#risen eliksni
thecreeperiv · 1 year
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Savathun! Major villain of the best expansion Destiny 2 has ever had! I realy liked her VA and the way her character was written, and in current Season (of the Witch) we are getting more of her (with possibly a resurrection :0) Super stoked for that!
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Also her wings can fold into a wingcape like in the first trailer!! SO glad I managed to design them this way :))
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kamoegoi · 2 years
misraaks VA is so powerful this season. when he says “i do not want you to carry this history!” BOY do i feel him get nasty on the THIS and the HISTORY when he pleads to eido to look forward look to the future like he cant imagine himself without that history -- like he wants more for her than who he fears he still is could ever give her like he wants her to go farther than he thinks he is capable while he is still burdened with all of the evill of himself he does not think he can escape because surely he cannot. as long as his daughter is tasked with the duty of scribe he knows the storied history of the house of light must also include his shame and he knows she willl never abandon that station because it is how she connects to the world she never knew and most of all to him, her hero, her father by one fateful act and many purposeful ones after the same as he was once, perhaps still is, a scourge upon his own people by his deeds deliberate. im losing it.
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arcenergy · 1 year
witch queen dlc was so good but the seasons that came after it were so mid. except for season of the haunted i love you babygirl
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doolallymagpie · 8 months
events have transpired and I’m once again thinking about Ravikskel
[insect-like chattering]
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emmster · 4 months
Okay I just remembered this was a thing, but how do each of the cod characters react to Fallen baby? I feel like Soap would find the little guy kind of cute, so would Alex. Farah would genuinely hold one as long as the fallen carrying them said it was fine. I honestly just love this imagery.
Soap was risen before Twilight gap and is unfortunately a bit weary first of the fallen in the tower. Probably would be afraid of holding it at first. Isn’t aware too much of what’s going on with the alliances part other than what the young wolf has been able to tell him. (Soap works primarily with Hive missions)
Ghost I think would think they’re cute and be ok with holding one (he was an uncle after all). He wouldn’t admit it outright he’ll just show up one day with a smollen he promised to babysit. Soap and Price would look at him weird. And Ghost would carry on like he’s not holding a little alien baby.
Farah would find them absolutely adorable and would be a strong voice for an alliance with the Eliksni for sure. Alex supports Farah 100% too. Gaz is hesitant at first but knows about the growing alliance between the two races and eventually comes around.
Price finds them adorable but is also kind of afraid of hurting them being a Titan and all.
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thefirstknife · 4 months
Do we know if there were any instances of humanity & eliksni working together before the house of light? It'd be a little sad if humanity & eliksni were just murdering each other for centuries with no breaks at all
There have been attempts, yeah! Mentioned here by one of the Speakers:
There have been negotiations with the Fallen since they arrived on Earth. Never successful, nearly always fatal, but they've happened. So I'm aware that some of the Risen know their alien language, and some of the high-level Fallen know ours.
In the same tab he is captured by two dregs who do nothing to him except ask him questions about the Traveler. They're completely friendly! It's possible that similar situations and small-scale friendly interactions were happening in the background, though nothing substantial until House of Light.
However, a proper alliance pre-House of Light has happened with the Awoken. Obviously they've been through their fair share of violence, but the result of it all was that the Eliksni were integrated into the Awoken society in the Reef. This is important for Mithrax because he was captured by Sjur Eido who basically forced him into friendship with her (and she spoke Eliksni!) which turned into a real friendship over time (and why he named his daughter after her). His long-standing friendliness with humans comes from this.
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lizzieraindrops · 2 years
Destiny is a story about shapes and grief.
I think I may have figured out Destiny. I don't think the primary conflict between the Light and the Darkness is the philosophical issue we thought it was.
I got thinking about it after all this talking, with many others but especially @jazzhandsmcleg, about the way all of The Witch Queen DLC and its 4 seasons have had overarching narratives surrounding trauma and cycles of violence and grief, and the way the Darkness and the Light are characterized by their different approaches to it.
In TWQ, Savathûn is given a true second chance for her species in the Light. But as Ikora points out, she struggles to break free of the learned patterns of the Darkness, continuing the pattern of deception and violence.
Same with Season of the Risen - it’s the Warlords and Dark Ages all over again, but this time it’s the Hive. It forces once again to ask: what does it mean to be given a second chance if this is what you do with it? Temper this with Saladin’s story about the girl from the Dark Ages who he protected, but who became a cruel mortal Warlord in her own right. Crow objects to the mental torture of the Hive Lightbearers and he tries to break from the cycle of interspecies violence, but unintentionally ends up continuing it by killing the Psion and heightening tensions between humans and the Uluran.
Season of the Haunted!!! Literally, the entire thing is about confronting your traumas and greatest fears and the worst parts about yourself and beginning to heal them, making something better from them. Completely changing the game by turning Nightmares that torment into Memories that guide you. Crow with the memory of Uldren, Zavala with that of Safiyah, Caiatl that of Ghaul - and most importantly, resolution focuses on how they, specifically have been held back from healing by their self-incriminating Nightmares. It challenges the cycle of continuing violence on a very personal level. Eris even has patrol dialogue describing the a Nightmare as a thing of pain craving only more pain: "Such is the cycle."
Season of Plunder brings up the very same questions on a much higher organizational level. It gives us Eido and Eramis taking very different jaded vs. new-hope approaches to the legacy of the Whirlwind, asking: can we change? Are we defined by generational trauma forever? Can we continue to grow and change for the better even though it can never be undone? Though Eido is clearly young and naïve, we're clearly given the opportunity and narrative nudge to sympathize with her desire and hope for growth and redemption, both for the Eliksni overall, and for Eramis in particular.
And we're not even done with Season of the Seraph, but it already goes incredibly hard asking the same questions, again from a more personal angle. How far, and through how many generations is trauma transmitted? From the Bray family to Rasputin, to Felwinter to Osiris to Ikora – how do we fix this? How do we fix this? How do you defeat an enemy who IS war itself? What can you do to end an endless cosmic cycle of violence?
Go back and back and back in Destiny's lore even back to D1, and the majority of conflicts seem driven by this cycle of grief and revenge and violence. The entire line of humanity's war with the Hive goes back through Oryx's grief for Crota and the First Crota Fireteam and Eriana-3's grief for her wife Wei Ning. Even the Hive siblings' pact with the Worm Gods, though manipulated by Rhulk, was driven by the pain and grief they endured for themselves and their people, and wanting to escape that cruel pattern. The entire predicament of the Eliksni and their conflict with humans is driven by the trauma and grief and loss of the Whirlwind. Even Caiatl's empire, a conquering force that would be highly regarded by the sword logic, now must reckon with the same kind of loss in the Fall of Torobatl.
How do you escape this cycle and stay free of it?
I think, this year, we are finally seeing the beginnings of an answer.
I can't highly enough recommend the TWQ Collector's Edition lorebook (page scans & transcript) and The Hidden Dossier (page scans & transcript) that immediately follows it. What I've been calling Ikora's theory of "memory and grace" that she develops through the course of these two lore books is a balanced philosophy of memory/Darkness and grace/Light (which honestly deserves an entire post of its own). I think it clearly points toward the final resolution the story of the conflict between the Darkness and the Light.
In light of this, something in the Calus part of the new Lightfall CE lorebook (images, transcript) really jumped out at me.
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“The doomed and the damned left the record of their downfall in the OXA. Your star got its name from the oldest myths in that archive. And when your mother told your father that story…the star became your name. A prayer that all will go as it must…and the way it must go is struggle.” “Aiat.” Not a word in Ulurant or any other Cabal tongue. “But Caiatl means something else..” “Yes. ‘It may not always go as it needs to go.’ A good name for a soldier." "A strange name for a daughter," I say. "Your father chose it for your mother's sake. Out of love."
And because the parallel is so overwhelmingly striking, I am once again going to reference philosophy/worldbuilding from the Young Wizards universe, which has great resonance with Destiny lore and which Bungie has been long aware of and has even been referenced in Forsaken-era canon lore.
“all the fair things skewed, all the beauty twisted by the dark Lone Power watching on his steed. If only there were some way he could be otherwise if he wanted to! For here was his name, a long splendid flow of syllables in the Speech, wild and courageous in its own way—and it said that he had not always been so hostile; that he got tired sometimes of being wicked, but his pride and his fear of being ridiculed would never let him stop. Never, forever, said the symbol at the very end of his name, the closed circle that binds spells into an unbreakable cycle and indicates lives bound the same way.” [...] “Nita bent quickly over the Book and, with the pen, in lines of light, drew from that final circle an arrow pointing upward, the way out, the symbol that said change could happen—if, only if—and together they finished the Starsnuffer’s name in the Speech, said the new last syllable, made it real.” Excerpt From: Diane Duane. “So You Want to Be a Wizard, New Millennium Edition.”
I know I'm probably only talking to the handful of Destiny players from the (very small) Young Wizards fandom, but what you need to know is that this moment is pivotal and sets up the series-long theme of hope for an eventual exit from the cycle. It's the incredibly small, overwhelmingly improbable possibility of a second chance, a new start for the Lone Power, the source of all strife and suffering, who itself is driven by loss and pain. A concept of extended grace that is inherently tied to the philosophy of the Light.
“Billions of years, it took. All the redemptions there have ever been went toward this; from the greatest to the least. And finally in the fullness of time you came along, and took my role, of your own will, and woke up a race powerful enough to change the whole Universe, and gave them the fire.” She glanced up at the mobiles and smiled. “How could he resist such a bait? He took the gamble: he always does. And losing, he won.” [...] “The Defender reached down and put a hand into the shadow. “And we are going where such matters are transcended… where all his old pains will shift. Not forgotten, but transformed. Life in this universe will never have such a friend. And as for His inventions… look closely at Death, and see what it can become.” The long, prone darkness began to burn, from inside, the way a mountain seems to do with sunset. “Brother,” the Defender said. “Come on. They’re waiting.” Excerpt From: Diane Duane. “High Wizardry New Millennium Edition.”
This is the devil’s second chance, its homecoming. Grace among the memory. How do we heal this? By fixing it. By making and TAKING that opportunity of grace.
Likewise, Destiny is shaping up into its own universe’s story of this Reconfiguration, the remaking of everything that exists through the act of a second chance, both offered and taken, with full awareness of the irreversibility of harm already caused.
Destiny isn’t the story of the light and the darkness fighting each other. That happens, but that’s not what it’s ABOUT.
It’s “And I know exactly what we are. We’re best frenemies with a history of intense mutual hurt and messy reconciliation, leaving a deep tenderness as well as an almost impenetrable knot of scars. What could be simpler?” (Chalco)
It's “For so long, I believed peace was beyond my reach. No more. I have found it in guiding others down the same path that saved me. But… I might allow myself to want more than peace. What, I am not certain. Is joy the word? Might I find that again?” (Eris)
It's “Second chances… hm. Turns out I've been using mine wrong. I thought being a Guardian was my destiny. That wielding the Light for good was the most I had to offer. But it's clear now. This is what the Traveler chose me for. I was reforged in the Light for a purpose. To remake something dead and gone… into something beautiful. To learn how to forge something new from what we were. Everything Uldren did to the Reef, the Scorn… Fikrul. I have a responsibility — no — a calling to make them whole. And… I can't replace Cayde. But I can cover his old patrols — maybe organize the Hunters a bit, if they'll let me. Clean up some of my mess. I don't know if I can fix everything Uldren left broken… but I can try.” (Crow)
We aren’t defeating the Darkness. That’s never what it’s been about. It’s about breaking the cycle of trauma and grief with memory and grace. We're transcending the Final Shape, but we're not here to destroy it or become it. We’re harmonizing the Darkness and the Light into a sustainable balance to create something new from the wounded remains.
We're here to heal the broken relationship between the Winnower and the Gardener.
That's all that it is, in the end. They had a falling out, and now they hurt, and they hurt each other, and everything else, forever. Breaking free from that cycle begins and ends with them.
Is that fair? No, it's not.
But Destiny is – unhingedly, brilliantly, paradoxically – a FPS game about how to stop killing each other, growing ever more into a framework of restorative and reparative justice.
The story says, we are all culpable, we have all done awful shit and have endless potential to do more awful shit – AND, most critically, we all have the potential to do better (grace). AND, the act of making the conscious choice to do so and letting that happen is the only way for things to get better (memory).
The Collapse happened and it was horrible, the Red War happened and it was horrible, the Great Disaster happened and it was horrible, Twilight Gap happened and it was horrible...AND?? HOW ARE YOU GOING TO RESPOND? The Whirlwind happened and it was horrible! The Fall of Torobatl happened and it was horrible! Your species' Choice was stolen and you became the most prolifically violent killers in the universe and it was and is horrible! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?
Are you going to make it more horrible? Or are you going to make it BETTER????
Are you going to fight for the Final Shape, or for the gentle kingdom ringed in spears?
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aegagrusscholarship · 2 months
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i also play destiny (2) here's my guardians
guy on the left is korhal, ahamkara who managed to survive the great hunt by immediately laying low. not actually a hunter but pretends to be one because no one questions guardians being weird. pretending to be a hunter specifically because doing all the paperwork everyone else refuses to do makes them essential enough to keep around, and keeps them off the front lines.
guy on the right is cricket, eliksni warlock. he likes fish. and pink. i'm not actually sure when exactly they were first risen but they survived out in the ruins of old earth for a fair bit of time before getting picked up by the vanguard
naked refs below the cut, no actual nsfw
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martyr-19 · 3 months
{"guardian_login": "Martyr-19" [”ghost”: “Prophet”]}
{“id": "0123"}
{"title": "Click-Update"}
{"type": "entrylog" [“attached-images”: “02”]}
{"created": "####-##-##”}
{“updated”: “####-##-##”}
This is Prophet. Seeing as my Guardian has little to no recollection of this time, allow me to share on their behalf.
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Our first official fireteam was a group of six, formed one year after being established within the Tower. Yes, it is a big group, and yes, it has everything to do with inexperience. Each of them were risen around the same time, that time being roughly a day or so after the Traveler was reawakened during the Red War. This was a very dangerous and challenging time for Veterans, let alone New Lights.
This fireteam consisted of:
- One Hunter
- Two Warlocks
- And three Titans
Our continued experience and cooperation together lasted 2 years, 3 months, and 17 days. Separation, according to data of my own and official records, was due to conflicting ideals that sparked frequent disagreements and compromised missions. This is assumed to be a result of losing fireteam members Keiran and Lillian. A direct order from Commander Zavala, the Titan Vanguard, saw to the remaining fireteam's disbandment and redistribution.
I have pulled the briefings of their public files>
{“guardian": "Bev"}
{“ghost": "Dogma"}
{“status”}} > active
{“stationed”}} > “Neomuna, Neptune”
> [hunter, human]
{“guardian": "Vuass-4"}
{“ghost": "Aimee"}
{“status”}} > active
{“stationed”}} > “Eliksni Quarter, Botza District, Earth”
> [titan, exo]
{“guardian": "Keiren"}
{“ghost": "Chance"}
{“status”}} > deceased
{“stationed”}} > {“body-recovery”}} > [impossible] > {“ghost-recovery”}} > [impossible]
> [titan, human]
{“guardian": "Sentry-3"}
{“ghost": "Flint"}
{“status”}} > active
{“stationed”}} > “European Dead Zone, Earth”
> [titan, exo]
{“guardian": "Lillian"}
{“ghost": "Casper"}
{“status”}} > deceased
{“stationed”}} > {“body-recovery”}} > [recovered] > {“ghost-recovery”}} > [located]
> [warlock, awoken]
I am currently in the process of further pulling files.
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destiny2skeleton · 13 days
💣 - are those top surgery scars you have-? and what's that screwdriver for?
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💣’ ‘ Why- Why does everyone think I’m trans- no no- sorry for the confusion. I have uh, explosives.. under my plating due to some not-so-good experiences with aa few guardians in the past.’ ‘
🃏Hey everyone- I know this isn’t like the other posts but I have kept seeing this comment with my exos- so I wanted to clear some confusion. This is going to be a lot of explaining and AU stuff so- uh- buckle up.
There is three groups of exos that will be discussed here, there is;
Bio-Exos - Exos that look like their original factory model body that was assigned to them at the transfer. This does not change their pronouns they can still have a feminine body model, but be non-binary.
(After Transfer) Trans-Exos - Exos that have experienced gender dysphoria after the transfer process, typically these exos will be seen with their original body model characteristics and parts of their plating that seems off color, but mostly non-dented or lack of scratches.
(During Transfer) Trans-Exos - Exos that before being transferred into their Exo body have expressed wanting to be in a different body model and have been in the respective model while in transfer.
Examples of each Exo, and some common misinformation of them;
Argent (💣) - Bio exo, but due to the scratches around his plating and constant need to defuse the bombs underneath the chest plating there is usually a larger gap to help make the process a bit easier. But he is not trans, it’s just scratches along the paint and has always been/assigned the masculine body model.
Serpent (🍣) - (After Transfer) Trans exo, When Serpent was risen he had experienced an extreme version of “memory card” symptoms that is also the exo version of Gender Dysmorphia within his body. But due to the red war a lot of his body was damaged, so he took the time to adjust his body into one he feels more comfortable and happy in. In doing this he now has breast-bone scars that are in the shape of the similar magnetic fins around his “ears” ( Also Serpent is a Mute character and speaks in ASL ( American Sign Language) and ESL (Eliksni Sign Language).
Micah-10 - (During Transfer) Trans Exo, (Ok I don’t know a lot of lore of Micah 10 But I will use them as an example of what this exo is like- Ok- OK) An exo while during the transferred process of the human mind to the exo body has expressed the desire of a different factory model. This causing them to have basically placing the brain in the correct body of which the previous person wanted. This means they have full bodies and characteristics of their gender and no signs of altercations unless wanting to present them on themselves (ex: Scars, symbols, lights. etc.)
I just wanted to clear the confusion because I get a lot of the exos have the gap under their chest plates that can/would look like they are trans. But unless I have addressed the character being trans with these characteristics then they are not in this AU, and I still hope you enjoy the new exo boy serpent. He can’t wait to maybe join in during the red war and answer some questions!
Argent is owned by @zamasever ( fuckin love this person so much MWAH- (Platonic) )
Serpent is owned by ME! ( also known as @dissociativecasino )
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hunter-den-mother · 2 months
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Mist and her everything growing gaggle of adult children.
Echo belongs to @mantleoflight
Selene belongs to @datarevived (finger hearts)
Flotsom the eliksni titan belongs to @blue-is-grey
Risen Rhulk @firstglaive
Ace and the two subjucators (Azul the blue one and Charlie the green one are mine lmao)
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sanchomps · 10 months
i’m actually so obsessed with your exo art and exo ocs to an extreme degree, is there anywhere you’ve written more about them?
first off, thank you for the interest in them!!! quick note, i only own one exo, everyone else belongs to my friends (i will note which belongs to who!). i've actually braced myself for the day i get this kind of ask because frankly i never write, i like making pictures on vague concepts alone. we all don't have a concrete 'story' or setting for them, these exos exist and we put them in situations and mash them together like barbie dolls for fun in discord DMs
as such answering this is long overdue but thankfully i too am obsessed with these 👇 guys a lot and they've been occupying my mind for a good 2-ish years now. these are brief descriptions to give you the quick rundown on each exo, and a fun relationship chart by the end! alright now let's get into it
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AUDAX-16 | belongs to me :]
stubborn, grouchy and blunt. despite his battered and exhausted look, he's extremely resilient. he could take better care of himself though. he has a strained connection with the light, some limbs (left arm and leg) don't regenerate well on rez and his control of the light is unwieldy.
audax is a lightbearer but not associated with the vanguard. instead, he's employed under spider's syndicate as a mercenary. coworkers with vespula.
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VESPULA-7 | belongs to @grimmblewick!
The Baddest Bitch in the Tangled Shore™, hired muscle for spider's syndicate, intimidation is her middle name. has opinions on her favorite soap operas.
standing at 6'10 and a brick shithouse, she's an effective bodyguard. if that doesn't make her menacing enough, her thumb, middle and pointer fingers are sharp talons from the Karnestein armlets integrated in her forearms. you can hear her arrival by the loud as hell engines on her illegally modified sparrow.
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ATLAS-9 | belongs to @slimyteeths!
optimistic, overconfident and plucky. flexes his robot muscles at you at any given chance. most recent risen among the bunch.
atlas is part of the vanguard but doesn't agree with their militaristic approach. instead focuses his time and efforts assisting eliksni in europa to escape to other houses with variks.
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SILVER-7 | belongs to @panicbones!
can also call him sissel. his ghost sterling calls him sissy. polite and very posh, though awkward when meeting new people. will not cuss!!
sissel is a vanguard doctor who specializes in exo health. very dedicated to learning what he can and can take this pursuit to extremes. he's done unethical actions in the process.
finally the Relationship Chart
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hope these enlighten a bit on each of our ocs :] i'm not elaborating on finer details, that's for you to figure out 🤫
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abidethetempest · 8 months
looking for a new beta for my destiny fic!
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hey everyone! sadly, my current beta is no longer available due to life reasons, so I'm looking for someone to beta-read my Destiny fanfiction, rise and fall!
rise and fall is a fic about my primary oc, Risen/Fenris, and her journey alongside an original Eliksni House of mine. There is a focus on Eliksni worldbuilding/headcanons, themes of family and community, and an eventual romance.
Things I need right away:
proofreading for grammar, spelling, and minor plot inconsistencies
feedback on specific problem scenes that I request special focus on, usually dialogue
Things I would like in a long-term beta:
feedback on outlines and larger plot arcs
workshopping on plot ideas or being a sounding board
knowledge about Destiny lore, especially the Eliksni
If you're interested, please reach out over tumblr messages! I'll reblog this a few times over the next week or so, will try and remember to add a note when I find someone.
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karekuat · 6 months
A continuation of the Axi ask for @arcaneglitch (and anyone who maybe possibly is interested in my made up stories)
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So let's talking about Destiny 2 Axilaes =)
For the basics, he's a warlock, broodweaver specifically, he was revived in the dark ages (OLD), and he's human (albeit with cybernetics in him)
I feel like there's a lot to talk about so I'll break it down via different segments
His Timeline & History
Axi was revived in an old Braytech facility in the Dark Ages before there was any sense of a collective humanity during the time where warlords controlled land used their Light for power. He noticed he was capable of some of the same things they were, rifts, floating, and being essentially immortal as long as his Ghost was alive. But unlike the other risen he noticed his light didn't seem to manifest as any particular element, all he was really good at was making rifts, and any time he tried creating any of the other elements he saw it ended in failure. He stayed like this for a while.
Along the way he got a travelling companion, who was another risen with the same kinds of powers as him but was able to manifest a fire element power. They wandered together and exchanged their healing powers for food in the settlements they visited, but eventually they had a falling out and Axi went out on his own. He met the Drifter a few times.
He made a habit out of stalking warlords and scavenging the carnage after battles for supplies, so in legend he became kind of a ghostly figure who haunted the scenes after wars broke out. He unintentionally befriended a dog, ended up with a pack, and used his pack to help him scavenge and vulture off others. Sometimes he'd even purposefully create hostility between two opposing powers just so he could steal and pillage unnoticed. He also started to see little green wisps appear when it seemed like something important was about to happen.
When the world started shifting into a place that had more order and discipline he kept his routine by joining up with a rogue crew of Eliksni pirates. When they eventually all died, he retreated back to earth alone and decided to live isolated in silence for a while.
On his travels with the Eliksni on other planets he'd taken an interest in the foliage and flora that existed in the Sol System and especially with paracausal plants, taking note of certain kinds that would be imbued with Light or Darkness. He studied them and learned to extract and use their powers. Some risen, and guardians at this point with an interest in his work would ask him for the consumables he made, which he offered at a price. Over time he started becoming a name associated with Dredgens since they would use his concoctions to commune with Darkness or overexert their Light. At this point he'd also began understanding the green wisps and learning to control them
Drifter asked him to join in on Gambit when it started, and he refused at first. Eventually he lost a bet and was forced to play a game, and he realized he loved it. He remained a consistent player and made a slight name for himself amongst frequent Gambit players.
When strand was revealed to the cast of the game he had finally stopped hiding the fact that he'd already learned about it and managed a basic level of control over it up to that point.
When Axi was revived he was already equipped with a strange type of cyberware replacing his arms, lungs, heart, eyes, and parts of his spine. Despite having cybernetic eyes his vision is QUITE BAD, which was odd, until he managed to find some information at Braytech about an "experimental aquatic proto-exo" meant to be exos designed to fully inhabit water. Sure enough, underwater he's able to breathe (though not without a little discomfort) and see perfectly.
He doesn't know why he's not a finished prototype and was left primarily organic, but it doesn't bother him either way.
Personality & Relationships
At his core Axi is the type of person who just wants to live a peaceful life. He has hobbies and interests, but he's not ambitious with his work. Unfortunately (as he sees it) he's had a bad track record of getting really attached to people. Some kids back in the Dark Ages, his old dog pack, his former Eliksni crew, Lucius (who belongs to @light-thedar-k), and Elijah (who belongs to @thetruenightzedge)
Axi doesn't have much empathy for humanity in general and only wants to keep himself and those in his circle cared for, so he's very willing to jeopardize others for the sake of his own needs and feels no guilt about it. He's emotionally stunted and has a harsh personality, he scolds a lot, he's bossy and strict. With strangers he's often cocky and always unintentionally (and maybe sometimes intentionally) carrying an air of "I'm better than you" with the way he holds himself and smiles condescendingly. When he feels like he's lost control of a situation he's quick to anger and over-dramatic frustration (and frankly just going fuckin feral). He loves games and gambling and bets, and he's a real sore loser lol. When people hurt the ones he cares about he tends to go overboard with the revenge.
Lucius he met in the Reef when he lived as a pirate, and her death was one of the first to affect him as much as it did, he saw her as a sister. Elijah he fought against a few times in Gambit, and they developed a very intense horny enemies to rivals to lovers dynamic.
Extra Trivia
He's gay and transgender, and transitioned before he was revived
His Ghost is named Anem
Since the dark ages he's always been able to have visions or gut feelings about the future, so in some degree he's like a psychic but he has low control over his ability unless he meditates consistently. He often has visions of the future while he's sleeping that feel very real, and also has dreams of parts of his life in the past, so oftentimes when he wakes up he has a hard time knowing whether he's in the present past or future, and gets really disoriented. He hates sleeping.
He doesn't like to cook
He adopted two golden age sentient AIs he found and named Ćiknawi and Hari and input into his jumpship and sparrow/skimmer respectively
He's really lazy
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and you can have a little half assed drawing I did of him
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uhm bungie, you can't do this, this is illegal, so i'm going to cope by writing crow. SEASON OF SERAPH SPOILERS.
Crow's heart jolts. He would never have thought such a sight as this would ever happen before his eyes, and yet, his gaze follows the massive orb as it rises, rises.
Glimmer of hope, his strings to that which made it all better, plucked off by an invisible hand.
"Guardian," he whispers breathlessly, hearing their footsteps. He turns to meet their gaze. Their jaw is set, their hands are fists. And they, too, follow the Traveler upwards into the sky.
He cannot fathom what it is like for the Guardian to observe this. His own years of being Risen are much younger, filled with Light to the brim. The Guardian... they live and breathe it. It's their very essence, he's always felt it on their skin.
And what of the Eliksni? Of the Cabal? Of all the civilians down there, watching a hope that arrived centuries ago, finally leaving.
Crow's hand brushes the air until he can feel the warmth of the Guardian's fingers against his own. Their fingers lace together, intertwining tight. He feels the slight tremble in their hand and he wills all of his heart into helping them calm.
Crow feels the air changing. Perhaps, this is what they call growing up. His heart is empty, his mind is scared. But the lingering hope, that which carried him until this moment, it still remains, tugging with its last effort at his heart.
The Guardian stands closer to him, still holding his hand. Their head is turned to the sky where something terrible happens. Where destruction and life linger side by side.
But Crow feels it in their hand that their heart is on him. Asking if he is okay. Their thumb gently brushes against his.
"I'm okay," he reassures. "We'll be okay."
Even as his own hand begins to tremble, he believes his own words in earnest.
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tigerspite · 2 days
Hellerrr ::3 OC Ask:
#2, 4, 5, 6, 15 & 16 for the OC(s) of your choice.
I'll split this between Lodask and Wethraks - thank you!
2. Can they take care of a plant? What about a pet? What about a child?
Yes, yes, and yes. Lodask actually is a very nurturing person and is good at taking care of people or things. He was given a kitten after many years of living in London, and looks after the hatchlings in the nursery, post resurrection.
He just can't look after himself. He doesn't even think to, not even after being rezzed. Everyone else can have his time and energy, but when it comes to actually doing things and taking care of himself and his affairs, it all falls apart.
4. Do they look good in red?
Yes. He was a Devil, so I sure hope so anyway.
5. Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! Will they give one, and what about?
Lodask is not a man of many words, but will talk at length and give a speech if pushed. It's just that he keeps himself out of leadership positions that would require him to give a speech. He doesn't want the responsibility and knows the Eliksni can handle themselves, he doesn't need to interfere. They also won't necessarily listen to him, because he's a human. So he keeps himself to himself and won't be giving any impassioned speeches unless he really needs to convince a peer of something.
6. Who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? Who won’t they take advice from, no matter what it is?
Wethraks listens to Eramis. They argue about semantics and will test each other's boundaries, but he does respect what she does and knows. The advice just might not be applied in a way she expects, or WHEN she expects it to be done. It gets stored away in his head for later and he'll marinate on it, then apply her teachings somehow.
He absolutely will not take advice from the vast majority of other Eliksni, or from most Guardians. Normal humans are fine, but RIsen are tricky and have tried to get one over on him before now. He's quite content with what he knows through observation and experience and doesn't believe they have much advice worth listening to.
15. What would they consider a waste of time– other than school or work?
Trying to tell a Devil anything, and yet he does it anyway.
16. If money wasn’t a limit, what would they wear?
Here's the thing. Money isn't a limit for Wethraks. The work he does is quite nicely paid. He spent a lot of his life generally being taken care of by a Kell, due to his position or relationship with them. He wanted for nothing with Ursaviks and Solkis, and works as Misraaks's advisor in the City. The only time he would've wanted for anything was when Drifis and Riksis were Kell, and even then, he was being compensated more than enough for his spying and infiltration so could support himself and his Claw quite happily.
So the answer is he'd wear exactly what he has now. He had access to all his armour solely because he had the money to throw around.
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