#rqg s4
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[ID: The domino-effect meme template. The smallest domino is labelled “some dog disregards a velvet rope”, the largest one is labelled “You’re fighting alongside that dog, which is now a human hybrid in metal armour, in a war to save the world” /end ID]
Curtesy of @koscheyyy​ in a conversation with @mori-stuff​ on discord. Which got me thinking that Carter’s life is just so fucking funny.
Some dog disregards a velvet rope > Your funding gets cut > You become unemployed and get stranded in Cairo > An underworld mob boss hires you > You’re desperate and take the job > You break into an ancient tomb because you might as well get to explore it somehow > You get cursed > Everything's your fault > You pay for a goth girl's drink while her friends start a pub brawl > This is your fault > You get uncursed > You go to prison > You break out of prison > You break back into the ancient tomb > You fall into a spike trap > The goth girl nearly becomes your friend > You go back to prison > You are in prison for about a year > The guy who put you in prison breaks you out of prison > You try to get in his pants but fail > The world has gone to shit and you're told you have to save it > You have two more companions > All of them know the goth girl but nobody knows where she is > You go to Japan > It's raining > You get to stab a bunch of guys and steal a bunch of shit > This isn't what you went to uni for but it's still fun somehow > You get in the sailor's pants > Two of the goth girl's friends show up > You learn the goth girl didn't make it > You help the goth girl's friends, one of your companions, and a new person escape from Shoin's Institute > You all get wasted together for a week straight > Suddenly Kobolds? > You leave Japan on a flying bomb?? > You get turned into A Kobold??? > You get turned back and die > You un-die. > You live on a bear now. > This is fine. > You help make the bomb fly again. > You prepare to fly the bomb into a dragon. > Like an actual fucking dragon. > Einstein brings a bunch of people to help you fight the dragon. > There is a dog on two legs in armour. > Of course there is. > Sure. Fine. Whatever. > It’s just one of those days (TM) > You teleport off the bomb just before it hits the dragon. > You are on a tower fighting zombies. > The dog is helping. > You win and save the world. > You also doom the world. > The fight is over. > The dog is a dog again. > Did you hallucinate the last two hours or so??? > You learn this is the dog that disregarded a velvet rope two years ago and fucked you over in the first place.
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oh my god i have listened to a ridiculous amount of rqg in a short time
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varyathevillain · 2 years
the fact that Hamid, out of all the PCs, is never named outright by Bryn in the first episode, is kinda hilarious.
this character, who ends up THE ONLY ONE to go through the entirety of it, is also the one never named in RQG1 by Bryn, only by Alexander, because he either 1) assumed people listened to RQG 0, where he explains Hamid's backstory, name and heritage or 2) just didn't find a good enough place to introduce himself.
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hexameterwrench · 7 months
i am well into S4 of my RQG relisten, also known as the season that makes me cry every few episodes at a minimum
i always forget about the specific timing of sasha’s letter and jesus fucking christ guys take it easy on us
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just-an-enby-lemon · 3 months
Okay, a weirdly funny thing about listening to RQG is that I rarely skip the middle break adds so I'm only now listening to most of the TMA traillers/teaser (I had only listened to the 2 s1 ones and the s5 not!tea) and I got into the S4 one and Jonny goes with his omninous voice "the Archive is awake, they are hungry and they are not alone" except my brain just goes "I wish they were not alone, I mean they weren't Martin's levels of alone but still, you make it sound like they have friends or something like that, they do not."
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cosmictap · 1 year
in rqg 164 when wilde was talking to hamid and he said soemthing along the lines of ‘It’s one of the greatest ironies of my life, that I somehow still end up with a ball and chain’ and everyone had this massive reaction to it, i don’t get it?
please explain this bc im so very confused idk what i missed? /genq
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yamikakyuu · 5 months
Obvious choice of series, but RQG for the character fandom ask game?
Yes we're doing all the asks!!
❤Favorite character
I know you'll all be shocked but WILDE. MY BOY MY BARD
👿Least favorite character
Newton. Fuck I HATED him. And Barret, he was terrible.
💐Comfort character
Again Wilde <3
😍Character you have the biggest crush on
See above XD
🤝Character you relate to the most
Probably Zolf being a depressed asexual. I saw a lot of me in s4 Zolf.
🔥Character you think is overrated
Not sure....I don't think any of the main cast is overrated. I honestly don't know.
🧨Character you love to hate
Bertie! He is just so hateable. James played him perfectly.
🙈Character you always forget exists
God there are SO many NPCs I forget most of them. I do forget Bertie exists at times.
🐰Favorite non-human character
I'm not gonna list PCs since aside from Bertie and Sasha theyre all non human XD so Giffis the gnome that examined Wilde xD the dwarf cleric Zop commissioned the killswitch too and HHD&S.
❤️‍🩹Character who deserved better
Vesseek (do I need to explain why???). Also Curie.
Thanks anon!!!
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yszarin · 9 months
tagged by @bittercape <3
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason.
First fic published on Ao3: House of Red Dreaming, a post-S4 Whitechapel fic following the detectives as they attend a remote team-building session which was definitely haunted. Intended to be the first in a series which would resolve the Louise Iver arc. Baby Duck was ambitious.
Last fic published: A Village Built on Bones, a Midsomer fic in which Barnaby & Winter investigate the murder of a gothic horror author. Not entirely sure when I'll be able to update it, what with Whumptober and NaNo coming up, so it's languishing a bit on the to-do list. Adult Duck is. also ambitious.
Fandom/ship I only wrote once: There are a few of these, but I'm going with Pyre (in which Owen has fire trauma) because frankly only having written once for Parkdale Haunt is an error I'm hoping to correct.
Favorite fic in most popular fandom/ship: Assuming the most popular ship I've written for is TMA's Jon/Martin (which I've not checked, but. it's Jon/Martin), Autumn, in which Martin is Missing Presumed Gone and Jon has feelings about it. It was the first Jon/Martin fic I wrote and a friend told me it made them cry at their workplace, which is the kind of review I'm proud of.
Fic I wish more people read: Going to go with Firelight's Edge/Paper Boats, in which a traumatised Nelson returns to Midsomer but can't quite make it home, and Winter tries to help while ignoring his rapidly-developing crush. Because it's my most Winter/Nelson fic so far and presumably if more people read it, that would mean that there were more people thinking about my pool noodle ship, and the more people think about the ship, the higher the odds of someone else also writing for it? This is how maths works, right? Also I think the fic's pretty good.
Fic I agonized over: I have 107 fics posted and I don't think there's a single one I didn't agonise over. So. All of them. Especially the ones I didn't post. For the purposes of this, though, between the dark and firelight, a RQG fic following Tjelvar, Edward and Carter as they're hired to seek an artefact that could bring magic back to the world. Big Bang fics are always agonising, trying to strike the balance between The Vision (TM) and what you have the time and ability to write, and this one had the additional difficulty of dealing with characters who were deeply traumatised in ways that made them behave badly towards others (and trying to treat that sensitively), while also trying to contain an adequate quest and romance arc. Might just be a case of "most recently quite agonising", though.
Fic that popped out fully-formed: prooobably blood on the beach and a wreck in the water, currently my only fic for The Secret of St Kilda, feat. Lockie hiding an injured Matthias post-S1, because if I don't see the body there's no MCD, and good luck with that in an audio medium, okay? I'd been struggling with writing and then I was poking bits of this out on my phone and the words came easily and felt good as I was writing them which. never happens. I'm scared to look at it again in case it isn't as good as I remember thinking it was.
Fic I'm proud of: uhhhhhh proud of things I've written isn't really a state that comes to me naturally but I guess I'll take In Sunlight, in which Edward searches for Tjelvar after escaping Rome. Ed/Tjelvar is a very special ship to me, as it started off as just me and two people who are now some of my fondest friends, one of whom worked with me on this fic as my Big Bang artist. It was one of two RQBB fics I wrote that year (we've since changed the rules not to let people do this because it turns out it's a fast-train to burnout, who would have thought?), so I'm kind of baffled that I finished it, and it had a great response for what will always in my head be a rarepair (though apparently has 88 works now? wild). The (69) comments assure me the fic is good which is very nice of them.
No-pressure tags for @an-anonymous-friend, @badgerhuan, @icescrabblerjerky, @kd-heart, @pjmarvell <3 also anyone else who sees this and would like to do it pls take this as a tag for you
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prismatic-et-al · 2 years
WIP ask game!
Rules: post the barebones plot of your wips. let people send you an ask with the title that intrigues them the most, and then post a snippet/tell them something about it! tag as many people as you have wips.
thanks @bluejayblueskies for the tag! honestly most of my wips fall into the category of ‘currently posted and I will definitely one day finish’ to ‘unposted and will probs never be posted or finished’. sorry! but hey still feel free to ask about em
our personal murders - tma s4 except melanie is stabbier and jon is spookier. also mortifying ordeal of identification of self in the other blah blah
cleromancy for beginners - sasha (racket) lives au snippets for when I’m reminded how much I love rqg
the quiet ones - That Halloween DC Fic That Haunts Me listen I’ll finish it eventually
fascinations - sasha (james) archivist au. there’s. so many spiders.
rest in pieces - gerry archivist au Theres a Ghost In the Archives And Hes Really Fucking Annoying
that’s not too many, so I’ll tag @dustorange @shofics @suncrayon @romanticism-is-maudlinism and @spooksier if any of you are so inclined to play! no pressure etc etc
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eyes-in-the-void · 6 months
TMA SubTags: Episode Art, Characters, Artists
General Tags:
#tma, #tma fanart, #tma art, tma comics, tma text post, tma animatic, tma animation, tma audio, (audio), tma fic, tma au, meta, song comic, tma spoilers, 
#tma season art/ tma episode art: pre s1, tma s1, tma s2, tma s3, tma s4, tma s5, scottish safehouse period, somewhere else,
jonny sims, (goddamnit jonny, jonny dug his own grave), alexander j newal, q&a, rusty quill (general, includes: interviews, rqg, etc), the mechanisms, (the bifrost incident), meta (theories, connections, background info, help from rq/jonny), tma quotes,
TMA Characters:
#jonathan sims (s1 jon, s2 jon, s3 jon, s4 jon, s5 jon, ace jon, autistic jonathan sims, enby jon, monster jon, moth jon, selkie jon, jonsimsandcats2021, eye jon, jon madrigal 
Allies/Neutral: martin blackwood, jonmartin, georgie barker, melanie king, the admiral, what the girlfriends, jon and daisy, daisy tonner, basira hussain, sasha james (Archivist sasha), tim stoker, agnes montague, gertrude robinson, gerard keay, michael shelley, helen richardson,
Enemies/Antagonists/Monsters:  elias bouchard, (elias bouchard has a punchable face), peter lukas, lonely eyes, not!sasha, the distortion, (michael distortion, helen distortion), annabelle cane, nikiola orsinov, not tea
#the entities: the web, the lonely, the vast, the hunt, the eye, the spiral, the dark, the extinction,
everchased, roboomic, megzilla87, linecrosser, skyberia, ggracee, blueberry star, satturn, yesoksure, luftballons99, beansmakesart, yamiiino, dudeiwannasleep, tatumsdrawing, coralreefskim, honeycakelion,  amarearts, lazyperfs,  disasterzoo, reidspng, tolbyccian, speakerunfolding,
Specific pieces/ series: theyellowmistress (Great series of episode art), ashsweet (Cursed teacups), octos art (Cassette tape art), lescarnetsdehaku (Great comics), planplantsilus (Pixel art),
glowbat, cael does art, oceanbrine (gifs), (a collection of yearning), ghostbri,
Pre S1: Martin’s Birthday, The Dog Incident,
01, 02 (Do not Open), 03 (Across the Street), 04 (Ex Altiora), 11 (The Dreamer), 13 (Alone), 22 (Colony), 26 (A Distortion), 32 (Hive), 34 (Anatomy Class), 38 (Lost and Found- Vase), 39, 40
41 (Too Deep), 50 (You’re dating the cop? -no Tim, I- Won’t tell anyone!) 51 (High Pressure), 60 (Observer Effect), 67 (Burning Desire, You can trust me with the key to the tunnels!), 74 (Trophy Room)  79 (Hide and Seek), 80, 
81 (Mr. Spider), 83 (I could be on drugs!),  86 (Blanket), 87 (Uncanny Valley), 89 (Jude Perry), 91, 92, 97, 99, 101, 102 (Melanie’s got a knife), 111 (Family matters) , 118, 119, 120 
121 (Far Away), 122, 126, 127 (There’s a door in my mind), 128, 129 (I miss you), 131 (Flesh), 132 (Entombed), 135 (Dark Matter, Basira beats up Elias), 136 (Puppeteer- “Boo hoo, I’m all alone and a monster”) 139 (Chosen), 140, 141 (Doomed Voyage), 142 (Scrutiny), 143 (Heart of Darkness), 146 (Thresholds- Confrontation/Intervention), 151 (Big Picture), 152 (Gravedigger- “When will the Eye make me monstrous?), 153 (Love Bombing), 154 (Bloody Mary, Let’s Gouge out our eyes and Make out), 157 (Rotten Core), 158, 159 (The Last), 160, Scottish Safehouse Period, 
tma s5 trailer, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200
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sandyxandy · 3 years
For rqg doodle requests, I'd like to see your favourite scene!
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I'll admit, I went a bit crazy with this one but I couldn't decide on a scene so I chose the Bow Bar (mainly because I'm relistening to that episode right now).
[ID: A rough sketch of a bustling bar in RQG171 - The Bow Bar. In the foreground is Wilde and Zolf, chatting. Playing cards at a table behind them are Siggif in Hamid's body and Tadyka is Skraak's body. Behind them on the stage is Meerk in Barnes' body, playing percussion on a drumset. In front of Meerk is Natun, in Carter's body, on vocals. In front of Natun is Friedrich is Driaak's body, playing the accordian. To the right of them are Azu in Meerk's body and Kiko in Friedrich's body, both looking awkward. There is a kobold t-posing beside Azu and Kiko. /end ID]
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rachthechaosbi · 3 years
i know i said i wanted the rqg plot to start up again but i am NOT ready
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bag-chips · 3 years
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Constantly thinking about the rope bit. I love this QPR so fucking much yo
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evilkitten3 · 2 years
sasha ;^;
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Oh, when the blue veins, they come a-marching we will fight, we will fight, fight for our boy Wilde When the Blue Veins they come a-marching if he can fight them, so can we
And when the bandits, they come a-looting Well, we will fight, we will fight, fight for our mate Cel When the bandits, they come a-looting If they can fight them, so can we.
Oh, when the dragons fly down from orbit well, we will stand, we will stand, stand like our boy Hamid When the dragons fly down from orbit then we shall stand with dignity.
And when the kraken swim through the water then we will sink them, we’ll sink them like our boy Zolf. When the kraken swim through the water then we will sink them in the sea.
And when the moonshine, it starts a-flowing Then we shall drink, we shall drink, drink to our girl Azu When the moonshine, it starts a-flowing then we shall pour it fast and free.
And when they hunt us, they shall not find us, For we’ll be quick, we’ll be quick, quick like our girl Sash. When they hunt us, they shall not find us And we shall live in shadows deep.
And when my body is lost and broken Then I shall rest, I shall rest down with our boy Zop When my body is lost and broken well, then mates, you fight for me.
And when the blue veins, they come a-marching, Well, we will fight, we will fight, fight for our boy Skraak. Oh, when the blue veins, they come a-marching, spit in the face of world building.
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little--buddy · 4 years
*chanting* brorb art brorb art brorb art!!
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Its already floating around on discord and Instagram, so here it is!!! The one and only brorb!
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