#rosa; office verse
playedbetter · 5 months
@the-haunted-office said: A strange sound can be heard coming from somewhere down the hallway. Like the soundtrack of a piano being thrown down the stairs on repeat. It sounds violent and discordant and threatening.
"Sounds like we've got a spook," Joey comments as he glances at the door, looking away from the youtube video Rosa had put on for him.
She scrunches her face for a moment. "I thought they said they don't get ghosts like we do in our world?"
"Doesn't mean they don't get ghosts though," Joey argues with a shrug.
She looks at him for a moment, he feigning casualness even though she knows he's been just waiting to pick up what they usually did. She sighs and pinches her temple and groans. "Alright fine, we'll go check it out,"
So off the pair go towards the source of the strange sound, Joey scouting ahead first in case it's something dangerous.
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bardic-tales · 1 year
pardon me if I misremembering, did you pair your SW oc with Vette and/or Quinn? If so, would you like to share your headcanons about them? 🙂
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Hi, Seren. I hope you're having a wonderful day, and thank you so much for the question.
You did remember right. My Dhehaynn Darkrose. In my verse for swtor, Auron -- my husband's warrior -- is the player character for the Wraith that you see in the game, and he becomes Noktis' Wraith during the events of KOTFE. Dhehaynn is Noktis' executioner and could be considered to be a Darth Vader like character in the way Vader serves the Emperor.
She also had a romantic relationship with both Quinn and Vette. I'll separate the head canon for the two. This all can change as I flesh out Noktis' empire more.
As always, these are canon divergent. Almost all of my SWTOR characters are as the characters usually are members of Noktis' noncanon Empire.
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Malavai Quinn
Dhehaynn and Quinn's relationship was mostly a purely physical one. She would arrange for a rendezvous when they both were on Dromund Kaas at the same time. They have a dom and sub relationship where she dominates him.
Some of the common interests for both of them are devising new tactics, studying military history and battles, as well as discussing and reading holo-books and military doctrines. Their known to discuss military strategies in bed.
As he is an Imperial Officer and she is a Darth, their goals often align. They are deeply committed to the Sith Empire’s cause and to its success. They both seek advancement in rank and authority. These desires will often influence their actions and decisions. He would betray the Sith named Lord Auron; she, follow Noktis when he decides not to return to the Empire during the game events of Onslaught and Legacy of the Sith.
As Quinn is used to kissing ass to Sith, he is usually the one who gives in and compromises. Dhehaynn can be a bit prideful and will never admit that she can be wrong. She is very use to getting her way. This leads to their BDSM relationship. It was a natural step in their relationship.
While she is allosexual with a high sex drive, Dhehaynn is extremely loyal to him. She never has any other lovers during her travels to exert Noktis' will. In fact, she will often communicate with him through a holoterminal she has in her personal quarters on her ship.
When Auron cut down Quinn on Iokath, Dhehaynn felt his passing through the Force. She did not avenge him, but she regularly uses her anger and grief to fuel the Dark Side.
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They both have a fascination for history and lore. They each share stories, learn about significant events, and delving into the rich lore of the galaxy.
When their relationship was developing into lovers, Vette was often scared that Dhehaynn will see her as a weakness and will end her life. Dheyann is Noktis' apprentice, and as such, Noktis has shared a unique belief with her. Hate will end when the target of the hatred dies. Love fuels passion and can be consider eternal.
Vette is fearful of any angry outbursts that Dhehaynn may have, and as a Sith, Dhehaynn typically revels in those negative emotions. During those times, Dhehaynn tries to remember Notkis’ training. An unhinged Sith is no better than a beast, and as Sith, they are better than beasts. During KOTET, Dhehaynn actually murdered a Sith for using a shock collar on a slave — as the slave reminded her of Vette.
I was inspired by Rosa Diaz and Jocelyn from Brooklyn Nine-Nine when I was crafting Dhette. I’m trying to show a sweet and supportive bond between Dhehaynn and Vette. Vette serves as a pillar of support for Dhehaynn. She could be considered her safe space. Like Cynthia and Noktis, their relationship demonstrates that love can flourish even in the face of adversity.
Dhehaynn, Vette, and two Imperials found themselves in a perilous situation as they explored Rafa V for a valuable artifact for Noktis. Separated from their allies, Dhehaynn and Vette relied on each other. She led the fight with her lightsaber skills, while Vette provided range support with her blasters. Amid the chaos, they share vulnerabilities: Dhehaynn’s grief over Quinn and Vette’s fears of being placed back into slavery. In sync, they counter the enemy, emerge victorious, and secure the artifact for their master. They also found love.
They validate each other through their actions, words, and Vette’s emotional support. Dhehaynn validates Vette by recognizing and appreciating her intelligence, resourcesfulness, and unique skills. Vette, in turn, validates Dhehaynn by acknowledging her power, competence, and leadership. She respects Dhehaynn’s abilities and judgment.
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typingtess · 2 years
NCIS: LOS ANGELES – “Let It Burn” – Teaser/Act One
Welcome to the 18-minutes late edition.
At an indoor construction site, work is wrapping up for the day.  As the men leave, one remains behind.  He’s got on a mask.  The music is about fires so I think we all know where this is.  He starts a fire but the foreman returns.  The arsonist gets in a fight with the foreman.  Knocking the foreman out, the arsonist tries to drag the man to safety but the fire is too much.  The foreman is left behind, out cold, as the building burns.
Sam and Rountree were doing an open water swim.  Rountree was wearing what were likely Deeks’s trunks though Callen says they were Fatima’s.  Sam and Rountree are training for a triathlon.  Callen jokes around about swimming with sharks.
In the firing range, Deeks is shooting with loud music when the Admiral arrives.  Kensi and Rosa are on a school trip.  The Deeks-Admiral sneak peek.  Deeks is going to check with Kensi.  
In the boatshed, Fatima and Callen are on plasma.  Deeks is talking to Kensi about this “boondoggle”.  Fatima tells Rountree the swim trunks are Kensi’s.  The FBI is contacting NCIS about Randall Perez, “On Alert”, a well-known arsonist.  The foreman, Michael Duncan, was assaulted and left for dead.  Rountree is well versed in Perez’s crimes – the FBI was all over this case.  Kilbride wants Rountree working with the FBI.  The head FBI agent is going to the boatshed to meet with Sam and Rountree.  Callen asks what is his assignment.  Kilbride wants to see Callen in his office.
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@riftdancer​ asked:  🙌🎉🌇🔭🤔
@orderbourne​ asked:  🎉 : What's your favorite part of RPing?     
@rosa-geminae​ asked:  🤔
Roleplayer Ask meme - still accepting!
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🙌 : When did you start RPing?
Either the latter half of 1999 or the early half of the year 2000, I don’t remember exactly through I do remember the age and grade I was at school. I remember the web browser of choice then was AOL 4.0, though, and it was mostly done in AOL chatrooms and AIM before I added Yahoo!Groups, YIM, and Livejournal. In any case, it’s been a long time and many, many muses.
🎉 : What’s your favorite part of RPing?
I wish I had an eloquent answer for this, but really?
I love making things up and having it not be a solitary hobby.
I like to write. I’ve written fanfic and original work before, but it can be a lonely hobby. Whether you’re waiting for writing workshops or reviews, or if you’re brave and ready, shopping your work to a publisher, writing can be a very lonely process. Sometimes you just want to collaborate. Sometimes you don’t want to know precisely how something is going to end. Sometimes having others write different characters can provide a fresh pair of eyes, and perspective, on your own writing.
And beyond all that? It’s just fun! My day job is full of writing too, but it’s dry, dull at times, and often full of office politics and, at its worst, verbal abuse that I cannot retaliate against. This sort of writing allows my creative side to be explored, and I need that in order to feel less stifled in my career. I just wanted a social way to share my creativity, which is why I think I started it as a teenager: I was a major introvert with few friends in my school, and RP was one of the few hobbies where people encouraged my nerdy interests.
🌇 : What feelings do you aim for with your writing? Dreamy and romantic? Or dark and grounded? What do you try to create with your prose?
It entirely depends on the scene and the other muse(s) I’m writing with. But no matter what, I want my writing to be interesting and accessible to read. I like longer threads but I don’t like purple prose. There’s a difference between description that adds to a scene and something that just doesn’t sound like someone would say it, or it just isn’t easily read. Unless the motive is to be purposefully unclear, I try to avoid confusing-sounding prose, if that makes sense.
But mostly, it all depends on what the scene is and who’s in it. Sonia will react very differently in a scene based on the verse, especially post-game canon versus...anything else, tbh. She’ll perceive the world very differently as a teenager versus an adult. She’ll regard someone very differently if she’s gained a new friend or if it’s someone she’s been in love with for a long time. That’s what I want to come across in my writing: what verse, what age, and what my muse is currently facing.
🔭 : What are some tropes you really like using? Any you like seeing as opposed to writing it yourself?
Fish out of water is always a big one: unless Sonia is home, she’s usually very new to a place and comes from a very sheltered environment, which results in hilarious, heartfelt, and sometimes tragic situations. And since food and cooking are both popular and essential pursuits, that’s always something I can fall back on with her. Yes, her bad cooking is a headcanon of mine but I enjoy watching it play out for various muses. Same goes for any artistic talent: she’s a voracious reader/TV watcher/movie watcher but she cannot sing, play an instrument, paint, sculpt, sew, you name it. 
At least where traditional Disney Princesses are concerned, Sonia is very much Not A Disney Princess. A theme I like to look at with Sonia is what really makes an Ultimate Princess? Yes, she’s beautiful, polite, compassionate, and graceful, but she’s smart, she’s well-read, she’s witty (often unintentionally), she’s an excellent shot/capable fighter, and she’s a leader. She may not be the storybook definition of a princess but she’s going to govern her nation one day. Even if others would rather have her be the sort of princess found in fairy tales instead.
In terms of ones I like seeing but I don’t write myself? Reluctant friendships or enemies to lovers. Sonia befriends everyone so easily that it’s hard for me to imagine her disliking anyone off the bat. But if she did, they’d be cruel to people or animals, flaunt their wealth/be a snob, or put her on a pedestal without getting to know her.
🤔 : Do you speak another language, and if so, have you ever tried writing a story in it?
I speak some French and a little Japanese and Latin, but no, I’m not interested in writing in it. And if I do, I’ll probably use Google translate for sake of efficiency. I will likely be learning some Italian in the future, though! Mostly so I can communicate with my future husband’s extended family more: many of them do not speak English and I’d like to make as much of an effort as I can to not have to use my fiancé and his family as interpreters for everything, both in family gatherings in the USA and in Italy.
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sanctuarymade · 2 years
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��   /  multimuse roulette   /   @storyofwhoiam​
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so i ended up just running your primary ocs and got so many ideas, if you’d like me to run it again with the canons i can and will absolutely do that!
ash reardon & delilah price.   —  ash is a chef and delilah bakes so there’s a potential in there, as well as tattoos and absentee mothers giving some potential bonding material. i’m not sure how they’d meet but i can see them getting along well.
amina blakely & jake sullivan.  —  i mean she’s a pr coordinator for a record label and jake does backing vocals and instrumentals for a bunch of musicians. it’s not hard at all to have them run into each other.
sandra walsh & alex lansing.  —  while alex’s focus is in midwifery and newborn infants, she’s worked in hospitals before and has been known to get very close with her clients. they could also meet through alex’s big brother, scott, a surgeon.
nora goddard & eli gray.  —   ha. eleanor and elinor. as for a connection, bit of a stretch but maybe eli’s veterinary office gets one of nora’s tagged birds or something?
oliver adkins & john romero  —   oof. this one’s a toughie. john does a lot of blue collar work so i can see him maybe working for astor beverage group, but i’m still not sure how they’d really meet outside of pure chance.
amy cameron & benji mitchell —  ahahahaha benji is so weirded out by someone who looks so much like his sister. i can see someone having hired him as a private investigator and that tangling with her work, maybe?
leah jacobs & bastien theriot  —  he’s done choreography for music videos before, so there’s that, he also has a few high profile music connections depending on the verse. he also has a verse where he sings which is an interesting thought but it’s not all that fleshed out
justino rosa & wyatt jessup  —  i mean. uh. wyatt has five dogs and two cats and takes in wild animal rescues all the time. this is not a difficult connection to make.
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p1astictaste · 2 years
fics not mine!
last entry: supernova - bob
top gun
head over heels (maverick)
for what it’s worth (iceman)
hopelessly devoted (bob)
unorthodox (bob) part 2
*doctor (rooster)
*a glimpse of them (rooster)
silence (hangman)
the boyfriend experience (rooster) part 2
can i kiss you? (rooster)
*strawberries (hangman)
all your’n (hangman)
the joker (hangman)
*tomorrow never comes (hangman)
opposites attract (hangman)
*pay attention (iceman)
*the only thing (hangman) part 2
is it working for you? (rooster) other parts
the deployment diaries (rooster)
i like your voice (rooster)
dancing with you (bob)
cobalt eyes and sweet smiles (bob)
leave me breathless (rooster)
the female species (bob)
his f-18, his bronco, his favorite sports teams and you (rooster)
tomorrow’s tomorrow (bob)
never knew (that i could fall so hard) (hangman)
a friendly push (bob)
cowboy casanova (hangman)
reader is afraid of flying (rooster) part 2
to have and to hold masterlist (hangman)
“you’re in denial” (rooster)
rooster’s wife is very fond of having children
swimming into you (bob)
make it proper (bob) part 2
when all is said and done (rooster)
*it’s the concussion talking (rooster) part 2
you’re married but in secret (hangman)
dream a little dream of me (bob)
sundress season (phoenix)
take two (rooster)
as blue as your taste (i taste the same) (fanboy)
kisses in which, we’ve already said goodbye for the day but i can’t help stealing another one (rooster)
*it was always you (rooster)
the 1% (rooster)
baby on board drabble (bob)
just friends (hangman)
so we meet again (rooster)
*blow by blow masterlist (rooster) ch 1.4
office make out sessions (bob)
the chaos verse masterlist (hangman and rooster)
baby i’m yours (rooster)
mary’s song (rooster)
best friend (bob)
shower antics interrupted (hangman)
remember you even when i don’t (rooster)
interlocking pinkies (hangman)
take me by the heart, take me by the hand (fanboy)
swallow you like sunshine when i smile (fanboy)
the best me has his arms around you (hangman) part 2
roll of the dice (hangman)
bouquet prompt (fanboy)
pizza box puzzle pieces (hangman)
the kind of girl i could love (bob)
rooster fucking hangman’s sister
for you (hangman)
*rooster’s brood and other parts
airplane mode (rooster) part 2
*high school sweethearts (bob)
*terms of endearment (rooster)
romeo, romeo (rooster)
truly, madly, deeply (rooster)
kissing bobby boy
*what’s in a name (rooster)
the periphery (rooster)
partition by beyonce (rooster)
summer breeze (hangman)
“she’s clingy” (rooster)
the younger kind (rooster) ch41
*sub-rosa masterlist (rooster)
out of the closet (phoenix)
first time (phoenix)
*iris masterlist (hangman)
i don’t remember who i was before you (fanboy)
fluffly blurb (hangman)
afternoon entertainment (rooster)
*ceasefire masterlist (rooster) ch. 1.1
the parent trap masterlist (rooster)
my future in you masterlist (rooster) ch 2.3
*trouble in paradise masterlist (rooster)
fluffy hangman banter
telling hangman you’re gonna make him a daddy
dad’s best friend (hangman)
no more condoms (bob)
inch by inch (rooster)
“i’m pregnant, not terminally ill” (rooster)
*father, son, and the holy shit (hangman)
roommate bradley catching you and Jake having sex in the living room
a weakness for the young ones (phoenix)
rack ‘em (rooster)
younger mitchell!reader (rooster)
i know (phoenix)
the odyssey (rooster) ch4
something to talk about (rooster)
butterflies (hangman)
for old times’ sake (rooster)
home (rooster)
continental breakfast (fanboy)
jake’s controversially young gf
late night distractions (phoenix)
why not again (rooster, hangman)
sleep clothes (rooster)
v-card (rooster)
midnight confessions (rooster)
how could i forget? (rooster)
so fresh, so clean (rooster)
feelings involved (rooster)
hangman being caught leaving your room
warm blood (rooster)
love to lie (rooster)
old habits die hard masterlist (rooster) ch 8
batting practice masterlist (rooster) ch 22
ready, rough, and unromantic (rooster)
it’s not rotten work (not if it’s you) (coyote + hangman)
million dollar man masterlist (hangman)
*operation apollo masterlist (hangman) ch 2.8
rooster and younger!mitchell
rooster and y!mitchell almost getting caught making out
rooster and mav’s daughter trying to be quiet
vice (bob)
supernova (bob + phoenix)
outer range
*rumor (rhett abbott)
cute rhett blurb
all grown up
afternoon delight
thinking about rhett being a big cuddle bud
fluffy blurb
catching rhett jerking off
i love it when you kiss my neck
outer banks
i love you (rafe)
goodmorning sunshine (maybank) 
a crack in the glass (maybank)
leaving hickeys on rafe’s neck
best friend (rafe)
don’t go (rafe)
cruel summer (rafe)
other fics i really hold dear
repairs (din djarin)
braids (anakin)
daylight’s wasting (eren)
just soft eren
cupping peter’s cheeks (peter parker)
sleepy peter (peter parker)
polaroids (peter parker)
body electric (call of duty)
what’s wrong with a little touch (captain price)
reassurance (captain price)
kissing your partner’s scars (frank castle)
move in with me? (gojo satoru)
tried to live in a softer way (gojo)
kisses with megumi
0 notes
firstaidspray · 2 years
Was tagged by @scungilliwoman to post my current WIPs. Well, I actually have a ton, but here are one drawing and one writing WIP.
First up, I'm doing some little doodles of Reverie with each of her men- this time, her The Boys verse with Lamplighter and The Deep.
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And then a little snippet of my Officer Martinez x OC writing where Jewel is playing around with him via small crimes.
He threw his hands up, landing them on the desk harsh enough to rattle the cup of pens that sat beside the computer, and enough to catch Gordon's attention.
"What's your deal?" Gordon asked, leaning over Martinez's shoulder to view the computer screen. "Can't find anything?"
Martinez rolled his eyes and groaned, putting his face in his hands, wiping them down before placing them on the desk again.
"You know how we found that security cam footage of that bike outside the scene of that robbery, the one that was parked before and disappeared after?" Martinez asked.
"Yeah, the pink dirtbike. What about it?"
"That's a model of Honda dirtbike that hasn't been manufactured since the 90s, the 1991 XR250, and there are no bikes registered in Gotham that match this one," he explained, glaring at the grainy photos of the pink bike from the scene next to a clean image of a floor model XR250.
Gordon shrugged. "So maybe it's stolen. Maybe it's intentionally unregistered. Maybe they commute, who says the bike is from Gotham?"
Martinez rolled his eyes. "What kind of person commutes here just to commit a small-time robbery? On such a unique bike? Oh yeah, plus, we did find one of these things that the same person keeps leaving at crime scenes. A Gotham local, no doubt."
He pulled something out of his pocket and placed it into Gordon's open palm. A white feather with the words "Cigno Rosa" painted in a neat pink script across it.
"Another feather?" Gordon asked. "So it's this Cigno Rosa person again."
"Yep. And they have an unregistered 90s dirtbike. So at least that's something to look out for- those bikes look a hell of a lot different than the ones they make now, and this one's pink all over."
Gordon continued to inspect the feather. "Say, what does that mean, anyway? Cigno Rosa. Is it Spanish?"
Martinez shook his head. "Italian. It means "Pink Swan." So whoever we're looking for has a thing for swans, pink, or both. Well, clearly pink. And they must be Italian."
"Why would they leave such an elaborate calling card?" Gordon wondered aloud. "I mean, I understand painting a symbol on the wall or even a literal card, but a hand painted feather? It's like they WANT us to find them."
"Maybe so," Martinez agreed, taking the feather back from Gordon and twirling it in his fingers. "Who are you, Pink Swan?"
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sneezehq · 3 years
What I’ll Write
This blog is always open for requests, unless I close my inbox or specifically say otherwise! I love to write any sort of hurt/comfort, especially sickfics! I’m currently mostly interested in writing for RWBY (ruby rose), Criminal Minds (Elle), Supernatural (Sam), and The Silt Verses (Carpenter).
Both emeto and non emeto, please specify in your request, it helps me figure out what to write! I’ll also write scat, and no, it doesn’t have to be paired with emeto. I also will write asthma, injuries of all kinds (especially concussions), nightmares, and panic attacks. I’ll also write omo prompts here if they’re combined with hurt/comfort (bladder infections, bed wetting, fear wetting), ask if you’re not sure! If they’re not hurt/comfort related send them to me at my omo sideblog @it-hasalreadyhappened. I’ll also take prompts for cute gen drabbles and my YOI fanfic Domestic Bliss! I also love writing gender bends and trans/nb headcanon fics.
I will not write anything explicitly sexual, or stuff like heavy kissing or romance, so please don’t ask me for that! I’ll write for a variety of fandoms as well as my OCs (on my sideblog @bunnysocs).
Note: this is not an exhaustive list! If there’s something not on here that you’d like to see, feel free to ask me if I’m familiar with it. If I know the fandom there’s a good chance that I’ll write for it!
Alice Isn’t Dead:
Pairings-Alice x Keesha
Notes/Preferences- I have listened to the entire podcast. I have not read the novel.
Artemis Fowl:
Characters-Artemis, Holly.
Pairings-Artemis x Holly.
Notes-I’ve read all the books. I might be willing to do other characters if you have a good prompt, but I’m not making any promises. I love Artemis and Butler’s relationship.
Attack on Titan:
Characters-Hanji, Levi, Eren, Mikasa, Sasha, Armin, Annie, Hitch, Ymir, Krista, and Isabel. I might be open to others if you have a good prompt.
Pairings-Eremika, Eremin, Ereminkasa, Levi x Hanji, Eruri, , Levi x Hanji x Erwin, Mikasasha, Springles, Annie x Hitch, and Yumikuri. I am open to other ships, but I will not write any ships where the cadets are shipped with the older officers, sorry.
Notes/Preferences-I’m not completely caught up on the manga, I think I stopped around chapter 105. I stopped watching the anime about three quarters through season 3. I love the trans Armin headcanon. I love writing Eren as a girl.
Attack on Titan Before the Fall
Characters-Sharlet, Kuklo, Cardina, and Rosa.
Pairings-Sharlet x Kuklo, Sharlet x Kuklo x Cardina, Sharlet x Rosa.
Notes/Preferences-I have not read the last few chapters of the manga yet.
Characters-any of the characters.
Pairings-Pepper x Tony, Bruce x Tony, Thor x Jane, Natasha x Clint.
Notes/Preferences-Tony is my favorite to write. I haven’t seen Thor: Ragnorok, Infinity War, WandaVision, or Endgame.
Big Hero 6:
Characters-any of the characters.
Pairings-pretty much any
Notes/Preferences-I’m only familiar with the movie canon. I love AUs where Tadashi lived.
Brooklyn 99:
Characters-Jake, Santiago, Gina.
Pairings-Jake x Santiago.
Notes/Preferences-I’m only on season one of this show; I’ll update this as I catch up!
Chibi Vampire:
Characters-Karin, Kenta, Anju.
Pairings-Karin x Kenta.
Notes/Preferences-I’ve read the manga, haven’t seen the anime.
Code Geass:
Characters-Lelouch, Kallen, maybe others if you have a good prompt.
Pairings-Lelouch x Kallen, Lelouch x CC, Lelouch x Shirley.
Notes/Preferences-I’ve finished the manga and anime. I love to genderbend Lelouch. I will not write suzalulu and I’m not interested in writing for Suzaku
Doki Doki Literature Club:
Characters-any of them!
Pairings-open to them all
Characters-pretty much any, except for Sousuke and Hiyori.
Pairings-open to most, except for pairings containing Sousuke. I love Ikuya x Haru, Rin x Nitori, and Isuzu x Gou.
Notes/Preferences-I’ve seen both seasons and all the movies and special episodes. I have watched the latest season.
Fullmetal Alchemist:
Characters-pretty much any, although I prefer writing for Ed.
Pairings-Edwin, Edling, Lingfan, Almei, and Royai.
Notes/Preferences-I’ve only watched Brotherhood all the way through. I love Ed and Al’s relationship, and I love the parental relationship between Roy and Ed.
Gallagher Girls:
Characters-all of them, I prefer writing for Cammie though.
Pairings-pretty much open to any pairings.
Notes/Preferences-I prefer sick Cammie. I have read all of the books.
Ghost in the Shell:
Characters-I prefer writing for the major.
Pairings- The Major x Bato.
Notes- I don’t really know how to write sick cyborgs but I’m thirsty and no one else seems to be willing to do it.
Guardians of the Galaxy:
Characters-Peter, might be open to others for the right prompt.
Pairings-Peter x Gamora
Notes/Preferences-I haven’t seen Infinity War. I’m pretending that it didn’t happen. I have seen both Guardians of the Galaxy movies.
Harry Potter:
Characters-Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna.
Pairings-Ginny x Luna, Harry x Ginny, Hermione x Ginny, Hermione x Ron, Harry x Luna, Harry x Ron, and Harry x Ron x Hermione.
Notes/Preferences-I love parental Sirius taking care of Harry. Sick Harry is my favorite to write. I have read all the books and seen the movies. I have not seen the second Fantastic Beasts movie. I have not seen or read The Cursed Child.
Heist Society:
Characters-Kat, Hale.
Pairings-Kat x Hale.
Notes/Preferences-I prefer sick Kat. I have read all of the books.
Jessica Jones:
Pairings-Jessica x Luke, Jessica x Trish, Luke x Jessica x Trish.
Notes/Preferences-I’ve only seen season one, I haven’t seen season two or The Defenders.
Characters-I’m open to writing most of the characters.
Pairings- Kuro x Shiro, Kuro x Shiro x Neko. I’m open to most others.
Notes/Preferences-Kuro, Shiro, and Neko are my favorites to write. I’ve seen both seasons and the movie.
Kane Chronicles:
Characters-Sadie and Carter.
Pairings-open to most parings
Notes/Preferences-I’ve read the entire original series, haven’t read anything past that or any of the crossovers.
Killing Stalking:
Characters-Bum, Sangwoo
Pairings-Sangwoo x Bum.
Notes/Preferences-I’m not completely caught up on season three. Willing to write canon, or healthy relationship AU.
Legend of Zelda: Characters-Zelda, Link.
Notes/Preferences-I’m a sucker for sick Link. I’ve only played through Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, so those are the games that I’m most familiar with.
Little Witch Academia:
Characters-I’m open to writing most of the characters, alhtough I prefer writing for Akko.
Pairings-Diana x Akko, Suzy x Akko x Lotte, Chariot x Croix.
Miraculous Ladybug:
Characters-Marinette, Alya, Nino, and Adrien, might be open to others if you have a good prompt.
Pairings-Adrinette in all its forms, Marinette x Alya, Adrien x Nino, Julerose, Lukanette, Marinette x Adrien x Nino x Alya. I’m open to some other ships as well.
Notes/Preferences-I haven’t seen season two yet.
My Hero Academia:
Characters-Aizawa, All Might, Toga, pretty much any of the students from 1A except Bakugo and Mineta
Pairings-I’m open to most pairings except Bakudeku and Bakugo x Ochako. I ship Aizawa and All Might. I ship Izuku and Melissa.
Notes/Preferences-I prefer sick Izuku. I love Izuku and All Might’s relationship. I’m caught up on the first three seasons of the anime, but I haven’t read the manga. I have seen the first movie.
Characters-I’m open to writing most characters except for like Yato’s father. Yukine is my favorite to write.
Pairings-I’m open to most pairings except Yukine x Yato.
Notes/Preferences-Yukine is my favorite to write, followed by Hiyori and Yato. I love Yukine and Yato’s son-father relationship. I am completely caught up on the anime, I’m a bit behind on the manga.
One Punch Man:
Characters-Saitama, Genos, Sonic
Pairings-open to most, partial to Genosai.
Notes/Preferences-I’m not completely caught up on season two or the manga.
Ouran High School Host Club: 
Characters-any of the characters.
Notes/Preferences: I’ve watched the dub, still working on reading the manga.
Pairings-I’m open to pretty much any of them
Parks and Recreation:
Characters-Leslie, Ben, Anne.
Pairings-Leslie x Anne, Leslie x Ben, Ben x Leslie x Anne.
Notes/Preferences-I’ve finished the entire series.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians:
Characters-pretty much any of them (including HoO characters).
Pairings-I’m open to most of them.
Notes/Preferences-I’ve read up to the end of Heroes of Olympus.
Psycho Pass:
Ships-Akane x Kougami, Akane x Ginoza, Akane x Kougami x Ginoza.
Notes-I’ve seen the dub of both seasons and the movie.
Characters-Ruby. I might be willing to write other characters for a good prompt but I prefer writing for her. I’m also interested in writing for Winter.
Pairings-I’m open to most pairings, but my favorites are Ruby x Penny, Ruby x Blake, Ruby x Weiss x Blake x Yang, Penny x Ruby x Weiss x Blake x Yang.
Notes/Preferences-I am caught up on the show, I have not read the manga. I have not watched Ice Queendom.
The Silt Verses:
Soul Eater:
Characters-pretty much any of them.
Pairings- open to most
Notes/Preferences-I’ve watched the entire anime and finished the manga. I prefer writing for Maka.
Soul Eater Not:
Characters-Tsugumi, Anya, Meme.
Pairings-Anya x Tsugumi x Meme, Jackim.
Characters-Peter Parker
Pairings: open to most, no Tony x Peter please.
Notes/Preferences-I love fatherly Tony, and I’m thirsty to see Peter interacting with the other Avengers. I love the trans Peter headcanon.
Star vs the Forces of Evil:
Characters-Star, Marco.
Pairings-Starco, Star x Marco x Jackie, Star x Jackie, Star x Janna, Janna x Star x Jackie. Notes/Preferences-I love the trans Marco headcanon. I’ve only seen the first two seasons.
Characters-all of them.
Pairings-Okakuri, Okabe x Kurisu x Mayuri, Feris x Ruka, Daru x Amane Yuki.
Notes/Preferences-I love the trans Ruka headcanon. I haven’t seen 0. I have seen the movie.
Steven Universe:
Characters-pretty much all of them.
Pairings-Stevonnie, I’m open to most others.
Notes/Preferences-I’ve watched through season four.
Pairings-Mike x Rachel, Donna x Harvey. Might be open to others except for Harvey x Mike.
Notes/Preferences-I’m not completely caught up on the latest few seasons yet. I love parental Harvey with Mike.
Their Story:
Characters-Qiu Tong, Sun Jing
Pairings-Qiu Tong x Sun Jing
Characters-Lance, Allura
Pairings-Allurance, shidge, polydins
Notes/Preferences-I’ve seen the first seven seasons, I’m not particularly interested in writing for voltron these days.
Welcome to Night Vale:
Characters-pretty much any of them! Pairings-Cecilos.
Notes-I’m only on episode 60-something. I have read the first novel.
Wonder Woman:
Notes/Preferences-I’ve seen both movies
Characters-Scully, Mulder.
Pairings-Scully x Mulder.
Notes/Preferences-I prefer sick Scully, but I’m willing to write sick Mulder as well. I’ve seen every season and both movies.
Characters-Yugi, Atem, Anzu, Joey, Mokuba, Seto, Miho, and Ryou Bakura.
Pairings: Peachshipping, Puzzleshipping, Wishshipping, and Heartshipping, probably open to some others.
Notes/Preferences: I’ve watched Season Zero and the dub of the anime. I’ve read Yugioh R. I’m a sucker for sick Yugi, Ryou, and the Kaiba bros.
Yugioh GX:
Characters-Jaden, Cyrus, Alexis.
Pairings-I’m open to most ships. I love Jaden/Cyrus.
Notes/Preferences-I’ve read through all of the manga. I have seen the first season of the anime. I watch the dub. I love Jaden and Chazz’s friendship.
Yuuri on Ice:
Characters-all of them!
Pairings: I’m open to most pairings.
Notes/Preferences-I’ve mostly watched the dub. I’m a sucker for sick Yurio. I love the trans Yurio headcanon. I love writing genderbends and AUs for this anime.
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iheartgod175 · 3 years
Hanna-Barbera Head Dump 1: Into the Honkai-verse
I never did a H-B head dump post here? Huh...you learn something new every day.
Anyhoo, I’ve been playing Honkai Impact like crazy, and I’m kinda sorta hopping back on the H-B stuff I’ve been working on, so naturally, my mind has been going back to my H-B crossover. And if you think that’s the oddest thing you can crossover with Hanna-Barbera, you should check out their actual crossovers. They have one where Fred and Barney meet The Thing. Yes, you read that right.
The trouble I had here was coming up with the male equivalent of a Valkyrie. Some quick research shows that it would most likely be the Einherjar, the slain warriors who are carried by the Valkyries to Valhalla. Since the Honkai verse is about a long drawn out war with the Honkai (spanning three games, if I’m right), especially considering the recent events in the game, I figured this would be a good fit. And some of the H-B characters do die here, though only Top Cat’s mirrors Himeko’s death; I’m trying to make sure that this story isn’t a cut-and-paste crossover with the original game.
The cast is halfway complete, though two characters are kind of evading me: Bronya’s and Seele’s. I’m torn between choosing Boo-Boo or Augie Doggie to fill the role of Bronya, since Augie’s got the smarts, and Boo-Boo occasionally has that snarkiness. Doesn’t help that here, this stand in will have most of Bronya’s original battlesuits and Herrscher form. As for Seele, I’m toying with the idea of maybe having Melissa in this role, though Huck was also a strong contender. Picturing her with a sadistic double side would be pretty interesting.
Touché, of course, had to be Durandal. But unlike the original Durandal, he’s gonna have a lot of battle scars here, and it’ll show.
A lot of series will probably be featured, and like my first major crossover, The Heroes of Time, The Jetsons, The Flintstones, and Scooby-Doo will be featured. While Orbit City, Coolsville, and Bedrock will be featured, only a few of those characters will be featured alongside the main protagonists. The reason for that is because their stories are told in the Chronicles side stories, similar to the actual game where you learn more about the Valks there than you do during the main story.
The battlesuits were difficult, too, but also a lot of fun. Some I lifted from the series each character is based on, while some are taken from the game. And the Herrscher forms were changed around a bit (minus the Herrscher of Reason and the Herrscher of Sentience) due to the character motivations being different here. A lot of H-B characters, including a few of mine and Vulaan Kulaas’ OCs, have original battlesuits, though the ones that are lifted from the game will be marked in bold:
Ricochet Rabbit: Stalwart Sheriff, Last Prayers, Harebrained Trickster, Cometfall, Starlit Knight, Herrscher of Order, Void Drifter, Herrscher of Justice
Droop-a-Long Coyote: Sleepy-Eyed Rifleman, Texas Memento, Sleepy-Eyed Sharpshooter, Scorpion’s Bullet, Shadow Dash, Calamity Trigger, Herrscher of Calamity, Elysian Champion
Top Cat: Hoagy’s Hero, Arctic Kriegmesser, Einherjar’s Triumph, Ace of Hearts, Chainbreaker, Godslayer — Eclipse
Boo-Boo (if the list is finalized): Ursa Minor, Einherjar’s Chariot, Hanabera Anchora, Wolf Dawn, Drive Kometa, Herrscher of Reason, God of Hackers
Yogi Bear: Ursa Major, Einherjar’s Champion, Forrestier Guardian, Elysian Phantom
Serena Falconeri: Rosa di Ghiaccio (Italian for Rose of Ice), Phantom Queen
Denise Falconeri: Rosa di Fuoco (Italian for Rose of Fire), Eternal Promise
Melissa Starkweather: Blue Carnation
Roxanne Falconeri-Rabbit: Yellow Rose, Valkyrie Avenger
Quick Draw McGraw: Smoke Trail, Errant Kabonger (El Kabong, of course), Einherjar’s Hero
Fred Flintstone: Future Slate, Einherjar’s Origins, Indomitable Buffalo
Barney Rubble: In progress!
Wilma Flintstone: Scarlet Soul, TBA on others
Betty Rubble: In progress!
George Jetson: Bedrock Bedlam, Orbit City Memento, Einherjar’s Future
Jane Jetson: Ms. Solar System, Sixth Serenade
Judy Jetson: Galactic Rocker
Elroy Jetson: In progress!
Velma: TBA, but I know for sure she’ll be Herrscher of Sentience
Fred Jones: Einherjar’s Pride, Godslayer — Daybreak
Daphne Blake: In progress!
Shaggy: Einherjar’s Doom, likely to be the 4th Herrscher
Huckleberry Hound: Steely-Eyed Stranger, True Blue Star, Hucklebearer
Snagglepuss: Primo Uomo, Stargazer
Desert Flower: Sacred Ritual, Standing Flower
Officer Dibble: Einherjar’s Lawmaker, Elysian Keeper
Breezly Bruin: Arctic Kriegmesser
Touché Turtle: Einherjar’s Glory, Harebrained Schemer, Terrapin Paladin, Dea Anchora
Dum-Dum: Einherjar’s Loyalist, Fortress Keeper (might make a reference to Fortress Maximus, lol), Elysian Paladin
Some names are taken from, of course, Symphogear. Eternal Promise being a reference to Miku’s third image song, and Desert Flower’s suit being a literal translation of Hibiki’s last name (Tachibana).
I couldn’t resist the “God-tier Shaggy” meme, no matter how hard I tried, lol. The reason for it is far from fun and games, though...
Basically, there will be a “The Jetsons Meet the Flintstones” in the Chronicles, but it’ll be a lot more serious.
I know one thing—I’m going to put poor George through the ringer in this...
The mascot characters such as Orbitty, Dino, Hoppy and such will probably show up as ELFs, but I have yet to come up with their skills.
I lied. Apparently, Ricochet has the most battlesuits lifted from the game, lol.
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ariadne-inthesky · 3 years
💙 - Our muses admire the full moon during a festival - away from all the hustle and bustle of celebrations.
(i have to send this 🥺 from benlo in one of our 37372662 verses)
Behind a read more because it will be long. And sad. And not exactly the two of them together.
8 May 1945. No. 3 Ferry Pool ATA Harwarden, Chester. The war is over in Europe and everywhere people celebrate. Loudly, cheerfully. It started as a wave, coming from the meeting room and taking everyone on the base not by surprise, but in a liberating whirlwind of emotions. There was shouting and rejoicing and dancing and alcohol and tears - of joy. Relief. Mourning, for the comrades who died in service - like Rosa. But we must celebrate. So many people died. So many were lost. And their youths ? What went with their youths ? The insouciant dance parties ? The picnics ? The galas ? The joy ? Nowhere, nothing, burned ina bonfire of politician’s egos. All have been ground to dirt and bone meal by incendiary bombs. Mouths filled with the taste of motor oil and gunpowder. The nights of wake, waiting for something to happen. Calloused hands. Aching bodies. Scratchy fabrics on their skin. The musty smell of badly aerated corrugated iron hangars where they slept. The cries. The wails. The fear. And then ? Then you have to celebrate. But celebrate what ? Children who grew too quickly ? Brothers. Husbands. Fathers. Uncles. Nephews. dead Sisters. Mothers. Wives. Aunts. Nieces. dead And the horrors, back in Poland ? Those camps ? Could something had been done ? But we celebrate. And it's a victory but on what ? Scorched earth everywhere. Dead bodies populating the nights - never really peaceful anymore. And the status quo for women. For people of color. Like in 1918. Back to the past. But we celebrate. And of course, Ariadne is happy. The war is over, after all. But there is a nagging at the back of her head. A flurry of questions without answers, turning, again and again, each more pressing and concerning. We won, at what cost ? And now, what do we do ? And the Pacific theater ? The war is not over there, so what ? And us, the women, what do we do, now ? Do we go back to our old lives ? And him ? Where is he ? What is he doing ? Is he alright, since the last letter ? And them ? What are they ? What is their future - is there even a shared future for them ? She wonders, leaning against the window of what was once their office, if he’s celebrating, too. She wonders if he’s having fun and drinking like everyone else. Maybe, if he had been there, Ariadne would have celebrated. They could have danced until the first rays of sunshine on the airfield. They could have ran away somewhere with a bottle of whiskey stolen from the Senior Commander. And Ariadne wonders, looking at the full moon with a mug of spiked tea, while the rest of the airfield celebrates. Is Ben watching the moon, too ? Or is he drunk and dancing with other women ? Is he kissing them like he kisses her ? Laughing with them with the same twinkle in his eyes than when they are together ? Is he whispering stupid compliments to their ear as their fingers lace together ? Is he... Is he ? Is he thinking of her like she’s thinking of him, on that night of May 1945 ? Is he missing her like she misses him ? Does he realise how much he loves her, like she’s doing now, sliding on the floor of a damp office in Chester ? Is he crying like she does under the moonlight, while music and laughter echoes around the base ? Is there a future for war birds once the Armistice is signed ?
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johnny-and-dora · 4 years
safe from the world, though the world may try
71. “...you wanna build a blanket fort?” requested by @stars-my-darling in which amy experiences a cornerstone of the offical jake peralta boyfriend experience. (early relationship, around 3x04)
read on ao3  -
Amy Santiago is having a bad day.
It’s bad enough that the Vulture is so awful and grossly misogynistic that he’s making her & Rosa plan his birthday party – what’s worse is that she’s actually committed to the task, unable to disobey her captain’s orders in a way that sends self-loathing flooding through her system. She misses Holt, she misses working actual cases – she even almost misses Gina insulting her pantsuits and shredding important papers.
That’s not what’s really bothering her, though. It’s bad enough that she’s exhausted from the end of an insanely dull work week, but it’s worse that she’s barely seen her sweet, adorable, dorky boyfriend at all despite sharing a desk with him. She sighs, rubbing her temples, barely able to muster up the energy to tidy her coat, shoes and bag away as she flops onto her couch.
She can’t fix the Vulture being their captain, and she can’t fix Holt leaving. But at least there’s something she can do about the other major grievance currently darkening her otherwise rosy life.
To: Jake Peralta, 19:47 Can you come over?
From: Jake Peralta, 19:49 omw, be there in 15 everything okay?? xxx
She tries not to overthink the kisses – really, it’s just three characters, and knowing Jake it could just be a typo – but still, it stutters in her weary heart, affecting enough to invite a gentle sincerity into her answer.
To: Jake Peralta, 19:50 Just tired and stressed out And I really want to see you X
They’re still walking the wire in some ways; it’s still relatively early in their romantic relationship, and while they’re both all in (light and breezy now a distant memory), Amy’s always tended to overthink, intent on crafting the perfect text message as if each interaction is something she can win. This time, however, she presses send before she can even double check for grammatical errors - and already feels lighter when she instantly receives a long string of heart emojis in response.
She’s pleasantly surprised when she hears an elaborate rap on her door only twelve minutes later. Amy sinks into him almost as soon as he’s through the threshold, arms instinctively wrapping around her in a warm bear hug.
“Hi,” He says softly, pulling away only so they can go cuddle on the couch together, Amy laying her head on his shoulder “What’s up?”
“Nothing, really. Or nothing new, I’m just so sick of the Vulture. Can you believe he wants me and Rosa to plan his birthday party?” Jake pulls a face, groaning in sympathy.
“That’s so gross.”
“I know. I just miss Holt, and I feel like I haven’t seen you all week and everything just kinda sucks when I don’t see you.” She buries her frown into his hoodie for a moment and is confused when she feels him pulling away.
“Okay.” Jake stands up and clasps his hands together, eyes alight in that way when he’s set on something and won’t stop until he gets it. Amy’s spent years fearing that look. “We’re building a blanket fort.”
“Building a blanket fort. C’mon.”
“So, just to be clear, we’re both starving, exhausted adults in our thirties who haven’t seen each other all week and your solution…is to build a blanket fort.”
“Just trust me. Please, Ames?” He pouts, and any irritation instantly falls to the wayside, her reluctance to create an unnecessary mess in her perfectly organised living room easing with a wave of affection for her boyfriend. She sighs but decides to relent.
“I’ll get the comforter.”
It’s almost immediately worth it for the way he cheers, fist-pumping like he just scored the winning try at the Superbowl.
Jake kicks on some cheesy 80’s pop playlist blasting tinny and crackling from his phone and they get to work, Amy emptying her catalogue of sheets, pillows, quilts and blankets into her arms and on to the floor. She quickly loses herself in the task before her, dragging chairs from her dining table to form a sturdy framework, arranging pillows like a goddamn champion inside.
There’s one moment where she gets really excited about lighting, rushing to the back of her closet to grab her Christmas lights – when she next catches Jake’s eye, he’s looking at her with an unabashed fondness that never fails to spread warmth through her whole body.
As with everything else they do together, they make a great team, and they’re done before Jake can make it through the second verse of Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. He beams at her as they step back to admire their handiwork - even she has to admit that it’s a damn good blanket fort, the lights she strung up adding a perfect homely touch.
She’s still curious as to why this is how they’re spending their evening together as they crawl inside, Jake instantly cocooning himself in her favourite fleece blanket. She absentmindedly makes a note to sleep with that one next time they spend a night apart, then cringes at how clingy she’s already become.
“So, pretty cosy, huh. Do you like it?”
“Yeah. I do. I just…why a blanket fort?” She asks, watching him earnestly as he distractedly plays with the strings of his hoodie, trying to form his answer.
“This is what my Nana would do with me when I was scared or stressed out or sad, about my dad or whatever. Gina too, sometimes, if I let her paint my toenails and choose the movie.” Amy smiles at an image of a young Jake and Gina giggling at a sleepover, throwing candy at each other and sharing scandalous gossip.
“I know it’s kinda silly, but…I don’t know. It always helped me, hanging out someplace safe and warm where the rest of the world couldn’t get to you for a little while. So, I thought it might help you too.” He gently nudges his shoulder with hers, a boyish grin lighting up his face. His honesty and simple sweetness send a quiet thrill through her, stomach fluttering with butterflies instead of anxiety.
“It does.” She admits, smiling softly as she reaches up to cup his face, thumbing over the stubble on his jawline. “Thank you, you’re the best.”
She wants to say more, but she doesn’t know quite how to articulate how at home he already is in her heart. So instead, she kisses him, gentle and honey-sweet. For a moment, it’s as if they’re the only two people in the world and she revels in the intimacy she’s been craving all day, deepening the kiss and touching her forehead to his before her eyes dare flutter open again.
“You’re so welcome.” He grins. “I didn’t know you’d be such a pro, though. The structural integrity of this thing is off the charts. It could probably survive an earthquake.”
Amy glows at the sincerity of his compliment. The more she thinks about it, the more she realises that he’s right – she feels safe, in here, wrapped up in blankets with her favourite person in the entire world.
She always feels safe when she’s with Jake – not the dull, boring safe she was with Teddy, or really any of her long-term relationships before him. Instead, it’s a safety, a certainty, a trust that makes her even more willing to leap without looking back.
“Oh, for the record, everything sucks for me too when I don’t get to see you. You just make everything better.” He gestures loosely, sharpening her focus back to the present – she kisses him again, revelling in the perfect tiny blanket paradise they’ve made.
And just when she thought she couldn’t feel more content, Amy catches him tapping “polish takeaway brooklyn” into his phone and beams, pressing a feather-light kiss to his cheek.
This isn’t how she expected dating Jake Peralta to be, and yet now she wonders why. He’s probably the only person who’d think to calm her down by building her a fort, and yet he’s the only person who knows her well enough to be certain that it would work. It’s a solution so simple and effective and completely and utterly Jake, and she makes sure to show him just how much she loves that while they wait for their food to arrive.
The delivery guy knocks on the door not long into their make-out session – Amy is delighted to find she’s not the least bit embarrassed as she hastily thanks him, although she does make sure to tip him a little extra. They chat and laugh together in-between mouthfuls and lay back on the pillows when they’re done, Jake idly and soothingly playing with her hair as she rants.
“Hey, Ames?” He says in a sing-song, playful tone after they’ve slipped into a few moments of comfortable silence.
“What are your thoughts vis-à-vis blanket fort sexy times? For or against? Because I think I could make a pretty great case for- “
She smothers his argument with her lips, a neat new trick she’s still very much enjoying – and it’s a true mark of her adept construction skills that when they're done the fort still remains wholly intact.
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adenei · 3 years
Auror 99 - Chapter 12
Ao3 || FFN
“Fifteen minutes til his visiting window,” Ron said as he walked over to Harry and Hermione. “You have the cuffs?”
Harry nodded. “I’ll be under the cloak, waiting in the G’s section.”
“And I’ll be over on the other side of the archives, near the immigration records,” Ron clarified. “I just finished speaking with the Auror team sent to aid us if necessary. They’ll take their positions at the other stairwell once we notify them that he’s entered the area with the DA coins. Hermione, it was brilliant of you to think to use them, again. Jake, Amy and Charles are keeping watch outside.
“Rosa,” Ron paused as Rosa took off Harry’s invisibility cloak and handed it back to Harry, “You and Hermione will take the back staircase. Remember, if you have to shoot, nothing lethal. Let Hermione attempt a stunning spell first, but remember he’s quick. Any questions?” Everyone shook their heads.
“We should get into position,” Harry said. 
Ron walked with Rosa and Hermione and stopped at the door to the stairwell. “You’re sure you’re okay with this?” He asked Hermione as Rosa gave them a private moment.
“Yes. I know it’s been years, but I’ll be fine. It’s not like I’ve forgotten.”
“I know, I wasn’t saying that. Just making sure you’re okay.”
“I will be. I’m more worried about you.”
“Just make sure you’re well hidden in the stacks, alright? You don’t know if today will be the day he decides to check a different area. Don’t assume he’ll just head to Harry,” Hermione warned him.
She made a good point. “I’ll be careful, I promise.” He kissed her briefly, and she squeezed his hand before slipping through the door. 
Ron walked over to the immigration archives and hid in the next aisle over from where they made their breakthrough yesterday. He positioned himself in the center of the aisle, just in case he needed to move one way or the other. And now we wait.
It didn’t take long for Gerteso’s arrival. He was a creature of habit. Ron heard the far door open and close, the scratch of the quill on parchment was faint, but there, and then the heavy footsteps of work boots that indicated he was on the move. He waited for them to stop in the G section as they had the day before, but they kept clunking, and they were getting louder.
Fuck. Ron moved swiftly to the far end of the aisle, and took cover on the edge of the shelves. He wasn’t sure how Hermione knew he’d change his search today, but she did. He quickly took out his coin and sent the message that was already pending for MACUSA, and waited. He hoped to Godric that Harry followed him, so he’d have ample back up. The last fight wasn’t easy, but hopefully this time he had the element of surprise. 
Sure enough, he heard Gerteso stop walking a few aisles over, most likely search the G’s again. Ron felt the coin heat up indicating MACUSA was in place. A few moments later, he felt it heat up again. It only had two letters “IG”. He knew that was Harry, telling him where Gerteso was. ‘Immigration - G’s.’
Ron checked each aisle stealthily as he made his way closer to where Gerteso was. He didn’t need to send Harry a reply asking if he was ready. They’d worked together long enough to know Harry was there and had his back. Ron positioned himself and could see Gerteso in the middle of the row, pulling boxes. He waited for him to put the box back before he made his move.
As soon Gerteso’s hand left the box, Ron waved his wand, casting a silent stunning spell. A flash of red hit him square in the chest, and another spell was cast immediately after. Ron covered his body in case Gerteso got a spell out, as he was bloody quick the last time, but he saw Gerteso’s wand flying toward Harry, who must have cast Expelliarmus. Ron cast Incarcerous next and watched as ropes flew out of the end of his wand and wrapped tightly around Gerteso. 
Harry had taken off the invisibility cloak in the meantime, and stuffed it in his cloak. He was now headed toward Gerteso to cuff him. They weren’t taking any chances. As British Aurors, they weren’t as well versed in the magic of vampires, so they didn’t want to risk his potential for wandless magic. Ron met Harry at the bound man, and held him up while Harry attached the cuffs. He said the spell and they lit up purple, indicating they were working.
Ron cast the counterspells to any disillusionment and glamour charms. It partially did the trick, but it didn’t fully reveal Gerteso’s true identity. Harry and Ron looked at each other, communicating silently. It had to be Polyjuice potion. That would make sense with his time limit, and why he only spent forty five minutes on any given day. They searched Gerteso for any signs of a flask, but had no luck. 
The sick git simply smiled eerily at them. “Can’t apprehend me if you can’t prove who I am.”
“Nice try,” Harry said as he tapped the cuffs that turned a bright shade of blue. “New technology,” he said to Ron, who nodded in understanding. Kingsley was really pulling out all the stops for them.
“State your name,” Harry said gruffly.
They watched as Gerteso opened his mouth in an attempt to use whatever alias he’d chosen that day, and then his eyes grew wide.
“Go on, tell us,” Ron said. 
“Leonardo-” he looked pained, “Guarnieri.” It was clear he hadn’t spoken his real name in years by the way it seemed so foreign against his lips. 
“Do you also go by the alias Howard Gerteso?” Ron asked.
“Y-yes,” the man had no choice but to tell the truth.
“Well, then, Howard Gerteso, you’re under arrest,” Ron said.
Harry went to retrieve Hermione and Rosa, tossing the cloak to the latter. Rosa took out her phone to let Jake, Amy and Charles know to standby. Hermione left with Rosa to go meet the rest of the group and to notify Kingsley that Gerteso was in custody. Harry began guiding Gerteso towards the stairwell, where the MACUSA Aurors were waiting, while Ron doubled back to pull Martini’s wand record for questioning.
A short time later, Kingsley joined Harry and Ron, who were waiting outside the questioning room. The polyjuice potion had finally worn off, and Gerteso was in his true form. Harry and Ron still kept up the disguises they’d started with for anonymity purposes. They were joined by the MACUSA Auror Director, a Mr. Stanley. 
“I’ll leave you to it, then. Let me know if you need anything,” he said to Kingsley. 
He left them and headed back to his office. “I’ll be right out here watching and listening. I trust you two.” Kingsley gestured towards the room.
“Thank you, sir,” Harry and Ron said.
Harry and Ron walked in and were met with a scowl on Gerteso’s face. “Well, , he doesn’t look too pleased to see us, does he Jason,” Ron said to Harry.
“Not at all, Nolan. So he must know he’s going to have to do the time for all the money laundering he did in Gringotts,” Harry responded.
Gerteso grunted, but didn’t deny his responsibility.
“So, Howard, or should we call you Leo? What brings you to New York?” Ron asked him.
“Vacation,” he said snarkily.
“Yeah? A vacation that required you to use polyjuice potion to sneak into the wand records office of MACUSA for the past week or so?” Harry countered.
“Last I checked it was open for anyone to check,” he spat back.
“So why the secrecy?” Ron continued. 
“I don’t have to tell you two anything.”
“You don’t have to, but it might make it easier for you. Of course, it’d take the fun away from us, since we knew you were after this,” Ron pulled Martini’s file out of his cloak and set it on the table. “What’s your brother got that you’re after, Leo?”
“Everything,” he growled.
Well, if this wasn’t the classic case of jealousy and revenge, Ron didn’t know what was.
“How long have you gone by Gerteso, then?” Harry asked.
“Long enough.”
“We’re going to need a more specific answer than that. Only since your time at Gringotts? Or maybe, since this photo?” Ron pulled out the photo they’d printed from the newspaper clipping all those years ago.
“How’d you find that? That’s from a muggle newspaper.” Gerteso leaned forward to get a better look.
“We’re the ones asking the questions,” Harry said firmly. “How do you know that shopkeeper.”
“Fine.” It looked like Gerteso was finally going to give up some information. “He took me in after the attack. I was in the kitchens before the death eaters invaded the orphanage. I was able to sneak out the back door and hide behind a dumpster. That’s how I saw Benedict escape with my brother. I was about to call out to them, but then the explosion happened and it knocked me out. When I woke up they were gone. That shopkeeper found me and took me in. Thought it best to change my name, and then he raised me muggle.”
“No one from Hogwarts came for you?” Harry asked even though he knew the answer.
“Why would they? Everyone assumed we were good as dead, even though they never recovered our bodies. Course, all the records were destroyed, so they didn’t actually know how many of us perished, did they?”
“So how’d you get a wand? And learn magic?” Ron asked.
“Why’s it matter?” Gerteso had a knack for answering questions with questions.
“Why? Well, the fact that you’re practicing magic and worked at Gringotts is the ‘matter.’ So please, enlighten us,” Ron pressed.
“Stole one. Then taught myself.”
“Did you steal the books, too?” Harry asked. Gerteso simply shrugged. Just another crime to add to the list.
“Alright, so you’re clearly going to Azkaban for a long time. Money laundering, from the goblins no less, stealing, impersonating others, evading the law... so how about you tell us what you want with your brother.” Ron was getting ready for the cincher.
“I want what’s mine.”
“Which is…?” Harry was starting to get impatient.
“His title.”
Ron nodded. “Thanks, Leo.” He nodded to Harry, and they left the room to discuss with Kingsley.
“Good work, you two,” Kingsley said. “What are you thinking for your next steps?”
“I’d like to leave him in the dark until tomorrow. We should bring him to the 99 so they can question him for his identity theft. It’ll only make our case stronger,” Harry said and Ron nodded as he took over. 
“Hermione is working with Rosa and Amy to contact Martini and ask him to stop by the precinct for a publicity stunt. They’ll give him a tour, and we’ll bring him in the room and Disarm him when he sees his brother.” 
“We’ll make sure we have time to get Gerteso to comply with helping the MACUSA team take his brother down. He’s got a lot of jealousy and vengeance flowing through him, so it shouldn’t be too hard,” Harry finished.
“Very good. I will have Gerteso transferred to holding, and will personally see to it that he’s transferred to the 99 tomorrow morning. We should be able to wrap this up tomorrow if all goes well.”
“Thanks,” Harry and Ron said.
“You two may go. Make sure your plan is well thought out with the team. Once Gerteso is settled in his cell, I’ll visit Holt and give him the rundown. We will plan for nine tomorrow morning. Now, get back to your team,” Kingsley said.
Harry and Ron said their goodbyes and made their way to  join the rest of the team.
The team spent the last couple of hours planning out every detail, question and potential move Martini could make tomorrow. Holt was able to contact Martini, who confirmed he would visit the precinct. Now that they’d secured his visit, the team was also certain that Gerteso would be willing to help them take down his brother. It’d be a brief, but shocking reunion for sure. Satisfied things were in good shape for tomorrow, the team retired early again for more movies.
“I think we can get through two more movies tonight!” said Amy. “And then the other two tomorrow, if you’re allowed to stay one extra night.”
“I’m sure Kingsley won’t have a problem with it,” Hermione said kindly. She knew they all wanted to get home, but she needed to see this through, and hoped that the boys were invested, too.
“Honestly, if we can wrap this up in the morning, we could finish the reports, watch the movies and then we could take a late portkey. We have to come back to pack up anyways. Plus, Kingsley should at least have the decency to give us a few days off after this case,” Ron suggested. “So we can rest when we’re home.”
“That’s true,” Harry said. 
“I can go help speed the process along by starting the paperwork tonight,” Rosa suggested. Well, it wasn’t really a suggestion, more of a statement, as she’d already grabbed her jacket and was headed out the door. “I’ll meet you guys at the precinct in the morning.”
Ron looked worriedly at the rest of the detectives. “Don’t mind Rosa, she likes her private life. She already brought her stuff back to her place before you got back from questioning. You don’t have to worry about her loyalty. Actually, you should be thankful, she never offers to do extra paperwork,” Jake explained. “She’s also clearly not an HP fanatic like Amy and Charles are.”
“And you,” Amy said with a smirk.
“Okay, fine, I’ve joined the dark side,” Jake finally relented.
“Well, it’s good to know not everyone is obsessed with my story,” Harry said sarcastically.
“Shall we, then?” Amy asked.
The group settled in to watch Order of the Phoenix. As the scenes progressed, Ron muttered to Harry, “At least our hair’s a more accurate length for this go around.” 
Hermione couldn’t help but laugh at the comment. “That was pretty awful. And why is mine much more tame? What are they trying to accomplish?” Harry and Ron shrugged as Amy remained awfully quiet.
It was a longer movie, but it was more accurate in their minds than the fourth. “Umbridge really was awful,” Hermione commented. “And that actress gave a chilling performance. It felt like I was there all over again.” 
Harry glanced at his hand, which still had his own handwriting on the back of his hand. “Well, they got the disaster of my relationship with Cho on point, but where were your Department of Mysteries injuries?” Harry asked Ron and Hermione. He looked at Amy. “Are they in the books at least? It was bad. They were in the hospital for over a week. Hermione didn’t even wake up for several days.”
“It’s in the books, yes,” Amy confirmed, “but I think the movies wanted to focus more on your loss than the other’s injuries.” She was referring to Sirius.
Ron could tell Harry was tense so he changed the conversation. “Well, I for one, am insulted that they completely disregarded Firenze, and they left out the swamp. What a shame.”
Hermione nodded. “Should we start the sixth?”
Amy got up to change the discs as Harry gave Ron and Hermione a look. “Well, this should be fun.”
Hermione and Ron both grimaced. Hermione looked at Ron. “Can I just take a moment to apologize ahead of time again for the canaries? If they’re even there…”
“Oh, they’re there!” Charles chimed in.
“I’m sorry, too, for...well, you know,” Ron said. 
They’d been together long enough  that the whole year had been discussed at length, except for one tiny detail that Hermione seemed to have forgotten about.
The movie started rolling with the Underground scene. “Er, what is this? This never happened.” Harry looked incredibly confused. “They really didn’t use the Dursleys in this at all?” He looked surprised as Amy and Charles shook their heads.
The trio was on edge for several of the scenes they knew were coming, but it wasn’t until the Quidditch trials scene started that Hermione let out a shriek. “Oh, no. Shit! No!” She looked at Harry as Ron asked her what was wrong. It was completely out of character for her to swear.
“N-nothing. Could we- Amy can we skip this scene?” she asked nervously.
Amy seemed to realize what Hermione was alluding to, but Ron spoke up first. “No, keep playing it.” He watched as Movie Hermione cast a confundus charm on McLaggen and looked at her.
“Tell me you didn’t.”
“I- it wasn’t because I thought you couldn’t do it!”
“I was so mad at him and his smugness. He needed that cocky smile rubbed off his face. He would have been awful - he was awful! When he played in that second match. He was such a foul pain in the arse.”
Hermione’s face threatened tears as Ron looked to Harry. “Did you know?”
“I only guessed, and I told her it was wrong. I wouldn’t have let him make the team anyways, but apparently she didn’t trust my judgement either,” Harry rolled his eyes.
“And you didn’t tell me because…?” 
“Because by the time I confirmed it you were in a right foul mood because of Ginny, and then you spent months snogging Lavender. By that point, the season was almost over, and McLaggen’s true colors came out anyways.”
Jake, Charles, and Amy were watching even more intently than they had the movie, which Amy had since paused. Everyone waited to see how Ron would react, and they were all surprised when he simply smirked and put his arm around his wife.
“You know, looking back on it, it’s kind of sweet that you wanted to help me and make McLaggen suffer.”
Hermione gaped at him. “You’re not mad?” Even Harry looked surprised.
“If it was fifteen years ago? Yeah, I probably would have been, but I’d like to think I’ve matured enough to not let something that happened when we were sixteen bother me now. Can we keep going?”
Hermione relaxed a bit and sunk into his side as they continued. Everyone was trying to keep their comments to a minimum as they had the previous evening so they wouldn’t miss anything, but when the scene with the Burrow catching fire appeared, the trio all lost their minds. 
Even Amy and Charles agreed that it was a very odd addition that wasn’t necessary in the slightest. Jake thought the effect was cool, but sort of out of place. After the outburst, they were able to make it to the end, and the trio looked shell shocked. Up until that point, things weren’t terrible, but what the writers and directors had done to Ginny and Ron’s characters was completely inexcusable.
“Ginny may well kill someone if she ever sees that,” Harry commented. “And what was up with Ron being so far in the back of that last scene? That’s not how it went at all.”
“I’m actually pretty disgusted,” Hermione agreed. 
“As much as you kissing Ginny after that match shocked me, mate, I think they did a disservice by totally changing that here. Whatever that was supposed to be in the Room of Requirement was just awkward..” Ron said.
“I was really upset when I saw they’d messed that up,” Charles agreed, ever the romantic.
“Amy,” Hermione said, not paying attention to the rest of the conversation. 
“Please tell me that the screenwriters were not trying to attempt to create a nonexistent relationship seem plausible.”
Amy gave Hermione a worried and apologetic look. “I wish I could..”
“Oh my god,” Hermione’s face was red and she looked livid.
“What?” Harry and Ron were looking at her.
“They were trying to imply that Harry and I would have been a better couple! I’m so angry I could scream.”
“Hermione, you wanted to watch these,” Jake tried to tell her.
“And I don’t regret it, but there’s no wonder there’s all this speculation still surrounding the three of us.”
“ ‘Mione, stop, it doesn’t matter. We’re happy, Harry’s happy with Ginny. We’ll tell the rest of them to bugger off, it’s fine,” Ron tried to reassure her.
“It’s not fine! They completely destroyed your character, and elevated mine to make me seem too desirable! How are you not more upset by this?”
“Because it’s fiction based on presumed fiction. Muggles don’t know we’re real, so this is all just a story to them. It’s no use getting your knickers in a twist over. Our real fans know what’s true and what the movies fucked up, yeah? We can’t let it affect us.”
Hermione let out a loud sigh. “I really hate when you’re the voice of reason.”
Ron grinned at her as Jake and Harry suggested they should all probably get some sleep. “We’ll finish this saga tomorrow, and then Amy and Charles, you owe me some Die Hard marathons!” Jake said excitedly. 
“To one more day and an almost closed case,” Charles said as they all stood to go to their separate rooms.
“Cheers!” chorused the rest of the group. It was hard to believe this crazy case was going to come to an end tomorrow.
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petoskeystones · 4 years
the mike schur-verse fic i want to write
okay so b99, the office, parks and rec and the good place are all in the same universe-ity
get it? because they all go to the same college,,,
parks gang all lives in one big house together just off campus. accounting major ben, poli-sci/history double major leslie, nursing major ann, business major tom and jean-ralphio, art major april (chris, andy, donna, and ron are undecided). they’re all best friends and leslie makes everyone pancakes in the morning and they have movie nights together. the sapersteins and rich kids that live iun a house next door to them
The Office characters all live in the dunder-mifflin dorm hall (it’s co-ed for story purposes). mostly business majors of course- jim and dwight are roommates, michael’s the RA, erin is michael’s adopted sister. art student pam is dating football star roy anderson, business major jim is dating cheerleader katy. dwight is “assistant (to the) resident assistant”. david wallace is the student in charge of the administration oiffice and michael calls him whenever there’s the slightest issue happening, jan is the senior girl who michael’s in lover with. holly transfers halfway through the year from another school
the football team is the warehouse workers, andy dwyer, terry jeffords, and jason mendoza. chris and ron are student assistant coaches
michael realman is the philospohy professor who also helps out in architecture classes sometimes. eleanor cheated on her tests to get into a presigious philosophy and ethics class, chidi is the “”golden boy”” with straight a’s and was valedictorian, tahani’s parents paid her way into college and she desperately wants to prove herself, jason is on a football scholarship. jason and eleanor are best friends
janet is the savant genius girl who graduated college at age 16. she’s micheal’s assistant and they’re best friends even though she’s 22 and he’s in his late 60s. like, her apartment (which is super minimalist and the only decor is cacti) is a block away from his huge, cluttered, academic mansion and they have dinner together all the time and have a great father-daughter relationship. janet befriends team cockroach because they’re pretty much the same age
team cockroach got its name when a HUGE cockroach was in eleanor and chidi’s apartment and they freaked out and had to call tahani and jason to help them get it out and it took them ten minutes because it went behind a couch
b99 crew! criminal justice majors (NOT cops, 1312, but i couldn’t think of any other major for most of them so if anyone has any suggestions lmk) excpt charles (culinary arts) and gina (dance). jake, gina, rosa, and charles are roommates, terry is a football player, holt is dating the TA for the most respected classics professor, amy lives alone and spends all her time with jake, gina, rosa, and charles
crossovers? i kind of want an arc where eleanor and jake participate in a dna-related project for one of amy’s classes and discover that they’re half siblings. michael and leslie are friends. terry comes to parties at the parks gang’s house that chris hosts for the football team and brings some of the 99 (they’re called the nine-nine in this because the apartment building they live in is called the 99). pam and april are in the same art show a few times. jason and andy are friends. 
i have a few plots planned out (it’ll probably be a collection of stories)- roy cheats on pam with katy, and j&p have to deal with the fallout. the angela/andy/dwight Happens. i can’t decide between annslie and benslie, but there’ll be a lot of parks gang domestic fluff (making breakfast together! falling asleep on the couch during movie nights! leslie&chris friendship, becaue we all need more of that!). michael scott’s chaotic disaster of a love life. janet goode, a literal member of mensa, falling for a man who once kissed a BAT on a DARE. dad feriend!terry jeffords. jason dating tahani in a spectaular move of compulsiove heterosexuality and reboudnig from a crush on a cute TA. eleanor making out wirh chidi when they were both vlackout drunk, something only janet remembers. peraltiago accidentally adopting a cat? rosa and gina possible dating?
cameos from the Greendale Lucky Seven and the occupants of Loft 4C, maybe, because I can’t not include some of my favorite sitcom disasters
anyways. if literally anyone is interested in this let me know and if there’s any plotlines, crossover or otherwise, you want to see i’m open to suggestions. 
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How do you feel about crossovers? My very favorite thing to do is plan fusions and crossovers that I never intend to write. do you like modern au geraskier? How would the Witcher verse fit into Brooklyn Nine-Nine? Seems like there's potential there... I like b99 a lot, but I've only seen the first couple of seasons.
Oh my god a fellow b99 fan!!! Hiii!!! This is so exciting! And more amazing questions!
Crossovers are fun! I especially enjoy putting characters from one universe into another, wether the chracters from that universe interact with the characters is not always of importance.
Modern AU geraskier is one of my favorite tropes actually (again if you have fanfics, I’d love to get links to stories!) i adore that every author and artist sees them differently. Some see jaskier as a really successful musician, others as an overworked starbucks employee that has a dream of making music. There is a thousand possibilities of how to put the two of them in a modern setting (what jobs they have, what their families look like, how the ciri and yennefer play into it) which also means there is a thousand possibilities for them to fall in love over and over again.
A b99 crossover could be a hella lot of fun! Perhaps Geralt is a officer (maybe even Holts rang?) that has been moved to the district and Jaskier is the weird officer who has been there for years but who always just enjoys making all cases dramatic (totally like jake, i imagine they’d get along amazingly) and he doesn’t exactly take most stuff serious but heck he is good at what he does and Geralt can’t get him to change, because Jaskier even if he doesn’t exactly look and behave like the usual cop, still follows protocol (with a personal twist of the occasional song) and stays lawful so Geralt can’t fire him either
Geralt maybe tries his best after that to get Jaskier to change which leaves them in many promising situations where they are alone (or start bantering while both hold a criminal at gunpoint, so the criminal is just really confused)
As for interactions:
Jake and Jaskier basically recreate the spiderman meme together (jake always threatens Geralt that he’ll hurt him if Geralt was to do anything to Jaskier)
Jaskier and Gina meditate together and Jaskier is always up there supporting her, Gina though is the only one who can make Geralt laugh in the beginning
Charles is jealous of jaskier in the beginning but soon warms up to him, while he loves and looks up to Geralt right from the start
Rosa adores Geralts fighting skills and his character and his look, jaskier annoys her sometimes but she has learned to appreciate his jokes and shenanigans that they do together
Amy is basically best buddies with Jaskier (he makes her relax while being intellectual enough for booksmart conversations, they frequently have „girl nights“ together) she makes sure Geralt knows not to make Jaskier sad (she still gets nervous around Geralt though)
Holt and Geralt Can’t stand one another (too similar) and always compete against each other. Jaskier and Holt... let’s just say they can coexist fone enough
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emospritelet · 4 years
Pandemic Promptathon #15... XD
15: “I’m sure you don’t want to be stuck here with only me for company.”
Prompt list here
I’m putting this in the Desperation verse. Support your local sick woobie - send me a prompt! 
Belle made the tea, pleased to see that Mr Gold had a teapot, just as her mother had always used. She poured hot water in, setting a pretty crocheted tea-cosy over the pot, and turned to the hot drink for Bae. Lemons filled a yellow ceramic bowl decorated with a pattern of stylised oranges, pointed green leaves scattered in between them. She took one of the lemons and cut some slices, putting them into a cup. A quick search of the cupboards turned up a jar of honey, so she spooned some in and stirred the whole thing up with hot water.
Gold was silent, and for a moment she thought he was asleep at the table in his chair, but as the spoon clinked against the cup he stirred, inhaling deeply and letting out a heavy sigh. Belle carried the teapot to the table, setting it on an iron trivet and following with cups, saucers and the milk jug she took from the fridge. He sent her a tired smile.
“Thank you,” he whispered. 
He closed his eyes again, slumping a little in the chair, and Belle felt a tug of sympathy for him.
“You don’t sound as though you’re from Maine,” she said, and his lips quirked a little.
“Nor do you.”
“Yeah, I’m from Melbourne. Went to college in Boston. You?”
“Glasgow. Moved to the US years ago." Fingers ran through his hair, rubbed over the new stubble on his chin. "Never lost the accent, though. We used to move around a lot when I was a kid - my father was kind of in and out of work a lot - so I always tried to keep my accent. Tried to keep a little bit of home.” 
“I take it he’s not around either?”
Gold sat up, leaning on the table and threading his fingers together.
“No,” he said heavily. “No, he - he hasn’t been around for a long time.”
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I know what it’s like to lose a parent.”
The smile on Gold’s face was wry. 
“I don’t mean that he’s dead,” he said. “He just - left. When I was around Bae’s age.”
Belle could feel her mouth fall open, and snapped it shut.
“He abandoned you?”
“Well, he left me with the two women who lived next door to us,” said Gold, as though it was no big deal. “It’s not like he abandoned me on the streets, or anything.”
“God, I’m…” Belle shook her head. “I don’t know what to say, I’m so sorry.”
“Actually it’s fine,” he said. “They were good women. Taught me a lot. You don’t have to share blood to be a family.”
That was true, she supposed.
“What made you choose Maine?” she asked.
“We’d been living in New York,” he said. “I moved there with Milah - my ex-wife. She decided that Boston wasn’t the place to have her dreams come true, and so we went to New York. When she left, I thought Bae could use a quieter place to grow up. Somewhere with a garden. There was no way I could afford anything bigger than a one-bed in the city, and honestly even that was a push.”
“So you came to Storybrooke?”
Gold smiled a little.
“My Aunt Rosa used to tell me stories of a holiday she took by the sea," he said, "eating lobster bought from the fishermen at the docks of a small town. People stopping to talk to each other, a sense of community. It sounded nice.” 
He reached out to pluck the tea cosy from the pot, pouring the tea carefully into the cups. 
“This was the closest thing you could find to that, huh?” she said. “I understand wanting to feel part of something. Cities can be so - impersonal - sometimes.”
“Cities will chew you up and spit you out, leaving nothing but bones for the rats to gnaw,” he said quietly. “At least here people notice if you fall in the street.”
There was an edge to his voice, a touch of bitterness, and Belle suspected there was a story there somewhere. She decided that it wasn’t something she should be asking about an hour after meeting the man.
“It does seem a nice place,” she said. “Friendly.”
Gold smiled faintly.
“It is nice,” he agreed. “The storms can be severe, and the winters harsh, but I don’t mind that. It’s a close-knit community. When there isn’t a deadly pandemic sweeping through it, of course.”
“Yeah.” Belle felt a little wistful, and he tilted his head.
“And you?”
“I’d been working in the library in Boston after I finished my Master’s,” she said. “Decided I wanted a little more autonomy, so I started making some enquiries. Someone from the Mayor’s office got in touch, and - and here I am. Hoping for a simpler way of life, like you said.”
“Well, you’ll certainly get that here,” he remarked, pushing a cup towards her. “Not much changes in Storybrooke, so everyone was excited about the prospect of the library opening again. Before the virus, I mean.”
“Yeah,” she said, adding milk and stirring. “It’s going to take me longer to open than I thought.”
“Well, when you do, I’m sure Bae and I will be your first customers,” he said, and she returned his smile.
“What kind of books does he like?” she asked. “If I know that, perhaps I can bring him something suitable when he’s feeling up to it.”
“Fantasy stories, mainly,” he said. “Anything fantastical. Dragons and wizards are a definite plus.”
Belle chuckled, sipping her tea.
“I’ll bear that in mind.”
They lapsed into silence. Gold drank his tea slowly, running a hand through his hair as he stared off at a point in the distance. Worry etched lines in his forehead and around his eyes, and Belle felt an unexpected urge to put her hand over his, to send him some comfort. A foolish thought, in these times. He blinked, sitting back and draining his cup.
“I’d better take Bae his drink,” he said. “It should have cooled enough by now.”
He stood up, and Belle reached out instinctively as his legs buckled and he grasped the back of the chair to steady himself. She snatched her hand back before she could touch him, and Gold shook his head with a rueful smile.
“I shouldn’t have sat down,” he said. “Should have known better. It only makes it ten times harder to get up again.”
“You need to rest,” she said gently. “You’re sick, you can’t do everything yourself. Please, if you need me to help, I can help.”
He gave her an almost wistful look, hands gripping the curved wooden back of the chair tightly, and shook back his hair.
“I’ll manage,” he said. “You’ve been very kind, but I can’t ask any more. I heard the town may be in lockdown soon. You should get home while you can, I’m sure you don’t want to be stuck here with only me for company.” 
“Well, in that case, is there anything I can get you from town?” she asked. “Any errands you want running, I can do it.”
Gold hesitated, and shrugged.
“Actually there is something,” he said. “I do the books for Granny, amongst others, and - and we could use the money. Could you maybe pick them up for me? It wouldn’t be too much, just the ledgers and invoices, that sort of thing.”
“Of course!” said Belle at once. “The diner, right?”
“Diner’s closed,” he said. “But she and her granddaughter are still doing takeout food from the inn. If you try at the reception desk, Ruby should be able to help you out.”
“I’ll go now,” said Belle.
“And if you could ask how Granny is?” he added. “She’s been good to me and Bae, and this illness could be hard on her. I’d like to know she’s okay.”
Belle nodded.
“Consider it done.”
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breakingmllc · 4 years
I Smell Hand Sanitizer Lots And Lots Of Hand Sanitizer Witch T Shirt
Work Republican Can Deal with the White House Any Longer That’s the Only Way to Do and Joe Biden Is Just the Person to Ensure We Get Our Lives Joe Biden Is a I Smell Hand Sanitizer Lots And Lots Of Hand Sanitizer Witch T Shirt Decent Man with a Long History of Public Service to America He Will Restore Integrity to Branch I Would Strongly Encourage All Come Together and Hopefully Return the Country’s Political Discourse Back to Some Measure of Normalcy and Decency I’m Sure We Sure Is Going to Help Us Now from Alabama and Jones Jones from the Great State of Alabama Growing up in the South Growing up in the Midst of Start Divisions but It Was Here in Alabama Where Rosa Parks Helping Body Movement by Refusing to Give up Her Seat on a Bus for Freedom Riders of Different Races Came Together in Pursuit of Equality It Was Here in Alabama Where John Lewis Marched across a Bridge toward Freedom from a Young Age I Knew the Hope That Comes from Seeing Good People Work to Heal Our Divisions Is What Led Me to Become the United States Attorney Were Convicted to Klansmen Who Murdered for Young Black Girls in 1963 Birmingham Church Bombing Delivered Long Overdue Justice I’m Standing in Front of an Exhibit Dedicated to Their Memory Alabama Has Shown Me That Even Our Deepest Divisions Can Be Overcome Because Each of Us Want the Same Thing to Be Treated Fairly and Given the Same Opportunities in the Freedom to Live with Dignity and Respect Now Some Politicians Try to Pit Us against Each Other I Believe That Americans Have More in Common Than What Divides in November We Have a Chance to Elect a President Who Believes That to Have Known Joe for More Than 40 Years and That It Is a Wide Eyed Law Student and He’s Been My Friend and Champion Ever since Jill I Know Is Exactly the Leader Our Country Needs Right Now He Can Bring People Together to Find Common Ground While Standing up for What He Believes Is Right after Years of Bitter Partisanship Can Unite Our Country and Get Things Done for Working Families and Everyone Looking for a Better Future Is Not about What Side of the Our Own about Whether or Not Where the Side of the People Great John Lewis Would Often Quote the Old African Proverb When You Pray Move Your Feet and Then Challenge Us to Do Just That As a Nation He Said If We Care for the Beloved Community We Must Move Our Feet and Hands Our Resources to Build and Not Tear down the Reconciling Not to Divide the Love and Not to Hate to Heal and Not to Kill in the Final Analysis We Are One People One Family One House the American House the American Family VP Biden Understands That He Is Who We Need Is Our Next President Here We Are in Twinkle Twinkle and We Talked about the Post Office US Postal Service Financial to so Much of Our Lives to the Post Office to Get the Prescriptions Social Security Beneficiaries on the Post Office to Check the Post Office to Send Birthday Cards Today and Green Kids Need the Post Office to Do Business As Well Post Office Is Also One Way We Cast Our Notes to Find out How to Exercise That Right This November Whether by Mail or in Person Text about the OTE 230330 Here to Say More Is the First Being Paid to the United States Senate Senator Happen Quite As As Catherine Cortez and Stephanie This Year More Americans Than Ever before Going to Her from Her and Stuff like This Marking about the Kitchen Table Exercising One of Our Most Fundamental Rights from Home by Now in a Secure Option for You 16 33 Million Americans for Is Requested 15 Eric Twice This Year the Americans Will Choose to Voting and Voting with How Many of Is to the Advice of Scientific and Medical Experts Listen to the People at the Back to Put in Place by Now so Very Option Is Trying to Get Right Is Threatened with Cold Federal Funding Can Spanking Our Schools and Seniors from Challenged in Court One I Republican Secretary Of State the Judge to Dismiss Now He’s Putting the Lives of Seniors Risk by Trying to Find the Post Office Will Be Able to Get Their Prescriptions If He Wants to Win If Not Intimidated America Is Not Intimidated You We Are United by Shared Values Shared History and Shared Rights Including Fundamental Right to File We Will Send Job the White House Reflect the Senate with Kyle Majority in the Senate We Will Expand Access and Print Voting Rights to America We Jobcom Which Flipcom to Help Us Take Back Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell That We Know Stand Together to Turn This Country around This Year We Had an Historic Field of Presidential Candidates Historic Number of Women Including a Nice Presidential Nominee Had More Difficulty Than Any Primary First Openly Gay Man to Win This Party the Democratic Party Welcomes Everyone Encourages Everyone to Leave Anyone Ideas to Ensure This Country Builds Back This Is What Our Next Speaker Believes Steel for Club Hello America like My Friend Catherine Believe That the Right to Vote Is Fundamental. Joseph’s biological fatherand grandfather Jesus while the foster grandfather stepgrandfather I said but that he lie was the I guess will have the line of succession would a pastor St. Get a valid back on my that was about as far as friends did you have it cut off everyone from back thenand start again how did that work with the seller had two groups of friends had one group
Source: I Smell Hand Sanitizer Lots And Lots Of Hand Sanitizer Witch T Shirt
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Not original to him but he believed it at that moment I knew I couldn’t stand by and let Donald Trump a I Smell Hand Sanitizer Lots And Lots Of Hand Sanitizer Witch T Shirt man who went on to say when asked about what he thought he said they were very fine people on both sides quote very fine people on both sides know presently I states Americas ever said any like seam continuing to attack everything that makes America back I knew where in the battle for the soul the nation as I decided to run I’m proud now to have Sen Harris at my side in that battle because she shares with the same intensity I do see someone who knows what’s at stake the question is problematic is the answer who are we as a nation when we stand for most importantly what do we want to be in oh someone who knows that the future of this country is limited only by the marriage we place on our own imaginations because it is nothing Americans cannot achieve what we put our minds to it we do it together one of the reasons I chose is because we both believe that we can define American simply in one word possibilities. No forewarningand it was very much a case of you know your minds softlyand have aand it was stranded in a what was the reason for the reason you know what wrongand I said all of the bases stumble out was a know was the reason forand attendance about a field of mingles about theand that is never held a bozo because you know everywhere play the way people watchand basically tenantsand no peace in your better drums of the most be an ulterior motive behind what that OCD motivates them a few of the reasons for the dismissals I don’t know but that was something attempted 60 yes that was handed was very hot woman that was that fan reaction banners you paid for everything go never George had a black eye I have nothing to do about the case justand the a was very hot womanand it was it was lovely to see you fan base the reaction they thought they could change things in other limitations Brian was threatenedand I myself knew that okay the cornerstone of be laid thick but it was hot woman see the support joy replayed on. Prayer that empowers you for living a life for Christ because we are soldiers for Christ and forgive me for running a little bit long today but I just feel like so many of you need to be encouraging me you need to be filled with God’s truth because were watching so much happen around the world right here at home in America is getting a little discouraged while out to encourage you they got all prior to his return so be encouraged with us closer to seeing Christ return in first Timothy six verse starting in verse 11 tells us but now got sleepy things and follow after See Other related products: I Smell Hand Sanitizer Lots And Lots Of Hand Sanitizer Witch T Shirt
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