#ring complex
whats-in-a-sentence · 2 years
These γ-tubulin ring complexes are present in the cortical cytoplasm, sometimes associated with the microtubule branches (Figure 1.26A-C), similar to how Arp 2/3 is present at branches of microfilaments. (...) Next, the protofilaments (the number varies with species) associate laterally to form a flat sheet (see Figure 1.26A). The sheet curls into a cylindrical microtubule as GTP is hydrolyzed (see Figure 1.26B). (...) The hydrolysis of GTP to GDP on the β-tubulin subunit causes the dimer to bend slightly, and if the rate of GTP hydrolysis "catches up" with the rate of addition of new heterodimers, the GTP-charged cap of tubulin vanishes and the protofilaments come apart from each other, initiating a catastrophic depolymerization that is much more rapid than the rate of polymerization (see Figure 1.26C). (...) This process is called dynamic instability (see Figure 1.26A-C).
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However, plant microtubules can be released from γ-tubulin ring complexes by an ATPase, katanin (from the Japanese word katana, "samurai sword"), which severs the microtubule at the point where the growing microtubule branches off another (see Figure 1.26D). (...) During treadmilling, tubulin heterodimers are added to the growing plus end at about the same rate that they are removed from the shrinking minus end (see Figure 1.26D). The actual tubulin subunits do not move relative to the cell once they are polymerized into the microtubule (see shaded region in Figure 1.26D), because the microtubule is usually bound to a membrane through a variety of MAPs.
"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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miragri · 3 months
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here's a better messmer doodle.... i plan on coloring this one methinks
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here's him holding my friend's stupid creature
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mrkida-art · 2 months
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Borin, the youngest child of King Náin II
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fangrurin · 4 months
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Fashion of the Great Houses of Westeros: House Tully of Riverrun
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tobyisave · 6 months
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just a coupla lonesome cowgems roaming free without their sally mays
(aka they both canonically use country music to cope with their aloof blue life partners leaving them and i think thats beautiful) (alt under cut)
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lunamond · 25 days
The most annoying thing about all the self-proclaimed Tolkien lore purists, upset about Rop's orc family, is that the show doesn't just have the most interesting depiction of orcs but also the most faithful of all adaptations.
Rop's orcs have families like Tolkien's naming convention of "Bolg son of Azog" in the Hobbit strongly suggests. They are actually quite reluctant to go to war if they don't have to, which is sth we also see in the Lotr when a couple of orcs complain about Sauron forcing them into war and they wistfully speak about going back East and being free together. Even the orcs aversion to Sauron’s leadership and clear lack of respect shown in the new season's opening is sth found in Tolkien's own writing. In Nature of Middle-earth, he writes that the eastern orcs ridiculed and made fun of Sauron’s fair appearance.
Rop is by no means perfect, neither as a show nor an adaptation, but it is quite telling that some of the loudest detractors continue to make the most asinine complaints.
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leal-hound · 2 months
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in another life i found you sooner
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art-from-within · 6 months
It just struck me that narrative wise, Morgott having a heavy tail and Mohg having large wings may not have been a completely random choice on the part of fromsoft....the omen twins were both shackled to the ground in the sewers, one of the two still heavily worships the guilty system none the less. Morgott clearly toiled to keep the crumbling status quo a float, draining him. The tail could represent that he is still shackled in spirit.(Look at his tail 😭)
But the other, Mohg, possesses so rebellious a spirit, his wings symbolizes a strong sense of independence and freedom. Man got out, and unlike his brother said fuck yall and flew away.
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nycteris-g · 25 days
You want examples of anti-Manicheanism in Tolkien?
Take Maedhros - he who performed "deeds of surpassing valor" and stood against the darkness and armies of Morgoth for centuries. He who swore a blasphemous oath, condemning himself to damnation. He who murdered his kin not once, not twice, but four times. And he who, finally holding the very object that symbolized his damnation, realizes the futility of all the evil he committed and throws himself into the fire.
Is he bad? Is he good? He swore a blasphemous oath - by Tolkien's standards, that alone would make him 'bad.' And then, of course, there are, you know, the murders. But is he absolutely evil? Born to be a murderous thing? Beyond any redemption or pity? How can someone who so fearlessly resisted The Evil be an entirely lost case? Can absolute evil even recognize the horror of its own deeds?
Tolkien, far more insightful than those who try to divide humankind into simple categories of good and bad, masterfully depicted the complexity of human nature (the Children of Ilúvatar). Humanity is not inherently evil, nor is it doomed to fall - yet it does, and still holds the potential to rise again: to see, to believe, to choose to do good.
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essektheylyss · 11 months
You know, when you think about it, Laerryn was the primary reason the shards of the primordials were there in the first place for Ashton to absorb, and the ring from Deanna was the reason doing so didn't obliterate them.
What we've learned is that Aabria giveth and Aabria taketh away.
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brethilach · 1 month
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sorry for Elden Ring posting on the tolkien blog but I'm not the only person who thinks Messmer evokes heavy Maedhros vibes right
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robobee · 3 months
cannot wait for postcanon assassination attempts on this weak soft king and his skinny loser advisor only for them to find out said advisor is straight up a lethal assassin and said King is somehow able to tank a stab wound because he just loaded up his vigor stat (they end up foiled bc one of them stepped on izutsumi's paw and she annihilated all of them bare handed)
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maranull · 8 months
btw, if Marika was the character people tend to think, the deaths of Godwyn and Ranni would have no reason to affect her. she has 7 more children, 5 if you don't count the Omens (which —if I remember right— were normally just killed before she got her own and then all of the sudden exile was on the table as well).
if she was still the ruthless, genocidal warlord she was when creating the Golden Order, why would she care so much about Ranni and Godwyn's deaths? so much that she attempts to tear down everything she has spent eons creating?? if she really doesn't care about her kids, why was that the trigger to directly assault the Greater Will?
sure, evil women and whatnot, but at least actually look at her as a whole. yes, she did all she did and if the ER world was fair she should had gotten way worse than being crucified, and I'd also never say she's a gentle or caring character overall, but there's a pretty important exception to the not caring thing, and that's her kids
their death caused the entire premise of the game, I feel like the love she had for them was a pretty important character trait of hers
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lesbiansforboromir · 27 days
No but to be clear those three episodes were a massive jump in quality from the last season, the pacing was great, the acting was all of the best poignant emotive moments of season 1 without the awkward scripts and stilted performance and the narratives are getting deeper and more interesting. I really enjoyed all three episodes. Other than a few things like the representation of Rhun being just a barren desert full of satanic moth cultists and lepers with skullface masks and mentioning Mumakil when we're further from mumakil than we are from the Iron Hills (honestly this was pretty terrible like kind of shockingly racist as interpretations go)
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thatonebipotato · 6 months
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more of this goober. i am SO inconsistent with and bad at drawing Teekl LMAO
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lunamond · 15 days
I really hope that the lotr fandom will soon move on from discussions about Rop's legitimacy as a Tolkien adaptation.
The current climate of people either fully dismissing the whole show or declaring it a full-on masterpiece needs to stop. I (for the most part) enjoy watching the show and therefore find myself more often than not on the side of the latter. But, I really wish we could have more productive discussions about the actual content of the show other than just how well it lines up with the lore, including calling out some major issues that I haven’t seen discussed at all.
In all the discussions about orc families, short vs. long-haired elves, ring mechanics, etc, It's definitely noticeable that nobody (neither fans nor antis) seem to have called out the super racist orientalist elements in the Rhun storyline.
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