mellopawna · 4 months
Special pride month post (reposted from tiktok)
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(p.s : I'm not in either TOH or SU so pls don't expect me to post content of both 😭)
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fartballer3000 · 4 months
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I thinkr gay pelple are neat i wish they existed outside of pride motnth
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bugthecalmchild · 3 months
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anpansidequest · 11 days
a sily dub i made of @fartballer3000 's comic
its not very good but im not very used to dub in english and i just made this for shits n giggles
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chibidoragon · 5 months
this is a stupid ass video but the audio reminded me of them so i couldnt help but make this lol
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uploadcore · 1 year
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Anpanman kids bag
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Hello there Rollpanna fans.
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voliol · 1 year
Apropos bangers, have you heard Rollpanna's theme?
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I feel like in the future Anpanman would still go on patrols to help people but this time he and the other heroes (including Rollpanna because I headcanon that she had complete control of her evil heart fight me) agreed to change shifts so that Anpanman could spend time with his child.
That’s such a pleasant idea.
So basically in my universe because Baikinman isn’t messing with her anymore rollpanna gets to spend time with melonpanna and Creampanda… but she still has to stay away from Anpanman and Baikinman because they both trigger her. Unfortunately this means she cannot come into contact with hoshitenshichan at all because they are literally a mix of Anpanman and Baikinman genetically. It will take a long time for her to come around in my au, but it could eventually be possible.
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sunkern-plus · 2 months
anime's first trans lesbian is basically shadow the hedgehog as a bread roll girl with one evil heart and one good heart existing in one body who isolates herself because she believes she'll be the animal i have become amv if her evil heart takes over if you think about it
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fartballer3000 · 11 days
og by noinimble on tiktok
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giggleeclown · 1 year
Are you gonna do some headcanons about the hero team? 'Cause while I could do that for you, I would rather not spending hours and risking my @ss get whoop by my mom just to write tk headcanons about five people (sixth if you count Rollpanna) and my litmit is three, as seen in the Donburi trio tk headcanons post.
I’ve had horrible writers block so I’ve been putting this one off but I’d love to write for the heroes!
Here are all my hero Anpanman tickle headcanons!
Anpanman: Perfect 50/50 Switch. Babyish lee, gentle, awkward ler.
He has giggles for days. Fucking ADORABLE lee
I feel like he definitely got tickled as a kid and ESPECIALLY as a baby. (Have you heard how he giggled as a baby??? So cute…) little Anpanman was definitely tickled by the bakers.
I have this hc that Melonpanna and Creampanda just… Chase him around and pin him down and tickle him ruthlessly. Seeing the hero that saves the universe get tickled by two little kids is an adorable thought.
CANNOT handle tickle teases at all. Can’t handle the word either.
Hiccups. Lots and lots of hiccups. This one’s partially canon because Anpanman hiccups when he laughs, but I specifically mean that if you tickle him for too long, he will get the hiccups and won’t be able to stop.
You don’t have to restrain him, he will stay still for you. If he didn’t stay still, he would kick and might accidentally hurt you with his strength. If he has to focus on something like holding something, he’ll stay as still as he can with that; too.
The fact that he has to stay still makes it harder for him to focus on enjoying the tickles, which is why it’s great when Shokupanman and Currypanman decide they want to tickle him. They can hold him down and he no longer has to worry about hitting them or hurting them because they’re strong as well. It also makes the tickling more powerful and makes him laugh harder.
If he gets tickled by surprise, he goes into tickle paralysis. (The act of freezing up due to shock when you’re tickled.) this one is also partially canon because in the special with the ghost family, the mother ghost snuck up behind him and tickled him and he froze up.
He laughs like a little child again when he’s tickled, full of squeals and giggles and hiccups.
He is VERY easy to make blush. The fact that he’s being tickled in general makes him heat up and laugh harder.
He will actually say “that tickles!” . LIKE HONEY WE KNOW HDJWJDHRB (also canon)
On the ler side, he’s a very gentle ler. He doesn’t tickle often, either, because he gets tickled in battle so often. He definitely gets tickled more than he tickles, but if he does tickle you, it’s very gentle pokes and skitters. They don’t last long, either. If you say stop, even if you don’t want him to, he will immediately let up and apologize.
He giggles with you. He finds your laughter very cute and funny. I feel like he’s not a big fan of physically restraining, but if he does restrain you, he doesn’t have to use any force because he’s so strong, so it won’t hurt.
He’s a little awkward about tickle teasing, but if he finds his lee particularly cute, he won’t be able to help himself.
Very gentle aftercare, he will get worried if he thinks he tickled too much. Especially if you start coughing.
If it’s Baikinman however… he’s going to tickle faster and harder on purpose. He will tease more, too. (It is canon that he gets particularly more mischievous when Baikinman is met with a punishment. Wether it’s laughing at his expense, commenting on his struggle or verbally pushing his buttons before delivering a punch, he’s very mischievous with him. Especially in early episodes.)
His primary tickle spots are his sides of his face, feet, tummy, neck,(where his neck would be if he had one) back/shoulder blades, legs and knees. But his main tickle spot is right under his arms! (All of these are canon tickle spots besides neck and back, ticklish underarms being his weak spot is canon)
His primary lees are the other heroes and Baikinman, same way for his lers.
Shokupanman: hysterical lee, gentle ler.
Where do I even start with poor Shokupanman? He is canonically SO ticklish. Just thinking about his tickle scenes is making me want to melt. I’m smiling while writing his hcs.
He is definitely a lee that will burst out laughing and start to thrash before he gets tickled. If he’s anticipating it, he is going to lose it.
Definitely the type to tear up while he’s being tickled. He is also definitely a thrasher if you get him good
My absolute favorite thing about Shokupanman in canon is that he is this really sophisticated guy but when he laughs he laughs all goofy. It’s even worse when he’s tickled and that’s CANON.
He’s definitely the type to need a minute afterwards, he needs to catch his breath and shake it off
VERY embarrassed about the fact that he likes being tickled. Even more embarrassed about the way he sounds when he laughs. (Everyone thinks he’s absolutely precious though)
DEFINITELY snorts. No doubt about it. Followed by squeaky attempts to catch his breath.
Woodland creatures TOTALLY tickle him. Little squirrels hopping onto his shoulders and trailing their fluffy tails, feathery birds, little harmless spiders and caterpillars crawling across the soles of his boots, you name it. (He’s gotten tickled by a bird once in canon :3)
He paints… he has paint brushes… you see where I’m going with this. Being used as an art project or even self tickles with the brushes would be ADORABLE for him.
Definitely acts like a little brat to get pulled out of the air and tickled
As a ler, he is very composed and teasy, the total opposite of his lee side
Lecturing teases. “Well, maybe you shouldn’t have tested me.” “Actions have consequences” “that’s what you get for being so cute/ticklish!”
Very sweet tickles to children and literally anyone else but Currypanman. He’s RUTHLESS with Currypanman.
Sing-song voice, pretends to play you like a harp
Does the cliche ‘finger under the chin’ tickle
Will baby talk you and coo to tease
Tickles his little animal friends back! They’re so cute, they deserve belly rubs!
Very often has tickle wars with currypanman to settle arguments. Neither win.
Very good at aftercare. Lots of back rubs, will not leave you until you’re okay.
His most ticklish spots are his legs/knees, hips, neck and shoulders (canon) underarms (canon) back and sides.
Currypanman: ler leaning. RUTHLESS ler, even more hysterical lee.
His laugh is FUNNY, which makes him a great tickle target. It’s SHRIEKY. Loads of shrieks, yelps, cackles and other interesting sounds in his laugh. Everyone thinks it’s so cute though.
He has no mercy. If you tickle him, he will do whatever it takes to get you off of him. He goes into fight or flight mode and will try to push you or kick you or whatever he can to get you away from him…. And then still be mad at you for tickling him after he’s kicked you to china.
He CANNOT STAND baby talk. Immediate telling you to shut up through cackles, drowning you out with squeals and an angry blush.
Will get legitimately mad at you if you raspberry him, but can’t do anything about it if he’s restrained except for cackle and shriek.
…might cuss you out
In the rare chance that he’s in a lee mood, you won’t know. He will keep it an absolute secret… but may act more like a brat to get tickles. He won’t let anyone know he likes being tickled outside of a tickle fight… but Anpanman has suspicions in a loving friend way.
He isn’t always angry and embarrassed as a lee, sometimes, if he’s more playful, he’ll get into it a little more and be more cheerful. He’ll be pleading for you to stop the whole time though.
Ohoh… as a ler… oh boy. Run.
Absolutely fucking ruthless.
If you just finished tickling him especially… congratulations! You’ve officially planned your death! He is not going easy on you.
He is full on restraining you until you can’t move a muscle, tickling you hard and quick anywhere where you react the best. If you show extreme reaction towards a spot, he’s tickling it vigorously until it hurts.
The MASTER of tickle teases. Is able to tease really quickly with no remorse.
You had better believe he is tickle biting, raspberrying and nuzzling into any bare skin he can reach
Laughs along with you, has mastered an evil laugh for this very occasion
…may not know when to stop. It might start to hurt or make you upset. He’s also not the best at aftercare, but you had better believe he’ll make it up to you. If you’re particularly upset, he’ll hold up his arms and let you tickle him back so that you’re even.
Most ticklish under his arms (canon) feet (canon) neck (canon) ribcage, sides and hips.
His primary lees are all of the heroes, primary lers are Anpanman and Shokupanman.
Melonpanna: lee leaning switch. Adorable lee, tactical ler.
Melonpanna is definitely super ticklish, and she likes it, too.
She doesn’t exactly tell you to stop and mean it. She may giggle out a plea to stop… but she really does enjoy the game. It’s no secret, either. Tickling is very fun for her!
Having such a connection to her sister, seeing her sad is a common experience. That’s why she needs tickles to cheer her up and get her mind off her sad feelings!
VERY squeaky giggles, lots of squeals. It’s the most adorable thing ever.
She’s very small, so she’s easy to grab and restrain, especially if you’re another hero with more strength than her.
Absolutely loves the tickle monster. She’ll squeal and try to get away, but doesn’t really want that.
Anticipating tickling her is hell to her, she can’t stand anticipation.
Holding her upside down or spinning her around while tickling her is an extra fun time to her, but do it in moderation.
Does not like too much stimulation or rough tickles. Gentle, teasing tickles are her favorite kind. More playful aspects are welcome, but only very gently. Too much tickling will upset her.
Playfully pouts afterwards from being ‘bullied’ , but really doesn’t mind.
As a ler, she is either gentle if they’re littler than her, or mischievous if they’re older.
Littler children or creatures that are smaller than her get a more soft experience, a soft hold with playful tickles. She anticipates with other people too, knowing it puts them into a tizzy. Bonus points if the ‘smaller creature’ is an adult like Peter or something
Taller adults get latched onto and tickled relentlessly with lots of teases and relentless scribbles on their worst spots. She is a little leech. (Hey, sometimes the adults need a good tickle like this, though.)
Raspberries are key. Especially if she can get your bare tummy.
She is very intrigued by ticklish appendages that she doesn’t have like ears and tails.
Her most ticklish spots are under her arms (canon) ribcage, belly and feet.
Primary lees are… everyone. Especially her baby brother and akachanman. Primary lers are mainly uncle jam, currypanman and Shokupanman.
Creampanda: almost a complete ler. Frustrated lee, mischievous ler.
Frustrated is an understatement. I just do not see him liking being tickled at all. Maybe by his sisters, but nobody else. It’s probably more embarrassing to him than anything. He wants to be big and tough like anpanman, not small and ticklish.
I think probably the first response you’re going to get to tickling him is “NOOOO”.
If it’s competitive tickling, it’s a different story. He will have a tickle fight with you because it’s a form of battle. If he loses too much though and it becomes one sided, he won’t like it anymore.
God FORBID Anpanman tickles him for a split second or watches him get tickled. It’s IMMEDIATE embarrassment. (Which is interesting because of how ticklish poor Anpanman is.) he will just not tolerate it djdnfhrj
He will let his sisters tickle him. Melonpanna likes to have tickle fights with him, but rollpanna very seldom partakes. When she does, though, any amount of affection is important to him, so he appreciates her touch.
If you are going to have a tickle fight with him, you had better make your tickling rough. He doesn’t appreciate being treated like a baby in a fight, either. Just don’t pin him down and take over.
Adorable giggles and squeals
As a ler… ohhh he is such a hypocrite
He will legitimately do everything he hates to you. Get you by surprise, hold you down mercilessly, lots of teases, tickle you in front of people; the whole thing.
Fast little fingers. And he can hold on for AGES, no matter how hard you squirm. Like riding a bull.
He will laugh HYSTERICALLY while tickling you. It’s way more fun than being tickled in his opinion.
Tickling littler kids than him is fun too, it makes him feel like a ‘big kid’.
He can also be a little bad about boundaries, he might be having so much fun he forgets to stop, but he never means any harm.
His ticklish spots are his chubby belly, the sides of his face, his feet, knees, hips and palms of his hands.
Lers… are mainly Currypanman. He’s the only one who will do it right 💀 as well as melonpanna and the occasional rollpanna
Lees… everyone else.
Bonus: (because she doesn’t rlly count as a hero and also there’s not many hc’s I can put for her)
Rollpanna; hesitant lee…equally as hesitant ler.
She barely knows what tickling is at all. She didn’t really know what it was until years after she was created… and after that she didn’t really like it much anyways.
Melonpanna and Creampanda tried to show her, but she’s so weary about them getting too close that they didn’t get the chance.
It was Laura who tickled her first. She didn’t even really get permission, just dove in and tickled her. Rollpanna didn’t even know she was ticklish before this, and she still can’t decide how she feels about it. It definitely lit up her red heart though.
In terms of ticklishness, she isn’t really all that ticklish. She’s not ticklish enough to really squirm or kick or laugh too loud, but she definitely has the sweetest giggles around. High pitched, happy, squeaky giggles.
Laughing makes her happy, but she’s unsure of how tickling itself rests in her book. She knows that Laura tickling her makes her happy in a romantic way, though. And she would, eventually, accept familial tickles from her baby siblings if they ever got the chance.
She blushes when she’s tickled, and her beautiful eyes light up and glisten. She doesn’t thrash, but her body shakes with laughter, and, if she’s pushing against you, her arms tremble. She needs to catch her breath when you’re done.
As for a ler, she’s also a little skeptical of tickling others. She knows that when she puts her hands on others, it turns out poorly, so she doesn’t want to lose control and become aggressive.
The first time she tickled someone, it was Laura, and she was trying to get her off of her. One squeeze to her sides later, she had whipped back with a squeak and was protesting that it was nothing. Rollpanna decided that she might like tickling others too after it happened a couple other times.
She has tickled her little siblings a very rare few times, mainly just little pokes.
The only tickling experience she’s had with her siblings where she was the lee was when they were in a field and found cat tails. A few brushes along her neck and face were enough for them to realize she had a reaction, but Melonpanna told Creampanda they should be gentle with her, and he didn’t push it further than that.
Overall… she doesn’t know where she’s ticklish yet, or how ticklish she is. She knows her sides and neck are sensitive, as well as the little bit of her upper face that’s showing. But she doesn’t know how much because she has been barely tickled, and for short amounts of time. She responds fairly well to both light and rough tickling.
Melonpanna, Creampanda and Laura all her lees and her lers. I can see her tickling Baikinman one day, though, if they ever got on better terms.
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anpansidequest · 4 months
how would anpanman charters react if you came out to them
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"oh really? that's great! you where realy brave for coming out! im happy for you!"
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"ok, now shut up im busy"
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"oh! the many faces of love and loving! the conplextly of releationships! the journey to find yourself out! now that you foud out about your true self we shall thogether figth the prejucte that som have against those like us"
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"so like shokupanman?"
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"well congratulations! im glad society is more acepting now at days"
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"oh realy? and you decide to tell this to me? well congradilations dear! im fully suporting!"
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"that's nice :)"
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"me too kid"
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"what's that?"
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"and you hid that for all this time?" what else are you hideing hora hora?"
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just the worst homophobic slurs
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chibidoragon · 5 months
i made this super epic cool lesbian gif
feel free to use wherever applicable
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vicholas · 6 months
hi!!! just popping in to say thank you for adding subtitles to the rollpanna and laura movie!!!
its genuinely one of the most special and important pieces of media to me and i consider it my favorite movie of all time - it's left an important impact on my life and i cant thank you enough for making it localised and readable to someone who can only understand english lol
hope you're doing well, and thanks again, i really do appreciate the work you put into it
Thank you so much for the kind message!!! It really makes me happy to know that the movie is still reaching people 😭
It's a movie that means a lot to me. I don't think about it very often in recent times tbh, but it's still important to me. I was just thinking about it last month and I wondered if people out there still watch it. It makes me really happy to learn it's the case!
To think that people will continue to discover the movie even years to come brings me so much joy.
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helloemptyset · 2 years
why does rollpanna’s english dub in star-spirited dollie sound just off of the tik-tok lady’s text to speech voice
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