birds-mid-noms · 2 years
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Ross's Goose (Anser rossii)
© Ed Norton
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quietparanoiac · 2 years
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Казан��ва в России | Casanova in Russia (2022), 1x02
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thebashfulbotanist · 2 years
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I wasn’t expecting to see a caterpillar right by the top of O’Malley Peak near Anchorage, but Gynaephora rossii (Ross' tussock moth) is really well-adapted to alpine tundra and these two seemed right at home! Unlike some caterpillars, they can eat lots of different types of plants, like Salix, Dryas, Saxifraga, and more. Apparently, it can also reproduce via parthenogenesis, which seems helpful in such a tough environment. 
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dry-gold · 1 year
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God I just really love trees.
Eucalyptus rossii
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nagaino · 1 year
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ed666655 · 5 months
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olivia2010kroth · 1 year
RT Deutsch: Russland - Venezuela / RT German: Russia - Venezuela
RT Deutsch: Russland – Venezuela /RT German: Russia – Venezuela Venezuela schließt sich dem russischen Zahlungssystem MIR an. Venezuela joins the Russian payment system MIR. Die Bankkarten des russischen Zahlungssystems MIR funktionieren jetzt auch in Venezuela, sagt Calixto José Ortega Sánchez, der Präsident der venezolanischen Zentralbank. “Das funktioniert bereits”, erklärt Sánchez. The…
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spookyfoxdreamer · 1 year
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vestaignis · 8 months
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Снежный барс, или ирбис — одна из самых малоизученных диких кошек во всём мире. На 2020 год популяция зверя во всём мире составляет от 2,7 до 3,3 тысячи особей — это невероятно мало, — но точной численности не знает никто.  Исследовать ирбиса сложно из-за труднодоступности мест обитания и скрытного образа жизни. Животное любит высокогорную местность, крутые каменистые скалы: максимальная высота, на которой был обнаружен барс — 6 000 метров, но чаще всего они живут на высоте 1 500 – 4 000 метров над уровнем моря. Некоторые интересные факты об этом прекрасном хищнике:
*Снежный барс, в отличие от других диких кошек, не умеет рычать. 
* У барсов очень длинный хвост, который составляет три четверти длины его тела и кажется очень массивным, но на самом деле он просто пушистый.
*Средний размер взрослого барса — 45–55 кг, 2–2,5 метра с учётом длинного хвоста и чуть больше полуметра в холке.
*В отличие от своих более крупных сородичей — льва, тигра, леопарда и ягуара, которые весьма опасны для человека, ирбис почти безобиен.
*Несмотря на своё название, снежные барсы не любят ходить по глубокому рыхлому снегу и передвигаются в основном по проторенным тропам.
*Барсы могут побороть добычу, в три раза больше его самого: они выскакивают из укрытия и прыжками в 6–7 метров настигают её. Не поймав добычу сразу, ирбисы могут погнаться за ней, но не дальше 300 метров, а иногда решают и вовсе не преследовать её.
The snow leopard is one of the most poorly studied wild cats in the world. As of 2020, the population of the animal worldwide ranges from 2.7 to 3.3 thousand individuals - this is incredibly small - but no one knows the exact number. It is difficult to study the snow leopard due to the inaccessibility of its habitats and its secretive lifestyle. The animal loves highlands, steep rocky cliffs: the maximum altitude at which the leopard was found is 6,000 meters, but most often they live at an altitude of 1,500 - 4,000 meters above sea level. Some interesting facts about this beautiful predator:
*The snow leopard, unlike other wild cats, cannot growl.
* Leopards have a very long tail, which is three-quarters of the length of their body and seems very massive, but in fact it is just fluffy.
*The average size of an adult leopard is 45–55 kg, 2–2.5 meters including the long tail and a little more than half a meter at the withers.
*Unlike its larger relatives - the lion, tiger, leopard and jaguar, which are very dangerous to humans, the snow leopard is almost harmless.
*Despite their name, snow leopards do not like to walk on deep, loose snow and move mainly along beaten paths.
*Leopards can overcome prey three times larger than themselves: they jump out of cover and overtake it with jumps of 6–7 meters. Having not caught the prey right away, snow leopards can chase it, but not further than 300 meters, and sometimes they decide not to chase it at all.
Источник://www.kp.ru/russia/zhivotnye-rossii/snezhnyj-bars/, //earthtouches.me/articles/2023/10/23/pochemu-ischezaet-snezhnyj-bars/,/pikabu.ru/story/snezhnyiy_bars__ischezayushchaya_zhemchuzhina_vyisokogorya_8041910,/proprikol.ru/kartinki/snezhnye-barsy-krasivye-kartinki-60-foto.html, //animalzoom.ru/snezhnyy-bars?mbstx=isywy,/ru.wallpaper.mob.org/gallery/tag=snezhnyj_bars/5/.
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nrdmssgs · 7 months
Just wanted to say I love you and your works. I'm a nikolai girly and have now started to learn Russian because of him (and my russian girlfriend). Your writing has helped me learn terms of endearment , so thank you very much <3
Hi! I live for such precious moments, thank you so much! I made a little tribute to you and your love. Happens some time after the Matters)
Nikolai maneuvered between the rare passengers wandering along the corridors of the airport waiting for their flights at such a late hour. His fifth flight in the last three days, but this one was special. First of all, he was finally just a passenger, second - he was finally flying not alone, third - this one was the last flight before...
"Excuse me? Sir, could you..." An unfamiliar voice dragged Nik out of his thoughts and he stopped abruptly, looking around.
"Could you snap a pic of us?" The young woman handed him her smartphone.
He barely managed to smile and agree on that, when she darted to a huge interior garden with the comfy leisure zone, where her friend was waiting. Nikolai couldn't help but chuckled, when the woman landed on the sit next to her girlfriend and squeezed her in the most tender and eager embrace, as if they haven't separated just a minute ago. Her friend planted a soft kiss on her forehead and turned to Nik.
"Ready?" He caught the couple in the frame and got ready to take a photo.
The woman, who asked for his help, could take her eyes off her girlfriend.
"Hey, look in the camera! You want a photo or not?"
"But you're so pretty, I want to remember you in this light!"
Nikolai just grinned and pressed the snap button to make multiple photos, as these precious souls shared such a special moment. He didn't mind standing there for a while, something kept him absolutely still. Maybe it was the beauty caught in their eyes, so obviously and helplessly in love with each other. A rare view for someone, whose line of work is rather a grim one.
He took several photos before returning to them to hand over the smartphone.
"Thank you," The other woman reached out to take the phone and froze for a moment. "Nikolai. Vy iz Rossii?*"
"Otovsyudu ponemnogu...*" Nik was touched to randomly meet someone, who could read the name on the patch of his jacket, but preferred to stay more or less evasive in his answers. "A vy letite otdihat`?*"
She nodded enthusiastically and Nikolai understood right away, that she was so happy not even because of the vacation, but because of the fact, that she will spend it with her love.
"Zaviduyu vam. Beregite drug druga.*" He waved goodbye and turned away.
The bar, Nikolai was supposed to meet Olga was opposite the garden. She was sitting right next to the glass wall and looked at the trees in the greenhouse, fighting sleep. She looked absolutely unfazed, but as soon as Nik almost sat next to her - she pushed him away with a quick and precise motion.
"Nikolai, I searched three airports to get you this gift, so don't you dare to ruin it under your ass."
"I didn't see, Nebo*, I'm sorry," he laughed and sat on another chair. "What is it? Something tasty?"
Olga checked her watch.
"You'll have to wait for an hour, birthday boy." Following the direction of his gaze, Olga moved the package with the gift away from Nikolai. "But don't await anything too special. I swear, picking a gift for someone, who can afford anything, is a challenge, this life has never prepared me for."
"Well, there are some things, I want, but not always can have." Nik caught her hand, pretending to be very interested in the dial of her watch. But his lips were on her knuckles the very next moment.
"A week ago, you debated purchasing an old sports training base."
"Well, i'm a simple guy - I like a good view..."
"Ok, 'simple guy'," Zhar chuckled. "What do you want? Beside nice views and 'something tasty'?"
Nikolais gaze returned to the garden and a pair, engrossed in an embrace and happy chatter.
"I want what these two have."
Olga fell silent for a moment, looking at the couple. Then she looked back on Nik.
"... a sparkling youth and properly functioning joints?" This time, she evaded his playful attempt to push her.
"No. Just having each other, holding each other, as if there are no worries at all, looking at each other, as if nothing around exists." Olga listened to him talking and watched two ladies stretching, then standing up and leaving the garden area, heading to their gate. There really was something about them, that made the whole airport hall brighter.
She wished they stayed there for a little bit more, shining their light all around.
"Ok, love, now you can laugh at me for becoming such a pile of tenderness at the sight of them." Nikolai was ready to return to his normal mood, but Olga didn't let it happen.
With a gentle squeeze of her hand, Zhar rose from her seat, her eyes alight with a mischievous spark. Without a word, she led Nikolai to the garden area, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the glass panes.
Standing amidst a sea of lush greenery, she turned to him, a shy smile playing on her lips. "Will you dance with me?" she whispered, her voice barely audible.
Nik froze. He couldn't make her dance with him for many months, no matter how much he asked. Even in his house, when there was no single soul around - just them two, Olga was too shy. "I never really danced. I don't know, how it's done properly..." And no matter how many times he repeated, her skills didn't matter - she declined.
And now she wanted to dance. Right there. In a sleepy silence, interrupted only by echoes of footsteps, reaching them from different halls.
With a nod, Nik took her hand, allowing himself to be pulled into a hesitant embrace. Their movements were awkward at first, disjointed and uncoordinated, but as they swayed together, a sense of harmony began to emerge—a silent symphony of two souls finding solace in each other's arms.
In the absence of music, the only sound that filled the air was the gentle rustle of leaves in a draft and the soft murmur of their breath mingling in the night air.
Nikolai couldn't be happier. Because despite the strangeness of the whole situation, she was nearby, and she could not take her eyes off him. Maybe his Birthday was only to come the next day, but he already got his biggest present.
"Nikolai. Vy iz Rossii?" - "Nikolai. Are you from Russia?"
"Otovsyudu ponemnogu..." - "I'm more or less from everywhere"
"A vy letite otdihat`?" - "Are you flying on vacation?"
"Zaviduyu vam. Beregite drug druga." - "I envy you. Take care of each other"
Nebo - Sky/heaven
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gardenergulfie · 1 year
Why havent I seen anyone talking about Pirates SMP on here, like Hello??? Pirate themed faction-based smp made by the guys who made Outsides and Rats, with Captain Puffy, Scott Smajor, OliveSleepy and Rossii Roscumber already confirmed??? Come on yall you love pirates!
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starkitsune · 3 months
Achievement Unlocked - Get misgendered by US state media
Hi, my name is Ariel and I'm a queer activist from Russia who got interviewed by Radio Free Europe and they missgendered me and everyone else in that article because according to them use of they/them pronouns would confuse readers too much. I would like to ask for your help to catch attention to this story as much as possible
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The journalist from that media deliberatly missgendered me and refuse to correct his mistakes
https://www.severreal.org/a/mozhesh-sest-tolko-za-to-chto-suschestvuesh-trans-lyudi-vynuzhdeny-bezhat-iz-rossii/32980245.html - Link to Radio Free Europe article itself
https://x.com/Kiberhelim/status/1803056413238837631 -
Links to my original tweet and post on reddit which i try to share as wide as possible for maximum attention
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quietparanoiac · 2 years
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Казанова в России | Casanova in Russia (2022), 1x03
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this-potato · 2 months
“The closer the collapse of the empire, the crazier its laws.”
— Marcus Tullius Cicero
The Russian government openly announced the blocking of YouTube in the fall. News and rumors about this circulated from the very beginning of the war, many social networks were blocked, YouTube was not touched, but they constantly threatened that it would be closed too. The government doesn’t like that YouTube is a huge window into Europe and the world, and that there are a lot of independent media and bloggers on YouTube who oppose the war and call for an immediate stop to all this. And now the television company Rostelecom (especially the "sanctions" paragraph) has announced a slowdown in the work of YouTube, and then a complete stop in Russia (https://rtvi.com/news/gazeta-ru-soobshhila-o-planah-zablokirovat-youtube-v-rossii-osenyu/). And as usual, they blame Google for everything, saying that it’s because of their poor equipment that nothing works. This is a complete lie. The authorities deliberately block everything they want, blaming everyone they can.
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7ooo-ru · 3 days
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Премьер Дании призвала снять ограничения на удары Украины вглубь России
Премьер-министр Дании Метте Фредериксен призвала снять ограничения на удары Вооруженных сил Украины (ВСУ) вглубь России поставленным оружием. Ее слова передает Bloomberg.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/09/23/735-premer-danii-prizvala-snyat-ogranicheniya-naudary-ukrainy-vglub-rossii-grss-343613205.html
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nagaino · 1 year
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