#rj ask
avocadosockz · 9 months
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twosides--samecoin · 2 months
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single dads. you agree
The Nakanos < prev
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ihopesocomic · 1 month
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I know some might find this funny but y'all need to seriously chill on the calls for violence against Vicious. She's a horrible person as much as she is a victim of abuse herself and while we don't expect people to like her, we expect people to not want victims of abuse to be dead. (I swear people don't threaten death to Jasper half as much...) Expending an ounce of sympathy for someone won't excuse their actions. - Cat
Yeah, no matter how much you dislike a character, this shouldn't invalidate their position as an abuse victim. It's the same deal with folks wishing Vicious will be killed by her abuser, just... stop it. Being giddy about that sort of thing being depicted in this kind of story is yikes.
But as well as no longer seeing her daughters again: Vicious isn't going to die in any capacity. I don't care if it's spoilers, we're putting a moratorium on that right now. Death doesn't have to be the ultimate punishment/fate for every wrongdoing in a narrative. We have something else in mind that we feel will satisfy people ultimately, no worries. c: - RJ
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lonelycowboyclub · 9 months
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Do the Taz interview, RJ
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somethingaboutmint · 1 year
Živa/maccready (mostly maccready) collection
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pollenallergie · 5 months
cassie my love, i need more of this in my life. getting high post-sex w older!tom just seems soooooo <3
So…. it took me an embarrassing amount of months to get back to you on this but um…. here you go… this took a turn??? and then a swift turn back in the other direction???? so um…. horny whiplash warning??? ig????
Tagging @ali-r3n bc she asked me to and also @ghosttownwherenoonegoes because Eri helped me out with a lot of the british specifics (the britifics??) so thank youuuu
Okay, okay, without further ado:
Your First Introduction to Older!Tom’s Post-Sex Ritual
(except I can’t stick to a prompt)
Word Count: 2.1 k
Warnings: Nudity, allusions to sex and also some *ehm* inappropriate touching, reader has boobies and a bajina.
18+ only!! MDNI!! Minors do not read this!!! This is not for you!!!! This is for adults only!!!
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“Fuuuuuck,” Tom exhales as he lays on his back, staring up at your bedroom ceiling.
“Fuck,” you agree weakly, still slowly drifting down from cloud nine. Tom chuckles at your response as he sits up and eases out of bed. You smile at the sweet sound of his laughter, though you don’t immediately register the movement; still just a bit too far gone.
When Tom struts past your line of sight, still naked as the day he was born, on his way out of the room, that movement manages to catch your attention finally. You frown, at first, because you were already missing him, and then because you were disappointed in yourself for already missing him. Casual, this is just casual, keep it casual, you remind yourself. Tom doesn’t do the whole dating thing, you know that, so keep things platonic and casual. Don’t scare him off.
Suddenly, you’re pulled out of your internal self-lecture by the sound of a distant, but not distant enough, crash and Tom exclaiming, “shit!”
You sit up as quickly as you’re able to, your whole body still feeling pretty limp and boneless after Tom spent the better half of the evening pulling as many orgasms from you as he could. Once you’re upright, you call out, “Tom? Are you alright?”
“Yeah! Yeah. Shit! Er, yeah, just, erm- hang on,” Tom calls back. You hear more shuffling and clattering from the other room, and then you hear the undeniable creak in the floorboards from Tom’s heavy-footed steps as he approaches the bedroom. Soon enough, he appears in the doorway, still shamelessly nude but now with a joint in hand and a sheepish expression on his face.
“Have you got a lighter or, er, matches or anything like that? I tried looking ‘round for either of ‘em, but erm… Yeah, I couldn’t find anything,” he asks, his cheeks blushing as he carries on.
“Is that what all that crashing was?” You ask amusedly, failing to stifle the grin that curls on your lips.
“Yeah… I erm, I might’ve knocked some of yer shit over,” Tom admits sheepishly.
“Tommy,” you say, your tone a perfect mix of amused, exasperated, disappointed, and scolding.
“But, but!! But I put it all back, and none of it’s broken. Swear on me granda’s grave,” he promises.
You can’t help but roll your eyes fondly at that before chastising him a bit, good-naturedly, of course, “Don’t swear on that poor man’s grave. Knowing you, you probably already put him through enough when he was alive.”
Tom chuckles, “Fair enough,” he concedes before raising up the joint to draw your attention back to it, and then simply asking, “Lighters? Matches?”
“Er, right. Lighters. Kitchen, the counter to the left of the fridge, top drawer, it’s my catch-all drawer, there should be a few lighters in there, take your pick,” you inform him.
Tom grins at your response as he makes his way over to the bed. His grin widens tenfold and becomes much more smug when he notices your gaze flit down toward his cock, which gracelessly flops around with his strides, still limp and spent from your previous activities. When he reaches your side of the bed, he places his hand down on the mattress near your thigh, using it to support his weight as he leans over and plants a kiss on the crown of your head. He holds his lips there for a few moments, softly inhaling the residual scent of your shampoo as he does so, deciding to allow you both to enjoy this moment of peace without even being truly aware that that’s what he’s doing.
When Tom finally breaks away, he leans down to whisper into your ear, “Don’t get any ideas, love,” he warns cheekily, “You and that heavenly little place between your thighs milked my cock dry; don’t think I’ll be able to get it up again anytime soon,” he finishes teasingly before kissing you again, this time pressing his lips against your cheek to punctuate his teasing.
You scoff and stifle a smile as you push him away. Cocky little bastard, you think.
Tom holds his hands up in surrender as he backs away from the bed, joint still clutched between his index and middle finger and a smug grin still on his face.
“Don’t shoot the messenger, baby. It’s yer fault for bein’ greedy,” he teases as he walks off into the other room, still refusing to put on clothes.
God, how are you supposed to keep your feelings in check when he treats you like that? He’s just one of your mates, and yet he treats you better than many of the dickheads you’ve dated in the past ever had, better than some of your mates’ current partners treat them, even.
As if he can sense that you’ve begun to spiral from the other room, Tom calls out to you, effectively pulling you out of your fretting, “Ay, me lover, think I’m gonna light up and make meesen a bacon butty. You want anything while I’m out ‘ere? Water? Bacon butty? Some wine? This Crunchie you’ve got hidden in your cupboard? Actually, wait, nevermind, I call dibs on the Crunchie.”
“Maybe some wa- Hey, wait, Tom, no! Leave that Crunchie alone! I’ve been saving that!”
Of course, you frantically try to get up to rescue your precious candy bar from Tom’s thieving grasp. However, your legs are still a little unsteady, which forces you to walk to the kitchen looking like a newborn giraffe, all while Tom’s grating (read: annoyingly sexy) chuckle fills the space of your flat.
You find him cock out, lit joint pursed between his lips, standing in front of your stove, hands on his hips, heating up a frying pan for his bacon, and, annoyingly, nowhere near your candy stash.
“I haven’t got any bacon, so, it’ll just be a butty, I’m afraid. No use heating up a pan for that,” you grumble as you walk over to the cupboard where you stash your candy. Might as well snag that Crunchie before he can.
At the sound of your voice, Tom turns around and looks at you, bemused, albeit amused as well, and says, “the fuck are you doing out ‘ere on those wobbly li’l legs, Bambi?”
His words come out a bit muffled, thanks to the joint perched between his lips.
“Thought you were gonna steal my Crunchie,” you shrug and admit sheepishly through a mouthful of chocolate and honeycomb. At that, Tom barks out a laugh, which quickly morphs into a cough from accidentally inhaling during said laugh. He promptly removes the joint from between his lips, ashes it in the makeshift ashtray he’s made out of foil, clears his throat, and goes back to smoking.
“Jesus, you’re a strange one, aren’t you,” he remarks fondly, his voice slightly hoarse from coughing, as he begins to gather the ingredients for his sandwich.
“I’m very serious about my Crunchies,” you reply, half-jokingly.
Tom chuckles as he rifles through your fridge.
“Yeah, I’m well aware of that now,” he replies, pausing to inhale before continuing to speak on his exhale, “Sit down at the table then, yeah? I’ll get you some water and make us some toasties if that sounds alright?”
“Y-yeah, yeah, okay,” you agree awkwardly as you sit down nearby at your kitchen table, watching him as he works on preparing the food.
Soon enough, he comes over to you with a glass of water and that same cheeky smile.
God, that smile will get you in so much trouble someday, won’t it?
“What’s that grin for?” You ask as he sets down the water, though you can’t help but reciprocate it with a smile of your own.
He shrugs before leaning over to press his lips against yours, moaning into the kiss when you needily take the initiative to deepen it, parting your lips eagerly for him. Far too soon for your liking, though, he’s breaking the kiss, pulling away just slightly to look into your eyes with his lovely brown ones.
“Has anyone ever told you that you have really, really great tits?” Tom asks, his voice low, sultry, and serious, but you can see the mischief swimming in his gaze.
You roll your eyes and scoff at his question, leaning back in your seat, though anyone could see the amused smile you fail to keep from tugging at the corners of your mouth.
“Yeah, you have like a million times since we started hooking up,” you reply with a chuckle.
“What can I say? I’m a man of honesty,” Tom teases, making you huff out a laugh; he smiles at the sound of it before holding up the joint in your line of sight and asking, “Do you want to take a few tokes ‘a this while I finish up our sandwiches?”
You nod and purse your lips, and, as if it were already second nature to him, Tom slots the joint between your lips.
Instead of immediately going off to work on the food, he sticks around to watch you take your first few puffs, still leaning down so he’s just about at eye level with you, his hands boxing you in on either side, one palm pressed onto the tabletop and the other holding onto the back of your chair. Meanwhile, you sit diagonally in your seat, facing him and maintaining eye contact as you smoke. The haze of your high slowly but surely begins to set in, lowering your eyelids to a relaxed level and easing your posture. Between your new relaxed state, the sex hair you’re sporting, the fact that you smell like you’ve just got done having sex, the fact that you’re completely naked right now, and the fact that you’re, well, you, Tom thinks you might be one of the prettiest things he’s ever fucking seen in his whole life.
But he mustn’t forget about the toasties!
So, he plants one last kiss on your cheek because, hey, he fucking feels like it. Then, he surprises you by kneeling in front of you to say goodbye to ‘his girls’ (your tits).
“I’ll see you ladies in a minute, yeah? Be good while I’m gone, try not to miss me too much,” he whispers to them, making you giggle.
“Tom, you’re so fucking wei-” That (affectionate) jab immediately dies on your tongue the moment he leans forward and wraps his lips around one of your nipples, engulfing it in the warm, wet heat of his mouth and applying just enough pressure to make a heated, buzzing sensation spread beneath your skin as he sucks on it. Then, just as you feel that pleasant sensation spread down through your core, Tom’s pulling away, but only so he can give your other, neglected nipple the same attention.
Small mewls and moans spill out from between your parted lips as the long forgotten joint, still clutched between your fingers, hovers over your table, where the ashes fall from it carelessly, sure to leave a mark. Once Tom’s had his fill, he places a final kiss to the center of your chest before pulling away completely and leaving to go finish preparing your sandwiches, waltzing back over to the stove as if he hadn’t just done, well, that.
“Tom… what the fuck was that?” You ask breathlessly. Still too bewildered to notice the damage the neglected joint is doing to the surface of your table.
Tom has to stifle a cheeky, mischievous grin as he feigns nonchalance, shrugs, and simply replies, “Just giving the ladies a proper goodbye, love. They get nervy when I leave ‘em just out of the blue. You know, separation anxiety, and all that?” Tom tuts, “Poor girls. Think maybe you should start keeping a couple pictures of me in your bra, one in each cup, so they can still see me when I’m not around.”
“Tommy, you’re ridiculous,” you laugh as he dishes up the toasties onto plates and turns off the stovetop.
“Ridiculous…ly fit? I know, baby, but why don’t you finish that glass of water and eat some of that sandwich before you go jumpin’ me bones again, yeah? Gotta stay fed and hydrated,” He teases you as he brings the plates over to the table.
“Oh, and, you’re ashing on yer table, love,” Tom informs you with a kiss on the head as he sets the plates down and goes to grab a wet rag to wipe the table off with, along with the makeshift ashtray.
“Shit!” you exclaim as you lift the joint away from the table. You hand it to him when he gets back, trading it off for the rag so you can wipe up the mess you’ve made whilst he gets everything else sorted.
Tom tuts and shakes his head, feigning disapproval, “that’s the devil’s lettuce, it’ll do that to you.”
“Shut up, Tommifer,” you reply, feigning annoyance all while sporting an amused smile. He chuckles at that, though he also appreciates the fact that you neglected to call him ‘Thomas,’ his full first name, when you very easily could’ve.
“Eat yer toastie, me birdie,” He says as he nudges you teasingly, “sooner you finish it, sooner I can get back between those thighs, yeah?”
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ashyslashyy · 3 months
MacReady from the Thing or perhaps a Hannibal
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ihopesocomic · 2 months
Is this right?
Hope: Hunflepluff because she is patient and kind
Storm and Adamant: Gryffindor because they are both brave
Diamond: Slytherin or Ravenclaw because I'm not sure if she's more ambitious or smart, but I'm sure she's a good king lol
How about just no to any of this? Normally, I'd delete this but just in case anybody is even remotely thinking of doing this:
We do NOT want any of our characters depicted in the HP universe in any capacity.
The author is an unapologetic transphobe and it was only this week she's been in the media spotlight for trying to drag the reputations of anybody she knows who stands by trans individuals.
This is a comic with trans characters in it that is also trying to appeal to trans readers. Please think before trying to do crossovers with content made by bigots who are actively trying to take away their human rights. I don't care if you want to "separate the art from the artist": read the room. Even with that said, the books themselves also have their fair share of shit going on that is pretty offensive. No, we're not going to discuss it any further. There are plenty of articles and a video on YT by Shaun that goes into it. Thank you. - RJ
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rj im begging u to give me anything about cheol dhsbd its been bad for me lately and i need to talk about him with someone who GETS it
ps hi i love u lol
Anything for you
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AN: I was originally going to use ideas from one of the S.Coups fics in my drafts but, since today is also the lovely @onlyseokmins birthday, I decided to go with this idea that hit me out of nowhere instead. Kill two birds with one stone and all of that. All I'm going to say is that this is all Sar's fault (I hope this is okay and, still scratches your S.Coups itch 💀).
Synopsis: Seokmin is the most generous, thoughtful man you've ever met. He'll more than willingly give you whatever you want (if it's within his means, of course). Even if that means sitting back and watching you get fucked by one of his closest friends.
Heads up: Lee Seokmin x Fem! Reader x Choi Seungcheol, Reader and DK are in a relationship, the plot is paper-thin, heavily implied power dynamics, cuckoldry (sort of), voyeurism, exhibitionism, Seungcheol is mean here, mentions of pussy spanking (f. receiving), edging (f. receiving), it's implied that Cheol gets off on Reader's tears, praise kink (f. receiving), degradation (f. receiving), dirty talk, unprotected piv sex, creampie and DK cums untouched.
Word count: 829
I will block you if you are a minor and/or have no easily visible indication of your age on your blog if you interact with me in any way.
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Some people may think you're a little spoiled by your boyfriend. With his thoughtfulness often resulting in him bringing you flowers he saw on his way home from work or washing the dishes when it's your turn when work is particularly grating or making you cum on his pretty fingers until you lose count.
Yeah, maybe you're a little spoiled but, Seokmin just wants to make you happy. The way your eyes light up and that brilliant smile you always give him make it all more than worth it.
That's how the two of you find yourselves in your current situation. Well, the three of you.
Your... affinity for muscular men with great arms and pretty smiles has caused your gaze to linger a few too many times on Seungcheol. You'd never dream of betraying Seokmin that way, but you'd be lying if you said Seungcheol hadn't featured in a fantasy or two. Your boyfriend, ever the observant man, doesn't fail to notice.
And now, looking at him flushed with his bangs sticking to his sweaty forehead as he watches Seungcheol split you open on his, frankly, intimidating cock, you're left wondering if this is all even real.
"Doesn't she look so pretty taking me, Seokminnie?" The older man asks. You can't quite see him from this angle but, you're sure he's grinning when he thrusts into you so hard that your nails nearly draw blood from how tightly you're holding onto him.
"Yeah, she does," your boyfriend mutters in response, lidded eyes flying between taking in your changing expressions and Seungcheol thrusting into you.
Seungcheol isn't as kind as your boyfriend. Every act of disobedience and brattiness met with an unflinching spank to your clit. Stopping completely until you're near tears with how desperately you want to cum. Your mind devoid of everything but, the need to cum on his cock.
And Seokmin watches it all. His cock hard and untouched in the confines of his boxers. You haven't given permission to touch himself yet so, he sits and watches like the good boy he is.
"Cheol, please," you choke out once more when his cock brushes a spot inside of you that makes it difficult to breathe. Frustrated tears spilling down your overheated face.
"You do know how to ask nicely," he coos against your ear, nipping it and startling you when his daft fingers rub circles against your hypersensitive clit. It's dizzying how quickly he's learned how to toy with you.
You're so close. So, so close. Your thighs quivering violently and broken moans falling from your bruised lips as you chase your release.
Choi Seungcheol would never make it that easy. So, he stops once more. You feel his cock throb inside of you as your walls spasm and, frustrated whines leave your lips. He even has the nerve to lick away a few of the tears he's able to catch. You had no idea he had so many sadistic tendencies.
Before you can ask why he stopped, he speaks, "Do you think she deserves to cum?"
Seokmin looks like a deer caught in head lights. Warm, brown eyes alternating between your watery, desperate ones and the ones of the very hot, very evil man propping you up against his chest.
"I-I think she deserves to cum," he stutters out and, you want to kiss him so badly. You're going to make him cum so hard he can't walk straight after this.
"Well, since you've both been so well-behaved," is all the preparation you're giving before Seungcheol picks up his pace once more. Leaving you no time or room to gather yourself as his fingers make quick work of your clit once more.
"Are you going to cum like the good girl you are? The needy slut you are?" the devil whispers into your ear. Though you're pretty sure Seokmin can hear it all from the way he squirms in his seat.
"Make a mess for Seokmin,"
That's all it takes for your orgasm to rip through you. You don't remember the last time you came this hard. Seungcheol groans behind you and holds you steady through it all. Everything tenses and seizes and you're briefly worried that you'll develop a cramp but, you can't bring yourself to care all that much.
It's made all the worse (or better, depending on how you look at it) when you feel Seungcheol cum inside of you. His hold on you becoming harsh as he makes you take every single drop with every pulse of him inside of you.
Your bleary eyes meet Seokmin's frenzied ones and, that's when it hits you. He came. He came from watching...all of this. He looks like he's so close to stumbling out an apology but, you're not upset. Quite the opposite. The wet stain on his boxers instinctively making you clamp down on Seungcheol's softening cock, causing the man behind you to moan.
Yeah, this might be his greatest gift yet.
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sarcasticsunshine123 · 10 months
caswen; and I said speak now [edit!]
[portbowell here]
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mitskijamie · 9 months
we don’t talk enough about roys “eh?” in the oogleh oogleh boy scene. like idk the way jamie’s voice is so tiny and the way roy goes “eh?” and jamie speaks up a little bit….we need more roy humiliating jamie and jamie struggling with speaking bc of it
NOOOOO I KNOW!!!!!! I've always thought that was like. The craziest part of that scene. The way Roy like nonverbally orders him to speak louder while he's humiliating himself and he not only understands exactly what Roy wants but also does it immediately.
"i am-"
"I AM AN UGLY UGLY BOY"....... absolutely insane
It's also crazy because like. Jamie is normally so confident and unbothered, but he was soooo blushy and flustered that whole time. Roy talking to him like a mean dom just completely alters his demeanor it's incredible
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lunar-years · 4 months
do you have any ted lasso blog suggestions?
I fear a lot of ted lasso bloggers are starting to move on to other things lol. However there are also still plenty of us still here :)
Here are a few wonderful blogs I know of that are still pretty ted lasso centered: @mitskijamie @jamiesfootball @jamietarttsnorthernattitude @royjamierot @abubblingcandle @fanficfanattic @tedlassosource @thetarttfuldickhead @babytarttdoodoo @goodmorninglovelies42 @itsfckingwalnutmistmate @pghumfort @thwipped if you want to see really fun brett/roy art....hmm I'm absolutely sure I'm missing people but that's who I can think of for now!
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seeminglydark · 13 days
canonically, what tech has johnny owned? and what hidden talents does he have?
he had a flippy phone when they went to school, probably a burner that caro got him. a walkman. a stereo. whats the definition of tech here, a washing machine haha. a tamagotchi. one of those vcr combo crt tvs. later he will get a land line, in my heart its a garfield phone. a Casio calculator watch.
im not sure if its a hidden talent but not one ive explored a lot in comic, hes an artist and actually really good. he paints all the window stuff on both BREW and the grocery below his apartment. He is fluent in ASL. of course great at guitar. he can blow multiple smoke rings and make friendship bracelets out of those flat plastic strings you could get in the 90s. as an adult he can actually sew really well and makes a lot of his own stuff, but most dont know that. Hes really good at diy'ing most things. opening bottlecaps with no bottle opener. and of course and most importantly he is Hard To Kill.
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tomblinkies · 22 days
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I still have to make your powerpoint dawg
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vaultscavver · 11 months
sole: would you still love me if my short-sighted quest for revenge consumed me? if i abandoned my ideals for the corrupt powers i once sought to destroy? if i became the very monster who i swore i would save you from?
hancock: this is the worst pillow talk ever—
maccready, tenderly: i’d kill you myself
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