#romulan fan fic
maybeamultiverse · 1 year
War Birds: The Prophet's Tears, chapter 3, "Portraiture," is now posted here.
Isobel meets with Anya's mother at Quark's, and things don't go to plan. Meanwhile, Letant is disturbed by his strange room assignment as he attends mandatory meetings with the Federation and Klingon Empire. Finally, Isobel consorts with a certain meek Romulan aide who offers her a poorly planned solution to her problem.
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A Good Day
For my fic Terrhaha
A little Romulan girl who just walked out of the gift shop at the Ki Baratan Zoo on Romulus. The Terran wildlife exhibits are her favorite, so she begged her parents to get her a stuffed animal of Henry the crocodile, a Zion the tiger bracelet, and a balloon of one of the stegosaurs from the paleontology hologram exhibit. Now, she’s asking her dad if she can have an osol twist.
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uptoolateart · 1 month
Voyage! Tales of the USS Miraculous
Star Trek crossover
Chapter 2 Preview:
As the image of the asteroid filled the bridge’s viewscreen, Marinette gripped the armrest of her Captain’s chair a little tighter. There it was – an enormous hunk of pock-marked rock and metal. Their destination, now close enough to risk transport.
Which meant….
‘We are now inside the Neutral Zone,’ Kagami announced from her station behind her. ‘We are now in violation of the Treaty.’
Marinette suppressed a shudder. The Romulan Neutral Zone – the agreed no-go zone between the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire dating all the way back to 2160. And now they were tucked just within, far enough that a Romulan ship might see it as an act of war.
‘Initial observations, Lieutenant Lahiffe.’
‘Readings indicate that it’s an M Class asteroid with an equatorial radius of 490 km and a polar radius of 455 km – about a quarter of the size of Earth’s moon. Composition is approximately 60% clay and silicate, 40% nickel-iron. And there are hollow voids.’
‘You mean caves?’
‘Aye. The largest is approximately two hundred metres deep. That’s where the distress signal is coming from.’ He twisted round in his seat to meet her eyes. ‘Captain – I’m picking up a single life sign from within that cave.’
Read at Ao3
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akamitrani · 1 year
First of all, hello everyone! 🙂 Second of all, I'M KINDA MAD WITH YOU ALL.
Look at this mf, just look at him, take a good look, take your time:
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No, y'all don't understand. He's literally A HOT ROMULAN DOCTOR, hello??? Please, the plot comes in readymade and spicy af, there's so many possibilities. I'd write something myself but honestly my writing has the quality of a potato. Someone has to save me, quench my thirst.
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star-trek-dumb-comics · 11 months
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I'm a huge fan of the "massive malfunction on the ship/station and everyone is separated in small group and have to deal with a predicament" trope, like in TNG Disaster or DS9 Civil Defence
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14. A ship you wish hadn’t been canon and why
Definitely a "last episode ship", like Julian/Ezri or Chakotay/Seven. Fucking hate this out of nowhere stuff, especially when there were more obvious ships for theses characters.
49. A favorite ST fic
Oh I fucking love The Viewless Winds. It's a DS9 fic recounting Julian's time in the Dominion prison Camp, from the day he got there to the day Garak rescues him in In Purgatory's Shadow. It's so well written and never boring, despite the setting and the length (tho that is a plus for me, I LOVE long ass fics). Managed to make me sad for Unnamed Romulan #1's death when I rewatched the episode lmao. Legitimately one of the only fics I felt bad reading for free, this could have been a killer star trek licensed novel. Only issue is it's not finished and idk if the author will upload again. But imo it's worth reading anyway, since, well, we know how it will end.
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Gonna go for the obvious here and say Theses are the voyages. No episode of Star Trek made me as mad as this one. AT LEAST SHOW US ARCHER'S SPEECH COME ON !!!!!!!
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crowfootwrites · 10 months
I got the idea for the first part of this fic, the interaction between reader and Senator Cretak, and it rooted itself so deeply in my brain that I could literally hear it in her voice (specifically Megan Cole's Cretak, who I am deeply in love with 😅). Anyway, here's another entry for the December Prompt List by @creativepromptsforwriting. Tagging the folks I knew usually love that good Romulan shit! @deepspacedukat @bigblissandlove1 @sleepycat82 @starrynightgardens @horta-in-charge
Eaha'le translates to "sweetness" in Rihan.
December 8: Sweets (Senator Kimara Cretak x GN!Reader)
Warnings: none; pure fucking fluff; not beta'd we die like men. | Words: ~620
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“And, what did you say this was called again?” Kimara asked as she sat, slightly wide-eyed, at your mother’s kitchen table, the few brown crumbs dusting her lips begging you to kiss them off.
You laughed and wiped your floured hands on the towel slung over your shoulder before taking a seat across from her, the Christmas platter of shaped cookies resting between you.
“Gingerbread,” you reminded her.
“It is… spicy,” she murmured, reaching for another Human man-shaped cookie. “But also sweet.” She studied it intently before gingerly taking a bite.
She nodded thoughtfully. “This is excellent,” she mumbled around the cookie in her mouth.
More of your laughter bubbled over – while you never imagined you’d refer to a Romulan partner as “adorable”, Kimara’s curiosity was endearing and it made her all the more lovely to you.
You knew, of course, about the Senator’s penchant for sweets. In the time you’d known her, she’d never passed up an opportunity to try a new confection. She’d actually introduced you to jumja sticks after you’d arrived on Deep Space 9.
But being back in your family home on Earth for Christmas meant introducing Kimara to scads of novel, handmade Terran desserts – so far, there’d been some hits and some misses. She wasn’t a fan of sweet potato pie, which you’d lamented dramatically, or peanut butter fudge. But she’d eaten enough lemon bars to make herself sick and was “delighted” by the lightness of your profiteroles. Gingerbread, it would seem, was another hit.
“I’m glad you like it,” you offered. “It’s a pretty traditional Christmas dessert, around here anyway.”
A loud clinking carried across the kitchen as your mother entered, carrying a tilting stack of ceramic casserole dishes. She swore loudly as she caught her hip on the corner of the counter and dumped the pile of pans on the countertop in annoyance.
“I’m fixin’ to make my famous banana puddin’, Kimmy,” she divulged, leaning against the counter with one hand on her hip. You snorted lightly at your mother’s diminutive nickname for your dignified, Senate office-holding partner. Kimara glanced between you and your mother, her eyes still wide.
“Bananas are a sweet, custardy kind of fruit – and in banana pudding, you slice up bananas and layer them with cream and crispy vanilla cookies,” you filled in.
“And mine’s the best,” your mother added, fluffing her hair a bit. “Won the blue ribbon at the holiday bake-off for the last three years.”
“That sounds like an exceptional accomplishment,” Kimara replied earnestly, and you reached for her hand over the table to give it a squeeze. Her kindness never ceased to amaze you – it was unexpected from someone who’d previously described the Romulans’ “well-earned” arrogance to you.
“I look forward to trying it,” she added with a respectful incline of her head.
“Oh, you’re too sweet, Kimmy.” Your mother flushed and began making a racket as she shuffled her dishes around and started setting out ingredients.
A timer sounded from beside the oven and you ruefully pulled yourself from your Senator’s grasp to pull your thumbprint cookies out of the oven. Navigating around your mother’s chaos in the kitchen, you set your cookies to cool and poured a cup of tea each for you and Kimara. As you turned toward the table, you spotted her finishing her third gingerbread cookie and chided her softly.
“You’ll make yourself sick again,” you warned around a grin, setting the cups on the table and seating yourself beside your partner. 
This time you couldn’t help it, leaning in to kiss away the specks of gingerbread clinging to her soft lips, your eyes fluttering closed as she kissed you back, spice and sparks crackling to life between you. 
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more-better-words · 9 months
Alright, one and all, strap in. It's time for M. B. Words to engage in self-congratulation (and self-promotion) of the most SHAMELESS variety.
The past few years hadn't been the greatest for me in terms of creative output - one series petered out, the inspiration fading, and another that I began started strong, but I soon found myself overwhelmed by the scale of the challenge I'd created for myself. Then came Enterprise, and (more specifically) Trip and T'Pol.
I've been a star Trek fan my entire life, but I'd never found myself compelled to write fic for it. And I've told this part of the story before - how the end of ENT and the utter hatchet job that was TATV made me want to give Trip and T'Pol something better than what the show had.
"I'll just write this little post-Terra Prime thing - few thousand words - and get it out of my system," I said.
Dear reader, this is not what occurred.
Part of it was the incredibly kind and supportive encouragement I received from the fandom, and more than that, for the first time in a while, I felt like I had a story to tell. A story that just kept growing.
So instead of a one-off, it turned into a series, and in the course of 2023, I've published work that I'm really proud of, and I'm not entirely sure what the alchemy is that's unlocked this for me, but it feels good to be creating and sharing, so I'm not going to question it.
That series, Built to Last, is comprised of the following:
From the Ground Up - 9.8k words, rated G. Post Terra Prime, Trip and T'Pol decide to give a relationship a shot. Surprise, surprise, it actually works.
What We Build Here - 22.7k words, rated G. The first six months of Trip and T'Pol's marriage, and their time on Earth, before the universe conspires against them.
For the Duration - 19.2k words, rated T. The Earth/Romulan War still happens in this timeline, sorry. (I may actually be proudest of this one, because I did some non-linear stuff that I think worked pretty well)
The Place We Call Home - ongoing, rated G. Babies and domestic bliss ahoy!
"But Words," you say, "Trip and T'Pol are super hot together. Have you written anything that caters to a...spicier palate?"
Funny you should ask! For most of my fic writing career, I’ve been a bit shy about writing sex scenes. But this autumn, driven by my ceaseless envy towards those who wrote them being oh-so-hot (you know who you are), I decided this was a challenge I needed to undertake for myself. I still haven’t written I’d rate E (maybe someday, I dunno), but I think I’m getting better at it!
Rounding the Bases
I’ve also (ALSO!) posted some ficlets here on tumblr that I’ve collected over on AO3.
Cinnamon Candy
tl;dr if you’ve stuck around this long - I’ve written a ton this year, and I’m happy about it, like really, genuinely pleased with it, and I hope you don’t mind me sharing it with all of you. Happy New Year.
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areiton · 1 year
Cap-IM Rec Week - Day 7
Today’s list is short--it’s highlighting work you wouldn’t normally give a chance to, and that’s pretty rare for me. I give everything a shot because I’m a greedy whore when it comes to Stevetony. But here are two works that standout and that I thoroughly loved. I’ve really enjoyed @cap-ironman Rec Week--if you’re looking for more recs, check out @stevetonyweekly where I post all the Stevetony content I read each week. 
Tiny Spy Assassin Steve by copperbadge
An AU in which Steve Rogers was born into the modern day and never received the Serum, but managed to make it into SHIELD as a handpicked protege of senior field agent Abraham Erskine. Along with Phil Coulson, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Peggy Carter, and eventually Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes, Steve still tries to make a difference.
Particularly in the life of Tony Stark, who picked up what he thought was an art student in a bar, and ended up dating one of SHIELD's top agents...
I am EXTREMELY picky about pre-serum Steve fics and this one is just--fan-fucking-tastic. 
[Podfic] Straight on till Morning by Sineala by M_Samro
Tony Stark resigned his commission in Starfleet five years ago, after a disastrous away mission, and he swore he'd never go back. He just wants to be left alone to build warp engines in peace. But the universe has more in store for him than that, as he discovers when Admiral Fury comes to him with an offer he could never have expected and cannot possibly refuse: first officer and chief engineer aboard the all-new USS Avenger, a starship of Tony's own design. What's more, the Avenger's captain is Steve Rogers, hero of the Earth-Romulan War. Believed dead for over a century, Steve is miraculously alive... and very, very attractive.
But nothing is ever easy for Tony. As he wrestles with his secret desire for his new captain and his not-so-dormant fears, another mission starts to go wrong, and Tony becomes aware that Steve has secrets of his own -- and the truth could change everything.
So this fic--podfic--deserves two spots on the list. First because I almost didn’t read it. Star Trek was the first media I can remember watching as a child (dear god, the nightmares from those fucking ear bugs) and it remains one of the nearest and dearest to my heart, so I’m extremely picky about crossovers--but I trusted Sine and it quickly became one of my favorite Trek fics, in or out of the fandom. I’m ALSO picky about podfic--I get very very little time for podfic and I’m super picky narrators on these kinds of things--audiobooks/podfics/podcasts--so I wasn’t sold on the idea, but I had a house to paint and a friend rec’ed it and omg, best decision ever. As emotional as the reading the fic made me, listening to the podfic was even more so. I love it to an unhealthy degree, honestly. 
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chekovs-merkin · 1 year
a (draft) list of every time Mr. Spock had an interaction that might be construed as romantic
*this version will be deleted when (if) i fix this list up with some gifs and screenshots*
so, i have decided to compile some independent evidence on a few points that have been in (more than usual) contention lately in the fandom. my focus, as always, is tos. this one is a bit more controversial in that while i very much understand and respect that many fans see Spock as gay and/or ace, i personally feel like there's canon evidence for his being bi/pan and interested on the segs even outside of Pon Farr.
my interpretation is that both spock and kirk are bi/pan, though kirk has a marked preference towards women (see the rodenberry footnote. the love of his life just turned out not to be one. and he wouldn't have it any other way) and spock leans towards men (an interpretation not backed up statistically by the list, but who cares). again, this is my opinion, and the beauty of fandom is that it's in the eye of the beholder.
previously i made a draft list of the evidence for kirk being into men (excepting spirk evidence) in tos. the goal is to have one on all of the references to chapel's feelings for spock too, but that will be more work so maybe in a few days? never trust any promises i make on this blog
three important disclaimers before we begin: kirk, chapel and uhura will not be featured.
the reasons being, in kirk's case... *gestures vaguely at the entirety of tos*; in chapel's because i intend to go into her feelings for spock and how he reacts to them on-screen separately; and in uhura's because iirc there's only one instance of her flirting with him outside of their duets (where it can be construed as part of the performance), and it's not only in the beginning of the series, where it might be seen as Early Installment Weirdness, but also in The Naked Time, the episode where everyone goes crazy. also, uhura flirts with Everyone in this show, and i say good for her.
but enough with the preambles and on with the list:
the what the fuck?!? ones:
Leila Kalomi (This Side of Paradise) - this episode is baffling to me -- did spock and leila have something going on in the past that he ended because logic and rejection of humanity and putting starfleet first? or was it one-sided? spock says it was the first time he ever felt happy, but he acts so antithetically to who and what spock is that i personally find it hard to believe. maybe he just thought that was how happiness felt, and later on he discovers he was wrong (moments like the end of Amok Time, "this simple feeling", the beginning of WoK etc.). anyways cool motive, still drug-facilitated s.a.. big fan of sex pollen fics and that quote spock says about self-made purgatories though
T'Pring (Amok Time) - going strictly by the episode, vulcan biology... the biology of vulcans made spock want her, but he feels humiliated by the loss of logic. her reasons for not wanting him are two-fold: she simply likes stonn better (in that roundabout way vulcans admit to feelings), and she doesn't want to marry an absentee living legend, which, fair. the fact that spock's not a full vulcan must play some part in it too. but there's plenty left for interpretation. they are distant at the moment, but have they always been? how long has she been into stonn? why did they not divorce more amicably previously? i could go on forever, but i this is already too long. point being, even if it doesn't gel with my personal headcanon, there's nothing really wrong with snw's interpretation of this relationship.
the lighter ones:
Romulan Commander (The Enterprise Incident) - this woman is My Commander. I would follow her to the ends of the galaxy for the imagery she has blessed my eyes with. this being said, i think the important bit here is their conversation in the turbolift at the end. spock is not one to lie out of politeness. he could have said nothing, but he used those contorted phrases of his to imply he was a willing participant, and liked it. and she picks up what he puts down. also at some point kirk complains spock is taking too long and it cuts to them in her quarters, implying that spock got kinda into it (also, jealous, jimmy?)
Kollos (Is There No Truth in Beauty?) - this one's debatable, but i'd argue there was some attraction there, in a brainy way. smart is sexy, and all. dr. jones certainly thought so, from her reactions
Adam (The Way to Eden) - Pacifist Discount Roger Daltrey Hippie Musician In A Monokini Seduces Rebellious Vulcan was the tabloid headline
Droxine (The Cloud Minders) - insert cringey line about extreme female beauty. how the seven-year cycle became public knowledge given the drama of amok time is a mystery to me. the attraction flew out of the window real quick when the planet's situation made itself know though. anyway i shipped her with vanna.
Zarabeth (All Our Yesterdays) - i... don't get how logic can be time-locked? is the st universe secretly like a civ game? takes me out of this episode way too much. anyways he almost went full warrior vulcan and stayed in the past with her
the meme ones:
The Computer (The Ultimate Computer) - mccoy said it best.
Surak (The Savage Curtain) - spock, he's your ancestor! and at this point any intellectual crush is pretty quickly superseded by how thirsty he is for That Human Booty Intuition
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girlonthelasttrain · 8 months
I didn't do a yearly roundup of my fic writing output before the end of 2023 because I was preoccupied with other things, so here it is now:
In 2023
I posted 5 stories, 4 in English and 1 in Italian
for a total of ~53,700 words, the most I've posted in one calendar year ever since I started posting fic online
2 fics for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, 1 for Star Trek: Voyager, 1 for Star Trek: Picard and finally, after many years of only writing Trek-related fic, 1 for Wheel of Time (TV)
all are f/f (because in this at least I'm very consistent), and two of the stories feature polyamory
the longest fic is Best Left (~38,400 words, the longest fic I've ever posted so far) and the shortest is Sotto il Passo Ratosha (~1200 words)
Under the cut thoughts on each fic!
Mistaken for Strangers (Star Trek: DS9, Kimara Cretak/Kira Nerys, ~1700 words)
Kira calls for the Habitat Ring, Guest Sector with more mixed feelings than her usual fare. It’s not that she blames Ezri, or anyone else for that matter, for assuming things about her enmity with the Romulan senator; they wouldn’t understand. In all honesty Kira isn’t sure she does, either. She remembers all too clearly how it was to be on the other side.
Written for the Rare Femslash Exchange 2022, this is the latest entry in my longstanding Kira/Cretak series. It was fun to imagine Kira as a young, and (understandably) rigid, freedom fighter and contrast her with Kira's current predicament (ie, enjoying a secret sexual relationship with Romulan Senator a little too much for her own good).
Even when I am not, I am (Star Trek: Voyager, Seven of Nine/B'Elanna Torres, ~9,600 words)
B’Elanna turns back to the console and resumes entering commands into it with grim determination. Harry watches her in silence, once again unsure what to do. There is clearly something bothering B’Elanna, there’s no doubt about it now, and it’s deeper than he thought.
Once again written for the Rare Femslash Exchange 2022, this one is kind of niche fic. The prompt specifically mentioned the Voyager novel “String Theory: Cohesion” which is an incredibly fun romp for B'Elanna/Seven fans. In it, the girls are forced to become a ‘collective of two’—essentially telepathically connected—and I wanted to explore the fallout from that with a bit of a personal spin. I love telepathy tropes, I'm fascinated by the idea of mind-sharing and horrified that anyone could know someone else's innermost thoughts, or even get lost in them. I was reading a lot of Gloria Anzaldúa when I wrote this (the title comes from “Borderlands/La Frontera”) and I thought that B'Elanna, who all her life has been forced to live on the margins, would especially not react well to that kind of identity-erasing experience, while also being forced to confront a latent attraction which has come to the forefront.
Sotto il Passo Ratosha (Star Trek: DS9, Jadzia Dax/Kira Nerys, ~1200 words)
Si guardò intorno, come stordita; si era nascosta lì per un rastrellamento quindici anni prima, buttandocisi dentro con il fucile, e ora era tornata e aveva in mano quello stesso fucile. Eppure la cesura fra i due momenti non poteva essere più ampia.
I wrote this for the None English Fest 2023, based on the first chapter of an autobiographical novel on the Italian Resistance to the Nazi occupation (“I Piccoli Maestri” by Luigi Meneghello). I admit I haven't translated it yet because I now feel pretty ambivalent about having connected an explicit narrative of decolonization like the Bajoran struggle to this particular page of Italian history (which was not that). The reference is still meaningful to me personally, and it fit the characters and Kira and Jadzia very well imho, but it's perhaps best left as a writing exercise that very few people will be able to read. That being said, in 2023 I realized just how much Italian I'm forgetting; carrying even a slightly involved conversation has become pretty challenging and my vocabulary is shrinking rapidly. Writing this short fic was not a small effort. I want to try and write (and read!) in Italian more often in 2024. And if you're reading this as an ESL fic writer: this is your sign to write more in your native language. Do It. Don't let English monopolize your creative output.
Best Left (Star Trek: Picard, Raffi Musiker/Seven of Nine + Seven of Nine/B'Elanna Torres + Raffi Musiker/B'Elanna Torres, ~38,400 words)
She’s older now, and out of uniform, looking much worse for wear after what she just went through. But there had been a time more than twenty years prior when her face had been on every Federation newsfeed, along with the rest of the crew of the USS Voyager. “You know her?” Raffi turns to Soji, frozen in bemusement beside Emil. “I’ve never met her but yes, I know who she is,” Raffi says. “You two stay here and keep an eye on things. Seven needs to see this.”
Written for the Rare Pair Exchange 2023, with this fic I brought my current OTP (B'Elanna/Seven) into the Picard timeline while also falling a little bit in love with Raffi and learning to appreciate S1 of the Picard show, despite my many complaints. I won't lie, writing this fic was hysterical, challenging, crazy fun and it broke me a little bit. I still can't say whether or not I'm proud of how it turned out; while writing it felt like I was courting disaster at every turn, and it would've certainly benefited from a better drafting process. Still, it is one of the most ambitious projects I've ever undertaken, and I feel like I didn't completely fumble the ending, so there's that. If you read it, please let me know—I'd love to hear what you thought of it, good and bad.
Master's Apprentices (Wheel of Time (TV), Lanfear/Liandrin Guirale + Liandrin Guirale/Moiraine Damodred, ~2700 words)
“All your life you have sought power out of fear,” she murmurs distractedly, as if finding the truth of your existence in braids you don’t remember plaiting. Then, her eyes meet yours again, solemn. “But no more. I found you out, Liandrin. I know every one of your secrets. There is no need for you to hide any longer.”
Written for the Femslash Exchange 2023, I admit this fic caught me by surprise. I've written for years in the same extended universe (Star Trek), and I wasn't sure I would be able to wade into a completely different setting. So in order to get over myself I tried something I had wanted to attempt for a very long time, second person POV. I think it fit well the ‘dreamscape’ I was trying to evoke, and I'm glad I took this route. Liandrin is a fascinating character to write for me, too. I share more than a few personality traits with her (most relevant for this fic her inability to get over old feelings—I still regularly dream about my ex, despite the fact that our break up almost fifteen years ago was hardly amicable), so it wasn't difficult to relate to her or realize that I could make the same terrible choices, or be preyed on by someone figuring out my weaknesses, if I don't take a principled stand. I had fun writing this fic.
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maybeamultiverse · 1 year
Just updated the third chapter of 'Terrha: Before I Go,' my newer fic about a stranded Romulan in the 21st century, featuring a brief appearance from a very new and very intriguing character introduced quite recently in SNW.... hmmmmm I wonder who that isssss 👀👀👀
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SUMMARY: Yhea's vessel is discovered, Maria deals with Mestral, Sophia endures a heated family reunion, Rania accidentally shows an alien man her hair, and a certain Canadian-based Romulan spy concocts a plan.
Read the new chapter here.
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Weeds Among Stones WIPs 🚧 - Poppin’ my head out of my little rabbit hole to share these. Slow going, but they’re shaping up little by little. Think I may give Jo a dress or something but I’m not positive yet.
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deepspacedukat · 1 year
Misfit Toys - Part One
I was rewatching TNG’s two-parter “Birthright” and I was reminded of this amazing, overlooked Romulan. Tokath deserves to have the spotlight for a minute! This fic is going to be three parts, and I’ve written parts of both the other chapters already, so I have a pretty firm idea of how I want all of this to go. Enjoy!!
If you want to be added to or removed from my taglist let me know!
Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Tokath (ST:TNG) x Reader
[A/N: I haven’t decided whether there will be smut in future chapters, but for now, this is just fluff.]
Warnings: Descriptions of a crash but nothing graphic, discussion of injuries but nothing graphic, mentions of dried blood, flirting, emotions, a Romulan trying to be comforting, eventual Human/Romulan romance.
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In the early morning of the Carraya System, a streak of fire lit up the skies above the lush jungles of the fourth planet. Many of the Romulan residents were awake already, but the few that weren’t found themselves jolted into consciousness by the sound of a vessel crashing through the trees and grinding to a halt.
Tokath, who had been savoring a raktajino as he watched the sky beginning to hint at sunrise, grabbed a disruptor and rushed outside to a group of his men.
“Report,” he barked, and one of them described the object’s trajectory. “You three come with me. The rest of you alert the remainder of the guard and take your positions on the perimeter.”
Using their scanners, they located the crashed craft rather quickly. The ship had broken into three sections upon impact with chunks of twisted metal and debris scattered through the underbrush.
“Fan out and search for survivors!” Tokath called, and for several long, silent moments, all that could be heard were footsteps and the haunting creaks and groans of heated metal cooling and settling in the low morning light. Tokath had counted six lifeless bodies by the time the silence was broken.
“Commander!” Tokath moved toward the Centurion who’d called for him, only to find him crouched beside a Human woman. One of her legs was quite obviously broken, and he couldn’t even begin to guess at how extensive her other injuries must be. Beneath all the dirt and dust that had settled on her clothes and skin, the elder Romulan could see that she was undeniably beautiful. “Sir, she’s alive, but she’s severely injured.”
Tokath knelt by the woman’s side and grasped her wrist just firmly enough to check for a pulse. Judging by the way the bones shifted slightly in his grasp, he surmised that her wrist was broken as were several others. She let out a low moan of pain and blinked slowly up at him, stealing his breath. Her eyes were clouded with pain, but utterly entrancing. As quickly as she grabbed his attention, she’d lost consciousness, leaving Tokath nearly breathless.
“Take her to an empty set of quarters and have Ta’lana do what she can for her. Hurry, she may be dying,” the Commander rasped as he stood and got out of the Centurion’s way. If this lone Human was the only one who survived out of the ship’s crew, then they had to help her. It was unlikely that she would recover fully in her current condition, though. Their medical knowledge consisted primarily of Klingon and Romulan physiology.
And yet...Tokath felt his breath catch unpleasantly in his chest at the thought that one so lovely as she might die on his watch. Rising to his full height, he steadied himself and began his search anew. If she survived, perhaps someone else had, too - someone who might know more about Human physiology than they did.
After they’d combed the area in detail, Tokath and his men gathered in a somber little group. All told, there had been seventeen people aboard that small craft of varying ages and origins, but the only one who had withstood the crash was the poor, broken Human who was now under Ta’lana’s care. Ordering his men to find out what they could from the ship’s records, Tokath went back to the compound.
L’Kor stood at the gate, gray beard blowing gently in the wind, waiting for the Commander’s return.
“What news?” The old man called when the Romulan was within earshot. With a grim sigh, Tokath’s brow furrowed.
“There will be no more survivors to care for. She was the only one,” he said as they both fell into step.
“How many?” The Klingon’s question was quiet and somber as it always was when discussing what he considered needless, honorless deaths.
“Seventeen in total, sixteen of whom are dead. None of the others are Humans, though,” Tokath responded, drawing a curious grunt from his companion. “Where did M’Ven put her?”
“The east wing. Ta’lana is tending to her. Tokath...if she survives, which of us will be responsible for her? She’s not Klingon or Romulan.” L’Kor had a point.
The Commander didn’t hesitate.
“I will be. My men found her, and I ordered her to be cared for. She is my responsibility,” he said, and the Klingon nodded his head.
“Then, I hope she survives. She would have a much gentler recovery under your care than under that of a Klingon,” L’Kor said before shuffling off to go arrange for a group of volunteers to clean up the crash site. If there were any salvageable components, those would be taken, but, most likely, it would all be unusable. There were also the bodies to consider. Some cultures had rather extensive burial rituals. L’Kor would wish to honor them, and Tokath would certainly not object.
Putting his instruments and disruptor away, the Romulan gathered some supplies and headed for the east wing.
“How is she?” Tokath inquired as Ta’lana stepped out of the room that the woman had been placed in. The Commander carried a small basin of fresh water and some clean cloths. It was a sentimental gesture, to be sure, but if nothing else, he believed that she deserved to meet her death with a clean face at the very least.
“If she were Klingon or Romulan I would’ve been able to do much more for her. As it is, I have repaired her broken bones and stopped her internal bleeding. There is little I could do about the rest,” the aging Klingon woman said as she wiped some alarmingly red blood off of her hands with a rag that was stained the same color. “I put her in a fresh nightgown, as well. If she is to survive, then she must do so by sheer force of will. She must rely on her own strength now. I will give her this: she appears to be quite strong for a Human. If she is alive in the morning, then she has a chance.”
Tokath acknowledged her statement with a nod of his head and stepped into her patient’s room as quietly as he could. She looked so peaceful. Walking to the side of her bed, he took up the seat that Ta’lana had occupied only moments before and dipped one of the cloths into the warm, fresh water. Wringing it carefully out so that it was only slightly more than damp, he reached out and began to wipe away the blood, dirt, and general grime that had found its way onto her skin during the crash.
Unbidden, a memory arose of him doing something similar when his daughter, Ba’el, was ill as a young girl.
She’d been feverish and delusional with an illness that none of them had encountered before. Cooling her with a damp cloth was an old tactic, but one that ultimately saved her by helping her body regulate its temperature. She’d stirred several times, but there was only one instance where she was lucid.
“Papa?” Her voice was weak and thready, but it drew Tokath’s attention instantly.
“I’m here, little one. You’re not alone,” he’d murmured dabbing the cloth gently across her cranial ridges. Her eyes were cloudy, but they met his with an almost unsettling stillness.
“Am I going to die?” The question reached into his side and made his heart ache. He couldn’t lie to his daughter.
“Not if I can help it, but you must fight. You must be as fierce and strong as your mother, Ba’el, and never give in,” he murmured. “Do not give up, don’t stop fighting, and...don’t be afraid. I’m here with you. Promise me you will fight, and, no matter what, I will be here by your side.”
And he had been. For three straight days and nights, Tokath hadn’t left his daughter’s side. He’d kept his promise, and Ba’el had kept hers. She’d fought the illness off with all the tenacity of her Klingon heritage.
Now, as he sat by the bedside of a Human woman who was flirting with death, he resolved to do whatever he could to help her live through this. He didn’t even know why he was so determined to make her well. All he knew was that it was extremely important that she not succumb to her injuries.
“My name is Tokath. I realize you don’t know who I am, lhhei, and I can’t be sure that you’ll hear me, but I will make you a deal,” Tokath said to the sedated woman. He wiped the final bit of dried blood from her forehead, and dipped the cloth back into the water as he spoke. “If you fight this, you will not be alone in your recovery. Though there may not be any other Humans here, I will personally ensure that you do not feel lonesome. But, you must fight for your life, now. Do not give in. Alright?”
She couldn’t answer. He knew she couldn’t, but he had heard that sometimes unconscious people could recall what was said to them once they awoke.
“I shall be back in a moment with some more supplies for you,” he stated quietly as he dried her face with a separate cloth. “Perhaps I should tell you a story when I return. Would you like that?”
Silence again met his query, but he allowed himself a hint of a smile nonetheless.
“You look like the curious type. I bet you would enjoy hearing about the set’leth that saved my life as a boy.”
He told her that story and several more when he returned - he had accrued dozens of odd tales over the course of his long life. Telling a few to someone who might not even remember them couldn’t hurt.
Over the next three days, Tokath had a sort of schedule. For the first portion of his morning, he received reports and speculations from his men about the Human and the ship she’d been on. Apparently, their destination had been a small colony less than a parsec away. None of the passengers were of the same species, which made the Commander wonder what in the stars her reasoning could have been for going there. Did she have family there? Was this some sort of a personal exploration? He had many questions that needed to wait until she awoke.
If she awoke.
Next, he had a quick breakfast, attended to his work in his study, and spent the rest of the day by his patient’s bedside. He whiled away the hours alternating between reading quietly and telling her stories. It seemed like a futile endeavor, but if there was even a chance that his rambling was stimulating her mind in some manner, he was going to take it.
These little conversational sessions had become almost therapeutic for him. Since his wife, Gi’ral, passed and his daughter went off to explore the Klingon homeworld, Tokath didn’t have anyone to confide in. Oh, sure, Ba’el came back for her annual visits, but for the most part, he was closed off.
He had no reason to hold back when speaking to an unconscious woman, though. Between stories, he’d begun giving voice to some of the fears he’d kept hidden from everyone else - fear over his daughter’s safety, concern over what would happen if this place was ever discovered by any people besides the very few who knew its secret. There was little to no risk of her spilling those secrets, after all. She may not wake up, and if she did, there was only a low probability that she would remember what he said to her.
Speaking to her and watching her slowly regain her strength was a breath of fresh air for the Commander. Ta’lana gave him a much more positive prognosis two days after the crash.
Tokath didn’t even go back to his room for more than a change of clothing after that. He was at her bedside for all but mealtimes. He didn’t know exactly why, but seeing her face every day brought him a sense of peace and happiness. His first impression had been very correct. Beneath the dirt, she was utterly beautiful. He just hoped he’d get to see her lovely eyes open again.
The pain that had seemed so immediate and jarring before had been replaced with a dull ache, and the sound of alarm klaxons had been silenced in favor of a gentle, compassionate voice. What had happened? The whole world seemed fuzzy...hazy and unwilling to come to the surface of my mind with any sort of coherence.
When I finally managed to crack my eyelids open, I was met with the gentle flickering of candlelight. Turning my head slightly, I saw a man sitting in a chair beside me reading a book. A few difficult blinks later, I realized that he was Romulan.
“When’s my execution, rekkhai?” The words sounded rough and were out of my mouth before I could think better of them. The man looked up from the book he was reading and when his eyes met mine, I couldn’t help but swallow nervously despite my dry throat.
“‘Execution?’ Why would I wish to execute you, lhhei?” His voice was smooth, low, and oddly familiar. A soft smile crossed his lips as he closed his book and set it aside.
“Romulans don’t tend to like Humans,” I rasped. “I’ve been called a ‘hevam’ more than once.”
His brow furrowed at that.
“I do not dislike you, I have no desire to harm you, and I’m quite certain that you don’t deserve such distasteful treatment,” he murmured, turning to the small table by my bedside. “Can you sit up?”
Blinking slowly, I tested my muscles. I was sore, but I managed to force myself up after a long moment. As a reward, the Romulan sitting by my bed passed me a small glass of water. While I drank it, I couldn’t help but study him.
His hair was a mix of brown and gray, and despite the severity of his brow, his eyes seemed kind and welcoming. How odd for a Romulan. There was stubble on his jaw and upper lip as if he hadn’t shaved in a while. His lips slid easily into a smile as he watched me watching him.
“What happened?”
“Your ship crashed. We found your identity record on the manifest, but...I’m sorry to say there were no other survivors,” the man said, and to my surprise he actually looked genuinely remorseful. “Do you know where you are?”
“Sitting alone in a bedroom with a Romulan man,” I answered with a wry, exhausted smile of my own. He let out a huff of laughter and nodded his head, but a name floated into my brain. “Do you know someone called Tokath?”
“So you did hear me,” he muttered as his eyes widened. A warm, gentle smile stretched his lips. “I am Tokath, lhhei, and I assure you that you have no reason to fear me.”
I believed him. I didn’t know why, but I knew he was telling the truth.
“It will be several days before you’re able to leave your bed, but you won’t be alone,” Tokath said, and I nodded my head quietly. “I can only offer my apologies that we weren’t able to heal you more completely. For reasons that will become quite clear to you, we have very little need for knowledge of Human physiology.”
I was about to respond to him when the door opened, revealing an older Klingon woman. What was a Klingon doing with a Romulan?
“I came to relieve you for your evening meal,” she began, but when she saw that I was awake, she gave me a wide, toothy grin. “Well, you do have some strength in you, don’t you, girl? Didn’t think you’d survive, to be honest.”
At the surprise written all over my face, Tokath introduced me to the woman who’d tended to my wounds. She checked me over, but despite her attempts to relieve Tokath, he insisted that he would stay with me for a while longer. Once Ta’lana had left, the Romulan gave me a smile.
“There is much for you to learn about this place, dear lady.”
Over the next week and a half, Tokath taught me all about the colony they’d built from the ashes of Khitomer and the battle’s aftermath. He and his men had sacrificed their careers and their homes to help their prisoners protect their family honor. He’d brushed off my amazement at the selflessness of his choice with the excuse that he was simply doing his duty.
But what he’d done was far beyond duty. Hell, he’d even gotten married to one of the Klingon women and had a child with her. He’d created a home he could be proud of here on Carraya Four. There was a lingering sort of sadness in his eyes when he spoke about his wife. It was only when he caught me looking at him curiously that he finally told me that she’d died a few years prior to my crash landing. He seemed genuinely grateful when I offered him my condolences. If the look in his eyes told me anything, it was that he’d loved her more deeply than anyone could ever know.
Tokath had tried to lighten the mood by telling me hours upon hours of stories, as well. We both discovered rather quickly that he had a knack for making me laugh, so he kept me in stitches for quite some time with stories from his childhood.
Each day like clockwork, Tokath knocked respectfully at my doorframe, and at my request that he enter, he would show me some trinket or other and help me fight off the boredom of being confined to a bed by filling the room with his melodious voice and intriguing stories. He even managed to pull a few from me in return, even if I wasn’t quite as adept as he was at weaving my memories into tales worthy of a village bard.
Before we knew it, Ta’lana told us both that it would be safe for me to attempt to stand and walk again. I still felt a bit weak, so I wasn’t too keen on the idea, but Tokath was eager to offer to help me.
“Are you sure about this?” I asked as my ever-present Romulan nurse pulled me confidently to my feet.
“Of course! You’ve done well to regain your strength, and Ta’lana agrees with me that it’s time you attempt to walk again,” he said smiling down at me as I tried to steady myself in his grip. He must’ve been able to see how nervous I was, because he dropped his voice to something quiet and intimate. “I know your leg aches from where it was broken, but you needn’t worry, lhhei. I won’t allow you to fall.”
My breath caught in my chest at the sincerity in his voice. He always looked at me with such kindness. It was almost difficult to believe that our people had been adversaries for so long in a cold war.
Bringing myself back to reality and shaking off the hypnotic sweetness of his eyes, I reminded myself that Tokath had kept his word with everything else. Why shouldn’t I trust him with this? I nodded my head in agreement as he took a small step back.
“Take it slowly. You’ve not been on your feet for quite some time,” Tokath murmured as he released my arms so I could stand on my own. I breathed deeply and took a cautious step forward. A second followed, and, though I looked and felt a bit shaky, I chanced a third. Walking beside me, the Commander smiled proudly at my progress. “You’re doing well. Take your time. Your muscles have not been properly exercised in over two weeks.”
At the fifth step, one of my knees gave out, but I never hit the ground. Two large, sturdy arms held me firmly against a familiar, very solid chest. A pair of warm eyes smiled down at me. A giddy little giggle bubbled up from my throat and was met by a chuckle from Tokath.
“Every step is progress,” he murmured as my face heated up under his gaze. “You should be proud of yourself for coming so far.”
“I couldn’t have recovered like this without your help, rekkhai,” I said smiling up at him as I steadied my legs again.
“I’m honored to have been able to assist you, and...I hope that I will be able to continue to make your recovery easier,” he said as he took a slow, careful step back. “Stay right there.”
Walking over to the long, narrow box that he’d brought with him today, Tokath picked it up and carried it over to me.
“This is for you,” he stated as he pulled the lid off to show me what looked like a staff with a pad at the top. “It’s an old-style crutch. My brother used one when he injured himself on a mission on an uninhabited planet. I know it isn’t much, but it should help you regain your mobility. I made this one myself, so if it requires any adjustments...”
I couldn’t help but look up at him in amazement.
“You made this? For me?” When he nodded his head, tears flooded my eyes. He’d done so much for me already. With a small, lurching step, I wrapped my arms around Tokath and buried my head in his chest. “Thank you so much!”
After a moment’s hesitation, he hugged me back and rested his chin atop my head.
“It is time for you to begin living again, lovely girl, and I’ll be there with you every step of the way. I promise.”
Romulan Words:
lhhei = lady; my lady
hevam = Human (derogatory, slur)
rekkhai = sir
@bigblissandlove1​ @darkmattervibes​ @emilie786​ @horta-in-charge​ @toebeans-mcgee​
30 notes · View notes
So I watched Star Trek 2009 again and decided to do some more in depth note taking this time around, and decided to post it here. I'll be honest though most of it is me pushing the mcspirk agenda and complaining about the uniforms
Disclaimer! This constrains spoilers for this movie and also Star Trek into darkness, I will also say here that I am an autistic queer man, and I refer to a lot of Spock's behavior as autistic, if that is something that makes you uncomfortable them maybe you should skip this post.
Also the spacing is weird but I'm not gonna fix it, sorry :/
Anyway! Onto the post itself.
So I'm watching this movie again, I feel like I will like it much better now that I have my own twisted perception of this movie 👍🏻
It's unfair the amount of power this soundtrack has over me
This movie is truly beautiful, the uss kelvin is a gorgeous ship
And the sounds?? Ugh, I love it
I love the fake out they did there, I know so many old trekkies in the theater were like "THERE THE ENTERPRISE!!! LOOK AT HER!!! THERES THE BRIDGE!!! Oh wait..."
I love the funky shape the kelvin has
Ok so, what era are these uniforms supposed to be in? It's not the same ones from Archers days, and even though this is *technically* the point where the timeline diverges, these uniforms had to be canonical in the prime timeline too bc obviously hey were wearing them before they discovered the anomaly.
I'm guessing they just wanted to show that it was in the past? I'm pretty sure these uniforms were invented for this movie specifically.
We're only 1 minute and 43 seconds in.
Yea that ship is pretty damn scary
Oh em gee is Chris Hemsworth, wonder what he's doing here
Side note, when I first watched this I thought he was actually Chris Pine, but I kept going like "hmmm something ain't right here" yeah doofus you got the wrong Chris
It's even funnier when u know that I'm actually a big MCU fan and did a whole marathon of all the movies like a year ago, just full on did not recognize Chris Hemsworth
("Wow Lynsey, you're an MCU fan? How cringe!" Yeah whatever I know, I know, it's got a million and ten problems with it, but hey I love a good fix-it)
Fucking side note- this opening battle scene is gruesome as fuck, I remember watching this the first time and just being like "damn, three minutes in and already we have bodies flying through space??"
Ok so is this canonically what future romulans look like?? Bc this is not what romulans look like in any of the other shows, including SNW but that's all in the "past" so...?
I do find it interesting how many different species they have in starfleet here, because again up until the very minute that wormhole appeared, this was the prime timeline (which begs the question, WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO KHAN??) so that means that in TOS they also technically would have had several other species in starfleet at any given time, obviously we don't see that in TOS itself bc of primary budget issues (that's why Spocks makeup wasn't super inhuman and stuff, bc they didn't have the money to put a regular character in super complex makeup every episode) but this little detail opens up a window of possibilities that I find really fun
Like because of this movie, my TOS crew of OC's has an Orion and two Vulcans in their senior staff (I know I know most Vulcans at that time wouldn't be caught dead in starfleet but they're my dollys and I get to decide what they look like!)
I'm back like, an hour later!
Let's get right to it!
He really does like like Chris pine, like I'm not going crazy, am I?
Is it just a Chris thing??
But yeah I can see why all the fics are like "Jim looks EXACTLY like his dad" cuz yeah they kinda do look like brothers if nothing else
Again I wonder what the theater reaction was to that "Kirk!? JIM Kirk?? But I thought he was played by a different blond twink!"
(Listen I'm sorry to say it but Chris Pine was a twink in this movie, it's just the truth! He gets more twunky as the movies go on, though.)
It's so weird to hear Chris Hemsworth speak with an American accent, or at least his attempt at one
Do we ever hear about this captain like, ever again?
I love the romulan language dude
Wait so do the romulans just straight up not have the eyebrow ridges? Like I think I read somewhere that sometimes they don't have them, but it looks like this entire crew doesn't have them
I'm confused
All I can hear when I look at Nero is the wackes bonkes audio that was going around on TikTok like, two years ago
Idk he just gives me that vibe
Spack! :D
Also I'll say right here right now, I do not support this ending for Spock prime!! I will give her a happy ending even if I have to forge it with my own to hands!!
GASP 😱 we're in the past!
I hate the fact that I had a Once phase, because all I can see is Emma so to me it's like a really weird crossover fic where Emma Swan and Thors child is Jim Kirk
What a mix
GASP! 😱 what ever will he do!
He sounds soooo confident that the baby will be ok
Them both being blond and blue eyed gives me the ick
Damn, poor Jim. Now he's got a million and ten allergies.
Ok ok ok I know this is supposed to be super emotional (and to be fair it is pretty emotional) but with all the fics I've read and fan content I've consumed where Jim's dad dying kinda fucked him over and Winona leaving him as soon as she could just makes me apathetic towards them.
So... yeah.
And I know none of that's canon (I don't think? We'll see as the movie goes on and I remember shit) unless I've missed a book or ten somewhere that provides all this extra information (like where frank came from, sam leaving, basically all the troupes we see with most AOS fics)
Damn, I gotta say that's pretty traumatizing
Star Trek!!!
Yep, we just got to the title sequence :)
Baby Jim!!
Ok so canonically Winona is off planet
I do love the fact that Jim listens to dad rock. Why? Because I listen to dad rock!! And it's very important to me that Jim does too!!
Ok so from the fics, that is supposed to be Sam, right?? But is that confirmed anywhere?? Also they never said who was on the phone, I just knew because of the fics
Where did all this extra info come from??
Oh, nope that's some kid named Johnny oops
Let's hope that we don't have cops in the 23rd century, thank you.
The trauma. This kid.
If I'm not mistaken (I probably am) this is one f the first good looks we get at an actual Vulcan city, right? Like in TOS we only got the ritual grounds, in TOSM we got the other ritual grounds, and then the other other ritual grounds, but we never really saw a city of any kind, did we? It's been a minute I might be mistaken.
And then in TNG, we only really saw some of Sareks home and not much else of Vulcan, but then again I haven't watch the majority of Trek so maybe in Voyager or one of the other shows we see more
Anyway, I choose to believe that Vulcan cities look way more colorful then this, you can't convince me otherwise!
When the Vulcan children are in the learning sphere it makes it look like the floor is actually a really big doughnut pan
My question is what Vulcan would think this is logical behavior. Like I know that they're xenophobic and like obviously they couldn't care less about logic when it comes to that so it doesn't really matter, but you go up to possibly the golden standard of Vulcan ideology and act like that?? And then say he's the one who's illogical and out of place?? Look In a mirror bud.
I don't know how I feel about Sarek being British
Sarek I'm not entirely sure that's what they intended when they made you ambassador to earth 💀💀 but I see where Spock get her "Ah yes, it is perfectly logical to have sex with my human captain and the CMO, it builds respect and is a great team exercise."
Sure bitch
It was so random to cast Winona Rider as Spocks mom, I'm not complaining ofc, I love Winona, but just so random
See, I can't just let her be killed off when she's that damn nice. I refuse! Amanda lives!
Idk what kind of gay little outfit this is bust it works for Spock, honestly. Idk I just feel like he can pull it off but if anyone else wore it it'd look ridiculous.
Is that because Spock is my favorite and therefore can do no wrong?
No! Be quiet you!
I literally love her so much.
The one bar in Iowa 💀
I never know how to feel about this scene.
Jim Kirk you literally bitch. I love him with my entire heart.
Jim Kirk is a gay bitch (he's bi but still)
Ok that was unnecessary. :| fucking 2009.
Kirk: you can whistle really loud, did you know that?
I... cannot tell you how much Jimby Kirk means to me. Just- he is so absolutely important to my wellbeing. I love him so so so much.
I want a tiny star ship salt shaker
It's also very important to me that he rides a motorcycle, because I love motorcycles
Can you tell I'm very heavily attached to AOS Jim Kirk? I don't know how good that is for my health
The Enterprise 🥹
Did they just let him in? No questions?
I just- they all mean so damn much to me
I also identify with Bones so much because I too am a southern queer
Ok I'm sorry, I love Karl Urban, but again I am a southerner and this accent... 💀 I just can't
It's so damn funny to me
You look a little love struck there Jimby 🤨🏳️‍🌈
Ahaha I hope nothing bad is about to happen
Ok no the romulans do have the eyebrow ridges, they're just not very prominent
Wakus bonkus
:( Spock prime
I'm sure he does, I bet he studies your ass every second he gets 💀💀
Also I paused just as they cut to the scene with Jim and Gaila 😬 that's fun.
Ok- first off, very interesting that Uhura doesn't even blink at Gaila being in her underwear, but then proceeds to undress in front of her
Gay? More likely then you think.
Also, can they stop making Jim a creep? Thanks.
Well. I can confirm I am a gay man.
I love her tone here
Bones is over this shit
Jim 💀
Kirk 💀 why must you cheat
I can physically hear Jim's thoughts going "oh no she's HOT" when he saw Spock stand up
First off- I love how Spocks the type of autistic that makes too much eye contact, like this whole time he's just 👁️👁️ LASER focused on Jim's face
Second, that's a lowwwww blow Spock 💀 damn.
Gehhsjchdishsjs I feel sickkk
I hate that I know what's coming.
Honestly, I started writing fics just so I can fix this kind of thing, bc in my mind Vulcan is not destroyed! Fuck you!
(Don't mind me just reading the name plates of all the admirals)
(Ok I need to stop for now cuz it's late and I have things to do, I made it 35 minutes and 29 seconds through!)
(I'm bAAAaaaack!)
Bones hair flying in the wind 💀 he looks so disgruntled
How tall is Chris Pine? I didn't think he was very tall but he towers over this random commander
Maybe that guys just short tho
Bones, you poor poor fool, you're so in love with Jim. One kicked puppy look and it's all over for you
Gehhhhh I am not here for the Spock x Uhura relationshipppppp
The worst part is, is that I honestly think Spock and Uhura could work, not in these movies obviously with how abhorrently they write Uhura to be a #girlboss (and then they did the same thing with chapel in SNW) but I think that if it was written by someone who like, actually cared about the characters then I feel like it could work
But also that because I headcanon Spock using he/she pronouns and being just all over the queer spectrum, and I also headcanon Uhura as the number one lesbian of the year, so I think the dynamic between those specific headcanons would be very interesting to see
Ok now that I'm looking at this relationship through the lens that they are both lesbians I don't mind it as much
"Just sitting there looking all pathetic" HE IS SO IN LOVE WITH JIM ARE YOU KIDDING ME
I... fucking love Bones so much. I can't even put it into words
It seems my opinion on the new uniforms has not changed. Idk what happened but I just do not like how they redesigned the classic tos uniforms, it feels like they took the sparkle out of them, whatever that means
Spack! :D
Ok like. Why do the uniforms just look like a tee shirt and jeans? They don't look like a uniform!!
I also hate the longer cut on the shirt, the higher waist line from tos along with the sleeker pants just looked better to me
And then the delta just printed all over the shirt but there no texture to it... it's like those cheap bodysuit cosplays you can get online where they just print whatever the character is wearing onto a polyester bodysuit that warps whenever you stretch it too far
And the shirt isn't tailored at all!! It's so baggy!! Like Spock was looking at her station, kinda leaning over, and the collar of his science blues was like sticking out because the shirts fit like shit!
Anyway... I got big feelings about these uniforms
I ALSO hate how they attempted to make it look like the shirts were sewn like they were in tos (y'know with that weird shoulder seam they had? I don't know the name of it) but then they're actually just sewn the normal way?? So there's like, double the seams??
I literally love the dynamic between Bones and Jim so much. He just knocked him the fuck out without even blinking. I love it
Chekov :(
One of my favorite things that Bones does is follow Jim around with a regenerator because he knows that Jim Will Not sit still long enough for him to like actually do his job normally so he's had to adapt
THAT looked like Jim was gonna kiss him
Haha..ha... I wonder why they're drilling into the surface of Vulcan... it'll probably be fine...
Spock is like "what a reckless and intriguing man. I Must Have Him"
I saw that glance gay boy
Damn this movie is actually kinda intense
I hate that I know what's gonna happen
✨Spock and her autism✨
That guy reminds me of the Skyrim guards
Godddd that is so damn scaryyyyy
Fuckkkk that is so. Fucking. Terrifying. Instantly vaporized.
My question is why didn't they immediately start evacuating Vulcan the second they could
God. I feel physically sick knowing what's about to happen
Gut wrenching.
Six billion.
God damn.
On a side note, I find that I don't mind the relationship between Uhura and Spock as long as I imagine that they're either in a QPR or are lesbians
I still don't like how they reduced Uhuras character to being Spock's girlfriend tho, especially in into darkness.
Anyway. I'm still reeling over Vulcan being destroyed. That was fucking devastating. I can't even think about it
This is why 90% of my AOS writing either takes place during the academy or is an AU
Who the fuck is Nero's actor?? Why do I recognize him??
One sec now I gotta look it up
I looked him up and I literally don't know him from anything except Star Trek, so I guess he just reminds me of someone else but idk who
Ok but. Romulus was destroyed because the star went supernova, not because the federation or Vulcan went after it, right? Like I'm not misremembering that, am I? Guess we'll see.
Like I know Spock got there too late to save it, but Romulus is still gonna be destroyed?? If anything he just made it far less likely that Romulus will survive now that most of the Vulcan scientists that came up with red matter are dead.
I fucking hate those thingssss
I love that Kirk is already in the captains chair, he's just that much of a bitch
They totally just wrote that in so Spock could nerve pinch someone 💀💀
Damn. Really just dumped him on an ice planet
Run bitch!!
Spock :(
Oh my god. The look in his eyes. How does anyone expect me to be ok after that.
Heart wrenching.
Spock hasn't seen her Jim for decades. Possibly even a century. And the first time she sees him again, he doesn't recognize her.
And I know, I know, timeline shit, but like, could you imagine how devastating that is? To see your lost loved one and them just straight up not even know you? And Vulcans feel emotions so much stronger too.
Yea so see? They didn't personally destroy the planet! It a was natural space disaster! And Nero probably just fucked up any chance of them being saved from it!
Man, now I want to watch TOS again so I can see Spock happy.
Spock to McCoy: I understand that James Kirk is a ""friend"" of yours
It's ok you can call them boyfriends
These southern phrases they have Bones saying are insane 💀 not once during my life as a southerner have I ever heard someone say that, and I hear weird shit come out of other southerners mouths every day. We make shit up, but nothing that damn complicated 💀💀
I missed bitchy Spock 💕
Sorry McCoy I don't think you can come back from that 💀💀💀💀💀 Damn
Ok no need to be racist McCoy
Or xenophobic, technically
Oh don't worry Spock prime, Jim's tiny little human arms got the door, just keep on walking down the hall
AOS Scotty is one of my absolute favorite things in the world
Kirks over this destiny shit, man
And then Spock prime breaks that rule himself 💀💀 I think she just didn't want to deal with her angsty younger self
Fuck Spock prime doesn't even know this version of his mom is dead too
you got this Kirk, don't worry about it
There was way more water in that pipe then that
Spock: un-fucking-believable. He found his way back onto the ship. I Must Have Him.
Ohhh shit here comes one of my absolute least favorites scenes. THE PAINNNNN
Oh my goddd like I know why Jim is doing this but it HURTS and it makes me want to DIE
Oh my god oh my god STOP
But not rlly cuz I love him
And that single shot of Kirk changed the entire fandom. For the better? For the worse? Who's to say
Scotty 💀💀💀💀
Yeah fair 💀
Oh my goddd the cut of these shirts bothers me SO MUCH
except if you're a woman, then that thing is tailored to your body like a glove 🙄
Its guns-UH-blazing, McCoy! Get it right
I can't explain in but Spock is standing in a very autistic way
"Vulcans don't show emotion" MY ASS!!! SPOCKS ALREADY SMITTEN!!
They are standing veryyy close
And Spocks face after 💀💀 pure regret
Ok no thanks I'd rather not see them make out
Kirk "oh wow that weird, wonder why it called u ambassador, that so random" 💀💀
Spock finding a chair that swivels on its own fascinating is extremely autistic
Dude the Vulcan ship is literally so damn cool
Whys this damn thing got no safety rails?? Isn't this a ship from the future?? I figured you'd be at least a little concerned with safety, holy shit
I really thought Nero went "FUCK!!!" But he was just saying Spock 💀
Jimbyyyy Kirk, what a sad lil boy
And that's how you break several ribs
Ok damn I got chills when the enterprise appeared
"Jim!" "Bones!"
The enterprise looks so tiny
damn, got chills again
Ok one sec I know that this is like an "omg Spock and Spock are talking!" Thing but-
Spock prime knows exactly what's going on. She really said "that's gonna be one of your husbands, couldn't get in the way of that lmao"
Gay! They are GAY!
also that was the end of the movie! I didn't time myself this time around, but I would say all in all it probably took me like three hours to watch this movie, maybe more
Anywho! Maybe I'll watch into darkness again soon so I can cringe (not that I don't like the movie, it's a fun time, but there are some bits that are just... yikes, y'know? Namely Khan)
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I have a plot of a fanfic stuck in my head that I want to write really badly but I can't get into the right headspace for it. I want to write about Kimara Cretak and Kira, but for some reason I can't convince my brain to think like a Romulan, which is really complicating things for me. Anyway, I hope someone else (including you) gets inspired again to write for them hehe.
I completely missed this ask when you sent it, I apologize for the late reply!
Hmm, not being able to think like a Romulan. I'd love to know what you mean exactly by that? Is there some specific way you feel a Romulan character should feel/think? I can understand being a little stumped when it comes to the Romulans, for whom there's not that much canon information and a lot of it is about their supposed habit of secrecy. There are a lot of fans who have done great things with it though (I remember one peak of interest after s1 of Star Trek: Picard, there was so much great world-building being done from the few hints of it that actually were in the show), and it can be both inspirational and daunting. It certainly is to me!
When it comes to Kira/Cretak fic I confess I sidestep the problem of Cretak's POV by having all of my fic being from Kira's perspective, which I feel I understand better*, and since it's what the show does as well. Even on “Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges” the main POV is Julian's and never really Cretak's. But if I were to write from Cretak's perspective I would probably focus on her personality first—her general no-nonsense attitude, her subtle humor, the fact that she's a cut-throat politician with sincere convictions, and her experience in twisting expectations and assumptions of others to her advantage coupled with what I think is genuine care for the people she respects. Then I'd try to find out how these traits fit into the framework of Romulan world-building, as in how I think Romulan society and politics ended up 'making' Cretak into the woman she is. (I realize now that this is pretty much what I've done with Cretak in all my fic already.)
I've said before that I generally am more comfortable with approaching a story, especially a fic, through the lens of characterization—and I'm not claiming it's the "right" way by any means, just what works for me personally—and I do wonder if this could be helpful for you as well, if you find yourself a bit stumped? Start small, and that maybe will help with finding a character voice that works for you? Something to consider, if you'd like.
In any case good luck, I hope you'll get inspired to write down your idea and I join you in hoping more people write Kira/Cretak in the future!
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staringdownabarrel · 1 year
Alright, so here's my overall thoughts on Picard's final season.
I think this was ultimately the best paced season the show's ever had. Previous seasons have traditionally ended up getting a bit derailed halfway through and introducing a lot of plot threads that they can't really wrap up properly. For the most part, every plot thread that season three introduced was wrapped up by the end of the season. I think this season also did a much better job at keeping each individual episode well paced than previous seasons as well.
On a gut level, this is also pretty much always what I wanted from a season of Picard: bringing back the entirety of the old crew, putting them on a ship, and having them do one last mission together. While that's always been a bit of a fan fic-y desire on my part, the fact that there even is a Picard show is a fan fic-y thing.
I don't necessarily think this means it was a good final season for the show as it existed prior to this, though. There's a lot of threads from previous seasons that would have made sense to bring up here. Soji could have been doing something with the Daystrom Station for example, and bringing back Jurati for the Borg twist at the end would have made a lot of sense.
I'm also not really a big fan of bringing back Ro and Shelby just to kill them off, either. At least with Ro, the defense can be made that she at least got to do something that's important to the plot before she was killed off. Shelby was there for like a minute before she took three to the chest.
At least in this regard, season three hasn't been any worse than previous seasons, though. This is the time-honoured tradition of Picard ever since they immediately killed off Maddox in season one.
With Ro specifically, I feel like Picard's anger with her about her defection to the Maquis wasn't really in line with how he's traditionally been portrayed. Traditionally, Picard's always been the kind of guy who sees Starfleet's orders as something that can ultimately be disobeyed if his conscience says to do that. This is why he's willing to tell Admiral Haftel that Data can keep his child in The Offspring; it's also why he shows up to the battle in First Contact and why he sides with the Ba'ku in Insurrection.
Prior to this, the only time when Picard's known to have taken issue with someone acting like this was when Worf killed Duras. A lot of that wasn't just the murder is wrong angle; it was also the risk of how it could have complicated the Federation's relationship with the Klingon Empire at a time when they needed the Klingons on side to maintain their position against the Romulans.
This kind of reasoning didn't really apply to Ro Laren defecting to the Maquis. The Federation's relationship with the Cardassians was already being complicated by the Maquis' existence; one more Starfleet officer going over wasn't going to change that too much. Plus, the Federation's justice was very forgiving--Bashir's parents only got a couple of years for having him genetically modified for example, and that was one of humanity's biggest social taboos.
Plus, for the most part, Picard's general vibe really wasn't to make anyone who ever crossed him a personal nemesis. That was always more of a Sisko thing. We don't ever see him on the brink of making Admiral Nechayev his own personal nemesis even though they had a rocky relationship, and he doesn't seem to do it with Ishara Yar or Sela, either. Towards the end of TNG, he's even starting to warm to Q, and Q is kinda the closest thing he's ever had to a personal nemesis.
So this idea that Picard was just dwelling on what Ro had done in Preemptive Strike for thirty years seems a bit rich to me. I think it's one of those plot threads that really only existed because the writers didn't really understand what Picard's vibe was. I think it also undermines the progress Picard had made in the previous season, because I feel like if he was willing to let go of this deep childhood trauma that had informed his character forever after, then at some point he would have sat down and said, "Okay, but why not also this?"
I think it was also a mistake to basically bring Data back from the dead, too. Part of his arc in the show's first season was that he had the realisation that life had value because it ended. They ended up scrubbing that idea entirely so that they could bring him back but different, essentially.
While this is broadly in line with how death in Star Trek can work--most shows will have at least one character who's brought back from the dead at some point--I feel like doing it twice in one show starts to make the franchise a little bit too much like Dragon Ball Z for my liking. No hate to DBZ fans because it's also great, but thematically speaking, if I wanted to watch a show where death was ultimately just a temporary inconvenience if you're part of the main cast, I'd be watching that instead of Star Trek.
All of this being said, I feel like season three probably would have been great if it'd been the show's first season, not its final one. As just a standalone plot, there's a lot of things about it that I think are a bit fan fic-y, but are ultimately forgivable. It's just not a very good follow up to what had happened in the previous two seasons. Really, my contention with season three is that while it's decent as a standalone thing, it really isn't a good final season.
I also liked how they kept Worf as kind of a funny guy. This was never something that was explicitly canon, but there were a couple of moments in TNG where it's kinda-sorta implied that he has a very subtle, very dry sense of humour where people wouldn't necessarily pick up on the joke until a while later.
Like, in 11001001, he makes a comment to Riker about not seeing the point in keeping score in games if not to win, and Yar and Riker both seem to be on the same page about it maybe being a joke. Later on in Transfigurations, he tells LaForge that a woman he's interested in has to be able to see the passion in his eyes, and then later on tells Riker he'd been coaching him on his dating life.
While stuff like that was probably intended to be the writers thinking it'd be a good way to emphasise how different Worf was from some of his human crewmates, I've always taken it to mean that Worf is kind of a funny guy once you start to pick up on his style of humour. For him, part of the punchline is always other people's reactions just as much as the literal punchline of the joke.
I think his line in the finale, "I'll make it a threesome," generally kept with that. This isn't really the kind of thing people would pick up on as a joke in the moment, but they'd probably realise what his intent was a couple of months later. It very much fits with the "confusing now, funny tomorrow" sort of jokes Worf would occasionally make in TNG.
I have some other thoughts on this season, but I feel like a lot of it could probably work as their own posts. Some of this stuff could probably work as their own posts as well if I fleshed them out a bit more honestly, so stay tuned I guess.
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