#robin goodfellow x theo
o-olof · 1 year
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Theo x robin
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statticscribbles · 2 years
Name Clear
Summary: Chilling Adventure’s of Sabrina/Stranger Things Crossover
Theo’s not surprised that no one has come in; it’s raining. He knows barely anyone comes to the fair when it’s raining.
“You’re that medium who can talk to dead people right?”
“Yeah I-“ Theo scowls as the guy slinks into the shop; he has a hood pulled up and Theo can feel guilt pouring off of him. He’s not damp despite the rain.
“Who do you need to-“
“A friend. Can you reach her?” He fidgets with his rings and Theo taps his fingers on the table.
“Of course I need an item of hers.”
“Here.” Theo watches him place a small bag on the table. Theo carefully opens it; there’s a scrunchie and  a necklace.
The guy looks physically sick and shuffles his hands forward as if to touch the necklace.
“Hands off.”  Theo sighs and rolls his eyes as the guy jumps a little, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
“Why am I contacting….” He waits for her to say his name and Theo sighs.
“Her name; or whatever you called her; so she can-”
“Chrissy Cunningham; to prove I didn’t kill her.” He sits across from Theo as if he didn’t jus reveal he’s been accused of murder.
“Where are you from; your name?”
“From Hawkins Indiana?” Theo watches how he shrinks himself.
“Lot of fucked up shit happening there.” Theo ignores the fact he didn’t say his name. He knows Robin and Moth had been concerned about something going on in Hawkins; but not enough to make a proper trip there. Maybe this guy will be the tipping point.
“Yeah everyone thinks I’m the freak that did it; that I’m a satanist!” He sounds physically pained about that.
“And why did you find me instead of fleeing the country?”
“To prove it; no one else thinks I didn’t…”
“Okay just give me a-“ Theo puts his hand on the guys shoulder.
“Eddie; thank you.” Eddie puts his hand over Theo and grins.
“Theo; who are you talking to?” Robin tilts his head and he looks back, the necklace the only thing on the table.
“A visitor.”
“Oh, are we going on a road trip?”
“Mhm, Indiana..”
“Hawkins finally? What tipped the scales then?”
“Another freak.” Robin laughs a little as Theo grins nodding to the car.
”We’re here to…” Theo’s uncomfortable; the guy in front of him is holding a bat and trash can lid both with nails through them, holding them in a threatening way towards both himself and Robin. Robin is smiling in the way he normally does; the assurance of his powers comforting him. Theo can see it flicker when a girl steps from behind the guy, he seems not to lower his weapons but she nudges his shoulder mumbling something Theo can’t hear. She’s young, her hair buzzed off and she smirks the tiniest bit.
“Bitchin’ what do you want?”
“We came because someone wanted us to solve Chrissy Cunningham’s murder…”
“Who could…”
“Eddie?” Robin offers and the girl nods slowly.
“Eddie Munson… that’s who brought you here? I’m Steve.” The guy interjects.
“Mhm; he said he needed help clearing his name; but none of you seem to think he’s guilty.” Theo pauses a little and Steve scowls.
“He’s not; the rest of the town can’t know. It was an earthquake to them; not a gate forming…”
“Alright; so he; well is he in jail or?”
“Eddie Munson is dead.”
“No he was.. I touched him; I can’t physically touch the dead.” Theo scowls and Steve frowns.
“He got killed by demo-bats.. these things..” Steve gestures to a quick scribble someone’s done on part of a math test.
“You have arc-hellions here?
‘Arc- what?”
“We call them Arc-hellions; they’re otherworldly creatures that…. Oh no..”
“They what Theo!” Steve almost snarls, weapons raised again and Robin pulls Theo back a little.
“They’re what make vampires.”
“Yeah which means Eddie’s not technically dead…”
“So they did have rabies.”
“The bats; we fought them; earlier and-”
“Does that mean we’re going to…”
“Arc-hellion bites don’t turn you; you have to be somewhere with a lot of residual magic; and there’s usually a spell involved with…” Theo looks up to see the girl’s nose bleeding and before he can think of anything else he’s in a very different place; it reminds him slightly of something Sabrina showed him; but he can feel the dread forming in his stomach; this is so much worse.
“Alright; yeah that’ll do it. Fuck y’all have to fight that shit?”
“You’re in it too.” Steve nods and offers the shield out to Theo. He takes it; but silently hopes that he won’t have to use it. 
“We’re just here to find Eddie; not to save Hawkins or become tangled up in whatever El and y’all are dealing with.” Theo assures; Steve and the other kids are smirking.
“Babe; she never said her name.” Robin grins a little and Theo scowls.
“Fine okay, we’re helping.” Theo grumbles hand flexing on the shield.
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«Chilling Adventures of Sabrina». Robin Goodfellow/Theo Putnam. Nightmares (18+) (#1)
Warnings: !Detailed rape!
I write in Russian and use a translator. If you find any errors, please let me know about it.
They're fucking him again. When will it end?
Robin gritted his teeth and exerted all his strength not to scream in pain while Carcosa pounded into him from behind, fucking him dry.
When, when will this torture end?..
Robin tried to think of something else, someone else and Theo immediately came to mind. Theo with his charming embarrassed smile, big eyes and the way he hugged him, Robin… They had recently met, but he liked Theo very much.… But it was he, Robin, who was supposed to lead him to death. Theo was one of three possible victims for the resurrection of the Green Man. Robin swore to himself that he would not let anyone hurt Theo, but for this it was necessary that Theo did not remain innocent, and therefore…
The flow of thoughts was interrupted unexpectedly. Robin whined as he felt the Carcosa coming out of him, but he knew it wasn't over yet.
 "Nagaina, take care of him, I'm going to take a shower. Circe, you can start too," he ordered, leaving the tent.
 "I'm sorry, baby," Circe whispered softly, coming up to him and sitting down next to him.
 "Just... do it already..." Robin asked, grimacing from the wild pain.
Circe looked at him worriedly, but said nothing more, just kissed him on the shoulder, and then came up from the side, kissing him hotly on the lips, then smoothly moving to the neck. Robin breathed more often, and then opened his mouth in a silent scream, feeling a dildo inside him. He missed the moment when Nagaina joined them, coming from behind.
When Carcosa returned, he resumed his place behind Robin, pulling the "dick" out of him, Circe remained in place, and Nagaina settled between his legs.
"Robin... Robin!" as if through cotton wool, the words reached him.
He squeezed his eyes shut. Please let it end! He can't take it anymore!
He woke up abruptly, feeling a chilling horror.
It was a dream. Thank God, it was just a dream... breathing became a little easier.
 "Robin?" Theo asked. №Are you okay? What did you dream of? You were screaming in your sleep." Theo looked at him worriedly.
Robin shivered at the memory and burrowed deeper into the blanket. Theo moved closer, hugging him under the covers, and Robin, rolling over on his side, gently rubbed his nose against his open shoulder.
"Phantasmagoria. I was dreaming of a phantasmagoria," he moved away a little so that he could see Theo's eyes.
 "Will you tell me?" he asked softly.
"I..." he faltered, looking into Theo's eyes, and then sighed heavily, lying back on his back, "when I was little, they paved a road near the forest where we lived," Robin began to tell quietly, stroking Theo on the back in an attempt to calm down, "we, children, we ran all over the forest and often went out to the road, and since we saw it for the first time in our lives, we were wondering what was there. There were five of us. Remember the Moth?" Theo mumbled "uh-huh". "She's been my best friend since childhood, but we only met again when I started riding with Carcosa," Robin shuddered and Theo immediately snuggled up to him, stroking his chest soothingly.
Robin looked up at the ceiling, choosing his words.
 "There were five of us," he repeated. "They noticed us. Two were caught, first me, then the Moth, because she couldn't leave me, the others ran away," he began unconsciously stroking Theo's shoulder and bit his lip. "They took us away from the forest and we began to weaken. Then they understood everything and began to move. Even then they were looking for ways to resurrect their pagan gods and we had to join them willy-nilly. For several years we wandered, "traveled", as they said, and we managed to grow up, by human standards we were of age. But they... Carcosa abused the Moth, took her without her consent and she ran away. She offered me to run away, we didn't know where, but we wanted so much..." there was an old pain in Robin's voice.
"And then?" Theo asked breathlessly, looking at him.
"And then we were noticed. The moth really asked me to save her and I saved her, but I stayed with them because I didn't have time to escape."
 "Didn't you have time?" There was surprise in Theo's voice.
"Yes, I didn't have time. There are special spells that make me...uspowerless," Robin corrected himself. "Then the pagans gave me this name so that I would forget mine," he smiled sadly.
"And your real name..." he drawled, frowning.
 "Puck, but I'm already used to the fact that everyone calls me Robin," he smiled out of the corner of his lips and continued, "after the Moth escaped, Karkosa seemed to break loose". Robin bit his lip and looked at Theo, and then closed his eyes. He frowned, realizing that there was clearly nothing good there, but did not rush to answer. He just pulled himself up a little and gently touched Robin's face with his hand, stroked his forehead, lightly touched his closed eyelids with his finger.
Robin exhaled, then turned his head and, opening his eyes, looked at Theo again.
 "First he abused the Moth, and when she ran away, he started... doing it to me," his voice faltered.
Theo's eyes widened as he finally understood.
 "Did he rape you?" there was genuine horror in his voice.
"Yes," Robin answered quietly, — and it was repeated constantly. When he was in a bad mood and when he was in a good mood, too, or..." he sighed heavily and shook his head, "very often."
 "You didn't try to run away anymore?" Theo asked.
 "I wanted to, but Nagaina was guarding me. She has hundreds or thousands of snake pets, so... they woke her up whenever I managed to slip away and she brought me back, and then Pan... punished me for disobedience," by the end of the sentence, Robin's voice became very quiet.
They lay in silence for a few minutes until Robin continued talking.
"And then he came up with a "wonderful" idea to arrange a threesome".
 "They did it three of them, Pan, Nagaina and Circe," Robin swallowed and closed his eyes. "Circe liked me as a child, so she did it reluctantly and always helped me after. She's always helped me," he smiled slightly. "And Nagaina helped Pan in everything," his smile faded, "so he trusted her when it was necessary to... prepare me for him. And he trusted Circe, of course, but Nagaina more."
Theo was stunned into silence for a few minutes, and then asked:
 "Do you remember when we met?" When Robin nodded, he continued, "after that, they too?.." He didn't have the heart to finish the sentence.
"Yes," Robin whispered, closing his eyes and smiling weakly through the force.
 "Look at me," Theo asked softly after a few moments of oppressive silence.
When Robin did this, he continued:
 "You're not there anymore, Robin, and you're never going back there. They're dead and they won't touch you again, I promise."
 "I know," the guy smiled weakly, "I know, but... they come back to me in dreams, they always come back," he muttered.
Suddenly Theo sat up and turned to him.
 "I will protect you," he said seriously, looking into his eyes, "always. I swear... whatever you want. I will never hurt you and will not let anyone hurt you."
 "I know," tears glistened in Robin's eyes, "thank you, Theo…"
Putnam looked at him for a few seconds, and then kissed him first on the temple, then on the nose and lay back down, hugging Robin tightly.
 "I love you," he whispered, "sleep, I'll be there to protect you from nightmares." If that doesn't work, then I'll figure something out. I promise. Go to sleep."
Robin put his arm around Theo's shoulder and closed his eyes.
As soon as his breathing steadied, Theo grabbed his cell phone and, dimming the brightness of the screen, wrote a message.
Today, 02:56Theo: Robin has nightmares, I need your help 02:56
Brina:I'll be right there03:00
Theo:Would your aunts mind?03:02
Theo:It's night outside03:03
Brina:I'll take Ambrose with me03:06
Brina:A couple more minutes and we're with you03:12
Theo:Thank you03:13
Theo carefully got out of bed and covered Robin well with a blanket so that he would not freeze, and then kissed him on the temple and slipped out into the corridor.
Sabrina and Ambrose were already standing outside the door, yawning desperately.
 "Hi," Theo whispered, quietly opening the door, "come in. Although you could have moved," he looked at his friends uncomprehendingly.
 "We decided not to scare your father," Sabrina smiled as she walked inside. "What happened?" she immediately asked.
 "Robin has a phantasmagoria," Theo said quickly, going into the kitchen so as not to wake anyone, "he has nightmares."
 "For some reason?" the witch clarified.
 "I don't know, everything was fine. And can't they dream just like that?" Theo asked, puzzled.
 "They can, of course," the girl nodded, "but usually they dream because of subconscious fears. Does he have post-traumatic stress disorder? Did something hurt him?" she frowned.
 "Someone," Theo's eyes flashed angrily, "Carcosa, the one who is "The Great God Pan," he literally spat out.
Sabrina exchanged glances with Ambrose.
"What do you mean?" she asked.
The loud sound of footsteps made Robin jump up in bed.
 "Theo?" he called softly, looking around the empty room.
 "I'm here, here," Theo said hurriedly, appearing on the threshold.
 "You said you'd be there."
 "I'm here," he confirmed, sitting up on the bed facing Robin, then looked down, then looked up at Robin, and then lowered his eyes again, staring at the bedspread.
"Is something wrong, Theo?" Robin asked, looking at him anxiously.
"I called Sabrina," he blurted out quickly.
 "You... what?" Robin frowned.
 "I called Sabrina because you're having nightmares and I don't know how to help you."
 "And she... she came? Is she here now?"
"Yes," Theo nodded, "she's... they're in the kitchen."
"They"?" Robin's frown deepened.
 "Ambrose came too. They're waiting for you... for us," Theo corrected himself quickly. "I can call them here if you want."
Robin nodded decisively, muttering "wait a bit," and began to dress.
 "He's just a bastard," the witch hissed. Her fists were clenching themselves. At the thought of what Robin had gone through, a burning anger boiled up in her. She could barely control herself, but she had to, because her anger wouldn't help the cause.
She took a deep breath and exhaled to calm the storm that was rising in her soul.
 "Sabrina," Ambrose drawled reproachfully.
"What?!" the girl turned to him.
 "Calm down, please. We need to decide how we will help Robin," the guy reminded.
 "I'm almost calm. You can while he's sleeping," Sabrina suggested, "while he's awake, in principle, you can too," the witch shook her head. "I want his permission anyway. These are his memories."
Ambrose sighed heavily.
 "Theo will talk to him now."
A few minutes later Putnam appeared on the threshold of the kitchen.
 "Come on."
The three of them went into Theo's bedroom.
 "Hi," Sabrina smiled weakly, sitting down on the edge of the bed. Ambrose just nodded at him, leaning against the wall.
 "Hi," Robin said softly, "Theo told me what you want to do," he looked at Putnam. He lifted the corners of his lips in a semblance of a smile, but he did not want to smile.
Spellman nodded.
 "Do you really need my permission?" Robin asked.
 "No," the girl shook her head, "but I want to get your permission, and not to help by force."
"OK, I allow it," the guy nodded, "what do I need to do?"
 "Wait, how do you want to do that? I can put you to sleep or you can just close your eyes without falling asleep."
 "I don't know," Robin said after thinking for a few seconds. "How will it be more convenient?"
 "Okay, let's try it in a dream," Sabrina breathed.
"Close your eyes."
As soon as Robin obeyed, and also took a deep breath and exhaled, Sabrina said some kind of spell, then folded her palms as if there was a round object inside her. The girl raised her palms to Robin, and then opened them, turning her open palms to the hobgoblin's body, holding her hands in the air above him. Robin squeezed his eyes shut harder when she reached her head, but Sabrina held her hands there longer, and then Robin relaxed.
Sabrina cast the spell again, placing her hands on Robin's forehead and closing her eyes. She stroked his forehead with her thumbs and Theo saw a glow emanating from them that flooded Robin's face.
 "Is this normal?" He asked Ambrose in a whisper.
"Yes, don't worry," he replied softly, and then joined his cousin, moving his hands over Robin's body and pronouncing incomprehensible words. Theo could only watch what was happening.
Ten minutes later, Sabrina asked for a chair in a strained voice and Theo quickly dragged it to her. She sat down, bent over, being very close to Robin's face, and then put her palms to the guy's temples, muttering another spell.
Robin exhaled, and Sabrina pulled away from him and asked for water. Her nose was bleeding.
 "He needs to sleep it off," she finally said when Ambrose finished with the spells, "and everything should be fine."
She smiled at Theo, who still couldn't believe it, as he handed her napkins so she could wipe away the blood.
 "Everything should be fine," she repeated, touching his hand with her own, "if it's not, I'll think of something,we," she squinted at Ambrose, "we'll think of something. If it doesn't work, we won't leave him like this, I promise you," she tightened her grip on his hand.
 "Thanks, Sabrina," Theo sniffed. The girl opened her arms and Theo hugged her tightly, thanking her.
It remained only to wait.
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sprnklersplashes · 3 years
I went from 'Lachlan Watson and Jonathan Whitesell should play Veronica and JD in Heathers' to 'dark!Robin AU where he is possessive and unhinged and kinda murder-y and has an Our Love Is God moment'
So yeah.
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caossource · 3 years
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Theo's Last Scene In Every Season
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p4inlands · 3 years
(caos) id say i hc that theo still gets flustered when robin flirts with him (even after theyre, like, married) but thats not even a hc, thats Reality.
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phantomstatistician · 4 years
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Fandom: Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Sample Size: 2,234 stories
Source: AO3
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Things that are Queer Culture
- kissing on a ferris wheel
- kissing in front of a movie projector
- staring into a fire while crying
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honeybee-babe · 4 years
Fic Concept: Sick Robin Goodfellow (is anyone surprised lol)
Picture this: A sickfic where Robin has a cold and Theo takes care of him :) Aww :)
Now picture THIS: mortal medicines/treatments won’t work on hobgoblins >:D So:
Theo he has to go to the fae realm to get Robin medicine (some weird magical flower probaby lol)
OR he can consult someone from the fae realm to bring him the stuff
But he also doesn’t know how to get to the fae realm himself, and doesn’t want to make Robin go because his bby is tired and needs his rest!!!
Cue Theo reluctantly reaching out to Moth for help
Moth begrudgingly helping (okay she wants to help Robin but also it’s Theo the human, ew)
But seeing Theo take care of Robin she realizes how much he cares about her friend, and starts toaccept their relationship <3
And maybe they even end up kinda-sorta friends?
Someone pls come through with this fic or I might die. Please and thanks <3
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tiredmoonslut · 4 years
Things I'm Looking Forward to in Part 4
The Order of Hecate 🥰🥰
Zelda :)))
Hilda/Dr. Cee wedding??
Queen Sabrina existing separately from soft Sabrina (I just want to see 'Brina execute someone)
Prudence 😍😍😍😍
The witches actually having their magic and not losing it to the lameass Devil or some pagans
N-nabrina??? (Pls)
Add yours yall
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o-olof · 1 year
-They live for thousands of years and age together
-Theo died first and Robin died two weeks  later
-In the eternal happens they are 16 and live  in a cute cottage in the middle  of the woods with their cat, dog, and i big garden
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statticscribbles · 3 years
Summary: Robin Goodfellow/Theo Putnam, they wake up in each other’s body’s after touching a magical artifact
“Theo, are you okay in there?”
“Theo we talked about this, language, but it’s just genetics, being on those hormones won’t make you grow taller, you’re stuck like this forever.”
“Well you’re… you’re not Theo…” Robin pales as the door opens and Theo’s father stands in the doorway.
“I know, I’m Robin, I'm Theo's…” Robin hesitates, his head has cleared from the spinning it was doing earlier.
“Robin, you’re Theo’s boyfriend.” Robin nods watching Theo’s father look him up and down.
“I’m guessing Sabrina and her friends have a part in this?”
“Yeah uh, they do. I should probably go uh, find them.”
”Robin how did you get this-”
“Oh my gosh it must have been..”
“Okay fine we’ll you just have to show up, I’ll go pick up Theo, uh Robin and …”
“Just hurry.”
“Okay why?”
“I ran into the wall like seven times.”
“Oh my god Theo, you still have his powers?”
“Yeah the speed at least…”
“See if you can change!!!”
“NO! What if I get stuck?”
“I don’t mean right now, just wait till we get there.”
“Shouldn’t we go to where the artifact is?”
“Right, okay I’ll grab th-Robin, and then you and then head to Harvey’s?”
”Theo!” Robin decides it’s weird to see himself running like it’s a mirror. Of course Theo misses, the super speed kicking in because he’s clearly too emotional.
“You can’t use your emotions to direct it, I’m guessing you had just as much trouble with the transformation ability?”
“Nope, what if I get stuck halfway.”
“That won’t happen, never happened to me.” Theo thinks it’s creepy seeing his own body projecting Robin’s mannerisms.
“So what was it like being me for most of today?”
“Aw cause you didn’t have magic?
“No you’re so short!!!! I had to climb the kitchen cabinets to get breakfast!!!!”
“Told you not to use the top shelf for your food…”
“It wasn’t a problem until this!” Robin turns when Harvey and Sabrina reappear.
“Fix this! I can’t be this tiny forever! How am I supposed to pick up Robin! Uh Theo…” Sabrina scowls.
“Why are you frowning?”
“Well the longer you’re like this the bigger the chance you get stuck like this fo-”
“If you say forever, I swear to Satan…”
”So what have we learned from this?”
“That Theo is freakishly short and the world is not built for him?”
“That Robin has godlike powers that nobody should have allowed him to have?”
“NO!” Harvey snaps and waves the now dulled artifact in front of them.
“We learned do not touch! Especially when Sabrina tells you it could really mess you up! Do. Not. Touch!” Harvey emphasises each word by smacking his hand on the table.
“Yep, crystal clear, no touchy.” Robin grins and Harvey sighs at least a little relieved someone seems to have an understanding.
“You said to not touch it, I’m not, I’m licking it.” Robin grins and Theo tries his best not to laugh as Harvey chases Robin around the room.
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arosmith-zeppelin · 4 years
Thank GOD Theo and Robin are back together
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issamhysa · 4 years
✧・The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Masterlist・✧
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♡ Requested
Sabrina Spellman
Being a witch and dating Sabrina Spellman would include...
Sabrina Spellman being jealous would include...♡
Sabrina Spellman telling you she loves you for the first time would include...♡
Sabrina Spellman falling in love with the reader for the first time would include... ♡
Being in a poly relationship with Sabrina Spellman and Nicholas Scratch would include...♡
Carpe Noctem [Sabrina Spellman x Reader] ♡
Dorian Gray
Falling in love with Dorian Gray would include...♡
Making out with Dorian Gray would include...
Taking care of a sick Dorian Gray would include...
Lucifer Morningstar
Being a goddess and catching Lucifer Morningstar’s attention would include...♡
Making out with Lucifer Morningstar would include...♡
Starting a family with Lucifer Morningstar would include...
Theo Putnam
Dating Theo Putnam would include...♡
Being the fourth Weird Sister and dating Theo Putnam would include...♡
Being Theo Putnam’s best friend would include...♡
Prudence Blackwood
The Weird Sisters being protective of a shy reader would include...♡
Maledictum [Prudence Night x Reader] ♡
Robin Goodfellow
Dating Robin Goodfellow would include...♡
Making out with Robin Goodfellow would include...
Dorcas Night
The Weird Sisters being protective of a shy reader would include...♡
Dating Dorcas Night would include...♡
Agatha Night
The Weird Sisters being protective of a shy reader would include...♡
Nicholas Scratch
Being in a poly relationship with Sabrina Spellman and Nicholas Scratch would include...♡
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sprnklersplashes · 2 years
wanting to do a goodnam heartstopper au but knowing that will require american-ising the whole thing
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caossource · 3 years
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The Time Warp: Theo x Robin Edition
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