#rosen association
Approved by the Atlanta City Council in 2021, the plan has been met with months-long opposition from neighbors and protesters concerned with the destruction of the forest at a time of intensifying climate change and environmental racism. Protesters are also alarmed by the expansion of policing and its associated violence, and “Stop Cop City” has become a national rallying cry for environmental and racial justice movements. Law enforcement, in turn, has responded with a ferocious crackdown that has left one forest defender killed (Georgia state troopers riddled 26-year-old Manuel “Tortuguita” Terán with 57 bullets in January) and 42 charged with domestic terrorism. Three organizers with the Atlanta Solidarity Fund, a bail fund, are now facing money laundering and charity fraud charges, following SWAT arrests at the end of May.
Some union leaders say the fight to stop Cop City has significant stakes for the labor movement as a whole. “Working people always have to be wary of any repression against protesters, because there is a history in our country that once it’s used against anyone protesting government policies, it can be turned against workers in their union,” Carl Rosen, the general president of UE, says over the phone from Erie, Pennsylvania, where 1,400 UE members who work for Wabtec Corp. could soon go out on strike.
“Cops are the first line of defense for business owners and employers, so I think it makes sense for labor to be opposed to Cop City,” he says. “These cops are being trained at Cop City and will use the tactics they learn to crush our strike if we go out.”
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bighermie · 11 months
John Kirby Walks Out of Press Briefing While Being Grilled by James Rosen on Joe Biden Mention in Hunter Biden Text to Communist Chinese Business Associate (Video) | The Gateway Pundit | by Kristinn Taylor | 30
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matan4il · 6 months
Like, I personally don't consider myself a "Zionist" in the modern sense. I have several disputes with the secular Herzli-esque Zionist movement (both political and theological), but I certainly wouldn't consider myself an anti-Zionist. I have a lot of respect for much of what the Tzionim have accomplished for the sake of Jews, and for Israel, even if we might disagree over correct methods and motivations.
And I definitely associate myself with the traditional Zion-loving Jewish beliefs (what you called the "Zionist nature of Judaism"). Of course I do. These are core tenants of Judaism that have been around since the days of Avraham, and they're so central that I don't really understand how any Jew couldn't believe them. Wherever in the world we might reside, the piece of land now known as Israel has always been Home.
 אם אשכחך ירושלים תשכח ימיני
Hi, lovely to meet you! ^u^
I wanna reinforce your last paragraph SO MUCH. Judaism is so fundamentally tied to the Land of Israel, to Jews loving it, to sanctifying our bond with this place, and I have always felt exactly that: when I'm abroad, I'm never quite at peace, not until I'm back on Israel's soil, and have that sense of I'm home. And it always makes me so happy whenever I hear from non-Israeli Jews, that they feel something similar when they come to visit Israel. It's what I believe all native people feel when they get to experience standing on their ancestral land, whether they live there or not. It's something that allows us to feel connected, not just to the earth beneath our feet, but also to our ancestors who lived here, and to generations upon generations of our people who yearned to return here.
As for the modern political movement that is Zionism, maybe I'll just mention my personal story. I was born in Communist Romania, at a time when the financial situation was incredibly dire, food was rationed, and generally speaking, the regime had control over everything. Its power over the citizens was limitless, and quite a few people who were a part of this regime, were antisemitic. They used that limitless power to persecute Jews, even as Communism supposedly vowed all its citizens would be treated equally. Some of what was done to my family was actually described by my great uncle, Norman Manea, in his memoir, The Hooligan's Return. My life was in danger at one point. At the time, no citizen of a communist country could leave for a western one, which Israel was. Jews could be jailed for simply expressing the desire to leave for Israel (officially recognized here as "prisoners of Zion"). But in Romania, there was a unique agreement achieved thanks to the chief rabbi of Romanian Jews at the time, Rabbi Rosen (who my grandfather and his brother worked with, so he was also the rabbi who married my parents). Israel paid Communist Romania for every Jew allowed to make aliyah. IDK how much Israel had to pay for my parents, for my grandparents, and for baby me, but I know Romania demanded a higher price for people with higher education, which all of the adults in my family had. Most importantly, being brought to Israel, and getting here proper medical and nutritional care after the regime's antisemitic abuse, saved my life. I celebrate my aliyah day every year as my second birthday, because I got a second chance at life on that day.
And at the end of the day, that's what informs my personal view of Zionism, this personal experience. It leads me to feel that if Zionism saved even one Jewish person, it's the right thing to support it. And Zionism actually saved so many more than that, Jews and non-Jews. It still is! We don't talk about it enough, but when Assad regime in Syria butchered its citizens during the Civil War there, Israel got the last of the Syrian Jews out. When the war between Ukraine and Russia broke out, Israel helped to get out Jews from the war zones in Ukraine, as well as Israeli non-Jews (and even a few Arab friends, including from enemy countries, of Israeli Arabs, who the latter asked for Israel to save), as well as the families of Ukrainian Righteous Among the Nations (non-Jews who risked themselves to save Jewish people during the Holocaust). And when the Houthis, the Yemenite terrorist group funded by Iran, endangered Jews in Yemen, Israel got them out.
No political movement is without fault, obviously. But I think all of the above makes Zionism worthy of support. At least mine.
You said, "These are core tenants of Judaism that have been around since the days of Avraham, and they're so central that I don't really understand how any Jew couldn't believe them."
I agree so much! To remove the many Zionist elements of Judaism, right down to its holy language being Hebrew, which is tied to Israel, is to distort it so much, that it's no longer Judaism.
Whenever I come across an anti-Zionist Jew, I try to keep in mind the following things:
They might be pretending to be Jewish. I've seen more than one anti-Zionist online, claiming they can't be antisemitic, because they're Jewish themselves. Beyond the fact that as a statement, that's NOT true (someone can be gay with internalized homophobia, a woman with internalized misogyny, and in the same way, a Jew who has internalized an antisemitic narrative), it turned out in some cases, it was also factually untrue, as the person was eventually exposed as lying about being Jewish.
This phenomenon has also made it into the news at least twice relatively recently, once when high profile anti-Zionist "Jews" from Germany were exposed as non-Jews.
Another is connected to the Twitter account of "Jewish Voice for Peace," an organization that, despite its title, doesn't actually require its members to be Jewish, but uses its title to present itself as a Jewish organization.
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A member who operates the Twitter account of JVP accidentally tweeted from his personal account, and so ended up exposing himself as a Muslim tweeting, "As Jews..."
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2. Those who actually are anti-Zionist Jews often turn out to be very disconnected from their Jewish identity, except in order to use it to lend their anti-Zionist statements "more weight." (as if a gay man's homophobia should be listened to more, or be more acceptable, just because it's not homophobia coming from a straight person) A really funny example is Ariel Gold, who keeps trying to flaunt her "Judaism" as meaningful to her identity, but in doing so, keeps accidentally exposing how ignorant she is regarding some really basic Jewish concepts. Like that time she was in Iran, and gushed over a picture she took of a menorah... except she didn't know that a menorah wouldn't have 19 branches. She was just gushing over a random, Iranian candelabra.
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3. And then to some anti-Zionist Jews, their Jewish identity does matter, but... the sad thing is, they're either very ignorant over what it entails (so they buy into the antisemitic anti-Zionist narrative without knowing better), or they just don't feel they personally need Israel, so they have no issue being anti-Zionists, to be "good Jews." In this context, I always think about this documentary I saw called "Gay Republicans," where they interviewed an openly gay man, living with his boyfriend, who didn't wanna be a dad himself, so he had no issue insisting that gay people shouldn't be allowed to become parents. I guess some fellow straight republicans would say he's a "good gay."
There's probably more to be said about this, but I think this kind of covers a big part of the people I've come across online. But here's the thing: I believe in the value of Jewish solidarity, I know how many Holocaust survivors talked about how that's what saved them back then, and I am gonna stand by that value, and care so much about the safety and well being of groups 2 and 3, even if they don't give a shit about mine.
Take care, and feel free to write me again, if you feel like chatting some more on this. Chag Sameach and Am Yisrael Chai! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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disasterhimbo · 2 months
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[ID: a quote tweet by Stephen Semler (@stephensemler) dated March 23, 2024. It is responding to a tweet by the Associated Press (@AP) that says, “BREAKING: Senate passes $1.2 trillion funding package in early morning vote, ending threat of partial shutdown.”
It says, “All but two Democratic senators just voted to:
-give Israel $3.8B in weapons, violating US law
-defund a UN inquiry into Israel's violations of international law
-defund UNRWA, worsening famine in Gaza
-sanction the UN Human Rights Council if it highlights Israeli abuses.”
It contains an image of only text showing who voted yea, who voted nay, and who abstained. 74 senators voted yea, including 47 democrats, 25 republicans, and 2 independents. 24 senators voted nay: all republicans except Senator Bennet (Democrat, Colorado), and Senator Sanders (Independent, Vermont). 2 Republican senators abstained. Full transcription of this image under the cut.]
Transcript of the image contained in the tweet:
“YEAS --- 74
Baldwin (D-WI)
Blumenthal (D-CT)
Booker (D-NJ)
Boozman (R-AR)
Britt (R-AL)
Brown (D-OH)
Butler (D-CA)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Capito (R-WV)
Cardin (D-MD)
Carper (D-DE)
Casey (D-PA)
Cassidy (R-LA)
Collins (R-ME)
Coons (D-DE)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Cortez Masto (D-NV)
Cotton (R-AR)
Cramer (R-ND)
Duckworth (D-IL)
Durbin (D-IL)
Ernst (R-IA)
Fetterman (D-PA)
Fischer (R-NE)
Gillibrand (D-NY)
Graham (R-SC)
Grassley (R-IA)
Hassan (D-NH)
Heinrich (D-NM)
Hickenlooper (D-CO)
Hirono (D-HI)
Hoeven (R-ND)
Hyde-Smith (R-MS)
Kaine (D-VA)
Kelly (D-AZ)
King (1-ME)
Klobuchar (D-MN)
Lujan (D-NM)
Manchin (D-WV)
Markey (D-MA)
McConnell (R-KY)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Merkley (D-OR)
Moran (R-KS)
Mullin (R-OK)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Murphy (D-CT)
Murray (D-WA)
Ossoff (D-GA)
Padilla (D-CA)
Peters (D-MI)
Reed (D-RI)
Romney (R-UT)
Rosen (D-NV)
Rounds (R-SD)
Schatz (D-HI)
Schumer (D-NY)
Shaheen (D-NH)
Sinema (I-AZ)
Smith (D-MN)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Sullivan (R-AK)
Tester (D-MT)
Thune (R-SD)
Tillis (R-NC)
Van Hollen (D-MD)
Warner (D-VA)
Warnock (D-GA)
Warren (D-MA)
Welch (D-VT)
Whitehouse (D-RI)
Wicker (R-MS)
Wyden (D-OR)
Young (R-IN)
(This is the end of the yeas.)
NAYS --- 24
Barrasso (R-WY)
Bennet (D-CO)
Blackburn (R-TN)
Budd (R-NC)
Crapo (R-ID)
Cruz (R-TX)
Daines (R-MT)
Hagerty (R-TN)
Hawley (R-MO)
Johnson (R-WI)
Kennedy (R-LA)
Lankford (R-OK)
Lee (R-UT)
Lummis (R-WY)
Marshall (R-KS)
Paul (R-KY)
Ricketts (R-NE)
Risch (R-ID)
Rubio (R-FL)
Sanders (I-VT)
Schmitt (R-MO)
Scott (R-SC)
Tuberville (R-AL)
Vance (R-OH)
(This is the end of the nays.)
Not Voting - 2
Braun (R-IN)
Scott (R-FL)”
(This is the end of the transcribed image.)
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altocat · 6 days
do you think the its not death its a homecoming line was inspired by sephiroths talk with rosine
It's probably more or less reflective of the shot of adult Sephiroth looking on into the universe of death at the very end. He probably recalls what Rosen told him. At this point, he's got a warped perspective of who lives and who dies so it makes sense if he's making some messed up associations.
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denimbex1986 · 6 months
'Writer and poet Benjamin Zephaniah has died aged 65, after being diagnosed with a brain tumour eight weeks ago.
A statement posted on his Instagram account confirmed he died in the early hours of Thursday.
The statement said Zephaniah's wife "was with him throughout and was by his side when he passed".
"We shared him with the world and we know many will be shocked and saddened by this news," it added.
Zephaniah was born and raised in Handsworth, Birmingham, the son of a Barbadian postman and a Jamaican nurse. He was dyslexic and left school aged 13, unable to read or write.
He moved to London aged 22 and published his first book, Pen Rhythm.
His early work used dub poetry, a Jamaican style of work that has evolved into the music genre of the same name, and he would also perform with the group The Benjamin Zephaniah Band.
As Zephaniah's profile grew, he became a familiar face on television and was credited with bringing Dub Poetry into British living rooms.
He also wrote five novels as well as poetry for children, and his first book for younger readers, Talking Turkeys, was a huge success upon its publication in 1994.
On top of his writing work, Zephaniah was an actor and appeared in the BBC drama series Peaky Blinders between 2013 and 2022.
He played Jeremiah "Jimmy" Jesus, appearing in 14 episodes across the six series.
Zephaniah famously rejected an OBE in 2003 due to the association of such an honour with the British Empire and its history of slavery.
"I've been fighting against empire all my life, fighting against slavery and colonialism all my life," he told The Big Narstie Show in 2020.
"I've been writing to connect with people, not to impress governments and monarchy. So I could I then accept an honour that puts the word Empire on to my name? That would be hypocritical.
He often spoke out about issues such as racial abuse and education.
When he was younger, Zephaniah served a prison sentence for burglary and received a criminal record.
In 1982, Zephaniah released an album called Rasta, which featured the Wailers' first recording since the death of Bob Marley.
It also included a tribute to the then-political prisoner Nelson Mandela, who would later become South African president.
In an interview in 2005, Zephaniah said growing up in a violent household led to him assuming that was the norm.
He recalled: "I once asked a friend of mine, 'What do you do when your dad beats your mum?' And he went: 'He doesn't.'
"I said, 'Ah, you come from one of those, like, feminist houses. So, what do you do when your mum beats your dad?'"
In 2012, he was chosen to guest edit an edition of BBC Radio 4's Today programme.
Zephaniah was nominated for autobiography of the year at the National Book Awards for his work, The Life And Rhymes Of Benjamin Zephaniah, which was also shortlisted for the Costa Book Award in 2018.
During a Covid-19 lockdown, Zephaniah recited one of his poems in a video for the Hay Festival.
"Benjamin was a true pioneer and innovator. He gave the world so much," the statement announcing his death said.
"Through an amazing career including a huge body of poems, literature, music, television and radio, Benjamin leaves us with a joyful and fantastic legacy."
A statement from the Black Writers' guild, which Zephaniah helped establish, said: "Our family of writers is in mourning at the loss of a deeply valued friend and a titan of British literature. Benjamin was a man of integrity and an example of how to live your values."
Others paying tribute included author Michael Rosen, who said: "I'm devastated. I admired him, respected him, learnt from him, loved him. Love and condolences to the family and to all who loved him too."
Actress Adjoa Andoh posted: "We have lost a Titan today. Benjamin Zephaniah. Beautiful Poet, Professor, Advocate for love and humanity in all things. Heartbroken. Rest In Your Power - our brother."
Peaky Blinders actor Cillian Murphy said in a statement: "Benjamin was a truly gifted and beautiful human being.
"A generational poet, writer, musician and activist. A proud Brummie and a Peaky Blinder. I'm so saddened by this news."
Broadcaster Trevor Nelson said: "So sad to hear about the passing of Benjamin Zephaniah. Too young, too soon, he had a lot more to give. He was a unique talent."
Singer-songwriter and musician Billy Bragg added: "Very sorry to hear this news. Benjamin Zephaniah was our radical poet laureate. Rest in power, my friend."
Comedian, actor and writer Lenny Henry said: "I was saddened to learn of the passing of my friend Benjamin Zephaniah. His passion for poetry, his advocacy for education for all was tireless."
Writer Nels Abbey said: "To call this crushing news is a massive understatement. He was far too young, far too brilliant and still had so much to offer. A loss we'll never recover from."
The X/Twitter account for Premier League football club Aston Villa, whom Zephaniah supported said everyone at the club was "deeply saddened" by the news.
"Named as one of Britain's top 50 post-war writers in 2008, Benjamin was a lifelong Aston Villa fan and had served as an ambassador for the AVFCFoundation. Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this time."'
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shallowseeker · 8 months
Becky Rosen-Baron, MIA.
Becky's "death" + Dean's side of the fireplace mantel
Becky loses her husband, then her "junior" and daughter...and then she herself dies. Just like Dean.
The two sides of the mantel:
Ahh, the mantel, nestled as the hearth of home. Hearths are associated with home and family because the hearth was historically the main source of heat in the home, as well as where the cooking was done.
The left side is Chuck's side, black chess pieces. Sam is driving the car with TFW safely confined to the roadhouse at the end. The monster hand is pointed away from Sam.
The right is Becky's side: white pieces, glass half-fall.
It's also Dean's side, with Dean driving the car and heading towards Cas and "mini Cas," plus a family portrait showing what Cas and "mini Cas" are to Dean. The monster's hand is reaching for Dean's side, as Dean-action-hero figure frantically fights against it.
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Awww. the cute little family picture with Rod Baron, Rod Jr, their daughter, and Becky Rosen, which also foreshadows the order of the losses (hub dies first in the form of Cas and finale-dad).
This is right next to...Dean in a car, Cas, and a "mini Cas." (Becky doesn't know about Jack.)
Other suspicious details: Dean prime is in the car driving towards Cas in front of a reddish Hellscape.
Alternatively, the photo behind Cas bears some resemblance to a blossom, like the Leviathan blossom he was searching for, crazed, as he rushed through the lands of Purgatory on the verge of losing Cas. They even look like they could be two blossoms straining towards one another. Who knows? It could be a famous fanart I'm just not familiar with.
Anyhoo, both Cas and "junior/little" Cas are turned away from Dean.
This is a nod to Dean...without? Bereft. A la The Winchesters companion series. Here's Dean's ending. Limbo. Wandering. Searching for a happy family he doesn't have.
If the more-discussed left side was Sam's ending, then the less-discussed right side is Dean in The Winchesters. It's the head side versus the heart side.
And the heart ending, which we sort of get from The Winchesters is a wandering, driving Dean, looking for this nebulous happiness he can't seem to find without Cas and..."mini Cas/Cas junior" Jack.
Becky was "doing great"
But Becky's life is so cute, y'all. That hub is adorbs.
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ROD: "We'll be fine, babe...it's just Lake Michigan. Hardly any chop!"
Famous last words, Rod. You don't know that it's you who is going to mishandle that "Michigan chop."
Becky/Rod - But OMG can we just take a minute? They LIKE each other. They tease each other. They know the motion sickness comes from him, probably. And he knows she's gonna be nerding out during her relaxing weekend (that's part of the point of getting away--to let her have that time).
Rod knows about Becky's writing and her superfan status (hard to miss in her office hehe) and loves her for it. And it's just so damn cute.
BECKY: Four hours in a boat? Rod, Junior gets seasick in the tub. ROD: Where would I be without you? BECKY: Covered in puke. [BECKY taps on the window.] Have fun, sweeties! JUNIOR: Thanks, Mom, we will. [ROD and BECKY kiss.] ROD: (fondly)Wow. Felt that. You can’t wait to have the house to yourself. BECKY: (flirtatiously) Oh, you have no idea.
Along comes Chuck, the metaphorical stop sign to Becky's life; her "off-screen murderer"
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Chuck sees her big house and her van and her fam and notes sees that she's doing "great" for herself. She doesn't know it yet but he is the end of her life--he even appears in front of a stop sign!
BONUS: Becky's wearing the gray duster/caretaker warrior/hearth of house/"dead guy robe!"
Instinctively, she runs. See, even with their baggage, Becky's already got a bad feeling, "Well I don't need or want to see you."
So naturally, he worms his way in.
CHUCK: I’m sorry, I… I know we’re not together anymore, and it seems like you’re doing great. I just – I… I wanted to talk. Catch up. It’s been a rough couple of weeks. BECKY: That’s not my problem. [She turns to walk into the house.] CHUCK: Wait, Becky, please. I don’t have anywhere else to go.
So then, after denigrating her POV:
BECKY: I’m a writer, too, Chuck. CHUCK: Oh. I mean, fanfic… it’s not really the same thing… BECKY: Writing’s writing. The self-sabotage, the doubts, the struggle against time. So, whenever I have a spare minute, I write.
He steals.
He will wind up taking everything
First, he steals her rosy little laptop with her cute little rose decal-skin and the rose keyboard cover and he even puts on HER GLASSES:
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Then, clever girl that she is, she fakes liking it to try to get him to leave! The LYING motif. "It's so good! I loved it....it's so good I'd love to get back to my own work."
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CHUCK: "No...no no. You're shining me on. ...Come on, one note."
Then Becky makes her fatal misstep
She gives concrit, which is what Chuck said he wanted but not what he actually wanted. Just look at this face. Becky's starting to feel that...wrongness.
Something's off.
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It's the same subtle change--that same whiplash we saw when he cruelly turned on Metatron in the diner.
After he writes his hopeless ending on her computer, and she lets her criticism rip. He sadistically enjoys her discomfort. He's sticking it to her, with her love of laundry and conversations and banter, which will appear in the terrible finale. Then, he says this:
[BECKY walks but turns to CHUCK.] BECKY: You have to leave. CHUCK: Nah, I kinda like it here.
He took a crap on her computer, wore her glasses, sat in her seat...now he's taking her office. Her house.
Chuck takes all
[ROD enters the living room.] ROD: Babe, you wouldn’t believe what happened.
JJLKgj! Aw, Rod. He cannot wait to tell her that he's the one that wound up puking. KJALGJAGH get you a man like that!
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Then he kills Rod right in front of her.
[BECKY looks at CHUCK.] BECKY: Please. ROD: Junior was fine, but I puked everywhere. [ROD walks in and sees CHUCK. He looks at BECKY, confused.] ROD: Babe? CHUCK: Hey. [CHUCK snaps his fingers. ROD disappears in a puff of dust.] BECKY: (screams) Rod?! What happened? Where is he? CHUCK: He’s gone. BECKY: What?!
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Her children enter next; we can only hear them off-screen. Rod Jr. can't wait to tell her about the puke incident either. They just know she'll love it.
Chuck will take Rod right in front of Becky's eyes, but her children will die off-screen. "Away."
[ROD JR. enters.] ROD JR.: Hey, mom! We’re back! Dad got sick! He threw up all over the side – [CHUCK snaps his fingers again. The kids disappear.] BECKY: (gasping for air, on a whisper) No! (shudders) The kids. CHUCK: Oh, don’t worry. They’re not dead. They’re just away. [BECKY turns back to CHUCK.] CHUCK: Oh, yeah. I’m God. [BECKY looks horrified.] BECKY: What are you… No. You bring them back. You bring them back! [CHUCK smiles.] BECKY: Please…you can’t do this.
It echoes both Dean pleading with God in 13x01, "Now, you're gonna bring them back," and his 15x18 "Don't do this, Cas." Yeup. Becky is now bereft. Without. Rod's gone, like Cas will soon be gone.
CHUCK: Oh, Becky. I can do anything. [CHUCK steps closer to BECKY. He snaps his fingers. She disappears in a puff of dust.]
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Becky faces him defiantly but quickly unravels into grief. "You bring them back...please."
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And then he kills Becky.
And here we have these "withouts" culminating. The fun motifs about having the house to yourself end with a cheeky disappearance of the things Becky loves the most. It's cruel. She'd been trying to help Chuck, and he did not show the slightest glimmer of gratitude once her "fluffing" ceased.
And then she herself is gone.
It makes you think of this too from 15x18:
DEAN: "She's gonna kill you. And then she's gonna kill me."
Girls named Becky take things and break things?
In 13x01, the angel Miram ranted and raved about the specter-like example of a "super bitch named Becky."
This Becky would "take things and break things."
But the funny thing is...here? As Chuck settles into her office and takes her house…
He's the one taking and breaking. He stole everything from her the same way he tried to wrap himself up in Dean's gray MoL robe.
Just 'cause he can.
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thegrimalldis · 11 months
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The Order of the Garter is the oldest and most prestigious order in Monaca, founded a century before the Grimalldis conquered the Monacan throne. The Order is limited to the Sovereign, the Crown Prince or Princess and 24 members as well as members of the Royal Family. Queen Claudette of Monaca was appointed the prestigious order by her husband, King Nicholas IV. She was the first Lady of the Order of the Garter in history.
Only recently under the tenure of King Maximilian I have foreign royals been appointed to the order. The former Monacan King inducted Queen Arisa of Windasia as the first foreign Lady of the Garter.
Members are appointed in recognition of extraordinary public service, contributions to national life or personal service to the Sovereign, and is granted solely at the discretion of the current Monarch.
The sash has varied over the years in color. Most notably red and blue being commonly associated with the order and paired with the three garter badges.
The annual Order of the Garter Service is held at Lancaster Cathedral on June 22nd. The patron saint of the Order is St. Christian the Confessor of Monaca.
Current Sovereign 
Queen Helena 
Royals who were appointed Knights and Ladies of the Garter since Nicholas IV
Queen Claudette 
Crown Prince Nicholas Xavier, Duke of Wells
Prince Maximilian, Duke of Gloster - Later King Maximilian I 
Prince Rainier Albert, Duke of Yorkton
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Queen Morana
Queen Arisa of Windasia
Crown Prince Maximilian Rosen
Crown Princess Helena, later Queen Helena
Prince Henry, Duke of Worcester
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Prince Edward, Duke of Gloster
King Thomas of Winchester
Crown Prince Maximilian, Duke of Rosemont
Contessina, the Princess Royal
Princess Margot, Duchess of Rosemont
Queen Victoria of Winchester
Prince Rainier, Earl of Rivera
Princess Eleanor, Duchess of Gloster 
I finished the page and will add to it later on most likely! You can only view it on desktop
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lgbtqreads · 11 months
What are your five favorite MM YA books set in high school? By the way, you are amazing. Your ability to recommend is astounding. You’re doing great work for promoting reading. Keep up the good work!
Aw, thank you! I try! And hmm, mm YA set in high school... it's funny how many of my fave mm YAs are not, now that I think about it! I wanna say Last Seen Leaving, which I read a long time ago but I'm like 80% sure is set in high school? And I so strongly associate Always the Almost with piano competitions that now I'm second-guessing whether that's set in high school, but I very much loved it!
Anyway, definitely The Wicker King by K. Ancrum, The Passing Playbook by Isaac Fitzsimons, and assuming you're not strictly looking for romance, 1000% Jack of Hearts (and other parts) by Lev Rosen. Aaaand maybe The Art of Starving by Sam J. Miller? Or Autoboyography by Christina Lauren? Or Openly Straight by Bill Konigsberg? I know, I know, I'm great at narrowing things down. (I am also very behind on new books, I am realizing, because I still have to read Robby Weber, Robbie Couch, and James Acker, among others!) Also I am not counting Page Powars The Borrow a Boyfriend Club, because it's not out for a few months, but it is very cute.
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gatheringbones · 2 years
[“In America, the relationship between images and discourses on the female body circulated for educational and therapeutic purposes and those circulated for the purpose of titillation is as intimate, tortured, and dysfunctional, as is any relationship characterized by common parentage and close family resemblance. This relationship reached an unsustainable level of conflict in the years following the Civil War. While Americans endured the wrenching changes to the economy as its emphasis shifted from agriculture to manufacturing, a decades-long relocation of population centers from rural areas resulted in massive cultural displacement: large numbers of young men moved into densely populated cities and were exposed to mass-produced forms of popular entertainment such as paperback books, mass-circulation magazines, flyers, and pamphlets, all made possible by economies of scale in production and distribution as vulcanized rubber was revolutionizing transportation and streamlining the printing process, not to mention reducing the manufacturing cost of latex condoms. Several cultural and religious groups attempted to circumvent the seismic shifts that these changes threatened to bring, including the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) which, in 1866, sent a contingent to Albany, New York, to lobby for the suppression of obscene and licentious books and literature. In the years that followed, YMCA crusader and reformer Anthony Comstock would form the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice and successfully lobby Congress in 1873 to bring to bear federal powers to oversee the postal service and levy tariffs to bear on literature he saw as corrupting of youth. The so-called “Comstock Law” made it a felony to import or send through the mails any sexual imagery, sexual accounts, or information on birth control and abortion, because of their perceived tendency to incite and corrupt. The law survived an 1896 challenge in the case of Rosen v. US, which cited the precedent of English common law upholding the government’s ability to censor material that would tend “to deprave or corrupt those whose minds are open to such immoral influences.”
One of Comstock’s most powerful allies was the American Medical Association, which since its inception in 1847 was stepping up efforts to destroy the centuries-old tradition of midwifery and replace it with the professionalized disciplines of obstetrics and gynecology, both of which actively suppressed access and information about contraception and abortifacents. During this period, anatomy and medical textbooks were seized, restrained, and re-edited to comply with the strictures upheld in the Rosen decision.”]
kevin heffernan, From “It Could Happen to Someone You Love” to “Do You Speak Ass?”: Women and Discourses of Sex Education in Erotic Film and Video, from the feminist porn book: the politics of producing pleasure, edited by tristan taormino, constance henley, and celine perreñas shimizu, 2013
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raemanzu · 6 days
🌈💔🌨️ for Julian and 🐰✨❗ for Rosen for the OC asks!
AAHHH okay Julian 🌈 - Do you associate any colors with them? Yes, kind of a golden color. I think because Cal painted a very nice picture of him studying his scriptures in his room and in my mind's eye the light is very nice and golden. But also it's just the Vibe... kingly, prophetic color to me. Sunlight and heavy crowns.
💔 - Does forgiveness come easily or with difficulty to this oc? Can they forgive others? What about themselves? Gosh this is a really good question. I think he does have a lot of anger that is buried. Some of it toward himself, some toward others. So I think even if on the outside he can behave in a forgiving way, it's more a symptom of self-deception or a survival behavior rather than genuine forgiveness.
🌨️ - If this oc had a day free from all their responsibilities, how would they spend it? Drawing, painting, and talking to Ana or Rosen.
Okay now Rosen!
✨ - Tell something that makes this oc feel happy! Singing! And Julian's smile.
🐰 - How huggable is this oc? To Julian yes he is huggable. To most others he isn't particularly free with his physical space/contact.
❗- What are the highest priorities to this oc (at a point in their life of your choosing)? At the point I've written up to in the story, his highest priority is keeping Julian safe whether that be from physical or spiritual danger... but it's also staying close to Julian.
Thanks I really needed this!!!
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silverjetsystm · 15 days
what colour do you associate with your muse?
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* interview the writer | Accepting
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Answered for Steven and Jake here. Since Marc's the one who wears the vestments, he gets his own post.
Well, I say Marc but this is mostly MK.
Black and white chiaroscuro. In the Early Days, the MK outfit had a mostly black bodysuit with white gloves, boots, and cloak. This is the void era and I love it. I think it led to confusion - 'is anything black or is it white in shadows????'
First appearance with the cape attached to wrists.
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Werewolf by Night (1975) #32 Writer: Moench; Artists: Don and Howie Perlin; Letterer: Holloway; Colorist: Rache
Bless him. (This ^ is pre-origin and gets retconned)
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MK (1980) #26 Writer: Moench; Penciler and Inker: Sienkiewicz; Colorist: Scheele; Letterer: Rosen
Moench refers to MK as "the jet and silver [insert quality here]" throughout his time in the comics. Which is how I picked the blog name c: I don't know why Moench picked this language but #26 may hint at it.
"First there is black. Then there is light, and all the colors of jazz. And there is sound in these colors. A wailing trumpet drips cool violet, threaded with smoke. Heavy blue lumbers from the bass...While the clarinet tempts and tantalizes in hot pink counterpoint. But the drum. The drum beats blood red."
The Jewish day begins and ends at sundown. (This is also before MK was specifically confirmed as Jewish).
'Hit It!' (#26) is a masterpiece.
Eventually, they go all out and make the suit white. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it's really ugly. Gold gets to live as an accent color.
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West Coast Avengers (Vol. 2) #21 Art by: Al Milgrom and Joe Sinnott
Shalvey created a new black and white outfit.
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MK (2014) #2 Writer: Ellis; Penciler and Inker: Shalvey; Colorist: Bellaire
Cappuccio continued it with his own style. I adore Rosenberg's use of colors too. She adds a really nice turquoise glow around MK and Mr. K.
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MK (2021) #2 Writer: MacKay; Artist: Cappuccio; Colorist: Rosenberg; Letterer: Petit
Yami Yugi Voice: Mind Crush
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MK (2021) #17 Writer: MacKay; Artist: Cappuccio; Colorist: Rosenberg; Letterer: Petit
Does Marc get his own color? If Steven is green-blue with sunlight on glass and Jake is magenta-red neon drenched shadow. Not necessarily. Marc's internal dialogue is teal and is the bright moon in the darkness. The mask has been worn for so long that he became it.
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I feel like to many people don't recognise fascism because they think fascism will arrive selling oppression and tyranny, but if you're part of the privileged group fascism is selling you safety, normalcy, and tradition
With regard to this (see also that Michael Rosen poem), it’s one of those very basic, inchoate, vibes-based misconceptions about fascism to the point that it feels almost silly or missing-the-point to try and correct it with definitions and history – I don’t know if OP even has a specific meaning of fascism in mind, and the sentiment being expressed isn’t without merit as it applies to the wider authoritarian right – but it should be addressed somewhere because when people hear this they’re at least vaguely thinking of the Axis.
The most direct counter here would be that the movement of squadrismo that primarily carried Mussolini to power in 1921–22 was one of insurrectionary terror which lionized danger and youthful rebellion and daring acts of violence, openly aiming to annihilate the Socialists, establish a dictatorship, and throw out the liberal politicians. There was a bit of tradition and romanità to their aesthetic (like the fasces or the neologism duce) but ‘safety’ and ‘normalcy’ could not be further from the ethos of what was in 1922 the most politically decisive part of the Fascist movement.
Other factions included the national syndicalists who organized Fascist unions and wanted a social revolution to, if not overthrow the bourgeoisie, at least give workers a genuinely equal and independent share in political power, and the more marginal futurists, on a perpetual quest for radical new horizons. No safety, normalcy, or tradition here, though it’s also true that both camps, national syndicalists in particular, didn’t explicitly want to create a tyranny either and styled themselves as democratic and progressive. The point is less about the status quo vs tyranny dichotomy than about the status quo vs radicalism in general: in either case, the Fascists were not trying to look safe or normal.
To the right of the original Fascists, Alfredo Rocco’s Italian Nationalist Association likewise hated Liberal Italy and promoted a total end to parliamentarism, but also preached law, stability, and a controlled transformation from above with no change to the social hierarchy, had closer links to the establishment but little popular support, and did not merge with the PNF until 1923, though of course it then came to massively influence Fascism’s more conservative character in power.
National Socialism is more ambiguous because NSDAP messaging was wildly diverse and often very opportunistic – e.g. Hitler was clear about the need for massive territorial expansion to the east in Mein Kampf, yet the Nazis still mobilized significantly on the slogan that “National Socialism means peace!” Nazism promised young people a bold new world and independence from stifling family life, even while it promised their parents a staunch defense of Christian family values (both were kind of true, both were kind of lies). In some places virulent antisemitism was integral to mobilization, in others it was downplayed as too frightening. And so on.
It is true that Nazi electoral support (which was more important than in Italy) came mostly from the dislocated Protestant middle class, who had abandoned the mainstream liberal parties and saw the NSDAP as a patriotic anti-Marxist movement that would rebuild the economy and restore traditional values. But even so, there’s the unavoidable fact of the SA, a violent mass militia based in the working class, which beat up leftists but also resented the bourgeoisie and scared elite circles as too unruly and extreme (hence it was briefly banned along with the Red Front by the right-wing Brüning government).
The Spanish Falange was a movement of radical university students influenced by Italian national syndicalism, very marginal and esoteric prior to the outbreak of civil war precisely because of the experimentalism of their ideas; it was the mainstream conservative CEDA that successfully presented itself as a defense of stability and tradition. In a sense the balance of support was reversed in Hungary and Romania, where the deep unpopularity of the ruling conservatives (plus the absence of the left) opened space for the Hungarists and Legionaries to build mass movements by promising revolutionary changes to their countries’ impoverished lower classes. Of the above the most ‘traditional’ were the Legion who strongly upheld the peasantry’s religious culture and agrarian way of life, but this was within the wider context of plans for radical land reform and mass insurgency.
I could go on, and every individual case is nuanced and different appeals were used at different times, but I think this bit in The Brown Plague captures the point really well, even if what I’m suggesting goes further than Guérin would have:
“You see, we’re pitted against each other. Our passions are so white-hot that occasionally we kill each other, but deep down we want the same thing...”
“Yes, the same thing, a new world, radically different from today’s, a world that no longer destroys coffee and wheat while millions go hungry, a new system. But some believe adamantly that Hitler will provide this, while others believe it will be Stalin. That’s the only difference between us.”
And that’s why in the barracks, before the lights went out, an old vagabond road song which the Nazi intoned with as much conviction as the Socialist or Communist would resound from some fifty sonorous breasts:
As we walk along side by side / And sing the ancient airs / Which the forests echo back / Then, we feel, it has to happen:
With us will come new times! / With us will come new times!
The unanimity was barely shattered by the discord of three antagonistic cries shouted in unison as if to say goodnight or issue a final challenge:
“Heil Hitler!”
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Ora Mendelsohn Rosen
Ora Mendelsohn Rosen was born in 1935 in New York City. Dr. Rosen co-founded Sloan Kettering Institute's Molecular Biology Program. She and her colleagues successfully cloned the insulin receptor gene, opening up new frontiers in insulin research. Dr. Rosen was elected to the National Academy of Sciences, and was awarded the Banting Medal from the American Diabetes Association.
Ora Mendelsohn Rosen died of breast cancer in 1990 at the age of 54.
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altocat · 7 months
Seph losing his only two friends and thinking “I probably didn’t deserve them anyway” 😢
Depending on what happens to Matt, Lucia, or Rosen in FS, it's possible that Sephiroth might make some... unpleasant associations.
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victortalkingmachine · 3 months
27, 21, and 5 for any oc
ok... i will tell you about faiza🤔 <-fallen london oc who's a medical scientist there to learn about the shapeling arts for personal & impersonal reasons alike
5. What song(s) do you associate with your OC?
i have a playlist currently of 28 songs, here are a few:
"heartaches" al bowlly
"i don't mind" the decemberists
"outliars and hyppocrates: a fun fact about apples" will wood
"rosen aus dem süden" johann strauss ii
"snow" ricky montgomery
21. What kind of classic horror monster (vampire, werewolf, alien, etc.) would your OC be?
like one of those fishy swamp creatures
27. In a murder mystery, what role would your OC play? (e.g. detective, sidekick, wacky suspect, rival investigator who gets in the way, red herring, true culprit)
i guess "wacky suspect" in the sense that she would act extremely shifty and just be strange about it all. aspiring detective or sidekick though
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