#rory gilmore cosplay
allayedcosplay · 7 months
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Is it Friday yet? 😴
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rawbutprecious · 7 months
Rory and Jess argue. Cosplay by me (Kay).
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iscahmckrae · 2 years
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Literati Cosplay
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frazzledsoul · 7 months
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reiruh · 11 months
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rory gilmore cosplay 🪞💫
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laf-outloud · 2 years
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@tinacena10 Jerk 😏
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@patty_mayoh I got to meet Jared Padalecki!!!!! I cosplayed as Rory Gilmore and got to go with one of my favorites @sammarahmonsterface ❤️ He was so sweet. Gilmore Girls has been a show that has been a constant in my life and to meet one of the actors?? I mean just look at my face. It’s ridiculous and so happy.
@murph_grrl Day 1 and sooooo tired and broke. Bonus pts to @jaredpadalecki @djqualls and @stephenamell for wearing @km0rgan_ 's tiara. #ricc
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@sydneeey242 After 5 years I got to see one of my favorite people ever again & he was even better than I remembered😍
@xxlocalshapeshifterxx Welp that was...a time to say the least. My anxiety and stress was so damn bad, Jared was so unbelievably sweet tho 😭❤❤❤
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@samanthashattuck Got to meet @jaredpadalecki this weekend and he was one of the sweetest people. Can’t wait to see more of the @thecwwalker and @thecwwalkerindependence
@chx.552 Pics from yesterday at comic-con. Had lots of fun.
Day 2 Padahugs and role play!
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yidiyada · 2 years
Gilmore girls revival revival:
Luke and Lorelei simply exist as a cute couple with good fun dialogue, they’re the sookie and Jackson of the revival revival, stop making drama between them
Lane gets divorced from Zach, this causes great drama and is a major plot point, it’s heart breaking but they’re both good and nice people who care for their children.
Lane bumps into Dave rygalski (who is no longer busy being on the oc) and this also causes great drama. Zach definitely punches him but eventually after several episodes and seeing him be nice to lane and the kids he realizes it’s for the best and gives lane and Dave his blessing.
Rory is pregnant. It is not in fact Logan’s but actually the guy dressed like that one Star Wars cosplaying character who she slept with in the revival. Logan finds out she’s pregnant and goes crazy and whatnot but Paris does some genetic testing shit and finds out it isn’t his
Logan break up with his fiancé all on his own no coercing needed
Logan and Jess and the father of the kid have an epic battle for Rory’s love over the course of several episodes. I don’t care who wins
The father of Rory’s child is a good dude he’s just weird and they don’t get together but they do become really good friends and they coparent
Paris and Doyle get back together eventnually. This can take time sure but point is they get back together. Why ruin a good thing I don’t get it
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hudbannonarchive · 2 years
so crazy to see donna reed in it's a wonderful life i only knew her from that episode of gilmore girls where rory cosplays as a tradwife
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wickedhawtwexler · 8 months
i'm going to new haven with some friends tomorrow. rory gilmore cosplay time
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 9 months
While we're all in our feelings tonight, one thing I'm really grateful for this year for this community and for following Taylor is that it's helped me regain some of my sense of style which has been sorely missing for years. (Caveat: everyone can and should wear whatever they want at all times. This is a very me situation.)
I was very much a Rory Gilmore-type dresser in college and liked to dress up cute and play with makeup and such but then eventually ended up in a job where I was working seven days a week and almost exclusively wore athleisure most of the time. (Not that there's anything wrong with that!!!! You do you boos! It served its purpose for me as well!) And between just being exhausted and being in an environment where dressing up was Not A Thing (which had its own benefits absolutely) and also gaining a lot of weight in the past 5-7 years, I've been so absolutely uncomfortable in my skin and stuck in such a rut.
And while Taylor's style isn't always in my wheelhouse (though it is a lot more often than not) and I'm not tall, thin, blonde or rich, seeing how Taylor plays around with accessories and palettes and textures and kind of inadvertently studying that (and a huge thanks to the Taylor Swift Style blog for tracking all that stuff down), I've started playing around with that myself to see what I like and how I can express myself and my own style through that has honestly been kind of life changing in a way. Because while I still very much feel like an alien in my own body (and wish I looked and felt like I did ten years ago when I was in the best shape of my life), it's at least making me feel like I am gaining the tiniest bit of confidence in myself.
This is not to say that makeup and clothes make everything better. The beauty industry complex is toxic as fuck for a million different reasons and I actively resent it everyday. But I also love the art of makeup; I love how using different palettes play off the colour of my eyes, or different lipstick colours can convey totally different vibes. (I don't wear it everyday, and more often than not when going out don't wear more than a little mascara and eyeliner.)
I love how changing an outfit can go from "I'm a cosmopolitan girl walking through the big city like I belong"* to "I want to run through a field and get lost"** or whatever. I've spent more money on clothes this year than I have in the past five, but they've been intentional and made me think about how they go together, the quality of fabrics and how they hang, and how I can achieve the looks I aspire to. And I also started thrifting!
(*I am definitely not, I'm hopelessly suburban, but I could be a big city girl again if I wanted to. **I also am not actually one to run through fields but you know, I could cosplay the folkore photoshoot if I really wanted to too.)
When those first post-Joever photos from dinner hit in April from NYC in the black bodysuit and jeans, it made me think, "huh, I really like how this looks, but if I were going to wear it, what would I do differently?" and it's gone from there. I've discovered that despite the fact that at first it made me feel like I was 14 in my skating costumes again, I really loved how versatile bodysuits could fit with other pieces of clothing, whether they were high-waisted jeans or wide-leg pants or linen shorts or whatever, and took off from there.
I started experimenting with all the costume jewellery I have (and added more) and how I could change up my stack in a way I haven't since I got my second piercings when I was 13. (Still really tempted to go for #3 and/or a helix that I've wanted since I was 17 butttttt think I'm too chicken at the end of the day.) I've rediscovered my love of blazers and found my pair of go-everywhere white sneakers. (Am never going to be a high heel girl except for fancy events though lmao.) I dug out my jean jacket I hadn't worn in years. I have tried (and mostly failed) to draw a cat eye sharp enough to kill a man.
I'm getting a little better at caring for myself and becoming marginally more accepting of myself where I'm at.
I'm by no means a fashionista and don't follow that world in a general sense, and I'm definitely not, like, setting out to copy Taylor's style at all, however I am grateful that not only do I have all these music that fills me with joy, have made friends online and have bonded with friends IRL over it and now have an awesome trip to Europe on the books for 2024, but that I'm also kind of rediscovering and reconsidering what I like to wear and feel directly and indirectly thanks to Taylor too.
If 2023 was good for one thing for me, it may just be that at least.
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cherylsblossm · 7 years
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me and my mom cosplaying the gilmore girls !
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allayedcosplay · 9 months
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POV: Reading in Grandpa Richard’s office 📚
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eyra · 3 years
U said u cant watch another ep of gilmore girls so now im asking for ur gilmore girls opinions!
Oh great question. I’ve watched this show… an embarrassing number of times, so let me reel off some quickfire opinions:
The show aged very badly! There are so many jokes that just don’t land on the rewatch - usually made by Luke.
Jess was easily the best boyfriend. Yes, the thing in the bedroom at Kyle’s house was bad - I accept that - but Jess’s growth over the original seven seasons was perfection. He ended up way, way too good for Rory and idk why he was still mooning over her in A Year in the Life because she was a damn mess and he was a great man.
Dean was a good boyfriend for like three minutes and then they retconned his whole character and made him a dumb oaf. Ended up being borderline emotionally abusive to poor Lindsay. Deserves no good things.
Logan - the woooorst 🗣 Never accepted Rory for who she was, tried to change her from the moment he met her, arguably helped her ruin her own life? Dick. Logan stans do not interact.
Emily Gilmore was and always will be the best character. Kirk also very strong.
Best episode: tie between The Bracebridge Dinner and The Lorelais’ First Day at Yale.
Michel deserved to be gay in the original series but I’m glad this at least got addressed in the reunion.
Lorelai was rich and her poor person cosplay was endlessly annoying. Her parents would’ve paid for every damn thing she ever needed and I get that she didn’t want their help but whenever she complained about money I judged her for it.
Worst character: Zack or Jackson.
Lane deserved better.
Thank you, I loved this, I may add to this with more GG hot takes. x
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iscahmckrae · 2 years
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You wrote a book! - Rory Gilmore cosplay
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frazzledsoul · 12 days
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seasonsandcenturies · 7 years
3 things you’ll find in my bag: - my planner. (I get completely overwhelmed if I don’t write everything down) - inhaler. - gum. (I am addicted to mint gum. it is a Problem.)
3 things you’ll find in my room: - a cat (or two.) - pile of cozy blankets. - Darth Maul’s lightsaber.
3 things that make me feel happy: - peppermint tea. - finding sketchbooks with empty pages. - Christmas lights.
3 things that make me feel sad: - driving!! (so stressful.) - FLEAS. (one of my cats brought some new buddies inside last week, and they are the literal worst to get rid of.) - decaf coffee.
3 things I’m currently into: - Perfume. - Big Finish’s Doctor Who productions (verrrry slowly making my way through these.) - completing the Rory Gilmore Reading List.
3 things most people don’t know about me: - I collect screen accurate (or alt) clothes from Doctor Who, mostly Clara Oswald’s. :) I’ve got a couple cosplay outfits almost complete.   - I was diagnosed with ADHD earlier this year; it’s been a weird thing to get used to after a literal lifetime of believing I was just doomed to be scatterbrained, but the diagnosis (and meds) have helped. - I’m considering changing careers and applying to law school next year.
3 things I do every day: - check Scary Go Round (ever since Bad Machinery started in, what, 2009? to be fair, this is only on weekdays.) - play Pocket Camp. (I’m kind of hooked on phone games. I played a strategy mmo most of this year; before that it was Doctor Who Legacy. I’ve been putting off playing Kingdom Hearts UX because I know I’ll get hooked on that, too.) - call my grandmother. (she had a heart attack a couple years ago so it started off as checking up on her after that, now we talk for a few minutes every day about whatever’s going on. it’s nice.)
3 things on my to do list: - buy a bigger tank for my betta fish. - finish writing fic for Pidgance month, before the month is, like, over. - Christmas baking. (baked goods are my go-to gifts for friends and coworkers. this year it’s looking like banana bread in a nice tin, maybe some gingerbread if I’ve got time.) 
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