#rotating it in my brain as we speak
revvethasmythh · 11 months
trick or treat! 🦇
okay I THINK I've shared this particular excerpt once before but it's both relevant and makes me laugh so *captain holt voice* you'll read it again!
“What really happened?” Luc asked, blurting the words out so quickly it took her a moment to register what he’d said.  She blinked. “What? What really happened when?” He hesitated. It was never a good sign when he hesitated. Usually he just said whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. “That time,” he said, nervously plucking at his pant leg, “when you were gone. What really happened? Dad never told me. And I…I guess I never had the nerve to ask you before. Because you were gone, Mom. For, like, a while. And I remember being with Edith? I think? Because Dad was gone, too, and-and, yeah. That sucked. But you guys have never…you’ve never told me what was actually going on. And Caleb always speaks in these long-winded Zemnian riddles. I think he does it to throw me off so I won’t ask him about it any more.” “You’ve asked Caleb about this?” Veth asked with a jolt. “Well, yeah,” Luc said, like this was an obvious conclusion. “At least he says more than Caduceus does. All Cad’s ever said was ‘It was a lot.’”
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catmaidetho · 1 year
just had a thought about limlife and phantom etho. cannot put words to the thoughts but like something about the passing of time making players more aggressive + the effects of insomnia. no one has slept in days. etho is getting antsy.
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shitpostingkats · 6 months
Okay but this weeks episode really made me sit down and think about Fig & Riz parallels. The punk rocker who doesn't know herself but devotes herself to gods and devils all for her friends. The nerd who knows himself SO well but is scared to let the people he cares about know, who picks up his friends and tries to carry them over the finish line. "I know I don't really wear my heart on my sleeve" (is lying) vs. "It's all out there. That's all that's going on emotionally." (is lying) Making up multiple personas and a list of "romantic" interests so long that the fbi is out to catch her, versus making up just a single roëmænce partnær just to pass as "normal". Being terrified to be in a relationship because it means being known and being disinterested with being in a relationship but no one can know. Huge identity shift right before highschool versus "My nickname in middle school was The Briefcase Kid." The everchanging actor afraid to look at herself and the rocksteady investigator whose biggest fear is being seen.
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general-yasur · 2 years
Wildbrain era defined the ninja as the following:
Lloyd: Agitated leader who constantly puts too much responsibility onto himself.
Zane: Stating the obvious/filling in facts needed for plot/silly cosplayer
Cole: Cake and mommy issues
Jay: anxious, excitable, drives the plot by rash decisions.
Nya: Angry, impulsive, mommy issues (Seabound specifically did her wonders)
Kai: Seemingly has no braincell, but just chooses not to think half the time, the most responsible when push comes to shove, and the one everyone ACTUALLY looks to despite Lloyd being the leader
Wu: Old man complains about being old and then doesn’t get involved until the situation gets bad
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euqinim0dart · 10 months
Your art reminds me of alebrije, am I way off base or was that an inspiration for you? (And if not— you should def check it out, it’s up your alley!)
Yes im very familiar with them and definitely have them rotating in my brain! Especially the color palettes of Alebrije's.
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sollucets · 1 year
wrote a whole long post that didn't make sense because i'm a fic writer not a meta writer and the point comes down to this: sand and ray are both Such Bad Liars
they have honest faces. nobody, in-universe or in the audience, is ever really fooled when they pretend things are other than they are.
when sand is hurt you can tell, it's in every line of his body. ray is expressive and straightforward but hides his hurt a little better, not because he's better at lying but because the hurt hardly ever goes away.
ray can see sand freezing up and looking upset when he's called a friend or not prioritized, he can see the lie, but it doesn't matter compared to what sand's actually saying and what it'll mean if it's (not) true. he's gotten a lesson recently about pushing. and sand, i think, can see ray caring but he can't imagine it could be enough, that he could matter the most or be a priority. when ray calls sand a whore it's the only lie he told that night and sand knows it
when they hurt each other sand lies and pulls away and ray can tell, and similarly ray lies and pulls away and sand can tell, and theyre stuck in limbo because of it. awful. hate it. 10000 more just like it please
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callmeschmoodey · 2 months
Pls draw kinito having a silly bubble bath ty <3 - anomalocaris
yessir! i love these asks, bring more.. MORE!!! /j
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impossible-rat-babies · 9 months
me grabbing eyrie and shaking them is it not enough to have gone through four ships by now. is it not enough for you funny man
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constellama · 1 year
Have you ever seen an animation or piece of art so good that you needed to lie down for ten days. Yeah.
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skeleticals · 1 year
thinks about q!quackity. oh the urge to do a full doodle page w him is so strong.
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spookyboywhump · 2 years
Zander in a black dress shirt and black pants combo. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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bi-lil-guy · 3 months
Y'all I Just Appear Sometimes And Steal People's Peaceful Inbox Privileges Because It's Funny
I Hope You Guys Just Smile As I Run Past With My Arms Full Of Your Stuff Like, "Ah, The Bear Is Back To Refile Through My Garbage. How Lovely."
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iti-iskuna · 7 months
ngl i find it... interesting... that the zelink fic i write from zelda's pov gets a lot less traction/attention on ao3 than the fic i write from link's pov 🤔
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thiscatisonfire · 2 years
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Rotating arven around in my brain as we speak
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having major Enok brainrot in case anyone was wondering
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pretzel-box · 29 days
Hallo ●♡●
I got a funny request
So basically Sebastian meets a reader/player with a korblox/headless/troll avatar/ wings or horns/cosplayers (maybe one as Seb)
Ect... (You can describe you own avatar too)
Silly prompt cause what if Sebastian could see we (our avatar) clearly don't look human and why we haven't been captured/experimented on
Aka this whole request is just Seb being confused as fuck-
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Tags: Comedy, random apperance for reader, gender neutral reader, headless
Words: 1,4k
Authors Note: As someone with real headless, I can confirm that headless doesn't work ingame.
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Sebastian watched in horrified fascination as you emerged from the vent. Your movements were nonchalant, as if clambering through air ducts was as routine as taking a stroll. You dusted off your uniform, a completely unnecessary gesture since the dust was clearly imaginary, and adjusted the peculiar floating accessory hovering over what should have been your shoulders.
It took him a moment to process what he was seeing. His three eyes widened, pupils dilating as they locked onto you. Where your head should have been, there was… nothing. Just a void, an empty space that seemed to defy logic. He could see right through you, catching glimpses of the rusted pipes and wires lining the walls behind.
“What the hell—” Sebastian stuttered, his voice filled with shock and more than a hint of repulsion. His fingers twitched at his sides, and he had to resist the instinctive urge to reach for a weapon—though he knew that, logically, weapons wouldn’t do much good in a situation like this. He continued to stare, his confusion only growing with each passing second.
You turned toward him—or at least, your body did, since there was no face to show any expression. “What?” you asked, your voice eerily calm, completely unaffected by the lack of a mouth. “Is there something on my uniform?”
Sebastian blinked rapidly, as if trying to reset his brain to make sense of this absurd reality. “That's… strangely…” he stammered, searching for the right words. “...Disgusting.”
“Rude,” you shot back, hands going to your hips. His gaze dropped, and he couldn’t help but notice the bright yellow rubber duck bag hanging there, comically out of place in this bleak, industrial environment. As if that weren’t enough, a floating picture of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson hovered just above your shoulders, rotating slowly as if it were on display. It was surreal. Completely, utterly surreal.
Sebastian’s mouth fell open. “You’ve got… a rubber duck bag… and a floating headshot of The Rock,” he managed, pointing weakly at the bizarre ensemble. “And no face. How are you even speaking? How do you see? And why in the world do you have a picture of Dwayne Johnson just… floating there?!”
You tilted your non-existent head, a gesture that would’ve looked quizzical if you had any features to display it. “I see just fine,” you replied with a casual shrug. “As for speaking, that’s just a matter of speaking. And The Rock?” You gestured vaguely toward the picture, which continued its slow, mesmerizing spin. “He’s my emotional support human.”
Sebastian let out a half-snort, half-laugh, though his expression remained one of disbelief. “Why am I freaked out?” he repeated, still staring at the empty space where your head should be. “You look like something out of a fever dream! How have you not been captured or experimented on down here?”
You let out a chuckle—an eerie sound given the circumstances. “Oh, I get that a lot. But I think I blend in just fine with the rest of the… what do you call them? Entities?” You glanced around the room, as if to emphasize your point. “Besides, no one wants to mess with someone who looks like they stepped out of a nightmare.”
Sebastian couldn’t help but grin, despite himself. “Yeah, you’ve got that part nailed,” he muttered, still shaking his head in disbelief. “You probably scare off half the things down here just by existing.”
You did a mock bow, your non-existent head dipping forward with exaggerated grace. “Thank you, thank you. I aim to unsettle.”
Sebastian chuckled, the sound coming out lighter this time, more genuine. “You’re definitely good at that,” he admitted, relaxing slightly. “But seriously, next time, give a guy a heads-up before you pop out of a vent looking like… well, whatever this is.”
“I’ll consider it,” you replied with a teasing tone, the rubber duck on your bag giving a little bounce as you shifted your weight. “But where’s the fun in that?”
The tension in the room seemed to dissolve, replaced by an odd sense of camaraderie. Sebastian shook his head, a small smile tugging at his lips as he tried to make sense of the strange being standing before him.
“Only in this place,” he muttered, “could I end up with a faceless, rubber duck-toting, Rock-fanatic as a companion.”
And somehow, despite the absurdity of it all, that was exactly what made it feel… right.
Sebastian was still trying to wrap his head around the sight of you when the sound of frantic scrambling echoed from the vent behind him. He turned just in time to see another figure tumble through the duct opening—a short, pudgy man with wild hair and a permanent look of bewilderment on his face. Berry. One of Sebastian’s more frequent, and certainly clumsier, customers.
Berry landed awkwardly on his feet, nearly toppling over before catching himself against a nearby shelf. His eyes were wide, darting around nervously as if he’d been followed. “Sebastian! AHHHHH—” he began, his voice high-pitched and breathless, but then his gaze shifted to you.
The moment he saw your faceless form with the floating Rock photo and rubber duck bag, Berry’s jaw dropped, his face going pale. He froze, staring at you with a mixture of terror and confusion. “AHHHHHHhhh?!” he squeaked, pointing a shaky finger in your direction.
You raised a hand in a casual wave, the kind that might say “hello” if you had a face to go with it. “Hi,” you said cheerfully, as if your appearance wasn’t the least bit disturbing. “Nice to meet you!”
Berry’s eyes bulged even wider. “Ahhhhhhhh?!” he stammered, taking a stumbling step backward. In his panic, his foot caught on a loose piece of metal on the floor. He tried to catch his balance, but instead, he lurched into a nearby shelf.
The impact was enough to send the precariously stacked items on the shelf cascading down. Jars of strange glowing liquids, bits of rusted machinery, and a few well-loved trinkets that Sebastian had collected over the years came crashing to the ground with a series of loud clatters and splashes.
“Berry, watch it!” Sebastian shouted, rushing forward to try to steady the shelf, but it was too late. One of the jars rolled off the edge and shattered on the floor, sending a bright green substance oozing across the metal surface.
Berry’s eyes darted between you and the mess he’d just created, his panic only increasing. “Ahhhhaheee!” he babbled, his voice shrill with fear. “AHhhhhheeee!”
Before Sebastian could say another word, Berry spun around and bolted for the vent he’d come through. He scrambled up, his limbs flailing as he tried to pull himself back inside. “AHHHH!” he yelled over his shoulder, his voice echoing from within the duct. “AHHHHHHH.”
And with that, he disappeared back into the darkness of the vent, his panicked scrambling fading into the distance.
Sebastian sighed, rubbing a hand over his face as he looked at the chaos left behind. “Great. Another mess,” he muttered, shaking his head. “Berry’s going to scare himself to death one of these days.”
You watched the whole scene unfold with a sort of bemused curiosity. “Is he always like that?” you asked, turning your headless gaze back toward Sebastian.
Sebastian chuckled softly, bending down to pick up one of the trinkets that had survived the fall. “Pretty much,” he said, setting the item back onto the now-empty shelf. “He’s harmless, though. Just a bit… high-strung.”
You nodded—or at least made a nodding motion. “Can’t blame him, I suppose. I do have that effect on people.”
Sebastian glanced over at you, a small smile playing on his lips. “Yeah, well, you’re definitely unique,” he said. “But hey, you scared him off without even trying. Maybe you should hang around more often. Could help keep the riffraff out.”
You gave a mock bow again, this time with an exaggerated flourish. “Always happy to help,” you replied with a hint of playful sarcasm. “Though next time, I’ll try not to make someone pee their pants.”
Sebastian laughed, a genuine sound that echoed warmly through the cluttered shop. “Yeah, let’s keep the cleanup to a minimum,” he agreed, still smiling. “But, hey, thanks. For… whatever this is. It’s been a while since I’ve had a good laugh.”
“Anytime,” you said, your tone light and cheerful. “And if you ever need an unsettling presence to keep things lively, you know where to find me.”
Sebastian nodded, his grin widening. “I’ll keep that in mind,” he replied. And for a moment, in this bizarre, twisted world they both inhabited, everything felt oddly… normal.
Well, as normal as things could get when you had a faceless companion with a rubber duck bag and a floating photo of The Rock hovering by your side.
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