#riverdale wips
christopher067 · 6 months
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~ a new blonde bombshell has entered the villa ~
the way i haven't used a blonde sim since 2021 is crazzzzy also rip to that model from 2021 she's lost forever since I accidentally deleted all the game files off my computer during a manic episode when the game wouldn't open... 🥰 but now we have this diva so slay
also a widdle wip if yew even cared 😔
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imreallyloveleee · 1 year
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three conversations about one thing
He’d known there would be consequences when he made this decision. But he hadn’t realized how quickly they might steamroll right over him.
(Jughead & Veronica & Cheryl & Betty & memories of the future. Set post-7x19.)
read it on ao3.
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popsaturdaymash · 23 days
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Got a lot further on my most recent redraw of an old piece from years ago. It gave me some time to practice on my brush work and experiment. It's my own little homage to various artists under Archie's Americana Adventures and the web slinging melodrama of Spider-Man. The concept was inspired from Tim Sale's Spider-Man: Blue and Fred Hembeck's Petey stories. ^^
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anotherbluesunday · 3 months
Fic Update-In Technicolor, Ch. 7+8: Jupiter In Retrograde Pt.I and Pt.II (Cheryl)
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Midway through our "warm up" that consisted of speed running through our terminology flashcards and the ones with molecular formulas on one side and the name on the other, the food Lee had ordered came with the delivery driver looking as confused as could be as he navigated his way through the vacant campus. Putting our studies on pause as he divvied up the breakfast croissants while promising me these were better than any of the fancy junk I could get at Erewhon, I laughed as I took a bite. Felt my hunger vanish as I chewed on the buttery pastry and fluffy egg with way too much cheese and hash browns to be considered healthy. There was avocado and salsa on it too which he knew I would have wanted so he added both without asking.
Sipping on his iced Americano, Lee grabbed a random flashcard we hadn't gone over and slapped it down onto the tabletop. "Yes, a physics one. Okay, the question is this. You have two waves of equal frequency and wavelength that meet at a nexus. Will this result in constructive interference or destructive interference? Explain your reasoning."
Finishing chewing on my food then swallowing it, I washed it down with some water before I answered. "It'd be constructive."
Looking at Lee as he stared back at me with his intense dark gaze giving nothing away, I didn't let him influence my response. "It's constructive because the waves are matched in wavelength and frequency which means that they would sync up in a creative force and join together to make one solitary point of increased light, in optics, where the wave signal is stronger than it is where the waves are mismatched which would cause a dimming to occur."
Lips slowly curling into a smile, he flipped the card over. "Nerd."
“And you aren’t?” I teased back. Smiled more when he did. "Ask me something that’s actually hard."
"Okay, what's the root of two?"
"What's the square root of two?"
"There is no square root of two, dingus."
"Okay, but what about negative five?"
Throwing the wadded up paper cover for my drink straw at him, I laughed as it bounced off his forehead when Lee didn't bother trying to dodge it. "My turn?"
"Your turn."
"Do you want a chem question or a physics question?"
"Surprise me," Lee smiled. Added a subtle wink that was so quick I almost missed it. "Do your worst, reina."
“So what are you feeling up to doing?” he asked, flipping around in front of me. Walking backwards with a goofy cat-like grin as the light glinted off his glasses and I ate my pineapple Dole Whip adjacent froyo.
Shrugging, I looked away from him. “Don’t know.”
Clicking his tongue, Lee rolled his eyes. “She doesn’t know.”
“Yeah, I don’t know.”
“Is that so?” he asked in a dumb sort of mocking manner that had zero bite to it. “I’ve got a couple ideas but it all depends on how anti-social you wanna be.”
Snorting a laugh, I looked at him.
“That’s the scale you’re using for measurement?”
“It’s a good scale.”
“Uh huh,” I rolled my eyes, licking at my frozen treat before biting the point I had shaped the peak into. “So what are the choices?”
“First tell me how social you want to be.”
“Well then tell me the choices.”
“Oh my god, Cher…”
Slipping into his habit of grumbling obscenities in Spanish when he was feeling pissy, I mustered up from memory what I had learned on my own and said “Deja de actuer como un bebé.” Broke out into a riot of laughter when Pugsley stopped dead in his tracks–slack jawed and gawking–then smiled like the family cat that ate the canary when he said “She speaks Spanish now? Ay nena. Sigue hablando.”
The way his reaction inflated my ego, making me grin with a playfulness sparking inside me. How devilish yet boyish he looked with the ocean breeze tousling his black curls, slightly obscuring Lee’s eyes hidden behind his glasses. Hands shoved in the front pockets of his jeans with his hoodie tied around his waist and faded Dodgers blue baseball cap on backwards, he leaned forward. Tilted his head and tried to look me in the eye as I leaned back to avoid him.
I laughed awkwardly. Asked him why he was being creepy.
Lee said nothing.
Just smiled at me–the glaring surreal gold daylight painting his features bronze and bright before I was shot with another lightning fast wink. Clipped like a hit and run as he straightened out with the same cheeky grin. Saying he knew where we were going, Lee put his hand on top of my head to spin me around. I swatted at it. Told him to stop touching my hair and he cackled like the ghoul he was. Asshole. Tolerable–likable even–but still an asshole.
Tugging at the small gold huggie earring hanging from his ear as my act of revenge, I yelped when he pulled at my braids calling me “pip” again then said "dale."
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The one remnant of my former self that lingered on. And apart from Lee, no one else knew of its existence. Not Betty or Veronica. Jason definitely couldn’t know and neither could mother or father.
No one knew.
No one except for him.
“You cold?” Lee whispered when he caught me shivering as the show started.
Shaking my head, I lied. Told him I was fine. I should have brought my denim jacket before leaving the car. True, I didn’t know we’d be seeing a planetarium show but when going to an observatory, one should be wise enough to prepare for the unexpected. So this lapse in judgment was on me. Besides, I had been in colder weather wearing less. I had once competed in forty-six degree chilled soup in London for the junior championship wearing just a tennis skirt and a half-zip long sleeve that was as thin as paper.
“Cher, your teeth are literally chattering,” Lee chuckled, his voice hushed low and rich in timber as he leaned forward to take off his jacket.
I put my hand up to stop him when he tried draping it over me. “I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not.”
“Cheryl.” Staring at me hard as we were both quietly shushed, he arched a brow in the dim light.
Sighing hard through my nose, I told him I was fine but there wasn’t any talking to him. No stopping him from doing whatever he wanted–Pugsley’s stubbornness bordering on legend as storied as Greek myth, it was that unreal. Conceding myself to accepting his jacket as a blanket, I went stiff when he lifted the armrest between us, scooted in closer, and used the dense cotton hoodie as a throw for us both. Quietly he said he was cold too so if he was shivering he knew I’d be full of shit.
But I was too self-aware and self-conscious to muster up any witty comebacks. Was currently focused on rebooting the software in my mind that had performed an unauthorized shutdown. So for a minute or two, all communications pathways and response networks were offline and I was running on emergency power.
Caught in this haze of starlight, supernova explosions, and chemistry speak I knew but could not decipher at the moment–gun to my head or otherwise–I descended into the cloud. Let the gentle warmth of that moment envelope me as I sank in closer to Lee. Felt the welcoming heat radiating from him like the sun reaching down to the frozen Earth’s surface. Resting my head on his shoulder as we shared our box of candy while our chai tea latte’s went cold from neglect, it were as if I had traveled through space and time and found home waiting for me on the other side. That innocence I thought I had lost and hopefulness now settled in me, fully renewed. It was frightening, slightly. As a child I had been able to turn my back on it more easily because I did not understand what I was giving up.
But now that I knew what life was like without wonder and passion, could I do it again? Could I do as I was told? Pursue something I hated. Do something I despised even more. Run my body into the ground the way my father had, marry someone I could not care less about, and watch the cycle of generational indifference and disappointment repeat itself.
Could I do that as a conscious being fully aware of what the future would hold if I let go of this a second time?
“Whoa,” Lee gasped quietly with the light from the dizzying dazzling spiral arms of the Andromeda galaxy reflecting off his glasses.
Looking from him to the almost too real projection, I smiled. Watched it. Drank it in letting the arresting beauty fill up my eyes and burn itself into the backs of my eyelids. But my attention faltered and brought me right back to him. To Lee. The only person on this rock hurtling through space that I could connect with on this. The one person out of the billions alive who would resonate with me on this frequency that had happened to be plopped directly into my ecosystem.
It was humorous and humbling. Funny in an ironic sort of way that the boy I had purposefully harangued and harassed would turn out to be the friend I needed at the very moment I needed them most. And while I could wonder what would have been the outcome had I been more cruel and he more delicate in his resolve and spite, I chose not to. Didn’t look the gift horse in the mouth because I’d done that far too many times and wanted, for once, to be grateful and move on from there.
So I allowed myself this moment. This friendship.
*I want to take a moment to also address a misunderstanding that seems to be a common theme amongst the readers that click onto my story then dip. This fic is an omnibus story meaning that it is told from multiple characters pov's. It isn't just about Wednesday and Tyler or Cheryl and Pugsley/Lee or Wynn and Pubert/Bertie. It's about all of them. This story is a coming-of-age high school story that discusses the highs and lows of growing up in this mess of a modern world and trying to find meaning, make lasting friendships, and find oneself. It isn't just about one pairing or one fandom. It's a through and through crossover with an original storyline that does not tie into the canon for either Riverdale or Wednesday (2022). You do not need to know about either of the shows or their lore in order to enjoy the story. If you are waiting to read until the story is complete, don't. If you are waiting to comment until your favorite pairing/character shows up, don't. Not only is that discouraging to the writer (me) and ruins all the built in cliffhangers that have been planned in advance, but it also means you will be waiting for a long time because 1.) this story is going to be very VERY long and 2.) if your favorite pairing is Wednesday x Tyler or Reggie x Archie, you will be waiting until chapter 20 at the earliest because they aren't planned to be the focus until the second half of the story.
So do both yourself and me a favor and just start reading. Don't hold out on writers because readership and reader engagement is literally the fine line that either keeps the story going or leads the writer to dropping it/abandoning it because they see a lack of interest which makes them think what they're doing isn't worth it. So please, just start reading. Read, comment, be active. It doesn't matter to any writer if English or whichever language the story's in is your first language or if your comments are awkward or long or short. What matters is that you're showing us that you care and that our stories mean something to you. So please, stop ghosting your writers or waiting to binge read because engagement--for me at least--encourages me to keep writing and not abandon a story and makes me want to do better each time because I see that people are excited for the next chapter.
Just like and comment. It's not hard. And if it's hard at first, I promise as someone who was/is socially awkward in the comment section it gets easier.
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cactus-cactus-cactus · 4 months
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teen Alice can have a little final girl coded. As a treat.
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paradiecircus · 4 months
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Someone slap me. I’ve been fic hopping so much lately, was about to update one story then another idea popped up so I outlined that until it started not making sense, then I thought of some cover art for another story & brainstormed until my brain was mush, (no cover art but I FINALLY came up with THE concept idea, then I had to rest my overworked brain) & this morning while shopping, this song gave life to another fic of mine and now I can’t even think of my other stories until I birth the idea for the next part.
Ive been seeing comments and love for my already published fics & I promise, they are ALL coming back! It’s just taking longer than I expected but that makes the process even more maddening, at the same time so beautiful. Me & these stories are going through a lot together 💕💕💕
The latest song that’s put me in a chokehold:
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xxxjarchiexxx · 9 months
milas fic updates on tumblr: dw it'll be up when it's good
mine: i think i might have to include jarchie dick scene cuz its gonna be a month til u get my unedited nonsense <3
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lonesomedotmp3 · 2 years
and that's showbiz... kid
veronica lodge - roxie
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homiehugs · 1 year
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guess what i'm working on redrawing
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mlobsters · 1 year
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add to the long list of things i might wanna paint some day. riverdale bringing the drama
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imreallyloveleee · 2 years
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i feel like i win when i lose, chapter one
Jughead finds his place and slumps into his seat. The rest of the guests are milling about the reception area, chatting and catching up, but he does his best to shield himself from view behind the gargoyle-shaped centerpiece. He’s already had enough pitying looks thrown his way tonight to last a lifetime. 
“Hey, stranger.”
Jughead perks up at the sound of a familiar voice. He adjusts his chair and straightens his spine as Betty Cooper slips into the seat beside him, looking as fresh-faced as the day she begged him to write for the school newspaper over a decade ago. 
Betty, he likes. Betty, he can handle. 
(Jughead is recently divorced, and he keeps running into Betty Cooper at weddings. AU.)
read it on ao3.
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storkmuffin · 2 years
My Fics in AO3 posting order.  They are all Riverdale.
Cake and Coat:  Jugpea, absolutely not canon compliant.
With You In My Pocket:  Jugpea, animal shifter AU, PG Fluffy fluff
Concrete Oasis:  Jugpea.  What really happened BTS at the musical Heathers. (first reader/ workshop member: @taratantsi)
The Minotaur: Jugpea.  Crackfic - Sweet Pea wears a big minotaur mask and Jughead is hot for him.  No reason. Just ‘cuz. (inspo: @mothmanchronicler)
The Hardest Hue to Hold:  Jugpea. Giving Sweet Pea a better send off than canon.  Jughead is not nice in this one and the ending is bittersweet. (first reader/ workshop member: @taratantsi )
Whole Life Trying:  Jugpea, cowritten with @viknikisbae and @juggiespea , spinoff from the peanut toss heard around the world (in S5). Happy ending, kinda! (first reader/ workshop member: @taratantsi)
Liminal (aka Bunker Jughead Is Fun To F*ck): Reghead. It does what it says on the tin. (first reader/ workshop member: @taratantsi)
The Shining Forest - On Going Fic! Fantasy AU Jugpea. Assassin Sweet Pea and Lost Prince Jughead meet in the forest.
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anotherbluesunday · 3 months
Fic Update--In Technicolor, Ch.9: The Right Side of my Neck (Cheryl)
Dark eyes to match his dark hair. Dimples in his full cheeks and a small round nose that mirrored his twins. A voice that was just deep enough to give comfort but light enough in melody that it spanned a multitude of octaves. A cheeky grin. A knowing pop of his brow. The glint in the pools of deep onyx that sat unflinching behind his glasses–how they’d focus on me as I worked out the problems Lee couldn’t quite wrap his head around so he handed them off to me. How even while sitting he was still taller than me and the way he found it so funny whenever he used me as a chin rest.
Conventional but very much not.
“Mañana,” Lee smiled wide and lazy, lit up in shades of gold and warm bronze by the sunshine that washed out the bed. “Dormir bien?”
My eyes danced from his to the little gold Guadalupe tucked into the hollow of his throat then up to his lips as they curled into a bigger grin. One that began to show his nearly perfect teeth that added a strange charm to his smirks. Gold really was his color. Gold and green. And blue.
Catching myself staring when Lee shifted somewhat uncomfortably beneath the weight of my blatant gawking, I looked down. Felt the knot in my throat form again when he awkwardly apologized. Retracted his arm from where it had been sitting happily across my hips–just above my thighs and the band of the boxers he’d lent me for sleeping shorts. This confusing concoction of embarrassment that blended with the urge to keep his arm around me a little while longer. The aggravation at him moving it without my permission. The alarms that went off in screaming unison as I thought it. I knew what my irrational mind wanted to do. What it was trying to force. But I stomped it out. Told her to stop because another step closer to that button was another step closer to self-destruction because giving in meant losing my only friend. The only person who saw me. And I knew better now than to allow myself to trauma bond and build up unrealistic romantic delusions in my head.
Flicking his nose once my brain had performed a swift reboot, I raised a brow at him. “We’re going to be late for class.”
Swatting my hand away as it moved to pinch at him, Lee wiggled back. “H-Hey, stop it. We won’t be late, ‘kay. Bertie’s riding with Wynn so I’ve got the truck.”
“Uh, I still have to get my car from FP’s.”
“Or you could just leave it and hangout with us after school.”
“It’s homecoming tonight, Lee.”
“Okay, and?” he asked, rolling onto his stomach–face relaxed on the pillows bunched up on his folded arms with his questioning gaze locked on me.
“Jason’s playing. I may not be in cheer anymore but I still want to support him. It’s also our last homecoming game so it’s important.”
“Then go to the game and then hangout.”
Letting him think that through for a moment, I rolled my eyes when Lee gave me a silent dumb ‘what?’ in return. “I still wouldn’t have my car. So you’d have to wait for me. Or I could just take an Uber to Ocean Park–”
“You’re not taking an Uber that late.”
“Then you’d have to wait for me because I’m going to the game.”
“Fine,” he said without thinking through what exactly he was agreeing to. And it showed when his brain caught up with his mouth and the dread settled in with minute changes in his eyes and defiant smile. But something else followed. Something that brought the sureness back. “Do people still paint half their faces at football games and go shirtless?”
“Lee, no.”
“If we’re going, I’m making a scene of it.”
“Pugsley Addams, no.”
“Oh-ho yes, Cheryl Blossom. My counselor said the last time we talked I should try having more school spirit.” Laughing in a tickled jovial sort of way despite my groaning and protest, he rotated onto his back. Looked up at me just as I looked up at the ceiling with an exaggerated huff. Poking my chin enough times to get my attention, Lee didn’t drop the smile. “I won’t embarrass you, much. I promise.”
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Spared when Lee steered his father’s attention back to him, I looked down at my phone. Felt my throat clamp shut at the message dad had sent me. Another warning. A threat daring me that if I stayed out another night without his permission I’d be grounded. A word that was code for worse because he knew better than to say what he actually meant in written format. Texting Jason to see if he could fill me in on how pissed father was–which number he was at on our sliding scale–I recoiled at his terse response of “I don’t know Cher.” Today wasn’t a grade-A day for either of us. Wouldn’t be for our friends either. For Betty, especially, but just as much Jason. But I wasn’t trying to antagonize him or make today about myself. I just wanted a heads up on what I would be returning home to. But I had stepped on another landmine, it seemed, without trying. A bomb that I’d have to diffuse when I got back tonight after the game or brace myself for impact when father blew up. It could only be one or the other, never in between. And I would rest-assuredly be handling this on my own. A thought that made me wither inside.
“You good?” Lee whispered low into my ear, his voice a comforting sound to ease my worries. “Cher…?”
I didn’t want to go. Didn’t want to leave this place of calm and kindness. A bubble of safety where I could rest my weary head and battered bones without jumping back ready to fight at the slightest sound. I felt my cheek ache. The phantom fractures healed in my arm itch beneath my skin. How my jaw tensed and my eyes welled with dread. I didn’t want to go back. Lee had given me the option of staying longer. One that still, technically, stood. But it wasn’t something that was appropriate to bring up now and I had already told him I couldn’t stay another night. Couldn’t but wanted to so badly.
Looking up as Bertie and Wednesday and Gomez and his brother Fester got up in turn to leave, I watched them as if I weren’t inside my own skin. Passively watched in a disassociated daze as the dawning realization of what my evening would end with sank in. Would I be spitting blood into the sink like last time? How fast would the welts on my skin fade away? Half a year ago father had pulled out enough of my hair in one spot I had to wear it up just to effectively cover up the patch.
Rationing my breaths while working to keep control of myself long enough that no one would notice, I was thankful when Mrs. Addams gently placed a hand on my shoulder and sat me back down. Was certain my legs would have given out had I taken another step. Turning my gaze up to her–my eyes more pleading and hopeful than I had meant for them to be–I watched her closely. Observed as she told her two other children to take her car for the day; something that had both Wednesday and Bertie bug-eyed. But with one quick glance to me, Lee’s twin knew. Capitalized on that brain they both shared the same way Jason and I did, or so I hoped we still did.
“Angelito, darling,” she said to her eldest as Lee looked from me to her, “Could you please get my cell from the kitchen? I need to make a call to your school to inform the dean that you’ll be absent for the day as well as Cher.”
Without question or hesitation, he got up. Let go of my hand that he had been holding without my even knowing until the warmth of his palm had vanished. Eyes still fixed to the woman who was, as her children said, a mother to all, I mouthed a silent “thank you” to her when she looked down. Felt myself wishing I could cry as she told me everything would be fine while dotingly stroking her hand down the back of my head. How could they be so kind? How could they be so welcoming? Non-judgemental when I knew they knew about how I had treated Lee? Wasn’t it a mother’s instinct to protect her sons more intensely than her daughters?
Saying something to her son that I couldn’t understand–something that wasn’t English or Spanish–Morticia patted my cheek softly before Lee helped me up, us both leaving the dining room so that she could make her call. Said it was a good thing I hadn’t spent extra time on my makeup that morning since we were staying put for the day. I didn’t realize I hadn’t done my makeup yet until he mentioned it which made me laugh. Something that seemed to confuse Lee but didn’t bother having it explained because he smiled too. Chuckled when I made a turn toward the doors that led outside into the backyard.
Exiting out onto the minimally sheltered porch, I walked out a little further. Fell back onto the hammock bed with a padded body and plush pillows to break my fall. Laughing with some tears of relief breaking free, I swung between joy and the jitter that came from my anxious release. Sniffled and couldn’t stop even as Lee rolled over from where he had plopped down and hugged me tight. Eyes closed as he rubbed circles into my back cooing “shh, you’re okay,” I made myself believe in his words. Made myself trust him and his mother because my paranoid mind whispered in my ear that this was all a hoax. That Mrs. Addams was calling my father to tell him where I was and to come get me. But she would not do such a thing. I didn’t have much to go off of since I had only met her the night before. But I knew selling people down the river was not something that was in her nature. None of her children were like that. Her husband wasn’t either. None of them were so I could trust them when they gave their word.
I could trust this peace. This safety.
Focusing on a new sound filling the space around us, I could hear Pugsley humming. Felt the vibrations in his chest as they traveled up to his throat that moved against the minimal press of my forehead. Heard him as he murmured the words to “Sparks” which was a Coldplay favorite we both shared. Heard the lyrics isolate themselves in my mind as he sang “But I promise you this. I’ll always look out for you.” Sang back to him “And I saw sparks” which made his jaw move downward slightly when he smiled. He told me I was skipping the best parts. I told him the whole song was the best part. Looking down at me with an arched brow, he bit at my nose. Said it was good to have me arguing with him again.
Ironic, I found it, that the part of me that used to annoy him most was now Lee’s barometer for telling whether or not I was okay in the head.
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birdstooth · 1 year
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Who’s that toad 😯
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godheadjones · 1 year
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paradiecircus · 11 months
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@legendaryfoxheart thank you for stalking these posts about Mine! I’ll be wrapping this one up soon, and then comes part 2 ♥️♥️♥️
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