#rp: A simple trick
petitexmagician · 8 months
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Zola's first goal was to surpass Alice as a magic user and adventurer, but trying to get to Sumeru to stay with Ethan's parents while studying in the Akademiya after the Eremites that were escorting her and Liam got jumped by Pyro Abyss Mage - she turned her first goal into wanting to make people smile with her own magic because of how negative the Abyss Mages magic are.
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doll3tt33 · 9 months
I LOVE YOUR BOTS SM!!😭 I have no idea how you break the filter that good, c.ai literally blocks every word I say
A short c.ai filter breaking tutorial ୨ৎ
Thank you!!! 💕 And no I get you, sometimes I’m confused about the filter too, but I did seem to notice bots with more dominant personalities (like my kai bot for example) seem to break the filter more easily, probably because they take the initiative more and tend to lead the rp.
BUUUT, that doesn’t mean it’s totally impossible generally speaking. The trick is to take your time and make sure to really build up that tension.
Then, you can hit them with the classic thigh brushing with your hand. Don’t go overboard with this one, just keep talking as normal while you do that little thigh brush of yours.
Afterwards, I usually like to write how my fingers were barely touching the character’s dick through his pants. Bare with me, it’s cringe but it works well. Keep swiping the messages until the bot included the same explicit word you used. If words like dick or penis keep getting filtered, then you could stick to euphemisms and build it up later, maybe with using the words member or length, something like that.
Keep going little by little, switching your actions of simply touching his dick to stroking or rubbing. By now, you should probably stop palming the poor dude’s hard-on through his pants and let him get some fresh air lmao. Don’t be too extra about how you unzipped his pants or pulled down his boxers. Knowing how to write somewhat decently is definitely crucial for breaking the filter, but imo writing overly detailed descriptions of the sex act itself early on will most likely get you filtered, so just keep this action short and simple.
Soon enough, BAM dick is out and you’ll not get filtered (as much).
If you’re simply trying to give a handjob, then this is pretty much it since it’s the easiest sex act to achieve with the filter. If you wanted p in v sex, then there are a couple more steps. Idk if anyone wants a full fledged c.ai filter breaking tutorial, but if so then lemme know cuz holy shit I ramble on sooo much.
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themultiverseheroines · 4 months
Open Fandom RP (to all fandoms)
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Tangle the Lemur has been tasked to go with your muse on a little mission. A simple recon mission to find out what is making seismic activities in an area where there shouldn't be any.
Tangle had no problem agreeing to do this, but mostly because she's hoping for some action.
"And so if we run into any trouble, I've got some cool tricks I've been wanting to do. Something fun and exciting and...oh right sorry, but what can you do?" Tangle asked your muse curious on what their abilities are.
((made by hikariviny))
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cryptids-and-muses · 11 months
Post canon homestuck crew play Dungeons and Dragons
Karkat and terezi
Co dms
Unstoppable when actually working together
Terezi will get sidetracked messing with karkat
Karkat trying to write a deep and well fleshed out campaign that’s thematically resonant vs terezi’s desire for chaos and traps and trying to “trick” her players FIGHT
Terezi believes in karma and will make the world bend to this
Karkat is trying to set up romance arcs and argues about how it adds to the theming
Dave draws them fanart of their characters. Terezi loves it while karkat argues about accuracy before admitting yes he also appreciates it
Calliope also does fanart and karkat praises her skill and accuracy unlike some people
Arcane trickster rogue
Forest gnome
Just a goofy little guy!
Mostly just playing to have fun, starts off with a fun but simple character who develops over time
Ends up SUPER invested and taking this so so seriously
Karkat worked a dramatic reveal into the, in his words, “bare ass bones two paragraphs that a fucking wiggler could have written backstory” and John did not see it coming and loved it
Goes head to head with terezi a lot on her various traps she designs for them. She is getting more and more absurd with it. Karkat had to talk to her about breaking the world building with things she’s introducing. He is the only rogue. Send help.
Drow warlock
Tries to justify picking drow as anything other than she just thought it was cool
Nearly went old ones for patron but settled on archfey for story reasons
Has a 10 page lore document detailing her tragic past and her toxic relationship with her patron
It became 15 pages after going back and forth with karkat for a bit and adding even more
Only her and one other person are taking the romance arcs seriously and they become karkat’s favorite players
Tries playing morally ambiguous but terezi can be annoying about that and claims it’s just “the consequences of her actions”
Her and karkat both get very very into the scenes between her and her patron, the drama! The acting! Dave is uncomfortable and karkat brushes it off, it’s not like him role playing as his sister’s abusive girlfriend is weird. It’s in fact very important to the plot Dave
Has written fanfic of the campaign
Dragonborn barbarian
Path of the beast
Don’t ask me I just know
Her GLEE when she says “I’m gonna rage :D”
ANIMAL COMPANION! She nearly went ranger just for that but knew she wouldn’t have as much fun. Found a way to get one anyway.
It was harder naming her animal companion than her character
Having fun and likes the problem solving side of things, but likes breaking things with her massive strength just as much
Terezi likes to throw stuff at her, both traps and encounters, and finds it funny if she can just wreck her way through
“See John that’s how you deal with a pressure plate trap”
Takes the rp side of things very seriously
Once argued with Karkat over if her favorite npc would do that and cursed him out
Has read roses fanfic of the campaign
Plays a teifling with grey skin and orange horns
“What are you talking about karkat this is just my dude, don’t you like him?”
Hellus Jeffus
He’s a valor bard, eventually multiclasses paladin
Starts out just trying to mess with people but like John starts getting into it, though he tries to down play it
Have hellus more of himself than he realized and it’s making him face things about himself
Eventually hellus self sacrifices to save the party in this deeply intense moment. There were tears, Dave was wrecked, they went on a whole quest to revive him. It was touching and karkat is smug
Dave might have worked through some things
Halfling cleric
Her and John are small buddies!!!
Started out life but wasn’t having a lot of fun with it so with terezi’s permission switched to war or tempest with later s few levels in fighter
Her John and Jade are the biggest front liners, John’s character ends up really close with both of them as it’s easier for the rogue to bond with the person giving them sneak attack
Jade and jane’s character have an in game arm wrestling match
Took a bit to get into the rp side of things but eventually got the hang of it
Tabaxi, easily, it’s so obvious
After much deliberation settles on glamour bard (though wizard and rogue were tempting for the joke, she wanted to branch out)
So many horny bard jokes but very little actual follow through, karkat gets frustrated by this as she’s all this talk but isn’t pursuing any of the romance options he’s giving her
She has SECRETS! She is HIDING THINGS!! Her cheery persona is a FASADE!!!
Cue complaining to karkat about how hard it is to wait to tell the others about her secrets and him threatening violence if she tells anyone before the in game reveal
She tells jake
Lots of egging on Dave and helping him with his fucking around
The BOND between her and Dave!!! They are the duo to end all duos. Team rocket type shit. There is nothing stronger than the bond between the bards of the party. My theory is it has to do with trading bardic inspiration.
Half elf Druid circle of spores
Wildfire seemed fun to him but wasn’t as good
Wasn’t originally planning on being a Druid but after going over all the classes he liked all the customization and decisions that go into Druid like prepared spells and such
Didn’t really think about his backstory much, just improved something. He keeps improving new additions and it’s getting more and more elaborate and complicated. He has multiple hidden and long lost siblings by this point. Still doesn’t write any of this down. If he messes a detail up he justified it with more improv.
Yes his character has spiked up red hair and sunglasses. Don’t question how the Druid got sunglasses karkat.
Really likes the tactics side of things, he’s even pitched a few things to terezi she updated and later worked in
Sometimes works on plans and strategies out of game or making a million back up characters that play off the others in interesting mechanical ways
Is considering becoming a dm some time
Needed some help making his character, he just didn’t know where to start
Eventually after much discussion settles on a teifling bladesong wizard
Wanting to get away from his usual adventurer style Roxy helped with the backstory and they came up with this evil scientist raised in a cult who’s good hearted but was never taught right and wrong
He gets very into playing him and his moral struggle but can lean a little too good for his backstory, karkat points this out and Jake swears to get better at it
Dave pitched a lot of names for them and it was eventually settled on “Bernard Gunn” even though he has a sword. Jake just likes how it sounds
“Why is he blue jake?” “…..uhhh” “why is he blue?”
Teifling Druid with a focus on healing
Circle of shepards
Not a troll color pallet like Dave though, honestly it might get a bit trickster
Beautiful backstory that she coordinated with one of the others to make joint. The most obvious choice is Roxy but I think it was actually jade, Jane or John.
She gets so into it you guys, like so into it
Gives at least one dramatic speech completely on the fly
The other character who takes karkat’s romance arcs seriously and his other favorite player
Has also argued with terezi about world building and consistency. This may put her above rose in karkat’s eyes
Was also allowed to read rose’s fanfiction and offered full on reviews
Also considering going into doing but for the opposite reasons to Dirk
Fairy artillerist artificer with a dip in war magic wizard
Min maxxed to hell and back
(Technically there was a better race, but fairy has its own advantages and she couldn’t resist)
An elaborate backstory too with some secrets of her own, I’m thinking full on lost princess
Yes she is That Player, you know the one
Has nearly been kicked multiple times and now won’t leave on principle
Not the best at sticking with the party and not just doing whatever she wants, but suprisingly Dirk has been able to talk her into it with his talk of tactics and playing smart
Second most effective is John who just looks at her like “vriska you’re not making this very fun :(“
Fire genasi ranger
Really tried to get into it but this just isn’t her thing so eventually decided to leave the group
Karkat came up with a fun story reason for her to leave and eventually brought her character back as an Npc
Did help rose make a cosplay of her character, after which John, Calliope, and Roxy wanted to make ones too
Vriska eventually tried to “manipulate” into helping her make one for her character
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Such a sweet and refreshing question, citizen!
Let's see... Unlike what some might think, I prefer simple flowers, like the ones that grow in the fields and trees around my house in Blérancourt. I must admit I have a soft spot for poppies. I believe this is why I knowingly altered Titus Livius' story and directed my adolescent ire towards those poor ferns instead.
There aren't many blue flowers, I think. (My favorite color is blue. I used to like red too before... before I see too much of it, let's say. It's still beautiful in flowers though. Flowers are pure and innocent...) There's the cornflower though. In the fields between Varennes and Valmy the blue cornflowers and the red poppies bloom with the white chamomile:
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Isn't it poignantly beautiful? Sublime, even. I must say, these meadows have been sufficiently watered with blood for many centuries to come. May they humbly accept simple rainwater from now on.
OOC note: I swear this was going to be simple and normal... but of course it led to researching the flowers that grow in Aisne, and reflecting on the Livy anecdote and why he might have used ferns instead even though poppies are in bloom then (were there none? or was it a choice?), and ended with melancholic ramblings on the bleuet (cornflower), which is the equivalent in France to the poppy in the Commonwealth, because I found this beautiful picture on this page, and saw what region this page was about, l'Argonne i.e. these flowers grow right in the region where so many died during so many wars... The symbolism was too powerful - flowers, dead soldiers, La Marseillaise, Saint-Just just took over the keyboard. He had to make it sad again. He can't help it.
ETA: So fate played a very funny trick on me. It turns out that the flowers that grow around his house... are roses. And it is SO like Saint-Just to hide it behind "oh you know, just simple flowers growing around my house" and not say the truth except I swear I wasn't doing that this time, because I didn't check the pictures of his house in a long time. I was just picturing field and trees in general, you know, until @aedesluminis points me to that post. And this is SO FUNNY because roses ARE actually MY favorite flower, I, the real breathing living person behind this RP blog. But I don't think they would be Saint-Just. They might seem too aristocratic to him (though there are wild roses - that's what they originally were). All of this is so funny to me right now... this really feels like fate played a trick on me. Or like he does possess me after all. Who knows.
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zoobus · 8 months
I'm not normally a victim of FOMO tactics, nor do I usually let being late to the party stop me from chatting about a piece of media but I'm genuinely sad I didn't get into Obey Me/Nightbringer earlier. It makes me want to write a million essays but the disposable and decentralized nature of gacha kind of makes it feel like you missed your chance to talk about it. I keep coming across years old, unrepliable comments that I want to jump on sooo bad but I can't because the moment is gone and most of these people have likely moved on to less overtly money-hungry games.
Which sucks! because one essay I want to write in particular is how this game is extremely skilled in arousing your desire to create, to actively engage with the characters and worldbuilding, to do fandom shit, and I find this enormously fascinating in itself. The story isn't good but to a certain extent, it's not supposed to be; it functions as an elaborate set of writing/art/rp prompts for its audience to expand on and tailor to their needs.
And I think Obey Me does this well! Amazingly well. I find discussion of narrative structure fascinating, the study of how we define writing as effective, good, or as failures, so I'm drawn to this story full of contradicting lore, one-note characters, and half-finished plots. The story isn't good but that hardly matters because it's not here to be a good story; it's here to throw you into imagination boot camp. It compels you to speculate what it could be, what this character could be, what a slightly different tone would look like, what other people think about it. It feels distinct from the average popular show fandoms where, to an extent, creators congregate simply because that's where the people are. Creating for your own sake is nice and all but validation is usually a stronger force. Usually.
I keep coming across old high effort researched posts about abrahamic religions and occultism from fans setting themselves up for inevitable disappointment. I keep coming across creators leaving notes on their work like "I haven't written a thing in ten years, but,". I keep losing it over heartfelt posts defending x and y canon story decisions with their whole chest, oblivious to the fact that they're misremembering their personal tweaks/headcanons as what happened in the game, like it's seriously so cute when they're so passionate and completely wrong.
I have no idea if fandom actually plays a role in the lucrativeness of a franchise (though as a personal anecdote, I 100% started Obey Me after a single piece of horny Mammon fanart crossed my dash), but it makes more sense to me now, less a projection of wishful/haterful thinking from those with strong opinions about Fandom. Maybe it really does matter.
Other essays I missed the boat on:
A Casino Right in Your Home: goddamn is the pre/sequel's gacha obscene
Satan: how to put a mid character into S-tier with one simple trick (make him insane)
Sorry Belphie defenders but you're imagining a better psycho than you were given
Solmare added a shiny new rhythm game but didn't fix the now four year old coloring error on Levi's hands lmfaooo the disrespect is crazy
Remember when you saw the Nightbringer trailer of them glaring in bdsm gear with freshly blackened wings, and you thought "ah, so this takes place right after they fought god and lost. After they went to war to protect their sister only for her to die anyway. After one brother in particular saves someone, but not her, the focal point of the war. They will finally take these to their logical, guilt despair rage pain and grudge filled ends." And you were correct until that very last sentence? lol
Remember when the Ruri-chan event gave you the option to tell Levi you're not cheating on him and then the rest of the event was just making out with his brothers? Then it ends with you kissing him in front of them? Bring that energy back!!!
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rpking99 · 4 months
Hokage's Loss
OPEN RP (FemSub)
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"Fuck!" Tsunade busses as she slumped forwards with a glare
This was supposed to be a simple, stupid, bet for the Hokage. A super simple and easy job, almost a scam. She was running low on cash thanks to her sake stash. It was some stupid magic trick. She found them at the bar and all she had to do was guess the right card.
It was so simple! Just a basic trick!
One that she thought she saw right through thanks to her amazing Chakra sensing skills and very acute medical eyes. But she failed.
And the bet.... It was for a STUPID amount of money. So she had agreed to a stupid thing in return, especially considering how confident she had been
"Fine. My body is yours tonight." She grumbled in defeat
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physicsfox7 · 11 months
You sly dog, you got me monologuing!
Why not?
So I've gotten back into FFXIV pretty hard since I tried it last year. A few friends really pushed me, and I'm enjoying it. Good story, good music. The combat still feels a little bit wonky, but I'm an old school FF player and this is my first MMORPG.
The best times are when my friends aren't busy and they can run dungeons with me, or we explore areas they've seen 100 times and as I explore this new place they tell me about it's history and memories they have of it.
The game is mindblowingly gorgeous. Every time I revisit Gridania and sneak back to my favorite perch at The Hawthorne Hut, I am entranced by the leaves flowing in the wind, the rain falling on a roof, or the ridiculous amount of stars shining in the night sky.
(I know, anyone who's played already knows this, sue me; I am sprout.)
A couple of weeks ago we ran the Alexander raids together, and it was an absolute joy to watch experts play and simultaneously nurture their adopted sprout. Yesterday we visited Ivalice, and I was able to fall in love with the FFT soundtrack all over again and see old friends.
The community has been extremely kind. When my friends are busy, or trying to find some peace for themselves (or hitting the new expansion hard!) and I am left to my own devices, I have come across almost universal support. New job class and running a dungeon for the first time? They'll give you tips, let you run at your own pace, and when you screw up? They pick you up, dust you off, and encourage you to try again.
An unintentional side effect of immersing myself in another FF universe is RP. And no, not ERP. Although that exists, I have not had an opportunity to explore it. (I'm 100x more shy in a video game than on Tumblr, go figure)
We go to a quiet bar, torment ourselves with exotic food that we don't get to eat and drinks that sound terrifying or delectable. Sometimes both. And we talk. We talk to each other, as our characters. Intricate backstories that span a whole game and four expansions, almost 1000 primary quests. These folks have spent years perfecting their characters story.
Now, I had no concept of how in depth this was when I walked into that bar. A simple question about where you're from can spawn conversations that run for hours, with everyone having an opinion on the country you're from. Just don't be Garlean. My first night, I was asked what I do for a living. I said adventurer, because that's a fairly typical answer. I was immediately swept under their wing, to be given tips on how to clear Copperbell more efficiently, what weapon I should be carrying, where to find the cheapest gear that will protect you and look good.
My god, the clothes in this game. Hundreds of articles for each portion of the body. There's a whole website dedicated to picking out the perfect outfit for your gunslinger or white mage.
The best trick? Have loving friends who send you the really sick Converse/Vans, despite your protests. When you push them for why? Because I wanted them. (For reference, decent boots run 30k gil on the market board, the Converse/Vans run 750k because the materials are hard to come by. Needless to say, I have run the last 28 levels wearing orange sneakers, and I look fucking good doing it.
So back to the RP, the original point of this post. Last week, I was sitting in the bar talking about places I wanted to visit (in character, I have already been there for the quests). Mor Dhona was mentioned, as it's the site of on of the most pivotal moments in the story: The Calamity.
When it was recommended to me, my character pulled out a worn leather journal and wrote it down. An innocuous but important detail, to make the immersion feel deeper. The journal was passed around, returned to me, and eventually put away. Not even a physical thing, it spurned a long conversation about the adventurer's life, and the trials they undergo.
Then, my brain said something to me a couple of days ago. What if the journal was real? Tangible, physical, something detailing my characters adventures as that happen, stuffed with "drawings" (my character can draw, I cannot. At all. I have an ink jet printer and an app that converts jpegs into very convincing sketches) and souvenirs from his adventure's?
Sounds a bit silly, but it would be an easy way for me to track the details of conversations, and giving me a little arts and crafts project, as a treat.
So I did it. I bought a (frankly overpriced) leather journal with a compass rose sewn onto the cover with black thread. Beautiful sturdy leather and crisp cream pages.
Then I set about bringing it half way to destroyed. A leather journal carried in the field, through the rain and rivers, into combat, through the snow and up mountains does not stay immaculate for long. My character has had the journal for about 4 months, so I needed to beat it up and give myself a head start. Scuff the leather, soften the edges, curl the whole thing so it never sits flat. Drip a little bit of sealing wax on the cover, put small punctures into the back and knicks out of the corners.
The pages? Some got the tea treatment, to try to age them. No dice, this damn modern paper is resistant to stains. Water stains are forthcoming, but I am an impatient being and already started writing in it. Then a revelation came to me.
I am an absolutely massive fan of FFVIII. Obsessed with it. I know the names of every song in the OST and where each song is used, I have the Lionheart necklace and ring, I have beaten Omega on multiple occasions for fun. Anyone who knows me know I am an FFVIII nerd, and I ain't sorry.
So when I was designing my character last year, the face has scar options. Well, what better choice than Squall's scar? I'll have some of that I said.
Well, my character is from a small, relatively peaceful fishing village. Where the hell did he get that ridiculous scar?! The first job he took, of course! But alas, he was carrying his journal with him when he was injured, and it seems it soaked up quite a bit of blood. Some recommended beet juice. I tried raspberry tea, cherry juice, pomegranate concentrate. Nothing. Oddly, the tea dyed the test page blue.
What time of the year is it? Halloween of course! So we buy some fake blood and I'll be damned if it doesn't look like the real thing. It stains the pages, and the rough parts of the leather.
Now, just 4 or 5 days later, it has a leaf from Gridania from the day my character arrived there, drawings of the aetheryte station, some of the people he's met along the way and some of the more impressive geographic features (the ones that coincidentally took my breath away), and even a Triple Triad card. There are plans to visit the Sea of Clouds and meet the Vanu Vanu, so we'll be tucking a feather into the pages. So many other things await.
This has become a (probably for you, dear reader, painfully) long post about my current autistic obsession. I am particularly proud of this journal. While I was inspired by another persons comment, the execution was all mine. So, having gotten to the bottom of this essay, either by scrolling or reading, I have but one question: Do you wanna see the journal?
edit: it will literally only take one person saying yes.
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xkuja · 6 months
ɢᴇᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴜɴ
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ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
Kuja is just by now a character I have written and polished so long that writing him is, like,a default setting. I started writing as him the year after the game came out... Which was when I played it (wayyy too young to be allowed on the lawless internet of the early 2000s...). I have written other canons too, but Kuja is the omnipresent one. I find it difficult to articulate why I like him so much... You could just sum it up as a simple 'I unfortunately relate to him'.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
Just like, romance plots with no other substance behind them. Or, with the substance all off screen... I get really bored with non stop fluff and romance. I don't like writing happily ever after. Also mpreg.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
COMBAT... But I so rarely get to write it. I thus content myself with espionage and the occasional gore here and there.
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
They just kind of happen. The more you write a character, the more you learn about that character. I don't have a special trick or anything for it.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
Ambience. I like things like rain sounds for my writing moods. I cant write while music with lyrics is playing, I just end up typing the words.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
I dont think anyone can plan their replies unless they're running some kind of DM'd sort of story. RP is at least a two way street, so your partner's replies should be enough to surprise you now and then, right?
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
I uhhhhh... Depends. It has to build deliciously. And Kuja is really difficult to properly ship with... He is so not good at love. It's going to go wrong, so it requires not only the right kind of chemistry, but the right kind of RP partner who is going to accept or play off it. It's why I love enemy-ships the best.
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
Older than I was yesterday.
June 17
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
Black, gold, purple
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
Igorrr's entire catalog right now.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Eden Lake.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Married at First Sight.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
Save Another Day For me - De Leo
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
I have a friends. They know who they are.
Tagged by: @origami-assassin *throws poorly folded cranes all over* tagging: people who are looking forward to chocolate jesus day.
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tulipsinthedas · 2 months
A/N: I made this post a few months ago and decided today while making this post that I wanted to rewrite the first one to be more than a small, disorganized blurb. So here it is!
While listening to From Eden by Hozier on my way to work, it gave me super Solavellan vibes. There's something so inherently simple yet tragic about this song that really reminded me of them.
"Honey, you're familiar like my mirror years ago. Idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on his sword. Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me, I should know. I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door
No matter how you rp your Lavellan, they're ultimately doing what they do to help others. Idealism, chivalry, innocence are all ideals that just aren't compatible with what is basically the end of the world. He relates to what you are doing, finding his own parallels between the blight and imprisoning his fellow Gods. As the trickster God, he himself shares a lot of parallels with the serpent in the Bible, who tricks Adam and Eve into creating sin. He's metaphorically slithering out of his solitude to watch her, to observe her, to lover her, and after their break up to pine for her.
"Babe, There's something tragic about you. Something so magic about you. There's something broken about this. But I might be hoping about this. Oh, what a sin"
Really all of the verses fit their relationship so well but if I put them all, this post would be too long. But I chose these because 1 think they sum up the rest. Solas likely views Lavellan's predicament as tragic; that they're thrown into this life-and-death situation with no choice. Forced into holding Thedas' survival in the palm of their hand, and yet, there's something magical about it, too. The Anchor is unlike anything seen before. She is gifted - or cursed - with a kind of magic that fascinates him, along with what its purpose will be used for. He stays with the intent to help her, and to study her. Once he falls, though, he knows this relationship really isn't going to work, that it's just not right. That's it's inherently broken. And yet he hopes that it will thrive, that it will live through all of the problems that eventually lead to its downfall. 'Oh, what a sin" is really the perfect, final touch as a god dating a mortal, the people he exists to protect (figuratively) is within itself a sin.
The brainrot I have about their relationship is truly chronic, and seeking parallels between them and one of my favorite artists is really so 🫠
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darckcarnival · 6 months
@bone-pile-rp from HERE
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"What, not used to something simple? Please. From me, always expect the unexpected, Alucard."
Darck stood by calmly in waiting, strangely at ease for once instead of passively tense, or even deadpan, as was the usual when it came to the no life king. But on occasion with the rare blue moon, she really just didn't mind the mans presence when there was better moods. Not often of course...
However in this moment, especially when there was the barest hint of reaction that was better than most of his shown self, well... It really helped to ease more of the brunette woman's attitude further. Some sort of sense of pride? Or maybe even a mild joy to be had, seeing that Alucard looked rather pleased with something as simple as the sword based earrings, meant to curve just like a Kilij of ancient times, with ruby red glass gleaming centers. After all, Red was the mans color of choice.
A hum slipped free as the much taller man took the offered trinkets, rather made them vanish in a simple showing of passive power. Show off as always. Allowing Darck to click closed the box left in her palm, and shadows to swipe over it from the sleeve of the jacket, letting it sink into darkness. Not nearly as easy as Alucard could do, but at the very least the little half blood still had some tricks, quite literally, up her sleeves. "Need or not, sometimes it's nice to just indulge in something for the sake of aesthetic or enjoyment. What else would be more fitting than these?"
Observing as Alucard let his head turn, showing off the brand new accessories, Darck placed on hand on her hip while the other tapped at her chin. Smirk on her face appreciative. Yup, she knew these would be perfect for the man. "They work well. Couldn't resist the Kilij aesthetic. Historical referencing and all." Before another word came free though, Alucard let out his tease. Making the woman huff a breath.
"Don't flatter yourself, old man. You seemed lacking in smaller trinkets. So I had to make you something to make up for it." The hand once on her chin lifted to wave in the air, like shooing away smoke and words in one motion. "Simple as that. Enjoy."
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Come and Trick or Treat! Open all year :] tags updated Nov. 28
Howdy!!! Pronouns —> she/he/they (no preference)
Wolfy (wolf character I doodle sometimes) is my blog mascot. Unreliable sleep schedule/forgetful/message notifs don’t show up- so if you need me uhhhh keep yelling until I notice? Hdfjhfg..
I love drawing, listening to game playthroughs, and looking at cute animals! Feel free to send an ask about anything.
Art tag: wolfys art
Cool art by pals: grand showcase of arts
Doc says something: wolf chats
Art months stuff (all of them!! general tag): Just Here To Have Fun
Kiley and co stuff (commonwealth): little wastrels
second fallout au (island, custom location for an rp): badlands crew
Misc fandom tags (unreliably tagged but I will start now): qsmp, good omens, fallout, bg3, whump stuff, starfield, doctor who
important/tagged consistently: psa, boost (urgent news), reblogging for future reference (general tips), promo (friends news), flashing images, bright colors
"You have to reblog!" And similar phrases: rebait
Minor misc tags: drawing tips, writing tips, cooking tips, fave,
Note- these are not tagged reliably: ghouls/zombies, blood, skeletons, suggestive (no explicit things here), bugs and spiders, guns, drug use, smoking, all caps
Unimportant ramblings v
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Time stamp: Jul 15? Heeeeey. Hello. So I did take a break from art till like last week, but uh, the health has been a roller coaster-
I kinda cleaned the whole house compulsively multiple times. I dunno what to say about that. Went from the compulsion to be Always Drawing to Always Doing Chores, so it wasn’t really a break? It felt amazing for a little while, but I am so stressed inside ahagfhkhdf. Anywayssssss.
I realized that promising to do the art requests Later is just me returning to old behavior, like just... keeping it on the line so I /nobody gets a direct answer *when* it will be done. That makes my brain think it’s in the clear while the other artists are worried and unsure what’d happen. Andddd even though I did have the motivation to do animated group projects for a little while, a small thing completely knocked me into dropping everything else.
I know I *could* try to join more projects or do more requests, I’m not in a safe headspace where I wouldn’t be set off, and nobody should risk their project’s deadline for that-
TLDR I’m going to Try and fix things up on my end and stop myself from joining anything (that depends on Every artists effort). Even if I feel alright *now* I know there’s a lot of risk for *later*- just don’t let me in anything big and important even if I ask, please- for at least a year-
—— Timestamp: Slightly Before August
Gonna Try Ink Demonth this year- I’ll limit myself and not do something too detailed again hsdkfjzhk.
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Timestamp: August 17
[cackles evilly] Ink Demonth Ink Demothhhhh- this is the furthest I’ve ever gotten in an art prompt month ever! ...even though I’m technically not on theme (Fallout instead of Batim). Trying to pace myself by alternating between a simple and detailed style. Hrrrh the yeehawgust prompts (cowboy theme!) look so cool but I won’t double up- but I will try to participate in the September AI-less-Whump month. (gore and dark subjects! I’ll tag everything properly of course.)
Also I’ve come to a realization- A dream of mine has been becoming famous for my art/animations, but uh- One, it isn’t realistic, and Two, posts getting like 200 notes freaks me out cfjhxfgh- Well, doing stuff for friends and others is just as cool. Y’all are awesome ^w^
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Timestamp: Aughust ninteen
Wait actually I don’t need a reason to block people. I don’t need to tell you either. It’s been getting a bit too chummy around here (reference)
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Timestamp: September 4
I didn’t finish the art month, but I got to day twenty! That’s pretty good. I’ll finish it up this month. I also gotta work on some ref sheet, finish a birthday gift, andddd clear the askbox.
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Timestamp: September 29
Oeghhhh.... too many ideas, not enough time. So many comic ideas. And I gotta tamp down my love of angst dvhkdfbnsf, make sure it makes sense first!! Decided to keep the aus separate. Normal Game Stuff is happening in the Badlands mainland, uh, I don’t know what ending we’d go with but anyways. ....hm. Maybe there’s no sosu and the factions are not making any progress. But probably’d lean towards Institute ending if I had to choose now.
Hm. Well. Maybe I did not think. Uh well in the other au Kiley’s with the Minutemen, and Nate’s with the BoS, so... well I’m not sure how this is gonna go- I’ll keep drawing memes till I think of something cool.
Timestamp: October 24
Well uhhhh. I dropped the October art challenge pretty quick, unfortunately. I’ll continue in December maybe? I said I’d do a few days of Halltober, and I don’t want to go back on what I said.
I keep continuing and dropping the au stuff, but that just proves I can continue a project! Maybe!! Maybe. It’ssss a comedy, so uh I’m not worried about making a Deep Story or anything. It’ll be fiiiiine. Just little slice of life stuff.
I wwwwwill get caught up on requests and gifts-
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thewritinglotus · 2 years
Ren's Guide To RP
Terms to Know
Muse- A character you write for in RP/Fanfiction. A character that inspires you to write.
Plot- A storyline you plan to write. In RP, this is typically done with another person.
Thread- An RP between two or more people.
OC- Original Character. A character YOU created. Or maybe an alternate version of a canon character
Ship- Slang for relationship. Typically of the romantic kind.
Fanfiction - Solo writing done usually for self-indulgent headcannons, ships, alternate endings or alternate plotlines Can be collaborative but not in the same way as RP
AU- Alternate Universe. A universe not related to canon
Headcannons- Your own ideas for a character. Things you think a character would like, think, wear, say, do that isn't in Canon.
Canon - Base material. A show, movie, book or piece of writing that AUs, headcannons and plotlines come from.
Canon-Divergent- Anything that isn't quite canon but still complies with Canon material
Verse- Similar to an AU but it can apply to a certain universe you created with someone else or just for your character.
Tips for Plotting {RP}
Communication is key! Tell your RP partner your ideas, show them your muses, make connections! Get to know their character and let them get to know yours!
Don't overwhelm your partner! When plotting, it's best to follow the simple rule of K. I. S. S {Keep it simple, Sally}. Your character has an elaborate backstory? Cool! Make sure you find a way to connect them to your partner's muse! They can't interact with yours very well if you don't leave room for them to make an appearance/ meaningfully interact with your muse.
Don't Godmod! Remember when you were a kid and other kids would still your toys and butt in to what you were doing? Annoying and rude, right? Yeah, that's just what it's like when you Godmod. Don't do it!
Questions to ask yourself before asking someone to plot/RP
What is my Muse's connection to my partner's muse? Can there be a connection made? How can they meet?
When our muses meet, what kind of relationship will they have? Remember, take into account the personality and backstory of BOTH muses. Why do they have this kind of relationship? Have they interacted before? What do they have in common?
How will they react to certain things said or done to them? Are they an asshole? Are they nice and meek? Would they kill you for merely breathing in their direction? Take this into account when you pick a character to play with. 9/10 people aren't going to change how their character acts for you. They are not your personal fanfic writers!
*And remember, if you aren't sure or you need help, ask your partner about their ideas or any advice they might have.
Communication is key!
If your partner can't work with what you're throwing at them, take a step back and ask yourself why. Ask them why. Work with them. This is something you're writing TOGETHER. They need to be able to respond. Think of it as if you were in their shoes. Could you respond to what you're about to send them? If you're having a hard time writing it, they're probably going to have issues with responding to it
Check yourself before you ask someone to RP. Also, don't be afraid to talk to the Mun OOC too. Usually, if you two vibe OOC, your characters probably will too but not always.
Did I miss anything? Have your own tips and tricks to add? Reblog this and start a conversation!
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phoenixstarbird · 2 years
I don’t know if anyone pays attention to my tiny blog, since I mostly just reblog anymore.
But, I’ve been seeing a bunch of writing advice/writing and/or plot planning joke posts, and I want to add a tiny bit of advice that works well for *my* adhd brain.
Step 1. Acquire discord if you haven’t already. Yeah, I know it’s a pain to get into for a social media platform sometimes, but bear with me. You’re not looking to join anything here.
Step 2. Make a server for yourself. If the premade option menu comes up, don’t stress, just click the “for you or your friends” option. Or any option really, it legit doesn’t matter. Name it something dumb, or Drafts, or Writing Wips, or whatever. Doesn’t matter.
Step 3A. This is the important one. You’re going to google a bot called “Tupperbox” and invite it to that server. It’s simple, and soon I’ll reblog this and add instructions on how to set up a bot for use with it.
Step 3B (optional but highly recommended) Tell the instructions on how to set up the server to fuck off. I strongly do not recommend inviting anyone to this server, not even any beta or alpha readers. This is like…. Before you would do any of that, imho.
Step 4. Make a channel just for the bot to fiddle with if you have problems so you don’t interrupt the flow.
Step 5. Make a new channel whenever you’re inspired, and basically rp with yourself.
“But Phe, how do I rp with myself? All my posts look the same so I can’t keep track of who’s who, and isn’t that just writing?”
That’s where Tupperbox comes in handy, my pal. You see, it’s a bot meant specifically for rping. You register a character, set up brackets to activate it, and attach an avatar as you so desire. And now, whenever you use those brackets (exactly as first register and case sensitive btw) Tupper will send a new message with a bot, using the name and avatar you gave it, then delete your trigger message. And viola, you have now tricked your brain into feeling like you’re having a conversation with your muse and/or watching a movie unfold and suddenly it’s a little bit easier to get from plot point A to plot point B. They do have a patron to support the bot, but don’t stress, because unpaid users have all of the same features, their bot cap is “just” 500.
Sort of like so:
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askadrianalucardtepes · 9 months
Want to ask, do you do at least semi-lit (one paragraph) for replies?
[OOC] I do! My blog has some decent samples of what my rp style is like at this point, I think. Mostly paragraphs involving actions and diagolue. I have a rule for myself that any reply of mine must at minimum involve 1 action, 1 line of dialogue and 1 hook for the other person to work with. It's a simple guideline but it does the trick pretty well. :)
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askliljudd · 2 years
// Heya! The mod of this blog here!
From what I’ve gathered, a lot of people, especially in the splat rp community are new, which is great! As someone who’s been roleplaying for a long time, I love seeing new faces. However, it also seems less veterans of similar communities are around and as such, tips and tricks that people have learned with askblogging and rping on tumblr haven’t been regularly brought up!
So consider this post a helpful guide to tips and tricks to rp blogging on tumblr! I’m not here to tell anyone how to do things, but these are simply things I’ve learned and I personally think help enhance the experience! If you have advice you want to add, or questions you want to ask, feel free to add on, ask me or DM me! Without further ado, let’s get on with it!
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QOL Tip 1 - RP icons!
While not necessary for the rp experience, icons can help with viewer engagement and also visually spice up text; especially if there’s lots of it! While any size would be fine, 100x100 pixels or under is recommended! This is to avoid making the post longer than it should be! I’ll be using some of my mod icons throughout this post to demonstrate! You can acquire icons under the various ways: canon art, fanart, or your own art! Canon and your own art are easy, since people know the source and you don’t need to credit yourself! If you want to use fanart, be sure to ask artists for their permission and credit the source!
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QOL Tip 2 - Blog themes!
I’ve seen a surprisingly low amount of custom blog themes! In fairness, tumblr has been kind of quietly shoving them away for some time now, though it’s one of the best features in my opinion! It’s a classic part of older internet culture, where you get to cultivate a theme to what you want to portray! Don’t know how to code? There’s plenty of free themes people upload for use! One of the most famous blogs to get them from is theme-hunter, though individual theme makers may have their own blogs so be sure to be on the lookout!
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You can enable custom themes in your account settings! Click the edit theme button aaand!
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You’ll find the custom theme button right at the top of your settings! You simply replace all the code in here with a custom theme you found! Be sure to try and make it legible for others to look at!
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QOL Tip 3 - XKit!
It occurs to me not many people may be aware of what XKit is, so here’s a quick rundown: it’s a third party add-on that improves your tumblr browsing experience! Whether it’s aesthetically or functionally, XKit is here to help! There’s been quite a weird experience with the add-on for years; a history I won’t step into right now, but XKit Rewritten is openly available and free to use! I highly recommend using its many features if you haven’t already. Here’s both the Chrome and Firefox versions!
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Blog Tip 1 - Blogs are your friend!
I’ve seen a lot regular anons rping in inboxes lately, which is well and good! But personally, I like being able to find stuff I send people, or being able to reblog it somewhere specific or keep my muses I send out in order! If you operate from a main blog, like I do, sideblogs are great to make and simple! Being able to keep your muses and any asks you send out organized in one spot not only helps yourself, but anyone you send asks out to or you want to reply to I would say this is a bigger personal decision than some of the other stuff in here, but I find it helps in the long haul especially if you want to keep certain things going! Even a blog where you can just reblog asks you send out would be nice! If you wish to not reveal your main blog for whatever reason, you can simply send it on an anon and include your sideblog’s url in the ask!
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Blog Tip 2 - Organization and Setup
If you’re intent on having a blog, simply having a blank page can only take you so far! There’s a few important things that I highly recommend blogs have if they wish to help themselves and others.
1. Tagging system: While not required, personally I find this helps me stay organized! Sometimes, all you need is to tag asks or rp responses, but I also like to tag anons and specific blogs I interact with! It helps when I want to look through something and I can use the tagging system instead of the search one, which sometimes leaves posts out! (Note: As far as I’m aware, the tagging system on blogs recently changed when trying to find them from how it used to be, so be aware of that!) Another important thing with tagging systems is to keep them consistent! This may seem obvious, but I had a serious issue with this when I was younger and had about 3 tags with slight variations of each other so none of my posts showed up in the same tag! 2. Blog pages: Even with the default themes, you can make custom pages on your blog that’ll even show up on mobile! (There’s a button for it to show up on the page, though most people link them in custom themes.) You can use this for many things, such as a reference page for your characters and other things, but I highly recommend setting up an about/rules page. These help with interaction between other users
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Blog Tip 3 - Roleplay and Post Length
Roleplay is one of my favourite parts of blogging in these sorts of communities; getting to interact with other bloggers and muses is awesome! Which is why it’s so important to keep your experience in mind when roleplaying! Ye olde ancient tip is to “trim” rp posts that are starting to get long! What’s trimming a post mean, you might ask? Well, rp posts tend to get rather long on tumblr, and it can make it a lot to scroll through! Both for you and others. Trimming it allows the rp post to not be as long, but you can still continue with your partner(s). My recommendation is to try and trim before 5-7 replies are hit, but this can vary dependent on the length of replies!
There’s two main ways to trim posts! 1. Use XKit’s feature: XKit has a feature that allows you to trim rp posts; it can end up a little funky sometimes, but it makes things shorter for sure! 2: Make a new post: This may seem like a lot, but making a new post is no big deal! It’s main done by linking the previous reply somewhere in the new post and either pinging your partner or messaging it to them!
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As previously mentioned, I hope this doesn’t come across as me telling anyone what to do. These are just things I learned when I started roleplaying, and I’ve kept with me since then. And I hope they help you! If you’ve made it this far, I hope it was a helpful read at least! I tend to not make posts like this; I certainly didn’t expect to make one on this silly kitty blog but what can I say. People outside of the splat community are welcome to rb this if you think it’ll help! I may have missed something, or may not personally use it, so feel free to add on things in the replies or reblogs!
I hope you all have a nice day, and thank you for reading and following this blog if you do!
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