#rose tico deserved better
aspic31 · 2 years
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I would die for her
ko-fi - commissions open !
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jely-bely · 2 years
Rose: We call that a traumatic experience. Rose, turning to Poe : Not a "bruh moment". Rose, turning to Rey: Not "sadge". Rose, turning to Finn: And DEFINITELY not an "oof LMAO
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firealder2005 · 2 years
Whumpcember 2022 Day. 11 CLOTHING THAT DOESN’T FIT
Featuring: Pre-Relationship ReyRose! Not Kylo Ren Friendly! Allusions to a what-could-have-been father-daughter relationship between Rey & Luke!
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43517745
“Who knows, maybe this’ll be a good place for a base.” Rose said to her companion, little puffs of air leaving her mouth and drifting through the cold, winter air.
Rey smiled, though it was a little tight.
Even though a few months had passed since the Battle of Crait, Rey could still feel that gaping hole inside her that Master Skywalker’s presence had once been.
True, they hadn’t had much time together, and she hadn’t been able to learn as much as she had hoped, but she still felt his loss as strongly as she felt her own parents’.
Ren’s words echoed through her mind: They were drunkards. They sold you for drinking money.
She clenched her fists and her face set into a scowl.
You’re nothing. But not to me.
Next time she saw him, she was going to slap him.
Or punch him.
She hadn’t decided which one would be more satisfying.
The actual nerve he had to act like he would care. The lying, manipulative, son of a bantha!
Rey snorted, drawing Rose’s attention.
“You okay?” she asked, rubbing the Jedi padawan’s shoulder. Rey just shrugged. She didn’t know who to talk to about what happened with Ren.
Luke was gone. Leia was busy running the Resistance as well as trying to teach Rey what little she knew of the Jedi. She hardly knew Poe. And Finn…he was her best friend, but she didn’t want to burden him with more to worry about.
“Is it about Master Skywalker?” Rose asked, still looking concerned, and Rey let a small smile onto her expression. Nearly on the mark.
Maybe she could start talking about this one thing…Rose wouldn’t gossip about it, that’s for sure.
“Kinda…” Rey hesitantly said. “It’s like…I feel like in another lifetime, we could have been closer. But now that he’s gone…there’s just this hole in me. Or maybe it got larger. It’s been there since my parents left me on Jakku. I guess Luke’s death just made it wider.”
Rose pulled her arm around Rey’s shoulder and gave her a squeeze. “I know the feeling,” she confessed. “Paige and I lost our parents when we were young, but we found a place in the Resistance. But when she died…I felt so lost. And I felt her absence so badly.” Rose’s brown eyes glistened, and Rey put her own arm around Rose’s shoulders, wanting to provide the same comfort the other girl was giving her.
“I still feel it,” Rose continued as they trekked through the snow. “And it still hurts. But it helps that I’m still here, still fighting with the Resistance, for what we both believed in. And after…I don’t know what I’ll do, but I know she’ll be proud of me no matter what.”
Rose glanced at Rey and gave a small smile. “I’m sure Master Skywalker is watching over you, even if you never had time to form an actual bond with each other. I’m sure he believes you can finish what he - and the rest of the Jedi - started.”
This time Rey let a full smile split across her face.
Looks like she could count on Rose for help.
“And…well…” Rey began. “There’s something else that’s bothering me.”
Rose gave her a pat on the back. “Whatever it is, my lips are sealed.” she mimed zipping her lips and throwing the key into the nearby river. Rey let out a small laugh, and continued; “When I went to confront Ren, you know he killed Snoke and we fought.”
At Rose’s head nod, she went on; “But something else happened - he asked me to join him.” Rose let out a startled gasp, but let Rey continue. “He said he knew what happened to my parents,” Rey clenched her left right hand into a fist. “He said that they sold me for drinking money. That they were nothing, and I was the same.”
Rose looked outraged, but still, Rey went on; “But then he said I wasn’t nothing, not to him.”
“That bastard !” Rose exclaimed angrily. “He has no right to call you nothing! Even if your parents did do such a thing - which we don’t know for sure, because I sure am not taking his word on it! - who your parents are doesn't define you!” Rose waved her arms around. “I mean, just look at Master Skywalker and General Organa! Their father was Darth Kriffing Vader , and they are one of the most steadfast believers and fighters in democracy and the light! It’s completely mental!”
Rey then was bundled into a bear-hug by Rose, and she hugged her back.
“I hope you’re not letting him get to you,” Rose murmured into her ear. “You aren’t nothing - you’re my friend. And that is definitely not nothing!” Rey chuckled at her lightened tone.
“Thanks Rose,” she gratefully said. “You’re a big help.”
“No problem,” Rose replied as they began to carefully trek down to the river’s edge. “Always glad to talk smack about Ren.”
The two girls shared a laugh, but Rey cut hers short as a small crack came from under her foot. She jumped, looking down at the ice she just stepped on, and her foot slipped.
“Rey!” she heard Rose call as she pinwheeled her arms, trying to regain her balance, but she then plunged into the ice-cold river water.
For a moment, Rey was submerged, but then her feet touched the bottom of the river, and she was able to kick her way back up.
Thank the Force it hadn’t been any deeper, since she wasn’t the strongest swimmer out there.
“Rey!” she heard Rose shout again as she broke the surface, coughing slightly. “Here, grab my hand!” Reaching blindly, Rey managed to grab Rose’s outstretched hand and was pulled back onto dry land.
She shivered, clutching at her clothes, but they seemed rather tight now…
“Oh, shoot!” Rose exclaimed as she hurried pulled a blanket out of her pack. “Your clothes are made of bantha wool, aren’t they?”
“Y-yes,” Rey shivered. “W-why does it m-matter?”
“Well…” Rose sucked in some breath between her teeth. “Cotton shrinks. Moreso in warm water, but it does in cold water too.”
“Oh no.”
“But don’t worry!” Rose assured as she dug into her pack again. “I thought to bring a couple jackets with me! Here,” she pulled out a large jacket. “Put that on, and I’ll call in a pick-up. We can’t let you stay out here soaking wet in the cold - you could get hypothermia.”
Rey sighed, but resigned herself for a stay in the medical bay.
At least Rose would be with her.
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msuolo · 9 months
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Solo's place on the Millennium Falcon
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tljisthegoat · 8 months
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Kelly Marie Tran in TLJ Deleted Scene
Rose was a fucking badass & people couldn't handle it.
Kelly Marie Tran fucking killed it & don't you ever forget it.
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brekker-by-brekkerr · 2 years
I hate when the fandom hates a storyline and by proxy the character involved in that storyline so much that character then gets written out of the story or placed in the background. Not only does it suck for people who actually liked those characters, it’s lazy writing. You could say “Oh, we messed up here. Let’s try and fix it.” You could set out to make that character likable by more people, to redeem your mistakes, to put actual effort in. It has been done before. Instead, they’re like “what if I just pretend this never happened and everyone will forget.” 
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crossoverheaven · 9 months
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haysianrose · 2 years
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Kelly Marie Tran performing in the Hollywood Bowl’s production of Tony-winning musical Kinky Boots on July 9, 2022, with Wayne Brady and Jake Shears.
“The real surprise, though, is Kelly Marie Tran, best known as Rose Tico in the Star Wars franchise. Tran channels the can-do attitude of Rose into Lauren, a factory worker, with aplomb. But she also lends her an infectious, bubbly goofiness. Her impossible-to-contain thirst earns well-deserved laughs, and her power ballad, “The History of Wrong Guys,” is Boots’ standout number. Tran is still a fresh face in the industry, but her work here makes the case for casting her in many more musicals and comedies. (And her British accent is the strongest in the cast!)” — Entertainment Weekly
“But the most pleasant, smile-inducing surprise of this production of KINKY BOOTS has to be Kelly Marie Tran who plays Lauren, a factory worker who has a massive crush on Charlie despite him having a girlfriend. Tran—whose recent work includes starring in the final two films of the Star Wars sequel trilogy and providing the voice of the first Southeast Asian Disney princess in Raya and the Last Dragon—is a superb comic and an even better musical theater actress, with a great command of a working-class British accent. Her rendition of Lauren's big solo “History of Wrong Guys” is a memorable highlight, and stands as evidence for Broadway producers to start casting her in a lead role, stat.” — Broadway World
Photos by Greg Grudt/Mathew Imaging, via Entertainment Weekly and Broadway World.
Listen to Kelly Marie Tran sing here.
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gwendaria · 16 days
thoughts on rey of jakku and rose tico got hate?
I'm assuming you're asking my thoughts on the hate they got?
Rey is one of my favorite Star Wars characters of all time. Period. I love Daisy Ridley's portrayal of her and the messaging of "It doesn't matter who you're related to -- It matters who you CHOOSE to be" that's across all three of her films so far. I wasn't the hugest fan of how Rose was introduced as a love interest for Finn and then cast aside in TROS, I thought her strongest character moments were the ones related to her sister and I honestly think her storyline should have been focused on that legacy and not being paired with a pre-existing character from TFA -- Rose deserved her time to shine and the abuse that both Kelly and Daisy received from the fandom should have been condemned on a much more widespread channel.
tl;dr: I love both characters! I just don't think Rose should have been shoehorned into being a love interest and think she worked better as a standalone character.
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canonskyrissian · 1 year
🔥 the sequels? Anything about them tbh, I just wanna hear your hot takes about them 😂
oh boy do I have Thoughts™. some of these are unpopular, some are popular, but I'm not here to discriminate
the entire thing should've had at least a rough plan before they even started to make tfa. the problems that the cursed movie and tros had were mainly caused by the fact that no one planned anything for shit beyond tfa
the problems the shitshow trilogy had reflect directly to the problems everything made after it has
ruin johnson is a hack writer and hack director who doesn't understand star wars for shit
I will never understand why they felt the needs to separate the original squad like that
if you're gonna write a sequel, don't just recycle what came before. I still love tfa but can agree it was too much of an anh rehash
speaking of recycling, don't recycle every single mistake made in the earlier installments jesus fuck
if they wanted rey to be a nobody then don't give her all those luke parallels!
lando was criminally underused
rose tico deserves better now and forever
kyle ron did not deserve any kind of redemption, especially not by hallucinating his father who he killed after his mother dies for him
speaking of, han and leia deserved a better child and I wish kaydel ko connix had been their canonical daughter
poe had a canonical backstory in the comics that could've easily been referenced with a line or two, why the fuck did they feel the need to retcon it???? and make it worse?????
finn's storyline in the cursed movie is just his storyline in tfa with some extra steps
rey's storyline in the cursed movie is just her storyline in tfa with some extra steps
finn should've lead a stormtrooper uprising
I love parallels and callbacks but they have to mean something. don't just slap them in and call it a day
if you're gonna boast about having a diverse™ cast then don't make the white male villain your main character and actually treat your characters of color well
lucasfilm didn't do shit to protect john boyega and kelly marie tran from bigoted harassment and I will forever hate them for it (I know daisy ridley and oscar isaac also got some but john and kelly were especially targeted throughout the run)
all the characters, even the villains who I hate, deserve a better story
send me a 🔥 for unpopular opinions (please give me a topic)
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redrascal1 · 6 months
Adam Driver celebrated his 40th birthday last month. And looks better than ever. Like Harrison Ford and Hugh Jackman, he's maturing like a fine wine!
Meanwhile...it will be exactly four years this month that Kylo Ren/Ben Solo faded into the Force and took my four decades plus love of the SW franchise with him.
As a woman in her fifties, I'm too old to 'fall in love' with another franchise. And I intend to avoid ANY Disney products in future, another franchise that I loved as a little girl, because they are no longer entertaining but promoting what I see as a highly toxic agenda.
The more I see of Adam's performance in the ST the more I simply cannot believe Disney did what they did to him. His outstanding portrayal of the broken Ben Solo dominated the entire trilogy. The others gave good performances but Adam was sensational - only matched by Mark Hamill in TLJ, both of them easily as good as some I've seen win Oscars - and better than some of the said winners.
The way they treated him in TROS was diabolical.
That whole mess of a film was from start to finish just a two hour plus promotion of how great Rey's character is, and how we must all WORSHIP her, as the rest of the cast did.
Unfortunately it had exactly the opposite effect on me.
I have completely lost all interest in Star Wars. I don't want to watch any of the spin offs. As for further Rey adventures to quote 'frumfrumfroo' ...you couldn't pay me to watch them. Especially if Boyega is in them after his treatment of Loan Tran and his behaviour on twitter.
His fans tediously drone on about hard done by he was in the ST, but he had far more screen time than Adam. Heck, all three of the Trio did - despite Poe and Finn being the supporting characters (no, 'J' of the JCF, Finn was not meant to be 'Black male lead' as you told me before getting me banned). Finn was conceived as a supporting player right from the start.
Adam was playing the last descendant of the OT heroes. He shouldn't have just had a major role, the entire saga should have been HIS story. Not that of a rogue stormtrooper. Not that of a Han clone pilot.
And certain not that of the daughter of a failed Palpatine clone.
Adam's behaviour has been a masterclass in dignity since aTROSity. No ranting on twitter. No moaning about hos 'hard done by' he was. Domhnall Gleeson and Loan Tran have been equally classy, with Domhnall making just one lighthearted joke about his shameful abrupt exit at the beginning of TROS(he SHOULD have been Big Bad) and Loan making no complaint over her truly racist erasure from TROS (she was a MAJOR character for crying out loud.) The three of them deserved better.
As Kylo/Ben did. As Hux did. As Rose Tico did.
As anyone who truly loved SW did.
They let every single one of us down.
And I am so very sorry for Rian Johnson, whose beautiful film was the most critically acclaimed of all three and who reacted to it's brutal retcon with good humour, joining its three stars in class.
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ofcatnaps · 1 year
ship bias : rey of jakku // genya safin
send 'ship bias' and i will tell you up to 5 of my preferred ships for a muse !!
rey of jakku - ben solo / kylo ren. i'm 100% aware of the toxicity and struggles of people around the reylo ship, but i also love the dynamic and change that comes with it, and i love the dyadic bond between them and that the force itself wants to find balance between the dark and light. i'm soft. - kaydel co connix. i think rey is pretty gay, and i think she and kaydel would have gotten on well. this definitely is bc of certain portrayals too, but kaydel has always been high on my list for rey. - finn. while i definitely believe that finn is meant for poe, i love the friends to lovers pipeline for these two and i think they're so fucking cute. - poe dameron. i fucking love poe, and i will gladly accept him and rey in lots of different dynamics. i like the idea that they banter and chafe against one another, but i prefer him with finn xD - rose tico. cute engineer babes making kissy faces!
genya safin - alina starkov. i think the progression of their relationship from friends to enemies to tentative friends to their deep bond is such a beautiful story and i love them. i think they're beautiful and so good to one another. - zoya nazyalensky. two pieces of the triumvirate, i freaking love the dynamic between them and the sass of two powerful, individual grisha. - david kostyk. i fucking love david, i think he deserves the world and deserves better than he got. and i think the way he loved genya was pure and wonderful. - nikolai lanstov* - i'm fascinated by this, but the trauma that genya faced at the hands of the king would require a lot of work for her to move past, so it is something she has to learn to understand.
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ao3feed--reylo · 1 year
All the Ashes in My Wake
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/VwHBlfD
by morticia_elara
Rey has been scouring the Outer Rim territories since Ben Solo died in her arms two years ago. Desperately trying to outrun her memories, she and D-O bounce from distraction to distraction. When the memories catch up to her, though, she is hesitant to believe that what she always wanted might be true--Ben Solo might just be alive.
This work is inspired by diasterisms' beautiful work "i kill giants" which every reylo should be given as assigned reading. I don't plan to follow the same plot events, but I am truly obsessed with it and had to word vomit something to ease the pain of sporadic updates. Thank you for your work, Thea!
Words: 5506, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Finn (Star Wars), Poe Dameron, Rose Tico
Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Finn/Rose Tico
Additional Tags: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Fix-It, Post-Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Spoilers, Rey Needs A Hug (Star Wars), Ben Solo Needs A Hug, Redeemed Ben Solo, Soft Ben Solo, Ben Solo Lives, Ben Solo Deserves Better
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/VwHBlfD
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thecodyagenda · 2 years
For the match up: I keep thinking Rose Tycho. No thoughts, just vibe.
sorry i took a while to get to this ask Lina lmao
I'm honoured but she could do better tbh she deserves the world!
Thank u so much Lina for the ask and saying I'd match well with Rose :)
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ladystoneboobs · 9 months
dont hate me , that ben solo, rey, finn,poe dameorn , rose tico and jannah deserved better and tros is awful
ok, why would i hate you for that, nonny? is this a controversial opinion now? i didn't mind tros that much only bc i'm not as attached to those newbie chars as to the lucas-created characters. i think you'd actually have to work for sw disney to argue it was a good movie, and even then ...
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tljisthegoat · 2 years
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Kelly Marie Tran killed it with everything she was given. The more Kelly Marie Tran the better.
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