#roxy has a little sister now i guess???
cel-aerion · 1 year
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Day Two of Colossalcon 2023, Addendum 2
...which is technically Day Three, but anyways they had a Build-a-Bear in the hotel where I was staying, and that Build-a-Bear had exclusive plushies of the hotel’s mascot characters, which includes wolves, but they closed before I got there on the day I wore the Roxy costume, so, yes, the next morning I did put the full costume on, including makeup, solely for the purpose of going and getting a plush wolf while dressed as a wolf.
I have zero regrets.
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pinkarsonist0 · 8 months
I'm watching the Craig of The Creek movie rn, and oh my God, MY SCOUT BABIES IT'S THEM.
Spoilers for Craig Before The Creek below:
Based on how Boris held her hand and the way Jason smiled at her comment towards getting the friend group name correct, that could be to imply they were rather close to her. Especially Boris. I doubt they're related by blood or law. However, I do think they had a big sister bond with her when they became scouts. According to Google, you can be a scout as young as kindergarten to 5th grade, and the oldest you can be a scout is 18.
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My headcanon is that she is the reason why the scouts started going to the creek, and she would show them around it and guide them, I get a very strong older sister vibe from her. Much like Mari from Omori, let's hope she didn't play the piano...
I don't know how many years the movie takes place before the movie (at least not yet). However, I stirred up some guesses. Jason seems to be 10-11 in the show like Craig, so based on how young the scouts look, my guess will have to be that they are 6-7 years old (possibly 8 years old for Boris). So, 3-4 years before the show.
Imo, Jason seems to be happier in that scene, and in my opinion, Jason in the show isn't a very happy child if we exclude certain scenes. So, assuming the theory that Jason's mother is dead is true, we can assume the movie takes place before the tragedy.
In conclusion, this is what I stirred up for Jason (after the movie and before the show): I still have my headcanon that Jason's mother cheated on Jason's father, rooting their divorce. Jason's clearly upset by this as he begins seeing his mother a less, and his father is growing distant. However, he still had the girl we see in the movie for guidance and comfort. I do think that Jason was still pretty lonely in his childhood, so when his parents weren't around, he had her to act as an older sister for him.
But then, tragedy strikes, and Jason's mother is dead. Life begins to suck more for Jason, he now lives with just his dad and now he's straight up ignoring him and only remembers he exists in order to brag about Jason's achievements as a Forest Scout and to top it off he drags in Jason's step mother. And she clearly doesn't like him as much.
But at least he still has-
Oh, she's leaving too.
Jason's sister figure ages out of being a scout and leaves, leaving him to handle his new home situation.
I still think that Boris and the girl were the closest to each other and meant the most to each other. I think she loved them like little brothers and she loved showing around the new Forest Scouts and showing them the ropes. But Jason, Boris, and Tony stuck out to her THE MOST. She acted as an older sister to the younger scouts and maybe even stood up for them when the fellow older scouts were teasing them. She loved the scouts like little brothers, but time caught up with her, and she could no longer be a scout.
I love overanalyzing so much, you have no idea. I missed my scouts so much but now that they're back I can do SO MUCH WITH THEM NOW AHH
Also, do not think I didn't see the girl and (present) Tony having similar hats. Imma just go crazy with that and make the headcanon that she gave Tony that hat when she left. (I know her hat is a little different, but let me have fun).
And another thing, maybe she's the camp counselor we see in Camper On The Run. They have a lot of physical similarities, I need to see the episode again after watching the movie.
Edit:Just got done watching the movie, and the credits confirm that girl is the woman we see looking for Roxy in Camper On The Run and that she was indeed a fellow scout. Shannon is credited as Shannon the Scout rather than just Shannon. So, this could be a lead for my theory/headcanon being true. Someone on the COTC subreddit said that in the movie, Kelsey says she is in the second grade, and she is 9 in the show, so that would mean that the movie takes place 2 years before the show.
Now, let's get back to Shannon with this new information. The youngest to become a camp counselor is 16 and when I googled the age you can no longer be a scout I got multiple answers, but the most common one is 18. So we are safe to assume that Shannon left at 17-18 aka the estimate for when a Junior Forest Scout can no longer be a scout. I assume Shannon is 15-16 at the time of the movie and left at 17-18. So we can assume Shannon is probably 18-20 at the time of Camper On The Run.
Since she went to the creek, I wonder if she got to see Boris, Tony, and Jason again briefly. I NEED SOMEONE TO WRITE A FIC WITH ALL THEM PLEASE.
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eleancrvances · 2 years
Some lyrics from “Ghost Quartet″ that make me go absolutely feral because yes:
and the dead girl leapt upon her mother / and her sister, and her daughter, and her lover / with the rage of four generations
where’s my ghost in the mirror? / i want one too
last night i dreamed / i met myself at a tango 
and the starlight i see / is a billion light years old / a ghost just like the rest of us / nothing i see is there anymore
and i don’t know if this is me at all / or just some ghost of me that i dreamed up / just to sing myself to sleep
i love the way you see the world / i love the way your soul sings / i wish that i could sing like you / i wish that i could feel things
if you can lose your temper / then i can lose my mind
oh roxie, why did you have to die? / i forgive you / oh roxie, oh roxie, oh rose
when i was a child i used to play / play with all the voices in my head 
but i guess it’s time to put that to bed / i guess it’s time to let the dead be dead
and i’m haunted by that memory / of who i used to be / so gleeful, so blank, so ready
it’s ok my dear / this is a circular story
this has all happened before
she sees her eyes when she closes her eyes / her eyes looking back at her / her eyes underneath her eyelids / she is always screaming
if i told you this is special / and love is more than chemicals / that it’s me and you / and angels too / and time will end / and we’ll transcend / and rise above the ash and dirt / and baby i could never hurt you / ‘cause you’re me
but when he tuck me in / with that sad little grin / i’d think maybe i don’t wanna know
there is blood upon my robes
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So! The life in a bubble au. I don't have a cool introduction for it just yet. So I'll just do the checkpoint list.
This au starts when, due to (?? Maybe the 5000 years timejump?) all the children are taken from their cheerful live in earth C and flung through space. Specifically the dreambubbles. Or at least the few ones that are left after LE's rampage. They're separated in random groups, and must make their way back. They can locate one another due to the fact that they're wall from the same timeline, so they can slightly sense where the others are. Only slightly though, and it's not a specific coordinates nor can they know who is where. Works more like a compass/hot-and-cold than a gps.
Roxy worries for Callie- for everyone, really, but Callie is the one LE is personally gunning against. Everyone else is collateral. She resolves to find as many of her friends as she can.
Callie meanwhile isn't having the most fun of times. She lands practically in the furthest ring, all on her own. She's worried, but not enough to panic yet- she's gone through this once before, and knows how to build a dreambubble (Muse powers yay!) to keep herself safe. Good ol' 'if lost stay where you are so help can find you.'
Shame it's not help, but someone else that finds her instead.
As she's building the bubble she feels a.... Sort of energy in the air. Like something is becoming.... Frozen. Or perhaps more erratic? She recognizes this feelings- it means Lord English is nearby. She tries to escape her dreambubble and find somewhere else to hide, but Lord English has already noticed her and affected the time around her which, in turn, affects her ability to modify the space around her. She can't leave the bubble and it doesn't take her long to realize the little refuge she built for herself is quickly becoming a prison. She tries to modify the inside of the bubble at least- perhaps she can make a hiding place inside? It is a long shot, but it is the only idea she has. Before she can try though, she finds a fist wrapped around her torso and a "HELLO. SISTER." Echoing across the dreambubble.
And that's how she knows her time's up.
She tries to struggle but L.E *squeezes* until she can't breathe and did she's pretty sure something cracked inside of her. He throws her to the ground, and mocks her for thinking she could escape him, while she's trying to stand up again- everything keeps spinning though, did she hit her head? He gives her enough time to get back on her knees before stepping on her chest and pinning her to the ground like that. LE "plays" around with her some more. Before saying that just because he's leaving *now* (he does, after all, still have to destroy the leftover dreambubbles) doesn't mean she's safe just yet. She'll never be safe again. He'll make sure of that.
The black floor/sky? of the dreambubble turns to the red, dusty ground of their planet. Callie isn't anywhere even *near* their old home, she's all the way in the bottom of their tower. No way to get back up. She sits down on the floor (she can't help but grimace at the horrid horrid texture on her skin) and realizes that oh. She really is in trouble now, isn't she?
From here this au can take on two paths!
One is the hatred path (name pending) in which Lord English basically just wants to torture calliope and make her hurt and break her in every way there is to break her, both physical and psychological. His actions here are, as you can guess, fueled by hatred- a desire to prove his superiority over calliope in every way possible.
The other is the attachment path (name also pending) in which LE realizes that while he *loves* being feared, he wants to be adored too. More precisely, he wants to be adored by one person and one person only, the only one who would ever dare oppose him, wouldn't just cry and whine (unlike Jane) or just give him what he wanted out of sheet terror (like his followers): calliope. Of course he goes about this with around as much tenderness as usual: none at all. He wants Callie's love and what he wants he gets because that's the way it has always been. He thinks he's entitled to her love not realizing she certainly does not love him *that* way and if she ever did then she has moved on by now.
Both are pretty abusive and horrid and this Lord English isn't at all sympathethic in this au nor is he meant to be. Only difference is the motive, the end goal and, consequently, the methods to get there.
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grape-icing · 4 months
hi!! could you write a short story thingy between cg! roxy and regressor! dave? platonic ofc!!! i think roxy would act as a mother figure to dave!!! maybe dave comes over to roxys for a playdate for the first time, and he’s a little nervous to be so vulnerable around someone for the first time!! idk, you can take whatever creative liberty you want with it!! :)) thank you!!
Actual story!!
Dave was pretty nervous about John's doctor's appointment because he knew John would call a babysitter. Which was fine he supposed due to the fact he already told everyone about his regression but he hadn't been watched by anyone else before. Bluh!!! Even the thought of it made him anxious. Dave curled up next to John, filled with worry.
“Something worry bud?” John questioned the sudden movement of the younger boy.
“Uh no” Dave replied which was a lie because he didn't want John to get worried and potentially miss his appointment. Although now that Dave thought about it….
Well never mind, the mystery babysitter was here. Dave really hoped it wasn't someone in his family.
“Oh! That must be her.” John got up and raced towards the door.
“Hiya Roxy!” Dave was doomed, why did it have to be his mom? Sister? thing of all people, well at least it's not Dirk.
“Ok, so he knows where everything is and stuff. Uh, am I missing anything? Oh, his favorite juice is in the fridge. Shoot I'm already late! Okay got to go, bye Dave I love ya!” John quickly left.
“Hai Davey!” Roxy announced. Dave turned away.
“Oh um okay. Do you want to watch a movie or play or….uhm…do something?” Roxy questioned, trying to get him to do anything.
“No,” Dave said quick and bluntly.
“You don't wanna do…anything like at all? Not even a movie?” Roxy walked over and sat right beside him.
“I- uhm sure, I guess,” Dave replied not trying to hurt his mother's feelings. Dave didn't actually know if Roxy considered herself his mother but she didn't mind being called “Mom” so maybe.
“Good!! So whatcha wanna watch honey?” Roxy reached over to grab the remote.
“Uhm I'm not sure, maybe Octonauts? You can pick if you want though.” Dave said in a softer voice than earlier.
“Nah, Octonauts work!” Roxy quickly put the show on and wrapped an arm around Dave, which he wiggled and squirmed his way out of.
After around 20 minutes Roxy suggested they go outside and get some fresh air which Dave very nervously said yes to.
“Need any help getting your shoes on, baby?” Roxy asked while bending down to him.
“no” Dave stated. Roxy saw right through the lie and helped him tie his shoes.
“Uh m-mom,” Dave muttered.
“Hm? What is it pumpkin?” Roxy questioned as she finished trying the younger one's shoes.
“Nothing much. I was just wondering if it was hot outside.” Dave asked while standing up.
“Oh yeah, it's going to be very hot, perfect for playing!” Roxy said cheerfully while grabbing her purse to leave.
“Oh” whined Dave.
“Is something wrong muffin?” Roxy asked due to the tone of his voice. “If you don't want to play that's okay, we can get ice cream if you want!”
“I want um ice cream, please” Dave followed Roxy onto the front steps.
“Alrighty! We can totes do that, I think there's an ice cream place right around here.”
Roxy carefully held his hand the entire walk home, which Dave thought was nice. After about five minutes of walking, they made it to the ice cream parlor.
“Look! We're here!” Roxy bumped Dave on the shoulder to draw his attention.
“Mhm,” Dave quietly followed his mother over to the counter to order their ice creams.
“Okay I'll have one strawberry ice cream and, what do you want Dave?”
“Uhh cookies and cream please.”
After the two got their ice cream they started to walk back home.
“Hey Rox, do ya know um when dad is going to be home?”
“Yeah, he has to run some errands so it might be another hour or two. Don't worry though! Me and you will have loads of fun.” Roxy reassured him that the time would fly by and she'd be out in no time.
“It's okay if you don't want me to stay. I'm not mad I promise.” Roxy gently stoked his hair.
“N-no I don't want you to leave I just don't want you to uhmm never mind.” Dave quickly cut himself off before starting to try and speed-walk home.
“Dave baby slow down. You can tell me anything! I wouldn't say a peep to anybody, not even John!” Dave hit a full stop when she said that.
“Uhm well that was kinda it, I don't want you to go and talk about me to like, I don't know, Rose or Dirk?” Roxy turned to Dave and pulled him into a hug.
“I would never do that, but I can understand why you would think that. Hehe, I talk a bunch so it's reasonable.”
Dave and Roxy stood, embraced in that hug for at least a minute straight before going back to walking again.
Once the two of them returned to the house Roxy decided it would be best just to stay home due to the heat instead of playing outside. Roxy put Dave’s show back on before realizing he was probably still hungry.
“Hey sweet pea, you hungry?” Dave silently nodded. While Roxy went to cook him something, Dave slowly moved over to where he kept all of his little items but started to hesitate, finally, he picked up his bottle.
“Whatcha messing with Dave?” Roxy asked, coming into the room to check on him.
“Uh n-nothing?” Dave squealed out as he quickly shoved what he was holding behind his back.
“Are you sure? Because that didn't seem like nothing?” Roxy questioned as she got closer. “What’s behind your back, Dave?”
“Nothing like I said!” Dave said in an elevated tone, leaning away from her, trying to conceal what was behind him.
“Dude, I need to see what's behind you so I can make sure it’s nothing dangerous.” Roxy pulled his arms away from his back, which was surprisingly easy.
“Pumpkin if you wanted a drink you could have just asked. I'll bring it when I bring your food. I'll be right back!” Roxy placed a small kiss on his forehead and went back to the kitchen.
While Roxy was in the kitchen she quickly filled up his bottle with the apple juice in the fridge, Grabbed his food, and made her way back into the living room. When she got there she handed him the plate.
“Um, thanks” Dave muttered while eating a big spoonful.
“Of course!” Roxy answered.
“Oh, wait! Here’s your bottle, sweetie.” Roxy handed him his cup and sat down beside him. Dave mumbled something inaudible and shoved it where it couldn’t be seen due to him being embarrassed by it. Which obviously confused Roxy.
“You okay little dude? I saw you hiding your drink, any reason for it? if it’s because of me, you don't gotta worry, I don't care whatcha do as long as you’re not getting hurt or making a mess.” Roxy moved closer so she was basically right against Dave’s back, She gave him a small hug from behind. Dave leaned into her warm embrace and cautiously reached for his bottle, looking over at Roxy to make sure she wouldn't judge him or anything like that. Roxy planted a small kiss on his head as he finally started to drink his juice. After around twenty minutes Roxy pulled a blanket over him as soon as she realized he was asleep.
“Hey! I'm back!” John announced, getting cut off by a loud “shhh!!” from Roxy.
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maggie32432 · 1 year
Rafael Barba Imagine - Wrong Place Wrong Time (Part 1)
 You are a detective for NYPD’s SVU under lieutenant Olivia Benson. In Season 17 Episode 10 you are abducted as a hostage with Olivia and Rafael is outside the scene. 
There’s a saying that many say when a civilian becomes a victim by chance. That individual was at the wrong place wrong time. I guess that’s what could be said about right now.  Olivia came to my door around 8am this morning to have me come join her on a wellness check a few blocks down from my place. As odd as it was, I knew better than to question a good friend and my lieutenant. I suppose the woman who tipped Liv off said that she saw peculiar behavior this morning at this townhouse, claiming that the mother who answered the door seemed to be injured and frightened. At my short amount of time at SVU, I’ve learned that it’s better to just trust Olivia’s judgement first, ask questions later. 
Now, I have found myself pushed up against the wall of this townhouse with a gun to my neck. The three criminals in this house are clearly junkies of some sort looking for money from this wealthy family. The father lays on the ground bloody under one of the criminals...he’s got a scruffy beard and a beanie on. The mother has a gun to her head by a woman with red hair and red around her eyes. The last man is the one who seems to be in charge in some way. He just slapped Olivia quite hard and now has his sights set on me.  “What about you, sweetheart? Are you a cop too?”  “Y-Yes. My gun is on the left side of my waist. There’s no other weapons on me,” I say, feeling his hands run up and down my sides with hot breath on my face. 
I already feel sick to my stomach as he practically drags me over to the couch with the other women, then goes to argue with his fellow thieves in the kitchen. I watch them closely, trying to make sure I remember any names or any defining details about each of them.  “I’m so sorry I got you into this,” Olivia whispers beside me and I shake my head, “We’re both just doing our job. Nobody could’ve known,” I whisper back, but becoming quickly quiet at the lead man starts yelling about how one of them is going to go with the mother to the bank? To some safety deposit box or something. Please, for the love of God let someone catch them in the act so the NYPD knows where Olivia and I are. It’s clear that these are just three junkies trying to score some more cash to buy more. 
The ties on the backs of my hands sear into my skin as I fidget.  “Fin or Carisi will figure out something is wrong. I guarantee it’ll work out,” I whisper and she sighs, glancing back at the teenage daughter. She looks absolutely terrified as her mother is dragged out the back door by the thief in the hat, meanwhile ‘Joe’ stays here with us, still pointing the gun at us. The woman disappeared upstairs to talk to the young son who is tied up upstairs. I think I heard her name is Roxie? The buzzing of my phone distracts me as Joe walks over to shove both my and Olivia’s phones into his pockets.  “That’s our work. They will notice that we’re gone,”  He picks up Liv’s phone, sends a quick text, then puts the phone back in his pocket. Please, God let Rafael or Fin notice a difference in the way that Joe texted. They know that Liv would never just go silent amid an active case. 
I glance at any possible exit routes, but know that these people have all the guns and little regard for our wellbeing so I’m going to just have to deal and trust Olivia.  The redhead comes back down the stairs dragging a little boy who can’t be any older than 5. It takes everything in me to not run to that little terrified kid as she sets him down next to his sister.  “When our work finds out that we’re gone they will track our phones and then they will call for backup. You both should leave now before they know who you are,” Olivia says as calmly as she can. 
“Right right. As if we would leave here with nothing!” Joe yells and grabs me again, placing the gun against my neck,  “She’s right. You guys could slip out the back and they’d never know who you were,” I say softly, feeling the shaking of the gun against my skin. Maybe 20 minutes pass by before I hear the sirens outside. I can truly say I’ve never been so relieved to hear that beautiful noise. Though Joe is not as relieved as I am.  “You think this saves you, blondie, huh? You two don’t realize that I still have the upper hand! I can blow your pretty little head off in the blink of an eye, sweetheart,” 
My heart is racing at this point. I do my best to not let this guy see that I’m terrified, but even Liv’s eyes are glossy.  “You. You’re going to tell them to stand down or your partner gets a bullet in her head,” He says, finger over the trigger of the gun,  “If I hear one word from those lips I will kill you,” He whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine and I just nod. Olivia just looks at me and nods, it’s just the two of them making the calls then, I guess. 
I squeeze my eyes shut, simply trying to calm my nerves, though knowing my life could end at any goddamn second.  “They won’t do that, Joe,”  “You think I’m kidding, bitch!?” He screams at Olivia while pushing the gun harder against my head. I purse my lips together as tight at I can to prevent any scared noises from escaping my lips.  “Okay okay. I’ll call my sergaent,” Olivia whispers, shakily as Joe hands her the phone. I hear the phone ring a few times over the speaker, but at this point all I can really hear is my own heartbeat in my ears.  “Dodds,”  “Benson here. We’re all okay, but Joe wants the snipers and the cameras away,”  “We will hold off until the negotiator comes,” Dodds says and suddenly Joe goes back into a screaming fury about the negotiator and how that ain’t gonna fly with him or whatever. The phone call ends and I already begin to think of all the people I didn’t get to say goodbye to. I woke up this morning not having any idea that I’d be the one with the gun to her head in a hostage situation. 
His eyes are so red now it’s absurd and his whole face is drenched in sweat.  “Joe, you are holding two police officers and two children hostage. If you don’t stand down this is not going to end well for you,” Olivia says as calmly as she can. “Okay new plan. Who at the NYPD cares if blondie here lives or dies?” He asks and I glance up at Olivia, knowing who she’s going to say but I pray she doesn’t. Don’t get him involved, please.  “Anyone in my squad cares if Detective McCann lives. They would all put it on the line for her,” Olivia says and Joe shakes his head, “I don’t want any low-grade detective. I need someone who cares about her who has pull...someone who has real power at the NYPD,” He says and I look at the ground, now my lips quivering, “You better give me a name soon, Benson. Or she’s the first body to drop,” 
Before she gets a chance to say his name, the phone rings again.  “Answer it. And not a peep from you,” He spits at me while handing Liv the phone.  “Benson,”  “It’s Tucker. Is everyone okay?”  “Everyone here is alright. Roxie and Joe are taking good care of us. The father’s injuries are under control,”  “How about the mother?”  “She’s not here right now. But she will be back soon,” Olivia says, voice shaking.  “Is Joe with you right now?” Tucker asks and Joe puts the phone up to his mouth,  “Yeah I can hear everything,”  “Hey Joe. My name is Ed. How are you doing, Joe? Is everything alright?” Tucker asks and Joe laughs to himself, “What do you think, Ed? I’ve got a gun to your cute blonde cop. If I don’t get every single thing I want...she gets a nice bullet to the brain,” 
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basicallyjaywalker · 9 months
For the ask game >:3 ✂️❤️
🎨 I know you have OC’s but I know embarrassingly little for being a mutual this long. Hand them over rook :)
Edit: I forgot to say hi 😭 sorry I saw you mentioned OCs and literally just. mind blank got the zoomies started stimming forgot my manners. Anyways
Hello Oli :DDD
One thing I would change: I mean. I would rewrite a lot of the series but mainly I would wanna give Nya a more prominent and starring role early on. Let her have more Samurai X moments and quit putting her on the sidelines while the boys do things!!
Favorite ship? Canonically Pixane ngl. I love Jaya but Pixane is soulmate coded for me I break Jaya up at the drop of a hat for funsies I feel bad breaking up Pixane.
Do I have OCs? You're goddamn right I do I have wayyyyyy too many. I'm working on character sheets for the main ones now but until those are uploaded have a taste!
Nataly Chumsworth: Master of Love, half Serpentine, menace to society. If the name did not clue you in she's Pythor's daughter and they have. A relationship.
Roxie Andrews: Master of Peace, local stressed out mom friend, former student at Marty Oppenheimer's! Old friend of Cole's and someone i imagine Nya being besties with.
Jasmine Bucket/Julien: Master of Nature (secondary: Ice), engineer at Borg Industries, made before Bolobo I swear. Zane's half sister but neither has any clue about that yet
Jackie Fei: Master of Magic (I have a whole system set up for this), chronically tired and depressed but gets to have a glow-up, chaotic good incarnate. My favoritest little blorbo ngl
Hannah Stone: Master of Music (different from sound and again swear she was pre-S4), punk rock girl, Chen's former... student is not the right term. Embodiment of that one audio: "they got their weapon, I got cheated out of my childhood)
Kyle Stone: not an elemental master but a former member of Chen's cult kinda (born into it), instead of masking his trauma with anger like Hannah he masks it with bubbliness, chronic overprotective disease. He and Hannah aren't blood related but they're also the closest thing to family each other has
Master Twyla: Master of Light, the teacher of these fucking kids, trying her best to keep the memory of the former EMs alive. Bops her on the head this bad girl can fit soooooo much trauma she's trying to overcome in her, goddamn
Ivy Crest: Master of Wind except not fully until S5 (thanks Morro), Morro's bio daughter and Ronin's adopted daughter (bet you can't guess who she prefers), expert in forgery and shit at mechanics. She and Nya form a close bond in S5 and Nya continues to try and teach her mechanical stuff (it does not work)
Luna McCallister/Garmadon: Master of Dreams, long lost Garmadon daughter who?, big fucking nerd. I have no idea when she and Lloyd realize their related but it makes their interactions at the comic store beforehand a lot funnier (for reference: she is about 2 years older than him)
Jonathan Borg: heir to Borg Industries, curious about the supernatural elements of Ninjago, knows about something he probably shouldn't. His place is not fully figured out yet but I feel like he's gonna start wanting to prove more useful after S7 to mixed results, esp bc his sister is way cooler than him
Willow Whispernight: yeah check back later chief I am reworking her ENTIRE lore lmao. Currently also connected with nature in some way and Jasmine's step-sister
Ahahaha that isn't even all of them. it's been over a decade I am soooo normal. I do not have *checks notes* approximately 20 OCs, named and unnamed, with various places in stories and development
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arlo-venn · 1 year
7, 21, 26
7) What was your first dogs name?
Sebastian :’) He was a white german shepherd, we grew up together. I’m actually only a thing that exists because my mom wanted a puppy, and my dad wanted a son, so they made a tbh kind of gross deal that my mom could get a puppy if they had another baby. I was eventually born, not a son much to my father’s dismay, and three months later they adopted Sebastian from a breeder in a newspaper. He was my best friend, he passed when we were 13. I had a very… dark and unkind childhood and this dog got me through the bulk of it. We moved around a lot, and in each house we lived in he would teach himself how to open and close my bedroom door so he could come and go of his own volition. He never touched anyone else’s door. I was the only one he didn’t pull on the leash, even when I was very small and he was very big. I don’t have many photos, but here are three:
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Us as babies and one I took with my first antique camera ever at like 11-12, which is when I first started noticing him getting old. He had two tiny little sisters (yorkie/beagle/jack russel mix sisters Roxy and Elsie) who he was very sweet and gentle with, was a good guard dog when necessary but was also lovely with strangers and dogs and all animals alike. His leash pulling and penchant to run away to find me at my friends’ houses when I wasn’t home were his only “bad” behaviors. He would travel some distances to find me, too! Once he ran through my friend’s house with muddy paws right after her mom had cleaned the carpets. Her doors were open letting it air out and he just came in. I wasn’t there though I had already left! That house was at least a mile away from home. Anyway he was the best dog in the world besides Arlo (it’s really not fair to compare them, Sebastian was my childhood savior but Arlo is my heart dog).
21) A useless trick that you love?
See, the only trick I can see as “useless” is “head down” which is only used for posing for photos. Except it has become something he does when he wants me to share food that I’m eating. I’m sure I accidentally reinforced that at some point. I guess “what’s the password?” (aka speak) is genuinely useless but also fun 😅
26) What’s your dogs favorite game to play inside?
Catch is his favorite game to play any time anywhere. We play tugga inside more than outside. He likes to bring me scraps of cardboard to hold so he can chew through them and turn them into MORE cardboard scraps. We have cardboard confetti in bed with us right now! And obviously we wrestle. He’s very easy to please tbh. He thinks anything is a fun game as long as we’re doing it together. I think he thought living in our car for three months was a fun game, too.
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yakumtsaki · 2 years
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As you guys know, Claire being so into Sugar has been vexing me from the start for obvious, nose-based reasons. I assumed she was either secretly batshit or that Sugar has inherited some hidden sexual talents from Cyn, or both. But finally, I think I’ve cracked the case:
So Claire, like Sugar, has the amazing combo of popularity aspiration + 3 nice points and her LTW is to become a Celebrity Chef. So when I moved her in I thought it’d be cute to give her this ice cream dress like she wants to be a pastry chef and I never thought about it again. But as I was editing pics before, it finally dawned on me: she’s a PASTRY chef and he’s SUGAR. IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW❤️
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Moving on to something significantly less cute, it’s time for Sophito to begin another day of hoeing. Roxie wouldn’t accept our invite to come over so I pulled a pro gamer move and invited her whole household and she accepted, so we’re about to knock out 3 dates at once! I was feeling so proud of my efficiency-
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-that I literally FORGOT ROXIE AND JONAH ARE DATING. LMAO. Literally wtf is my problem, I’ve even done a photoshoot with them. 
-ROXIE WHAT THE FUCK HOW COULD YOU  -I’M SO SORRY JONAH I JUST WANTED TO SEE WHAT IT’S LIKE TO KISS SOMEONE WHOSE MOUTH SITS AT A NORMAL HEIGHT -Dude, can you just be cool? I was gonna date both you and her brother afterwards, you’re ruining my morning.
Another massive dating success under our belt!
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We immediately move on to Edwin without even bothering to say goodbye to his sister whose relationship we just ruined, classic us. I’m like am I cray cray or would Edwin and Sophito actually be a super cute pairing-
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-but it looks like we’ll never find out as EDWIN REJECTS THE FUCK OUT OF SOPH. CRY.ING
-Do I look like my slutty sister who’s just gonna make out with any rando fuckboi with a popped collar?? Fuck off!!
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STAN EDWIN. ABSOLUTE CHAD WTF. I’m definitely marrying him in later!!
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It’s finals day and everyone is frantically last minute studying but Wilfred and Sophito find time to have a nice lunch together!
-Did you poison this burger, Wilfred? -Whaaaat?! Of course not! Do I look like someone who would poison their own cousin over some petty sexual rivalry?
You absolutely do, I didn’t even know ‘cousin-poisoner’ was a social category until now but man you have the entire look down. 
-Alright then, why don’t you just tell me what ingredients you used.
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-The usual! Buns, ground meat, lettuce, tomatoes, ketchup.. drain cleaner.. -Did you just whisper ‘drain cleaner’? -Of course not, that would be stupid and also a criminal confession! Oh man, 8 hours till finals?? Time to get going!!!
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I don’t know how to even react to this information BUT SUGAR WAS THE ONLY ONE THAT GOT AN A+. WHAT IS HAPPENING
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-Maybe if June spent a little less time worrying about Erik’s lack of funds and more time studying she’d have kept the top spot, am I right, darling? HAHA
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-Friendship over with Sugar, now Sophito is my favorite nephew!  -Hi June, what about me? :( -Oh I don’t know, Reginald, how much did you spend on rugs today?? -Never mind :(
Oh is that that Almeric Face 1 Twin Guy? Let’s go ask him out! 
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-Hey Almeric Face 1 Twin Guy ;) -My name is Aldric.  -That sucks, Almeric is a way cooler name. -I know >:( -Don’t worry, it doesn’t really matter-
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-because I just decided during our date that I want to fall in love with Kea!❤️
-Ya, I’ve figured out that Cheerleader Kea is the one for me after all! 
But you only had one date three semesters ago, you don’t even have a crush on her??
-I’ll get one! 
What about Eliza???
-Eliza has a lot of thoughts and opinions and demands and Wilfreds. Cheerleader Kea only has cheers!
Alright then, I guess? We’ll ask her out?
-Great, and then I’ll ask her to marry me! 
-I’m on a date with Almeric here, you’re being rude. -Aldric. -Whatever.
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angelkitty54 · 1 year
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Huh. actual smashed this out pretty quickly. So, this be the triplets, or at least a first draft of their designs. I'll probably be making tweaks later, but this is more less how I picture them. Still need to name them tho... Ick, always the hardest part...
Right now am thinking Zephyr, Roxana and Aria. Tho not entirely sold on them yet. The girls names especially... Eh, still gotta think about it, but anyways!
As mentioned before, the kids grow up believing Sonic to be dead (but has actually just been lost in space for the last ten years), and don't know that Shadow is their other parent.
On the left is the only boy and middle child (tentatively calling Zephyr). He tries to act all cool and aloof but in reality is a bundle of nerves. A generally good, well-behaved kid and the most cautious of the trio, he is often dragged into his sister's shenanigans. Is somewhat clumsy, but it's more due to the fact he tends to psych himself out and second guess his actions. He thinks he will fall, so he does. He's got super speed like Sonic and admires him greatly, wanting to be just as cool as him.
Next in line is the eldest child and chaos gremlin of the bunch (Roxana/Roxy for now). She's got a cutesy vibe but tends to be impulsive and reckless, and is eager to explore and find adventure. Tho she looks so much like Shadow no one makes connection due to her being so gosh darn cute, and also her pale blue and gold fur/quills. They actually think her looks relate more to Sonic's super form (which is not entirely wrong given that Shadow was made in the image of Super Sonic from the echidna murals). She's also got the super speed, and is capable of taping into chaos energy, tho only in wild uncontrolled bursts. She wants to a hero like Sonic, traveling the world fighting robots and evil scientists!
Finally there's youngest triplet (Aria at the moment). Being both the only one who isn't blue and not having super speed, she can't help but feel like the odd one out. The planner/schemer of the trio, she's got a lot to prove and the determination to follow through. She's faster on her skates, tho not enough to keep up with her siblings unless they actively pull her along. Even so, she almost never takes them off (she also likes that they make her the tallest sibling). Of the three, she's the one most desperate to find out the identity of their "mum" (a little misunderstanding happening here) wanting to feel like she belongs in this family, despite the love and support she already has. This need to belong fuels her desire to be just like Sonic too, doing her best to study his mannerisms and fighting style, even without super speed.
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hspolls · 2 years
Well, there we have it! End of Round 1. Let’s to a little Round Roundup before moving onto Round 2!
The Dolorosa tried to scare our favourite Egbert off, but- Well, Dolorosa was left in the past and Egbert moved on. On to Round 2, at least!
It was a brutal battle between the great and mighty Nicolas Cage and the underdog fedorafreak, but fedorafreak and his support pulled through. A God Tier battle if I’ve ever seen one!
The forces of Light and Void came face to face in the battle between Roxy and Aranea. Dark beat Light in this valiant battle, congrats to our winner Roxy!
The battle between Erisolsprite and Tavrisprite was not so... bright. Erisolsprite has his torment prolonged for one more round.
A battle between... brothers? Lovers? It’s not clear what the relationship is between these two. But either way, Trace wins the vote and moves onto the next round!
Caliborn and The Condesce face off in our next matchup, but it seems Caliborn just can’t reach his full potential yet (Will he ever...?). The Condesce takes the win!
Our two gun (rifle?) slingers are up next in the next round. And...! Oh, how the mighty fall! Aimless Renegade wins this duel!
Kanaya faces off against ARquius sprite, two wholes put together to make a new whole! And. Uh. Well, he’s more two halves now. Kanaya wins!
Rose and Marquise Spinneret Mindfang face off, a battle so blindingly bright that... Well, we know how blindings go for Mindfang, historically. Rose progresses onwards!
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I liked these tags and they deserve to go here. Seems like Die can't really hold his own in a rap battle. Unfortunate. He's always been a bit chicken.
GCATavrosprite is scheduled to face off against Jasprose...! But decides to take a little nap instead. You know what? He deserves it. Sleep well our sweet little meow meow. Jasprose wins by default.
Sollux and Terezi are pitted against each other. To every Sollux fan’s despair. Sorry guys. I really thought he had a chance. Interesting first round, though, right?
Davepeta and Fefeta face off in a matchup that, once again, was met with a lot of despair. Davepeta would never do a thing to harm their dear friend (and half paradoxical twin? alternate self? sister? Whatever they’d be...) And spares her, not only in the battle, but from the rest of her fights. Fefeta never wanted to fight anyway. A “win” for Davepeta!
Davesprite kicks Bro’s ass lol. (Talk about closure...!)
Two tallguys in this matchup! A battle between Crowbar and Sawtooth. Both are pretty powerful, but the felt fans are stronger. #feltsweep
The battle between Mom and Cans is less of a battle and more of a landslide. For Mom. She punches Cans into next week. Taste of his own medicine!
Jack Noir battles Becquerel, in a test of who will become BEST DOG. And. Well. Its the dog. Its the dog.
Meanwhile, Snowman and Ms. Paint battle... to see who wore it best! And Ms. Paints sweet charm is just pure unbeatable! Onto the next round she goes!
Meanwhile, in the Jade and Rufioh faceoff... It’s a win for Jade. No contest, really.
Elsewhere on the battlefield two revolutionaries battle, to change their worlds. The Signless inspires many, and does a lot to help his people... But still, the Warward Vagabond moves more. And moves onto the next round, too.
Nepeta and Stitch are our next matchup, and...! Well, dear number Nine might need some stitching himself after this ruthless battle.
Gamzee and Grandpa, two Gs. I... don’t have any smart comments for this battle actually. Just the G thing. And Gamzee takes the W. Which I guess would make him Wamzee? Yeah, sure. That’s what I’m, choosing to say.
PM and Meulin up next! And... Woah, that’s a twist! PM caught Meulin sending some nasty hate mail. And did what any good Postal Mistress would do. Seems Meulin may be down another life...
Jadesprite challenges Lil Hal, but Lil Hal is not relinquishing control to a sad dog girl. Sorry dog girl fans. Lil Hal goes ahead.
CASEY SWEEPS ROUND ONE LET’S GOOOOOOO (Yeah, no. Caliborn will never reach his full potential.)
The Handmaid, however, is very powerful. More powerful than even Darkleer, once a powerful figure himself. The Zahhak is put out of his misery... into the darkness of history he shall disappear. “History” is too restricting for the Handmaid, who moves ever forwards.
The Insane Clown Posse prepare for one of their famed demonstrations, miracles ready, face paint on... But wait, who let this fucking cat in here? What the hell? Oh my god, Holy--
The ICP are dead. The cat remains, paws bloodied, face adorable.
Itchy seems to have the advantage in his battle, moving faster than any eye can see- but the Summoner summons his own loyal fans, and... the battle’s over before either of them know it.
There’s a bit of infighting going on in the Midnight Crew’s side of the ring, with Hearts Boxcars and Clubs Deuce feuding between themselves. It seems like HB should win, being stronger, burlier, and capable of eating a mans head off in one fell bite. But Clubs has something the big guy doesn’t. Clubs has a hand full of penis. And he is not afraid to get swinging. Ultimately, HB bites the dust.
Next up is the Disciple and Horuss. With the Disciple on the other end of the indigo’s bow, he falters just as his universal counterpart did, so many sweeps ago. He doesn’t shoot. The Disciple survives for one more round.
Two of Egbert’s guardians battle in a fight for supremacy, but there can only be one winner. Dad continues on... but not without Nanna’s blessing. He is her son, after all. And perhaps all she really wants is to see him succeed...
Aradia and Tavros participate in a battle between friends, but Aradia’s bold plays give her an edge that Tavros simply doesn’t have. Aradia wins this battle - and Tavros surely comes along to cheer his friend along for the following ones!
Jake attempts to face off against this blue babe before she has the chance to gain momentum - the only chance anyone may have to truly strike her down. But he can’t. He’s stricken down... The first one to fall against Vriska’s pursuit of supremacy. If he can’t stop her......
Meenah, like Horuss, follows in the footsteps of her universal counterpart, harnessing the power of the Ψiioniic in the hopes their combined power could do what Jake couldn’t Vriska lurks in the distance of the next round. One goldblood is hardly anything in the face of victory.
Redglare battles against a child and loses. Unforunate. Well, she had a good run. Before the tournament. Her run in the tournament sucked. Unfortunately. Sorry Redglare. Jane wins this trial.
Feferi and Kankri face off in a debate for the ages -- Or rather, Kankri debates at her, but her joyful outlook is too powerful to be destroyed by the redbloods gift of gab. Feferi rules over this round!
Calliope and Cronus participate in a battle of music, something I just decided since I think Cronus canonically makes music and Calliope is the name of an instrument. Well, Cronus is the one getting played this round. Calliope dominates the soundscape in this battle!
Kurloz and Damara get into an argument, though its hard to tell exactly what they’re arguing about because nobody else speaks troll Japanese and Kurloz doesn’t really say much of anything. Well, either way, looks like Damara won that battle!
Battle of the Bronies! It’s Dirk against Equius in this battle of pride, to determine who the ultimate pony aficionado is. And what do you know, Dirk comes out on top.
A battle between Leprechauns is breaking out on this side of the field. And its not really clear how the battle is progressing at all. Doze is moving a metre an hour and Eggs is just... kinda there? As unclear as the whole thing is, Eggs apparently wins this one!
In the next matchup over we have another one of the Leprechauns, Quarters, up against Latula, who doesn’t doesn’t hesitate to annihilate our turtle-toothed friend. Latula 1, Quarters 0.
And right there next to him, Biscuits gets swept too, annihilated by the smooth Diamonds Droog. Effortlessly. At least, that’s how it looks, and what he wants you to think. Will his next round be as effortless, or will this Diamond be done for? Only time can tell.
In a repeat of troll history, Dualscar faces off and against the Grand Highblood, and. Well. Heads off too. (That’s a joke. About decapitation. If it wasn’t clear). Dualscar doesn’t survive this round, but the GHB marches on to the next.
Next is the battle between two big story influencers, the arrogant Doc Scratch and the, uh, controversial Andrew Hussie, to see who reigns supreme. And Doc Scratch takes the cake this time. Sorry Hussie. Maybe next time.
Clover distracts matchsticks with a jaunty little jig and then Matchsticks gets flustered and fucking dies. RIP matchsticks. Clover’s moves were just too fire.
Karkat faces off against Sawbuck, who... Well, I’m sorry Sawbuck. There weren’t many people left to match you up with at this point in the planning stage and you got fucking murdered the moment you stepped into the ring. Your fans still love you though. Poor guy.
Dave and Mituna faces off in what was perhaps THE most despaired of the matchups. I’m sorry guys! I was running out of matchups that would keep the game both initially interesting and interesting in the future! It’s just the way the turns tabled!
Dave wins the round, but Mituna fans everywhere are united in their love for this goldblooded boy. He may just be the most mourned of all this round’s losers, but he is a winner in all of our hearts.
And lastly, the battle between Madam Firefly and the dear Firefly herself, which... Wait. Hold on. What’s this? They both tied at 50%? Serenity technically won by a few votes but the poll-holder had a special even planned in the case of a 50/50 and is going to enact it anyway? Well, that’s certainly something! Props to these two lovely ladies for sharing the win this round! And in the distance...
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davekat-sucks · 1 year
Is there any good pairings for Calliope? I don't think her and roxy make a good pair because it's doing the opposite of what it's trying to do unless it's like a toxic relationship gaslight pairing where Calliope forces herself into all of Roxys interactions and Roxy dating someone way too young for her and everyone just looks on in disgust i can get behind that because it at least sounds entertaining. Then i guess there's Caliborn? Some gross toxic sexist dynamic with incest thrown into sounds kinda funny i guess? Idk I've seen people ship her with Jake because he likes skulls though i can't remember a time they interacted in canon and pairing her with Jane is boring. Idk fuck it imma pair her with Doc scratch (Calliope x Doc Scratch is a better ship than davekat) Scratch can get his little girl while Calliope can truly live her life like it's fanfiction like she always wanted
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Doc Scratch x Calliope is better than Davekat. Caliborn x Calliope works because technically in Cherub standards, much like trolls, they are fine with incest. Their toxic relation that's equivalent to kismesis, is technically how they mate and interact to possible love interests. So it confuses me why people get so grossed out when they are species they are fine with those shit. They aren't like humans. Same applies for trolls. Jegus knows that people think Karkat and Nepeta are vaguely brother/sister because of their parents would be The Signless and The Disciple, but they forget they weren't born directly from those two and that the slurry would still be mixed with OTHER TROLLS in the Mother Grub. ALL OF THE TROLLS THAT WE KNOW, BETA AND ALPHA, are related to one another in some way because they were hatched from eggs the Mother Grub pumped out. The only thing separating them is caste names. Vriska and Terezi are literal SISTERS when one thinks deeper. So shipping them is incest and its fine in their standards. And if you carry it over to Earth C for something like Homestuck^2, all the trolls would still be born the same way as the other trolls and that would mean they would still be related. So a ceruleanblood boy and a rusty girl could be fucking even if they are aware that humans have weird standards about incest, but they get a pass because trolls get some privilege for being weird aliens born from an alien Queen Bug that has to have DNA from all trolls given to her. Calliope x Jake would work. But I would also think their relationship would actually be one of kismesis. If Caliborn had thought highly of Jake to be his true friend, the Calliope would be one to be a rival for him. She probably go in more passive aggressive ways, but I have a feeling that it will be Jake be the only one who picks up on her bitchyness. Seen some ship with Nepeta, due to parallels of being fangirls. Much like how Caliborn gets compared to Karkat. Though now it's Eridan being the proto-Caliborn, according to Andrew Hussie's book commentary. Because we can't have our uwu Karkles be equivalent to a toxic masculinity person.
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Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (2010)
Smoking: Jaaayyysss
So this is another favorite. RomCom with a video game feel 😊 I’m not the biggest fan of Michael Cera, but I do like some of the movies he is in. Scott is in a relationship with a girl name Knives, played by Ellen Wong, and falls in love with another girl named Ramona Flowers played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead. Scott has to battle all of Ramona’s ex’s in order to date her. Collects coins, levels up, acquires skills and objects.
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I for one am a fan of the music that is played in the movie. Scott is in a band and I dig their music.
The ever amazing and beautiful Anna Kendrick is in this movie. She plays Scott’s sister, if I’m not mistaken she only shows up in phone calls with Scott. Hmmm, lets watch and find out! Lol! Then Aubrey Plaza, her ever creepy beautiful self, is playing a creepy girl, surprise lol!
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Knives and Scott go to an arcade and play this ninja game that is like dance dance revolution games. I wish it was real, or if it is, I wish I lived near it so I could play. It looks like more fun than DDR. But who am I kidding myself, I wouldn’t be able to do those things.
Geeze… Apparently Scott just dates and dates around. I never really realized that before.
He ordered something on amazon and just sits and waits at the door for it to be delivered. We’ve all don’t that lol.
Time for jay 2!
Throughout this whole movie there are different video game type references and I love it! MC was just walking to the bathroom and he had a “Pee Bar” and it was yellow and showing full. Then as he was using it, the bar reduced...
And I was wrong!! AK is at the bar where the battle of the bands is going to be. So not always over the phone.
Now for the first Ex fight. Matthew Patel, played by Satya Bhabha. It’s almost like a version of street fighter. With a story line surrounding 7 Ex-lovers.
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One of the Ex-lovers is Chris Evans!
~side note~ I just found a lighter in my jacket pocket. I have no idea why it was in there… but it was.
Back to Chris Evans, he is Ex 2, fight 2!
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How funny. I never realized he mentions getting blazed. Guess this was the perfect movie to do my Reefers and Reviews.
Brie Larson plays Scott’s Ex Envy Adams. It was a pretty rough break up. Well for Scott. She ends up coming back into town while everything is going on with Ramona’s exes.
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Ex #3 – Todd Ingram, played by Brandon Routh. Who is also dating Envy. He’s super because he is a vegan apparently lol. Says that being vegan makes you better than most people.
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Ex #4 – Roxy Richter, played by Mae Whitman. “I’m a little bi-furious!” She’s this like ball of furry and I think she looks so adorable with her pigtails and goth look!
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Ex #5 and #6 – The Katayanagi Twins, played by Keita Saitou and Shôta Saitô. Final part of the battle of the bands and Scott’s last battle before he has to face the most recent and evil Ex Gideon. The battle with the twins is my favorite. The music takes on different forms of creatures and they fight that way. Very trippy and cool looking.
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Now big Numero 7! Gideon Graves, played by Jason Schwartzman. The last battle. Mano y Mano.
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Not gonna lie, Gideon is a douche. But Scott kind of is too…
I love a movie with a katana. Kill Bill should be on my list to review. Love Uma Therman in that.
Once again, trying not to ruin the movie or certain parts. That is it for now!
Thanks for stopping by ❤
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myloveforhergoeson · 1 year
man at this point idc what the btr boys are doing lmaoo im so invested in how roxy & dak are gonna go. do we ever see roxy's pool date with jo & camille? i wanna know what they think about this whole roxy dak mess he's putting her through....
hello! i wanted to respond to this rq bc i've literally been thinking about it all day
thank you for being interested in dak and roxy i was so scared people would stop reading after i introduced that little plot line! all i've gotta say is... roxy writes based off life experience or scenarios she creates in her head... so... yeah... hahahaha
i did not originally intend to show roxy's pool date with jo and camille but i will write it tomorrow after i get off work and post it asap! i've been writing the season one finale for literal weeks at this point and i'm starting to go crazy over it so itll be nice to get into a different little one shot for a bit. i'll post it in a reblog of this question so we can all find it :)
more under the cut !!!!
right now i will give you a little sneak peek about how EVERYONE feels about the roxy-dak mess because i'm generous like that, and i don't really get to show everyones feelings on it in the story bc we only get inside her head... there's a bit in chapter 13 where we see a little bit of how the guys feel about it, but i didn't want to make it a whole thing and then it kinda turned into a whole thing 🤷‍♀️
anyway: how my characters view love and roxy's relationship through some cannon events and my own personal beliefs
jo: takes absolutely no shit when it comes to love, we see this when kendall has his thing with lucy... she grew up listening to boy bands and has a standard for how men should treat her <3 plus i think she's been in one non-serious "we went on a few dates so i guess he's my boyfriend" relationship from back home so she has a little experience. she thinks dak isn't worth any more of her time after he stood her up but she is afraid to voice this to her bestie...
camille: is a hopeless romantic and would go nearly to the ends of the earth for the ones she loves. she's a "if it's meant to be, it's meant to be" kinda gal and at age 16 fully believes logan is the love of her life. i think he's her first partner! she wants roxy to be as in love as she is and thinks that, while shitty, the whole standing her up thing is just a bump in the road on their way to everlasting love
carlos: pre-established to have never been in a relationship but he's like a silly jock so i'm sure he's been on at least a few dates! he has older sisters in my story (because he feels like he was written by a woman (me. i'm that woman.)) so you know he knows the proper way to show a date a good time! he thought roxy looked so pretty on her first date and he just wants her to have a good time and be happy. if dak makes her happy, he's happy! and he was actually kind of okay with the stand up thing because they got to hang out and dance together <3
kendall: captain (?? i don't think i made this up... this is in the show right?) of the hockey team in a midwestern high school. he's had a few partners and i know his mother whooped his ass (metaphorically) into shape after she found out he goofed around too hard and hurt someone he went out with on accident... as for the roxy and dak affair, he may or may not have picked up on the fact one of his good buddies may or may not like her... he's not a fan but will not say anything bc he isn't in the business of telling her what to do (she will hit him with her songbook very hard)
logan: while a believer in his love science, he's yet to find a way to quantify how he feels about camille after the party in chapter 10 :) he dated a bit his first few years in high school (mostly double dates with james? i also think is a fact from the show), and has had a few non-serious partners but he's never felt this way about anyone else! in his love science-y world, he can tell that dak does not feel the same way about roxy as she feels about him. if he did, he would've come to the party. simple love science!
james: good lord! he has dated anyone who is someone at mountain aire high school and it's always been to elevate or retain his own social status. so when he's normally a flirt for fun, or because it makes his boring little small town feel less boring, it's always been a game to him. except somewhere along the way of flirting out of habit with his new friend, he might have started to actually mean some of the things he's said. he thinks dak's a douche for standing her up and he's trying to make that clear to her the only way he knows how: vague hints and comments here and there. another established james fact is he's never been dumped, so i imagine this brings up a little bit of fear of rejection in him as well. he has trouble voicing his own feelings as well, since he's always trying to come across as perfect.
whoo boy that was way more than i though it was gonna be lol. if you make it this far, you deserve a medal. thanks for the suggestion! i'm excited to write the pool date... we haven't had enough roxy/jo/camille in the fic lately
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cityandking · 2 years
4-7 for minah and vesper!
thanks tabby!! / oc asks: childhood edition
4. How was your muse's relationship with their childhood guardians? Has it changed over time, and if so, how? Do they keep in touch?
MINAH — minah's guardians were her parents and they had a good relationship! her folks both worked and weren't always super available, but overall their relationship was good, and they enjoyed the time spent together. she always looked up to them for how hard they worked and their commitment to the community and was looking forward to taking up their legacy, but then they both passed away when she was about sixteen, so her life took a pretty sharp turn. honestly she doesn't keep in touch with anyone from her family these days.
VESPER — her childhood guardians were her parents and then the mages at the Circle. her relationship with her parents was... not super great. it wasn't really anyone's fault; she was the youngest of six and very much a spare to a spare. her earliest years were definitely the happiest time for her family, but when she was about eight or so her uncle died and her family had to move to the city so her father could take up the mantle of Bann Trevelyan and vepser got sort of lost in the shuffle. then her magic presented, and her very Andrastrian (and very much in the public eye) parents were unwilling to deal with that. her father disowned her around the same time she was sent to the Circle, and he died before she ever left it, so she never spoke with him (or her mother) again. her older brother kit did his best to write her, but they were both children and neither of them were super great about keeping in touch. through her pre-teen and teen years she grew up under the distant care of the Circle enchanters and the watchful eyes of the templars. honestly they were more attentive than her parents had ever been, but it was an impersonal attentiveness. it wasn't until she was a teenager apprenticing directly under one of the senior enchanters who took her under her wing that she felt she had a true guardian.
5. Does your muse have any siblings? What was their relationship like growing up? Is it any different now?
MINAH — minah has a younger sister. they were... about average, I guess? the age gap between them was enough that they didn't really hang out, and her sister was always a little bit excluded from minah and her friends. I think they could have grown up to be much closer as adults, but unfortunately their parents' deaths sort of ruined that. they don't keep in touch these days. minah's more than a little guilty about that, but it's been a long time and she can't exactly undo all that
VESPER — has so many siblings. she's the youngest of six: Christopher (Kit), Helene, Roxane & Rosaline (Roxie and Rosie, the twins), Jonah, and then little Vesper. Kit and Helene were the oldest and the heirs and always busy, though Vesper was Kit's favorite and vice versa—she was the only one allowed to sit in during his lessons, and he was also the one she told when her magic appeared. on the flip side, Roxie and Rosie were twin terrors and Vesper was their favorite victim, so they did Not get along as kids. Jonah was deeply religious pretty much since the beginning, and a little sickly, and most just flitted around after their mother, though every now and then he and Vesper would have moments of solidarity as the babies of the family. she lost contact with all of them but Kit when she was sent to the Circle. as Inquisitor, she's been slowly getting back in touch with her siblings, especially Kit (who reinstated her after their father disowned her) and Helene, who is married to an Orlesian nobleman and honestly pretty cool as a grownup. Roxie died at the conclave, and Rosie blames Vesper for being the surviving sister—they don't talk. Jonah is too embroiled in his religious scholarship to care much about anything, so they don't talk much either.
6. Did your muse have a best friend? Friends? Who did they hang out with as a kid? Are they still friends?
MINAH — minah was friends with the children of her parents friends and coworkers, mostly. honestly they were friends of circumstance more than anything else—their parents all worked a lot, so they were sort of stuck with each other. even with their pettiness and infighting, they were still a little clique-y—one of those situations where they could fuck with each other but nobody else could fuck with them. she didn't have a best friend per se, but there one one boy who she was particularly close with, and it was an open secret they were going to grow up and get married. after her parents died, a lot of that didn't pan out, and they went their separate ways. much like with her sister, minah keeps up with them as best she can, but she's not in touch.
VESPER — her friends growing up were mostly her siblings. when the family moved from the farm to Ostwick, there were a few other children her age who she was expected to meet and socialize with at parties (or while their parents were busy), but she was shy and didn't make friends easily. at the Circle there were the other apprentices in her cohort, but there was always a sort of fear among them that kept anyone from becoming super good friends. honestly it wasn't until after her Harrowing that she really started to make proper friends. and she considers them friends still—a number of them have ended up at or passing through the inquisition at one time or another.
7. Did your muse have any enemies? Playground rivalries? How did that turn out?
MINAH — there were definitely rivalries within her friend group growing up, but they were mostly petty childish things, play-fighting and inconsequential. sometimes they mapped along the same lines as their parents' rivalries, but mostly they were the consequence of a lot of kids with a lot of pressure on them fucking around and finding out. minah doesn't keep up with any of them anymore, so it's not like any of it mattered in the long run, except maybe for a few hard-earned lessons in conflict resolution
VESPER — there were a few rivalries within the Circle—all that pressure and fear and kids packed in together and there's bound to be some shit bubbling up—but Vesper made a point to keep out of it. she pretty much perfected the art of blending into the background, which she'd already been practice as a kid growing up with all those siblings and trying to avoid the twins. if anything her worst childhood enemies were Roxie and Rosie, who were bored and clever and just as unhappy as everyone else at being tossed into the pit of Ostwick (and Marcher) politics and definitely took it out on Vesp. Eventually she reconciles with Rosie—or something close enough; there's a lot of shared trauma there even if they don't talk about it—but Roxie died without either of them getting any sort of closure
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rviner · 7 months
Character Updates: Chapter 4
Tammie Jones. Hollow Cove.
Is still kind of falling into sync with being a mama not-mama to Eden but is concerned about Teddy, Sophia and obviously the Crosses. Probably a lot of frustration that she can't do more to help. Probably will try and find a way to join Ryan on a search party.
Rory Hayes. Hollow Cove.
Shitting herself. She's worried about Hunter, Mason and Tyr is genuinely a mess rn. She probably will bite the bullet and join a search party to look for them, potential of that all going wrong.
Aidan Murphy. Hollow Cove.
Is naturally be concerned for Hunter specifically just because of the tie to Lia and Saoirse. Potential for him to offer the Cross wolves his help on any runs or searches, and potential for that to go wrong too because of the difficult situation with Isla.
Roxy Rose. Hollow Cove.
Is worried about Dominic's safety and will be on edge more than usual. Mostly Rose threads I'm guessing but she will be joining searches to look for her brother. Lot's of potential for her to cause problems on a run or search too.
Roman Araya. Hollow Cove.
Despite being thankful and closely tied and in their pack, Roman isn't as forthcoming to help search for missing Crosses. He's still swept up in searches for wolves from the Colorado packs, specifically his girl Bea. Potential for people to notice he's only put his name down for a few searches.
Ines Garcia. Hollow Cove.
Will be worried about everyone who's missing but specifically Tyr. It could possibly be what sparks her to want to train, and want to pull her weight more with the pack. Potential for it to be a bit of a Teddy situation because fr what are you gonna do Jenna Ortiny
Kas Morrison. Hollow Cove.
Since we've seen him, Kas is being more of a team player with the Vaismans but his focus had primarily been on helping Jasmine look for her sisters. However, I can see him stepping up even more to look for Kenzie and Allie too and it be a mini redemption arc for him. Chaos mostly works for his threads in one way or another.
Teddy Prescott. Thunder River.
She isn't coping and she feels like an idiot for ever thinking she had what it takes to run with the big wolves lmaoooo ok so be serious montyr. It'd be cool if she actually does something that helps someone in the camp and it brings back a little spark in her that she's not useless.
Isabella Belcourt. Hollow Cove.
Has a lot going on that is specific plots but for the mean time she is trying to find her footing in the divide that's forming in the Belcourt coven, specifically about Felix. She's easy to thread with though and can easily make friends so anything works for her.
Fox Lennox. Hollow Cove.
No words are really needed for this one LOL he's really worried about Kenzie and Allie, could possibly see him willing to put his name forward for a search, maybe even joining one and...lmao. List is endless.
Loki Jansen. Hollow Cove.
Just being a sexy slutty viking all the time tbh. He's fine but worried about his brothers, I can picture him on most searches he can go on. And just being a hot Scandi the rest of the time and annoying people. The list is always endless for him too.
Fenrir Skora. Hollow Cove.
Is a super diplomatic personality so right now he's willing to help look for Thorin and Egil, and he probably is a great personality for the Vissers to put forward as a "buffer" to hide their secret ops because Fenrir will do work around Hollow Cove willingly, and talk to most confusing outsiders. Would be interesting to see him have a conversation with someone non-Visser who has lost a child, or young family member.
Skadi Alfsson. Hollow Cove.
She's focused on her children primarily, but she's also making lots of sexy weapons in the mean time and doing whatever Roan and Rineike decide for the pack. She's another personality that would be easy to speak to for a Non-Visser but she's judgmental so also lots of room for angst. Willing to go on searches for Egil and Thorin too. List is endless really.
Runa Visser. Thunder River.
She's a reserved personality and is much like her mother, isn't the easiest to talk to but I have high muse for her so anything will work. I like the idea of seeing her have to talk more to Non-Visser characters in the camp, maybe helping one another in an unexpected fight. She joins the escape later on so an in is needed for her to be trusted to go.
Liliana Winslow. Hollow Cove.
She's a data girl so she's probably being pulled left right and center right now to formulate clear search paths etc. She's a useful character and also talkative and social so she will work thrown against anybody in a thread. Could also be interesting if her brothers sung her praises with how she is with data, but she gets something wrong and it's quite risky.
Rodrigo Medina. Hollow Cove.
Pretending to be a good guy but isn't one at all. He works in any situation and is a wildcard, that's trying to act as if he's not one so very interesting no matter what the thread is. He literally doesn't care at all if he's conversing with someone who lost everything from a Colorado town.
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