#rock star!Luka
artesiant · 2 years
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Here’s my piece for the @lukacouffainezine 🎸🐍 Leftover sales are open until 12.01!!
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crash-er-comics · 7 months
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Luka and Juleka! Although Luka is not emo like Juleka......Luka looks like he's emo in this picture!!!!
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eggonthemoon · 3 months
Alien Stage Round 6 Character Analysis and Lyrics Breakdown
Okay so obviously spoilers, don't click Keep Reading if you haven't watched Round 6.
God fuck it's so fucking beautiful, where do I start?
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I don't even know what is going on with those rapid shots of what I assume is some form of experiment that Till was involved in. I have no clue what the goal was or if it succeeded but somehow (for no real reason other than that one image of Luka standing behind Till ominously) I feel that Luka is involved with it.
Was this an attempt by Heperu's (Luka's guardian) rival to make a human capable of going up against Luka? Till being the youngest and Luka being the oldest also means that Till's guardian could have caught on to what Heperu was planning to do with Luka and then start experimenting on humans shortly after and it would still somewhat line up with the timeline.
But I'm getting into conspiracy territory, back to suffering!!
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Allow me, to the tips of your fingers
Allow me, to the ends of your feet
Dissolve me in your gaze
I don't want to let you go
Oh this hurts. Seeing him look so defeated and exhausted, you can tell that even though to the public it's not certain whether Mizi died or not it doesn't matter to him. Because she's still gone away from his world, where he is unable to reach her. He wants to dissolve and die but he also doesn't want to let her go if there is even a sliver of hope that she lives.
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Please, leave me scars
Please, hurt me so that
Not a single drop of me remains
Let me drown in you
The footage that plays to these lyrics really show how defeated he is. He refuses to sing, his passion for the art completely dead and buried. And (his guardian I assume) when someone shoves the fact that Mizi is gone in his face he lashes out and punches one of the aliens near him.
Until these falling stars
Are buried in the blur of time
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However his heart isn't entirely in it and is quickly apprehended.
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He is beyond exhausted and doesn't even protest or put up a fight while (the same alien he punched btw) another alien runs their fingers through his hair.
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On your icy lips
Read my soul
Yes, my soul
He hopes that even if Mizi is dead that her spirit watches over him, seeing his soul and by extension, Him, for all that he is. Every thought and breath until he falls asleep is for Mizi.
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But didn't we already know this is how he'd be like? Time for something juicier~
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Even if your cold words
Carve scars beneath my eyes
May they linger on your tongue
You can break me apart
God this is heart shattering. Even if Till doesn't care for him, even if Till throws hurtful words his way, Ivan will still lie awake at night, cherishing what sliver of attention he is given. It doesn't matter if Till hates him, because as long as he is on Till's mind Ivan is happy. He is entirely in Till's hands, capable of being build up or torn down depending on how much (or how little) he is perceived by him.
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Notice my pain
And mend me right now
To quiet my fears
I'll drown in you
He wants so deeply to be seen by Till, noticed. Till who doesn't let anything hold him down and always picks himself back up became a pillar of hope and strength to Ivan. It didn't matter how or in what context he gets to be seen, so he went out of his way to provoke him just to get Till to look at him even for a moment.
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This was mentioned a while back on VIVINOS Patreon but the entire incident where Mizi and Till got attacked by that hound monster was orchestrated by him. I feel like there is two possible reasons for this depending on when in the timeline this takes place.
Either he wanted to test Till's resolve in hopes of being proven wrong about his courage (after all your hopes can't be dashed on the rocks, if you never had hopes to begin with) only for his obsession to end up growing even stronger than before.
Or he tried to let Till get roughed up enough that he'd be transferred (solitary confinement? emergency room?) somewhere else away from the others at Anakt, so they could escape together.
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But we all know how that turned out.
Either way what Ivan wants isn't freedom, he's long since given up on that. There's no point in his freedom if the person that inspired him to yearn for it isn't by his side. He needs Till there, his very presence to reassure him that no matter what Till won't falter. But he failed to take account of the one thing that weakens Till's resolve.
Mizi is to Till what Till is to Ivan. And so without Mizi in his world Till crumbles. Since Till will only go where Mizi is and Mizi already gave away her heart to someone else, it's impossible for Ivan to be free while keeping Till in his world.
And so he follows him, resigning himself to a life without freedom.
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Sick of these nights to come
To be engulfed in silence
But the distance between them is killing him, and each and every day they come closer to their inevitable doom.
It doesn't matter if they believe the lie the aliens told them, that if they die singing they will be blessed. Because what is the point in that? How can going somewhere far away from the people they love be a blessing?
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In your gaze where I am seen
Consume me
Yes, me
His desires mirror Till's. He wants his soul to be seen by him, recognized for his undying love for him. He wants Till to see that he can give him all that Till yearns for in Mizi and more.
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To this everlasting melody
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Face to face we dance
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And yet Till still refuses to look Ivan in the eyes.
Things get a little unclear but since they aren't shown singing here and there's no flashback to accompany the lyrics, we can assume that at this moment Till most likely gave up on singing.
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With our story
Lost in forever's embrace
I'm not sure if Ivan intended this from the start or if it's a decision he made then and there but one thing is certain. If Till stops singing then that would mean he forfeits, he'll lose. Till has never once given up. Even when he went back for Mizi that night, he never intended to leave her in the first place. But now without her he crumbles.
And Ivan can't let that happen, not like this.
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Moral grey area aside, this scene is so deeply moving to me
And I don't say that in a romantic context, absolutely not. This is something much deeper than just love. This is the culmination of everything they've been through, all those moments lead up to this.
Because this isn't a kiss.
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This is Ivan throwing his life away for Till.
Till was going to loose, the only thing that could overturn that is if his opponent attacks him. The kiss was to distract Till and keep him from catching up to what Ivan was planning.
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Just look at the contrast between their first and second kiss. As soon as the score board shows Till is in the lead, he gives him a gentle peck on the lips. The contrast is stark and full of meaning. This was the genuine kiss, hidden behind a smokescreen of aggressive bravado created from the previous one.
And it worked. Till was completely convinced that Ivan's intentions was to kill him, and he was fully intent on letting him.
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I know a lot of people doubted his intentions. Because he didn't let go of Till's neck the minute he saw their scores, a lot of people assume that this was Ivan trying to drag Till down with him.
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But the minute he coughed up blood what does he do?
He smiles.
and let's Till go.
He's only human. He might know logically that Till has won the match. But emotionally he refuses to let go until he is certain.
Until he knows for a fact that he is the one bleeding and dying he'll keep up his charade.
And then.
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And only then.
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Till truly sees Ivan.
As he dissolves in his gaze.
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video-game-luvr · 2 months
80's themed Honkai Star Rail!
A/N: Let me cook! Let me cook! These prompts will be made into yandere fics, if you guys enjoy it, the smut will come eventually.. If you folks dig it! Just be patient and let me cook! I haven't ever posted actual fics or series so my work isn't the best but I still hope you bunch enjoy it nonetheless! Feel free to correct me or tell me if it's OOC! I am always open to improving! English was not my first language.
My ask box is open for ideas and thirsts! Maybe an 80s slasher theme next? A serial killer is on the loose! Who could be behind the mass disappearances!
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Neighbourhood dilfy uncle Gallagher, who is friends with your parents... This prompt would also work so well with Jingyuan! Your parents just trust their friends so much, don't they?
Welt being that hot librarian with a mature charm. You can't help but gaze at his veiny and calloused hands, holding that book, and scrutinizing everything about the contents of the book.
Sneaking out at night to skate around with Caelus and Luka!
Dan Heng who is part of a band, as a bassist. Walking around everywhere with his headphones on. Talking about music with him, and him sharing all his favourite songs with you by giving you a custom made cassette! (Though it was probably pirated)
Going to a cassette store and befriending Dan Heng gives you butterflies. The usually cold and hard-to-approach Dan Heng was now your friend!
Gepard being the local heartthrob, he is such a sweet man, always helping his neighbours with carrying their groceries to their house. Funnily enough, this man is also really clumsy. Your mom asked for his help in changing a light bulb, only for him to fall over from the ladder, luckily he didn't get any major injuries from it.
More about Gepard, he is part of the baseball club! His broad figure and precise aim makes him perfect for it! Just about everyone has a crush on this brawny oaf! He is such a himbo. He can definitely do no harm!
Rock star Blade/Yingxing! It just makes so much sense! Especially if his band is punk, definitely an alternative band for sure, even if it's not punk. Just cheering for him with all your heart, and seeing him throw a wink your way.. Orz "Meet me behind stage." He mouthed to you. The cold arrogant star took a liking to you! Now this is exciting!
Ah yes, Sunday. The epitome of a perfect man. A role model for everyone in school. (Probably a preppy private school) His drive to keep things in order is commendable. All of his perfect execution as a school president isn't limited to the school. He also most definitely goes to church and organizes youth events, leading the choir, you name it!
However, under that flawless persona. Sunday is probably hiding some deep dark secrets. Who knows what that man is thinking.(It's giving... cult leader!)
Playing videogames with Caelus! Who has been your trusty neighbour for years! Your first encounter was him digging into piles of junk, you were really weirded out at first, and probably refused to play with him. But with enough nagging from your mom, you slowly warmed up to the idea of being friends with that weird silly neighbour of yours. From that point on, you guys started to play videogames together! Caelus has started to change over time, he seems to not be able to focus on videogames anymore.. His face oddly becomes red when he catches you gazing at his face. Without your knowledge, someone's love has started to bud and bloom. (He wants you so bad! You might regret befriending this weird kid!)
Himeko is the absolute hot aunt! The resident MILF! Every time she talks with your mom, you can't help but stare at how beautiful she is. She can't help but tease you about how adorable you look with that flushed face of yours. Your mother trusts her with all her heart. I'm sure she wouldn't do anything twisted.
Argenti, an art student. His vision of what beauty is is directly painted onto the canvas. He is incredibly passionate about his vision. A beautiful birth, a beautiful life, a beautiful end to life. He may seem a bit eccentric at times, but he means well... Right? (He is probably a cult member... Not Sunday's though. He is a follower of the path of beauty!)
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dkrosi · 2 months
🌊Luka as a Water-Air Watair Bender🌪️
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Okay so, most of my ig followers wanted Luka as the next character to draw in ATLA style as a waterbender. And well.. Umm.... 🙈😂 I admit, I secretly rooted for the air as I thought (and still think) that it would fit Luka's character more.
But then and idea came into my mind to make him both a water and an air bender. Honestly, I have NO idea how it would happen in ATLA's world 😂. Maybe his parents were different benders (like Jagged was the airbender - although given him being a rock star, fire would fit him better -, and Anarka was the water bender of the family) and so he is now able to bend both elements. Yeah I know it's not accurate to the series but I didn't want to make him into the Avatar himself.. Although he might should be after all🤔🤷..
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cailins-posts · 2 months
Scared to Say It
Connor bedard x reader
Connor Bedard felt like he was on top of the world. At just 19 years old, he was a rising star in the NHL, playing for the Chicago Blackhawks. But as successful as he was on the ice, he couldn't help feeling a bit of envy that had nothing to do with hockey.
It was the night of a big game against the Toronto Maple Leafs, and Connor's team was trailing by a goal. He sat on the bench, helmet off, staring out at the sea of red and black jerseys in the stands. Somewhere out there was his best friend, Y/N, who had been a constant in his life for years. He'd known her since they were kids, growing up in the same neighborhood in North Vancouver. They'd done everything together: playing street hockey, biking, going to the beach. She was his rock, his confidante, his best friend. And he was in love with her.
The problem was, he didn't know how to tell her.
Connor glanced over at the Maple Leafs section, and that's when he saw it: Y/N wearing a Leafs jersey. Not just any jersey—it was Auston Matthews', one of the league's top players. A wave of jealousy surged through him, and he felt a tightness in his chest. Why was she wearing that jersey? Had she met Matthews? Did she like him?
"Hey, man, you okay?" asked his teammate, Lukas Reichel, who noticed his brooding expression.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Connor lied, trying to focus on the game. But his eyes kept drifting back to where he knew Y/N was sitting. The jealousy wouldn't go away. He was angry at himself for feeling this way, but he couldn't help it.
"Looks like someone got under your skin," said Taylor Raddysh, another teammate, who'd followed Connor's gaze. "Isn't that your friend over there?"
Connor nodded. "Yeah, that's Y/N," he said, feeling his stomach twist.
"Why's she wearing a Leafs jersey?" Taylor asked, raising an eyebrow. "I thought she was a Blackhawks fan."
Connor shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe she just likes Matthews," he said, trying to sound indifferent, but it came out as a grumble.
The other guys on the bench started to pick up on his mood. They'd seen Connor and Y/N together enough times to know there was something more than friendship between them, even if Connor couldn't admit it. Taylor gave him a nudge. "You should talk to her, man. Tell her how you feel."
"I can't," Connor said, shaking his head. "What if it ruins our friendship?"
Lukas rolled his eyes. "Dude, everyone can see you two are into each other. Just go for it. Life's too short to be scared."
Before Connor could respond, the coach called the team back to the ice. The game resumed, but Connor was distracted. His mind kept racing back to Y/N in that blue jersey. He knew he shouldn't care so much, but he couldn't help it. He was afraid of losing her, afraid of the change that might come if he confessed his feelings.
As the game went on, things didn't get much better for the Blackhawks. They fell behind by two goals, and the crowd grew restless. Connor felt the pressure mounting. He played hard, trying to focus on the game, but his heart wasn't in it.
During the intermission, the team returned to the locker room. The coach laid into them, demanding more effort and focus, but Connor barely heard him. He sat at his locker, his head down, feeling the weight of uncertainty.
Suddenly, the locker room door creaked open, and he looked up to see Y/N slipping inside. "Connor?" she said, her voice soft.
"Y/N, what are you doing here?" he asked, surprised to see her. The rest of the team had gone back out for warm-ups, so it was just the two of them.
"I wanted to check on you," she said, walking over to him. She held out a bundle of fabric—a Blackhawks jersey. "I changed into this because I didn't want you to be upset. I know the Leafs jersey was a bad choice. It was a friend's joke, and I thought it would be funny, but I didn't realize you'd be so bothered by it."
Connor felt a surge of relief, but also a pang of guilt for feeling so jealous. He stood up, his heart racing. "It's okay," he said, taking the jersey from her. "I'm glad you came to see me."
Y/N looked at him, her eyes searching his. "Is something wrong, Connor? You seem... different tonight."
He hesitated, feeling the words on the tip of his tongue. The moment felt right, and he knew he had to take the risk. "Y/N, I—"
"You're back on in five!" one of the coaches shouted, interrupting them.
Connor felt the urgency of the moment slipping away. He couldn't wait any longer. He took a deep breath and stepped closer to her. "Y/N, I need to tell you something," he said, his voice low and intense. "I like you. I mean, I really like you. More than just a friend. I've been too scared to say it, but I can't keep pretending."
Y/N's eyes widened, and her cheeks flushed. "Connor, I—"
But before she could finish, Connor leaned in and kissed her. It was gentle and hesitant, yet filled with emotion. It felt like everything he'd been holding back finally broke free, and for a moment, the world faded away.
When they broke apart, Y/N's eyes sparkled with surprise and happiness. "Connor, I've liked you for a long time," she said, smiling. "I just didn't know if you felt the same."
Connor couldn't believe his ears. "You do? Why didn't you say something?"
"I was scared," she said, shrugging. "I didn't want to ruin our friendship."
Connor laughed, feeling a wave of relief. "Me too," he said, pulling her into a hug. "I guess we've both been scared for no reason."
Their embrace was interrupted by the coach's voice. "Bedard! Get back on the ice!"
Connor sighed and kissed Y/N's forehead. "I'll see you after the game, okay?"
"Good luck," she said, watching him as he left the locker room with a huge smile on his face.
The game turned around for the Blackhawks after that. Connor played with renewed energy, scoring two goals and leading his team to a thrilling comeback victory. As the final horn sounded and the crowd erupted in cheers, he skated over to where Y/N was sitting, wearing his jersey and cheering him on.
He pointed to her and grinned, his heart swelling with happiness. She blew him a kiss and waved, her excitement as palpable as the rest of the fans'. The game was a success, but it was nothing compared to the feeling of finally being honest about his feelings.
After the game, Connor and Y/N went back to his place, where they cuddled on the couch, watching a movie and enjoying the simple comfort of each other's company. It was a happy ending that felt like a new beginning—a beginning where fear and uncertainty no longer stood in the way of their love
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ghostedcas · 11 months
hello! i read your family fic and absolutely loved it with all my heart<3333 i was wondering if you could write more about the riley family :33
maybe they’re celebrating someone in the family’s birthday! your pick on who it is :D
but i would love to see what you do with this<3333
you ask for birthday and i raise you:
soldier returning home for his children's birthday🥰
i hope you enjoy !! <3
simon "ghost" riley x mom!reader/children!ocs
word count: 1433
warnings: pure pure fluff, tears of joy, so so so so much crying from reader and the 17 year old son (bc men are allowed to be vulnerable too <3)
a/n: simon returing from a mission early for the twins' fourth birthday?? i think yes :) idk why but this is immediately what came to mind when i read this request. this fic takes place just before the riley family vacation to soap's beach house <3 in my mind it's like early july
a/n 2.0: also we officially have names for the riley kids. bug, matthew, lyla and luka <3
"mandy it's not his fault he can't be here, he's literally in a another country fighting a war right now. i'm sure he's just as heartbroken about it as the rest of us." you sighed to your sister in law.
it was the twins' fourth birthday, you and your sister's wife mandy, were in the kitchen prepping the food for their birthday party in 20 minutes.
"i don't know, i just think he should've asked for the time off. he knows when his kids' birthdays are." the blonde said as she cut up some strawberries.
"he can't just request time off in his job. his job isn't like a 9-5 mandy."
you were starting to get frustrated with the conversation so you just decided to change the topic and turn the attention towards the stars of the day, the twins.
"anyhow, the twins are going to wake up from their nap any minute now so i'm gonna go upstairs and shower really quick before i lose the opportunity."
"alright, i'll start bringing the food and games outside."
"okay, bug and matthew should be out there setting up the tables and decorations so ask them for help if you need it. when is erin coming back again?"
"she said she'd be back just after the party started, she needs to go pick up the rest of lyla and luka's gifts."
"gifts? plural? mandy, you two already brought like four seperate bags of gifts! they're four they don't need this much." you replied with a laugh, disbelief overtaking you as mandy reveals her and your sister were absolutely spoiling your children.
"they deserve it! plus, i promise, you'll like this last part she's getting too. now go! go! get your shower."
"god, you two are insufferable." you mutter, mostly to yourself, with a slight laugh as you walk up the stairs to get to your room and take a quick shower.
almost immediately after you step out of the shower and wrap a towel around yourself, the cries of one of the twins rang through the house, their cries triggering the cries from their twin. you let out a soft sigh and dried yourself off as quickly as possible and slipped on your bathrobe, making your way to the twins' room.
"awake from your nap my darlings?" you say softly as you enter their room and approach their separate cribs.
lifting luka from his crib first, you hold him out for a moment and then bring him close, pressed to your chest.
"happy birthday, my sweet pumpkin." you say softly, rocking the crying infant whose cries die down slowly now that he is in the arms of someone safe and loving.
you walk over to lyla's crib, adjusting luka in your arms to carry him in just one so you can reach in a hand to lyla to let her know you're there.
her cries begin to cease as she grabs at your hand.
"hi there baby, did you nap well angel? happy birthday~" you coo at her.
lyla nods as she grabs at your fingers.
"i'm gonna put your brother in here with you for a moment so i can go get your outfits." you tell her with a smile as you set luka in the crib with lyla.
you turn to their dresser and pick out their outfits for the party, you suppose you'll just have to get dressed in a few minutes.
it was a bit of a struggle to get the outfits on thr twins, both having woken from their naps with a lot of energy meanth they were wiggling around as you were trying to change them and that only prolonged the task.
eventually though, you were successful and placed the two down onto the floor and smiled at them. "goodness, look at how cute you two are... gotta take a picture for daddy, yeah? look at mummy, smile!"
you take your phone out from the pocket if your bathrobe and snap a picture of lyla and luka, adorable smiles on their faces.
a small twinge of sadness pokes at you as you take the picture, sad that simon will only get to see them on their birthday through a picture. celebrating his babies' birthday alone on base.
nonetheless you shake off your negative thoughts and pocket your phone once more, picking the twins up and carrying them both back to your room so you could keep an eye on them as you tried your best to get ready in time for the party
you were now 40 minutes into the party, games being played, the bunch of kids in your backyard ran around and laughed happily. you scanned the area, taking note of where all your own children are.
bug was playing in the dirt with lyla, probably looking for critters, something they bonded over frequently.
matthew was playing tag with luka and some of the other little kids, letting them tag him as they played.
"erin should be back in about five or so minutes." mandy says from behind you, causing you to jump a little at the suddenness.
"jeez! oh, okay.." you reply, putting a hand over your heart to calm yourself as you laughed a little from nerves.
"we should probably start opening presents, yeah?" mandy suggests, motioning to the overflowing presents table.
you couldn't say you didn't spoil your kids, that's for sure.
"yeah, you're right." you nod and begin to call out to the guests and your family.
"guys! it's time for presents and cake!"
"present!" you hear luka scream excitedly, beginning to try and run over to you.
you laugh at his cuteness and sit down, letting everyone gather around, situating the twins on your lap while they open their presents.
you were almost to the end of all the presents when you heard the patio door slid open and closed, erin walking through with a few bags in her hands.
"so sorry i'm late! but i have lots of presents!" she calls, waking over to you and the twins as she holds up the bags.
"here, here, take them." she says, pushing them all onto the table.
"thanks erin, you really didn't have to get this much." you reply with a laugh, letting both of the twins reach out to try and grab the bags, you make sure they grab their own bags, watching as they opened them excitedly.
"okay, erin and i have one more present, but it's for all five of you. gimme just a minute, i'll be right back with it, it's a big gift." mandy says as the twins finish opening their presents.
this makes you look at erin and mandy, a confused and almost worried look on your face. you knew your sister and her wife pretty well and there's so many ways this could go.
mandy runs into the house as everyone at the party waits in anticipation for whatever the hell mandy could've brought.
when mandy returns, her gift is the very last thing you expect.
simon walks through the back door with her, a smile on his unmasked face.
"daddy!" lyla squeals loudly, wiggling from your lap to run over to simon, hugging his leg as she cried from her overwhelming happiness.
"dad?!" you hear matthew and bug yell in shock, both of their voices cracking.
matthew full on runs into simon's arms, hugging his father as tight as he possible could as he also cried, overwhelmed by shock and happiness. he sobbed hard into simon's shoulder as simon chuckled and rubbed his back. "missed you too bud."
"oh my god.. simon?" you say softly, getting up from your seat as you keep luka in your shaking arms.
"c'mere, love." simon responds, motioning in a come hither motion to you.
like you were on autopilot, your feet carried you and luka over to simon, joining in on the family hug. bug was the last to join, wrapping their arms tightly around simon from behind.
"i missed you all so much..." simon says softly, quiet enough for just your sweet little family to hear.
"we missed you too dad." matthew says between sniffles, his emotions still getting the best of him.
"and happy birthday to my two little rascals, you're... three now right?" simon says, teasing the twins.
"no! daddy silly! we dis many." lyla says with a giggle, holding up four fingers in her father's face.
"ah yes, my mistake princess." he chuckles and gives her little head a kiss.
this was definitely the best birthday party you could've ever had for the twins.
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romeulusroy · 1 year
Succession Preference: Dating Baby Matsson
Requested: if you want to, could you write a preference of roy siblings x mattson!reader? - anon
A/N: I love thisssss my love!!! I hope you like it!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
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Connor is as far from the Gojo deal as possible. He quite literally don't give a fuck who Lukas is which makes him perfect for you. You meet at the election party, pretty far into his campaign. He doesn't notice that you came in with your brothers crew, only that your glass is empty and it needs refilling. At the party Connor tells you all about his presidential campaign and what he's trying to represent. In turn, you tell him about this silly tech conglomerate company you work for. He just adores when you speak Swedish, telling him the best swears and phrases. From there you two text and call a lot, all behind your families backs. None of them even know you've begun seeing one another seriously until Lukas is signed as CEO and you're standing there, beside him, holding Connors hand. His family is furious, as is your brother, but neither of you care. Connor is funny and sweet and a bit oblivious, but what child of a billionaire isn't?
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Kendall meets you after your brother invites them to Norway. You stay hidden, not really part of the deal, but he notices you anyways. Kendall claims it was love at first sight for him. He wanders, hoping to bump into you. When he does he's quick to start the conversation. You being related to Lukas, let alone his baby sibling, doesn't even begin to cross his mind, not until Lukas finds you out in the dark together, under the stars, huddled close. He makes it known he doesn't like what's going on and orders you inside. You do as you're told, not before you slip Kendall a paper with your number on it. He calls you the second he can and your relationship develops from there. After the deal goes through, you know your relationship will never be the same. He's hurt. Deeply. Pretending it didn't happen or ignoring it won't do any good. It definitely puts a strain on your relationship unfortunately.
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Shiv is infatuated with you. From the moment she sees you standing by Lukas' side, she knows she has to talk to you. You make it pretty easy, seeking her out as well. You're not sure how it happened, only that it did and there's nothing your brother can do about it. You see one another a lot now that she's helping your brother. You joke that she's only doing this to see you which Lukas doesn't like at all. Especially since he's considering dropping Shiv, he knows it won't end well. In the end you're signed as CEO and Shiv puts on the facade that she couldn't be happier. You feared she would leave you, that your relationship would be ruined, but she's all smiles. Underneath she's furious. She hates Lukas. She can't hate you, she loves you, but she definitely isn't happy about this switch. You tried to tell her, warn her before she got her hopes up. He wanted to keep it in the family. Surely Shiv would know a thing or two about that.
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Roman he's so handsome you and Roman are like two weird, off-putting peas in a pod. Based on these ideas which I love, Baby Matsson isn't at all like their brother. They're strange and weird and a teensy bit scary. He knew from the moment he saw you he wanted to be with you. You scared Frank and Karl and that made you deeply interesting. Your relationship isn't like a normal relationship. There's biting and play-fighting and saying things that only make him laugh. Lukas doesn't love that his baby sibling is with Roman of all people, but at least he knows you're his problem now while he figures out the Gojo deal. You're two strange, deeply faulted people who found one another in a stressful time in your lives. When he's not yelling at your brother in Norway he's sneaking off to be with you in the woods where you take away the stress, the nerves, the hurt. You're his rock through the funeral and even after the deal goes through, you sit with him at the bar and make him laugh with all the ways your brother could end up dead.
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Bonus! Lukas fucking hates anyone being interested in you, but a Roy? Are you dumb? Are you blind? You could do a hell of a lot better than one of them, no matter how strange or off-putting you might be. He's got important work to do and you're getting in the way of that. Even before he died Logan wasn't too fond of the relationships you made with his child, but at the end of the day he couldn't stop you. He thought feelings got in the way of good business. So does Lukas. The difference between them is he can lock you away where they can't find you, Logan doesn't have that power. You're smarter than that though, telling him only after things are serious. You're an adult, you remind him, you can do whatever you like, including being with them. He can go fuck himself, a phrase that sounds too Roy-like.
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Musical Casanova (Part 2)
Another short snippet and art! Art commissioned from @sternschauer-detektiv​!!!! It’s so amazing!
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Marinette’s brain felt as if it had slowed to a crawl. “So he’s buying my flowers for the boat?”
Juleka shook her head. “He’s been buying flowers, but I don’t think it was for the boat.” Marinette was confused until she felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning around, she was met by an embarrassed looking Luka holding a beautiful bouquet…of lily-of-the-valleys.
So that’s where those missing flowers went.
“Oh!” She smiled. “So Sabrina was holding those for you?”
Luka nodded. “I called her yesterday and asked for a favor.”
“They are a very good choice for today.” She hummed. “So are they for the boat too?”
It was hardly possible, but Luka’s face reddened more. Marinette found it absolutely adorable. “No, these are for you.”
Numbly, she accepted the bouquet. “For me?”
Taking a deep breath, he gave her his breathtaking smile that had the butterflies in her stomach doing the tango at double time. “For you.”
As he took her hand and brought it to his lips, Marinette could only think that she had indeed found the perfect man.
Lacing their fingers together, his eyes twinkled as he gave her that same smile that showed off his pearly whites. “So, I’m a Casanova, huh?”
Okay, maybe not.
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revolutionary-thoy · 6 months
Since you said that you mostly agree with kisilinramblings’ The Supreme and the Order of the Guardians + 8 Families theory, and you listed the Tomoe, Bourgeois, Graham de Vanily and Agreste families as already planned as being involved with the Supreme in your AU, who are the other four families? Going off of Luka and Lila/Cerise working for the Supreme (double-agenting in the latter’s case), I assume that the “Stones” (since Luka lives with Jagged and he’s a world famous rock star) and the Rossis (since we don’t know the last name for “Cerise” and Mrs. Rossi works at an embassy in Paris) make up two more, but who are the last two?
Actually the Stones and Rossis aren't involved! While Kagami was trained from birth by her family, Luka is in a more similar situation to Marinette where he was just at a vulnerable point in his life and was approached by the Supreme. Mrs. Rossi probably gets bribed by the Supreme to enact whatever they're doing, but she isn't directly involved with them and isn't aware of the miraculouses.
I'm actually most likely not going to go with the 8 families thing and will think of something else for the 8 icons to represent.
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mc-lukanette · 8 months
The world was so loud. It was still loud, and Luka had gotten tired of explaining to people when they asked what he meant just to look at him like he was crazy afterward.
The simple explanation was that Luka experienced the world through music. He saw potential melodies in his environment and people always gave off their own particular tune. The latter was what made his life difficult, given that he didn't have any control over whether or not he heard them. It was just something he had to adjust to.
But if there was one thing Luka hated, it was a fake person: someone who behaved one way but was another inside. He remembered when he started to dye his hair and paint his nails, back when people would say that they liked it but the song he would hear was filled with displeasure over his choice of appearance.
As such, he had few friends in life. There just weren't many people he could trust to be fully honest with him without him pointing out that they weren't.
Not having friends also meant that he had no reason not to attend events with his rock star mother, Anarka Couffaine, though he would've happily come to show his support and approval of her anyway despite the atmosphere. Events and parties like the one he'd shown up for that very day were often filled with detestable people only out for money and had zero interest in the actual well-being of any clients.
He did his best to filter them out.
"Luka," Anarka whispered, leaning down and wrapping an arm around him. With her other arm, she pointed to a man across the room dressed in white and pink, noting, "that's Bob Roth. Remember him?"
One listen of the man made Luka roll his eyes, though smiling at the memory. "He offered you a contract when I was little and you threw him overboard."
"Aye." She stood up, her toothy smirk putting even sharks to shame as she called out, "Roth! Gone swimmin' lately?"
Bob turned around to look, Luka grinning as well at the way his face paled upon seeing her. One could practically see the memories flooding his mind, his face turning red with a mixture of shame and anger as he stormed off.
Anarka sighed as if having just come out of meditative therapy, giving Luka a nudge. "You haven't lived until you've thrown a scallywag overboard."
She didn't give much advice even as a mom, but he considered that one was a keeper. He would've liked to have done it himself had he not been so small at the time.
"Nanarky!" another equally non-subtle voice called from afar. "Chased away Bob again?"
Luka turned along with his mother to see Jagged Stone approaching, and had to suppress a big smile. He'd always been a big fan of Jagged's music - pure and untouched by anyone but Jagged himself - and since Jagged and Anarka were friendly rivals, they often met up at events.
"Hey," Anarka commented as Jagged walked up to them, "it's the first mate of rock and roll!"
"First mate?!" Jagged recoiled, a hand to his chest in dramatic fashion. "I'm the captain of this ship!"
"Ha! I can play circles around ya." She leaned towards him, flicking at the Eiffel Tower glasses near the top of his head. "Nice glasses, by the way."
Luka chuckled. They made for a fun duet together as well.
At the mention of the new glasses, Jagged's demeanor changed entirely. He beamed, bringing them down to his eyes properly. "Right? Got a young up-and-coming designer to make 'em for me."
"Young unlike you, ya sea dog," Anarka quipped.
Jagged turned his head away while pretending not to have heard her, though the pout on his face was obvious. Snapping his fingers, he called out, "Hey, frockstar! C'mere and meet the background musician!"
"Why I oughta—"
Luka heard the melody before the footsteps, though it was still a stark contrast to the ones belonging to both Jagged and Anarka. A teenage girl - certainly no older than him - came to Jagged's side, peeking up at him with a smile before being promptly squished against his side.
"Hello," she said, somewhat strained until Jagged let her go and gave her an affirming pat on the shoulder. She shyly bowed her head to Anarka. "I'm—
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng!" Jagged interrupted, looking all too eager to talk about her. Luka raised a brow, impressed by the amount of pride bursting out of each note on his song. "She's gonna design my new album, Rock Giant!"
"W-wha—?!" Marinette stared up at Jagged with a look that implied she very much had not heard about that yet.
"Nice to meet ya, lass," Anarka greeted. "I'm Anarka Couffaine."
"Oh!" Marinette gaped at her. "I know exactly who you are! I'm a big fan!"
"That right?" she asked, and Luka could see the glint in her eyes that she was about to start up their rivalry again. Thankfully, introducing him took priority, so she opted instead to say, "Well, then y'should know that this is my son, Luka."
Their eyes locked for the first time. Luka didn't necessarily need eye contact to get a feel for a person, but it helped. He was intrigued: her song was an entire mix of emotions both positive and negative, none of which she seemed to be hiding. There was an extra spark of curiosity and awe in her at actually taking him in - likely because he was the son of someone she admired - though he supposed the normal thing to do would be to politely—
"Wow, you're so handsome!"
Luka felt his cheeks heat up, completely thrown off by the blunt comment. Anarka and Jagged, though equally stunned for a moment, suddenly looked incredibly invested in this. They glanced back and forth between the two, waiting to see what might happen next.
As he was formulating a proper response, Marinette's words caught up with her. Her face turned even redder than his and her tune was all over the place. She turned away and tried to make a break for the buffet table to hide underneath the tablecloth, only for Jagged to hurry after her and pull her back.
"Nanarky," he said with a mischievous tone, tilting his head down and lowering his glasses to look at her. "What do you say to a little music battle, just the two of us?"
Anarka reflected his look back at him. "In the middle of this namby-pamby party? ...You're on."
Then the two were off, true party crashers even when they're already invited, and simultaneously leaving him alone with Marinette.
"I-I'm so sorry," she whined, rubbing at her face in embarrassment. "It's just—it seems like I always say the first thing that's on my mind, and the first thing I noticed was that you have nice eyes?"
His blush wasn't going away, that was for sure.
"Uhm!" She flailed. "I mean, not that you have nice eyes—well you do, but I don't mean nice as in nice even if they are nice." She huffed at herself, pounding her fist against her palm and clearly seeking a specific word. "...Kind! You have kind eyes!"
"Thanks," Luka managed after taking a deep breath, Marinette having just been upgraded from intriguing to absolutely adorable in his mind. He ran a hand through his hair, fluffing it slightly. "You can be honest with me, Marinette. I won't think it's strange. It's better, actually."
"Better?" She stared like she thought he was the strange one. "...A-ah! I know, here!"
She opened the tote bag at her side and reached in, digging around until she found what she was looking for. She pulled out a CD and offered it to him, Jagged's signature prominent on the front.
"This is..." Luka gaped, taking it from her hands.
"One of Jagged's albums, signed by Jagged himself," Marinette stated proudly. "He said he'd personally sign any album I wanted, and of course I picked this. It's—"
"—the best one," he chimed in along with her, perking up at the sound of their voices speaking in unison.
She grinned, delighted. "Yes! You get it! I've asked every Jagged fan I know and none of them picked it!"
Luka, always one to return a gift, reached into his own bag and pulled out one of his mother's albums, also signed by her. He always kept at least one thing she'd signed in his bag as an extra - if private - show of support. "Here. It's—"
"—the best one!"
Naturally, they exchanged numbers soon after that, just before going on to watch the "rock battle" together. Luka had people he knew like his mother and Jagged Stone who spoke their minds without fear, but Marinette was a unique case. He couldn't quite put it into words - that's what he had his guitar for - but an attempt would incline him to say that it was a deceptively simple song upon first listen yet was so powerful as just to pour out of her when she opened her mouth. He could even see it in the way she moved, fidgeting and bouncing with energy while they'd listened to the energetic music.
She was also the first one to blurt out that she thought he was handsome and had kind eyes at their first meeting, so an unforgettable first impression if there were ever any. He was a little discouraged by the idea of texting her, where it wasn't as likely for her to just say whatever she was thinking. Still, he was fine waiting for her to warm up to him if need be.
Oh! You play guitar?
Guitar and violin, yeah.
I'd love to hear you play sometime! I'm free for you! I MEAN FREE TODAY!!
Luka let out a laugh. He didn't have to worry after all.
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people asked and i shall deliver!! here are our brackets - i plan to update each one with the link after they're posted, but do keep an eye on the #powerpolyculeshowdown tag in case im unavailable to do so until later, please!
Also reminder they're programmed to be posted 1min apart from each other, so from 1:00pm to 1:10pm (EST)
Round 1
part 1 (finished)
Tulio/Miguel/Chel (Road to El Dorado) x Yoo/Han/Kim (Omniscient Reader) Winners: Tulio/Miguel/Chel
Mane 6 (My Little Pony) x Sasha/Anne/Marcy (Amphibia) Winners: Sasha/Anne/Marcy
Rey/Finn/Poe (Star Wars) x The Doctor/Rose/Jack Harkness (Doctor Who) Winners: The Doctor/Rose/Jack
Cosmo/Kathy/Don (Singing in the Rain) x Ferris/Sloane/Cameron (Ferris Bueller’s Day Off) Winners: Cosmo/Kathy/Don
Dave/Jade/Karkat (Homestuck) x Sora/Riku/Kairi (Kingdom Hearts) Winners: Sora/Riku/Kairi
Amaryllis/Sir Damien/Lord Arum (Penumbra Podcast) x Arthur/Guinevere/Lancelot (High Noon Over Camelot - The Mechanisms) Winners: Amaryllis/Sir Damien/Lord Arum
Wu Zetian/Li Shimin/Gao Yizhi (Iron Widow) x Sadie Kane/Walt Stone/Anubis (The Kane Chronicles) Winners: Wu Zetian/Li Shimin/Gao Yizhi
Star Allies (Kirby Star Allies) x All 1008 Pokémon (Pokémon) Winners: All 1008 Pokémon
Hardison/Parker/Elliot (Leverage) x Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer (The Witcher) Winners: Hardison/Parker/Eliot
Suki/Sokka/Zuko (ATLA) x Sonic/Knuckles/Shadow (Sonic) Winners: Suki/Sokka/Zuko
Sweet/Cap’n/K_K (Deltarune) x Shiver/Frye/Big Man (Splatoon 3) Winners: Sweet/Cap'n/K_K
part 2 (finished)
Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy (Scooby Doo) x Luka/Adrien/Kagami/Marinette (Miraculous Ladybug) Winners: Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy
Wonder Woman/Superman/Batman (DC Comics) x Megaera/Zagreus/Thanatos (Hades) Winners: Megaera/Zagreus/Thanatos
Dekubowl (My Hero Academia) x Jolyne/Ermes/Foo Fighters (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure) Winners: Jolyne/Ermes/Foo Fighters
Bocchi/Nijika/Ryo/Kita (Bocchi the Rock) x Tsukasa/Emu/Nene/Rui (Project Sekai) Winners: Tsukasa/Emu/Nene/Rui
Trevor/Sypha/Alucard/Greta (Castlevania) x Heizou/Kazuha/Scaramouche (Genshin Impact) Winners: Trevor/Sypha/Alucard/Greta
Rachel/Chloe/Max (Life is Strange) x Quanxi/Tsugihagi/Pingtsi/Long/Cosmo (Chainsaw Man) Winners: Rachel/Chloe/Max
McCoy/Spock/Kirk (Star Trek) x Frodo/Sam/Rosie (Lord of the Rings) Winners: McCoy/Spock/Kirk
Cassandra/Rapunzel/Flynn (Tangled Series) x Vivi/Lewis/Arthur (Mystery Skulls Animated) Winners: Cassandra/Rapunzel/Flynn
Aizo/Yujiro/Hiyori (HoneyWorks) x Panchito/Donald/José (The Three Caballeros) Winners: Panchito/Donald/José
Catra/Adora/Glimmer/Bow (She-Ra and The Princesses of Power) x Amethyst/Peridot/Lapis (Steven Universe) Winners: Catra/Adora/Glimmer/Bow
Bucky/Steve/Peggy/Angie (Marvel) x Hunter/Willow/Luz/Amity (The Owl House) Winners: Hunter/Willow/Luz/Amity
Round 2 (finished)
Tulio/Miguel/Chel (Road to El Dorado) x Cosmo/Kathy/Don (Singing in the Rain) Winners: Tulio/Miguel/Chel
Sasha/Anne/Marcy (Amphibia) x Hardison/Parker/Eliot (Leverage) Winners: Hardison/Parker/Eliot
The Doctor/Rose/Jack Harkness (Doctor Who) x McCoy/Spock/Kirk (Star Trek) Winners: The Doctor/Rose/Jack Harkness
Sora/Riku/Kairi (Kingdom Hearts) x Amaryllis/Sir Damien/Lord Arum (Penumbra Podcast) Winners: Amaryllis/Sir Damien/Lord Arum
Wu Zetian/Li Shimin/Gao Yizhi (Iron Widow) x Sweet/Cap’n/K_K (Deltarune) Tie!! Both move on!
Suki/Sokka/Zuko (Avatar: TLA) x Megaera/Zagreus/Thanatos (Hades) Winners: Suki/Sokka/Zuko
Fred/Dephne/Velma/Shaggy (Scooby Doo) x All 1008 Pokémon (Pokémon) Winners: Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy
Jolyne/Ermes/Foo Fighters (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure) x Tsukasa/Emu/Nene/Rui (Project Sekai) Winners: Jolyne/Ermes/Foo Fighters
Trevor/Sypha/Alucard/Greta (Castlevania) x Panchito/Donald/José (The Three Caballeros) Winners: Panchito/Donald/José
Cassandra/Rapunzel/Flynn (Tangled Series) x Rachel/Chloe/Max (Life is Strange) Winners: Cassandra/Rapunzel/Flynn
Catra/Adora/Glimmer/Bow (She-Ra and The Princesses of Power) x Hunter/Willow/Luz/Amity (The Owl House) Winners: Catra/Adora/Glimmer/Bow
Round 3 (finished)
Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy (Scooby Doo) x Cassandra/Rapunzel/Flynn (Tangled the Series) Winners: Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy
The Doctor/Rose/Jack (Doctor Who) x Hardison/Parker/Eliot (Leverage) Winners: Hardison/Parker/Eliot
Catra/Adora/Glimmer/Bow (She Ra) x Suki/Sokka/Zuko (Avatar: TLA) Winners: Suki/Sokka/Zuko
Panchito/Donald/José (The Three Caballeros) x Wu Zetian/Li Shimin/Gao Yizhi (Iron Widow) Winners: Panchito/Donald/José
Sweet/Cap’n/K_K (Deltarune) x Sora/Riku/Kairi (Kingdom Hearts) Winners: Sweet/Cap'n/K_K
Jolyne/Ermes/Foo Fighters (Jojo) x Tulio/Miguel/Cher (Road to El Dorado) Winners: Tulio/Miguel/Cher
Round 1 (finished)
Poll 1 Winners: The Doctor/Jack/Rose
Poll 2 Winners: Sasha/Anne/Marcy
Poll 3 Winners: Geralt/Yennefer/Jaskier
Poll 4 Winners: Yoo/Han/Kim
Round 2 (finshed)
Yoo Joonghyuk/Han Sooyoung/Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint) x The Doctor/Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness (Doctor Who) x Sasha/Anne/Marcy (Amphibia) x Geralt/Yennefer/Jaskier (The Witcher) Winners: Yoo/Han/Kim (ORV) and Doctor/Jack/Rose (DW)
Round 4 - Quarterfinals (finished)
Tulio/Miguel/Cher (Road to El Dorado) x Yoo Jonghyuk/Han Sooyoung/Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)  Winners: Yoo Jonghyuk/Han Sooyoung/Kim Dokja
Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy (Scooby Doo) x The Doctor/Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness (Doctor Who) Winners: Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy
Sweet/Cap'n/Cakes (Deltarune) x Panchito/Donald/José (Three Caballeros) Winners: Sweet/Cap'n/K_K
Hardison/Parker/Eliot (Leverage) x Suki/Sokka/Zuko (Avatar) Winners: Hardison/Parker/Eliot
Round 5 - Semifinals (finished)
Sweet/Cap'n/K_K (Deltarune) x Yoo Jonghyuk/Han Sooyoung/Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint) Winners: Yoo/Han/Kim
Hardison/Parker/Eliot (Leverage) x Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy (Scooby Doo) Winners: Hardison/Parker/Eliot
Round 6 (March 8th 2pm EST)
Hardison/Parker/Eliot (Leverage) x Yoo Jonghyuk/Han Sooyoung/Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint) Winners: Hardison/Parker/Eliot
Third place!
Sweet/Cap'n/K_K (Deltarune) x Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy (Scooby Doo) Winners: Fred/Daphne/Velma/Shaggy
Congratulations Hardison/Parker/Eliot for the win!!!!
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fabseg-reader · 4 months
Miraculous fanart: Cerisette/Lilanette Re-Verse (MLB Femslash February/Rock Band AU)
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Day 15: Marinette and Lila/Cerise (Faulty; Rock)
This is the full colored version of the Cerisette Rock Band AU.
This happens in the Re-Verse from the Miraculous Paris special: Lila/Cerise and Marinette play rock music and form a duo together before merging with the Kitty Resistance (Rose, Juleka, Luka and Ivan). Lila/Cerise plays electric guitar and Marinette plays keyboard. And they make an illegal concert. In this AU, the Supreme from the Re-Verse has forbidden the music. The latter's logo gets vandalized.
Lila/Cerise's hair is a wig with a sky-blue dye. Marinette is just Emonette-Shadybug.
Marinette is the Ladybug and Cerise is the new Hesperia for this concept.
We can see Marinette is blushing about her music partner.
About their music, the two girls compose the instrumental part. It's the band Kitty Resistance who perfoms the vocal and parts.
This fanart is made for the @mlbfemslashfebruary event.
Bonus (variants):
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Playlist of Marinette and Cerise eventual covers in collaboration with the Kitty Resistance/Kitty Section:
Muse - Uprising
U2 - Pride (In The Name Of Love)
AC/DC - Highway To Hell; Thunderstruck
Guns N'Roses - Welcome To The Jungle; You Could Be Mine
Twister Sister - I Wanna Rock
Nirvana - Smells Like Spirit
Kenny Loggins - Footloose
Evanescence - Bring Me To Life
Zedd ft. Ariana Grande - Break Free
Europe - The Final Countdown
Bon Jovi - It's My Life; You Give Love A Bad Name
Johnny Hallyday - Allumer Le Feu (french)
Linkin Park - Numb
Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall
Lady Gaga - Born This Way; Perfect Illusion; Bad Romance; Shallow (ft. Bradley Cooper)
Mötley Crüe - Kickstart My Heart
Aerosmith - Dream On
Queen - We Will Rock You; I Want It All; The Show Must Go On; I Want To Break Free
The Police - So Lonely; Every Breath You Take
Coldplay - A Sky Full Of Stars; My Universe (ft. BTS)
Van Halen - Panama
The Who - Baba O'Riley
Kiss - I was Made For Loving You
Initial sketch here:
This fanart has been made the 20th January 2024.
Femslash Colletction:
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fleshgardens · 3 months
oc meme
tagged by @friberchi ♥
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Name: Luka Nickname: none, at least for now Gender: non-binary Star sign date of birth: sometime in March Height: around 190cm (without horns) Orientation: bi Race: uhh I haven't gone too far in my worldbuiding yet and I haven't fully settled on what exactly they are. So no answer for this just yet! romancing: Nadir, another oc of mine.
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This is Nadir! Favourite fruit: wild strawberry Favourite scent: petrichor, high quality coffee (both beans/ground and brewed), fresh rosemary Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: filtered specialty coffee, they also like herb and fruit teas. Won't turn down hot chocolate either. average sleep hours: they like to stay up late and sleep in a bit; always a bit tired no matter how long they've slept Dogs or cats: they absolutely love both but if they had to choose, then I think dogs. Preferably on the medium to large side, but they'd cherish any pet they'd happen to be responsible for, no matter the species or looks or anything. They're very fond of all living beings. Also, I like to imagine them having pet beetles. Dream trip: a wild beach by the Baltic Sea. Or a quiet place in the mountains, especially in winter with a lot of snow. Or anywhere with interesting architecture. Amount of blankets: they always have to sleep under something, no matter how hot it is. So an empty sheet at least. In the winder, either a really warm comforter or an endless pile of thinner comforters and blankets. They get cold easily. Random facts:
prefers to keep their distance from others
they like to seem distant or even a bit intimidating, but they're actually very soft-hearted
they're kind and try to see the best in others, to a point of being naive - they're aware and frustrated by this, but can't help it anyway
would rather listen than talk most of the time
gets excited over seeing a pigeon, no matter how many pigeons they've already seen today
same with other city birds, bugs, dogs and cats
plants get them excited too, as well as mushrooms or cool rocks
likes to bake in their free time (and they're pretty good at it)
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artzychic27 · 8 days
Now that all four posts are out, let’s see all the kids from the classes just being a chaotic family at Pride!
Nino, Marc, Nathaniel, Ayesha, Reshma, and Eri are just casually adopting pride kids like it is no one's business
When Adrien, Jesse, and Austin B go missing, you'll know because Candace, Soo-Yeon, Nino, Marc, Austin Q, Mireille, and Aurore are screaming so loud, that they sound like sirens
A scene no one will forget is when Evie and Aurore reenacted scenes from Star Wars with their parasols as lightsabers
Adrien, Aggie, Ondine, and Margo are always dressing as Disney princesses. They dressed as the Madrigal girls (Isabela, Mirabel, Dolors, and Luisa) to protest the fact that Mirabel was not included in the Disney Princess lineup yet
Margo, Reshma, and Marc just casually throw scarves they knitted into the crowd
Kendra and DJ are Anais' impulse control. If it doesn't throw a rainbow smoke bomb at protesters, then they will
Ismael, Aggie, and Lotta are just skating by on their skateboards and throwing confetti
Mireille and Roxie got into a friendly boxing match, making everyone get nosebleeds... In a good way
Some say the first glitter bomb fell from the sky... Others say Victoria threw it... Anyway, Austin T and Marc are BEASTS at the Glitter Wars
Victoria and Mona "accidentally" roll over protesters' feet
Brecken and Zoé dressed as Bonnie and Clyde (respectively) and Evie and Cosette couldn't handle how hot they looked
Soo-Yeon, Adrien, and Victoria teach kids how to sink a basket
Anthony, Eri, Missy, Roxie, and Juleka have a contest to see how many protesters they can scare by the end of the day
Candace, Nino, and Luka come up with the best cheers to mess with protesters
Staci and Chloé have a contest to see how many TERFs they can make cry before the day is over
Eloise and Max do the anime glasses thing
Marc and Ayesha are just walking pride flags
Max, Alix, Dot, Austin B, and Ismael casually do the splits while in AroAce colors, because that's the AroAce agenda
Marc, Nathaniel, Ayesha, Adrien, Alya, Luka, Eri, Missy, Jesse, Anais, Margo, Mona, Eloise, Ondine, Jean, Reshma, Myléne, Austin Q, and Beck all cosplayed as characters from Rock and Riot
Dot and Mason are here with their rainbow binders to ensure everyone stays on schedule... And maybe get some cotton candy
Aggie, Kagami, Lacey, and Alya have swords and are not afraid to use them
The tall people are here to LOOM over protesters and kiss their significant others or just any cute person
Mona and Simon make sure to capture their friends all on video. They may or may not have footage of who started the Glitter War
The truth is, no matter what you do, Marinette's gonna find a way to bedazzle everything you own
Nathaniel and Alya are just casually nerding out about Marvel and DC and making jocks simp
Nino and Dot have brought baby leashes for just about everyone
Anthony and Austin T cannot and will not resist their boyfriends' puppy eyes
Austin A, Rose, and Kendra cosplayed as Elle Woods
Chloé ever so casually dips Sabrina and kisses her in front of protesters while Spinelli throws rainbow confetti around them
Petra, Nathaniel, and Spinelli were commissioned to paint a mural for Pride
Reshma, Marc, and Denise have matching tank tops that say 'Glamazons'
Ivan and Brecken casually nod to each other as their girlfriends carry them
Roxie and Mireille are here to kick TERF's ass and kiss girls. And they're all out of girls to kiss! (with consent)
Juleka and Anthony casually nod to each other before kissing their short sunshine significant others
Some say that if Reshma, Aggie, Aurore, Zoé, Margo, and Juleka are together in the same spot, the island of Lesbos will rise to the sky
Rochelle and Nathaniel are just a couple of sugar fiends. If they have too much, they're likely going to start a cult
Beck wards off homophobes with their hockey stick
Jean and Austin T have a fan club
Austin Q drop-kicked some guy who tried to drug Aggie's drink. He was soon knighted by the Queen of Lesbians... Reshma
Parker, Denise, Ivan, Kim, Roxie Luka, Marinette, Austin Q, Ondine, Brecken, and Gia getting into muscle-flexing contests is good for no one's health
Austin T. and Cosette ride on Marinette's shoulders as they pass out cupcakes... And occasionally throw pies at TERFs
Reshma somehow got a kiss from both Margo and Lacey, and she promptly fainted
Denise and Evie yell at protesters in Spanish, and their boyfriends have no idea what they're saying, but they just look so gorgeous when they're angry
Cosette and Austin A both dress their pets in drag
Cosette, Austin A, and Eri have suitcases filled with just makeup in case anyone needs a touch-up
Evie, Mireille, and Mindy made everyone simp by singing an operatic rendition of Poker Face
Kendra, Missy, and Nathaniel spray-painted several protesters' cars. No one's ever caught them
Simon and Mona made sure to get it all on video! The moment when Austin A and Spinelli finally kissed!
The Dykes on Bikes adore Austin B, Marc, and Roxie
Rochelle and Austin B somehow got blackmail on fifty-five protesters, and they just gave them money to leave them alone
Petra and Nathaniel handle all your face-painting needs
Mireille and Parker teach the pride kids a few fighting moves
Austin B, Eloise, and Max all DOMINATE at the Gay-ming stations
Cue Max, Simon, Anais, and Gerard hacking into electronic billboards so they all play animatics made by Ayesha and Nathaniel
After a while, Dot and Mason say it's time for a break, and they all head to a cafe where a comedy drag show happens to be in progress
When the day is over and things wind down to make way for the after-hours party their teachers (and some parents)will be attending, they get rides from Rafael Béaureal, Félice Quinlan, and their respective friends in the backs of their pickup trucks (Because they both for sure have friends with pickup trucks) back home (Spinelli gets a ride from Beck on the back of their motorcycle, though)
@msweebyness @imsparky2002
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