#robert deniro x reader
thebiggerbear · 4 months
Off Limits
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Summary: When Reenie sends you to assist Colter with whatever he needs after getting arrested for breaking into a morgue in Virginia, you meet his older brother Russell for the first time. There's some flirting and definitely a mutual attraction there before you Colter sends you off. Little do you know at the time that Colter has warned Russell that you're off limits and that Russell has no intention of listening to said warning.
Pairing: Russell Shaw x Female!Reader; Russell Shaw x Female!PI!Reader
A/N: So I've had this idea in my head since I first saw the episode (and that whole food truck scene) and finally sat down to start writing it May 19th, the day we were all hoping Russell would return for 1x13 (no spoilers). I did change up the ending of 1x12 a little here. By the way, I love Colter and I'm only a few episodes into the season but he kind of gives a little fuckboi vibe to me (meant affectionately of course) so I decided to kind of play on that a little here. Not that Russell also doesn't seem to have that vibe here a little bit. (again, meant as affectionate) 😉 I may write a follow up to this to fill in/shade in more areas mentioned in here.
Anyways, this was a lot of fun to write and try to practice ratcheting up the UST a little between two characters. I'm not sure if I succeeded but it was still fun to try. 🥵
All unbeta'd.
Please let me know if you would like to be tagged in any future Russell or Tracker works.
Song while writing: Coming For You - Nuela Charles (you can probably guess what scene I was envisioning/writing with this one 🤷‍♀️)
Warnings: sexual tension; flirting; a little smut; language
Word Count: 9357
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187; @rieleatiel
Jensen Taglist: @samanddeaninatrenchcoat; @deansbbyx
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You pulled up to the area where two food trucks sat and tables were scattered throughout the center of it all. You quickly recognized Colter sitting there, eating, talking to someone sitting across from him. You softly groaned at the incessant pounding in your head, tenderly rubbing your forehead. Why had Reenie charged you with this? True, you owed her a favor (or four) but still, getting on a plane with only thirty minutes notice, no time to pack an overnight bag, and her insistence that you go and assist Colter with whatever he needed was a bit much. Even for her. 
But here you were, dressed in yesterday’s clothes, your hair up in a messy ponytail after you quickly combed your fingers through it, and feeling scuzzy after a long night spent on planes. That’s right. Planes as in plural. Reenie hadn’t even sprung for a non-connecting flight, though she’d tried to chalk it up to none of those being available when she’d booked the trip for you ASAFP. You’d been stuck in coach the entire time, which was fine (you were more than used to it) but you’d had the middle seat and then the aisle seat — both seating arrangements were pure hell. Needless to say, you may have indulged at the airport bar in between flights and ordered drinks while on both, putting it on your business card that you immediately wrote off as travel expenses in your head. Especially when one of the guys you were sitting next to (who thought he was the next young Robert DeNiro apparently) was intent on making conversation, filling you in on his romantic and sexual history (relayed through a ton of bad implied jokes of course), as if he thought that would be a selling point for you to immediately want to induct him into the mile high club (there was no way he was a member despite his many stories hinting to the contrary). No thank you. Not ever.
Thankfully, you were able to pick up some essentials when you finally arrived at your destination and used the airport bathrooms for a little clean up before grabbing a rental car. You still felt gross and in need of a shower, but you’d manage until you did what you came here to do and then your time would be your own again. You were sure you’d get a shower and a change of clothes somewhere in between there. 
So while the alcohol helped to ease the tension your sudden trip created, you were badly hungover. Yep, sadly you were at that age where if you even looked at a drink, you’d get a headache the next day. So while you had maintained a nice buzz, you were now paying for it. You took a deep breath, slipped on your sunglasses, and got out of the car. 
Colter saw you coming, surprise fleeting across his expression, before turning his full attention on you when you sat down next to him. “Oof. Rough night?”
Your answer was to flip him the bird which made him chuckle. You then yanked out the folder of files Reenie had thrown into a travel case for you and slapped it all down next to him. “There. Directly from Reenie. With my compliments. Not that I don’t have my own cases to work,” you finished in a mumble. You snatched his coffee, ignoring his frown, and took a deep gulp. You made an immediate face. “Ugh. How do you still drink this shit?”
“It’s coffee,” he informed you as he began peeking at the files.
“I know. How do you not put anything in it? Do you like the taste of bitter ass first thing in the morning? Wait, don’t answer that.” You slipped out an airplane shot you had snuck into your jacket pocket that you swiped from the drink cart as it passed by during your aisle seat fun, beyond desperate to ignore the chatty Cathy next to you (her name had literally been Cathy as you’d found out against your will). You immediately lifted the lid and dumped in the contents, picking up a fry from Colter’s plate and using that to stir things around quickly before tossing it in the grass behind you. You ignored the “hey!” sounding not too far from where the fry had most likely landed and took a generous sip of the warm liquid, nearly heaving a sigh of satisfaction as it settled into your stomach. Not exactly the hair of the dog but it would do for now.
Colter was shaking his head, watching you, and you immaturely stuck your tongue out at him, about to tell him to blow you when you heard a chuckle across the table. You turned to see the guy Colter had been talking to grinning over at you, amusement clear as day on his face. You lowered your glasses slightly and took in his features, noting his obvious attractiveness, and you would be loathe to admit that you wouldn’t mind meeting him in an airplane bathroom had he been the one sitting next to you on that ghastly flight. Almost as if he knew what you were thinking, his smile grew and those green eyes lit up in a way that was all too familiar to you, and also had you wondering if there were any public bathrooms around here that you could slip away to for a bit. After the long night you’d had, an orgasm or two might just be what the doctor ordered. 
You pushed your glasses back into position and gave him a smile right back. “And who’s this?”
Before Colter could answer, the man stuck out a hand towards you. “Russell Shaw, Colter’s older brother.”
Your smile dropped as your hopes were immediately dashed. Fuck. Not only was he hot in a very rugged type of way (right up your alley actually not that you’d ever admit that out loud) but he seemed like he would’ve been game for what you were up for, too. Dammit. You forced yourself to shake his hand and not be rude, all the while trying your best not to think about what those hands could do or how that rough, warm skin would feel like against yours. “Y/N Y/L/N.”
The light in his eyes burned brighter. “Y/N. That is a beautiful name.” 
You couldn’t contain the eye roll at the obviously bad pickup line. Perhaps it was best that he was Colter’s brother. Not that you would’ve been doing much talking if he wasn’t, so his flirting skills wouldn’t have mattered. “So I’ve heard.” You cut that off at the knees. “Russell Shaw,” you drew out his name, remembering something Reenie had mentioned before you went through airport security. You yanked out another folder from your case, slapping it down in front of him. “Reenie insisted that I give you this and told me to tell you that you owe her quite a bit for taking care of those fines from Fish & Wildlife and something about a donkey in Tuscaloosa?” You glanced up at him in question. 
He chuckled, sounding nervous, and gave you a reassuring smile. “That’s not— The donkey thing was a misunderstanding.”
Right. “Oh, I’m sure.”
“No, really. We ran into a situation and we tried to free him when these cops saw us and—”
You held up a hand. “I really don’t need the details. It’s fine. But Reenie did say you should Venmo her.”
He pressed his lips together and dropped his gaze to the papers, nodding. “Sure. I’ll get right on that.” You studied him as he studied the paperwork and despite the suspicious donkey thing and your decision to already back off, you kind of wished he would get right on you. 
You heard a throat clearing next to you and turned to find Colter glancing between you, that frown on his face again. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes once more. Whatever, Colter had no business looking like that. He’d had his chance and he’d fucked it up, royally. Instead of giving that pretend jealousy shit the time of day, you snatched a few more fries off of his plate and glanced back and forth between the two men as you chewed. “You two look nothing alike, by the way.”
“He should be so lucky,” Russell teased his brother before turning that smile back on you. You almost wished you hadn’t indulged in an all night booze fest and had a fresh change of clothes. You must look like a wreck right now, more than what you’d seen in the rearview mirror earlier, and you probably smelled like one, too. Desperately trying to tamp down the images popping into your brain of this man underneath you and those hands of his gripping onto your hips, you stole more fries from the plate near you.
“Seriously, Y/N, why don’t you just go get your own food? The trucks are right there.” Colter hated it when you did this which is exactly why you did it. 
You arched a brow over at him as you chewed. “You buying?” When he didn’t answer fast enough, you snatched even more fries from him. “Didn’t think so.”
“I am,” Russell interjected, smirking over at you. “Just tell me what you’d like and I’d be more than happy to get it for you.”
His voice deepened on that last part and it made parts of you clench. You bet he would. Why the fuck did Colter have to have a brother? And why did it have to be this guy who was watching you like the Big Bad Wolf, looking like he would gobble you up the second you’d let him? Who had a roguish grin to match? Besides, based on what Reenie had said during your quick interlude at the airport, Colter’s brother had been hitting on her big time. She had warned you to tread carefully due to his connection to this case Colter was looking into. That his brother might try to charm his way into peeking at the files for his brother that you were carrying among other things, but this information was meant to go strictly into Colter’s hands. You were almost insulted at her implying that you weren’t a damn professional and that you were so easily led by your libido (it had been almost six months which was a damn drought for you). It was almost as if she knew you too well (she did).
Even though you didn’t plan on going there, at all, you couldn’t resist, lifting your sunglasses to your head, not caring how bloodshot or tired your eyes looked. “Anything I’d like?”
He leaned forward slightly. “Whatever you want,” he promised, the look in his gaze making the same vow but for something completely different.
You leaned forward, too. “Well, in that case…” When you noticed him moving an inch more towards you, hanging onto what you would say next, you grabbed his box of fries out from underneath him. You smirked triumphantly and plucked a fry in between your fingers, popping it into your mouth. 
Instead of getting annoyed like Colter had, he quietly laughed and seemed plenty entertained as he watched you pick up another fry that had red sauce partially covering it. “I should warn you. I’m a sriracha on fries kind of guy.”
You glanced at the fry and then back at him, shrugging. “Oh, I’ve had way hotter things in my mouth than this, trust me.” You never broke eye contact as you slipped the fry past your lips, not reacting in the slightest when the spicy taste came into contact with your tongue. Russell’s eyes darkened and you had the distinct feeling that if you weren’t in public right now and Colter wasn’t here, you’d be at serious risk of him testing that theory.
“Okay,” Colter interrupted. “Let’s focus on the case, please.” He almost sounded irritated which made you glance over to see him glaring in both yours and Russell’s direction. You laughed to yourself and continued eating your stolen fries and sipping your modified version of an Irish coffee. As much as Colter’s annoyance amused you, you were also grateful that he was reminding you why you were there. You needed to get your horny ass in check.
“So this is everything Reenie could find on them?” He asked.
You shrugged. Reenie hadn’t exactly given you all the particulars and you assumed that was purposeful on her part for whatever the reason. Not that it bothered you in the slightest; you had your own shit to worry about. Besides, she also implied Colter would fill you in on everything once you caught up with him.
He looked displeased and then shook his head at you. “Why did she even bother sending you?”
You got angry then. How dare he? It’s not like you wanted to be sent on this fun little errand at the whims of the lawyer who was hellbent on helping him at every turn. “Hey. I traveled on two annoying ass flights to get here, dealing with chatty old ladies and misogynistic perverts, to hand deliver you this shit and to assist wherever I can. Without any warning or time to even pack a toothbrush, I might add. All while I have my own caseload to work on, thank you very much. To help you out and fast. So how about a goddamn thank you instead of whatever this is?” You gestured towards him. He went to reply, but you cut him off. “And while you’re turning that ungrateful frown upside down, why don’t you tell me what exactly it is you’re working on?”
Russell spoke up then, prompting you to look over at him. “A buddy of mine went missing and we’re trying to track him down. His wife called me and asked me to look into it. Colter’s helping.”
That quelled your irritation slightly and you pressed your lips together. You could only imagine how sick with worry this guy’s wife must be; you knew that feeling all too well. “I’m sorry to hear it,” you offered, your tone as genuine and sympathetic as you could make it. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Colter watching you, his frown gone, now replaced by the same sympathy you were feeling. You hated it so you decided to ignore it. “How long ago did he go missing?”
“A few days back. He was returning home after a grocery store run but he disappeared from a gas station while filling up.”
Your brows furrowed. “Taken?”
Russell shook his head. “No. He ran off. It looked like someone may have been after him.” 
Colter slid over the file to you, nodding when you glanced at him questioningly. “Doug Thompson. Former military. Now working for these guys as a private contractor.” Well, now Reenie’s explicit instructions made more sense. 
You opened the file and skimmed the papers as quickly as you could. “Wow,” you murmured. “So these guys are no joke.”
“No, they’re not.” You glanced up to find Russell watching you, all traces of any flirtation and humor gone. “But I don’t think they have anything to do with it. I would’ve heard something if they did.”
Your brows arched in surprise, hearing what he wasn’t exactly saying. “You’re working with them, too?”
He gave you a nod. “I am. We do mostly private security, that kind of thing.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the disbelief in Colter’s expression. He wasn’t buying it either. “Which is code for black ops, am I right?”
Russell tensed. Bingo.
“Which means that whether or not they’re responsible, they’re most likely connected to what’s happening. If someone was really after your friend.”
His jaw tightened. “What makes you say that? It could be anyone.”
You shot him a look and shut the file. “Because I was engaged to someone who did this kind of thing and I know how these things work.”
You watched as his eyes widened slightly and he leaned forward, curious. “Was?”
Ignoring that question and no longer as curious about him, you tossed the file back over to Colter. “Bottom line is this firm is where you should be looking first. Carefully, though. We both know how they like to keep their secrets.” You gave him a thin-lipped smile and sipped your coffee, slipping your sunglasses back on and getting up to head over to the food truck behind him. On your way, you spied a young family nearby. The mother was feeding a baby, smiling as she watched her husband spin his kindergarten-age daughter in circles by the arms, making her giggle. You felt an all-too familiar lump forming in your throat but you forced it back down and continued your trek, coming to a stop at the back of a short line, intending on getting your own food. You weren’t really hungry but you needed a few minutes to regain your bearings before you could switch back into professional mode and be of any help to the brothers.
By the time you returned, Colter sent you a sympathetic glance which you promptly ignored and dug into the case as well as your meal. 
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Colter sighed when your car pulled away. He had insisted you go check into a room and clean up while he and Russell made some calls, did some digging, and he would call you if something turned up. You had been only too happy to agree.
Russell turned back to him, after watching you drive off. “Oh, I like her.”
“Of course you do,” Colter muttered.
“Alright, you already gave me the sit rep on you and the lawyer. Now I need one for you and her.” He gestured in the direction you had disappeared in with his thumb. “And don’t hold back because she is…” He gave his brother the perfection sign.
Colter shook his head and wiped his hands with a napkin. “There really isn’t anything to report there, either. We had a…weekend about a year back when I was working a case in her town. Then I got a new case in the next state over and we went our separate ways. Nothing ever came of it.”
Russell continued chewing his fries that you had returned before you left, thinking it over. “There seems to be quite a bit of hostility between you two for just a casual weekend.”
Colter folded his arms on the table. “We didn’t end on the best terms.”
His brother chuckled, taking a sip of his coffee. “Bit of an understatement.” He then wiped his hands clean, too. “So, she’s fair game then, I take it?”
Colter shot him a glare. “No, she’s not. She’s off limits, too.”
“Come on, bro. You already said the lawyer was off limits.” He gave Colter a look. “Are you telling me you’ve got a thing for both of them? Because if you do, I wouldn’t blame you. They’re both—”
“It’s not like that,” Colter interrupted. “With Y/N, it’s… She’s been through a lot.”
Russell nodded and glanced back down at his food. “Yeah, I caught that.”
“The last thing she needs right now is a reminder of any of it.” Russell glanced up to catch Colter eyeing him sharply.
Russell got the message. He hadn’t addressed it at the time but he hadn’t missed it when you claimed to know how companies like Horizon worked or that you had been engaged to someone who worked for one of them. There was obviously a story there. And that combined with your change in demeanor when he mentioned Doug’s disappearance, you referring to your engagement in the past tense, and Colter’s protectiveness of you — Russell had a pretty good idea of what probably happened. It didn’t mean he didn’t like you, though. If he wasn’t mistaken, he had gotten the impression that you had liked him, too. But in the same vein, until he knew what he was working with, he didn’t want to do anything that might cause you to relive anything that you’d rather forget.
“You don’t plan to call her to help with any of this, do you?”
Colter shook his head.
Russell studied his brother, determining if that was the best option here. You were a PI and a damned good one if Reenie Green had sent you to help. It was obvious from his short interactions with the woman that she didn’t suffer fools and there wasn’t a single thing she missed. So he knew you had to be good at your job. Doug was still missing, Tracy was still worried, and they still weren’t any closer to finding any answers. It might be helpful to include you in this. Another pair of discerning eyes was always a good thing. In the end, though, Russell decided against saying anything. Instead, he asked, “So, you sure she’s off limits?” His brother gave him a glare and he couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’m just kidding. I got it. Off limits.” 
He also didn’t mention that he had discreetly entered your number into his phone when you inconspicuously slid your business card over to him. At the time, he had thought you were giving him a greenlight to contact you after this was over, but now he realized you probably had known what Colter was going to do all along.
Instead, Russell mentioned the autopsy report he had stolen from the morgue and handed a copy to Colter to peruse. While he studied the paper, Russell discreetly sent you a message so you also had his number and so he could shoot you a text when the time was right.
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You were in a store, grabbing some clothes to have for the next few days, not knowing how long you were going to be needed here, when your phone began to ring. One quick glance at the screen had you smirking. Russell Shaw. You had slyly given him your number earlier when Colter wasn’t looking, telling yourself you were making sure you were included in the case so you could do what you were sent here to do. But another smaller part of you had hoped the man would contact you for a whole other reason. You may not have been thrilled to learn what he did for a living but that little fact didn’t have to ruin any possible fun you two could have, right? 
Sure, you felt a little guilty because he was Colter’s brother but you were also a realist. There wasn’t anything happening with Colter and whatever had was never going anywhere. Plus that had been well over a year ago. In your mind, you were free as a bird. So, you made a move; now it was up to Russell to make the next one. And you were hoping this was it.
You slid the green button on your screen and put the phone up to your ear. “Russell Shaw,” you greeted, making sure your voice sounded something akin to warm honey slowly drizzling over some fruit. “I had a feeling you’d be calling me.”
“Could it have something to do with me texting you earlier that I’d call as soon as I had an update?”
“Tomato, tohmato.” Hearing his smooth chuckle come down the line, you continued to sift through a rack of shirts. “So, what can I do for you?”
“A lot it sounds like, if I’m being honest.” His voice had dipped in register much the same way it had in your presence before but the effect it had being spoken directly into your ear like this…well, it was a good thing you had already grabbed a half dozen pairs of panties to have on hand. While it took you a second to recover, you couldn’t help but smile. You had been right earlier; he was definitely interested.
A woman walked right past you and you lowered your voice further. “Do you plan to find out?”
“You bet your ass I will. As soon as I’m free to.”
Fuck. If you weren’t in the middle of a store right now, you may have just asked him to start talking dirty to you right there. You had only been on the phone with him for less than a minute and already you were digging your teeth into your lip to keep a guttural moan from escaping you. This man had you so turned on you were surprised that you could still see straight or that you hadn’t run to the dressing room to temporarily alleviate the fire he had started in your belly that was blazing a trail down in between your legs. That voice and the way he was using it right now…it was pure liquid sex being poured into your ear. Your irritation with Reenie had abated some when you met him, now it was all but gone as were any warnings she gave you about the man as well as the thought of his younger brother. “Good. I’m going to hold you to that.”
“Oh, I hope you do.” That didn’t make you clench down on nothing, not at all. If this continued, you would be in that dressing room in the next thirty seconds, guaranteed. You were already starting to get seriously aroused at the images playing in your head. 
“Trust me, there will definitely be some type of holding going on,” you promised. 
“Don’t I know it,” he nearly growled into your ear. Holy… That was it. You were on your way to the dressing room. The sign said only three items were allowed at a time but you didn’t give a fuck at the bulkload of items in your arm; this was an emergency.
But what he said next after quietly clearing his throat had you stopping in your tracks. “As much as I’d love to continue this conversation, I only have a limited window of time. But I promise, we will pick this up later.”
You nearly let out a whine of disappointment. You very much wanted to continue this conversation right now but it slowly was coming back to you that yes, there was currently a missing persons case that was supposed to be your first priority. His missing friend in fact. Your brain knew that was more important though your body was screaming for something else. He had promised though that you would continue this later, something you could keep in your mind’s eye at the end of this very long and fucked up rainbow. As long as he dove into your pot of gold at the end, you could hold out a few more hours. “You better,” you grumbled.
Another warm chuckle floated down the line.
You turned to another rack of shirts, aggressively working your way through it. “So you said something about an update?”
“Yeah.” You had to admire how quickly he switched gears. While you were still struggling to get your libido under control and you were irritated, he sounded completely professional and nonplussed, as if he hadn’t been just talking to you with that tone of voice or implying what he wanted later on. “I reached out to one of my contacts and we think Doug might be hiding out in a location outside of town. We’re on our way there now to check it out.”
Shame immediately filled you at the mention of his friend. Here you were, horny as hell, about to go take care of yourself in the dressing room a minute ago and possibly ask him to tell you in explicit detail what he’d like to be doing to you if he were there, and Doug was still missing. You were more professional than that — hell, you knew better than that. You shook off the remnants of the last few minutes and went right into work mode. “Alright, you want me to come along for backup?”
“I’d love to have you back us up, but, uh…” 
You frowned at the uncertainty suddenly coating his tone. He wasn’t one of those guys, was he? That would be severely disappointing if he was and quite the mood killer, not to mention his third strike against him. You needed to get laid but not that badly. Though you hadn’t gotten the impression that he was one of those misogynistic assholes who thought a woman didn’t know her way around the big scary noisemakers known as guns earlier. “But what?” You snapped.
“Colter thinks you should sit this one out.”
Your jaw tightened and you quickly moved away from the mother and daughter that had just moved near you, lowering your voice. “That motherf— I don’t give a flying fuck what Colter thinks. I am not being sidelined.” You fucking knew it. The minute you had heard what the actual case was, seeing Colter’s gaze of sympathy directed at you — you fucking knew he would try to pull this shit.
“I think he’s just worried about you. You know? After what you’ve been through…”
That pulled you up short. “Exactly what did he tell you?”
“Uh, not much. He just thought this kind of situation might hit a little too close to home.”
You muttered a curse under your breath and made your way to the cashier. Fucking Colter. You knew you should have never told him about what happened with your fiance. He was the type of guy who would keep that in mind every time something like this came up. Hell, you were pretty sure that was partially the reason he had bounced out of your apartment so fast at the end of the long weekend you’d spent together. Sure, he had snagged another case, but you would never forget the look in his eyes as he quickly dressed — the same look you had seen at lunch earlier. At that time, you had liked Colter and you didn’t think your past would be something that could be held against you. Even though your time together had been strictly casual, he had talked to you about his father a little bit and he had seen a picture of Nate in your living room. What were you supposed to do when he asked you about it? Lie? After he had just shared something so personal with you? After he had slept with you four times thus far? You weren’t ashamed of your time with Nate and you had loved the man, been ready to spend the rest of your life with him before he lost his. That was just a tragic fact in your life. Never in a million years did you imagine that not only would it kick someone out your door so fast but now it would prevent you from being able to do your job.   
“Is it?”
You had completely forgotten you were still on the phone, silently fuming about this sudden development. “Is it what?” You dumped your clothes on the counter and gave a nod to the cashier in return when she greeted you.
“Is it hitting a little too close?”
You decided to nip this shit right in the bud. “Okay, Shaw, you listen to me and you listen good. It doesn’t matter if it’s hitting too close as you put it, or not. I do my job and nothing gets in the way of that. Just because your asshat of a brother has apparently decided that I’m some fragile flower of a woman that needs protecting from my own feelings doesn’t mean shit. I’m damn good at what I do and I’m a fucking professional. You hear me?” You handed the woman your credit card, noticing she was giving you an approving nod. You had forgotten that she was hearing every word of this side of the conversation. 
“Yes, ma’am.”
That was all you wanted to hear. “Good. Now, when are you going to send me that location so I can meet you?” You took the bag from the cashier, quietly thanking her, and made your way out of the store. 
“Tell you what. We’re only about thirty minutes out. From where you are, it’s about an hour and a half drive. Why don’t you let us check it out first and if it’s no dice, you can meet us on the way back into town? We’ll regroup and work it together from there on out.”
You tossed your bag in the backseat of your car. “Shaw,” you growled. “What did I just say?”
“This isn't that,” he assured you. “It’s a matter of us working against the clock. We’ve got to get to Doug before the guys looking for him do. That’s all this is.” 
You placed a hand on your hip and unclenched your jaw. He had a point and you also heard what he wasn’t saying: you racing up there to meet them would only slow them down and Doug couldn’t afford that. “Alright, is there anything I can do to help from here?”
“Not at the moment but keep your phone on. Depending on how this goes, we may need to lock down an address and quickly. And for that, we’re going to need you. I’m assuming you have an FBI contact somewhere?”
You pressed your lips together and got into your car. “I know someone,” you confirmed. “He owes me a favor or two.”
“I really want to say something right now at the idea of you and favors and me being the one to close out that guy’s tab but I can’t. My window of time is closing in about fifteen seconds.”
You smirked, shaking your head. “Pretty sure you just did.”
He cleared his throat one more time, affecting an even more professional tone than you’d heard from him thus far. “Got to go. Keep your phone on. I’ll text you as soon as I know what the situation is.” 
“Okay, will do.” You briefly closed your eyes, deciding the hell with it. “And, Russell?”
“Be careful,” you quietly urged, digging your teeth into your bottom lip. Despite what you said to him before, hearing speak in a way that was similar to Nate had your nerves sitting a little bit on edge, now knowing what he and his friend Doug did for a living and what he and Colter could possibly be walking into. 
“Copy that,” he responded, making you realize that his limited window of time he mentioned had expired and he was no longer alone. Sure enough, you could hear the sounds of a car door shutting in the background.
“Keep me updated.”
“Will do. Talk soon.” Before you could say anything else, the line disconnected. Even though you’d heard the confirmation of why he had to go so quickly, a part of you irrationally worried for a second that you had probably scared him off. That your warning him to be careful only cemented whatever Colter had said about you to him and why the former wanted to keep you sidelined. You had meant what you said earlier; you were a professional and your personal tragedies would never get in the way of your job. But that didn’t mean that an age-old worry you’d had every time Nate had gone to work didn’t immediately resurface the minute you were faced with a similar situation. And even though you were pissed at Colter, you also didn’t want him to get hurt.
The moment you figured you had screwed yourself with Russell, and not in the good way, an alert sounded on your phone. You glanced at your screen and saw a new text message from the very man you had just been thinking about. 
“We’ve got this. I’ll text you the minute we’re done checking it out.”
A small smile formed on your face and you texted back a genuine “Thank you”. You forced yourself to take a deep breath and get your head back in the game. You still had to find a motel to check into and you also had to be ready in case they did end up needing that address Russell had mentioned. You quickly looked up motels on your phone, weeding out the ones with the worse reviews, and settling on a place. You fired up Google Maps and started the car, intent on getting a room and firing up your laptop to check on a few cases to keep you busy while you were waiting. That had always been the worst part for you: the waiting. Waiting for a phone call or text to let you know Nate was okay after a job even though he couldn’t tell you the details of said job. So you were determined to place your focus elsewhere but also be ready in case you were needed. 
You truly hoped the brothers found Doug alive at this location they were headed to and that the danger, if any, was minimal. That it was truly nothing the two couldn’t handle together.
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Russell quickly hung up with you the minute Colter hopped back into his truck. His brother had stopped to get some coffee at Russell’s insistence though Colter had kept repeating they shouldn’t be stopping. When the latter didn’t immediately get out to go get the beverages after they parked, Colter arched his brows expectantly. Russell had given him a wide smile. “Mind getting it quick?” He waved his phone at the man, indicating he needed to make a call.
Colter looked less than pleased but gave him a nod, most likely assuming it was a call to one of Russell’s contacts that should remain unknown as his older brother had intended, and left. Russell removed his sunglasses and immediately pressed the phone icon next to your name, calling you.
Now, he definitely knew three things: you had lost someone to this type of work, you were a little bit of a spitfire and he liked you even more now, and he was definitely going to pay you a visit after he closed up this whole thing with Doug and got the man back to his wife in one piece. 
Sure, when he’d first seen you, you had been somewhat hostile but entertaining and you’d been a hot mess. One hell of a hot mess in his opinion. Then you’d been flirty, checking him out, and you had even stolen his fries to use them for implications that definitely hadn’t been lost on him (or Colter for that matter, the glare his brother graced you with when you weren’t looking he hadn’t seen since they were kids). Though he’d clocked your change in demeanor when Doug’s situation was brought up and hadn’t missed your evading his question about your engagement status, he couldn’t resist eyeing you up as you walked over to the food truck behind him, nearly whistling at the perfection he was staring at. Not to mention, he liked your spunk and that only made him want you that much more. Then when you plopped back down with your food, completely in professional mode and talking over the case quickly before Colter sent you off, he was even more impressed and he just knew he had to take his shot with you. Under him, over him, to the side of him — whatever you wanted, he was game. No matter what Colter had to say on the matter. Unless his brother had feelings for you, he was going for it the first chance he got.
Colter handed him his coffee, nodding at Russell’s thanking him. “You get anything?”
“Nothing more than we already know.” He placed his sunglasses back on and sipped at his coffee, feeling slightly bad for lying to his brother. He knew Colter’s “off limits” was more about protecting you than it was anything else. But he also had just gotten his brother to start talking to him again, to work Doug’s disappearance with him, and he didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize that. Nothing within reason, anyway. So a little white lie needed to be told; he’d done it before and way worse. Besides, he also didn’t think it was fair that Colter didn’t allow you the decision of whether you wanted to be involved in this or not. While he could appreciate his little brother looking out for you like the good man he’d turned out to be, everyone deserved to make their own well-informed choices. Considering your ex had been former military turned private contractor, you more than knew what you were dealing with. You had made a good point earlier: your history shouldn’t impact the job you had come here to do. And far be it from Russell to be the one to stand in your way and keep you from doing just that. Plus, they could really use your help if this safehouse Ann had given them didn’t pan out. 
Colter nodded and backed out of the parking spot. “Onward to the safe house. No more stops, right?”
“Right,” Russell confirmed. While Colter was distracted, he discreetly adjusted himself. There had been a moment in your conversation there that he had been tempted to tell you just how hard your sexy-as-hell voice and heavy flirtation had gotten him. But he knew once he did that, there would be no going back and either he’d have to jerk off in his brother’s truck (which would just be awkward especially if Colter returned quickly) or he’d have to somehow sneak into the coffee shop and make his way to the bathrooms so he could rub one out in there. Though that might also prove to be awkward if anyone else walked in to overhear the absolutely filthy things he would be murmuring into your ear from a stall, all of the promises he’d make about what he wanted to do to that sweet body of yours as soon as he had the chance, the sounds of him whacking it echoing loudly in the small space along with his deep groans. There had even been once or twice he’d gently rubbed the bulge in his jeans as you talked, only backing off when it got to be too much and he was about to break, close to ordering you to go somewhere private where you could touch yourself as well while also making sure you could be loud enough so he could hear every amazing sound he knew you would make. Hell, when you’d laid down the law to him, he’d nearly unzipped his jeans and stuck his hand inside to get some relief right there. Not that he didn’t hear what you were saying, not that he didn’t respect it or you, but damn if that little bit of fire you’d thrown his way didn’t turn him on even more. When he had answered you with “Yes, ma’am” a part of him had definitely been saluting you, no doubt about it.
Then he heard someone talking to you in the background, presumably a store clerk since it sounded like you had been told an amount for whatever you were buying. He had the quick thought, or hope, that maybe you were in a Victoria’s Secret or one of those places, buying a little something for him to unwrap you out of later on. Realizing just how much lust had fogged up his brain during this conversation, he dropped his head back against the seat, shut his eyes, and compulsively swallowed. He was immediately determined to keep his cool for the rest of your chat, especially when he opened his eyes to see Colter holding the coffee shop door open for an elderly couple walking inside, coffee cups stacked in his other hand. From there, he’d kept things professional and brief, though he hadn’t been able to resist getting that one last tease in before Colter opened the door. 
And then he’d heard your warning, detecting a note of worry in it, so he’d done what he could to reassure you with the text message he just discreetly sent you. He appreciated the fact that while this case might be stirring up some feelings from the past, you still had gone ahead and told him to be safe. He knew it was meant for both him and Colter, you obviously knowing how dangerous the job could be, but he was still getting used to him being included in that group. It was a little strange for him if he was honest. Other than Tracy saying it when he would pick Doug up for a job and the occasional conversation with Dory where he mentioned he was about to go to work, there was no one else who told him to be careful, to be safe. He found he kind of liked the idea and that only increased his appreciation of your situation, especially now having an even better idea of what you might be currently experiencing. He was no stranger to trauma, that was for sure, and so he could only imagine the thoughts racing through your mind right now, you being pissed off at Colter or not, you having just met him or not. He didn’t intend to give you cause for any more worry. No, he intended to give you something else when all was said and done. He couldn’t help but smirk at the thought.    
But now — now, it was go time. He needed to clear his head and focus on the job. He needed to get Doug back to his wife alive. Colter had made Tracy a promise that both brothers were intent on keeping. And Russell had made you a promise, one he was determined as hell to see through. 
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You were just leaving the bathroom wrapped in a towel, your hair damp and sitting on one shoulder after you just squeezed the water out of it, when you heard a knock on your motel room door. 
You frowned, wondering who it could be, thinking maybe it was Colter. He always had a way of finding you when that was the last thing you wanted him to do. Truthfully, you had bitched him out earlier when he called you to inform you that he had just successfully delivered Doug back home to his wife, alive and unharmed. He and Russell had found the man at the safehouse and he told them who he had been running from. While Colter didn’t share that information, you gathered from what he did share that it had something to do with a job he and Russell had done for Horizon in the past. You kept your mouth shut but you shook your head. You knew it. Doing that kind of work was always dangerous and always carried risks like that. 
They made the long drive back and now the case was closed. Something you already knew thanks to the text message Russell had sent you already confirming this but you didn’t let on to Colter that you knew. Instead, you proceeded to tell him to stop treating you like a fragile porcelain doll and from there it quickly became heated between you two. The conversation ended soon after with neither of you willing to budge and you let out an aggravated sigh when you hit the end call button. You were grateful he and Russell were okay, but the former could drive you up a wall sometimes. If you could go back in time, you would definitely have told him to get lost when he showed up on your doorstep that one Friday night.
That immediately made you think of Russell and you realized you hadn’t texted him back yet. Colter had called right after you received the text message, with you assuming they had just gotten back into an area with service, and he had told you they had Doug and he’d call again when they got him safely home. You had sat on pins and needles, trying to focus on your most prevalent case, but the worry gnawed at you. Colter’s tone had not been his usual calm, devil-may-care one. It was coated with concern, not something you heard from him too often. So you had been distracted until Colter called you again and then the rest was history.
You slid over to Russell’s name on your screen and tried to call him but it went straight to voicemail. A different worry began to gnaw at you this time, the worry that you had indeed scared him off earlier. He had thought twice about it and decided you weren’t worth getting involved with, not even for the casual one night stand. The disappointment sat in your chest for a moment until you got angry. Between the argument with Colter and now Russell bailing on the plans he had implied to you that he wanted to keep, you were done. You hopped up and grabbed the bottle of whiskey you had purchased earlier, twisted off the cap, and took a swig. Well, it looked like it would be another dry night for you and your trip out here had been a complete waste. Colter hadn’t wanted your help and now you weren’t bumping pelvises with his hot older brother either so it was a lose-lose for you. As usual.
You swigged some more whiskey before deciding it was time for that shower you had been craving since this morning. Sure, you could take care of yourself in there and it might ease some of this angry tension in your body that Colter had helped to create, but you were too annoyed. You had angrily slammed your laptop shut and headed for the bathroom, intent on washing all of the bullshit from the last twenty four hours away.
And now, Colter had decided to show up. Of course he had. He might have a thing for Reenie that he refused to acknowledge (as did she), but he was angry (something not usual for him), worked up, and you were in town. Of course he’d show up wanting a repeat performance of the angry sex you’d had in the past. While you could really use the lay to get you out of this drought you found yourself in, you had no desire to go back there and you were definitely not in the mood.
That didn’t mean you wouldn’t give him a tease of what he couldn’t have, though. Not after that argument. Which is exactly why you decided to answer the door dressed (or underdressed) as you were. But when you angrily swung the door open, the person staring back at you in momentary shock was not Colter Shaw. You were shocked yourself; how the hell had he found you?   
Russell’s gaze darkened as he took all of you in. You noticed that he had changed his clothes and his hair looked slightly damp, as if he had recently taken a shower himself. “Hey,” he greeted, his voice dipping in register again. 
And just like that, as if a button had been pressed with that deep tone of his, you were back in the mood. You smirked and leaned against the door. “Hey,” you silkily replied. “Not the Shaw brother I was expecting.”
“But the one you were hoping for, right?” Russell’s wolfish grin was back, completely undeterred by your teasing.
You pretended to think it over for a moment. “Depends.” You grabbed at his jacket and yanked him in closer to you, making him chuckle as you swung the door shut behind him. “What does this brother plan to do?”
“Like I said,” He used that voice again, making goosebumps rise along your skin. “Whatever you want.”
“Exactly what I wanted to hear.” You lifted up and wrapped your arms around his neck, the movement forcing the towel to fall from your body, as you pushed your lips to his. You ran your fingers through his hair and greedily kissed him, nearly moaning into his mouth when his tongue delved into yours and his hands palmed at your ass. If he moved those fingers a little lower, he would find you already practically dripping for him. If you weren’t so busy trying to keep your balance as he proceeded to devour you, you might have marveled at the effect this man had on your body.  
A moment later, he gripped your ass tightly and picked you up, prompting you to wrap your legs around his waist. You could feel the covered bulge against you and you couldn’t help trying to grind a little against it, trying to get some friction.
When you both needed air, you moved to his neck, yanking his head backwards and making him chuckle as you went to town on him. You could also hear him letting out tiny groans above you as he tried to catch his breath. It was one of the hottest fucking things you’d ever heard and you intended on hearing more before the night’s end. “I should tell you before we go any further,” he panted.
“Mmmm, the only thing I need to know is if you’re clean. Because I really want that in my mouth.” You reached below to squeeze his erection, making his breath catch that was then let out in a quiet hiss.
“I-I’m clean,” he assured you.
“Good, me too,” you murmured, nibbling on his ear. “You just need to make sure to pull out and we’re golden.” 
“Okay. I, uh, I also came packing.”
You moved your hand over him and squeezed once more, earning another drawn out hiss of “shit”. “You certainly did.”
He moved you back so he could look at you, his eyes the darkest you’d seen them yet. He cupped your cheek, gliding his thumb along your bottom lip before gently placing it inside your mouth against your tongue. You sucked the digit in further, moaning around it. His gaze was so transfixed on your mouth that you couldn’t help but snicker and release his thumb with a pop. “Russell.”
His gaze slowly trailed upwards to meet yours.
“Was there something you wanted to tell me?” You teased as you rubbed earnestly at his erection. 
“Uh,” You noticed his eyes close briefly when you rubbed near where the tip was located. You could feel a little wet spot forming on the denim underneath your ministrations and it made you grin. “Uh, Colter said you were off limits.”
Your hand immediately stopped its motion. Oh no, that motherfucker had not. He had no claim to you and whatever moment you two had back in the day had long since passed, along with the several women he’d bedded after you including Reenie. There was no way in hell he got to play the dibs card or tell you and Russell, two consenting adults, what to do. You planned to tell him that the next time you spoke with him, if you ever did again. For now, though, you only wanted to focus on the man whose fingers were hungrily roaming over your bare ass and lower, groaning when he found your own wet spot.
You cupped his chin, making sure he was looking straight at you as you stated in the sexiest voice you could manage, “I think you mean no limits. Right, Russell?”
He groaned and held you to him as he hurriedly walked you over to the bed. “Fuck, I knew I liked you.” You let out a giggle as he tossed you gently onto the bed that was quickly cut off by a moan when his body immediately covered yours and his tongue plundered your mouth.
A sudden thought occurred to you and you nearly chuckled against his lips. You had seen the way he had been eyeing you up earlier today and you realized you had the man completely pegged right then. Because just like the Big Bad Wolf, he proceeded to consume you completely, before the tables turned and you did some devouring of your own.
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sunlightmurdock · 1 year
The Odyssey | 0.7 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
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Doing things simply because you want to do them feels better than expected. Bradley wants this trip to work out.
Warnings: to lovers, power imbalance, professor / student relationship, age gap ( 22 / 33), will be smut, virgin reader, swearing, infidelity, them actually getting along for once?, kissing, wc: 3.3k
With Bradley busy with his research, Pasquale assumes the responsibility of leading the group. He’s much more lax than Bradley, his only instruction is to meet him in the lobby before nine-thirty and be prepared for a short walk.
It’s the first morning that you aren’t even a little bit late. You’ve been up since six with no chance of getting back to sleep. For a while, you had just laid on your back and stared out of the window at the street view. It’s always cooler in the mornings, it’s nice to leave the window open.
Even with the nice view, the breeze — you just can’t relax enough to try to get back to sleep. You’re uncomfortable to the point of practically squirming thinking of how you had behaved last night. It’s not even like you can really blame the wine. Well, you could, it was a lot. But you hadn’t felt drunk when you had kissed Bradley.
Simply, you had just wanted to kiss him. It’s hard to remember the last time you had done something just because you had wanted to.
Malcolm was your first kiss when you were fifteen. Those soft kisses in the passenger seat of his brand new car. Things with him really haven’t progressed much further since then.
Every now and then things will progress to some neck kissing, some hands under shirts — but it’s been eight years. Three weeks with Bradley and you’re practically throwing yourself at him.
His absence feels heavy as Pasquale takes all of you on a guided tour around the city. Especially when he walks you up those familiar steps and shows you the same viewpoint that you had sat on last night, with Bradley’s heavy arm around your shoulder.
It’s worsened by the fact that everyone around you is growing closer to each other. They have inside jokes. They’re affectionate. You’re borderline invisible. So, wandering along a little side road that Pasquale insists will lead somewhere important, it’s not surprising when you’re struck once again by the sudden desire to just do what you want.
What you want, at that exact moment in time, is ice-cream. A little bit after one, the sun’s almost at its highest point now and traipsing through the city in the heat just doesn’t sound like fun.
Bradley’s tutoring you now, you spend your free times reading all of the books that Pasquale could lend you. As you see it, being taken to see old buildings with people that don’t like you, is just a waste of time.
It turns out, it’s much more fun without them. It could have been an opportunity to think about who you are and what you’re doing, but that’s far too complicated for just today. Taking spoonfuls of caramel flavoured gelato, your Walkman is plucked from your bag and you’re listening to a mix that one of your friends had made you.
Taylor Dayne guides you through the city. You look up and around you, taking it all in. It’s probably the most relaxed that you’ve felt since Malcolm kissed you goodbye back in New York. The music plays loudly as you round a corner into another plaza. Licking a smidge of the gelato from your bottom lip, you slow slightly.
If Pasquale was here, he would probably be able to tell you which tourist trap you have stumbled across. But, he isn’t, so you walk forwards by yourself. Through the crowds of women, ditching the remnants of your dessert into a nearby trash can as you lean closer to read the sign.
La casa di Guilietta. Even with your lack of revision, you know what that means. A small smile plasters itself across your lips as the next tracks plays on. Robert DeNiro’s Waiting, Bananarama. Penny’s one request had been for you to bring her back a picture of a hunky Italian, maybe this is her idea of inspiring you to do so.
Walking under the stone archway, you cross through into the cobbled, crowded courtyard and look up at the stone balcony. Pushing your hands into the pockets of your blue gingham shorts, you come to a complete stop. It’s debated if Shakespeare ever even went to Italy, so he probably never saw this.
Now that you have, you can understand the inspiration.
Glancing down at the brown leather watch on your wrist, you have about an hour and a half left until you’re supposed to meet Bradley back at the hotel for the afternoon.
Looking back up, your attention is caught by a woman sitting on a bench. She can’t be much older than you. Her breath catches in her throat, wet tears rolling down onto the notebook in her lap as she sobs. It’s rude to stare, that was instilled into you at a very early age. But you can’t help but watch as she tears the page from the book and crosses to the wall by your right.
She tucks it between the bricks and brushes past you, trembling. Brows knitting, you walk forwards to examine the wall, littered with pages and notes. Touching a pink-tinted page with your index finger, you push it back just enough to read it. By some blind luck, the first one that you touch is written in English. Dear Juliet.
Emma details her relationship with a man called Marcus. A sixteen year long marriage, falling apart at the seams, and a lifetime of doubt. She details the heartbreak and hard work, the pain of just not knowing. The second that you read her sign off, you move on to another letter.
“I just wish I had a few more days here, the Capitolare is so impressive.” Bradley hums as he walks alongside Enzo, one of the treasurers of a nearby museum. He has been helping Bradley with his research through the morning, it’s because of him that Bradley had access to texts which aren’t supposed to be available anymore.
“I could get you in earlier tomorrow, since you can’t do this afternoon. Get you an extra couple of hours, if you don’t mind the early wake up time.” Enzo offers with a quick shrug.
“That would be…” Bradley catches a glimpse of blue to his left and turns his head, his voice starting to trail. White tennis shoes, brown leather shoulder bag, blue gingham shorts. Alone. “Sorry, can you give me a sec?”
Brows furrowed, your eyes scan the page as a Tears for Fears track plays in your ears. This letter is fresh. The name on it is Annabella. It starts off so happily. She’s married, she has a daughter, and she and her husband are so happy together. But it’s not enough. Your lips twist into a small frown as you read on.
Bradley reaches out and takes hold of your headphones, pulling them off of your ears and letting them fall to rest around your neck. Before he has even let go, you’re already gasping loudly and spinning towards him.
The interaction catches the attention of several of the women writing around you. Bradley drops his hands back down to his sides and looks to the wall behind you, then around at where he is.
“What are you doing here? — Where’s Pasquale?”
You look him up and down. It’s eye-level, but that’s not what causes you to stare at the loosely fastened half-Windsor knotted tie around Bradley’s neck. You didn’t even know he owned a tie.
“I don’t know. What are you doing here?” You flip the question, finally lifting your gaze to look him in the eye with your hands crossed behind your back.
“I had a meeting and I saw you here on your own. Did they ditch you?”
Your lips press together swiftly. It’s embarrassing that he knows they dislike you so much but, in a way, also endearing that he’s concerned enough to have come over and check. Quiet, you lean around him to see another smartly dressed man in a bespoke suit staring over at the two of you. As you lean in, Bradley inhales the scent and jasmine. He swallows as you pull back to look at him again.
Sleeves rolled up to his elbows, tie loosened, his hair fluffy and pushed back off of his forehead. No suit jacket, but he is wearing a belt. His shoes look like real leather. It’s a step above smart casual. He looks handsome. Grown up. Too old for you probably, when he finally dresses his age.
“No,” You answer him back, pushing you sunglasses up into your hair to look at him. “I was bored, so I left.”
Bradley stares at you, silent for a moment before he finally lifts his brows expectantly. “You what?”
“I just went for a walk.” You tell him calmly.
“On your own.” Bradley isn’t even asking you to confirm, he’s just mulling it over by himself. He looks around once more, giving a soft shake of his head. “You didn’t think that that might have been kind of dangerous?”
Leaning around him again, you peer through the archway curiously. The look on your face as you pull back tells him that you have no interest in entertaining this conversation. And, he’s right. “Your friend looks like he’s getting kind of impatient.”
“You can’t just wander off. Pasquale could be looking for you.” Bradley chides, his face twisting into a stern frown. You give another small shrug of your shoulders, crossing your arms over your chest. He narrows his eyes at you. “You’ve been here all afternoon?”
“For a while, yeah.” You answer calmly.
“You know how to get back to the hotel from here?” Bradley asks. There’s a brief pause as a smile starts to creep its way onto your lips.
“Sure…” You shrug once more. He shakes his head in disbelief. “I could figure it out.”
He opens his mouth, then promptly closes it again. You watch patiently as Bradley shoots a definitely impatient look towards his accomplice. He sighs. “Come on, troublemaker. Let’s go tell Pasquale you’re alive.
You gesture to the wall behind you. You didn’t get to the bottom of that letter. “Oh, actually, I was just—“
“Now.” Bradley interrupts, placing his hand on your shoulder and spinning you towards Enzo. He watches the dirty look you shoot back at him, relieved as you decide to start walking anyway.
You walk silently between them as Bradley has a conversation with Enzo on the way back to the hotel. They don’t bother to include you, you don’t bother to interrupt. Bradley watches as you lengthen your strides, wandering a few steps ahead of them, setting your headphones back over your ears.
“Girlfriend problems?” Enzo whispers, smiling softly as he looks over at Bradley.
“What? — No, she’s a student.” Bradley breezes over the question in a way that surprises him. He hasn’t ever considered himself to be a very good liar. He usually tells the truth without caring who it will hurt. So, that was believable. He wouldn’t have guessed that Bradley left your room last night with his dick straining against his jeans.
“Then she has a crush on you.” Enzo replies with a chuckle.
It’s not a crush. You’re both attracted to each other, Bradley knows that as well as he knows that it’s not smart to feel that way. But a crush is something different. He’s not sure that you like him enough for it to be called a crush.
“Call it six for tomorrow morning? — I’ll meet you by the steps?” He changes the topic swiftly, knowing that Enzo’s a smart enough guy to pick up on that. He doesn’t really have another choice. Enzo shoots a quick look towards you, then looks back to Bradley with a smile, giving a curt nod of his head.
Bradley adjusts the leather strap of his bag against his shoulder, walking faster to catch up to you. Even with your headphones on, you don’t startle this time. He’s less abrupt about it, casually slipping his palm into yours and overtaking you.
Your lips quirk into a smile as he guides you towards the stairwell. Being thirty minutes early, you both know that means that Pasquale and the others aren’t back yet. You push the headphones back and let them rest around your neck as he slips his room key from his pocket.
The lock clicks open compliantly and Bradley takes a step back, motioning for you to go ahead. Dropping your bag onto Luke’s bed, you untangle yourself from the Walkman and its wire, then drop that down too. There’s a perfectly good desk and this room has three perfectly good chairs. Bradley closes the door behind him as you sit down on the edge of his bed.
He glances down at his watch. Your heartbeat picks up as he lifts his head and crosses to sit beside you. And then, he pulls open his satchel and pulls out a bundle of papers. Fuck, the exam. Truthfully, you hadn’t been expecting any real work to happen.
Your lips part as you stare down at the circled 73 scrawled on the front of the practice exam.
“Are you serious? — A C?”
Bradley lifts his gaze and smirks. Just like that, you’ve switched from batting your eyelashes to looking like you’re deciding whether or not to hit him. He can’t pretend he isn’t amused.
“It’s better than an F.” He points out, starting to loosen his tie as he leans one palm on the sheets behind him. You turn your head and squint, displeased with his answer clearly.
“Better than— you know what, I - I should just—“
Bradley catches your wrist as you stand up from the bed swiftly, letting the exam paper fall to the bed. He tugs you back towards him, catching your hips and guiding you between his knees. He studies your scowling face.
“You’re really not used to not being perfect at everything, are you, honey?” He muses. You push at his shoulders and move to step back, rolling your eyes at him. With minimal effort, Bradley squeezes at your hips and keeps you right there. “It’s alright. Just sit down, we’ll take a look.”
“I don’t want to take a look. It’s stupid.” You shake your head, shoving at his shoulders again. Bradley gives your hips a small tug, spreading his knees as he guides you down onto his thigh.
“It’s not stupid.” He tells you. You narrow your eyes at him as he smooths his hand softly along your back. His lips quirk up into a smile. His hand curls around the nape of your neck, making sure that you turn your head to look at him. “You’re not stupid. I was impressed.”
“Impressed by a C? — Bradley, stop it.” You sigh, pushing at his hands and trying to stand up again. It’s clear that you’re not going to stop trying to run away any time soon, and Bradley’s not done making his point.
His hands curl tight around you hips and you yelp as he lifts you and turns at the same time, dropping you down onto his bed and pinning you there. “You went from an F to a C in three weeks. That’s why I’m impressed. I’m not messing with you.”
Your eyes flicker between his face and the gold chain threatening to slip out from inside of his neat button-up. You exhale softly.
“I thought I did better.” You admit. Shame coats your features, you’re avoiding his gaze, your hands are pinned rigidly at your sides. Bradley sits up a little, giving you some leeway to move.
“So let’s talk about it.” Bradley says calmly. You stare back at him, finally looking him in the eye. He can tell that you want to get up and run. Leaning down, one of his hands comes to grip your hip as he kisses your lips slowly. He pulls back, and raises his brows expectantly.
“Okay.” You agree quietly.
He shoots you a quick smile, then stands up, grabbing the exam paper from the bed as you push yourself up. He sits at the end facing you as he quizzes you once again through the first page. For the first time, you don’t feel scrutinized by him.
“Alright, the Latin unseen translation is where you lost a lot of points, but uh — it’s alright. We can work on that.” Bradley scratches at the back of his neck as he studies the excerpt. You’re quiet, toying with your cuticles. He continues. “The information you’re given is that a farmer is entertaining three gods, incognito, in his cottage until Neptune inadvertently gives them away. Do you pay attention to this stuff at the top when you’re translating?”
You swallow. No, not really. Really, you had recognised a few of the words and assumed that you would be okay. “Of course I do.”
He looks up at you over the page, quiet like he’s giving you a moment to rescind your answer. “This isn’t going to work if you lie.”
“I’m not lying.” You rush defensively, crossing one knee over the other. Bradley exhales slowly and sets the pen down on the bed between the two of you. He raises his eyebrows. “I’m not!”
The door bursts open before you, and the moment is over. The two of you stare, side-by-side, as Luke is backed into the room with Robin’s tongue in his mouth. From Bradley’s vantage point, he can see her hand inside of his jeans
Luke groans as Robin ribs her hand back. He pants, turning to face the man, wiping lipstick from his face. “Oh, hey, Bradley. I, uh — um, how did that meeting with Enzo go?”
You glance across. If Luke knows whatever the hell Bradley was up to today, you should probably know too. Luke isn’t even that good of a student and he knows. But, he does idolize Bradley.
“Robin has a room to herself now, you know.” You point out, trying to save them from the pain of getting lectured by Bradley any more than they already have.
“Who asked you?” Robin bites back.
Bradley stares at her. He presses his lips together in a line. In the years that he has been running this trip, he hasn’t ever had to babysit this much.
He pushes himself up and walks over to her, then brushes right past. Your eyes widen, craning your neck to watch as Bradley slams his fist into the door beside his. Robin and Luke stare on, confused as he walks along the hall doing the same until all of his students pour out into the hallway.
“Everyone come here, make sure you can hear me because I’m only going to say it once.”
From now on, if you make me treat you like children, I’ll treat you like children. The first one of you to upset someone here will deal with me. You’re going to start getting along like adults.
You fiddle awkwardly with the corner of the exam paper as he continues on, knowing that this is all your fault.
“Starting tonight. At eight, you’re going to meet me in the lobby and we’re going to get dinner together. You’re going to get along whether you like it or not. Understood?”
Tags: @thedroneranger @batdanceq @cassiemitchell @himbos-on-ice @wkndwlff @bradshawsbaby @damrlova @fudge13 @xoxabs88xox @mak-32 @sihtricswife @callsignvenus @callsign-joyride @harper1666 @krismdavis @sheisanangell @thecitysgraveyard @sugarcoated-lame @kmc1989 @cherrycola27
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melis-writes · 1 year
That pic you just reposted of Robert DeNiro as Vito makes me want a Vito x Reader fic. 🥴
Aaaaah I have a young Vito x Reader fic in mind but God knows when I'll be able to get around to writing it! 😭💔
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HCs: Max Cady gets Jealous
Original message: @username2748 JUST WATCHED CAPE FEAR AND ROB AS MAX CADY GOT ME 😍😍😍😩 idk if it’s his accent in the movie and his tattoos (had me thinking of Jimmy Conway) but whewwww ok I’m getting off track...max seems like a prettyyy confident guy but what are your HC’s on how he’d behave when he starts feeling a lil jealoussss 😏😏.
OH MY GOD. Love this. Love Max Cady I actually hate this man I cannot believe HHHH he's trashy but hot. Love you, let's get right into it.
Warnings: Smut, cursing, age gap relationship / language, some outdated beliefs held by Max Cady. This is, well, very smutty. Gets kinda intense but Max gets sweet at the end. 18+ ONLY PLEASE! 
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• Okay so Max is a very confident guy - he’s got a lot going for him. He’s charismatic, got a great body, exudes personality. So it’s super hard to get him jealous most of the time. 
• However, he sometimes can be set off by the littlest things in the oddest situations when he’s having a bad day. As the two of you have a significant age gap, he can get jealous when younger men hit on you or pay you any attention. Like when he takes you out to the bar, or at a restaurant. 
• On most days, he usually he takes it as a compliment, how he has this sexy little thing by his side despite your age gap. But other days, he can barely stand it. Max is a loose cannon, his behavior patterns are non-linear. 
• His eyes do the talking when he’s jealous. He gives you “the look” which basically means to calm down if you’re being just a little too friendly, or else you’ll be in trouble. Basically if looks can kill, you’d be dead. In those moments, he can get super intimidating. 
• For some reason he?? Always blames you during these situations. It’s pretty trashy, but Max is the type to blame men hitting on you because you “looked too good” or “wore something tempting.” Or if you try to make casual conversations with other men, he’ll accuse you of being a flirt in front of him. Again, that sucks. 
• Puts on a disappointed voice and will talk down to you like a child. 
• Will keep his cool and not cause a scene wherever the two of you are, but damn does the energy between the two of you change super fast. Not many words are exchanged between the two of you for the rest of the night. 
• When you are driving home, the car ride is completely silent. Max doesn’t even so much as glance at you, keeping his eyes glued to the road. 
• As he pulls into his driveway, he will yank you from your seat and drag you into the house by your hand. 
•“Daddy didn’t like that little stunt you pulled tonight, princess. And you know what, that makes me very, very sad. I thought you knew better than this, huh? Thought I taught ya not to act up in public” He fumbles with the keys to the front door. 
• “You know what happens to dolls who don’t listen, do you?” 
• You shake your head coyly, and he clicks his tongue at you in disappointment as he slams the front door behind the two of you. “No? Well, dollface, bad girls get punished.” 
• You have no time to react, no time to think before his large hand presses down against the top of your head, pushing you to the floor in front of him. He towers over you. “And now, you’re gonna apologize to me properly.” He unbuckles his belt, and starts stroking himself in front of you. “Alright baby, open up.” 
• Yeah he’s...a head pusher. Will make you deep throat him until you are gagging. Will also pull your hair (if it’s long enough, he’ll make a makeshift ponytail out of it. If not, he’ll just ball whatever he can up in his fist). 
• Loves to see your mascara and makeup run down your face, as crystal tears pool and fall from your eyes. He think it makes you look extra sexy, and turns him on even more. 
• “Yeah? Yeah? You like it when I fuck your mouth like this? Finally putting that mouth to good use, huh? No men to flirt you in with here, dollface. Maybe I’ll have to start fucking you in public so all these other men get the hint that you’re mine.” 
• Will finish in your mouth. After he comes down from his high, he’s a sweating, panting mess. Once he gets a good look at you, he turns back into this sweet, southern gentleman. He kinda gets a little scared too once his brain comes back to reality. 
• His thumbs gently rub your cheeks, wiping away the tracks of your tears. He will run you a hot bath, scooping you up in his arms. He’ll clean you up, rubbing off the rest of your messed up makeup from your face, and washes your hair. He pampers you for putting up with his jealous outburst. 
• Is sickeningly sweet with the aftercare. As much as you love the more dominant, rough side of Max, he gets a little nervous he’s too harsh on you. He’s super strong, and he’s afraid one day he’ll accidentally hurt you.
• “You did so good for me, doll. I’m sorry, I got carried away back there. You know how much you, ah, mean to me sweetheart. Can you forgive Daddy?” 
• Giving him a stone cold glare from within the bathtub, he gets a little worried at your reaction. Did he really fuck up this time, did he let his emotions get the best of him? 
• You finally break the tension by giving him a sly smile, and playfully splashing him with water. “Of course I can forgive you, but I don’t think there is anything you should be apologizing for. In fact, I think you should get a little more jealous often, Mr. Cady.” 
• Relieved, he chuckles back. “Hey, don’t go playing your little games with me doll. This is my favorite shirt, don’t want it getting ruined now, do I?”
• “Well, maybe you should just take it off, and join me in the tub?” 
• “You know what, you must've been reading my mind, princess.” 
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Okay okay okay, so I'll be finishing the Robert De Niro during The Deer Hunter fic very soon, but I have a really important question.
Do I put this pic in the moodboard?
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lavendertales · 3 years
Give you what you want || Javier Peña x f!reader x Horacio Carrillo**
summary: you’ve been crushing hard on Javier—and Colonel Carrillo. And when they both find out about it, they can’t help but indulge you.
word count: 11.2k (jfc, sorry, we lost control)
WARNINGS: threesome; oral sex (both f x m receiving), fingering, alcohol involved, double penetration, squirting, multiple orgasms, creampie.
A/N: co-written with @danniburgh​ and @maharani-radha-writes​, so on behalf of the three of us, enjoy this smut fest.
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gif: @robert-deniro 
Carrillo slammed his face on the steering wheel of his car with a groan. He had just spent all day in court finalizing his divorce—which had been going on for months—and just as he had gotten home, he realized that he had forgotten his service pistol at the office. Something he was not allowed to bring in the courtroom.
He had separation anxiety from it, so even though he had multiple spares in the house, he had one trusty weapon, and he wouldn’t be caught dead without it. He glanced at the clock, and saw that it was only eight o’clock, so it wasn’t too late for him to swing back to base and grab it. Shaking his head, he turned the ignition of his car back on and reversed out of his driveway to head back to the station.
When he got there, he used his keys to enter through the back doorway, not really wanting to have to greet the guards at the front. He was just… way too done with people that day. Although he and his by then ex-wife had separated amicably (or as amicably as it could get), the divorce had taken a huge toll on him. He and Juliana had separated about five months before, and he had spent that time sitting in lawyers’ conference rooms, arguing over this and that. He was ready to just give her everything and anything she wanted if it meant he could get that painful process over with.  
Truth be told, Carrillo was lonely. He had been for a long time, even while he was still married to Juliana. They had been less of a married couple and more like roommates for the past year at least, and it was getting to them both. His job was tough and dangerous—Juliana didn’t understand a lot of it. To be fair, he kept most of it from her, but that got exhausting after a while. He longed to just… let go, and he couldn’t do that with her. And after a while, she had decided that staying married to him (and his job) was more trouble than it was worth. He couldn’t blame her, not one bit.
It didn’t matter anymore. He had firmly closed that chapter of his life, and was ready to move on. He didn’t know what the future looked like for him, but the only thing that he was sure of was that Pablo Escobar would be dead. He would make sure of it—even if he died trying. 
After finding his service pistol, which had been stuffed in a holster under his desk, Carrillo closed the door to his office, and proceeded to walk down the hallway to the back exit. But he stopped when he heard voices coming from the bullpen. 
He hadn’t seen anyone when he had come in. He turned slightly and strained his ears to try to see if he could discern who it was. Then he heard the distinct Southern American drawl of none other than Steve Murphy. The man had been pulling late nights in the office ever since his wife got up and left him. 
“All right, kiddo, care to tell me what the fuck your problem is?”
Who–? Was “kiddo”? It certainly couldn’t be Peña. It was a Friday night, surely Peña was off….doing something (or someone) else.
“What’s my problem? What’s your problem, Murph?”
Oh, it was you. The lone female agent of the DEA. Carrillo had been quite wary of you when you had joined the team about a year before. He really wasn’t sure what, if anything, you would be bringing to the table. And he thought that having two DEA agents was two too many already. But over time, you had proven to be a strong, capable, and intelligent partner, and his respect for you had grown.
Bringing you to Colombia had been a good decision, on the part of your superiors. 
Now that he had identified the two people still stuck in the base, he should have been satisfied and been on his way. But something about Steve’s tone of voice kept him rooted to the spot. He really, really shouldn’t have been eavesdropping, especially since he was sure that it was a conversation he was not meant to hear.
“You’re on edge. A lot more than usual,” Steve said. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing, Steve. Just drop it,” you grumbled.
“Oh, so there is something?” Steve snarled. “Look, I normally would back off and leave you alone, but you’ve been highly distracted lately. And it’s affecting your work. I need to know what’s up or at least confirm that you’re going to get this resolved soon because we need your head in the game.”
Now that Steve mentioned it, Carrillo had noticed that you were... not yourself. And you hadn’t been for a while. But Carrillo was too caught up in his own drama to give it much of a thought. 
“I’m sorry,” you sighed, “I’ll try not to be so scatterbrained. I’ll fix it, I promise.”
“Is this what I think it is? The thing you told Connie that I’m not supposed to know about?” Steve asked.
Carrillo knew he absolutely needed to leave. That was not a conversation he should be listening to. But he just could not help it.
“You’re going to have to be more specific, Steve. I’ve told Connie a lot of things,” you chuckled, nervously. 
“I mean about—” there was a pause, presumably Steve looking around to check that nobody was there, “—your feelings. For, uh, ya know, Peña?”
Oh. That was news.
“And—uh—Carrillo, I think?” Steve continued.
Wait… what? 
Carrillo whipped his head around so fast that he winced as his neck twinged in protest. Since when... since when did you have feelings? For him? And Peña? What was happening? Someone needed to shoot him because that could not be real. 
“Must you say it aloud?” you hissed.
“I’m sorry, kiddo, I don’t mean to embarrass you,” Steve apologized. “And normally I would mind my own fucking business, but this is getting out of hand. You really don’t think I notice the cows’ eyes you make at Peña when he’s not looking?”
“I don’t do that!” you denied, indignantly. 
“Okay fine, maybe that’s a bit dramatic,” Steve conceded, “but the point still stands. You definitely need to get this fixed. Have you thought, oh I don’t know, telling Peña? Or even Carrillo?”
“Are you crazy?” you stammered, “Do you have any idea what that would do to my career? Not to mention that Carrillo is... fucking married?”
“Well, he’s divorced now,” Steve clarified, “And nobody has to know. It’s nobody else’s business but yours. I’m just saying, think about it, ok? You deserve an outlet, just like everyone else.”
Carrillo decided that it was best to not stay and hear what you had to say to that. Instead, he hightailed it out of the base, as quickly as he could, trying to keep his footsteps light so as not to alert you and Steve to his presence. Once he was finally in the safety of his car, he put his head back onto the seat and let out a long breath, trying to figure out what he was going to do with that information. He couldn’t deny that the idea of you having feelings for him was incredibly flattering. You were a very guarded individual and quite hard to read sometimes—not so dissimilar to him. He would have never, in a million years, guessed that you would be interested in him, and that was mostly due to your closed off persona. 
But to find out that you had feelings for both him and Peña? That was an interesting development. Carrillo didn’t know how to feel about that. But he can’t deny that it intrigued him...more than it should have. His mother would be completely mortified if she found out that he was entertaining this—whatever it was. 
But his mother was not here. His wife was gone, and had taken the kids with her. It was just him, and his large house. And now, apparently, you and possibly Peña. Carrillo tilted his head contemplatively and started the ignition of his car. 
Maybe… just maybe, there was something to this whole charade. 
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Steve was tired. Scratch that, he was exhausted. Not physically, but mentally. 
Javier had been looking at you for far too long, and Steve could taste the yearning and the tension that lingered around the office when Peña looked at you. It was maddening, and Steve had no idea how Peña had managed this long without jumping you. After all, he never seemed to have a problem getting a woman’s attention and keeping it. So, why were you so different? 
And the worst part of this whole circus is that you were so blissfully unaware of it. It made Steve’s mouth foam with rage.
When he told Connie over the phone, the previous night, what you had said to him and how you had confessed to being attracted to both men, she actually convinced him to talk to Javier on your behalf. Because Connie knew you, and she knew you would just shut up about it, guard it as if you were a dragon with a treasure, never say a thing, and suffer in silence until your feelings went away. And if they didn’t. Too bad. Steve hadn’t wanted to get involved. After all, you were an adult, and Javier was an adult. You should be able to sort these things out yourself. But alas, that had not happened. 
And if Steve didn’t do something about it, it was going to get out of hand, quickly. 
So when you got up from your desk and got out of the office, Steve walked to Javier and slammed his hand on a pile of files that Javier was almost hiding behind.
“Yes, Murphy, how can I help you?” Peña drawled, trying to keep his voice as even and unaffected as possible. 
“Don’t give me that innocent bullshit, Peña,” Steve growled, “I’m so sick of you.”
“What could I have possibly done now?” Javier huffed, pulling a cigarette out of his pack and lighting it. He figured that if he played dumb, Steve would go away. 
“You, and her,” Steve said, emphasizing his point by jabbing his finger in the direction of the door you had just walked out of, “There’s something between the two of you. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed.”
Javier decided not to answer that. Instead he just took a puff of his cigarette and stared at Steve, daring him to continue. 
“I’m serious Peña, stop playing coy. This is starting to affect your working relationship, and I’m getting sick of it,” Steve grumbled, “Do something about it. Now.” 
It took a few moments of silence, but Javier finally decided to concede to Steve. Truth was, Javier’s head was full of thoughts. Full of you. Truth be told, getting infatuated with you was just a matter of time. 
You were just… frustratingly attractive, incredibly strong and so damn smart. A dangerous combination, you were almost perfect. And that, scared the shit out of him. It had been a long time since Javier felt like that; he didn’t like the vulnerability of it all, he didn’t like how it was way too apparent that whatever you did, for small that it was, affected him in some way. He didn’t like the fact that he wanted to be with you all the time, see you all the time, talk to you all the time. He wanted to protect you all the time even when he knew you could perfectly protect yourself. And he had been feeling like that for months.
Javier interpreted that as karma, getting so madly, deeply into you and getting absolutely nothing in return. Until Steve chimed in, nosy as ever, to speak about something that was clear as a water drop but he just kept denying from himself.
He replayed what Steve had told him while he puffed from his cigarette and for a split second, and let himself smile at the words of his partner.
Steve was right. He was aware of how much he had been missing and how affected his job seemed to be because of how much time he spent thinking about you. It was so unlike him, and it was very unprofessional. But he just couldn’t help it. 
You and your strikingly beautiful being. You letting him hold you close. You, with your hands on him. You and how sweet your lips must taste. You and how your naked body must look in the dimmed lights of his bedroom. Fuck.
So he decided, after his partner all but scolded him about being too dumb to realize, that he was going to face you and just… make things happen.
Steve smiled to himself while looking down at a file when Javier stood up from his own desk and walked out of the office.
“Attaboy,” he mumbled to himself.
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You weren’t sure what it was, but suddenly the air in that bullpen had become oppressive, and you just needed to get out. Well, frankly… you weren’t stupid. You knew what was causing you to feel this way. It was stupid Steve and his stupid way of being right all the time, how the fuck did he do that? At some point, you were going to have to tell Javier (and possibly Carrillo, as well) how you felt, but if you could put it off for longer, you were absolutely going to do so.
You sat on the concrete wall bordering the police base, observing quietly as the citizens of Medellín went about their day, getting lunch and catching up with their colleagues. There was a man selling arepas just a few feet from you, and the smell was amazing. But no matter how tantalizing the scent was, you just couldn’t bring yourself to eat. All you needed was some air. Yeah, that’s what you needed. You’d be fine after a few moments. 
Unfortunately, your peace wasn’t to last long, and as you were soon to discover, your observational skills would need a check up because Colonel Horacio Carrillo himself had just plopped himself next to you, and you hadn’t even noticed. Carrillo, for his part, waited a few moments before clearing his throat, startling you from your thoughts, and successfully getting your attention.
Ah, shit.
One of the exact men that you didn’t want to deal with right now was sitting right next to you. 
“Those arepas look fantastic,” he remarked in that lovely accent you really liked, “Do you want one?”
You shook your head.  “No thank you,” you mumbled, “I’m fine.”
Carrillo hummed. 
“I’m sure we could find something else if you would prefer. There’s all kinds of food in Medellín,” he replied.
But you refused again. “No, really, I’m fine. I don’t want any food,” you said.
Carrillo tilted his head and clasped his hands together, leaning forward slightly. He gave a small, almost imperceptible smirk, and if you didn’t know him so well, you would have missed it. 
“I see,” he observed, amusedly. “So, then, Agent. What do you want?”
You frowned, and furrowed your eyebrows. What—what was he doing? 
“I—I don’t want anything,” you replied, completely flabbergasted. 
“Hmmm,” Carrillo began, “I don’t believe you. I think you want something.”
You raised your eyebrows at that. You’d never known the Colonel to be so bold. 
“I want Escobar dead,” you quipped, “Same as you, I suppose.”
“Ah yes, I certainly want that,” Carrillo agreed. “But I want something else. Something that I imagine might be the same as you.”
You scratched the back of your neck, nervously, not sure where this was going. 
“All right, Colonel, I’ll bite. What is it that you want?” you questioned.
Carrillo adjusted his position on the wall, turning so that he was facing you squarely. He looked you straight in the eyes before taking a deep breath, as if he was working up the courage to say something.
You felt the air leave your lungs, Carrillo’s face was a puzzle laid before you but before you could say something else, you heard a deep, timbered voice calling your name.
You reluctantly turned around and saw Peña walking up to the both of you, you felt Carrillo shift beside you and let out a sigh, as if he knew something like that would happen.
“I was looking for you,” Javier mumbled, almost as if he didn’t want anyone else to hear but you.
“So, you found me,” your voice was shaky after the Colonel’s admission, and you tried to control it “What?”
“Can we—uh—talk?” he said, and you looked back at Carrillo.
“Can it wait?” you pleaded.
“No,” Javier declared.
“I think I know what this is about,” Carrillo announced, and you frowned at him, asking with your eyes for him to elaborate. But he just stayed quiet, looking between you and Peña.
“What do you mean?” Javier huffed, “This is a private conversation that I need to have with her.”
“I think we all need to have this conversation,” Carrillo mumbled, looking at the ground for half a second before returning his gaze to you and Javier.
“What are you two on?” you asked, frantically. “I am so confused.” 
Javier glanced at the Colonel, at the way he was all but shifting around like a nervous kid. He realized Carrillo moved like he was hiding something, like he had a secret he so wanted to confess.
“Do you know something?” Javier questioned him, furrowing his brow. The Colonel turned to study him and there was a small moment in which they said nothing, and their eyes just locked.
And there, Javier saw him, as he was. Colonel Horacio Carrillo was an honorable man, everyone knew that, but as he was honorable he was dark, and Javier had a small suspicion of what he knew and was badly hiding.
Javier felt himself smirk at the man and Carrillo smirked back, and Javi knew it. Because he never misses things like that. For him is like having a sixth sense, somehow enhanced by his career and his experience. He just knows. Javier had never been indifferent to men. After all, being honest with himself, he had a little crush on Steve before he saw the wedding band. And Carrillo was… just his type. He never thought he would have the chance to even get closer to the Colonel like that. In the end, the time was not right and he was quite sure Carrillo wasn’t like that.
Clearly, he had been mistaken.
“Okay you two, I’ve had enough,” you grumbled, “What is going on? I’m sick of these games.”
“This is not a game,” Carrillo said, finally looking at you, you felt your frown get deeper.
“Then what is it?” you demanded. 
Javier shrugged and took one last look at Carrillo, as if to confirm his consent, and replied. 
“An arrangement,” he deadpanned. “With both of us.”
“If you want it,” Carrillo added, quickly. 
You shot up from the wall you were sitting on and turned to glare at both of them. Javier put his hands on his waist and leaned on a leg, and Carrillo stood up as well, clasped hands in front of him, just waiting for you to say something. Anything.
Javier glanced nervously at Carrillo from the corner of his eye, searching his face for any sign of hesitation. I hope this is gonna go how you were planning, Carrillo, he thought, because if it doesn’t and she refuses to speak to me again after this... I swear to God—
“Where did you get this idea?” you blabbered, feeling the sting of nervousness and insecurity settling into your stomach. Along with something else in your lower belly you refused to acknowledge at all.
Javier sighed, and shook his head. “Steve Murphy has a big mouth,” he murmured. 
“Dios mío,” you exclaimed, “He told you both?”
“Well, he told me,” Javier said, running a hand through his hair, “I don’t know about our Colonel over here.”
Now it was Carrillo’s turn to look sheepish. 
“No, he didn’t say anything to me,” Carrillo admitted, “I overheard the two of you talking the other day.”
“You eavesdropped on me?” you gasped, “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Is nothing I say private?”
Carrillo at least had the grace to look ashamed. 
“It was an accident,” he tried to assure you, “But—I don’t regret listening in. I haven’t stopped thinking about it. About you.”
You scrubbed your face with your hands, trying to figure out what you were going to do. It wasn’t that you were–unhappy–more so embarrassed. You’d been carrying this secret for a long time now, and to have it so out in the open made you feel more exposed than ever. And you hated the feeling. 
“I’m gonna need a minute,” you said, “Can we talk about this later? I need some space.”
Without waiting for a response, you briskly walked away from the police base and in the direction of the city. You weren’t sure where you were going or when you were going to be back. All that you knew was that your privacy had been massively violated, and you needed some space to collect yourself. Alone. And perhaps when you had calmed down, you could think about Carrillo and Peña’s proposal, like a functioning adult. But right now, you were too embarrassed (and aroused, let’s be real), to think straight. 
Javier turned aside to look at Carrillo when your figure had disappeared into the city.
“So,” Javier broke the not-so-awkward silence, “Are you okay with this?”
Carrillo huffed at the question and glanced at the agent, noticing in him things he hadn't noticed before.
“Are you?”
Javier felt his stomach drop at the Colonel’s question… interesting. 
“I’m all in,” he replied, smirking at Carrillo.
“Yo también.”
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It was later in the afternoon by the time you had calmed down enough to return to work. You couldn’t believe what had happened today. You absolutely wanted to smack Steve. What you had told him was in confidence, and he had broken that trust. But you couldn’t deny that you were happy with the result. The idea of having even just one of those two men was enough to get you going, but both? 
Men like them?
The pool of arousal was already forming in between your legs.
You could not deny how much you had wanted this, and how much you had been dreaming about it. And for a very long time. For god’s sake, you had lost sleep over this shit. It made you feel dirty, filthy, and unprofessional. But you just couldn’t help it. You’d done a decent enough job of keeping your feelings in check, but now the cat was out of the bag. 
And not only did these two men know how you felt. Apparently, they felt the same way. And for some godforsaken reason, they wanted you. 
Were you really going to say no to an opportunity like that? Were you truly that stupid? No matter how much you were angry with Steve.
Connie would lose her shit when you'd call her to tell her about her husband’s work.
You walked into the bullpen and saw the office door opened, the first thing you saw was Javier’s face buried inside a file, his posture rigid and his hands grasping at the folder as if it were a lifeline. 
He looked up and his eyes went wide when he saw you walk in.
But then you saw Murphy, sitting like nothing had happened and you saw red. You rushed at him and without a word your hand flew and you smacked him on the back of the head.
“What the fuck?” he yelled, and you heard Javier laughing behind you.
“You asshole,” you hissed, “Exactly what made you think it was a good idea to tell him? I trusted you to keep your mouth shut.” 
“Excuse me,” Steve groaned, rubbing the back of his head, “I did you a fucking favor. I got tired of hanging around with you two idiots, just looking at each other and not saying shit.”
“You should not have done that,” you growled, fixing him with what you hoped was your most intimidating glare. 
“Perhaps not,” Steve shrugged, “But I don’t regret it.” 
“Can I—say something?” Javier asked behind you.
“No. Shut up.” you hissed without looking back at him.
“You do something like this again, and I’ll kill you,” you threatened Steve before storming out of the base, and into the parking lot. You sat in the driver’s seat of your car and banged your head against the steering wheel. You had had every intention of finding Peña and Carrillo and taking them up on their offer, but now all feelings of boldness had been once again replaced by shame and embarrassment. No doubt you were the talk of the police base, what with your massive crush on two of your colleagues. 
Although you knew it was irrational, you couldn’t help but feel as though Carrillo and Peña were making fun of you. You knew it was stupid. Both of them were grown-ass men. They wouldn’t be so immature. If they didn’t like you at all, they would have just left you alone. But you just couldn’t help the raging insecurity you were feeling. Perhaps if you had actually told both of them, directly, how you felt, rather than let Steve Murphy do the hard work, then maybe you wouldn’t be feeling this way. 
But that was all water under the bridge now, you supposed. 
Later that night, you were heating up a pitiful TV-dinner in your apartment, not feeling up to eating, but you needed something, when your phone rang. You froze with the fork halfway to your mouth. There were only a handful of people who had your landline number, and even then, only a few of those people would have the guts to actually call it. This wasn’t going to be a fun conversation. 
Sighing, you trudged over to the phone and lifted the receiver to your ear.
“¿Sí?” you asked, quietly, and you heard the low voice of Colonel Carrillo on the other end. 
“It’s me,” he said softly. “You left work rather abruptly. I called to see if you were fine.”
“As fine as I can be, given the circumstances,” you grumbled.
“I’m sorry that things transpired the way they did, truly,” Carrillo mumbled, sounding genuinely apologetic. “But I meant it when I said I don’t regret finding out.” 
“Of course you wouldn’t,” you muttered, “You’re not the one whose colleague breached her trust.”
There was a pause before Carrillo spoke again. “Do you regret it?”
Now it was your turn to pause, contemplating your words and how you would respond. You didn’t want to hurt him, but at the same time, you wanted to make it clear that you weren’t pleased with the means—even if the end was fantastic. 
“I regret how this started,” you replied, slowly, not trusting yourself to say anything further. 
Carrillo hummed over the line, contemplating your words. 
“I can’t blame you for that,” he said. “But forget about Steve for a moment, please. Have you thought about it?” 
You inhaled and held your breath for ten counts, trying to calm down your racing heart. You couldn’t deny that just the mere thought of being in the same room with these two men, especially in a non-platonic setting, was difficult for you. 
“I think you know the answer to that, Colonel. You aren’t stupid,” you quipped, “Have you discussed this with Peña? I must admit, I am surprised at you both. This doesn’t seem like something either of you would be interested in.”
“We’ve discussed this, absolutely,” Carrillo said, recalling the deeper conversation he had with Peña earlier that day after you had slapped Steve. “I think we’ve both surprised ourselves, if I’m being honest. But if the attraction is there, it’s there. But I want you to know, there is no pressure. This only goes as far as you want it to go.”
You frowned at that. “What do you mean?” you pressed.
“Querida,” he sighed, “What happens between the three of us—well—Peña and I know where we stand—it’s up to you now. If you don’t want this, then just say the word. We’ll pretend this conversation never happened.”
You took a shuddering breath and tried to respond as best as you can. 
“You don’t have to give me an answer now,” Carrillo interrupted gently. “Think about it. Make sure it’s what you want. Then you can let us know.”
“I—okay,” you stuttered, for lack of a better response. 
“I should leave you to your evening. But think about it, and let me know what you decide,” Carrillo said. “Have a good night, querida.”
“Sure, good night, Colonel,” you mumbled, hearing the click on the other end, indicating that Carrillo had hung up. 
You passed the rest of the evening in relative silence, going about your mundane business with an extra air of heaviness. Slowly you could feel the embarrassment from the day give way to desire. As you lay by yourself in your bed, clutching at your pillow, you couldn’t help the acute sense of loneliness that you felt. After all, you hadn’t really had anyone before you came to Colombia, and your job here certainly killed whatever chance of having a relationship you might have had. It was why you had so easily fallen for both of your colleagues. 
You were lonely. And they were lonely too. But it wasn’t just out of loneliness. You’d seen what Peña was like when he just wanted to have a warm body next to him. Just as it had taken courage for you to confess how you felt to Steve, it must have taken just as much strength for Carrillo and Peña to admit the same to you. This wasn’t going to be a one-time thing—born out of isolation and tragedy—it would be something much more meaningful than that. You could feel it. 
You glanced at the clock, seeing that it was just past midnight. Although you knew that Carrillo usually stayed up late, you didn’t want to bother him, so you dialed the number of the only other person who you knew would be up this late.
“Hello?” Javier Peña ruffed on the other end, clearly annoyed at having been woken up. 
“Javier, it’s me,” you said, by way of greeting. You heard some rustling of bed sheets, no doubt Javier was fully awake now. 
“Are you all right?” he asked, concern coloring his tone. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you assured him, “I just—I’ve thought about your offer. Yours and Carrillo’s.”
You heard a sharp intake of breath over the phone. 
“And what do you say, cariño?” he questioned, hope ringing in his voice. 
You took a deep breath, steadying yourself. “Yes. I’m saying yes.” 
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You sat inside Javier’s car, silently, as he drove the two of you through the streets of Medellín towards Carrillo’s address. It was a Friday—exactly a week from when Carrillo had overheard you talking to Steve, and you were completely floored at how your life had changed that fast. You didn’t regret anything though, not one bit. 
You were nervous though. Having one of these men was enough to make you swoon, but both? You weren’t sure what was going to happen. All you knew is that it would be a fantastic night. You just hoped that you could keep up. 
A hand on your knee brought you back to the present, and you glanced over to see that Javier was eyeing you out of the corner of his eye as he drove. 
“Relax, cariño,” he ordered, “It’s just us.”
You laughed. “I know, that’s what I’m worried about,” you said, jokingly. But Javier wasn’t having it. 
“Why would that make you nervous?” he asked, turning to face you when you had stopped for a red light.
“You two are my friends and colleagues,” you stated, “I don’t—want to disappoint you. Especially since we will have to go back to work after the weekend.”
Javier shook his head and pressed down harder on the accelerator, hoping that if he got you to Carrillo’s place faster, you’d stop your fatalistic thoughts.
“None of that,” he grumbled, shutting down your line of thinking as quickly as he could, “What happens between us tonight stays between us. That’s it. No pressure or expectations. Just enjoy yourself, okay?”
You nodded, not quite trusting yourself to speak. And thankfully, you didn’t have to say anything because you and Javier finally pulled up in front of Carrillo’s house. It was a much larger property than you had expected, with a beautifully-kept lawn and a mango tree just at the front of the house. It was a stunning place to live, and the thought that Carrillo had been staying there alone, with nobody to share it with, for the past several months just left you heartbroken. 
Well. That was likely about to change tonight. 
“You’re still sure, cariño?” Javier asked, taking your hand in his and staring at your knuckles, “If you’ve changed your mind, I can drive you back now. No questions asked.”
You shook your head. “I’m completely sure, Javi. Don’t worry,” you assured him, and Javier nodded. 
“Bueno,” he mumbled, “Let’s go.” And with that, the two of you walked up the path to Carrillo’s front door and rang the bell. Carrillo answered almost immediately, face relaxing at the sight of you. 
“I hope you didn’t have too much trouble finding the place,” he greeted, stepping back to allow the two of you to enter his house. 
“I have some wine if you would like,” Carrillo suggested, leading you and Javier into the kitchen after the two of you had kicked off your shoes. 
Carrillo walked straight to the fridge and took out what appeared to be a pretty expensive brand of wine, but neither you nor Javier said anything in regards to it. Instead, you both sat down and exchanged a series of fugitive glances at each other.
You thought you needed the wine, the bitter, strong taste of alcohol to run through your veins in order to be able to process the moment in its entirety. But suddenly, as you glared at both Javier and Carrillo, there was no need for anything else. No liquid distraction to be drunk beforehand, no ridiculous and meaningless pleasantries or comfort words. You knew those men. You trusted them with your life every day when you went out there on the streets, and you trusted them just as much now. Their mere presence was sufficient to relax you and ease the tension, although you thought they would both agree that the tension was thicker than you could’ve imagined.
“I trust you both, and I care about you both, so damn much.”
It came out of the blue; you weren’t even sure you thought about it in your mind, and yet you said it nonetheless, standing up. Both of them seemed a little surprised by your impromptu confession, but patiently waited for your continuation, if there was any to begin with.
“What I mean is… why make this harder on ourselves? Why bother with small talk and awkward conversations when we can just… do it, enjoy the night?”
Javier was the first one who smirked. And of course he would, he was probably used to a lot of those moments, or similar ones, and had almost no issue baring it all, you thought. You swore, for a brief, almost too rushed moment, that you saw Carrillo hesitate with saying something and averting his eyes from both you and Javier, but you brushed it off. Instead, he looked tall and mighty at you, as his official position required, and smiled gallantly at you.
“You are the one in charge tonight,” he told you.
Simple, yet effective.
From the moment you heard that sentence, it did something to your ego. It gave you an unexpected boost of confidence, it sparked a desire, a flame so bright and hot you wouldn’t have believed it to be true in any other situation.
You took a few steps closer to Carrillo, all the while having Javier watch the scene unfold from the kitchen entrance. He stood up when you did, out of some long-forgotten courtesy that he didn’t used to care about anymore, and he just knew where it was all headed. He recognized the look in your eyes, the longing on your face. He knew what it meant, how much it must’ve consumed you, and he felt oddly enticed and captivated by it.
Just as swiftly as the night began, Carrillo’s hands rested on your waist while he kissed you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he only brought you closer to him; his lips tasted surprisingly sweet, with just a faint tint of nicotine. Your chest was pressed against his, warm clothed skin found yours and you shivered against him. His hands gripped your waist as if saying farewell to them and he slid them up your body. You could feel Peña’s eyes fixed in your bodies, staring at the scene, and when the Colonel broke the kiss to nibble at your neck, you opened your eyes to see him next to you; half-lidded brown deep eyes, an opened bottle of wine in one hand and his lower lip in the other. Your skin was burning, and you had barely been touched.
You smiled at him when Carrillo took your jacket off, Peña smirked and took a sip of wine directly from the bottle, careless about any pleasantries.
Carrillo’s wet tongue latched softly at your pulse point and ripped a low moan out of you, you closed your eyes again when his hands gripped your ass over the fabric of your jeans.
“Colonel, please,” you muttered, sighing as you felt his large hands had fun with your flesh and grip it after hearing the way you called him.
“Words, querida,” he just replied, putting some distance between your wet skin and his lips.
“More,” you bit your lip, Carrillo smirked at you and you noticed the way his eyes darkened with desire in front of you. He turned to look at Javier, who was still standing at the kitchen entrance, palming his erection over his jeans.
“Bring that,” Carrillo said, pointing at the bottle, then slid his hand from your ass to the small of your back and guided you towards the staircase.
Between your hazed eyes and the cloud of lust that had begun to invade your mind, you looked around Carrillo’s space and wondered how a man like him could live in a place that big. You smiled to yourself when he put his hand on the small of your back and soon enough Peña caught up to you, you felt his ever so imposing presence behind you.
Carrillo opened the door to the bedroom and pushed you softly inside.
You didn’t even have time to take your surroundings in when you felt a pair of warm hands find your hips and a set of lips grazing at your earlobe. Your eyes closed by themselves and the sweet, strong smell of Javier’s cologne invaded your nostrils as he pulled your back flush against his chest.
“Sh–shit,” you let out, half a whisper, half a moan, when you felt Carrillo’s hands roam around your waist.
You were losing yourself between the touch of the two of them, you shivered when Carrillo cupped your breast as Javier nibbled at the skin of your neck, from behind, you tilted your head to the side to give him more room to do whatever–the–fuck he pleased with your neck.
“Mírate, chiquita,” Carrillo whispered, you felt his breath on your lips and when you re-opened your eyes you saw him inches away from your face “you’re already wrecked.”
You felt Javier chuckling against your flushed skin, and you bit your lower lip, bringing a hand to the Colonel’s nape to pull him closer and kiss him again.
One of Javier’s hands found itself under your shirt, his mouth was moving and his other hand pulled softly at your shirt over your shoulder to find more skin to lick and kiss. Carrillo found the hem of your shirt and broke the kiss to look at you, as if asking for permission and reassurance that you wanted what he wanted. Javier watched the silent exchange and smirked against the skin of your shoulder, he gave it a last brush of his mustache and a last kiss before you nodded to the Colonel and he helped you out of the garment.
Carrillo smiled to himself when he saw what you’ve been hiding under it, a black, only-lace bra that showed the shade of your nipples, you bit your lip again when you took in his disheveled figure, his notorious erection under his military green pants that made the pool between your legs grow.
“How are you this fucking beautiful?” Javier muttered behind you, his mouth leaving a trail of kisses behind your ear to your nape.
Your breath hitched when Carrillo kneeled in front of you and you felt your chest heaving with desire when his large fingers dextrely unbuttoned your jeans and his thumbs hooked on the hem. He looked at you again and you nodded for a second time. Javier looked over your shoulder at the Colonel slowly sliding your jeans off your hips then your legs and he left his hands roam around the now naked skin of your torso. Your hands landed on the back of his head, and he took the hint, attacking the skin of your neck once again.
Carrillo threw your jeans away once he helped you out of them and you moaned loudly when his lips grazed against your knee. One of your hands dropped to grab Carrillo’s head as his trail of kisses moved up, up, up until he reached the soft skin where your thigh and your hip joined. You were sure he could smell your arousal, you were sure he could feel it at that point and you didn’t care, for once you let yourself only feel and let all thought out of your mind while you felt two mouths, two men, take care of you.
There was no hesitation from Javier’s side as his fingers gently grazed up your spine, expertly unclasping your bra, taking in the image of the straps loosening on your smooth skin. He was damn near panting at the mere sight, but he had to remind himself that that was only the tip of the iceberg. The moans you were letting escape your mouth as Carrillo pressed gentle kisses on your inner thighs aided him in no way. He felt himself get harder and harder and fought off raging instincts to turn that moment into another one of his one-night stands.
Javier made sure he tasted your skin while he took the straps from both sides between his fingers and slid them off your shoulders, he felt you shivering under his hands and over Horacio’s mouth and you could feel the smirk on your skin, once the bra came off, Javier took your chin and moved your head to face him, he pressed his mouth on yours, his tongue hungry for your scent, invading your cavities and feeling your warmth rush through his body with the speed of light. Everything about your scent was intoxicating and consuming, and ever so addicting that he could barely find it in himself to stop.
But then his calloused hands found your breasts and oh—oh, shit.
That first squeeze, tantalizingly slow and powerful, took you out completely. You gasped, and you weren’t sure if it was Horacio’s warm breath in between your legs or Javier fondling your breasts, but you embraced the overwhelming effect both had on you. Javier squeezed again, and moved around to locate the sweet torture of his mouth onto your nipples, taking one in his mouth whilst his thumb moved over the other one, twisting it in between his fingers as he nibbled at your skin. His tongue left a glistening trail as he peppered kisses in between your breasts, moving up your sternum, collarbones and neck and focusing on one particular spot that seemed to drive you wild. So much so that you reached behind your back to grab a handful of his hair, pull him in closer however you could. 
“Lay her down, Peña,” Carrillo cooed, and the man followed suit.
You saw the Colonel untuck his shirt and take it off while Javier kneeled on the bed and helped you lay down on it, the softness of the sheets embraced you and the coldness made you whimper softly. 
It was a premiere for him to witness Javier Peña, of all people, being so submissive and attentive, but he had other matters to focus on at the moment. His mouth left your already glistening and plump lips to grab the bottle of wine, your eyes followed him as you felt Carrillo’s hands spread your legs open and kiss the inside of your legs again, Javier came back to the bed and kneeled next to you, his hand gripping the bottle and the other cupping your face, he smiled softly at you and took a sip from the bottle; you moaned when Carrillo’s hands worked to get you out of your lace panties and Javier leaned down to you, the hand that cupped your face moved to your chin and he opened your mouth with his thumb, letting the wine pour from his mouth to yours.
The wine was warm and it tasted sweet; when you closed your mouth and swallowed, Javier’s thumb grazed your lips and you heard a hard pant next to you. When you turned, you saw Carrillo’s lusted face and you gave him a soft smile, making him all but threw himself to you, kissing your mound. You moaned again and Javier leaned back, bringing the chilled bottle closer to your body, letting the tip of it graze against your warm skin. Between the cold sensation and Carrillo’s lips tasting you, you were about to scream.
Javier looked at you, smirked and pour some of the wine all over your breasts and abdomen, immediately reaching down on your again to lick the liquid off. A bit of the wine had traveled down your abdomen to your lower belly and found its way into Carrillo’s mouth, the feeling of the cold wine and their tongues made you growl. You had two pairs of equally sinful and skilled lips teasing and licking deliciously well over your exposed skin, and you had half of mind to grab either one of them and get to business. You couldn’t recall the last time you felt so aroused, but it was all a masterful torture and all for a good time. If anyone else was allowed to have their downtime, why shouldn’t you?
It was somewhat futile to even attempt to please either one of the men in return; their own pleasure seemed to be revolving around yours and they were both doing such an incredible job out of it that you had a hard time trying to keep track of where the waves of pleasure came from anymore. It was all one big tsunami of feelings, from overstimulation to lust and appreciation and love in some form.
Carrillo continued his ministrations while Javier licked the remains of the wine from your body, his tongue traveled to your sternum and he took a nipple on his mouth ever so briefly, then he stood up and quickly undressed, not bothering to be cool about it, he just threw his clothes to the floor while he looked at Horacio have the time of his life between your legs, you let out soft moans and whispers and while Javier took off his jeans he saw your hand grip Carrillo’s hair as your hips hatched against the Colonel’s face. You felt his tongue flicking your clit and he pushed a thick finger inside you, curling it around, building you up and throwing you off the cliff with the same force he had put you there. You came on his mouth with his name on yours.
As you laid on the bed, legs spread for Carrillo as he helped you ride off your orgasm, Javier kneeled back on the bed next to your face, his hand snaked its way around your neck, gently grabbing both sides and helping you take his erection in your mouth, which you were more than happy to do. You could tell he was somewhat tensed: he was doing his absolute best to control his motions and to keep it at a normal rhythm, but the more you involuntarily groaned as Carrillo began to glide his tongue across your slit once again, building up your second climax, the more Javier was slowly losing bits and pieces of himself. Within seconds, you could just tell you weren’t gonna last long, but neither would Javier as he picked up the face and jerked his hips forward more and more, thus obliging you to take more of him in. You couldn’t explain it, nor find any logic behind the action itself, but you swore you felt his release in Javier’s impatient thrusts and, sure enough, mere seconds later, he finally came, grunting as ropes of his seed dripped down your jaw.
Your moans returned when Carrillo added two fingers to his mouthy torture over your clit, and you felt like you could explode. Not long after that all-too familiar gut feeling, that almost persistent desire to burn, you came for a second time, eager to jerk your hips forward and meet as much as you could of Carrillo’s tongue, but this time, the man’s grip over your thighs was impossible to break. He held you in place ever so expertly and ate you out like you were his favorite five course meal, soaking up every ounce of juice that you provided him with. 
You temporarily lost feeling in your arms as you tried to raise them to make at least Javier pay attention, but words also failed to leave your abused mouth. 
“Que buena chica,” Carrillo said from somewhere down below. (What a good girl.)
Your brain didn’t register what he said properly. All you could feel was a fire so intense, so vivid, you nearly saw stars. And something told you that was only the beginning.
And you were proven right. 
In the momentary lack of physical touch, you thought about the moment itself, having two of the strongest, most desirable men eager to please you—simultaneously, might you add—and the more you thought about it, the more it threw you off completely. Why? You weren’t really sure. Perhaps it was the idea in the back of your mind that you wouldn’t have thought yourself capable of that. Or them, really. The activity hadn’t been exactly on your to-do list over the past few years and yet now, you couldn’t have thought of a better way to figure out your feelings for them, and to spare time.
The freshly acquired ecstasy was not only enthralling, but efficient as well.
After your second orgasm at Horacio’s ministrations you saw him between your lusted, narrowed eyes, undress completely, Javier was next to you, trailing his fingers up and down your wet torso—wet with wine and his saliva, what a fucking thought—while the both of you saw Carrillo take the remains of his clothes off and took in his lean figure, Javier smirked when he saw him whole and thought to himself the things he would do to the man if he had the time.
Javier wrapped his arms around your waist and helped you roll over to the side to face him, licking his bottom lip in the process and made sure you watched as he did so. He had been eyeing you up and down the entire day, whether clothed or not, and every glance he threw you, ever so dark and desirable, filled with subtext and desire, made you weaker and weaker, just like Carrillo’s touches were.
You reached his face and took his lips in yours, his tongue slid inside your mouth and as he explored the insides and his hand grabbed fistfuls of your ass, you felt the bed shifting behind you, and another hand snaked from behind and found your breast. Next thing you knew, you were being pressed against and between two bodies and the warmth of them was driving you insane.
When Carrillo’s fingers played with your nipple, you bucked your hips forward and you felt Javier’s erection graze at your lower belly. Javier moved his hand from your ass to your thigh and then he let it slide to your pussy, you bucked your hips backwards and you felt Carrillo’s erection graze at your ass.
“How are you still this wet, bonita?” Javier asked, while his fingers found themselves between your lips.
“Don’t you know the answer by now, Javi?” you muttered, feeling the way Carrillo’s mouth found your shoulders.
You glanced at him and Carrillo the same way Javier looked at you and you understood in an instant why he always preferred to be that way. It was enticing, addicting and sinful, just the way he was.
And by the looks of it, Colonel Horacio Carrillo was no saint either. 
“How do you want this to go, chiquita?” Horacio asked behind you as you moved your leg up to allow Javier’s fingers to find a way inside you.
You sighed. Why was he asking you that question when you weren’t even sure something like this would happen? For a brief, brief second you wanted to hide, just grab your clothes and hide. But you found yourself sandwiched between the men that you most desired and you just couldn’t waste this opportunity for the life of you.
So you rummaged around your deepest, filthiest fantasies you’ve had when everything had just been a sinful dream, a product of your lascivious thoughts giving into what you catalogued as your darkest secrets and desires and you found one you couldn’t stop think about after it had given you a stars–behind–the–eyes orgasm.
“I want both,” you muttered, feeling the way both men groaned at your sides, “both inside me, please.”
“You sure?” Javier asked, pulling out his fingers from your cunt and looking at the way they glistened, you nodded.
“Words, chiquita,” Horacio said and you turned to see him, he leaned down and stole a short, deep kiss.
“I’m a hundred percent sure,” you murmured against the Colonel’s lips.
“Let’s get you ready, then,” Javier whispered on your neck and you sighed when his fingers slid back into your slit, you closed your eyes when Horacio played your nipples around his fingers and then his hand roamed down your body, finding their way to your pussy.
“Déjame entrar,” Horacio said under his breath, Javier stopped moving his fingers inside you and you squeezed your eyes tighter when Carrillo slid two more fingers inside your cunt.
“Fu–fuck, fuck,” you gasped, Javier let open mouthed kisses around your face and the skin of your neck within reach while your walls tightened around their thick fingers.
“You okay?” Javier asked and you nodded a few times before your body relaxed and got used to the intrusion.
“Mo–move,” you pleaded, feeling Horacio’s mouth nibbling at your shoulder and your neck.
Javier and Horacio moved their fingers at the same time inside you, looking at each other as if marking a dancing pace. You didn’t know what to do with yourself as they moved in and out and curled their fingers in all directions inside you, making you moan and whimper and open up more for them as they somehow found an identical pace to torture you with.
“Eso, eso nena, lo estás haciendo muy bien,” Carrillo praised behind you, feeling the way your walls were giving into the attention and dilating around their fingers (That’s it baby, you’re doing great)
“Más,” you pleaded, rolling your hips against their hands “Más, más.”
They grinned at each other, Javier’s eyes landed on your face and took in the way your features quirked in pure pleasure. Their fingers moving at the same time, pacing in and out faster. Javier’s mouth landed on your shoulder and Carrillo only took in the lewd noise his and Javier’s fingers were making as they pulled in and out at a murdering pace.
“Oh, sh–shit,” you bit your lip and tried to hide your face inside the crook of Javier’s neck but Horacio pulled you away with his other hand.
“We wanna hear you, querida.” he whispered behind your ear, you shivered again at the feeling of his warm breath and then it became too much.
Their fingers were covered in your arousal as you spread your legs impossibly wider as your throat began growling and your hands landed on both of them, digging your nails on their flesh. Javier hissed against your shoulder and Carrillo bit the skin of your mouth, both of them throwing you together from the cliff and your body spasmed between them.
“Oh my god—oh shit, fuck!” you screamed between their bodies and they slowed their pace to help you ride down your climax “please, please, fuck me, please,” you let out, almost desperately, eager to feel the same with them inside you. They slid their fingers out of you and you shivered again.
Your body was already a mess, after three powerful orgasms you were panting for air, the only thing you wanted was them inside you, you wanted to feel every ridge and every vein of them, you wanted; you needed to cum around them both.
“What is taking you so long?” you opened your eyes, quite frustrated at the lack of attention to your bodies, but the sight that you took in was otherworldly. 
Carrillo had his fingers, his covered–in–your–arousal fingers inside Javier’s mouth.
“Fuck,” you let out, dropping your head on the mattress, looking at the way Javier grabbed Horacio’s wrist to keep his hand on his mouth and lick them clean of you while Horacio’s deep gaze took Javier in with a smirk adorning his face.
Horacio pulled his fingers out with a soft pop and they both looked at you, panting and brushing a nipple with your fingers.
“Next time you’ll have to put on a show for me,” you teased.
“You’re ready?” Javier asked, leaning down to kiss your temple, you looked at Carrillo and smiled at him as he licked his fingers.
“Very,” you replied, softly, your voice was already hoarse because of the moaning and screaming they had pulled out of you, they got comfortable on each of your side and you took a deep breath when Horacio lifted your leg and hooked it on his hip.
Javier was the first one to tease your entrance with the dripping head of his cock, when you felt it sliding up and down your slit you gasped and as he pushed himself inside you you grabbed his arm and licked any part of his skin available for you.
“Oh my God,” you cried out softly.
Javier was having a hard time staying still when your walls were warm and wet around him, his hands roamed around your body as Carrillo lined himself with you and him as well and then he pushed.
“Holy fucking shit,” you had close your eyes at the feeling of Horacio making his way inside of you, you breathed and panted and tried so hard to relax but they were thicker than their fingers and your pussy was clenching already around them. Javier took your hand and you squeezed his as both of them bottomed up inside you.
Horacio put his hands over the entanglement of yours and Javier’s and the three of you gasped and panted until your body stopped squirming between them and your walls stopped closing themselves at the feeling of two thick cocks making their way inside.
Javier had to close his eyes as well when he felt how your cunt clenched him tight closer to Horacio and he felt himself throb inside you, when he opened his eyes he saw you, open mouthed gasps leaving your body as it got used to being that full, and then his eyes traveled to Horacio, that buried himself in the crook of your neck, he supposed he was feeling the same way as him, trapped in a oh–so–tight hole with him.
“Move, move, move,” you all but begged, the initial sting of being filled like that disappearing and being replaced with the darkest, deepest, hottest desire you had ever felt, “fu–fucking move already!”
Horacio smirked against the skin of your neck at your demand and moved slightly to look at Javier, who nodded once and then, murdering pleasure; Javier pulled out and as he was thrusting slowly back in, Horacio pulled out and moved in as Javier moved out and you gasped and the air in your lungs left you for the time being as your cunt was filled with the two men you wanted the most.
It was pleasure delivered in a delicious swing of two hips rocking back and forth, back and forth, back and forth into you, making you impossibly wetter, incredibly hornier, and way too lost in the haze to even care about anything else.
The way that they were fucking you was shameless, the noises were lewd and your moans invaded the room as soon as they picked up the pace and kept driving into you at the same pace but in different directions.
Four hands caressed your body, two sets of lips nibbled at your skin, two tongues tasted the salty sheet of sweat that had covered your body, two thick cocks used your body at their will, making you want to explode; it was an eager combination of feelings and sensations pulled out of the most sensual, lechery, degenerated dreams you could ever had.
“Harder, please, pleasepleaseplease,” you panted out, gripping any skin and limb your hands could find. Your hips started rolling and rolling and rolling with them as they thrusted and pounded inside you.
“Mierda,” Horacio gasped behind you, biting at your skin, making you whimper.
“You’re so fucking tight, so fu–fucking good, baby,” Javier cried out as your pussy clenched around them and you absentmindedly rolled your hips harder.
It was an entanglement of limbs and wet skin, mouths clashing against skin, hands gripping and grabbing available flesh, a swing of bodies and a symphony of licks, kisses, hums, gasps, pants, begs and praises.
“Shit, sh–shit,” you panted harder and clawed at Javier’s arm when you felt the well-familiar tug on your belly of an incoming orgasm, you hummed and moaned and you felt lips in your ear, licking and nibbling at your earlobe, “I’m so close, más,”
Javier gritted his teeth when you demanded more and angled his hips to pound inside harder, Horacio followed his lead, dropping his hand on Javier’s shoulder for leverage. Carrillo’s touch burned in Javier’s skin and he felt his body stiffen with the feeling of his second release.
“Por dios, querida, me estás matando.” Horacio cried out behind you, feeling as well his body falling from the cliff. (My god, you’re killing me)
Javier’s free hand slid through your wet, glistening skin and his finger circled your clit slowly, you screamed his name, your legs buckled and your entire body squirmed with the sea of sensations your body was feeling and flooding with.
“Cum inside me, please, please,” you panted again, feeling the way your legs started to shake as both of their thrust became erratic and Javier’s finger kept circling around your bundle of nerves you exploded around them, gushing out and soaking them as your orgasm made you scream both their names.
“Mierda, querida, mírate,” Horacio grunted before he gave into the lustfulness of it all and came inside you and around Javier.
Once Javier felt the warmness of Carrillo’s release and the way you soaked both of them and his hand, he locked his hips with yours and spilled himself inside as well, gasping out your name.
“Ohmyfuckinggod,” you let out as a sigh, feeling your legs tremble with the strength of your climax.
The three of you stayed like that, joined, for a while. As your bodies relaxed you finally opened your eyes and saw the way Horacio’s hand was resting on Javier’s shoulder, wrapping you as well between them. Both of them breathing heavily, eyes closed, recovering from whatever the hell you had done was called. You sighed and smiled to yourself. If it weren’t for the four orgasms you had and the way your cunt was throbbing after the abuse and dripping with their seed, you wouldn’t believe it was real at all.
“How was that, cariño?” Javier asked, grazing a hand up and down your arm. 
“That was—magnificent,” you gushed, not sure how else to describe that positively euphoric experience, “I think—you two have worn me out.”
Horacio chuckled and moved your head to press a kiss to your forehead, and shifted to allow all three of you to lie somewhat comfortably under the covers. You whined when they pulled out of you, solely because at the loss of them, you felt empty. 
“Rest now, querida, we’ll be here in the morning,” he whispered into your hair, and that was all the permission you needed. 
“We should—” you brought a hand to your mouth to cover a massive yawn, “—do this again sometime.”
After that, it didn’t take long before you had succumbed to the tempting pull of sleep. Horacio sighed and glanced over your shoulder at Javier, who looked rather worn out himself. Tenderly, Horacio reached over and brushed aside a small strand of hair that had fallen in Javier’s face. 
“So, same time next week, then?” Horacio asked, giving Javier a lazy smirk, which was returned in kind. 
“Yeah,” Javier mumbled, turning over to drape his arm around your way and bury his face in your neck.
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Looking for a Place to Happen 4
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape, age gap, general stupidity, some violence and threats, coercion, manipulation, hand job, loss of virginity
This is dark!biker!Sam Wilson x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Series Synopsis: There’s lots happening in Birch and you find it all too amusing.
Sister series to Smalltown Bringdown, When the Weight Comes Down, Little Bones, and Fully Completely
Note: Sorry it took so long to get this out. Hopefully I can work on part 5 now that I have this posted.
Thanks to everyone for their patience and feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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Chapter 4:  With its gallery gods and its garbage-bag trees
Sam left you in the same daze that fogged the entire day. The night was restless as you tossed and turned, replaying the scene over and over. Every time you closed your eyes, you saw the lens staring back at you, imagined yourself on a screen, your hand moving between your legs, your pathetic mewls as you came for this man and who knew how many others. 
Well, he did say it was up to you how big the audience was.
You woke early and only checked in with your nan to fill a mug with coffee and start your day ahead of time. You needed to keep yourself busy after a night bombarded by your own thoughts and yet, you couldn’t focus enough to do more than stare at the blinking cursor.
You put on a Twitch stream to keep your mind from wandering too far but it did little to help your focus. You fidgeted, still without your phone, and again thought of the previous day and what you’d done. You’d never done that in front of anyone. You only ever joked about it online, that persona was everything you weren’t irl.
All your stupid online jokes and exaggerations got you into this. You fucked up because the line between virtual and reality was too blurred in your head. You got carried away and now you just had to deal. Well, you guessed it was a lesson no one learned the easy way.
You didn’t realise how much time passed until your stomach growled loudly and squeezed. You felt like throwing up but only had the slice of toast you scarfed down that morning to coat your stomach. You rubbed your eyes and headed downstairs to sneak some of your nan’s sugarless jelly cookies. She hated your snacking but she rarely finished a box on her own.
As you entered through the kitchen, you came to a sudden halt. You tilted your head and frowned as you heard your nan’s voice and the one that answered had you knocking your hip against a chair as you rushed into the living room.
“Just over there,” she directed as the leg of the couch scraped on the floor, “slide it against the wall.”
Sam stood straight dusted off his hands on his jeans. He stepped back and looked over the old floral sofa. 
“Definitely looks better over here,” he remarked.
“What the hell?” you blurted out.
“There you are!” your grandmother tutted, “I called up to you but you do what you always do and tune me out.”
“I didn’t-- I was working, I--” you cleared your throat and looked at Sam, “what are you doing here?”
“He’s being very helpful,” your nan praised, “how many times did I ask you to help me with this thing?”
“Sorry, I…” you swallowed and glanced between them.
“And smell that,” your nan inhaled deeply, “he’s making us dinner.”
“And I brought sugar-free dessert,” he added, “anything else I can do?”
“You’re so sweet,” she squeezed his thick arm.
“So are you… once you get past the frying pan,” he chuckled.
“I see a man in leather, I’m swinging,” she scowled, “you’re lucky you came bearing gifts.”
“Hey, look, we’re not all bad,” he smiled as she sat and he handed her the book from the small table that held the lamp and her ashtray, “I’m not like those guys who threatened your granddaughter.”
“And more honest than her,” she shook her head, “you didn’t tell me you were down at that bar. I warned you-- you really are lucky he was there.”
“Uh, sure, yeah,” you squinted at them, “didn’t you just tell me the other day I should grab any biker by--”
“I’m old, I say things,” she laughed but her eyes had a glimmer of ‘be quiet’.
“Would you like some more tea, Millie?” he asked as he took her empty mug and neared you, stopping in the broad archway that opened up into the living room.
“One more, if you don’t mind,” she smiled sweetly. She never smiled.
You hid a scowl and turned to follow Sam into the kitchen. He moved the kettle onto a burner and turned the knob. He stopped and opened the door of the stove and peeked inside as a blaze of savoury hot air blasted out at him. You felt it just before he let it snap shut and turned to lean on the counter, crossing one foot over the other.
“What are you doing?” you uttered.
“I told you I’d be back,” he shrugged.
“I didn’t think you’d--” you lowered your voice and glanced at the doorway, “what have you been telling her?”
“Everything she wants to hear,” he ran his fingertips along the precise line of hair of his goatee, “and nothing she shouldn’t… but that can change.”
“I did what you wanted. End of punishment,” you put your hands on your hips.
“End? Hmmm, I don’t think I said that,” his forehead wrinkled, “we’re far from finished… and come on, we both know you had as much fun as me.”
Your nostrils flared and you sucked in your cheeks. He was entirely too hard to figure out. He was that sort of man you hated and feared all at once. You just couldn’t predict him.
“I don’t… I don’t care what happens to me, just don’t hurt her,” you said quietly.
“Hurt her? Now why would I do that?” he taunted, “I mean, right now I have no reason to do anything like that.”
You squirmed and let out a breath, “please, alright?”
“Settle down, honey, you’ve been good… so far,” he said, “you just gotta keep it up.”
“Yeah,” you grumbled as the kettle began to shake and he turned his back to you, “any chance I can have my phone back?”
He chuckled as he searched the cupboard for the tea and plucked out a bag, “you’re funny… I like that but you gotta stop acting like everything’s a joke. It doesn’t hold up.”
You found it hard not to wear a look of unamused confusion as Sam served dinner at the table and your grandmother sang his praises as he poured her wine she could actually drink. Just one glass but it was enough to loosen her up. You hadn’t eaten in the dining room since you were a kid, more used to eating at the counter, sitting on the wobbly stools or in front of the television.
Sam offered for you to clean up and do the dishes. Your nan was overjoyed at that, almost mocking. When you finished, you found them in the living room, some old Robert DeNiro movie on the television. You sat on the couch, as far from Sam as you as your grandmother yawned into her hand.
“Well,” she stubbed out her cigarette, “I should really be getting to bed. That wine is kicking in.”
“It’s early…” you argued weakly.
“You kids don’t get into too much trouble,” she warned as she stood with a groan and gripped her hip, “these ears still work.”
“Trouble? Me?” Sam kidded, “you don’t have to worry about me. I haven’t been a kid in a very long time.”
She smiled and nodded but for a moment she hesitated. She looked at you and pushed her tongue to her denture.
“Good night, girlie,” she said.
“Night, nan,” you forced out as normally as you could. 
You knew if she sensed your fear, she’d act out. She was always too brave for her own good and while you admired that, you didn’t need to get hurt because you were dumb as a brick.
She left slowly and you heard her television begin to crackle and the voices of the Law and Order actors were muffled behind her door. You hunched your shoulders and rubbed your hands together as you stared at Deniro’s wrinkled forehead and that characteristic squint. 
The lamp went out as Sam pulled the cord and the screen glowed in the dark. You felt the cushion dip as he shifted closer without subtlety. He slung his arm over your shoulder and you smelled his earthy cologne as he turned the TV up a few ticks. He pulled you to him as his hand came up to cradle your cheek.
“Shouldn’t we go… somewhere else?”
“She won’t hear us honey,” he cooed, “you just gotta be good. Be quiet.”
“Let’s go upstairs. Please,” you grabbed his hand as you pleaded.
“You keep arguing and I’ll make sure to wake her up,” he warned, “now,” he twisted so that he had your wrist in his grasp and forced it down to his lap, “put your hand down my pants.”
You gulped loudly and your hand trembled. You read enough fanfic to know what to do but your lack of actual experience had you nervous. Much like many things in your life. All talk, no skill.
You turned awkwardly on the cushion, your body uncomfortably contorted as his legs stayed pressed to yours. You struggled to unhook the button of his fly and the zipper was slow to descend. You felt the bulge as your hands moved against the denim and you hesitated as your fingers pressed to the elastic of his briefs.
“Mmm,” he purred as he hugged you closer, “that’s it, honey.”
Your eyes widened and you were happy the room was dark enough to hide your face. You pulled the elastic back with two fingers and shoved your other hand blindly beneath the fabric. You brushed against his hard dick and angled your hand so that you could grip him, his smooth length felt peculiar against your palm. Was he big? He felt big but didn’t have anyone to compare him to.
“Tighter,” he groaned at the friction as you moved your hand.
You squeezed and his hot breath grazed over your hair and he pushed his head back over the couch. He twitched as you kept a steady motion, trapped in the limbo of mortification and cluelessness. Were you doing it right? What were you even doing?
“Ah, honey, you’re so good,” he said as he rubbed the back of your neck, “goddamn.”
You said nothing as you focused on your hand. He snaked his arm under yours suddenly and pulled you over as he lifted his ass. Your hand was caught in his under as he laid you down beneath him. He reached down and fixed your grip on him as he held hovered atop you, his knees pressed into the cushion between your legs.
His arm crossed under yours as he poked along your jeans and shoved his hand beneath the denim and cotton. His palm was flush to your pelvis as he slid two fingers along your folds, held snug to you by the fabric. He swirled his fingertips over your bud and you gasped as your other hand gripped his arm in surprise.
“Honey, you’re wet already,” he whispered, “you sure you haven’t been waiting for this?”
You moaned as he pushed back along your entrance and dragged his fingers back, spreading your wetness over your clit. You quivered as you struggled to keep your own hand moving. He inhaled and groaned as played with you and pressed his lips to your cheek. He trailed up to your lips and kissed you, forcing his tongue inside as he shuddered.
He drew away with a sloppy noise and withdrew his hand from your pants. He sat up on his knees and pulled your legs to rest against his torso. He gripped the back of your jeans and yanked them down along with your panties. You smothered your cry as you were shocked by the force of it and the air of the room on your bare ass and legs.
He let your jeans dangle from one ankle as he bent over you again. Your leg fell over the edge of the couch as he held himself over you with a hand just above your head, fingers tight on the cushioned arm. He wiggled as he shimmied his jeans and briefs down with his other hand and you pressed on his chest.
“Wait, wait,” you hissed, “you… please, just… slow down… I never--”
“Shh, honey, you’re making too much noise,” he muttered, “it’s okay.”
“No, no, please, can’t we--” your voice caught as he lined his tips up along your cunt and rubbed it along your clit, “I’ll… I’ll use my mouth.”
“Later,” he whispered as his tip slipped down along your entrance, “honey, I need to feel you.”
“Pl--” your voice evaporated as the head of his dick stretched you.
You whimpered as he brought his arm down and nestled it under your head. He pushed further in and you gritted your teeth as you whined at the pressure of his intrusion. With each inch, the strain grew worse as a deep pain flooded your body. He shushed you as he forced past your resistance.
He covered your mouth as you cried out and barely kept your voice under control. He kept your head on his arm as his other hand cupped your lips and smothered out your agony. He forced himself in as deep as he could and your body tensed as your walls squeezed him. Your eyes rolled back as tears welled and spilled over the corners.
“Honey, it’s okay, we’ll go slow,” he coaxed, “just like that.”
He rocked his hips carefully but it still felt terrible. He pulled back and slid back in, each time it felt like he got even deeper than the last. His breath hitched and your own grew laboured as you huffed through your nostrils. 
He growled and sped up, just a little at a time, your cunt slickening his intrusion as his pelvis brushed against your clit and sent tendrils down your thighs. Even so, the pleasure was not enough to mute the pain.
“That’s it,” he uttered, “that’s it.”
He fucked you faster and the couch shook beneath you. His flesh slapped and the noise seemed to be monstrous, so much sure that you were sure your grandmother would come out and catch you. 
You grasped his wrist as you felt your climax rising. You squeezed and arched your foot as you were overcome and crashed down harshly as the pain tore through the ecstasy once more. He turned his hand and framed your chin as he kissed you again, swallowing your murmurs as he thrust into you over and over.
He lifted his head and dipped his thumb into your mouth as he held in his voice. He quaked and his motion stuttered but kept on. You felt his release, hot and wet, inside of you, a strange sensation that made you both sickened and aroused you.
He eased up and stilled at last. He brushed his nose against yours and chuckled under his breath as he wiggled his hips and you swore at the way it made your walls squeeze him. You blinked as your vision cleared of tears and the darkness. His features were blue with the light of the television, sinister and shadowy.
You went limp under him and breathed out slowly. You shook as he ran his thumb along your bottom lip and left a line of spit down your jaw.
“We’ll have to get that on tape next time,” he said, “but I doubt you’ll forget that, honey.”
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darth-el · 4 years
Seasons Change
Pairing: Jonathan x Nancy x Reader Warnings: It’s somewhat fluffy A/N: This is a direct sequel to “Special” which you can find here as I was requested to heal some hearts with a sequel. I hope you enjoy and feedback is welcome 
Part 1
You felt like you had lost everything. Your heart was hurting, you were like a dead person walking. You wanted the summer over and done with so you had something else to focus on. You were still renting old films to watch, but it wasn't the same without Nancy and Jonathan. You ended up crying over them, even if they weren't sad. You found yourself crying over Dr. Strangelove which started to make you laugh because the whole film was ridiculous and you were crying over it. It was at that moment you decided to stop crying and start healing because you shouldn't have been crying over Slim Pickens riding a nuclear bomb, you should have been laughing. The best way you decided to heal yourself was throw out your entire wardrobe and start fresh. You also changed your hair dramatically, you were tempted to get it all shaved off but that would have been too much of a change.
Time passed and you were starting heal, you managed to get a job in family video which would have been great except you constantly had Keith leering at you which did make you feel uncomfortable. He was threatened by you because your film knowledge was far more extensive than his. It had to be as you were planning on going to California to study film, but that wasn't for another year.
It was a slow shift which gave you the opportunity to work on your screenplay which you hoped would give you leg up on college applications. You were pretty much finished it and it was only a short one, but it was now into editing stages. There was so much red pen on it as you were far too critical of your work. You had a felt a small twang on your heart strings because you started missing Jonathan and Nancy, they would have been so much help with this. You heard the bell of the door go which didn't really grab your attention until you felt a presence looming over you. You looked up and it was Jonathan looking shy holding up a VHS of Taxi Driver, one of your favourite films and he was yet to see. You let out a small chuckle because you knew what he was asking without using words. “What do you say?” He sighed, hoping the answer would be yes but he knew both him and Nancy hurt you, a lot. You smacked your lips together pretending to be in thought, but it was also to torture him.
“My place, 7pm. Bring the popcorn.” You tried to play it cool, but you ultimately failed as you let out a noise of excitement, it was a noise you never heard before and it made him laugh as he thought it was cute. He noticed your screenplay on the counter and gestured to it to ask if he could have a look at it. You nodded as he picked it and read through it with a small smile on his face. The screenplay was based on one of your poems, it was about when you all spoke about your hopes and dreams one night and how each of you imagined the future. The poem and screenplay omitted the fact you were eating greasy Chinese food and making a mess, because of glamour. Hollywood was about glamour, not real life.
“You're too hard on yourself,” Jonathan broke the silence as he handed back the screenplay to you. “It should have the same rhythm as the poem, that's what makes it special,” He pointed at one of your red scrawls which was about the rhythm and if it made it feel unnatural. “Nancy and I do need to talk to you.” He let out a pained sigh because they were about to let you know the truth.
You set everything up for movie night when the doorbell rang and Nancy was at the door while Jonathan was getting something out the car, which turned out to be a lot of food. Nancy had a small stack of videos you had all intended to watch at some point and smiling at you. It felt like nothing had changed, but everything had changed. You let them both in and followed them both into your basement. You sat in front of your television waiting for Jonathan and Nancy to finish bickering over what movie to watch first. You eventually felt a tap on your shoulder and Nancy had passed you Cool Hand Luke, you were shocked you hadn't seen this as you had a massive soft spot for Paul Newman. Your mind started to wander thinking about Paul Newman and his love for Joanna Woodward and how you wanted that. Your mind went off on a tangent and started thinking about other classic Hollywood actors and why they don't make them like Paul Newman and Alain Delon anymore, but you did have Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro which did make up for it.
“Before you press play, we need to talk to you,” Nancy broke your train of thought.
“Yeah, sure.” You shook your head slightly as if your brain was an etch a sketch and you were erasing your thoughts.
“We need to talk to you about what happened,” Nancy gulped sounding scared and Jonathan looked at her while caressing her hand to let her know it was okay.
“Do you remember the whole thing on news about chemical leaks, Russians...” Jonathan began explaining.
“Yeah,” You looked at him confused and then averted your gaze to Nancy who looked like she was about to burst into tears as she looked at you.
“We broke up with you for your own protection,” Nancy's voice began to break.
“It was all connected, but not in the way you think.” Jonathan's eyes were intense as he looked at you. They explained about the upside down, what happened to Will, Eleven, monsters from another dimension that took over Will and Billy. The real way Billy died and how he sacrificed himself, which was probably the most surreal thing you heard. You knew they were telling the truth because no one could make this up and Hawkins was now under scrutiny since Starcourt. That's when Jonathan dropped the bomb shell.
“We're moving away,” Jonathan sounded upset by this. “Mom thinks we need a fresh start.” He exhaled sharply. You nodded in response not entirely sure what to say. Nancy sat down opposite you.
“We know we don't deserve a second chance, but we want what we had before,” Nancy whispered gently, it was almost soothing. “We can enjoy the time we have left with Jonathan here, and then it also means we can get out of Hawkins and go visit him.” Nancy laughed softly.
“We can also do that road trip we planned,” Jonathan smiled leaning forward in his seat.
“It's not going to be like it was before,” You sighed not fully believing that those words came out of your mouth. “Things have changed,” Nancy laughed in agreement as she picked up a lock of your hair to say “yes it has”. “I don't want any more secrets from you, if the world is about to end you need to tell me. Especially if it's the zombie apocalypse because you will need me then.” You teased making them both laugh and they agreed to your terms.
“Especially if it's the zombie apocalypse.” Nancy giggled giving you small kiss on your forehead. You pressed play and Jonathan pulled both you and Nancy onto the sofa so you could enjoy the movie cuddling one another. Midway through the third film you were all asleep with popcorn everywhere snuggled into one another.
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hobierella · 7 years
Art of Experiencing
[ actor!Seokjin x reader ] 
Warnings: smut, almost 6k of pure filth really, mature themes such as violence (only a bit), terrible management of a relatioship, slight dub-con, unprotected sex, horrible decisions, bad writing. Please someone help me how to do this bc I never know wtf to put here
Description: Seokjin really, really, really wants that particular role in that particular play, and he asks for your help to connect with the character.
Author’s Note: Like the rest of my ideas, I knew right away that it was terrible, and therefore, I had to write it immediately. And, as per usual, I rambled a hella lot. Enjoy?
You’ve known Seokjin for long enough to trust him with your life. You two had been friends for years before you got involved romantically and you loved him with all of your being. He was a laid back, hilarious, witty and selfless person, always supporting you and giving you nothing but respect and love. It was only natural that you’d give back as much as he gave you, and you were his number one fan ever since he decided to become an actor.
But when he came up with that ridiculous idea, you were absolutely stunned.
“Come again?” you asked, almost certain that you had misheard him the first time.
“I want you to cheat on me” he repeated, the words floating in the air between you.
It was like he was suddenly talking in a different language, you understood every word, but put together, they made no sense. The softness of the couch beneath you seemed to want to devour you as you sank further into it, the sentence echoing inside your brain, still not making sense.
“Ok, look, the thing is that I really want this part for this play that could potentially put me out there and… and the character gets cheated on by his partner” Seokjin started explaining after waiting for a few minutes without any other response except for your blank expression and your rapid blinking. “But the problem is that I never got cheated on, I don’t know how that feels like and I can’t really connect with the character.”
“You want me to cheat on you so you know how it feels?” you summarized, scandalized, the pitch of your voice going up by the end of the question.
“It’s called method acting” he was quick to say, his tone of voice stable and low, and you knew he was trying to calm you down. “A lot of great actors do it: Adrien Brody, Christian Bale, even Robert DeNiro!”
Seokjin started to pace in front of you, his hands moving, his eyes bright with excitement, and you felt less and less confused and more and more pissed off. But you allowed him to continue talking, hoping that he would come up with a fucking outstanding excuse for proposing such a stupid thing to you.
Or even better, to start laughing and telling you it was all a joke.
“It’s risky, because it’s like becoming your character; instead of acting, you are… and I think it’s the exact thing I need this time. The protagonist, the role I want, he--- he does a lot of shady shit, life treated him so badly but he still fights and then he loses it when he finds out the love of his life, the only person he thought he could trust in the entire world, cheats on him with who he thought was on the way to become his best friend, so… the second person he thought he could trust…”
Seokjin always rambled when he was extra enthusiastic about a project, and each time you’d sit and listen to him talk for hours. You didn’t mind. You felt yourself falling in love more each time he shared his passions with you. But right in that moment, you weren’t exactly feeling the excitement.
“So… I was thinking Hoseok” he said, stopping moving as if he was considering the scenario.
“You kinda like him, yes? You are close, I think that if we discuss it properly, there shouldn’t be issues wi…”
“I’m not cheating on you with Hoseok” you interrupted, irritated. He looked at you with a frown on his beautiful facial features, half surprised even.
“Why not?” he asked. Now you were utterly pissed off, and it probably was clear to see on your face because when you opened your mouth to tell him to go fuck himself, he raised his hands in a sign that was probably meant to appease you at the same time that it would protect him if you threw something at him (which you were really tempted to do). “Ok! Ok, I get it, Hoseok is a no, then. What about Namjoon?”
“I’m not going to prostitute myself for your fucking role, Seokjin!” you lashed out, raising from the couch. “What the fuck! There are other ways to connect with characters, right? Use your fucking imagination, like you always did!”
“But it’s not working!” he replied, and you were out of patience to deal with that bullshit. “Babe, I don’t like this any more than you do, but…”
“No? Could have fooled me! It actually looks like you’re really enjoying this!” you spat back. How could he expect you to believe he wasn’t really liking it when he talked about it like anyone else would talk about the weather?
Seokjin finally had the decency to look like he was feeling guilty, and you willed yourself to calm down. Your head had become a second heart, beating loudly, aching. Taking deep breaths, you sat down on the couch again.
He was the man you loved, he was the man you trusted the most, he was the man you wanted to always be there for whenever he needed anything. You wanted to be his strength, his confidence, his everything, just like he had become yours. But sometimes he could be really fucking unfair, on unsuspected levels. This was the lowest he had sunk so far, the thought of you actually cheating on him was the worst joke ever.  
And with Hoseok, of all people? He was a great friend that had actually introduced you to Seokjin back in the day. Yes, maybe you had kissed Hoseok once, before you a Jin were together as a couple and way before you had any sort of idea that he liked you romantically, but that was beside the point.
Unless it meant that Seokjin had held that information for that long due to jealousy or something. It has been years since that had happened, could it be that he was mad about it? You looked at the man before you, who sat in silence looking at his hands, probably trying to come up with a proper apology or just another way to convince you. You couldn’t tell anymore.
“Is it really that important for you?” you asked, breaking the silence that has fell between you two. He looked up, startled, a bit confused. “That role, that play, the whole thing. Is it that important for you? There is no other way you could… I don’t know, understand the character’s motivations?”
“I tried everything I could think of” he sighed, defeated. “But I just… I just don’t get it. I can’t relate to the kind of anger and dejection he’s feeling because you are perfect. You are always with me, supporting me and loving me and I can’t feel anything but love. Shit, I’m so sorry for asking you to cheat on me… I’m an idiot.”
“You are” you smiled, already melting when he had so many nice things to say.
You knew Seokjin, you prided yourself over that fact. He was passionate about acting, he always gave his all to whatever project he was given and there was no doubt in your mind that he had just experienced some sort of brain fart or something alike when he proposed the whole cheating thing. For someone so intelligent as him, he could be the most stupid person ever as well. It baffled you sometimes.
And you couldn’t believe you were actually considering his proposal. Not that you were about to cheat him, but there had to be a way to help him somehow without risking the whole relationship.
“Can I read it? The script, I mean” you requested gently, and he rushed to get it for you.
“Do you want something to eat? Something to drink?” he offered, back to his usual self, always so serviceable, but you knew that he was excited for you to read what he had read, and maybe to try to help him somehow. “Oh, it’s late, I should start making dinner. As an apology, if that’s ok with you. You read it properly, I’m not going to bother you.”
Once you were left alone with the group of sheets in your hands, you were a woman on a mission. The plot was interesting, heavy on the angst side, with a protagonist burdened with all sorts of misfortunes and woes. You could practically see Seokjin reciting the lines, becoming the character he was so desperate to embody… and you could easily see where the trouble started.
Seokjin was a human being, he had his fair share of complications in his existence so far, and many more were awaiting for him because that was just how life was, but there was an edge to the character, a pure feeling of deep anger, that you knew Jin couldn’t feel. Not only because he hadn’t faced as many obstacles as the protagonist, but also because you were damn sure your boyfriend would never hold onto the angst, the pain and the wrath like the character did.
You weren’t completely sure what that whole method acting shit was, but you never heard nice things about it. From time to time you’d watch news about celebrities and the notion wasn’t one you were unfamiliar with, being aware that it was something actors did but apparently it wasn’t always accepted. Googling it, you read more about it.
And then it hit you, Seokjin’s words echoing in your head, reminding you that since he couldn’t turn to his imagination to understand the character’s motivation, he wanted to feel it on his flesh. Instead of acting like the character, to become the character. No wonder method acting was so frowned upon. But it sure gave magnificent results, if the people who used it for this or that movie were living proof of that.
However… were you willing to put your relationship in danger just so you could help him understand the protagonist? And even if he did, there was no promise he’d actually get the role. There were a million doubts and fears circling your head by the time Seokjin stepped out of the kitchen. The delicious aroma of the meat he had been preparing long forgotten by then, you had your whole body filled with worries about the plan that had appeared out of nowhere a second before but that was growing rapidly.
It was a terrible idea. You knew it well.
“Food’s ready, let’s just wait until it cool off to… hey, you ok?”
The worry in his voice apparent, you wondered for the last time if you were actually willing to do what you were about to do. Taking a deep breath, one deep enough to make your lungs hurt, you looked at him with your best blank expression.
“Honey?” he tried again, stepping closer.
“You say you can’t relate to the character’s feelings, but you should” you spoke, lowly, your voice as stable as you could manage to make it sound. Seokjin stopped on his tracks, utterly confused. You nodded slowly. “This was all a way to make me confess, right? Alright, I’ll confess.”
“Confess what? What are you talking about?” he asked, frowning.
You continued to look at him, holding back the overwhelming urge of dropping the act, wishing to be able to convey the truth in spite your words. Your eyebrows moved up slightly, you heard about smiling with your eyes in ANTM, well, in that moment you were hoping for being able to transmit a full speech explaining with details what you were trying to do… with your eyes.
“You should be able to understand how this man feels about the love of his life cheating on him with his best friend” you rephrased slowly. “Unless I’m not the love of your life… or Hoseok isn’t your best friend.”
After a few heartbeats of silence and obvious confusion on Seokjin’s part, you could see it. There was a glimmer of understanding in his eyes, his whole face transforming, his whole body language changing. From grasping the true meaning of your cryptic speech to apprehension towards the new information received, you were hoping to God this was worth the fucking while because lying and potentially breaking your boyfriend’s heart just to help him get some shitty role in a shitty play was the worst.
It wasn’t the first time you two roleplayed. You usually helped him whenever you could with scenes if he needed it, or you just did it to spice things up in the bedroom, but you weren’t sure if actually letting him know that you were just acting would help him. So far the whole thing was getting believable, intensely so. To be honest, you were feeding on the energy he had started to give back to you.
“Say it clearly” he demanded, now a completely different person. It was working wonderfully, and you tried to relax, but it was impossible. The fire in his eyes, the tone of his voice, everything was awfully unlike anything Seokjin was.
“Do I really have to? You can’t put two and two together? Or maybe… maybe you like to play dumb. You already know about my preference for Hoseok.”
And alright, maybe you liked to act, too. Each chance you got to become someone else while helping your boyfriend out was one you enjoyed a lot and made sure to make the most of it. But you knew you weren’t good enough to pursue a career as actress, not that you were actually interested in doing so.
“Don’t joke about that, babe, please” he scoffed, taking off the apron he had used to prepare dinner.
You deflated, disappointed. So you couldn’t fool him, after all. Or maybe he didn’t want your help anymore. Or maybe you were just bad at it. Suddenly you were in a bad mood, almost pouting, feeling stupid for your dumb attempt. What an embarrassing situation.
“Whatever” you replied, standing up and walking towards the bathroom door to hide for a few minutes. You were two steps away from it when you felt a hand grabbing your arm and pulling you back.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” Seokjin hissed at your ear, your back pressed against his torso, the grip on your arm almost hurting. You automatically tried to break free from him, whispering some curses, too surprised to understand what was happening. “Are you trying to escape? Huh? To go to him?”
It clicked then that your attempts might have not been in vain after all, if the way Seokjin was acting was an indication of it. You looked up, finding wide blown pupils staring back at you, a scowl painted on his features, and anger. He’d never, ever, lay a hand on you like this, but you let the energy he was pouring over you influenced your reply.
“So what? What if I am?” you replied, still struggling against his grip. The main door was in the same direction, so there was no need to explain you were only going to the bathroom. “He’d never do this to me!”
“Do what? Dedicate his whole being to keep your safe, well and happy? Sacrifice everything for you?”
You could recognize part of the speech you’d just read on the script tainting Seokjin’s words, and that was all you needed to understand that he was actually acting. Or at least trying to position himself on the right frame of mind to be able to portray the character.
Caught in the whole thinking process you were doing, you didn’t reply quick enough and he shook you again, snapping you out of it.
“Damn right he wouldn’t do shit” he growled on your ear, his other hand going to your neck, his slender fingers wrapping around your pulse, holding you in place now that you had stopped struggling. “Not like I do, hmm? He surely didn’t fuck you like I can.”
Well, shit. 
That wasn’t on the script, but you weren’t complaining. Not even when you two ventured on roleplay things got this heated, this urgent, this absolutely animalistic and raw. He was always careful with you, always holding himself back, always reminding you of the safeword you had chosen but that never had to use.
The hand he had been using to grab your arm then left it alone, pressing his palm against your stomach, forcing your body to get closer to his. And when he rubbed his erection against your ass, you knew you were in for a nice ride (you sort of had guessed it already, but that was the ultimate confirmation). The tips of his fingers brushed against your navel, playing with the hem of your shirt, with the beginning of your sweatpants.
He was barely doing something worth all of the fire you were feeling tickling your skin from deep within, but you were already all sorts of messed up and you were loving it. The way you were already getting wet in between your legs was unbelievable, but he wasn’t letting you think clearly enough to do something about it.
“Tell me, go on, tell me what he did to you” Seokjin was now rubbing against your ass, breathing against your neck, driving you insane. “Did he went down on you? Did he taste that sweet pussy? Did he make you taste him?”
“Yeah” you breathed out, almost laughing at the thought of what you were about to say. “He tasted like you… but sweeter.”
That seemed to have done the trick for him. You could felt how he tensed his hand around your neck, and how his fingers on your stomach sneaked down under your sweatpants and underwear, directly touching your already humid folds. Your upper body jerked at the touch, and if it hadn’t been for him holding you in place, you’d have probably bent forward in half. 
His digits started moving with circular motions against your clitoris, finding it relatively quickly. He knew your body, each part of it, spending hours and hours exploring it, mapping it, finding every spot that would make you squirm with pleasure and abusing of it over and over and over again.
“You’re so fucking wet already… is it because you’re thinking about him?” he mumbled against the shell of your ear, nibbling at it softly, letting his tongue follow the outline of it. Your abdomen was contracting in itself, your hands becoming fists since you had no idea what to do with them and touching him was out of the question.
“Wouldn’t you like to know” was the only response you gave him, still holding onto the character you had made for yourself in order to face this whole situation. Your concentration was quickly vanishing, you wanted him to do something already, something more, to give you everything he had like he always did.
He bite your ear in retaliation, harder than he’d do in his normal frame of mind, but not enough to make it hurt terribly. You whimpered at that, surprised both by his action and the way your body responded so positively to it. You had to be out of your mind, for sure. You weren’t one for these sorts of things, even if you liked a bit of pain from time to time, but nothing like this. Absolutely nothing like this. Now you were finding out that, during the right time and in the right place, you could definitely get off with being treated this roughly.
But that was just the tip of the iceberg.
Seokjin’s hands disappeared from your body, leaving you feeling like your legs were about to give in, when he pushed you down to your knees and hurried to undo his belt and unzip his jeans. You got the memo fast enough, and licked your lips, expectantly, but nothing could have prepared you for what came next.
Between the wall and him, you had nowhere to escape (not that the thought even crossed your mind), so it was easy for Seokjin to grab the back of your head, to secure your hair in between his fingers, and pull you closer to his now exposed cock that was right there, standing proud, angry, and you could have sworn, twitching as well. However, you soon enough understood why he was grabbing you by the hair: to stop you from moving, either away or closer to him. Maybe he knew you too well, already anticipating you going straight for his cock to get it inside of your mouth.
“Ah, you like it, don’t you? You like my cock better, why don’t you just admit it?” he snorted, seeing you salivating at the sight in front of you in a conditioned fashion (Pavlov would have been proud… maybe), but held his erection inches away from you, barely letting the tip touch your lips only to remove it once more.
He repeated the action two more times before deciding to act like if his cock was a lipstick, painting your lips with salty precum that you licked off almost automatically, moaning at the taste, looking up after to check his expression. And boy, were you even more turned on by it that you had ever been before. There was a glint of pure danger in his eyes along with intense desire that could easily be mistaken with anger… or was it the other way around?
“Open up, let me remind you how much, much better I taste” he ordered, and you had no qualms about complying immediately, yet the way he tugged at your hair made you moan almost painfully.
Seokjin was in charge, and he was reminding you that by making it impossible for you to do what he already knew you’d have done if you had the chance to do it, and that was to suck him off however you wanted to. Instead, he used your mouth as he rocked his hips slowly, still careful not to hurt you one bit, making his cock slide easily next to the spit that had already been accumulated inside of your oral cavity. You flatten your tongue, relaxed your jaw, and let him do what he wanted to do, trying to control your breathing because you were having troubles with that part.
“Yes, just like that… it feels so good… fuck” he babbled, almost slipping out of character and noticing it quickly enough, if the way he relaxed his grip on your hair only to resume his brutal hold on it a second later or the way his voice almost went back to his usual honey tone were enough indications of that. And they were.
You decided to hollow your cheeks, starting with the suction, and were rewarded with a beautiful loud moan coming from plump limps above you. His pace increased slightly, his head thrown back a bit, and you knew he was holding back the sounds that were threatening to ruin the whole act if he ever let them out. However, as soon as you felt he was starting to get too sloppy, the cock was gone from your mouth.
You opened your eyes that you didn’t even remember close, and looked up, almost offended. He was biting his lower lip, his chest heaving lightly, the hand on your hair gone so he could place his forearm against the wall and lean on it. But the cock was still relatively close, so your eyes went from his face to it, licking your lips, teasingly.
“Up” was his order, breaking your concentration and making you pay attention to him once more. Your knees hurt a bit from the way they had collapsed against the floor in the first place (you should have been more careful), but you managed to obey. Seokjin tugged at your pants. “Off. Take these off. Now.”
Once more you followed his instructions without a single complaint and in a hurried fashion, not caring anymore about how desperate you looked. To hell with appearances, to hell with the whole acting shit you had already forgotten was the cause for all of that scenario unfolding with you in the middle. Normally he’d pay attention to you the whole time, marking you in secret places, leaving you breathless, panting, yet giving you what you wanted without you needing to ask for it.
This time was not only different in the intensity area, but on the giving area, too. Seokjin was taking and taking and taking and he was neglecting you. He had barely touched you, barely pleasured you, hadn’t even kissed you on the lips. Once again, you weren’t complaining. You were still wishing to know what was going to come next.
Once your pants and panties had been forgotten in the floor next to you, he manhandled you, turning you around and pushing you against the wall, making your ass stick out and kneeling before you without a single word. You felt his fingers on your pussy, parting your wet folds, exposing you in a way that would make you blush if you weren’t already doing it. You gasped when you felt his tongue against your entrance, poking it, and arched your back more, lifting your ass more, giving him a better access.
You heard the sound half a second before you felt the sting of his palm against your asscheek, and barely held the sharp cry that left your lips, your legs trembling at the impact. His fingers went back to your core, now sliding inside of you without warning and it was impossible not to hiss at that, your body automatically trying to back away but another spank was given and you felt your head spinning too fast.
Seokjin was then finger fucking you without mercy, already two fingers moving in and out, your lips parted but no sound coming as you panted heavily, more air leaving you than getting inside your lungs. And what came could have surprised you if you weren’t already too lost inside the hurricane of pleasure and light pain you were feeling.
“P-please! Pluh-please!” you heard yourself screaming, almost sobbing already.
“Please, what?” Seokjin asked after he stood up, his fingers stilling for a few seconds before going back to his brutal pace. Your hips had already started rocking back, trying to get as much friction as they could to ease the itch you felt starting inside the depths of your belly and that was leaving you desperate for release. “Speak. What do you want?”
“Please” you repeated, a broken cry mostly. You had no idea what you wanted except to cum, that’s all that was occupying your mind. “Fuck me… please, please, Jin, fuck me…!”
“Why should I?” he laughed, airily, almost as if he was out of breath, against your ear. “Don’t you like his cock better? Isn’t that why you fucked him?”
“No… no, please!” you babbled, drooling a bit without being able to stop it. “I don’t--- I don’t like his… please, I want yours, I want you… oh, go---god…”
“Say it, say my cock is better” he ordered, and you felt a tear running down your cheek. That had never happened before.
“Your cock is… better… is better… I love your cock, Jin, I lo---love…”
“Fuck” he muttered, and you felt his fingers disappear from inside you, leaving you horribly empty and begging for something to fill you up.
Luckily, he seemed to be just about as desperate as you, spitting on his hand and coating his cock with the mix of his saliva and your juices, collecting a bit more from your pussy just to be a tease. And then the head of his erection was pressing against your folds, and you could have screamed out of frustration but he quickly found your hole and thrusted against it, making his cock slide inside of you up to the middle. The sound that left your body was one you had never heard yourself doing before, but you weren’t even interested in that anymore when you felt so full all of the sudden.
Even in character (if he still was in character, that is), Seokjin took a minute to let you adjust to him, starting to move painfully slow to make sure that he wouldn’t be hurting you. It had been a real daring move to just penetrate you like that, and it would have been a real problem on past occasions, but you knew you were incredibly wet from the whole experience and luckily everything went right.
From the gentle motions he sped up his thrusts, a litany of curses mixed with your name in between were whispered against the skin of your back, your shoulders and your neck as he kept fucking you against the wall like a lunatic. You kept accepting, barely able to move but trying to meet the movements of his hips until you found the right position to let him fuck into you while he kept touching all the right places.
There was not a single trace of a coherent thought inside your brain, it was filled with Seokjin and what you were feeling, and your fast approaching climax. The itch was becoming unbearable, the position you were in was absolutely terrible, your legs were almost about to give way, to give up, you had no strength, but you continued to be pinned against the wall, having him biting your skin and fucking you mercilessly.
Your orgasm came without a single warning. Even if you were feeling the familiar knot forming inside your abdomen, it only took one well-placed thrust, a coincidentally nice timed touch deep in you to make you explode. You swore you could see fireworks, but that was just happening due to how tight you had shut your eyes without noticing it. You went limp while Seokjin continued to move against you, but he wasn’t too far from cumming, thanks to the way your inner walls tightened even more around his cock and the way you sucked him in greedily.
One minute later or so, he was pulling out and stroking his erection a few times before spilling himself all over your ass, cursing with a broken voice. Your legs finally decided to stop working and you slide down towards the floor, laying down there soon after.
He was right there, sitting on the floor as well, before he joined you laying on his back. Panting, the only thing that could be heard then was the way you two were struggling to catch your breaths. And then… he started to laugh.
“Oh… wow” he offered you, back to being the same old Seokjin you knew and loved.
“Wow indeed” you smiled, feeling like you were made of jelly. “What the fuck was that all about?”
“That’s my line” he assured you, turning his head to face you. His smile was replaced with a frown, small tears of sweat covering his forehead. “You didn’t really mean what you say, did you? You and Hoseok…”
“Fuck, Jin, no, of course nothing ever happened” you groaned, too tired to be dealing with that. But you had brought it upon yourself, so you might as well clear that shit up. “I was just trying to help you with your stupid character.”
“Yeah, yeah, of course, I knew that” he rushed to tell you, even if you didn’t believe one word. You knew he trusted you, but he had the right to have his doubts. Just for that particular occasion, though. “Well… thank you. That was---- enlightening.”
“I sure hope it was, because we’re not doing that ever again, you hear me?”
“Loud and clear, ma’am” he guaranteed, his hand now going to your cheek to caress it. It was him who moved on top of you to kiss you, long and gently, just the way you liked it. You two spend a few minutes doing just that, while your hearts and your lungs settled back again. “By the way, did you quoted Fall Out Boy earlier?”
“Yes… and no. I was going more for Closer, but it worked either way” you laughed.
“It certainly gave it a touch of distinction. Oh… oh, fuck, hey, dinner must be already cold” he remembered all of the sudden, sitting on the floor.
Seokjin helped you to stand up, and then to wash you nicely while showering with you. The food he had made for you, even if re-heated, had been delicious, but before you had the chance to put it all behind you and sleep the numb pain and discomfort that had finally settled in your every bone due to the exercise you were exposed to, you had to make sure of something.
“Jinnie, baby, promise me this: no more method acting. Seriously. Don’t even think about it anymore. This was a one-time thing, and if you ever come back to me with this stupid idea, I will seriously kick you out and go find Hoseok” you threatened. He laughed cheerfully, the vibrations of the sound that caused going directly to your head that had been delicately placed against his chest.
“I promise” Seokjin spoke against your hair before kissing it.
(And if he came back home a few days later to find you singing Thnx fr th mmrs out loud when the he tasted like you, only sweeter part with only your panties on and that definitely set the mood for more wild sex, or if Hoseok didn’t really understand what had he done wrong for Seokjin to be somewhat pissed off at him for two weeks in a row, none of you mentioned a thing about it.) 
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the--blackdahlia · 7 years
The World Stops Chapter 7 (Jared x Reader)
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Title: The World Stops Chapter 7
Summary:  (Y/n) was running late to work after taking Jared to the airport the night before.
Warnings: LAnguage, angst
New York City
September 14, 2001
 (Y/n) hadn’t charged her phone since the attack. She couldn’t make any calls anyway, so what was the point. In the past three days, she had been to hell and back, so an uncharged cell phone was the least of her worries. All she wanted was her husband to come walking through their door and tell her everything was going to be all right. But he wasn’t. (Y/n) just knew it.
 Danneel had been visiting the Gandolfini’s. They were worried about (Y/n). A lot of people in the building were. She usually lit up the whole place with her smile. She was nice to everyone. And watching her curl in on herself was scaring all of them. Even people from outside their building were worried about her.
 DeNiro lived in the building across from them. (Y/n) would pet sit for him on several occasions. She never stole anything from him and his wife loved her. A week ago, (Y/n) would’ve been working with a few others from the neighborhood to plan his birthday party for tomorrow, since he was out in LA in August and had been busy planning his big film festival the early part of the month. But a silent agreement had cancelled those plans. He didn’t know she had worked in the towers, and he didn’t know that her husband had been flying to LA and she hadn’t been in contact with him. But when he found out, he arranged for flowers, food, and other things to be sent to her.
 “(Y/n)?” Danneel called out, walking into her place. She had food from the place down the street that Robert had arranged to be delivered. She got no response, but looking out the window, she could see Sammy and (Y/n) sitting on the fire escape, looking out over the destroyed city. Danneel left the food on the counter and slid out onto the fire escape with them.
 “Hey, you need to rest.” Danneel said. (Y/n) just stared forward.
 “They put fences up.” (Y/n) explained. “So even if I wanted to go back over there, I couldn’t look in.”
 “Why would you want to go back?” Danneel asked. (Y/n) wiped at her eyes.
 “Only six of us survived. There were about fifty-seven who worked in my office. They pulled port authority out of there. They pulled a few office workers. But none of them were from mine…” Her voice shook some. “Jared might be there.”
 “He’s not.” Danneel said. “I just know he’s not.”
 “You got to talk to Jensen before it happened.” (Y/n) said. “And I can’t even remember if Jared took the direct flight or if he got a layover in Boston. He flew there so much that I just forget some of the details.” Sammy rested his head on her lap to help her calm down.
 “Let’s get you back inside.” Danneel said. She helped her stand and they made their way into the living room. (Y/n)’s ankle was still hurting. She hadn’t properly iced it in a while, and she honestly needed to get it checked out. It had been three days. Danneel was sure that the hospital could look at her ankle and make sure it wasn’t broken. But she wasn’t going to argue with her. She sighed and headed towards the kitchen where the food was. Sammy took up watching (Y/n).
 A noise from outside the door turned (Y/n) and Danneel’s attention to it. The place had been pretty quiet the past few days. Danneel sighed and made her way to the door.
 “Just probably another package from across the street.” She laughed. She opened the door and gasped at what was right there. “Oh my god!”
 “Danneel? What is it?” (Y/n) called out. Danneel just moved aside in shock.
 “(Y/n)…” A soft voice said. Sammy’s head popped up and (Y/n) turned, tears falling down her face as she attempted to stand. Her ankle just wouldn’t agree with her.
 “J-Jared!” She cried. He dropped his bags and wrapped her in his arms, holding her to his strong chest. “I thought you were dead!”
 “I thought I had lost you.” Jared whispered to her, holding her close. Danneel and Jensen stood in the doorway, watching the lovers reunite. She looked over at Jensen and smiled.
 “Are you okay?” She asked. He smiled at her.
 “Right now I’m perfect.” He said. Sammy walked over then, sniffing him. It was his job to delegate who was friend or foe. “Who’s this?” Jared and (Y/n) turned their attention to Jensen, who was getting the once over from Sammy. (Y/n) smiled.
 “That’s Sammy.” She said. “He’s been helping Danneel take care of me.” She looked up at Jared. “Can we keep him?” Jared walked over and held a hand out to Sammy. The dog sniffed him for a second before launching himself at him and licking his face all over, making Jared laugh.
 “Hey Sammy.” He said. “Of course he can stay. We’ll take good care of him.” He stood up and wrapped an arm around (Y/n). Her bruises and cuts from the collapse had started to heal. The color that had disappeared from his skin that night had started to come back. Jared had been home two minutes and already (Y/n) was looking better.
 “Well, we’ll let you two catch up.” Jensen said. With that, him and Danneel left. (Y/n) turned back to Jared, a smile on her face but tears down her cheeks.
 “I…Jared.” She just threw herself at him. He held her close to him. “I was so scared.”
 “Me too baby.” He whispered. “How? How did you survive?” He moved them so they were sitting on the couch.
 “I was late for work.” (Y/n) explained. “There was a power surge when I got home from going with you to the airport. It had to have happened while I was sleeping. My alarm reset. I got to World Trade Center Plaza right as the first tower was hit. I was going to go to my tower, but there was this little boy. He was scared and crying. So instead of going to work, I stayed with him. And then my tower got hit.” She looked down at the ground. “I should’ve been in there with them.”
 “But you weren’t. And I am grateful to whatever force wouldn’t let you go to work.” Jared said, kissing her forehead. “I’ve never been so scared in my life.” (Y/n) broke down in his arms, crying and holding on to him. She was sure that when she woke up in the morning, this would’ve all been a dream. But she allowed herself to fall asleep in his arms.
 At least, she thought, she could have peace for a little while.
Forever Tags: @petrovadixon @theas-bedtime-stories @aiaranradnay @dekahg @firstgal34 @af112992 @crownedloki @policeofficerdean @jjbabygirl98 @cutie1365 @secretlyshycomputer
The World Stops Tags: @mcalbright @kenzie-110101 @mariahoedt @spn-ficfanatic
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“Losing My Religion”
(Paring: Max Cady x Reader)
Word Count: 2.8K
Original Message: @anon I LOVE your most recent Max Cady smut. Though, I was wondering can you do another “in public” Max Cady smut (something like your photo booth one)?
Oh boy, you all tempt me so much with this man. Absolutely I can write more Max Cady smut >:) Thanks so much for your lovely comments! I really love writing for Max lol...everytime I write for him it just gets dirtier and dirtier. Song is from R.E.M.’s Losing My Religion. 
Warnings: Smut, age gap relationships, daddy!kink, Max being Max, 18+ ONLY. Also you will love Ryan, everyone’s favorite odd concession stand worker! 
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Max's arm swings open the green door to the concession stand, the twinkling of the bell announcing your entrance. It’s a dingy, poorly lit building that looks like it hasn’t been updated since the 1970s. Peeling film posters clung desperately to the wall with aging tape, and odd little party streamers fit in a child’s birthday party room at a bowling alley adorned the ceiling. 
“Hi.” Said the clerk from behind the counter. Odd and lanky, the boy must be not a day over 19. A typical teenager with a summer job by the looks of it. He looked exhausted, and unenthusiastic about his current predicament. “Welcome to the Sunset Strip Drive-In Concession Stand, how many I be of service.” He says it all in one jumbled tone, obviously a statement he’s said over, and over, and over, and over....
“Hey there, boy,” Max smiles, “We’re looking for some, uh, snacks to share for tonight’s flick. As a worker at this fine establishment, what do you recommend?” 
He looks around, exasperated by Max’s rather extroverted personality, then behind him, pretending to scan the snacks. “Uh....we got..........popcorn?” 
Max smiles “Sound’s good to me! Let me get a large popcorn for me and the lil’ darling here, got that?” 
The concession clerk nods his head. “Uhh huh, sure sir.”  He eyes the two of you up as he places fresh kernels in the popcorn maker, chewing thoroughly on the wad of bubble gum in his mouth. 
He couldn’t quite pinpoint the age of the older man. Had to be at least middle-aged at this point, if the greying hair had been any indicator. He’s tall, seemed to keep himself in very good shape despite his age. He could tell the man was absolutely jacked even underneath his loose Hawaiian shirt. Underneath said shirt, a few tattoos peaked out on his arms. The clerk tried to get a better look at what they said, but he couldn’t quite make them out being too far away across the counter. 
Attempting to create small talk in the quiet room, he commented on them. “I like your tattoos sir, they're pretty sick.” 
Max perks up a little at the compliment, taking off his sunglasses to get a better look at the boy. “Aw, these old things?” He lifts up his sleeve, giving the clerk a better look. “Why, thank you. They sure do mean a lot to me. Do you have any tattoos, boy?” 
The clerk shakes his head no. “Nah, too young. Wouldn't know what to get, might regret my choices later.” 
Max chuckles “Wish someone would have told me that when I got my first tattoo at 6!” He pauses, letting the joke land, looking to the clerk for reaffirmation with a dead serious face. Suddenly, he bursts into hysterical laughter, his face contorting almost cartoonishly. Oddly enough, his laugh always sounds forced out, whether or not he wants it to come across that way. It’s loud, obnoxious, and akin to a barking mad animal. 
The young boy attempts to laugh with him, giving a few pity chuckles. “Very funny sir, uh...do you want butter on your popcorn?” 
“Hold on, lemme consult the lil’ lady,” he nods towards you, lowering his voice a bit, “You want butter on your popcorn, princess?” 
“Yes please.” Your voice rings out, making eye contact with the clerk. You give him a warm smile. Max tilts your chin, looking into your eyes. He presses a firm kiss to your lips, one that lasts a little longer than it should have in the presence of others. 
The young boy shuffles his feet a bit, giving an awkward cough. “Ok, will do.” 
He noticed how much younger you seemed to be, almost an exact opposite of the intimidating man next to you. You were dressed in a babydoll dress, fitting your body perfectly. An adorning flower matched in your hair, your (h/c) (h/l) framing your face in gentle waves. You were extremely pretty, in your own unique way. 
If he hadn’t pressed a kiss to your lips moments before (and then proceeded to make out with you. Right there, right in front of him), he would swear you were the older man’s daughter. 
He clears his throat, trying to grab your attention. Max pulls away, leaving you blushing. “Your, uh, popcorn sir. That will be $5.” 
In an attempt at flexing, at least that’s what the young clerk was assuming, Max pulled out his wallet, brushing his thumbs across the stack of $100′s he always carried around.. The young boy sighed, rolling his eyes at his display of arrogance. He had no idea what the man was trying to prove to a 19 year old cashier. Finally, Max fishes out a $50, stuffing it in the coat pocket of his uniform. 
“You’re a good kid! I like your spunk. Stay in school, uh...” he glances at the name tag, adorned in gold lettering, Max reads out each letter. “R...Y...A...N... “Ryan! Fine name, if I do say so myself. Well, have a good night, Ryan, I got a date with this fine woman to attend to.” 
“Goodnight, sir.” Ryan watches you and Max leave the room, heading outside into the drive-in lot. For a brief moment, the sunset flashes into the concession stand, covering the entire place with an off-orange glow. Of course, he couldn't help to notice Max’s hand quite purposefully placed on your backside as you walked away. The door slowly shut behind you two, leaving Ryan once again, alone. Nothing but the hard fluorescent lights beaming down on him, the humming from the cooler in the back sounding like harsh cicadas in the summer evening. 
He sighs, walking to the back room. Pulling a cigarette out of his pocket, he decides it’s the best time to take his 15 minute break after that awkward encounter. 
                                                          * * * 
“You sure were talking a whole lot back there, Max. Chatting up a storm with the clerk,” you giggle, “I don’t know how you do it, you’re always so social with everyone.” Your hands full carrying the popcorn bag, you lean your head down to pick up one of the kernels using just your mouth. It’s an awkward and clumsy sight, but eventually you snatch one between your lips. You make a small victory noise. 
Max laughs at your silly display, giving your hair a slight ruffle. “Ain’t nothin’ wrong with being friendly, Miss (Y/N),” He wraps his arm around you, keeping his walking pace in time with your steps. “Seemed like a real stand-up fella if you ask me, I think he liked talking to us.” 
You roll your eyes “Max, I’m pretty sure he thought you were my Dad.” Max smiles at that, letting out a low chuckle. That’s an assumption many individuals have thought about your relationship to Max, always shocked at the significant age gap between the two of you. 
Eventually you find your way back to the car, the 1965 Ford Mustang glistening in the sunset. Tonight the top was up, as the temperature was expected to drop lower even though it was still technically summer. The beginning of fall was just creeping around the corner, so you were amply supplied with blankets and pillows to keep warm after the sun went down. 
Being the ever so southern gentleman that Max is, he opened the car. “Beauty before brawns, or, whatever they say nowadays.” You slide in to the passenger seat, as Max climbs back into the drivers seat. He fumbles a bit with the radio, tuning to broadcasting station that would produce the audio for the film. 
You really had no idea what movie you were seeing tonight. Max’s taste was always a bit odd, focusing more on odd independent comedies than anything else. Max told you the film earlier, but you were just excited to go on a date with him you really didn’t care what it was. The movie could be 2 hours of pure static and you’d still be just as excited. 
The sun sets low beyond the horizon as the night progressed. Dusk was usually the indicator that the movie was about to start, so you settled in.Your lively conversation dies down, as you turn your attention to focus on the large screen in front of you. 
The film didn’t impress you much, but you enjoyed yourself in silence, more interested in the seemly never ending bucket of popcorn resting on your lap. But Max seemed to enjoy it just fine, and that’s really what mattered. His laughter almost sounded as if it echoed throughout the entire Drive-In. 
Subconciously, you start to get yourself a little more comfortable, spreading your legs apart. Any other time in public, Max would chastise your behavior for not being “lady-like” enough, but he was too engrossed in the film to care. Happy your boyfriend was having a good time, you start to slump in your seat a bit. Leaning against the wall of the car, you close your eyes for a brief second. 
But suddenly, you feel a hand on your left thigh. You jump in surprise. 
You feel Max's hand creep up your leg, still focusing his eyes on the screen in front of you. His demeanor remains casual, almost as if his hand wasn’t currently inching towards your core. You squirm a bit in your seat uncomfortably. 
“Max...” you whine, turning your head to look at him. “What are you doing... T..there’s a ton of people here! Not now, can’t this wait till later? We could get caught.”
“Oh...my lil’ innocent girl. You have to learn to live a little! Don’t worry, let me take good care of you.” His fingers rub you through your panties, smiling at the wet spot already forming. 
“Hmmm, panties? I thought I told you to get rid of those silly things, huh? You disobeyin’ me now? You’re so excited already, what’s been going on in that pretty little head of yours? You didn’t even want to watch the movie tonight, huh...you just hoped I would take you into the backseat and fuck you, isn’t that right?” 
“N-NO!” you say sharply,  “Max that’s not what I,” you squirm in your seat as he presses his fingers a little more firmly now, still letting the thin cotton of your panties separate you from what you desperately needed. 
As if reading your mind, Max uses his fingers to move your panties out of the way, finally swiping along your entrance. You jolt a bit in your seat, thighs automatically closing, trying to clamp around Max’s fingers in a desperate attempt to hold him there. You blush, as Max smiles at how tight you are for him. A strangled moan escapes your throat.
“Oh no doll, quiet down!” He mimics your voice, smiling, “T...there’s a ton of people here! We could get caught,” using the exact words you said to him earlier, he taunts you. 
One of his long digits strike a particular sweet spot, making you moan out, rolling your eyes to the back of your head. You bite down on your hand, trying to quiet yourself. Your face turns a rather flushed pink, embarrassed of what Max was doing to you in such a public place. 
He pulls his fingers out, and you whine at the loss of feeling. He turns your head towards him, rubbing his thumb against your bottom lip. “Taste yourself,” he whispers, spreading his thumb with your lips. It’s an oddly sweet taste, one you didn’t expect. You start to suck thoroughly on his thumb, looking at him innocently with your (e/c) orbs. Your eyes tell the whole story. 
You release his thumb from your mouth, giving it a little kiss as you do so. He strokes your cheek lovingly. 
“Miss (Y/N), you keep teasin’ me like that, and I’m gonna have to take you to the backseat and have my way with you.” 
You smile mischievously, “Mr. Cady, what if that’s what I’m trying to get you to do?” 
No further words need to be exchanged. You two fumble to the backseat awkwardly, too excited to even function properly. He smiles, pinning you down with his hands, towering over you. 
“Even though I teased you a bit back there, we do gotta be quick, baby. Don’t want anyone catchin’ us in the act, really don’t need “indecent exposure” on my criminal record now do I?” 
You laugh, starting to hike up your dress, pulling your panties down. In a similar fashion, Max similarly removes his belt, quickly shuffling off his pants and underwear. For a moment, you just look into each others eyes. Taking in each other’s form, the ridiculousness of the situation you were in. Max breaks the silence first, asking “Are you sure?” 
You smile, nodding your head. “I’ve never been more sure, Max.” 
Knowing you’re giving him full consent, he enters you. He sets a ruthless pace, waisting no time for you to start climbing to your peaks of pleasure. Max could barely control himself.
“OUCH! Max, hey, watch it!” His erratic thrusts accidentally bounce your body into the car door, knocking your head. He stops for a moment, inspecting the area, patting your head soothingly. 
“Oh no lil’ darlin’, you okay?” He presses a gently kiss to that area, as you bust out into laughter. You had to admit, it was pretty funny. Max is surprised by the sudden outburst. 
“Don’t worry, I’m okay, I'm okay.” You mutter between giggles, “Just a bit cramped back here, that’s all.” Max sighs, relieved. He’s always concerned his considerable strength would cause him to manhandle you a bit too rough. But you seemed to be in good spirits, brushing off that accidents sometimes happen. He starts to find the humor in the situation with you too.  
“I’ll just have to treat you extra special now,” Max coos out. 
His red convertible is fogged up from the inside, the smell of sex permeating the air. If anyone walked by your car right now, there was no chance they didn’t know what the two of you were up to. 
“Please..please Max you’re so good to me,” you rasp out. It sounds like music to his ears, he loves it when you praise him like this. He ravages your neck, sucking his mark into your skin. 
“I. Love. You.” Each word is emphasized with a thrust that rocks your entire body. You desperately try to hold on to anything, finally settling on intertwining your fingers into his hair, as his lips continued to be pressed against your neck. 
Pulling him back by his hair, a rather dominant move by you, Max groans out in appreciation. Now back to staring you in the eyes, he blushes, pushing his forehead to yours. 
Your voice calls out in a choked sob “Max..I love you too.” 
He spills inside you right then and there, you following closely behind him. The two of you pant heavily, sharing your breath between each other, staring into each other’s lust-blown eyes. 
After a moment, Max realizes the uncomfortable position the two of you currently find yourself in, and lifts himself back up. He gives you ample room to remain laying down. He smirks, wondering if he fucked you that good, secretly wondering if you’ll be able to walk. He pulls up his pants again, pulling out a cigar from his front pocket. 
As you still lay in the same position after a few minutes, Max starts to get worried. “Princess, you okay?” 
“Mhmm..” you mutter out in bliss, you’re exhausted. Max lifts you up into a seated position as well, wrapping his arm around you. You lay his your head on his shoulder, snuggling up under one of the blankets. 
“Okay doll, just making sure.” Max starts performing aftercare. He uses one of the blankets to clean you up, making a mental note reminding himself to throw it in the washer when you get home. 
“Do you need anything now, doll? Anything I can do for you?” 
You look at your empty popcorn bucket in the front seat, thinking about how you could go for some more food. “I mean, do you think we could get a little more popcorn? I’m kinda hungry.” 
He laughs loudly, giving you a kiss on the cheek. “Of course, baby, anything for you.” Max fixes you up to the best of his ability, making you look as presentable as possible when you exit the car. 
                                                         * * *
Ryan sits on a stool in the corner, reading a required summer reading book, enjoying the few last peaceful moments of silence before the intermission crowd comes rushing in. “Lord of the Flies.” Man hates to read, but so far he’s been enjoying this one. Secretly hoping no one will walk in, he dives his nose back into the book. 
The tiny twinkle of the bell at the door signifying a customer rang out. The amount of explicit words that were tempted to fly out of mouth at that moment would surely have gotten him fired. He looked up from his book, to see you and Max once again gracing his presence.  
“Aha! There’s my favorite concession stand worker! Ryan, can we get some more popcorn for my princess here?” 
Looking up from his book again, he stares at the two of you with a raised eyebrow, taking in your disheveled forms. You seem to have a noticeable limp to you, and the wires in his mind immediately put together what happened. He sighs, putting his book down and walks over to the counter with one thought in his mind: 
“I don’t get paid enough for this...” 
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“Saturday Morning”
Paring: Max Cady x Reader 
Word Count: 2k
WELL I guess this is my little valentine’s surprise for you all :) thanks so much for being AMAZING. The beautiful friends I have made on this site are priceless, and I am excited to keep writing for y’all!! Enjoy! 
Warnings: None, but it is a bit suggestive, this is Max Cady 
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His offer came as a random musing on a Saturday morning. You were sprawled out across the couch, fanning yourself with your hand. Another unseasonably hot day scorched the state of North Carolina, the heat making you unmotivated to even switch your position on the couch. 
Max sat across the room, reading the daily newspaper in his favorite lounge chair. A cigar at his lips, he’s deep in concentration, lost in the pages of whatever local story caught his eye. Ever since learning to read during his 16 year jail sentence, Max found himself always compelled to pick up whatever book or paper was nearest to him. It’s almost like he’s scared he’ll lose the skill if he doesn’t constantly keep his mind sharp.
The room is comfortably silent, the only noises coming from the small electric fan whirring in the corner and the occasional flipping of pages from Max’s newspaper.
However, that silence does not last long as Max’s voice cuts through. 
“Hey, (Y/N), I've been thinkin’ about something recently, mind if I run an idea by you?” 
You hang your head upside down from the couch, meeting Max’s eyes from across the room. “Yeah of course, what’s up?” 
“Well.....I’ve been thinkin’ a lot recently about getting another tattoo.” You smile, he knows how much you love his tattoos. How many evenings you’d just lay on his bare chest, tracing the outlines of the intricate designs, running your fingers across the individual letters of the words that adorn his body. “And I need a bit of your help.” 
“Really? What were you thinking about getting this time Max?” 
“Hmm well...” He smiles, taking a thorough drag of his cigar. Exhailing, he looks towards you, “I was thinkin’ I’d let you decide my next tattoo. In fact, I would like you to give me a tattoo. Hand drawn, something that represents you.” 
You look at him blankly, “Okay. Very funny Max, I’m laughing so hard. C’mon, you couldn’t possibly be serious?” 
He shakes his head at you, “Oh no doll, I’m as serious as a heart attack. I mean, only if you’re comfortable. Don’t wanna force you into anything you don’t feel A Okay with.”  
“What would I even draw?” You sit upright, swinging your legs around to sit upright on the couch.  I’m not sure I...even would know where to begin on how to use a tattoo needle.” You see Max put down his newspaper from across the room, and take this as an invitation. You cross over to him, crawling into his lap. “And I mean, are you sure you want something so permanent on your body left in my hands?”
Max Cady’s body is an open book - a testament to his dedication for his religion, his dedication to life, his dedication to love, and even lost love. What if you messed everything up? 
Max holds your face in his hands, looking deep into your eyes. His large digits stroke your face reassuringly. “Oh come now babygirl, my body is a tribute to everything I love, everything that’s important to me, everything that means something in this life.” He pauses a bit, letting his words sink into your brain. 
“And...I would be honored if the most beautiful, perfect angel who has been sent by God himself would bless me with her talents and create a permanent marking on my flesh.” 
His eyes travel down your face, from your eyes, to your nose, and finally setting his gaze on your lips. He noticed the gentle pink blush that creeps up your neck, spilling over onto your cheeks. “Yes ma’am, you’re the only woman I'll ever let touch my worldly body like this....” 
He moves his head down towards you, giving you a rough, open mouthed kiss. When he pulls away, your head spins, and you give out a little laugh. It’s high pitched and giddy, sounding like tiny bubbles to Max’s ears. There’s something about him that always makes you feel like a schoolgirl with a secret crush. 
“Well, darlin’ no time like the present.” Max removes one hand from your cheek, moving to grab your hand in a firm hold. He pulls your hand, gently guiding you to your shared bedroom. “Lemme show you my tools.” 
He crawls underneath the bed, pulling out a large, black box. “Now, I'm sure you know when in prison all my tattoos were hand done by yours truly, not a simple task, givin’ yourself a tattoo like that. No ma’am.”
He smiles, opening up the box to reveal a crude stick-n-poke setup. “Oh yeah, she’s a beauty isn’t she?” Max’s eyes sparkle, as if he just reconvened with an old friend. And in a way, he has. “It’s very easy, I promise no fear here lil’ darlin’ If I can do it, I know you can too.” 
As delicate as a man like Max Cady can be, he dips a tiny metal rod within a bottle of ink. “All you gotta do, is take this little needle, and poke whatever design you want into my skin.” He gestures towards you, handing over the needle. You hold it awkwardly in your hands. 
“Max, what if it looks bad?” You question, some of your previous fears coming back to repeat themselves in your head. 
“Baby, anything you draw won’t look bad, because you’re the one doin’ it. I mean, you should be honored. I wouldn’t let just anyone carve something on my body to remain for all eternity. Darlin’, don't think.” Max removes his shirt, pulling it over the top of his head. You scan over his chiseled body, now designated as your artistic playground today. “Just go with what feels right.” 
Hesitantly, you search his body for a suitable spot. Finally settling on a space by his left ribs, you ghost your fingers in a circle, indicating the area you desired with your fingers. 
“Is right here ok?” 
“Darlin’, I want you to leave your mark wherever your pretty little head desires, okay,” Max gives you a playful ruffle of your hair. He leans back on the bed, giving you easier access to the area in question. Putting his hands behind his head, he gets himself into a comfortable position. He knows this might take awhile. 
“Okay.” You contemplate for a moment, wondering what tattoo would be appropriate for someone like Max Cady. He did give you complete free reign, as long as the tattoo could be a representation of you and your love. But at the same time, you wanted to make sure they complemented the other ones he already had. 
After some contemplation, you finally decide on a tattoo of your favorite flower. Something that is inconspicuous enough to be beautiful on its own, but has a special meaning the two of you will understand. 
Carefully, you make the first poke, and scan Max’s face for any sign of pain. Suprisingly, his eyes still remain closed. He looked perfectly relaxed and content despite you practically jabbing a needle into the second layer of his skin. 
“Did...did you feel that?” 
“Did you feel that. The needle. Did it hurt?” You look up wide eyed, searching Max’s face for any possible sign indicating how he was feeling, good or bad.
Max lets out a chuckle, a low, deep rumble that shook the bed slightly. “Darlin’ you are too sweet, you know that? Worried about a big man like me gettin’ hurt with a little needle like that. To answer your question, no. I didn’t feel it. But when you’ve gotten tattoos as many times as I have, I’ve gotten pretty used to the feeling. You won’t hurt me, I promise doll.” 
With a little reassurance from Max, you gain a little bit more confidence in your work. You being to work more carefully on creating the outline of the flower. Your hands are wobbly, and you have a hard time steadying yourself. Honestly, who even knows if it’s gonna look like a flower at the end of this? 
But, it’s not really about that, is it? It’s more about Max’s full trust and love for you, letting you create something so personal to adorn his skin for eternity. Something to remind him of you each time he sees it.
Still with his eyes closed, Max muses out after a while. “Better not be drawin’ anything naughty on my body now. My flesh is a temple dedicated to the Lord, I don’t want to tarnish it with filth, lil’ darling.”
You smile, putting on a fake voice of embarrassment. “Oh no...mmm this is gonna be a problem isn’t it . . . . well I don’t think you’re gonna like the giant penis I’m currently working on.” His eyes flutter open. 
Max looks at you out of the corner of his eyes. “(Y/N).” He says in a low, commanding voice, drawing out each syllable of your name in his southern drawl. You know this tone. This is Max’s way of telling you to watch yourself, and not to push your luck. Or else face the consequences. 
“I was just kidding...” your voice gets smaller, feeling the presence of Max Cady’s more dominant side coming out. His face is stone, coiled up in an expression of disappointment akin to that of a father catching his child with his hand in the cookie jar. 
Suddenly he relaxes in a second, his entire demeanor changing. It’s quite scary how your boyfriend can do that at the drop of a hat. 
“Aww I know doll, I’m just toyin’ with ya a bit. You get so flustered easily,” he chuckles, playfully pinching your cheek. “My little blushy girl....you’re silly...get back to work now, you’re doing beautifully, really somethin’ to behold. Maybe I’ll have you do all of my tattoos in the future. Would you like that, baby?” 
“Of course I would, daddy,” you tease him back, letting the words roll off your tongue in a seductive growl. He groans at your little petname - he’ll crawl through hell just to hear you call him that 5-letter word. 
“Oooo, you naughty girl, don’t tempt me now with a good time now baby,” He smiles, getting comfortable again as you resume your work. “We’ve got more pressing matters to attend to right now.”
Despite your earlier trepidation, your tattoo work is surprisingly decent. I mean, the tattoo does look like your favorite flower, that has to count for something? 
The entire process takes you about two hours to full completion, the morning filled with the soft sounds of oldie’s music coming Max's record player from the corner of the room, and your occasional playful banter back and forth. His body stayed completely still. You couldn’t help but notice your boyfriend’s extreme physical discipline, wondering exactly how he does it. 
“Ok Max, I think I’m done. Do you want to take a look?” 
Stepping away, you finally look at your completed work in full. You only stuck with a simple outline of the flower you chose, deciding not to try anything too intricate or complex. It was minimalist, but seemed to fit Max Cady’s aesthetic very well. 
Max finally opens his eyes, looking down at the new tattoo adorning his left rib. He smiles, slowly sitting up to inspect it closer. “Oh, doll. You never told me you were an artist. Look at that...” He runs his finger gently over the new flower tattoo. “It’s absolutely divine.” Max continues to run his hands across it, realizing you’ve indeed left your permanent mark on him. “Here,” he guides your hand, running it along the tattoo as well. 
For a few moments, Max doesn’t say anything. Just enjoying this moment between the two of you, after the creation of something so beautiful. The ultimate trust between two human being was just shared in this odd little bedroom. 
“I think this might be my best tattoo, and I’m not just sayin’ that because you made it, darlin’.” 
“Really?” You sound a little bit more excited than you were expecting. You just couldn’t believe how well your tattoo came out, a sense of accomplishment and pride washed over you. 
“Mhmm,” He pulls you into bed with him, laying you next to him. You both stare up at the ceiling in pure bliss. “You’re a sure fire natural, baby.” He wraps a strong, protective arm around you. “And I wasn’t kidding earlier, I’d love for you to do all my tattoos in the future. Especially if they look as good as this one.” 
“You’d know I'd love to.” You turn to him, pressing your foreheads together. He takes this opportunity to give you another breathtaking kiss like the one from earlier. 
No where else in the world would you rather spend a Saturday morning than here, in your shared apartment, with the love of your life - Max Cady. 
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HCs: Teasing Max Cady
Original message: @floagin​ I lovvvvvee Robert De Niro and if you could write anything with Max Cady that would be amazing. Maybe a teasing head canon where he gets riled up or a smutty headcanon would be awesome! Love your writing btw 💛
Oh wow thank you so so much :’) I am SO glad y’all are feeling the love for Max Cady right now, he really is one of my guilty pleasure crushes. I am very excited for this, and hope you enjoy! Thanks for the request :) 
Warnings: smut, dirty talk, this is UHHAJSDFAKJDSF I’m blushing!! 18+ ONLY, as always
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• Life has been good for the two of you recently. It’s currently the dog days of summer, a sweltering heat has overtaken the city. You were driving down the highway, cruising with your lover Max Cady. One hand gripping the wheel firmly, the other puffing away at a cigar. You just loved how effortlessly cool he looked. 
• Max wants to soak up every ounce of summer fun he could before the fall season inevitably arrived, and chose today to treat you to your favorite ice cream at the local shoppe. He always just loves to spoil you, even with the simplest of indulgences. 
• You put your hand on Max’s thigh as he drives, squeezing lightly. “Y’know babe, I’m really grateful you took me out tonight. I’m so lucky to have such an amazing daddy like you...” 
• He twitches a bit at your pet name for him, obviously flustered. “Of course, little miss. Only the best for my princess,” he smirks and pats your thigh affirmatively. 
• You can’t help but constantly tease Max, giving him taunting side eyes and giving long, slow licks to your ice cream treat. Able to keep himself calm, cool, and collected, your little show isn’t causing any effect on him. At least, on the surface level. 
• You know Max hates it when you tease him like this, especially when he can’t do anything about it. But sometimes you just can’t help yourself, you love getting Max all riled up. Not getting the reaction you were hoping for, your hand starts to creep closer and closer to his cock. 
•  You gently stroke him through his pants, watching the tent that slowly begins to rise. He lightly chuckles, “Alright princess, if that’s what you want, that’s what you’ll get. But don’t go starting something you can’t finish if you’re not ready to face the consequences.” 
• Suddenly, Max turns the car around, taking the two of you to a secluded area off the main highway. He pulls down his sunglasses and gives you a look that would kill in the right context, or would intimidate any man. You start feeling a little anxious, feeling his eyes practically undress you. Max's presence can be incredibly domineering, especially when he acts disappointed in you. You start to feel incredibly small under his gaze. 
• “Oh now, little darlin’ don't go getting coy on me,” he smiles. “You started this, rubbing me through my clothing while I was trying to pay attention to the road. Eating your ice-cream cone like that, pretending I wouldn't notice your motives. Naughty girl, I thought you knew better than this to tease your daddy like this...” 
• He pulls his erection out, gently stroking it in front of you, “Now, you need to properly say sorry.” He pats his lap. “Bring that beautiful body over here, dollface.”  
•  His long, thick fingers reach down towards your core, slipping into your panties. He starts rubbing, getting ready for you to take him. 
• Once he is satisfied and you are wet enough, Max looks into your eyes, forcing you to maintain eye contact with him as he slowly enters into you. 
• He lets out a stuttered groan and growls out. “Yeah, is this what you wanted? Huh? My cock ramming into you...is this what was going on in your pretty little head while I was driving? I can't do anything without my little babygirl getting needy now can I? I’m gonna have to train you to behave yourself,” he moans at you between his breathless pants. 
• “You gonna come, babygirl? You gonna come for daddy?” Max smiles, immediately pulling out of you. He holds you above his lap, his almost superhuman strength holding you just above his crotch. You attempt to wiggle out of his grip, but it’s no use. You’re a rag doll in his arms.  “Mmmm...I don’t think so, bad girls don’t get to come, now do they? Now, what do we say when we break the rules? 
• He looks at you intently, waiting for your answer. You quietly say back, “I’m sorry..” 
• “Sorry, who?” he repeats, shaking you a bit playfully. “Huh? Gotta be more specific than that, doll.” 
• You finally crack under his pressure, and quickly blurting out “I’m sorry Daddy for teasing you while you drive, I promise it will never happen again. Just please let me come!” 
• “Yeah, yeah that’s Daddy’s good girl, that’s my princess,” he re-enters you, pounding into you to make up for lost time. You feel your climax quickly approaching once again. I love you so much, that’s why I have to be mean sometimes, ok? I only do this for your own good, lil’ darling.” 
• You come hard and fast, loudly moaning out Max’s name. He pulls you into a deep, mind blowing kiss that catches you off guard. Stroking your hair back, he pulls you gently away from his face looking deep into your eyes. 
• “You’re gonna be the death of me, you know doll? I love you so much.” 
• “I love you too Max.” You smile back and give a gentle kiss to his hand. “I can’t imagine a world without you.” 
• “Let’s go home.” 
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Valentine’s Day with Max Cady
Not requested, but something @robert-de-niro-only-fans​ and I talked about, because the thirst for this man DOES NOT STOP. Anyways, please enjoy a bit of a softer Max Cady tonight! 
Warnings: NONE! Welcome to Fluff Max Cady time! 
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• Oh boy, Valentine’s Day is an entire weekend affair for the two of you. Max will plan an entire trip, somewhere warm, sunny, away from the usual frigid air of February. 
• Being locked away for 16 years can make a man desperate for the littlest pleasures. One of them is the desire to feel the sand between his toes again, and the ocean breeze against his face. Max doesn’t get you a “traditional” gift in the sense, but one that’s even better. He plan’s a special getaway to the beach! 
• You live a bit far from the nearest ocean, but half of the fun is getting there. Your little getaway is filled with late night drives and stopping at 24 hour diners. Oh and if you find any weird roadside attractions you bet your ass Max is gonna pull in and explore a bit. 
• When you finally arrive at the beach, you’ll setup a few beach chairs, towels, and a giant umbrella to protect you from the intense sun. You bet your ASS Max is gonna be on you about putting on sunscreen, he wants to make sure your skin is protected. Goes into ultimate dad mode. 
• Max will totally wear nothing but a speedo, drawing some attention. You’re a little embarrassed, but impressed with the amount of charisma and confidence your boyfriend has. 
• He’ll let you bury him in the sand WOW soft Max Cady moments !!! He loves being silly and playful with you. Get too close to him in the water and prepared to get dunked or splashed. Ok but Max will let you dunk him too a few times, pretending to crumble under your strength. If you let him, he’ll also use his muscle strength to pick you up just to drop / throw you back into the water. 
• Will walk along the beach with you and collect seashells. Max has a lot of weird little hobbies and collects knick knacks, he’s got a pretty extensive seashell collection from his childhood. He also will crack open the sand dollars for you, showing the little “doves” that are hidden inside. 
• Expect Max to take a lot of memorable photos  documenting your Valentine’s Day trip too on a disposable camera. He is a bit of an amateur photographer, he’s hoping to get a bit better. You’re of course his favorite subject. 
• Keeps dinner simple, he knows how restaurants get overcrowded on Valentine’s Day, and would rather have a more intimate, private gathering. You stay on the beach and have a picnic instead, watching as the sun dips below the horizon. The entire beach is covered in a kaleidoscope of colors - gorgeous shades of orange, pink, and purple. 
• He doesn’t drink, but he’ll bring sparkling grape juice to share as a replacement! 
• Afterwards you’ll enjoy a stroll along the boardwalk, and Max will buy some ice cream for you too. He knows how much you love ice cream. He’ll stay out as late as you want, engaging with a bit of the local nightlife. 
• When you finally tire out, Max will take you back to the hotel you’re staying at. If you’re tired from being on your feet all day, he’ll scoop you up and let you ride on his shoulders. 
• Immediately when you enter the room, you are face first on the mattress, exhausted from your busy day. Max smiles, and adjusts you so you’re under the covers. He’ll help you get into your pajamas too.
• He’ll climb into bed next, making sure you’re comfortable. “Did you have fun today, doll?” He wraps his arm protectively around your waist, snuggling into you. 
• “Mhmm,” you mumble back sleepily.
• He laughs at your tired response, “Good. I’m glad, princess.” He kisses your forehead, “Happy Valentine’s Day, lil’ darlin’.” Max drifts off to sleep a few minutes later, matching his breathing with you. 
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『 What's it going to be then, eh? 』
Masterlist Links and Information
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『 About Me 』
Hey there, welcome to my writing blog. I’m Caitlin. I’m 22, and a recent college graduate that writes fanfiction in my free time. I use they/them pronouns for the most part, but am totally okay if you sometimes use she/her. I’m multi-fandom, and my muses flop around frequently—so there’s a nice variety of content hopefully to please you! For the most part, I tend to write for classic cult cinema and television shows, and some for more rarer fandoms that do not get the love they deserve. My current high muses are the fandoms in which I am currently very interested in, or feel motivated to write for. If you want to request something, shoot me an ask! I cannot guarantee I'll write everything that comes my way, but I'll do my best. I often write based off of things that grab my interests.
『 Current High Muses 』
Twin Peaks, Re-Animator, Columbo, horror movies, and The Evil Dead Trilogy.
『 Personal Disclaimer 』
I unfortunately do have very crippling social anxiety (which has only been exacerbated by our current state of things), and often have a hard time interacting and talking to my followers. These feelings ebb and flow much like my muses, and I hope you understand why I might not respond to your messages right away, or drop off in a middle of a conversation. I appreciate each and every one of you so much, and truly love to read all your comments, notes, messages, and DMs!
I also have a job / personal life and might go on random hiatuses for a few days. If I take any longer of a break, I'll usually post something saying that I'll be gone for a bit. Again, the writing muse takes me or it doesn't sometimes, as we all know the evil of writer's block.
『 Navigation 』
Everything I have ever written can be found here in this masterlist! Click on the link to the fandom of your choosing in order to access that specific masterlist. If anything is off or links are not working, please do not hesitate to let me know! Thank you for your continued support, I hope you enjoy my works!
if you enjoy my works, you can support me on ko-fi! My work will always remain free, and Ko-FI tips are completely optional! It is just a little thing if you'd like to show your support, and it means a lot to me :)
『 Content Warnings / Rules 』
Smut is clearly labeled on the posts, and will be delegated also with the ⭑ emoji next to it . 18+ ONLY for those works. If you are a minor and I see you interacting with these posts, I will block you. This is not negotiable. Some dark content and sensitive subject matter can be found in some of the fics, as well as some of the characters I write for are...very unsavory characters. Read the warnings before each work on individual posts to be sure!
However, I will NOT write: self harm/su*ci*al behavior, rape, non-con, and/or sexual assault, incest, underaged characters, dd/lg (daddy kinks are okay) and fetish content that personally makes me uncomfortable. If you're not sure, you can always just send me an ask to see if I would write it. This is a judgement-free zone, but at the same time I do have my personal limits
masterlist begins under the cut
Columbo Masterlist
Cape Fear (1991) Masterlist
Dog Day Afternoon (1975) Masterlist
Re-Animator (1985) Masterlist
The Godfather Masterlist
Twin Peaks Masterlist
Midnight Mass Masterlist
・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・
Hi, Mom! (1970) 
“Hi, Neighbor!” - Jon Rubin x Reader
“The Adults are Talking” - Jon Rubin x Reader 
・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・
A Clockwork Orange (1971)
“Nothing’s Gonna Harm You, Not While I’m Around” (Alex DeLarge x reader fluff! fic)
⭑ NSFW Alphabet - Alex DeLarge 
⭑ Alex DeLarge taking your virginity 
⭑ Alex DeLarge showing romantic gestures towards you 
Alex DeLarge seeing one of his droogs flirt with you 
⭑  Alex DeLarge with an Innocent S/O 
⭑ Just some Alex DeLarge Smut HCs 
Cured!Alex DeLarge w/ a touch starved reader
Valentine’s Day with Alex 
The Droogs with a shy + chubby s/o
Preference: First date with Dim 
・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・
Bang the Drum Slowly (1973) 
Dating Bruce Pearson
・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975)
R.P. McMurphy with an Artist!S/O
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Taxi Driver (1976)
“Anywhere” - Travis Bickle x Reader 
⭑ NSFW Alphabet - Travis Bickle
⭑ Dating Travis Bickle
HCs: Dating Travis Bickle (SFW)
Travis Bickle Kidnaps you for ransom
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The Shining (1980)
⭑ Jack Torrance’s kinks would include
⭑ Jack Torrance being jealous would include
⭑ NSFW Alphabet - Jack Torrance
Soft Moments with Jack Torrance
Jack Torrance w/ a GenderNeutral! S/O
・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・
The Evil Dead
↬ "Bedsheet Ghosts"
・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・
Scarface (1983)
⭑ Tony Montana NSFW Alphabet
Valentine’s Day with Tony Montana
Tony Montana and his relationship with your child 
・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・
Angelheart (1987) 
Louis Cyphre with a Soft! S/O
・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・
Goodfellas (1990)
Dating Tommy Devito
Tommy Devito with a touch starved S/O
Tommy DeVito with a Chubby! S/O
⭑ NSFW Alphabet - Tommy Devito (Smut) 
Valentine’s Day with the Goodfellas 
・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・
My Own Private Idaho (1991) 
HCs: Being best friends with Mike Waters 
・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・
Reservoir Dogs (1992) 
The Reservoir Dogs Having a crush on you
The Reservoir Dogs with an artist s/o
The Reservoir Dogs and their relationship with your child 
Snow Day with the Reservoir Dogs 
Valentine’s Day with the Reservoir Dogs 
The Reservoir Dogs reacting to their S/O calling themself ugly
Fluff Alphabet - Mr Orange (Freddy Newandyke) 
⭑ NSFW Alphabet - Mr. Pink 
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Hi! Can you please do an NSFW alphabet for Max Cady? 😊
You got it! (Can y’all tell what kinda mood I’m in today…) 
Warnings: Smut, slight mention of violent behavior, 18+ ONLY 
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NSFW Alphabet: Max Cady 
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Max Cady is sickeningly sweet with his aftercare. He knows his own strength, but sometimes can go a little too far, leaving you covered with bruises and bite marks. While you always assure him that you really love it, and enjoy his more dominante side, he still feels a twinge of guilt seeing you like that. He’ll make sure to tend to any bruises and draw you a hot bath afterwards, gently cleaning you off. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
For Cady, it’s definetly his hands that he enjoys the most. After years of training his body to what he determined as the physical peak of perfection, he loves how strong he is. He loves how his large hands envelope every inch of your flesh, grabbing and groping as he sees fit. Also has a thing for putting his fingers in his mouth, allowing you to suck on them. Which, I don’t feel like I need to explain that anymore. As for you, he has a hard time just picking one thing that he finds to be his favorite. Cady sees you as this perfect angel. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Being the “classy southern gentleman” that he thinks he is, Cady tends to finish deep inside you, if you allow him to. He loves the closeness of it, and feels completely connected to your mind, body, and soul when he does. If you’d rather he not finish inside you, he’ll pull out and finish on your stomach. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He’d never tell you, but he knew you a lot longer before the two of you started dating, and actually has been (well he wouldn’t call it this) “stalking” you for a while. He spotted you one night at a bar, and became absolutely infatuated by you. Soon that infatuation became an obsession, and Cady knew he had to have you, and would do anything to do so. He soon learned where you worked, your interests, who you hung out with, where you went to school, everything so he could change his life story to be more relatable to you. Oh and also the whole thing about being in jail for 14 years? Yeah you didn’t know that, sorry. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Max Cady has been around the block a few times, so to speak. So he knows what he’s doing logistically. However, you may be the first woman who Cady has had a deep, intimate relationship to. In the past, sexual experiences have been rough, feral, and dirty. But now, post jail, he feels almost “new” to sex when having it with you. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary. Cady loves watching your expression as he fucks you into the mattress. He loves the sounds you make, how your eyes roll to the back of your head, the way your cheeks turn a beautiful shade of pink. He would miss out on all these delicious moments if he chose any other position. Because of his incredible strength, Cady also loves to slam you against a wall, holding you up as he thrusts into you. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Cady is a pretty serious guy, so sex with him would also be pretty serious. That’s not to say he won’t make the occasional joke, or quip when a mishap happens. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
While Max Cady is a little bit, uh, greasy? Sorry. He does have a meticulous way in which he takes care of himself. He keeps himself well trimmed, and doesn’t allow it to grow much longer than that. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Very, very romantic, probably more so than you would expect. He always makes sure your pleasure comes before his, and always asks how you’re doing during it. Cady sings constaint praises for how good you are. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn’t do it. He finds it unsatisfying and dirty. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Size kink through and through. He loves how his frame is in such strong contrast to yours. He loves that he can absolutely destroy your body if he wanted to which he didn’t, and loves watching your entire frame shake when he’s deep inside you. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Usually just in the bedroom, or in a hotel room if the two of you are traveling. Othertimes he may do it in the shower, or on the kitchen table, really wherever where he knows the two of you will not be interrupted and are in the privacy of your own home. Cady is pretty reserved when it comes to sex, and isn’t an exhbitionist in the slightest. With a little convincing, you can sometimes get Cady to fuck you in the backseat of his red mustang, especially if you tease him in public and can’t wait to get home. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Oof, ok there are a lot of things that get him going. He loves it when you call him over the phone, telling him how much you miss him and eventually lead to you confessing more…naughtier things. Phone Sex is a huge turn on, and he loves that nothing but his deep, southern drawl whispering naughty things he wants to do to you can bring you to the edge. Also loves it when you wear his shirts, especially after a night of lovemaking the morning after as he walks downstairs, greeted by you cooking him breakfast. Let’s just say, Cady’s gonna be hungry for something else…
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He’s a little scared of his strength when it comes to you. While Cady is a rather unpredictable, violent, and aggressive individual, he never wants to show that behavior to you. That means he wouldn’t be into any hard BDSM, slapping, hitting, being too rough in bed. Because he worries if he unleashes that side of him, you might see through the cracks in his perfect gentleman facade. Or worse, scare you away. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Really wasn’t into it until he met you. Now, he can’t get enough of giving you oral, the way to react to his tounge, his hands holding your spread legs down as you buck into his face. Not really into you giving him oral, though. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Cady sees you as his 2nd religion, and sex is where he can worship you fully. He sees sex as something that should be taken slow, and sensually so that both of you can get as much pleasure and enjoyment as you can. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Again, Cady sees sex as serious business, and wants the time and energy to make sure he pleasures you properly. He’s not into quickies that much. But, however as mentioned before, he will sometimes take you in the backseat of his mustang when you rile him up in public, or act up. Other than that, don’t count on it happening much. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Depends. If you can convince him that you won’t be hurt, or that he knows that his own strength will not be an issue, he is game to do some experimenting with you. He really loves the pink, fuzzy handcuffs that you once bought as a joke, that has become a staple in your sex life wuh oh sorry.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Probably just once, maybe twice if he’s feeling particularly horny that night. However, he’s got a large stamina, and is ready to fuck you until you’re fucked senseless. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Cady doesn’t have a lot of experience with toys, so he really doesn’t see a use for them. However, walking in on your pleasuring yourself, moaning his name while using a vibrator on yourself, he does have a change of heart. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Not really into teasing that much, but may tease you a little playfully. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Definetly praises you, and tells you how well you are doing throughout the duration of your lovemaking. Doesn’t curse too much, but lets out grunts and groans, especially when he gets close to climax. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Honestly, Cady has a secret breeding kink that also is behind his desire of cumming inside you. He’s never had a child before, and watching his child grow before him is something that he desires so much, especially knowing that he was the one who impregnated you. He’s pretty sure he’s firing blanks though, so the fantasy stays just that right now. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s 100% packing, baby. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Pretty average. I mean, this guy loves sex, but he also can go without it. He’s into different forms of romantic experiences without sex. A couple times a week is plenty for him. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Always makes sure you’re safe and comfortable before falling asleep. He usually lights a post-coital cigar, and stays up at least 30 minutes with you before sleeping, discussing anything on his mind. It’s quite sweet, and he constantly steals kisses between his words, making you giggle. The two of you eventually sleep in each others arms. 
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