#rockfall protection
gabion-manufacturers · 8 months
Rockfall Protection Techniques in India
The majestic mountains and rugged terrains of India add to its natural beauty, but they also present a unique challenge: rockfalls. These sudden and often unpredictable occurrences pose a significant threat to life, property, and infrastructure. Thankfully, various rockfall protection techniques exist to mitigate these risks and ensure the safety of individuals, communities, and critical assets.
Understanding the Threat:
Rockfalls can be triggered by various factors, including:
● Natural causes: Heavy rainfall, earthquakes, and erosion can loosen rocks and trigger falls.
● Human activities: Construction, mining, and blasting can destabilize slopes and increase the risk of rockfalls.
The consequences of rockfalls can be severe, causing:
● Loss of life and injuries: Falling rocks can directly harm people or damage structures, leading to casualties.
● Infrastructure damage: Roads, bridges, buildings, and other infrastructure can be damaged or destroyed by rockfalls, disrupting essential services and causing economic losses.
● Environmental damage: Rockfalls can destabilize slopes, trigger landslides, and damage vegetation, impacting the environment.
Rockfall Protection Techniques:
Fortunately, various rockfall protection and mitigation techniques exist to address these concerns. Some common methods include:
● Passive barriers: These are fixed structures like rockfall barriers, mesh nets, and draped nets that intercept and absorb the impact of falling rocks.
● Active barriers: These are dynamic systems like rockfall fences and rockfall catchers that deflect or capture falling rocks using kinetic energy.
● Rockfall stabilization: This involves techniques like anchoring, bolting, and shotcreting to stabilize loose rocks and slopes.
● Monitoring and early warning systems: These systems use sensors and cameras to detect potential rockfalls and provide advance warnings for evacuation or mitigation measures.
Choosing the Right Technique:
The ideal rockfall protection technique depends on several factors, including:
● The size and type of rocks: Different techniques are suitable for different sizes and types of rocks.
● Slope characteristics: The steepness, stability, and geology of the slope influence the choice of technique.
● Budget and resources: Different techniques have varying costs and require specialized expertise.
Shri Sai Eco Solutions: Your Partner in Rockfall Protection:
Shri Sai Eco Solutions is a leading provider of rockfall protection and mitigation solutions in India. With years of experience and expertise, we offer a comprehensive range of services, including:
● Site assessment and risk evaluation: We assess the specific rockfall risks at your site and recommend the most suitable protection techniques.
● Design and engineering: Our team of experienced engineers designs and plans effective rockfall protection systems tailored to your specific needs.
● Installation and maintenance: We provide skilled personnel and equipment for the installation and maintenance of your rockfall protection system.
● Regulatory compliance: We ensure all our solutions comply with relevant regulations and safety standards.
Investing in rockfall protection is an investment in safety and security. By partnering with experienced professionals like Shri Sai India, you can safeguard your communities, infrastructure, and assets from the dangers of rockfalls.
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thedailymobile · 2 years
“Quantum of Solace”
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gumnut-logic · 10 months
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Whump!Virgil alert.
“Hold still!”
“I’m trying!”
“You’re holding it wrong.”
Scott sighed. His heart was still beating in his ears. After watching Virgil slip over the edge, caught in a rockfall, his circulation system hadn’t yet recovered.
Or the rest of him, really.
So close.
Don’t think about it. Focus.
“Virgil! I’ve got it. You’re going to be okay.”
“Not if you don’t hold it correctly.”
This could easily have been an argument over fixing Two down in the hangars if it wasn’t for the gasp in his brother’s voice.
And the several thousand foot drop off to their left that could have brought so much to an end.
“Virgil, do you trust me?”
Even in the frostbitten air between them and the reflection off his helmet, Scott could see the honesty in his little brother’s eyes as he drew in an unsteady breath. “Of course.”
“Then trust me.”
And without further warning, he lifted his brother’s leg and set it.
The scream that came with it cut his heart to pieces. “It’s-it’s done.” He focussed on scanning and then further immobilizing the broken limb. At least now it was less fodder for a horror film.
His thoughts were interrupted by a roar as suddenly, on the far side of the valley, half a mountain of snow slid down onto the glacier below.
He found himself bodily covering his brother, hovering over him as if to protect him from the world collapsing.
Virgil hadn’t noticed. His eyes were screwed shut and he was panting, sweat beading on his brow.
God, he wished the man would take the pain medication when he was told to.
Scott hovered there a moment longer, as the valley below filled with an avalanche that could never reach them. For some reason he did not want to move back. Pushing all his weight onto one arm, he reached out and clasped Virgil’s shoulder. “You with me?”
Dark eyes opened, filled with pain. More an exhale than anything else, “Always.”
And with that, Scott shut down his emotions and got on with getting his brother off this damned mountain.
To think that Virgil had dragged him out on this ‘simple’ rescue to get him away from Dad’s desk.
Scott was ever so grateful he had come.
Firstly, rich and privileged idiots should not be allowed to climb a mountain like K2, or any mountain bigger than an anthill for that matter, without sufficient training and experience. The idiots who had them out today were poorly equipped and would have died come nightfall after having an argument with their guide and wandering off.
It was the guide who had called IR. His apologies were extensive and frustrated.
But he was right. Scott and Virgil had found them mired in deep snow and, despite their protests, completely lost.
They were damned lucky Virgil was there. Scott wanted to give them a piece of his mind, particularly when they initially refused to leave the mountain. It was only due to Virgil’s patience – that would likely at some point result in a violent painting or mess of a composition on the piano – and using the ‘fame’ element of flying a Thunderbird and coercing them into coming for a ride that got them moving.
Yet it was also Virgil’s kindness that had him fetching the woman’s pack. Or more likely, she put up so much of ruckus, Virgil preferred to shut her up rather than kill her on the way to New Delhi, no matter how short the journey.
That return to the snow led to Scott spinning just in time to see Virgil slide over the edge as the rockface gave way.
A call to John that had so little words but cried out for so much.
The rest was a blur of terror and fear as Scott scrambled down the mountain after his brother. He didn’t have his jetpack. They’d left One at home. It was supposed to be a quick rescue. A bit of brotherly time together.
But Scott was ever so grateful for the time they were given due to a snow-covered ledge that had caught his brother.
The alternative…
He was willing to thank any deity that watched over them.
A broken leg, bent in blatantly the wrong direction, halfway up K2.
“You held it wrong.” The words were little more than a gasp.
“It’s done.” Scott drew in a breath and fastened the last of the splint velcro. “Alan and Gordon will be here any moment and we’re getting you off this rock.”
Shifting the remains of Virgil’s right boot aside, he sat down next to Virgil and let out a breath. “You’re safe.”
A sigh and Virgil’s helmeted head dropped gently onto Scott’s shoulder.
As a familiar and beloved roar swelled at the other end of the valley, he draped his arm around his little brother’s shoulders.
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whump-about-it · 8 months
It Will Hurt Like Hell
@febuwhump Day 3: “Bite down on this.”
CW: cave in, begging, description of injuries, field surgery, implied amputation
Medic ran their hand through their hair as they took in the nightmare in front of them. The whole team had known there was a risk of cave ins in these old mines, but none of them ever expected it to actually happen. That sort of never actually happened. Right?
Medic let out a groan at their collective stupidity. The injuries were numerous. Even Medic was sporting a gash on their head that was leaving their ears fuzzy. But they didn’t have time for that now. Not to be injured. Not to be angry. Right now they had work to do.
Most of the injuries didn't seem life threatening. Lots of nasty cuts and bruises. One or two broken bones. Team Leader had also been hit on the head and it was already clear they were nursing a bad concussion. For the most part, all of the injuries were things the rest of the team could help each other muddle through. All except Whumpee that is.
Whumpee had been standing right under the support when it had given out. By some miracle, the broken beam had protected their head from any of the proceeding rockfall. Unfortunately however, most of the larger boulders had instead landed on their arm, leaving them pinned to the ground and screaming in pain.
"Doc! Help me! Please Doc. Oh my God, it hurts! It hurts so much!"
Medic knelt down next to Whumpee and shoo'd a team member away who was trying to move some of the rocks off. It only took a cursory glance to know Whumpee's arm couldn't be saved. It was completely crushed under massive rock debris all the way up passed the elbow. The bones would be pulp underneath it, and Whumpee was bleeding profusely.
Medic continued to tune out Whumpee's cries and began to pull off their backpack. They took out their medical kit and proceeded to tie a tourniquet around their arm.
"Okay Whumpee, I know it hurts. We're going to get it taken care of in a moment. I need you to take some deep breathes for me and drink this, as much as you can swallow."
Whumpee nodded and swallowed the last of their screams before taking some deep breathes and letting Medic tip the contents of their flask into their mouth. A few seconds later Whumpee was coughing, the agonizing pain of their arm seemingly forgotten for the moment.
"God Doc! Tequila?"
"Gin. And it's all I've got for painkillers right now. Do you want more?"
After a pause Whumpee nodded and Medic gave them another large swallow. While Whumpee was coughing again Medic sat up and and removed their belt.
"At least buy me dinner first."
"Glad to know the gin is working. Now, bite down on this."
Medic folded their belt in half twice and held it in front of Whumpee, who's eyes grew wide.
"Whumpee I need you to do it quickly. You're loosing blood fast and I'd rather not wait until you go into shock."
Whumpee's face drained of what was left of it's color as they realized what was about to happen.
"Doc... Medic, please. Please don't do this. Please don't cut off my arm. You can save it. I know you can. You're a good doctor. Please don't take my arm."
Medic sighed and leaned close to Whumpee.
“Whumpee. I understand this is hard for you, and I won’t expect you to take this well. But you are loosing a lot of blood, and you��re going into shock. I’m a good doctor, but not a miracle worker. I can’t save your arm. We’re going to have to take it off eventually. And I’d rather it be when you’re properly sedated too, but there is no way we are going to be do that. Some of these boulders are too big to move even with all of us trying. Now, I'm about to do surgery on you with only alcohol as an anesthetic. It's going to hurt like hell, and you're going to bite something, unless you want it to be your tongue, bite down on this."
Whumpee looked at Medic with large eyes that were slowly glazing over. They appeared to falter a bit as though their conscious was wavering, but after a few seconds they leaned their head forward and bit down on the belt.
"Thank you." Medic whispered. "I promise I'll make this as quick as possible."
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swellsha · 29 days
I saw ur Prime Defenders villain au and I’m so curious about it, it seems so interesting and fun and I wanna know everything!!! Where is it different from the what if? How did the ghostkicks & polypd happen? Tell me everything :)! Also love ur design for Kota I love his long hair 👀!
ahh tysm for asking!! SO theres a lot different, i suppose i should go character by character
(tw for some pretty dark themes)
to start with will. (in this au uses they/them) they are pretty similar to the oneshot except i made up backstory stuff because i can!! part of it is that they cant feel any pain and never have been able to, so theyve always been fascinated by the power pain has over people and what it can make them do, especially given they dont really know what it feels like. their backstory is similar to normal william wisp except theyre more power hungry and start to use their abilities to take the power from the creatures they and the unwitness protection program find. theyre ... not exactly chill w that and the group breaks up. will starts to withdraw themself more and more and listen to the voices in their head telling them they should totally just kill everyone and eventually theyre like "wow yeah i should kill everyone!!" so one day during church they use their powers we saw in the one shot which lets them make everyone have an insatiatble bloodlust and basically cause a slaughter and they run off. given they didnt exactly hide it very well theyre arrested when they arrive at rockfall and taken to the supermax
tldr: wills obsession with pain and power goes A Tad Bit Too Far and they end up in jail.
as for kota (she/her in this au) she has always been a bit feral. ill try and make this explanation shorter but basically every adult that shouldve taken care of her died and she took that as a sign that she just wasnt good enough for them, that they didnt want her. she went into the care system and saw kids who had powers always being chosen over her. she even begged ms g (who she later came to sort of blame for her parents death) to take her in and train her but ms g didnt take her seriously becuase she was only a kid with no powers and rejected her. in a kind way, but it still stung. due to this kota began to grow to hate superheroes and just the world in general, viewing herself as an outcast to the world. being about 8 years old she decided the logical thing to do is run away to the woods to be raised by wolves. however instead of wolves shes found by grandma cole (who is more evil in this au) and trains under her and master cole. being an edgy kid she calls him master kill which is where her name comes from. they treat her terribly but tell her that she needs them and they love her and noone will treat her better. when shes 18 grandma cole falls seriously ill and while kota is out getting firewood she dies. except not from the illness...(oo mystery mystery intrigue intrigue) kota runs to the nearby rockfall city and totally pushes that girl off that building on purpose. however when theyre found ppl still assume kota was trying to save her and she undergoes the same surgery. however the surgeon is also evil because everyone must be and also puts a whole demon in her as well as the heart. anyway she wakes up kills everyone leaves gets arrested and taken to Rockfall supermax.
(i said id make this one shorter but wow it really wasnt huh)
as for virion, (any prns in this au) hes the closest to canon. he alsp falls thru the portal and gets ppl in her head exvept this time doesn't just kill a theif but also a bunch of cops too and is taken to the supermax! wow that one was short and sweet
ashe (she/her) hates how powerless her upbringing has made her. she resents the world from afar and the only time shes entertained is when awful shit happens. the only time she has ever felt in control of her own life is when the trickster took her over and totally killed her mum! ironic because she wasnt even the 1 in control there lol. she loves the power the trickster gives her and begins to study it more and more. im sure that wont go badly.
when theyre in the supermax (ashe is the only one not there) they all become a sort of gang and meet tide, and they work together to escape. this is where ghostkicks starts except kota is too thick to realize she has some sort of feelings for them and william is scared of the potential feelings and pushes them down. kota basically becomes williams guard dog lol. kota doesnt like virion cuz she feels hes taking will away from her. after they escape they start to work under the lambert brothers (who are also all evil here) and also with ashe. they call themselves the "prime offenders" lol. they burn down the base of the prime defenders (who in this au is doug, cantrip and le frog) to try and capture wavelength
as for ghostknife, their dynamic is similar to in canon except william is somehow more weird about it. idk how better to explain it
pizzarat (virion and kota) is one sided (at first, anyway) because virions falls for kota after she beats him in physical combat which i feel is a very virion thing to do. kota continues to dislike them but xey keep trying to show how devoted they are to her and eventually kota starts to trust her more
WOW thats a lot huh!! i apologize for how damn much that was and i haveny even talked about the prime defenders or their siblings, xavier and alan, the lambert brothers or what wavelengths and tides whole deal is here
thanks so much for asking!!
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bizlybebo · 29 days
hey so i am also batshit insane and not at all normal about Doug Bizlychannel Jerwee and his relationship with summer and i also have a non jrwi friend who is obsessed with Doug and deeply upset at the lack of doug content in the fandom so i am humbly requesting any and all doug ramblings u have in ur brain
HEEELLLLOOOOOOOO HIIHHIIHJ oh i hate that guy soooo muchh<33333
doug is absolutely bisexual and likely Some Form of non-cis but in s1 he had an evil villain job so he didn’t really care. he still doesn’t know .but like. summer is a pride flag sticker sapphic n she has the trans pin on her backpack n everything and so she kind of caught the Vibes on doug and Knows but hasn’t said anything.
hold on the rest of these got kinda Long let me make a cut
doug has a little brother right. he absolutelyyyy used to be one of those older brothers who was soo protective of his sibling and attached at the hip to him until a certain point where he started working for overlord n pushed his brother faaar away to keep his secret, being inferno, under wraps. so his little brother became kind of willing to let Anything slide as long as he could stick to his side like little brothers do,, and he probably Knew something was off and never mentioned it. it was definitely one of those situations hwere he probably thought doug was a hero/vigilante and not a villain.
ALSO i think this is actually said/kinda implied in canon but that summer probably kicked his ass to bring him down during the timeskip (or whenever they started working together). he was probably getting into shit he shouldn’t have and despite her not having powers at the time she still managed to absolutely cook him (cause like. there’s a different between who is technically physically stronger and who would Win A Fight. yknow). liiike i think it happened to be that kind of thing where they were in the middle of an absolute brawl n summer was just refusing to give up and they were exchanging banter/jabs due to already knowing each other somewhat from rockfall high. and right before they went back to exchanging deadly blows the prime rifters just fucking Showed Up. and summer was immediately curious and decided not to let doug get away on the grounds that “they’d finish the fight later” but then everything happened. yk.
ALSO i don’t think bizly actually said it but doug absolutely sacrificed himself for summer against that crazy scientist dude right. like we all saw it that way right. she was dying and he was in agony and likely thought he was dying to and so he decided that for once he was gonna be a good person even if it killed him and let summer take the fuckjn. synthetic skin and superpowers. but he survived anyways and it’s kind of like. that whole thing about “i expected to sacrifice myself for you, for it to all blow up in my face and for me to go with it, for me to be gone. but i survived and now you have to watch me pick up the shards of my life”. but summer “just because it’s rotten work doesn’t mean you don’t deserve it” dileo is like No Actually we are picking these fragments up Together but i am going to Kick Your Ass into being a good person All The Time. goddd does this make any sense i miss tjem so bad…..
also just how summer thinks she’s the only one who Knows about doug being Probably Bisexual But He Has A Job,, i think summer thinks she’s subtle abt her body dysmorphia from the whole superpowers thing. and i think doug realizes what’s going on so he makes fun of her for like. everything else But her appearance (other than joking about her always dying her hair). and he does the subtle things you always do when you’re trying to get it through somebody’s head that they’re beautiful and shouldnt be insecure (in a /p way).
also summer absolutely has dyed doug’s hair a couple times. he’s probably currently rocking w a few red streaks, but sometimes he’ll let summer do blue ones if he’s feeling quirky.
ALSO i’m on my suntrip bullshit i think summer was also trying to fucking track cantrip down during s2 and get her to Stop being a villain (enemies to lovers toxic yuri) but cantrip was wayyyyy more slippery than doug was. however after the incident w the scientist when doug was likely dying, summer had No fucking clue who to go to and. idk if i personally hc this but i think it would be Cool if she found cantrip and was like “hey. no fighting i promise. i seriously need your help can you do this for me. i’ll never bother you again if you can just help me with this”. and summer + prime rifters struck a tentative deal with cantrip + xavier and maybe alan to help doug Survive. does this make any sense sorru i love the pd npcs sooo much. i never stop thinking abt them
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kuruna · 1 month
Something I keep thinking about with AZ and Xan is them remembering events from their past differently (since you know, memories are rarely if ever objective and are influenced by the emotions experienced at the time of their formation). I've mentioned before that Xan sorta idolized AZ to an unhealthy degree, and a lot of that idolization was caused by the simple fact that the AZ that existed in his head and the AZ that existed in his life were entirely different people! The AZ that existed in his head was a messiah, not an... intelligent but moody guy with anger issues 😭
I've talked about it a little bit, but a Very significant event in their childhood was an event in which AZ's leg was damaged while he was trying to save Xan from being harmed in a rockfall. They were playing somewhere they shouldn't have (Xan's idea 💔), and so Xan blamed himself for his injury. Xan was too little to do much of anything to help at the time. His feeling of helplessness and having to find someone who was Bigger and Stronger who could help shaped the way Xan interacted with AZ from that point on.
Xan was scared of getting his brother hurt again and so he took on the role of Protector... he was willing to sacrifice himself if it meant helping his brother. AZ loves and cares for his brother.... but he was also a young teen at the time, and an asocial one at that 😭 he kind of took advantage of this for awhile. It was only as he grew older he started to dislike Xan's clinginess/protectiveness.
And later during the war against Galar, AZ proved that he was in fact powerful and capable and more. it sorta made Xan spiral. His brother didn't need his protection! His brother didn't even want his protection. If Xan couldn't be there to keep him safe and watch over him, then what purpose did he serve?
Hmm... Xan's controlling behaviors when AZ was king... in addition to the dynamic between them at the time being the way it was, was probably due to Xan disliking when AZ did anything that clashed with the "messiah" image of him he'd formed. When AZ acted a bit too Human 😭 and also... AZ and Xan both had a terrible habit of really strongly attaching themselves to a singular person (Xan had more friends than just AZ, but AZ was the most important person to him), but... while Xan attached himself to AZ, AZ attached himself to Floette. He didn't share that same closeness with his brother.
Anyways 💔 I think AZ regrets enabling this sort of behavior even if he didn't even realize he was doing it at first 😭 And I keep thinking about whether or not Xan's idolation died with the use of the Ultimate Weapon... It's a question I have a hard time answering for myself! I think Yes, for the most part, but that there's also some part of it that remains because even now... perhaps now more than ever, actually... his brother is more akin to a god than a human. ...I started typing this up because I was thinking about how talking about the past probably leads to AZ being like !?!?!?!? because of how their memories differ from one another, and in turn having to reveal things that he's not proud of having done... AZ wonders if some things that happened later on could've been avoided if he'd simply been nicer to his brother to begin with 😭
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I’m sure you may not even necessarily answer this, but what are your thoughts/fanon on the possible status of the slide-rock bolter in the HP universe?
Blog's on hiatus, but I'll still answer asks every now and again!
If you look through the blog you'll see I've done a few Fearsome Critters before, so including the Slide-Rock Bolter would fit with that. Personally I might size it down some - a lot of older stories where they describe something as very large or very old is often a narrative device, kind of like "long, long ago, in a land far, far away" where the point is to emphasise that it was a long time ago, or very far away, or impressively big, and not necessarily to be a 100% accurate depiction of a creature or it's lifespan, or a place or it's location, and most Fearsome Critters were deliberately made up kind of as a joke, the natural extension of a tall tale turned into an in-joke. So personally I'd size it down a little if I were to include it.
I'd also say it wouldn't necessarily have to hook it's tail over the peak or crest of a mountain, but rather any ridge or cliff edge conducive to its hunting strategy - it's basically an ambush predator, not unlike a reverse trapdoor spider, so I'd lean into that for it. I'd probably also give it vestigial limbs, making it look a little more seal or dolphin like in the body, so instead of using momentum to get up to another peak (eventually, the energy of dropping would not be enough, given it'd lose it with the weight gain of its captured prey) it can instead wriggle and writhe its way up, much as seals manoeuvre on land.
I'd then probably tie it into rockfalls, avalanches - mining accidents! - as ways MACUSA attempts to cover up it's presence, and probably, given the fact that the only canonical dragons in the Americas seems to be the Peruvian Vipertooth and kind of the Snallygaster, I'd probably then go on to say that given how tough Slide-Rock Bolter belly hide has to be to endure that abrasion, it's the preferred State-side replacement for dragonhide gloves and other safety gear. I might also say that even when not hungry Slide-Rock Bolters will drop sometimes, in order to deal with pests and parasites on their bellies, using abrasion in the way some animals do to shed flaking skin or when shedding.
I might have them asexually reproducing, laying eggs, and then use that to talk about how disturbances to their natural habitat is disturbing the nesting sites which, plus their susceptibility to invasive fauna and diseases (doubly so if they're reproducing asexually) is having a deleterious effect on their population, to mixed response from MACUSA. On the one hand, if there's fewer of them there's less muggle cover ups required, on the other hand, it's magical fauna unique to the Americas and is their duty to protect and conserve.
But! And I want to be clear here, these are my ideas if I was trying to make them fit an ecological niche. If you're trying to work them into a story you can bend and change a lot of things in order to make it suit the story you're telling.
Anyway! I hope this was helpful, thank you for the engaging ask, and I hope you have a lovely day!
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eternalnexuswarrior · 6 months
Most chaotic MFB Beyblade AU to pop up into my head. Part 1: Metal Fusion
Okay this one has been stuck in my head for close to a week to the point where I wrote snippets of it in my Google docs. Basically, all the characters are the same, the plot is relatively all the same, but one or two things makes this all a chaotic mess.
All the legendary bladers are mentally linked together about 2 years prior to Metal Fusion. As in, they can telepathically communicate with each other and sense each other's links.
They all get headaches one day and eventually find themselves mentally linked to each other. At first it's a chaotic mess of "what the actual heck is going on here?!" to slowly learning about each other and their families to "Oh heck, these are my friends and we support each other, however far away we are." They open up to each other, ranging between Dynamis and his family curse, to Chris' troubles and loneliness, and it becomes a friendship/brotherly therapy group. Even Ryuga opens up with them. He's not too much different from main series, but he cares about them and will protect him.
The other thing? Doji has screwed over a few legendary bladers by harming their families. This man is probably eviler in the AU than canon. He's arranged several accidents, including a rockfall that injured Dynamis' father on Mist Mountain, Ryuga's best friend getting injured in a hit and run, and other things.
This changes the situation quite a bit. Instead of Ryuga joining out his own will to spy on this man, end up possessed after grabbing L-Drago, and ending up in a coma. Dynamis, having a bit of psychic abilities due to his training on Mist mountain, is able to sense this, and besides avenging his father's supposed death and Dynamis' father's injuries, Gingka makes it his personal mission to take down Doji and save their mentally connected to them brother.
Enter the Canon.
Gingka meets Kenta and Madoka and everyone as Canon, but during the 1 vs 100 beybattle against the face hunters, Kyoya realizes during the commentary and has that "Oh shit, this is my bro!" Moment and later on meets up with Gingka face to face. The two get along,
And then Doji comes along to cause chaos.
Kyoya: “Hypothetically speaking, if this Doji person appeared out of nowhere in your hideout after a battle, should I be concerned?
Gingka: "...This isn't hypothetical is it?”
Kyoya: “Nope.”
Chris: “Wow, this guy wants blood.”
Kyoya: “....Want me to spy on him for you?”
King: “Oh? We're trolling?”
And from there, the ball gets rolling. Canon events happen while Kyoya gets free training during his spying (hey he's not gonna pass up a chance to train with his friendly rival), he relays what he sees during all this via group telepathy, up until his second battle with Gingka. Hikaru plays a bigger role from this too. Canon continues after that, including Gingka losing to Ryuga and the trip to Koma Village. At some point between all that, the group does learn about Kyoya and Gingka's backstory with both Doji and Ryuga. To which they are surprised, a bit unconvinced, to eventually believing them.
And then the stuff leading up to battle bladers happens. Canon battles happen, the tournament is announced, and everything goes according to the series. Except one more minor detail.
Enter Ryutaro Fukami. I headcanon this precious boi being Dynamis' cousin, with his family being related to a certain... Nemesis blader (more on that in a separate post someday). Well Gingka and Kyoya and the rest of the group make it to the Battle Royale tournament, and they stumble upon Ryutaro during a fortune-telling. He's aware of this link during a visit to his cousin, but is very sceptical about until the two visit his booth
Gingka: Hello! I'm Gingka and this is Kyoya. Your cousin has mentioned you.
Ryutaro: PiscesBlader.EXE has stopped working.
The group explains their backstory, and one thing leads to another. Ryutaro is unintentionally pulled into this situation (and doesn't know what to think of it), and even volunteers to spy on Doji. He gets his older brother (one of few OCs in this case, art is on the site) Ranmaru involved with this, and things slowly start to change from there.
No big changes, Canon continues up to the end of the season, right after to where Ryuga is defeated. Pegasus is gone, but as frustrated and upsetting as that is, Gingka's got his friends and his bros. And Ryuga's got his brothers help him heal. And of course Ryutaro is invited to join in the mental conversation due to his own psychic abilities.
Legendary Bladers: (talking about many things and situations)
Ryutaro: (instantly regrets it and starts stocking up on headache medicine)
Part 2 of this will cover Metal Master and probably Metal Fury.
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factorialsotherfandoms · 11 months
(Okay so I wanted to do borrowed clothes, but then the video, and...)
"Over there!"
Tallulah points to a cave, one Chayanne had not noticed. He adjusts his direction, pulling her over towards it. She stumbles, but they cannot wait for her to catch her feet. It is coming.
It is coming
It is coming for them.
They dart into the cave, and instead find a tunnel. Remembering the past caves they go slower now, Chayanne taking the lead with his sword, Tallulah following with a knife. There are little rocks and little patches of darkness, but the pair navigate around them.
Deep in the tunnel Chayanne finally lets go of Tallulah's hand. She drops to her knees, wheezing as she gasps for breath. Exhausted hands fumble her inhaler, but eventually they get it all worked out.
"Chayanne?" she signs, hiccuping a little. Then he hesitates, and signs again "Chayanne?"
"It's okay," he replies. "It's okay. Dad will be here soon, not much longer now..."
"I want to go home."
His hands tremble as he cups her cheeks, trying to comfort her just like their dad does. She doesn't seem to notice his shaking, too tied up in her own tears.
There's a rumble deeper in, the sound of scratching and scuttering and rockfall from the way they came. Both children turn to the sound, terror deep in their bones.
"Run," Chayanne signs to her.
Tallulah stays frozen, eyes wide and body shaking.
He grabs her shoulders, pulls her from the stupor. She jolts, and turns to him, terror in her face.
He presses his bag to her hands - their food, their weapons, everything.
"Run," he signs again.
She still does not move.
"RUN!" he makes his movements hard and sharp, and pushes her as soon as she is done.
Tallulah gets the message, he thinks. She stumbles again, half trips, but he hears fast, unsteady steps continue down the tunnel.
He turns back the way they came, sword in hand. Tallulah, Tallulah... She cannot run nearly fast enough to get away even with his help. So... So he has to buy her time.
He's already given back his skull mask, but he mentally clings to his fathers as he makes a ready stance.
Just like Technoblade, just like Dad Phil. Even stance, sword in an easy stance. Watch for your enemy, be brave, be strong, do not let the enemy take anyone from you.
The shadows of their hunter creep around the corner of the cave, a dark shape Chayanne cannot perceive.
He clings harder to his sword, keeps his stance steady, tries to swallow the panic.
He has to protect Tallulah, he has to save her - he already failed everyone else.
Just like his Dad, just like his Dad, just like his Dad...
Tears well up and Chayanne's breath catches, but he keeps his stance ready.
Keeps it ready for what is coming, makes ready to guard the way. He'll buy Tallulah the time she needs, he'll help her survive.
He'll be brave, he'll be strong, he'll save them all.
(He's young, he's scared, he wants his Dad)
(He wants his Dad... He wants his Dads...)
The enemy emerges, he readies for the fight with trembling hands, and he can only hope his dads get to him in time...
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c-rose2081 · 11 months
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Rockfall (Toro & Chatelaine)
Toro dug. He dug until his fingernails chipped and bled the color of roses. He shifted mounds of dirt and rocks until his knees ached with the effort, and the place between his shoulder-blades seared. Where everyone else had stopped, given up or forced to rest, Toro refused to relent. Because, as the son of a general, he knew time was not something they had. The rockfall was immense, jagged and dusty and trailing the length of the quarry. It felt impossible, trying to find a singular body in the chaos. But Toro didn’t give up. He continued to dig and dig and dig until his palms split and his eyes boiled over with hot tears. She couldn’t be gone. She had to be here somewhere. Toro Valistar was blind, perhaps bewitched even, refusing to stop when he knew it was all for naught.
Except it wasn’t. For his efforts and dedication, the universe rewarded him. With another shift of pebbly debris, his eyes found something unnaturally blue. A lone piece of sapphire fabric, sitting twisted in a debris pile. His heart leapt. Struggling towards it, he began his efforts anew, clawing his way down, down, down until a small pocket of air collapsed in on itself. A pale hand appeared as though reaching for him.
“Chatelaine!” His voice echoed like a whip crack in the quarry. Heads turned and people gathered. Yet no one else existed as Toro grabbed onto the girl he loved, heaving her from where she had nearly been crushed. Something, fate or otherwise, had saved her. But she wasn’t unscathed. Toro shuttered a breath, pulling her into his lap and cradling her tenderly. It was unnerving, seeing her so disheveled. Lainey was put together; elegant and formidable and beautiful in every sense. But now, in the dust and stone, she was entirely broken. Blood seeped from a painful wound at her hairline and dribbled out her nose, perhaps from being struck by a falling rock. Her cape was missing, torn away in the collapse. Her undershirt was shredded, revealing long bleeding scratches up and down the length of her ribs and back. Toro leaned in to listen for her heartbeat, the sound sluggish and ragged.
“I’m so sorry,” he rasped, using a thumb to smear dirt from Chatelaine’s cheeks and around her eyes. Eyes that remained shut, despite his desperate need to see those tricky, thundercloud irises again. “Chatelaine I’m so sorry.”
He’d promised to be there for her. He’d promised to protect her. Now she was dying in his arms, perhaps not even knowing how desperately he wanted her to love him back. “I love you, Lainey,” he whispered, pushing matted strands of pomegranate pink hair back behind her ears, water cutting through the dust on his own cheeks as he rested his forehead against hers. “I’ve failed you.”
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Role of gabions in sustainable urban development
A Sustainable Solution for Urban Development
Gabions are baskets made of wire mesh that are filled with rocks or other materials. They are a versatile and sustainable solution that can be used for a variety of purposes in urban development.
Here are some of the key roles that gabions can play:
Erosion control: Gabions are an effective way to control erosion on slopes and embankments. The rocks in the gabions help to absorb the energy of water flow, preventing erosion and protecting the environment.
Flood prevention: Gabions can be used to create flood walls and barriers. They can also be used to create detention ponds and swales, which can help to slow down the flow of stormwater and reduce flooding.
Landscaping: Gabions can be used for landscaping purposes to create retaining walls, benches, and other features. They can also be used to create green roofs and living walls.
Noise reduction: Gabions can be used to reduce noise pollution. The rocks in the gabions help to absorb sound waves, making them an effective noise barrier.
Stormwater management: Gabions can be used to create stormwater management systems. They can help to filter stormwater and remove pollutants before it enters the environment.
Gabions are a sustainable solution because they are made from durable materials that can last for many years. They are also low-maintenance and require little to no ongoing care.
Gabions are also a cost-effective solution. They are typically less expensive than traditional construction methods, such as concrete or masonry.
Shri Sai Eco Solutions is a leading manufacturer of gabion boxes in India. They offer a wide range of gabion products that can be used for a variety of applications.
If you are looking for a sustainable and cost-effective solution for your urban development project, gabions are a great option.
Here are some of the benefits of using gabions in urban development:
Effective at controlling erosion and flooding
Can be used for landscaping, noise reduction, and stormwater management
Gabions are a valuable tool that can be used to create more sustainable and resilient cities.
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RockClan's origin (part 5)
Moon 51:
Lionpaw is named Lionspots, in honour of his bond with his mentor, Strikespots.
Lionspots is being lectured 'yet again' by Silversmoke.
Strikespots is busy chastising Clanmates...no one is quite sure what for.
Cloverfreckle wants to get to know Strikespots better.
A young loner has heard about the Clan and wished to join. Harlequin has joined the Clan
A patrol is about to cross a river when Cottondart feels a chill run down their spine and whispers fill their mind. They yell out for the patrol to stop just in time to avoid a branch falling into the water. Startled, Cottondart whispers thanks to StarClan.
Moon 52:
Brindlesnap is partially buried by a sudden rockfall. Doodle stays by them, purring resurrence while the rest of the patrol digs them out.
Moon 53:
Patchpelt was found dead near the border.
Duskheather fixes up Patchpelt's nest, snapping at anyone who tries to speak to her.
Kisha wails, breaking down uncontrollable, hardly able to speak at Patchpelt's vigil.
Bearstar feels their leadership to be a burden.
Moon 53:
Bearstar was bitten by a venomous spider, and lost a life.
Duskheather sharpens their claws.
Strikespots wants to spend time alone.
Cottondart is determined to protect their loved ones, now moreso than ever.
Goldfox leads a patrol with Cavernblossom, Brindlesnap, and Harlequin, when they find a group of kits. They aren't abandoned, and they decide to lead the kits back to their parents. Strikespots later seems angry, stating that they may have been the ones who killed Patchpelt. Goldfox questions if she would rather have them kill the kits, and Strikespots doesn't respond.
Moon 54:
Duskheather has a nightmare involving their dead loved ones.
Brindlesnap's back was broken by another rockfall.
Moon 55:
A patrol finds an injured loner, and drags them back to camp to be healed. Long has joined the Clan.
Cavernblossom fell from a cliff, breaking their leg.
Doodle retires.
Silversmoke thinks about StarClan.
Duskheather hopes for a message from StarClan.
Cloverfreckle is captured by Twolegs.
Moon 56:
A sick loner gives their kit, Stream, to the Clan, unable to take care of them and not wanting to spread their sickness.
Lionspots wants to compliment Strikespots' techniques.
Moon 57:
Harlequin confessed their feelings to Void, but got rejected.
Moon 58:
Void thinks that Cavernblossom's injury is beginning to look concerning.
Goldfox smirks as they insult a Clanmate.
Long wants to compliment Goldfox.
Moon 59:
Bearstar and Goldfox have become mates (damn, I thought it was gonna be GoldXClover).
Goldfox doesn't apologize about something, even though everyone knows that they are in the wrong.
Long has been looking at a certain cat in camp with an odd look in their eyes.
Lionspots is bored and looking for trouble to get into.
Moon 60:
The broken bones have healed.
Tigercave slips on a rock and twists their paw.
Strikespots gives advice to Cottondart, who proclaims their loyalty to the leader.
Moon 62:
Streampaw is apprenticed to Brindlesnap.
Cottondart is suspicious of Clanmates who question the leader.
Lionspots is considering bending the rules...again.
Moon 71:
Strikespots watches the camp scornfully.
Moon 72:
Bearstar is expecting kits!
Cloverfreckle succumbs to an infection.
Kisha nuzzles Cloverfreckle's body and refuses to eat.
At the vigil, Cavernblossom's voice cracks with grief. Later in the night, they vail to the vast sky, claws gouging the earth as they glared up at StarClan.
Strikespots wonders how life can continue on without Cloverfreckle. When no one needs something from them, they break down, wailing uncontrollably.
Tigercave refuses to eat.
Duskheather prays that Cloverfreckle is safe in StarClan.
Streampaw is named Streampatch.
Moon 73:
Silversmoke is hoping for a break.
Kisha thinks about StarClan.
Cavernblossom eavesdrops on Strikespots, who watches numbly as fish swim by in the stream.
Cottondart watches over the warriors at night.
Moon 74:
Bearstar and Goldfox welcome Sproutkit and Robinkit into the Clan.
Lionspots put a dead snake by the den entrance to scare Clanmates.
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gumnut-logic · 1 year
31. Broken limb and dealers choice of character 😁
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The first thing that came to mind was a scene referred to in Six Point Five, so this is what resulted. Not long, but it is something :D
Thank you so much for asking ::hugs tight::
And thank you to the wonderful @onereyofstarlight for answering my call yet again and reading through my writing ::hugs you too::
It's short, whump, and Earth and Sky. Sorry to both Tracy bros. I hope you enjoy it.
“Hold still!”
“I’m trying!”
“You’re holding it wrong.”
Scott sighed. His heart was still beating in his ears. After watching Virgil slip over the edge, caught in a rockfall, his circulation system hadn’t yet recovered.
Or the rest of him, really.
So close.
Don’t think about it. Focus.
“Virgil! I’ve got it. You’re going to be okay.”
“Not if you don’t hold it correctly.”
This could easily have been an argument over fixing Two down in the hangars if it wasn’t for the gasp in his brother’s voice.
And the several thousand foot drop off to their left that could have brought so much to an end.
“Virgil, do you trust me?”
Even in the frostbitten air between them and the reflection off his helmet, Scott could see the honesty in his little brother’s eyes as he drew in an unsteady breath. “Of course.”
“Then trust me.”
And without further warning, he lifted his brother’s leg and set it.
The scream that came with it cut his heart to pieces. “It’s-it’s done.” He focussed on scanning and then further immobilizing the broken limb. At least now it was less fodder for a horror film.
His thoughts were interrupted by a roar as suddenly, on the far side of the valley, half a mountain of snow slid down onto the glacier below.
He found himself bodily covering his brother, hovering over him as if to protect him from the world collapsing.
Virgil hadn’t noticed. His eyes were screwed shut and he was panting, sweat beading on his brow.
God, he wished the man would take the pain medication when he was told to.
Scott hovered there a moment longer, as the valley below filled with an avalanche that could never reach them. For some reason he did not want to move back. Pushing all his weight onto one arm, he reached out and clasped Virgil’s shoulder. “You with me?”
Dark eyes opened, filled with pain. More an exhale than anything else, “Always.”
And with that, Scott shut down his emotions and got on with getting his brother off this damned mountain.
To think that Virgil had dragged him out on this ‘simple’ rescue to get him away from Dad’s desk.
Scott was ever so grateful he had come.
Firstly, rich and privileged idiots should not be allowed to climb a mountain like K2, or any mountain bigger than an anthill for that matter, without sufficient training and experience. The idiots who had them out today were poorly equipped and would have died come nightfall after having an argument with their guide and wandering off.
It was the guide who had called IR. His apologies were extensive and frustrated.
But he was right. Scott and Virgil had found them mired in deep snow and, despite their protests, completely lost.
They were damned lucky Virgil was there. Scott wanted to give them a piece of his mind, particularly when they initially refused to leave the mountain. It was only due to Virgil’s patience – that would likely at some point result in a violent painting or mess of a composition on the piano – and using the ‘fame’ element of flying a Thunderbird and coercing them into coming for a ride that got them moving.
Yet it was also Virgil’s kindness that had him fetching the woman’s pack. Or more likely, she put up so much of ruckus, Virgil preferred to shut her up rather than kill her on the way to New Delhi, no matter how short the journey.
That return to the snow led to Scott spinning just in time to see Virgil slide over the edge as the rockface gave way.
A call to John that had so little words but cried out for so much.
The rest was a blur of terror and fear as Scott scrambled down the mountain after his brother. He didn’t have his jetpack. They’d left One at home. It was supposed to be a quick rescue. A bit of brotherly time together.
But Scott was ever so grateful for the time they were given due to a snow-covered ledge that had caught his brother.
The alternative…
He was willing to thank any deity that watched over them.
A broken leg, bent in blatantly the wrong direction, halfway up K2.
“You held it wrong.” The words were little more than a gasp.
“It’s done.” Scott drew in a breath and fastened the last of the splint velcro. “Alan and Gordon will be here any moment and we’re getting you off this rock.”
Shifting the remains of Virgil’s right boot aside, he sat down next to Virgil and let out a breath. “You’re safe.”
A sigh and Virgil’s helmeted head dropped gently onto Scott’s shoulder.
As a familiar and beloved roar swelled at the other end of the valley, he draped his arm around his little brother’s shoulders.
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therabidkell · 2 years
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Yo! I mainly go by Hayhay or Hay but I also go by the names Eggnog, Alder, Skolas, and Hail. I am Otherkin and Autistic. Previously went by eliksni-enjoyer then alderztreez, now therabidkell!
Flight Rising blog at @the-stilted-spires
Destiny blog at @eliksnienjoyer
Special interests are Warrior Cats and Destiny/2, ask me about them and I will give you an essay on whatever(I mean that in the best way possible).
#AUGH(Positive) : My version of a favorite tag
#hayhay talkin' : My tag for stuff I talk about
For basics I use They/Xir but if you're cool here is something a little in-depth stuff on how to address me:
Commissions: Open!
Art Trades: Open
Art Requests: Open
Other Socials:
Ao3 - Branchez0fAlderTreez
FlightRising - HailForTheStorm
ArtFight - HayTheWeirdo
YouTube - HayTheWeirdo
Tags I stalk: Eliksni, The Thing 1982, Cephalopod, Flight rising
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I don't want this too long so I'm putting this under a cut but here's a description of all my(Official/named) oc stuff in their little universes.
In The Fur- My second oldest oc world and the one I am most proud of! In this world Earth has been knocked backwards on it’s orbit of the sun, causing mass destruction and chaos, and just when the survivors think they’re safe, something from before The Fling comes crawling out of the shadows, and nobody knows if they’ll survive this time, but one determined group from the remnants of Mint City will do all they can to fix this gap of survival against survivors and infected.
Stories of SunClan- My oldest oc world, I’m not too proud of it but it’s got a special place in my heart. These stories follow SunPaw and her lineage. From the daring young SunPelt to the loveable RockFall and to the bold GreenBlade and beyond, SunClan will fight to keep their place in the forest all together.
Friends From Other Stars- Mostly oc with a bit of Destiny. This story follows Ali, and albino anthro lion who has recently run away from his abusive home, he knows nothing but eventually comes across Verin, an Eliksni vandal who was recently thrown through a vex portal on his first ever patrol, together the two must brace the forest together.. Until an unexpected friend finds them, and now they both must brace something completely unknown to the both of them, society.
Cult of Bone- My most recent on world, so will be prone to change. After being kicked out of GladeClan, BonePaw and FireflyPaw venture out into the cold winter to build their own community, one that truly values the strong and protects the weak, but nothing is truly safe for them as the world constantly flips on it’s head, FireFly and Tuft must navigate it the best they can and light the darkness ever seeking to destroy them and manipulate them.
FireTeam Chaos- A somehow five-member FireTeam with a non-guardian member and only two official memners. Fossil, a Human Arc Hunter founded the FireTeam, followed by Kaisk, an Eliksni Captain, Jackie, a Human(later Exo) Solar Titan, Dutar, a Hive Void Hunter/Titan mix, and Scrapwork, a Scorn Void Warlock. They go on quite chaotic adventures as they live out their lives in the world of Destiny.
Crew S-116- Among us based, not really any story just a collection of characters. Black and Purple are two imposters on a standard mission, but Purple is reluctant, and eventually after being manipulated by Black she cannot do it anymore and learns to actually stand up for herself as she protects Lime.
Crew P-25- Among us based, another recent one and thus prone to change. Dark Sea Green, or Sea for short, must adapt to Polus after her whole crew dies, and after finding out some restricted information for legal reasons MIRA cannot allow her to return to Earth, but for those same reasons MIRA cannot kill her off, stuck in blackmail Sea accepts her fate to die on Polus’ frozen landscape, that is until she becomes an unlikely ally to a group of imposters.
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chemlemexplore · 13 days
Rock Fall Landslide
Rockfall Landslide is a specific type of landslide in which large blocks or fragments of rock break away from a steep slope or cliff and rapidly descend downhill. It combines aspects of both rock falls and landslides: Rockfall: Refers to the dislodging and free fall of individual rocks or boulders from a cliff or steep slope. Landslide: Refers to the broader process of material moving downslope, including rocks, soil, and debris. When does a rockfall landslide occurs? A rockfall landslide occurs when the stability of a rock mass is compromised, causing it to break away from a steep slope or cliff and move rapidly downslope. Several factors can trigger these events: -Freeze-thaw cycles -Chemical weathering - Erosion - Heavy Rainfall -Seismic Activity (Earthquakes) - Human Activities - Change in Support Learning about rockfall landslides equips individuals, communities, and governments with the knowledge to reduce risks, protect lives and property, and understand the natural processes that shape our environment. Being aware and attentive is your first priority in these instances. So whenever you feel something's wrong, prepare yourself in an instant!:)
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