#rocket lolly
thedaily-beer · 6 months
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Northern Monk Rocket Lolly IPA (Picked up at Sainsbury's in Oxford, UK). A 3 of 4. With strawberry, orange, and pineapple, this is quite fruity, as you'd imagine. So much so the bitterness feels almost not present and this is quite on the sweet side of things until the very finish. Lighter body as you'd expect on something at 4.7%, and this works, but still is slightly weird.
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sketchypenface · 1 year
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Some simple lolly drawings, scattered everywhere. The perfect summer design!
Available on several different products here:
Scattered Grinning Lolly Characters - https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/145197460?asc=u
Scattered Smiling Lolly Characters - https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/145197673?asc=u
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steamanband · 1 month
Rocket lolly for brekky life is good
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faline-cat444 · 2 years
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Think it’s the first time I saw Smarties like this
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rosewind2007 · 2 years
I think they missed a trick with the sales material for this swimming costume when they failed to point out you look like a rocket ice lolly!
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lemmetreatya · 2 years
Hey, love love ur work! I was wondering if you could write a clingy, horny Jotaro begging his black girlfriend for sex like it's just been a hot day and all that he have been thinking about is her and how he wants to lick the sweat off of her back and inhale the stench in the air from their two bodies like I just wanna see a clingy, whinny Jotaro beg...
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ARSENIC - Jotaro x Black!gf fem reader
contains: NSFW, male masturbation, descriptions of sex, horny!jotaro
GOSH YOURE SO GOATED FOR THIS REQUEST HONESTLY?? like as soon as it dropped into my inbox i literally evil laughed omlll. hope i did your vision justice!! enjoy <3
Even towards the end of the year, the dry season of Japan’s summers were excruciatingly hot; The blossom petals that decorated most of the ground were starting to malt, the joyous bellows of school children still sounded in the air as they attempted to achieve their Coming of Age: 1000 Days of Summer activities and the skies still omitted every sighting of a swollen bellied cloud.
Drip, drip.
For Jotaro however, Japanese summers weren’t always the best. Coming home to a house that now seemed unfamiliar, he found it harder each time to settle well within the first week.
Ever since he’s been doing the whole ‘living in two countries’ thing — spending term times abroad but holidays at home here in Japan — Jotaro found it extremely difficult to get any proper enjoyment out of the constant moving around.
Even now that he finally chose to keep the citizenship passport of where he resided with you (much to Sadao’s dissatisfaction, but it’s not his fault that Japan doesn’t allow dual citizenships), coming home to his parent’s house always felt like a chore, like a restrictive prison.
And you never helped with that.
Drip, drip. Drip.
Swallowing a stiff gulp, Jotaro watched the ice lolly that you sported secret it’s syrup all over the garden ground as you currently hovered it in your hands over the deck chair’s arm rests.
At the lucrative sight, he couldn’t help but to turn towards you with a fresh whine already beckoning from the back of his throat.
“Nope.” You popped the ‘p’.
Lapping your tongue across your dripping rocket shaped ice lolly, the sticky juices coated your hands as you ate the melting sugary snack with juvenile spirit.
“Oh, come on.” He groaned.
Right now, the both of you were 6 days into your two weeks holiday in Japan but Jotaro was having his concupiscence’s fine edged to the max by you.
You have this thing, that when the both of you came to stay in Japan, and specifically when you stayed at Jotaro’s childhood home, you wouldn’t sleep with each other the whole time you were there.
Obviously to Jotaro, this was a ridiculous oath because ‘what do you mean we can’t fuck just because it’s my “family home”? Just shut the doors and shut up when we do it — its not that hard’. But you had been brought up within very different circumstances and applied respect in contrasting ways to how Jotaro did. One of those things was that you respected who’s roof you were under and acted accordingly to the respect you bestowed upon them.
And because you deeply respected his parents, you wouldn’t disregard their hospitality and engage in such acts with their son under their roof, despite your big ages.
Jotaro’s eyes watched in wanton with how you ate the snack before making a face of disappointment. You took one long swooping suck of the lolly, beckoning the whole lolly into your mouth and essentially soaking up all of the excess liquid with a slurp before pulling it out excruciatingly slow.
You could see your boyfriend opening his mouth within your peripheral, clearly wanting to try his luck again, but you didn’t even let him finish.
“I said no—”
“I promise I won’t ask again this whole holiday but can we please just do it this one time?!” He begged.
You shrugged as you made a single dry laugh.
“I’ve already told you my answer.”
“But no ones home and no one will be home until several hours from now. It’ll be the perfect opportunity and we won’t have to be discreet and you can be as loud as you want.” Jotaro’s voice turned into a low whisper as he tried to entice you with the dangling carrot of ‘messy, loud and robustious sex’.
Scoffing, you couldn’t help but to turn your head away from your boyfriend. It didn’t help much concerning you were semi lying down on a deck chair, but it didn’t have to help because you knew where you stood on this opinion.
“But I don’t wanna be loud or obscene or non-discreet, Jotaro. The stakes are different than they are back home. You know the oath I made and you even agreed to stick by it with me, remember?”
Jotaro ran his hand down his face. Even after all these years, Japanese summers still soaked his tanned skin in buckets full of sweat.
“Yes! Yes, of course I fucking remember! There isn’t a fucking second where you let me forget.” He stressed.
“So you know what my answers gonna be.”
A long and tedious whine left the man’s throat. He began to continuously jolt his legs, bouncing it on the tip of his toes. You noticed that as one of the stim habits he had once he was frustrated. After a few seconds of contemplating, Jotaro turned to you again as he invaded your space, leaning over onto your deck chair as he tried to look you in the face.
“Why have you got to be like this?! Why are you denying me this one thi—Baby, please!” The last part of Jotaro’s statement came out high pitched as he almost capsized your deck chair considering you had just moved out of it.
Seeing you walk inside wordlessly but still sucking on your lolly, Jotaro tried calling out to you in desperate succession for just a small piece of something.
“Baby, please, pleaaaseee.”
“Goodbye, Jotaro.” You deadpanned.
Once you had disappeared, Jotaro flopped back onto his own deckchair in a show of huffy attitude. Another elongated whine left his throat but this time he couldn’t contain the physical effect it had on him.
God, his cock was always so hard nowadays.
From the minute he woke up to the second he finally put himself to rest, he was encompassed in constant lustful peril. There was no amounts of cold showers or jerking off that could satisfy what he needed from you and it was so bleak how you had yourself under so much constraint compared to him.
Jotaro wasn’t a sex addict.
Well, he doesn’t think he is. Even though he’s currently in the back garden of his family home, rubbing his legs together like a pathetic loser (He and the crying summer crickets were two of the same) — trying to subside just the mere thought of your body under his — he had long realised that sex wasn’t the issue.
He could get sex anywhere. In his home town, that wouldn’t even be a challenge, concerning how so many of his old flames from school would drop the pride of their stale marriages at the mere opportunity to get in close contact of his low hanging fat cock. But this wasn’t about sex, this was about you.
It was about how you called his name like a saccharine prayer once he got his rhythm right and plunged passionately in and out of your warm cunt, a song so strong it’d be enough to call the sailors home. It was how palatably soft you became once taken care of, how your eyes would look up at him with that licit doeness as your lips stretched around his length.
The taste, fuck the taste of your sweet pussy as he found himself doused within your abundance of honey that just never seemed to know any end. He doubts it had a telos but if it did, he had an aim to get there himself.
Don’t even remind him of that cloy smell of sex that perfumed the room once he was done fucking that sirenlike cunt of yours — the way he could even smell it once you were done playing with yourself and he happened to have followed into the room after you — that shit was what drove him insane.
Just by the sheer memories of you, Jotaro was able to tug himself to completion right there in the garden, cock out in the wide open as he woefully spilled his seed onto the ground.
He didn’t even feel any shame at what he had done because it still wasn’t enough and didn’t help with how hot and itchy he felt or how much he yearned for the real thing of what the two of you usually shared.
In a spur of the moment decision, Jotaro haphazardly pulled his shorts over his flaccid length before scurrying into the house to try and find where you were situated. Once he found you in the living room, he called out your name and stood in front of the TV, the pleas starting all over again.
“I am begging you. You’ve literally got me at my breaking point, it isn’t fair. I just wanna fuck real quick one time and then I won’t pester you for the rest of the trip.”
With a face of annoyance, you tried to look past your boyfriend’s obstructing figure, the show on the TV just about getting good. It however seemed a lot harder to tolerate his behaviour with no benefactor of a lolly to keep you calm.
“How is it my fault you can’t control yourself for just two weeks? Sounds like a you problem…” You muttered.
Practically stamping his foot, Jotaro jolted his body in frustration.
“But this isn’t about that—I’m not—If this were anywhere else at any other time, I’d understand but… It’s a lot more than just…Shit.”
With crude intention, your eyes glanced up at the whining man. Jotaro would class the smirk that decorated your face as borderline sadistic.
“Understand what, Jotaro? That you’re in heat or something? Like, please.”
“With how bad it is I might as well be!” He exclaimed. His glassy eyes were a testament to how worked up he was getting.
With a tired sigh, you rolled your head backwards onto the sofa back, a sign of your patience for the man’s rampant libido running thin.
“Okay, Jotaro, enough playing around now. It’s getting annoying.”
“But I’m being serious.”
“Serious enough that you can’t just jerk it off until we get back home?!” You chided.
“I’ve tried that! Trust me, I’ve tried every way I can think to get off by myself but nothing works.”
The black haired man waved his hands in front of you but all it did was annoy you even more than he originally was. Pushing yourself off of the sofa you waved your hand in Jotaro’s direction in a dismissive gesture.
“Oh, this is just getting stupid.”
But before you could get anywhere far, the large figure of a man scurried in front of you before getting down onto both of his knees, his hands resting on top of his thighs whilst his head dipped in shame.
Jotaro’s words came out in a jumbled off-the-dome mess of impulsive thought.
“Okay, okay. Look, look, look look. I’m on my knees. You’ve got me on my knees and I’m begging and I never ever beg but I am because I just really need to have you one time, like I’m so horny it hurts. It fucking hurts and I just…I really need to be inside you just once this whole trip. It’s all I ask.”
Astonished at his act of shameless pleads, you’d be lying if you said that it didn’t move you to some extent.
“J-jotaro, get up. You don’t need to be doing all of that.” You said as you raised your hand out to pull him up but the man stayed put, determined in his stature.
“But I do. I do need to do all of this because I need you to see how serious I am and how much I need this from you. I am begging and I am desperate.”
In all retrospect, you were speechless.
Even speechless was an understatement because the sheer lengths Jotaro seemed to be going for this couldn’t simply be brushed off as horny and it quite genuinely rendered you with no words else to say.
What was currently happening in front of you was the complete humbling of a man, who would never do else wise, under any other circumstance, but had to do so under the pure submission to one’s carnal desires.
With how many stripes he was pulling off of his pride right now, who were you to deny him off his simple ask?
Mentally you had to apologise to Holly and Sadao. Maybe the respect you had for them could be found in another way.
At the sound of your soft curse, Jotaro looked up at you in expectation. However he didn’t utter a single word. One, because he didn’t want to try digging up anymore dirt than he already had done, but also because there was nothing more that he could say.
Looking down at your boyfriend, you could only sigh in deep anguish, albeit you couldn’t deny that it was also dressed with the petticoats of adoration.
“You’re so lucky.” You mumbled.
Perplexity softly worked it’s way onto Jotaro’s face, his position on the floor making him look all the more pathetic.
With a lick of your lips, you could only dryly let out an answer of true defeat.
“Coz’ it seems like I’ve given into you.”
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Welcome to the pit Pietro (24 votes), Beardo (22 votes) and Raymond (9 votes). Beardo was eliminated from least popular in round 2, Raymond was eliminated from most popular in round 2, and Pietro is still in the running for most popular, meaning he's the only villager who can potentially win both.
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For Sue E's almost tie, only 22.6% of you voted to bring her back, so now she has officially escaped least popular for good.
We're now down to a small enough number of villagers that we can get the graphic going. Pietro, Beardo and Raymond are marked with a star to indicate that they were brought back in the comeback round. Round 4 most popular starts tomorrow, and round 4 least popular starts April 22nd.
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It seems you guys have a lot more love in your hearts than hate, since this only got about half as many submissions as most popular, and way more people left options blank rather than put more votes into someone they hated
Runners up:
Klaus 8
Nate 8
Bangle 7
Sylvia 7
Chadder 6
Lionel 6
Marshal 6
The rest of the pack:
5 votes:
Sue E
4 votes:
Agent S
3 votes:
2 votes:
1 votes:
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ky1ie123 · 19 days
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Day 7
Salad ~ 193
Rocket ice lolly ~ 38
Green tea, 1 sugar ~ 19
Diet coke ~ 4
Gum ~ 2
Walking ~ 70
Total ~ 186
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i love rocket lollies
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yourfavedrinkspilk · 2 months
Pilk friday again.
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Rocket Ice Lollilk
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Looks just like milk does.
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Can't recognisibly smell anything. At first, it kinda tastes like nothing, but the trick to getting the full taste is in the way you drink it. If you drink it in small mouthfuls at a time, instead of a steady stream, it actually tastes like a rocket lolly.
9/10, only deducting a point for the effort you need to put in to get the best experience.
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mushroom-for-art · 6 months
Finally back on my bullshit using the base I made XD Goodie has been claimed but weird drippy ice cream baby Icey Cream is still up for grabs, their main body patterns are likely ever changing shifting like how ice lollies like that are always different with the tail always being a striped rocket lolly theme
Update Icey Cream has been adopted
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ehlnofay · 2 months
6, 14 and 15 for Efri and 12 and 25 for Arabella? c':
6: If you could give them one modern amenity, what would you give them and why? there are so many things in the modern world that would be functionally useless but give her a great deal of joy... I think I would give her an instant camera. or a skateboard. she would use the camera to photograph her friends, nice views, and cool plants; she would use the skateboard to rocket around the college halls at high speeds and scare as many professors as possible
14: Do they keep a regular bedtime? NO. SHUT UP. SHE'S NOT A BABY SHE GOES TO BED WHENEVER SHE WANTS (if she isn't in bed by nine she's very grumpy the next day)
15: Can they handle sour tasting foods? Or do they hate them? efri in the modern world would eat warhead lollies until her tongue started blistering. efri of skyrim fame doesn't know this, tragically, because she hasn't had access to anything much sourer than an apple, but while travelling with the khajiiti caravan she is given a slice of sugared orange and she thinks it is The Shit
12: What is the strangest non-magical item they own? arabella wears a widely varied rotation of jewellery, but there is one piece that she almost never takes out: a small bone ring that she wears in the tip of her right ear, which isn't particularly strange at a glance unless you know what kind of bone it is. (it's the distal phalanx of the first person she killed. she carved it herself.) there's some superstition surrounding mage bones in valenwood, but any magical properties it might have are dubious, not augmented by her preparation methods, and very far from the point - people cope with trauma differently, okay, and some people cope by taking trophies
25: If they were an NPC, what kind of quest would they give? Or would they be the type to simply repeat basic dialogue? hmm... arabella would not stay in the thieves guild if she wasn't the protagonist so it would be nothing to do with that. I think it would be funny if she popped up in inns at random times and gave very basic fetch quests - "my Precious Item has been stolen! surely such a competent adventurer as yourself can go to Dangerous Location and retrieve my Precious Item" - but when you went to do the quests there would be heavy-handed environmental storytelling heavily implying that she has never owned the Precious Item and she's basically just using you to acquire them in exchange for a fraction of what they're worth. in my head she would also have almost a manic pixie dream girl vibe about it all. not because she's like that as a person just because she would think it's funny
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ComicList: DC Comics New Releases for Wednesday, July 26, 2023, by Charles LePage.
#NCBD #NewComicBookDay
Batman Beyond Neo-Gothic #1 (Cover A Max Dunbar), $4.99
Batman Beyond Neo-Gothic #1 (Cover B Christian Ward Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Batman Beyond Neo-Gothic #1 (Cover C Ejikure Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Batman Beyond Neo-Gothic #1 (Cover D Belen Ortega Card Stock Variant), AR
Batman Beyond Neo-Gothic #1 (Cover E Dike Ruan Card Stock Variant), AR
Batman Gotham Knights Gilded City HC, $24.99
Batman The Audio Adventures #7 (Of 7)(Cover A Dave Johnson), $3.99
Batman The Audio Adventures #7 (Of 7)(Cover B Michael Allred Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Batman The Brave And The Bold #3 (Cover A Simone Di Meo), $7.99
Batman The Brave And The Bold #3 (Cover B Mitch Gerads), $7.99
Batman The Brave And The Bold #3 (Cover C Otto Schmidt), $7.99
Batman The Brave And The Bold #3 (Cover D Jorge Molina), AR
Batman The Knight HC, $39.99
DC Connect #39, AR
DC RWBY #6 (Of 7)(Cover A Meghan Hetrick), $3.99
DC RWBY #6 (Of 7)(Cover B Mirka Andolfo Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Icon And Rocket Season One TP, $19.99
Knight Terrors #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Ivan Reis & Danny Miki), $3.99
Knight Terrors #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Francesco Mattina Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Knight Terrors #2 (Of 4)(Cover C Mahmud Asrar Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Knight Terrors #2 (Of 4)(Cover D Ivan Reis Darkest Hour Neon Ink Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Knight Terrors #2 (Of 4)(Cover E Jeff Spokes Card Stock Variant), AR
Knight Terrors #2 (Of 4)(Cover F Ivan Reis Black & White Card Stock Variant), AR
Knight Terrors #2 (Of 4)(Cover G Mahmud Asrar Black & White Card Stock Variant), AR
Knight Terrors Action Comics #1 (Of 2)(Cover A Rafa Sandoval), $4.99
Knight Terrors Action Comics #1 (Of 2)(Cover B Mico Suayan Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Knight Terrors Action Comics #1 (Of 2)(Cover C Gerald Parel Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Knight Terrors Action Comics #1 (Of 2)(Cover D Dustin Nguyen Midnight Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Knight Terrors Action Comics #1 (Of 2)(Cover E Otto Schmidt Card Stock Variant), AR
Knight Terrors Action Comics #1 (Of 2)(Cover F Meghan Hetrick Card Stock Variant), AR
Knight Terrors Angel Breaker #1 (Of 2)(Cover A Matteo Lolli), $3.99
Knight Terrors Angel Breaker #1 (Of 2)(Cover B Ivan Tao Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Knight Terrors Angel Breaker #1 (Of 2)(Cover C Lesley Leirix Li Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Knight Terrors Angel Breaker #1 (Of 2)(Cover D Dustin Nguyen Midnight Card Stock Variant), $4.99
Knight Terrors Angel Breaker #1 (Of 2)(Cover E Chuma Hill Card Stock Variant), AR
Knight Terrors Angel Breaker #1 (Of 2)(Cover F Matteo Lolli Black & White Card Stock Variant), AR
Knight Terrors Detective Comics #1 (Of 2)(Cover A Riccardo Federici), $4.99
Knight Terrors Detective Comics #1 (Of 2)(Cover B Bernard Chang Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Knight Terrors Detective Comics #1 (Of 2)(Cover C Kyle Hotz Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Knight Terrors Detective Comics #1 (Of 2)(Cover D Dustin Nguyen Midnight Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Knight Terrors Detective Comics #1 (Of 2)(Cover E Cully Hamner Card Stock Variant), AR
Knight Terrors Detective Comics #1 (Of 2)(Cover F Bernard Chang Black & White Card Stock Variant), AR
Knight Terrors Harley Quinn #1 (Of 2)(Cover A Hayden Sherman), $4.99
Knight Terrors Harley Quinn #1 (Of 2)(Cover B Jenny Frison Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Knight Terrors Harley Quinn #1 (Of 2)(Cover C Tula Lotay Card Stock Variant, $5.99
Knight Terrors Harley Quinn #1 (Of 2)(Cover D Dustin Nguyen Midnight Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Knight Terrors Harley Quinn #1 (Of 2)(Cover E Caspar Wijngaard Card Stock Variant), AR
Knight Terrors Harley Quinn #1 (Of 2)(Cover F Sweeney Boo Card Stock Variant), AR
Knight Terrors Titans #1 (Of 2)(Cover A Yanick Paquette), $4.99
Knight Terrors Titans #1 (Of 2)(Cover B Alvaro Martinez Bueno Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Knight Terrors Titans #1 (Of 2)(Cover C Christian Ward Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Knight Terrors Titans #1 (Of 2)(Cover D Dustin Nguyen Midnight Card Stock Variant), $5.99
Knight Terrors Titans #1 (Of 2)(Cover E Tony Harris Card Stock Variant), AR
Knight Terrors Titans #1 (Of 2)(Cover F Jorge Corona Card Stock Variant), AR
Poison Ivy Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Guillem March), $5.99
Poison Ivy Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Christian Ward), $5.99
Poison Ivy Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Dan Mora), $5.99
Poison Ivy Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover D Lesley Leirix Li Foil Variant), $7.99
Poison Ivy Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover E Ejikure), AR
Poison Ivy Uncovered #1 (One Shot)(Cover F Dan Mora), AR
Superman The Last Days Of Lex Luthor #1 (Of 3)(Cover A Bryan Hitch), $6.99
Superman The Last Days Of Lex Luthor #1 (Of 3)(Cover B Kevin Nowlan), $6.99
Superman The Last Days Of Lex Luthor #1 (Of 3)(Cover C Chris Samnee), $6.99
Superman The Last Days Of Lex Luthor #1 (Of 3)(Cover D Yanick Paquette), AR
Superman The Last Days Of Lex Luthor #1 (Of 3)(Cover E Evan Doc Shaner), AR
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This is gonna be the pinned post where I list all the polls as they go up! So it's gonna change! Give me a minute if im slow to update this post because I'm BUSY. I have THINGS TO DO.
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Shitty tournament diagram pls enjoy my terrible handwriting.
Active polls:
Round 2:
Shino v Bruce
Chief v Audie
Amelia v Sunny
Meow v Apollo
Pierre v Walt
Vesta v Bob
Butch v Coco
Bam v Beau
Kabuki v Lolly
Kitty v Ankha
Tangy v Purrl
Willow v Bow
Petri v Molly
Sasha v Shep
Fauna v Lopez
Sherb v Chevre
Skye v Kyle
Marshal v Cheri
Etoile v Pietro
Olivia v Marina
Agnus v Pekoe
Gayle v Roald
Goldie v Whitney
Merengue v Margie
Dotty v Judy
Muffy v Cherry
Sprinkle v Chai
Stitches v Rosie
Punchy v Diana
Cephalobot v Lily
Ketchup v Lucky
Gladys v Maple
Completed polls:
Round 1:
Nindori, Wolfgang, Marshal, Hans, Epona, Frita, Ed, Eugene, Ace
Croque, Drift, Bertha, Ankha, Eunice, Bonbon, Hopkins, Diva, Leopold
Ozzie, Analog, Anicotti, Roscoe, Stitches, Cranston, Kiki, Megan, Boris
Megumi, Pancetti, Drake, Zucker, Etoile, Ione, Gen, W. Link, Deena
Rizzo, Pecan, Leonardo, Hugh, Alice, Henry, Chai, Cyrano, Curlos
Flurry, Vivian, Genji, Fang, Kit, Wendy, Azalea, Tammy, Beau
Tasha, Pango, Sprinkle, Kidd, Egbert, Barold, Lobo, Del, Pate
Mott, Peck, Robin, Margie, Chops, Hippeux, Big Top, Flip, Annalisa
Woolio, Rodeo, Rodney, Lulu, Nate, Eloise, Bam, Beardo, Cleo
Inkwell, Paula, Sheldon, Shep, Lucha, Sandy, Jeremiah, Bill, Benedict
Mint, Elmer, Tia, Dobie, Lucy, Betty, Goose, Sasha, Muffy
Sue E, Stu, Petunia, Lyman, Bella, Gloria, Doc, Bruce, Jane
Rolf, Sylvana, Melba, Tammi, Lionel, Murphy, Frett, Samson, Coco
Cupcake, Limberg, Fruity, Dotty, Iggly, Bluebear, Louie, Annalise, Olivia
Vladimir, Rudy, Sven, Shoukichi, Liz, Purrl, Holden, Moe, Dozer
Angus, Broccolo, Blaire, Dizzy, Jay, Frobert, Norma, Lucky, Renee
Tex, Violet, Skye, Sly, Medli, Otis, Kody, Reneigh, Graham
Nosegay, Maddie, Quillson, Shari, Teddy, Sunny, Sally/Hazel, Walker, Snake
Nan, Peaches, Madam Rosa, Lily, Dora, Freya, Cole, Iggy, Bettina
Shino, Spork/Crackle, Scoot, Pompom, Flossie, Knox, Dom, Frank, Anabelle
Pashmina, Piper, Octavian, Lolly, Drago, Bree, Bessie, Alli, Benjamin
Sherb, Tutu, Rooney, Rocket, Diana, Pinky, Curly, Mitzi, Admiral
Tucker, Velma, Sterling, Nibbles, Baabara, Flash, Champ, Joey, Chief
Stella, Wade, Punchy, Poko, Ike, Pierce, Aurora, Boyd, Canberra
Puck, T-bone, Opal, Mallary, Bob, Hank, Blanche, Cyd, Axel
Ketchup, Kevin, Monique, Francine, Astrid, Bitty, Antonio, Hamphrey, Becky
Klaus, Meow, Hector, Hamlet, Belle, Filly, Clay, Emerald, Cobb
Plucky, Valise, Mathilda, Mac, Cephalobot, Ken, Carrot, Filbert, Claude
Victoria, Willow, Zoe, Ursala, Moose, Olaf, Grizzly, Gwen, Chico
Marty, Phoebe, Maelle, Keaton, Freckles, Katt, Carmen, Judy, Cece
Savannah, Poncho, Stinky, Gayle, Billy, Elise, Bangle, Bud, Avery
Truffles, Zell, Tabby, Shinabiru, Petri, Ricky, Maggie, Raddle, Flora
Prince, Tybalt, Vesta, Patricia, Chow, Nana, Chevre, Gonzo, Chadder
Oxford, Jitters, Peanut, Jacques, Felyne, Aziz, Claudia, Apple, Apollo
Miranda, Molly, Tom, Marcel, Clara, Harry, Bones, Maple, Cesar
Quetzal, Whitney, Winnie, Joe, Ganon, Patty, Bea, Mira, Groucho
Ribbot, Sparro, Ruby, Midge, Biff, Marina, Anchovy, Papi, Camofrog
Quinn, Pierre, Spike, Merry, Gladys, June, Gruff, Olive, Carmen
Paolo, Lulu, Vic, Juubei, Lopez, Gala, Deidre, Elvis, Gabi
Sprocket, Static, Marcie, Marlo, Goldie, Julian, Felicity, Huggy, Ellie
Rowan, Viche, Twiggy, Greta, Puddles, Penny, Cally/Sally, Bow, Chuck
Penelope, Slyvia, Pekoe, Peewee, Fuschia, Leigh, Jambette, Masa, Boots
Simon, Weldon, Queenie, Kitty, Curt, Amelia, Agent S, Pigleg, Alfonso
Rocco, Toby, Tiansheng, Rhoda, Hambo, Naomi, Bunnie, Hazel, Audie
Rollo, Yodel, Kyle, Tipper, Flo, Kabuki, Candi, Colton, Broffina
Tiffany, Weber, Gaston, Chelsea, Elina, Bubbles, Boone, Buzz, Agnes
Peggy, O'Hare, Yuka, Monty, Chester, Cookie, Celia, Koharu, Butch
Sydney, Rory, Wart Jr., Pudge, Kid Cat, Merengue, Fauna, Pippy, Cube
Rex, Timbra, Tank, Rasher, Cheri, Faith, Ava, Huck, Chabwick
Poppy, Roswell, Pietro, Phil, Hopper, Kitt, Clyde, Erik, Boomer
Twirp, Rod, Rosie, Rhonda, Rio, Portia, Julia, Coach, Cousteau
Tangy, Tarou, Tad, Hornsby, Daisy, Deli, Buck, Chrissy, Al
Rilla, Snooty, Marcy, Cherry, Biskit, Carrie, Bianca, Caroline/Bliss, Aisle
Soleil, Tiara, Roald, Jakey/Jacob, Friga, Gigi, Charlise, Derwin, Cashmere
Raymond, Walt
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sunstar-13 · 1 month
rocket lollies👀
James: reg likes those rocket lollies right!?
Sirius: yup, those would be the ones
James: good cause i bought some for him when he pops in later, especially with that tongue piercing he’s been struggling with
Sirius: good thinking prongs!
*doorbell rings*
Sirius: that’d be him
Regulus : are you gonna let me in or what!?
Sirius: yes, sorry, come in, it’s just i haven’t seen you in ages reg!
Regulus : *scoffs* firstly don’t call me reg secondly we got coffee together at that place you like yesterday…
Sirius: ah yes, the one with the hot barista
Rolling his eyes, regulus starts to make his way into the kitchen like he owns the place, only to be greeted with james throwing rocket lollies at his head…
James: i got them just for you reg *sarcastic smile spreading across his face*
Regulus: thanks jamie *eyeing him knowingly*
Sirius: hold up, that’s not fair! how come he can call you reg and i can’t, and what’s with the ‘jamie’?
Regulus : he bought me rocket lollies!? *shrugging him off before unwrapping the lolly* jealous are we?
Sirius: pfft, why would i be jealous of you!?
Regulus : no reason, maybe because i’m fu-
James: FUNNY, yeah funny *panic written across his face* sit, sofa, please?
eyeing james again regulus starts deep throating the rocket…
Regulus : what do you mean? *smug smile tugging at the corner of his lips, before continuing*
Regulus: come on, it’s not that big?…
Regulus: jamie? now is not the time
James: pads, that’s not-
Regulus: once again james, now is not the time? and yes sirius that’s what this is about, happy now?
Sirius: hmm okay, i’m watching you…
inspired by a fic i read about reg having piercing pain and james having a solution, but i added a little something because i have free will😌
anyways, hope you enjoyed see you next week :)))
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kittenwivfangs · 3 months
First meal in over 24 hours bc I wasn't feeling the hunger but I've got a cold and need sustenance. 7 chicken nuggets, whole green apple sliced, rocket lolly, jam dougnut. Yesterday I ate half a noodle pot.
Sorry 4 talking about food I was proud of how much I ate because when I'm not hungry I don't eat ever :)
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