#rnm analysis
the-awful-falafel · 9 months
I really hope Rick and Morty as a series will finally move on from portraying Rick's love for Morty / his family as this special, redemptive trait that Morty just needs to open his eyes to. Or portraying it as something Rick just needs to be emotionally honest about, finally admit in a grand gesture, and then everything will be healthy and resolved.
Two things can be equally true: Rick can sincerely care about Morty, deeply enough to be tender with him, showing gestures of affection, being protective of him, being truly proud of him... and can also constantly let Morty down, put him in mortal danger, make Morty feel responsible for his emotional health, treat him awfully and in manipulative controlling ways, and not be there for him when it matters most. His love is real, but is also a fickle thing that Morty cannot always rely on. That uneven dolling out of affection is exactly what entrenches the abuse and damages Morty further. Even now that Rick is slowly improving as a person, his simultaneous love and unreliability persists in milder ways, and the long pattern of abuse leaves deep scars on his grandson.
In my opinion, it makes perfect sense for Morty to see Rick's care for him as this unreliable, dangerous, and potentially non-existent thing, but also to paradoxically crave it nonetheless. Every time he lets his guard down and starts to trust Rick too much, he's been kicked in the nuts for it to varying extents-- even recently. I don't think he actually believes Rick cares nothing for him, but he's been trapped in this cycle of good and bad for so long that his self-worth is eroded and wholly defined by his grandpa's conditional affection, and he's scared of and dependent on it simultaneously. Even if Rick became truly healthy and openly caring from now on, that won't change how he's screwed up Morty with his behavior.
The series isn't going to make any meaningful progress if the writers keeps cycling around the superficial "does Rick care? does Morty know how deeply Rick cares?" question that they've asked since Season 1, instead of progressing to more meaningful, realistic questions about what Rick's love even means after all the past seasons of codependent abuse, and how much it should be worth to Morty in the end. (Ideally, much, much less than it's worth now.)
Yes, Rick cares. Yes, he loves his family deeply. But as with many forms of abuse, that's part of the problem.
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early characterisation of rick is so funny with how incompetent and scrappy he is like obviously it's just that the writers kept ramping up the stakes to the point where we are now with rick being unbeatable, hyper-competent and near-omnipotent in any situation but honestly his s1 characterisation doesn't even feel out of place in the context of his crybaby backstory like if u just imagine the extreme emotional crisis he must be going through after pitching up to the home of his alternate-universe grown-up not-dead daughter to keep on the good side of the alternate versions of himself whom he's been slaughtering for decades in an effort to kill his nemesis and he uses this too as a last-ditch effort find said nemesis (which he FAILS, AGAIN) and has to witness firsthand how profoundly unfulfilled, unhappy and unwilling to change those two things his daughter would have been had she survived to adulthood. and also imagine the sheer number of drugs he must be on to cope with all of that. his s1 incompetence is 100% in-character.
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starrbitez · 5 months
Why Morty Smith is “like a dog” (pun unintended)
Okay so i saw a post (I’ll link it in comments!) that was talking about how Rick is more like a dog than Morty, and I definitely agree that Rick is similar to a dog too, I am going to discuss my personal opinions on Morty’s dog-like symbolism, parallels with snuffles/snowball, and my own ideas for the dog analogy. It begins below the cut :3
Firstly, there are some parallels between Morty and his former fluffy companion I think are important and very interesting !
One example, Morty is treated very similarly by Rick to the way Jerry treats Snowball. See; Rick pushing Morty down the stairs, Jerry rubbing snowball’s face in his pee. Both unnecessary punishments or just entirely unnecessary.
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Morty is also threatened emptily a lot, in the way that an owner might threaten their dog when they do something bad, ie. “we’ll take you back to the shelter or replace you if you dont stop peeing on the rug,” and the replaceable nature that abusive pet owners exemplify towards their dogs is the exact same treatment Morty gets, with the you’re replaceable almost ‘I’ll take you back to the shelter’ threats Rick gives.
Morty is treated like a dog constantly, and while all Morty’s are on some level imo, Pmorty is the most. When Rick takes the voucher for a free replacement Morty — it’s like getting a discount on a rescue dog or picking up a stray when your dog dies.
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Then, morty is talked down to like a dog, just like how Jerry talks to snowball.
Morty: whats wrong?
Jerry: your idiot dog! …. Don’t praise him Morty, he peed on the carpet! Bad dog, bad!
Rick: youre a perfect suit of impenetrable armor, Morty! because you’re as dumb as I am smart!
And then,
Morty: look rick, there’s a bunch of people strapped to that building!
Rick: Not people morty. Mortys.
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At this point in the show (s1e10) Rick doesn’t even consider Mortys to be human, and he values Morty about the same amount that Jerry valued snowball — little to nothing, simply valued to feel superior over something.
I also think that in Rest and Ricklaxation, healthy morty and toxic morty are two opposite and extreme sides of the spectrum of dog-like behavior. While normal morty is loyal to a fault, he still his has own morals and enough personal confidence to argue with rick and engage in adventures. There’s a clear divide in his character in many episodes where he see his more violent tendencies, and in this episode you can see a split between his more “feral” side and his “domesticated” side. Healthy Morty is a sort of lone-wolf, he believes that health is being able to survive on your own, be strong and completely confident to an almost selfish and narcissistic point, and he desires to be a leader. Toxic Morty sees himself as weak, and he says that he just wants to die. He feels like the runt of the litter, left behind and clinging to the first person that offers him protection — rick. When combined, morty is somewhere in the middle, but the separate parts are opposite sides of dog-like behavior.
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OKAY now im going to talk abt my SNOWBALL PARALLELS a bit more….
When snowball realizes how he is being treated, on some level gaining sentience, he starts to develop his intelligence, get stronger, more independent, rebel against the people who treated him like shit and took advantage of him. Snowball realizes how he is being treated and he does everything he can to prove he is intelligent, but out of his care and loyalty to morty, he leaves because he wants morty to live and be happy !!! Sound familiar?
Yes it is the exact same track as Morty’s character development.In season 3 episode 7 after the dinner with evil morty, morty realizes he is being manipulated, that he is replaceable, that he is just someones property. He gains ‘sentience’ or the conciousness of his free will ? Kinda. And from here on we see Morty’s attitude change significantly, asserting himself over rick often in season 4. Morty joins in on the intro, he leaves rick to die, he focuses on himself, he becomes more violent and more in control of his own decisions. In season 4 we see him become independent from ricks control, but he is still loyal and wants rick to be happy, the same loyalty snowball had to the one person who treated him right.
Snowball had an attachment to morty because morty was the only one to treat him well.
Morty has an attachment to rick because rick is the only one who gives him praise, albeit irregularly. He gets attention from rick. Morty is continuously in vulnerable or weaker positions to those around him, and i believe it is symbolism !! I think its even in subtle ways like when rick will pat morty on the head, call him ‘buddy’, rick even outright compares morty to a dog with his unwavering loyalty. Which — just like a dog — he was bred for.
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I think the acknowledgement of morty being similar to a dog in his loyalty, his obedience, but also in his parallels to snowball align well with the citadel plot of Mortys being bred for forgiveness. Only when the Mortys. Become aware of their treatment and how they could be better, they start to change into a more violent/feral/intelligent/confident form, depending on the Morty. Intelligence seen in evil morty and c-137, feral behavior in the mutated morty’s on the citadel who are aware of their position And the corruption around them.
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I think we are in track for morty to become more and more of an independent kid, following in the footsteps of snowball and developing his intelligence, confidence, ad strength until he will possibly leave or find independence from his codependency on rick, just like snowball was able to escape his codependency on humanity in general. (Interesting to think abt how Beth and Jerry have a codependent marriage and rick and morty have a codependent partnership… v interesting)
But yes . These are my thoughts on morty smith c-137 and the general theme of Mortys being a dog. For more info read my fic, like a dog. Jkjkjk B)
Pls pls tell me ur opinions on this !!
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tropical-fruit-mx · 27 days
Rick and Diane's backstory ala TTPD
I think it really is my calling to write about how Rick and Morty characters relate to songs that Rick and Morty bros hate
Anyway, I want to ramble about Diane because I wish SO bad we had more information about her and Rick's canon relationship. I've seen a cool AU about her and Rick being teenage runaways together. (Side note I LONG to get a real flashback episode to Rick's teenage days since the tiny Rick episode gave us no actual sense of him as a teenager. Idk I just want to see how he developed his intelligence and if he's always had violent tendencies of it that only started after Diane died.)
But I was listening to this song while I was on a walk and kind of realizing that this song sounds like it could be Rick and Diane's backstory. Because I think Rick was always somewhat of a rebel and always rubbed people the wrong way, but Diane looks so agreeable and sweet. I can imagine her having a very proper upbringing, maybe to a more upper class family but still managing to fall in with some blue haired kid from the wrong side of the tracks. (Very Pretty in Pink)
I love picturing them as crazy committed teenage sweethearts as described in the song, Diane's family hates Rick, although the song lyrics are vague about why exactly. We can glean that he is "crazy," reckless ("I'm tellin' him to floor it through thе fences/No, I'm not coming to my senses"), and probably took Diane away to party and hook-up ("He was chaos, he was revelry/Bedroom eyes like a remedy").
I can imagine Diane being from an upper class country club kind of family, very obsessed with their image and how they're perceived in their social circle. What we learn from "Fear No Mort" is that Diane is very spunky and sharp. She's intelligent with an advanced degree and simply does not take any shit (per her argument with Rick at the ice cream shop). She's clearly a little headstrong (which I think is part of why she works so well with Rick, they like butting heads with each other and arguing about silly things) so of course she's very caught up in the idea that being with Rick is what she wants. "[She knows] he's crazy, but he's the one [she wants]" and she's very unconcerned by her parents and friends conceptions of Rick.
The idea that she's causing an uproar in her parents community by dating some rebel 100% does not phase her but it definitely eggs her on to be more chaotic about the whole thing. The lyrics "I'm havin' his baby/No, I'm not, but you should see your faces" and "I'll tell you something right now/I'd rather burn my whole life down/Than listen to one more second of all this bitchin' and moanin'" are so Diane coded. I think that Rick is very minimally involved in this whole thing because it's not his scene but Diane is forcibly involved by her parents' friends and her equally uptight extended family vehemently protesting their relationship.
Which is of course the catalyst for Diane running away (imagine this art as the night they escaped, maybe Rick got into a fight with her dad or brother or something and now they're smoking at the bus stop laughing about how dramatic the whole thing was).
But y'know "We came back when the heat died down/Went to my parents and they came around" so I imagine that maybe later when she and Rick are married and have Beth her parents come around to the idea of them (and are probably very endeared by having a granddaughter).
So yeah, happy day dreaming Rick/Diane shippers, I hope you enjoy projecting about my favorite teenage disasters to Taylor Swift music.
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cosmic-apotheosis · 2 years
there's an interview on youtube that i watched with dan from like 2018 where he talks about the famous show moments that gained a lot of attention (wubba lubba dub etc. but his insistent silence on breaking down the Sichuan sauce bit is insane. that was a cultural reset and funny tbh. it truly shows how much media can influence the worst people like the mcdonald's dude and that alone made sooooo many people hate the show because of that reddit turd bro fanbase)
he mentioned a few times his absolute refusal to look at fan theories reddits anything that shows what people think the show could or should do. which is so wild given that the current writers were totally scouring the internet and especially the rnm tag here finding things people are saying theorizing. i wonder how much of his input as a main show runner goes now? idk how any that works but it's definitely giving like, dan after he returned to community post s4. i personally don't even think he had much say with the amount of incest bits and jokes for s5/6 and the current writers are railing vyvanse and making this shit up as they go unless it's the "canon" moments we get from literal fan theories idk if it's sloppy gotta get this out asap writing or not but i'm not really complaining idc, i like how s6 went off the rails entirely like what the fuck was all of that. i enjoy that the show went from being kinda new adventure everyday nothing really going on in terms of building up character dynamics. now it's balls deep canon lore and everyone has a story things are connected and building even further to a larger plot. i don't think they understood how popular the show would get. sorry lmfao im gonna end up tagging this for my own blog so if i'm not making sense my bad (weed)
anyways four more seasons and a movey babey lets lick tits i love this fucking show. i love reading everyone's theories here keep 'em comin. what did rick call morty in the last episode? buttfart? i cannot stop thinking about that
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RNM Character Analysis Blog REVISED
My favorite character in Roswell, New Mexico is Michael. The fact that I'm writing this post after episode nine and not after episode one or two is part of the reason why I say this. In the beginning of the show I was not a fan of Michael. He was always ruining things, preventing Max from being with Liz, which to me seemed like the true love story that I naturally wanted to happen as the viewer. However, as the show progressed so did Michael. We learn a lot more about him as a person and get a deeper look into his background. He also changes as a character as the episodes progress. He becomes more of a caring person as he takes a larger part in the show. I like Michael because of his personality, sense of comedy that he brings to the show, and the experiences he has lived through, which add to the show and thicken the plot.
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Michael has a great personality I feel. He seems to be the comedic aspect of the show, making jokes in situations that most of the characters wouldn’t. I've always liked comedic relief so any character that provides this in a show I usually tend to gravitate towards. While he brings comedic relief in some scenarios, he also is very serious in others when he needs to be. That's another reason I like his personality because he is one of the only characters that I feel has a true range of emotions. Many of the characters are placed as a light hearted character, or a serious character but I feel that Michael is both.
Another aspect of Michael that I like is his past and his experiences. I find it very interesting that Michael is a genius and did great on test scores in high school, but ended up being the town criminal. I think this adds to the story because it builds a sense that he missed out on something that he could have had, or at least that's what it makes me as a viewer feel. I also think that it shows character development, as we don’t see him get arrested ever in the show, except for when he's in the police department in the first episode. This gives me as a viewer a warm feeling towards him in the sense that he is changing and working to become a better person. One of the main experiences that he has been through that he has to deal with is the fact that he’s gay. It hasn’t necessarily been an issue for him on the show but a viewer can assume that it has been a struggle for him at some point in his life. We are given hints that its not easy to be gay and accepted in Roswell. We see Alex was bullied in highschool for it and had a very hard time with his dad because of it. I think the fact that this aspect of Michael's life doesn't really faze him is admirable and a trait that makes Michael a very likable character.
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As the show goes on I hope we get an even deeper background on Michael as I feel there is still lots to learn about him. I feel that he keeps becoming a bigger and bigger part of the show since episode one and I hope more stories are built around him moving forward.
As the show continues I am excited to see how Michael develops even more as a character. I loved that he gained a much bigger role in the show as it moved forward and I can't wait to see how his character continues to develop and the roles he plays as the show continues.
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hazelnut-u-out · 2 months
im new to the r&m fandom. I cant find any good blogs, do u know any?
Tbh, I've been pretty inactive myself recently because I just started a new position and I'm still adjusting/coping with burnout, so I might not be familiar with many new blogs. That being said, I can give a shoutout to some of the cool people I've followed on here for a while! (some are run by the same people!)
My favorites for analysis, commentary, and jokes are @dirty-bear-rick-sanchez, @joycew-blog, @fandomwe1rd0 and @thesoftboiledegg
For art/fic or your OC fix, I'd recommend @punksinspace / @stropharian-world, @joycew-art, @pondhue and @abed-with-a-knife (Although, I'd definitely encourage you to check out the fics and/or art from the ones I've mentioned before. They're very talented, too!)
This is definitely not an exhaustive list and mainly consists of the blogs I can think of off the top of my head. Again, I'm not familiar with most newer blogs as well, so if there's anyone people feel that I've missed, left out, or just generally deserves a shoutout, feel free to give them a tag yourself!
Love the RnM community here and hoping to have more time to engage with both my mutuals and cool new blogs again soon <3
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zeep-xanflorp · 2 months
i read whatever ones were out in 2017 but i don't remember them at all lmfao. wanna reread and do some analysis on them.
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twink-ricksanchez · 1 year
Character Analysis
Evil Morty is honestly one of my favorite villains in Rick and Morty. I think he's very well written, not only for the show, but for animated shows in general. His character is put there to hold our main character accountable for his dark past. Evil Morty brings up the reoccurring dialogue of grey moral area type characters. His main goal was not even to kill the main character or anything, but to escape him. His story teaches you of how complex and fucked up Rick's history truly is. Evil Morty is an antagonist but he's also just another 14 year old boy placed in a cruel system beyond his control. The end of his story isn't Rick saving the day but instead Evil Morty destroying everything, killing millions, and escaping Rick. In the end he becomes who he hates the most. Evil Morty also shows up whenever Rick and Morty go through significant character development. Like learning more and more that Rick isn't heartless but that doesn't mean he can't be better. Especially in Evil Morty's final moments in the central finite curve. Morty choosing to save Rick because he wants to be better than Rick but also doesn't want to become Evil Morty.
Anyways shout-out to the RNM writers for making such a unique antagonist.
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dr-lizortecho · 1 year
💫💞🤲 (for the fic writer asks ❤️)
💫 what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
Any, all, truly whatever the reader wants to give is the greatest gift. Like I love seeing that somehow said work impacted someone in some way, whether they read through and kudosed, left a comment to scream about the characters/world, responded on tumblr to just ramble about lines or dynamics. It’s just cool to see other people appreciate the characters like I do, and obviously I also enjoy when they appreciate my depictions of them and such (but it’s less high on the list than just being able to have someone to scream with for five seconds or months in some people’s cases <3)
💞 what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
I use fic writing how a lot of people use meta/analysis, it’s a way to deep dive into their psyche’s and really understand them (with exceptions of course)
For example, I do most of my character theorizing and exploration on page and it’s 90% of the ‘plot’ when I do write. An example that comes to mind right now is when writing one of my latest Valevans pieces I didn’t fully know what Max was going to say, just set the scene and let the characters naturally play off each other, which led to Max’s confession that killing Noah/Jones was the same as choosing not to save the likes of Frankie Vallete except it is easier for him to rationalize and keep himself from spinning out (though the guilt is still there)
🤲 what do YOU get out of writing?
A sense of community <3
Truly one of the main reasons I’m still writing, particularly in the rnm fandom cause everyone is just so sweet. Also, my writing itself is arguably improving so maybe some day my novel can be finished/polished/published
fic asks
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the-awful-falafel · 10 months
Everywhere I look in online discussions, a lot of people are genuinely happy that the recent R&M S7 episodes seem to be going back to basics / fundamentals with wacky fun adventures combined with the main family cast sincerely getting along and liking each other, and tbh I get it. The sheer cruel cynicism and "everyone is an unlikeable asshole" atmosphere of season 3 - season 5 threw a lot of fans off the show for a reason, especially with various instances of clumsy and deeply problematic writing/humor. So I think this return to early season vibes, but with a developed and less dysfunctional yet still hilariously immoral family, is a necessary palate cleanser for many people. The writers clearly course corrected here from going too "dark" by going back to a more "season 2 but healthy" feel, especially Rick and Morty's bond being stronger than ever, but... *sigh*.
I just wish they didn't pivot so awkwardly and jarringly away from the heavy themes and disturbing lows of Rick's behavior that they were exploring before transitioning to this return to status quo. I wish it felt like the show wasn't obsessed with romanticizing Rick and his love for his family and his capacity for change to the point that the ease of which the themes of familial abuse and codependency are resolved/handwaved feels hollow, unearned, and transparently like a writers' course correction rather than a natural evolution that grapples with the messy consequences instead of paying them only lip service. I wish I didn't find those darker concepts to be sincerely interesting and embedded deep enough in the character writing (particularly Morty's) to the point them being so awkwardly and hamfistedly resolved feels disproportionately upsetting to me and undermines my ability to enjoy the new "clean slate" status quo with everyone else.
(I can respect the argument that several of the dark themes in Rick and Morty season 3 onward weren't written particularly well, or it derailed from the humor or heart or sitcom dynamic, but I feel like the subtler themes of Rick's targeted abuse of Morty + more overt themes of Rick worsening the family through their enablement of him had real potential and nuance, so I got invested regardless. I think the answer to these themes being written a little sloppy wasn't to rush to resolve them in an even sloppier way, but to just write them *better* and more consistently. Unfortunately, only the broader theme of "Rick is a dick to his family" got resolved via Beth growing to not take his shit anymore (while still not changing the status quo much to be fair), and the other many examples of Rick being a uniquely awful person throughout seasons 3 and 4 got little to no follow-up or consequences to the same degree-- like I said before, lip service at most. It really just reads to me like the writers don't really know how to get rid of the pit they dug, so they threw some dirt in, proclaimed that it's now filled and that's a beautiful message about life, and are moving on while ignoring the hole that remains. And some fans will like that because they're eager to get away from having to care about the hole, while I thought the hole could have turned into something genuinely fascinating if they kept working on it, or at bare minimum just bothered to fill it back up completely instead of half-assing it. ... And this metaphor analogy is breaking down lol)
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lovecolibri · 2 years
SaL anon here friend and did I read correctly when I saw someone is using RNM to TEACH STUDENTS 😨😨😨??!! And the class isn't titled How To Never, Ever Write a Network Show Unless You Want To Have It Cancelled or Want To Be Fired??!! I truly hope those poor students aren't paying for that class.
YES!! It popped up sometime in s2 I think or that long hiatus? It's called "aliens and identity" or some nonsense like that, but they literally reblog fandom posts with analysis AS CLASS ASSIGNMENTS and have to do readings and post about episodes and stuff. And instead of using the same blog, the teacher creates a new one every semester so you can't just block it and be done, you have to block every blog, every semester and typically I only remember when I get a notification of them using my posts 😒😒😒 IDK what this teacher's deal is (though I suspect the post @winged-fool made is spot on), but literally whyyyy?? And RNM of all shows?! Really?? Tumblr is a scared place to scream into the void, GTFO with forcing your students into fandom spaces and violating the basic rules and etiquette OF those fandom spaces.
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I won't do it because I do at least feel a little bad for the kids just trying to do their classwork, but the urge to reblog that RNM class's shitty posts and utterly ignorant 'analysis' takes on the show with commentary like they do to our posts is soooo strong. How do YOU like someone picking apart your posts and reblogging for others to see hmm???
Honestly, I'm not that good a person, nonnie. Now that you've given me the idea, I just might. The assignment is bad, yes, but so are their critical thinking skills, and if they're going to go into fandom spaces, they need to be prepared for the zoo animals they're interacting with to respond, lol. And if they get upset, then it's on the teacher to explain to them that we're people who might have opinions of their opinions.
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petnews2day · 2 years
Pet Cat Surgical Solutions Market Size, Share Analysis, Key Companies, and Forecast To 2028 – Skegness Siren
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/vcl3
Pet Cat Surgical Solutions Market Size, Share Analysis, Key Companies, and Forecast To 2028 – Skegness Siren
RnM newly added a research report on the Pet Cat Surgical Solutions Market, which represents a study for the period from 2022 to 2029. The research study provides a near look at the market scenario and dynamics impacting its growth. This report highlights the crucial developments along with other events happening in the market which […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/vcl3 #CatsNews
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mandareeboo · 3 years
Really interesting quirk of Rick’s to keep giving Summer responsibilities and backups for his science. Like Morty’s day-to-day isn’t anything to scoff at but Rick is consistently and persistently giving Summer control of things he makes. 
This is Rick Sanchez- the man can pull otherworldly science out of his dick. He couldn’t had any number of science shit go down for the conch, but he knew Summer could and would. Likewise, he gave her a key and steps for morty’s mind blowers, when he could’ve entrusted that to his daughter or a neighbor or something. He seems to view Summer as reliably dependable to help fix his fuckups despite rarely dragging her on adventures.
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Fan Work Analysis Blog post
After looking through the many fan videos made by fans about Roswell New Mexico, one that caught my attention was Alex Manes- Pieces. This is a video that captures all of the struggles that Alex endures throughout this show. As a character that is not always front and center it is easy to forget all of the many struggles that he faces. However, after watching this video, it really gives a viewer an emotional look at what Alex goes through.
This video begins with a quote from Alex saying “I was never loved” over sad slow music. This was then followed by the scene of Alex’s dad beating up Micheal with Alex describing that his dad was a homophobic. This was one of Alex’s main struggles his entire life which is why this is a very impactful start to the video. Some fan videos are very upbeat and funny but this sets the tone right off the bat that this is a more serious one. It then has more quotes from Alex about his father that really capture the emotion that he feels during these moments. I really liked the emphasis the video put on Michael and his facial expression when Alex's dad has his hand around his throat. This really shows how much Michael cares for Alex and Alex’s dad affects both of them equally.
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Keeping the same sad slow music it switches to a clip of Kyle bullying Alex back in high school because he is gay. This is just another struggle that Alex has been through his whole life. Not just his dad didn’t accept him and treated him poorly for being gay, he has had to deal with many people treating him poorly his whole life.
From this point on most of the rest of the video focuses on Alex’s relationships with Michael and the struggles that come along with that. This is a bigger part of the video because there are a few sides to this. It is a very complex relationship with many emotions. One of the main emotions in this relationship is heartbreak. And a few clips of Michael and Alex talking about their relationship are played. These clips were chosen very well because the emotion in both of their voices is very palpable in all of the chosen clips. Once again the music adds to the emotion shown by the clip which makes this such a touching video.
While a lot of this video is sad, there is an up beat part of the song that is incorporated into the video. At one point the video shows Alex and Michael smiling and having a good time at the up beat part of the song because there are many times where Michael and Alex are having a good time. I like this aspect of the video because if it had betrayed Alex’s life as all sad that would not have been accurate. Despite having many struggles he does have parts of his life in which he finds great joy, and at many times Michael is that part of his life.
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