#rp shenanigans caused this
edgy-skeleshipper · 1 year
oops i set sans underfell on fire
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i love him so much,,,, if youre wondering why hes on fire its for rp reasons dw about it. i also did some other iterations of this art cause i love it so much, see below!
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old-thymey-magpie · 12 days
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More old Fraggle art, this time the second of two monster transformations I've given Gobo over time, this one a naga form from RP shenanigans in an urban fantasy-type AU my partner and I shoved Fraggle Rock into.
Thanks to the magic in the setting he's able to transform back and forth at will, however this comes at a cost: the naga form bleeds backward into his regular Fraggle self. The changes are gradual but eventually he winds up with fangs, a split snake-like tongue, the occasional grouping of scales in his fur, and finally horns (which is the explanation for these pictures that I mentioned then ;P ). He's also far, FAR more sensitive to cold, but hey there's heightened senses now? ...And venom when in naga form, as it's based on a copperhead snake. Win some, lose some?
This whole thing is absolutely self-indulgence, but hey kill the part of you that cringes and all. I love drawing this stupid Fraggle noodle, and you can bet that now that I'm posting these there's gonna be more here in the future.
Bonus: a scene from one such part of this RP where he woke up to discover the horns
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"ᵗʰᶦˢ ᶦˢ ᵐʸ ʷᵃʸ ᵒᶠ ˢᵃʸᶦⁿᵍ ᵍᵒᵒᵈᵇʸᵉ, 'ᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ᶦ ᶜᵃⁿᵗ ᵈᵒ ᶦᵗ ᶠᵃᶜᵉ ᵗᵒ ᶠᵃᶜᵉ ᶦᵐ ᵗᵃˡᵏᶦⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ʸᵒᵘ ᵇᵉᶠᵒʳᵉ⁻
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no matter what happens now, you shouldnt be afraid because i know, today has been the most perfect day, i've ever seen…"
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damnedrainbows · 2 months
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voidsverse · 8 months
If anyone of you gonna see me and my sister dragging a seemingly bloody bag around tonight, no you don't.
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pierswife · 9 months
God what if I did a "takeover" but instead of it just being me screaming into the void, it's actual Pokemon Insert OC time and yall can see Unova's #1 Klutz in action--
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the-rat-house · 1 year
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Planning on doing a late night stream tonight (like going into midnight hours). The plan is Donkey Kong 64, but if the rom gives me trouble as multiple roms have in the past, we shall be switching to Return to Dreamland Deluxe :3
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ezrathekoolkid · 3 months
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yes im osaka cos why not
also she called me POISE???!??!?! WTF IS A POISE!?!?!?!?!?
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as someone who toys with chatgpt for personal entertainment/ can it will never replace acutal writers for shows/ movies its far to preachy
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pinkhairandpokemon · 1 year
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fastfists · 2 years
@chaosworthy​ { ✧ }
He would throw salt for the laughs, then make it up to Knux by offering fruits haha
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“You’re lucky t’offerin’ o’ fruit means I won’t retaliate later for t’salt throw.”
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skygatecreations · 2 years
...On one hand I can’t believe I still have that one freakin Megumi pic I drew as my icon, but on the other I still freakin like how she came out and she’s still freakin awesome so 🤷
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vivalasthedas · 2 years
when did people start using the term 'lore' to mean RP in multiplayer games of like youtube creators?
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kaysdenofchaos · 1 year
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// Battle Scars AU Masterpost //
Anything and everything BS AU related will be linked here! There is,, a lot, but I’ll prolly be dumping like two posts a day till I can get everything currently made out :3
BS! Tiktok Playlist (Click for more info, shitposts, & angst lol)
* @in-th3-v01d (Interactive RP Blog)
Character Sheet/Trauma Info
Donnie & Shelldon Raph Leo: 1 2 Mikey & Void
April O’Neil Human Disguises
The Jones Liz (Mona Lisa)
Chapter 4 Animation (Cassandra causing havoc) TMNT AU Comp: Hockey Game (Turtles get clobbered)
Art Gallery
Chapter 3 Cover— Home. Chapter 4 Cover— Reunited
Kraangified [Comic] The Problem [PB+J Comic]
Turtle Tots (plus 2): 1 2 3 Don & Ozzi: 1 Donnie's Prosthetics: 1 2 Splinter & Co.: 1 2 Disaster Twins: 1 2 3 4 Angst (Donnie): 1 2
Dynamic Poses Raph, Mona, & Casey Hyena Fam: 1 K! Don
TMNT AU Comp Series: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
The Hug Archives/Ask Shenanigans: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 || Hug Wars (please catch this mf/lhj)
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Doodles: Timothy, Void Sketches, Jennika, Twins Spar, Void..?, Leon's Leo Doodles, RIP, Mikey hates L, Doodle Dump, Nightwatcher, Leo, Green
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totem-but-shark · 20 days
The differences and similarities between c and Q foolish is always so interesting to look at
They both have an ambition, though that came later on for cfoolish, and a tendency to make connections. Obviously that desire to build and create massive structures is shared as well
There are big differences though. A massive part of cfoolish was his pacifism and his struggle to find balance, which contrasts with with a chaos thrill seeking qfoolish
Cfoolish also isolated himself more. He deliberately built his home further away and harder to get to while foolish built his home right at spawn.
They’re both fairly well aware of cycles of violence and revenge, and act accordingly.
I also like how foolish almost always builds his homes by water, which is a deliberate choice by ccfoolish, as a throughline
it's SOOOOO interesting!!! there's so many similarities and parallels between the two whilst still feeling like fresh takes on the same base, uniquely shaped by their individual smps lore and experiences but the biggest question that prompts for me is "what exactly MADE them different?". If we consider that in a way they're different spins on essentially the same core character of Foolish the immortal shark totem was there some specific event or circumstance or fundamental difference in their hypothetically separate existences that caused them to split off as they seemingly have.
Where it's easy to spot the similarities when they're carved from the same stone, their differences run just as deep. These are characters with starkly different worldviews if you look close enough.
It's something i've thought about a lot and the conclusion I keep coming back to over and over is that thier defining difference is their relationship with or proximity to godhood.
They're two very very different immortals, Cfoolish was a god/demigod, he spent his life believing in his status as something more amongst mortals and this wasn't truly challenged until he found himself bleeding red red red slaughtered at the red banquet. So much of his character was defined by his past divinity, the grace he fought tooth and nail to regain. Remnants of a darker crueler past, bloodstained hands atoned for with 100 lifetimes of pacifism. Beautiful hollow empty temples. I feel there is a clumsiness to cfoolish, having to learn to be a person after a forever of naive arrogance that could only belong to one who thinks themself a god and afraid like a child when the illusion breaks.
Whilst our knowledge of qfoolishs history is more limited, from the little we've been given he feels far more human. Which might be ironic for an immortal shark dude but there are no stories of bloodlust, worship or great powers beyond comprehension. Only the far more tame, almost domestic tidbits about bumping into bad and shenanigans together over the centuries. In my mind he might've been an immortal traveler walking the earth and doing as he pleased, not as a god but a couple thousand years old regular guy living his normal life just for a very very very long time. Qbad and Qfoolish carry a sense of wisdom to them unique to their qsmp iterations, more traveled and emotionally older than previous versions, like they've seen it all before. I see it in the way they speak and talk with one another and generally interact with the world around them and whilst it's likely a matter of both ccbad and ccfoolish expanding their stage presence and refining their RP but it really does add another layer of depth to these characters.
All together there simply isn't this same connection to divinity, the qsmp world is generally quite detached from religious structure. Maybe qfoolish might've been as powerful as cfoolish or had the capacity to be but never sharpened that aspect of himself pulling him further and further away from cfoolishs acts of wrath that became such an integral key turning point for his character. Qfoolish instead growing comfortable in casual eternity. Could qfoolish never have become a totem of death? How would that have effected his character compared to Cfoolish? Maybe not, it's extremely hard to judge how powerful qfoolish might be with a wiped memory and the possibility of federation power limiters/magic suppressors. Before getting on that train he could've been as powerful as cfoolish in his prime however with the information we have we'll simply never know. I think it's unlikely though, if just by his demeanour. Regardless of qfoolishs theoretical power the qfoolish we know is no god, there is no worship, never hailed as something higher. He's simply himself.
There's this odd dissonance between them especially in their relationship with death. Cfoolish viewed death as something he was excluded from, had power over and only saw in the lifeless eyes of others. Until he didn't. Qfoolish knows death is natural and equally inevitable. He fears it too of course though in the way one might fear the tide, he builds sand castles on the shore knowing they'll get washed away by the morning but can't help but bask in the sun anyway. Qfoolish walks among the people and knows you don't have to die yourself for death to hurt.
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atinyladybug-art · 2 months
Dr Abirt Kravitz [Updated version]
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Hello here is the long awaited reference to my 963 Rewrite named Dr Abirt Kravitz! [Here is the old version <- The fun facts from here hasn't changed and is still canon.]
She uses any pronouns! She's too old and overworked to give a shit how you refer to/perceive her.
He's O5-7 aka 'The Eternal'. He's been around for more than 3 centuries. A historian but also enjoys archaeology and linguistics. His responsibilities on the council are the Foundation's Housing system (due to his past as personnel director) as well as a slight hand in Foundation Educations.
I drew a lot of inspiration from Phosphophyllite in Houseki No Kuni / Land Of The Lustrous for my SCP-963 and also Abirt's concept in general. Something something Ship Of Theseus thing going on over there.
I'm also rewriting the entire family into the Kravitz family. The AU for them is called Recollection AU and you can look at Rec AU's lore here <- link to Toyhouse!
Abirt does have a tumblr rp blog called @seven-pink-glasses but the things on there aren't 100% canon (especially with the character interaction) but it does peek a lil into Abirt's daily life + shenanigans!
Also if you're interested in Abirt things, they're all tagged under #Abirt Kravitz. The AU this is from is #Recollection AU where non-Abirt stuff is at. #The Kravitz Family is for the entire family stuff
Texts from the first image under the cut:
Dr Abirt Kravitz || 'The Eternal'
O5 Council member (O5-7)
Genderfluid. Jewish Origin. Age unknown though is rumoured to be above 3 centuries. Varying appearance but is fond of jewelry. Word says they're immortal due to a cursed bloodline.
O5-7 plays a major role in personnel and housing, and a minor one in Foundation education. Big on mentoring too. Many personnel were handpicked and taught by her.
Most know him for his lack of formalities and fatherly tendencies but is also easily irritable and holds personnel to a high standard.
(Summarised from The Black Queen's report)
Scp-963 Description:
A teardrop-shaped gemstone made of amber approximately 3.5cm in length. Within it contains a piece of unidentified flora from The Land Where No Name Is Spoken .
Heals and regenerates any injuries by replacing flesh and bone with amber and resin. Foreign limbs introduced to him will be reconnected and transformed to its former state.
Sometimes the amber and tree resin in xer body hardens, causing mobility issues. Frequently switches mobility aids.
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