#rona (oc)
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They got hypnotized by that maid vampire (I'm sure there's at least one out there in Kyuushi land)
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vaehbae · 7 months
Sibling Hug Time!
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(My Art! Please credit if reposted)
Thank you so much @sammrz320 for commissioning me! They were absolutely a treat to draw! So cute!
These characters belong to @meldy-arts
(Here is a bit of my process)
Rough sketch- final sketch- lineart
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frenchy-and-the-sea · 13 days
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boomerdangs · 6 months
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Arid’s final design
As apart of my dnd campaign, I’ve decided to give my character (theoretically lol) their last design before it comes to a close. Honestly? This was so much fun to make and I’m so happy to see how much she’s grown alongside me. So fun and rewarding.
Previous designs!
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(Left, Arid’s most recent design. Right, their very first)
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A doodle of what I think Arid looked like before the campaign! When they were just a wandering kid in the desert
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exlimix1a · 10 months
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I forgot to post her!! I made this redesign ref for one of my old old ocs who was a statue and guardian (of what? who knows). I made this for artfight and I'm so pleased with her C:
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peppermint-whiskers · 2 months
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Officially working on 2 wips rip meeeee
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wispstalk · 1 year
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Putting the crew in outfits i have worn to work recently. martin doesn't get one because he's fuckin swagless
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mewi-archive · 2 years
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Briggs lost soldier
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eurovision-facts · 6 months
Eurovision Fact #472:
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Albania has made it to the Grand Final 11 times, and out of that, nine of those times landed the nation a sub-10th place position.
Albania's best Grand Final scores came in 2004 and 2012. In 2004, Anjeza Shahini's "The Image Of You" placed 7th, and in 2012 Rona Nishliu's "Suus" placed 5th.
Albania, Eurovision.tv.
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makenna-made-this · 10 months
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Shows up months late to redraw meme with ocs and finally having seen the movie
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Howdy! My name is Oso and welcome to my new LOTRO blog! I'm a gay Latino, who, if you take the people at the forum seriously, is destroying Tolkien's legacy by existing <3 So I've been playing LOTRO on and off, mostly having fun making new characters and outfitting them, but this last update really brought me back with motivation so make new OCs. I can't play MMOS like I used too (darn full time jobs!) But here are some of my new characters!
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Name: Rioberto (Rio for short) Pronouns: He/Him Rio's a Guardian, my idea for him was a simple country boy defender of sorts!
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Name: Radimir Pronouns: He/Him/They Radimir is actually my OC from FFXIV who's been bouncing around with me as I travel to different places. LOTRO version of Radimir is a Minstrel raised by Hobbits! Keeping up with Radimir having two moms in every universe, he has two Hobbit moms and is happily living in the Shire. Lore breaking? Yeah probably, but I love the Shire.
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Name: Saphiro Pronouns: She/her So! Everyone has a Ranger and Saphiro is mine! I also never played a Hunter before and have been having a lot of fun with the class. excited to get her Ranger outfit, if I find anything that fits!
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safyresky · 6 months
🆕 Crystal Springs Chapter 28: Not My Style now up on ao3!
and ff dot net I suppose, but I am beginning to very vibe with ao3 tbh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Chapter 28: Not My Style (ao3 | ff.net)
As the dust settles after Pyros's defeat, a decision must be made on what to do with the wannabe King.
Other stuff happens, too! the Frosts are all at the Pole now, yes ALL of them. Um. There's Blangst. Cold Front angst. The Twins being amazing, stunning, showstopping. and yes there is Blinter just being absolutely gross and unable to not kiss for 5 seconds. Idk man. They were really overly affectionate this chapter. Probably almost being killed would do that to you???? OH AND we got the "1 (one) fuck word allowed" bit this chapter! Wait until you see who gets it ;)
We also get to meet a whole new bunch of magibeans! enough names were dropped that I made a little (long) lore post you can find right here! Now then.
Mother Nature waited a moment, studying everyone in the room closely before continuing. “Thank you all for coming together so fast on such short notice. Seeing as how those of us who were responsible for the imprisonment of one Pyros Frost last time are all gathered, let’s began, shall we?” “Yes, let’s,” Gwen said, smoothing out her skirts and clasping her hands respectfully. “PLEASE, I am DYING to know what the goddamn hell happened here! The suspense may actually kill me.” Cheri gasped overdramatically, clutching at pearls that did not exist around her bare neck. Gwen snorted. “Oh, please. Like something that simple would kill you—" “Wait,” Blaise interrupted, brow furrowed. “This is everyone?” “I’m afraid so, dear,” Mother Nature confirmed. “We’re all that’s left?” “Survival of the fittest, hot stuff.” “Godrick?” “Rosehaven’d,” Cheri said, admiring her nails. “Novus?” “Rosehaven’d.” “Indigo?!” “Caught up in a tinker! Said they were in the middle of a breakthrough, it was crucial, and if you needed any chains like that again to just commission them,” Gwen said, chipper. “Bartholomule?” “Shifted into mule form in 1783 and hasn’t been seen since. Probably also Rosehaven’d.” “OR living a happy little life as a happy little mule.” “He’s probably living a dead, dead life as a dead, dead mule.” “CHERI!” “GLENDA!” “What about Peggy? Pepper? Birch?” “Rosehaven’d, stuck in the curse ward, enlightened.” Gwen ticked each one off on her fingers, tilting her head in thought. “Birch really lives up to her name now! She hit omnipotent a couple of centuries back.” “The tree look really works for her.” “It does!” “What about Kharl?” Cheri cackled. “Got Toad’ed!” “Cheri.” “Ah-ah-ah Tara! Don’t Cheri me. T’was GLENDA who dunnit!” “He KNOWS what he DID!” Gwen insisted. Blaise’s frown deepened, his hair dimming. “Really feeling your age now I’ll bet, eh, Dad?” Blaise side eyed Jack, unamused. “Sorry, sorry. I’m coping.” Blaise sighed. “At least one of us is.”
Ready to see what tf happens to Pyros? Check out Chapter 28: Not My Style HERE on ao3 and HERE on fanfiction dot net!
Want to take this delightful fic from the top? Check out the Prologue: An Encounter HERE on ao3 and HERE on ff dot net! Summary below the cut, along with the usual author ramblies :3
It's been almost a year since Jack Frost thawed and things are looking...well, not so great. Jack's powers are seemingly gone. Without them, the Dome that keeps the North Pole safe from the cold and its magic controlled is melting, putting everything and everyone magical at risk. Unable to hide his power shortage any longer, Jack is forced to admit the truth. Thankfully, there is a solution: enacting the Legate Law, bringing Jack and the sister that he hurt so many centuries ago back together again. But when Jacqueline starts experiencing destructive blackouts, the pair are forced to head back home to Crystal Springs, bringing Jack face to face with the rest of the family. Needless to say, between getting his powers back, helping his sister figure out what in the FROST those blackouts even were, reconciling with his parents, meeting the two even younger siblings he didn't even KNOW he had, NOT TO MENTION the ancient threat that's had it out for the ENTIRE Frost family finally making a move? Saving Christmas (regrettably) is looking to be a little bit...complicated.
First off, APOLOGIES FOR PUSHING IT BACK A WEEK! I needed some more time for Chapter 29 and my husbando got sicko with covido so I was pulling double duty instead of the usual 50/50 split and THEN some bc this man has no concept of relaxing I s2g.
Anyway, your regularly scheduled AN:
🆕 This Chapter:
Changed Pyros's sentence to something way worse than it was before
Named every Governor AND the people who imprisoned Pyros the first time->you can check out a rundown of their names and positions and some fun facts about them HERE
WORD COUNT: OG CS 2014 Chapter->4,519k words (what) CS 202X Chapter-> 15,172k words (CACKLING)
what a fucking DIFFERENCE
mostly I shored up a LOT of CS Lore this chapter! Hell yeah!
but YEAH. ENJOY! Hopefully I see you all next week with Chapter 29--fingers crossed!!! :3
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frenchy-and-the-sea · 17 days
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found the best picrew of all time
(Alex/Adelina, Tahir/Myrine, and Finn/Eleanor from my silly little sailing story, Seven Cities)
(My Val and @/colonelcupquake 's Rona from our d&d game!)
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randowwriter · 7 months
While They Are Young
My oneshot for Day Six! I'm apparently mostly interested in writing the Shenazards lately, so here is the queen (while alive) with her three children. :)
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vancilart · 5 months
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Vierapril Day 24, Mount
The sun bakes her fur. She pants, trying desperately to cool down. The air is dry, and she only gets thirstier with each breath. Her boy ran out of water this morning. She watched him squeeze the last few drops from his water sack for her. He didn't take any.
She knows they cannot walk forever. This dry, dusty place does not follow the rules of the jungle. Rain only came once since they left, and it did not even wet the ground. She did not know why they did not return. They knew the jungle, it was safe, she and her boy and the old man lived easily in its shade.
She knows her boy is hurt. She can smell the blood, she can smell the rot, she sees how he can barely lift his arm. She can smell the grief on him, though she does not understand it. She is tired, she is thirsty, she is hungry, but still she gives her boy her back to ride. She knows he needs it.
She walks on until he falls. At first he picks himself up. He tries to pull himself back into the seat he fashioned for her back, but he cannot get his arm to work right. He leans against her side instead. They do not make it far before her boy falls again. He does not get up this time. She nudges him with her muzzle, but still he does not get up. His eyes are closed. His shoulder is starting to smell of death. She nudges him again, harder. He simply rolls over. She whines. She roars. Her boy sleeps on. She paces. There is nothing she can do. Her boy is clever, her boy is wise in ways she does not understand. Her boy knows how to find water when it is dry. Her boy knows how to find prey she cannot see. Her boy knows how to drive away sick and rot from her. The old man knew even more, but he did not come with them. She nudges her boy again. He does not wake.
She whines again, pacing farther. She cannot do anything. If she does nothing, her boy will die. She does not remember a time without him. Sometimes the old man would go, but she was always with her boy. She does not want her boy to die, but she does not know what to do.
There is a scent on the wind. It is not exactly her boy. The old man had not smelled this similar. The other men they sometimes met did not smell this similar. This smells like her boy. She looks over at him, and tries to wake him one more time. He does not move except to breathe.
She runs. She does not want to leave him, but she fears that staying will do no good. She follows the scent on the wind. If they are like her boy, if they are clever and smart and strong like him, she will make them help. She is tired, but she runs. She must run, to give her boy the best chance. Spit foams at her muzzle and her chest heaves as she pants to try to cool down. It is still hot, it is still dry. The scent gets stronger. It mingles with other scents like her boy's, but the first remains the closest.
She does not know what the place she comes to is. The large things sit on the ground like great rocks, yet they are perfectly flat on the sides. The familiar scent ends just before the strange place starts. A girl, her fur just as green as her boy's and with ears to match, pulls something out of a hole in the dry ground. She hears the sound of water and licks her muzzle, but she must get the girl to her boy.
The girl grabs a branch from her back and bends it, pointing a smaller stick at her across the branch. She had seen the old man use a branch like that to hunt and kill. She lays down and chirps, keeping her eyes on the girl, just as her boy taught her. The girl puts her branch away on her back.
She lets the girl come to her before getting up. She presses her head and horns against the girl's chest and shoves. She must get this girl to her boy. The girl does not understand the first time, or the second. The third time she finally starts to move. She is not fast enough. Her boy is hurt! Her boy is alone and not safe! She growls at the girl and pushes her again. Instead of moving faster, the girl grabs her by the horns and pulls herself into her boy's seat on her back. This is acceptable, if only for now. The girl does not sit like her boy. She is bigger and heavier and she does not lean forward enough, but she allows her on her back anyway. Her boy needs her. She does not run, she cannot, but she pushes herself to walk as fast as she can. The girl stops her when they are almost there. She has a sack much like her boy's, and she gives her water. It is needed.
The girl jumps from her back when she sees her boy. He has not moved, though his chest still rises and falls to breathe. She did not take too long. She paces as the girl picks up her boy. She seems to check him over. She smells like fear and grief, though some of that may be her boy. The girl makes him drink. He does not wake. She swishes her tail as she watches the girl lift her boy. The girl ties him in his seat and places a hand on one of her horns.
She guides them back to the strange place as the sun sets, and calls for others. Her boy is pulled from her back and into one of the structures. They do not let her follow. She roars and pounces and makes every attempt to scare them, but she cannot hurt them. They have her boy and she cannot let him be hurt. She scratches at the place they entered. Her claws make dents, but not ones deep enough to break in. She lays down and whines. She wants her boy.
A different girl comes out. She brings prey and water. She strokes her head, but she does not scratch like her boy does.
The sun rises and sets three times. Seven girls come and go, but not her boy. She is fed, she is watered, but she does not see her boy until the third night. He still smells of grief, but the death and blood have faded. He sits with her and scratches her chin with his good hand.
"Thank you, Rona," he says, over and over. She only knows her name, not this 'thank you' noise he keeps making.
Her boy is safe. Rona rests her head in his lap.
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