#robin: where's luffy?
thychesters · 11 months
wait now we have this zombie using zoro's moves??
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o0kawaii0o · 6 months
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no mercy 😭
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spielzeugkaiser · 13 days
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I am crawling out of my little hole to show you another screenshot redraw! Everytime I draw Chopper I am urged to draw him with maximum cuteness - also I am slowly getting procreate, but it'll still take me a while to totally be comfortable with it.
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
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Huh? Why are they called the Strawhat Pirates? Obviously because they all wear straw hats!!!! (Well except for the captain)
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kalofi · 2 years
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someone had to do it
(alt. version under the cut)
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wigglesdtuff · 1 year
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My arms around his neck My fingers laced a crown I was a heavy heart to carry But he never let me down
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zipmode · 4 months
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trying 2 figure out how to draw the sillayssssss
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pensymbols · 6 months
ah yes the brook/franky/robin/jimbei polycule also known as the babysitters also known as monkey d luffys biggest enablers
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theclearblue · 9 days
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moonpaw · 2 years
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a redraw! I found this scene in punk hazard super cute
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pooks · 13 days
part 7 of straw hat!ichiji and without further ado, we'll dive into the next one; Drum Island arc
Nami is sick
as Nami falls sick in a seemingly serious illness, Sanji is taking it harder because of trauma; he has seen Ichiji become seriously ill when they starved on the rock island with Zeff and he had thought he was gonna die.
Sanji has unresolved trauma when it comes to serious illnesses and Ichiji doesn't know how to fix the problem since he cares very little about his own wellbeing.
with Nami out of commission, Ichiji takes over the nagivating role temporarily. he proves to be very decent on it and uses Zeff's old logbook as his guide through the Grand Line. he notices that since the weather is becoming steadingly colder, they must be nearing a winter island.
everyone has different responses to Nami's illness; Luffy, Usopp and Sanji nearly panics while Vivi becomes worried and anxious. Zoro and Ichiji mostly takes the role as the rational ones.
Ichiji is starting to feel under the weather as well and he wonders if his physical body had a delayed reaction due to his modified genetics. he doesn't fall instantly ill like Nami did, but he becomes more fatigued, irritated and loses his appetite (although he forces himself to eat something).
to distract himself from Nami's sickness and his brother's bad moods, Sanji dotes on Nyansha, their new ship cat who can shift size at will. he likes how friendly and cuddly Nyansha is and thinks back at the Baratie. he remembers how he and Ichiji used to nag at Zeff to have a pet and were always refused because the Baratie was a sea-faring restaurant and he didn't want any animals fall into the water and drown.
Zoro notices that Ichiji isn't doing well and keep scratching his neck, so he asks if he's really fine. Ichiji waves off his concerns and just says "don't worry about it".
meeting Wapol and entering Drum Island
Vivi decides to set course for any island nearby in hopes to find a doctor for the sick Nami, instead of heading towards Alabasta. Ichiji has a brief conversation with her and informs her that while she's already burdened with the serious state of her land, she chose to save another's life and it's not something to scoff at. Vivi remarks that Ichiji seems to understand her better than anyone and wonders if he knows a lot about monarchy and diplomacy (given his prior knowledge of Alabasta and displaying dormant skills of leadership).
Ichiji goes still after that and answers "well, we all have skeletons in the closet, don't we? and no, i don't want to talk about it."
as he tends to do sometimes, Ichiji looks over the ocean and thinks about the brothers he left behind in Germa in favor for Sanji. he always regrets leaving them behind and being unable to bring all his little brothers with himself and he hopes that they're faring well, despite Germa being...Germa.
the peace isn't for long, as an unfamiliar pirate ship approaches the Merry and attacks them. through irritated, Ichiji fights along with Zoro, Luffy and Sanji, using the gun Zeff had given him and Sanji (the very one Sanji aimed at Miss All Sunday). they encounter Wapol, a Devil Fruit user and has eaten the Munch Munch fruit and eats exactly anything.
after attempting to eat the ship, Luffy fights him and sends him flying across the ocean. the pirates retreats, however.
Luffy attempts to cheer up Nami, but fails. it's a very hard day on the crew since no one has apparently been sick before (Sanji denies this, but Ichiji mutters a "lies" but disguises it into a cough). the next day, they're reaching a winter island, Drum Island, and drops their anchor there. but they're suddenly ambushed by its' hostile inhabitants.
Ichiji decides to try to reason with them along with Vivi, telling them that they have a sick person onboard and she needs aid. a villager, however, shoots at Vivi when Sanji was about to defend himself from the same shooting villager.
Luffy resolves the situation, after being briefly angered by the violence against his nakama (and being urged by Vivi to not chose violence as counter measure) and Dalton, the leader, and the villagers decides to help them.
Luffy, Sanji, Vivi, Usopp heads down to the village with Nami and leaves Zoro, Ichiji and Karoo onboard the Merry. before they leave, Sanji notices that his older brother has flushed cheeks, but Ichiji says it's because of the cold.
Sanji trails after Luffy, Usopp, Vivi and Nami, but not before looking behind himself at Ichiji.
Zoro is lost and Ichiji falls
after staying in the village for a while and finding out the nearest doctor, one Dr. Kureha, also known as "the witch", resides on a castle on top of a tall rock-like mountain, Luffy and Sanji heads there with Nami to cure her while Vivi & Usopp remains in the village with Dalton. Ichiji and Zoro standing guard on the ship, in case more enemies turned up.
Ichiji kept himself inside the galley when Zoro decided to train in the cold, since he felt less tolerant to the cold than usual and he wasn't in mood to deal with Zoro "unreasonable training montage". but he got suspicious when he heard a lack of "swordman noises" and when he went to check, he found both Zoro and Karoo missing.
Ichiji braves the cold surroundings of Drum Island, dressed warmly and yet, still freezing as if he had no outerwear. trying to locate the missing Zoro is like searching for a needle in a pile of hay, but Ichiji keeps trying.
his illness starts to process more aggressively, putting Ichiji's wellbeing at risk; his fever sky-rockets, he becomes weak and delirious, and soon, he's gotten himself lost as well. fortunately for him, a sled nears him and nearly runs him over; it's Dr. Kureha along with Chopper (in walk point).
Ichiji doesn't call her anything, but he asks her if she's seen "a green-haired, half-naked fool" somewhere. Kureha doesn't answer the question and instead, inquires about his own health since he looks like he's about to keel over. Ichiji decides to be honest and says that he isn't well, but it's the least of his problems since he needs to find his friend.
Ichiji doesn't get to say more before his strength is drained and he collapses in the snow, completely overtaken by his fever.
(Kureha and Chopper decides to bring him with them, as Ichiji will surely die from his fever or the cold if he stays outside)
reunited at the castle, an unbreakable bond of brothers
by the time Luffy, Sanji and Nami are safely inside the castle, they're in a horrible state; Luffy, exhausted from climbing the drum rock with his bare hands and carrying on his two crew mates, is suffering hypothermia. Nami is seriously ill, hovering between life and death and Sanji is critically injured with a broken spine and internal bleeding from the avalanche.
Chopper and Kureha treats them as the group is in a critical condition. Nami is the first one who comes around and the cause of her illness is revealed; Kestia, a poisonous tick from Little Garden causes a "five day sickness" that ends in death.
she also finds out that she isn't alone in the room she's staying in, she sees Ichiji in another bed and panics. it turns out that Ichiji was also bitten by a Kestia tick (flashback to the post-battle in Little Garden, when he slapped his neck from a "mosquito bite"). Kureha has discovered that Ichiji has a different metabolism than an ordinary human which is why his illness progressed slower than Nami. however, his intolerance to the cold and stress made his body enough weak for the Kestia bacteria to advance faster and more aggressively.
Chopper then runs into the room, being chased by Luffy and Sanji who mistook him for food source. however, Sanji stops when he sees his older brother seriously ill and becomes shocked, getting vivid flashback to his past.
we get a narrated flashback from Sanji's POV. he remembers the rock island they were stuck on, starving for 80+ days. during the five last days on the rock, Ichiji fell seriously ill due to eating lesser than Sanji, exhausting himself by collecting morning dew for his brother, enduring night watches and exposure from the sun. after they got saved by a passing ship, Ichiji was put under quarantine due to his illness being so serious along with starvation. he was ill for two months while Sanji and Zeff recovered. Sanji remembers watching his brother suffer from fever, chills, nausea, etc. he had never seen Ichiji weak ever in his life and the thought of Ichiji dying for his sake gave him nightmares and Sanji cried for every day, believing that his brother would surely die.
Sanji tears away from his narrated flashback, seeing Ichiji suffering in the same state and gets a trauma-induced panic attack. he breaks down crying, terrified that his brother is dying once again, blames himself for not seeing the signs and begs the unconscious Ichiji to not leave him alone.
before Kureha is about to hit Sanji's head for whining so much, Ichiji speaks up, revealing he's been awake the whole time
"Geez, you're still such a crybaby, Sanji..."
Sanji screams of grief and anger, hugging Ichiji and saying...something, but no one is able to understand what he's saying since he's crying and sobbing at the same time.
(foreshadowing to Sanji's "△✕~◑※◇♨*~✖✹" in water 7)
Ichiji is still running a fever and seemigly drifts off, but not before he managed to reassure his little brother and his captain (because let's face it, Luffy is freaking out at the thought of his nakama dying) that he'll be fine soon.
everyone thinks he's asleep because of his closed eyes, but he's conscious enough to hear Chopper's story when Kureha tells Sanji and Nami (while Luffy is off chasing the poor reindeer again to make him join his crew).
Wapol returns and the siege of Drum Castle
their luck runs short when Wapol makes a return to the castle, intending to "rule" Drum Island again (which would lead to more of the people's suffering). once again, Luffy fights Wapol but this time, it becomes personal when Wapol shoots at the jolly roger of the long passed Dr. Hiriluk, Chopper's mentor and adoptive father.
Luffy engages in full battle, enraged over how "fake pirates" like Wapol just shoots a jolly roger without a single respect.
inspired by Luffy, Chopper shows that he doesn't have just medical skills, but battle skills as well and joins the battle. Sanji attempted to join as well, but his back injury flares up, rendering him out of commission with Kureha guarding him.
while his two henchmen, fused into one, fights Chopper and Luffy gets distracted, Wapol sneaks into the castle. he stumbles onto Nami, who's already well enough to walk around thanks to Chopper and Kureha's wonder medicine.
the only difference here from canon is that Ichiji arrives in time, still feverish, and jumps at Wapol, pulling at his hair as the ex-king attacks her (which also gives Nami the perfect moment to steal the key from Wapol).
Nami manages to escape, but Wapol is now chasing Ichiji. the antibiotic remedy against his illness is progressing, but Ichiji is already exhausted and Wapol corners him, intending to kill him. Luffy finds them just in time and engages in one final battle before he emerges victorious, having punched Wapol across the next island with a Gum Gum Bazooka.
Dr. Hiriluks cherry blossom snow, Chopper joins the straw hats
with the antibiotic treatment finally taking effect for Ichiji (due to his fast metabolism) and Sanji is getting his back (painfully) fixed again, Luffy tries again and again to recruit Chopper to his crew
Nami attempts to negotiate with Kureha; she hands over the key if Kureha discharges her, Sanji and Ichiji. Ichiji, however, doesn't want Nami to do that since he wants she and Sanji to recover first (once again, he neglects to include himself) before heading to Alabasta. Kureha takes the key, but says they must stay in the castle...but also that there's a coat in the room and the guards aren't present. Nami takes it as a sign that they're free to go.
when Sanji's treatment is complete, Nami and Ichiji brings him as they go outside. Ichiji is nearly fully recovered at this point and is carrying Sanji on his back, who's still out of it from his treatment. Ichiji takes a moment to reflect on old memories and muses that he hasn't done this since they were kids.
barely some moments later, Chopper is joining them but Kureha is chasing after him with weapons, so the Straw Hats panics and decides to pack it to leave. Ichiji wastes no time getting into a sled, still carrying Sanji on his back. however, they get to witness something wonderous.
using Hiriluk's "cure for the country's cold heart", the straw hats and everyone else witnesses cherry blossoms falling onto the snowy island. Ichiji, with a now conscious Sanji leaning on his shoulder, remarks that he has never seen something so beautiful in his life and it's enough to almost bring tears.
with the perfect send-off to Chopper and having a ship doctor onboard, the straw hats sets sail for Alabasta
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[Straw Hat Pirates as Nail Art]
More Sets:
[The 7 Warlords as Nail Art]
[Super Rookies as Nail Art]
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every-sanji · 5 months
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piparkukke · 2 years
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Just another peaceful evening at Strawhat‘s
based on a story that happened in my friends group (except no one was hurt)
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tooruuwuu · 6 months
rewatching one piece rn and noticed how robin used to call everyone by their titles and i
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from captain, doctor, navigator, cook, swordsman, long nose to just luffy, chopper, nami, sanji, zoro and ussop wHAT IF I END IT ALL
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vrieseasees · 17 hours
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One Piece Pacific Rim AU.... anyone?
looottsss of ideas below the cut...
Luffy - Completely disregarded his grandfather's wish for him to join the marines and flew right through jaeger academy like he was meant to punch kaiju. Has this ability to win most peoples hearts, which helps with the fact that plenty of pilots can drift well with him.
Zoro - Struggled for a while to match with a pilot and almost lost his chance to become a ranger when his projected partner dropped out suddenly. Zoro doesnt drift will with most pilots but despite this Luffy insta-clocked him as his true co-pilot when they met (and he was right and theyve been inseparable since).
Nami - the chief LOCCENT officer who oversees jaeger missions from the Shatterdome. One time, her troubled past came back to bite her but Luffy and Zoro helped her out of it. Shes been protective of them since and does everything in her power to ensure they get home safe.
Usopp - a jaeger tech weapons specialist who did his best doing jaeger engineer work for good ol' Merry as well. Always has ideas for improving the j-tech they use and implement. Incredibly grateful he can do his part, but nice and safe in the shatterdome.
Franky - came on board towards the end of Going Merry's life. He's the jaeger engineer responsible for the Thousand Sunny and does well with its upkeep and upgrades. (Allowing Usopp to focus on being a weapons specialist).
Chopper - doctor for their medical team as well as a kaiju science enthusiast and frequently visits the k-science lab when he's free. He has been working and researching kaiju biology and how humans, minks, and fishmen may benefit from the kaiju remains.
Brook - a retired jaeger pilot who went on to teach at the jaeger academy as a kwoon fightmaster. He's quite adept at playing ranger match-maker and was the one to ensure one of their best, Zoro, could match with someone. Has moved up in ranks since.
Jinbe - Hails from and is also a retired jaeger pilot from Fishman nation. He does a lot of work with fishmen-human relations, which has gotten a bit easier after a common enemy invaded their world. Due to all his leadership and his prominent role in the war on kaiju, he was promoted to marshal to lead their shatterdome.
Robin - a private investigator and information dealer of sorts who slipped into a consultant role for their shatterdome. She has many connections and is well versed in the kaiju black market world as well--which is how Chopper found her.
Sanji - the ranger who matched but dropped out last second on Zoro. He fled due to his biological family finding him and trying to bring him home. He went full-time as sous chef at the Baratie with his adoptive father Zeff. The Baratie is still a restaurant that goes out to sea, but has to dock more frequently since kaiju became a problem.
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