#roadhog butcher
jamiesmeatshop · 8 months
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oh how long ive wanted to make this drawing, and ‘ve finally brought it to fruition
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formlessvoidbeast · 2 years
A deal with a demon, and a doomed town. This tragedy begins with blood and fire. So, too, shall it end.
It’s Halloween Month again, so I thought I’d re-share this very odd roadrat fic I wrote during Plague Year 1.
A trio of angry teens summon a demon to take revenge on anyone they felt had wronged them. It was a bad choice, and their bad luck that the demon who answered was Junkrat. The chaos builds slowly, then faster and faster until Junkrat can summon Roadhog to join in the orgy of destruction!
I am absurdly fond of this gore-fest of a fic. It’s so very much not like my usual fare, and far outside my comfort zone, but I am proud of having written it. I love the small moments of beauty nestled into the horror.
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raddyscoops · 2 years
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Did me a demon Junkrat at 2am from a fanfic that I've been writing for two years and will never post but may draw to get out of my system.
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wildissylupus · 1 month
My (hopefully) last complaint about Junkertown and the Junkers before my inevitable Re-write post
Junkers vs. MAD MAX
Alright I'm already on a roll with this and I've already committed myself to doing a rewrite of Junkertown and the Junkers, but I have one more thing to complain. That being the fact that they butcher the media they are referencing, that being Mad Max. For more context this is also coming form an Australian who has never watched these movies, this doesn't mean I didn't do my research, this is just to give context that I myself have never seen these movies.
If you don't know Mad Max is very much Australian media, written by, acted by, and taking place in Australia. Not only that but it very much relies on the world building of the fact that one, Australia is very isolated, and two, the rest of the world is like this. Something that Overwatch fails egregiously off the bat with considering that the rest of the world is not an apocalyptic wasteland and the fact that the thing that caused Junkertown and the radiation was an Omnium. You know, the thing that multiple countries had? There's also the fact that Junkrat and Roadhog are international criminals, how big Austraila is and the travel time between areas are never considered, it's exceedingly easy to leave the damn country (Junkrat and Roadhog again but also Hammond in his new short story). They want to be a Mad Max reference without actually considering the fact that the isolation inherent to Australia is important to Mad Max's setting.
There's also the fact that Mad Max relies heavily on visual story telling, Mad Max: Fury Road not even having a screenplay, it was fully laid out on storyboards. There's also the fact that Mad Max was not about the Australian experience but rather the human experience, this isn't a problem until you realize that every other characters references are very much biased off that characters origin. That or their place of origin is considered when writing them even if the reference for said character isn't from that country.
Another thing is that Mad Max communicates the brutality and disfunction of humanity, society has collapsed and we are left with the worst of it. The theming and messaging does not work with the rest of Overwatch's theming, it also doesn't make sense in universe considering that Overwatch was one, very environment focused, and two, was already sending forces to Australia to help with the consequences of radiation. Why did they let the Wasteland and Junkertown get so bad? Especially in the early Golden Age, and you can't say that it was because of the Junkers cause Overwatch have handled worse. Even before that point. We also have better examples of "the worst of humanity trope" with Talon, and they actually fit the story and world.
The theme they also completely miss in the soulless copy that is the Junkers is the individual connections and the theming or regaining humanity after great tragedy. In all honesty the best way they could have done this would have been to make Howl's rule itself the Mad Max Reference while Odessa's rule was the healing process from that, but no, they made her an overtaxing dictator instead. The gave the Junkers storyline the theme of desperation but no theme of hope, leaving it empty.
The only thing they unintentionally get right is that your environment doesn't necessarily change you, you do. Yes, a change of environment can assist in giving you space to make that change, but you are you no matter where you go. Junkrat and Roadhog don't change cause their out of Junkertown, they stay the exact same. Which is unfortunate because this is just due to them lacking any real depth in canon, an no, Junkrat actually being incredibly smart isn't character depth.
Back to the whole human connection thing, tell me, outside of fanon interpretation, out side of Junkrat's unreliable narration, outside of the interaction with characters he hasn't met in canon yet. Does anyone like Junkrat? Roadhog is there because Junkrat is paying him and because he seems board, the rest of Junkertown hates him, JQ especially. Roadhog doesn't seem to care about anyone, Junkerqueen's only true connection we see is with Hammond, and Hammond contiues to be my favoutite Junker by literally negating all the complaints about Junkertown I've had so far.
Honestly when I started looking at Junkertown lore I did not expect to be coming out saying that the fucking hamster was the best written character but here we are.
This is all also only referencing Mad Max: Fury Road by the way, which is probably what Junker Town is based off of considering its popularity and the time of release compared to Overwatch's. Honestly I might re-do this analysis/complaint if I ever watch the Mad Max series myself. Though I don't think my feelings will change of this, and that is the Junkers are an insult of a reference to MAD MAX. An empty copy at best. This is also coming from the person who often defends Overwatch's writing, I can't defend the Junkers, it's just bad writing.
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acradelius · 1 month
Butcher Mako smut where the reader is a witch who summons Mako to form a pact where he obeys every command of the reader?
"Revenge-! It Can Wait, Actually."
Fandom: Overwatch / Overwatch 2
Pairing: Butcher! Roadhog ("Mako Rutledge") x Gender Neutral! Witch! Reader
Rating: Lemon [🟡] - (NSFW!)
Warnings/Mention Ofs: Minors Do Not Interact With (MDNI), Overwatch Alternate Universe, Butcher! Roadhog, Witch! Reader, Gender Neutral! Reader, They/Them Pronouns Used For Reader, "Burn The Witch/Kill The Witch" Similar Trope, (Accidental) Aphrodisiac Usage - One Sided, Consent Is Present Despite (Y/N) And Roadhog's "Relationship", Fingering - Recieving! Reader, Mentions Of Multiple Orgasms
Word Count: 2,189 Words
Taglist: @masterofpuns
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Five different words, yet all having similar definitions. 
Similar connections to each other. 
Yet, it wasn’t any of those words or any other similar words that could be conjured up from the depths of (Y/N)’s mind to even begin describing the anger that was bubbling up within them.
It thrummed within their veins. 
It roared throughout their mind. 
It vibrated throughout their being. 
Times have changed, therefore, shouldn’t the people have changed as well? Apparently not so for those that reside within the nearby village, only being some miles away from where that small and cozy cottage of (Y/N)’s was located within the surrounding forest. It seemed that after all these years of assisting the villagers with various tasks and activities, some as simple as enchanting some plants to grow more quickly to some as extraneous as bringing someone back to health from the brink of death, none of that mattered. How there had been plenty of opportunities for the Witch to essentially take advantage and cause havoc amongst the villagers, but yet had not, and assisted in what they thought was good for everyone. Despite the good deeds, (Y/N) was well aware that there were still suspicions from the village elders about their intentions. 
Typical elder type of mindset, or at least, (Y/N) had thought that the suspicions were only amongst the elders. 
The thick, choking black smoke could be seen billowing from the treetops of the forest from some miles away from the general location of where the village and (Y/N)’s was at. At first, they hadn’t really thought anything about it. There were some individuals within the village that were known of being “fire starters”, or possibly it was that the village was having some sort of celebration or feast that required a lot of wood burning. Yet, as (Y/N) continues to approach the location of their beloved cottage, it seems to dawn on them that the location of the fire is indeed not coming from the village, but from their cottage itself! Considering that they essentially were carrying a sack from their most recent travels, it takes some minutes to finally make it back. 
Upon reaching the crumbling, burning cottage the elders of the village have formed a semicircle around the cottage, the rest of the townsfolk gathered around behind them, some holding lit torches. While there might have been some villagers that had objected or even refused to participate in burning (Y/N)’s cottage down, (Y/N) viewing each and every one of them as guilty of the crime. Them just standing there watching, watching as (Y/N)’s home and the place where they had their life’s work was now destroyed, left to scatter in the wind as ashes. 
“After everything I have done for not only those of you individually, but as a village as a whole, this is how the lot of you proceed to show your appreciation and thanks?!” There’s an obvious combination of rage, betrayal, and devastation within their tone of voice, alongside the features of hands being clenched into fists, eyebrows are furrowed, and there’s a frown upon their lips. “This is an act of treachery!”
“You’re quite mistaken,” Though their attention seems to be more diverted towards the more prominent danger at hand, the elders are completely aware of the angered Witch standing some feet away. It’s the high elder of the village that begins to speak in response to the displeased Witch. “We are simply cleaning this village from the dangerous, immoral establishment and influence that you have bestowed.” It might’ve been just the anger clouding her mind or the trick of the light as the flames continue to burn, (Y/N) swears that they could see a smirk upon the high elder’s lips. 
“..Remember this, and remember this quite well then..” 
A momentary pause, a moment to briefly recollect thoughts to prevent oneself from outbursting and bringing the whole village to its knees.
At least, not yet. 
“I will be back to exact my revenge!” 
Some might address to the Witch that the way they are attempting to handle the situation of the village’s betrayal was simply as “being petty” or even be described as “being melodramatic”. Yet, (Y/N) didn’t necessarily care about others' opinions on their situation and how they were going to handle it. All that mattered to them was that they were so close to completing the final steps before launching their assault. It hadn’t taken long to come across a cave that was mostly hidden by the dense forest surrounding it, which made a comfortable and suitable home for the time being. It was enough to offer a temporary place to work to figure out the best means of attack, but also to house not only the Witch, but the brute of the underworldly being that they had summoned to assist them as well. 
 “I have listened to your story, your tragedy, Witch,” He speaks, his voice deep and gravely, glowing yellow eyes seemingly piercing into the soul of the Witch upon their knees in front of him, the Butcher only slightly amused that someone such as the Witch themself would have summoned him for such purposes, but it hadn’t been the first time. “While I am intrigued, you have yet to offer anything in exchange for my temporary loyalty for you and your objective.” There happens to be a moment of silence that begins to settle within the environment as the Witch begins to think. It had been true, never the doubt, they had presented their story to the Butcher, asking for his assistance, but hadn’t necessarily offered anything in return. The Butcher was definitely not a being to do such a task without payment of course.
“As for payment.. I will offer the souls of all of the villagers.. Child, Adult, Elderly.. I will then allow you to take my soul as well, and then I will be of your servitude for the remainder of time.” 
Will it be unpleasant to essentially be a slave to the Butcher for the remainder of their existence? Who knows? Maybe he will be somewhat generous to the Witch due to their offer of a bundle of souls to torture or feast upon. The thoughts were floating amongst (Y/N)’s mind, their gaze slowly moving from the alchemy table in front of them to the Butcher who sat there silently staring into the flames of the small campfire, all while (Y/N)’s hands were still working with the ingredients of the current potion. How could he just sit there and stare into the fire the whole time? Wasn’t he unamused about it? Bored of just sitting there and waiting? Eventually they return their attention back to the potion at hand, though an eyebrow raises at the color of the potion itself, it being something similar to a fuchsia pink. Definitely not the color of the strength potion that the Witch thought it would’ve been, but they simply shrug their shoulders and then begin to drink the potion, not stopping until it was completely gone. 
Throughout the time to allow the potion to course throughout their system to test the full effect, the Witch decides to complete some tasks within the cave, mostly tidying up things and then prepping some meals. Eventually there happens to be a moment that (Y/N) finds themself standing still, trying to decipher the strange, stirring feeling within them. It’s then that they begin addressing the symptoms that begin becoming more apparent within them. How the Witch had come to realize that their body temperature was increasing significantly, followed by the increasing pace of their heartbeat and breathing, certain body parts becoming more sensitive than typically normal and other parts becoming sensitive when they typically weren’t. 
Slowly, but surely, the pieces of the puzzle begin to come together, and there’s a loud audible gasp that escapes past their lips, scurrying throughout the cave to make their way back to their workbench. Eyes frantically moving across the ingredients that had been used for the potion, and then eventually stopping and staring whenever (Y/N) comes across that specific one. 
Rose petals. 
A strong ingredient it is, and when handled or portioned incorrectly it can lead to some dire consequences. 
The flustered blush that covered their face was  now descending down their neck as they came to realize their mistake. It wasn’t a super strength potion that they had made, but in fact it had been an aphrodisiac. One of the most dangerous potions of all time if not handled carefully, such as this moment right now. Knowing their mistake it’s now that they have to suffer the consequences, but was there actually anything that could resolve this increasing, almost agonizing arousal that was continuously building up within them? Fingers would be like just trying to ignore an internal itch, and attempting to use inanimate objects with the assistance of magic would just cause their energy to deplete significantly, and (Y/N) would probably still be as horny as ever. Yet, that would leave one other option.. 
“Butcher,” While (Y/N)’s voice might have been firm for the most part, there was that noticeable wavering to it, watching as the Butcher’s gaze had finally turned away from the flickering flames of the fire and over the the with, letting out a snort of sorts. “I’m in need of some.. assistance.. Dire assistance, if I must state.” What the Witch hadn’t expected was for the Butcher to hobble himself to be standing, making his way over towards the large, makeshift bed of his that had been made of various furs. While raising an eyebrow in slight confusion, the Butcher proceeds to speak before (Y/N) could question his action. “I had been wondering how long it was going to take you to notice that you had messed up, now get over here so we can get through this.” 
He had been watching them make this potion the entire time? If that was the case then why didn’t he say something beforehand? Why did he wait until after- (Y/N)’s thoughts are interrupted by an impatient grunt from the Butcher once again, which causes (Y/N) to hastily make way over to his bed, watching as he plops himself down and pats his lap. There’s some slight grimace from the remaining gunk upon his apron, but the need to be satisfied comes at a much higher regard at the moment. Legs now being spread across his lap, there’s a soft sigh of relief as the Butcher moves the robes to the side and ripped away their underwear, a few of his fingers beginning the job by teasingly brush against (Y/N)’s skin and then slowly dipping them inside, causing (Y/N) to whine out. A slow and steady pace at first, the Butcher is smarter than any other that would just go all the way, a rough and manhandling pace.
Time definitely becomes a blur, moreso becomes something that’s forgotten, as the pleasure slowly but surely takes over the Witch’s mind. How long had it been since the Butcher had first slipped a finger inside of them? Who cares? All that mattered at that moment was how full they were feeling as one finger had now turned into three, proceeding to stretch out the Witch’s clenching hole, the fluids from previous, intense orgasms now coating their thighs, the Butcher’s fingers and his apron as well. Another one begins to creep up on them as that internal coiling sensation begins to tighten, body trembling tremendously while bucking their hips to chase that euphoric high until it comes crashing down upon the Witch. With a loud cry of the Butcher’s name escaping past their lips the Witch’s back arches to lift themself within the air before collapsing back against the Butcher’s large frame. Head bobbing from the fuzzy, lightheadedness of their orgasm once again racking their brain and preventing them from making any logical decisions at the moment. Yet, they’re still somewhat aware of themself as once the Butcher had begun to slowly thrust his fingers once again they proceed to tightly grip at his forearm, shaking their head. 
“B-Butcher~ N-Need a break, please~” 
“Are you so sure about that?” There’s a gentle chuckle that leaves him as he glances down to look at the pleasure ridden, and probably exhausted Witch resting against that. It was more of a teasing question, but he knows that while he could go for much longer even though he was only using his fingers, trying to ignore the growing erection that was beginning to press against the Witch’s back, the Witch would need to take a break more often to regain their energy. “You’ve only had maybe.. seven.. orgasms now?” 
A cheeky laugh of amusement escapes the Witch’s lips at the teasing questions, leaning their head back against the Butcher’s chest and closing their eyes. 
Maybe, just maybe, revenge upon the village could wait just a little longer.
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dbssh · 2 years
as far as characters i like go though i think i like the least amount of roadhog skins. idk if im just picky because im in love or if most of them just dont look that good idk. junkenstein is its own problem for me (‼️AUTISMO WARNING DO NOT ENGAGE‼️) but like the pirate skins just dont look that good. butcher is really forgettable. i feel kind of weird about his islander skins but i feel double weird about the fact that theres a niche of people that make underfell yaois of roadhog and junkrat specifically using the roadhog skins where hes darker skinned and i hate that like a lot. what other skins does he even have. i love baije. toxic is fine its very cool it just doesnt scream roadhog to me which makes me sad i miss my boyfriend. #1 fan is very good hes extremely silly. militia is forgettable. am i forgetting any im not bothering with thw wiki. my favourite other than baije is like. pigpen.
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ivanca · 2 years
Overwatch had everything to be one of the best FPS games of all time, then Blizzard let it rot.
When Overwatch opened its beta version in 2016 I was visiting the US, I borrowed money from a local bank for that trip, I didn’t take my gamer pc with me, why should I? I was there to find some funding for my startup idea (or at least a co-founder), and for that task my outdated laptop was enough, it had been a few months and my lack of preparation and skills to pitch my startup were clearly showing and it was taking a toll emotionally. I knew the date of the open beta of Overwatch so I did something a bit reckless: I spend some of the little money I had to visit a gaming center place in downtown berkeley where you can use a gaming PC and pay per hour, as expected one little voice in my head harshly complained about why I’m being so short-sigthed? I had a gaming PC back home where I could play it if I just waited to return to my country, but I knew I badly needed a distraction from my frustations, so I payed for an hour, and it didn’t just distract me, it gave me thrills that I had never experienced from an fps, before that day my definition of an online FPS was hardcoded by Counter Strike and Call Of Duty, the classic stuff: a game where almost all guns are recreations of how wars are fought in real life so most of the time you aim and click, aim and click, rinse and repeat, sure there are grenades and some other stuff but it always felt secondary, hard-limited to a quantity of one or two per player, it always felt like tiny breaks from shooting and not much else, even sci-fi powers like seeing the footsteps of your enemy where all just helpers the player to reach the point where they aim and shot; and I enjoyed the hell out of those games (and still do!), but Overwatch showed me a whole different world, almost the complete opposite, and I found myself in a FPS where the likelyhood to real weapons had the lowest priority and fun had the first one, fun made of what? Entropy; let me give you an example in the next paragraph, if you already know what I’m talking about feel free to skip it. This is one hostile interaction out of dozens that happen in every single match: One character is called Junkrat, a pyromaniac with a bear trap, he throws it somewhere expecting the enemy will overlook it, it works and someone just stepped on it and is now unable to move (can still shot), Junkrat heard the trap firing so he shoots his slow -but deathly- bouncing balls near the trapped enemy, but this time the enemy is Mei, and just when the exploding balls aproach she uses her power: a wall of ice she can build almost instantly! It stopped the explosive balls from killing her, but she didn’t count with Roadhog, a huge terrifying butcher approaching far away from a side -not blocked by the wall-, he quickly throws his chain at Mei to pull her right in front of him (in his best “get over here” scorpion impresion) but just before he can pull the trigger of his flag cannon (a shotgun from Unreal Tournament) 135 kgs of german armor crash against him and drags him like a truck without breaks until it it a wall nearby, damaging and stunning Roadhog. But while those events unfolded junkrat throws a big bomb (his other power) under its feet and explodes it, propelling him high into the air, way more than enough to jump over Meis wall, from the sky Junk has a clear shot at mei killing her instantly, but he always throws a lot of those deadly balls so the ones that didn’t land on mei bounce almost as high as he was when he shoot them! Reinhard notices this and turns on his giant shield and aims it right over its head, successfully blocking all damage from them! But Roadhog is taking advantage and shooting Reinhard from the side, it seems like Reinhard is not gonna make it but then an angel... yeah literally an angel comes flying an starts healing Reinhard! But the damage is slightly greater than the healing! But it gave Raindhard enough time to recharge his, and now run like a truck to escape from his own dead, unfortunately for the angel a sniper shot her head as she was attempting to revive Mei, but her sacrifice kept Reinhard alive, which turned out to be critical to make his team win.
That all seem too chaotic to be enjoyable but quickly you learned that's far from the truth, quickly after starting every match you always know which characters is the enemy team using, this information is vital as you know what abilities the enemy has available, before you know it you instinctively know exactly how long mei’s wall can last, how tall it always is, and the same thing happens with every single ability; plus all characters look so different you can quickly determine what you will be dealing with as they approach, what really drives the game is how you mix the different abilities of your team to play, and equally important is how good are you at reading the enemy movements, individually and as a group. What really set Overwatch apart was the amount of interactions possible between abilities, when you saw one for the first time “Of course that’s possible, its logical it just didn’t ocurre to me”, when a interaction produced something ilogical it was soon patched, 
The other thing that set Overwatch apart was the characters, their personalities were so different, their powers so different, their models so well designed, their past so mysterious, their world so different from ours, so the lore felt rich, and social media reacted, the amount of memes and fanart of Overwatch was ridiculous.
Then months went by, and a new character were added like just 5 months after launch, a few maps coming in, first halloween came up and there was a special event, life was good,  then new characters started taking 8 months, halloween came up and they reused the exact same event, the exact same animations, exact everything... except new skins for sale of course, those never stopped, then it took almost a year for a new character... and they started reusing attacks for the new characters, I think thats when I knew it was doomed, and of couse halloween never got a new event, I had more than 2000 hours and realized I knew every single of the 21 maps better than my own house, then the bomb dropped, Overwatch 2 will have all the exact same maps and the powers are pretty much the same, its free and its focus is selling skins.
I expected so much from Overwatch, and how could I not? They copied so many good ideas from other games to develop all the initial characters that it was obvious to me that they had the right formula in their hands, they just had to stick with it and it could have been seriously argued to be the best FPS to ever exist. They didn't stick with it, they did the exact opposite. Like many other players I liked to fantasize about what new characters would be coming next, some artists even draw their ideas, my own imagination went wild, maybe the new character will walk like spiderman over any surface! Or a healer who wraps one ally and it takes the damage for them! Or maybe someone like rogue from x-men that can copy one ability from a non-tank enemy! Or be someone like pikachu that can use electric attacks, maybe even use conductive surfaces to increase its area of attack! No, the next character will take one year and will just remix existing abilities, the next new event will be never, the next map will be never, but hey... thousands of skins for the character you are bored to death of playing! 
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termagax · 9 months
do you have a favorite skin for roadhog or just base is best
base is best when it comes to being my dreamy wife. but i do really like Bajie
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its cuteeeeee jttw sweep
all his skins have things i like and things i dislike though. not fond of the general aesthetic of his pirate ones (they look really plasticy and unnappealing to me like a cheap halloween costume. tacky) but his Titty Scars do something to me. i like the concept of his halloween skin soooooooooo much but some of the minor details grind my gears enough that i dont like it. the robot one is so cute but its not my wife. also i dont think that blue/green palette works its kind of yucky. ice fisherman is adorable but i dont like when i cant see him. toxic/noxious are REALLY cool but again i go :( wheres my wife. butcher is hot but i dont lnow anything about diablo. they described him as having that good stank during halloween this year though 😵‍💫😫🥴. those are basically all the ones i have positive things to say about
i also like pigpen even though its basically just a recolor
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muddy beast
ALSO HIS PACHI ONE IS CUTE. i love his autism i love when hes oink.
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I’m about to work on a butcher RoadHog Cosplay over the next few months-
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jamiesmeatshop · 6 months
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me love butcher roadhog :3
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oracleact · 2 years
Butcher Roadhog is hot you’re Honor
Steaming hot.
lord have mercy—
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Anonymous commission for some headshots of the customer's favorite Overwatch characters, a few of which in their alternate costumes. Roadhog was the most fun to draw out of them 
 from the left: Roadhog, D.va, Ashe, Reaper, Genji, Ana & Mercy 
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wildissylupus · 1 year
Ok, no one asked for this but this is what I think everyone in Questwatch would look like!!
DVA (Junker, non-canon)
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I think Junker fits the fantasy vibe, in all honesty I think D.VA would play an Artificer and this skin fits that vibe!! Not only that but the aesthetic of this skins fits the vibe of technology being used in a world where technology isn't that developed.
Doomfist (Thunder, non-canon)
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It fits the vibe of a fantasy villain.
Junker Queen (Gladiator Queen, kinda canon, was introduced in the same season)
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Orisa (GR-IFFON, Canon)
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Ramattra (Necromancer, non-canon)
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He's lituarally a magic user in this skin.
Reinhardt (Demon Lord, canon)
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Roadhog (Butcher, non-canon)
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Idk why, it just fits.
Sigma (Oracle, non-canon)
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Again, literally a magic user in this skin.
Winston (Gargoyle, Non-canon)
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Wrecking Ball (Honeycomb, canon??)
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Listen, it was in the battle pass ok?? And all the other skins are either attached to something else or don't fit the vibe of questwatch.
Zarya (Barbarian, non-canon)
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The skins name is literally Barbarian
Ana (Polar, canon??)
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Same reasoning as Wrecking Ball
Baptiste (Pirate, non-canon)
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Honestly it's the only one that fit with the fantasy vibe.
Brigitte (Sól, non-canon)
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She quiet literally a knight-
Kiriko (Rouge. canon)
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Lifeweaver (Cleric, Canon)
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Lucio (Bard, canon)
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Mercy (Dragoon, non-canon)
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I just like this one in the context of Questwatch more than the others
Moira (Plague Doctor, kinda canon, was introduced in the same season)
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Zenyatta (Royal Astronomer, canon)
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Cassidy and Soldier 76 (Space Raider, non-canon)
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Ashe (Merry Outlaw, non-canon)
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Bastion (in next post)
Echo (Slime Queen, canon)
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Genji (Knight, canon)
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Hanzo (in next post)
Junkrat (in next post)
Mei (Alchemist, canon)
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Pharah (Devil, canon)
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Reaper (in next post)
Sojourn (in next post)
Sombra (in next post)
Symmetra (Conjurer, canon)
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Torbjorn (Steampunk, kinda canon, was introduced in the same season)
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Tracer (Adventurer, canon)
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Widowmaker (Dryad, canon)
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kemot44 · 6 years
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Random Sfm picture
Greetings ;]
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formlessvoidbeast · 4 years
Fandom: Overwatch
Relationship: eventual Junkrat/Roadhog
Characters: Many OC'sJunkrat | Jamison FawkesRoadhog | Mako Rutledge
Additional Tags: Hayseed!Junkrat, Butcher!Roadhog, Demon!Junkrat, Demon!Roadhog, Demon Summoning, Horror, Animal Death, Paranoia, human death, Child Death, Explosions, Arson, Self Harm, Suicide, Gore, Body Horror, Eye Trauma, Possession, Transformation, Corpse Eating, romantic dismemberment, (also lots of regular dismemberment), Cannibalism, this is the fic equivalent of a slasher flick, don't get attached to anyone they're all going to die, the demons win, no happy ending, Complete, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat 
Summary: It begins with blood and fire. So, too, shall it end.
All right folks, here’s the first chapter of my Halloween Month fic! Please mind the warnings and be aware that this is very much NOT like my usual fare! Do not trust me to treat the subject matter with care. This fic has no redeeming qualities.
Enter at your own risk.
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mozg-art · 5 years
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I did this big guy for the @roadhog-fanzine I don't know if I can post it yet but I have kept it for a long looong time so I think it's ok ...?
512 notes · View notes