safehouse-if · 2 years
Me: Gushing over all the Ros
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Also me: Sees Red flag Ro
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What can I say....reds a pretty color
Thanks for the gushing! I'm glad that the ROs are doing what they are supposed to do. 😆
S will appreciate that kind of show but are you sure you want to leave yourself so vulnerable so readily?
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rowenasgf · 2 months
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your f/o would never leave you for somebody else. they'd never leave you for someone else because they'd never think that another person could fill their needs better than you. they want you and only you, exactly as you are. you give them everything they've ever wanted. they love you, and they think you're perfect for them <3
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please DNI if you post taboo ( inc3st, r@pe, ag3play ) whether fictional or not
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alpacacare-archive · 10 months
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the brainworms are kiiling me. have a dad and son 👍︎
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kalopsic-lagomorph · 1 year
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Tbe lesbian spectum
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roseblog-rog · 10 months
I Guess I Do Belong in the Woman’s Room.
It’s always a scary endeavor: going into a public restroom as a trans person. There’s always that fear of being outed or shunned or screamed at or punished or SOMETHING. So many risks, all for pissing. But I digress, I have no time to worry due to how badly I have to go.
I enter the woman’s room to find a group of five girls doing makeup in the long mirror which spans the whole bathroom, lined with sinks and soap dispensers. The floor is white with recently cleaned tiles, the gray stalls packed together on the opposite side. The walls are a soft shade of pink that almost feels…comforting. Inviting.
Though no other people aside from the group appear to be in here, I move quick. I swiftly and quietly do my business and exit the stall to wash my hands, moving to the opposide side away from the group of girls, who are now giggling and applying their different colored lipstick. They’re all really fucking pretty, and I feel a warm blush creep up onto my face. I pray their laughter has nothing to do with me. That hope is short lived, however, as one of them—the one with red lips—speaks in a deep airy voice once I finish washing my hands.
“Hey girl, your fly is still open.”
Shit. Well that’s embarrassing. I nod and quickly fiddle with my zipper. I must’ve forgotten to zip it up after buttoning my pants with how much I was rushing to leave. Hopefully they didn’t notice my—
The one with pink lips speaks now, her voice being much higher and softer. “I’m sorry…but is that a bulge?”
Fuck. Now all five girls are glancing down at the bulge in my jeans. It looks so much more obvious in this new light. My face goes completely red.
“No! No. I uh…uhm…” I struggle to formulate an excuse, voice on the verge of cracking with how high and feminine I’m trying to make it combined with the tears starting to form my eyes. My worst fears were being realized, and the most embarrassing part is my gock begins twitching from all the attention.
Red chuckes and speaks again. “Hey, don’t worry girl. In case you haven’t noticed you’re not the only one packing here.”
The blunt response startles me, but with the invitation to look I now notice that all five of them also have bulges, though theirs are much harder than mine, which makes me shiver from…something.
“We didn’t mean to startle you.” Purple speaks in a rough, bright voice, elbowing Pink, who looks down in shame. “We were just, well,” she glances back down at my crotch and smirks “curious.”
“Yeah, sorry for the scary question. We get how it can be in public restrooms.” Pink looks incredibly guilty.
“Haha…yeah, sorry. I didn’t mean to get so startled.” My voice settles in it’s natural state, which is still fairly feminine, though deep enough to warrant ‘suspicion’. The blush slowly fades from my face, the tears subside and my breath levels. I’m safe.
“Though I have to ask…why were you so afraid? You belong in here just like anyone else.” Blue pipes in with her quiet and monotone voice, raising an eyebrow at me.
I itch to leave, but something about the group is so comforting and intriguing that I endulge their curiosity. “Well…not really. I mean, I’m at a point in my transition where I’m much more feminine……” I trail off.
“But..?” Purple prompts.
“But I’m still so tall and lanky, my voice is deep, my stubble is annoyingly apparent…I guess I don’t feel pretty enough to be in here comfortably.”
The last member of the group, Orange, walks forward towards me at this response, clearly checking me out. I fidget in place as she gets closer. She’s taller than me, just an inch or two, but still noticeable as I slightly tilt my head up to look at her face. She’s beautiful. Her voice is so silky smooth it brings my blush right back onto my face.
“I think you’re pretty.”
I look down at the ground, my blush reaching embarrassing levels of red. I blush way too easily. “Thank you, uh, I think you’re pretty too.” I notice just how much my voice wobbles, whether it be from embarrassment or being so flustered.
Orange lifts her right hand up to my chin, using her pointer finger to gently lift my face back up to meet her gaze. I twitch again, ugh. “I mean it, how could you think you aren’t pretty enough to be here?”
She turns my body to face the mirror, and I really look at myself: my red and freckled face, my long blonde hair, my wide hips, my bulked up arms, my boobs…everything. Orange stands right behind me, softly smiling as she moves her hands down my waist. It feels so fucking good, I’ve always been so sensitive to touch…but…
“W..wait! I barely know you.” I stutter out as I move away from her. My hardening gock betrays my sentiment, but I ignore it.
Orange’s gaze softens. “That’s okay…forgive me for being so forward.” She glances down. “Though it seems like someone wants more.”
My face feels so hot I think I might just die. I can barely even get any words out, just mindless stutters. The only word I manage to speak before my mind completely blanks is “Please.”
Orange’s gaze darkens with a smirk. “Girls! Let’s help her realize just how pretty she is.”
The five of them now crowd around me, moving me so I once again face the mirror. I’m shaking, my now fully erect gock starting to drip as Red lifts my shirt off of me. Pink goes to undo my jean button and zipper while Black pulls them down. Blue undoes my bra while Orange once again begins feeling up my now exposed body. Despite the circumstances it feels so…freeing. So beautiful and—oh FUCK.
Red begins to kiss just above my right breast, leaving a very obvious lipstick mark. The five of them grin so simultaneously it’s almost terrifying. Almost. They all begin feeling me up while kissing me with their multicolored lips. I’m moaning and whimpering so much at this point that one of them exclaims “Looks like someone’s a noisemaker. She’s adorable!” However, my mind is so fuzzy and warm at this point that I can’t even tell who says it.
They’re pressed so closely against my shaking frame that it’s impossible for me to fall to my knees despite my wobbling. I can feel their hot bodies against mine, hear their heavy breathing as we all start to sweat. My skin begins to be covered with red and pink and purple and blue and orange. Little reminders of this wonderful group.
Soon enough one of them pulls my panties down and immediately makes an excited noise at my hard, dripping gock. “Holy shit! You’re gorgeous!” I then feel the now familiar sensation of a mouth being closed around it, a tongue starting to feel around it, and this earns several loud moans. The kisses from the other four girls get rougher and more sensual: sucking and biting and licking all over my quivering frame.
I feel bliss, seeing my naked body being marked and used and sucked by all these women, and I start to feel so beautiful. I notice the clear markings and lip stains…but I also notice my soft skin and nice curves and all the little things I don’t usually stop to look at. I notice how pretty and shiny my gock is, as each girl takes turns sucking on it.
I feel everything. There’s so much stimulus that I start shaking harder and moaning even more. I can barely hold myself up, but one of them is clutching me tightly by the hips to keep me from falling. “I want you to say how pretty you are.” Of course. Who am I to deny her?
“I’m pretty.” I barely get the words out.
“Again. Say it like you mean it.”
I feel myself teetering on the edge of an orgasm, a rare sensation for me with how far my transition is. I’m now completely coated in multicolored lips and bite marks and hickeys and various fluids. It’s…well, it’s pretty.
“I’m pretty!” I shout it this time, staring myself down in the mirror.
“One more time, you’re doing so good.”
“I’m pretty! I’m so fucking pretty!” I lock eyes with myself as I cum into whoever’s mouth is sucking me. I’m breathing so heavily I’m almost afraid for my safety…but these women are here for me. I’m okay.
They help me sit down and crowd closely around me, the scent of our sweat and their makeup becoming much more apparent. It’s all so wonderful and safe and relaxing that my eyes start to shut as they coddle me and play with my hair.
“It’s okay baby, you can rest.”
The last thought running through my mind is how pretty I am before I fade out of consciousness.
MY FIRST TIME WRITING SMUT WOAG!!! Because this is such a momentous occasion and I am so awesome, @xenasaur @lilithtransrights enjoy my cool lil thing.
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spitinsideme · 4 months
ragatha acting like pomni doesnt give her attention 24/7 (pomni enjoys it actually, she wont admut it though !!)
(demon x nun au !!)
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art-ro-vert · 7 months
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That’s a scene from this fic!
It made me laugh so hard, I had to draw it 😂
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childrenofcain-if · 4 days
A lot of people are going to get whiplash when they meet these ROs in-story because they'll be nothing like the ones in the asks and scenarios you've written.
Those version of the ROs are at the stage where they've known the MC and either grown to have feelings for them (M, V and D) or have finally accepted their feelings (C(?) and W).
But the versions we're going to meet in-story are complete strangers.
I'm prepared for that, but I can see it effecting a lot of your other potential readers. It'll be interesting to see if any one has any specific RO in mind they want to pursue first but decide going with someone else because reality smashed their expectations, lol.
oh god, i really hope they’re not expecting that 😭 the ROs don’t even get introduced till chapter 2 so it’s going to disappoint a lot of people if they’re expecting it to go exactly like the scenarios from the get go. but then again, i think my readers have read enough IFs to know how storylines work.
also the demo releases in around 2½ hours so i’m super pumped for that, let’s go!
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skinandscales-if · 7 days
How would the ROs react to MC in their dragon form begging for belly rubs?
😭 oh no so cute
Atlas is not budging. What are you doing that’s a very serious form, take it seriously. It’s a responsibility- no- no don’t do that with your eyes. Ugh.
Puck finds it hilarious. Aw but of course, get over here. You better not have any ticklish spots though, because those are soon to be extorted.
Skye isn’t gonna pass this opportunity up. Yes yes, and more yes, please let her get a turn after pleaseee~ Expect to get snake-wrapped into a cuddle pile though.
Reese thinks it’s embarrassing. Seriously you’re putting down the entire species with that begging dear god. Fine. Fine just don’t tell anyone move over.
??? thinks you’re planning something. Don’t show your belly that’s- that’s just waiting for someone to exploit it, idiot.
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fofi42 · 20 days
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Taskmaster s18, first two episodes
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wings-of-ink · 4 months
MC runs up to an RO grabs their nose and innocently says "I've got your nose!" before running off with their "nose" cackling evilly.
Lol, I do appreciate an ornery MC...let's assume we're still deep into the flirting with feelings stage or even a sweet friendship (not that it would change the response a ton in general) . Perhaps they are all on a break back in MC's hometown...
Oswin: he's shocked at first as he tries to process what just happened. He places a hand to his face and watches MC run. He starts to run and then stops and thinks. Starts again and stops again. It's so absurd that he finally just gives in and laughs before trying to rein himself back in.
Zahn: it's on. They take off after MC yelling things like, "Stop thief!" and "Not my nose! It's my best feature!" If Zahn can catch up, they will literally pounce and latch on to MC koala-style and try to wrestle their nose back.
Duri: *big wicked grin* They give MC a head start, it's only fair....and it makes the chase that much more exciting. Once they take off, they catch up with ease, but instead of snatching back their nose, they snatch MC's coin purse and taunt them with it. "Fair payment for such a beautiful nose, don't you think?"
Rune: *sigh* *fighting smile really hard* It is so very tempting to go full-mage and handle this, have some fun of their own...but they are in public...so maybe just a subtle display? They conjure their magic into a mist that shimmers purple, sending it out to chase MC with alarming speed. It finds MC by the ankles and wraps around their whole body without restricting movement. MC gets a warm and pleasant sensation, distracting enough to make them stop. It travels all the way to the tip of their own nose, and then it dissipates. It feels...like a kiss.
???: Watches but doesn't react; he plots. MC, perhaps a bit perplexed at the non-reaction continues about their day. They return to their room that night - the room that's on the second story...and it's empty. Their furniture - the handmade, solid wood furniture - and belongings are all gone. A note left on the floor reads, 'got your everything.'
Thank you for the ask, Anon! ^_^
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artofthero · 6 months
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i care her <3
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goatpaste · 3 months
mlm axl ro would make me so happy, same with demi ringo and demi disco and trans dr ferdinand
god that’s a lot but if that’s too many do whatever you’re comfortable doing!
woo! gotcher self a whole collection of boys!!
also hope this was the correct demi you wanted ;w;
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icons free to use with credit!
Buy your local Bitrans Man a Kofi!
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circuit-if · 11 months
How would you rank the ROs in terms of angst levels? 👀
Least to most:
Carmen - I give her a 3/10 for angst levels. She's amazing.
Nicholas/Nadine - 4/10 for angst, although most of the time it's like -1/10.
Sadie/Spencer - ranges from 5/10 to 7/10, depending on what you do. very sweet route, but yknow. forbidden love!
Roman - ranges from 7/10 to 9/10, again, depending on what you do. the angst starts wayy early into the story, before you even meet the others.
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demifiendrsa · 3 months
BLEACH Rebirth of Souls – Announcement Trailer
Bleach Rebirth of Souls is in development for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, and PC (Steam).  A release date has yet to be announced.
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Key visual
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Unleash your sword. Awaken the blade within you and reverse your fate in BLEACH: Rebirth of Souls! Engage in thrilling battles with powerful sword abilities and characters from this legendary anime franchise. Choose your favorite character and unleash their unique sword abilities! Take advantage of each character’s unique abilities and command the flow of battle to find an opening that spells defeat for your enemies. In Bleach: Rebirth of Souls, a single strike can spell defeat for you or your opponent. The more desperate the situation, the more powerful you become. Overturn the tide of battle and unlock new forms and new blades to bring victory from the edge of defeat!
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tosahobi-if · 14 days
yul inspiration board? 🥺🥺🥺
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you ask and i deliver!
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