#ron's cat
thepasteldyke · 5 months
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meemoop · 4 days
The Council of Men
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Neville’s fallen into the snake hole.
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14dayswithyou · 3 months
[24 May 2022] First, I love your demo, your art, god I can't get Ren out of my head since the first time I played. Now my stupid questions. Ren gets asked on the street if he cosplayed Haruko? Since he is a walking cosplay And.... Where do I sign my marriage certificate with Ren?
Ty ty!! ♡ Ren has been stopped maybe 2 or 3 times out in public due to the striking similarities between him and Haruko, but in actuality, he /doesn't/ look 100% like Haruko! He only took the hairstyle and dressing-style aspects of Haruko and ran with it ^^'
For reference; Haruko's design is much more vibrant and his hair is faaaar more fluffier. Plus you have to take into consideration that Haruko is an anime character in Ren's world (whereas Ren is considered human)
Also Ren’s on his way with the marriage certificate right now 💀
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blakeblueboi · 4 months
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Some silly Cat animagi doodles!!
Draco’s favorite person to pester in cat form is Ron and Harry has to often keep Ron from hexing him
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redfurrycat · 11 months
🔥 ⚽ 🐓 Doctor Mother Goose Bradshaw & Doctor Rooster Bradshaw AU 🐓⚽️🔥
AU in which Nick Bradshaw never went the RIO road, instead he became a Navy doctor and his first ever patient was one fighter pilot Pete "Maverick" Mitchell.
Friendship at first sight. When Mav ended up at the hospital because of his shenanigans, he got lectured by Dr. Mother Goose every. single. time.
At some point, the good doctor got to listen to a loopy Mav's impassioned speeches about a blonde ice cube.
He met said blonde pilot who once came to visit Mav with flowers.
Well, he was pushed into Mav's room, rather rudely, by his giant of a RIO.
"Huh. Blonde Ice Cube, I presume?"
"It's Mister Iceman to you doctor!"
"Oh. And you are?"
"Free for a coffee right now. I think it best to leave these two alone."
Thia is how Doctor Mother Goose met Hulking Guy. Instant meet-cute.
Many years later, his son Bradley became a doctor. Chief Dr Bradshaw loved to dump his idiot best friend into Dr Bradshaw's care.
"What did you do AGAIN, Mav?!".
Then Mav tried to justify himself but it's hard to resist Baby Goose's sad brown eyes. So, he always tried to be on his best behaviour. Only for his favourite godson though.
Of course one of Mav's precious Daggers had to be hospitalised because of a training accident.
Jake "Hangman" Seresin thought for a moment the accident was way more serious 'cause wasn't he seeing double?
"Wow. Are there two Dr. Mc Steamy & Dreamy Moustache? Wow. Lucky me. Coyote. Do you see that?! Wow. Do you do house visits in case I have a problem later? Yes or Yes?"
"OMG. Don't flirt with my father!"
"But you don't mind my flirting with you, I hope?"
"Nope. He doesn't mind. And he's single."
"OMG. DAD. Don't pimp me?!"
"Ah. You do your best Navy fighter pilot a great service. Much appreciated Older Dr Sexy."
"Uh-huh. I'm out of here. You got it, son?"
"Ooooooh. Dad and son? Nice."
"Oh my god."
"Jake's fine for you, Sugar."
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[Art Commission drawn by the very talented @enthyrea 💖]
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jetslay · 10 months
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The Daily Planet staff by Edwin Galmon. (From Superman Annual #1)
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nyaagolor · 3 months
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I’m dedicating to drawing everyone in ace attorney as a cute little guy. I’m (check notes) 1/3 of the way there
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artbyblastweave · 8 months
Years ago my father made a really astute observation about Ron Swanson, which is that the character is engineered in such a way that he’s going to have a polarized opinion on almost anything that comes up, *but* that opinion could be positive or negative, breaking in whichever direction is funniest. He picked up an umbrella and said, “Ron would look at this, and he’d go, “The noble umbrella has a clarity of purpose largely absent in todays youth; it’s the product of thoughtful and driven engineering, a market-provided means for the individual to solve their own problems instead of complaining about the weather and waiting for the government to do something about it . We should all be like Umbrellas.” Or he’d say something misogynistic about people who won’t expose themselves to the forces of nature now and again. And you’d just nod along no matter what he said.”
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wmoonyx · 6 months
imagining all the harry potter characters saying “hello professor” every time they see a cat just in case
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whisperingn1ghts · 29 days
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(ronarry) kitties in love
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meemoop · 26 days
The Hippie
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Harry deserves a vacation. Without Draco.
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ronsharry · 1 month
okay but there is nothing more ronarry than the black and ginger cat duo than ronarry themselves
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junospooky · 9 months
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Cats in Hellboy, 2004 dir. Guillermo del Toro (part II)
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becky5203 · 4 months
I know JKR is a terrible person and you won’t catch me defending her but making Harry’s best friends mirrors of his dead parents was a galaxy brained move if ever there was one.
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redfurrycat · 11 months
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+ Bonus Locker Room
(Goose should have lost the shirt during volley-ball, is all I'm saying.)
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l-egionaire · 5 months
You know what? I'm bored, and I've got some ideas, so here are my Ilvermony headcanons.
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The separate houses are treated as little more than an aesthetic difference by the students. While there might be rivalries and prank wars between the houses, it never gets to the levels of near discrimination that it gets to at Hogwarts. The students all just consider themselves students of the same school and members of the houses intermingle and hang out with each other all the time. They're even allowed to be in each other's dorms for limited amounts of time each day. The teachers encourage it as they often say that each house represents a part of what every great wizard needs, and coming together helps bring them all together towards the ideal wizard.
It's not uncommon for there to be students from other countries who don't speak English perfectly. Thankfully, there are charms to help translate their speech for the teacher, and the only part of their work that needs to be spoken English are their incantations. Though some might still ask for help in getting the pronunciation correct.
The dining hall students eat in is vastly different from Hogwarts's Great Hall, being a large room with mahogany walls filled with multiple circular tables covered in red tablecloths with gold trim and set with silver untensils, fine blue China plates, and crystal glasses. In the center of the room is a vast roaring fireplace with a picture of the Sayre family overtop of it. During feasts, the Pukwudgies bring out platters and pitchers of food and drink that stay magically hot and cold until the students serve themselves from them. Students are allowed to sit at whatever table they please, and the staff eat at a massive table in the middle of all the others.
The dorms are just different buildings of the castle that have five floors of T-shaped hallways with long red and gold rugs bearing the houses symbol. Along the walls of each hallways are dorm rooms for each years students. Students are assigned two each to a dorm, with their roommates's names being included with the letters they receive at the start of each new year. Roommates can't be changed unless two students agree to trade with each other. The dorms all have two large half poster beds with red and gold sheets and blankets, the blankets also carrying their houses symbol and pillows with blue pillow cases. There's also two desks, half dressers, wardrobes, and a set of three shelves above the dressers on both sides (the rooms are enhanced with expansion charms to give them extra space). The halls for younger students all have a dorm manager in them, an older student who was chosen to sleep on their floor to act as a chaperone and disciplinary figure to the students.
The students get to the school by way of multiple magical single decker busses that all arrive at Rockfeller Center in New York. They drive for around an hour before making a stop at a magically hidden pit stop where the students can get snacks, drinks and use the bathroom before the rest of the journey.
Thanksgivings at Ilvermony are always huge. The decorations include fall leaves that flutter and blow themselves through the halls, realistic turkey figures that jump around and gobble, and in the center of each dining room table is a red and gold hat that plays music. Each table gets its own turkey to carve (any leftovers are served over the next few days as sandwiches) along with boats of gravy and cranberry sauce, bowls of corn, mashed potatoes and carrots. And for dessert, a veritable buffet of pies, including Ilvermony's famous cranberry pie, the recipe said to have been invented by Isolt Sayre herself.
Any students without a wand before coming to school is allowed to select one from the hall of wands just past the sorting room. The hall holds hundreds of wands stacked inside their case along the walls. The room holds both wands so new they were just ordered yesterday and so old they were created at the very start of the school. After each sorting ceremony, the head of the school helps each first year's find a wand that "chooses" them, a process that can take up to an hour at most. It's also heavily guarded at all times by both a pair of heavily armed, muscular Pukwudgies and a rotating member of the staff as it's a prime target for thievery either by students or dark wizards.
Ilvermorny boasts a massive roaster of international magical studies electives. In each one, students can study the government, magical creatures, and magical history of the country of their choosing. Some even go on summer trips to those countries to further their studies.
Rather than O.W.L.s, Ilvermorny students takes the W.I.T. or Wizarding Intuition Tests, something similar to an SAT tests. The tests are taken twice, once during sixth year and once during seventh year for each class the students take, and the combined scores of each year are added together, and that average becomes their score. The better the score in certain subjects, the more job opportunities the students have.
To receive mail, students go to the mail room in a tall tower at the southern side of the castle where every owl goes to bring packages and letters for their deliveriees to receive. The mail room is student run and students are selected at random to do the job.
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