#robin ndm
unseeliethot · 2 years
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moiraimyths · 8 months
Romance isn’t a social construct lmao it’s human, the same as being aroace is.
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Buddy... I got bad news on two fronts.
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bella-daonna · 4 months
NDM in Tarot Cards
It took me a while to find a deck for Robin, but in the end, this is my favourite pick. I was really excited to make this post!! (ignore the timestamps... lol)
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For the Unseelie Trickster, I've chosen the Tarot de Marseille illustrated by Victoria Dorche.
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I feel like this suits Robin for a number of reasons.
Art Style: I absolutely love this art style for Robin, it's colourful, playful, fun and vibrant. I can't get over how cheerful it is, and I just think that this is a lovely choice for Robin.
Tarot Tradition: All the other decks that I have chosen are based on the Rider Waite Tarot tradition. This one is based (as you can see by the name...) on the Tarot de Marseilles tradition. For those who do not know as much about tarot, suffice it to say that this has some key differences. It is also much older than the Rider Waite deck. I like the symbolism of using a different tradition for Robin, because while they are in the world of Tír na nÓg like the other characters, Robin is in an entire category of their own.
French Language: Following on from the above point, this tarot deck being in French again shows that delineation between Robin and the others. Specifically, I feel like having this tarot deck in a "foreign" language symbolises how Robin is "foreign" to TNN - they came from the human world, just like the main character, after all.
Death Card: In the Tarot de Marseilles the "Death" card is not named, and you can see this in the first image above. This I think is interesting, and I like this for Robin because they have... a strange relationship with death, don't they? They are very, very old - significantly older than the next oldest character, Flannán. And it sounds almost as if they are immortal. (Or at the very least, it would be very difficult for them to die).
So you can see why I thought this deck was just perfect for them, can't you?
If you click the tag “NDM in tarot” you’ll see my other posts in this series :)
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robin-goatfellow · 1 year
Flannán: We need to distract these guys.
Robin: Leave it to me.
Robin: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
Aífe, Keagan, and Shae: *Immediately begin arguing*
Maeve, watching in horror: Oh, this. I don’t like this. I don't like this at all.
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sallertiafabrica · 2 years
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@unseelie-grimalkin dragged me into another fae story hyperfixation, so here some doodles
Don’t mind the very messy MC concept, my body’s pretty drained but my brain was in Creative Restlessness mode, so we had to compromise.
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unseelie-grimalkin · 1 year
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Remember: this is a weekly “workshop” of sorts where anyone can answer and just go as wild or tame on a question or prompt about their Éireannach/MC as they please! There is no length requirement, simply funsies. There is also no time requirement: I simply release these on Mondays, so you can answer these whenever (even if it’s years after the post has been made).
It's Robin's birthday! Probably! Does your MC get them anything? If so, what is it?
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grimalkinsquill · 2 years
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I'm being very normal about this visual novel demo, I promise (you can learn about it more here, the demo is freely available on Steam and itch.io)
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aspecsolstice · 11 months
Analysis of Clues to What Likely Caused Flan's Exile
Hi all! This post is in response to a question from the NDM Discord server that I got very carried away with answering. Instead of posting yet another lengthy wall of text on there (which I often can't help from doing, haha), I decided this was worth making into a post and trying out in the tumblr format! Especially since I'd been considering making a casual blog on here anyway. Without further ado:
Just like my dear friend Laura, I've always thought that Keagan was the reason for Flan's exile, and there are definitely strong clues in certain asks that I'd like to point to in support of that idea, even if they don't directly confirm anything.
Before I really dive into those specific clues, let me first provide my understanding of the timeline, since I might be off on a thing or two but this is how I've interpreted it:
1). For what seems to be most of the 200-year-long war, Flan acted very differently
(confirmed change by Maeve and Robin, the latter giving a timeline to it by saying he was “apparently kind of a jackass during the war”, and this is something I'll get to later, but it's worth noting this was specifically a response to a question about how he used to flirt)
2). Flan and Keagan get involved and subsequently get each other hurt in different ways sometime prior to the end of the War
(not confirmed events of course, but if true, I think the implications are that they were nearing the end and had a lot to do with it, but still prior, due to the state Flan was in:
First, Keagan was said to have “distinguished himself during the War of the Courts as someone with a knack for intrigue and espionage” with whispers of him having been involved with “the end of the War,” which can reasonably be interpreted as him having deceived and betrayed Flan to get the info he needed to help him turn the tides
And second, it was specifically said that “before the conclusion of the War,” Flan technically did cross the border into Finias, but only when “time was of the essence, and he… Well. Let’s just say he wasn’t quite in the right state of mind to take in the surroundings,” which to me speaks not only of his understandable PTSD from the horrors of such a long war but a specific state that resulted from a recent event, such as a fresh betrayal, as well as whatever wolf-form-related damage was implied to be done to Keagan in return potentially also weighing on him)
3). Then after the conclusion of the War, Flan is either formally exiled or otherwise forced by circumstance to spend time away from the new Unseelie capital
I tried to keep the above to just establishing the timeline of the events I'd like to discuss, but with that done, I'm ready to get more into the meat of the evidence heavily implying that not only did Flan change as a result of betrayal by a lover during the War, but that he was publicly shamed in some way over the relationship, supporting the idea that it had far more impactful repercussions than a broken heart alone and led to his exile.
The strongest implications are found in three responses to asks about how Flan used to flirt, starting with the one where Maeve acknowledges his change and says, “I’m not happy about how he ended up learning some of the lessons he did, but it’s best to leave the past in the past, in some cases.” I touched on Robin's response earlier, but I'd like to pull a later quote from that same ask where they caution, “This is going to sound a little strange coming from me, but I’d avoid giving the guy a hard time over it, if I were you.” The echo and weight of these two responses, especially considering the latter to be such an uncharacteristically serious one from Robin, imply that these “lessons” Flan learned in regards to his flirting involved pretty severe consequences.
Then there's the glaring fact that Robin isn't even speaking from firsthand experience here (given how she wasn't around during the War), and Flan is not really the kind of person to confide in him about such personal matters willingly (nor would Maeve be the one to spill Flan's secrets if he confided them in her), raising the important question of how Robin came to be so knowledgeable about it in the first place. However, I believe this is answered in a third such ask about Flan's past flirting, where the dev statement to me suggests that not just Robin, but the public as a whole is at least partially aware of the situation.
They might not know the details, but something appears to be known based on the statement that, “Most folks are too intimidated to flirt with the Unseelie King, especially given… Well, never mind. Let’s just say Flannán was not always so austere nor hesitant to trust affection. For better or worse, he’s changed quite a bit since the War.” In addition to further supporting the idea of Flan having been betrayed by a lover during that time (specifically being left unable to “trust” the way he could before), this quote speaks volumes about what's being left unsaid when it intentionally trails off, especially when paired with tags on a different post that again emphasize how Flan is “#man's not as willing to display vulnerability these days #particularly so to the public.”
When you combine all the clues, these are clear indications to me that whatever changed Flan was not only traumatic and romance-related but somehow a relatively well-known affair (i.e. to the point that Robin finds out post-war and treats it seriously, that it apparently makes “most folks” even more hesitant to flirt with him, and that Flan is now painfully mindful of the public's perception of him as a result), implying that at least some degree of public shame over the relationship was involved.
Under the KeaFlan interpretation, there are many different possibilities for how this could have played out (no way to know whether it took place when Keagan's betrayal was first discovered or later near the time of Flan's exile, what person or situation actually outed Flan in the public eye, how much was revealed, how many were actually there to witness it vs how much was spread by word of mouth, etc.). Regardless, the bottom line is that it would make perfect sense as the kind of affair he might be publicly shamed over and face consequences for, due to the betrayal impacting far more than just Flan on a personal level by granting the Seelie a turning point in the War.
This situation thus lines up with the timing and all of the beats of what's been established or implied, as well as naturally providing a case for why Lugaid would go to such an extreme as exile to punish his chosen successor:
From his perspective, not only did Flan's “weakness” give the Seelie the edge in the first place, but he then failed to redeem himself by turning things back in the Unseelie's favor before the War ended. On top of that, Lugaid might see fit to distance himself from Flan due to the latter bringing public disgrace depending on how that played out (though I'm not discounting the possibility of Lugaid himself being the one to shame him in the interest of “teaching him a lesson,” it just seems likely he'd want to handle it privately if possible, to keep from publicly undermining his legacy).
Also, for fun as a quick added bonus, I did find what I believe to be another clue relating to Flan's exile, but this one relates to his life post-exile. I don't have any particularly strong leanings on exact location (though I loved reading the ideas people had on Discord!), but after this find, I'm definitely of the belief that Maeve was with him, if not for the entire exile then at least for some amount of time right before his return. As we know, Robin was not around for the war, and it's said that they “'joined' the Unseelie Court prior to Maeve and Flannán returning to the capital.”
“Returning to the capital” is vague enough that it wouldn't have to mean returning together from Flan's exile, such as if the two had been on a short trip away. Even so, I think it's likely, given how this particular return to the capital is being framed as something significant to the timeline.
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jayther · 2 years
The tech which can charge an electric car in 10 minutes It's here, it's fast, and when batteries catch up to it, road trips will be a piece of cake! links 'n stuff: Aging Wheels' Road Trip Video (Featuring ME!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Vm_ASm2zfs The EV Charging Glossary (which is more of a beginner's guide now) https://youtu.be/Iyp_X3mwE1w Technology Connections on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TechConnectify The TC Subreddit https://ift.tt/0Ahjuao This channel is supported through viewer contributions on Patreon. Thanks to the generous support of people like you, Technology Connections has remained independent and possible. If you'd like to join the amazing people who've pledged their support, check out the link below. Thank you for your consideration! https://ift.tt/hUW3wal Oh, and look at these wonderful patrons! Ted Kern, Ellen Murray, CyberFox64, Tony Cook, Buckaroo Bunny Slippers, Ben Cook-Feltz, Sam Lentz, Lane Robert, MPc , Daniel Prows, thesgtbossman, Vincent Larson, Bryan Boettcher, Vladimir Solomatin, Ian Baltutis, MetricConversion , Joe Kudrna, Charlie Hart, Andrew Johnson, Robin Capper, Turaiel Rylis, Niklas Lehmacher, Ryan Newson, Steve Russell, Eric Anderson, John R, Jonathan Benjamin, Aging Wheels, Cameron Hawkins, mykie Gunderson, Daniel Westermann-Clark, Alex Rokholm (PapaQ), Ouros , Eric Cardwell, C222 , Ken Klavonic, Andrew Ewen, Stelly , TKB , Tímo , Derek Ledbetter, Tom Powell (zifnab06), geekiskhan , nikolaevarius , Nebelwerfer Granitara, Benjamin Rippel, Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries, Cole Kurkowski, Chris Gerlinsky, Jonathan Lima, Tony Perkins, John Comtois, Kyle Halgerson, Phnod, Seth Junot, Jonathan Paz, Ruben Schade, SJ , Cory Durham, Rooster Ascot, Glen Parker, Edward Drozd, Sam Barber, Austin Whaley, Rohan Patil, Ryan Bateman, Ola Elias Lorås, Rob Coleman, Liam , Andira Muttakim, NextMan , Denis Phillips, Jon Adams, Eric Noriega, mak., Marcus Congdon, LoRNix, Bernardo Lopes, Damnable Nook, Kevin Ingersoll, C. A. Patrick Voigt, Andrew Hangsleben, Mike Jacob, Roddy Reavis, coudy , Alex Abebe, Charles Gillanders, sheepish.alpaca , Juhani Saarinen, Ashley Hakker, Salvatore Nuzzo, Jake Austin, Thibault Martin-Lagardette, ei, Rob Lion, Ohad Lutzky, Michael Young, Mirror, Rebecca Valentine, Justin Howell, Cmdr MadMax, Chris Miller, David Cawthon, Brian Taylor, Arnas , Jacob Kubacki, Bob Meyers, Michael V, Ross George, Kael, Micah Catlin, AZbytes , Sebastian S, NDM via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZOuz_laH9I
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shrimp1y · 2 years
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modern ay yew where they are roommates. shenanigans ensues
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the-clockwork-three · 2 years
ROs' names in ogham
Ogham is the first writing system in Ireland, first used in to write Primitive Irish. It is usually seen carved into ancient standing stones found around the country.
So anyway I thought it would be appropriate to write the Na Daoine Maithe characters' names in it. Ogham is read from bottom to top, and due to Tumblr tomfoolery, you may have to click the image to see the name in full.
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Not everything transliterates literally however. There are no fadas in ogham, so Aífe and Flannán lost fada privileges. Keagan is technically written as "Ceagan" due to the lack of the letter "k". There also is no letter "v" in Irish so I wrote Meave's name in my personal favourite way, "Meabhdh".
Bonus! Tadhg (my MC)
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unseeliethot · 2 years
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moiraimyths · 4 months
The Good People (Na Daoine Maithe) | Official Trailer
The Good People (Na Daoine Maithe) is a lore-rich and choice-driven historical fantasy visual novel inspired by Irish mythology and Celtic folklore. Play as a tenant farmer from mid-19th century Ireland, whose path becomes inexplicably entwined in fairy affairs after getting robbed by the roadside and lured into the mythic and war-torn world of Tír na nÓg: A once unified land, now divided into the Seelie and Unseelie Courts. Will you escape and return home with your stolen belongings? Or does fate have something else in mind?
If you're excited for our indie game, please give us a wishlist on Steam or a follow on Itch.io! For more information, click below👇
Meet the Cast
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Facts & Questions: The Game
🍃 The Good People (Na Daoine Maithe) is a Kickstarter-funded project currently in development. Due to the scope of the story, we will be releasing content serially on Steam and Itch.io over several years, beginning November 1, 2024. While you wait, feel free to play our demo! The revised version, with all new backgrounds and more voice acting, has been released on Steam and Itch.io as of August 1st, 2024!
🍂 The main character's name and pronouns are determined by the player, but in Vol. 1 (or the demo content), the MC will be referred to as "they/them" due to a case of mistaken identity.
🍃 Thanks to our Kickstarter, all upcoming routes will have both romantic and platonic choice options. If you're uninterested in romance, feel free to make friends instead!
🍂 Due to its Irish setting, NDM will occasionally feature instances of characters speaking in Gaeilge, i.e. the Irish language. All instances of Gaeilge are linked to an internal translation tool, which will be voiced by Nigel McKeon, a Gaeilgeoir.
🍃 Shae and Robin are non-binary characters, and respectively use they/them and any/all pronouns. Robin and Keagan are also arospec, and Shae is asexual. (Note: You can pursue the arospec characters romantically, but their romances might look a little different as a result of their identity.)
🍂 The free demo consists of the introductory volume of The Good People (Na Daoine Maithe). It is 2.5 to 3 hours of total gameplay, and ends at the point in which the player would continue on to a route (Vol. 2-7). The full game will be paid.
🍃 NDM is very intentionally set just prior to the onset of the Great Famine, which is both thematically and textually relevant to the leftist, anti-imperialist story we're aiming to tell. If you would like more insight into this, refer to this post.
🍂 Some Mac users who directly download the demo from Itch.io run into issues launching the game. If you're also running into issues, please refer to this post on our itch.io page.
🍃 Prepare yourself for horse related shenanigans. 🐎
Facts & Questions: The Company
🧵 Moirai Myths is a five-person company based out of Canada. The core devs/founders go by Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. All writing and programming are done by this collective, i.e. the Fates.
🪡 Moirai Myths has a two person in-house artist team consisting of Kazane, our Character/UI Designer, and Melinoe, our Environmental Designer. In addition to them, though, we have had a number of guest artists assist us with the creation of sprites, CGs, and an assortment of other materials. If you'd like to meet them, check out our about page on our website!
✂️ Moirai Myths stands with the people of Palestine 🇵🇸
Disclaimer: This description will be updated periodically.
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bella-daonna · 2 years
The NDM love interests as swing songs:
I was having a bit too much fun in the Na Daoine Maithe discord discussing the LIs as swing dancers - more on that later once I have got my thoughts looking a lil more coherent.
For now, here’s the LIs as swing songs!
Shae: a little bird told me
Keagan: who walks in when I walk out?
Aífe: take my love, take my love
Maeve: solid as a rock
Flannán: love me or leave me
Robin: I like pie, I like cake
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robin-goatfellow · 2 years
Flannán, trying to ask MC out: Would you like to stay for dinner?
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maistiruin · 2 years
out of context NDM demo:
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