#ro: calypso
omen-of-ice · 5 months
How would the ROs react with shy mc?
Daeron: He’d be gentle and patient. Having met a variety of people over his many years alive, Daeron never wishes to people into doing things that they’re not ready to do (unless the time truly calls for it). Would go at your own pace and wait for you to come to him— knows what it’s like to pushed into a corner without any hope of escape; he wouldn’t wish to make you feel that way. Ever.
Larak: Wouldn’t truly understand it— would liken you to a field mouse. Being an Orc, he’s taught to take what you want, when you want it; to put yourself out there, even if it’ll leave you with scars and more pain than it’s worth. Because trying, at the end of the day, makes you feel more alive then simply letting things pass you by. He’d get used to your mannerisms though and learn to work around them (after a lot of blunders).
Calypso: She’d find it absolutely adorable. Calypso isn’t timid, nor is she afraid of putting herself out there, but she understands people that are more reserved/shy. She’d try her best to get you out of your shell and see the world for the beautifully wondrous place that it is. May be a bit overbearing at times though.
Shanaera: She’s quite reserved herself. Wouldn’t say she’s shy, by any means, but she’d probably be able to connect a bit more with an MC that is over the others. She’d simply let you go at your own pace, not even batting an eye, as she has to deal with a variety of people that can be even more timid than you. Trying to get a freaked out pixie to talk is a chore… She’d enjoy the soothing silences between you both; nothing needed to be spoken for things to be felt.
Fáelán: Has been with you for a long time— they understand your mannerisms completely and wouldn’t change you for the world. They can be quite timid at times too— although that can also quickly melt away into brashness— but they’d easily take on the mantle of being outgoing to get things done; as they’d never wish for you to do something that you’re not comfortable in doing.
Valerian: You’ve just gotten so much cuter in their eyes. A darling creature that’s scared to peek your head out of your shell? It’d entice them more and make them even more keen to get to know you— to figure out what you’re like when you finally do come out more. Would relish in that shyness and try to make you even more bashful— a knowing smirk on their face all the while.
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oleander-neruim · 2 days
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• Three of the men of Sausage's crew: Kyle Eef, Red D. Doons, & Apo Kuna. Close knit & having each other's back in plenty of cases, these three will be seen frequently throughout the Stories of the Crew.
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• Two of the ladies on Sausage's ship, Guqqie & Michela are two of the closest friends you'll see on the crew.
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• More of Sausages crew: Ros, Graecie, & Puffy. While Ros and Puffy also are found on Sausage'a main ship, Graecie acts as the head for one of his other ships during the voyage.
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• The "Brilliant Prophet," Acho Denholm. In death, stars been gifted powers of premonition & cursed with the helplessness & growing hollowness that comes from being a prophet in the Underworld
• A mysterious shifter and God of sorts & a creature of a shattered spirit, they have taken to the name "Scott Major." He's taken a starkly similar appearence to another in Sausage's life who could have had his heart once upon a time.
Here is the 3rd batch of characters, there should only be one left after this I swear--
I'm very excited to post the pennings and then starting full images on this AU. Do enjoy your time and as always, asks are welcome.
Also I do love this batch a lot but I am so incredibly happy with how Michela, Ros, & Guqqie turned out, goodness.
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Fleur Du Soleil Immortel
In the once-lively kingdom of Soleil, ruled by a caring royal family, a divine curse plunges the land into eternal rot and winter after their goddess loses her immortality. As the rot spreads, devastating the population and causing famines, the kingdom survives through scarce magic and struggles to sustain itself.
You, a child born out of an affair between Duke Forestier and an unknown mother, are abandoned and hidden away in a small cottage on the Forestier property. Treated as a servant by your own family, you endure years of abuse and neglect.
On your 10th birthday, your elder brother appears at your door, welcoming you into the family. However, life within the household proves to be far from welcoming, as you continue to face mistreatment.
Everything changes when the Emperor orders an arranged marriage between your elder sister and the Second Heir. Unexpectedly, your family sends you instead, thrusting you into a dangerous power struggle between two royals. Now, you must navigate the treacherous court, uncover the truth behind your strange healing abilities, and seek answers about your mysterious mother.
As you strive to survive amidst courtly intrigues, you may discover the key to saving the kingdom or become its very downfall. Will you find happiness and bring hope to Soleil, or will the weight of your circumstances consume you?
Genre: Fantasy, Mystery and Romance 
Rating: 18+ For child abuse, blood, sexually explicit scenes, Self Harm, Drinking, Smoking, Suicidal/depressing thoughts and Death. 
Customize your characters gender, sexuality, appearance, personality, interests ect!
Romance one of 6 possible ROs including poly routes or just befriend them!
Learn the secret to your powers, will you use them to help others or get revenge? 
Support the second heir in their fight for the crown or side with their brother! 
Do charity work and make change, including building a school for commoners!
Romance Options 
Anastasius/Anastasia Soleil The Second Heir 
A is 5'8 [5'1 Female] with a thin and frail body, ghostly pale skin that gives them a sickly appearance, even having a blue tinge. They have straight, snow white hair that stops a little above their shoulders[Waist length Female] that frames a heart shaped face, thick white lashes making their pale blue eyes stand out. They often have dark bags underneath them. Their right arm and left leg had been taken by the rot and are replaced with beautifully crafted prosthetics with Intricate designs, though sometimes they prefer their wheelchair. 
A is a cold and cunning person with a sharp tongue. They can be petty and quick to anger. Due to their poor health they have spent most their life confined to their bed chambers with occasional outings, though they are not to be underestimated as they have eyes and ears everywhere. Many who have crossed them are rumored to have disappeared.
William/Wilma Dufort The Knight 
They are 6’2 with a fit and athletic build from intense training as a knight. They have a warm brown skin with little freckles across an oval shaped face, dimples on each cheek. Light brown coils placed in a low messy ponytail. Vibrant green eyes framed by long thick lashes.
W is a kind and easygoing person, loyal to a fault. They are hardworking, dedicated to their job as a knight. They are friendly, often helping others out whenever they can, especially when it comes to A. They can be rather oblivious despite how many find them attractive. 
Calypso Alarie The Mysterious Mage
They are 5'9[5'6 as female] with Lithe yet fit frame, dark flawless brown skin. They have long black locs often placed in a messy bun. Golden eyes framed by thick lashes and a diamond shaped face. They have a beauty mark under their left eye. Their skin has a natural golden glitter to it.
They spend most of their time researching in the library, a true socially awkward bookworm. They get easily flustered when realizing someone is flirting with them. They can easily lose track of time when it comes to their work. They prefer to observe over interacting.
Asher De La Rue The Servant 
They are 5’9[5'4 Female] with a Lithe body and cool beige skin tone. They have messy obsidian black hair that stops a little past their ears, framing their diamond shaped face[Shoulder length Female) and covers their milky white eyes. 
Asher is a playful, flirty and sarcastic person. They never seem to take anything seriously. They are charming and can talk their way out of almost any trouble.
Liliana/Lillian Petit The Free Spirit
They are 5'4 with fair skin, they have a slender body covered in freckles. They have a heart shaped face with big dark brown doe eyes and messy ginger hair.[Long elaborate braid for female and somewhat short as male]
They are a free spirit, often seen entertaining others through song and dance. They are stubborn yet kind, looking at the world with a cup half full outlook. They are adventurous, often finding themselves in trouble.
Raymond/Ramona Destry Crown Princes Lapdog
They are 6'3 with a muscular build, with scarred olive skin. They have obsidian eyes and a black buzzcut, complementing their diamond shaped face. They have a scar going through their right eyebrow. 
R is arragont. They are extremely quick to anger and resort to violence against those they deem to have wronged them. They absolutely hate studying, unable to sit still long, or stay focused, preferring to be outside training or partaking in a battle or tournament. Despite being referred to as stupid, they are a master at handling weapons and formulating battle strategy. They are considered the Dog of the Crown Prince.
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satur9-if · 5 months
Calypso Update
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Merry Christmas, or Winter Solstice if you'd prefer. Saturnine has been updated to include the new "Calypso" chapter with 53k words, as well minor tweaks to prior content such as chapter headers and a handful of new options. Whether you want to be a heroic android or a knave, you now have more choices than ever before.
I’ll take a bit of a break now, since this was easily the largest update I’ve done yet. The next one will probably be an “interlude” section focused on hangouts with various ROs and NPCs generally, though I may work on two remaining locations as well, so there’s no telling when it’ll be finished.
Take care.
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grover-eats-cans · 5 months
I'm Grover
We can use technology now? cool! What's that app you were telling me about? tumblr..?
I'm Grover Underwood. I'm a Satyr (half goat half human. I'm better than you!) and He/They, and bisexual (headcanon)
Jason- @the-best-superman-on-olympus (Ship Brason 4 sure) Leo- @team-leoo (fire!) Annabeth- @annabeth-is-a-wise-girl (she will slap me) Thalia- @best-dam-huntress (I was her protecter once.. didn't go so well) Coach Hedge- @theonlycoachhedge Nico- @nico-the-ghost-king (Gay for Will) Calypso-@calypso-daughter-of-atlas Lester/Apollo-@why-did-i-get-acne (god??) Piper- @the-argo-ii-resident-matchmaker (Aphrodite's daughter) Will-@sunny-boy-solace (Glow-stick) Reyna- @bow-down-to-rara (RA-RA-RA-RO-RO-MA-MA) Luke-@lukemessedup (Was also his protecter. It sucked.) Hazel- @hazel-the-diamond
(my real acc is @you-will-meet-your-downfall, and I sometime rp as M Forkle @norwegian-trickster-god (KOTLC) and Katniss Everdeen @everdeen-the-girl-on-fire)
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Hi my name is Percy!
My dad is Poseidon..i'm part of the seven. Blah Blah Blah, you all know that. Im Bi, Use He/They Pronouns and Nonbinary. My tag will be #seaweed brains speaks And here's my friends: Jason- @the-best-superman-on-olympus (i could take him(on a date)) Leo- @team-leoo (fire boiiii) 💙💙Annabeth💙💙- @annabeth-is-a-wise-girl (Wise girl( just a friend)) Thalia- @best-dam-huntress (part of #teamdamit) Coach Hedge- @theonlycoachhedge (Still mad about the stable thing-) Nico- @nico-the-ghost-king (Liked Mythomagic) Calypso-@calypso-daughter-of-atlas (Kidnapped me on her Island) Lester/Apollo-@why-did-i-get-acne (Flirted with Thalia..and let her drive his chariot..we nearly died) Piper- @the-argo-2-matchmaker(Her dad's like super famous) Will-@sunny-boy-solace (Glow-stick) Reyna- @bow-down-to-rara (RA-RA-RA-RO-RO-MA-MA) Luke-@lukemessedup (did i have a crush on him..NO!!!) Hazel- @hazel-the-diamond (her horse's mouth needs to be washed with soap) Grover-@grover-eats-cans (i hate the consensus song) MOM!!!!!-@percys-blue-food-vendor (i love her <33333) Rachel- @thrower-of-hairbrushes-official (kissed me once) Tyson- @tyson-the-cyclops (Baby bro!!)
and my real blog is @the-gods-dam-snack-bar
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midnightsun-if · 5 months
I know you just shared Unscripted but what would the ROs be in the fantasy story you’re thinking of making? Do you have a title for it?
Omen of Ice would potentially be the name for it… It’d be a romance focused fantasy IF set within the Court of Vela’thian (with some adventures elsewhere) after the MC was chosen to be betrothed to the Elven King; for reasons that will be uncovered.
Daeron — The Elven King — Your betrothed, you don’t have to be happy about it, especially if your MC isn’t attracted to men, but royalty has a sense of duty and The North being linked to Vela’thian can only mean good things for your people. Standing at around 6’3”, Daeron cuts quite the figure within his ceremonial robes— a beautifully crafted crown sits atop locks of raven, some strands curling gently across his forehead— sharp golden eyes taking in the room, assessing every nook and cranny for potential threats.
Larak — The Orc Commander — Seeing an Orc isn’t something you were expecting upon entering Vela’thian— not after centuries of war between the elven nation and the Infernal Plains— but Larak isn’t someone you could miss. Light green skin stretches over taut muscle, his hulking form towering at 7’2”; he’s a mass of old scars and tattoos. Dark auburn locks are shaved on the sides and kept in a long ponytail down his back— only being intercepted by the broadsword across it.
Shanaera — The Dark Fae Assassin — The Royal Spymaster of Vela’thian; Shanaera is the closest to the King, being longtime friends. Golden hair falls in a cascade of waves and curls down her back like a waterfall, pooling at her hips. Lightly sun-kissed skin bringing out the brilliance of her amethyst colored gaze; grand wings situated on her back, the feathers a brilliant iridescent black. She stands at around 5’11”.
Calypso — The Siren — Meeting a Siren isn’t something you’d ever imagine you’d do, but it seems like anything can happen within Vela’thian. Dark brown skin, intercepted by areas of iridescent blue scales, complements the sea green of her gaze. Midnight blue hair falling down her back in voluminous curls that brings out the warmth within her smile. In her human form she stands at around 5’1”.
There would be two gender selectable ROs added to the list as well— one being your childhood best friend (as I enjoy the trope).
Hopefully this answers your question!
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carpedzem · 1 year
heres compliment section for everyone who was namedropped ^_^
Mandragora minecraftdog is srsly a living ray of sunshine i love them
brio's calypso fic changed my life forever
Sif is an omnipresent being. I'm scared of her.
sally is the best
no one has murdered Q yet. Well done! (why do you guys literally hate me im going to cancel the awards)
Dreamiara is an absolute dear and I want her to win something
dreamhot , he's just very sane and based
gnfogies best ask blog
elmhat is so fucking cool and deserves more compliments !
kiuda is also swag
dr3 is pretty cool
hi ro ily
charlie is pretty okay too i guess (:* charlie)
loyal simplepotatofarmer ftw always and forever they're heart and soul of everything good in this world
Froggyrights is also very nice! You guys seem like great friends which makes me happy to see aswell
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ok nobody asked me to elaborate but heres my pjo a(ro)spec headcanons
piper: aromantic lesbian
the whole false memories thing with juno made shit SO difficult to figure out
like she was a 16yro girl, already struggling to figure out her place in the world vis a vi being nattive, being mixed, being adhd and dyslexic, and then her baby aro lesbian ass gets fake memories of a boyfriend?? 
her thing with jason was the biggest instance comphet+compallo attraction in existence okay
its not until piper gets away from the questing/camper life and subsequently, the aphrodite cabin, that she starts realising how she feels about romance and re-evaluating some stuff 
considering her relationship with shel, i see her as romance positive/favourable but she defo has some complex feelings going on there
speaking of, piper was so focused on the revelation that she was aro that it took her a while to figure out she was lesbian too 
she kind of assumed she was some flavour of ace for a while but other sapphics around camp clocked her and gently nudged her towards the realisation of ‘yes you dont feel that way about guys. but have you considered: women?’
piper: i thought not wanting to date anyone meant i didnt want to kiss anyone, but... i think.. i want to kiss girls 
piper bolting awake at 3am after a dream about her time on the argo ii: oh shit i totally was into annabeth wasnt i? 
leo: aromantic bi demi-grey-asexual 
oh gods leo valdez 
he has zero fucking clue he’s anything but straight and allo until reyna casually mentionsn one day that her and a lot of the other hunters are asexual 
he’s only ever heard of gay, bi and lesbian so he asks reyna what ‘asexual’ means 
cue the most epiphany prompting conversation of leo’s life
leo voice: wait so you’re telling me that there are some people who just like, arent interesting in sex, at all? and not only that, but ppl can feel that way about romance too? 
once terms like demi and grey start getting thrown around too he kinda has a freak out and reyna sends him off with a book abt asexuality and aromanticism + some awkward advice 
three months of introspection and more than a few breakdowns later leo figures out that hes aro, hes demi-grey-ace, and that that is most likely why his relationship with calypso didnt exactly work out 
(he also thinks the terms cupioromantic and/or quoiromantic/sexual might aply to him but hes not wholly sure) 
just like piper he had some major compallo going on, he just thought being ‘girl crazy’ was how guys his age were supposed to act and never questioned why it felt like more of a joke for him rather than his true feelings
he figures out the bi part once he goes to college and is like cmon man i already had one sexuality crisis do i really gotta do this shit again
jason: aromantic straight demisexual 
jason wasnt raised with as much allo/amatonormativity as other ppl bc he was literally raised by wolves then the legion, but juno yoinking his memories kinda fucked with that 
once again, serious case of compallo in regards to piper, he knew he found her pretty and liked her as a friend and didnt understand for a long time that a crush was supposed to be ‘different’ or ‘more than that’ 
jason struggles with his sense of identity and definitely has this strong heroic leader persona he puts up and well, the hero always gets the girl doesnt he? 
he died before he got the chance to really figure out that he was a(ro)spec (and that there were words for what he was feeling) but he knew he felt different about romance and sex than most other teens 
the fact that he was more worried about them not being friends anymore rather than losing his girlfriend when piper broke up with him kinda tipped him off 
he did have some pretty big queerplatonic feelings for both piper and leo though which in hindsight kind of explains, other than the trauma, why he bonded with them so quickly 
annabeth: biromantic asexual 
a decent number of athena kids are aspec (their mom literally conceives via a ‘meeting of intelligent minds’, no sex required at all) so she kinda slot herself pretty easily into the ‘asexual’ label after realising that despite dating percy for literal years, she had zero interesting in getting more ‘physical’ with him
(percy is allo but doesnt give a shit about sex if annabeth doesnt give a shit about it. he’s just happy to be close to her) 
precisely because of the fact that’d she’d been dating percy for years meant that figuring out the biromantic part took ages lmao 
it feels really obvious to her in hindsight 
annabeth: ‘oh gods percy i had a crush on thalia, i had a crush on clarisse, i had a flirtationship with piper, i almost had a crush on reyna’
percy, in the middle of his own bi crisis: i know the feeling wisegirl 
she doesnt really,, do much?? after figuring out shes bi, annabeth’s already happily in a committed , monogamous relationship, but it feels nice for her to have learned something new about herself 
overall i see her as sex neutral/indifferent, she doesnt hate the idea but its not something she’d really intentionally seek out
as mentioned, percy is pretty sex neutral/indifferent (but like, in the allo way) too so the two of them just never really bother lol 
quickfire bonus round: 
reyna, evidently, is our canon allo-ace queen. this isnt a headcanon i just like reminding people :) she’s also bi/pan oriented (she uses both terms interchangeably) 
thalia is aroace and has never once gotten what all the hype is about, she assumed people were joking or like at least overexaggerating when they talked about romance and sex 
artemis/diana is also aroace obviously (apollo is pan tho, theyre twins they balance each other out) 
frank is demisexual n straight
calypso is demisexual and demi-lithromantic, pan oriented 
travis stoll is allo-ace, connor stoll is aro-allo, they think this is hilarious
magnus chase is also greyromantic and demisexual, bi oriented 
ok im done 
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oleander-neruim · 2 months
Alrighty everyone so here's what's going to be my "Master Post" for my new brainroting AU.
Welcome to "A Myth's Voyage AU"
Essentially this is a Pirates SMP & Empires SMP x Epic The Musical AU. It follows a loose Canon of Pirates, the storyline of Epic, and nonesense and shenanigans thrown into the mix.
~•~•Behold our lovely Cast & Crew•~•~
『•Fully Established/Solidified•』
• Sausage Mythos as Odysseus 「#Odysseus!Sausage」, the Captain and protagonist of our story
• Joel Beans as Penelope 「#Penelope!Joel」, the Sausage's spouse & stand-in head of the Isles
• Hermes Mythos-Beans as Telemachus 「#Telemachus!Hermes」, Sausage's son
• Will Renais as Polites 「#Polites!Will」, 3rd in command & Sausage's closest crewmate
• Kuervo Fang as Eurylochus 「#Eurylochus!Kuervo」, 2nd in command
• Kyle Eef as Permides 「#Permides!Kyle」, pilot of the head ship
• Red D. Doons as Elpenor 「#Elpenor!Redd」, member of Sausage's main crew
• Aeor as Zeus 「#Zeus!Aeor」, God of Life & Storms
• Exor as Athena 「#Athena!Exor」, God of Death & Wisdom
• Codfather Jimmy as Polyphemus 「#Polyphemus!Jimmy」, a giant bipedal fish monster, "Cyclopes"
• Ocean Queen Lizzie as Poseidon 「#Poseidon!Lizzie」, Goddess of the Ocean
• Pearl Moon as Aeolus 「#Aeolus!Pearl」, Goddess of the Winds
• Fwhip Grim as Hermes 「#Hermes!Fwhip」, Messenger God of Travel
• Gemini Tay Grim as Circe 「#Circe!Gem」, Goddess & Sorceress of Magic
• Acho Denholm as Tiresias 「#Tiresias!Acho」, the Prophet
『•Likely Established/Not Featured Yet•』
• Oli Orion as Apollo 「#Apollo!Oli」, God of the Sun & Music
• Pixlriffs as Hephaestus 「#Hephaestus!Pix」, God of the Forge & Craft
• Katherine Elizabeth as Aphrodite 「#Aphrodite!Katherine」, Goddess of Love & War
• Shrub Berry as Ares 「#Ares!Shrub」, God of War & Bravery
• Joey Graceffa as Hera 「#Hera!Joey」, God of Marriage & Family
• Scott Major as Calypso 「#Calypso!Scott」, Nymph of the Sea, a shapeshifter
• Owen Orange as Antinous 「#Antinous!Owen」, lead suitor & attempted usurper of the "throne"
『• Additional Cast •』
• Guqqie Mey, member of Sausage's main crew
• Michela Ray, member of Sausage's main crew
• Ros Cumber, member of Sausage's main crew
• Puffy Kara, member of Sausage's main crew
• Graecie Elaine, head of another ship on Sausage's fleet
〔Relevant Tags〕
• #AMyth'sVoyageAU -> Main tag for the AU
• #VoyageQueries -> Tag for questions about the AU
• #VoyageTapestries -> Tag for art related to the AU
• #VoyageGossip -> Tag for random rambles or thoughts on the AU
I'm not sure what all should be included here honestly but I can add on as we go.
Some names may end up being placeholders if I think of something better but this is what we're working with right now.
My ask box is always open for those who have curiosities or perhaps scene requests
Enjoy your time & enjoy the story
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musecraft · 2 years
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🪐 — # 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐅𝐓 :  an indie multimuse featuring canon characters from a myriad of fictional worlds. as written by 𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲. this blog is private, iconless, selective, low-activity, plot-heavy.  please read rules before following !
closely affiliated with — @immobiliter + @mysfated + @shadowcovcn + @walkpathe + @polarnoid
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● 1. 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐃 )  ● 2.  𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 )  ● 3.  𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐒 )
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● DO NOT INTERACT : all minors, non-mutuals, & personal blogs. any who break this rule will be blocked. this is a private rp blog written by an adult whose intended audience is other adult rp writers.
●  i prefer for the bulk of my interactions to be PLOT BASED. the best way to interact with me is always via plotting. just send a message, or fill out my interest form.
●  this blog is iconless, but my partners are welcome to use icons if they wish.
●  i consider this blog to be LOW ACTIVITY. i'm a pretty slow writer. while respectful reminders are welcome, please do not rush me me for replies. likewise, there is no time limit on my interactions,  &  memes never expire. please take all the time you need !  i will never rush you for a response.
●  if you send a meme, please specify the muse that it is intended for. all meme responses will be formatted as starters on this blog. please continue them, if you would like !
●  nsfw  &  potentially triggering content may appear on this blog, but will always be tagged. i will use the dash method when tagging. ie: drug use /
●  i love a good ship. however, shipping with me requires plotting, & will be contingent on the presence of IC + OOC CHEMISTRY. please do not try to ship with my muses without discussing it with me first.
●  i maintain a very strict ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for ooc drama. i won't put drama on your dash, so please don't put it on mine. remember, unfollowing is free ! ●   this post uses this banner template. all graphics on this blog were made by me, most using this psd. the audio in this post is new world coming (darDARK remix).
●  out of character, i go by rosemary, but will also accept rosie or just ro.  they/she  pronouns, please !  i have been a member of the tumblr rpc on-and-off since 2013,  &  am now in my late 20s. i am located in the EST (-5) timezone. mutuals are welcome to ask for my discord !
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— CANON CHARACTERS ; ● CALYPSO "TIA DALMA". pirates of the caribbean. information. ● CARLISLE CULLEN. twilight, canon divergent. information. ● IZZY HANDS. our flag means death. information. ● MIRANDA BARLOW. black sails. information. ● MORTICIA ADDAMS. the addams family. information. ● NADJA OF ANTIPAXOS. what we do in the shadows. information. ● OLA NYMAN. sex education. information. ● RACHEL “RAE” EARL. my mad fat diary. information. ● RAHIM HARRAK. sex education. information. ● SARAH FIER. the fear street trilogy. information. ● STEDE BONNET. our flag means death. information. ● TOMMY HERNANDEZ. stranger things. information. — ORIGINAL CHARACTERS ; ● SERENA "BIRDIE" BYRD. information. ● GIOVANNI DI CARLO. guitar player. companion. information. ● BRIAN WALKER. bass player. companion. information. — TEST MUSES ; ● ANNE BONNY. black sails. ● HARUKA TENOU. sailor moon. ● LOTTIE MATTHEWS. yellowjackets. ● OLUWANDE BOODHARI. our flag means death. ● SPANISH JACKIE. our flag means death. ● WEE JOHN FEENEY. our flag means death.
● blogroll : @harringtontm + @008tm + @greyjoytm
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lavatica · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Ros hommerson tan light powder blue denim nautical preppy yacht sneakers size 11.
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snackpointcharlie · 10 months
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Starting from the ends of the earth and working our way back it’s Snackpoint Charlie, with more music from elsewhere and beyond to bewitch, bother and bewilder. 10pm every 1st & 3rd Wednesday on WGXC, 90.7-FM for upstate New Yorkers but if you missed this week’s show it’s podcast-ready NOW at the link in the comments below
Snackpoint Charlie - Transmission 120 - 2023.08.02 https://wavefarm.org/wf/archive/vhrgxw [ ^ click for download ^ ]
1) Linda Mary Montano - excerpt from WHAT COULD GO WRONG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKrMDItGXdM
2) Jupiter & Okwess - “Jim Kata” from NA KOZONGA https://jupiterokwess.bandcamp.com/album/na-kozonga
3) The Budos Band - “Crescent Blade” from FRONTIER'S EDGE https://www.diamondwestrecords.com/
4) Tyger Tyger - “The Chase” https://www.tygertygerofficial.com/
(Underbed throughout:) Pinchas Gurevich - “Learning to Balk,” “Plentysparkle”
5) Fayza Ahmed - “(Sono Cairo BSV 69)” https://www.discogs.com/artist/3507048-%D9%81%D8%A7%D9%8A%D8%B2%D8%A9-%D8%A3%D8%AD%D9%85%D8%AF
6) Ricardo Dias Gomes - “Real News” from FEELING SO FRESH / REAL NEWS https://ricardodiasgomes.bandcamp.com/album/real-news
7) Dengue Fever - “Touch Me Not” from TING MONG https://denguefevermusic.com/
8) Sinn Sisamouth & Ros Serey Sothea - “Yuvachon Yuvatey Samai Tmai (New Generation Youth)” from GROOVE CLUB VOL. 2: CAMBODIA ROCK SPECTACULAR! https://www.discogs.com/release/3835435-Various-Groove-Club-Vol-2-Cambodia-Rock-Spectacular
9) Mukesh - “Diwana Mujh Ko Log Kahen” from MUSIC OF YOUR CHOICE - MOTION PICTURE MUSIC OF INDIA VOL. 4 https://www.discogs.com/release/15244054-Various-Music-Of-Your-Choice-Motion-Picture-Music-Of-India
10) Arthur Verocai - “Flying to LA” from TIMELESS: ARTHUR VEROCAI https://www.discogs.com/master/352012-Arthur-Verocai-Mochilla-Presents-Timeless-Arthur-Verocai
11) Yao Lee - “Life is a Stage” https://www.discogs.com/artist/609720-Yao-Lee https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/25/arts/music/yao-li-dead.html
12) Koko Koswara - “Badminton” https://www.discogs.com/release/15899233-Koko-Koswara-Badminton-Berju-Leutix
13) Lord Invader - “New York Subway” from THE REAL CALYPSO (1927-1946) https://www.discogs.com/release/6314114-Various-The-Real-Calypso-1927-1946
14) Hussain Marican & Orkes Melayu - “Pertanyaan” from BRAMACHARI https://www.discogs.com/release/14981803-Hussain-Marican-Orkes-Melayu-Bramachari-Usah-Bersedeh https://madrotter-treasure-hunt.blogspot.com/2023/06/hussain-marican-orkes-melayu-bramachari.html
15) Thomassini Juicers - “02 Aug 23” from SOUND PLEASE https://tommasinijuicers.bandcamp.com/
16) O.M. Soneta & Oma Irama & Elvy Sukaesih - “Sampai Pagi” from BEGADANG https://www.discogs.com/release/9705237-Oma-Irama-Elvy-Sukaesih-OM-Soneta-Begadang
17) Linda Mary Montano - excerpt from WHAT COULD GO WRONG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKrMDItGXdM
18) Black Ox Orkestar - “Mizrakh Mi Ma'arav / East From West / מִןְרַח מִמַּעֲרָב” https://www.discogs.com/release/24215636-Black-Ox-Orkestar-Mizrakh-Mi-Maarav https://jewishcurrents.org/
19) Illusion of Safety - “Waste of Civilization” from ORGAN CHOIR DRONE https://illusionofsafety.bandcamp.com/album/organ-choir-drone with 20) Yvette Mimieux & Ustad Ali Akbar Khan - “A Murdered Woman” from BAUDELAIRE'S FLOWERS OF EVIL (LES FLEURS DU MAL) https://www.discogs.com/master/512274-Yvette-Mimieux-Ustad-Ali-Akbar-Khan-Baudelaires-Flowers-Of-Evil-Les-Fleurs-Du-Mal
21) Yanti Bersaudara - “Menuai Padi” from BIMBO GUEST STAR YANTI https://www.discogs.com/release/15820983-Bimbo-14-Iin-Yanti-Bersaudara-Bimbo-Guest-Star-Yanti
22) Linda Mary Montano - excerpt from WHAT COULD GO WRONG https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKrMDItGXdM
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choism · 1 year
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Hello! This is essentially just a breakdown of how to properly navigate my blog! This is mostly just the tags that I use <3
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Anons - 👤 for non tagged asks
Mutual tags - Lua 🪽 Kat 🪻 Nea 🦔 Kris 🧃 Kari 🍹 JJ 🎸 Ro 🐻 Nu 🧋 Nalani 🌺 Sol 🦦 Savv ☄️ Mads 🥔 Bee 🐝 V 🍬 Lily ⚘️ Joyce 🦨 Hon 🍯 Liv 🦝 Madison 🥞 Nova 🌱 Emily 💖 Jen 🐶 Lana 🌿 Wooyo 🦊 Sunny 🌤 Queenie 👑 Nora 🐼 Bee 🌹Venus 🪐 Calypso 🌙 Kaili 🦋 Alicia 🦆 Aera ⚖️ Alyssa ⭐️
Fic recs tag - #♡: jenna's recs
Navigation posts - #cs: navi, #cs: masterlist, #cs: guidelines, #cs: taglist
All asks are under #cs: ask
Textposts and thoughts are under #jenna.txt
Feedback replies are under #cs: feedback
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Máy hút sữa Y tế Thụy Sĩ Ardo Calypso điện đôi
Máy hút sữa Y tế Thụy Sĩ Ardo Calypso điện đôi
MÁY HÚT SỮA Y TẾ ARDO – Sản xuất tại Thụy Sĩ Kh��c biệt với các sản phẩm máy hút sữa thương mại, Ardo Calypso là dòng máy hút sữa Y tế được SẢN XUẤT TẠI THỤY SĨ với chất lượng và độ an toàn tuân thủ nghiêm ngặt theo tiêu chuẩn khắt khe của Thụy Sĩ. Hệ thống CHỐNG TRÀN KHÉP KÍN tuyệt đối, đảm bảo nguồn sữa mẹ được vô khuẩn và ngăn ngừa rủi ro sữa tràn vào ống truyền lực gây hỏng động cơ. Máy hút…
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ezzydean · 2 years
Weird Writer Questions: #4, 27, and 13
Weird Questions for Writers
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
i do like the word ‘ethereal’ a lot for some reason and i love the words ‘fucking mugs’ (because it is usually said to me in anger and i live for that shit) but i don’t know of one particular word that tips me over the edge?  i’m sure you or Ro might know what word sets me off lol
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
most stressful would probably be when i write fics with Kageyama.  he’s not necessarily hard for me to write but at the same time he is.  for an oc it would be Calypso.
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
other than things that squick me out to begin with i can’t think of much?  maybe things that are more technical or that i would need more research for to write well (like writing about a specific profession or setting).  being able to write fantasy or everyday magic or supernatural-type things are definitely easiest for me.
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