#romero tag
tiptapricot · 1 year
Misadventure May Day 4!
This one’s rougher than some prev days I think, has just been a bit of a weird writing day, but I’m trying not to think ab or edit these too much, just kinda going with the flow :-)
4. Surprising News
They’re ushered into town by two burly guards, the wire nets pulled closed behind them. The streets are empty, but small snippets of sound and music filter out distantly from the looming rib towers. Romero slows his horse, glancing up to catch several faces staring down at them from the windows.
Another guard pushes past to lead them to the city’s center, taking them along one edge of the ancient spine. Each vertebrae has been hollowed into a storefront or small home, lanterns lighting the path in flickering, pale light. At the end, they reach a lopsided building half stuck in the ground, a large sign standing out front that reads Mayor’s Office in scratched paint. The guard crouches to open a hatch, gesturing for them to go through.
“Well, don’t mind if I do,” Rigel says, swaggering forward with their thumbs tucked into their belt and a sly head tilt towards the guard.
Romero watches them descend before dismounting. His horse’ll have to wait outside. He gives its snout a rub again, letting it push into his palm, before handing the reins over to their escort. It's a nice horse. He only got it as transport for this job, but he wouldn’t mind keeping it around after. It has good speed and doesn’t mind staying still, even if it gets a bit antsy, and he could use the transport. He pauses at the hatch opening to give it a curt nod, before adjusting his hat and making his way down.
The mayor’s office, he finds, is small. The bottom of the stairs opens up to a single room, the ceiling rounded and low, a desk taking up most of the center and papers and yellowing books stacked high on the floor around it. Rigel’s already made themself comfortable, lounging in the only chair in front of the desk with their heels kicked up and their arms behind their head. Romero comes to a stop next to them, observing the short woman situated on the other side. Her brown skin is marked with wrinkles, the edges pulled taught around her forehead where her hair sweeps up into a dark bun. Her mouth thins with distaste at the sight of him.
“Just the two of you?” she asks.
Romero nods at the same time that Rigel says “For now!”
The mayor sighs. “Alright. Well let’s hope you’re as good as you say you are.” She gives them a pointed look as she leans back to grab something from below her desk.
It’s a map. She spreads it over the table, half of it covered in a detailed outline of the mainland before it peters off into the winding caves and chasms of the canyons. Romero kicks the leg of Rigel’s chair slightly to get them to move their damn feet, and ignores the indignant Hey! he gets in response.
The mayor points to a ridge in the middle of the canyons. “This is where our scouts say it settles during the day, but…” She drags her finger down, outlining a thin strip connecting it towards the shallows. There’s a gap in the center of it. “We can see it from our vantage point, but we don’t have the resources to get down there, much less fight it off. We need it dead here, where we can get to it. Might make up some of the meat surplus it’s made off with if its hide is anything valuable.”
Romero taps the table gently to get her attention, and she glances up. He sizes his hands out, gesturing for scale, before tipping his head questioningly.
Her mouth thins again. “We’re not quite sure how big it is. Picks prey off so fast there’s only been a few reports. But from some holes in our perimeter we can guess—”
Something booms from outside, sending the whole room shaking. Romero catches his balance, a muffled bell beginning to sound out rapidly from the street above. The mayor stares with wide eyes, the three of them standing frozen for a moment, before Romero turns on his heel and rushes back up the stairs, followed closely by the clack of Rigel’s bones.
A cloud of salty sand greets him when he opens the hatch, the air whipping about wildly.
“It’s here!” the guard shouts, his horse whinnying and bucking wildly where she’s trying to keep it under control.
Romero’s gaze snaps up to the skies, his hat held down firm against the rippling dust as he emerges fully onto the street. Shit. He can’t see ten damn feet with this cover. His hand wanders down to his holster as he scans for movement, his body tense, straining for the sound of wing beats or the shift of claws. Rigel joins him at his side as the distant bell quiets, leaving nothing but the blustering of shop covers and his own imagined heartbeat.
And the neighing of his goddamned horse.
Romero moves right as the thing billows out of the dark, a mass of black against starlight with a wingspan wide enough to block out the moon. He shoots twice into the pitch black center of it, hearing his horse squeal in terror before the claws snap out and—
He’s yanked up fast enough he doesn’t even have time to grab his damned hat.
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(ID in ALT)
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rockore · 22 days
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Comic based on this tweet a friend of mine tweeted a few months ago :]] thought it would be silly if I made a comic out of it lollllll
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just-honey-dewd · 10 months
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So a month ago I got slammed into a whole ‘nother rabbit hole…
I’m rarin’ to go! Been thinking of these fools for DAYS, had to attempt to draw them eventually! And of course I had to compare one of Zé and Donald’s moments to Baffy’s, them’s the rules.
Anyways!!! This December, I’m gonna aim to absorb more content of these three gay cabs from the comics. ‘ready watched Legend, and their classic films (though I’ll keep rewatching them). Ducktales 2017 is taking some time to finish so… *shrugs
Also also, if y’all got good songs that sound like the classic films, pls give recommendations!!!
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thiagodasilva · 2 months
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embarrassing, embarrassing, embarrassing all around.
like clockwork, all of the rats are crawling out of the woodworks to double down and remain ignorant to the issue at hand. THIS is why publicly calling out an ALREADY public incident is permissible & encouraged even. it’s embarrassing the way they keep showing their ignorance.
so many of them defending what happened by claiming it to be a “cultural” thing and everyone else just doesn’t understand. so many of them saying Wesley and others were wrong to take to social media to condemn even though that livestream was also very much public, so no. they weren’t wrong. they just didn’t like being publicly called out on it.
when they say it’s cultural, they want it to be overlooked, and that’s one of the biggest problems with why racism like this continues to have such a stronghold in our society, and ESPECIALLY in Latino culture. It shouldnt matter if “that’s just the way it is” if it is has been and always been harmful to a whole group of people. that “cultural” defense is such a pathetic way to keep disgusting and harmful behavior around and to CHOOSE to remain that way instead of learning to be better is so incredibly detrimental. calling it out for what it is is probably the least anyone can do when being witness to it. they have to choose to be better or else they will continue to look like the pathetic and malicious clowns they are.
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allelitewrestlings · 1 year
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blackhholes · 2 months
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teen wolf meme: [3/5] motifs -> resurrection
It's different now. I think dying did something to him. It did something to me, too. But none of it was good.
#teen wolf#lydia martin#kate argent#tracy stewart#scott mccall#peter hale#jackson whittemore#derek hale#hayden romero#twedit#twgifs#mine#my gifs#twmeme#yes i'm aware that it can definitely be argued whether resurrection is a motif in teen wolf or just a recurring plot device#and while it's certainly not a symbolic motif like fire and water was previously#the way it's utilized within the show does make me read it moreso as a motif than just plot#like water it's used to communicate an internal change but the ways it differs from water is that it usually occurs at the end of a#narrative arc whereas water typically appears at the beginnings#water is used to signify a character's beginning descent into something new and the resurrection is once that change is completed#jackson's arc in season two is started with his submersion in water and it's ended with his resurrection#and lydia's arc in eichen house in 5b is much the same with her in the river in her mind at the beginning and then her dying and coming bac#at the animal clinic#even lydia's arc in season two can be read within these parameters#it begins with her in the hospital shower as she digs hair out of the water and ends when she resurrects peter#so while yes there is a reversal there and lydia isn't the subject of the resurrection she is the agent of it#which honestly the same can be said for theo in 5a#basically what i'm getting at here is that my reading of the resurrections in teen wolf as a motif is very valid and you should all agree#also i completely forgot about jackson's resurrection until i was literally writing these tags so i had to go back and make a gif for that
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suzieloveships · 1 month
Mickey: Goofy said Max is bi.
Donald: Is that all? I thought it was something serious.
Mickey: Don't make a joke of it!
Donald: Oh come on, we've all been there, done that.
Mickey: Uhm, I certainly haven't and you haven't.
Donald: Mick, I was in the Navy for six years.
Donald: What do you think "What happened in Baía, stays in Baía means"?
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nicoyarobin · 3 months
Method acting at its best ⚔️ (aka Sanji is getting practically cut out of the picture)
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captainkupo · 1 month
One of my favorite genres of images is "funny 90s/00s photos of id staff"
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jdsgothwife · 3 months
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final destination + random posts (part 1? if you guys are interested)
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meroshrine · 5 months
woohoo i love movieverse greenflower
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u ever see two friends who are so obviously inlove but they are somehow not dating? its them
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tiptapricot · 1 year
Misadventure May Day 2
2. Their companion
Up on the edge of the dune that slopes away from the safety of the bluffs, something catches in the light. Romero perks up, holding his hat against the wisps of breeze as he steps forward to greet the figure that appears over the sand. Gold and molten orange spill into the long shadows as they make their way down, a gleaming outline catching in the sun. They come on no horse, their shape moving jerkily as they approach, casting shifting sparks onto the cacti, before finally, he sees what they are.
A skeleton, the teeth and spine, the ribs and sockets of the skull, all visible through a thick layer of amber. The joints move free, sticking out through cracked gaps, small chunks still shining on the rounded bone like they broke out in a hurry. The body looks warped beneath the surface, the splayed sternum and rounded hips stretched and bulbous through bubbles and the dark dotting of old flies. Around their hips sits a leather belt, the holster empty, the straps sagging with the weight of several knives and a tightly wound rope that looks frayed and brittle.
They stop in front of him, a head or two taller, neck creaking down to look him over, before they reach out a hand in offering. The fingers are splayed oddly, a few of them fused together on the sides by their casing.
“Suppose you’re the one I’m lookin’ for,” they say, the voice low and warm and reverberating from nowhere. Their jaw moves along with the words, clacking gently, absent of tongue or breath or anything right to actually make them speak. And yet, it happens anyway.
Romero shakes their hand firmly, and nods.
“You the guy, right? Hunter of the seeping basin?”
He nods again.
The skeleton’s head cocks and they let out a soft laugh, a movement that conjures up the image of a sly smile.
“Ro-me-ro…” they say, testing the name out. “Glad to be workin’ with a local legend. The name’s Rigel. Been at this awhile myself, too, though bit further out. Small pool to call on for jobs like these though ain’t it?”
Romero shrugs. He’s gotten used to it by now. Dangerous jobs take bodies able to withstand them, and nine times out of ten those aren’t human bodies. Not un-mutated ones anyway.
Rigel claps their hands together.
“Right then, let’s get a move on.”
They move to pass him, but Romero grabs their shoulder, shaking his head. There are meant to be two contacts joining him, their third is late.
“C’mon now, yer not scared are ya?” Rigel asks jovially, brushing off Romero’s grip as they turn back to face him.
Romero points to them and back out at the dunes, holding up two fingers. Rigel hums, chin tilting down.
“You still waiting’ for the other guy?”
Romero nods.
Rigel huffs, cocking their head again, and Romero swears he can feel the smirk this time. “He’s already here, my friend. Real secretive guy, keeps outta sight, but I’ve known him for a long time, and trust me...” they clap a hand on his shoulder, grip tightening before it loosens into a firm pat, “… he’ll show up when he wants to, the showman.” The end of the phrase has a twist of fond annoyance to it, and Romero doesn’t have time to question it before Rigel is stepping away with their arms thrown out.
“Now c’mon! This asshole ain’t gonna turn himself in.”
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(ID in ALT)
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soulmatesinc-if · 2 months
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—in which Wyatt begins to suspect who the main character is...
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bokebokeniore · 7 months
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He's onto something
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atlxolotl · 6 months
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Alucarda (1977) dir. Juan López Moctezuma
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kyuala · 5 months
diva kyuala hable sobre o cast com uma namorada fazendo sessão de fotos pra promover lingerie tipo a da sabrina carpenter com a skims
oiii ainda lembra disso aqui rsss faz tanto tempo que tive que ir procurar a campanha pra lembrar das fotos 💀 e affff amo demais essa sessão ela arrasou d+ ali... mas enfim perdão pela demora e espero que goste! <3
o enzo não sei se se preocuparia tanto em esconder o ciuminho possessivo que sente ao saber que vai dividir a visão de vc vestida de lingerie com o resto do mundo, mas com certeza te parabenizaria, te apoiaria e elogiaria cada foto que vê, desde a composição das imagens até o seu corpo (pelo qual ele é obcecado, convenhamos). o ponto principal aqui é que ele daria toda uma dramatizada nessa pose de marrentinho dele só pra poderem chegar a um acordo de que tá, ele não vai ter problema algum com todo mundo ver aquelas fotos suas - contanto que vc deixe ele fazer uma sessãozinha de fotos íntimas completamente exclusiva e particular pra ele 🎀
nossa o pardella ia ficar todo babão, postaria o photoshoot inteiro no instagram dele e FODASE OS DIREITOS AUTORAIS 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼 VAI TOMAR NO CU CAPITALISMO O HOMEM SO QUER AMAR. seu maior fã e apoiador, certeza que colocaria "😍" em todas as legendas e comentaria em todos os posts seus e da marca com coisas tipo "deusa", "corpaço 🤤" e emoji de foguinho pois ele é apenas um Homem
seguinte simplesmente o que o jerónimo ia querer te acompanhar na sessão de fotos pra ver tudinho ao vivo é putaria viu pqp ele encheria o saco e quando vc dissesse que não dá, não pode, é um set fechado só pra equipe, ele ficaria todo murchinho, se arrastando pelos cantos da casa. sabe aquela cena da josie caminhando toda tristonha e chutando as coisas no chão em bottoms? então. mas o rostinho dele já ia retomar todo o brilho quando vc dissesse que vai trazer umas pra casa e daí ele vai poder não só ver ao vivo mas ter acesso exclusivo pra ele. seria igual o pardella te promovendo nas redes sociais (postaria todas as fotos em 20 stories um atrás do outro) e ia ficar tão animado em te ver usando as peças ao vivo que com certeza meteria a mãozona e já arrebentaria ali umas 3 logo na primeira semana ✋🏼
o matías ia ficar ANIMADAÇO com a sessão de fotos juro, capaz de no dia ele já te pedir pra vc pedir uma licencinha pra ir ao banheiro no meio do trabalho só pra mandar umas fotinhos bem safadinhas e sem-vergonhas pra ele 🙄🤭 assim que vc manda ele já responde com "nossa mô pqp 🤤 agora manda uma empinando o rabinho no espelho vai" e ainda ia meter que tá apenas MORRENDO DE SAUDADE e poxa, vc não quer dar uma ajudinha pro teu homem n? quando vc dissesse que tem que voltar pro trabalho
o kuku também ia amar, ia babar em cada foto e elogiar outras coisas nos cenários além de vc e do seu corpo (pra mostrar que ele realmente admira seu trabalho e não tá só morrendo de tesão - ele tá mas não precisa dar tanto na cara assim). também ia bem sutilmente pedir pra vc levar algumas das lingeries pra casa (ele não sabe como funciona permuta e publi) pra ele "ver de perto" (te foder nelas)
o fernando reagiria quase da mesma forma que o kuku, só que se preocuparia menos em elogiar o cenário pra disfarçar o tesão que ficou pq ele quer que vc saiba o quanto ele te acha deliciosa e o quanto quer te devorar inteirinha. te lembraria de quantas pessoas estão agora por aí vendo o que é dele e usaria isso pra te falar que poxa, ele merece um agradinho especial como seu homem, né? e faria questão de te comer com força ainda vestida na lingerie que ele escolhesse, só arredaria pro lado e socaria bem fundo 🥰
o fran ia ficar APAIXONADO pela estética nostálgica dos anos 90 juroooo!! elogiaria horrores, comentaria em todas as fotos no insta e te pediria pra usar em casa a favorita dele das que vc ganhou na primeira oportunidade. me foi revelado aqui que a foto favorita dele seria a que vc tá fingindo que tá falando no telefone e ia querer fazer um roleplayzinho envolvendo isso 💭
o pipe ia ficar todo animadinho por vc num primeiro momento e a cara dele ia imediatamente ficar assim 😐 quando vc revelasse que a sessão de fotos é pra marca de lingerie 🗣️ ia tentar ao máximo demonstrar o apoio dele (pq realmente ele tá feliz e orgulhoso de vc) e esconder o ciúmes, pq só de pensar em milhões de outras pessoas te vendo de roupa íntima já faz ele querer arrancar os cabelos e bater no peito igual um gorila. mas é só vc falar pra ele que vai levar umas pra casa e é só ele quem vai poder ver e aproveitar tudinho ao vivo que ele fica mansinho, mansinho 🥰
acho que o simón ia ser um pouquinho na mesma pegada que o pipe, só que com mais facilidade pra deixar o orgulho dele de lado e te incentivar e um ciúmes um pouco menos intenso e mais meloso, digamos assim - é tudo quase que um charminho que ele faz. comentaria todas as fotos nas redes sociais e ainda repetiria os comentários pra vc ao vivo quando estivessem revendo a sessão de fotos juntos em casa, soltando vários "ó, que corpão" e "caralho, vida, gostosa demais, hein? cê tá maluco" que te deixariam todinha encolhida de vergonha e ao mesmo tempo toda orgulhosa. o bônus aqui é que ele com certeza te pediria um desfilezinho especial só pra ele no quarto de vcs 🤭
acho que levar sete mil facadas no olho doeria menos do que falar do santi agora que a gente tá chegando à conclusão de que ele é tudo menos o anjinho que ele parece (o da turma da mônica) mas vamo lá. tenho certeza que o santi seria tudo que a gente já falou aqui: o namorado amoroso, carinhoso que apoia, te rasga elogios nas redes sociais e tudo mais. isso é fato. mas o que mais me pega nesse cenário aqui é que ele é, sim, um lobo em pele de cordeiro, então vai te levando desse jeito, sem vc desconfiar de nada, até o momento em que chega com os sets de presente em casa. aí ele vai chegando de fininho, te convencendo com um papinho doce no pé do ouvido a colocá-los pra ele. depois vai te pedindo pra recriar as poses que ele mais gostou da sessão de fotos (spoiler: são as mais sugestivas) enquanto vai chegando por trás, modificando aos poucos cada uma até vc estar todinha maleável nos braços dele, pronta pra ser manuseada em qualquer posição que ele queira. aí ele vai te mandar ir tirando o conjuntinho da forma mais lentinha e sacana possível pra ele admirar com olhos cheios de fome enquanto termina o baseado que acendeu só pra te assistir, pois se tem uma coisa que é melhor do que te ver toda bonequinha e toda montadinha é te ver toda nua, toda arruinada e gostosa na sua mais pura forma pra ele foder sem preocupação alguma 🎀
o della corte também seria do time dos que SUPER fazem a linha do namorado que apoia, incentiva mesmo, chama de gostosa, deusa, rainha; tudo que for possível pra te colocar num pedestal lá nas alturas ele tá fazendo. não sei pq mas me veio aqui na cabeça uma visão dele nem pedindo foto nem perguntando nada da sessão em si pra guardar pra ter meio que uma surpresinha depois. também repostaria seus posts e da marca nos stories com vários emojizinhos apaixonados nas legendas e comentaria em tudo, mandaria os seguidores irem lá dar um apoio à mulher dele também. depois ia pegar um sutiã que vc ganhou e postar uma foto usando ele naqueles peitão explodindo de gostoso pq ele simplesmente é um homem da raça engraçadinho e não se aguenta ✋🏼
o rafa se animaria muito por vc ter essa oportunidade e jogaria sua moral lá em cima no dia da sessão, mandando elogio atrás de elogio e palavras de incentivo atrás de palavras de incentivo nas suas mensagens. daí depois ficaria todo coradinho vendo o resultado das fotos, com aquela carinha meio 😊 sem saber o que falar ou como reagir mas daria quase um pulo do sofá quando vc perguntasse se ele quer ver as que vc ganhou na campanha 🤭🤭
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