brain.
This month has been so much fun! I hope you all enjoyed the ride as much as I did!
Bean had been reading books.
Well, he’d been working his way through picture books – with the help of the document camera and projector, since he was too big to hold them right, much less read them – and Hannah had been reading him some chapter books. Reading was a core pillar of education, after all, even if that education was happening in a secret military base and her only student happened to be over forty feet tall. Plus, the books were good for him, Hannah felt. Bean loved stories, and the books were the only way he would ever learn what the rest of the normal world was like.
Naturally, this sort of learning sparked a lot of questions. Today’s was, “Miss Hannah? What do they mean by summer break?”
Hannah glanced over at the wall, where the current picture book page was displayed. She could have just looked down of course, her being the one to hold the book under the camera, but somehow it seemed more natural to look at whatever Bean was looking at when he asked a question. Just in case. “Well, Bean,” she began, already formulating an answer in her head that was honest but not too honest. “Most kids go to public school, which doesn’t happen over the summer. They don’t have lessons with their teachers for a couple of months. That’s what they call summer break.”
Bean, of course, had never gotten a summer break in his life. He’d never even really been outside, so his grasp of “summer” as a concept was nearly as shaky as his grasp of “vacation”. Still, he nodded, making a valiant effort to soak up this new knowledge. “And when they come back, they’re in a new grade?” Grades were also a new concept, one that seemed to fascinate all of the children here in the Zeta wing. There weren’t enough of them to divide into grades, and regardless they were, essentially, homeschooled. But that didn’t stop them from asking questions about how normal kids did things.
“Yes, that’s right,” Hannah told Bean.
Bean worried at his lip for a bit before lighting up with a thought. He shifted his feet, nearly knocked over a table of school supplies doing so, and leaned over to be closer to Hannah. His shadow blotted out the sun, but she was more than used to that. “If I were, um, if I were a normal kid in pub-lic school, what grade would I be in?” he asked, haltingly but with no lack of enthusiasm.
Hannah gave that a bit of a think. Let’s see, it was… lord, August already, school would be starting out in the real world. In here, time seemed to pass by all too differently. “You would be going into fifth grade,” she determined. That was based on the fact that he was ten years old, of course; academically speaking, he was years behind. Nobody before her had even bothered to give the kid a pencil big enough to write with, much less given any sort of concerted effort towards a stable education. He was lucky to hit second grade levels in most subjects.
Not that he needed to know that. It didn’t really matter, and besides, he straightened and beamed at the news. “Fifth grade!” he exclaimed. “That’s, that’s like the grade really cool kids are in!” This was at least the case in the elementary-school-aged books that Hannah tended to provide him with. Fifth grade was, after all, often the oldest grade in any given elementary school. They were the Kids Who Knew Things in all the chapter books. He grinned down at Hannah, the bright leaves growing straight out of his skin glowing gold in the sunlight. It was like he had a halo made out of a jungle. “Do you think I’m a cool kid?” he asked, already knowing the answer.
Hannah just smiled back. “Of course, Bean,” she answered, confirming his suspicions and watching his shoulders hunch a little in barely restrained delight. “I think you’re the coolest fifth-grader around.”
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romancemedia · 9 months
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kerakitty · 3 months
Not Every DC Animated Show is Part of the DCAU
"DCAU" is not a catchall term for any animated media featuring DC characters. It refers to a specific set of shows and their connected movies & comics. That set is as follows:
Batman: The Animated Series (Including The New Batman Adventures)
Superman: The Animated Series
Batman Beyond
Static Shock
The Zeta Project
Justice League
Justice League Unlimited
It does NOT include Teen Titans, Teen Titans GO!, The Batman, The Harley Quinn Show, or any of the films in the DCAMU.
Please stop clogging up the DCAU tag with posts about non-DCAU animated media.
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inbarfink · 1 year
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dragonturtle2 · 13 days
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thesparkwhowalks · 4 months
If I had a nickel for every 90s cartoon in which a familiar comic book hero is thrown into a high-tech cyberpunk setting and ends up friends with a killer robot who broke its programming and grew a conscience....three nickels.
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Left to Right, in order of them tackling this plot: The Phantom 2040 (1994, where a shapeshifting Biot named Heisenberg is basically one of his super friends), Spider-Man Unlimited (1999, featuring a VERY loose adaptation of Jack Kirby's X-51 The Machine Man), and Batman Beyond (also 1999, his robot buddy Zeta even got his own show).
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ben-talks-art · 3 months
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I'm trying to write a webcomic about a girl with a robot sister, so I'm trying to think back (and forth) about pieces of media with robots in it. 🤖 🤔
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tezuka-brainrot · 4 months
My AU of Tenma 🤝 my AU of Epsilon
Genuinely really caring about their children and just wanting to be a father again. But their current personalities make it really difficult... They are immatiations of actual loved ones who are practically long dead...
I mean it's different considering Riguel is a robot clone of Tenma like Atom was of cannon Tobio. Purposefully made with a different personality that Tobio thought he'd like way more than his real father, but he grew to despise it because he realized he can't just play God and make everything perfect, under his control.
Meanwhile Epsilon...is still, well, Epsilon. Rebuilt and revived after Pluto murdered him. But his memories were wiped completely, and the orphans are confused and heartbroken over their guardian not recognizing them (or even himself.)
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retrofightingrobot · 11 days
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This show is seriously underrated
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kassidyin · 4 months
Part 1/2 of some artwork i did on live in another social media
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Warmup - Zeta Project.
Voting is open for July's theme! Vote do it.
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janus-cadet · 11 months
Tarot Project - N°32
How is anyone supposed to not love Catherine Zeta Jones as Velma Kelly? I don't know. I certainly can't. So here is she, another card in my tarot, as the Knight of Wands.
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(if you're wondering where's the horse- the horse is the guy. Seemed in character.)
And now, the usual explanation. Right under the cut, for the curious!
Upright, the Knight of Wands is all about energy and passion. You have a clear vision of what you want to create, fuelled by your inspiration, and are now moving forward with leaps and bounds to turn your vision into reality. Even if that include maybe murdering your husband and sister (they had it coming, really), lying in court, or teaming with an ennemy. In your defense, said ennemy is hot. You are a bold person, willing to venture into unknown territories. You don't really care if danger lies ahead- in fact, if it does, then it becomes all the more exciting and thrilling for you. Nothing can stop you from achieving what you want! Others see you as highly charismatic, and might want to be in your presence to benefit from your energy. You are not good with bringing said others along with you on the journey, but you do enjoy the extra attention. You can maybe, perhaps, just a little, be quite impulsive- acting first, thinking later. Whoops, number 17, Spread Eagle? Dang. Now you're covered in blood. It's alright, it suits you. You're a jazz killer, my dear. All for the razzle dazzle. Perhaps, next time, take a moment to think before acting.
Reversed means that you're pursuing a personnal passion. Dancing? Singing? Maybe. It's up to you, and the fire that has been lit within you. You know that you are destined for something big, but you may be restricted from taking action right now. Are you perhaps in jail for just two little murders? Very possible. Are you being overshadowed by your pretty, talented rival? Probably. You are being restrained, which may cause frustration to grow; you want to do everything at the same time, and can't complete anything in your rush. You take actions on the spot and might regret it later.
The Knight of Wands remind you that there will be things that you can control, despite all of that, and change as you want- you just have to find them.
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And that's it for today! I doubt many people will see this, but hey, you, yes, you who are reading me right now- thank you. I hope you liked it ;)
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