#roses and desert sand
fallout-lou-begas · 11 months
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happy halloween from the @ikroah girlies
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photo-snap-stories · 1 year
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Pustynia Błędowska, punkt widokowy Róża Wiatrów
Położona jest na terenie Parku Krajobrazowego Orlich Gniazd, na granicy Wyżyny Olkuskiej i Wyżyny Śląskiej oraz pomiędzy Kluczami od wschodu i Błędowem od zachodu. Jej północną granicę wyznacza Chechło. Przez obszar pustynny z zachodu na wschód, przepływa głęboką doliną rzeka Biała Przemsza, dzieląc ją na dwie nierówne części: mniejszą północną i większą południową. Łączny jej obszar zajmuje około 32 km2 powierzchni i jest to największy teren występowania piasków śródlądowych w Europie.
Pustynia powstała głównie przez działalność człowieka. Do znajdujących się w rejonie Olkusza kopalni srebra oraz ołowiu potrzebne były spore ilości drewna wykorzystywanego do wzmacniania szybów kopalnianych. Intensywna wycinka drzew oraz pobór wód gruntowych na terenach, gdzie podłoże stanowią żwiry i piaski, doprowadziły do powstania pustyni o pochodzeniu antropogenicznym. Początkowo pustynia zajmowała obszar nawet 150 km2, jednak z czasem poprzez zalesianie tych terenów sosną pospolitą oraz wierzbą kaspijską obszar zmalał do wspomnianych 32 km2.
The Błędowska Desert, the Wind Rose viewpoint, Poland
It is located in the Eagles Nests Landscape Park, on the border of the Olkuska Upland and the Silesian Upland, between Klucze from the east and Błędów from the west. Its northern border is marked by Chechło. The Biała Przemsza River flows through the desert area from west to east in a deep valley, dividing it into two unequal parts: a smaller northern and a larger southern one. Its total area is about 32 km2 and it is the largest area of inland sands in Europe.
The desert was created mainly by human activity. The silver and lead mines located in the area of Olkusz needed large amounts of wood used to strengthen the mine shafts. Intensive felling of trees and abstraction of groundwater in areas where the substrate is made of gravels and sands have led to the creation of a desert of anthropogenic origin. Initially, the desert occupied an area of up to 150 km2, but over time, due to the afforestation of these areas with Scots pine and Caspian willow, the area decreased to the aforementioned 32 km2.
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astralix · 11 months
Sailor Ophiuchus' Tags
〖answers〗⛎ 『penned in venom』
Chat/Dashboard Commentary
〖chat〗⛎ 『careful assessment』
Ic replies
〖replies〗⛎ 『spoketh with venom』
〖aesthetics〗⛎ 『rose quartz sand』
〖musings〗⛎ 『spoken in mother tongue』
Quizzes & questionnaires
〖quizzes〗⛎ 『venomous results』
〖soundtrack〗⛎ 『songs among the desert』
Character tag
〖madoka sabik〗⛎ 『ophiuchus ethereal rose quartz power make up』
〖story〗⛎ 『sun in ophiuchus』
Shipping headcanons
〖shipping〗⛎ 『no need for a love elixir』
〖nsfw〗⛎ 『warm and beautiful scales』
〖headcanon〗⛎ 『princess of planet asclepios』
Verse tags
Main verse
〖main verse〗⛎ 『neo queen asclepios』
0 notes
i-cant-sing · 5 months
Time Traveller AU pt3
Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here. Part 4 is here. Find the AU masterlist here! Check out my MASTERLIST here.
"This is so unnecessary" you whispered to the man sitting behind you. "Everyone's staring." Your eyes scanned over the mass of people in town, as your horse passed through.
You thought you would get your own horse, but Baldwin had other plans apparently, as he just picked you up from your armpits and plopped you in front of him on his horse.
You could feel him smiling from ear to ear. "I think they're just in awe of your beauty. I would suggest getting used to the stares, now."
You rolled your eyes. "Dont flatter me. I know how I look, besides- I was referring to us sharing a horse. Its unnecessary and its why everyones looking at us."
"I think its unnecessary to get another horse for you. You dont know how to ride them, and believe me when I tell you- these horses are wild. I dont want you to get hurt when they kick you off." He teased.
You scoffed. Alright, maybe you werent an equestrian, but how hard would it be to ride a horse anyways? Didnt Baldwin learn to ride one when his right arm was paralysed and he had to do with his thighs mostly to control the horse?
"Still, I couldve gotten a carriage. Or better yet walked? Maybe even ride a horse with someone else-" You quieted down as you felt a pair of lips peck behind your ear.
"Dont even think about it. Why would I let anyone touch you, be this close to my princess-" his arm snaked around your waist and pulled you back closer to him. "Wouldnt you prefer your soon-to-be-husband to help you instead?" He whispered as his hand slowly found its way to rest on your belly, giving it a gentle squeeze.
Heat rose to your cheeks as you pulled his hand away and smacked it when it tried to touch your waist again. "Behave, Baldwin." You admonished with a smile as people looked at you. You dont want to create a scene (especially not one where history would report some lady smacking King Baldwin).
You getting flustered and angry only made him chuckle, as he leaned down to give the back of your head a kiss.
Enough with the PDA already. Arent medieval times supposed to be more conservative?
Ugh. Your lips formed into a thin line. Maybe he'll back off when you reach Salauddin and he sees how other Muslims act.
With some entourage accompanying you guys, you travelled away from the kingdom for almost an hour or so until you crossed that one sand dune beyond which Salauddin and his people were camping.
Before reaching the dessert, you had asked Baldwin if he had something that you could cover yourself up with. You want to adhere to the customs and not accidentally piss off one of the greatest Muslim rulers. Sure, you could've worn something more concealing before leaving the castle, but neither of you wanted people to know that you two were going to meet Salauddin.
Baldwin nodded and in one swift motion, he had removed his cloak and wrapped it around you, bringing the hood over you.
"But- what about you?" you looked back at him with wide eyes. People didnt just wear full length clothes back then just because of modesty, but also to protect their skin from sun damage.
He smiled. "I'll be fine, princess." No, you wont. And you're not risking yet another historical change by having the king of Jerusalem getting skin cancer.
Immediately, you tore off the bottom of your tunic and made a keffiyeh (a headdress) which covered both his head and his face. "There, now we can go."
From the keffiyeh, only his eyes were visible, which crinkled up. "Did you cover me up because you dont want women staring at me in awe?"
"What? Of course not. You just recovered from leprosy. Your skin would be sensitive to the harsh sun and heat of the desert-" He cut you off by laughing lightly.
"Whatever you say, princess. Whatever you say."
As you neared the camps, you saw men dressed in battle armour coming out of the tents, and you from the way he walked, the way he dressed, even his mere presence could make you recognise Salauddin from a mile away.
The horse stopped and Baldwin got down first before helping you down. You followed him as he walked towards Salauddin, who was standing there with his arms crossed over his chest. An erie silence settled all around you, the sound of air whooshing being the only thing audible for a few moments. Salauddin stared into Baldwin, while men from both sides glared at each other, one hand on their swords, ready to fight.
"Salam alaikum." Baldwin spoke first.
Peace be upon you.
You heart dropped for a second when Salauddin didnt reply back immediately. With your hood covering your face, you couldnt exactly see his expressions, only resorting to his body language and sounds to anticipate his mood.
Salauddin's lip quirked up. "Walaikum asalaam." He opened his arms and both men embraced each other for a few moments and you could feel the tension around you finally melting away as men from both sides finally started conversing with each other normally now that their kings were talking amicably.
Salauddin patted his back and raised a brow at you. "Who taught you the keffiyeh to cover that sore face of yours?" Baldwin chuckled. "My fiancee- Y/n, princess come here will you?" You walked closer to Baldwin. "This is Y/n, and we're both here today to invite you to our wedding. Darling, say hi, will you?"
You gulped. "Assalamu alaikum".
Salauddin's ears perked up. "Walaikum asalam. That was perfect pronunciation. Have you been taught by Arab scholars?"
"About that..." Baldwin chuckled nervously. "Y/n, why dont you go there with the ladies? They seem pretty eager to meet you." Salauddin nodded his head and a couple of women, all wearing burqas approached you. "This is princess Y/n. Take good care of her." Salauddin told them as they took you to their tent, where only women remained.
Meanwhile, Salauddin let Baldwin in to his tent.
"So, whats the secret?" Salauddin asked as he sat down, beckoning Baldwin to do the same.
He took a deep breath. "Y/n is... a Muslim."
Salauddin blinked at him. "What?"
"She's Muslim." He repeated. "So could you just tell me about the Islamic wedding ceremony? Nikkah, right?"
Salauddin stared at him. "Are you joking?"
"You cant marry her, Baldwin."
"Why not?"
"Because she's a Muslim and you're Catholic!"
"So? I havent seen it stop Muslims from marrying non muslims."
"No- only muslim men can marry non muslim women. It doesnt work the other way around."
"Salauddin, thats sexist."
"Its not sexist- nevermind, I cant help you understand it. But no, you cant marry a Muslim woman."
"What if... shes not Muslim?" Salauddin gave him a puzzled look. "I... believe Y/n may be using religion as an excuse not to marry me."
"If she doesnt want to marry you, why do you wanna marry her?"
"She does want to marry me, she's just... confused. Look, Salauddin. She cured me- CURED leprosy. This doesnt happend to anyone. She- she has something holy about her. How else do you explain this miracle?"
"So what? You think God and what- Jesus? chose this girl for you? That they gave her healing hands to cure your disease? You think shes of divinity?"
Baldwin smiled softly. "I do." Salauddin rolled his eyes. "Youre infatuated with her, Baldwin. Its temporary. She performed some magic, or tricks and you think she's divine? Do not make a fool of yourself."
"Then explain how I suddenly got well, Salauddin. Youve travelled the world, you sent me your best Arab healers, you believe in sciences- explain to me how I was cured of my incurable disease."
Salauddin gazed at the young king. "Let me guess, she claimed that she's been sent by Almighty God to cure the King and save Jerusalem, and in return, you must marry her or give her your throne to fulfil some prophecy?"
Baldwin chuckled, leaning back against the ottoman a bit. "Actually, she's been denying that she did anything to help me, she keeps on making excuses to marry me, she avoids my affection- and if I'm being honest, attention." Salauddin's eyes furrowed a bit. What game are you playing?
"Maybe... Black magic?" Salauddin is well aware of witchcraft, its been mentioned by his religion too.
Baldwin shrugged. "She's far too angelic to be associated with that. I'm sure there would be prominent signs if she was involved in any sort of magic or witchcraft."
Salauddin was about to reply but just then, his guards came running in.
"Salauddin! There's a sandstorm coming!" Immeadiately both kings sprung up.
"Tie up the animals! Tell everyone to get in and take cover!" Salauddin barked orders at his men.
The women in your tent were immediately informed of the situation and they quickly started taking measures, with the men outside helping to nail down the tent and gathering the baby animals and children, bringing them inside the tent.
You got up to leave and go to Baldwin, but the women pushed you back down, telling you its not safe to leave.
"The storm is here! You can't leave now!" Well, alright then. You plopped back down on your seat, when you heard someone cry out loud and your eyes immeadiately saw the liquid on the floor.
Of course it was the pregnant lady.
The woman had went into labour and everyone rushed to help her. Everyone but you. Nuh uh, youre not meddling in this time, lest anyone else accuses you of having magic healing hands.
Another harrowing scream pierced through the room, with the harsh winds threatening to blow away the tent adding on to the tension.
Maybe I could just stand near them, just to make sure they are using proper hygiene. Or actually just to see how midwifes worked in the past. Yes, its for science.
You stood near the midwifes, out of their work field because you dont want to be an obstacle. Of course, you may have had caught the sight of the poor woman and her... vagina, which youre ashamed to say has made you sick to your stomach because child birth is not a beautiful phenomenon and fuck this shit youre never having babies.
After almost an hour, the baby was finally out. The stench of sweat and blood and the nightmarish sights you'd caught glimpses of had made you want to throw up when suddenly the enviorment turned gloomy. And it hit you.
The baby wasnt crying.
The mother who was previously crying from labour, was now crying due to a different kind of pain.
You felt for her, you truly did. Carrying a child for 9 months, making sure to take every precaution, not to mention the constant prayers for a healthy baby (and for some, specifically a boy) otherwise the mother would be blamed.
The midwife put the dead baby in the bassinet beside you before tending back to the grieving mother, who was still bleeding from down there.
"Poor Fatima." You heard one of the women whisper to her friend. "To wait for 8 years before she finally conceived... only for her child to die before he could even take his first breath."
Your heart broke as you heard them, the woman sobbed inconsolably. You turned your head to look at the baby in the bassinet and subconsciously, you wondered what went wrong.
Doesnt look like he was choked by the umbilical cord... and he doesnt look cyanotic either, so he probably wasnt dead inside the womb. Your eyes widened. Maybe-!
Your hands went to pick up the baby before halting mid air. No. No. I cant interfere- I cant mess with history more than I already have. I cant save a child who was destined to die-
Your head whipped to the woman who let out a shrill, devastating cry, begging God to let her son live.
Fuck it. You picked up the baby. Maybe this baby was destined to live.
Immeadiately you checked for breathing before putting the baby on a table nearby and placed two fingers on the left side of his chest, starting compressions.
"1. 2. 3-" you muttered under your breath, trying to recall what was drilled into your head when you were attending first aid classes. Pinching the baby's nostrils, you breathed into his mouth, eyes watching as his chest rise and drop. You repeated the compression set 2 more times when the baby finally took a huge breath and began crying.
Picking up the baby, you ran towards the bucket of water and started cleaning the baby's head and face off the mix of blood and amniotic fluid, while massaging his back and his feet to encourage him to breathe on his own.
After a few minutes, you turned around to cover the baby with a cloth swaddling him up nicely and thats when you finally looked around you.
Everyone was staring at you in shock, the sound of the baby crying echoing the silence.
Shit. You rocked the baby gently as you handed him to his mother, who also looked at you in shock with tear streaks on her cheeks. I hope... they didnt see me do CPR.
Yes, damage control. Thats what you need to do. You cleared your throat. "Um- yes, Allah has blessed you with a beautiful son. Lets be grateful to Him." And the women slowly began talking again and agreeing, some saying that they'll go give sadaqah (charity to please God) while others were going to go pray.
When you turned around, you saw Baldwin and Salauddin standing at the entrance of the tent, the former having a beaming smile while the latter looked in surprise.
Maybe it was the stench of sweat and blood in the room, maybe it was emotional situation you went through (high key nauseating), or maybe it was the mix of amniotic fluid and blood on your mouth from when you saved the baby, but the next moment, you lost consciousness.
When you woke up, you noticed you were in a different, much bigger tent. Rubbing your eyes, you sat up with a groan.
"You're finally awake." You looked up to see Salauddin sitting at his desk in the other corner-
Salauddin? Your hands went to draw your hood over your face but you realised your (or well, Baldwin's) cloak had been replaced with a cotton niqaab that veiled your entire face except for your eyes.
Standing up, you looked in his direction. "Where's Baldwin?"
You heard him chuckle darkly. "He left."
"He left?" You heard him walk over to you, and instinctively you took a step back, narrowing your eyes at his audacity.
He towered over you, face neutral as he looked down at you. His hand gestured to his right, where a chess set was placed on a table.
"Do you play?" He asked, eyes never leaving yours.
Hesitantly, you nodded. He sat down, beckoning you to do the same.
"Ladies first." He let you start the game. "I should tell you though- if you wish to leave out of this place alive, you'll have to win."
What the shit? Is this some sort of psychological game? Or is this actually happening? I mean, people in the medieval times were crazy. Just because he's muslim shouldnt excuse him from insanity.
You picked up the white pawn. "Where is Baldwin?"
"I told you, he's gone." He moved his black pawn. "He sold you to me."
You looked up at him. What? "Focus on the game. You do not wish to know what will your fate be if you were to lose this game." You immediately picked up your bishop and moved it.
Salauddin clicked his tongue as he took your bishop. You moved your pawn again. "Why- why would he sell me? I'm his fiancee." You asked, your eyes never leaving the board. You're playing for your life here.
"Well, when we saw you use black magic to save that baby- oh, I took your other pawn too, mhm-" He smiled as he looked at your furrowed brows. "And then I told him that you cant be a muslim if you were using black magic."
"Black magic? When did I use it?!" you asked exasperatedly as you lost your knight.
"We saw you muttering something when you were "saving" that child." Muttering? When was I muttering? "One of the ladies even said they heard you whisper some repetitive words to a tune too."
Repetitive words-? You wanted to bang your head against concrete when you realised he was referring to you doing compressions to the rhythm of Stayin Alive by the BeeGees. This one is not your fault because the instructor taught you guys that.
"I was not doing black magic. Even so, who are you to decide if I am a Muslim or not?" You moved your other knight.
"I am Salauddin Ayubi-"
"So?" Salauddin looked at you.
So? So? No one has ever dared to ask him questions.
"Your real name is Yusuf. Salauddin is just a laqab, hm?" Your eyes never left the board as you made your move. "Do you think you're above me? Above Baldwin? Above anyone?" You didnt let him answer as you gestured at him to continue the game. "I dont recall you being a prophet. I dont remember you being a caliph even. So, Salauddin tell me what gives you the right to judge if I'm a muslim or not?" You asked as you took his pawn.
Salauddin narrowed his eyes at you, making his bishop take another pawn of yours. You didnt let it deter you as you practically snatched the same bishop of his with your rook. "Just because youre a muslim, you think you have the right to judge me?"
He scoffed at your words, making his move but you took yet another black pawn. "I am a Muslim. I was born in a Muslim family-"
"Exactly." You took more of his black pawns as he took your white ones. The board was mostly empty now. "You were born in a Muslim family. Do you honestly believe your Lord is happy with you because you were born in the right family? Is that the essence of what being a Muslim is?" Salauddin now looked at you but you didnt let your eyes stray away from the chess board. "Are you a Muslim because you were born in a Muslim family? Or were you born in a Muslim family because Allah knew you wouldnt find your way if you werent? If you were born in a catholic family, youd be a catholic? Lets say you are a Muslim, how do you know youre a good enough Muslim who can judge me? How do you know Allah will let you in heaven when youre on Earth declaring so and so is doing magic and isnt a muslim? Only Allah can judge us, not you Salauddin Ayubi." You stated calmly as you made your final move. "Thats checkmate."
You finally looked at him, your eyes holding satisfaction at his distressed face, though he masked it well.
How you wished to reveal to him that he was playing against a grandmaster whose parents made her take chess as a hobby since she was 6 because they believed it would make her smart and get into good colleges (it did. Thanks mom and dad.)
"Salauddin, we can play chess all you want but dont lie to me. You know I wasnt doing magic, and you know that I know that Baldwin wouldnt just leave me behind. So please, tell me, where is Baldwin?" Before he could reply, you continued. "Remember, lying is a sin."
At this, his eyes finally showed amusement. "He's outside, helping the women sew a niqaab for you. He wants to embroidery a flower in or something." You rolled your eyes at that. Of course, leave it to Baldwin to do cute romantic stuff.
Salauddin leaned back in his chair as he studied you. "So, how did you bring the baby back to life?"
"I prayed to Allah." He quirked a brow at you. "I also cleared his nostrils. They were plugged with fluid, so he didnt know or couldnt breathe with his lungs. Then I just warmed up his body a bit and he was crying- the baby was never dead. You know that no one can be saved from Azrael if Allah has written for that person to die."
Angel of death.
He gave you a nod, though his eyes watched you curiously. "How were you so sure that I knew you were a Muslim?"
You shrugged. "I just did." Why wouldnt you know when he was playing chess with you to check your psychology? Not to mention, he allowed you to be covered with a niqaab even when you were unconscious and let you stay in his tent? If he even doubted that you were a non muslim, you more than likely wouldve been treated far badly.
Salauddin chuckled. Of course, youd keep your secrets. "Then you know that as a Muslim woman, you cannot marry anyone of another faith."
"I dont plan on marrying Baldwin." You scoffed. "I already rejected him and have tried to sway his mind, but hes set on his decision. I think he actually believes that Im an angel or something divine."
He quirked a brow at you. "So he's forcing you to marry him?"
"I wouldnt say force- well, actually I would say that. But he doesnt treat me badly or anything. He's very sweet, even when I avoid him."
Salauddin clicked his tongue. "I could help you." You looked at him. "You are a Muslim, a part of the ummah. I could-"
"No. If youre suggesting starting a war, no." "Well, not a war, youre not that important." Damn. He grinned at your offended eyes. "I meant, I could send some people to sneak you out or-"
"No, if Baldwin finds out youre involved in any way in my escape he would-" you cant risk an extra crusade happening because of a damsel in distress, aka you. It would put the fate of Jerusalem at risk as well as the fate of the Ayyubid dynasty.
Wait. Ayyubid dynasty. They ruled over Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Yemen and so on. But Egypt was the learning center of the Islamic world during this time because they focused on arts and education which meant they hosted the world's greatest scholars there.
"Salauddin, can you get me to Egypt?" The king of Egypt, or sultan of Egypt looked at you quizzically. "I can, but why? Do you have family there?"
"What? No, I'm not running away to Egypt. Look, I just-" you cant explain to him about your escape plan that you were going to use the help of scholars to help you make the tools which you can use to fix your broken time machine. So, you lie. "You're someone who enjoys learning, right? I know you like history and sufism, and I would just love to get to know more about it."
With his head resting on his palm, he studied you. You intrigued him, and although he sensed you had ulterior motives, he agreed. "I cant take you there personally because I am busy here, but I could send you there with some trusted men." You smiled under your veil. This is exactly what you want. And almost as if he could sense your glee, he continued. "Your madly-in-love fiance wont send you alone, or at all."
"Let me worry about Baldwin, and he'll agree because I'm not running away. I'll work on my escape another way in which no one has to die." You said, finally standing up and walking out of the tent to find Baldwin who was sitting with the other veiled women, his eyes focused on the needlework.
"Baldwin." You called out with your hands behind your back as you walked upto him.
He looked up and his eyes practically sparkled at the sight of you. "Princess!" He stood up and immediately went to hug you but you stopped him before he could, nodding your head at onlookers. "Oh right, sorry." He smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head, ears turning pink as the women giggled.
He then picked up the niqaab he'd been working on, the blue cloth matched the color of his eyes. "Look, I made that flower." There was embroidery done on the sleeves. And of course, amongst the mass of tiny, delicate pink and white flowers, Baldwin made the biggest, slightly wonky flower.
It brought a smile to your lips. Gosh, he's such a-
You shake your head. No. No. You cant.
"Its beautiful, Baldwin. Thank you." He grinned at your praise, nodding his head as he folded it up. Still holding the embroidered niqaab in his hand, he walked over to Salauddin and shook his head. "We should get going now. Thank you for hospitality, Salauddin." The Kurdish nodded. "Of course. You're always welcome. And if you have any more questions about our traditions and rituals, dont hesitate to reach out to me. Although your wife to be seems quite knowledgeable on the subject herself." Your eyes widened every so slightly. Did Salauddin- did he just acknowledge that you're not as dumb as he thought you were.
Baldwin smiled before leading you towards his horse, helping you get on it.
Salauddin watched as your entourage left, and his mouth twitched.
You have piqued my interest, Y/n. He called his right hand man.
"We still have spies in Baldwin's castle, right?" The man confirmed. "Excellent. Have them find out all they can about lady Y/n. And prepare a small entourage ready to go to Egypt."
"Wont we be staying here, sultan?" The man asked, confused as to why Salauddin would be leaving Jerusalem this early.
"We will, but I will make a short trip in between."
Of course, Salauddin cant just let you go to Egypt alone. The sultan will have to make proper arrangements to welcome you there.
And to find out what you're really there for.
He returned to his tent, his eyes landing on the chess board. Walking upto it, he looked at how you had defeated him.
Salauddin smirked, using his finger to knock down the white king.
It'll be fun to make Baldwin jealous.
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Part 4 is here!
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book 7 part 10 thoughts!
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Please note: this is NOT meant to be a summary or a translation; these are only my initial thoughts on the events that roughly unfold. There may be details overlooked or misunderstood in this post, so PLEASE do not use this as a translation.
This update spans part 158 to part 191.
BAHAHAHAHAHA THEY'RE AT THE CORAL SEA (not "in" it yet, more like at the surface level of it) AND JAMIL'S ALREADY UPSET OVER THE LOCALE
Jamil comes up with the smart idea of using ice magic to make a boat for them all. Silver takes up the oars (how princely lmao) and Ortho praises the second years for being so reliable!
WEL;ANJFDBIUGSOGSBIAF THAT BOAT DIDN'T LAST LONG, LITERALLY ONLY A SINGLE PART BEFORE WE CAPSIZE????? We see a dark and gloomy place with an abandoned ship, similar to where Ariel was exploring in the opening of The Little Mermaid. The gang can breathe though, since Idia hacked in bubbles around each person to provide them with an air dome made of magic nanomachines.
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THERE HE IS FELLAS, MERMAID FLOYD PULLED UP. Mmm, interesting?? He sounds really flat and bored, expressing that he no longer has an interest in land creatures since everyone was weak + so easily deceived by Azul. Floyd also seems to report that Azul has found success with Mostro Lounge...? And Jade is probably supporting him there.
Floyd tells us that he's been traveling Twisted Wonderland in his dream world. He's been to the Shaftlands (Fairest City??) to try out the latest fashion and model (but got bored because he was asked to work exclusively with the brand), worked part-time in a restaurant in the Sunshine Lands (but got bored because so many people wanted to eat his food), and exploring the Scalding Sands. Floyd wandered the desert and found a black magic lamp in the Cave of Wonders and decided to bring it home because Jade said "the teapot" would be nice to have. Floyd summoned the genie and used it to wish for delicious food, www
He mentions having plans to visit other places too, like the Queendom of Roses, Briar Valley, Sunset Savanna, etc. (Floyd's looking for a challenging opponent to fight!!) But now he has returned to the sea, even though he considers it boring too. Floyd basically tells them to fuck on off and then stares floating around depressingly.
Idia theorizes that Floyd must be "resetting" his dream again and again since Malleus has set the parameters to achieve a "happy ending". Since Floyd is constantly dissatisfied, the dream continues to scrounge for something that will please him. The happiness never really lasts long though. The group decides that they have to provide him with that strong foe he wants to shock him awake!
OH MY GOD Silver and Jamil just walk up to Floyd and tell him he’s in a dream. Of course he doesn’t believe them????? But then they start telling him stories of things that happened irl including clarifying what it was that Floyd had done to disrupt his own first year opening ceremony. Apparently he grabbed Riddle’s hair and went “oh, it’s bright red but it isn’t hot”, which led into a massive fight with Riddle shooting fire at him. The staff (specifically Vargas) had to hold Riddle back. There’s another story of how Floyd tried to fight Cater but Cater used his UM to hold Floyd back and bro wiped hard 💀 According to Idia, Malleus and Leona also beat Floyd in combat.
Jamil talks about how sometimes Floyd would find it hard to keep up with him and/or how Floyd would get in trouble for wailing on the younger kids in their club. The headmaster wasn’t happy and made Floyd clean up the gym for a week
Wh A t😭 Grim recalls how Octavinelle made us HOMELESS in book 3 (and then how they got their asses beat BUT I’M BAWLING AT THE AUDACITY)
The dream manifests a fake Jade and Azul to drag Floyd deeper… We finally get a non-OB octoform Azul to look at!!
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They goad Floyd and say he shouldn’t lose to land creatures, so beat them back and then the three of them can live peacefully in the sea together. Silver warns Floyd not to listen to the fake Jade and Azul, but he ends up not needing their help??? Instead Floyd blows up at the fakes and claims Jade and Azul would never say such boring things. Like, he actively gets SO pissed off that they’re borrowing their faces and voices to try and deceive him 😭
They tell Floyd about what’s going down and he’s delighted??? He starts calling out locations and the dream responds to it, he thinks it’s so interesting. Idia and co. panic because this spike in activity could alert Malleus OTL
They theorize that Jade’s dream may take place in the mountains, so Floyd should change into a land form.
When they change to Jade’s dream, Floyd praises Silver’s UM. Silver is flattered but Jamil is thanking the stars that someone mindful like Silver has Meet in a Dream and not Floyd. He says Floyd would probably abuse the UM and give people nightmares lmao
Now they’re in a part of the Coral Sea that has tons of underwater volcanos. Floyd saves us all from a blast of black smoke from one of the vents. Idia warns the air domes are not strong, so one blast from the smoke could drown them all.
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Floyd suggests Idia make merforms for everyone. However, Idia says it’s hard to do, especially on a short time frame, since he lacks data on merpeople.
OOOOOH Floyd reveals his bioluminescence!! Looks so pretty aaaaaaah ✨ (He calls it “counter illumination”?)
OOOOOH I GET IT, the volcanic vents are like the sea’s equivalent of “mountains”. He and dream!Azul are exploring this area looking for a gold mine or something. Interesting that Jade dreams of still assisting Azul for fun…
sguaddr(dFacFFh ??!!\!]]!£]!] AZUL????? He got hit by a blast from the vent while casting magic on it to get to some gold ore he spotted. Jade gets a good laugh out of it.
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WHO THE FuCK ARE yoU, WhY Sre your eyes SO Big AnD WAtERY
Azul tearfully declares he won’t give up and Jade gases him up 😭 YOUR DREAM IS TO BULLY AND ENABLE HIM??????? WOW J WORD
Floyd claims he would never go mountain climbing with Jade but then—
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Floyd gets pissed off seeing all of this and goes in for the attack. Everyone panics, but Jamil pulls a Silver book 7 part 9 and basically tells them to let Floyd cook 💀
Dream!Azul of course tries to convince Jade that Floyd is dumb and cute and everything, not some THUG cbjssbkwebodnxsk Jade is convinced that “this” Azul and Jade would use useless without him so he buys dream!Azul’s lies. FLOYD GETS MORE ANGRY THRymRE GONNa BRaWLLLLLLL
Uhhhh so fighting doesn’t wake Jade up. Idia suggests this is because while Jade doesn’t have a particularly strong imagination, he’s good at exploring possible scenarios within himself…? Not sure if I totally understood the wording here (I’ll have to double check with other sources later), all you gotta know if that punching was ineffective. ***Edit: It’s because (according to Idia), Jade has a strong belief in himself.***
OH, WORM??? J WORD AnD FKOYD ArE mAKinG HISSING NoiSES At eaCH OYher As THEY FIGHT (the NPC Azul and Floyd are busy cowering in a corner) 🍿 I believe it was previously said in a voice line or some vignette that when the twins fight, they get VIOLENT and it’s kinda funny we get to see it on-screen now.
Sebek gets the idea to stop both of the twins’ movements with his UM. (Very thoughtfully, he warns everyone, particularly Ortho, to stand back before he casts Living Bolt.) It works very well because salt water conducts electricity better than distilled water!! I think that helps Jade with realizing something’s off because right when dream!Azul and Floyd rush to him, Jade points out that the real ones wouldn’t call him “cute” and such.
WHoa WHOA, sCARY hot
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Aaaand we got two eels added to the party! Onward to Azul’s dream~ (jxbsksvxiwnw J WoRD THROWS uP)
We’re underwater again! Jade theorizes it must be because Azul has expanded the Mostro Lounge into a worldwide chain, since Azul has expressed the desire to run a successful restaurant business like his mother.
We hear cheering, it seems to be from a Coral Rush (underwater ball) game. It’s similar to Magical Shift, but instead of brooms you ride on the backs of dolphins. Coral Rush is popular among merfolk!
If I was drinking something then I would be spitting it up right now because WhY IS AZUL AN ATHLETE (If I’m understanding this correctly, he’s playing for a Coral Rush team called Golden Trident? And he’s the LEADER) 😂 I guess maybe because he’s been insecure about this weakness of his…?
MAN. Jamil is going to bully his ass later about this, I just KNOW he is… Azul goes all chuuni and shouts “KRAKEN SHOT” before scoring 🪦 Cringefail bbg…
Jade has “-san” in quotation marks 💀 HE’S BEING TOTALLY SARCASTIC
Fun little detail, it looks like the Octatrio had a group handshake…? Jade and Azul do it here and later Jade and Floyd do the same, ending it each time with a cute little “yaaay” 🥺
dndjsnkweneow Jade asks Azul to sign Idia’s tablet OTL YOU ASSHOLE BE SO FR RIGHT NOW
Azul remembers “Leech-kun” and “Leech-kun” (*shudders*) from elementary school. His team mates call out to him and Azul invites us to their victory celebration at his mother’s restaurant (which finally gets a name!!! It’s called La Grotta). Apparently it would be hard for your average student to get in, but with Azul’s invite we should be okay!
Jade starts brainstorming again and suggests that this dream is what we see because Azul wanted you to erase the sad past in which he was bullied. He says he won’t divulge too many details since it involves Azul’s privacy (aw, the ONE time he decides to not leak info 😂).
Aaaaah Idia says he has a bad feeling about something… which gives ME a bad feeling…
They arrive at La Grotta and Azul casts a spell that makes an anemone crop up on everyone’z head?! Azul says that anemones are the most formal hair accessory one can wear in the sea; it makes them “fit in” more. He leaves Jade and Floyd alone though since they’re already merfolk.
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Uhhhh Grim gets distracted with dancing and drags Sebek off with him??? Okay???
The entire time this is going down, the twins are watching silently.
Grim, Sebek, and Ortho dance but they end up falling down. The mob merpeople start to laugh and make fun of land creatures. It’s then we learn that Azul lied about the sea anemone being associated with high status, it’s instead something that indicates stupidity. So… uh… He just wanted to bully us??? This whole dream is playing out like a bitter high school revenge fantasy…
Azul says the twins can stay if they play Coral Rush with him. Surely they’re tired of hanging around dumb land creatures right? It’s better to come along with him.
Floyd makes a mess and passes an antique to Jade, and the two start to “play” with it. (… Nah, they start breaking shit 😬)
LOL???? Is Azul threatening to sue the fins off of the twins??? He’s all like “MY PAPA’S A LAWYER YOU KNOW” at them… (He also calls his mom “mama”; the word choice and behavior really makes me think he’s a mama’s/daddy’s boy.)
Jade says to everyone that we should move onto the next dream. He pretends (?) to leave, which triggers a memory of book 3 where Azul declares that he’s always going to be alone.
HMMMMMMMMMMM, there’s no dream!Floyd or dream!Jade to lure Azul to the darkness, only the mermobs 🤔
Ortho expects the twins to dive after him, but neither of them do 🤡 They say it’s Azul’s choice to dream more deeply, so they’ll allow him to.
Grim drowns in the darkness so we (Yuu, Silver, Jamil, Sebek) go after him. Ortho tries to appeal to the twins by saying if they don’t follow, then they’ll be trapped in the dream forever. Sooo Jade and Floyd depart into the dark. Ortho is left wondering if this coldness is actually how the twins express trust.
LOLLLLLl???????? Azul’s setting the photo of their class trip on fire and laughing like a maniac… (He also has apparently gained Ramshackle AND stolen the UMs of his fellow dorm leaders.) I counted, Azul has no less than like 3-4 Evil Villain Laughs this update 💀 OKAY KING POP OFF LIVE LAUGH LOVE
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They split into two groups (the player gets to go with J word 😳), each with the goal of taking out one of the dream!Tweels. Jamil lures dream!Floyd out to the basketball court under the false pretenses of a special club activity (where a strong merman opponent would be present).
Jade meanwhile goes to the botanical garden?? And he starts to smash plant pots… He claims it’s a dream so it’s okay! It’s not like he’s doing this because he wants to (lie). Jade makes (anemoned) Grim take a bunch of rare ingredients he “harvested” to Mostro Lounge.
Azul becomes interested in the ingredients and wants access to the source to maximize profits. Dream!Jade is led off by Grim and Yuu to the woods behind campus. SILBEK JUMP HIM—
Jade uses Shock the Heart to learn where Azul has moved the contracts. They weren’t in his office vault when the group checked earlier; the contracts are now in Azul’s room…? Which… I feel like that was such an obvious place to check, not sure why the thought didn’t occur to them sooner??
They find the contracts but there’s like 500 of them and no efficient way to destroy so many in a short amount of time. Ortho suggests his beam, but it might result in collateral damage to them if he fires it this close. Floyd says they can just trick Azul into destroying the contracts himself but before they can say anything more they hear voices getting closer.
Jade and Floyd return to Azul warning him that someone is after his contracts, so Azul, concerned, asks for the contracts so he can relocate them again. When they don’t, he starts threatening them (even saying that the headmaster is under his thumb too, no one at this school can oppose him).
Azul is baited to cast a spell at them, which Floyd deflects with Bind the Heart. He then summons anemones (Ace, Deuce, Riddle, Leona, Kalim, Idia) to help him. Some mob anemones called him “Azul-sama” in dead-sounding voices which. Makes me think maybe he stole Jamil’s Snake Whisper in the dream too??
Together, the twins keep taunting their dorm leader until Azul unleashes King’s Roar. They use Bind the Heart once again to redirect Leona’s UM and dust the contracts ✨ (We also got Floyd’s UM chant!! Roughly: “This is a nice place/it was just getting good, but how about I interrupt it?”)
NxdbsjsbkFAJHQAN OF COURSE THAT’A WHEN AzUL BREAks 😭 and it happens like automatically too… The loss of the contracts really is a sore spot for him.
Here comes the suspicious black gloop again~
Azul starts to sink down BUT THIS TIME YHE TWINS CALL OUT HIS NAME AND GRAB ONTO HIM?????? Jade even specifically tells Azul to “take his hand” and instructs Floyd to help pull. Ayo… the “take my hand” imagery again…
Waaah… Octavinelle trusts each other so much?? When Silver warns them that he doesn’t know what will happen to the twins if they end up in Azul’s abyss, Jade and Floyd wish Azul luck/don’t go to hell AND AZUL’s CASUALLy LIKE “you too” 🤡
Azul finally faces his OB self!! How interesting, he tells his OB that with the weight of all that he stole from others, it’s hard to move. I think he means that metaphorically… like, it’s hard to achieve personal growth if all you do is take and hurt people. “Unlike you, I’ve learned.” He wants to make his dream of making everyone bow down to him a reality on his own. Azul’s not satisfied with this, he wants something of “real value”.
Azul wakes up back in his mom’s restaurant and surrounded by his team members. He asks them to sign a contract which states they will all continue playing hard together. Duh, it’s a trap and actually anemones them. The contract just handed all their powers over to Azul 💀 Bro… How dumb are you, you didn’t even SKIM to check the terms of the contact are what to claimed them to be??
Azul regroups with the others and they inform him of what’s going on. He immediately expresses concern that the Mostro Lounge hasn’t been operating + the ingredients in their fridge might spoil because of Malleus’s magic. Man has his priorities www Thankfully they’re fine since the flow of time has stopped and potential customers are all sleeping. No ingredients or business lost!! Azul still wants Malleus to pay him back for the inconveniences though.
Ortho recommends that Jade and Floyd stay behind, as they both have taken significant damage from fighting. Idia adds that they should lower the number of people dream hopping to minimize the chance of bugs showing up; Jamil volunteers. Azul says it’s a shame because he was looking forward to fighting alongside him; Jamil says that “friends” with Octavinelle’s dorm leader has its uses, so he “looks forward to it.”
… Jamil acknowledging what Azul wants and agreeing to go along with it feels… weird…
Azul joins us and we hasten to the next dream. “Time is money!!” so chop, chop!! Next update… Savanaclaw!!
Overall, I really enjoyed seeing the twins fight, as well as seeing their more animalistic aspects (ie the bioluminescence) come out. The Coral Sea locations were so fun and colorful, it makes me want a hometown event even more!! Merform Azul we kiiiind of already saw with his OB form (and I’d seen lots of edits from fans making their own prior to this) but I thought it was nice to have that confirmation nevertheless.
There were a lot of small moments that made me do a double take (derpy dream!Floyd is one, Azul’s Big Bad scenes were several others). It was cute to see their Club Wear outfits utilized in the dreams too; we saw Basketball Club and Mountain Lovers Club looks make an appearance. I felt like I was watching some kind of variety show while reading.
This update gave me many thoughts, most of them surrounding the Octatrio and their relationship with one another. I’d like to talk more at length about their dream worlds and the roles they played in one another’s headspaces. However, that will get very bulky and I don’t want to add even more to an already bully post. I’ll make that a separate post and put it up later, so please bear with me ^^
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whereiseefashion · 4 months
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WISF x MET Gala ✨
It's been a while since my last MET Gala post, hope you like it as much as the other ones! All credits below.
Zendaya wearing a McQueen SS 2007 hat by Philip Treacy and vintage Galliano for Givenchy SS 1996 gown | Roses by Henri Fantin-Latour, 1884
Tyla wearing a custom Balmain gown covered in sand by Olivier Rousteing | Rock formation sculpted by the wind in the White Desert in Al Farafrah, Egypt
Mindy Kaling wearing a custom Gaurav Gupta gown | Splitgill mushroom (Schizophyllum Commune)
Lana Del Rey wearing a custom Alexander McQueen gown by Seán McGirr | The Tree of Crows (detail) by Caspar David Friedrich, 1822
Elle Fanning wearing a custom Balmain resin gown by Olivier Rousteing | The Marble Chapel (Capilla de Mármol), on General Carrera Lake in Aysén, Chile
Ariana Grande wearing a custom Maison Margiela Artisanal look by John Galliano | The Edge of the Forest by Anne Sudworth
More matches here
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hopepetal · 11 months
What if it wasn't the desert that I cared for, but those who lived in it. And eventually the burning sun felt like love, and the rough sand felt like home. And the stinging feeling of sunburns from being out in the sun too long became synonymous with the sound of your laughter.
What if the desert was like a rose- the pains it inflicted thorns, your red eyes the flower that drew me in, though I knew I would prick my finger nonetheless. I left that desert the day we died, but the memories of sun-kissed skin and rough sand and laughter and red eyes and everything that was my home haunts my memories.
Your laughter stings like sunburns now. I wonder if you feel the same.
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yandere-wishes · 5 months
。⸝❀Desert Rose ❀⸜。
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𐙚 Yandere! Paul Muad'Dib Atreides x Reader x Yandere! Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Plot: You miss the desert. Miss the sun and the sand and the place where they buried your heart. So you run and pray that they won't catch you. 
⁀➷Warnings: Yandere behavior, obsessive tendencies blood and gore, bloodplay, knifeplay, injuries, Feyd being Feyd. Paul is high on spice for 60% of the story. Part two will be much more fluffy. 
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The thing they don't tell you about the desert is that it's alive. A breathing creature with feelings and a beating heart.~💜
There's blood on the Sietch floor, red and thick and sacrilegious. 
You thought you had run far enough, fast enough. You thought you had escaped. 
How terrifying it is to be betrayed by that which you love most. How terrifying it is when you've forgotten how to harmonize with that which love most. 
That applies to the desert.
That applies to people too. 
There's something about the sun that's never been more poetic. It's harsh in its lashes, a cruel master, reminding you of what you'd been born into. It beats down something terrible and you can't help but suppress the frantic giggle that escapes your dry lips."You're so mean" you mumble, the glimmers muddle your focus. You see silhouettes of blue-eyed warlords and tar-painted gladiators. Feel phantom kisses rummage across the hollow of your bones. 
All of this is too familiar.
It makes you sick. 
Back then your father had reveled in Muad'Dib's coming. Proud to meet a warrior such as he. He'd spent hours refining his war plans, polishing his battle tactics. It's always such a strange site to see excitement in such a strict man. 
He introduced himself as destiny's child when he arrived. Dissolved and dehydrated with curls coated in sand. He was the desert's golden boy sent to fulfill every prophecy you'd ever been told. 
And yet, to you, he'd simply looked like just another heartthrob.
Just another boy's name to whisper to your friends during blasphemous games under the starry night sky. He had been no different than any tribal leader or warrior's son. That was truly such a miraculous time, back when such an atrocious thing had been merely a girlhood toy. 
Your father hadn't proposed marriage or alliances. That's not the Freman way, not during war. That doesn't stop the renegade gaze you've felt since he arrived. There's something stalking the desert, something too powerful to contain. You feel its chill, like the space between breaths before the breaching of the shai hulud. 
"You can call me Paul..." 
Lisan Al Gaib
The desert is a cacophony of dreams and nightmares. Deadly once the blood-deep navigation atrophies from constant complacency. You try to remember the prom of each foot. When to straighten, when to bend. Each step feels like treading through a mirage, murky and viscous. Too thick, too loose, you think you might sink. Fall through a false bottom into something great and endless. 
There is no bottom, no end. 
Only darkness, vast and perpetual. 
You wonder if that's what it feels like to be swallowed by a sandworm. If there is security in its infinite stomach. If it's better than the Arrakeen Palace. Daunting, soulless structure, home to monsters and killers. 
The sand grows thin. 
It's always the thinnest nearest a Sietch.
You made it...
You wonder why it had all felt so gruesome, so unholy. Paul's cacoon of naivety was breached, its remnants nesting underneath his feet, their spines snapping with each ground-quaking step he took. Arrakis had given birth to something monstrous, something ravenous. Yet all you had seen was a youthful face that tells not of horrors or suffering. It only promises freedom. 
Freedom was supposed to taste sweet, satisfying. The first sip from a childhood oasis. And you guess it had, for a little while. Before the realizations set in. Anyone who so openly grants freedom can take it away too. 
Paul inhales the reverence of the crowd. Savors the saccharine taste of victory on his tongue, before he spits out the essence of his hatred. Watching the blood scorch away under the desert sun. 
He swears he sees the sand dunes bow from the corner of his eye, they're towering magnificently bestowing something lethal onto him. Something they've yearned for, something fragile, something ancient. He deems it responsibility, duty, divinity and spins it into an enamelware crown.
Paul had become king. Not emperor, not sovereign, not overlord. Not yet at least. He's not the boy-prince from a distant planet anymore either. There no longer exists a boyhood carved of temperamental weathers and jagged salt-covered rocks. No more fairy tales of great dukes fighting bulls by the seaside and young princes running off on fighter jets to save mystical witches. There is only the sand and the giants underneath it, only a prophecy cracked whose ichor covers him in gold and stardust. 
He is Muad'Dib, savoir of Dune. 
Paul's eyes rummage through the crowd. Hungry, desperate
seeking out something, someone whose devotion does not show. 
He memorizes the scowl on your face, the dip of your lips. How he longs to feel them under his thumb. 
Duels concluded in death. When the ground has been fed its blood depts. When Jannah and Jahannam are granted another soul. That is when the victor arises. Duels end in death, in a chipped knife and a broken body on the floor. 
This one did not...
The memory still haunts you. 
Not in its breach of rite.
Nor its contradictions to morality.
But in what comes after.
The fear of the thing that was allowed to live...
Paul hadn't killed Feyd. Beaten, mauled, tamed. But not killed.
There is a rostrum made of sand and burnt bones. It was meant to serve as a victory throne, a symbol of a war and a revolt. You aren't so sure about that anymore. Not when it's being desecrated, by a survivor of the very thing it vowed to eradicate. Atop the dias, Paul stands, fingers swathed tightly around a pale, maimed wrist. The crowd stares, speechless as the prophetic son appoints a battered and bleeding Harkonnen Na-baron as his aid, his duke.  
Feyd-Rautha is all jet blacks and blood reds. His eyes hold daggers, impaling anyone who dares to look into them. You can not fathom why Paul, the one who promised a paradise and an end to the Harkonnen oppression would do such a thing. You never thought him holy, you didn't consider him cruel either. 
Paul hands over the spice trade to Feyd. He speaks of concentrated zones away from life. Somewhere deep and forgotten. He says "virtuous" as if it's a sermon only he can comprehend. "We need the funds, we need to rebuild, to fight. The spice is valuable and it will not hinder the awakening of Dune. My cousin will oversee its harvest and trade. The finances will be brought back to Arrakis, back to the Freman."
Maybe it's sorrow, a slithering nuance that won't leave. Maybe it's guilt twice folded and misplaced. Desperation for a kinsmanship
with a family, he had thought all lost. The way he looks at Feyd speaks of hope and trust and everything else a little boy feels when he's dragging his friend by the hand through a forest made of splendor and ideation. But Paul isn't a little boy anymore and Feyd has never been naught save a killer. And you, you can't help but notice how the Muad'dib begins to lose his golden hue. 
The Sietch is cavernous, domed ceiling that expands into the rocks and sandy tiles that stretch as far as the eye can see. Unaltered spice particles dance in the gentle filtered rays of the sun. It feels like home. Like freedom and paradise and everything else those two men had stripped you of. Your body slumps by one of the etched walls. Awaiting your fellow Freman to find you. 
There is a stiffness in the Freman, an elegance that must be mastered. You'd once thought it inherited, a mere bone structure passed on from mother to child. You're not so sure anymore. The stiffness reverberates off the Sietch walls, it's obvious now that it's never been about straight spines and high-held heads. It's the ideals, the loyalties that Fremen carve into their souls. Sooner or later someone will inform the king of where his darling hides. 
All of Arrakis knows who you belong to. 
One of the older women tunnels water down your throat, she cradles your head and shushes you when you try to speak. She spills advice, motherly advice, into your veins. Telling you of how blessed you are to be chosen by the Lisan Al Gaib and his blood. Her embrace is a vice, coddling suffocating and not at all unpleasant. There is a sleek comfort between the witherd silk of her chador. It heartens fatigue residing stubbornly between your bones. It causes your eyes to fade and your mind to race. You forgot the terrors that lay outside, the advancing menace carrying crystalknifes and a voice that shakes worlds. Darkness beckons, a welcomed change. For the first time in months, you feel safe...
You are still a Freman, born of sand and spice. There is a future somewhere with palm trees and rosa persica. You intend to find it, to hold it between your hands running tired fingers over soft cloud-light edges. Arrakis has stood for longer than most planets have existed. You refuse to abandon its fate to a spice addict and a manic.
It's obvious, isn't it?
Maybe it always was...
Arrakeen palace is shaped like a heart, something eternal ungraved. It was young when you first marched through its grand gates. It had felt no less threatening than the sandworms beneath your feet. The spice that flew through the halls was suffocating, a distant, permutated relative of the elixir that had raised you. 
Paul's chancery is something empty, a cut out of Kaahgel masquerading as a citadel of dominance and perspicuity. It, much like the rest of the palace is novice and new. Paul sits in an awkwardly placed plush parlor chair, one retrieved from Caladan no doubt. He squirms in his seat as if his body has too many angles to fit properly in the rounded chair. He's far too accustomed to soft sands and jagged boulders. To sitting cross-legged on something loose and malleable. This luxury is unwelcomed, uncomfortable. You only notice Feyd when his demonic eyes suddenly land on you. He's languidly draped on the carpeted floor. His back half propped up by a quarter-painted wall. He's feeding slices of fruit into his mouth, savering the nick of the knife along his tongue. 
They look so innocent. Sinless, carless little boys playing in a sanctuary fort. Hiding from life and its crushing expectations.
Paul follows his cousin's gaze, he's out of his seat and across the room before you have time to knock. You note the blackness under Paul's eyes, how the synthetic blue feels distant and sunken. Almost as if they're looking at you from meters inside a cave. He's wandering through the twilight of exhaustion. Paradying awakeness like a lost bat caught in the afternoon sun. He's only surviving on artificial energy from the spice he so readily consumes. 
There is an exhilarating lilt in the timber of his voice. A galvanization in the way your name spills from between his lips. "What brings you here?" Paul's fingers dance across your shoulders, gripping them as one does their favorite toy. His eyes hold a fragile reverence, something unstable, denating with the slightest breath. "Lord Usul..." you begin, eyes bouncing between the sandy beiges of the walls. "You don't need to be so formal. Just say my name, like the first time we met." His nails start to dig into your arms, a jovian strength only a divine may possess. You don't remember leaving a deep impression. 
"Paul, I-I need to talk to you about..." Your vision cuts to Feyd, a hidden flare penetrates his legs, you don't dare look the Harkonnen in the eyes. He's far too feral for such raw exhibitions of hate. Yet you want him to feel your abhorrence, your detest. Paul understands, he knows what you're going to say before you've even finished rehearsing in your head. "Feyd doesn't mind, you can talk freely in his presence, I promise you, he won't bite." You swallow the need to argue, to protest, he bites, he definitely bites, and lacerates and kills...
It's easy to fall between the crevices of his voice, to allow the gentle nudges to sway your decisions for you. You wonder if the words coming from your mouth are even truly your own. They had sounded so absolute in your head. So firm. Now they sound dented, feeble, like a child begging to remain awake. You tell the king of how you disapprove of the spice trade, that it should be ceased. Its termination can only benefit the war, hindering the galactical navigation of your enemies. Paul listens with a distracted sort of attendance. His eyes melt into you, tracing your features with a delicate precision. You feel like a map, laid bare, feeding him information. Information he ignores, opting to busy himself with tracing continents and oceans. "Paul please listen" you beg. "Please". You notice an ignited flicker in his eyes, snapping him out of his lucid trance. "You know, since you feel so strongly about...everything. Maybe, maybe you should stay here. With us. Be the queen or duchess or whatever. You can help us rebuild. You can-" 
"What?" Your body jerks back, his fingers don't leave your forearms, pulling you back, closer. "Lord Usual...Paul...what are-" Something slithers between your bones, your skin, your muscles. Pushing past the cracks and sliding inside you. His mind grasps yours, echoing his desire, mapping out its constellation between your crux. 
Paul feels in blues, blues that make up the nuance between worlds. 
The ocean behind the largest dune
The lake beneath the greatest mountain.
The lamination of spice over one's eyes. 
It somehow ends with you. Covered in a color that mimics ambitions and dreams and something practically attainable. 
You feel him reach out, pushing you back into the physical world. Away from the luminous tints and flickering landscapes. 
"I'm saying that everything I do reminds me of you. It's hard not to dedicate every single breath to your memory." Paul's eyes are blown wide, there's a lament carved into his voice. He's pleading, desperate, like trying to chisel rock with a pebble. You don't like where this is going, don't like the mania, the love that's painted so vividly on his face. Your stomach churns, false ecstasy pumping in agonizing doses. This is wrong, you shouldn't feel flattered, gleeful. This isn't a miracle or a blessing. It's a curse, you know this, you have to run to escape. But something in you freezes, a sickly silver of devotion, of habit, a tradition force-fed into your soul keeps your legs stiff and still. 
Devotion is such a slippery thing. Always so close to suffocating. Sometimes all it's good for is a knife that kills. Just a grain of salt in a pulsing wound. 
Your eyes flicker across the room, trying to look at something, anything but him, anything but the Muad'dib who could make you grovel at his feet like a doll without even opening his mouth. It's only in your frantic search for an affix point, that you notice the beast is missing. His dominion left empty. You feel a chill in the room. Something stalking closer, something lethal and rogue. You scream shriveling into Paul's arms as someone grips your waist from behind, encaging you. "You were right cousin, she's as beautiful as you described...and as brave." Your breath hitches, he's touching you. Your body twitches as a cold sweat breaks. "Paul" you plead looking up into his electric blue eyes. He only smiles, contorting his features into something they're not, something soft and arrogant. You see triumph shimmer through his mind. He's won a game you didn't know you were playing. Crowned victor by fate and circumstance and...
and prophecy.
Paul cradles your cheek in his hand, tilting your head up to look at you. 
 "The first time I set eyes upon you, I knew you were the girl in my dreams. The desert rose beckoning me to Arrakis, to Dune. Don't you see, we've been bound by fate?" 
Feyd slowly licks the shell of your ear, he hums in satisfaction, an action you didn't know could be laced with so much malice. He murmurs something into your jugular, something too violent to decode. 
Please no. 
It's easier to love than to be loved. 
There's a jolt that rings you awake, something violent crawling under your skin. You feel it before you witness it, witness the cold and loneliness not viable in the desert temples. 
The halls scream in silence, 
Hollow, employed out. 
"Hello?" The eerie reverberation of your words leaves you shivering. Scraping along the walls, tumbling into doorless rooms trying to find someone, anyone. You can't remember the last time you'd been alone. 
Utterly alone.
You didn't notice it at first. Didn't notice the unnatural stillness and the deafening silence. there is no life here, but it takes a practically mangled corpse for you to look down at the floor. 
There's blood on the Sietch floor, red and thick and sacrilegious. 
You thought you had run far enough, fast enough. You thought you had escaped. You turn and you run, back from that which you came, feet thundering across the sand-dusted floor. You don't know where you're going, why even run? Helplessness swells inside you, coiling in intricate knots. Only to snap violently when you cross the third threshold. 
The corpses lie at his feet. your frenzied brain tries to count them, only going up to eight before it forgets what comes after. There is more, more bodies, more blood...more bones? But you can't focus on anything else except the glabrous man standing over them, knife pointed downwards, dripping into an endless sea of red. 
Your father used to tell you tales of rivers made of blood. Of mad men claiming divine crusades as they fed bodies into the endless stream. 
You never thought you'd witness it.
It shouldn't feel as conflicting as it does. 
"Darling..." Feyd's voice is gravel on gravel. Rough and coursed. It grinds against your skin reawakening every half-healed scar. 
"no, dear maker, please no" Feyd's gaze rakes over you, lingering on every detail. Toying and probing, much like a predator sizing up its frightened prey. "I missed you" his voice is purely threatening, mocking, he wants you back, needs you back. You can't be forgiven for this deliberate offense.
You try to bolt passed him, it's like a gallon of adrenaline has been shot straight into your chest. There's a scream in the air, you're not sure who it belongs to. you make it to the hallway leading to the contraction arena. Where the bearers of the water of life are nursed. You can see the stone-carved stairs and someone sitting there...
The ground slips beneath your feet, the red liquid having leaked under your soles. In the next breath, you're plunging into redness, shrouded and engulfed and bathed in the blood of your own kind. It feels warm and safe and disgusting. Like watching the stars of your favorite constellation collapse within themselves. It's a destructive kind of comfort, one that only ends in pain and bruises and fractured bones in places you can never wholly identify.
You're drowning, 
the more you thrash the harder it gets to stand. 
You feel the blood entangling you, weaving around your body like a net. 
and then like a shadow, he's over you. 
Looming with the promise of pain, of the misery of the savagery only he can offer.
"Feyd..." his name is razorblades upon your tongue. Your eyes catch his, distant voids colliding. Since when did you start looking into his eyes? When did the torture become worth it? His fingers ensnare your jaw, pushing cheeks and bones together. Feyd straddles your body, knees splashing into the blood. He tugs your head forward violently, before pounding it onto the floor. You moan out in pain a mangled, distorted noise. He only chuckles. Before repeating the motion. "You ran from us, you left us. I should kill you here and now. Bleed you out with the rest of these traitors!" it's hard not to notice the pain his voice harbors, odd how even a monster like Feyd can have his feelings hurt. He lifts his knife, wrapping both hands around the handle before plunging it into your abdomen. You choke, on a shriveled scream or a throat filled with blood you do not know. The colors are dulling and pulsating, somehow too dark and too bright at the same time. Everything feels like it's made of flowing water. Precious streaming water. You can feel the throbbing at the back of your skull, you feel the giddy patter of your heart, and the nervous ticks of your hips under Feyd. 
Has he always been so beautiful?
Your body feels so hot and your mind feels so distant. 
Everything feeds into his endless beauty. 
Why are your lips pulsing? 
your teeth sink in, trying to still the need to kiss. 
"What's wrong princess, trying to play innocent? I know your tricks."
Feyd traces your lips with his. Fingers snake into your hair, pulling at odd intervals. "my sweet stupid little girl" he whispers, a curse and a blessing. He sucks on your bottom lip biting it harshly. Slipping his tongue between your teeth. His kiss is possessive, and swallowing. You feel yourself sinking deeper, wanting him to consume you whole. When he pulls back you feel like you can't breathe, you only existed within his kiss. It's the last thing binding you to this world. 
But then his head dips down. Leaving open-mouthed kisses upon the gushing injury. Feyd drinks deeply from your open wound, ravaging the blood and pushing in silver of a forgotten moonlight. The way his tongue laps at the gaping hole and torn ligament sends a shutter up your spin. When he lifts his head again you watch mesmerized by the way your essence drips from his lips. He kisses you again ferocious and deep and all conusiming. 
You feel so lost and so found.
Grounded and afloat. 
It's only when a scream, a familiar one, in a distance distorted sort of way, rings across the hall that you start to pull away. You push yourself up, palms slipping on the liquid life. From behind Feyd, you notice a man and a women. Young, scared. There is revulse in their blue eyes, yet you can't navigate its direction. You're sure if you weren't bleeding out you could identify them, you're sure you knew them in this lifetime. You hear the blood gushing, hear the crisp whistle of the blade as it slices through flesh. 
Only then does the alluring migraine sober. The metallic tang of blood wafting through the air makes you sick. It's odd how the repugnant scent had alluded you until now.  Even if you'd been lying right in it. You wonder if such a scent would bother them. You doubt it, they tend to revel in the red glory and its hypnotizing associations. 
"Took you long enough, cousin" Feyd's head is turned watching as Paul steps past the corpses. His eyes are vibrant, a sapphire blue that cuts through time and space. He kneels next to you, gaze devouring you in your pitiful state. "why did you run?" he is cold, hurt. His blue eyes betray a degree of relief hidden by a defrauding glower. "I-we love you, you mean everything to us." You look away too exhausted to put up an argument. "I missed being home." You mumble. You swore for a minute something akin to comprehension ripples through the air. You're too delusional to believe in anything solid anymore. But maybe Paul understands, maybe he yearns for the desert too. Maybe he'll go easy on you...
Paul's fingers glide across your stomach, scattering the dust particles that have landed on your still form. The light from the high windows glimmers off the three of you painting something holy, something right, in another world, in another lifetime. When he sees the wound Feyd created he chuckles. " Stars Feyd, at least try to keep her alive." Paul's nails gently rack across the torn ligament, idly playing with the loose skin. Feyd laughs deep and psychotic -is it wrong to say you missed it?- "I couldn't help myself, you should have seen her. Eyes blown wide covered in blood. Stars I just want-" you interrupt him with a low moan. Paul rubs his calloused thumb over your wound, soothing the cut before he presses down. Hard.  
 when he hears the moan he presses harder. Making you wither and hiss. "This is a punishment, (y/n), you're not supposed to be enjoying it." His fingers slither into the open wound, stretching out the ligament " You jolt and holler and cry, begging him to stop. "You're my oasis, the only thing I love in this world. But you ran. YOU LEFT US." His words glitch and crack, the voice shining through penetrating you with a knife seeped in guilt. "I'm sorry." you choke out, only to be rewarded by another harsh cut from Feyd's knife. "I'm the daughter of the desert..." you protest, tears slipping past your hooded eyes. "You're our lover" Feyd barks defensively, aggravated. When the tears begin to leak the pain stops. "Don't waste your water" Paul mutters, wiping away a tear and sucking it between his lips savoring your delicate taste. 
Paul cradles your bleeding head in his lap, lowering his to kiss your crimson-soaked lips, "I love you" he mumbles against you, trying to press the core of his words into you. Making you feel him, making you believe. Feyd tucks your hair out of your face. Slowly pulling you up by your shoulders. The thin smile he offers is such a rare sight it makes your heart explode.
Why did you run away?
Why did you leave the ones you love most?
Your heart is laying on a bed of nails.
Somehow that feels fitting. 
Feyd pulls off the top of his stillsuit, discarding the armor-like pieces. Slowly he lays in the gore, he pulls you over him. His motions slow, mesmeric. You follow just another wave trapped in the current. You're so torn and hurt, broken in ways that can never properly heal. You let it happen, it's easier this way. Slowly he licks his blade clean of your blood, he grabs your wrist places the hilt in your hands, and tucks your fingers over it. "Hold on tight," he advises as he draws your hand back and brings the knife down between his defined muscles. The moan he lets out is profane, it makes you feel euphoric, filled to the brim with the merriment of guilt. Feyd kisses you again, his tongue pushes past your teeth, his conquest of you feels Harkonnen in every way. His tongue down your throat feels like a heavenly bliss. From behind Paul breaks the back of your stillsuit, he licks a strip up and down your spine. You moan into the kiss with Feyd. Slowly Paul starts to whisper firefly kisses into each vertebrae. Sucking melodies into the frail bones. His teeth snick between the cartilage, all scorpion stings, and cobra bites. It feels so right.
Feyd is a cannibalistic star, relishing in the way your wounds bleed into his. He feeds off your pain, feeds off the pain you grant. He's delusional with a cosmic kind of lust. Pulling celestials from their homes to burn into his own body. He loves you, loves how you penetrate him with a knife clad in anathema and adherence too turbulent to understand. 
Paul is, in many ways Feyd's opposite and in many others his equal. The quintessence of the path to hell being paved with good intentions. His kisses are the desert's curse and it's love. He's an entire solar system revolving around the only two people he has left to love. 
Slowly the world grows dark. You feel it hard to remain awake. "Sweet dreams princess" you hear Paul whisper as Feyd shuffles under you. You fall into his expecting arms. Safe and strong. The day has been so long and bootless. so tiring. so vexing. 
Yet somehow, in the endlessness of the moment, it matters all so little. Paul is here and he can hang the stars upon the night sky. Feyd is here and he can slaughter the universe and call it entertainment. You are safe with them, safe and happy and satisfied. 
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ngl this is the longest tag list I've ever gotten. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!💜💜 Let me know if you want to be added to future taglists
@deertaur , @fragileheartbeats , @yandere-romanticaa , @galaxyquirks , @feedmestraycats , @peachysunrize , @slytherinholland , @missbeeentertainment , @moonchild-artemisdaughter , @shiranai-atsune , @therealoutereffect , @frenchgirlinlondon , @purplefrogella , @yzuposts , @whiteoakoak , @abundance-of-fic-reblogs , @pomtherine , @goldenatreides , @sorianis , @howibecameabadassbitch , @sansaorgana
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residenthughes · 7 months
slow sundays - mat barzal
pairing: mat barzal x gender neutral reader
word count: 1k
tags/warnings: fluff, domestic fluff, no mention of y/n
summary: any day spent with barzal is always good, especially sundays.
notes: a little something i wrote when i should have been sleeping, oops! may write a longer version, may not but i'll definitely write up something else longer for barzy, as well as some other fics that i've started and am very excited to share, hehe! as always, hope this finds u well and that you enjoy this small ball of fluff. much love! <3
oh! forgot to mention, this post is inspired by this post by @novelbear! they spoil tumblr rotten with such adorable prompts! :)
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Sundays are your favourite days of the week. The normal anxieties that creep in from a long lived weekend cease to exist in your timeline, a day defined by slow sweetness and sacred serenity. This year you’ve really lucked out with said day, most of Mat’s games scheduled another time and on the off chance he has practice, it’s before you can even pry yourself from the comfort of your cloud-like mattress. This is one of those Sundays, where you’re tucked away in citrus scented sheets, fast asleep as Mat presses a tender kiss on the bridge of your nose before he goes off to do what he does best, leaving you to emerge from your cocoon whenever you please.
You decide shortly after Mat departs to desert the covers, arranging them neatly with a sleepy pout set onto your puffy lips before starting your share of morning chores. Amidst the array of bits and bobs you cater to around your cosy home, you cook up a breakfast built for two - piping hot and ready to eat by the time Mat’s car pulls up the driveway. 
You drape your arms lazily around his nape, beaming a lovesick grin as you peck your long-time lover. “Good practice?”
“Great practice,” he breathes against you, minty fresh with the faint waft of his accompanying cologne. His strong arms pull you impossibly closer, your body snug in his embrace. “But I’ve got better things waiting for me right here.”
His large hands cup a handful of your butt, giving it a cheeky squeeze that involuntarily makes you jump against him, your cheeks crimsoning. “And to think, that’s the thanks I get for making us breakfast.”
Mat releases his grip as you back away, disbelief washing all over his sculpted features as he gives you a cocked eyebrow and a petty laugh. “Says the one who-”
Your hand comes up, an index finger raised. “Don’t finish that sentence.”
Wordlessly, Mat holds his hands up in surrender, brazen-faced as you send him an eye-roll with crossed arms. Despite the circumstances, your hands find the top of his zipper, opening up his coat before you hang it up near the door in perfect routine. The selfless action still warrants one of your favourite kisses from your boyfriend, kisses from side-to-side - a kiss on the cheek, nose and cheek again. A simple action but one that robs you of all oxygen, a lightness in your limbs and a tingle down your spine. You soon turn around with Mat trailing not far behind as you venture back to your spacious kitchen, settling at the quaint table for two - a single vase rose separating your plates packed with all your breakfast favourites.
Before you have the chance to take your seat at your baby blue painted table, Mat comes up from behind you, cradling you in his sugary embrace as he plants a delicate kiss against your temple, your heart overflowing with the magic of your slow Sundays together. “How’d I get so lucky?”
You hum blissfully, a hand delicate against his stubble-ridden cheek as you simply exist together, limbs tangled as you savour the moment like sand slipping through your fingertips. A quick kiss against Mat’s prickly cheek puts a pause on the moment, your grin giddy as your hand takes Mat’s as you direct him to sit, which he does - no questions asked, fuschia dusted upon the apples of his cheeks.
You fall into perfect routine, your brunch a show that consists of all your favourites: Mat’s cutlery glimmering in the soft rays pouring into the windowed kitchen as he cuts his food, ceremoniously offering you the first bite of his food with the same smitten closed mouth smile that he had the first day he met you. Happily, you accept his generous offer and take a bite, beaming with full rosy cheeks as he swipes the crumbs with such an earnest shimmer in his eyes that it makes your heart squeeze with joy.
Your brunch continues in similar fashion, two enamoured partners basking in the company of another as you bond over a hearty plate of food, time lost in endless dialogues and timeless ‘I love you’s. When there’s nothing but crumbs speckled across your ceramic plates, Mat shoos you away before you can get a protest in, you resorting to sulking on the edge of couch as the sounds of plates clinking together competes with the noise coming from the TV. 
When everything’s said and done, the washing up dried and packed away, Mat shuffles into the lounge, falling into the couch with a grunt as he positions himself as close to you as possible. You can never bring yourself to mind, head falling to his broad shoulder once he’s propped his feet against the hickory coffee table with his arm circling your shoulders. Another kiss atop your head tells you he’s settled and you melt into his side, no objections sounding from your long-time boyfriend as reruns of 'The Bachelor' blare from the TV. If anything, Mat immerses just as much as you. Well, as much as the slightly fatigue man can as his fingers absently fiddle with locks of your hair, the gesture a lullaby that aids your sudden drowsiness that links hands with the warmth emitting from Mat’s body that always fits against yours like a puzzle piece.
Before you’re able to drift away into a shallow slumber, a slumber you both shall share prior to your simple plans for the day, Mat’s sleep-laced voice calls out to you. 
“Waking up next to you is the best part of my day.”
And you chuckle softly because of the simple fact you know this to be true - evidenced in the way affirmations of love fall so easily from his lips, in the way he never allows you to walk near any busy roads and buys you flowers just because. And, best of all, when your precious Sunday comes and goes, your Monday view consists of your beautiful boyfriend as you reverse out of your driveway, a sleepy smile mellowed into his features as he sees you off, hollering one and the same line wishing you a great day at work, which is nothing but granted if you’ve got him by your side. 
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m1d-45 · 3 months
a break in routine
summary: wishing for sethos and alhaitham, sagau edition
word count: 2.7k
warnings: minor spoilers for alhaitham story quest, minor spoilers for alhaitham/kaveh lore, author knows nothing about sethos, obvious favoritism is obvious
-> gn reader (you/yours) and unspecified travelled (they/them)
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yuus3n || @esthelily || @turningfrogsgay || @cupandtea24 || @genshin-impacts-me || @chaoticfivesworld || @raaawwwr || @ryuryuryuyurboat || @undrxtxd || @rainswept || @wanderersqt || @rozz-eokkk
< masterlist >
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it was an ordinary day in sumeru city.
the streams bubbled across water-worn rocks, dusk birds flew lazily through the skies. shroomboars wandered from field to field, and scholars studied their craft. workers honed their trade, merchants sold their goods, and all was normal for the average citizen.
for two certain vision wielders, however, the sun high above seemed to taunt them. it, and the large clouds drifting by, hid the stars from view. there was no way to watch the constellations shift across the sky, to try and pinpoint the moment where the existing ones fell and new ones rose in their place.
but they had jobs to do. they couldn’t afford to be so distracted. so they breathed, forced their hands from their vision, and took another step forward.
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in the desert, anxious feet paced around camp, the crackling fire lighting up the tents as the sun slowly sank toward the horizon. the sand had yet to start cooling, but there was a blessedly strong wind blowing through. not enough to be worried about, but enough to wick away sweat, making such repetitive movement bearable.
he couldn’t help it, really. in all his time with his vision, sethos had never once seen his constellation in the sky. he never expected to, having never met you in person, but tonight was different. tonight, gourd and god were falling from the skies, and his heart raced. static electricity had clung to his skin all week, shocking anyone who tried to touch him if he didn’t let it discharge through his vision first. it had become habit to tap the frame before trying to touch anyone else, but the symptoms weren’t the source of his concern. what was important was the source. he wanted to know the reason why his eyes seemed to be attached to the heavens above, the reason for his unnatural restlessness and the irritating feeling that he was waiting for something but being unable to determine what.
a skim of local chatter and a run-in with a rtawahist scholar had mostly answered his questions. he’d never heard of the stars shifting being such a personal experience for vision-wielders, but even the scribe was in a strange mood lately. if he was affected, level-headed and known for his cold logic, then it made sense that sethos couldn’t seem to sit still, right? right. it had to be.
he looked up again, lifting a hand to shield his eyes from the last of the sun’s rays. the clouds were moving unnaturally quickly, clearing the way for the first stars to shine through. it still wasn’t quick enough.
he dropped his hand and head, huffing a sigh and continuing his patrol around camp. it was too tight to be of much use, but his mind was wandering enough for his body. the scraps that he remembered from the scholar were looping in his head, over and over with every beat of his feet on the sand and his heart in his chest.
the name that had popped into his head when he received his vision. its meaning, decrypted using books older than the archons. the thin lines of electro shining through the gold casing. an hourglass, forever bleeding sand, a clock forever counting down to some event.
an event that was rapidly drawing closer. something that prickled beneath his skin and stole his breath, something that he couldn’t prove but couldn’t ignore. the few clouds were clearing, letting him see the stars above. they didn’t mean anything to him—he could pick out the wayfinding stars with ease, the tail of the lesser lion and the ear of the hare guiding his travels, but everything else was nonsense. rtawahist dedicated itself to documenting everyone every constellation that rose and fell, but he didn’t even know how to pick them out. he’d pulled up his vision at some point, tracing the seal of the temple with his thumb like it would help him find what he was searching for.
he didn’t see the first star fall. all he saw was a flurry of shooting stars, each shining a bright blue. one was violet, his hand tensing around his vision at the sight.
that annoyed him. he searched himself for a reason as to why—you had cast down stars into the city before, so why did it hurt now? he was uneasy, dragging his eyes away from the sky in favor of easier motions. he didn’t understand the sky, but he understood his camp. he knew the tents he walked around, knew the dunes he searched for scorpions, and that was enough. he didn’t need to understand anything more than this, no matter how much he might want to. he was just sethos, and that was okay.
for the rest of the night, he paced with a vendetta. he wrapped his vision in cloth to keep his hand from seeking it out, pacing the same loop around and around. tent, rock, different tent, different rock. occasionally he would see the shimmer of something too blue to be a regular sky, but he always turned away. he didn’t need more distractions.
it took him until dawn to realize that the lines of his constellation were sparking with electro.
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in the city, the grand scribe had long since readjusted to his old position. his routine was strict and with no room for error, his feet guiding him out the front doors the moment the bells rang. anything happening before his shift wasn’t his problem, and anything that happened after for someone else to deal with. he knew this regiment well, and had long-since familiarized himself with the routines of those around him. it made things easier.
kaveh returned to the city just after dusk, when all the usable light had fallen from the sky. tighnari was never away from gandharva ville after dark. cyno could be a wildcard, but even he stuck to a (loose) curfew. when he didn’t, he often had good reason.
this system worked well for alhaitham. he knew where everyone was with some non-zero degree of certainty, and if he couldn’t find them then he knew who to ask. there was always variability in human behavior, but with enough back-up plans this could be easily accounted for. some required more than others, some none at all, and some…
some liked to disobey all of his observed trends for little apparent reason.
he pushed through the front doors of the akedemiya, seeing the usual crowd of scholars. some were preparing to leave, others had just returned, and he didn’t care about either group. straight ahead, standing beside the railing, was kaveh.
he wasn’t waiting for him, or else he’d have turned around by now. he was dressed in formal wear, stitched together scarves draped over his shoulders like a cape. he lowered the sound dampening on his headphones as he approached, chatter and windsong filtered out. kaveh was standing with his hands on the railing—not currently acting as a vessel, but still under some sort of control. that’s the only reason he dressed up like this.
red eyes found his, then looked away with a smile. hm.
alhaitham had asked the traveller more than his fair share of questions about divine possession. he’d only experienced it once before, when investigating siraj, but rumors had carried much more details than what he’d experienced. realms of stars and invisible floors, even varying levels of presence and control, which he hadn’t thought possible. sure, the distance between your world and teyvat was likely farther than he could comprehend, but why would you be able to specify exactly how someone moved one moment and then be a mere spectator the next?
the traveller, expectedly, had little to share. what could they know of a god’s motivations? all alhaitham could do was speculate, blindly waiting for something to change and give him more information.
it was somewhat unnerving, seeing kaveh like this. it was always obvious when a vessel was being inhabited, but they were typically doing something. they never stood still for long. shopping, talking, fighting, anything was preferable to… this. kaveh was an explosive who’s fuse was far too delayed, leaving him on edge. he was still breathing, so it wasn’t as if alhaitham had been pulled into some other dimension. he’d heard from tighnari how disorienting it could be being pulled into the sky—a “banner,” he’d called it, though he didn’t say why—for the first time, and was thankful it didn’t seem like that had happened. then again, kaveh was also clearly under your control….
…for the first time in a confusingly long while—when had the sky turned dark?—alhaitham tore his eyes from kaveh’s, looking around. everyone had left.
no scholars chatted about their problems. no guards stood by the door. no birds chirped in the trees, not even when he removed his headphones entirely. the clouds had frozen in the sky. no breeze disturbed his skin, not even slightly. it was as if he and kaveh were in a private bubble of time, frozen in place.
“just wait.”
he looked back. kaveh had snapped out of his trance, evidently, his hands shaking from the force with which he gripped the railing. alhaitham put his hand on his back to steady him, not missing the feverish heat to his skin.
“are you okay?” he asked cautiously, trying to match what he was seeing to what little knowledge he had on hand. his heart was racing, trembling as if the non-existent wind could blow him over at any second.
“it’s… been a while.”
“…” was that possible? sure, the first time had certainly rattled him for a few days, but he’d assumed that it got easier with time. then again, even the traveller needed a few seconds to adapt whenever you left, and it wasn’t as if alhaitham knew everything about being a vessel. a few trial runs in a few chance domains didn’t make him an authority.
he set that aside for now. “what are we waiting for?”
kaveh waved a hand up, towards the sky. “wait.”
he looked up, searching the gaps between the rapidly clearing clouds. they didn’t drift away, instead turning more and more transparent, letting him see the shapes beneath. his heart twisted as he recognized his own, a bird drawn out in barely-there lines of green so thin he wasn’t even sure if they were real. he’d always had strong elemental sight; was that it?
he waits. eventually, nine random stars light up blue, shining brightly before burning out. one glows purple, growing larger and lingering for a little longer.
a starshower. kaveh had been brought here as witness to the stars falling, and alhaitham had probably just been caught in the bubble of time around him. he inches a little closer to him at the thought, selfishly wanting to watch.
another batch lit up, and the purple one fell out of the sky. it dropped over the south-eastern horizon, likely landing in inazuma. another, north towards mondstadt.
another. the blue paled in comparison to the bright light from his constellation, the six stars flashing in turn. lines of gold shot along his vulture’s silhouette, the light coalesced into one single star. it was a pinpoint that rapidly blossomed and grew, overtaking the stars around it. he could feel his heart begin to race, watching and hoping as it drew closer and closer.
he didn’t know what this meant. he didn’t know the difference between blue and purple and gold, he didn’t know if there was a significance to his constellation shining, but he wanted it. he couldn’t understand what it was, couldn’t rationalize a reason to, but he wanted that star. it was his, and he’d fight to get it.
it was easier than that. he didn’t have to do anything but watch as the light grew and grew until it enveloped his whole person, striking all the breath out of his chest.
so this was what it felt like. light danced across the surface of his skin, filling his vision with a mixture of green and gold. he could feel his heart beating in his chest, every pulse of blood pulling more energy into his soul. it wasn’t the same as the brief moments before, in the cave; to compare the two would be like claiming a drop of water was the same as the sea itself, simply because both were blue. “disservice” didn’t begin to cover it.
he understood kaveh’s disorientation now. if he ever got used to the feelings of love and joy and pure adoration poured into him, he’s not sure he’d like whoever he became.
all at once, the world came back into place. the wind wicked what he belatedly realized were tears from his face, birds and insects too loud to be comfortable. he’d grabbed onto kaveh’s shoulder at some point, which he now released.
he coughed, finding it unusually hard to breathe. “apologies. let’s leave.”
kaveh laughed, dramatically hooking his arm around his shoulders. to any bystander, it might have just looked like he had zoned out for a moment, but kaveh knew. kaveh was there in that private hollow of time, and was the only one here with him now, the only reason he could put one foot in front of the other.
the ramp down from the akedemiya was longer than he remembered, though the streets were appropriately empty. it was the one normal thing that had occurred in the past… however long he’d been trapped in time, and he clung to it as a lifeline.
kaveh is the one to unlock the door, both of them ducking inside. he sinks into the familiar couch, barely bothering with his boots or coat. his fingers slip on the clasp holding his vision to its chain, fumbling for far too long. he doesn’t blame himself.
it was largely the same as the last time he’d seen it. a pale gold frame wrapped around a shining green crystal, the sigil of dendro glowing within. but when he turned it over, the outline of a vulture shone brighter than before. dendro energy flowed freely, barely restrained by the glass. he didn’t consider his control over the elements to be weak by any means, but even a fool could see that something had changed. it was more than training, more than what could be achieved by practice alone. for the first time, the power lent to him by his god was his to keep.
“it looks like you owe me one,” kaveh jokes, holding out a thick mug. he isn’t usually one to drink coffee, but for now he makes an exception. it’s as bitter as it is dark, clearing some of the fog in his head.
“…why would i owe you anything?”
he smiles. it’s soft, genuine, and rare. “i may or may not have been told i was joining a team of ‘the grand scribe’s favorites.’ if i hadn’t been there, you might’ve missed it.”
that’s ridiculous. the idea that a mortal could have any leverage on where the divine cast their light was laughable at best and pathetic at worst. so why had he said it?
kaveh’s presence didn’t alter your actions, but it certainly changed his. normally he’d have gone straight home, entirely missing the time bubble caused by his presence. sure, arguably the star would have found its way to him all the same, but he would have missed the meteor shower.
“…fine. i’ll pay you back later.”
his words were stiff and he had to force them out of his mouth, but it didn’t matter.
kaveh laughed.
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coopersmilkshake · 4 months
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Million Dollar Man (Ghoul Cooper Howard x wasteland reader)
Part One of Million Dollar Man
Rating: Angst | Sexual Innuendos | Assault | Violence | Cursing | Torture | Fluff
Summary: A girl born of the wastelands finds an unlikely partnership in a man who still follows a shadow of himself… And though being in love was in your cards, it wasn’t in his. But you know what they say, you don’t know what you have lost until it’s gone.
You were raised in the wastelands.
Used to the scorching heat of the sun, the lack of water and the bitter chill of the night air, but you weren’t miserable because you had them, your family. Wonderful and chaotic as they were. They were your home and gave you a reason to wake up. They were there until one day… They weren’t. Taken from you by the cruelty of the desert lands, by men who wore metal with a fake code of honor.
And for the first time in your life… You were alone.
You trudged through the sands, dragging your feet, face fallen and life barely clinging to your hollow shell. You felt as lost as the tumbleweeds that rolled from the warm breeze.
You thought you would be on your own forever and then suddenly you weren’t.
You haven’t know him for long, Cooper Howard he called himself. His radiating red skin and puppy eyes that could do some damage if he stared long enough. You didn’t even think he liked your company, as unannounced in his life as you were.
“You… You saved me.” The words came out in a form of confusion and awe. Your shirt was ripped down your shoulder and blood dripped from your nose, “Why?”
“You told him no, that’s word alone is enough sweetheart.” He replied and then he was gone, walking out of town, his spurs clicking with every step.
You followed after him with no thought and only the clinging feeling of hope in someone that wasn’t as cruel as the dessert.
“Why you followin me?” He never looked back, you never even realized he knew you were following him. You thought you were being careful. Apparently not.
“You’re a bounty hunter.” You spoke, not slowing down in your pace.
“Do you have work for me then?” He stopped walking and turned to face you.
Heat rose to your cheeks, “No but—“
He raised his non existent eyebrow, “Look here sweetheart, you look about one short dime away from kickin the bucket.” He stated as a matter of fact, “Why don’t you go die somewhere else.”
“I… I want you to mentor me.” You spoke quickly, “I want to be a bounty hunter like you.”
He laughed at that, a forced and gruff one as he shook his head at the absurd idea, “No.”
“Please—“ You pleaded, “I’m not a child. I can hold my own weight. And I’m good at scavenging for things. I can be useful to you.”
He cut you off with a scoff, “You’d do better as someone’s pretty wife. Now scram.”
“But—” You pulled out your last resort, “I have caps. You can have them all, please.” You held out a hefty bag of caps in his direction, “Please.” Your hope was dwindling but you refused to give up. You needed to learn how to be strong on your own and becoming a bounty hunter will help you do just that.
His defeated sigh gave you the answer that you needed.
And so never did scram, years later you were still clinging to him like a lost puppy. At least that was how he referred to you, a lost kicked puppy. A reckless and softhearted woman he spent most of his nights in bed with for the past three years.
“Your hat… Have you always had it?” You words were as soft as the low crackling of fire against the setting sun. You had stolen the cowboy’s hat hours ago and wore it proudly on your head. It was a feeling that you would take to your grave, but you thought wearing his precious hat meant that you belonged to him just as much as he belonged to you… You hoped at least.
Cooper grunted his answer, a short nod as he stoked the fire. You became a good bounty hunter with time, albeit a little clumsy and short sighted at most, you were a good shot and you watched his back. Something that he hasn’t had in over two hundred years.
You moved to sit in his lap in hopes to get his mind off of whatever he has be thinking about for the past hour, “It looks good on you.” That brought a smirk to his face, something that you inwardly congratulated yourself for, “But you would look good in anything… Or without.” You mumbled softly as you brushed your lips against his.
He pulled you closer by your waist and kissed you like a starving man in the dessert, something that he was very familiar with. As he kissed you, he took his hat back and placed it on his head.
You hummed happily as you pulled back from his intense kiss, “What are you thinking about cowboy?”
“Nothin you need to worry yourself with darlin.” He replied in the seductive drawl of his. It always had your knees shaking when he dropped his voice down a notch.
You hummed decided not to press him about it. He will tell you when he’s ready. Instead, you pressed light kisses all over his face, a perk that you have been able to get away with recently… Another win under your belt.
“Well, I have been doing some thinking recently.” You spoke lightly.
“That ain’t good.” He teased moving his lips to your neck.
“Oh hush.” You smacked his chest lightly causing him to grin.
“I’ve been thinking about your age and I think I figured it out.” You mused wrapping your arms around his neck and playing with the back of his collared shirt.
A soft chuckle left his lips as he pulled back and placed his hands on your hips, “Really now? And what did ya figure out darlin?”
“Your mannerisms gave it away over time.” You peered up at him with a smile, “You act tough and violent, but you weren’t raised that way.” You explained with a thoughtful look on your face, “It’s in your eyes really, they become soft when you think no one is watching you…” You held his cheek and gently traced his cheek bone with your thumb, “Your gentle and you still care about things, I would like to hope that would include me because you are all that I care about.” You chuckled as you moved your hands to the top button of his shirt, “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before until I met you all those years ago.”
You didn’t notice the way his head tilted down to hide his darkening expression, “But I am pretty confident in my deduction skills that you were here before the bombs. Before this place turned into a wasteland… I bet it was beautiful then with colors and life when there were such things as meadows…” You muttered as you traced your fingers lightly over the exposed skin on his chest. He didn’t speak up, but that was something you were used to. He was always the quiet one while you talked his ear off.
“Why I bet you were a million dollar man.” You joked with a lovesick smile, “But I hope one day that we could find a place like that to settle down.” You rant about the daydreams you’ve been having lately, “Maybe we could find and raise these birds I saw in a book about farms once… I think they were called chickens? I would love to live that life with you because I love you.” You giggled lightly in thought as you waited for him to speak, “But I’m right aren’t I? About your age?” You smiled waiting for him to join in on your little dreams.
You didn’t expect the rough shove that sent you crashing into the ground beside him. Your head had hit against one of the stones on the ground cause you to gasp in pain as you stared up at the stars confused and hurt. Had you gone too far? Did you offend him somehow?
“Coop?” Your head spun as you carefully looked towards him, “I… Didn’t… I’m sorry.”
“What are you doing?” He asked, his accent twinged with a hint of disgust.
You flinched at his harsh tone. You slowly sat up and rubbed rubbed the back of your head, “What?”
“You really thought it was a good idea to spill all that shit onto me?” He scoffed.
“I don’t understand? It was just a thought… We don’t have to raise chickens…” You spoke timidly wondering if he may have had a farm in his life before…
“It’s not about the damn chickens!” His voice boomed and you sucked in a breathe.
You felt lost, not sure where everything had went wrong. He was fine just a second ago, “Did I… Say something wrong? I know we haven’t verbally said I love you, but we’ve been together for so long, I just couldn’t help but say it because I—”
You yelped as he dragged you to him by the ankle. He was on you in an instant, hovering over you as he wrapped his large hands around your throat and squeezed. You couldn’t take your eyes off of the way he looked at you with such anger. You had seen this look before to others, but never you.
“You don’t love me sweetheart.” He sneered, “And I sure as hell don’t love you.”
Well that hurt… More than you cared to admit to yourself.
“But— I do love you—” You gasped out as you struggled in his grip, “I would do anything for you… and I know you love me too! You wouldn’t fuck me if you didn’t!”
His snarky laugh made your stomach turn with unease and dread, “Honey I’ve fucked a whole lotta women for less.” He tightened his grip around your throat with a sneer, “You don’t know me.”
You clawed at his wrists as he squeezed tighter, restricting you from air, “Loved— Three years— I kno— you.”
His voice grew darker as he spoke, “You really expect me to care for you sweetheart? Settle down with what… You? To live some fucking fairytale farm life with a bunch of chickens?”
“Y-yes?” Tears sprung to your eyes at his hurtful words, “I love you.” You gasped out again trying to convince him of your truth, “Cooper please—” But he wasn’t listening to you.
You felt yourself begin to fade and a red blearing flight began to set off in your brain as you kicked him as hard as you could.
That seemed to work as he fell off of you and you sat up gasping for air as tears streamed down your face. You didn’t get much of a chance to collect yourself before he was lunging at you again with a knife gripped firmly in his hand.
Your eyes widened as you turned and tried to move, struggling to get up. Your hands clawed at the sand to get away from him, but tripping over yourself did nothing to stop the knife tearing into your leg. Your scream echoed into the dessert as you curled up into yourself when you felt him hover over you. You didn’t know what stopped him from tearing into your neck like an unhinged ghoul. Maybe it was your scream, or the tears, or the way you shook in fear. Something made him stop, something that had him hover over you as his hot breath hid your skin. It was a silent pause before he spoke.
“I have spent two hundred years looking for my family…” He admitted to you for the first time, it made your heart stop beating in your chest, “For my wife… And not even you will keep me from that.” He muttered lowly and you could feel your entire world around you fall to pieces with him, “I did want to raise chicken once.”
You hated the way he laughed at the thought, it felt cruel.
“Live my life on a farm with my daughter… With her… Not you.” He pushed himself off of you, his back turned towards the fire.
That broke you.
There was a pause that made you wish he would just end your misery now, kill you so you wouldn’t have to feel this pain any longer. You couldn’t bear the pain he was feeding you, you didn’t want to.
“You’re not her.” He spoke quietly with words that tore into your heart in two, worse than what the knife embedded in your skin had done, “And you never will be.”
You didn’t move as he got up and walked away. Your eyes just squeezed shut to avoid seeing the disgusted look he gave you earlier, a look that you never tho if he you would see on a man who you thought loved you as well... You felt… Empty. As if a part of you was ripped from your body and burned in front of your eyes. Everything you were breathed Cooper Howard and he didn’t even…
It was silent for the next hour except for the dying crackling of the fire and your sniffles as you cried. Blood flowed from your leg leaving you lightheaded with each passing minute and you knew he wouldn’t think to take care of it. Why would he? He was the one stabbed you… You never imagined that he would… Yes he was cruel and down right hideous to others, but never to you… Never like that. The feeling made you want to throw up. Your mama’s words echoed loudly in your ear like a bell. Never trust a shadow of a man.
You sat up slowly, flinching from the pain as you assessed your wound. Cooper was lying across from you, his back turned from you. He wasn’t moving and you were scared to make any more noise in case it would set him off. You took the collar of your shirt and bit down on it as you gripped the handle. You winced, groaning in pain as you swiftly tugged the knife out. It hurt, but not as much as your heart did as you struggled to clean and stitch up your wound on your own.
You had only ever tended to superficial wounds your siblings would get when they were alive, but never on yourself… Cooper always did that for you…
Your hands shook from the shocks of pain rippling through your body, but it was the last stitch that had your eyes rolling back as you hit the ground, darkness consuming your vision as you faded into a state nothing.
You never felt the faint feeling of a hand pressing gently against your leg.
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penguinlop · 1 year
Yandere Alhaitham x Reader
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/// Ignorance Is Bliss
You discover that your new love, Alhaitham, secretly keeps a detailed knowledge capsule about you.
cw: GN reader, spoilers for alhaitham’s lore and sumeru archon quests, yandere themes, stalking, manipulation, implied not-sfw
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Alhaitham knows better than anyone else that there's always a price to pay to enter the oasis of knowledge. 
Sanity is the ticket those desert sirens crave to check before you board. 
Enticing scrolls of information wrap around your waist and weary legs, dragging you toward the mirage of gilded wisdom. They dance around, heated faces burned from the whispers of sand. The glistening flow of cleansing texts and books containing forbidden, convoluted details tempts people's thirst. 
It's all for the enlightenment. An intoxicating euphoria of comprehension, to feel the ivory branches and leaves of Irminsul flood their senses. Perhaps it's the glory, that "aha!" moment people desire. They want to fatten their parched egos and satisfy that sinister appetite. They hunger to be better than everyone else by knowing and achieving more, by finding the Holy Grail first. 
Knowledge is the charmer; people are the sinful serpents. 
As with any personal research project for him, it started with discovering the topic of interest
Alhaitham prides himself on being a man with principles rooted in logic. Rationality is the key to clarity. Dreams are mere distractions. They are fanatical fantasies that the mind plays to taunt and deceive. The Sages endlessly speak of how emotions only get in the way of breaking the Samsara and reaching Nirvana. 
Perhaps the moon can only hope to achieve the greatness of the sun. 
That is why it was noon when he first laid eyes on you in the House of Daena.
You smelt of orange blossom.
How could he forget that contemplative look as you searched for yellowing books riddled with dust to pique your interest and aid your studies? It was nothing out of the ordinary, a common spectacle rather. As a fellow member of the Akademiya, you were simply another eager student to him.  
Holding onto such a meaningless encounter wouldn't be rational. He didn't even bother to gather information on you via the Akasha as a testament to his word. 
But one evening, as the lustrous moon wailed in its cage, Alhaitham found you near the beautiful Sanctuary of Surasthana. It was a clear night with a gentle breeze, the perfect time to  contemplate and relax amidst the choir of dusk birds. He was going up there to take a quick breather. There were too many annoying meetings he had to attend.  
With a telescope in hand and a notebook neatly laid on a stone bench nearby, you gazed at the glorious heavens. A faint fragrance of rose water clung to your skin. However, that's hardly what he noticed at the time. There it was again: that contemplative look. They say the scholars of the Akademiya hold the weight of Teyvat by carrying the burden of denying ignorance, the blistering desire to keep on learning. Some seek to know more and more, even as they meet their fated end. It's an addictive, maddening cycle of peeping into the elusive unknown and searching for answers. 
Yet you looked so peaceful. It was refreshing to see. 
Alhaitham couldn't help but reminisce about the words his grandmother left him with. 
"May my child Alhaitham lead a peaceful life." 
"Lovely, aren't they?" you whispered as tenderly as dancing Padisarahs when you noticed his form enter the Sanctuary's vicinity. "Many say the stars are mysterious, but I think they can be quite playful. Every day I unveil more. It's like they ask me to come and be with them" A simple glance nearly made him burn with curiosity. He suddenly felt parched. "I'm sorry if I startled you. I can often get carried away with my studies." You chuckled at the cunning man. Maybe he couldn't even hear you with his headphones on.  
Alhaitham crossed his arms and sighed. "It's fine. I should've known someone from the school of Rtawahist would be up here stargazing. I will be heading off then." Your telescope and blue robes were a telltale sign of your discipline; it was but a mere elementary-level deduction. 
"Are you sure you don't want to stay? I don't want you to feel like I am hogging the place." The fragrance of rose water came oh-so-slightly closer. It was too sweet and enticing. The pragmatic man couldn't help it. He discretely used his Akasha on you. 
After learning of your name and basic information, he came to the blatant conclusion that he needed to leave. Immediately. 
Once again, he thought of his grandmother. 
"You are such a smart child, but you must take care to have a clearer mind than others. You must understand that vain pursuits are but dust."
His mind was fogging up with too many eccentric yearnings. Aside from facts hastily gathered from the Akasha, he knew nothing about you. 
It needed to stay like that.
He nearly scoffed. What was this? That old tale of Layla and Majnun? The man who went insane from love. Give me a break. What use would itching love be to his aspirations? At best, this was but a fleeting attraction. It would go away eventually. 
"Look, I don't think either of us have any more time to waste." Alhaitham reviewed you once more before curtly turning around and walking away. "Now then, goodbye." 
He had made sure to study the contours of your face, your eye color, your height, your posture, how your clothes fit you, and, most of all, that scent of rose water. But, really, it was all to avoid you for future reference. Yes, understanding one's subject is critical. 
You raised your eyebrow as you saw his form grow smaller and smaller. Then, tilting your head up, you looked at the hypnotizing stars and deathly pale moon, trying to read your destiny and find the absolute truth. 
Before he could completely escape your view, you used your Akasha Terminal on him. Perhaps you were also too curious. Sumeru's ideals were fostered by you quite well.
Huh, so his name is Alhaitham…What a mysterious man.  
The art of coffee-making is a methodical process. 
Roast, ground, brew, and serve. 
It was akin to the process of learning that Alhaitham used: read, break down, reorganize, and question. 
Depending on the customer's order, it could be embellished with spices such as cardamom, cinnamon, or saffron. In some cases, sugar may be added. 
Alhaitham likes it dark and plain, an afternoon refreshment for the man on the go. While Puspa Café is a common place for social gatherings of people across all walks of life, ranging from lowlife sycophants to wishful merchants, he prefers to be alone. Solitude isn't as vexing as many claim. It allows him to think about his current ordeals. Moreover, it gives him time to read. 
That day, one problem had left him quite disturbed. 
The Dendro user has always been in-tune with his body. Ever since the brief confrontation that night, he had been physically and mentally agitated, with a fluctuating heartbeat, clammy hands, accelerated breathing, and racing thoughts. Coffee was a possible solution he believed could mitigate any troublesome symptoms. But, of course, in moderation. His roommate, Kaveh, could learn about the word moderation. 
Yet this afternoon's refreshment only made it worse.
There you were again. 
A ghastly deev haunting his every footstep. Spreading tendrils of nightmares across his skin to choke his throat, vivisecting his beating heart and rumbling mind to capture any essence of starry wisdom and pragmatic musings. 
Closing the book he was reading, he noticed the color of the coffee that spewed out of your brass dallah. It was so light. Just from the sight of it, he could taste the nauseating sweetness, too lightly roasted, with too much sugar, honey, and spice. Scoffing, he bets you even untraditionally added milk to lessen the bitter taste. Children are the only ones who dream in this nation, yet one quick look at you was enough to guess that you never truly grew up.
As if you wanted to solidify his observation, your eyes glowed and the corners of your lips curled up when you spotted him. You made your way over to his table and asked if he would like to join you with a spring in your step. 
Amidst the overpowering, bold scent of coffee clouding the café, he smelt it the moment you came closer.
Were your decisions rooted in spontaneity, or did you cycle through a collection of perfumes? He couldn't help but ponder the answer as you awaited his response. 
He adored the way you perked up at the sound of one word. A waitress quickly helped to arrange a larger table for you two. 
This was just a way to get more information out of you. Nothing more, nothing less. 
Yes, you could be of use to him. The third time's a charm, they say. 
You quickly got comfortable, too comfortable. "Would you like to share some baklava or maamoul cookies? They are quite delicious, though I can order something else for you if you don't like them. Be my guest!" With a slight, delicate movement of your hand, you gestured to the assortment of sweets laying on a brass tray. 
"No. I'm fine. Foods with such high levels of sugar only leave me restless at night. It's a nuisance to deal with while I'm trying to work. You should know better, too. Thank you, though." 
You awkwardly glanced away. "I see…Well, that's not a problem. The offer is always there if you change your mind." Looking down at your hands nestled in your lap, you maneuvered the dying conversation elsewhere and swiftly began to ask about his job as the Akademiya's Scribe. The dreamy gleam in your eyes never faded
He couldn't get enough. His illogical thirst was growing.
His flesh began to blaze with anticipation. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad to entertain this romantic fantasy for a bit. Things could be tested with you. He was never one to be enthralled with the concept of love. It was too frivolous and melodramatic, but he supposed studious scholars never limit their perspectives. 
"So, what's it like?" you chirped. 
Why must you question him? He wanted to know more about you, everything there was to know. No, he had to know in order to finally get this greedy parasite wishing to feast on every bit of you out of his mind. Such a visceral need was consuming every inch of his very being. All semblances of practicality were withering before his eyes. No amount of bitter coffee was enough to quench the anxiety that plagued his mind, nor his bouncing knees, as you persistently asked him about his work and Darshan of Haravatat. 
Of course. 
How could he be so ignorant? His approach was all wrong. 
Alhaitham graduated with top grades at the Akademiya; his professors commended him for quickly deciphering incredibly elaborate ancient runes and grasping unfathomably complex syntax and structure. 
You were like that. 
You were a puzzle waiting to be unveiled and exposed to him and him alone. The world has no need of getting to view such convoluted beauty. A rare individual you were, indeed. You managed to hold on to such childish ways of wanting to dream while still maintaining a mature air of unmatched wisdom in your research. 
Alhaitham began the next phase of his project. 
Studying the subject.  
He thanked his grandmother for the lessons she taught him. All he had to do was clear his mind, and the path to wisdom was unfolding. 
None of it was wrong. 
No sane student at the Akademiya would ever take their exam blindly or be unprepared for a debate. Comprehension and studying are critical components to achieving success. So why set yourself up for failure? 
Before asking if you would reciprocate his feelings, he had to know first. So many calculated scenarios were emerging through his mind as he thought of what would happen if he didn't make sure beforehand. He couldn't possibly let himself look like some idiot. He had to find out the exact percentage of success, no matter what it took. 
After all, Alhaitham's hands were never the cleanest, even if he did like a cushy life. 
That is why he felt no guilt when he asked to walk you home. It was very late at night. You were stargazing again. He just wanted to be useful.  
Each step was seared into his mind. Each item of interest you pointed out on the way left him with more questions. Upon reaching your abode, sparks of pride flooded into his veins. He had guessed you lived in this area. You often walked here during mornings and later hours; it was a straightforward conclusion. Nothing special. 
A tender smile graced your beautiful face. It was brimming with gratitude. 
He ensured you entered safely and locked the door. It was only when all the lights were out did he truly depart, though. He had to see the peaceful expression on your face as you slept. 
Once Alhaitham arrived home, he felt conflicted. Reasonably, there was no chance he could ever forget anything from today. Yet humans aren't without their respective flaws, especially involving memory. He didn't dare to ruminate on what may occur if he were to somehow forget even one piece of information you blessed him with. Every tidbit and morsel you fed him was significant in nature. 
It was all part of his investigations.  
However, he couldn't write such crucial facts in some random notebook. No, no; such things must remain strictly confidential. It was only logical. What if he misplaced it? Or even worse, what if his obnoxious roommate got to it? He rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue.
Summoning an empty knowledge capsule that he had obtained when he was ordered to draft more ordinances for the Sages, Alhaitham flooded it with every bit of data he had on you, from your slumbering form to your mellow smile and contemplative look. It was all there. Safe and sound, ready for him to access at any time. 
Before resting, he thought of the way you smelt of orange blossom again. 
You next met one morning at the Akademiya. 
You wore no fragrance today. 
Chuckling, you noticed Alhaitham stride towards you impatiently. He was clutching a small, decorative bag. After exchanging simple greetings, he handed it over to you. There was neither a frilly explanation nor a blooming blush on his handsome face. Instead, he had a sharp and clean approach. 
"Here, this is for you." 
Though not one to express his emotions so as to maintain an unreadable body language, you had picked up on a few of his habits. He seemed eager. It was charming to think about how he grew more casual and open around you. To the untrained eye, one may think he wasn't fond of you at all, but you knew. That realization was enough to keep you on your toes. 
One previous evening, the glimmering stars and bygone moon sisters breathlessly spoke of your future. It was challenging to decipher, but you stuck to your beliefs that the stars don't lie, and you were greatly rewarded.
The confirming chill that the divine gales of the night brought to you all spoke of the same fortune. 
"There is a man that treasures every bit of you." 
Despite sounding like good tidings, a hole in your stomach grew.
It started off as a tiny sapling. You suspected it to be anxiety for upcoming deadlines or the usual fatigue from nights spent stargazing. Something that could easily be brushed off. Yet branches and roots ravaged and wrapped around your organs as you heard the consistent sound of soil crunching beneath one's feet. Be it dawn or dusk, such dreadful mirages pained your spirit.
But with Alhaitham, it stopped. Perhaps it was a side effect of being in love. Being so on edge around him had taken a toll on you. Is this why the Sages warn of pursuing things such as love? You couldn't help but wonder. 
Nevertheless, it wasn't an appropriate time to have your heads in the clouds. 
You quickly tore off the patterned wrapping paper and grinned. It was exactly what you needed: more jasmine-scented perfume! Just the glass bottle itself was astonishingly exquisite, encrusted with jewels and detailed with gold. You could tell it was expensive. 
"I can't take this. This must've cost you a fortune! I really can't accept this. Though I did just run out of mine… You should return it and use the money for something more useful. Besides, I'm fine with using the cheaper one I usually purchase!"
Returning the bottle to the small bag, you tried to give it back to the man standing before you. 
Alhaitham hated the way you acted. This was just a quick gift he purchased at the Grand Bazaar. It was nothing. He knew you had run out of your usual exactly the day prior. Alhaitham simply saw an opportunity and decided to strike. Honestly, he only studies what interests him. You should know that by now. Why bother with the inessential? 
"Don't be ridiculous.” His eyes narrowed oh-so-slightly. “It was just something I thought you might like. Anyway, keep it. I have no need for such things." 
Still lacking confidence, you treaded carefully, "Well…If you say so. I will treasure it by wearing it every day! Thank you, Alhaitham." Inspecting the perfume bottle again, you couldn't help but smile. "It's almost like a miracle that you gifted me this because I just ran out of my usual. I really want to thank you somehow…."
"Hmm… Is that so? Never mind, we will get to that later." He placed his hand underneath your chin and pulled your face from side to side to inspect you. "You haven't been sleeping well, have you? Your eyebags are much more prominent." 
Twinges of insecurity rang through your bones as he examined your appearance. I suppose that's how he shows he cares? Looking down, you played with the strings of the gift bag and tried to awkwardly collect yourself. "Lack of sleep is common for my studies, but I have been a bit more jumpy than usual when I rest, that's all. Perhaps you were right back then…Too much sugar." Your voice grew weaker. "It's nothing, really." 
"If it's ‘nothing’ as you claim it to be, then you wouldn't be so distressed. Come on, spit it out." There was no need to sugarcoat things. Many of his former classmates gossip that he is a ruthless robot, but he doesn't mind such statements. To him, it's better to clear things away than regret it later. 
Not wanting to look into his eyes, you glanced at the other students in the Akademiya mingling with their like-minded colleagues and friends. Dejectedly, you scratched the back of your neck, then quickly gestured to the door with your head. "Let's talk outside, shall we?" 
Sitting under a pavilion, you apologized for the sudden request to head outdoors. Alhaitham remained unfazed. Rigid and cold, silently awaiting a reply. 
First, you breathed in, then shakily exhaled before speaking, "Okay, then. I think someone is stalking me. I can't give you a proper explanation as to why, but I just know. It really has left me so scared. I won't lie, the feeling disappears when I'm with you...." With a heated face, you quickly looked to Alhaitham for validation as you poured out your feelings. "But, um, of course! You are an extremely accomplished individual. Anybody would feel better with you since you're the Scribe, after all." 
He scoffed, "I think Kaveh would beg to differ about your last statement." 
You laughed. 
It was simply perfect. He just wanted to caress your face and tell you how good you were being for him. Yes, so good. So naive. 
"Let's do an experiment. Why don't you stay at my place for a day or two and see what happens?" He couldn't help but smirk at how you shrunk under his all-knowing stare. "If you don't want to, I can think of another solution. However, I believe we have become quite close, and I'm sure you would enjoy it. Besides, Kaveh is out for a bit. But in the end, it's your choice, of course." 
"Well, if you insist…." You took out the perfume bottle and daintily sprayed it on your neck and wrists; you enjoyed how his keen eyes soaked you in. "Thank you for being so kind. You know me so well, Alhaitham." 
"Yes, I really do." 
In Sumeru City, when it rains, it pours. 
Streets flood with incinerating kisses and sensual touches intertwined with a rich, floral fragrance. 
To many, Alhaitham is known as a lunatic. Such a name fits the man whose mind was devoured by jasmine perfume. 
He couldn't get enough. 
Every inch of you, he had to learn about. He needed to properly store and encode such mesmerizing information into the recesses of his gluttonous mind. 
That intoxicating perfume permeated Alhaitham’s room and desperately held onto disheveled sheets. It was akin to the incense that scholars use to clear their minds and focus their bodies to become one with Irminsul. Yes, it was just like that. 
You couldn't help but feel so safe in his arms. The stars really do never lie. 
He loved every bit of you.
Sunlight peeked through translucent cotton curtains and illuminated the room. 
Alhaitham kissed your forehead and greeted you with a simple "Good morning" as you moved his hair from his face and took in his features. The intense perfume still persistently laced through his sheets. 
The domesticity of it all, from changing together to preparing breakfast, swelled your heart. It had been quite a while since you were last able to unwind like this. 
Alhaitham quickly took notice of your lax movements. Good. You were enjoying yourself as planned. By the time he's done, you won't be able to tell the difference between an innocent Sumeru Rose and a vicious Venus Flytrap.
He looked you up and down again. "How do you feel? Did you sleep okay?" 
"Yes, I haven't felt this relaxed for a while. Ever since I joined my Darshan, sleep has become a luxury. It was especially bad when I was first learning the basics because I would have to stay up all night long to study the stars and keep up with other research. At one point, I developed severe insomnia, but I’m fine now. Anyway… Yes, I did sleep well. This is the first time I’ve felt safe in a long while. Thank you, Alhaitham." 
He nodded and spoke, "That's good. If we are going to continue this relationship, then maybe in the future we can discuss more complex matters, such as living together more permanently."  
Your eyes widened as you took in his statement, but you soon giggled, “A little hasty, aren’t we, Alhaitham?” You poked fun at him. “What about poor Mister Kaveh?” 
He rolled his eyes at your teasing. 
Then he shrugged and bluntly defended himself, "It's only rational to think about these things, especially with your situation. Besides, I'm only putting them on the table—" 
There was a knock at his door. 
He noticed your jaw tighten in fear. Alhaitham pulled the strings of the puppet and played along with you. He muttered into your ear to hide from the front door's view just in case.  
The Scribe loved the way you obediently followed his orders and trusted so wholeheartedly everything that he said.  
When he opened the door, he didn't expect to be greeted by the Grand Sage Azar's assistant: Setaria. 
She told him how the Akademiya lost a knowledge capsule about the divine and how the Grand Sage wished for him to gather information on a certain blonde traveler.
A divine knowledge capsule and a heroic traveler from afar. How interesting. 
He crossed his arms and unceremoniously spoke, "I'll start my assignment soon." With that, he nodded, closed the door, and went silent again. Annoyance ran through his veins as he was pulled along into the Grand Sage's plot. A peaceful life as the Scribe was all he desired. Was it really that hard for the Akademiya to provide that?  
Turning around, the reserved man called for you. Your name rolled off his tongue too well, as if he was made to be the sole person on this forsaken continent to cherish and pronounce it. You carefully popped your head out from behind his bedroom door, the corners of your kissable lips turned down, forming a slight frown. 
"Is it all good?"
"Yes, it was just someone from the Akademiya for work. Speaking of, I have a little surprise for us." Alhaitham seemed to look right through you. "Do you want to hear it?" There was an excitement bubbling deep inside of him. Your stomach began to ache as he cloaked himself in mystery. 
You felt those hawk eyes analyze you again. "Uh, sure?" 
"How would you feel about going to Port Ormos for some academic research?" 
Alhaitham convinced you that it would help your situation. You could see if that uneasy feeling would follow you on your journey to the port. 
While the actual job itself is mundane and uneventful, as the Scribe, he receives many benefits. One was being sponsored by the Akademiya to stay in an upscale hotel with many amenities. 
Your shared suite had a lovely balcony with a nice view of the sea. Breathing in the refreshing salty air on a balmy day was energizing after being cooped up in such a stifling city of arrogant wisdom. Mere fool's gold.  
"If you want to go and explore, I would advise you to remain within the hotel grounds or near places that are guarded or populated in case anything were to happen. 
You turned to him. "Thank you for your concern, but I will just stay here. It's a nice room. I'll enjoy the breeze and finish up my papers on the balcony. Perhaps in your free time, we can do something together?"  
He thought about it for a second. "I'll see."
You deflated a bit. "Well, when do you think you'll come back?"
"Not anytime soon."
"Anyway, I should be leaving now." Alhaitham pecked your cheek before heading out.
After unpacking, you began writing rough ideas for your ongoing thesis in your worn-out leather journal. As the clock kept ticking and the hours passed, you grew bored. Small sketches of constellations were sloppily drawn on the side with little notes as you tried to jot down as much information as possible. Becoming distracted, you began to doodle Alhaitham's constellation: Vultur Volans. You wanted to unveil so much more about him. You wanted the stars to guide you in your journey. 
Yet just as you were about to finish your little doodle, your pen ran out of ink.
You scribbled a few lines and circles to test it out one last time before throwing it in a nearby trash bin. It was nothing. A simple delay. 
Before going inside, you closed your leather journal and placed it on top of the stack of scrap papers so they wouldn't fly away. Going to your side of the bed, you opened your Adhigama wood nightstand and pulled out a few spare pens. However, when you sat down and attempted to use them, they didn't work. It was fine. You just happened to bring a bad batch. That was all. 
You knew Alhaitham brought a brand new set with him. It was still in his luggage, though... He was in such a hurry to start his job here in Port Ormos that he had no time to unpack. You always admired his diligence; it's what got him so far so quickly. He was your age, but you were still far behind. Though you couldn't blame him for tuning the world out and focusing just on his studies, he lost so much at such a young age. He was brave to keep looking towards the future despite his parents being gone. Even if he would say, "It was just the most rational thing to do." 
Alhaitham is a man with principles rooted in logic. He would understand why you were rummaging through his things. It wasn't an invasion of privacy! You two were a couple now; albeit new, the love was evident already. 
You were just going to borrow his pens, anyway. 
As you unlocked his luggage and looked for his case of supplies, you stumbled upon two similar containers in appearance and weight. Ugh! Which one was it? I suppose I'll just have to open them both… 
Moving your hand towards the zipper, you noticed your hand shake. Perhaps it was just getting cold. You had left the glass balcony door open, only closing the screen. The soft sound of the breeze and smell of sea salt slithered up your spine, invading your ear canals and nostrils. 
You placed your fingers on the zipper of the bag on the left. The sound of it unzipping was akin to the rustles of leaves and branches in a dark rainforest. What you found inside was a knowledge capsule. 
The pens were in the other bag. 
That was all. Alhaitham works under the Grand Sage. Of course you were bound to find certain items only he should be privy to. 
Yet why was it calling you like the irresistible knowledge that spills from the ivory, archaic branches of Irminsul? It was most likely empty, anyway, waiting to be filled with the information he would discover in the bustling Port Ormos. Why was the hollow, ravaging feeling in your stomach and heart returning to once again suffocate your organs and dry up your blood into grains of sand? 
Your journal was waiting for you. Opening the other bag, you got what you wanted. 
His pens. 
That was what you came for. 
However, the sharp pains and shivers ringing through your body reeled you into the infested desert and the pouring rainforest. A peek wouldn't hurt. Alhaitham would understand, right? He was the one that brought you here, after all, to keep an eye out for your situation. 
Yes, he's a man who knows his morals. Besides, how would he even know? It would be alright. He said himself that he wouldn't be coming anytime soon. 
As you gripped the green and gold knowledge capsule pulsing and flowing with information, you felt so conflicted. The unease was growing, yet you felt so sure that you were meant to do this. Opposing thoughts contrasted each other like fields of flowers flourishing amidst dunes of lifeless sand. It truly nauseated you.  
After establishing a connection with it, you felt it. A flash of memories entered into the recesses of your mind. As if two consciousness were merged together to form one single entity, you felt vines and tendrils weaving through your anatomy. Nearly every bit of knowledge you gained was something you already had experienced. Yet it was from a different perspective. Your face, your body, your studies, your smiles, your slumber, your pens, even your perfume. 
It was all there, only from a different angle.
For so long, you saw life from the eyes of a feeble mouse. Now, you could see what it was like to view the world from the perspective of a hungry vulture ready to gobble up its prey. You dropped the canned knowledge. You barely heard the thud it made with the flooring, as it was drowned out by all of the thoughts racing through your mind. 
Your eyes scattered to the open glass door with the closed screen. The breeze and saltiness of the sea were still there. 
It felt so far. 
Running to the balcony, you rushed to lock the glass door and fumbled to close the cotton curtains. 
"Didn't anyone teach you to clean up after yourself?" 
Alhaitham's voice made everything cold. Sharply turning your head, you faced the man who both tormented your life and made it so beautiful. He came back so soon. Too soon. 
"Once the Matra knows about this, you will go to prison, Alhaitham, for what you did to me!" Your hands were shaking as you bunched them into fists and furrowed your eyebrows. Tears were threatening to spill at any moment. 
He merely crossed his arms. His precise, uptight composure never faltered. "You think the Matra will do anything to me? I'm the Scribe. The right hand of the Grand Sage." He stepped closer to you. “Did you know there once was a Rtawahist student who was so desperate for sleep that they went to Port Ormos and looked for knowledge capsules to help their studies and cure their insomnia? The Matra were never able to track down the culprit." Alhaitham walked closer to you. "However, I think today, that could change. The usage of canned knowledge to gain an advantage over one’s peers in the Akademiya is strictly against the rules." He was always one step ahead of you.
"Is it not?"
Cupping your face and forcing you to look at his darkening eyes, he stared into you, drinking up the way you brimmed with fear. Just how he liked it. Everything was falling into place as calculated. He whispered into your ear. "Think of this as the 'thank you' you said you would give me that day." 
Alhaitham embraced you tightly, taking in the exquisite jasmine perfume he gifted you. Trembling in his arms, you felt so small and helpless. Dreams shattered as you thought of everything that you had learned. The stars and wise moon didn't lie to you that night. There's a man who loves you with all his being. There's a man who knows everything about you.  
Seeking what is forbidden will always be the downfall of humanity. 
Perhaps ignorance truly is bliss. 
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Thank you so much for reading!!!
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luminescenttluna · 2 months
Genshin Fontaine soul mate au
[y/n]'s request for a week off from work had finally been approved, they knew that their vacation was far overdue. A break away would be nice, maybe even a break away from liyue in general.. They liked their nation, but they never really actually gone anywhere so a change of things would be appreciated, maybe even an adventure.. they don't really want to go to inazuma, mondstat isn't really where they want to go either.. they're not really feeling like going to sumeru either... perhaps Fontaine? Yes, Fontaine sound like it would be fun.
[Y/n] never really bother to chase the red string that connected their finger to their soul mate's finger. They figured they would probably never meet them, not to mention, they just didn't have time to go out on a random goose chase. However today would be different, today they were going to go on an adventure. After all, why not? They're off for about a whole week so why stay at home when they have time to wonder around instead of stay in the confines of their home in Liyue? Fontaine sounds like it'd be interesting, those who travel from there always have interesting stories to tell, [y/n] was always fascinated by their stories after all; each and every story from an adventurer from Fontaine had a unique story to tell, who could blame them for trying to unearth their stories?
"ok... This is a first time actually leaving.. this should be everything that I'll need.." [y/n] mumbled to themselves. Then they noticed that their string led exactly where they wanted to go. Perhaps they could indulge themselves for once and follow the string though maybe they should use their map. They shrugged off the idea of following the string and pulled their map out and began their adventure. 
Now all that was left was to just head off for their adventure, they knew the would have to pass through Sumeru but they were not going to stop at Sumeru. [y/n] also knew that they would have to prepare to cross the desert, however they were unsure of how long of a journey it would be with the desert. Hopefully it wouldn't be too much of a hassle but [y/n] knew that it would be worth all the effort, from what they heard about Fontaine, [y/n] could tell that it was a beautiful nation. Now, they just needed to see it for themselves. With enough determination, they would be able to pull it off and see the beauty that Fontaine has to offer.
Getting past the desert was more exhausting than what they had thought it would be but [y/n] managed to pull it off. When they go through it again, they'll be more prepared now that they know what to expect. They weren't too fond of the sand that just wouldn't stay out from their shoes but that was all over.. until they have to cross back again to go home. However, that's a worry for another time, now to focus on the present. Fontaine.
[y/n] walked the trail, pausing to admire the small animals and scenery. The waterfalls that they came across really left them breathless, the beautiful hues of blue, crystal water a shade of blue they never seen before. "so stunning.." They felt like a child lost in a candy store, everything was so beautiful, they knew that they would definitely use the scenery for their paintings. [y/n] continued to walk around, taking in everything that Fontaine had to offer. Then they spotted a rainbow rose, they crouched down next to it and closely observed the details in the petals for that would come in handy. Ideas for their next painting already coming to them. 
They got up, and continued their adventure. Their next destination was Fontaine city, they needed to know what it looked like, what the shops looked like, what everything looked like. That is when they realized that their string goes exactly to Fontaine. "So my soul mate must live in Fontaine.." [y/n] continued, although slightly curious as to what they soul mate looked like but their main focus at that moment was getting to Fontaine city.
Eventually, they arrived at their destination. "if only I remembered my camera I would have been able to take some photos for later.. oh well" and then they saw him. There he was, right there in front of them a little ways away but still right in front of them. Damn, he was stunning, they were in awe. [y/n] never thought that they would see someone so.. beautiful but there he was right in front of them. Then they noticed others around him, a girl helping him with the tricks he was performing; she had blonde hair as well and similar appearance to their soul mate. Then there was another person, shorter blonde hair that was lighter than the other two. 
[y/n] remained off to the side, not really wanting to be noticed, at least not right away. They wanted to continue to observe what was going on. The little magic show was something that they don't really get to see on the day to day basis so this was entirely new to them. "My, who do we have here? Charmed to meet you" Now he was directly in front of them. He bent down, lifted their hand, then pressed a gentle kiss to the top of their knuckles. [y/n] had no idea how to respond to the action that he displayed, they needed to say something but words just would not form at that moment.
"I am Lyney, the greatest magician of Teyvat." He said, now standing up straight. "I'm [y/n]" Finally, they were able to get the words out of their mouth. "so you're my soul mate" Lyney mused. "yeah..." Still not quite able to get over their shock, maybe they'll get to get to know each other more before they have to head back to Liyue. 
"How about we meet up at the café down the town tomorrow?" [y/n] was really quick to agree to Lyney's suggestion. Things will surely be more interesting in life now.
[y/n] was diving around the waters of Fontaine, collecting what they needed for their little experiment, to see how certain items acted when placed together. [y/n] prefers their solitude, they'd rather indulge in their hobbies and curiosities instead of socializing amongst the people, it also provides them more emotional control when they're off on their own. However, they're not against having someone to share their hobbies either. The possibilities of them having a soul mate is something that's never really crossed their mind either, I mean, if it happens then it happens but it wasn't all that much a concern to them. Besides; their world has always been in shades of black and white, they just figured it would remain like that.. little did they know...
[y/n] got out of the ocean and took their diver's helmet off, ready to get started with their little experiment. Placing their finds in their basket, they headed off to Fontaine. They wanted to look around before they headed home, after all there was always something to do. 
"-Come get your tickets! Come over here to but you tickets to Lyney's magic show!" 
huh? A magic show? how curious.. [y/n] walked over to the sell that was going on, intrigued by the idea of there being a magic show so soon. [y/n] never really went to one in the first place but perhaps this once wouldn't hurt? Shame that it's going to be in dull colors though, [y/n] would have loved to see what the colors that people speak so fondly of look like.. oh well maybe it'll happen. They then shrug the thought off as they purchase their ticket.
The show would start on a Tuesday that week at 5 in the afternoon. [y/n] began to look forward to the magic show.. they were not sure as to why but they could tell that it was going to be quite an experience.. who knows, maybe something completely unforgettable will happen? But anyways, now is time to PATENTLY wait though [y/n] has never really been all that good at containing their excitement which is why they never really let themselves fully experience it without it essentially being somewhat controlled but perhaps it will be alright this time.
It's now the day of the magic show, [y/n] could barely contain their excitement. They were not sure why, but something was telling them that today was going to be the day.. what exactly did that mean? They had no idea. They're not against the idea of it either, they knew that today was going to be different.. now the question is, how exactly is it going to be different? well, they'd have to find out for themselves.
[y/n]'s seat was in the very front row as well, kind of ironic in a good way. They took their seat then began to 'patiently' wait for the show to start.
"Welcome everyone, I am the great magician Lyney and this is my dear sister and assistant Lynette!" [y/n] and Lynette looked at each other at the right time and everything exploded into color. Their worlds no longer the black and white that they once knew. [y/n] eye's were starting to hurt from how bright everything now was, everything is in so many different shades of colors, [y/n] never dared to even dream of their world being this bright and colorful.. they also quickly found themselves getting a little overwhelmed with how bright everything was.
Lynette was a little taken aback with how her world has suddenly burst into color though she was able to quickly adjust to the new situation. Lynette went back on autopilot mode and began helping Lyney with his tricks. She would have to inform Lyney later but right now, there is a show to perform and audiences to entertain.
It was now 9 at night, [y/n] gave their applause as the curtains closed. The show was far beyond what they had expected to see.. They now knew what it feels like to see color, the overwhelming joy was a type of joy they had not experienced since they were a young child, one they didn't dare not to let go. Now they were curious.. would they get to meet their soul mate? They hoped so.
"excuse me [p/p], the twins would like to meet with you in the back" [y/n] was pulled out of their thoughts, they weren't really prepared for conversation but hopefully it's to get to know the person who literally brought color into their life. "Uh sure, lead the way." [y/n] proceeded to follow the mad to the changing rooms where Lyney and Lynette were at.
"My, so you're my dear sister's soul mate!" The magician exclaimed excitedly. "brother.." Lynette sighed while blowing the steam that came from her freshly made tea. "uh...yeah, I am" [y/n] never really anticipated this to happen at all, if they knew then they'd prepared for it. "sorry, I uh.." [y/n] trails off, not knowing what to say but fearing it to be considered rude to not say anything. Damn what to say? [y/n] didn't know but they needed to say something. Lynette took a sip of tea, completely unbothered.
[y/n] glanced over to Lynette, and admired how pretty she was... the urge to braid her ponytail suddenly came on but they shook it off right as soon as it appeared. [y/n] then looked over at Lyney, their words just wouldn't come out, it genuinely frustrated them. "So uh... you're Lyney and Lynette?" [y/n] inquired.. "that would be correct!" Lyney giggled while [y/n] awkwardly stood there, not knowing what else to say, they never been good at conversation.
Lynette cleared her throat to grab both Lyney's and [y/n]'s attention. "would you like some tea, it's quite calming." Lynette must have been able to tell that [y/n] was getting anxious. "yes please" [y/n] answered. Lynette brewed some more tea then handed it to [y/n]. "Do be careful, it's hot." [y/n] nodded. "thank you, Lynette" [y/n]'s heart was getting all fluttery, at this point they'd be convinced that they're having a panic attack but they weren't feeling panicky in the slightest bit.
perhaps, this will be the beginning to everything.. both [y/n] and Lynette looked forward to it.
[y/n] laid there in their bed dreaming about what their soul mate would be like, would they be shy? or maybe confident? perhaps sweet and caring? Would he be adorable? [y/n] bets they'll find their soul mate to be adorable. What would he look like? Would he have red hair? Maybe dark brown? or.. black? What about blonde? Would his eyes be brown? Or would they be light? Ooo what if they're green? Or blue! Would they have short hair or long hair? [y/n] wonders if they even have a soul mate, they hope they do.. They would love to meet them one day. Perhaps a nice drawing for the day.. [y/n] loved to draw on themselves although they were always told that they'd end up giving their soul mate lead poisoning, however they knew that their favorite markers were safe for being on skin so they continued drawing on their skin. Who knows, maybe they'll be able to meet their soul mate this way.
"What color for today.. Hmm..." [y/n] had trailed off, trying to decide on which color in their rainbow collection of sparkly markers to use today. "Ah! Blue! Blue it is today!" [y/n] grabbed the marker and began to draw on their thigh, they decided that a little scene with penguins would compliment the blue sparkly hue of the marker that they're using. "Just a touch here... Ah! Perfect!" their art was now complete. They sat there admiring the art the rested right up above their knee, and the way it sparkled added to it. Now that that's been done, all that's left now is to go take a stroll around or grab what they need, they're free for most of the day anyways so why not?
[y/n] checked to see if they needed to grab anything, whether it be art supplies, groceries, or basic hygiene products, turns out they were running low on paint so off they went to grab some paint. [y/n] wondered if they'd find some paint with some glitter, after all; little glitter never hurts anything. luckily their favorite art salesman is in Fontaine city this month, he does travel around Fontaine quite a bit trying to make a profit off of his supplies.
"lets see... Yes! This is exactly what I was looking for!" [y/n] found the [f/c] paint AND it has sparkles! They purchased the paint they found then continued on their way after bidding the art salesman goodbye. They then came across a stall that had all kinds of snacks, ranging from all kinds of freshly baked goods. [y/n] browsed around before deciding on buying a loaf of bread. The brownies were really tempting but [y/n] knew that if they bought the brownies, they'd never make it home with the brownies so they bought the loaf of bread instead. There were so many shops in the city to visit, so many of different varieties, [y/n] wanted to visit each one.
[y/n] continued to browse around before deciding to go home so they could put away their new things. They placed their bread up then went to their art room and put their paints in the rainbow order that they have going on. "perfect" [y/n] muttered as they finished with their little order. They then start fixing themselves something to eat, perhaps [f/f] will do. They grab the ingredients to begin cooking.
It was now late in the evening which was a perfect time for a stroll along side the beach and admire the scenery around it. Then [y/n] spotted him. He had the same exactly drawing on his thigh as they did with their thigh. He had short blonde hair with blue eyes. [y/n] thought he looked cute so they walked right up to him. "Hi! You must be my soul mate!" [y/n] paused, they didn't quite think that through and it honestly sounded better in their head but they decided to just roll with it. The blonde boy silently stood there not sure as to what to sat to such a bold statement. "uh..." He trailed off. [y/n] excitedly motioned at their leg, the drawing that was on their leg was also on him.
[So you're the one... who has been drawing these.." [y/n] eagerly nodded, overjoyed to have finally met their soul mate. It was the moment that they had finally dreamed of all their life since when they first learned what a soul mate was. "I did draw them! Oh how rude of me, my name is [y/n], you are?" "I am Freminet... pleasure to meet you [y/n]"
[y/n] thought that Freminet was adorable, they couldn't believe that he was their sole mate but they wouldn't have it any other way. "Do you want to get to know each other over dinner at a restaurant?" [y/n] quietly waited for an answer. 
"I would love to" Freminet agreed.
"great! How about we meet up at 5pm?"
"that sounds like a good idea"
this one will be short as I'm unsure how to write for her.
[y/n] sat down next to Arleccino, [y/n] had traced the words that had already been said, almost as if they were reminiscing. "reminiscing again?" Arleccino hummed while she worked on some paperwork that she had. "What can I say? It's a fond memory~" [y/n] teased then nuzzled their head further into Arlecchino's warmth. [y/n] had always been a natural tease, but also a massive sweetheart. To be honest, [y/n] would probably also burn the world for their soul mate aka their partner without even a second thought.
'You do have an alluring aspect to you...'
'yeah, though I could say the same for you'
"I must admit myself that it is quite the fond memory" Arlecchino musses while [y/n] continues to lay there before nodding off. Arlecchino hums to herself as she glances at [y/n] who looked rather peaceful while in their slumber. "I suppose the paperwork can wait just this once." With that, she lifted [y/n] up, then carried them bridal style to their shared bedroom. She placed them on the bed before getting ready to leave.
"no... don't leave so soon..." [y/n] had their eyes half open but just mere seconds from falling back asleep. "alright, if that is what you wish for then I shall oblige in your request" With that, Arlecchino climbed into the bed next to [y/n]. [y/n] rested their head on her chest then fell asleep to the sound of her heartbeat acting as their personal little lullaby. Arlecchino ran her finger through [y/n]'s hair, quietly humming to herself, the setting itself was rather calming if she does say so herself. Arlecchino readjusted her arms into a more comfortable position before resting her eyes for a little nap, besides it's not like a small nap with her significant other is going to harm anything.
Furina sat in the living room in [y/n]'s lap, they were trying to decide what to do for the day but just couldn't make up their mind. "Maybe a stroll around town? although we've done that many times before.." [y/n] sighed, they really didn't where they wanted to go, at the same time though not really wanting to go anywhere in particular. Both ends of the red string connecting both Furina to [y/n], the exact way they met.
[y/n] followed the red string due to intense curiosity and that is how the came across Furina. [y/n] giggled as they remembered the shocked look of her face, it was an adorable expression that [y/n] will treasure. They gently grabbed Furina's chin and moved her face to where the could kiss her, flustering her in the prosses. "you are incredibly adorable, you know that?" Furina was flustered beyond words, the simple little action always flusters her. 
[y/n] lifts Furina up then stands up themselves, they didn't want their little cuddle session to end so soon. They carried her into the kitchen then placed her down next to them while Furina still had her arms wrapped around [y/n]. [y/n] grabbed the ingredients needed to bake a cake, they felt a little crafty, the type that baking would solve. 
"Ooo what are you making" [y/n] smiled at Furina's enthusiasm, finding it to be the cutest thing. "it's going to be a [f/f] cake with [f/c] icing" [y/n] grabbed the icing that they planned on using and placed it off to the side then prepared all the baking ingredients into the cake pan while trying to keep Furina from tasting the cake batter before it's done cooking. [y/n] then placed the cake into the oven then began waiting for it to finish baking.
They cake was taken out of the over and placed on a spot to cool so [y/n] could decorate it. [y/n] looked at Furina then kissed the tip of her nose, watching the way her nose scrunched up at the display of affection. "I know I say this all the time but you are incredibly adorable, Furina~" [y/n] brushed a strand of hair away from Furina's face while Furina sported a light shade of red.
"No I am not!" Furina pouted while folding her arms across her chest, [y/n] let out a little snicker at the action displayed. "you are though, especially right now~" [y/n] opened the icing, swiped a some over her lips then started to decorate the cake.
might be a little ooc
[y/n] has spent years longing for the possibility of meeting their soul mate, wondering who they could be. They kept rereading the sentence that's on their wrist, trying to decipher just who their soul mate could be. They wondered when they would meet their soul mate, would it be sooner or would it even happen at all? What does their soul mate even look like? What do they like doing in their spare time? Do they have a profession? [y/n] could never get the questions out of their mind
'you should really be more careful'
Regardless of how hard they tried, they just couldn't seem to get anywhere in regards of their soul mate. It was a never ending cycle, though they never really made an effort to stop the cycle. [y/n] gets up, gets dressed, then goes to take care of anything that they need to before heading out to Fontaine city.
"I need groceries, I've ran low." [y/n] muttered to themselves while on the trip to the city, all they really needed was some fruit, vegetables, herbs, and bread. "ah yes, this should do" They walked up to a shop that had all that they needed minus the bread then bought what they needed.
While lost in thought; [y/n] continued walk around, not really paying attention to where they are going. Then the crashed into someone hard enough to knock them onto their ass. "sorry, I wasn't paying attention-" The woman standing before [y/n] was stunning, she was the definition of gorgeous that it rendered [y/n] speechless.
"You should really be more careful" Chlorinde extended a hand to help [y/n] up. [y/n] continued to sit there, not realizing the hand that's in front of their face. "woah..." was all [y/n] could muster... then it hit them both. they're each other's soul mates. [y/n] then saw the hand that was in front of their face and grabbed it and got up to their feet.
"so you're my soul mate.." [y/n] mustered, still in awe with how pretty Chlorinde was let alone that it was her who was [y/n]'s soul mate. "I guess I could say the same for you" Chlorinde, in just about the same amount of shock as [y/n] "I'm sorry... you're stunningly beautiful" [y/n] almost whispered but Chlorinde heard it perfectly clear. "Why thank you"
[y/n] picked their bags back up off of the ground, placing them back onto their arm. Clearly, today was the day that they got to meet their soul mate now they just need to get to know them.
"So uh, do you wanna get some tea when you're free and get to know each other?"
"that sounds like a wonderful idea."
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auburncore · 3 months
Do the bushes know
despite burning all day long
they won't get as much love
as a rose does?
Will they suffer, if they know?
You should buy roses instead,
a bouquet of weeds
looks quite nice on my hand.
Do the scorching rays of sun realize
they will never be as close to people
as the pouring rain?
I hope they don't.
I better smear myself in charcoal ashes.
Let flowers color your terrace.
Do the desert sands know that
hearts are set sea-wards?
Do crows envy peacocks
or the scarlet macaw?
Perhaps they are well aware
of what goes on
yet they draw eyelids of reticence
and live forever trapped
in fate's snare.
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formulaforza · 2 years
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diamond ring-- c.leclerc
pairing: charles leclerc x reader word count: 990 a/n: i melt i melt i melttttt
He told Lorenzo he was going to marry you on the plane from France to Austria. He’d kissed you goodbye at four in the morning in your shared hotel room because you had a flight to catch back to Monaco for work that morning. You were supposed to leave the night before, right after the race on Sunday, but, you didn’t want to leave him to his thoughts, so you changed your flight. 
You’ve known her for eight months, his brother told him, eight months and you want to marry her? 
Charles had laughed, shrugged, nodded. “I just. I know.”
It wasn’t until after the season ended that he finally got to the jewelers. One in Paris, because he thought a million people would notice him ring shopping in Monaco. He’d made Pierre come along, for moral support, and FaceTimed his mother for a woman’s perspective. 
They were at the jewler’s for three hours, and looked at just about every ring there was in the whole place before Charles finally decided that he needed to create something custom for you. Sounds like your girl is one of a kind, the associate helping them said, maybe she needs a ring to match. It’s another hour and a half before he’d made his decisions. He calls them once he’s home and three days later and is still making changes. 
Once it’s actually in his hands, little velvet box and all, his worry shifts to how to ask you. It has to be perfect, he thinks. Something you’ll beam about in twenty years when you tell your kids all about Mom and Dad’s love story. He could do it on a Monday morning over coffee, him on his way to the gym and you barely up, pajama clad and hugging a coffee mug like your life depends on it. He could do it after a long day at the track, where he’s exhausted and looking for a fight and you let him be, let him feel what he needs to feel. He could do it whenever, wherever, and as long as it was with you, it would be perfect for him. 
It needed to be perfect for you. He thought about filling the apartment with a million roses and balloons and champagne. It was private but grand. He thought about the cinema classics–a restaurant full of people, a ring in the desert. You would probably swallow it, he figured. Maybe he could do it in an airport–no. That idea didn’t even last long enough to become complete in his mind. You would kill him, everyone else in the airport would kill him. Just, no. Scratch the aiprort. 
Maybe out on the water, in the middle of a day of fun. He could do it then, in the heat of the sun and in the salty air just off the coast. What if you said no? Then he’s stuck with you, on a boat, in the middle of the ocean. That’s like…nightmare fuel, the stuff that haunts his dreams for six straight nights. 
He decides he’s going to do it at the beach. One of the private ones that nobody is really supposed to know about but everyone does, the one he’d referred to as his secret spot when he’d first met you. The one you’d named with a deadpan expression on your face right after he said that stupid, cheesy line. 
He forced Joris and Antoine to hide in the bushes far out of your sight on the evening he finally did it. The sun was setting on the French Riviera and every color in the sky seemed to highlight something stunning about you, complimenting your eyes, your dress, your hair, your smile. The wind ran its fingers through your hair and danced in the flowing fabric of your dress and he thought he could never be deserving of you, all good and right and ethereal like this. He couldn’t wait to spend his entire life trying to live up to the standard that was you.
There was a picnic spot set up in the sand at the end of the beach. “I love that,” you’d commented when you saw it, clueless that it was there for you. “It's so sweet.”
"It's for you," he hums, voice shaky and nervous.
He says your name, all sweet and soft and you know. You don’t know, because you never really know until it’s happening, but, you know. “Charles,” You beam back at him with giddy, hopeful eyes. You are just as enamored as he is. He repeats your name again, draws out the sounds of the last syllable and you both laugh, fight back tears because this is really happening and you don’t want a single memory to be clouded and fuzzy with love in its purest, saltiest form. 
“I love you in ways words will never be able to explain,” He starts. “In the early mornings and the late nights and the average afternoons, I am completely in love with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, trying to find the words,” he continues. You laugh, choked and teary, soft fingers on your smile in disbelief. He pulls a tiny velvet box from the inside pocket of his jacket and drops to one knee in the sand. “So,” he laughs, pops open the box and you’re eyes are too fixed on the man you love to even look at the ring. “Will you marry me?”
You smile, try so hard not to cry only for them to fall down your cheeks anyway. You nod, hold your left hand out for him. “Yeah?” He says, pulls the ring from the box and slides it on your finger. Perfect fit. 
“Of course I’ll marry you, you idiot.” You grin, both laugh, curl over to kiss him while he’s still on his knees in the sand. “I love you so much,” you tell him, hands on either side of his face, kiss him again.
“I love you, too.”
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Golden Sand
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Princess Zelda of the Gerudo is the reincarnation of the Goddess of the Sand. Link of the Gerudo is the first Gerudo born in one hundred years after Ganondorf. On his eighteenth birthday, he is sent to Zelda to assess whether he is a threat. The consensus ?
He is a threat.
Read on AO3 here
Credit to the original artist for this beautiful art !!!
The Gerudo, who hail in the desert far to the West of the vast land of Hyrule, are a proud race of warrior women. They are known far and wide for their flaming red hair, strong, tanned bodies, and fierce fighting spirit. Although they are rather isolated, they are a powerful group, maintaining a flourishing civilization in the warm desert heat.
While Hylians revere the Great Three Goddesses Nayru, Din, and Farore, the Gerudo have their own beliefs. Since the founding of their civilization, they have worshiped the Spirit Goddess, also known as the Goddess of the Sand. According to their legends, the Spirit Goddess rose from the sand shortly after Hyrule was founded. She spread her arms, and sand followed her as she walked. Once she had created the desert, she used the sand to create the first Gerudo man and woman. She shaped them to handle the harsh heat, blowing her fierce spirit into them to make sure they never bowed down from a fight.
However, the male Gerudo used his newfound spirit to hurt his wife, barking orders at her and forcing her to obey his every will. Even while she was pregnant with their first child, he took every opportunity to strike her. The Spirit Goddess, infuriated at the violence by his own hand, struck him down and cursed him.
“You, who have dared to strike a woman,” she proclaimed. “One male will be born every hundred years as a curse. You will carry the fighting spirit I bestowed unto you, but it will be up to your heart to decide how to use it.”
Thus, Gerudo women began traveling to look for husbands to continue their lineage. It has become a known tradition, with many Hylian males willingly traveling to the desert to claim a Gerudo wife.
The Spirit Goddess, her spirit fading, summoned the first Gerudo woman.
“You, who I poured my soul and spirit into,” she whispered, voice weak. “I entrust my spirit to you. My spirit will continue to flow, and those who are born as my reincarnation will be destined to rule over my proud Gerudo.”
Henceforth, the Spirit Goddess’s spirit was passed on.
Princess Zelda of the Gerudo was born with hair as gold as the sand that surrounded her home. Her eyes were blue and clear as the sky above her, a difference from the traditional amber that Gerudo were born with. Although she had fair skin, over time she developed the trademark tan from her time spent in the sun. Her mother, the previous incarnation of the Spirit Goddess, had been gifted with foresight, and she had predicted that the spirit would move to her daughter at birth. She also foresaw that her daughter would be a generous ruler, but would face difficulties once she came to power.
Zelda was a shy child, often hiding behind her mother’s legs. She was trained in royalty, learning about diplomacy starting at the age of five. Her geography skills were impressive by six, and she was fluent in both Gerudo and Hylian by eight. At ten, she began attending events with her mother, socializing with other important figures from around Hyrule. She found the Royal Family especially fascinating, marveling at how everyone was in awe of them.
She wanted to emulate that.
At eighteen, Zelda became ruler of the Gerudo. Her mother stepped down, assuring her daughter that she would do well before departing to travel the world, as she had been unable to while ruling. It was a bittersweet farewell, but Zelda felt the confidence her mother had in her and used that to guide her.
It didn’t take long for the Gerudo to admire their new ruler. She was seen as loyal and passionate for her people, listening to their pleas and making decisions that benefited them all. It wasn’t uncommon to see her wandering through town, stopping in the market to buy local goods and even accepting dinner invitations from random citizens. Her first year was a triumphant one, and when her nineteenth birthday approached, she felt pleased with herself.
Being the reincarnation of the Spirit Goddess, Zelda was worshiped fiercely by the Gerudo in the Temple where she resided. Once a week, she was dressed in her ceremonial clothes, surrounded by women and incense as she listened for the Goddesses’s voice inside of her. Sometimes she delivered wisdom; other times predictions. The Goddess guided her as a ruler, providing insight when she could.
While the Gerudo were an isolated group, Zelda worked hard to be a liaison for the rest of Hyrule. She established a strong bond with the Hylian Royal Family, who relied on her for certain goods. The Gorons, hailing in Death Mountain far to the East, were permitted to enter to trade their precious stones. The desert heat was too harsh for the Zoras, but Zelda occasionally traveled to their domain in the Southeast to take an audience with their King. Even the Great Deku Tree and Koroks in the South spoke with Zelda, sending her their forest goods and childish joy. She relished those trips the most, enjoying the quiet of the forest and listening to the Tree’s wisdom.
Princess Zelda of the Gerudo, widely respected, did not know the trouble that was to come.
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