#rottmnt staff i need answers
fungalittleweirdo · 5 months
Nineteenth Century ROTTMNT AU
tagging @spoopyblues214 here because they love the meme with the four character archetypes (but instead of the victorian englishman it's a spanish revolutionary in this) potentially crossing paths due to them being from the same time period and i want to dedicate this post to him <3 i'd even credit them for the idea if i didn't write it down first (silly)
side note: this derives from canon SO MUCH but this is the best way i could make it work in my head to make everything fit into place
the year is 1827. seventeen-year-old raphael is on the run, wanted by the spanish monarchy for inciting rebellion in the spanish colonies. he ended up in texas where he found michelangelo, a fifteen-year-old ex-mercenary cowboy planning to return east. the two meet at a saloon, drinking sassafras together.
"i seen your poster 'round down south of the border they're buildin'. spanish king'd pay a pretty penny to have you behind bars."
"you haven't seen any thing like that."
"relax, i ain't doin' none of that no more, jus' wanna go east. i am beat from all the heat 'round here."
the two agree to travel together, since bandits in that area are dangerous to deal with alone. raph realises mikey is hella fantastic with a whip while mikey acknowledges raph is a hella good shot. raph prefers his knives though, it's easy to put the blade between his fingers, even if he runs the risk of cutting himself. the two travel from corpus christi to new orleans, resting in town for a little while.
after some time the two come across a former samurai, homeless and starving in the streets. they take him in, feed him and mend his garb. he carries a splintered bo staff and what little he has in a rucksack with a persistent frown on his face. sixteen-year-old donatello expresses his gratitude by giving raph his unused sai and mikey an unused kusari-fundo because of his whipping skills. the three of them live in louisiana for a couple months, enjoying the bayou until raphael felt like he was being watched. there is still a price upon his head, the lingering worry deepening the stress lines on his forehead. the three manage to board on a boat headed to new york. mikey and raph leave their horses with a free woman, april and her friend casey, who plan to travel on land masquerading as a slave owner with his slave. those two plan on meeting with casey's cousin, cassandra, moving in the lower east side to keep her company.
the three turtles board a ship with an annoying stock boy and a crew of rogues who call themselves the purple dragons. as much as the three avoid these bothersome pains in their necks, they always meet with the stock boy when they need food. they always cross paths with the purple dragons when they need to get to starboard for fresh air. a few months of enduring these bullies and their luck got worse once the ship was rounding the coast of the tip of florida. a crew of pirates came across their ship and donatello was sick of it, fighting the pirates off after they threw stock boy and the dragons overboard.
sixteen-year-old co-captain leonardo and donatello hamato were at a stalemate at port, raphael was held back by capitán piel and michelangelo pinned señor hueso down at starboard.
"aye, swift with your staff, hm ?"
"your blades are faulty, marauder !"
leo quirks an eyebrow and drops his swords, raising his arms in surrender with a smug look.
"let's strike a deal, fox-eye."
the co-captain gives piel a look and he lets go of raph, then mikey gets off of hueso, who stands and glares at him. donnie quirks an eyebrow and stands with his staff on the plank his feet are planted upon, waiting for leo to continue.
"my blades are faulty to you ? what do you know about blades ?"
"usually concerns for pirateers like you are gold and jewels."
"answer me or you'll have the shogun to answer to."
donatello stills and drops his staff, lifting his hands up.
"if you would allow me to reach for my family blades ?"
leonardo watches carefully as donatello unsheathes his twin odachi, carefully resting them upon his hands and holding them up with a bowed head. the pirate drops his swords, reaching for the presented blades.
"i have given you the last of my metallic weapons. now please leave my brothers and i alone."
mikey and raph were surprised to hear donatello refer to them as his brothers, but they connected the dots quickly and kept their smiles to themselves. leo observed the odachi in his hands and gave them a test swing, grinning to himself from how easy his technique came to him. he looked up at donatello, the samurai's head still low.
"aye, look at me."
donnie listened, a glint shining in his eyes as he blinked up at leo.
"you best be ready for another lad to join your family, because i am right here."
raph, mikey, and donnie join the crew of leo's ship. while capitán piel is the true captain of the ship, he lets leo lead pillages for fun. definitely not for the fact that the kid has a natural talent for leadership, he just had to learn the hard way how to watch for his crew. unfortunately, leo couldn't acknowledge the fact that a pirate crew is not expendable. señor hueso thinks the only reason why he and his brother are the last ones alive from the original crew is because they're the ones still truly in charge. the turn of events for leo to adopt three strangers from different corners of the world as family all of a sudden had them questioning his motives.
the ship manages to arrive in virginia for a break, which is where the four crew turtles decided to watch big mama's travelling circus. piel and hueso got to stocking up for food and supplies in the market. so the brothers saw the leading act in said circus was a lean middle aged man, going by the stage name lou jitsu. donnie recognised he was a martial artist by the way he moved, fighting all the big burly men ringleader mama pitted against him, but mikey could tell by the strained look on his face that he was tired.
lou jitsu was exhausted, he had been fighting for big mama's circus for over a decade. he was once part of a prominent family in japan until he ran away against his grandfather's wishes, travelling the new world as an actor until he ran out of money. he managed to stay with a witch doctor in louisiana, baron draxum. the yokai bewitched lou jitsu body and soul, granting him more money and fame... but at a price. lou jitsu started acting and travelling again, even going back to japan. unfortunately, four of his lovers bore children draxum cursed to be half-turtle half-man. lou had some idea, because he occasionally received letters from them believing them to be fans who wanted to bear his children.
raphael's mother in south america raised him despite ridicule from the townsfolk. leonardo's mother abandoned him and sr. hueso was the one who took him in and he and capitán piel raised leo as their own little brother. donatello's mother tried hard to keep him hidden until samurai raided her home and took him away to be raised by a high status family instead. they thought of him as their good fortune. michelangelo's mother had to sell him to some farmhands, so he grew up tending to livestock and keeping them together in one spot.
once lou jitsu spots the four turtles in the audience he experienced a transformation like no other, the dormant part of the curse draxum put on him taking place. he quit on big mama, leaving the circus to join the turtles.
"surely... you can give me a chance to be in your lives... ?"
the turtles hesitantly agreed and the group went back to the boat to escape big mama, leaving the harbour to get to new york. the crew arrives and they meet casey and april in the harbour, mikey and raph glad to see their horses again.
the ragtag group of raph the spanish revolutionary, leo the pirate, donnie the former samurai, mikey the cowboy, and lou jitsu the ex circus performer settle in the greatest city in the world– shenanigans ensue !
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samatheia229 · 4 months
Gateway Fic or Ruining of Canon?: The Double-Edged Sword of Reading Fanfiction Without Knowing the Source Material
One thing you should know about me is this: I love Outsider POVs an unhealthy amount. I have a separate tab open for this specific tag on my browser and I obsessively reload it every few hours. There’s just something about them that uniquely tickles my brain in a way that other kinds of fics don’t. Maybe it’s some sense of schadenfreude, reading from this out-of-the-loop perspective while we, the readers, are in the know. The feeling of “I know something that you don’t.” Maybe it’s getting to see our favourite characters from a fresh perspective. 
In DC comic Outsider POVs, specifically Batman ones, we get to see what Gotham thinks of their resident vigilantes and how the Bats’ dynamics with each other looks like to an outsider, who doesn’t know the full extent of the intricacies of their relationships. 
There are a lot of reasons why I enjoy Outsider POVs, one of which is the main point of this post.
I really do owe it to the POV Outsider tag. Because of it, I have been introduced to so many new fandoms. They've been either the final push I needed to get into fandoms that I knew of but was never really interested in or blindside me and pull me into a new fandom entirely. 
Reading spooky eldritch Danny POVs finally got me into Danny Phantom. One bored scroll and random click introduced me to ROTTMNT, a new favourite of mine (as a Disney kid who grew up with 2012 airing and disliked it, suffice to say Rise's magic and vibrant art was what drew me in). I read a Julie and the Phantoms Outsider POV fic out of curiosity, which made me look it up, and the phenomenal music was the final nail in the coffin. (Please do yourself a favour and listen to the soundtrack.) The onslaught of Good Omens fics flooding the tag following the release of S2, not that I knew it at the time, prompted me to check it out, and lo’ and behold, I am waiting for S3 and praying for my cottagecore-husbands happy ending. Reading a social media AU for Red, White and Royal Blue pushed me to finally buy the book. 
They’ve also gotten me back into fandoms. I fell in love with ATLA again after reading a fic about the palace staff’s opinions on Fire Lord Zuko during the start of his reign; I got back into Assassination Classroom and Haikyuu because of delightful outsider fics. I also started reading Miraculous Ladybug fics again after dropping the whole thing mid-S3, which was a nice full-circle moment since MLB is what got me into fanfic in the first place.
The point is, Outsider POVs have been my gateway into a lot of amazing fandoms that I would not have otherwise checked out and my way back into fandoms that I haven’t been in for a while. 
However, reading fanfiction without knowing the source material can be a double-edged sword. And as of last month, I finally cut myself with it. 
Fanfiction is never really an accurate portrayal of canon. By very definition, it cannot be and it seldom is. Fanfiction has a warped lens — characters, their dynamics and the worlds in which they inhabit are written based on an author’s interpretation of the source material. Most fanfic authors actively try to change the source material when they find a part of it lacking or unsatisfactory. That’s the point of fanfiction. Fanfiction exists to explore the infinite possibilities of worlds that could have been, of timelines that never came to pass, of relationships that could have been forged and nurtured but never were. 
But what happens when you, as a reader, are exposed to fanon first? What happens when you end up liking fanon more than canon? 
The short answer: Disappointment and a smaller bank account.
The long answer: You could say that I had it coming. I never really liked dark fantasy, but I love every Six of Crows fanfic I’ve read so I finally decided to read the books. But, gods, I am struggling. And it sucks so much because I do love the characters and Ketterdam and the Suicide Squad-like concept. I can read fanfic for 5 hours straight but barely make my way through a single chapter. I tried switching to another book and coming back to it and still, I trudge through it. It’s terrible. Have I fallen for a romanticised, fanon version of SoC that delivers the found family of criminals that I was promised? Do the books not have that vibe and that’s why I can’t get into them, because I’ve been riding on false expectations?
This is a first for me. I have no issues with spoilers and such because I still enjoy knowing how we got to that point as much as I enjoy going in blindly. I learned the entirety of BNHA via osmosis by reading fanfiction but I still liked the anime when I watched it. Similarly, I read PJO fanfiction long before I read the series, and I still had a delightful time reading Percy's adventures. The fact that I’m not experiencing the same thing with SoC is truly, deeply upsetting. I’m still holding out hope since I'm already halfway through but I might have to DNF if this drags on for another month.
TLDR; There’s nothing wrong with reading fanfic of fandoms you’re not a part of. It might get you into it like the numerous times it did for me. But it could also end up with you liking the fics more than the source material. So, be warned, I guess. 
(Also, if someone has a solution to my SoC problem, do advise, please and thank you. DNF is a last resort.)
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junsei-draws-rotasu · 2 years
Monkie Kid: A Hero Is Born Live blog rewatch
Before I can go to S3, the season I left off and avoided for sometime until it’s available to watch, I needed to refresh my memory.
Oh wow straight to the intro
I also forgot that this has the same studio that animated ROTTMNT cuz the animation is sick!
Fun fact I only started to watch this because of a TIKTOK video of Macaque
The fight sciences scenes😍
Not SWK trapping DBK under a mountain just like Buddha did to him 🙂
Is this how the Journey to the West really ended? I really want to read but I don’t have it in me to read it. I’m just waiting for Overly Sarcastic Productions to make their video
Wow, sick translation Narrator
Ngl I forgot how Monkie Kid characters sounds like. With the fanfics I had read I genuinely written off Tang having a smooth gentle voice
Although MK’s voices caught me off guard
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!!! I never noticed this!
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This is a nice wallpaper
A warthog vs a pig in cooking… not sure who’s going to win this one /s
M.K. has some nice jams to listen too
M.K. is like me with phone screens. Never bother fixing them :,)
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There's our impulsive Monkey!
How does M.K. do that?! How did he climbs—ah anime cartoon logic combined together is dumber than normal
You know I just realized. If this was an anime, you know they would put fan service on Iron Fan Princess
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Even SWK was surprised at MK
Is that bull a robot or those arms are just prosthetics?
Oh, it is a Robot… you would think the Robots they created wouldn’t have this much emotions in them.
“Deemed worthy can hold it” what is this? Excalibur?
Just what kind of mystic did you infuse in that gauntlet?
Oh wow, Red Son you actually did it! Didn’t remember that
Can you even call that a mountain anymore? It turned into a hill!
Ooooo, didn’t remember that broken horn on DBK
“I had returned to the world of the living!” You didn’t die DBK, just sealed 😒
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"No go away" *proceeds to peck* SWK you little shit
Aw, Red Son’s little face when DBK said excellent 🥹
What’s nothing more romantic than having your first meeting of your partner than landing on them… literally
I’m just giddy and amused by Red Sons antics on trying to look cool and impress his father
“Noodle boy” Oop, he said it!
Really want to put ADHD on M.K.’s character sheet cuz he just zoned out by looking at SWK staff
The two kids in the room having exaggerated expressions while the adults are just there with tired and confuse expression XD
Ah, I seem to forget that M.K. is also a little shit
With DBK’s exaggerated movements, I think I know where Red Son’s love of theatrics came from
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The vehicle looks out of place
Not the noodles!
Red Son, why are you always ready to combust?… actually wait, don’t answer that
Oh that poor women’s apartment! How will she pay for it???
“Pigsy going to kill me🥹” Not if Red Son kills you first
Does the actual toy of the car really have a motorcycle inside?
Now how did Mei know M.K. was in trouble?
Ows, the property damage 😬
We all need Mei as a friend. I would know, because I am her
Something rare and expensive… go to a museum, but remembering the plot, it has to be a shoe
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I'm sooo using this as a reaction
Props to the cashier to tell an intimidating person to go back in line
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This feels like a fever dream but it's not
They’re immediately got to Flower Fruit Mountain?! Where’s the gag of day and night cycles going too fast?! Missed opportunity really
Technology defeated magic, oh how Rise!Donnie would be so smug
Here’s the cliche protag team thinking the MC is dead but they’re really not
Aw 🥺
You know they’re really angry when they’re smiling instead of raging
To think that staff used to be a pillar of a Sea Dragon God
Not my boy M.K. releasing the recent traumatic event he went through
Comparing Sha Wujing and Sandy… they look nothing alike… is this why people likes to write fanfics where Sandy killed Sha Wujing?
Yeah I don’t recall this magical sequence…
Aw, M.K. 🥹
Once again, I’m taken back at the voice
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And here I thought it was fanon that SWK had his eye on M.K. as his successor for a while
Man, I would be mad at SWK for thrusting this kid into this situation but I remember now SWK is sooooo
“You believe in ourselves” that… does sound like a good plan
Wow M.K. got rebirth into a stone egg
I was about to comment on how history going to repeat itself then I remember the future episodes I’m going to watch and DBK clearly not trap under something
Ow, that’s going to hurt
I’m having severe flashbacks of Krang vs Leo fight here qwq
Here’s the toy shot
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I finally get it! Red Son's nickname for Mei! It's because Mei represents the dragon that turned into a horse in the Journey to the West! Wow!
And finished!
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rise-of-the-tmnt · 5 years
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parvumemydidae · 3 years
Hi, do you have/plan any other ROTTMNT fic project beside Picking up the pieces? :)
I love your writing so much, you're one of my fav writers in this fandom! <3
Awww Thank you so much Anon :) I've currently got several in progress Rottomnt fics That are in Various Stages of completion. Wayward Son (An expansion of the 12/18 crossover oneshot. Two chapters are written but I've got a bit of writers block on the rest of the plot. If I can figure out the third chapter I'll start posting it) Unnamed Animorphs Rottmnt Crossover (It focuses on one of the boys getting infested by a yeerk (alien brain controlling parasite) and the fallout from that) Unnamed ouch (I've mostly just plotted this one out, but it'll play out as a bit of a mystery after Leo wakes up from a major injury as Leo tries to figure out what exactly happened.)
If you are interested I’ve put snips for all under the cut. (Unnammed Ouch has a short snip, which is the most likely to be changed before the final posting)
Wayward Son
“Hey D. I hate to ask but- Do you think.” Leo hesitated. “Would you mind taking over pressure duty?”
Two robotic arms shot out and clamped onto Leo’s arm, allowing him to drop his hand. It wasn’t the most comfortable feeling, but it was better than the alternative.
“You are going to be fine ‘Nardo.”
“I know.” Leo breathed. “Raph’ll kill me if I’m not.”
“You are going to need stitches though. Who do you want to do it?”
Leo closed his eyes. With the amount of skateboarding, and weapons practice, and general rough housing. They all had their fair share of giving stitches to each other.
“I’ll do it.”
“You can’t reach.” Donnie deadpanned.
“With a portal I can.”
“That would still be ill advised. I will make it easy for you. Your choice is between Raph and myself.”
Raph would be gentler. But Donnie’s stitches would be neater. There would be less scaring, less chance of messing up his stripes. Also if Donnie was doing the stitching that meant that Raph would be on reassuring hug duty. Leo could definitely go for a reassuring hug. 
“Donna-chu I choose you.”
Donnie groaned. Leo let himself relax more against the wall. Donnie tapped Leo’s forehead. Right between his stripes.
“I do want you to stay awake until Raph gets back.”
Leo groaned.
“We can watch a movie while we wait. Your pick.”
Leo cracked open his eyes.
“I do want to hear the actor's commentary on that special edition.”
Donnie obliged him, holding his phone in one robotic arm so that they could both see it. It was kinda cool to hear the story of how and why dad left Japan. Even if it was mostly told through his co-star’s recollections spliced with old Lou Jitsu interviews.
What was less cool was the fact that Donnie poked him everytime he started to get comfortable. He wasn’t planning on falling asleep. He just wanted to rest his eyes and focus on what was being said. 
“Who the hell are you? And what the hell are you doing here?”
It took Leo a moment, and Donnie flicking off his phone, for him to realize that that wasn’t part of the movie.
Leo blinked. He caught sight of the intruder for a split second as Donnie turned his light towards him. He was definitely a mutant, or a yokai. And he was good, jumping away from the beam of light the second it hit him. 
Bo staff in hand, Donnie stood, the robotic limbs pulling painfully at Leo’s arm. 
Leo focused on his odachi. It was only a foot away, leaning against the brick wall. But he couldn’t reach it. Not before it was too late.
For the second time that night, Leo had sharp steel pointed directly at his throat.
“Alright you, totally not creepy, spider mutant. Tell me what you’re doing here or else-”
Donnie’s answer was to press the end of his staff against the intruder’s chest. Plastron?
“It’s all good.” Leo started. “Let’s all take a nice calming breath-”
“It’s a little late for that.” The intruder countered. Pure white eyes narrowing. “What's your plan?”
Leo raised his good hand in surrender. “No plan. No plan.”
The end of the tech bo reconfigured into something sharp, and probably painful. Donnie’s eyes narrowed to match the intruder’s glare.
“I swear to pizza supreme in the sky, if you make even one move-”
“You think you’d be fast enough to stop me?”
Leo shifted, trying to relieve the pulling on his bad arm, only for the intruder to move his weapon ever so slightly forward. 
Leo stopped shifting. “Please don’t skewer me.”
The intruder made no such promise. And the standoff dragged on. The marching of time only marked by their breaths and the burning pain slowly radiating from Leo’s injury.
A large thud reverberated from the rooftop above them. A spiky, moonlit shadow fell over the standoff.
“Slash, thank goodness. Grab the spider, I’ve-”
“Get away from my brothers.”
It was so good to hear Raph’s voice.
Unnamed Animorphs Rottmnt Crossover
The room was small, cast in a sickly orange light from a single metallic fixture in the ceiling. Along the left wall was a long panel of computers and other salvaged bits of electronics that looked like they were ripped from a Jupiter Jim comic. The right wall was bare except for four shackles. Two were attached by a short length of chain to the wall, the other two bolted into the floor. But the weirdest thing in the room was directly across from the door. It was an old claw bathtub, standing alone without any sort of connected plumbing. 
“It doesn’t look like anyone is in here,” Leo whispered. ”Let’s check for our weapons and get out.”
Mikey raised an eye ridge at Leo. “Where exactly do you think our weapons would be?”
“In the tub.” Leo said, his voice rising at the end of the sentence. “I mean what else would they use it for?”
Mikey rolled his eyes, but he nevertheless entered the room. He hesitated slightly when he passed the shackles. He could see that they were dented, as if they were slammed together repeatedly. And one link of the chain on the wall had bright silver lumps along its seam. A telltale sign that links were recently removed from the chain to make it shorter, perhaps to prevent the shackles from being able to reach each other.
But the most unsettling part was the smooth curved indention on the wall behind the shackles. As if something large and rounded constantly rubbed there.
 Leo laid a comforting hand at the top of Mikey’s shell. He gently guided Mikey forward. Mikey followed, allowing the movement to wash away any concern.
Their weapons were not in the tub. Unless they had been melted down into the thick silver sludge that nearly filled it to the brim. 
But no, despite looking like molten metal, Mikey couldn’t feel any heat on his face as he leaned forward. He could however see something, lots of somethings, writhing just under the surface.
It made Mikey’s stomach flip. He tried to pull away from the tub.
But Leo’s shaking hand didn’t let him.
Mikey saw something slimy breach the surface.
He pulled his head completely into his shell, just as the force on his shell increased, sending him sprawling at the foot of the tub, the edge of his shell scraping the tub rim.
Mikey stayed in his shell for several long seconds. He was expecting Leo to immediately apologize, or at least check that he was ok. But there was no sound at all from his brother. 
And when he finally peaked out of his shell he saw why.
His brother was frozen in place, hands slightly raised. He was facing a human that was pointing something that looked more like a sci-fi phaser than an actual gun at him.
Mikey’s breath caught in his throat. But let it out once he noticed the man’s finger was not on the trigger. If he wanted to shoot them it would take several seconds for him to actually get a shot off. Seconds that they could use. If only Leo stopped freaking out.
“Oh wow,” Mikey said brightly, not taking his eyes off the weapon. “This is just like Jupiter Jim number 709.”
Leo slowly grinned. He nodded slightly at Mikey before focusing on the man. 
“We are ambassadors from the planet Reptilia,” Leo started, swinging both arms in a wide, distracting fashion before he launched into the rest of the speech in the comic.
The speech that the reptilian lizard gave to Jupiter Jim to distract him from the fact that his snake ally was sneaking to disarm and capture him. Mikey just hoped that whoever this random person was, that he wasn’t also a giant Jupiter Jim fan.
Mikey eyed the man carefully. It was obvious that he didn’t know any comics and his incredulous glare was focused solely on Leo.
Mikey grinned, shifted, and lept into an attack.
His trajectory was perfect.
But he never hit his mark.
Mikey’s world spun as he hit the ground. Both of his arms were stuck under his plastron. The weight of his shell and Leo on his back pinning him in place. Both of his legs were chased into his shell by Leo’s foot, locked in place by Leo’s knee.
Leo had pinned him this way hundreds of times, while roughhousing. Usually Leo rested his head on Mikey’s, loudly extolling how comfortable he was until Mikey started licking his hands and they continued their wrestling.
But this time Leo wasn’t relaxing. And his hands weren’t splayed loosely on the ground. Rather they were clamped over Mikey's head and neck. The one on his neck kept Mikey from retreating into his shell, the other forced the side of his head against the ground.
“Leo?” Mikey whimpered.
Leo didn’t respond to him, but instead shouted. “Hurry up, just grab someone.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Mikey could see the man lazily holster his weapon and roll his eyes.
“So much for the weak one,” he scoffed.
The man sauntered forward, and Mikey returned his attention to Leo’s vice like grip on his neck.
“Why would you—”
“Oh relax,” Leo said, his voice cold. “I never called you weak. I see your strength and your potential as a servant to the Yeerk empire.”  
Leo laughed. And Mikey couldn’t help but hope that it was a precursor to the reveal that this was a horribly conceived prank.
However instead of getting off of him, Leo leaned forward. His beak was so close to Mikey’s head that Mikey could hear his breath vibrating the scale that served as Mikey’s ear drum. 
“Your brother on the other hand,” Leo said, sending shivers through Mikey’s shell. "Even now Baby Blue’s begging and crying for us to spare you. He says and I quote ‘you're too delicate to be touched.’”
Unnamed Ouch Donnie leaned against the edge of the roof, rolling his eyes.
Raph was backlit by a brilliant warm light, his shadow strengthening before him.
Fear was etched onto Mikey’s face as he shouted words Leo couldn’t hear. Then Mikey turned towards him.
Fear morphed into Terror.
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zombiekillerky · 4 years
{ROTTMNT Fanfic} - Insomnia
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(This Fanfic was inspired by @dovelydraws​ with their wonderful fanart they made of Rottmnt. Please go show them some support on their account!!)
( WARNING : This is not Turtle x Turtle related at all, this is purely just some family scenarios with no relationships at all what’s so ever. Just regular day in the life turtle stuff)
Leo would never admit it to anyone that he was starting to get Insomnia. His usual joyful and sarcastic self would never tell anyone about his sleepless nights he had been having. Ever since the fight with Draxum and Big Mama at her hotel about the ooze-squitos. He hasn’t been able to sleep at least a couple of hours. He could pin point why he wasn’t having any luck on one thing that came to mind every time he thought about it. Him falling from a skyscraper that had at least around 52 floors or more. He would say it could be PTSD, but he chose not to think about it and just ignored it for the time being. Pushing everything to the side in order to make it through the day with out being questioned over and over by his family. The turtle in blue would say the last time he had a decent sleep was last week or maybe the week before. The fight took place on what he thought was Tuesday. So 9 days he hasn’t been able to catch a few Z’s in order to function properly. It was getting to the egotistical turtle a lot, taking a toll on how he acted and functioned during the day. His reflexes a lot slower then normal and barely any comebacks and puns left his mouth as the days went by. Yet he couldn’t tell his brothers what was going on with him, feeling as though he would just be bothering them at this point. But the looks they give him during the day make him realize that they are on to him more then he thought. 
Leonardo walked out of his bedroom, covering his mouth as he let out a small yawn before returning to the front area. His brothers had just woken up at their regular times of the day. At least from what he thought since he could hear some of their voices in different rooms when he first decided to leave his dark room. Yet here he was not a wink of sleep, walking out like a zombie that rises fresh from the grave. Did he want to make a joke about himself, yeah, but he had to keep his personal issues a secret. At this point in time he was sure his brother’s had noticed a change in his body and the way he has looked. It was one of the things the turtle in blue didn’t want to deal with or talk about at the moment. He just wanted a calm day, maybe by himself if he was feeling up to it. As the laid back turtle walked in to the kitchen area his brother glanced at him in confusion. Mikey quickly glanced around the corner to make sure Leo was in there before going to his brothers in Donnie’s lab. As he walked in they both gave him the same look he thought they would give him before he fully entered.
“What’s up with Leo guys, he looks so tired and sad all of a sudden....do you think something happen to him?” Mikey asked as he hugged himself thinking about how he has been looking the past couple of days. He’s been wanting to ask him about it for a while now, but knowing Leo he would just tell him he’s fine and brush it off. Leo has always never really wanted to talk about his true feelings with things. They were all almost used to that aspect of him by now from previous times. But the state his brother was in was starting to worry Mikey greatly. He would do anything for his brother to make sure he was okay. The youngest of the three turtles glanced to the oldest for answers, watching his tense and anxious nature was not helping him at all.
“I don’t know but he keeps stealing my coffee in the morning and it’s starting to annoy me. That’s one of the main things that keeps me going and not having all of it is taking me down a notch” Donnie replied as he turned in his chair to face his younger brother standing behind him. The words that left his mouth seemed like he was more annoyed hen worried at the moment. Even though they were very serious about their brother’s condition and state of mind. Taking note on his worried face he had at the moment like it was a surprise to him. Donnie wouldn’t admit it but he has noticed his brother’s sudden change in behavior lately. His usual annoying self has died down a bit which he would say was good. But it was so weird not hearing his sarcastic come backs and his puns he always says through out the day. He also didn’t want to admit it but he did kind of miss his sarcastic attitude he had in certain situations. Realizing this is what it would have been like if he made his gift to him permanent. He wasn’t even sure if he wanted things to be like that now that he got a small taste of this attitude.
“Do you think something is bothering him?”
“Of course there is Raph other wise why would he look like a zombie coming out of his room every morning the past couple of days then?”
“I don’t think Nardo would get that scared of nightmares like you and Mikey do when you both have them” Donnie replied, a frustrated sigh followed as he rested his head on his palm. Not wanting to continue his sentence in worry that his brother’s would get offended by his words, which they would have. But his main thought was trying to think of a possible way his brother could be acting so different then normal. He felt as though he would be the only one to find out why especially with his scientific skills on board. The overly smart turtle over heard his older brother sigh as he glanced out of the lab. Watching their brother in need walk out of the kitchen with a coffee cup and a cookie in his hand for his so called breakfast. You could smell how strong the coffee was from where they were standing. Raph couldn’t unseen the look on his brother’s face, the tired, emotionless look he was giving like he was in thought all of the time. This wasn’t the Leo he knew no, there was defiantly something up with him and he was desperate to know what. He was supposed to know what was wrong and how to make things better. He was the older brother, this was his responsibility to know what was up. He felt like he was failing him in some way not officially knowing what was making him sad.
“I should just go and ask him-”
“No you’ll just annoy him by asking him Raph, I’ll handle this alright just give me some time.” Donnie replied as he turned back around to work on his bow staff. The simple taps of his foot hitting the ground showed he was in thought at the moment. Raphael bit his bottom lip as his brow knitted together. It didn’t look like he was trying to figure out what was wrong with their brother at all. It almost looked like he didn’t care that much if he was being quite honest. Maybe this was just Donnie’s version of tough love that he gave. But Raphael wasn’t having any of it, he needed to know what was up and now before things got worse. The eldest of the turtle’s in the room started to walk out. His gaze turned to Mikey who was following right behind him. Already knowing what his older brother was up to and wanted to help out like always. The duo of the lighter colored masked turtles made their way out of Donnie’s lab as quickly as they could. Making it to a point where they could actually speak to each other in private of their other brother’s in their home.
“What are we gonna do now Raph....what if Leo says nothing to us?” Mikey asked suddenly, doubting his skills to help his brother in need. Raph was honestly thinking the same thing at the moment. But he knew he couldn’t tell his younger brother he had the same doubts in mind. He needed to stay positive about this whole thing and hope for the best out come. 
“Well we aren’t going to force him in to doing anything....we just need to make sure that he is alright....if he doesn’t want to tell us what is going on then he doesn’t have to if he isn’t comfortable enough.” Raphael replied, watching the ends of Mikey’s lips curl in to a small warming smile. The leader in red wasn’t to sure about his own skills in comforting his brother at the moment either. But he needed to try, he has vented to Leo in the past about some problems of his. So he needs to make sure he knows that he is there for him too. The turtle in red sighed slightly, covering his mouth with the end of his fist as he stood there in thought. Thinking of the best way for him to go in there and ask him what was up. His overthinking nature was taking over his mind at the moment, making him unsure of everything. Raph soon stopped himself, clearing his throat before walking over where his brother’s room was. His steps were quiet as he walking carefully over. Noticing the light was off that he usual turned on when he woke up. Raph’s gaze went back toward his little brother behind him. Getting a quick thumbs up with a small grin that followed for good luck. His hand raised and returned the gesture before walking in after knocking on the side of the cement in the doorway. 
“Hey Leo what are you doing?” Raph asked calmly like any other normal day of the week. Watching Leo set his comic book down he seemed to reread over and over every once and a while. He took note on the look on his face, the bags underneath his eyes. Not to mention how slow he was really moving. The turtle in blue stretched slightly, hearing a small pop of his back before shrugging ever so slightly as a reply. Raphael soon walked in after, feeling like he was sort of welcomed in by his brother. The end of Leo’s bed sunk due to his weight being on the end compared to Leo’s in the middle. The awkward silence was very unsettling as they sat in the dark bedroom next to each other. Something neither of them were used to with their quite loud family they have. 
“Nothing” Was the soft reply that was heard coming out of Leo’s mouth. His expressions were slow and his excitement was minimal then what his normal range was. Raph’s eyes darted around the room for something to talk about, feeling as though he shouldn’t get straight to the point of why he came in to his room. 
“D-Did you need something? Wanting a training partner like you said yesterday?” Leo asked to try and lighten the mood. Faking acting like he was himself when Raph could see right through his brother’s charade. Raphael leaned forward and rested his hand on Leo’s shoulder. The laid back turtle glanced up in to his brother’s eyes questionably. Already bracing himself for the questions to come once he saw the worried look in his eyes. His gazed went to the side and found his much younger brother in the doorway as well. Acting as if he wasn’t there and Leo couldn’t see him. But right now he needed to pay attention to what his older brother was saying.
“Are you okay?”
“Define okay.....I think I’m fine why?”
“Like overthinking? Sleeping issues? Nightmares at all?”
“Why are you asking?”
“Leo don’t deny it, we have seen you coming out of your room the past few days looking like you haven’t slept at all. It’s starting to worry us even if you don’t see that. I’m speaking for all of us at the moment” Raphael replied as he moved closer to his brother on the bed. Taking note of his expression of thought he had at the moment. The turtle in blue was trying his best to make up an excuse, a lie of some sort to make it seem like he was fine. But the truth was screaming to be let out of him, hoping they could help him in some way. This whole no sleep act was getting to him in more ways then he could count. He couldn’t take this annoying pain away no matter how hard he tried, he just always seemed to wake himself up. Leo’s eyes darted around the room, finally locking with Raph’s as he stared down at him. He would never be able to lie to his face even if he tried. The turtle in blue bounced his leg out of anxiety, running his hand behind his head all the way down to his neck nervously.  
A sigh left Leo’s lips as he leaned forward and rested his forehead on his brother’s muscular arm. Giving up on trying to lie to his brother trying to help him. Raph happily wrapped his arm around him to comfort his brother in need. Watching his eyes stare out at the wall as they screamed for help but no words came out of his mouth. This was his plead to him he felt almost with how quiet he got. 
“Did you sleep at all last night?” Raph asked Leo in his arms, feeling him shake his head calmly and slowly up against him. This concerned Raphael greatly once he learned of that. He bit his bottom lip slightly as he glanced back at Mikey standing there nervously. His eyes went back down to his brother sitting there up against him. Things were now tying up together from what Raph assumed before hand.
“How long has it been since you have actually slept bro.....please be honest with me here?” The older brother in red asked calmly in a soothing tone. Hearing a small sigh as Leo shrugged his shoulder’s slightly in return. Worrying Raph even more so then before hand.
“I don’t remember the last time I had a really nice sleep if I’m being quite honest Raphie” Leo replied with a warn out grin on his face to hide away the pain. Raphael’s brow knitted together as he thought about what he had said more and more. Not being able to understand why his brother was suddenly having bad sleeping issues. Leonardo was one of the main turtles that got good sleep being as though he complained when not getting his usual hours when he woke up to early. Why hasn’t he even told him about this before hand, Leo was one to speak his mind about something he thought was off. He spoke his mind about Big Mama and here she was a villain after all. 
“Why haven’t you been able to sleep.....is there something wrong? Something keeping you up at night Leo?” Raph asked softly, watching Leo’s eyes squint as he tried to think of something. Raphael waited patiently for him to answer, watching his expressions change as he rested against him. The turtle in red couldn’t really pin point anything on his bad sleeping issues at all. Not knowing what was bothering him made his heart ache, he should know after all. The guilt was rising in him that he didn’t know and wasn’t there for his brother when this first started to happen. Feeling idiotic for not realizing sooner and acting sooner then this.
“I-I don’t really know if I’m being quite honest..... the only thing I can really think of is when I was thrown off that roof top back when we were fighting Draxum on Big Mama’s hotel building....nothing comes to mind besides that moment and it’s the only thing that ties up to when I started not being able to sleep I think....I’m not sure other then that.” Leo replied as he glanced up at Raph in front of him. Raphael’s eyes widened in realization as he recalled that night clear as day. Draxum held him over the roof top and asked Raph either his brother or the bugs. Raph was sure he was bluffing, being that he thought every villain does. But once he saw his brother was thrown off the roof as soon as he said no to giving him the bugs. He dropped the jar of ooze-suitos immediately to go and save him. It was close he would admit and he wasn’t sure how he activated his powers. But he saved his brother from falling at the last second and made sure he was okay before they made it back to the others. He hadn’t even realized that fall had caused his brother trauma secretly. He had just assumed since they have been up on the roof tops for ages that he would have been used to the fall and the height. Raph’s eyes darted back down to Leo sitting there with his tired look. His arm keeping him up on the bed soon wrapped around his shell and pulled him in closer.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t see this before bro, I should have noticed this sooner then I did and maybe we could have helped you earlier then this....maybe I could have acted faster then I did back then and saved you quicker”
“no no Raph it’s not your fault bro come on, it’s okay....I’m okay....i forgive you if that’s what you want to hear....but it’s not your fault”
“I am really sorry though Leo....truly I am”
“Yeah we’re so sorry Leo” They both heard Mikey say from the door way with a guilty look on his face. Leo smiled softly as he held his hand out, motioning for him to come on to the bed. Which Mikey immediately did so and joined in on the group hug as soon as he could. For once Leo actually felt safe, he felt all the anxiety go away from him in their arms that held him tight. Comfortable like nothing could touch him like the times when they were little.
“It’s alright guys....I-I’m fine really....I just need to get this under control”
“Well we are here for you bro no matter what, we’ll always be here if you need us” Mikey replied lovingly as he hugged Leo tighter, making the laid back turtle chuckle softly. 
“Well....we could try sleeping medication now that we have found the route of what has caused you such trauma and stress lately. Getting that off of your chest is the first step and if things don’t go back to normal sleeping medication is the next answer for now” The three turtles on the bed glanced toward the door way and found Donnie standing there propped up against the side. Arms crossed as he gazed inside with a small worried look on his face he hoped they couldn’t see. This was the “I try to cover up my worry” look as Leo likes to call it. The turtle in blue smiled softly at him as a thanks, not even daring to move away from his brothers holding him. He didn’t even notice sleep taking him over slowly as he sat there with him.
“Sounds like a plan then D” Leo replied with a small yawn, resting his head back against Raph’s arm tiredly. His eyes slowly shutting as a result of the lack of sleep he has been getting. Raph only smiled as he held a finger to his lips at his two other younger brothers in the room.
“Looks like we’re gonna have a day off today then guys” Raph soon said as he heard the small snores coming from his brother in blue in his arms at the moment. Realizing comfort was one of the things the turtle needed all along to help him get some shut eye. The eldest turtle slowly moved up against the wall in order to rest. Having Leo moved on to his plastron and Mikey right beside him. Noticing Mikey was falling slowly asleep too as he spoke. Raph’s eyes darted over toward Donnie walking in to the room slowly. His hands carefully grabbed a hold of the somewhat folded blanket on the edge of the bed sheets. For someone so loud in their lab he was moving extra carefully and quietly to not wake Leo up.
“His body has probably given up on the resistance of sleep due to the lack of it this whole time.....It seems like you both have helped him by comforting him” Donnie said as he carefully laid the blanket over his overly exhausted brother sleeping up against Raph. Noticing Mikey’s falling asleep as well. 
“Do you want to join too D? I know you stayed up til 3 last night so don’t play games with me.”
“Well I do have some projects I would like to work on....but I am running low on sleep too soooo...” Donnie replied as he looked down upon them on the bed. Noticing Raph smirking since he knew what his answer was going to be. Donnie sighed as he took a step on to the bed and laid up against Raph’s other side. Taking his battle shell off since he wasn’t gong anywhere before laying down comfortably up against him as well. The turtle in red smiled softly to himself as he stared up at Leo’s ceiling. Getting nostalgia from when they were younger since this was how they used to sleep some days. The turtle in red’s eyes slowly started to shut. Glad that he could help his brother in need when he could at that Leo was finally getting some sleep. 
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nebula-jazz · 4 years
Fictober prompt 28
ROTTMNT Donatello x reader
Note: Sorry I have been gone for so long! I have been wrapped up in school and I also know that this isn't my normal fandom... This is completely self indulgent because he popped on my feed on youtube and he was my first comfort character. And now I found ROTTMNT and I got hit in the face by my best friend on exactly my type... Intelligent, gremlin, cocky, and emotionally unavailable... So this is a complete callout to everyone who has the same type no matter the gender and please enjoy this drabble. And fully expect on several different fandom releases on Halloween including a oneshot for His World. But enough of my rambling! To the story!
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You had been in quarantine for nearly an entire year and now your favorite month had been ruined by the hussle and the bustle of your closest aunt asking you to come to New York. Her explanation was that she was taken ill and she needed someone to look after the house and your youngest cousin April O’Neil, much to your distaste.
It was not that you hated your youngest cousin, opposite in fact you adored her, but you two never exactly saw eye to eye on most things. You two were so close up until about five or six years ago and then she changed and you felt as if for the worst. This change caused you both to drift apart.
Since she was your only friend and family member that got you; this distance caused you swirling into an unhealthy mind set. And you got caught up with the wrong people at the worst time in your life as your younger brother disappeared and your mom got distant.
Which lead you here, packing all research that you had gathered over the past few months since the shredder accident, your Bo staff, and other essential items. Taking the time to slide the delicate frames of your glasses up every few minutes. Your boss Baxter had called you a few minutes ago saying that he set you up an apartment and a plane to New York and expected you be ready for training with Rocksteady as soon as you landed. Thinking about it made you flinch.
Grabbing the metal case with your research, your duffel with clothes and toiletries, and your backpack filled with snacks your Bo and training clothes you headed down stairs. You kissed your mom on the head who was on the phone at the couch; gently leaving a large stack of cash that should last her awhile. You slipped out the front door and slid into a sleek car that Baxter had sent for you.
During the car ride you stayed silent, typing away at your computer, jotting down the breakthrew that you had made. Your specific specialty in his company was the idea of spirits and how to harness them, extract them, and even switch with them. Baxter had found out about you and what people and even yourself, at the time, believed as a silly project about four years ago. You had proven that spirits were real and that there was a possibility to do something with them.
He accelerated you through highschool and college, easily making you apart of a team and gave you everything that you needed for your research. You honestly didn’t care what he would do with it as soon as you had perfected everything in your now extensive project. All you cared about was getting your mom and brother back and he promised to keep the investigation open if you handed all research over to him as soon as you were done.
You barely slept on the plane. Fear creeping up your spine and turned your veins icey as you mulled over what was waiting for you when you landed. The training with Rocksteady was not normal. As he was a huge hog and the training was to get you faster, but it would inevitably end with a concussion and a broken bone as it normally would. Then Baxter would inject you with some green liquid that, yes would accelerate the healing process and you would no longer have any broken bones, but it would feel like your entire body was on fire and your back feeling like it was being ripped to shreds.
You eventually drifted into a fitful sleep. You felt like you had barely closed your eyes before you were woken up by the gentle but cold hand of Baxter. You were in a car now just outside of headquarters.
“Oh MAh Gawd! Y/N! What happened to you?!” You winced at the worried yell that came from April. You had just gotten released from the lab and your head was pounding from the lack of food and water.
“Just a little scuffle just outside the office. Don’t worry about it.” You croaked out and offered a, what you hoped to be, a reassuring smile. You tried to swallow against the sandpapery walls of your throat.
You felt her soft but calloused hands cup your face as she looked at you. You winced as she prodded at the dark bruises on your jaw and forehead. She lead you to the kitchen where she started to clean the bruises and cuts up.
After several cups of water and an entire pizza, which you had devoured, she was now questioning you.
“So you are working for Baxter?” she asked, you gave her a quizzical look as you swallowed another bite of the second pizza that she had ordered. You had heard the slight tremor of fear in her voice and now it set you on edge.
“Yeah..” You answered slowly and pulled out your laptop. “He is funding my research. Take a look.”
You pushed the computer over and let her skim through the many pages of work as you dumbed down what she was reading.
“So... what you are saying is that you could put someone in a comatose state and do whatever you wanted to them but at the same time you can still talk to them in a spiritual state?” she summarized. With a soft smile you nodded, your eyes heavy from the long two days you had.
“However there are some side effects. With the trials that I ran at home it is extremely difficult to put them back in and more often than not their mind can completely erase one or multiple people from their memory. They will always remember the time they were, what I call, Ghost. There are still kinks in it but i'm pretty sure in this state there is a possibility to redirect this targeted amnesia to get rid of trauma.” You said excitedly.
She gave you a terrified look and excused herself and ran out the front door into the dim light of the dawn. You felt like you had been punched in the gut. Tears formed in your eyes and you fought down the urge to sob and throw up your food. You slammed the computer closed and stormed into the guest bedroom. You had honestly thought that she was going to be proud of you. She seemed genuinely excited about your research. But it was April, you shouldn’t have expected anything less from her.
A few weeks drifted by lazily and October was slipping through your fingertips. April was avoiding you, especially after you caught her in the act of trying to steal your laptop. So today, as a way to get away from the dreariness of the apartment and the fearful glances of April you were in the lab. You were in a loose hoodie and had a stack of pizza boxes next to you along with a large jug of water on your other side. You had just gotten done with another training session and were now working on a new test. it had gotten dark out and Rocksteady had volunteered for the new test.
You scraped your hand roughly through your hair in frustration as the program refused to start for the third time. You huffed in frustration, and looked up in alarm as the security alarms started to go off. You heard an explosion from behind you. Reaching down and grabbing your Bo you didn’t notice the jug being knocked over causing the computer to go haywire. You panicked as you tried to shut down the computer and the large machine pointed at whatever caused the explosion.
However you were too late to stop it from going off once you were able to press the emergency shut off just in time to prevent it from happening again. You heard a shout and roars from Rocksteady. you tried to reach for your more enhanced staff but were swiftly knocked out. All you saw as the world started to darken was green and a ghostly purple figure.
That was a couple of days ago. You were now with 6 foot tall turtle ninjas. They had explained, with the help of April, what Baxter was going to do with your research. The person that you had shot was their brother Donatello. The genus out of the group who was allowing you to use his lab as you tried desperately to keep his body stable and fix his state with what little tools you had.
Your own paranoia had shot through the roof as any fast movement caused you to flinch very heavily. You and Donnie had found out that Baxter was injecting you with mutagen after a nightmare filled night caused wings to sprout from your back.
You stayed away from the other three turtles and only finding solace with Donatello. You both could ramble on and on about different projects you both were working on and the other would listen intently.
You hadn’t noticed how comfortable or how hard you had fallen until you reached the end stages of completing the ray that would make him right.
Neither of you two had noticed that you had started to flirt with each other. But everyone else knew and were eagerly waiting for him to return to normal. They were excited to see him finally kiss you and actually take you out on that date that he had been teasing you for a month with. April was happy to see you smiling again.
You didn’t realize how much you loved him or he you until you both were going over some of your note s to make sure everything was in order.
It was the end of November, just before thanksgiving. Donnie was excitedly telling you that he had been working on a surprise for you with Shelldon. That he wanted to give it you in person. And that he was excited to finally eat something instead of just watching everyone else eat. He was also rambling on how he was totally going to spar with you.
“i'm excited to finally get an infamous hug from you Don!” You chuckled barely paying attention to the notes and more on him. He laughed and he floated closer to you.
“I’m excited to give you one Angel.” he said cheekily. You glared lightly at him and the nickname that he gave you after your wings came to be.
You however stopped in your tracks as you read the small but major detail that you had mentioned to April all those weeks ago. The air ran from your lungs as a soft. “Oh.” escaped your lips.
“What?” he asked worried. He turned to the computer that had your notes on it and read through it and his face dropped. Tears welled in your eyes and the amount of hurt that ran through you was like that day that April ran.
And something inside of you knew, even as Donnie tried to think of anyone, anyone at all that he could possible forget, you knew it was going to be you. You stared at him tears running down your face and it was then you realized how hard you had fallen. And how much you will lose.
Two days before Thanksgiving was the day that was planned to fix him. You were in a room alone with his Ghost. You couldn’t look him in the eye.
“Here,” he said softly, and gestured for Shelldon to bring a small box forward. “This is for you... don’t open it until my eyes do.. ok?” He said leaning down and trying to catch your eye. You looked up at him, willing the tears back and smiled brightly.
“Will do Don! I will see you for that hug ok?” he smiles back softly and nods. He hovers his hand over your cheek, you lean into it until you feel the cool radiating off of him and you closed your eyes.
That unspoken ‘i love you’ rang through you head as you heard the machine wurr to life. You only stare at him as he floats by his sleeping body and you pray, you hope, and you plead to whatever god is listening. To allow you to have him, to allow him to remember you. As you slowly nod your head and you hear April press the button.
You try to stifle the sobs in your throat as you hear him and his brothers enjoy their thanksgiving meal that April and you had prepared for them. He didn’t recognize you as you sobbed in happiness when you saw his eyes open. He thought of you as a threat.
You carefully pulled out the small box as Shelldon floated beside you. You looked at him and he bobbed his head in acknowledgement. Slowly opening it you tried to steady your shaking hands. Inside was a locket, a bit larger than one you would find in a jewelry store. You carefully opened the locket and you saw a picture that you had taken with ghost Donnie and the music box version of your both favorite techno song. Engraved on the other half was the french translation of I love you. A loud sob ripped its way from your throat as you clutched it to your chest. 
Donnie was leaning against the wall closest to where you had ran off too. He was watching his brothers laugh and eat with their father and April. He had heard sniffling from the tunnel and quietly escaped the celebration to see where it had came from. He was surprised to see you covering your mouth and Shelldon with you. He was going to call to his creation until you had looked at Shelldon and pulled out a velvet box.
He waited a moment, watching you open it and something inside. He had to nod his head to the song that played. He did not expect the loud sob or the wail that came out of you next. He heard his brothers stop laughing and heard a soft.
“They opened it...”
“Poor Y/N... I can’t imagine.”
“Why can’t we tell him my sons?’
“Because he wouldn’t believe us.”
“Yeah! And he already distrusts Y/N... and they asked us not too.”
“A broken heart is something that can kill my children. Especially with a love that deep.”
Donnie didn’t hear anymore from his family. And confusion seeped into him. What happened while he was out?
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sketchesandcoolart · 3 years
Clash of the Geniuses (ROTTMNT Fanfic)
Chapter 6
As the Brownie Clan make their exist, Julia stopped in her tracks to face their bosses. “May I ask; what do you plan on using these things for?”
“I will use this technology to track down creatures for my meals... once I learn how to use it,” One admits that last part sheepishly. “And I will use that fascinating creature’s unique abilities to bring them to me, cause’ I will eat it for dinner if it doesn’t!”
Mayhem snarls and growls at him in anger, stopping when the other cloaked figure slams his fist on the cage.
“All right, but what about him?” Julia gesture towards the mutant bear.
“He’s just here for support.”
And with that, she walked outside. The genius team just blink in shock at what he just said.
Once the two mutants weren’t looking, they sneak inside and hide in a nearby closet undetected. 
“Okay, what do we do now?” Jase asks Donnie who was peeking through the keyhole. “How are we going to get back our stuff without being spotted?”
The turtle looks around the closet to see several serving carts and waiter outfits behind them, getting an idea.
“Guys, if we’re gonna pull this off, we need to engage in stealth mode.”
The next thing the group know, they’re all disguised... as serving carts... in pairs.
“We could’ve just dress up as waiters, y’know!” Kendra whisper-shouts in annoyance, as she was paired up with Donnie. Jeremy and Jase were pushing the cart behind them with Stockboy and Shelldon in tow.
“If we were dressed as the staff, they would’ve recognized me right away,” The turtle answered back, bluntly.
They slowly roll past the two individuals, who were both too busy with preparations for the night.
“Ha, I can’t believe they didn’t notice a thing,” Jeremy says to Jase as they are now heading out the door. “This is gonna be a bree--”
He stops talking once they see the large amount of people being in the room. “Never mind.”
“How are we supposed to get through all these people?” Baxter asks in exaggeration. “We’ll never find your stuff at this rate.”
“Don’t worry, all we gotta do is blend in with the other carts,” Donnie explains. “Just follow my lead.”
His foes and Shelldon roll their eyes and did what they were told. During that time, they had to deal with customers putting their empty silverware and dishes on their surfaces, making it a little more difficult for them to move.
Finally, Donnie spots Julia and a tall member of the Brownie Clan walking out with the cage and tech. “Over there, let’s go!”
They chase after the two girls, not knowing that there were a few other scouts watching them.
*The cart scene was loosely inspired by the one with Donnie and Mikey in “The Ancient Art of Ninja Hide and Seek”.
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A Winter Night: A ROTTMNT Holiday story
Word Count;2358
for: @snakeeyesdraws
Characters: Donnie, Leo, Kendra
pairings: [takes breath, pulls out sword] LISTEN
update; i accidentally uploaded the draft the first time ^^’ i fixed though this is the finished version
An overtly saturated neon sign of a Santa selling sandals catches him in the corner of his eye. He uses his forearm to protect his aching eyes as he passed the sign. When he passes the blinding neon of Santa, the turtle takes a deep breath, a soft mist escaping his mouth. Honestly, he is grateful the streets aren’t more crowded. But not for his slowly numbing hands. He stuffs his hands into his unlined pockets and moves forward. Grateful more than ever that he had updated Shelldon with a heating unit so he didn’t have to weigh himself down with a heavy coat. It was making the walk to Hueso’s a bit more tolerable. He’d have to remember to update his brothers’ gear to include a heating unit like his. Course knowing them they’d probably use it to heat up marshmallows in their pockets and that was a mess he was NOT going to clean up for-
He is so wrapped up in the nightmarish scenario of having to clean marshmallows out of circuitry when a loud shriek of anger followed by a trash can flying past his line of vision causes him to jump on one foot with a shriek of fear
“Stupid AIDEN!!”
It takes Donnie a moment, and another trash can flying by his vision to realize he is not the source of anger, or in danger. He blinks and peers down the alley before having to duck in time for another trashcan to get stomped in the middle with enough strength to crunch it in half before, in a mixture of amazement he blinks. “Kendra?”
In a feral rage Kendra stomps a trashcan nearly in half before swerving around and glaring at him snarling. Her thick purple hair twisted in half ragged tangles, her beret lay on the ground as though she had thrown it to the ground before deciding that wasn’t enough to help vent her rage. Her half-crazed eyes narrowed at him. “What do YOU want?!” she bites and for a moment Donnie wishes he hadn’t stopped, “Are you here to ruin my day again?! Wreck my plans?!”
“Um,” Don blames his lack of ability to come up with a snappy come back on his even more urgent need to survive the next five seconds, or at least not end up like that trashcan. ”Are you doing something that should be stopped?”
Kendra narrows her eyes at him. “NO.”
“Do you HAVE an evil plan that I should stop? Again?”  With a snarl Don worries he might have said the wrong thing.
But then she lets out an angry sigh, “No, not now.”
“Um.” He really didn’t want to end up a Donnie shaped hole in the wall, “Then, no?”
Kendra narrows her eyes at him, Donnie could barely see the little puffs of steam burst out of her nose like a bull trying to figure out if he was a matador worth charging. But then she lets out an angry growl, ”Fine, go away then,” she says, crouching down and yanking the trash can back into a standing position kicking at it a few more times to try and un-dent it. Donnie glances back at the trash cans in the road and sighs. He pulled off his gloves, cursing the fact that he didn’t bring any extra rubber gloves, and pulls one of the trash cans off the street. Kendra glares up at him before eyeing the trashcan in confusion, “What do you want?”
“To not see cars hit trash cans? Is that supposed to be a hard question?” he asks, again berating himself when Kendra narrows her eyes at him, but lets him stand his trash can next to the one she had ‘undented’, she doesn’t thank him when he drags by the other one too. But to be honest he doesn’t really expect it. But he does finally notice that, even though she traded out her leggings for sweatpants, she’s lacking her purple dragons' jacket and is wearing a dark grey sweater and boots. All signs indicated she had not been planning on being outside in December and is using all the anger she had been trying out on the trash cans to not shiver, “Where are you going?”
“What’s it to you?” she demands.
Donnie raises his hands in mock surrender. “Honestly? I was just trying to help but if you’re going to keep acting like a jerk, I’ll-“ he wasn’t sure how he was going to finish that thought. ‘Walk away?’ ‘Blog about it angrily later?’ But it ended with someone shouting ‘heads up’ and something hard slamming into the back of his head, his vision exploding in bright colors and the breaking of a snowball contacting with his head. Off balance he finds his world spinning and himself on his knees, hands holding his head trying to make sense of the pain and his disorientation.
“Hey!” Kendra’s voice was far away, but that could be ‘cause she had stormed over to yell at the kids who had thrown the snow ball. “The hells your problem?! That was basically an ice ball you weebs.” Don could barely make out their mumbled sheepish apology. He pulls off his hat and touched the soaking bandana underneath. Any hope that it had just been snow went out the window when he drew his bloody fingers off his head.
“Holy-“ Sounds like Kendra was back, his vision was spinning so bad that he assumed the spinning purple mass by his side was her. “Hey how many fingers am I holding up?!” she said holding out her hand. He could barely make out her fingers but gave a weak, “Four?” with strength surprising for someone her size, she took his arm and lifted him to his feet, pulling his arm over her neck, “Come on there’s a hospital nearby-“
“NO,” he answers quickly.
“Are you kidding me you’re HEAD is BLEEDING.”
“And I'm a giant talking turtle which do you think will matter more to a hospital staff?!” He often wondered how Yokai managed in the city without access to a hospital. He had been meaning to ask Hueso about-. He blinks, there was no way he could let Kendra take him home. But he was already close to the pizza place “I have a place I can go. But you can’t go with me-“
“Again, your HEAD is BLEEDING,” she snaps. “I’ll take you where you need to go but I won't get any closer got it?” Donnie knew she wouldn’t take no for answer and only answered with a sigh and a nod. She pulls harder on the arm wraps over her neck and took more of his weight. Despite their height difference he barely touches the ground which only added more to the feeling of being disoriented.
“Thanks,” he muttered weakly.
“Don’t thank me til we get there.”  Donnie struggles to keep his eyes open but his swirling vision forces him to keep his eyes closed, a hand slaps his face lightly. “Hey stay awake nerd.”
“Pot calling the kettle-“ Donnie bit off the end of his statement as he tried not to dry heave. He could feel Kendras frozen bare arms through his coat and feels even worse for being out in the first place. “H-Hold on,” he says, stiffening his legs up to drag her to a stop. He manages to pry her arm off him long enough to peel his coat off leaving him in his long sleeved dark pink Atomic Lass shirt. “You’re obviously cold.” As callous as he is sometimes, he finds it’s better to be honest than to dance around the subject, “Shelldon has a heating unit that’ll keep me warm.” Though it wouldn’t help his arms, he could handle a few blocks though. Thankfully his vision is returning to some extent, enough that he notices Kendra looking to his pack and for a moment Don struggles not to shift to put the pack out of her sight, “That’s Shelly right? Is he still mad at me for tricking him?”
“Oh definitely. He has a stack of crayon drawings dedicated to his revenge on you.” He feels the shoulders on his back tighten as though Shelldon was reprimanding him for revealing his secret plans.
Kendra lets off a small shrug “Yeah fair enough, I’d probably do the same thing” before smirking directionally at the pack, ”But for the record little buddy, blue prints are a much better way to plot out revenge.”
Don tries to grin before dizziness settles in again. Kendra must have noticed since she ducked under his arm. “Hold on nerd, keep talking to me.”
He manages a nod, mentally keeping track of their location. “Wh-what were you doing out here kicking trash cans?” he asked. “And who’s this Aiden guy who has you so mad? Not that it's any of my business, but I’m kinda hurt there’s someone out there you currently hate more than me,” he says with an added offended tone that makes her glare at him in confusion. ”I mean not to brag, but I sorta consider it a pride and joy to have an enemy worthy of my intelligence.”
Kendra narrows her eyes. “Please, he’s not worthy of my time,” she says through her teeth. “There’s this guy in the robotics club with us, Aiden. A loser who couldn’t tell a snickers from a soldering pen. There was a contest to submit the best blueprints, and who ever won would to be our project for the semester.”
“I’ve seen you build stuff on your own though. “
“That wasn’t the point,” Kendra lets out an angry huff, “I won, like I knew I was going to. But he got second place, I checked the points and he was twelve points away from wining. Twelve! The loser pretty boy who had his private tutor help him.”
“But you still won-“
“-He shouldn’t have gotten that close. I did all my work by myself. Didn’t ask for help, spent nights coding and drafting. I should have left him in the dust a broken swaddled nerd with broken dreams. But no. I made sure he knew how I felt about it, but the creep tattled on me. Freaking snowflake got freaked out because his blue prints ended up on his front porch on fire. Since when is that illegal.”
“I mean,” Don pauses, “I think always.”
“Anyway, I got kicked off the club and that’s why I'm out here.” She shrugs. “If my Dad or step mom saw me getting this mad then they’d make me do the ‘breathing exercises,’” she said with air quotations, “Being all ‘Kendra we’re worried about you’ ‘Kendra we love and support you we just don’t want to see you go down a bad path’ and ‘Kendra where do you keep getting access to all this fire!?’” Her frustrations forced her to kick out at a sign they passed but thankfully not hard enough to knock it over, “So as soon as I’m done helping you, I’m going to see my Mom. She’s the only one who gets me.”
Donnie blames his concussion on being so surprised Kendra had a mom but tried to keep it off his features. But judging by the quiet scoff from Kendra he hadn’t done a very good job, "How about you Greeny? Why did you come out here if you already had a concussion? Don’t pretend like you didn’t have one, I saw the bandages when I was checking your scalp. You already had a head injury before you got hit in the head.”
Figures his hat would blame him, and his own disorientation for forgetting that Kendra had checked his scalp. “It's complicated.”
“More complicated then plotting revenge on a spoiled white boy in a Vanilla Ice t-shirt?” she says in a tone that tells Donnie she’s trying to make a joke. And despite his best efforts not to, he snorts slightly, “No, I'll agree it’s not that complicated.” But it still feels weird to share with a certified enemy who once tried to steal the Spirit of Labour Day (don’t ask can’t explain). Thankfully she doesn’t rush him as he tries to collect his thoughts. “I got into an argument with my brother.” He still doesn’t want to let her in on too much information. “My brothers are all protective of each-other but he's’ protective in a way that makes me nuts. He thought it was too soon for me to go out with this whole situation,” he said gesturing to his head bandage, “And I disagreed. Except I didn’t really do it in the best way.”
“I think I know what that means,” Kendra says. “Did you say something bad?”
For a moment, it takes all of Don’s remaining mental energy to not think about Leo’s face, watching his concerned features fade away to one of hurt. So hurt in fact he hadn’t even called after Donnie when he stormed out. He lets out a sigh. “I did. I wish I had a reasonable excuse for it, but to be honest I don’t like feeling like I'm depending on people. I don’t like feeling like he’s always concerned about me. I especially don’t like him being right about it.”
“Sucks when it feels like you’re under-appreciated huh?”
“Yeah.” He could make out a familiar sandal store that housed Hueso’s alley. “We’re here,” he says.
Kendra looks around, and for a moment Donnie is concerned Kendra is going to insist on taking him ‘inside’ but she ducks from under shoulder. “You sure?” she asks, “I can take you further.”
“I’m good, thanks though.” He tries to give her a confident smile but his lips only twitch in response. She gives a half shrug before she starts pulling off his coat. “Keep it. You have a long way to walk and I still have Shelldon to keep me warm.”
“Thanks,” she says pulling the coat back on. “I’ll catch you later Greeny,” she says. She looks like she's’ about to walk off when she pauses. “But for the record, it still must be nice to have brothers who have your back.”
“It is.” Don nods. “And honestly Aiden sounds like a little bitch.”
For the first time since their strange encounter began Kendra put on a full smile. “Thanks,” she says before walking off.
Leo didn’t snore.
So when his phone went off amongst his makeshift ‘pillow floor’ in the living room he did not ‘snort’ awake. He made a strangled noise before sitting up. Patting his sweatpants and hoody pockets before diving into the mass of pillows. Breaching a moment later like a whale with his phone in his teeth. Hueso’s ID is flashing across his screen. With a scoff he answers. “For the last time BONE man I don’t work today-“
“First of all, that is NOT how you politely answer a phone,” Hueso starts with a snap of his teeth. “Second that’s not why I'm calling. Your brother is here with me.”
Leo blinks, he blames his previous hibernated state on why it took him so long to remember which brother had left the lair. “Donnie? Is he ok?” he said already going to his room and looking for his sword under his bed.
“He is alright, but it looks like he got hit on the head pretty hard-“
That’s all it takes for him to charge out of his room, lingering only long enough to grab the toolbox he used for a first aid kit, and grabbing his portal sword from the kitchen (vaguely remembering he had used it to cut some cheese for his peanut butter and cheese grilled sandwich earlier) and slicing the sword down to activate a portal to Hueso’s office. Without saying bye, he hangs his phone up and jumps through.
The aforementioned skeleton, who had been glaring at his phone as though offended Leo had hung up on him, gave a shriek as the turtle appears by his side. “BAH! Leo, I hate it when you-“
Leo immediately tuned him out when he saw Donnie laying on Hueso’s couch with an ice pack over his forehead, he hurried forward and knelt down. “You ok buddy?” he asks.
Donnie looks up at him from under the ice pack with a weak smile. “I don’t know, are you really uglier than the last time I saw you or is that my head talking?”
Leo couldn’t help but grin. “I thought brain injuries were supposed to make people nicer,” he says. He turns to the toolbox and starts going through the first aid supplies inside. “Thanks for letting him rest. In your office,” he tells Hueso as he sets aside a pen light and some new bandages.
“Why wouldn’t I? Out of your brothers he’s most definitely my favorite.”
“Wait you have a favorite?” Leo looks to him. “Then who's your least favorite?”
After a pause, Hueso gives a wide and strained grin. “I will leave you two to it. If you need me just call me,” he says before ducking out quickly.  
It’s only then that Leo turns his barely contained worried energy on Donnie “What happened? Who did this? Do you have their address and sleep schedule-“
“Leo,” Don starts in a pained voice, “Please, my head feels like someone tried to split it with an ax. It was an accident. Some kids hit me in the head with a snow ball.“
Leo was about to start on another tirade of questions when he forced himself to take a deep breath, “Yeah, ok, I'm sorry,” he says. Also trying to ignore Donnie’s missing coat. He looks back to his supplies and pulls out a pen light. “I’m going to check your pupil dilation, but only if you're up for it.” He waits for Donnie to give a slight nod before he lifts the pen and carefully pushes the ice pack away from his eyes. Using his thumb to cover Don’s opposite eye without actually touching him, with a flash the pupil constricts and dilates as it should. He does the same process to the other “Well that’s good at least,” Leo says. “How’s your vision?”
“Spinning, but I think that’s from the pain.”
That would make sense. The red slider turtle rose to sit on the edge of the couch, carefully unwrapping Don’s scalp as gently as he can, checking his facial expression for any signs of increased pain before he lets out a sigh of relief. “It's just a surface bleed. It doesn’t look like the actual injury itself reopened.”
“That’s good,” Donnie says with a soft sigh. “You’re doing a good job.”
“I had a good teacher.” Leo made sure to give Donnie a soft smile that the turtle barely returns. “Let me just change the bandages and we’ll head home when you feel up for it. Maybe we can order some pizza; I've had a monster craving for anchovy and chocolate syrup pizza for days-“
“I was wrong.”
Leo blinks, pausing from unwrapping the new bandages with his hands. It takes him longer than he should to realize what Don’s apologizing for and when he does, he only returns to digging through his kit. “You were a little right,” Leo says quietly putting aside a bottle of alcohol, “I mean it's kinda right, right?? You're usually right-“
“No, Leo.” Donnie tries to sit up but fails to get up more than a few seconds before Leo’s grip on his arm forces him back down. “Leo I was wrong. I was angry, my head was killing me I would have said anything to hurt you. You don’t mess everything up-“
“Except I do?” Leo lets out a soft laugh. “I mean I do. Between the minotaur's pizza and Big Mama I'm surprised I get anything right-“
Don’s hand grabs his shoulders and before Leo can stop him, the soft-shell forces himself into a sitting position with pure grit alone (judging by the pain filled grimace on his face, “Would you listen to me?!” Donnie demands shaking him by the shoulders, “I shouldn’t have even said it but I would have said anything. I was angry at feeling so helpless and dependent. I was angry because you were right for trying to stop me from going out. I did need your help and I shouldn’t have been so difficult. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry-“ his last sentence is interrupted with a sob that helps him notice the tears running down his face. Donnie lets out an aggravated huff as he presses the heel of his hands against his streaming eyes to help spare his dignity in some way.
He feels the couch shift as Leo shifts closer, wrapping his arms around him. “Ok, ok you were wrong. I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologizing Leo,“ Donnie manages to say from his brother’s shoulder. “I’m the one apologizing not you, idiot.”
“Alright, alright I apologize for apologizing. You were wrong I was right. Is that what you want to hear?” he asks. Don nods into his shoulder. Leo rests his cheek on Dons’ shoulder rubbing his shell for a few moments as Don’s erratic breathing finally starts to calm down.
After a few seconds Don lets out a small sigh, “Damn it, I was doing so good too. I can't even tell anymore if these are meltdowns or panic attacks.”
“As long as you don’t have to deal with them alone when you don’t want to, that’s all I care about.” Leo gives him a final squeeze before reaching up and taking Don’s shoulders, gently guiding him down to lay down again. “Ok buddy. I’m going to rewrap your head, and then I'm going to go order us some food and portal us home. You just relax ok?” He waits for Donnie to nod before Leo starts applying some alcohol to a cotton ball. “I’ll be honest though, I’m sorta surprised you made it here safely.”
Don for the first time since Leo entered Hueso’s office looks him with his tired blood shot eyes. A soft smile forming on his face as he relaxes. “Yeah,” he whispers. ”Me too.”
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sendasan · 5 years
What do u think bane will do in season 2. Especially now scarecrow’s dead
There’s really a lot of wish fulfillment I can ramble since Bane is already well loved in the Harley Quinn show, and I could see a slight increase of screen time for him in Season 2, should they show him surviving. It would been a god send if he even steadily becomes apart of the main cast of the show. Unfortunately, like my faith in this show, it’s high doubt it would even come close to these weak predictions.
Spoilers & other strong topics that may trigger negative stigma are mentioned below. Please read with precaution!
As recent as now multiple sources has indicated, Harley Quinn series has been renew for a season 2, with the release date set by April 3 2020. That’s pretty fast release, even by mini-series standard considering the typical work load an animation show has to accomplish. But the news connecting to the series has pretty much affirms my perspective (possibly confirms) what may come for season 2. I’ll be listing only a handful of the most canonical case scenario that I think will show for future episodes:
Bane will barely acknowledge or even care to mentioned Scarecrow. Shrugs and move on.
The writers will set up a humorous unneeded joke, by making Bane mummer, “I wonder what’s Scarecrow is up to?”.
Bane may get taken a little more seriously with the writers, but not enough to implement the aftermath of Gotham’s earthquake, or his grieving.
Bane will grieve or undergo a forlorn stage for the deceased Scarecrow, but it’s treated more like a running gag than a small arc.
Bane grieving is treated seriously and may end up connecting him to the larger arc in the season, and possibly the series together.
A good handful of my predicted thoughts are so bleak, and yet this is how I feel what the show will give me. It isn’t like ROTTMNT where the show staffs have no qualms in humanizing the villains quirks and even explicitly affirms that their love and affection for their significant others don’t hinder their fighting skills and motivation (e.g. Hypno’s love for his roomie, Warren Stone, and Repo Mantis’ dedication in caring for his mutated cat). And it sadly doesn’t have the same vocal fandom to backup the friendship relation, as it did with TFP when Breakdown died on the beginning of season 2. At least those writers wrote the bare minimum of Knockout’s sentimentalism towards his deceased partner, despite their own questionable interpretation. 
I can’t really say much positive faith in this show, as it’s hit and miss quality is “okay” at best. The writer’s seldom accountability of the show’s unfortunate implications, including the antisemitism and queerbaiting, does help much. 
We never really got a concrete reason as to why Scarecrow would even team-up with the Joker. With Queen Fable, as least she was pretty much an open book (no pun intended), as the writer did a good job in showing her hostility and amoral nature. Joker’s plan benefits her indulgence in furthering her “evilness” to the next level to no regards to either side of the organizations (Justice League, Legion of Doom, etc). Scarecrow, on the other hand, is a different story. Sure, he gets to see Gotham in terror 24/7 in the most brutal regime to been seen in-universe. That’s fair trade for someone like Scarecrow who’s not only gets to have front seat of witnessing fear, but also record observation that will further his study of it...and yet we don’t really see that much of scientific Crane? Sure, we do see him creating chemicals and administering components that exemplifies his skills, but not so much on the motive side? We just pretty much have to assumed that based on his overall character’s existence in the franchise. This really further drives my frustration more as the closes answer I may get out of this by canon standard is...probably the one have to begrudgingly accept. 
In the Final Joke, the very last appearance of Scarecrow, we get a brief interaction of the Joker and Scarecrow (and quiet Batman). Joker longing in boredom, as Scarecrow is not even phase by the now destructive terror in Gotham called a “routine”. As Scarecrow brings up a suggestion to brighten the Joker up, I recalled Joker nonchalantly retorted:
“Hah! You are so one note, Bag-Head.“
This got me jolt up a little. Not really enough to speculate for future episodes to come, but only for what I needed from that scene. It could have been hinted, or reinforce the degree of insecurity Scarecrow has; just as he established himself a level of threat to the city and possibly further afar, Joker still dismiss him as nothing more than a villain of the week. Something he and Bane has in common run through in the series among their peers. The tragic key difference between the two is Scarecrow is more impulsive, mayhaps desperate, to disprove that. Whereas Bane, be it for a reserve sense of confidence or too focal on petty vengeance, never occur to even try disproving those claims in the first place. Given the show’s theme, this would have not been a far-fetch idea. It makes it clear that Joker's presence, even by villain’s professionalism standard, are destructive in the long-run, no matter how effectively infamous he works for the Legion of Doom. And that would have made his death all the more meaningful, and befitting for a minor character like Scarecrow...
...but then again, I could just be giving them too much credit. The writer most concrete direction in the scene was basically puppeteer Joker as their own words, stating what Scarecrow is to them: a one note character. Unlike the other characters we’re given the impression on the forum, they don’t seem to be interested in keeping Scarecrow around, let alone develop him. If the season finale has (graphically) shown, he pretty much accomplish his only agency in a story; a as a living tool. 
Maybe I’m taking this a little too hard as I do favor Scarecrow as an overall Batman favorite. It’s just tiring that so many mainstream animated adult-oriented show will only aim to South Park level at most. I’m not asking it to be on Bojack Horseman or Batman: The Animated Series, but it be refreshing for them to at least self-critique their writing execution in terms of characters; minor or not.
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fanfic-inator795 · 5 years
RotTMNT Oneshot: Crossing Paths
Plot: Sometimes, the quickest meeting can still resonate with you, just as the smallest act can still mean a lot...
(Also on AO3 if you want to leave a comment/kudos)
Autumn was an enjoyable time of year for Yokai on the surface. They enjoyed watching the leaves on the trees change color, something that didn't happen much in the Hidden City, as well as the cooler weather. There were even some points during the season where they would be able to walk around without a total disguise, the humans instead thinking it was just an elaborate costume. Humans really were easy to fool.
But, when the weather became a bit too chilly or storm clouds started rolling in, there really was no better way for Yokai to warm up than stopping by their favorite local pizzeria for a slice of comfort food and a chance to catch up with friends. Naturally, Run of the Mill Pizza was no exception to it.
Other Yokai pizzerias might have tried to claim they had the better quality - especially their rival on 19th - but those who both ran and visited Run of the Mill knew that it was they who truly had better pizzas as well as a cozier atmosphere. Their boney manager made sure of that.
Hueso had spent the better part of that afternoon sweeping up stray dead leaves and placing both warm candles and small bouquets of beautiful marigolds on each table. Their Italian style murals had been cleaned and touched up slightly - the skeletal Senor was known to pick up a paint brush from time to time - and he had even cleaned some of the bigger lanterns hanging around the restaurant, their bright green flames shining through clearly. It was the little things, really, that could bring comfort to a customer.
His efforts seemed to be working, with how busy the place was that night. Though, Hueso himself ended up not having much to do. Most people that night were satisfied with sitting down, relaxing and eating good pizza as they enjoyed the warmth of both friends and friendly acquaintances alike, with not too many being up for a deadly maze.
So, Senor Hueso had time to take a quick break. Reattaching his arm, he them strolled to the front of the restaurant. Stepping through the portal, he took a deep breath of autumn air. It was cool, though not enough to see his breath, and the wind was calm as it occasionally blew along his boney cheeks. Truly, it was the perfect evening weather.
He tilted his fedora over his eyes, effectively blocking out the many lights of the surface city, and leaned against the brick wall. Just a moment or two more, then he would get back to work…
Then there was a rustle. The tearing of a garbage bag. The slight bounce of an empty can, and- *smash!* That would be an empty jar. He also heard a voice mutter a curse as they continued making noise.
Pursing his lips a bit, the skeleton glanced over, down the other end of the alley. He could see a figure in the shadows of the dumpster, obviously looking for something with how hard they seemed to be searching. Hueso clicked his tongue, shaking his head slightly. Homeless Yokai simply weren't a thing on the surface. If a Yokai was struggling, they'd simply go back to the Hidden City, where it would be much easier to get back on their feet, surrounded by their kind. Although, there were instances that could keep one from going home. Hueso knew that kind of tragedy well… He took a moment to shake his brother’s fleshy face from his mind.
No, more likely, it had to be a human. Some homeless man looking for scraps, and someone who could possibly scare off his more skittish customers. Misfortune or not, the human couldn't stay here. So, as he prepared himself for a lot of screaming and “What are you?!”s, Hueso walked over to the dumpster. “Ey!” He shouted, making the figure flinch, “You get out of there, right now! Go-!”
As the figure tried to climb out and run away, they quickly lost their footing in their surprise, and plummeted to the hard ground with any semi-fresh food they might've collected landing on top of them. ...Huh. The human was a lot smaller than Hueso would've thought. Allowing his eyes to glow slightly, he was able to get a better look as the scavenger turned to face him.
His yellow eyes were wide, fearful even as the rest of his furry face scowled. His big ears folded down as his shaky feet took a couple steps back, his long tail whipping back and forth wildly. “Stay back!” He growled, clawed hands emerging from the sleeves of - a coat? Or, yukata? Or maybe it was just a house robe, Hueso couldn't tell in the dark. But his clothes didn't matter, all the skeleton knew for sure was that this was no human.
“Hey, hey,” Hueso said, raising his hands slightly, “Easy, rata. My apologies, I thought you were human.” The rat man still glared at him, opening his mouth slightly to show his sharp teeth. Hueso met his gaze with ease, never flinching. He was sure he could take this rat if he truly was looking for a fight, though Hueso hoped it didn't come to that. Claw marks in suede suits weren't exactly easy to fix, after all.
“I'm not here to hurt you,” Hueso told him, voice firm even as he gave the shorter man a bit of a flat look, “Though, I do not appreciate people possibly scaring off my customers and making a mess outside my restaurant.”
The rat raised an eyebrow, glancing around for a second. “Restaurant…?” Hueso blinked. That was odd, did he not know about the hidden restaurants? Couldn't he see the subtle signs directing Yokai to them and other secret surface establishments? Perhaps he wasn't a Yokai - not a normal one at least - or maybe he just hit his head and was confused?
“Look, I am just looking for food, okay?” the rat insisted, even going so far as to step forward and grab some of the fallen food he'd collected, “And your dumpster doesn't have much else, so I am leaving, okay?” I don't want any trouble, his tone whispered, I am just trying to survive. So not only was he struggling, but it would seem he was most likely on the run as well.
“...” Hueso sighed through his nose hole. “Wait.” The rat man froze, and once again prepared himself for an attack that never came. “You may come inside, if you are hungry,” Hueso told him, his own tone professional yet still a bit gentle. When the rat gave him another confused look, Hueso lifted a hand and rubbed two of his fingers together, opening the entrance to the pizzeria once more. The rat’s eyes widened in both fear and amazement.
And yet… “No thanks,” he said, shaking his head.
“Come now,” Hueso insisted, “It's fine.” When the rat tried to argue, he added, “I promise that there are no cops in there. There never are, it's safe.”
That made the rat man pause, if only for a moment. “...I have no money.”
“We are not above offering those in need a free meal-”
“And what if those who truly need it are not here, huh?!” he shouted, his Japanese accent thickening a bit.
“What are you-?” Hueso stopped, an epiphany interrupting him. “...You have a family, don't you?” The rat didn't answer, but he also didn't look away. He stood his ground, though Hueso could see in his eyes that he was trying to figure out whether or not he just gave away too much.
“...Wait right here,” Hueso ordered as he began to walk to the portal. Immediately, the rat began to back away. “Ey!” He stopped him again, “Calm down, gordo. I will be right back! If you need food to go, then like I said, we are not above free meals.”
The rat stared at him for what seemed like ages, wise enough to be cautious yet desperate enough to try. Finally, he replied. “You have two minutes, and then I'm gone,” he warned.
“There are no snitches here either, rata, if that is what you're worried about,” Hueso insisted as he began walking again, though he kept his pace brisk. The wait staff still had everything under control, so there was nothing stopping him from walking straight to the kitchen.
Even the best kitchens had the occasional screw up. Earlier that night, the tickets had gotten mixed up, and an extra pepperoni and olives pizza had been made. With no customer to take it, the pizza was set under a heat lamp for now, a couple slices having already taken by peckish employees. Hueso boxed up the rest, as well as a slightly burnt pan of cheese bread, and headed back outside. He was released to see the rat had kept his word just as Hueso kept his
It took a minute for the rat man to accept the gift though, sniffing it carefully. ‘ Ay,’ Hueso thought to himself, ‘Whoever this guy angered, he must have put a pretty big price on his head…’
Eventually though, the rat accepted the boxes. “Thank you,” he said quietly, giving a slight bow.
Hueso tilted his hat at him. “De nada. ...So, what can I call you?”
The rat thought about his answer for several seconds, before finally giving a humorless laugh. “Don't really have a name these days…” Not one that he wanted anyone recognizing, at least.
“Ah.” Definitely either on the run or hit with amnesia then. Such a strange man. But even so- “Alright then, Senor Rata.” The rat smirked slightly at the silly name, and Hueso’s eyes softened a bit as he continued. “If you and yours ever truly in need of a meal, you are welcomed to stop by again.”
The rat man looked at him, and for the first time that night, he wasn't looking at the skeleton with cautious or mistrust. Instead, there was only gratitude. “...I will keep that in mind.” With that, he picked up the boxes and ran off, speedy even with such short legs and filled hands. He managed to disappear into the shadows almost instantly. Almost like a ninja…
When he could no longer see the rat, Hueso simply reopened the portal and strolled back inside, his break already taking much longer than he expected. Hopefully there wasn't a disgruntled line of challengers now waiting for him at the maze. “Best of luck to you, gordo,” he mumbled as the mystic doorway closed behind him.
“Awwww yeah, baby!” “Finally!” “That's what I'm talking about!” “Pizza time~!”
Hueso rolled his eyes. “With you four, it always seems to be ‘pizza time’,” he groaned, though if the four turtle brothers could hear his comment, it was promptly ignored in favor of chowing down while their food was still hot.
While he could certainly appreciate the business, Hueso did wish that his newest - and evidently most frequent - customers could be just a bit less rowdy. At least they weren't trying to ‘good cop, bad cop’ the rest of his patrons anymore. Still, he could even admit that they were… decently behaved. Loud and a bit messy (and certainly annoying at times, but then again, what teens weren’t?), but always leaving as much as they could for a tip and being polite to the wait staff at least. Besides, their less than desirable behavior couldn't yet make Hueso forget about the fact that he was no longer a wanted man, so he (albeit a bit reluctantly) figured he could put up with the family of reptilian brothers a few nights a week.
“Oh, hey look!” The youngest, orange-wearing turtle said suddenly, noticing the ad that had placed on the table, “This says that they brought back their ‘famous Run of the Mill cheesy bread, an old classic, limited time only’! And just look at this pic of it! Soooo good!”
His brothers licked their lips at the ad, as well. “We definitely gotta get a plate of that then!” the red turtle nodded, “Oh, hey, we should take some home for Pops too, just as a thanks for all the extra training he's been givin’ us.”
Mouth full, the blue turtle - Pepino, in Hueso’s mind, just based on the turtle’s looks - nodded quickly before swallowing. “Oh yeah, Dad would LOVE that!”
“A reasonable theory,” the final brother smirked, painted-on eyebrows cocked a bit, “Given that he's a rat and all.”
A rat? The skeleton’s eyes widened. Could it be? A rat man having turtle sons wasn't the strangest thing he had ever seen, after all. He doubted that the boys would be able to accurately confirm it, given that they weren't even there all those years ago but…
Hueso’s lips curled into a small smile. He always wondered what happened to that strange rat man, given that he never saw him again. But if these boys truly were his family, healthy and happy even if they weren't the brightest in the bunch, then he must've been doing pretty well for himself. Just as Hueso had hoped for in the back of his mind whenever the old memory crossed it.
Leaning on his arm, he nodded to himself, watching as the boys tried to wave over a waitress and tried to figure out if they should order the regular or spring for the extra cheesy bread.
“Hmph. Glad you and yours made it out alright, Senor Rata…”
((Heyyy, another Rise oneshot set in the past! I had this idea a few weeks ago, and it stuck with me, so I decided to write it out. I love both these characters, so I thought it'd be interesting if they met - and even better if they actually knew each other, if only briefly. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed it!))  
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k4nill · 5 years
ROTTMNT Headcannons for a Friend ~ S/O being sick.
Sorry i'm damnnnn late but translating this took a me while hahaha I hope you get better soon dear!!! @turtlestanfirst.
> Calls you all the fluffiest pet names with that sweet "hey buddy" tone all the time you are sick.
> Rather visit you than having you in quarentene by Donnie on the lair (and also to have some time alone)
> Raph is most likely to pick you up for anything, so forget about being able to walk for a while.
> Tries to cook for you, but it's always the same Raph special Hot Soup™ (ramen noodles with maccaroni and spaguetti pasta, Raph is a high-cab guy) still, is warm as his heart and a delight.
> He understands how tired you must feel so he suggest soft activities (having netflix marathons of movies, a console game, board games, BUT NEVER FUCKING UNO HE WILL CRY IF YOU THROW HIM THAT +4 CARD)
> He's the one who would probably ask you if you wanted him to leave or if you want to be alone, he thinks he's too suffocating. (It is a little, but you know, he cares too much)
> Builts a pillow fortress for you and when entering he says: "you need something, your majesty?" He just treats you like royalty.
> Blast your favorite songs and sings for you in the smoothest jazzy voice. (you know his beautiful deep ass voice)
> Let's say you are so entretained you and Raph forget the time for your meds, still you take em, but like 5 hours late.
> Raph constantly talks about his family and friends. He's the one to bring up deep conversations topics (about him being the leader , not being good enough, concerned by his brothers dumbassery) and you open up as well. Raph is full of emotions and loves to be listened to and he'll do the same for you.
>His eyes become crystalline when you start coughing or when the thermometer marks a mild fever.
> He tries to clean your place. Tries, but most likely to trash it a little bit more... Just a little.
> When you told him you were sick he came rushing, didn't even think of getting sick himself, so, after you recover is most likely you have to take care of him.
> Dumb dumb also didn't tell his family where tf he was, so he made his family a little concerned.
> Boy thinks He's Dr. House or some shit like he'll ask you all you symptoms and then he tells you with his dorky "Mr. I know all" smirk that is a rare desease that you can only adquire on the amazon rainforest like... You have a cold.
> Doesn't want to get sick (a waste of time) and definitely don't want anyone on the lair sick cuz they are DRAMATIC AF when they get sick.
> So he suits himself up with those NBC suits and ask you to stay in a (previously prepared) station in the lab, which is basically a sickbed with some comfy futons (that he stole from Leon), with a screen near for your entretainment, and tons of pillows.
> Programs Shelldon so you can have your meds on time or if you need something he can bring it to you.
> You may find a plushie in the station and ask Donnie where he got it and he'll tell you with the most monotone and uninterested tone : "Oh I took it from Leon, it was with the pillows, don't mind it, you can take it home if you want"
> He'll work on some project but high-key is not, he's watching you all the time, like you are watching some dank ass memes and look over to see him and he does that "thing", you know when you pretend you stare at nothing when they catch you staring at someone?
> He' wearing the suit but with any barely improvement of the symptoms he'll take it off and get closer to you cuz he misses being close to you.
> Won't allow you to be just in bed tho, he says activity is important. So he takes you out to dance to your favorite songs and his weeb songs. (Bootyyyshaker9000 entered the game)
> When you are getting ready to go to sleep, he tucks you in, gets his caffeine overdose and in your deep dream state he plugs you in a machine to continue to monitor your sickness.
> Gets sick cuz he's a dummy and took the suit to early, also not enough sleep can lower your defenses.
>Ok low-key the doctor of the family, (I live for this HC of Leon being a doctor) knows right away you are sick when you come in the lair.
> Also doesn't want you in quarentene (Damn Donnie it's not time to test that gigant quarentine snow globe protocol) so takes you to the "Neon City". (Leon's room is filled with Neon signs of all kinds.)
> Lets you use his bed, no questions and doesn't take a no for an answer. (plus his eye mask)
> In the shelfs they are these plants and miniature zen garden, rubik's cube, some origami stuff, figurines....he shows you how to take care of the plants, solve 3d puzzles, even teaching you origami (Leon is a very zen person, if he doesn't have a break from the meme lord he is he would've snapped a long time ago) and his personal favorite: sewing patches to his gigant bed sheet (he started trimming pieces of fabrics and putting em together, remember they aren't rich but resourceful) just to keep you entretained.
> But board games are next level shit, you don't want to play because Leon is a really bad loser/winner he's dumbass and will always complain.
> You two end up watching compilations of memes and vines for HOURS, until you decide is time to watch a movie, but wait its the fucking 69 movies of Jupiter Jim the only thing in the catalogue.
> But you love to reenact your favorite scenes with him, and maybe, just maybe he would let you be Captain Jim this time.
> We all know Leon is really clumsy, yet he's really gentle and soft when he wants to. He treats you the same as always (quoting shitty vines and hideous oneliners from time to time) but he tries to touch you a lot more and if you think of something it's like he already read you mind and bring you what you wanted or needed. Smooth mofo.
> Leon isn't obsessive when it's something mild (like a cold) he knows is something temporary and just want you to keep you distracted, without feeling suffocated or making you feel you can't do anything.
> But if it was something like a broken bone, beatings in general or you having a relapse in any major illness he would get depressed. He won't be as bright with you or with others, his behaivor would shift from 100 to 1 until you get better.
> In this last scenario, silently cries when people he cares about (that are in this state) are asleep, cuz he can't make them heal faster or make them feel better. His brothers snap, are agressive, are short tempered and anxious when they are in this situation, Leon just shuts down and bottles up his feelings of impotence.
>Also another dummy who gets sick, he's a pain in the ass who thinks he's gonna die soon, but give him all the attention an cuddles and he'll be a good boy.
>Stole literally all the comfy items (plushies, futons, shelldon, Raph's hot soup) to give it to you.
> Mikey is not knowledgable in med stuff, so he often ask Leon or Donnie about your sickness but won't credit them lol.
> The entire time wears a classic halloween costume nurse hat and wears a white coat and a fake glasses with a mustache when he wants to be a doctor. (plus: makes his voice a little deeper)
> He says that the lair isn't at all like a hospital but the hospital is made by all the good will people of the personal that want to help others, so he dresses up to make you feel in one. You can't help but enjoy everytime he changes from a nurse to a doctor having their monologues about payday and gossiping about the "other" staff.
Dr. Mikey: "Dr. Saenz just told me that he's firing Barbara because he didn't bought him the right sidedish with his pizza."
> And takes the game kinda far.
You: "Ok doctor what about if I make a deposit of hugs in the bank for this?"
Mikey:"O-okay!!!! I'm the bank man now!!! (Totally changed into a bank man just adding a red tie)
> Mikey won't turn down your entretainment, neither his. So he'll paint and let you paint saying is your recovery therapy.
> You would have a lot of fun but sometimes you'll feel a little ashamed to show what you did because honestly Mikey is really good, nontheless he'll will always compliment your art and keeps everysingle piece in storage (even things you think he should throw away).
> Mikey's meds skills are basically laugh therapy.
> While his brothers are calm he kinda panics and pretends everything is okay, until he trips on an imaginary banana peel or drops just one of your pills he snAPS and says he's sorry he's not a good enough nurse/doctor in the verge of tears. (Of course you later reasure him his not.)
> He's just so active but he knows you can cope with him, it's sorta frustraiting to him to lower her normal energy levels.
> Doesn't get sick, surprisingly.
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chickenscript · 6 years
How would the Rottmnt guys comfort their grieving friend after their family member passed away?
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A/N: this was the second prompt sent in and i really went for it while writing. i’ve been in a pretty rough mood lately and funneled a lot of how that feels in. i also have personal experience with loss and i tried to input a lot of that so the reader’s thoughts could feel more convincing. enjoy?
It struck you and your uncle so incredibly hard.
Out of nowhere, your grandmother was suddenly ailing. She was a healthy, elderly woman for all the years you’d known her and took good care of herself, so when her retirement home rang your uncle up, a thick fog rolled in over the two of you. It was unexpected- sudden and swift tempered information that terrified you both. The home staff said they believed she could pull through, but your uncle threw that to the wind and wasted no time. You were going to her, that was that, and you couldn’t agree more. Anything outside of leaving - school, work - was put on hold and you packed up, and your uncle drove with reckless abandon all the way upstate to Albany through the night with the exception of a few pitstops. The ride gave jitters time to sink under your skin and while you were determined to see your grandmother, undeniably, you both could tell there was a storm catching up to you.
Naturally, you stubborn gits refused to leave your grandmother's bedside as soon as you got there. You were there up until the hour came that the doctor, stricken with the grimmest set of eyes you’ve ever seen, made you hold your breath as he delivered his last answers of what was going to happen from here. And it wasn’t good. The storm you and your uncle were hoping to outrun was here, and the worst was happening.
It was like someone was drowning you with pounds upon pounds of stones in your belly. You could barely look your grandmother in the eye as your uncle let you share your sentiments first. You felt a little suffocated after he left. It was easier feeling the way you did when you knew there was someone else who felt the exact same, if not worse there with you.
When you sat down beside your grandmother’s hospital bed and held her wrinkly, pale hand, all you could think to do was retell all your favorite moments with her. She laughed along hoarsely and chimed in softly with a sickly voice. She told you to calm down in the middle of one of your retellings, she could feel you shaking.
You tried to suck it up, really did, and when you felt you could say no more to her and kissed her forehead- you bid a half quiet goodbye as she touched her finger pads to your face. Then you let your uncle have his one last moment with her as you waited outside the room, back against a wall as you tremored with pure anguish.
Your apartment was never more quiet than when you got back. 
You two were shells of yourselves, dragging your feet everywhere and not wanting to be particularly productive from that night onward. Your uncle was given an entire two weeks of leave to mourn, and yet somehow managed to leave midday most times and come back just as the wee hours started to creep in. Or when the morning was.
You drifted from your friends, distancing yourself from them and schoolwork, and went out for a lot of walks with Jigsaw. Getting lost to the city stretches. But, it was looming over your head that you knew you had to break this silence you forced over you and your friends. You couldn’t handle another harried text or voicemail from Mikey, or another chorus of texts and missed calls from his brothers that shared his worry.
It took an angry April knocking down your door on the fifth day of this emotional mayhem to finally get the guts to tell them all what happened.
Raphael is first.
You ask him to meet you at the restaurant your grandmother used to own so you can get over being afraid to go there. All the familiar sights and smells anchor you as you both slip into the closed dining establishment.
Your grandmother relinquished ownership to her sister in her retirement, and you’re not as close to her since she lived up in Syracuse, but she was there for the funeral and gave you a shoulder to cry on. She looked so much like your grandmother and even shared the same thyme scent, that it scared you to high heaven.
But it was also so comforting.
She left the restaurant’s design untouched and she only drove down every few months to stay in the apartment attached to it to see how things in the city were going. From the brick stone ovens that had been there for as long as the building’s foundations were, to the linoleum floor tiles, warm colors and rustic decorations. It still felt like the Italy your grandmother spoke of so fondly in tales she would regale when you were small and pudgy, and just learning how to chase the other toddlers. It wasn’t even her home country- Columbia was, but her father hailed from Italy and god was she ever in love with all he told her about it. It made her travel there as often as she could in her youth- which was sadly only ever once.
The 1960’s weren’t a good time for travel when you weren’t wealthy. You were only upset that she still kept a picture of herself and her husband hung on a wall with other family members - few that were actually ever around - and Italian villas she got to visit.
The fact your grandfather was never any good to your uncle after he divorced her and his damned store - that she helped him buy - was sabotaged, rubbed you the wrong way. 
At least she looked happy and youthful in the picture.
“That her?” Raph asks over your shoulder.
You hum and there’s a familiar prickle in your eye for the third time today.
“Yeah. Thanks for uhm, meeting me here. I know it was hard to leave the others back at the lair with no explanation, but…” you needed to explain how you felt to everyone one by one. Otherwise, you were sure to get overwhelmed.
“It’s all cool Snapper.” he liked to call you that after your scrappiness.
You do the best you can to smile and hang the picture back up on the nail jutting out from the wall. It was bent in a hook shape and looked like it had been there for ages. Knowing your grandmother, it probably was.
“How’re you feeling today?”
There’s that part of you, your temper, that wants to snap in offence that you felt the same since the day it happened. But, you don’t feel that anger anymore from when she died and you felt like you all could’ve done something- anything to make her time here longer. It just wasn’t sane to cling to the idea that it was someone else’s or even just your fault your grandmother died.
It was the first hurdle your mourning presented to you.
“No that awesome Big Red. I’ll be honest.” you take in a big breath and bump your shoulder to his forearm, “But I feel a lot better with you here.”
“Like, coming here isn’t so scary.” you say as an afterthought.
You remember just coming up to the block, not even being near the building yet or climbing the fire escape to the roof, made your tummy swirl with dread. Like if you took another step, something might strike you down. But you banished the feeling when you got a text about Raph almost being there. It let you summon courage and helped you to the restaurant roof. You couldn’t be standing here without the encouragement that came from knowing your friend was here too.
Not to judge how you felt or that you avoided him and his brothers for the past school week, but to support you.
You dismissively swipe the bullet of a tear that welled up in your eye.
“Do you want to talk about anything?” you could tell Raph was struggling to figure out how to comfort you.
You weren’t giving any clues and death was a foreign concept to him. He probably only knew it in the form of Splinter’s vague story; the one about his wife and child from his old life before he was a rat. You know since you met them a year ago that they’d only ever had one scare, and it mostly only effected Leo.
“Nah, I mean…” your tongue stuck to the roof of your mouth.
You felt the urge to just talk about her. About everything that was coming to mind about her not that you felt the nostalgia of the restaurant come at you. You think of her, and thyme and sugar cookies, bandeja paisa brunches and batches of bacalaítos you could eat all on your own. 
So you do.
You tell Raph about all the foods she would make for you, and how she was more often than not, your babysitter. You tell him about how after you had to start living with your uncle, that was around the time she retired and moved to Albany. At first, you and your uncle would swing by the restaurant as often as when she was there, but it didn’t feel the same without her tittering from the kitchen or her sitting at your table to talk with you instead of help wait tables or oversee food being cooked.
Your mom would be the one to shoo her back to work.
A much more dull ache in your chest shook the tides and you really started to have a hard time talking and just breathing.
It was okay though, you were glad to be able to let all this out and maybe this was just a sign that you were done with flushing out memories for today. Lest ones you barely remember would come back up and really wreck you.
Raph is rubbing wide circles in your back as you collect your emotions again. He’s so patient, and you wonder how someone with anger like you was able to whip it into shape the way he had. You reach for his dawdling hand and drape yours over it. You only really cover the space between his thumb and forefinger.
“Thanks Red.”
Raph leans over to bump your head with his, smiling benevolently.
“Need to let anythin’ else out? Or do you wanna go to the lair for dinner? Mike said he was making something ‘specially for you.”
You wonder what the young cook could have magicked up this time and nod distantly.
“Yeah. I think we should go.“ 
But you would come back.
You felt you needed to.
So, the next day you have Don meet you at the restaurant.
It was well past the closing time when you jimmy open the window of the apartment above it again and sneak in through there. And again, its like an eerie ghost town inside. All the chairs were on the tables, the window blinds were shuttered and the only sound was coming from the groaning freezers in the back, and the odd car outside. Something about it is somehow less bearable than last time, but then Don bumps you with an elbow and you feel less alone, and like you were about to be pulled into shadowy straits or something.
“So, what does it uh, feel like.”
You know Donatello isn’t asking to be insensitive; he honestly doesn’t get it.
Holding his hesitant, offered hand made it easier to describe to him.
You breathe in like you need an inhaler, “Like uh, like someone punched a hole right through me. Through here.”
You knock on your sternum and scoff lightly.
“Does that make sense Dee?” you look Donnie in the eye and there’s the glimmer from his abnormal eye shine.
You’ve seen it before, but you forget about it all the time. Like how you forget that your friends aren’t entirely human. They make it easy in your defense with how they act. They’re like every other hot blooded teen, including you, just in a vastly different vessel. And, they had their quirks, sure, but nothing that really bent back to them being mostly turtle. Except the occasional animal outburst- a hiss here, a Mikey retracting into his shell there. Besides that, all the things that would be considered part of their freakish, mutation flaws by most folk, you knew them as the four teenage brothers you were bonded to by the threads of friendship.
Now, you also knew them as the people who were helping you through a time in your life that had rocked your core.
You squeeze Donnie’s hand to ease you through the sudden stir of hurt. The type only tragedy can custom make, and you feel him rub your knuckles. He’s been getting better at gestures like that and you like to give yourself credit for his improvement.
“Enough.” the turtle shrugs and cocks his head at you, “Raph told me that you told him a lot about your grandmother, do you need to let out anymore stories?“
You remember how much your rambling had swelled the thin, tense air you felt, and you were compelled to tell him about the disaster that was your grandmother trying to teach you how to make arepas- you don’t even want to remember how you got dough on the ceiling. It was so embarrassing and a blush was already coloring your cheeks.
It was also the first time you laughed in a week and it made your heart flutter.
This felt so much better than the hurt of losing someone and made your memories of her feel like less of a plague. Don might not get that last bit, or any bit of what devastation did, and you hoped he wouldn’t ever have to because shit, it sucked.
No one should have to lose anyone, but that was how the world went.
Your laughter flattened out as you reach the end of your tale and you gave Don’s larger hand another squeeze, tightly interlocking your fingers.
“Let’s get out of here.” you don’t mean for it to sound like a rushed breath, but Don just nods and complies.
When he helps get you back home, you find your uncle is out - probably for a drink with his own best friend - and Don stays with you through a movie that you fall asleep halfway through. Propped in his lap with a death grip on one of his hands and dribble beginning to stream down the side of your chin.
Apparently, prying you off was like getting a bear trap open. Or that’s what he said in the text he sends you in the morning after a hope you slept well, my hand still feels asleep and a trying heart emoji.
You smile into your pillow - he must have tucked you in too - and breath easier for the rest of the day.
But then you have talk to another turtle brother.
Again, you’re guiding around a turtle teen with only one light on in the whole restaurant so no one would know you were breaking in for a kind of impromptu therapy session with a mutant. You don’t really reminisce like the other nights, you feel too numb to, and just answer trivia Mike throws at you. They all have to do with what it’s like to have a grandmother. You try to answer them the best you could so he can have a rough grasp on the concept. He’s only ever had two different forms of family and was fascinated by all the other ones out there. You let him take down and look at the pictures hung up, explaining who or what was in them, and then meaning of certain knick knacks on shelves. You tell him about all the different types of food that’s been made here, and that really perks his interest.
All the talking really gets your mind off of things, and the walk back to the lair is filled with Mikey talking about how much he wants to try to make the dishes you mentioned.
He admits he still doesn’t really get what your grandmother was to you after a couple of movies in his room, and you decide to just sum it up the best you can.
Kindness and firmness - only when it’s needed -, kisses on bruises and bumps and slathers of vicks cream even when all you had was a suspected sniffle. Lots of watching her cook, sometimes petty thieving when it came to things that accidentally stayed in the shopping cart past the checkout, and just the love a grandparent can only have for the child of their child. The over-complicated description came flowing out of you and you grin warily at Mike’s confused face when you’re finished.
Like his brothers, Michelangelo honestly doesn’t understand the pain you’re feeling and you can see him trying to. Eyes a conflicted shade of blue green. You discovered they sometimes changed colors depending on his emotions - or reflected eye shine like Don who explained how it was part of the mutation only the two of them shared -, and since he was usually high on happiness, the green never came out much. 
He butts his forehead against yours and takes your hands, looking at them thoughtfully with a pout.
“I’m sorry you feel so bad- is there anything I can do to make you feel better?” he’s got a hopeful gleam to him.
You gently smile and butt his forehead back.
“Don’t worry about it Mike, you guys just being here is enough.” to an extent. You still felt the hole from death's double barrel shotgun aching in your heart.
Mike smiles, but its shifty and half dishonest. He’s worried, but he doesn’t pressure you for more.
You breathe and hold it in.
Yeah. Okay.
“Let’s order some pizza yeah? I’m actually hungry tonight.” you get up from the conglomeration of pillows on Mikey’s floor with the grunt of some elderly person who’s joints are locked up with peanut butter.
All the other nights before this, you were just sort of shoving food down your throat for the sake of sustenance and not actually getting to enjoy any flavors. You’re not sure tonight will be different though, until you feel Mikey grab your hand to hold as you walk down the hall.
For some reason, when you finally invite Leo to meet you at the restaurant, your mind starts to betray you.
You swear you can smell hints of Colombian cuisine and imagine the scene of a bustling kitchen with your grandmother singing to the radio and the softness of thyme wafting above all else. It makes you put on the brakes and nearly sink to your knees. Leo is your crutch and immediately asks what’s wrong, defying his usual carefree demeanor. You’re clumsy, sure, but you never just buckle like that. He was concerned that you were skipping out on sleep or meals again.
You’ve never done that either before now.
“Just…remembering n’ stuff.” you battle with your voice to cooperate.
Leo doesn’t ask you questions to help you piece together your feelings and just hugs you to his side so you can swoop your arm around his waist like his was around your shoulder. It really helped you feel grounded. 
Leo admits his brothers told him most of what was happening with you and how you felt. He’s curious about this person who was so near and dear to you, and wanted to know whatever you personally had to say to him about her. Unless you didn’t want to say anything, that was okay too. You weren’t sure where to start anyway, all the other times you just went off on great, big tangents that seemed to never end, but tonight, they don’t come that easy. 
You lean into Leo, staring at your least favorite picture in the restaurant. You glared emptily at your grandfather’s smiling face and then looked softly to your grandmother’s. 
She has this soft blush and her hair is tousled by some unseen breeze like her ruffled blouse. She’s so happy, she reminded you of a sprite. Beautiful and striking. That ache in your chest was no longer furious and hungry for your suffering, it dulled and the lack of grief left you unsure how to feel. Like you forgot how to do it at all with how slammed you were by sadness and it’s relatives these past few, long days. You felt direction-less and emotionally drained. You wanted to lay down and sleep for a few centuries, and wake up to see how things went while you were gone. You wonder if that’s what dying is like and we all just wake as ghosts to see the world we left to an impermanent, eternal sleep.
“Hey, you blanked out.” Leo tells you and take some of your weight off his side.
“Sorry, I’m just…tired. And I don’t know what to tell you about her, honestly. She was,” you stare at her picture again and chuckle softly, “she was a spitfire. Even in old age- you would have liked her. Maybe Don too. She made the best jokes, mostly about her own son.”
Leo smiles with you, “Sounds like a cool lady. With all the stuff Mike told me, I can see why you’d miss her.”
Your arm slacks a bit where its around him, “Yeah.”
You always would. No doubt. But you wouldn’t hurt like before. The pain will always be there in small doses, but you had them to counteract it, to medicate it,
Something to fill the void left by loss. Maybe not back up to the top or ever as full as before, but enough.
You look up at Leonardo and his warm, sympathetic stare.
Certainly enough. 
“Let’s go home eh? I’m bone tired and ready to call it a night.” he can tell you’re not referring to your uncle’s apartment, but that’s the first time you’ve called his home that without stuttering and replacing the word with lair like it should be.
Leonardo stares at you for it, but doesn’t point it out. Instead, half of a grin curves his mouth.
“Home it is.”
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pagonianychta · 6 years
Night Owls (RotTMNT Donatello/Female Reader)
Fandom: TMNT, RotTMNT
Pairing: Donatello/Female Reader
Words: 1,287
Summary: Night time shenanigans with a genius
AO3 Link
The lair was unsurprisingly quiet as you entered, peering around for signs of life. There was the glow of Splinter watching television, his small form knocked out in the recliner. Distantly there was a hissing sound, and a gentle glow coming from a door on the upper level.
You peeked in the doorway and saw a familiar purple shell hunched over the desk, sparks flying up from a welding torch.
“Hey,” you announced yourself, quietly stepping inside and shutting the door to Donnie's lab behind you.
“[Name]?” Donnie lifted his goggles, looking over at you and then at the digital clock glowing a green ‘1:00 AM’, “What’re you doing here?”
“I just couldn't sleep…” you rubbed your neck, indicating your discomfort.
“So, naturally, you made a dangerous journey alone to the underground sewers of New York in the middle of the night?” He looked amused.
“Well I knew you'd be awake.” You playfully pushed his shoulder, moving to sit on his desk. There was a mug, which you picked up and smelled the contents of.
“You're not gonna be able to sleep either if you keep drinking coffee.”
“This is the only time I get peace.” He moved to the corner of his lab where the coffee machine was, pouring another cup and bringing it over to you. “How do you take it?”
“Cream and three sugars,” you yawned and the familiar robot arms came out from his shell casing, perfectly mixing your coffee while he stood there proudly.
“My pleasure.” Donatello sat back down at his work bench, goggles in place and continuing his work. You turned and crossed your legs on the counter, watching him and sipping at your coffee.
2 AM
You’d finished your coffee and were now curled up on your side, watching as Donnie put the component he’d been previously welding in some device. You eyeballed his staff leaning against the closest wall.
“Will you make me a weapon, Donnie?”
“Absolutely not.”
You expected this answer, but how quickly he said it offended you. You sat up and glared at him.
“Why not?”
“I’m not about to inadvertently encourage you to fight any mutants or foot ninjas.” He stuck his arm in the machine, digging around. You leaned closer to him, jutting your lip out in a pout.
“Please, Donnie! I don’t know anybody else as smart and handy as you! Who else am I supposed to ask?” He paused, leaning back and smirking in the glow of your compliments.
“Well, I suppose that’s true- hey!” he stopped and pointed a finger at you, “Stop praying on my ego!”
You gave him a wide, smug grin.
“If I can’t have my own weapon, can I at least rely on you to protect me?” you teased.
“I suppose I can’t trust anyone else to do it, can I?”
3 AM
You stood on the other side of the lab, one of Donatello’s armored shell hooked around your shoulders. You spun towards him with an arm raised in a pose.
“Am I not the best looking turtle you’ve ever seen?” The robotic limbs all unsheathed themselves, posing in a similar fashion. Donnie leaned back in his chair, eyeing you up and down.
“Well I can confidently say you’re the least green terrapin I’ve ever seen,” he smirked.
“I don’t appreciate you pointing out my condition, Donatello. I’m sensitive.”
4 AM
You’d finally convinced Donatello to take a break for five minutes and now the two of you were standing on his workbench, poorly belting out Broadway songs.
One of you slipped on a small patch of oil and the two of you came crashing to the ground in a heap.
5 AM
You were lying on your back across the workbench now, a hazy, exhausted shell of your former self still too stubborn to sleep.
“I think this is the end,” Donnie rubbed at his face, “I’m so tired.”
“You’re so tired,” you slurred and he stared at you with his half lidded expression.
“...that’s what I just said.” You squinted at him.
The next time Donnie went to talk to you, you were curled up on your side on the table, fast asleep. It was now 6 am and he thought maybe this was a sign he should go to sleep as well. Not wanting to wake you, Donnie picked you up and moved you to the couch on the other side of the lab, covering you with a blanket and leaving to sleep himself, the gentle hum of machines keeping you out cold.
The next morning Donnie stumbled out of his room, looking about as disheveled as he usually did when he spent all night working on some gadget. He peeked in his lab on the way downstairs, seeing you still asleep on the couch. It was already several hours into the day, so the others were as rowdy as usual when Donnie joined them.
“Hey, there he is!” Raph clapped him on the back.
“Aw, looking good sleeping beauty,” Leo grinned.
“Can you guys keep it down? [Name]’s still asleep in my lab,” Donnie pushed past them towards any form of food, realizing a few moments later the presence of three pairs of eyes watching him.
“What?” he scowled at them irritably.
“Uh, did you say [Name]’s in your lab?” Raph asked.
“You never let anybody into your lab!” Mikey shouted. They all had these knowing grins and it took Donatello’s sleep addled brain a few moments to process this.
Oh no.
Oh no, no no no. He did not.
“So?” his scowl got deeper, waiting for his brothers to spit out what he already knew they were getting at.
“Look, we’re just saying, we’ve all kinda noticed how you look at her, and how you act when she’s around...” Leo shrugged in a teasing manner, shaking his head. Donnie was slowly processing all the interactions the two of you had ever had and realizing… they were right. Oh no.
He broke into a sprint past his brothers, up the stairs and into his lab, quickly flipping on the lights. You squinted, turning to bury your face into the cushions, and the boy hesitated for a moment before running over to you and grabbing your shoulders.
“Wakey wakey [Name], time to go,” he sounded a little panicked, forcing you to sit up.
“What’s wrong?” you grumbled, barely coherent. You felt yourself moved more, now standing on mostly sleeping legs.
“There’s a, uh, leak,” he stammered, “Yeah, very lethal, but only to humans. Better to let us take care of it, no need to thank me.”
He practically pushed you from the lab and in the direction of the exit.
“Oh, okay,” you rubbed your eyes, “bye guys.” You waved to the others, completely unaware of what was going on and just looking forward to the next soft surface you encounter as you beelined out of the lair and towards your house.
Once you were gone Donnie let out a sigh of relief, wiping his brow and standing proudly like a crisis had been averted. He turned and looked to his brothers on the lower level, who were just staring.
“That’s what you do to girls you like, right guys?” Leo grinned and the others just smiled at Donnie after witnessing him usher you out of the lair in embarrassment.
“Joke’s on you, because I don’t like her!” he yelled and stormed off into his lab before they could say anything else.
“He’s terrible at this,” Leo sighed.
“Aw, I feel bad. Should we help him?” Mikey looked to Raph, who put a hand on his shoulder.
“Nah, he’ll figure it out,” he paused, “Eventually, at least.”
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