rroechan · 9 days
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Batman + Robin!Fan-character
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more doodles here
rambles under the cut
Idan's age is only slightly younger Jason in the main storyline, plus the lad is a gothamine, born and raised, so what's stopping bats from taking the kid in?
For the ones who dont know abt Idan, he's a DC oc who's a sorcerer. He doesn't find out he's got magic blood until he fucked around with his friends and accidentally genuinely summoned a demon (his blood is his main source of magic and contains all sorts of fuckey magic properties) of whom revealed to him his magic heritage, given to him by his mom. More details about the lad here.
Baseline of this version of Idan is that
He's the 3rd Robin, coming in soon after Jason's death
Instead of just his mother, both his parents end up dead (robin moment) via the demon he summoned by pure accident
He lives a crash course on how to use magic, survive demons, make deals, tries not going totally insane, survive being homeless in general, etc etc
All of that before he gets found by Bats. Idan, done with life, decides to Fuck Around (offers his wares to batman. Semi implies he knows Bat's identity (he doesn't). Outright says he's like 14-15) and Finds Out when Bats gives chase because there's a magic child on the loose.
Idan is still running around cause he dont want any business in allat until Jason revives. Idan finds out
Cue Idan telling B this, B not totally believing that but decides this would probably be a good way to adopt keep an eye on the kid so he offers Idan a place in Wayne Manor
In exchange, Idan helps find Jason under the guise of being a new Robin
shenanigans ensue
Other notes
Zatanna is an old friend of B. B calls in a favour to her to teach Idan and make sure the kid doesn't spontaneously combust
Also retroactively training Idan not to rely on his magic so much. To use it as a backup plan if all else fails. Does not stop Idan from being showy about it, however
It's fine, the gotham criminals just think this Robin simply equipped himself with a concealed flamethrower and Batman allowed it for some god forsaken reason
Idan's business ventures still continue, as well, only now with the supervision of two dissapproving adults. Alfred tend to be the one to hook up onr of those blood collection bags to Idan (much to his dismay but he'd rather this than Idan do it himself)
I'll make another post with more details about this AU
until then, thanks for reading
+ bonus bats without Idan
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rroechan · 14 days
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The Storyteller - Issue #34
DC OC ft. Constantine // Fake comic panel
Learn more abt that other guy at this tag >> #witch blooded fiend
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rroechan · 8 days
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more doodles of this AU
(thats a lie. these were the first few doodles i made when coming up w this au but they weren't as polished as prev post)
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rroechan · 17 days
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Do you embrace them, do you run?
OC x Canon
sue me, sometimes i still dream of seeing the snake twink (Forget-Me-Not, guy in the glasses) again but i know better that it probably wont be happening any time soon smh
Another piece inspired by Leyendecker + alt versions
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[support me] [carrd, comms, and other such things]
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rroechan · 10 months
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Chainsaw Man fan character
look below for the refs i used + some notes/rambles about her
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"Contracted" because the nature of her deal with the ocean devil is unknown and she definitely won't be talking about it soon
she doesn't talk. She can but doesn't. Speaks only to say vague shit
she is the ocean devil's only contract.
She isn't a fiend either (or not technically?) since she is her own person.
Maybe like a Yoru situation? No one has seen her possesed by the ocean devil before though, its always been her and her actions.
sometimes you can hear the sound of crashing waves if you stand near her and you could probably assume thats the sea whispering to her
Definitely still a child despite being unknown age. She resides in the ocean and just,,, arises out of it every so often? Its supposed to be for mysterious but she comes and goes for the fun of it. Very easily amused by modern tech
Her hair has that crunchy dry after-beach feel. Looks really soft and billowy but it's super not.
Her main ability is going into this reverso world thats entirely submerged in water. Outwardly, it looks like whatever shes standing on turns to liquid and she sinks into it quickly. If you're taken with her, you'll find yourself in the upside down version of where you previously were except everything looks like its in the ocean. The whole place will have underwater-plant growth and water damage as if the whole place has swallowed by the sea for a long time.
You can in fact drown. If you cant or you manage to hold your breath, you'll have to face the wrath of various ocean life. Like aqua man.
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rroechan · 10 months
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The Star
R1999 fan character
Mental / Star Afflatus
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Aside from all the weather, rain and sky themed stuff, he has a strong theme with tarot cards
(his name didnt come from nowhere, he purposely named himself after the card)
Id imagine he'd be a 3 or 4 star character but nothing more than that
It felt right to me and i dont have a super specific reason for it but in-universe, I'd like to think that being a 'freelancer' (Hes not technically a mercenary...?), he was valued for his people skills above his actual fighting abilities. He'd definitely be a debuff heavy sort of character.
His innate sense for socialisation may even have something to do with his arcanist abilities but shrugs :) let the boy play his cards
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rroechan · 7 months
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The Thorny Spider
'Flying Devil'? 'Spider from Hell'? That's just your terrifying friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man on the prowl!
lots of yapping below
Super late for the spiderverse trend but i've been reading an unfortunate amount of peter parker fics and i couldn't help but pull this guy up from memory
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Spider-Thorn? Horned Spider? Spider-Fiend?
His name is Piers Lang, born and raised to kick your ass. With both parents dead at the ripe age of 8, kiddo found himself going from his home in M'sia to living with his aunt and uncle all the way in USA 🫡🦅🇺🇸
his abilities are about the same as OG spiderman, like spider-proportional strength, speed, stickiness etc etc. There's only one thing that's vastly different from the others is his enhanced senses
So like, enhanced hearing, scent, that sort of thing. If it was already bad for Peter in his day to dau life, imagine what this guy's goin' through
due to a mix of nature and nuture, his senses, particularly his sorta 'area awareness' is higher than the average spidey
He grew up with terrible vision and in a rough neighbourhood so his senses has always been fairly attuned to his surroundings. A bit like a 6th sense or a natural instinct one would naturally gain over time. The bite basically strengthened all these features except his eyesight (most spider species have poor eyesight. only some have it good. i thought that was funny)
that scene in spider-man: far from home where spidey relies entirely on his spider sense to fight mysterio's drones? Yeah THAT but 10 fold
even when totally blinded, he can use this specific ability to make like a fully 3d mental map of the area around him. Basically seeing everything around him 360 with his eyes closed. So he can fully fight no issue in the dark (basically Daredevil's radar sense)
sometimes he purposely fights with eyes closed cause it helps prevent him from being overwhelmed (even pre-bite he had issues with sensory overloads)
For the hearing and smelling, i tried to see if OG spiderman had any upper limit at all to the distance of his abilities but there's nothing solid :// My guy in particular, I like to think there's no true limit to his sense, like he could track a whole city of people if he wanted but he'd have to be meditating and in a super focused state to do so + overuse of his senses makes his head hurt a lot
Out of the suit, he has a habit of wearing earplugs or earphones constantly playing some genre of white noise. And some strong smelling balm on his upper lip (idk whats the actual english name of it)
Aside from that, he has a few spidery traits (got the idea from a fic, no I do not remember what its name is). The spider he was bitten by had all sorts of different spider dna weaved into it.
He sometimes chirps or purrs when in a good mood or just, when he's comfortable enough to not hide his spidery traits. Has stare offs with actual spiders for dominance. Absurdly flexibles and can get into wild contortionist-like poses and calls them comfortable. Likes smoothies. Gets sleepy when cold. Salvatory glands produce a very mild venom. Yada yada
About the suit
He didn't design it, his man-in-the-chair did. Though he did do all the wiring, engineering etc and was the one who suggested to base the suit design off an orb weaver spider
The red of his suit glows with exposure to UV. Adding on the fact that he mainly patrols at night makes it worse for baddies because imagine you're in the middle of crime-ing and from out the darkness, Satan himself comes to be your reckoning.
The suit being majority black adds the challenge of making sure his poses are readable so that's Fun.
of his 8 'eyes' only 2 of them actually function which are the main ones in the upper front. the others are for show.
The horns are where all the business is at. They all have a solid exterior so he fully can use em to shoulder check, headbutt, etc baddies but their main purpose is to act as antennas. Both for his comms so he can go super long distances without worry as well as help hone and focus his senses to his surrounding area
See, usually his senses is like a motion detector but across a super big area so without earplugs and the smelling balm, his senses are extremely scattered and kinda blurred.
He figured out fairly quick that with antennas connected to his main 'sensory points' on his body help focus his senses to his immediate area instead of being fragmented (does this make sense? im fully bullshitting at this point)
Not illustrated but under the suit he has this network of connected patches (like those they put on you during surgery) to track his stats and junk alongside the whole spidey sense honing thing
Moving on, the spider on the back of his head is actually a later addition cause ppl keep thinking he's supposed to be a demon (him not realising ppl aren't entomology nerds like him)
The spikes on his knuckles are purely for combat and is entirely inspired by his favourite sonic character: Knuckles.
The baggy pants, body suit and hood are all one piece. Only the mask and the utility belt are removable
The whole front of the mask is a solid piece under the fabric. So he can't fold the mask halfway up to his nose and kiss someone upside-down but he can remove one of the lower eye panel thing to eat or drink if he needs to.
the utility belt mostly has his burner phone, zipties, few first aid necessities and cereal bars
I wanted to add a brief telling of his backstory here as well as his ascociation to the spiderverse gang but this post is long enough orz
Ill definitely post abt this guy again though, that's for sure. I'm more a manga fan but I have some plans on mimicking american comics style for some 'fake' comic pages for this guy and his main villain
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rroechan · 10 months
Forget-Me-Not doodles
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+ some FMN x Oc doodles below
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Did I make a fully fleshed out fan character just so I can ship him with the sickly looking bastard(affectionate)? Yes.
We have scraps for FMN's backstory but that's not gonna stop me from running wild weaving my guy's backstory into FMN's.
I'll share more of him later on, for now, he's just another arcanist currently going under the name of 'The Star' (like the tarot card). And since I know that ill be talking more abt him, ill dump everything regarding him + the ship in this tag #lawbel (name will make sense later). Follow if ur interested, ig?
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rroechan · 22 days
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Idan, The Storyteller
Sorcerer / DC Fan Character
rambles below + character ref
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Quinton P. March
That's his legal name when he's not doing otherwordly-magicky business. His civilian identity, per se.
In his civilian life, he's livin' the college life, majoring in Humanities with a minor in Psychology. Not to mention he's in his college's book club
Across the board, when not engaged or interested, he's fairly well mannered, baring a friendly albeit very surface level smile at all times. Though he gives off the sort of feeling that he knows much more than he lets on. At times, it's like he has a knack for getting into people's heads.
He's very much an eccentric smartass to those who know him personally, though. The whole 'know-it-all' ruse only begun because he's unintentionally pretty good at reading people.
The character himself inspired a lot by the stories of Constantine and The Sandman. Can't say exactly when I had the idea for the character since I had his design since forever but he didn't have a name til fairly recently. He had also been a lot less sassy and more... straight up crazy? (Thats still in his character but lie, on the down low lmao. has more to do with his magic than him just being like that like before)
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rroechan · 21 days
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every magic user needs their companions, right?
rambles below
Or Gus as he's nicknamed, is Idan's own demon butler who helps take care of Idan's magic pocket dimension wizard's tower when Idan's away. Unfortunately for everyone involved, Gus is the last guy you'd want as a servant of any kind.
had a deal with Idan a long time ago but broke it so now he has to work under Idan
Idan genuinely didn't expect the demon to break the contract so he didn't know what tf to do with the demon decides to make the guy into a butler to care for The Library (pocket dimension wizard tower)
Tossed the demon books about being a butler and the demon is terrifically good at his job, putting aside his snark which makes Idan question all the more how the dude broke a contract to begin with (demon won't say cause it's apparently embarrassing)
Demon also chose its own name, 'Angus' when Idan passed him a book of baby names
Despite Idan's perceived incompetency, he's been like the best guy to work under (especially in comparison to other demons and magic users who'd sooner treat peeps like Gus like toys or slaves) so now Gus is on an active mission to make sure Idan doesn't get himself killed
October the hare. You know those jokes about hares speaking in tongues and seeing things beyond our worldly comprehension? Yeah well I super liked that concept so Idan's got a prophetic hare running around. Technically a familiar but it could honestly leave whenever it wanted. Idan can totally understand Tobe's backwards speech but pretends he doesn't unless he wants to subtly fuck with someone (Tobe: "hagdsgdagdfgf" Idan: "omg really??").
Idan was honestly just minding his own business @ the Oblivion Bar when he finds this stray hare
promptly decides to adopt it cause Idan thinks its cute and no one else wanted anything to do with it
Rest is history. They've been the best of buddies since
Idan's last name is March, like the 3rd month of the year. To make Tobe officially bonded to himself, he named the hare October, the 3rd last month of the year. Among other reasons.
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rroechan · 10 months
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D&D oc/npc - Pirate Barbarian Half-Orc
Usually call him Ull (pronouced OO-L)
Full name Ullobash Ulladall Urthubash
He's this ratty asshole sort of guy but I guess he gets character develoment in the form having a thing for ppl who can beat his ass, so much so that he improves himself as a person for a ex-adventuring big tiefling lady but thats a story for another time
some more, uh,,, suggestive (but chaste-ly cropped) doodles of him down below
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this would be where id promote a nsfw patreon or twt or something but I dont have either so use your imaginations
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rroechan · 7 months
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The Roe-man Show
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some persona art,,
a friend made an off hand comment abt how i dont have much 'original' art (art of ocs, my persona yadda yadda) and i took. full offence
Watch out, jon, theres more coming
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rroechan · 9 months
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Matthew Hayate Kasanoda
failguy oc of mine of whom i love bullying. hes an otaku, borderline hikikomori so i think its fair. Fun fact, he's technically an AU off another character (he still is) but put him and the og side by side, you would not be able to tell
Edit: FORGOT TO ADD, the first drawing in particular was inspired by the manga 'Summer Hikaru Died' and 'After God'
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rroechan · 10 months
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Messrs. Shipwright & Seuss
Magic detective OCs
me rambling below (theres a lot)
originally, they were hp fan characters, with houses, wands, patronuses and everything but for varying reasons, they evolved past that and I basically made up a whole world, similar but not entirely. a Lot of changes were just me fixing and then adding waaay too much detail into the magic system (because I go rabid for world building)
eg. i threw that whole witch = girl, wizard = boy thing FAR out the window. Those are basically titles now that classifies what sort of magic user are you. Regular peeps are Mages, 'Wizard' is basically like a phd, Witches are homeschooled, Warlocks are the equivalent to 'fucked around, found out'. I could go more in depth if ppl r interested,,,
one on the right
pseud Jeers Shipwright, real name Noah Silkryce
Holds the title of wizard, is an actual genuine doctor whom specialises in the treatment and study of magic cores (a magic user's source of magic located very literally inside their bodies)
he lives in the two story apartment above the storefront thats basically their detective office
his apartment is meant for like a family of 4 but he has So Many Books. Even copies of the same book because theyre "collector's edition" or something other. My god, one quarter of his collection is untouched and still in their packaging because he hasnt finished the ones hes already opened yet.
He'll read about anything you throw at him but he enjoys fiction the most
Eccentric (read, i projected all of my neurodivergence onto him)
aside from loving books to no end, he also enjoys wearing funky patterns. different coloured & patterned socks, arcade floor pants, etc etc. Even at a funeral, if you looked close enough, his necktie has black cat patterns on it.
(He started doing it cause one of his favourite book characters did it. Perseus is ever grateful Noah didnt pick up the character's accent as well)
he looks charming but has nearly zero social skills. Best part is that its not that he doesnt try, he just doesnt bother with it. he leaves all the talking part to Perseus
Mr. Seuss
one on the left
pseud Seuss Dreammaker, real name Perseus O. Coy
Originally part of the Magic Police but left to join Noah in becoming a detective duo. He still retains some favorability from the magic police, specifically the current police chief whom he used to apprentice under.
She, the police chief, is one of the ways the two get their cases
While Noah uses a wand for most magic, Perseus uses a foil sword disguised as a cane
the magic police use magic swords.
Perseus also just. Knows fencing cause hes from a pureblood richie magic family
yea theres blood politics in this too but in the timeline, its cooled waaay the fuck down by the time Noah and Perseus got out of secondary school
coming from a pureblood family, his tastes lean a bit more to the expensive side, especially for food.
him and his parents travelled a lot thus Perseus having a very broad flavour pallette. At some point he'd began his own secret little food journal rating and writting down dishes and recipes he's picked up. (he learnt how to cook purely because the school food was far too bland. Just imagine younger him as that one person on tiktok who cooked a wellington in their dorm)
He acts plenty reserved but he can be very excitable when it comes to new things, not just food. Though, he doesn't show it well unless prompted to.
"Decorum, remember decorum" old lessons die hard. His form of being excited or interested is just very subdued, Noah is always first to notice and will push Perseus into trying something.
I wanted to say that Noah is "La la la la" and Perseus is "Ok ok ok ok" but I failed to clarify that they're both cousins, related by their great-grandparents. This isn't something I threw in, this is relevant to the plot and how they meet each other
one last fun fact abt these two: they're technically legacy characters based off my other hp ocs who are like, great-grand uncle and aunts to these two.
its a nightmare, its insanity, but its very funny to me
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rroechan · 10 months
Comms Info !
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More information on my Carrd !
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rroechan · 1 year
hi, yes, i am roe
Current rotation of fandoms:
ORV / HNK / BSD / YTTD / DGRP / R1999 / DC (Batfam & co)
Dishonourable mentions:
Death Note / Ace Attorney / Genshin / D&D / Drarry. / NGE / Funger / P5...? / Dunmeshi
this my carrd. It has basically all the information about me you really need. Comms here too.
do whatever in my ask box, it's terribly empty
Do not steal my works. Especially don’t go around claiming them as your own. All original work’s copyright goes to RROECHAN. Fan works are considered derivative/transformative. Yadda yadda. Just don’t risk anything. At minimum, credit all reposted works back to me.
these tags are for my own use so don’t post anything to em. these are to make searching for specific drawings easier:
#rroeschildren (ocs) #rroesdumpsterfire (sketches, wips, etc) #rroesfandommania (fanart) #rroesabandond (old junk)
And in case it ever comes up, here’s a tag for fan art of my characters as well. Go ham.
also one last bonus tag for all my reblogs so u can just block it to see all my regular posts easy :')
#re re reblog
anyway thats all
see ya round, space cowboy
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