#heros of the strom
suekeyyyy · 1 year
-The Seven-
Serious:Somewhat single moms-Pt 1- Bolivia flage cape and a black suit .☟ _The boys x reader_
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-Homelander- John x black! Fem! reader
Summary: Y/n is South America's number one. Hero is in a group called Patina, and she has been sent on a trip to North America. To meet the Seven for a National But her representative wants her to get close with Homelander.
Waning: bad language, Angst, reader being Sexualize.
Set in: it's the plot so don't come after me if I redo it.
Seva Airlines is the plane that Y/n and her lower Supes know as patina. We're on to make it to North America to meet the Infamous Seven. Y/n didn't really care all that much she had her representative Steve up her ass about this opportunity.
For three months. The persistent Bitch really pushed that it would help with her look as a Hero and get her more Points.
Y/n was somewhat like Homelander, just female. She was just better at pretending to smile waving. But she hated having to smile all the time. It was exhausted. Her smiled and would always fade after the currents fell. Like she had ever smiled ones.
Now her was going to meet the men of America and his side show. She was only somewhat happy to meet Starlight. A new hero So much potential That made fire strom have a little bit more hopeful in the world.
Steve had told Y/n that Vought wanted to have a National Superhero Appreciation. Or Nsh, the plane soon landed on top of the vot building y/n slow stood up and walked out the plane with a small smile. To keep up her illusion of being happy, she could see Ms. Madelyn Stillwell and she big white women smile on her face.
" Patina. The heroes of South America welcome to Vot I'm Madelyn Stillwell." She says,"Were glad to be here." Y/n says as Madelyn walks them into the blinding. She slowly.
and fucking your Secretary kind. " This with be your freedom room. Basically, what im saying is that you can do whatever in here." She smiles she walks out.
Y/n sits down at the head of the table with a smile that makes everyone tense up. " Sit down." She says, and they all slowly sit down.
" So does everyone have something to say. Questions, concerns?" Y/n says," Why the hell are we here? I know that's what we're all thinking." BB says
-BB- Ballon boy. -Jimmy Hall - power: immoral.
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" That is a good question. we are here for National super hero day." Y/n says," What the hell does that mean?" BB says," we walk around a bit, help the seven if needed, and just breathe air." Y/n says. Everyone looks at each other, and they agree on how easy it is. " Oh, and hear are your keys." Y/n throws five keys out to her team. " For what?" BB says," Your rooms." Y/n says in a soft tone. " There on the fifth floor." She smiles." Now, all of you go." Y/n says in a cold tone. They all sigh and whisper to themselves about how dumb this was. Y/n slowly turned her head to the side. " BB, what do you want?" She sees him sitting on the table." What ya thinking about, doll?" He says " How to quit." She says.
" You could just retire." He says. With a smile," You and me both know what that means. I go into some cold old room little nowhere to be tested on." He nods." You can start a family. That's what Liya did, and I still see her." He says,
" Maybe. "
•┈┈┈••✦ 🔥 ✦••┈┈┈•
Y/n leaves the room and walks over to the elevators and waits for it where she hears someone walking over to her and the elevators. She looks over to see Homelander walking over to the elevators. " shit." She whispers. Homelander walked up to the elevators, and they opened. "Excuse me." He says y/n looks back." Oh, sorry." She smiles he walks in first.
Homelander slowly looked down at y/n and her outfit. The boob window and her Bolivia flag on her back. Her black suit on her skin was tight and small, mostly around her back side. " Nice ass." He said with a smirk with a look of contempt as he looked at her.
The ends of y/n's hair are set on fire, her hair Indulgeinng in the red flames. " Thanks, I guess. " y/n was creeped out and taken a back. How could he see her ass? He looked at the fire at the end of her hair and then back at her, "No problem." He says."So. Why are you here?" He asks her.
" National super hero's Appreciation Month." She says," So you're a part of Patina?" He asked." Actually, I'm the leader of Patina." She says," Well, it's always nice to have younger heroes as leaders. " y/n chuckles. He was trying to butter her up. He turned his head back to he and then smirke. "So. You can control fire?" " Yes." She says." So. You're like the strongest superhero in South America." He asked her, and he wanted to know everything about her." You could say that." She was trying to keep dry a conversation.
Homelander thought for a second before speaking, "I'm surprised I know of the group Patina. You know most people can't name a single group from South America." He says in a sarcastic manner. As if South America was beneath him, "But I guess you didn't tell me your name?"
Y/n give him a what the fuck look trying to overlook how disrespectful that was. " My real name?" She says,"Yeah, your real name?" He said in an annoyed fashion, waiting for her answer. " y/n no last name. " She says," That's interesting. " he says Try the sound disinterested. "I'm curious. How much is Patina respected in South America?" He said, wanting to see if her pride was big like Homelander's " as much as the seven is in the States." She says.
"Oh, I see. So Patina's just as big down south as we are up here in the States. Is that what you're saying?" He said, trying to gauge y/n to see if she had a big ego" yeah." The elevator stops, and she walks out. Homelander follows y/n and catches up to her. "So. Let me guess, y/n ." He said, walking up next to her."You just happen to have the most beautiful ass in all of South America." He said, wanting to see her reaction to that.
" I thought you dropped that conversation." Y/n says, walking past Madelyn Stillwell's Office.Homelander chuckled and shook his head."Come on, y/n. Who doesn't love talking about a beautiful ass. Especially one like yours. I mean, look at that peach." He said, touching her ass over her suit, smiling while he does it.
She grabs his hand, her eyes turning eye. " Don't touch me." Y/n says her hand, burning his suit arm slightly.
"Aww. Come on, y/n, don't be like that. My hands just so happened to wander over there. Don't be so uptight." He said in a sarcastic manner, keeping his hand on her ass " Oh well, my hand wandered to your face." She slaps him.
He stood in shock as he rubbed his cheek with his free hand. He couldn't believe she had done that. But then he took a deep breath and regained his composure and took his hand off her ass. "What the hell?" He screamed at her."How dare you lay a hand on Homelander. I am the most powerful superhero in the god damn world." He yelled in a scary, intimidating tone at her." Do I really give a shit?" She thinks," Oh, I don't."
Homelander took a second to process what she told him, and then he got angry again. "I am The Homelander. You show some respect. "He yelled at her in anger. He wanted her to beg for his mercy. He wanted to scare her, but she wasn't showing fear. It was pissing Homelander off.
" Oh, stop it, you're just as broken and damaged as everyone else." Earlier that day, y/n Looked at John's File or his life story on a paper.
Homelander grew very angry as he took another step closer to y/n. He was now in her face with the heat of his breath hitting her lips. He looked down at her and took another angry breath. "I am a god compared to everyone else, and you should respect me." He yelled at her with no fear of what she would say in return. He was the most powerful being in existence, and she would not cross him.
Homelander didn't seem to notice the haft Chub he was getting. Was he fucking turned on? " Well, I guess.''god'' has a boner." She pointed out his pants.
That caught Homelander off guard, and as he looked down at his pants, there was indeed a boner starting to show through his pants. "What the..." He began to stammer, looking at y/n. Her face was still, and she didn't give any response."That's normal." He says, trying to change the subject to something less awkward.
" it shouldn't be. You shouldn't get a boner when you yell at me." She was speaking Facts.
He cleared his throat before saying, "Hey, it's common for a man to get a boner when a hot woman is standing in front of him." The words come flying out of his mouth quickly as he realizes he just said what was on his mind."You're hot." He said awkwardly.
That was out of character. " And you got that from yelling at me?" She says. "No, I mean... I just look at you, and it happens." He says with a smirk, he was enjoying talking to y/n, she was the first woman to actually talk back to him. And it made him want to keep talking to her. Something he wasn't used to, he was attracted to y/n, and he knew it.
She rolled her eyes and walked away."Wait! Y/n, where are you going? Don't go, I want to keep talking to you." He yelled after her, not wanting her to leave just yet. She just continued walking.
"Damn it." He said to himself, he was actually enjoying talking to y/n, and she had to ruin the moment for him by walking away."Well, I hope you have a nice night. And by the way. You do have a nice ass." He yelled out to y/n as she walked. "Nice and fat." He whispered to himself as he watched her leave.
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A/n: I'm so happy. 😁 thank you for your support. Love you guys.😘😘
Next pt:
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spaceorphan18 · 4 months
The Rogue and Gambit Project: Previously On X-Men... Rogue (Part 2)
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Yeah... I can just tell this is going to be everyone's favorite entry of this project. ;)
As we move into the late-80s, everything gets just a little more complicated. There are now multiple X-Books going (thankfully, Rogue is just in Uncanny at this point), a ton of characters to service, and story lines that sprawl into big events. Rogue kind of... gets lost, a little, in the shuffle. But there are some notable things to point out -- and one big thing *coughmagnetocough* we're gonna have to address...
For the most part, during a majority of the run up until this point, Uncanny X-Men stood alone as the sole book to find the X-Men. Suddenly, there were a bunch more. New X-Men followed the younger kids. X-Factor brought back the original team. And now the books did big event crossovers! Which - has only made comics completely muddy sense! So, instead of picking out individual issues like episodes of televisions, I need to break this down a little more in chunks...
The Mutant Massacre (Uncanny X-Men 210-219)
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Uncanny X-Men #213
This particular 'event' is something that is, unfortunately, going to come back later in a big way -- though for Gambit -- though that will have consequences for Rogue, too. But... we're a long way off from there. The quick summary is basically - a group of jerks called The Marauders decide to take out the Morlocks, a group of mutants who live in the sewers because they can't pass as 'normal' looking. And, of course, the X-Men need to stop them.
Rogue gets some decent panel time. But the biggest thing is that the X-Men are finally her home. Especially as the team begins to change in big ways, especially as she's a hero now, especially as she is more open about having a big heart, she takes being an X-Men seriously.
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Uncanny X-Men #217
The other big thing going on is the changing team dynamics. A lot of the older faces have left the book. Storm is dealing with a loss of powers. Wolvie has his solo going on. Kitty and Nightcrawler have gone to the book Excalibur. The team feels like it's in constant flux (and will be until the somewhat reboot in the early 90s). Rogue is, thankfully, one of the constants. And because of this, we do get to see her more!
She doesn't necessarily get a ton of new character development. But she does get to have some interesting new dynamics. Psylocke is introduced! Dazzler and Longshot join the team! Havok crawls out of the woodwork to appear! And even Jubilee (though much later) makes an appearance - though Rogue has little to do with her.
The Fall of the Mutants (Uncanny X-Men 220-227)
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Uncanny X-Men #222
The next 'event' is Fall of the Mutants. Through an uncanny (see what I did there) string of events, the X-Men end up in Dallas. The Adversary (a Strom villain, really) shows up and creates chaos in Dallas. In order to stop it, all of the X-Men 'die'. Except they don't - and are saved by someone called Roma (sigh, let's not get into /her/) and they can come back, but no one will know they are alive and no one will be able to see them in any kind of media. So.... basically, it's a way to keep the X-Men out of New York and away from X-Factor, because we can't have that happening too fast....
Again, not really a whole lot of single Rogue development, but she gets to do a lot of badass things, and she is on panel quite a bit.
The other thing to note is that their given a portal to go through - something called the Siege Perilous. I'm not going to pretend I fully understand what it is - but when you go through the portal, you get to be 'reset' (or you essentially die). I'm noting it now, because I'll become important later on.
Australia (Uncanny X-Men 228-238)
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Uncanny X-Men #230
The X-Men end up down in Australia, hanging out there while having adventures for a while. Despite her basher attitude, Rogue becomes one of the softer members of the team. See - she's bringing a picnic to Gateway, the unspeaking Aboriginal mutant who is basically their transportation system. Ooff, comics.
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This era is kind of setting up two things - Inferno (which we'll get to in a second) and The X-Tinction agenda. Rogue ends up getting a mini-arc here with Wolverine, where the two of them end up in Genosha -- an island where mutants are basically chained up and caged. Unfortunately, it's implied that Rogue got a little ruffed up during her stay, thought at least Claremont (I think it was him) came out and said that she was not sexually assaulted here. Ooff, comics again. But Uncanny X-Men 235-238 has some great Rogue (and Wolverine) in it. Because of this, though, the Carol Danvers Psyche kinda takes over for a while, and Rogue becomes buried.
Inferno (Uncanny X-Men 239-243)
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Uncanny X-Men #240
I need to take a second and talk about how during a lot of this run Dazzler and Rogue remain at odds with each other. Part of it has to do with their past, but part of it is over... Longshot. Ooff, girl needs to have a real romantic interest and fast... ;) Also, can we take a second to appreciate how 80s that outfit is?
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Uncanny X-Men #242
Out of all the late 80s events, Inferno is my favorite. It's the batshit crazy tale of an ex-wife who wants to get revenge on her ex-husband, who left her for his dead girlfriend, and decides to take down an entire city by making a deal with a demon, while using her own child as a hostage. It's bonkers. But we're not here to discuss the many loves of Scott Summers ;)
Honestly, Rogue doesn't do a whole lot in this one. She gets to knock some people out. She gets knocked out. And... that's about it. Still a great read though.
Through the Siege Perilous (Uncanny X-Men 244-247)
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Uncanny X-Men #246
Rogue doesn't really get to last long in a post-Inferno world. She gets to waffle a little between Carol and her own psyche. This practically gets me because the entire time she's been around so far she only has kissed to steal people's powers. Never a kiss for love. And it's a shame they were going to kill her off without letting her get one.
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Uncanny X-Men #247
During a fight with Master Mold, Rogue gets tied up and sucked into the Siege Perilous, where she essential dies. And that's it! That's her story. The end...
Kinda sucky, right? Not exactly a satisfying way to end her.
Well... an entire year is going to go by in the real world before she gets to come back...
Before get to her return, though, I would like to say this. There are a ton of great panels and moments that I didn't document for this project. I really do recommend, if you have the time and means, going through and reading all of Claremont's original run. There are some really fantastic stories - that hold up relatively well all things considered. And while the Rogue development is slightly stagnant, our girl gets some truly wonderful things to do. It's definitely a full on recommendation from me.
The Savage Land (Uncanny X-Men #269, 274-275)
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Rogue Pre- and Post-Siege Perilous
Alright, so let's talk about what happened in that year. The X-Office was beginning to change. Chris Claremont was beginning to near the end of his iconic run. The 80s faded into the 90s. Artist (and infamous) Jim Lee was taking over the book. The style changed - and everyone got to be a bit more sexified. The line up became really messy as there was a new X-Men team nearly every issue. And a rather handsome thief from New Orleans made his debut. (But we aren't going to talk about that yet ;))
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Uncanny X-Men #269
Rogue returned through the Siege Perilous buck naked (seriously) and clean slated. All the voices in her head were gone, all her extra powers were erased, and, some would say, she got a new personality.
She was still sassy and brassy but now we got to add demure sexpot into the mix, who wears skimpy clothing even though she still can't touch anyone. And -- this is somewhat a set up for what happens next.
But first... some context. After Rogue makes it back from the Siege Perilous (and after some stuff with the Shadow King) the Carol Psyche was ripped from her own and two bodies emerged out. The not real Carol attacked Rogue and Rogue made her escape through Gateway, and ended up -- not in Genosha where the rest of the X-Men were dealing with the X-Tinction Agenda crossover (Rogue gets to sit that one out) nor out in space where the X-Men will land next, but in the Savage Land.
And you know who's waiting down there to help her out?
Y'all knew this was coming guys...
Buckle in, kids, we're about to talk about Rogneto.
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Uncanny X-Men #274
Fun fact: This is the first issue where Rogue and Gambit are in the same issue. However, Remy is out in space while Rogue is suck in Antarctica with Magneto. And, look guys, none of this is that bad...
When Rogue first arrives down in the Savage Land, she is pursued by the clone/body/psyche of Carol, who is trying to kill her. Magneto stops Carol and outright kills her. He also kinda kills other people, too. Great start for this romance, right?
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Uncanny X-Men #274
Anyway, he supposedly helps her heal (and eventually she'll get her Carol powers back - but at least not with the added Carol personality.) And apparently there's some kind of spark? I mean, honestly, to me it looks like he's hurting her, but their both mostly naked so this is hot, right?
Unfortunately, while this "spark" isn't anything compared to the raging fire that's about to happen in a few issues, it's going to have an effect that won't fully be put out until a bazillion years later in X-Men Legacy. And, well, this is a part of her story.
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Uncanny X-Men #274
There's really not much that happens in this issue other than these panels that I'm showing you. We get a lot of inner monologue from Erik, but really nothing to show what Rogue is feeling. I realize there's a kind of grooming aspect you could place on it here, but this all happens over days, and I barely think it's any time to make any sort of real connection good or bad? It's just kind of here... being awkward...
And you know, admittedly, that bottom right panel is very pretty. That's probably the nicest thing I'll say about something Rogneto related.
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Uncanny X-Men #275
For anyone who wanted Rogue with a naked Magneto, here ya go! ;)
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Uncanny X-Men #275
There is a whole plot that I've been kind of ignoring - about Zaladane and her bonkers plan to take over the Savage Land. No need to worry - Magneto is going to murder her, too. And thus we get to see the biggest issue with Rogue and Magneto. They honestly have nothing in common. Sure - Rogue was a villain for a short time, and I could (maybe?) buy it back then, but all of this feels like they wanted to give Magneto a hot chick to hang off him for a few issues. Their ideologies are just too different for this to ever make any real sense.
And if that's your thing? Sure go for it - I'll never tell anyone who or what to ship. But it does nothing for me. (Sorry :/)
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Uncanny X-Men #275
And this is where it ends. Really guys, I showed you all the big hits, there's nothing, really, that happens with Rogneto during this except the alleged 'spark'. Oh, and the fact that Magneto was fine letting Rogue die while he dealt with other things. Romance for the ages guys.
Magneto is going to go back to being a villain. And Rogue is going to make her way to Muir Island, where her life is about to really, really change.... ;)
But first, let's talk about Gambit...
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notchainedtotrauma · 11 months
During John Biden's political career, he supported and worked with South. Carolina Senator Strom Thurmond, a renowned segregationist senator that ran for President in 1948. He spoke in 1993 at his birthday and compared him to Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Strom Thurmond was of course staunchly opposed to the Civil Right Acts. What I didn't know, is that he was also friends John Stennis, another segregationist he apparently called a "hero". (Sources below)
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yukii0nna · 2 months
What's in a name?
Mesulia: Hey Gajeel. What would our guild name be if we had one?
Gajeel: Huh?
Lucy: Why do you ask?
Jackson: I'm actually curious myself.
Mesulia: Plus it's just fun to think about.
Gajeel: Kid Heroes would work.
Tim: Not funny!!
Ezra: Well Guilds tend to name themselves after mystical creatures. So something of the like would work.
Wendy: How about Angel Heart? Because you're good guys!
Tim: Let's keep it in the shop, Wendy ..
Conner: How about Titan Strom?! We sound like badasses with that
Me'gan: I think that would belong to the actual Titans.
Conner: It needs work.
Natsu: Maybe something like Dragon Scroll! That's an awesome guild name!
Happy: Ai
Anita: That's a game, dude.
Juvia: May suggest Sea Monsters Rage.
Conner: Now she's speaking my language!
Jackson: Let's not ....
La'gaan: Same
Bart: How about -
Summer: What's everyone doing?
La'gaan: They're started talking about what would be our guild if we have one. Now they're talking about who have what magic. So far it's been a fun ride.
Summer:Ah, so what magic would -
La'gaan: Wool dragon slayer
Summer Belongs to @punkeropercyjackson
@zexal-club @bakawitch @kousaka-ayumu @insomniac-jay @theautisticcentre @mik3stuff @honeypotsworld
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Tbh I'm pretty sure the only weight that theory has is that show taking place within the same city Chloe was sent to and maybe the 'True follow up' Comment by JZ though idk what that means exactly
Yeah I mean.
The Miss Rose series is a bunch of shows that were supposed to be part of the Zag Heroes branding alongside ML and a handful of other shows.
But a lot of them are in development limbo. Pixie Girl was shelved, The various direct ML spinoffs like Ladydragon are shelved. Zak Strom has been in limbo since 2018. Ghost Force season 2 and Fairyon are supposedly in production
They're all part of the branding and supposedly within the same expanded universe under the Zagtoon studio. So Miss Rose was less a direct followup and more an 'in spirit' continuation and expansion of the universe.
Even so, from the series that have been produced, they're all very separate. There's been occasional talk of crossover episodes, but nothing concrete yet. I'm not sure there's even been a direct reference to the other series.
So on top of the whole 'this is something so rarely done in media', I can't really see them doing the 'Chloé was written off of ML so let's bring her on to Miss Rose' thing.
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List of Actors in Sanctuary who Also Appeared in Stargate (Spanning Entire Franchise).
Main Cast (Counting Regular Major Appearances):
Amanda Tapping. Sanctuary: Helen Magnus. Stargate: Sam Carter.
Christopher Heyerdahl. Sanctuary: John Druitt, Bigfoot. Stargate SG-1: Pallin. Stargate Atlantis: Halling and Todd the Wraith.
Ryan Robbins. Sanctuary: Henry Foss. Stargate Atlantis: Ladon Radim.
Agam Darshi. Sanctuary; Kate Freelander. Stargates Atlantis: Novo and Athosian 2.
Jonathon Young. Sanctuary: Nikola Tesla. Stargate Atlantis: Dr. Parrish.
Peter Wingfield. Sanctuary: James Watson. Stargate SG-1: Hebron and Taneth.
Jim Byrnes. Sanctuary: Gregory Magnus. Stargate SG-1: Documentary Narrator (Heroes Part 2). Stargate Infinity: voice (no character listed).
Significant Stargate Actors Not in Main Cast of Sanctuary:
Michael Shanks. Sanctuary: Jimmy (one episode). Stargate: Daniel Jackson.
Tom McBeath. Sanctuary: General Villanova. Stargate SG-1: Colonel Harry Maybourne.
Vincent Gale. Sanctuary: Nigel Griffin. Stargate SG-1: Deputy - Agent Cross. Stargate Universe: Morrison. (he was significant in Sanctuary and had a high episode list for Stargate, so no arguing)
Colin Cunnigham. Sanctuary: Gerald (one episode). Stargate: Major Paul Davis.
Paul McGillion. Sanctuary: Terrance Wexford (four eps + webisodes). Stargate Atlantis: Carson Beckett.
David Hewlett. Sanctuary: Larry Tolson (webisodes). Stargate: Rodney McKay.
Kavan Smith. Sanctuary: Joe Kavanaugh (two episodes + webisodes). Stargate: Evan Lorne.
David Nykl. Sanctuary: Strickland (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Radek Zelenka.
Sarah Strange. Sanctuary: Allison Grant (one episode). Stargate: Morgan Le Fey.
Dan Shea. Sanctuary: Transit Cop 2 (one episode). Stargate: Sergeant Siler.
Gary Jones. Sanctuary: George (one episode). Stargate: Walter Harriman.
Peter Flemming. Sanctuary: FBI Agent Bruce Tanner (one episode). Stargate: Agent Barret.
Martin Christopher. Sanctuary: False Priest/Father Clark. Stargate: Kevin Marks.
Barclay Hope. Sanctuary: Security Force Commander (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Col. Lionel Pendergast.
Peter DeLuise. Sanctuary: Ernie Watts (one episode/webisodes). Stargate SG-1: Sal's Diner Customer, Wormhole X-treme Replacement Actor, plus 20 other roles. Stargate Atlantis: Dr. P. Smith (uncredited). Stargate Universe: Peter. (<- also directed all four shows)
Significant in Sanctuary but not Stargate:
Shekhar Paleja (Credited in both as Shaker Paleja). Sanctuary: Ravi Ganapathiraman. Stargate SG-1: Jaffa. Stargate Atlantis: Doctor (uncredited, six episodes).
Ian Tracey. Sanctuary: Adam Worth. Stargate SG-1: Smith.
Pascale Hutton. Sanctuary: Abby Corrigan. Stargate Atlantis: First Officer Trebel. (<- almost/should have been main cast in Sanctuary)
Carlo Rota. Sanctuary: Richard Feliz. Stargate Universe: Carl Strom.
Other Actors in Mostly Minor Roles in Both (but often more significant in Sanctuary, for obvious reasons) Listed in Order of Sanctuary Appearance:
Lauren K. Robek (Credited as Kirsten Robeck in both). Sanctuary: Maryanne Zimmerman (three episodes). Stargate SG-1: Lieutenant Astor.
Sheri Rabold (credited as Sheri Noel in all). Sanctuary: Molly (two episodes/webisodes), Helen Magnus Stand-in. Stargate SG-1: Physiotherapist. Stargate Atlantis: Scientist, Lab assistant.
Laura Mennel. Sanctuary: Caird (one episode/webisodes). Stargate SG-1: Mary. Stargate Atlantis: Sanir.
Alex Zahara. Sanctuary: Carver (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Motion Capture Warrior, Warrick Finn, Iron Shirt, Eggar, Shy One, Alien Leader, Alien #1, Micahel Xe'ls.
Peter Bryant. Sanctuary: Cabal Team Leader (two episodes). Stargate SG-1: Hoskins and Fro'tak.
MacKenzie Gray. Sanctuary: Mr. Jones (one episode). Stargate Infinity: Pahk'kal, Napoleon Bonaparte (voices).
Matthew Walker. Sanctuary: Oliver Braithewaite (one episode). Stargate SG-1/The Ark of Truth: Merlin/Roham.
David Richmond-Peck. Sanctuary: Jake Polanski (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Jaffa Leader. Stargate Atlantis: Toran.
Panou. Sanctuary: Sylvio (two episodes). Stargate SG-1: Lt. Fisher.
Katherine Isabelle. Sanctuary: Sophie (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Valencia.
Chuck Campell. Sanctuary: Two-Faced Guy. Stargate: Chuck the Technician.
Gabrielle Rose. Sanctuary: Ruth Meyers (one episode). Stargate: The Ark of Truth: Alterean Woman #2.
Daryl Shuttleworth. Sanctuary: (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Commander Tegar, Commander Rigar.
Rukiya Bernard. Sanctuary: Kayla Bradley (one episode). Stargate Universe: Airman Richmond.
Alex Diakun. Sanctuary: Doctor (three episodes). Stargate SG-1: Tarek Solaman.
Chris Gauthier. Sanctuary: Walter (two episodes). Stargate: Mattas and Hertis.
Anne Marie DeLuise. Sanctuary: Rachel (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Amy Vandenberg, Farrell.
Aleks Paunovic. Sanctuary: Duke (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Rakai.
Ryan Kennedy. Sanctuary: Darrin Wilson (one episode). Stargate Universe: Dr. Williams.
Terry Chen. Sanctuary: Charles (three episodes). Stargate SG-1: Monk.
Nimet Kanji. Sanctuary: Pili (two episodes). Stargate Atlantis: Doctor.
Ron Selmour. Sanctuary: Kanaan (three episodes). Stargate Atlantis: Jannick.
Raquel Riskin. Sanctuary: Cheryl (one episode). Stargate Universe: Mindy.
Eric Keenleyside. Sanctuary: Det. Michael Bronson (one episodes). Stargate SG-1: Fred.
Michael J Rogers. Sanctuary: Stanley O'Farrel (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Major Escher, Col. Richard Kendrick, Colonel John Michaels.
Fabrice Grover. Sanctuary: Father Nathaniel Jensen (one episode). Stargate: The Ark of Truth: Amelius.
Allison Hossack. Sanctuary: Lillian (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Zerina Valk. Stargate Atlantis: Perna.
Scott McNeil. Sanctuary: Birot (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Kefflin, Townsperson.
Jody Thompson. Sanctuary: Fallon (three episodes). Stargate Atlantis: Hospital Nurse.
Nels Lannarson. Sanctuary: Commander Tollan, Praxian Guardsman. (two episodes). Stargate SG-1: Major Green. Stargate Atlantis: Captain Holland.
Sean Rogerson. Sanctuary: Castor (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Nevik.
Richard de Klerk. Sanctuary: U.S. Sergeant (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Dominic, Joe.
Aaron Brooks. Sanctuary: Lieutenant Hallman (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Nisal.
Collen Winton. Sanctuary: Anna (one episode). Stargate SG-1: National Security Advisor, Dr. Greene.
David Milchard. Sanctuary: Garris. Stargate Atlantis: SGC Technician.
Greyston Holt. Sanctuary: Lt. Coxswell (two episodes). Stargate Universe: Corporal Reynolds.
Brian Markinson. Sanctuary: Greg Addison. Stargate SG-1: Lotan.
Lara Gilchrist. Sanctuary: Cassidy (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Dr. Hewston.
John Novak. Sanctuary: Thug Boss (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Colonel William Ronson.
Martin Cummins. Sanctuary: Brad Sylvester (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Aiden Corso.
Kurt Evans. Sanctuary: Agent Gavin Crealy (two episodes). Stargate SG-1: Col. Johnson.
Sage Brocklebank. Sanctuary: Canadian Press Photographer (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Rand Protectorate Tech.
Kwesi Ameyaw. Sanctuary: Colonel Bosh (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Olokun. Stargate Atlantis: Technical Sergeant.
J.C. Williams. Sanctuary: SCIU Agent (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Jaffa (uncredited), Stargate Universe: Marine (uncredited).
Caroline Cave. Sanctuary: Sheila Delacourt (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Dr. Cole. Stargate Universe: Dana.
Brent Stait. Sanctuary: Finn Noland (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Major Louis Ferretti.
Richard Stroh. Sanctuary: Orin (one episode). Stargate Atlantis: Genii Soldier #2.
Venus Terzo. Sanctuary: Capt. Franklin (one episode). Stargate SG-1: Dr. Francine Michaels.
I spent entirely too much time on this, but I really got going. I also probably missed a few people (and didn't even start on the crew because of so much overlap). I'm not sure if this is just Vancouver film industry at work or what, but I am done.
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lboogie1906 · 8 days
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Attorney Bakari Sellers (September 18, 1984) is a noted attorney, political commentator, and politician. He was born in Bamberg, South Carolina the son of Cleveland and Gwendolyn Sellers. His father is a well-known civil rights activist and leader of the Student Non-Violent.
He excelled in school and attended Morehouse College where he was elected Student Body President. He attended the University of South Carolina Law School where he earned a JD.
While attending law school he ran for the office of South Carolina state representative on the Democratic Party ticket. He became the youngest member of the South Carolina legislature. He was the youngest African American elected official in the US at the time. He served in the South Carolina House of Representatives for the 90th District (2006-14). He served on the Judiciary Committee in the House of Representatives. On June 6, 2013, he announced his candidacy for Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina. Although he won the Democratic Primary, he lost the general election.
He practices law with the Strom Law Firm based in Columbia, South Carolina. He heads the firm’s strategic communication and public affairs team and offers consultant services on the issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. He serves as a political commentator for CNN. He was named to TIME magazine’s 40 Under 40 in 2010, as well as the 2014 and 2015 “The Root 100” list of the nation’s most influential African Americans.
He released his best-selling book, My Vanishing Country: A Memoir, which is autobiographical but tells of his father, Cleveland Sellers, working with Stokely Carmichael and Martin Luther King, and his role in the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee which made him a civil rights hero to many.
He released a children’s book Who Are Your People? The book teaches young children about the history of Black Americans and stresses the importance of the Black community in American history and culture.
He has has two siblings. He married Dr. Ellen Rucher (2015) and they have twins. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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jindianjun000 · 2 years
After ONE (Event 1: Polar Fireworks): Leave her alone🌹❄
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Smoke, gravel and dust.
The blood mix air, a uncomfortable feeling.
Weiss know she can't defeat White Fang lieutenant.
She is too weak to fight. Bionic forearm and kidney, poor physical and psychological conditions. She don't have any chance.
Everything is over.
But someone don't think so.
Suddenly, Weiss is surrounded by a red strom with the rose petal.
The rose spread their fragrance far and wide.
She come to this battlefield.
She doesn't want to be a hero.
She just wanted to protect the important person in her life.
Ruby Rose clasp Crescent Rose, saying coldly.
" Leave her alone. "
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shylilbunny15 · 9 months
Writing Prompts
Prompt #2
・┆✦ʚStormed By Oddsɞ✦ ┆・
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"This way"!! Villain called out. Rushing through thick bushes and thorns as he ran through the field.
Hero followed not too far behind, as she huffed, having a bit more trouble making her way through the terrain.
Hero and Villain continued making their way through the uneven land as the storm got worse. Thunder cracking and booming, lighting flicking as bright as a flashlight in the dark. It was no help that the dirt beneath their feet started to erode and turn to thick slimy mud.
"H-How much farther?" Hero shouted, attempting to voice herself over the storm. The wind picking up sticks and bushes, pushing both Hero and Villain around like grass as they steady themselves trying to keep balance.
"It should be right ahead"! Villain replied, squinting his eyes to prove his theory as the storm made it harder to see ahead.
The storm was growing harsher by the minute. Dirt started to pick up in the wind, blowing against their body, stinging exposed skin like tiny pins pricking and piercing the skin. Hero lost her balance falling into the mud, skidding and sliding down a few feet. Picking herself up, only to see it wasn't just her but Villain seem to be struggling to keeping himself steady on his feet as well.
Adrenaline was rushing through Villain's body as he scanned ahead of him looking for his target. Villain was barely able to see anything farther than 4 feet ahead of him, the fog building up was of course a troublesome add on. He knew they had to get out of this storm, otherwise they'd be lost or worse dead. With the way the storm was progressing, it was very unlikely they would survive the aftermath of waiting in the storm if they didn't die from sitting and waiting in the storm alone. Villain felt hot and cold at the same time, his head was throbbing with frustration. Dirt and whatever the wind was picking up was nipping at every inch of Villain's body. Eyes were burning from sweat and Debris being caught in them. Villain wasn't sure how much longer he could last.
The storm grew heavier and heavier, Hero's heart racing as the thunder and lightning's cycling resembled a war zone of bombing.
Hero could barely keep herself focused let alone on her own two feet. Looking up through dirt invested winds, Hero saw that Villain wasn't doing any better.
The rain started to beat down on the two, hail the size of golf balls pounding down. The ground beanth their feet now flooded and soaked.
Hero could feel her body getting tired of fighting the strom that so desperately seemed to want to engulf the two in it's disaster. However, hero knew she couldn't. Even if she could, she wouldn't allow it. Giving up was never an option to Hero.
"There"!! Hero barely heard Villain's voice over the crackling of the thunder. Hero looked up once again seeing Villain suddenly running somewhat faster through the knee deep flood and up a towards an overgrown house up ahead.
"Hurry damnit!!" Villain called as he held the door open, wind bashing against his hold, threatening to close it.
Hero ran towards the door, breath running shallow, as her chest ached. Fall after fall, hero picked herself up, somewhat motivated by Villain's random outburst of strength and determination through such a horrid storm.
Wooden logs from what seemed to be extra firewood flew left and right around the patio , threatening to slam into windows and anything else they was in their path.
"COME ONN"! Villain urged, pushing the door with all his might. Villain looked tired, like he would break at any second.
As if anticipating it, a log flew right into Villain's stomach, knocking him back into the house. Hero, only foot away, catching the door with her forearm, hurling herself inside, letting the door slam shut, as the wind threw more debris at the door. Hero quickly, reached up locking the door, sliding down, and turning with her back resting against the door.
Huffing, trying to catch her breath, Hero quickly, crawled over to Villain whom was having a small coughing fit, clutching his stomach.
"That was a hell of a knock back...are you okie?" Hero said halfheartedly.
Villain's nod in response have Hero relief as she dropped to the floor, lying on her back next to Villain.
"..looks like we'll have to wait out the storm here". Villain sighed.
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
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"The storm's not going to let up anytime soon" Villain sighed, annoyance clear on his face.
Both stood on either side of one of the large  windows, leaning against the frame, facing one another. The hail cycled the continuous beat against the window. Ice frosting the glass. The storm had genuinely started to show it's effect as the temperature was dropping according to the thermostat on the window frame.
"How'd you know about this place, anyway" hero questioned, turning her gaze to the ceiling and furniture around.
"Hah..I own it" Villain chuckled.
Hero's jaw dropped, nearly breaking her neck as she looked at Villain. "Y-You OWN this place?!"
"I may be a Villain but I still have to make a living..I do have a life you know. Besides, how do you think I get all of my toys to continue our little game of predator and prey?" Villain taunted, his smile malicious yet charismatic.
"..you rob banks...I suspected that was how you got money..and making deals along the black market and other Villains" Hero tilted her head, confused.
"You're not the only one who does business, Hero. Just as you have your company and such, taking care of the city and what not in the side, I also have my side jobs. I may do business as a Villain..but not all of it is dirty, nor is the money."
" So...you have your own company..but, what is this place, so far away. Don't tell me its-"
"Not a chance, sweetheart. I'm a Villain, not stupid." Villain teased. "This is just a random safe house I had built just in case. It's not my house" Villain smiled, looking at Hero through half lidded eyes. "Don't tell me you though I would make such a mistake".
Hero looked away quickly, feeling her face heat up as a burning blush crept up her cheeks. "O-Of course not!"
Villain shook his head, smiling to himself. "If I hadn't known you better, I would have simply labeled this as an amateur mistake. You're just naive. Smart, tactical, advanced in your rank, but quite naive.."
Hero flicked, hearing Villain's words. "Hey, I'm not the one who led my enemy to my safe house" hero shouted jokingly, trying to hide her reaction.
"Right.." Villain, sighed, running a hand through his hair.
"This mission isn't going so well.."
"Agreed..with your Task Force 114 and my Faccina` Squad separated from us, we're very limited on our options". Villain groaned,
Slouching down on the couch. He'd practically deflated, give his obvious lack of faith in whatever options he was thinking of.
"Hey, don't be like that. If the two of us can pair together for 2 days without breaking each other's neck, I'm sure we can put some faith in our teams, and find a way through this. We have to complete this mission if we want to get back to normal. Besides, I don't want to be stuck here with you" hero smiled.
Villain gave a soft smile in return, sitting up, hands closed together as he leaned forward. "Alright Hero. Let's run through our options, shall we"?
                   ・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
"We should just continue through with what we can do" hero implied.
"I suppose that would be a better idea than the previous ones." Villain claimed, nodding. Villain stood up, tucking his hands in his pants pockets. "However, the storm is our probably as of right now..".
Hero gave a nod, wobbly, rising to her feet. "Right..what should we-"
Hero's eyes widened, as Villain suddenly slumped into the window, coughing like hell, supporting himself with one hand on the glass.  Hero was at Villain's side
"Are you okie- what's wrong"?! Hero questioned, placing a hand on Villain's shoulder. Hero could feel him shaking , his breathing was getting heavier.
"I-i'm fine.." Villain choked out.
"Villain you're not-"
"I SAID I'M FINE DAMNIT"! Villain protested, shoving Hero's hand off. Hunching over, Villain, felt himself growing colder by the minute. Visibly shaking, he didn't care. Villain wasn't going to show himself in such a state, not to Hero at least.
Villain turned towards Hero, before suddenly falling limp.
"Villain"! Hero caught the towering male, slumping him against her shoulder. Barely able to stand herself, Hero tensed feeling Villain's cheek, on her neck. "He's burning up.." Hero stabled Villain, before stumbling over to the lounge sectional, laying Villain down on it. Hero placed one hand on Villain's forehead, and one on her own. "We're both burning up...I'm not as bad as you though" Hero mumbled to herself.
Hero kneeled down, cupping Villain's hand, holding it close. "Villain..Villain, I need you to tell me where you keep your medicine"
Exhaling in defeat, Hero stood up. "Of course... he's out cold. No matter, I'll just have to look on my own".
Hero started her roam, looking through shelves and dressers in the living room, moving on from there to the kitchen, and down the corridor full of rooms.
"I understand it's a safe house, and comfort might be a slight concern, but....this is seriously lush and lavish living". Hero walked along corridor after corridor, scanning each room, inch by inch, picking up what she thought would be helpful.
Hero came to a stop at the third floor. Dark brown double doors catching her eye. Hero approached the doors, pulling the heavy doors open, revealing a library she could only dream of. "Some safe house...huh".
Hero looked around, walking up a grand staircase, coming to sight with a rather large desk, in front of a floor length window. "..Must come here to clear his head" Walking over to the desk, Hero spotted a picture frame, containing an image of what appeared to be an older male, seemingly in his mid 20's. Hero, sitting at the desk, hero crapped the picture looking closely. The man had fluffy, chestnut brown hair, adorning his head, his eyes were bright emerald. His smile was soft, and enticing.
In the corner of the frame, written in cursive was the name "Dustin Gravesworth". "A family member, maybe"? Placing the frame down, hero started to search through the desk draws, before coming in contact with a black med-bag. "Yes"! Hero beamed, jumping out of the chair, and grabbing the bag before making her way down the stairs.
"Just hold on a little longer, Villain" Hero panted, as she made her way down corridor after corridor. Finally reaching the first floor, Hero burst through the living room doors, dropping to the floor, beside the couch Villain was on.
Opening the med-bag Hero scanned through the medicine, before settling for a fever reducer. Popping the bottle open, Hero sat villain up, dropping the pills into a cup of hot tea they had made earlier, letting the pills dissolve. "Villain.. Villain" hero called, lightly slapping Villain's cheek.
Villain stirred, halfway opening his eyes, staring at Hero.
"That'll have to do" Hero held the cup up to Villain's lips, slowly letting the liquid, deep into his mouth. Villain sip slowly, the bitter taste of the medicine, causing him to choke.
"Shoot...sorry. you'll only get better if you drink it all" hero implied.
Villain finished the tea, looking up at Hero with glossy eyes, before slumping back, panting and falling unconscious once again.
Setting the cup down on a nearby table, hero closed the bag, putting it on the table as well, before sitting on the floor, resting her head on her arms, watching Villain carefully.
Hero felt herself growing more tired by the second. Delirium proving itself a worth opponent as Hero started to mumbled nonsense to herself, trying to stay awake.
"I suppose I can keep myself busy by coming up with a plan....maybe four.." Hero grapped a book and pen they were using earlier to jot down idea.
Hero starting her brainstorming, getting plan after plan written down, before nodding off, progressing in a continuous cycle. "Ugh!!" Hero groaned. "My head is killing me.." hero leaned her head back against the couch, looking up at ceiling, before slowly subcoming to the darkness that was sleep.
Part 2 will be out soon
Sweet Dreams~ 🖤🐇🖤
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supersaiyanjedi14 · 11 months
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More of my own Star Wars AU. Here are the Grand Masters of the Jedi Order throughout its history.
-Awdrysta Pina: aka the Green Blade, Grand Master during the First Great Schism.
-Beil Ductivis: Grand Master during the Pius Dea Crusades, later Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic.
-Odan Urr: Founder of the Great Jedi Library of Ossus.
-Nomi Sunrider: Hero of the Great Sith War.
-Vrook Lamar*: Leading figure during the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War.
-Meetra Surik: Rebuilder of the Jedi Order following the First Jedi Purge and the Dark War.
-Satele Shan: Hero of the Great Galactic War, Grand Master during the Cold and Eternal Wars.
-Genarra: Gand master and Supreme Chancellor during the early New Sith Wars.
-Fae Coven: First Grand Master following the Ruusan Reformation, principal author of The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force.
-Yoda: Final Grand Master of the Old Jedi Order, from the High Republic to the Clone Wars.
-Ahsoka Tano*: Unoffical Grand Master in the early years of the New Jedi Order, representative to the New Republic Senate.
-Luke Skywalker: First official Grand Master of the New Jedi Order.
-Rey Strom*: Hero of the Sith'ari War, former Padawan of Grand Master Skywalker.
-Kol Skywalker: Leader of the Ossus Project.
-K'Kruhk: Member of the Galactic Federation Triumvirate.
Vrook, Ahsoka and Rey are all exclusively fanon for the purposes of my AU.
The GM of the KOTOR era is unconfirmed, though Vrook is arguably the most outspoken and influential member of the body.
Ahsoka is the most senior Jedi in the Rebellion with the strongest connections to the NR leadership per her Fulcrum days, though she does make a point of her only being a placeholder until Luke gets the NJO built up enough to formally take over.
My plans for adapting the Sequel Trilogy and its characters are kept to myself at the moment, but Rey does grow into a very powerful and prominent Jedi regardless.
All the others are from official continuity. Xo Lahru, Pra-Te Veter, and Ry Ki-Sakka of the High Republic are also in my AU, I just haven't made micros for them yet. Grand Master Zym does not exist in this AU since...well, he sucks. That's all I'm gonna say.
Also, while Odan, Nomi, Meetra, Genarra, Kol and K'Kruhk were never officially called Grand Master in their respective stories, Odan presided over all the Jedi assemblies in TotJ, Nomi was the one spearheading the Order's operations during the Redemtion arc, Meetra was the one who rebuilt the Order following the Sith Triumvirate's purge (and the Revan novel does not happen here), Genarra was specifically stated to be the Order's leader as well as Chancellor in the Knight Errant Gazzetter, Kol is all but stated to be the leader of the Jedi Council before the Ossus Massacre, K'Kruhk was the Jedi's elected rep to the Triumvirate, and frankly all of them are clearly leading the Order at their respective times, so I'm including them.
credit for my pixels here.
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zigmenthotep · 5 months
Power creep in superhero comics is a really interesting phenomenon, specifically in how it happens. Like, you might be thinking "That's not interesting, it's just the Goku Effect. As time goes on more and more powerful enemies need to be introduced to challenge the hero, who must then become more powerful to overcome that challenge." And yes, sometimes it is like that—*cough* Superman *cough*—but other times it's more related to creating a reality in which a character has unintentional potential.
For example, the X-Men characters Strom, Magneto, and Gambit were not created to be god-tier—okay, maybe Storm. Rather they were created with an idea of how they used their powers, rather than what their powers were capable of. So when in the hands of their original creators—or those without much imagination—they just continue using those powers in the same predictable ways, until someone gets ahold of the character and actually considers what their powers are capable of.
And that's the interesting part. Characters are given abstract powers that facilitate what their creators want them to do, but then those powers become a fact of that universe, no longer tied to the original intent of their creation. "Magneto has control over the forces of magnetism" means that he repels attacks and throws metal objects at people... if that's why he was given that power. But from that point forward, he has that power, he can do anything that having control over magnetic forces would allow him to do.
Okay, yes, the Goku Effect is part of it too, but that's just the catalyst, the "Powers established as fact" thing is what makes it interesting.
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eunwoopeia · 2 years
“Some Kind of Proof It’s Not a Dream”
pairing: kuroo tetsurou x tsukishima kei
genre: song fic, getting together, light angst
work count: 1.7k
tags/warnings: mentions of divorce, tiny one-sided tsukiyama, tsukki is bad at feelings
summary: tsukishima kei finds his only exception in kuroo tetsurou
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When I was younger I saw my daddy cry
And curse at the wind
He broke his own heart and I watched
As he tried to reassemble it
Kei’s early childhood is only filled with two things, non-stop shouting or deafening silence. Five year old Tsukishima Kei knew that it wasn’t supposed to be like this. Two people who had promised to love each other until the day they die weren’t supposed to either have screaming matches every night or pretending like the other person doesn’t exist at all. Akiteru —his older brother of six years— tried his best to reassure and comfort him, but the walls are thin and there is only so much an older brother can do in trying to protect his little brother when his own parents are crumbling down right in front of him.
So it was inevitable, Kei knew, when their parents decided to get a divorce.
It was for the better anyway. Their parents can stop pretending like everything is fine just for the sake of their two children.
Kei knows that now. But he still cried when his mother and father sat him and Akiteru down one evening to explain everything.
It was the first time he ever saw his father cry.
And my momma swore she would
Never let herself forget
They move back to the small town where their mother grew up, just the three of them. Kei, Akiteru, and their mother. His father stayed at the city, and would only ever call once a month. Not that Kei missed him or longed for him. He never felt like he was missing something, with the way his mother enveloped him with love and attention, with everything he could ever want or need.
And Akiteru did as well.
He loved and took care of Kei almost like a father, but not authoritative enough to be suffocating and make him forget that they’re only brothers. Akiteru was his hero, the glistening rainbow after a strom. The one person who would never hurt him the way their parents had.
Until he did.
Until Kei found out about the months of lying and deceiving.
And it wasn’t just a storm this time. It was his entire world shattering and crumbling down to tiny little pieces.
Was his adoration a burden for Aki? Was he not trustworthy enough to be a confidant for his only brother?
Were people really just dumb enough to continue staying in a situation that was doing nothing but hurting them?
And that was the day that I promised
Kei would never be like them.
Like his father who would rather find a temporary heat from a different body just to escape his problems.
Like his mother who would stay in a loveless relationship in hopes of rekindling a dying fire.
Like his brother who would lie not just to Kei, but also to himself, just because he’s too much of a coward to face the harsh truth.
I’d never sing of love if it does not exist
Maybe I know somewhere deep in my soul
That love never lasts
And we’ve got to find other ways to make it alone
Or keep a straight face
‘I know you don’t feel the same way but I… I just wanted to let you know.’
Kei didn’t know what to say. What to do. What to feel.
Yamaguchi is standing in front of him, almost caving into himself. Freckles blurring behind a deep blush as he continues to worry with his hands. ‘Tsukki. Please say something.’
Kei didn’t know what to say.
‘It’s okay. Just. Please tell me that we can still be friends.’
‘Of course.’ Of course, because Yamaguchi was the one person who wasn’t afraid of him. Who answered all the mood swings, the awful words, the complete and total animosity to anything that could be related to happiness with a little smile. He was his only friend.
And Kei didn’t deserve him.
‘Of course we can still be friends.’
And I’ve always lived like this
Keeping a comfortable distance
Volleyball kept him busy. And sure, his teammates were… fine.
The seniors cared about the team a lot. Kei can see that. They didn’t only care about winning a couple of games or getting themselves into Nationals before they graduate. They genuinely care about everyone.
And the sophomores might be a weird mix of rowdy hormonal teenagers and calm enthusiastic players, but they were very supportive (in their own way) as well.
And even though his fellow freshmen the such pain in the ass, they wholeheartedly wanted to be there.
And up until now I had sworn to myself that I’m content
Which was the problem. Because they all cared a little too much for Kei’s liking.
It’s just a club.
He wasn’t there to make friends. It’s just a silly sport to help him pass the time.
With loneliness
He didn’t need more friends.
He doesn’t see the point of giving your all, almost to the point of burning yourself out, to something that might only cause you disappointment or pain in the end.
Because none of it was ever worth the risk
And then he met Kuroo Tetsurou.
The captain of their supposed rival school. Charming, enigmatic, and so full of himself, Kuroo Tetsurou.
Kei would be lying if he said that he was able to stop thinking about the older boy after they first met. But he told himself that it was nothing but a stupid crush. It wasn’t his fault that he found him attractive somehow. It was only his mind and body betraying him, nothing more.
But everything changes during training camp.
When Kuroo apologized for something other people might have just brushed off. When Kuroo (with the help of Bokuto, Akaashi and Yamaguchi) made him face his own fears. Made him realize that he’s being a coward by already giving up without even trying. When Kuroo helped him hone his skills without asking for anything in return, despite the fact that were supposed to be enemies.
When Kuroo invited him out for a walk on their last night at camp —and somehow made Kei agree— talking about the nerdiest shit Kei had ever heard from someone who he had previously dubbed as a brainless jock. When they spent the night talking (bickering) in hushed tones despite being surrounded by nothing but the trees and the light of fireflies. When Kuroo walked him back to the room where he and his teammates are staying at, looking as disappointed as Kei feels for the quick passing of time.
When Kuroo asked for his number before he boards their bus the next morning, hand massaging his nape and maroon tinting his ears.
When Kuroo calls right after their game against Shiratorizawa, frantically asking him about his injury before even congratulating their team for the impossible win.
When Kuroo looks genuinely happy and outright proud of him after Karasuno beats Nekoma at Nationals, despite losing an important game on his last year in high school.
I’ve got a tight grip on reality
Everything changes.
When they don’t stop communicating with each other despite Kuroo graduating and entering college. Despite the busy schedule. Despite the miles in between.
When their late night conversations turns from questions about homework to their deepest secrets and darkest insecurities.
When Kuroo drops by every training camp just to break down even more of Kei’s impervious walls.
When Kuroo helps him pick out a university of his own, helps move him into a brand new dorm (Aki adores him. Kei hates it, but he also kind of understands why), helps him adjust to his new life at the city.
When Kuroo doesn’t falter of flinch to his barbed wires, his sharp tongue, and dark nights.
But I can’t
When one day, Kuroo asks him, ‘Do you think you’ll ever love me back, Tsukki?’
‘Tetsu, you know I don’t…’
He wanted to say, I don’t believe in love.
Let go of what’s in front of me here
But Kei knows it’s a lie.
Because he’s been in love since that first night. Surrounded by trees and the light of fireflies.
Since that time he sent a text saying ‘we’re taking my mom to the hospital right now’ and later, Kuroo comes rushing to his side, straight out of his part-time job from the city an hour and a half away.
Since he stayed the night at Tokyo to comfort a distressed Kuroo who had just lost his childhood pet.
Since Kuroo had stayed with him through a painfully awkward lunch he had with the man who is his father after years of not seeing each other.
Since Kuroo so sweetly confessed ‘I’m so in love with you Tsukishima Kei’ without expecting an answer back.
I know you’re leaving in the morning when you wake up
‘I know. But I also hope you know that I’m not like any of them Tsukki.’
Leave me with some kind of proof it’s not a dream
But how do you shed an integral part of yourself?
How do you erase something you spent your entire childhood and adolescent years instilling into your very being?
How do you make yourself believe in something you’ve seen left so many important people in your life broken and crumpled to the ground? Including the boy in front of you? (Because Kei can see it. Loving him is only making Kuroo suffer day by day.)
‘Tetsu…’ Kei doesn’t know what to say. So he doesn’t.
Doesn’t speak until Tetsurou rubs at his face and silently leaves his room.
You make an exception.
You are the only exception
So Kei follows. It might have taken him hours before he finally finds the courage, but he doesn’t care.
When Kuroo is the one who had stayed with him through everything, running after him is nothing in comparison. Kei would run to the end of the world and it would only be his starting point into giving back everything Tetsurou had given him, thought him, shown him. Made him feel.
This would be his starting point.
And I’m on my way to believing
So Kei runs out of his dorm.
Only to find Tetsurou waiting outside for him.
‘You stayed.’
‘Of course I did. I always have, haven’t I?’
Oh, and I’m on my way to believing
‘And I always will.’
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away-ward · 6 months
Hey KO, I'm new to dn, and just finished it today! I know that this is not a devils night confirmation info page or anything, but i just would like to know your interpretation of will's line of "she was hot in the shower, on the beach, on the wall, on the hood of his car under the rain, in his bed". By the end of nightfall, i dont even know which one is the truth or which one is the lie because will grayson lies so much. Like did he actually did all that? So how tf am i supposed to see him as a great romantic book hero? Like, idk im so confused rn. By the end of nightfall, i ended up only loving emory scott from this series, and hating will grayson. I was so disappointed when we didnt get enough banks by fire night. But shes my second favourite.
and what do you think were the things will lied about or the things he said the truth was? And wtf was he saying about alex being his safe place and port on the strom? Why did that sound like rika when she talks about kai, because michael was it for her, and only with michael, rika felt everything she needed and wanted to? Was that what will meant? That he still wnated emory because unlike alex who only made him laugh to forget his pain and enable him, emory was the one he wanted to feel everything with? Was that also the reason he said that emmy was the only perosn who knew what he felt always? Like the true him? The one not even damon, his bff knew?Because then pd sure as hell didnt do a good job executing this. They were too convoluted in their execution, these messages didnt stand out immediately.
ahhhh im so confused? Like whats going in nightfall? And emmy fucking alex? Huh? But tbh unlike other readers, i can see why emmy needed that moment though even though i was like? I cant see her bonding with damon like that hence why i thought its understandable she didnt go over the edge with will and damon in the locker room scene. Aside from pride and fear, i dont think she would want them to think that she would settle down for scraps and ONS in high school while she was still not free. But alex (and will and aydin) just pisses me off here in nightfall like how the horsemen pissed me off from the way they treated rika in corrupt.
and funnily enough i think even this point is recycled from hideaway. Like think about it yeah, in hideaway, when banks attacked rika, kai explained why he was close to her and he said something like "even after everything, she still befriended us, talked to us, forgive us" yada yada yada, so does that mean, IMPLICITLY, even after everything, emmy would still accept alex, aydin and will, even when they're being ugly like that? Because it felt eerily similar, yk. And that train scene with kai and michael, as much as they pissed me off, i can see why michael and kai said that because they were probably testing her loyalty and see if she's here in even for the ugly. When i put on that lense it made sense.
tbh i dont agree with a lot of weird shit in dn, but i can see why. But for some reason will's personality and characterisation + lies always made me second guess everything in nightfall. Because wtf? Sure, damon used to be his heroine (not a good thing) and alex was his port in the storm (not a good thing too) so wtf is he doing with his life then?? Only with emmy, his life starts? Is he dumb or something? 😭☠️ im so sorry im just confused wtfff? And not damon and alex being bffs and still cant read him outside of only knowing emmy was his everything, and the reason why he might even get out of blackchurch (oh and i theorise earlier that when rika asked michael what was his plan for will in conclave, i suspected he wanted tosend emmy there. I think he knew she could handle it. I mean she did lmao) and didnt even knew about his plans with grandpa? But emmy be figuring out everything (like a bloodhound will said), and the only reason she couldnt find out earlier was because 1. she wasnt beside him, 2. things were happening outside of her knwoledge, 3. She was lied to by will or manipulated by aydin? Uuh? How tf are these people even bffs and considered smart honestly? Wtf? Do they not have a brain? They have 8 people fgs 😭 emmy literally the only one with brain, wanting to ACTUALLY escape and not act like want to escape but actually want to stay and have hidden motives (cough alexaydinwill cough) dang, these horsemen be thick in the head eh?
KO, i would really like to know what you think of these. Like wtf is going on? How are they gonna build an empire with these brains? And rika being mayor at 22? WHAT IS GOING ON AHAHAHAHAH stop. Like i dont even hate dn, atp i only dislike some characters and some things, but its bad soap opera, im enjoying my confusion and having a good time weirdly?
its bad soap opera, im enjoying my confusion and having a good time weirdly?
If there was ever a tag line for Devil’s Night, it would be this.
Welcome? Congrats on making it through. It’s an accomplishment, for sure.
I’m definitely not a confirmation page or anything. If anything, I see the series totally different than a lot of people – especially Will. I’m not sure if I’ll say anything that makes the pain better, but I’m always happy to talk about it.
i just would like to know your interpretation of will's line of "she was hot in the shower, on the beach, on the wall, on the hood of his car under the rain, in his bed". By the end of nightfall, i dont even know which one is the truth or which one is the lie because will grayson lies so much. Like did he actually did all that? So how tf am i supposed to see him as a great romantic book hero?
Yeah, I absolutely think Will did all those things with Alex. All that and more.
But it wasn’t special. They were both sleeping with multiple people. Alex was sleeping with Michael’s father, for example. Sure, they probably enjoyed each other’s company more than they did with others, but I never saw any evidence of anything romantic between them. And in a series about characters that started having sex without commitment as early as 14 or 15, I don’t see this as odd behavior on their part.
For instance, it was odd behavior for Kai to NOT be having sex in Corrupt. That was his whole part of his storyline. So, Will carrying on from where he left off before prison was normal and expected.
I do agree that Will saying this is cruel. He’s intending to hurt Emory. But this isn’t the first time he’s done this. It actually echoes what he used to say in high school.
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He said something similar in her room the night he tried to end things with her. When Will wants to hurt Emory, he reminds her he has options. And Emory has no problem using his casual slutiness to try and hurt him in return, but that's besides the point. The point is the question this brings up:
Does he actually want those options?
I think we can all read that scene and know both of them are lying. Will says himself he doesn’t want anyone but her. However, when Emory comes back that she was just using him, seeing what all the fuss was about, and now she’s done with him, he’s hurt. He wants her in all ways, but she's saying she doesn't want him. So he tries to cover it up. He's lying. He doesn't care about any of the other "options", he just wants her to be jealous and hurt like he's jealous and hurt.
In Blackchurch the situation is slightly different. He wants to hurt her for other reasons, not just because she didn’t want him like he wanted her. However, I think apart of just how vicious his anger got was him frantically trying to build a wall to protect himself. If he didn’t manage to find a way to defend himself against whatever it is about Emory that draws him to her like a moth to a flame, he risked bearing himself to her cruelty again. I’m not sure if he was ready to do that. So he relied on his anger and the same old tactics that worked before. In the scene you mentioned, he's just giving his "options" a face.
I mean, if you don’t see him as a romantic hero, there’s nothing wrong with that. There’s not a lot about the Present timeline/Blackchurch arc that is romantic. But I do find both of these characters sympathetic in some ways, and I’m happy they found a way to happiness with each other after all this time.
i ended up only loving emory scott from this series, and hating will grayson. I was so disappointed when we didnt get enough banks by fire night. But shes my second favourite.
A completely normal reaction, honestly. I think it’s safe to say most have been there. I know that’s where I started at when I finished the series.
And wtf was he saying about alex being his safe place and port on the strom? Why did that sound like rika when she talks about kai, because michael was it for her, and only with michael, rika felt everything she needed and wanted to?
…no matter what anyone tells you, you don’t need to read the Rika and Banks bonus scene. Save yourself.
because unlike alex who only made him laugh to forget his pain and enable him, emory was the one he wanted to feel everything with? Was that also the reason he said that emmy was the only perosn who knew what he felt always? Like the true him? The one not even damon, his bff knew?
Yes, exactly.
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Damon and Alex indulged Will. They were so enamored with this boy with childish tendencies – this Peter Pan-like man – that they were willing to let him destroy himself rather than expect more.
Alex did it because she was also hiding from reality. Damon did it because he wanted Will to never lose what made him so enthusiastic about life. Will should never be in pain. Because Damon was completely consumed by the hatred and anger in him, and he’d placed all his happiness and what was left of his goodness in other people. It was important to him to protect that in Will. Of course, this means that both Alex and Damon see what they want to see in Will, and not necessarily what’s there.
Because Will wanted to grow up. When Emory was leaving him in high school, she said she didn't want to be someone he needed to take care of, someone pathetic with a lot of baggage he'd get sick of. What she didn't understand is that Will desperately wanted to take care of her. He wanted to hold that baggage, and he was patient enough to never get tired of holding it. He wanted to be a man, and to be important to people, and be dependable and relied on. He came from a world where no one needed him. He was just there. I recall how when Will was tucking Emory in after homecoming. The conversation they had about what Will's future looked like. It was joke, but apart of Will wanted to be the important man in the great suit for Emory. That's how he imagined their future - sans Heidi.
If he could get Emory to love him… if he could be special enough for her, and be the only one she went to when she needed something – love, affection, happiness, help… other people didn't need him like that, but he really wanted to be that for Emory. He wanted to be that important to her. Problem was he had no idea how much help she really needed. It was all a fantasy that was never going to happen, because Emory was not the girl he thought she was. Once he realized that, he was hurt that she wouldn’t even try to depend on him. He was that unreliable.
And then, when he gets out of prison, he finds out that Damon lied to him about who leaked the videos and then disappears, Kai and Michael are having their usual bromance, leaving him out of the plans, and who does leave him with?
Alex. So he hides in her. And Alex hides in him, but Alex also doesn’t need him to be anything other than there. She can take care of herself, she has a roster of callers. She's taken care of. He doesn’t have to be a man for her. They let each other be weak without judgement, but eventually even Will gets tired of that, and starts down that "inevitable road" to growing up without her.
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He can’t make a commitment to Alex, anyway. Because in his heart, he knows it’s still only Emory that he wants to be that man for.
and funnily enough i think even this point is recycled from hideaway. Like think about it yeah, in hideaway, when banks attacked rika, kai explained why he was close to her and he said something like "even after everything, she still befriended us, talked to us, forgive us" yada yada yada, so does that mean, IMPLICITLY, even after everything, emmy would still accept alex, aydin and will, even when they're being ugly like that?
There are so many recycled plot points and beats throughout this series, it’s a little exhausting to count. Still, I hadn’t considered it from this angle.
Emory as Rika, forgiving Alex, Aydin, and Will the way that Rika forgave the horsemen.
Wow. Galaxy brain.
Regardless. I still hate Aydin and refuse to accept him as part of their little family. He’s gross, and I hope he and Alex go off on one of their adventures and never come back, and the group just forgets they were ever there.
Unlike most around here, I don't mind Alex’s presence totally (I’m more irritated with her overall character execution than her role within the story, but that’s for a different time), except for the fact that she married that man. I do absolutely hate her for that.
that train scene with kai and michael, as much as they pissed me off, i can see why michael and kai said that because they were probably testing her loyalty.
I don’t think they were testing her loyalty. Well, maybe Michael was. Another anon several months ago suggested Michael was also trying to keep Emory close for Will. Which, that’s an interesting thought.
Kai, I think, was just salty and still consumed with guilt over getting arrested and needed to project a little.
“We didn’t deserve that?”
Oh, so Emory deserved to have her grandma ripped away from her and put in a home where she would most certainly be neglected and die?
You guys actually committed those crimes, regardless of whether they were for a good reason. Emory did nothing to deserve the way her brother was treating her. Please get over yourself.
tbh i dont agree with a lot of weird shit in dn, but i can see why
Honestly… same.
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i suspected he wanted tosend emmy there. I think he knew she could handle it. I mean she did lmao
I think this would have been a much better plot, though. Yes, because I hate Aydin and his storyline, but also because this makes more sense!
It makes more sense that Will would find the letter and disappear. Once they figured out he’s in Blackchurch, Kai would have more understanding of what that kind of environment would do to Will. I think he said that Will stopped eat? I could be misremembering though.
So to motivate Will, they could give him something he wanted, like coaxing a dog from a shed with a treat.
Or I could go on replotting the entire thing. I think what the point is, is that almost anything would have been better than what actually happened.  
emmy literally the only one with brain, wanting to ACTUALLY escape and not act like want to escape but actually want to stay and have hidden motives (cough alexaydinwill cough) dang,
While I appreciate Emory being unwilling to give up and continuing to fight, the truth is that she was being a little stupid. Just a little.
They were on an island, off the coast of Canada, in the middle of October. She had no clothes except what she was wearing (which was usually boxer shorts and a button up shirt?), and usually only managed to grab at most two days’ worth of food.
She was going to let her pride and inability to face Will get her killed.
Now, I don’t doubt for a second Emory’s drive for survival. It’s possible she would have figured out how to live in the wilderness. The best option, however, would have been to play nice with Alex and Will. Not be friends. Just Be. Nice.
If Alex was right and the team was coming to save them, great. She’ll be taken off the island. She can hit the ground running in the opposite direction as soon as her feet hit pavement.
If Alex was wrong and the team wasn’t on their way, when it got close to the thirty days, she could sneak away then, so she only had to plan on surviving outside the house for a short while until the supplies team came. At which point she’d have the freedom to move about. Either talk to a member of the team or sneak aboard whatever transport they came in.
But either way, she’d need to survive in the house, and getting as many people on her side as possible (which would mean stop antagonizing everyone who pissed her off) would have been a smarter move. Emory needed to be prepared to play the long or short game. Blackchurch was not Thunder Bay. Being a lone wolf was going to get her nothing useful.
However, if she did that, we wouldn’t have our beloved Emory, would we. Much like Will, I love that she never let the opportunity to snap at them pass.
This isn't to say that Emory isn't one of the smartest people in the group. I have no doubt that her and Banks run circles around them any day of the week. Just that in this particular situation, she was not doing her best. Understandable, though. She was only a little stressed out.
How are they gonna build an empire with these brains? And rika being mayor at 22? WHAT IS GOING ON AHAHAHAHAH stop.
Yeah, I don’t know. That whole “rule the world” thing really bugs me. One, why did Damon only include his sisters and not the whole family?
Two, why does Banks have to do everything Damon wants? When does she get to choose?
Three, I don’t mind the idea of Rika being mayor…eventually. But Rika has barely graduated college. What experience does she have to run the town. I’d have much rather they used someone like Katsu or Vittoria or Matthew Grayson as a placeholder until Rika was old enough.
If there’s anything that we learned from the Rika and Banks bonus scene, is that Rika still really suffers from insecurities and embarrassment too much. Why is she letting a 20-year-old bully her over something that happened 15 years prior, and for something that is completely normal in their social circles? I don’t trust Rika to run a PTA without falling victim to peer pressure. Who gave her a town?
Four, …they own an Inn, an amusement park that’s only open like one-three months a year, a dojo, and a humanitarian project. They’re rich kids playing with the money they inherited, doing a lot of nothing, and making more money for themselves. Exactly what empire are we building here?
Yeah… anyway. I don’t know why I’m still here. Other than, I love these stupid characters and want better for them. I wanna play with them like dolls. It's s all pretty dumb though.
Thanks for stopping by! Hope you have fun while you here. Come back and talk to me again sometime.
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bongaboi · 11 months
Texas Rangers: 2023 World Series Champions
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PHOENIX -- The Texas Rangers are World Series champions for the first time in franchise history after surviving Arizona ace Zac Gallen’s no-hit bid, getting a gutsy effort from starter Nathan Eovaldi and bringing their ample bats to the late innings in a thrilling 5-0 victory in Game 5 on Wednesday night at Chase Field.
In ending MLB’s longest title drought among title-less teams, the Rangers, who joined the American League as the expansion Washington Senators in 1961 before moving to Arlington and rebranding in '72, showed their mettle in what was, for eight innings, an ultra-tight tilt.
One night after erupting for 11 runs -- including 10 in the second and third innings -- Texas was held scoreless until Mitch Garver’s seventh-inning single brought newly minted two-time World Series MVP Corey Seager home to break a scoreless tie. The Rangers then took advantage of an untimely Alek Thomas fielding error in a four-run ninth highlighted by Marcus Semien’s two-run homer.
Eovaldi, on the other hand, had to sweat his way to success. He had baserunners abound, allowing four hits and five walks in six innings. But the D-backs went 0-for-9 with runners in scoring position against him to strand all nine of those runners. They had two aboard with none out in the third, when No. 3 hitter Gabriel Moreno questionably put down a sacrifice bunt to advance the runners, and nothing came of it.
In short, the Snakes let Eovaldi off the hook and, in the process, left themselves vulnerable to anything short of perfection by their ace.
"I kind of joked around that I didn’t know how many rabbits I had left in my hat," Eovaldi said. "I didn’t really help myself out in some of those situations. Other times, they put together quality at-bats and were able to find the whole. A lot of the credit goes to Jonah back there behind the plate. He called a great game. We were on the same page for the most part. We were able to come out on top. That was the main thing."
Gallen finally bent in the seventh, and it began in an ironic way. Seager broke up the no-no, but he didn’t do it in the style that suited him all series. Rather, it was a softly hit grounder to the opposite side -- a ball that would have been harmless if third baseman Evan Longoria hadn’t been shifted toward shortstop. The ball reached the outfield grass, and the Rangers had life.
Reflecting a theme of this series, the Rangers seized the moment in a way the D-backs did not. Evan Carter ripped a double to put two runners in scoring position. And after a consultation on the mound with pitching coach Brent Strom, Gallen gave up a ground-ball single up the middle to Garver to bring Seager home with the game’s first run.
"Gallen was unbelievable tonight, but we came through," Semien said. "Once Corey got the first hit, everybody kind of woke up."
Though Gallen recovered to strike out Josh Jung and October relief hero Kevin Ginkel came on to record the last two outs and escape a bases-loaded jam of his own making in the eighth, the D-backs were made to pay for their early inability to cash in at the plate. The Rangers came out swinging in the ninth against Arizona closer Paul Sewald with consecutive singles from Jung and Nathaniel Lowe. Heim ripped a single to center that Thomas misplayed. The ball scooted toward the wall, as Jung and Lowe hustled home and Heim streaked to third. Two outs later, Semien went deep for the second time in as many nights to make it 5-0, igniting a Texas-sized soiree, 52 years in the making.
"This is the biggest moment, the World Series," Semien said. "Put up four runs in the ninth inning to be up 5-0 after being no-hit, it just felt so good. [I] just looked over to the bench and screamed. It’s just an unbelievable feeling."
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ivyprism · 9 months
Skeleton Boy Jobs: Revamp and New Part 3
Warnings: Death, etc.
Admiral and Sandstone are both working heroes. Incarnadine is a retired hero.
Baron and Finch are villains. Amos is a retired villain.
Veranda and Grenach are heroes.
Macchiato and Carignan are villains.
Griffin is a Judge for Angels and is also an Executioner, however, on Earth, he works at a supermarket. Sentinel is a Savior Angel, however, on Earth, he works at a flower shop. Cobalt trains Executioners and Guardians, however, on Earth, he is a professor.
Joldewin is the God of Sleep and Elio is the God of Wishes and Dreams.
Hellebore is the God of Poison and Grimoire is the God of Curses and Nightmares.
Ilarion is the God of Joy and Cyfrin is the God of Mischief and Daydreams.
Evander is an executioner angel, but in the mortal world, he is a professional lifeguard. Bronze is a Guardian Angel and he is a professor. Copper helps train new Guardians and Executioners, but in the mortal realm, he is a simple bookshop owner.
Weylin is a Corrupt Angel who is an executioner.
Odin and Theron are both Angel Hunters.
Orin is a Security Guard, but he also is a demon who handles order in Erebus. Magnar is a Crime Investigator and a demon who handles troubles in Erebus. Zinc is a Criminal Justice professor, but he's also someone who helps train others.
Regulus is a bookshop worker as well as a person who teaches kids in Erebus. Badger is a lifeguard and he takes care of kids when he is in Erebus. Shale is a professor and a teacher of kids.
Amon is a Rogue Demon who takes care of gardens.
Conlan and Runyon are both Demon Slayers.
Lock and Key are multiverse savers and they work for a wizard.
Cervil and Cane (Sugar Cane) both own an animal shelter and a diner.
Dragomir is a teacher and Cicil is an actor.
Chilion is a grocery store owner and Parfait is an actor and a part-time firefighter.
Davy is a Royal Guardsman and Diamont works at a bar.
Cilantro and Cardamom both work at Cervil and Cane's diner.
Carom works at the diner and Citrus works as a bartender.
Brine, Gale, and Lumus are all pirates (they are also partially royalty.)
Stowne, Cendis, and Diabolos are all royalty.
Cathan is a flower shop owner and a teacher for students. Clovis is a full-time teacher. Lorcan is a teacher and a bookshop owner.
Gwyddion is a personal trainer and a part-time teacher. Wischard is a full-time teacher. Aeron is a retired knight, but a teacher.
Sawyl and Valerian are both teachers.
Fjord, Titus, and Avalanche guide wayward travelers.
Strom, Pyrrhus, and Novis guide wayward travelers.
Sol, Beckett, and Infinis guide wayward travelers.
Zev is a painter. Wolfsbane is a private investigator. Ammonite is a retired ferryman.
Harrier is a bouncer. Vermillion is a renowned lawyer. Dendritic is a retired scientist.
Selenite is a royal guardsman and Blackwin is a bookseller.
Saffron is a royal guardsman and Steel is a bee-keeper.
Mahogany is a prince and Osprey is a prince.
Phlox is a duke's son and Leopard is a duke.
Falcon and Sangria are dating sim characters with no known jobs.
Aegean and Maple are dating sim characters with no known jobs.
Cynwrig and Cadell work together in science.
Lycidas and Phelan work together in science.
Arche and Almond are both survivors responsible for the care of a place.
Sriracha and Sugar are both survivors responsible for the care of a place.
Vesper and Larimar are both survivors responsible for the care of a place.
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shittytokudetails · 2 years
The series that I've completes
(excluding movies and specials)
Kamen Rider
Shin, Zo, J, Kuuga, Agito, Ryuki, Faiz, Blade, Hibiki, Kabuto, Den-o, Kiva, Decade, W, OOO, Fourze, Wizard, Gaim, Ghost, Ex-aid, Build, Zi-o. 01, Saber, Revice
Super Sentai
Liveman, Jetman, Timeranger, Hurricanger, Dekaranger, Boukenger, Gekiranger, Shinkenger, Gokaiger, Akibaranger s1 & 2, Lupin vs Pat, Ryusoulger, Kiramager, Zenkaiger, The High School Heroes
Jack, Tiga, Dyna, Cosmos, Nexus, Max, Mebius, Seven X, Ginga, Ginga S, X, Orb, , Orb Origin Saga, Geed, R/B, Taiga, Z, Trigger
Kiba Ookami, Makai Senki, Black Blood, Dragon, Blood, Makai no Hana, Makai Retsuden, Yami o Terasu Mono, Gold Strom Sho, Jinga, Versus Road
Dogengers s1, Nice buddy, High School
Metal Heroes Janperson
Other Ryukendo, Zubat, Legend Hero, Guyferd, GanD, After V, Lion Maru G, Machineman,
Currently watching Geats, Donbrothers, Decker, Ace, Ultraseven, Mega monster battle, Gaia
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