#ross colton imagines
withwritersblock · 29 days
Room For Two
~ROOM FOR 2 by Benson Boone~
Author's Note: requested, also I love Ross Colton Summary: Ross tells his girlfriend where he gets traded to Warnings: none Word Count: 1,130 Ross Colton x fm!reader
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He was told a couple weeks prior to the playoffs that there was a low chance that he would be given a contract with the Lightning. He still held out hope that he would get to stay with the team he won a Stanley Cup with. He loved living in Tampa, he met his girlfriend here. 
He wanted nothing more than to stay with the Lightning but the management had other plans. They decided that he would not get a contract and that he would be traded. He wasn’t going into free agency like he thought. It was something he had discussed with his girlfriend a lot. They had been together for two years and he hated the idea of long distance. 
Except that was the plan in her mind. She grew up in Tampa and had no plans on leaving. Ross felt his heart shatter when she said she wouldn’t want to go with him. 
Now, here he was staring at the call from the general manager of the Lightning. He took a deep breath as he brought his phone towards his ear. He leaned forward, destined his one arm on his knee. 
“Hello?” he let out barely above a whisper.
“Hi Ross, we’ve come to the decision and you’ve been traded to Colorado,” he let out.
Ross nearly laughed. Is that a joke? It was a team that he swore Tampa would never make a trade with. 
“Okay, thank you for everything,” he let out, his voice cracking as he spoke. 
They shared some more pleasantries before Ross hung up the phone. He slowly leaned back against the couch. He felt like he was just thrown away. Like three years meant nothing. 
It wasn’t so bad, a team wanted him. A really good team. A team that beat him in the Stanley Cup finals. The sadness coursing through his veins slowly dissipated as the thought of going to another good time. A great team. 
After a few seconds, his phone started to ring again. It was an unfamiliar number and a Denver area code. He took a deep breath as he answered the call. It was the general manager of Colorado.
“Hi Ross, this is Chris MacFarland the general manager of Colorado. How’s it going?” he asked. Ross smiled.
“I’m feeling great,” he let out, a chuckle leaving his throat. He meant it. Hearing the general manager’s voice be excited to talk to him, meant it was a good plan. 
“That’s great. We are really excited to have you come to Colorado, we want to get a contract set as soon as possible,” he expressed. 
They spoke on the phone for another hour about the aspects of what he would like in a contract and what would be best for both parties. Chris was ecstatic that Ross wanted a longer contract. Ross was happy that he was going to a place that wanted him. 
After the hour was complete, Chris offered him a four-year-deal. “I’m going to talk to some of my family but I don’t see how this can’t work. Thank you for this,” Ross expressed.
“Take your time, can’t wait to see you in Colorado,” Chris let out before he hung up the phone. 
Ross slowly pulled the phone from his ear, a grin wide on his features. They wanted him. It felt so right and so good to go play for a team that was good and had the chance to lift the cup. 
He watched the Avs lift the cup, he wanted to wear the A and lift the cup with them. 
A knock rang throughout the apartment, he smiled. “It’s unlocked!” he shouted as he stood up from the couch. Y/N stepped inside, a soft smile on her lips. Ross excitedly walked towards her. He hugged her tightly.
“Good news then?” she let out against his chest. 
His smile faltered slightly as he pulled away. He clenched his jaw while he waved his hand back and forth. “Sorta?” he said as he held his hand towards her. She gladly took a hold of it as he guided her towards his couch. 
“Oh no,” she mumbled as he rested his hands onto her hips, turning her towards him. She scanned his features, admiring the small smile on his lips. 
He was happy. She had to accept that he was content with what was going on. “Where are you heading, my love?” she mumbled as she avoided his gaze. He scanned her features, watching the tears fill her eyes. 
He took a deep breath, “Colorado,” he mumbled. Her eyes widened as she let out a dry chuckle. He bit his bottom lip. “That was my reaction too,” he said fighting off a grin. She shook her head as she clenched her jaw. 
“They want to sign me for four years, that’s amazing right?” he said as his voice cracked. 
She remained silent as she met his light eyes. There was not a hint of sadness in his gaze, it felt like a stab in the chest. How could she let him go alone? She’s never seen snow, maybe now is her chance. Her lips began to quiver as her heart began to beat fast. She blinked as a tear fell onto her cheek. 
“I guess we are apartment hunting then?” she mumbled out. His eyes widened as his lips curled upward slowly. 
“We?” he asked, hopeful. 
She nodded as she continued looking deeply into his light eyes, “I’ve always wanted to see snow,” she mumbled. He smiled so wide as he quickly wrapped his arms around her. She giggled as she pressed her face against his chest, surrounding herself with his cologne. A smell she was afraid she would lose forever. 
“You’re coming with me?” he let out as his voice cracked. He was shocked. He had spent several weeks trying to convince her. 
“I thought-” she mumbled as she pulled away from his chest. She rested her hands on the base of his neck. He scanned her features. “I thought I would be okay with you going and me staying but-” she paused as she looked into his eyes for a few beats, “I can’t imagine spending years apart,” she let out. He nodded as he leaned towards her, kissing her urgently. 
“Are you sure? I-I mean you’ve wanted long distance-” he rambled but Y/N cut him off by kissing him again. She ran her fingers through his hair. 
“I want to be with you,” she mumbled against his lips, “Even if it means I have to root for the Avs,” she whispered. He chuckled as he pulled her against his chest. 
“You’ll get used to it,” he let out teasingly as he pressed his lips against the side of her head.
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cellythefloshie · 4 months
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;; Tainted Love 500 Follower Celebration
Summary: The stars seem to align for the first time when you and Ross Colton meet up for drinks while the Colorado Avalanche are in town. But it's a dangerous game you're playing because the spark is still there and is hard to ignore even with the both of you being spoken for. Kinks & Tropes: CHEATING (putting this in all caps because I want to make sure it's clear. It is a very prominent theme in this fic), alcohol consumption, car sex, unprotected sex, no forms of contraception used, pull-out method, dirty talk Word Count: 4.5k+
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I've got to get away from the pain you drive into the heart of me.
The cold, caught somewhere between a fall and winter wind, reddened your cheeks more than blush ever could. It stung as you walked through the quiet streets; you head down and the collar of your jacket popped in a desperate attempt to stay home. It was late, the only life seen in the bars and restaurants on either side of you as you passed. The streets were empty, the bustle of traffic long forgotten. The only vehicle was a single cab picking up patrons or dropping them off. There were still four hours until closing time. 
This, usually, was late enough for you to crawl into bed. You'd throw on a Netflix show, or listen to an audio book until you fell asleep. But you made plans. With your boyfriend out of town, you shouldn't have, but you did. 
You felt like you had to, because this might have been the only opportunity you had to see Ross. 
In town for one night only, and with his curfew broadened just because they had granted him more time to spend with his family, you couldn't say no. You never had said no to him either. The two of you shared a connection like you couldn't describe. Ever since you had first met on a dating app after one casual swipe in the right direction, you had clicked.
And even after the first date didn't work out, the encounter lasted no more than 5 minutes. You still kept in touch. You would get the occasional check in text. But beyond that, the two of you had gone your separate ways. 
You had your boyfriend, and months later he had his girl. And your respective relationships remained unbroken, fully committed. But in time, even after months of not speaking to one another, you always ended up in each other's messages. Just to catch up, nothing more, always innocent - or at least, that was what you told yourselves. 
And that's what meeting up in a bar you'd never been to would be. Just catching up over a drink. Nothing more. 
That was what you told yourself when you stopped at the front door, her head tipping back to look up at the dimly lit sign. Your body quivered with a shaky breath. 
Nerves? No. Ross never made you nervous. 
You knew what you were feeling, but you couldn't admit it to yourself. It was wrong. Yet, you did it anyway. 
You were greeted with a gust of warmth, a smile spreading over your face as you entered the busy bar. Bodies crowded around the bar top, music blared, and each television was broadcasting one sports event or another. 
Finding a table near the back, the broadcast talking about tomorrow's Devil's game was a welcome distraction. You watched it as you draped your jacket over the back of your chair, and as you glanced over the menu, you had pulled up on your phone with the help of the QR code stuck on the tabletop. It was a distraction more than anything. You almost always ordered the same drink, no matter where you went. You just wanted to look busy until Ross arrived. 
He announced his arrival discretely to not draw the attention of the surrounding people. He did it simply by speaking your name as his hand caressed over the small of your back in a featherlight touch. 
Your smile was too wide as you answered him, “Ross.”
Without thought, you stood up from your seat and threw your arms around him in a brief embrace. And he returned it, the strength of his arms wrapping around you and pulling you close. And for a moment, the two of you just stood there - just long enough to enjoy his embrace, but not long enough for it to be awkward. Then, your limbs fell away from him so naturally as you perched yourself back up on your chair. 
From there, you admired him as he rounded the table to sit across from you. Ross was over dressed in every sense of the word. He wore a white button down, your eyes drawn to the black buttons that trailed down his chest, and he shrugged off his sports coat, the color one you couldn't quite make out under the dim multi-color lights of what you deemed a dive bar. 
He draped the coat over the back of his chair, and his eyes that were bright with his smile found you. 
“I'm a bit over dressed, huh?” His question laced with a chuckle as he sat. 
You nodded. “Just a bit.” 
“Just came from dinner with the family,” he explained, as if you needed one. You weren't going to complain. He looked good in a suit. There were worse things you could get stuck looking at. 
“How was it? They must have been excited to see you.” 
And that was how the conversation began. So effortlessly, so naturally, as you moved from one topic to the next. His family, yours, how he had settled into Colorado, his girlfriend, your boyfriend. You talked about it all over a drink that quickly led to two. 
Once you finished sucking back nothing more than melted ice cubes from the bottom of your glass, you were cursing yourself for being such a lightweight. You could feel the buzz of alcohol coursing through you. The jitters in your hands, and the racing of your heart in your chest. One drink more and your brain would have fogged, but there wouldn't be another. 
It was late, and Ross was already asking for the bill. 
He paid it in full. 
“Thank you, you didn't have to do that,” you said as you stood up from your seat. Thankfully, you didn't waver on your feet. 
“You can cover it next time,” he said in such a way you believed him. 
But you knew there wouldn't be a next time. He would be flying back to Colorado after the game, and he had a girlfriend. You had a boyfriend. It couldn't happen again. It shouldn't. 
Together, you shrugged on your coats in the first awkward silence of the evening. Was this where you should say goodbye? Should you let him go on ahead and order yourself some water?
“Let me walk you to your car?” Ross’ voice cut through the silence. He had made up your mind for you. 
You nodded. “Yeah, sure. That'd be great.”
Keeping your head down, you left the bar together. Ross’ frame leading the way through the crowd that was now dwindling. It would be closing time soon. 
Stepping out into the cold air, you took in a sharp exhale. Its harshness almost left you light headed - or maybe that was the alcohol. 
You should have drunk some water. 
“I'm parked just up this way,” you told him and began the walk along the sidewalk with a casual stride. 
You walked together, your arms bumping up against one another with each casual stride. The contact left a soft smile on your lips, your gaze rising to look at him out of the corner of your eye. His hands had dipped into his pockets, and his collar popped to keep himself from the cold. And you stared for a moment, admiring how the city light reflected off his features. And how it ignited his too-perfect smile when he caught you staring. 
“You look amazing tonight,” his voice cut through the silent street, sending goosebumps to rise on your skin. 
Your smile tugged a little tighter at your cheeks. 
He shouldn't be giving you a compliment like that. You shouldn't have liked hearing them. But you didn't stop them. 
“Thanks, but I feel a little underdressed.”
Ross’ smile split wider, and a laugh erupted from his lips as he threw his head back. It was a laugh so comforting, so familiar, that it warmed your entire body as you came to stand in the empty parking lot where your vehicle sat alone. 
“This is me,” you gestured to the mid size SUV with the lazy sway of your arm. 
“Well,” he sighed out almost hesitantly, “it was really nice seeing you-”
You nodded slowly. “Yeah. Yeah it was.”
For a moment, the two of you just stood there, smiles on your faces and your eyes fixated on one another. Unmoving. Not quite wanting to leave. 
Then, he was stepping forward, his arms encasing you in his embraces, and your arms winding around him in return. Your cheek rested against his chest, his warmth radiating to you as he held you. You stood there, your eyes shutting for a moment as you relished in the feeling of him. The feeling of his arms wrapped around your body. The feeling of his hands on your back, and one dipping down. Down to where your ass peeked out from the edge of your jacket. There he gave it a gentle squeeze, and you could feel his gentle exhale as your own was trapped in your own chest. 
He shouldn't have touched you like that. 
You shouldn't have let him. 
And you shouldn't have liked it. 
Drawing back slowly, you tilted your head back to look up at him. And Ross was looking back down at you. His bright eyes were half closed in a dreamy gaze and the corners of his smile had gone soft, leaving his lips slightly parted as he let out each exhale. 
It washed over your face in a blossom of heat, and smelt of the sweet alcohol on his tongue. Ross’ face was so close to yours you could practically taste it–no, you just wanted to. 
“Good luck tomorrow,” you muttered out a quiet goodbye, your limbs not ready to recoil away from his body yet. 
“You should come, I can get you a ticket,” he offered, his words a breath into your hair that ignited your skin as he spoke. 
“I might take you up on it,” you told him, but you wouldn't. 
“I'll see you soon,” Ross sighed, his words igniting your skin as he spoke. 
Yeah, sure you will. Was what you wanted to say. To mock him with those words and a hint of a laugh. Because you knew how this would go. You would go home tonight, and Ross would go back to the hotel room. He would ask if you made it home safe, and you would answer. But then you wouldn't hear from him for days, weeks, maybe months until you crossed his mind again, or he was left with the lonely opportunity to message you. 
Instead, you said nothing, and you smiled a soft, tired smile. 
It was then his hands fell away from you, his touch trailed down your curves, ghosting over the peaks of your hips before you were void of his touch, his warmth, and left numb by his absence. 
So suddenly you felt cold, empty as you stood there in the parking lot. Your head spun, your eyes shutting tight as you tried to process a single thought. But there, as you sought for reason, for logic, there was only action. 
Your arm lurched out before you could stop it, and your hand found what it was looking for as fingers wrapped around Ross’ wrist and dragged down to coast over his palm. Your fingers traced over each crease slowly until you could feel his fingers so close to slipping away, but then his hand captured your hand in return. 
The sudden grasp of your hands together had his body recoiling into your own. There was a moment of tension in your arms before Ross stepped back into his place in front of you. Then, he took another step, forcing you to step back again and again until you were trapped between his body and your car door. He didn’t say a word, and neither did you. You didn’t have to. You could see all of what he wanted to say in the look of his eyes and how they searched yours so desperately for what you wanted from him. 
But what was it that you wanted? 
You said your goodbyes, yet it didn’t feel like enough. It never did, and that was probably why you so desperately clung to any kind of relationship with him. To fill and satisfy a void your boyfriend left in you, but also in hope that one day have the satisfaction of being with him the way you always thought you might but never could be. 
You had always run to Ross in a sense, especially during hardships. He knew you better than most, and he knew more of your secrets than anyone - and you were the same for him. Through tears and through laughter, the love you shared was unique. Unlike any other. Tainted. So close to friendship, but there would always be more. 
And for the first time, it truly felt like you could finally cross those lines together. With his girlfriend back in Colorado, and your boyfriend away on business, it almost felt like fate that the two of you were left alone in New Jersey together. 
His girlfriend didn’t know you existed, but you knew about her. 
Your boyfriend didn’t know he existed, but Ross knew about him. 
The two of you knew every little detail of each other's lives with your partners and helped each other through problems in your relationships that no one else seemed to understand. And it all seemed to be for nothing as you stood there in the night just waiting, hoping that he would kiss you. 
You held your breath as Ross’ hand came up to stroke over your cheek. His touch was so warm, so gentle, that it left your every thought melting from your brain. You held no worry, only anticipation that coiled in the depths of your stomach and left your limbs to tremble. All you could focus on was his fingertips and how they traced every angle of your cheek, down over your jaw, and finally to your lips that quivered with an uneven breath. 
It left your chest aching as you held the softened gaze of his eyes as they moved in as he closed the distance between you. You managed a single jagged breath before it was stolen from you, the warmth of his mouth all consuming as the kiss started in what was the careful brush of his lips against your own. 
Then, it was like a dam broke. 
There was no innocence in how Ross kissed you. His teeth moved hungrily against you, mouth open, and tongues gliding along one another before teeth clashed and desperate inhales were taken before you both dove further into self indulgence. It left you dizzy, your body pressed firmly back into the dirty door of your car. There, Ross knocked your legs just a single step apart and wedged a single leg between yours. You could feel him against the inside of each of your thighs, and so close to their apex. With just the single tilt of your hips, you could have ground yourself against him. Instead, you fumbled in your coat pockets for your keys. 
Your fingers moved over the buttons blindly in your pocket, moving over one button and then the other until the lights flickered and you heard the locks disengage. The loud thud was like the gunshot at the beginning of a race. You couldn’t move your hands fast enough, and neither could he as you both reached for the same door handle, his hand gripped your, gripping it and pulling open. It sent you stumbling away from the door and into his body that helped you into the backseat of your car. 
It was a spacious SUV. One you had slept in the back seat of on a road trip years ago. It wasn’t the most comfortable, but it was what you had, so it would do. You crawled up the length of the bench seats, giving Ross room to climb in behind you - but there was no space left between you when you heard the door shut firmly behind him. 
His hands were quick to find your body, his grasp so firm on your hips to draw you back into him. Your bodies were a knotted mess as you tried to get situated in the back, the driver’s side seat digging into your front, then your side, and finally your back as you threw your leg over his to straddle him. With his warmth back between your thighs, you stripped off your coat to try to ignore just how hot he made you. Tossing it aside, your hands were freed to explore. Your hands found his body, your touch stroking over the angles of his own face as you kissed him, tasted him. 
You were sure you had kissed him once before, but it had been so long you had forgotten the taste he left on your tongue. It was intoxicating, coaxing a moan up your lips as your hands found their place to rest knotted in the dark wisps of his hair. You toyed with the locks that would threaten to curl if they were only a little longer, as his hands trailed down the curves of your body. Ross caressed just under your breast, his thumb curiously reaching up and grazed just shy of your pert nipple that was pressing into the inside of your bra with the desperation of wanting to be touched. Then, his hands dipped lower over the circle of your waist, the rushed movement wrinkling the fabric, leaving the small of your back exposed. 
Touching your skin was like adding gasoline to an already raging fire. It sent Ross’ lips wandering from yours as his fingers stroked your soft, exposed flesh. His kiss traveled down over your chin, tickled your neck, and found your collarbone with a playful nip. It sent your heart racing. 
He knew you would like that. 
But you had to be careful. 
“No marks,” you breathed out, your eyes shutting as you tried to ignore why that had to be. 
“Yeah,” he breathed out quickly, “yeah, got it.”
With your exchange, it brought you both to a pause. Your chests heaved for breath, and your eyes seemed to look at everything except at each other. A decision needed to be made. You could stop before things could get any more complicated, or Ross could take off your shirt as he so desperately seemed to want to as his hand dragged along its delicate hem. 
You bit your lower lip firmly as you tried to look out the already fogged window. You could see the rainbow of colors that were the city lights shining through each drip of condensation. Focusing on a single droplet, you followed it down to the edge of the window and took a breath that escaped you with a sigh.
You knew what you wanted to do, but before you could say anything, Ross’ voice filled the air, “We don’t have to-”
Your head snapped to look in his direction. “You don’t want to?”
“That’s not what I'm saying,” he answered slowly, his teeth biting his own lip as his eyes fixated on yours. 
You knew what he was getting at. You were nervous, hesitant, but you knew you wanted this. You just needed the assurance that he wanted you as badly as you wanted him. 
“Ross…” you breathed out his name. It was the very beginning of the thought that threatened the very tip of your tongue, and that was left strangled in your throat as you felt Ross grip the swells of your hips. 
He held you firm in each hand, and with that hold, he guided you back and forth over his lap. Your hips angled instantly, grinding your needy core over the expense of his lap. You moved to and fro with his moments, and quivered at the feeling of his stiff cock beneath the thick seam of your jeans. 
“Do you want me to stop?” he asked you, his words slow and clear. He knew what he wanted, but he needed to hear it from you, too. Ross needed you to make the decision on your own, and to hear it from your own lips, even if he had already made up his mind for himself. 
“I-” you gasped out, your heart beating up into your ears like drums. It pulsed through your body, right through to your core that throbbed against the stiff outline of his cock. 
You should have told him to stop. 
You should have pulled your coat back on and sent him on his way. 
But you didn’t. 
“Don’t you dare,” you answered him after a moment, your voice stern, “just,” you took in a long inhale, “let’s be quick - unbutton your pants.”
Your bodies strained in the tight place as you both fought close quarters to undo your pants. You leaned back against the driver's seat to try to get the angle just right to work your jeans down, while Ross pressed down onto his heels and lifted his hips up high to work his hands just low enough for his cock to spring free. 
And while his pants rested around his knees, and that’s all he needed to do to be ready for you, you struggled. You let out a frustrated huff as the head of the driver’s seat dug into your back, and your arms fought the tight denim down your hips. The awkwardness left you slipping. Ross’ hand was quick to catch you before you could fall awkwardly onto him and his stiff cock that was so exposed, hard and ready for you to take him. 
“I got it,” Ross’ words were a rushed promise, his hands gripping the fabric and pulling them down your legs until they rested on the floor of the car with your shoes - but your panties they remained. You watched as Ross admired them for a moment. The simple pale colored lace that looked gray in the darkness. 
Your core clenched as his finger toyed with them, pushing and tugging at the fabric as he lured you back in close to him. And when you were a mere breath away, his finger dipped beneath the fabric and dragged along your slick core, if only just to tease you as he pulled the damned fabric to the side. 
“I wish I could enjoy you, the way you deserve to be enjoyed,” Ross hummed out, his hand guiding you forward to hover above the very tip of his cock. 
You nearly quivered at his words. Many times, he had told you how he would fuck you. How he would enjoy tasting your sweet cunt on his tongue before leaving you moaning as you took his cock like the slut girl you were. But there was no time for those luxuries. 
Angling yourself over his cock, you took hold of it in your cold hand carefully. The hiss that left his lips left your grinning, but it was him that was left with the last laugh as he thrust up into your wet cunt, leaving you overtaken by a pathetic whimper that came with the feeling of taking his cock inside you for the very first time. 
“You like that?” Ross asked you in a whisper, his hands remaining firm on your hips to guide him along his cock with the slow roll of your hips. 
You nodded feebly, your mouth opening to tell him just how good his cock felt, only to unleash a moan instead. 
“Look at you,” his grin grew, “so pretty as you take my cock, and taking it so well you don’t even have the words to tell me - and you’ve always been so good with your words,” he purred, “such a shame really.” 
Ross reached up with his hand, his fingers stroking over your lips as you were left on the verge of another moan. One you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of having just yet. 
“I like when you tell me what a dirty slut you are,” his thumb tugged at your lower lip playfully as he thrust up hard into your cunt, coaxing that moan you had choked back into the depth of your throat, “but you sure do have a pretty moan.”
Your core clenched around his cock at the compliment, your hands lurching forward to grip at the leather head rest behind him. 
“Shut up,” you spoke through grit teeth. 
“Oh?” he raised a brow up, his heels digging into the floor again and thrusting so deep your body couldn’t physically take him any further. “You don’t like when I talk dirty to you?”
Your core clenched again, then you gasped, “no, I-”
You moaned again, your entire body reverberating with the sound. 
“You’re so close, I can fucking feel how desperate you are on my cock.” Ross didn’t bite his tongue. He liked to see you so close to the verge of pleasure, practically melting in front of him, and your cunt flexing around him. 
With weak legs, you met every single thrust, but it wasn’t enough. Not for him and not for you, either. 
Ross gripped the fleas of your ass firm in both hands and used it as leverage as he lifted you up and guided you to lay out on the leather seats all without leaving the warm wet embrace of your cunt. With you sprawled out, Ross gripped your hips and guided your legs to wrap around his hips just right. Every thrust made you tingle, made you moan, and soon your toes were curling, your body near recoiling with pleasure. Yet, he thrust through each wave, through every flex of your core, sending his eyes rolling back in his own pleasure. 
“I’m close,” he choked out, your heart suddenly racing with panic. 
“Pull out,” you told him, voice stern, “I’m not, fuck I’m not on the pill. Pull out.”
“What?” he seemed shocked, his cock still buried deep inside you for a thrust, then another before he pulled out and found the warm embrace of his own hand. 
You lay there, panting, legs still quivering, as he worked himself through his climax. His face softened, his body arching over you as he painted the inside of your thighs and the leather seats with his cum. 
“Should have given me a heads up,” he panted out after a moment. 
“Would it have changed anything?” You countered. 
His head shook, “no, but I would have gotten you to suck me off or something-”
“You wish,” you shoved him playfully, “now, get your pants back on.”
Ross settled back into the seat the two of you had started in, but you remained laying there for a moment. You were seeing stars as you stared up at the ceiling, your one hand dipping between your legs and swiping over your cunt to make sure there had been no accidents before you put your panties back into place. Then, each of your moments had to be deliberate. The cum on the inside of your thighs had already begun to dry, but the cum on the seats was still hot and sticky. You couldn’t risk getting it on any of your clothes. It would have to be something you had to clean up before you got home, but first, you had to say your goodbyes. 
You pulled your pants up slowly in silence, then your shoes before you heard the door open and the cold night air infiltrated the car. It sent a shiver coursing through you, your hands desperately reaching for your coat as you slipped out of the car behind him. 
“Are you good to drive home?” Ross asked slowly, his hands in his pocket. 
You nodded. “Yeah, I’m good.”
“You sure?”
“Message me when you get in?”
You looked to your empty driver seat, “yeah, just-” you sighed gently knowing you would be going back to the apartment you shared with your boyfriend even if it was empty for the next week, “don’t be surprised if you’re blocked in the morning when you try to message me.”
Ross’ feature faltered into a frown. “Regretting me already?”
Your heart sank. You didn’t know how to feel, or how you would feel in the morning when you had the night to fully comprehend the choices you had made. 
“Regret you? Nah, never.” You gave him a reassuring smile as you stepped in, your hands on his chest as you pressed up to give him a goodnight kiss. It was a soft, gentle kiss, one that had you pulling back like the gentle rise and fall of waves until he pulled you back in with both hands and kissed you deeply, making sure that you left with the taste of him on your lips. 
Then, you got into the driver's seat of your car, and brought the engine to life with the turn of your key. It reeked of sex, of cum, but it was nothing a good wash and a new air freshener couldn’t mask - but even then as you sat there, your eyes fixed on Ross as he stood there in the parking lot, watching you leave, you barely noticed the smell. No, the heavy feeling in your chest was too distracting. This time really felt like a goodbye. And not just a goodbye for now, but a goodbye forever. 
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claireelle18 · 2 months
Everything Turns Out Right - Ross Colton
He’s out of surgery and she meets him in his room afterwards, telling him “you know, they almost didn’t let me in here. They said I had to wait until you were up and asking for me.” Her pointed look towards him.
“They only let me in because you had me listed on your paperwork as your wife. Though I had to convince them, due to us not having the same last name.” 
He put his hands up in a half-hearted attempt, “I’m trying to manifest the things I want by speaking them into the universe.” 
“And you want a wife?” A faked pointed look shot to him. 
“Only if it’s you.” A cocky grin spreading to show his pearly whites. 
“I think your meds are too strong. You, mister, are lucky. I was able to convince them we hadn’t agreed to us taking each other’s names yet and that we were waiting for my passport to be renewed before anything else.” 
He chuckles, “So you’re going along with this wifey?” Her heart racing hearing him jokingly call her that name she desperately wants him to actually mean. 
“Only because I wanted to be here,” she stuck out her tongue, settling next to his bedside. 
Hours must have passed before the next person visited. “Mr. Colton…” stated a middle aged nurse.
“Shhh…please. She is trying to sleep,” he motioned to her curled up in the corner of the hospital room couch. “Kept her up all night worried with the injury as she had to fly in before learning anything further.” 
“So sorry, Mr. Colton. I was trying to inform you that visiting hours are soon to be over.” 
“She’s my wife. She can stay.” 
“My bad sir.” The nurse ducked out of the doorway. She stirred soon after. Blinking around, searching to understand her surroundings. 
“Tony is on his way here with real food for you. You need to eat. I’m pretty sure you last ate that snack size bag of Cheez-Its before the airplane ride.” He said. She squinty-eyed him. “You know I’m right.” 
“You need to eat too, R,” she huffed. 
“Already ate. Hospital food. Not half bad,” he shrugged, motioning to the bed tray with the past dinner plate. 
“I can go down to the cafe and get something before they close for the night,” she started to protest. He shook his head. 
“Too late sweets. He’s on his way. Meantime I’ve been channel surfing and I found a Jurassic Park movie marathon.” 
Thanks to Tony coming in with true food for her before retreating back to the team’s hotel, she was left with him again. “Come here sweetheart,” he motioned to the slightly larger than a twin bed. 
“R…” she started to protest. 
“Nuh uh honey. Join me, I need you here to make sure no dinosaurs come to eat me.” She rolled her eyes. 
“You’re a dork.” 
“Yeah, yeah, but I’m your dork. Now get over here.” She gingerly climbed into the bed as best as she could to avoid bumping into his shoulder. 
Before the team jetted off to the next city for the next game in the road series, a few stopped by to check in. She had slipped out to grab a cup of coffee while the men all talked briefly. “Soooo Tony spilled the beans that you told the docs she’s your wife…” Patty joked. 
“Well I knew she would just be too anxious to sit in the hotel room with one of you guys. No offense,” he replied back.
“You must really love her to go that far to lie about her to a hospital,” Brayden chimed in. 
“And to have us use your card to buy her that emergency flight,” Steven commented. “Ross you have to just tell her the way you feel. Sandra tells me that the way she looks at you is the same way that all of our ladies look at us, but that there is that look of longing written deep in her expression. Hate to break it to you now, but do something about it. Seriously.” No one knew that she had returned from her coffee adventure to over hear the conversation. 
Steven was right. All the guys were. Sandra was, and she knew exactly her feelings towards the New Jersey native as it was a family common topic of discussion in the family box. “I want to give her the entire universe. I wasn’t really lying about the whole wife part, more just trying to actually speak what I want into existence with her. I know Tony knows this since he was there to help me pick it out, but I have the ring for her.” A ring?! So he had that planned out already. 
She burst into the already cramped hospital room, carefully flinging herself into the body of the man she loved so much. A couple of the guys chuckled at the scene in front of them. “I love you so much, R.” 
“So I am guessing you heard the conversation,” his laugh reverberating through her. 
“Every word.”
“Well fuck this wasn’t really the way I had thought it would happen,” he glanced around the room at the guys. “I don’t even have it with me. Didn’t expect to have you here with me, even if it is due to the unfortunate circumstance.” 
“I don’t care if you physically have it. You have known that items aren’t important to me.” Her eyes getting all teary.
“Sweetheart, it’s important as it’s my promise to you. You deserve to have a ring. It’s been in my nightstand drawer for months.” That was true. He bought the ring almost a year ago. She had left for a weekend to visit her family, which meant he was able to go pick out the right ring for her. He had been speaking with a local jeweler for a handful of weeks, and the designed ring finally came in. 
The team left, and the couple (well Ross) was discharged from the hospital. The flight back to Tampa was uneventful, except for the company of one of the trainers to make sure there were no unforeseen complications to the injured offensive. When the two arrived home, he pulled the velvet box from that back part of his nightstand. Her tears springing to blur her vision. “Again, not how I had imagined or planned to do this for you,” he started. 
She shook her head, a silent laugh shaking her body. “My love, you have been the best part of my life,” he continued on. “The nonstop love you have for everyone around you. How much you pour yourself into your life. I could not even imagine life without you in it. When you came into my life, the sunshine brightened the world even further. I saw it from a different outlook that only you could show me.” He watched her closely as he momentarily struggled with the small box. 
Pulling it open, revealing the large custom ring to her. “Will you do me the honor of continuing that life, and be my wife?” He asked her. 
“Absolutely yes! I would say yes in every life time to you Ross.” She couldn’t imagine her life without him in it, and was so glad he felt the same. Through it all, life would be amazing with each other by their sides. 
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jackhghes · 1 year
NHL Recommendations
Fic recommendations that you guys should definitely check out.
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(series) Road Wife - by @cellythefloshie 18+ (series) Unresistable ;; jack hughes - by @luvmmarner (one-shot) Fan Girl ;; michael bunting - by @luvmmarner (one shot) you were right ;; jack hughes - by @luvzegras (one shot) baby, baby ;; quinn hughes - by @luvhughes43 (one-shot) keep your glasses on ;; owen power - by @powermakar
(one-shot) roughed up ;; sidney crosby - by @drewsbuzzcut 18+
(one-shot) illicit affairs ;; sidney crosby - by @blueskrugs
(one-shot) Along for The Ride ;; auston matthews - by @woah-were-halfway-there
(series) Impact ;; mitch marner - by @callsign-denmark
(one-shot) Take Five ;; mitch marner - by @mattybenierss
(one-shot) I miss you like the very first night ;; cale makar - by @mattyanonwrites
(one-shot) you always did feel just like home - nathan mackinnon - by @wyattjohnston
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luvmmarner · 1 year
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TW: smut 18+, degradation, BDSM, spanking, cock warming, pet names (bunny, angel), rough/angry sex, slight dom/sub play, bottom/sub reader, lack/slight aftercare, handcuffs, spitting, choking, thigh riding, overstimulation, oral (m) receiving, fingering, pre established relationship, teasing (a lot of it)
SUMMARY: After a loss in the playoffs, Colton needs to let off steam, which just so happens to involve you.
WC: 3.1k of just smut idk what’s wrong with me lol.
TAGLIST: @cellythefloshie @bolts-nation @jackhghes
As soon as the third period began and the clock neared closer and closer to zero. It was obvious to you, as well as to the players, that they had lost. In spite of the crowd's enthusiastic support, the players' motivation dropped precipitously almost immediately. There was no point in trying. In the remaining 5 minutes, they had little chance of winning since they were already down 5-3.
When the clock got down to the seconds, you slipped on your Avs jersey. It was a complicated decision whether or not to wear your brother's jersey. After a moment of deciding. You picked Cale’s jersey instead of your brothers. You were a fan of the Avalanche, but you always cheered for the Bolts whenever Ross was around, as it felt right to do. Finally, just for tonight, you could wear this jersey since Ross was probably not going to come home until the next day.
"They’re going to win!" You said it to your friend through the call, who was also an Avalanche fan and was watching the game at their house.
"There’s no way." She mumbled and put her hands over her face. She also couldn't believe this was happening.
When the horn blew, indicating the game was over, you couldn’t believe it. The Avalanche won. They won the Cup! The team you’ve been silently cheering for because your brother was on it You jumped up and down in excitement, repeating out loud, "They won! They won!" Your friend was also repeating those same words.
"I’m going to go get a drink." You said you didn't want to wait for a response back.
You went to the kitchen and poured yourself a glass of wine, then headed back to the living room to finish watching the celebration. You already missed the handshake because of it, so Ross was the least of your concerns.
"I gotta go. My boyfriend booked a reservation at the bar after tonight's game to celebrate." She said.
"Alright! Bye, have fun!" You smiled as she waved goodbye and ended the call.
You are now alone. You became accustomed to it as a result of all the away games that Ross's team played. You enjoyed being by yourself, especially at this particular time.
You watched the team celebrate, particularly your brother. He made a significant impact and helped with the accomplishments of the team. The expression that was plastered across his face was one of unadulterated happiness and excitement. Since he was a young boy, he had dreamed of this, and now his dream has finally come true.
You were unable to keep track of the passing hours. You were so preoccupied with drowning yourself in wine and post-game cellies that you missed the door slamming and clicking shut.
It wasn't until you heard Ross's footsteps that you realised he was home. You place your wine glass on the side table before rushing after Ross to give him a hug and express how proud you are of him.
As he reached for a glass of water, you wrapped your arms around him, "You tried your best. I’m so proud of you." You mumbled in an effort to lift his spirits.
"Take his jersey off right now." He growled before finally looking at you.
You rolled your eyes. "Why. I’m not just going to take it off because you guys lost."
"Take it off. Don’t make me repeat myself again."
You've had enough of his attitude and bad mood lately. You scoffed a quick "fine" before heading up the stairs to get ready for bed. You decided to test Ross’s patience just a little more. You got completely undressed, only leaving Cale’s jersey on.
Ross didn’t join you in the room until a few moments later. You were removing your makeup when you felt hands wrap around your waist. "You don’t listen, huh?" He whispered in your ear, sending vibrations throughout your body.
"You don’t get to tell me what to do." You scoffed again, but this time he picked up on it.
He tightened his grip against yours, already feeling the hardness in his pants.
You attempted to wiggle your way out of his grasp in an effort to escape, but it was too late; he had already picked you up and carried you to the bed on his shoulders.
He positioned you so that you were face down on his lap. "Do you know what happens to brats, baby?" He asked, his voice filled with nothing, but frustration and anger.
"They get punished..." You replied, sucking in a sharp but shaky breath.
"Good girl. Now count for me."
As soon as his hand landed against your skin. You couldn’t help but squirm. Your body already hurts from the events that occurred a few days prior.
"I’m not asking again, baby girl. Count now."
It was clear it was an order, and he definitely wasn’t messing around this time. You nodded quietly, mumbling an "I’m sorry", You knew it wouldn’t change anything, but it was worth a try.
His hand came down even harder than the last time. The burning and aching were even worse than before. You managed to get out a very strangled "one." It sounded pathetic, but it seemed to please him. Because Ross let out a groan of pleasure.
You continued to count each smack. You couldn’t help but let the tears that were threatening to fall escape. Your whole body was on fire, and you couldn’t do anything but take it.
"Pathetic brat, you just wanted me to spank you, huh?" He spat, clearly dissatisfied with the lack of reactions you were given. You couldn’t do anything but whine at his voice; you needed him so badly.
"I think you had enough, baby. You did so well." His praises caused you to wriggle even more, which only served to increase his enjoyment of the sight of you, all lovely and draped over his lap.
"You're drenching me, sweetheart; it's so frustrating that I can't help you." He taunted you, clearly enjoying it.
You looked up at him with nothing but confusion. He couldn’t do that. That’s unfair.
"You can’t do that. I was a good girl." You complained. You wrapped your legs around his waist and moved against his bulge ever so slightly as you did so. Which was only met with a resounding groan of satisfaction.
"You were a good girl, but this is your punishment. If you’re complaining, then I won’t reward you." He slurred over the last few words.
"No, I'm not complaining. I really need you, please." You begged, which was something you found yourself doing more often.
"You're welcome to make use of my thighs, doll, but I'm not going to fuck you tonight. Perhaps, if you behave yourself, then perhaps, just perhaps. I'll consider it," he hummed.
That was the reassurance you needed to slightly increase your speed against his thigh. You were already exhausted as is, so the speed didn’t last long. Ross not only appeared to be aware of this, but he also began to place his hands around your waist. Ross manipulated your hips until you could no longer resist; your body arched, and your core desperately clenched onto nothing. Cum rolled down his leg, which made him go silent.
"Did I allow you to come, bitch?" He spat the word ‘bitch’ easily rolling off his tongue.
All you could answer with was "I’m sorry." You broke one of his rules again, and you knew he wasn’t going to let you off the hook that easily. He swiftly pulled down his boxers before ordering you once again.
He snarled, "Get on your fucking knees."
You didn't even pay close enough attention to hear what he had to say. while you were still in the process of recovering from the powerful, scorching orgasm that came before it. He hissed in annoyance and pushed you to your knees.
"When I fucking tell you to do something, fucking do it."
You whimpered as you watched him stroke himself for a while in silence.
"Open up for me, baby, and behave like a good girl." He chuckled, which caused you to tilt your head slightly upward and make direct eye contact with him.
His hand gripped the back of your head. He roughly pushed you down on his cock, making you gag in the process. He moved at a brusque speed inside your mouth. As your eyes began to well up with tears, he let out a sigh of satisfaction.
He pressed your entire mouth against his scrotum. His groans vibrated around the room.
"Fucking take it like a princess." He ordered his hips to buckle into your mouth. You were well aware of how close he was.
He started face-fucking you, and you just let him. You were enjoying the sounds he made. You loved when Ross moaned, which is something he doesn't always do. Because of this, you should always try to take in as much of this moment as you possibly can.
He let you take a quick break; he pulled out of your mouth. As soon as it happened, you let out a gasp for oxygen, and more tears started streaming down your face.
His breathing got heavier, and he once again forced his cock to the back of your mouth. Immediately filling you with his seed.
"You better swallow every last drop." He demanded.
You nodded. You shiver at the taste of the saltiness. You were successful in swallowing most of it, except for some that managed to leak out by accident.
Ross scooped up the extra cum that spilled from your mouth with his finger.
"Open bunny." He smirked at how quickly you obeyed him. He pushed his fingers into your mouth, and you quickly sucked them clean.
"Up Now, baby girl."
You got up easily, obeying his order, and encircled his shoulder with your arms, burying your face in his neck as you did so. You knew Ross was not the kind of person who would be cruel enough to deny your upcoming second climax, especially so soon after you had been punished. You muttered a thank you, thinking he was done, but to your surprise, he wasn’t. He removed his boxers fully while attempting not to disturb you too much in the process.
"Just lift yourself up slightly, baby. I’ll make you feel good." He issued the command with a voice devoid of content.
You obliged and lifted your body up as much as you could. Ross pulled you closer to him and guided you back down slowly. As soon as he entered you, pleasure started flowing immediately to your slit, and it didn't take long for it to become overwhelming. Your core tightened around his cock until he was completely encased within you.
He immediately became stiff, and you could only very slightly roll your hips against him. You sighed in exasperation as you made the decision to take matters into your own hands. You moved yourself against him. You weren't getting any sort of benefit from it, and instead, it was making you even more upset.
"Oh my god, Ross, just fuck me already or I’ll-" You started but were interrupted by a smack on your ass. You were at a loss for words and could only whimper. You were in a lot of pain there, and the smack certainly did not alleviate any of it.
"You take what I give you, fucking brat. You act like a slut, you get fucked like one," he grunted, bringing you into a kiss with his tongue roughly pushing inside. He left your mouth open, spitting in it without any hesitation.
"Swallow Now," he demanded.
You swallowed, but the ring of a phone caught your attention.
"Fucking hell." He sighed, mumbling some other words underneath his breath that weren’t audible.
"I want you to cockwarm me, unless you're an impatient bunny. I need to make a call real quick." He sighed, reaching for his pants that were discarded on the ground and retrieving his phone.
"I’ll be patient." You didn’t hear what he had to say next, and you positioned yourself comfortably over his cock, slowly trying to sink down. Ross groaned, clearly impatient at the speed you were going.
He rested his hands on your hips once again, pulling you completely down on his cock without warning. A painful yelp escaped your throat.
You watched as Ross' screen flashed with a number you didn’t quite make out. He pressed accept instantly and talked to the other person on the phone.
You started to rock slowly against him. You could see the struggle as he stumbled over his own words. It was probably due to the fact that you remained still for a bit, and it was unexpected.
"Yeah. I think I’m free on that day." Ross spoke. The professionalism in his voice indicated that it was most likely a business call.
"Yeah, thanks. No, you didn’t disturb me. It’s all good." He smirked; the way he said ‘me’ in a different way had you trembling.
"Yep, no problem. Have you checked with Hagel? He wanted to speak to you as well about something."
You rolled your eyes. He was obviously purposely delaying. His responses were painfully slow, unlike the other times he had made calls.
He ended the call a few moments later, tossing his phone lightly to the ground.
"Fucking get on the bed and don’t speak at all." He grunted.
He didn't even give you a chance to respond before he tied your hands using the shackles that were still attached to the bed from the previous night.
"Is this okay, Angel?" He whispered.
You nodded. That was certainly one of the reasons why you had such a deep love for Ross. He always made sure you were okay before doing something. Especially when he thinks it might be too much for you.
"Words, baby, I need words." He stammered.
"Yes, yes, more than okay. I trust you, Ross." You knew if you told Ross to stop, he would. He wouldn’t want to ever hurt you, so you trusted him.
He was able to get inside of you considerably more quickly than before. He worked his way into you, giving you a moment to adjust before beginning at an accelerating pace.
"Ross," you pleaded. You made an effort to stifle the moaning sound in your voice, but in the end, you gave up and let everything out. Allowing all kinds of noises to erupt from your mouth.
"Such a filthy slut."
As he continued to hammer your G-spot, you felt a tremor run through your entire body. You made an effort to grab the bedsheets, but you were shackled, so your attempt was unsuccessful. You had no choice but to accept it as your fate. You were so close that your skin started to feel like it was on fire, and your muscles began to tense up.
"I’m close, please. Ross," you sobbed.
"Fuck. Cum for me, bunny." He instructed.
Your walls fluttered around his cock. The use of the pet name causes you to lose your composure right away. You wailed until every muscle in your body gave out and you were absolutely motionless.
Even Ross was unable to contain the desire any longer. His hand reaching up to choke you. The grip on your throat was tight, but that was enough for him to paint your walls with his climax when you clenched around him the way you did. A trembling breath came out of his mouth.
"One more baby, can you take one more?" He whispered.
You nodded, giving him the long-awaited kiss that you so desperately needed. He moved his fingers along your thigh, eventually reaching your core. He didn’t waste any time slipping a finger into the hotness and stickiness of your slit. You moaned in his mouth at the sensitivity and soreness of your entrance from being stretched out. He added another finger, loving the way you moaned in his mouth.
He added a third one. You couldn’t help but break the kiss from the erupting pleasure. Ross loved seeing you struggle, especially now. The heat in your stomach was insane. You had to cum soon. He knew it.
"I can't, Ross." You cried as he fingered deeper into you. Your back arched, but was stopped by Ross.
"You can, and you will." He placed his fingers on your throat once again, even tighter than before.
That is what took you over the edge this time. Your legs shook once again. Your third orgasm crashing against you, this time faster than before. A mixture of his cum and yours coaxed his fingers.
"Such a good girl. You did such a good job. I’m so proud, bunny." He praised you, pressing his drenched fingers into your mouth.
You sucked them clean, which earned a groan from him.
"Baby. I’ll start you a bath." He stammered, and it was clear that he was also struggling to catch his breath from the last few orgasms he had. He removed his hand from your throat. He planted a quick, rough kiss on your neck that he did all the time after sex and that would always be sure to bruise later on.
He got up and was headed to the bathroom to start your bath, but your voice stopped him.
"No. I just want to sleep, please." You couldn’t keep your eyes open any longer. You were tired, and your wrists hurt so badly from tugging forward, especially during your orgasms.
"Okay, baby, but let me uncuff you. Give me a second." He responded by giving you a kiss on the forehead, he swiftly uncuffed your hands from the cuffs. The abrasive metal of the cuffs left red lines that were permanently embedded in your skin, but you didn't care about them, at least not today.
Before coming into the bedroom to join you, Ross went to clean up in the bathroom. He made sure you were tucked into bed, and then he gave you a warm embrace.
He was aware that tomorrow he would need to clean the sheets, but he didn't give a damn about it. He adores the heat from you and the way his cum pools in your core.
"I love you, baby, so much." He said. Even though he had no way of knowing whether or not you were awake, he went ahead and planted a kiss on top of your head anyway. Just like he does every night.
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mp0625 · 9 months
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Mara, 20 and I'm an American NHL & F1 Fan.
My friend and I have a discord for Tumblr Hockey Fans. If you are interested in joining. Click Here!
If you would like to be tagged in a upcoming fic shoot me a message
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Requests and asks are Open.
Will write for most players and drivers.
Will not write for:
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Tag List Form
Started: 7/22/2023
Last Updated: 3/24/2024
Total Works: 14
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Drafts: 19
Inbox: 5
Queue: 1
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If you see someone on a team that they’re not currently on that is because it was written when they were on that team.
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Hockey Girlies Discord Christmas Fic Exchange 2023
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Daniel Ricciardo
Imagine being team mates with Daniel Ricciardo
Logan Sargeant
Lazy Sunday
Oscar Piastri
Aussie! Teammate with Oscar Piastri
Pass the Cranberries
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Boston Bruins
Jeremy Swayman
Under The Moonlight
Carolina Hurricanes
Frederik Andersen
Elsker For @wyattjohnston 's Lowkey LoveFest 2k24
Pyotr Kochetkov
Sun and Sand
Teuvo Teravainen
Jouluiloa For @callsign-denmark for @wyattjohnston 's Winter Fic Exchange 2K24
Colorado Avalanche
Ross Colton
Ross Colton X Reader For @cellythefloshie Birthday Bingo
New York Islanders
Anthony Beauvilliver
Being With Anthony Beauvillier On His Last Day In New York For @swissboyhisch Suprise Birthday Fic
Fairytale of New York For @swissboyhisch for the Hockey Girlies Discord Christmas Fic Exchange
Seattle Kraken
Vince Dunn
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NHL & F1 Crossover
Race To The Net Masterlist
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silveredsticks · 2 months
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Ross, Brandon, Miles & Cale celebrate Ross' goal . Avs v VGK . 14 April 24 . Photo by Candice Ward
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leafsbabe · 2 years
how Ross Colton is like in bed
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what Ross Colton is like in bed:
- he’s a tease
- likes to get you all hot and bothered and then pull away before doing it all over again
- wouldn’t necessarily fuck in public but he’d definitely start things in public
- getting handsy and whispering dirty things in your ear
- he got a talented tongue but he’s lazy
- will just tell you to sit on his face if you want him to eat you out
- but he will also wind his arms around your legs so that he can pull you closer and you don’t have a chance to escape his mouth
- when you’re blowing him he’s always so vocal
- his hands will just tangle in your hair but he doesn’t push your head or fuck your face unless you tell him to
- Colton is not picky when it comes to positions
- but he has a soft spot for doggy
- can get a little rough in bed but never to the point of hurting you or leaving marks beyond some hickeys or his handprint on your ass
- you might be sore the next day but he tries his best to take care of you
- might spank you but it’s not something he does every time you fuck
- can go more than one round but he mostly just likes to get you off one or two times before he fucks you
- if you allow him to he loves to come inside of you
- just watch his come leak out of you and maybe finger it back in just so none of his hard work gets lost
- Ross absolutely loves cuddling after sex
- he just enjoys the contact
- he’s the little spoon
his dick:
- pretty average width
- above average length though
the experience:
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dreamwriting17 · 12 days
Wait is Ross Colton partially blonde!? I saw something today where he looked like he had some blonde hairs.
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withwritersblock · 23 days
𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ Hey friends! I have gotten quite overwhelmed with requests so as of right now, they will be closed. Any requested submitted after 5/20/24 will be deleted.
I plan to reopen them in a couple weeks after I finished the ones I'm writing. I also want to write a few of my own ideas as well, thank you for understanding :) happy reading 𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆𖥔 ݁ ˖⋆
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claireelle18 · 1 year
Long Live - Ross Colton
A/N: I wrote this up after hearing the news about Colton going to the Avs and also blasting Taylor Swift. I felt like it just made sense in this situation.
“And the Tampa Bay Lightning are your 2021 Stanley Cup Champions! Back to back!” The announcement shook through the arena. Air thick with electricity as realization kicked in. The team had done it. A back to back Stanley Cup run. Kings of NHL - a powerhouse of a team. Photographs snapped in every direction, smiles bright, whole body shaking with the adrenaline, as everyone tried to capture the moment. As fans started to exit into the downtown area, the team welcomed their families onto the ice to soak in the moment of what just became reality. 
After coming off of last years run, the team had been determined to make another run for this years cup, holding the reins. Once a dream, Lord Stanley hoisted by team captain Steven Stamkos. “Remember this moment, here and now. Soak it all in babe,” she remarked to her boyfriend. He stood like a deer when caught in the headlights of a car, wide eye. By morning, if not earlier due to social media, the pictures would be on every major local tabloid. 
“We are going down in franchise history as the team who brought back to back cups,” one of the guys chirped. “We will be remembered.” 
Flash forward to the post season of the 2022-2023 season. Passing pictures around of that time as it came time to say goodbye to the town that created the player he was today tugged on his heart strings a bit more. All those years of work for him, his family cheering him on. She stood by his side, on the sidelines - whether that was physically or following along over social media, for every little victory, including a third Stanley Cup Final and then being kicked out in round one of the next year’s playoffs. 
He never dreamt that he’d trade in his minor jerseys years ago to earning his NHL branded one. 
Memories that were embedded into those walls, into the city, photographed and tucked away into an album to look back on years later. Waiting for those who asked the stories behind each photo. Looking at the boxes stacked containing those years in their city, ready to be unpacked in the coming week. Into a new place. In a new city, across the country.
She sat in a corner with the album. Small salty drops dripped onto the protective plastic. “Loves what is it?” he asked, concerned. 
“I’ve had the time of my life, watching as you built your career, cheering you on. It’s just wild to think of the start of it all to now.” Not long after he came to Tampa is when the two met. She was the one to ask him for his number, but he asked for the date. 
“Are you worried about the move?” 
“More worried about the change for us.” News came a few days prior to Draft Day. Tampa couldn’t keep him, and the Colorado Avs offered a trade deal to acquire him. Moving away from the city that brought them together, onto the next adventure. “I know it’s not ideal, but I’m scared that if fate steps in, forcing a goodbye between us,” a hushed voice followed by a small sob explained. That fear of the change to come would tear the couple apart. She’d help him move, then tie up her part in Tampa, before coming out to Colorado, joining him. 
His heart ached for her. “It’s not gonna happen. No goodbyes, a few see ya laters just like always. Just like this is an away game trip hunny. When our children point to the pictures - you’re going to explain the love story we created, and then explain it to our grandchildren.” 
She questioned, “Children?” He nodded his head, scooting to rest on one knee. 
“Ideally, this would have been more planned, but I think we need some magic and we need to create a happy memory in our new home.” The new home that she helped pick out, because even with this upside-down shock, he wanted…needed her there. In their home. A black velvet box appears from his pants pocket. “Marry me.” Not a question, a statement because he was so sure of his future with her, no matter where the two went or the universe threw in their direction.
Nodding, more tears cascading down her face, pulling him in for a kiss. She noticed the uniqueness of the glittering ring that adorned her ring finger. “What’s the story behind it?” 
“I know you prefer an older style for jewelry, so I had a stone that was in my family cut into that pear shape, the outside adorned with sapphires to represent where we met and fell in love. Long live us, our relationship - no matter what is thrown our way.” 
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jackhghes · 1 year
The Masterlist
my hockey boys ✷
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Hello! Welcome to my Masterlist this Masterlist will consist of only hockey players. It'll be much appreciated if you call me JJ. I write both smut-angst. If I do make smut works it'll be for 18+ if you're a minor DNI. If you'd like to request then shoot me a message or press the button on my profile that says "Request Here"Please choose from my prompt list. Blurbs Series NSFW Alphabet Request Here
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jack hughes coming soon
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mitch marner coming soon
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pierre-luc dubois coming soon
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ross colton coming soon
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matthew tkachuk coming soon
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luvmmarner · 1 year
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This is the list of ONLY the Tampa Bay Lightning players' imagines/fics.
✶ = smut
♡ = fluff
✰ = angst
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ANTHONY CIRELLI ➮ i hate you not ✶ together ROSS COLTON (coming soon)
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mp0625 · 7 months
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soldiers, poets, and queens - playlists for ulysses, rosaline, prufrock, and caprizant for @bombawife‘s OC week (album art by @thedragonchilde)
ulysses: 01. setting up the courtroom - joby talbot | 02. bone + tissue - gallant | 03. still - colton ryan and molly gordon | 04. god bless the child - billie holiday | 05. how i am - jason howland | 06. thunder in a blue sky - namo feat. aedan peterson | 07. the nutcracker, op. 71, act I, scene 1: no. 4, arrival of drosselmeyer - pyotr ilyich tchaikovsky | 08. paper forest (birds) - emmy the great | 09. birdhouse in your soul - they might be giants | 10. hello my old heart - the oh hellos | 11. howl - black rebel motorcycle club | 12. when your feet don’t touch the ground - ellie goulding | 13. fragile - poets of the fall | 14. reflets dans l'eau - claude debussy | 15. relay - fiona apple | 16. god only knows - clay hine, drew mcmillan, tim brooks, and tim reynolds | 17. a long way past the past - fleet foxes | 18. lean - oh land feat. vitamin string quartet | 19. any other world - mika [listen]
rosaline: 01. mother and child reunion - paul simon | 02. garden song - phoebe bridgers | 03. la niaise - leila huissoud | 04. all of the women - allison russell | 05. just my imagination - the cranberries | 06. more than close - oneke | 07. what it is - amber mark | 08. i lost something in the hills - sibylle baier | 09. joy - nataly dawn | 10. glowing - the oh hellos | 11. the healing process - koh lantana | 12. night still comes - neko case | 13. blue skies - kathryn calder | 14. flower garden - joe hisaishi | 15. back in my body - maggie rogers | 16. olalla - blanco white | 17. te regalo - carla morrison | 18. it ends with us - steve mokwebe | 19. je suis pret - brooke fraser [listen]
prufrock: 01. the croquet match - joby talbot | 02. learning to fly - the weepies | 03. in my city - ellie goulding | 04. grace kelly - mika | 05. good old-fashioned lover boy - queen | 06. the 59th street bridge song (feelin' groovy) - simon and garfunkel | 07. song of the baron - yuji nomi | 08. on the street where you live - bill shirley | 09. romeo - donna summer | 10. everybody talks - postmodern jukebox | 11. king of the world - young rising sons | 12. shining star - earth, wind, and fire | 13. un sospiro - franz liszt | 14. into a fantasy - alexander rybak | 15. heavy balloon - fiona apple | 16. ain't no mountain high enough - diana ross | 17. feel it still - portugal. the man | 18. rounds - the oh hellos | 19. if the world turned upside down - goo goo dolls [listen]
caprizant: 01. six weeks - of monsters and men | 02. patience worth - faith and the muse | 03. hurricane - ms mr | 04. ivory tower - nova twins | 05. flowers - in love with a ghost feat. nori | 06. i know the end - phoebe bridgers | 07. so afraid - janelle monáe | 08. where did i leave that fire - neko case | 09. the girl i mean to be - daisy eagan | 10. supergirl - krystal harris | 11. cuando seas grande - miguel mateos | 12. hey you - pink floyd | 13. mood indigo - duke ellington | 14. pepper'n'sand - ingrid and the ministers | 15. s.p.c.l.g. (society for the prevention of cruelty to little girls) - the society girls | 16. bad trash - switchblade symphony | 17. four pink walls - alessia cara | 18. my friends - oh wonder | 19. ready now - dodie [listen]
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ilyasorokinn · 3 years
can i request number 11 from prompt list three with ross colton please:)
11. "welcome home kisses" (from this prompt list)
ross was coming home from a string of away games and wanted nothing more than to fall asleep next to you.
he opened the door to your shared apartment. your dog ruby rushed up to greet him, "hi." he bent down, letting her crawl over him, "where's mama?" ruby got the message and climbed off, leading him towards the living room.
he wasn't surprised when he found you asleep on the couch with the tv still on. you probably tried to stay up to greet him but fell asleep instead.
"thank you, girl." ross pressed a kiss to her head and gave her a scratch behind her ears. he sat down next to you and ran his knuckle over your cheek.
you stirred but didn't wake up. he smiled and decided to change his tactic. he bent down and pressed a kiss to your forehead. the feeling of his lips on your forehead was what woke you up.
you let out a content hum as you opened your eyes, "you're home." you flashed him a sleepy smile, one that never failed to make butterflies flutter in his stomach.
"yeah." he nodded, "i missed you."
"missed you too," you murmured wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down into a hug.
"i'm glad," he smirked.
"oh, shush." you pushed him away.
"i'm kidding." he laughed, laying down on top of you and pressing kisses all around your face.
"stop it." you laughed, trying to push him away, "ruby, save me!" you hollered. ruby, although she did love ross, would always be your loyal dog.
ruby hopped onto the couch and began barking and nipping at ross's face, "traitor." he playfully glared at the dog.
"no, she just loves mama." you picked her up and held her to your chest.
"well, that is something i think me and ruby can agree on." ross smirked, leaning down and pressing a kiss to your lips.
"welcome home." you murmured against his lips as you both pulled away.
"it's good to be home." he beamed.
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