#rita x jane
ruby-doobie-d00 · 1 year
They bicker like a married couple.
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crazyloml · 11 months
i tweeted this but thought i’d leave it here too
i’m sorry but casey has not been in the show long enough for me to care about her/want her with jane and they built up jane and shelley so well just to literally do nothing with it and it never to be mentioned again?? so very dumb
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letsscreamwithme · 11 months
based on your other post, could you write about larry and rama watching a horror movie with rama being afraid and cuddling up to larry who is flustered and has no idea what to do (p.s i LOVE all your larryrama posts they make me so happy)
(Thank you so much! Bonus headcanon: Larry loves horror movies and handles horror very well.)
"What are we watching?" Rama asked as he sat down next to Larry on the couch.
"Horror marathon!" Larry cheered, excited. Rama smiled, he loved seeing Larry happy.
They weren't even halfway through the first one when Rama regretted the decision to join them. He hid his face in Larry's shoulder.
"Rama?" Larry asked. Rama turned back to the movie but stayed curled up to Larry. Jane giggled a little.
"What? Mr. I was apart of a cult can't handle a tacky jumpscare?"
"Jane, be nice." Rita chastised. Rama hid his face again at the next jumpscare. Larry was not used to this at all. Still, he did his best and anytime Rama curled up into him, he ran a hand down his back soothingly.
So maybe Rama liked horror movies, but only if Larry was with him.
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crimsonxe · 11 months
Doom Patrol 4x09 spoilers below the cut, non-spoiler its fucking great xD
Whoever made a wish for a musical episode, congrats and thank you xD
Always good to see Matt Bomer and Brendan Fraser in the flesh
At this point I'm just going to say I'm a multishipper cause I absolutely do ship Casey/Jane AND Jane/Shelley. Last episode already had me lowkey shipping the prior, but this episode really did push it up to about the same level as the latter. The way Casey kept looking at Jane and their chemistry with each other is just so good.
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Listen, I have a weakness for sunshine & dark themed girl.
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Leave it to this damn show to do a musical number about Cliff getting off
Vic trying to do his best ballad number and repeatedly getting interrupted
Why must Rita and Laura hurt my heart with their obvious gayngst like UGH Laura saying how Rita was never a monster to her. Rita interfering when Immortus was going after Laura, also her repeatedly glancing at her to check if she was okay.
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Larry getting to actually introduce 104 as his bf to his found family is just more punches to the heart; not even going into 104's talk about leaving Immortus's fake world and not wanting just another case of his story being written for him.
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The final number was one hell of a bop to the Opening cover that I already love
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lilyflowerhere · 2 years
Happy valentine's day to all my non cannonicly queer ships <3 🖤
Ps: pls be Canonn :')
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ladyorlandodream · 12 days
I’ve finally finished editing the first 12 chapters of my fanfiction set in the Doom Patrol universe (tv show). I didn't like the first version, and I made some changes in the dialogues, still maintaining the plot. I have ideas for more chapters and a continuation of the story, and I’ll get to it sooner or later, but for now, I’m happy with how it stands
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sireditsalot4 · 2 years
Rita: I have something to say. I'm bi.
Cliff: Bipolar?
Jane hits cliff's arm.
Rita: No, well, I am actually bipolar, but what I mean is that I am bisexual. Also, me and Laura are dating.
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ruby-doobie-d00 · 1 year
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Only if they looked at each other like that in the show 🤧
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laura-de-milf · 2 years
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ofmdrecaps · 27 days
08/26-27/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Recap Status; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Nathan Foad; Samba Schutte; Ruibo Qian; Vico Ortiz; Bronson Pinchot; Dominic Burgess; GalaxyCon SanJose Full Panel; Articles; Rose City Comic Con OFMD S2: Anniversary; Tell Tale TV Voting Round 2; Astroglide Love; Our Flag Means Trick or Treat; Fan Spotlight: Cast Cards; Never Left Podcast; Love Notes;
== Recap Status ==
Hey Lovelies. I don't have the greatest news... my dad is in the hospital and going into some really dangerous surgery. This means I'll probably be pretty scarce over the next couple days. I'll do my best to keep up with the recaps, they may help me stay distracted depending on how things go... but please bare with me if they don't happen. I hope you all stay safe out there. Take care <3
== David Jenkins ==
David sharing an adorable picture with his new pup, and some very silly interactions with Con.
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'Source: David Jenkins Instagram
== Rhys Darby ==
So excited for the episode of Expedition X that features Rhys coming out Aug 28 on Discovery! Here's a sneak peak!
Source: Rhys Darby's Instagram
== Taika Waititi ==
Taika's reaction to Rita's outfit is adorable.
Source: Instagram (Originally Rita Ora's tiktok)
More shots of the two of them:
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Source: SarahReynoldsx356 Instagram via YulYY4 on Twitter
== Ruibo Qian ==
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Ruibo shared some interesting work on her instagram. You can see the full collection of images here on tumblr from that post.
Source: Ruibo Qian's Instagram
== Samba Schutte ==
Samba out enjoying some glorious Dutch food and sharing more about his recent works!
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Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram
== Nathan Foad ==
More Nathan out and about!
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Source: Nathan Foad's Instagram Stories
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Source: Nathan Foad's Instagram
== Vico Ortiz ==
Vico shared some wonderful words and pictures from their PublicAssembly work!
"I’ve had the absolute pleasure to act, write, co-curate and direct for @thepublicassembly since 2018. I’m currently developing a short film and writing a one person show because I have gained the confidence as a story teller through their theatre/workshop program. Every month we develop 3 brand new pieces based on the audiences prompt the month prior and while the process of writing a 12min play can be overwhelming, being held, witnessed, encouraged (and hold, witness and encourage) these wonderful artists has been an amazing experience of championing all of our journeys as story tellers! This coming month we are throwing a fundraiser to get us to the next level. Check out my linktree for tix! It’s gonna be a sexy-awesome-artistically arousing- thought provoking evening of theatre ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 Look forward to seeing you there!"
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Source: Vico Ortiz Instagram
== Bronson Pinchot ==
More Ned Low from Bronson!
Source: Bronson Pinchot's Instagram
== Dominic Burgess ==
A pretty cool shot from Dominic!
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SourcE: Dominic Burgess Twitter
Congrats Dominic for making it to the next round of the Nicholl Fellowships for his script OUT OF MIND!
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Source: Dominic's Twitter
Dominic sharing an adorable video of one of his cats.
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== More Galaxy Con San Jose ==
The full panel is finally here!
== Articles ==
Thank you @adoptourcrew for sharing this great article by screenrant! OFMD made #2!
Also, in WBD News, thank you to Ashley AKA Seven_Sugars on twitter for sharing this new CMO news for WBD.
Source: Seven_Sugars Twitter
Source: Global Comment's Twitter
== Rose City Comic Con ==
Are you going to be going to Rose City Comic Con this fall? Well good news, you can submit questions to be asked to the lovely OFMD Panelist that will be there-- here!
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Source: RoseCityComic Con's Instagram
== S2 Year Anniversary ==
Some very kind works from @adoptourcrew <3
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Source: Adopt Our Crew Instagram
== Tell Tale TV Voting Round 2 ==
Our friends at @adoptourcrew reminding us to vote on Tell Tale TV's battle of the ships 2024! Vote here!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Instagram Stories
== Some Love for/from Astroglide ==
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Source: Astroglide's Twitter
== Our Flag Means Trick or Treat! ==
There's a fabulous Zine I've just heard about -- Our Flag Means Trick Or Treat! It's an OFMD Children's Charity Zine! How cool is that! Interested in participating/learning more? Please check out their socials here: Twitter / Discord
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Source: OFMToT's Twitter
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Another cast card tonight from our kind friend @melvisik is Elia P. Popov, one of the Special Effects Coordinators!
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Source: Melvisik's Twitter
== Never Left Podcast ==
New episode of Never Left Podcast! A continuation of Motifs! Part 4 already, wow!
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Source: Never Left Podcast Instagram
== Love Notes ==
Gonna be scarce for a bit lovelies. Just know I'm thinking of you and sending so much good vibes and hugs.
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Source: The Latest Kate's Tumblr
Some love notes from our Pirate Queen:
Source: WordsAreVibrations Instagram / Ruibo's Instagram Stories
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letsscreamwithme · 11 months
Welp. Wedding time. I said I would.
Larry readjusted his tie for what felt like the hundredth time. He was nervous at his first wedding but this was different. The first time, he wasn't really excited. Yes, he loved Sheryl but not in the way he was supposed to. Larry shook his head, he shouldn't think like that. He didn't love Sheryl in the way people wanted him to. While yes, theoretically he could legally marry Rama, he couldn't in practise. He had been considered dead since the sixties and Rama couldn't exactly prove he existed. Still, they were doing it. They were going to get married. Larry couldn't help but let out a breathy laugh. He never thought he'd marry someone he actually wanted to, not just someone he felt like he had to. Keeg flew in, crackling excitedly.
"I know your excited bud...I am too." Larry watched as Keeg happily spun around in his matching suit. Larry was glad Keeg liked his suit as it was a pain in the ass to make. Keeg grabbed Larry's hand and tugged.
"Ok! ok!" Larry finally left his room and followed Keeg downstairs. Rita grinned.
"Oh! Larry, you look perfect!"
"I-I wouldn't say prefect. More like...close enough?"
"I bet Rama would say something very different to that, wouldn't he?" Rita teased.
"Let's just go outside." Larry headed that way before Rita could continue to tease him. Rita chased after him.
"It's almost ready!"
"He always wears a suit, how is he not ready?"
"Well, he decided on something special for a special day." Rita grinned. Larry looked at her for moment before Keeg grabbed his hand and tugged again. He followed Keeg outside where an arch was set up. It was off-white with marigolds and dahlias decorating it. Larry took a deep breath, let it out, then stood on his side of the arch. Keeg flew down and picked up the pillow that was laid out for him at the beginning of the aisle. On Larry's side, Laura and Rita were waiting. On Rama's side, Cliff and Jane sat. Rita had a yellow sun dress while Laura wore a black cocktail dress. Larry knew that wearing black to a wedding when it wasn't a suit wasn't exactly the best but he was in bandages head to toe so who was he to complain? Cliff and Jane had matching suits on. Vic came out of the house, also in a suit, and got up behind Larry at the arch.
"You're a marriage official?" Larry asked.
"Uh...no. But even if I was, would it matter? It's not legal anyways." The back door opened and everyone looked over. Dorothy stood there in a purple dress holding a basket of flower petals. Dorothy tossed the petals as she came down the aisle before standing on Rama's side of the arch. Larry held his breath. He knew Rama was next. After a moment, Rama stepped out. He was in a white suit with a veil and holding a bouquet of flowers, ones all found in Larry's garden. Larry felt lightheaded as he watched Rama walk down the aisle.
"You look perfect." Rama said, taking up his side of the arch.
"You should look at yourself." Larry mumbled. Rama giggled.
"We are gathered here today for wedding of our good friends Larry and Rama."
Keeg grabbed the pillow and walked down the aisle up to them. The two took the rings.
"Larry, your vows?"
"Rama...I never thought that a day like this would come. I never thought there would be a day where I could just be happy, a day where I could just be me without anyone telling me I'm wrong but that day came when I met you. I know there were times at the beginning where I wasn't the kindest but you put your faith in me and stayed by my side. Without you, I don't know who I would be. Thank you."
"Rama, your vows?"
"L-Larry. I...I know very little about myself but what I do know is that my life was never the same after I met you. We may have started out rocky, but my time with you has been the best. I don't know where I would be without you, maybe I'd be at that fucking bureau. I...I just love you so, so, so much." Rama wiped tears from his eyes.
"Larry, do you take Rama as your husband?"
"I do." Larry put the ring he had on Rama's finger.
"Rama, do you take Larry as your husband?"
"I-I do!" Rama put the ring he had on Larry's finger.
"You may now kiss!" Rama grabbed Larry's face and kissed him with all the passion he wished he did when he kissed Larry the first time. Jane wolf-whistled.
"I now pronounce you Larry and Rama Trainor!" When Rama pulled away from the kiss, Larry put their foreheads together. So who cares if their marriage wasn't real in the eyes of the law? It was real in their eyes and that was more than enough.
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yeahyeahno · 1 year
Good Omens Book Club
You have been warned, please don’t spoil yourself. This refers to books referenced in S2 of Good Omens, but I am not relating them to events or plot.
EDIT: @ineffable-romantics​​ gave some really excellent suggestions. Having rewatched and looked up their starting sentences, I think these are right. I suppose only Neil Gaiman or Douglas Mackinnon could confirm 100%. More below.
In episode 2 we get a shot of a book shelf. I have compiled the titles, though two are illegible. For one you can make out the publisher mark, the other is too far back in the shadows. I have listed them in order on the shelf, plus the books that Gabriel picked up.
The Books:
I Capture the Castle - Dodie Smith
No Woman No Cry - Rita Marley
A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens��(Mystery book, in the shadows)
The Crow Road - Iain Banks
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Mark Haddon
Catch-22 - Joseph Heller
Love in the Time of Cholera - Gabriel Gracia Marquez
The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath (Mystery book, publisher mark visible but I can't make it out)
Nineteen Eighty-Four - George Orwell
The Big Sleep - Raymond Chandler
The Bible
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Catcher in the Rye - J. D. Salinger
A Series of Unfortunate Events - Lemony Snicket
Herzog - Saul Bellow
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
Here’s the opening line for The Bell Jar:
‘It was a queer, sultry summer, the summer they electrocuted the Rosenbergs, and I didn’t know what I was doing in New York.”
And for A Tale of Two Cities:
‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...”
Gabriel reads this aloud in the bookshop (07:14), and shelves it near the Crow Road! Mystery solved? Perhaps. (Wait and see?)
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“X-Ray Trivia” from Amazon Prime states “The Good Omens Book Club - Co-showrunners Neil Gaiman and Douglas Mackinnon would love for everyone to read these books. Douglas Mackinnon put these books in alphabetical order, starting with their first sentence.
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All the books ‘Jim’ has reshelved so far by alphabetical order of ... the first line in each. Each book’s first line begins with ‘I’.
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Gabriel shelving a book near Iain Banks’ ‘The Crow Road.’
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georgiapeach30513 · 1 year
Underneath the City Lights, Part 3
Summary:  It’s time for Ari to move
Pairings:  Ari Levinson X Reader
Rating:  explicit
Warnings:  explicit language, explicit sexual content, attempted non/con, physical abuse against reader, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  6.1K
Series Masterlist
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics​
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“And if you gentleman head this way,” Calvin leads a new group of investors to the club down the hallway, and towards the dressing rooms.  “If we’re lucky we may hear our Candy Jane practicing.  She should have a grand performance for you tonight.  Completely…nude.”
Calvin fights himself to not be disgusted at the thought of you being nude, but you were being put up for auction tonight, even if you didn’t know it.  Ari wanted to act like he had some grand claim on you, but Calvin would make it near impossible for Ari to pay if he had to.  He was getting tired of the two of your games.  There was something more going on, and he was going to put an end to it.
“What was that?” The businessman stops when a woman screams out, followed by the sound of broken glass.  “What sort of business are you running here, Newton?”
“The one where the clients get everything they want.  No matter what.  Some people like things a bit rough.  They enjoy their brats from time to time,” he awkwardly laughs, hearing another scream, this time from you.  “Anyways, I think it’s time to get you men in your seats.  Charles, make sure these gentlemen have the best seats in the house.”
Taking a deep breath, he waits for Charles to lead them down the hall before he heads towards your dressing room.  Slinging the door open right as August backhands you across the face.  Rita lays on the floor out cold, “What the fuck?”
“Calvin!  Calvin, please I didn’t do anything!” Talking back receives a grab to your arm.  His fingers dig into you as he jerks you to his body.  “Calvin!”
“Shut the fuck up you fucking cunt!  Your brother told me you were my problem to deal with,” your stupid brother backs himself out of your dressing room, leaving you to feel with August’s wrath.  “Like I said.  You want to be a fucking whore, I’ll treat you like one.”
When you scream no at him, he pushes you into the wall.  Starting to stalk towards you, while you cower in the corner; pissed and scared at the predicament that you’re in.  This isn’t at all what you signed up for.  This isn’t what your father or mother would have wanted, and your brother didn’t even care.  He was a coward.
“You,” Calvin snaps at a woman that was walking down the hall, flinching when she hears you cry out for help.  “Let the DJ know that Candy Jane won’t be performing tonight.”
“Sir?” Gasping when she hears you cry out in pain.
“She’s getting what is coming to her.  And if you were smart, you’d forget you heard anything,” he straightens his tie out, walking down the hall.  He did tell August that you were his problem, but that doesn’t mean he had to listen to it.  He had a goal, and that was to destroy Ari Levinson and his fucking mafia.  Stealing from his family for years.  Paying their dues.  They didn’t need Ari.
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“What the fuck is this?” Ari sits up, eyes flitting around the stage.  This was your spot, but that was not you.  “Jonathan, we have a problem.”
“I see that,” he snaps his fingers at the nearest waitress, and she bounces over to them.  Batting her lashes at Ari, anything for extra tips.  “Where’s the Candy girl?”
“Uh…she…sh-sh-she can’t perform,” she was told to forget what happened, and that’s what she should do.
“Why?” Ari growls out, standing up, and she backs away from him.  “You tell me where she is, and I’ll make sure you never have to work another day here in your life.”
“August,” she squeaks out.  Tears falling down her face.  “She was screaming, and Calvin told me to forget.  I’m sorry.  I know she’s your favorite, but they’re…August wants her.”
“Pay her,” Ari demands, darting off towards the dressing rooms.  He has studied The Dirty Martini enough.  He doesn’t stop even when people start yelling at him.  You had given him valuable information, and he was going to make sure that you were kept safe.  Tonight was the night anyway.  The jet was ready.  All he needed was you in it.
It’s easy enough to find your dressing room with your piercing screams.  The hallway was completely empty.  Everyone was fleeing away from your cries for help.  “You fucking bitch!  Not only have you been stealing money, but that prick promises you a ride on his dick, and you start running your cock sucking mouth.”
“August stop!” One more scream, and he slams your head on the vanity, and your vision starts to blur.  “Please, don’t,” whimpering as he kicks your legs further apart.  “Don’t,” between the stars in your eyes, and your tears, you can’t see anything.  With one hand, August holds you down, but he spits in the other.  Your body starts shaking with your cries as you try to take your mind anywhere but here.
August never touches you, and your body does drop down on the floor.  You scurry underneath the dressing table, hiding from whatever commotion is occurring around you.  Pulling your knees up to your chest and hiding your face while Ari pounds into August’s skull.  You look over at Rita who you just know is dead.  You can’t see clearly enough to see if she was breathing.  
Ari spits on August, and turns towards you.  Holding you bridal style, and carrying you out of there, “Rita.”
“Dulce, I’m not worried about her right, sweetheart.  Can you see?” Sniffling, you shake your head no.  “I’m getting you out of here.  Just keep those pretty little eyes open, and look at me,” your face is already forming bruises.  Swelling every second.  And Ari runs a bit faster.  He needs you out of here.  Things happen so quickly as he carries you through the building.  You couldn’t even tell he was running.  
He puts the both of you in the backseat of an SUV, and tells something to his partner, but you cling tighter to him.  Your brother was allowing that monster to touch you in any way that he wanted.  And August kept repeating how he was going to break you in.
“Dulce, eyes open, darling.  We’re getting on the jet.”
“No.  Rita,” you need to know she’s okay.  Your eyes start to flutter close, and Ari gives you a tap to your cheek.  “Ari?”
“Jonathan when we take off, I want you to make sure that Rita is the next one to be retrieved…well…just let me know what you find out.  I’m going off grid for a couple of days,” Jonathan clears his throat as Ari gets the two of you out of the car.  “I have to make sure she’s okay.  Is there a doctor on board?”
“Yes,” Jonathan answers shortly.  There isn’t time for Ari to be missing for a couple of days.  He had a job to do.
“A couple of days.  Give me that,” with that Ari walks the two of you onto the jet.  Trying to sit you in your own seat, but you hold him tighter, “Dulce, I need someone to look at you.”
“Don’t leave me, please,” his hand cups your cheek, and he looks at you so sweetly.  “Please, don’t,” whispering again.  Ari’s glassy eyes look up at the doctor.  He couldn’t.  You need to be checked out.
“Ari, I can look at her while you hold her.  No big deal,” she tilts your head towards her, shining a light into your eyes, and you try not to sob.  Calvin allowed this.  “Other than what I see, did he hurt you anywhere else?” You shake your head, and squeeze tighter to Ari.  “Sweetheart, do you need Ari to leave?”
“No!” The idea of Ari’s skin not touching yours makes your body start to shake uncontrollably, and he pulls you closer to his body.
“Look at me, did he touch you?  Did…did he…”
“No, Angie.  I walked in before he was able to,” a kiss.  The softest kiss is pressed on your temple.  Slowly your breathing regulates, and the tenseness in your body starts to subside.
“Is that true?” Her voice was soft, and reminded you so much of your mother’s.  “Honey, no one here will judge you.  I just need to know.”
“No.  He didn’t.  Ari?”
“I’m right here.  Can you give her something for the pain?  Anything?”
Answering yes, she gets out of her seat, fetching her bag when she comes back, “Now, after your adrenaline has calmed down, I need you to get checked out again.  Where you’re going, someone will know how to get in touch with someone to help.  I fear that you may have fractures.  I’m giving you a fake passport, and ID.  Ari will be listed as your emergency contact, but try not to get lost.  Your bruises are deep.  But you survived.”
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Ari softly lays you in a warm bed, walking over to a dresser, he pulls out a few things before heading back to you, “Dulce, sit up, darling,” you sit up, and he pushes back the robe off your body.  Replacing it with a silk nightgown.  His hands never touch your skin, but he is sure to pull it completely down your body.
“I’m going to lay you back down, and change your panties, okay?” Your eyes finally give up their fight, and start closing as you lean back.  “Good girl,” Ari whispers gently.  Every touch on you is with so much care.  And then a thick duvet is pulled over your body, followed by a kiss to your temple.
Sleep starts to overtake you, and your body feels as if it weighs five thousand pounds.  Stuck to the bed, and unable to move.  It’s strangling.  Voices.  So many voices.  Hands.  Rough hands all over you.  Blinding lights.  Piercing pain.  Blurry vision.  Grunts.  Force.
You jolt up in bed sweating, heaving as you look around you.  You had never been here.  Your body is so sore, and you have no idea where you are.  “Ari,” you whisper.  He had been with you.  He saved you.  Throwing off the heavy blanket, you start tiptoeing out the room you are in.  Listening for voices, but there is none.
Your eyes look up and down the hallway, and only one door has a faint glow under it.  It was worth the shot.  Opening up the door you see his handsome face, sleeping calmly.  His bed was bigger, and you didn’t want to be alone.
As you lift up the blanket, Ari sits up abruptly, eyes wide staring at you.  A hand under his pillow, and you gaze at him owlishly, “Dulce, what are you doing?”
“I was having nightmares.”
“I should have figured.  Here,” he opens the blanket, you and get a quick glance at his body.  Gulping as you try and get comfortable.  “What’s wrong?” He asks when you try to twitch around.  “Darling?”
“Can you hold me?” He hesitates, and you know why.  There will be nothing that separates him from you.  He is completely nude, but he still pulls you flush with his body, and you start relaxing.  “Thank you.  I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for.  Get some sleep.”
Sleep.  Would it ever be comfortable again?  Before it was a way to escape your life.  Now it was haunting.  And every time that you feel August you wake up to Ari’s hands. His touch is gentle, and not demanding.  It is soft and caring.  Protective.  Comfortable.
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“Ari,” you whimper, spreading your legs a bit.  It was stupid, but you think maybe if you had sex with Ari you would quit having visions of August trying to take.  It didn’t make sense, and made total sense all the same, “Ari.”
“Dulce,” Ari responds, with less enthusiasm.  Sitting up in the bed, and slinging his feet over the edge, opposite of you.  His arms go above his head as he stretches out, yawning a bit.  Standing to walk over to the closet, pulling out some clothes, and tugs them on, “You just going to stare at me, or are you going to get dressed?  You remember where your room is?”
“Yeah, but,” you try to act sexy, biting at your lip.  Already cursing yourself for trying.  Ari does smirk at you, but shakes his head.  “But…”
“Get dressed.  I want to introduce to you my favorite woman in the world.”
Woman?  Woman?  What was his deal?  You get out of the bed, and stomp back to your room.  The nightgown definitely covered enough.  But you were told to get dressed.  Get dressed.  Rolling your eyes you open the closet, and pull out the first dress you touch.  He had a closet full of clothes for you.  He slept in the bed naked with you, and he had a woman.  
His favorite woman in the world.  His dick was touching the back of your legs just now, and he had a woman.  In this house?  Or was he keeping you away from her home?  Of all the stupid things, you trusted Ari with more than just your life.  You were acting like a child.  A fool.  And one stupid enough to believe that you were a woman in his life.
“Are you decent?” Ari knocks softly on the door.
“Yes,” your answer is short, but Ari still smiles.  “Where are we?”
“Tuscan,” well, he was full of words this morning.  Get dressed.  Meet my favorite woman in the world.  Are you decent?  Tuscan.  You feel this rage of jealousy build up inside of you, and for what?  Ari didn’t promise you anything.  Nothing.
“Here she is,” he says brightly, giving a big hug to an old woman, “Dulce, this is Nonna.  Nonna, this is…”
“Dulce Newton,” her smile is so large, her eyes completely close.  Crinkles move over her skin, and you look at Ari confused.  “I was the one that gave you that nickname.  You were always so sweet.  Followed Ari around like a lost little puppy.  Sit down.  I made breakfast.  Got you some nice coffee, maybe it’ll help your throat.  I trust the closet is good for you?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Ari pulls out a chair for you to sit in before he sits down beside you, demanding that Nonna sit down as well.  “I don’t understand.”
“What is there to understand?  You are here, as am I.  I made breakfast, and coffee.  Drink.  Eat.  Later you can go out in the vineyard.  Go to the edge, look out at the ocean.  Travel down to the docks.  Stay away from too many people.  Is that all the words, figlio?  Ari has so many rules for me, and now you have them, too.”
“And you’re still alive, and living your dream on a vineyard,” he pulls his phone out of his pocket, giving it a glance over before his chair screeches on the floor.
“No!” Nonna shouts pointing at him.  “You eat.  Then leave,” you turn to look at him, fear laced in your eyes, and Ari places a calming hand on your thigh.  “No point in arguing.  Duty calls, but he will eat.”
“Dulc, I have some things I need to attend to.  I’ll only be away for a few days, and then I’ll be back, and we will discuss what is going on.  I pissed a lot of people off.”
“Language,” Nonna scolds him, taking a sip of her coffee.  “I know you are a brute, but at this table, you will be respectful.  Especially in front of Dulce.”
“Yes, ma’am,” his hand never leaves your thigh, but not much else is discussed.  There isn’t much use.  Nobody tells Ari what he is going to do.  You just do it.  You just do as you are told.  
Ari stands up abruptly, and walks over to kiss Nonna’s cheeks, before he’s back in front of you.  A soft kiss to your temple, just like the one the night before, “I will be back in a few days.  I have things I have to take care of, and I need you here, and away from everything.  Nonna knows the drill.  Trust her.  I”ll be back.  Take care.”
He places another kiss on your temple before turning to leave.  “There’s no point in worrying about this.  But you seemed a bit upset.  He called me his favorite woman again, didn't he?” You sit in silence, trying to work through your emotions.  It had been a long night.  And you have conflicting feelings.
“Hmm, how did you sleep?  Considering your bed was empty.”
“I slept with Ari.”
“Sleeping slept, or the sexy slept?”
“He wouldn’t,” it wasn’t a lack of trying on your part.  You guess that outside of the club, you are nothing to Ari.
“Good.  Judging by those bruises on your face, neck, wrists, and I’m sure other places the last thing you need is sex.  Ari’s a good man.  If you didn’t mean anything to him, you wouldn’t be here.  And he would have had sex with you.  He can have sex with whoever he wants, but the ones he holds out on mean more than just a good lay,” she reaches across the table to hold onto your hand, and then stands carrying dishes to the sink, and you catch a glimpse behind her ear.
You don’t say anything, just tuck your legs up against your chest.  Thinking.
“I don’t expect you to always talk, but you should always listen.  You had a traumatic evening I gathered.  Your brother is running your dad’s business to the ground.  I’ve heard stories.  The day Ari had someone bring in loads of clothes here for you.  No one ever comes here.  No one even knows this place exists except the people that were here, and two others.  The one that brought your clothes, well she’s the only one that visits regularly.”
You look out the kitchen window.  Sprawling vineyards cover the backyard.  This is a piece of paradise.  “Yeah, but if it’s Ari’s house, people will know.  It can’t stay hidden for long.”
“It’s mine.  Ari might have paid for it, but this is mine.  It’s too big, but that’s how he is.  He likes things to be grand, and make a statement,” she tucks a wisp of hair behid her ear, causing even more attention to that spot, and you can’t help but stare at it.  “I wasn’t so different from you.  Ari’s grandfather saved me.  I was branded like cattle.  Looks like you're branded in bruises.  Did he touch you?”
You swallow bile as tears immediately cascade down your face.  Shaking your head no.  You knew what she meant.  August didn’t get the chance.  “He was going to though?” The tears come more rapidly, and Nonna moves to sit down beside you.  Wrapping an arm around your shoulder, and pulling you into her.  “There, there.  You not only survived, but now you get to live.”
“I think he killed my friend.  She wasn’t breathing,” Rita stepped in to protect you, and received a vase of flowers to the back of her head before August head butted her.  “Ari left her.”
“Ari’s goal was to get you out of there.  You’re of no value dead.”
“I gave him just a bit of information.”
“No.  He wouldn’t have allowed you to sleep in his bed.  My boy sleeps naked.  If you were just information he would have fucked you.  He wouldn’t have come back after you gave him the information.  He’s a smart man, sweet Dulce.  He came back for you, not the information.  He left I’m sure for some unfinished business.  Maybe to check on your friend.  But there’s no point in crying over Ari’s business.  You get used to the men going away.  Coming back bearing gifts to apologize.  They live hard lives, and want something soft to come home to.  You’re safe here, but stay away from large crowds.  Don’t leave the property until your bruises are healed.  People ask too many questions, and you will lead them right to our sanctuary.”
“I didn’t want to be a part of this life,” Nonna kisses the top of your head, and stands up, heading back to the sink.  
“You being here means you’re not a part of that life.  If you were a part of it, Ari would have you on his arm.  Showing off what he has that no one else does.  He brought you here to give you a different life than the mafia games, and dealing in drugs and pussy.  And you know it’s true.  You’re not in that life.  You’re in his.  Why don’t you walk through the vines.  They’re quite calming.  Later, I can show you the wine cellar.  Ari loves his wine.  It’d be a shame to not have that pretty dress blowing in the wind.  Heaven knows how much he spent on those clothes.”
Her weathered hands start scrubbing the breakfast dishes, and you stare at her burned skin a bit longer.  She was owned, and someone had wanted everyone to know who owned her.  “I didn’t know Ari was Italian.”
“He’s not.  I am.  His grandfather and I were never married.  Never were lovers, but best friends.”
“He rescued you, and…”
“His grandfather and him are not the same person, Dulce.  You still have that crush on my boy?” You shrug your shoulders, because you weren’t quite sure what you thought of Ari.  There was a raw attraction to him, but to say that you wanted anything more than sexual comfort was silly.
“Hmm.  Enjoy the sun, Dulce.  Enjoy being able to get out and have some freedom.  I’m sure that they kept you hidden and locked up.  Controlled your outfits, your hair, makeup, even the way your body looked.  This is your life now.  Live it.”
“What you said earlier,” Nonna turns to look at you, giving you her undivided attention.  There is something that has been bothering you.  “Ari and I…we…he bought a private room to be with me.  So I am…I’m just sex for him.”
“Mmm,” she takes a deep breath as she wipes her hands on her apron.  Moving to sit at the table with you, “Isn’t that private room where you were able to give Ari some valuable information about your brother’s plans?”
“Well, yeah, but…it wasn't’ sex, but…”
“You mean, you were being a smart woman.  Getting some enjoyment, while you gave him a bit of information while the cameras were on.  They only caught you and Ari having some pleasures of the flesh.  Dulce, I meant what I said.  That was a different instance.  What happened before is not now.  You did what you had to do to get out of there.  And when I tell you that you are more than just the wet cunt in between your thighs, it’s what I meant.  I don’t — I don’t play games with you or my boy’s mafia.  I know him.  I half raised that man.  He values you far more than you’re giving yourself credit for.  So what if he tasted or felt your warmth.  Things are at play.  It’s best you keep your head down and stop worrying about what these boys are doing to keep their territories in check.  It won't’ be long.  Calvin and August will not overturn Ari’s power.  Now, go enjoy your freedom.”
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Squinting out at the horizon of the ocean, you watch as a few boats float into the dock.  You still hadn’t gathered the courage to leave the property, but there is something so serene about watching the boats.  The salty air hangs thick in the air, and the sun paints across your cheeks.  The bruises had since faded, but the pain was still there.
A few days had turned into a couple of weeks, and there was no word from Ari.  Nonna told you there wouldn’t be.  He didn’t call here.  He just appeared, and would leave again.  You bring your knees up to your chest, circling your arms around them.  This became your stance.  No one else was here to hold you, so you hold yourself.  
Things at the little countryside home were peaceful.  And most impostly free.  Free from your brother and August.  Free from being put on stage as a naked dancing bear.  Unfortunately it was also free of Ari.  He lied.  He didn’t return, and left no word for you to know if everything is okay or if he is even alive.
He didn’t get to see you in the kitchen with Nonna as she taught you to cook and bake her favorite foods.  He never saw you mess up your bed, only to sneak into his bedroom every night.  Making the bed again before Nonna woke, while you pretend that you had slept in your room.  He didn’t know that you had sprayed his cologne on his pillows and your nightgowns to help you sleep.  He definitely didn’t know that you sat at the edge of the property watching the boats and tide come in; listening to the seagulls caw, and hope that one day he would come back to you.
You were free from being property to whatever man paid enough.  But you were trapped here longing for his return.  Wondering.  Worrying.  Waiting.  And every day that passed was another day of disappointment.
Ari steps into the kitchen.  Could already smell Nonna preparing something for dinner.  He says out her name, alerting her of his arrival and hopefully you as well.  She gives him a swat to his arm glaring, “How dare you, Ari Levinson.”
“What did I do?”
“A few days.”
“It’s business, and you know it’s never a few days,” he apologizes as his eyes move to the smaller set of stairs.  Not nearly as grand as the one in the front of the house.  “Is she napping?”
“She’s where she always is, sitting and waiting on you.  A stupid man with his stupid lies.  Telling me a few days in one thing, telling a girl who trauma bonded with you is another.  Stupid man.  You’re smart enough to not sleep with the girl, and still too dumb to realize she needs her savior.  You can allow your second to deal with some things while you get her settled.”
“She told you I didn’t sleep with her?” Nonna starts cursing at him in Italian, and Ari sits at the table, letting her berate him.  “Nonna, I didn’t sleep with her because…”
“You like the girl.  That’s why you couldn’t.  You have this protective hold over her.  You want to make sweet love with her in your mind, and your body is ready to devour her.”
“You gotta stop reading those trash books.”
“You like her, and she likes you.  She did before that night, and then you stepped in and saved her.  You told me she held onto you the whole flight here, and then you think you can just leave, you stupid man.  Aye yi yi.  What am I going to do with you two?” She starts talking to herself in her mother tongue, and Ari tries to piece together what she’s saying before interrupting.
“Taylor was missing,” Nonna stops talking quickly, and slowly sits down at the table.  “We located her, and she is recovering from her injuries.  Ready to tear me a new one because she doesn’t like outsiders involved.  I couldn’t put my second in charge because I didn’t have a second.  This is bigger than expected.”
“Hmm,” is all Nonna says as she goes back to her cooking.  Ari hopes for her to respond to more, but she doesn’t.  She starts humming a song that you had been singing, ignoring Ari.
“Are you going to tell me where she is?”
“Look out the window.  Take that basket.  I was going to take her some lunch, and now you can.  Grab a bottle of wine,” Ari stands at the double doors, watching you.  You looked peaceful, but sad.  One of the many dresses that he bought you billows in the wind.  “She sits there everyday.  Looking out at the ocean, and waiting on you.  Your sister is at the restaurant.  She sounded angry.  Maybe because her wife was missing?”
“I don’t care.  Taylor has been located.  I’ll visit with Leah later,” he grabs a bottle of wine from the cabinet, and the basket of lunch.  Jauntily walking out to you.  It had been far too long.  This week was shaping up to be a bunch of women angry with him.  
“Go away,” you answer coldly.  You didn’t want to look at him.  Looking at him hurt.
“Dulce, let me explain.”
“A few days, Ari.  You were gone for nineteen days.  Maybe next time you can tell me your definition of a few days is,” he joins you on your blanket.  Leaning forward, he tries to get your attention, but instead you turn your head up and away from him.  “I wait here everyday for you to return.”
“I’m here now.”
“I won’t be stuck here and be lied to about how long you’re going to be gone.  I deserve to know where you are.  How you are, and how much longer you are going to be.  You come here with…with a picnic basket and wine, and you want me to just open up my arms and let you back in, and I…I worried about you everyday.”
“I know.  And I am sorry, I truly am,” reaching for your hand, you flinch away, and he stops.  Letting his hand rest on his own thigh.  “I ran into some problems.  My second in command was missing.  She had to be located.  She has been, she is now in charge for at least a week.”
“My sister’s wife.  Leah didn’t want to have anything to do with our world, but she fell in love with a girl that did.  I wasn’t just locating my second in command.  I was locating my sister-in-law.  She is now safe, and recovering from minor injuries, and before you ask, it had nothing to do with The Dirty Martini.  That is something entirely separate.  Jonathan got Rita out of the club, and she’s…she suffered from injuries, and is in a completely different safe house.  No one knows about this place.  And I will continue to keep it that way.  You got jealous when I mentioned my second was a she.”
You protest by shaking your head.  Laying your hand on the blanket, you are not as angry now, and long for his touch.  Even if he thinks you were jealous.  You are not.  It’s just insulting to think he was looking for a woman, while you are here.  And even thinking it makes you realize how ridiculous you’re being.  “Yeah, you were.  What is there to be jealous of?”
“You…I…Ari, this is complicated.”
“No it’s not.”
“I offered to have sex with you, and you denied me.  But at the club you…”
“I touched you, and tasted you, yes.  I played my part just like you did,” he almost gets a chance to lay his hand on top of yours, but instead you cross your arms.  “Dulce, please, stop.  What happened in that private room, with cameras you can not bring out here.”
“You know what I taste like.”
“What is your point?” You will not answer.  He is being an ass.  Two can play that game.  “That room was for you to survive.  We did what we had to do for you to exchange information.”
“You enjoyed it.”
“If I recall, as did you.”
“Ugh,” you scoff, completely turning your body to where your back is facing him.  “You paid for me before knowing who I was or what information I had to offer.  You used me.”
“We used each other.”
“You…you had your fingers inside of me.”
“And they slipped in easily, because you were soaked.”
“You’re a pig,” this shouldn’t hurt so much.  Clearly he is just a client.  You can not get attached because you are nothing more than entertainment to him.
“And you were playing the part of a paid for whore.  You’re not in there and I will not treat you as a paid companion now.  Do you understand?” You slowly and dramatically exhale, and it only irritates Ari even more, “Do you understand?  I am not paying for your time.  I don’t need you grinding on my lap, and fucking my fingers, while you whisper how your brother and August have this half baked plan to overthrow my family.  Dulce, no matter what you think, me not fucking you is being respectful.  What do you want me to do?  Lay you down flat on this blanket, and pull your dress up, railing into you?”
“I want you to want to do that.”
“Oh my god!  I do want to do that!” You glance over your shoulder looking at him.  His outburst is not at all what you had been expecting.  “The only thing I have thought about every night as I was fucking my hand was sinking into you.  But I don’t want just sex with you.  You get it now?  I brought you here to my family.  Not my mafia family, but my favorite protected people.  If you were only as good as the information you gave me, you would be in an actual safe house instead of my Nonna’s home.  I chose this place because I wanted you more than just safety.  Now, turn around, and have lunch with me, and quit practically begging me to fuck you.  It just may happen, but it’s not going to happen right now.”
You do turn around, but you still don’t look at him.  You still don’t say anything, just grab the picnic basket and pull out two plates.  Laying out some cheese, grapes, and bread while Ari fills wine glasses.  “You’re not going to talk to me, hmm?”
“I am still mad at you.”
“Be mad at me, but you could at least smile.”
“Can I sleep in the bed with you?”
“I sleep naked.”
“Then you better have the resistance of the strongest man alive because I already sleep in there every night.  That is my bed.  You can continue to sleep naked,” and you preferred that.
“I’ll be late,” it is already starting again.  You throw your head back growling, and Ari laughs a moment, “Leah is demanding an audience with me.  I have to wait until she closes the restaurant to do that.  Okay?  Just have on one of your pretty little nightgowns, and wait on me.  I’m not leaving Tuscan.  I’m just going into the city.  I’ll wear a tracking device if you want me to.”
“No.  But I want you back within an hour.  And I want you to stop lying to me.”
“Fine.  I won’t be gone longer than two hours, but it should be closer to an hour.  Leah talks, I listen.  She probably just wants to fuss at me for losing her wife.”
“Fine.  Pass the Brie, please,” Ari nods his head with a smile, but passes the Brie.  He has never been told what to do by a woman.  And here you are making demands of him, and he isn't even angry.  There is respect.  But also it turned him on that you weren’t afraid to make such demands.  He dreaded going to talk to Leah almost as much as he did talking with Taylor.  Leah was well suited for this business.  Too bad she hated everything about it.  Except her wife.
Ari didn’t care what the business was, he was going to spend time here.  Time with Nonna, his sister, but most importantly; time with you.
Ari reaches a hand out, placing it respectfully on your knee, and you actually allow him that touch.  His thumb traces over the joint as he takes a bite. The two of you go into a less intense conversation than the one prior.  Comfort.  He was like a warm hug.
Nonna looks up through her kitchen window as she finishes her task of the moment.  A smile creeps up on her face before she closes the curtains.  The two of you are going to be okay.  People never could stay mad at Ari, and you were proving to be no different. But from the looks of it, you had given him your boundaries. Just like she told you to. Ari hated to read between the lines. He always wanted to know.  And it looked like you were going to tell him exactly what you wanted.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season​ @marveloustaylortot​ @pono-pura-vida​ @sstan-hoe​ @missusbarnes-rogers​ @peaches1958​ @seitmai​ @smile1318​ @andydrysdalerogers​ @cjand10​ @buckysteveloki-me​ @whimsyplaty92​ @elrw24​ @lovsalpkn @midnightramyeoncravings​ @angelmather1​ @slowdownbeforeyouregretit​
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ladyorlandodream · 2 years
Chapters: 12/? Fandom: Doom Patrol (TV)
It took me ages to update this FF, but here it is Chapter 12
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1000-year-old-virgin · 9 months
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Kaliii ft. GloRilla - Can't Get 'Em
Miley Cyrus - Jaded
Kylie Minogue - You Still Get Me High
Miley Cyrus - Violet Chemistry
Miley Cyrus ft. Sia - Muddy Feet
Bebe Rexha - Visions (Don't Go)
Coi Leray - My Body
Coi Leray ft. Saucy Santana - Spend It
Maiya The Don - Luv U Better
The Last Dinner Party - Nothing Matters
IDK ft. Jucee Froot & Saucy Santana - Pinot Noir
Tinashe - Uh Huh
Nicki Minaj - Beep Beep
Nicki Minaj - Pink Birthday
Duckwrth - Big Bewts
Nicki Minaj - My Life
Trippie Redd & BANKS - Saint Michael Myers
Tamera - Frozen
Shygirl & CoSha - Thicc
Ari Lennox - Get Close
Flo Milli - Fruit Loop
Mette - For The People
Amaarae - Angels in Tibet
Jamila Woods ft. Saba - Practice
Rachel Chinouriri - Maybe I’m Lonely
Jonah Kagen - Save My Soul
The OMG Girlz - Lover Boy
Karin Ann - A Stranger With My Face
Victoria Monet - Alright
2022's List
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primroseprime2019 · 13 days
OC Q&A Time
Go ahead and ask me anything! I'll do my best to respond with fun, canon answers that'll give you a deeper look into my characters' worlds.
No question is too small or too weird - I want to share my OCs with you all, and I'm excited to see what you're curious about!
So go ahead, ask away!
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OC Ships:
Cora x Keagen
Gregory x Idris
Byron x Agatha
Levi x Ivan
Harry x Jackson
Atticus x Hezekiah
Verena x Charisse
Larry x Xavion
Camille x Nyra x Dena
Matthew x Wendy
Demetrius x Emhyr
Drake x Avaline
Nancy x Robin
Mason x Jane
Lincoln x Marceline
Sawyer x Ethan
Luz x Amity
Hunter x Willow
Stella x Mordecai
Blaze x Lacey
Cindy x Brayden x Eos
Emile x Xandros
Laurence x Cody
Miles x Gwen
Natasha x Renee
Pandra x Loba x Kairi
Blake x Walter
Octavio x Obi
Elliott x Theodore
Jay x Sofia
Quinn x Micah
Valentina x Angelo
Natalia x Smith
Iridescent x Sidney
Harper x Begonia
Charlotte x Winter x Eleanor
Destiny x Isabella x Thalia
Waverley x Tabitha
Tyler x Christina
Kendrick x Rita
Arden x Teresa
Wenzel x Hannibal
Tennille x Nelly
Marcellus x Enoch
Eldritch x Phyllis
Edwin x Demeter
Clover x Flynn
Ivory x Petra x Marcus
Lorraine x Willis
Lewis x Desmond
Evander x Calliope
Violet x Xaden
Blu x Ventus
Obadiah x Estelle
Noel x Pablo
Gideon x Jubilee
Shiloh x Silvanna
Anastasia x Chance
Poppy x Branch
Polly x Igor
Avalon x Cliff
Dominique x Theophilus
Ravi x Halo
Nora x Corliss
Avaline x Rameses
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