#rrr fanfic ideas
luxshine · 1 year
Headcanons for that dragon!Ram 'verse
That I might write once Despacito (Moon Knight) is done.
And I need to write this out before it makes my head explode.
Dragon-hybrids are born from eggs. This is important for later.
The British empire has been methodically killing every dragon and dragon hybrid in their territory since forever, as they don't want anyone more powerful than the Empire getting ideas. So they attacked the Dragon villages first, fast and not leaving any survivor.
Ram is a fire-dragon hybrid, and was rescued from the dragon massacre by Venkatarama's wife, who hid his egg by pretending it was her pregnant belly. While neither her nor Venkatarama knew exactly how to take care of a dragon hybrid, they did their best to encourage him to embrace both sides of his nature, while at the same time teaching him to keep his dragon side hidden from anyone outside of the family for his own safety.
Dragon hybrids usually shift when feeling great emotion or under great duress. Ram has taught himself not to shift no matter what, as he is the king of supressing emotion. All that shifts when he's starting to lose control of those are his eyes, which turn gold/red, and his eyelids that start showing his gold scales. HE is quick to hide those, and usually throwing water on himself or deep breaths calm him enough to shift to full human. In full hybrid form, when he's angry, his hair turns white. Very Super-saiyan.
His first book from his hoard was a fairy tale book that his mother gave to him as a gift. He keeps that book with him always, when he needs to move and create a new hoard for himself.
He has wings and can fly, both in hybrid and full dragon form. But he doesn't really like it as he feels that he could forget his mission because he feels so much joy when flying.
Dragon hybrids have an instinct to protect those weaker than them. This has made Ram very conflicted when he is undercover as all his instincts yell at him to help those he's fighting at all times. (This is also why he absolutely forgets all about chasing Lachuu in order to save the boy in the river)
Ram can breathe fire, but he never did it until Akthar found out he was an hybrid and started using it to make smoke figures to make Akthar laugh.
Dragon hybrids mate for life, and have a pre-destined mate. In order to find them, a small section of their scales -usually where they are to be touched by their mate for the first time- are the color of his mate's. Ram has a circle of green-blue scales, the color of the seas, in his right arm so he knows his future mate is a water dragon. (Yeah, I decided to go angsty and yes, Bheem is a hybrid too. More on him below, but he obviously has a circle of gold-scales in his right arm too, just that he has never seen it)
Dragons hybrids are not easy to kill, as they heal faster than humans (Ram's uncle insists that Ram shifts every night in the privacy of his apartment so that he can heal from the punishment he gives his body), and usually would be immortal. However, they can die from a broken heart if their pre-destined mate rejects them for any reason (The mate doesn't die, just never finds a new mate) or dies after the hybrid has accepted them as mates.
Because Ram is a young dragon-hybrid, his full dragon form is still small. He's about the size of a wolf, which is why he can curl easily in a nest of books or on top of his desk.
Once Akthar discovered Ram being a dragon-hybrid, Ram's favorite place to sleep when shifted is on Akthar's chest. He also likes to curl up around his shoulders. Akthar/Bheem is the only one outside Ram's adopted human family who has ever seen him in his full dragon form, and the only one outside his adopted human village who has seen him in hybrid form.
Sita is Ram's adopted sister. He loves her a lot, but he doesn't love her romantically as dragon hybrids only fall in love with other dragon hybrids.
Here's the angsty part because we need MORE angst besides the whole betrayal thing from the plot: While Bheem IS a dragon hybrid, AND Ram's destined mate... He also has no idea he's a dragon hybrid. In order to protect him (And also, a bit selfishly), the Gonds who found his egg and adopted him as part of the tribe have been feeding him a medicine that suppresses his dragon side completely, and rising him to ignore some of his dragon instincts, such as hoarding, while taking advantage of his protection instincts to have an immortal protector of the tribe. He has never shifted, so he has no idea he can.
SO... Ram instinctively knows that Bheem is his mate, and doesn't get why, if Ram has been so open about his dragon side, Bheem won't even show him his real eyes (By the way, they go blue with a green halo). Bheem, for his side, loves Ram but knows that since Ram is a dragon, he can't love Bheem, so he's trying hard to hide his feelings and pretend he's in love with Jenny, even if he only sees her as a nice british lady and a way to save Maili. Bheem also thinks that the reason why Ram is so affectionate with him is because he's the only one who knows the secret, and so, the only one with whom Ram can be himself.
Lacchu is the one who knows how to make the medicine for Bheem, and at some point may have to decide between telling the truth to Bheem to save Ram's life... or let his torturer die knowing that Bheem might survive the broken heart as he never acknowledged Ram as his mate.
Bheem discovered Ram being a hybrid one day when he just went to his apartment late at night to have dinner with him (notice how when he goes there in the movie after the market with Jenny he just goes to the kitchen and grabs food? He's so used to be there it's home), when Ram was already asleep in his hybrid form. Because Ram already had decided Bheem was his mate (Before Bheem convinced him he was human) he just felt so safe he never woke up nor shifted to human instinctively (as he had gotten in the habit whenever he sensed danger)
Bheem at first thinks Sita is a dragon, the way Ram talks about her as his fiancee (As part of his cover with the Empire). He is VERY surprised when he finds out she's human and thus, can't really be his fiancee.
Bheem can breathe underwater. He has never figured out that that's not something other protectors could do.
Before meeting Ram, due to how the Gond tribe raised him, Bheem never had a hoard. But the day he met Ram, he picked up a small pebble from the river where they rescued the boy, as it reminded him of Ram's human eyes. After that, any pretty rock or crystal that called his attention ended up in his hands. He doesn't realize he is creating a hoard until someone else (Sita or Jenny maybe?) point it to him, and he can already sleep on it in human form.
Jenny is a sort of expert in dragons, as she has collected books about them (Some of which at some point would end up in Ram's hoard if she can find a way to give them to him, when she finds out he's a dragon) She hates that the Empire has killed them and is trying to find one alive to see if it's possible to bring them back from extintion. She also is not that blind to how British people treat natives, and in secret she had also been helping revolutionaries escape. No one ever suspected her as she always acts so innocent. She also speaks Telugu, but pretends not to in order to keep her status (This is why she invites Bheem so quickly to the house. She KNOWS he wants to go, but needs to pretend to be completely oblivious in case her uncle's spies are watching. It is also why she has no angst at her uncle and aunt dying. She was actually thinking of doing the deed herself given how cruel they were.)
The very first time Ram loses control of himself, and needs to run to his place to hide, shift and manage to bring his emotions back under control before anyone sees him is when he sees Bheem leave with Jenny for the market.
Edward and Scott have boasted that they have killed dragons single handedly. This is not true, Edward has never faced a dragon, and Scott only saw the dead bodies after the attack on the Village where Ram would have lived if he had been raised by dragons.
Dragon-hybrids are very, very single minded once they got a prey. That is why Ram's uncle was very surprised that Ram was content with just showing the sketch around instead of looking for more clues to find Lacchu, but then, he meets Bheem and understands why his nephew's focus is so divided.
Snake venom usually does nothing to dragon-hybrids. The reason why the bite of the banded krite almost killed Ram was because he was already fighting his broken heart, thinking that Bheem would rather be friends with a human than accept him as a mate and realizing that Bheem had to be the man he was chasing. He just wanted to be wrong about the second thing and die in Akthar's arms, skipping the whole heartache process.
At the same rate, the only reason why his body fought the venom in the end was because the antidote had been given to him by Bheem. Even if his mind wanted to die before hurting his mate, his body wouldn't let him because Bheem wanted him to live.
Before dying from a broken heart, Dragon-hybrids can go completely feral. Despite knowing his dragon form was too small to cause too much damage, Ram was counting on that happening during his execution -that wouldn't take, as you can't kill a dragon-hybrid by hanging- so that he might kill Scott and as many british soldiers he could, hoping that he'd retain enough of his old self not to kill any more of his people.
If Bheem could shift to his half-form, he could have talked to the animals and explained them why he needed them. Then the massacre would've been a lot bigger.
During the whole fight for his arrest, Ram's eyes were in his dragon form as he couldn't control himself. The anger and betrayal that Bheem felt was so great that his eyes ALMOST shifted, fighting the medicine of the Gonds.
Dragon-hybrid's skin reacts to their element. Ram's is always a higher temperature from humans, so those who don't know his secret think he's running a small fever. Bheem's is always cold to the touch, like a river.
The first time Bheem's eyes shifted was when he saw Ram again, in the solitary cage. The shock of seeing Bheem again, looking at him with love, with his true eyes, brought back Ram from the edge of going feral. Bheem, from his part, was too overtaken by emotions to notice that he was seeing more colors and more clearly than usual (Dragon-hybrids can see in the dark)
Once they get the weapons to Ram's village, Ram starts skulking again because Bheem STILL insists he's human and can't be Ram's mate. It falls on Sita, Jenny and yes, Lacchu who has now started to see why Ram and Bheem belong to each other, to bring Bheem's instincts back up so that he will realize who he is (When told directly, he laughs and tells them to stop joking, so more extreme measures are needed.)
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its official, im so in love with langa that I'm writing an extremely self-indulgent fanfic. i must :D
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Idea for an RRR X KGF fanfic:
When Rocky presumably "dies" from drowning in the ocean after the military shoot him down with missiles, he then gets mysteriously teleported/stranded to 1920s India. He then meets Ram and Bheem, who explain that they found him lying on a beach around their area, and then proceed to take care of him. After realising where he is, Rocky takes a liking to the pair, and so then he explains how he ended up here and further explains to the duo about his gangster life, his relationships and rivals, his time in KGF and how he became the Emperor of it, as well as explaining 1970s/80s culture in Post-Independant India to them. Rocky also gets into wacky shenanigans with the pair.
If anybody wants to make a nuanced version of this potential concept, feel free to do so! Just make sure to credit me please 👍
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ronaldofandom · 2 years
Hi! Hope you're having a lovely day! I wondering if you could do a Ram X Sita fanfic (it could be smut/fluff or otherwise), imo that ship is underrated in the RRR fandom, so could you do one please? Thanks!
It's interesting you say that! Because there is some dedicated Ram * Sita coming up in the next 2 chapters of Love Eternal. I have gotten quite a few comments for the same - for more Ram and more Ram Sita. Have a few ideas, stay tuned :)
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yoongsisbae · 1 year
Asks for the askers:
My favorite fic of yours: That's always a tough one. You have so many amazing fics. Since ot7 is top tier for me I have to say, HOAL and RRR are my all time favorites. BV:ITS and Yoongi is a Rock are both huge runner ups but really, ALL your fics are amazing.
My favorite chapter in my favorite fic of yours: For HOAL literally all the chapters are amazing. I love each handshake and I love how they are currently all kinda trying to get close to her and the developing relationships. Chef's kiss🤌
For RRR, again all chapters are phenomenal. I have been meaning to tell you that I often think about this fic in the shower. Probably 50% of the time. And I'm a daily showered in the summer😅😅 so I basically think about it every other day. Idk what it is, something about that specific fic, it just comes up when I'm having existential thoughts I guess.
What made me the most emotional after reading: Well,was all the past lives in HOAL except Tae's were devastating. Especially Hobi's. So probably that. In RRR when yn thought Yoongi was a goner, I went into a spiral like yn did. That was more like a mental sadness pit though. Yoongi is a Rock was really emotional.
What I like the most about your writing: It's so good? You're genuinely one of my favorite authors on here. The character depth, the world building, the plots, the relationships, the flow of the stories, so well done.
A fic i'm excited for you updating/posting: I just saw The Snap? Sounds so interesting! And well any of your OT7 fics😅😅 I'm also looking forward to The Takeover and C!HOC.
A fic of yours that i've re-read: Like half of your fics. Obviously HOAL and RRR I've reread the most but also BV ITS.
A fic I didn't expect to like so much: Yoongi is a Rock. Meet Cute, Time Loop. V is for Villain (you had me rooting for Joonie then Yoongi and now Tae??? Might as well have them all, no?👀😅😅😅) Daydream. All fabulous fics✨️
omg you have no idea how happy you've made me 🥹🥹 the fact that you think about RRR in the shower is the best 😂😂 I love that, I will work out plot points while in the shower too lmao. again I am sorry for the pain I am gonna cause you lol 🙈 it's such a fun story to write so don't blame me too much, blame uhh dev, yeah 😅
to this day it amazes me that readers will go back and reread my stories and makes me so happy, I'm just so curious, I love analyzing stories myself, so I wonder how you view it differently after the first read. Sometimes readers mention about foreshadowing, and i'm so proud for them and for me lol 🙊
The snap hurts me. I want to finish it soon...but ow, it's painful to write lol. But you know, maybe I'll traumatize myself so much my brain will spare the RRR boys 🤣🤣
I live for all my readers ignoring Tae's red flags in V is for Villain 😆😆 also don't blame me when the red flags start waving 😅
I'm so grateful for your support of me. Honestly, readers like you make this so much fun for me and really motivate me to keep writing! see now I'm pumped, and gonna go edit now! thank you 💕 I love you!! 🍩💗
Fanfic Asks — For The Askers
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erizee · 8 months
i want to write rrr fanfic so bad i have three whole ideas rn
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misalpav · 2 years
Forever With You
Ok so there’ve been a lot of ramaraju x bheem’s sister but I haven’t seen as many with the reverse order. So I present to you a bheem x ramaraju’s sister which is essentially badass cinnamon roll x badass cinnamon roll in my eyes so that’s what you can expect. This one has its fair share of angst too and some mentions of trauma and a panic attack so pls skip if either of those are triggering for you.
It’s unedited so sry if it’s bad lol
“Ram anna should have been home by now. He’s never late,” I thought to myself, panicking, because what if the British found out what he was really trying to do? I was pacing back and forth when babai came into the room and put a hand on my shoulder. “Bangaram calm down, Ram will come home soon, he probably just has some extra work today.”
That was the rational conclusion to make, but after having lost most of my family, could you blame me for thinking the extreme. I lost my parents and thammudu all in one day just because of the stupid British people that saw it fit to rule over us and treat us like dogs in our own land. If I lose babai and anna, what else do I have in this world?
A few minutes later, I heard the door open and turned around, holding my breath and praying that the person who walked through was my anna. Just in case, I held a gun behind my sari pallu because if I’ve learned anything from having suffered so much loss, it’s that you can never be too safe. Then I saw my anna walk in and breathed a sigh of relief, putting down my gun, only to immediately lift it again when another man walked in. 
My heart stopped for just a second. I had never seen a man that was so handsome. I continued holding up the gun, but unconsciously started noticing parts of him that I’d never seen in regards to anyone else. His hair was unruly and his body was immensely muscular. Then he looked at me straight in the eye and whispered something into Ram anna’s ear. I had never seen such beautiful eyes before. They were the big doe eyes that could force you to do anything. Ram chuckled and said to me, “You can put the gun down bangaram, he’s a friend.” My eyes froze as I put down the gun and looked at anna. I simply stated, “you’re late.”
Bheem’s POV
Ram anna invited me to his house for the first time, and of course, I accepted. I told him I’d meet him after he finished work, and in that time, plotted with Lacchu on how to get closer to Jenny so we could get to Malli. I heard someone outside and immediately hid anything that had to do with my plans and opened the door. Ram stood there with a large smile and from there we both left for his house together. However, it was never a straight path with both of us (a/n this ff may not be gay but look RRR is okay?), so we both obviously decided to stop to eat street food and play games with kids in the neighborhood. 
Suddenly, Ram realized how long we’d spent outside and cursed and grabbed my hand (a/n read the previous a/n), and started running. We stopped in front of an apartment and I stared at anna waiting for an explanation. He looked terrified, and that was an underestimate. He just looked at me and said, “Remember I told you about my sister y/n? She would’ve served my head to you for dinner instead of the biriyani I promised you if we were even a minute later than right now.” Now that piqued my curiosity because anna always came off as someone who had no fears. I wanted to meet this person who clearly had something special about them if they were able to scare anna. Then, anna brought up his hands, which I noticed were slightly shaking, and opened the door. 
He took a deep breath and walked in and I waited a moment and followed only to freeze when a gun was pointed at me. I moved to ask anna what was going on and he laughed and told the person to put the gun down and that I could be trusted. Then he faced me and said, “this is my chelli, y/n.” That’s when I actually saw her. I guess I was a bit too caught up with the gun but the moment I moved my attention to her, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Her hair was tied back into a neat braid with a few loose strands let out at the front. She wore a simple navy blue saree that accented her lush brown skin tone and her hands were folded onto a gun that was clearly pointed at my chest. In a few words, she was beautiful. I realized this must be anna’s sister and thought about how confident she was when it came to protecting her family and smiled to myself. 
She stared at me for a few moments and finally put down the gun and smiled at me and then glared at anna and said, “you’re late.” I swear I’ve never seen such a scary face before and I made a mental note to myself to never get on her bad side. Anna was shaking and was only able to get out a few words that sounded something like “work…a lot…Bheem.” I smirked amused at the whole situation and then decided that I’d explain what happened to hopefully get us out of this awkward position. “It was nothing urgent y/n. Anna came to my house after work to pick me up and then we got caught up in a few fun activities along the way.” 
Anna stared at me horrified as y/n all but yelled at him and told him to be more responsible and when it finally ended, Anna quietly went to his room like a child while y/n stormed into the kitchen, my presence clearly forgotten, and I just stood there unsure of what to do. It was after all slightly my fault because y/n found out from me but I didn’t know it would have this big of a consequence and I realized, since I caused it I had to fix it. I figured I should go to y/n first and apologize because it was my first time meeting her and I didn’t want to form a bad impression. So I walked into the kitchen praying to the gods that I’d be able to fix everything.
I stood in the kitchen for a few minutes, genuinely pissed at anna, because after everything him and I have been through, shouldn’t he know better than leaving me in the unknown like that? I wouldn’t have stopped him but I needed to know he was safe, and even today, his friend had to tell me where he was because he couldn’t do it himself. Suddenly flashbacks of amma and thammudu being shot, and then of nanna blowing himself up shot through my mind. I tried clearing it, but that’s when I got the worst picture of all in my mind. The nightmare of my anna dying presented itself into my head, and that’s when I couldn’t hold it in anymore. The tears started flowing, and once they did, I couldn’t get them to stop until I found it hard to breath. I gasped for air and that’s when I heard someone walk in.
Bheem’s POV
The sight when I first walked into the kitchen broke my heart. Y/n was curled into herself and crying on the floor. I kneeled next to her and tried to figure out what to do next. I didn’t really have any experience in this field except for with the other children in the Gond, who I usually hugged and let them talk it out until they felt like they were ready. I figured the same would work to some extent so I moved closer to her and wrapped my arms around her tightly. She melted into my arms and weeped and although it felt similar to the Gond children, there was something special about her being in my arms that I wanted to keep with me forever. 
When she had calmed down a bit, she looked up at me and said, “Ram anna is all I have, I can’t lose him too.” My heart broke and I took her back in my arms and hugged her even tighter. Anna never wanted to disclose to me exactly what his past was, but I already had some idea that what happened to his family was traumatic for him, and I figured the same was true for y/n. I didn’t press for details and just let her stay in my arms for as long as she wanted. I didn’t know how long she’d stayed in my arms, but eventually she pulled out and, with teary eyes, told me, “Nobody has ever been there for me like you just were other than Ram anna. I was wrong, I have you too now,” and I felt my heart leap with joy. I didn’t know what it was about her statement, but I told myself with conviction that I’d protect her against everything. 
I meant what I said. I always depended on Ram anna, but when it was him I was disappointed with, I had nobody else. He had so many other things too along with his own trauma, so I couldn’t afford to give them more stress. There was babai but he was always busy in thinking about nanna’s mission that I usually didn’t feel comfortable telling him about my trauma which seems smaller. Around Bheem, however, I felt cared for just as much as I did with Ram anna and… maybe even more. Either way, I knew I’d cherish Bheem for the rest of my life. I looked into his eyes, and with a small smile that would be imprinted on my soul for the rest of my life, he took a loose strand of my hair and tucked it behind my hair. 
I realized we both had to still go see what anna was doing. He usually didn’t take it well when I yelled at him. So I got up and Bheem followed my actions as we walked to Ram anna’s room together. I was shocked at what I saw, Ram anna was passed out in a pile of books, but traces of tears were all over his face. I couldn’t move, but Bheem went to anna, ran his hands through his hair, and whispered quietly, “I’m sorry anna. You love her so much don’t you? I promise I’ll be there for you and her always.” My heart blossomed and at that very moment I realized I was in love...
There might be a sequel idk, I left a few open ends here on purpose
Ppl who might like this: @rambheem-is-real @contemporarykafka @aurora2238 @manwalaage @itsfookingloosah @lil-stark @hufhkbgg @maraudersfansassemble @bromance-minus-the-b @idrinktea-darling
Sry if i forgot to tag you <3
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ramcharantitties · 2 years
raghuvan taglist
reply to be added/ removed
@budugu @sabi5 @thewinchestergirl1208 @rambheemlove @ramayantika @bromance-minus-the-b @bishh-kanya @chaanv @nyotamalfoy @obsessedtoafault @phoenix666stuff @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @saanjh-sakhi @cursedcursives @hopelessdemonic @nerdreader @bitchy-bi-trash
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seherie · 2 years
okay so I'll try not make promises i can't keep but if shit goes well y'all might be seeing a rambheem modern au that may just incidentally be inspired by magadheera as well and i- 🤺
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luxshine · 1 year
Clone!Verse Pairings and info.
As I am almost finishing the first say, season of the Drrragon!Verse, I started other three fics because my brain and muses won. I kept saying I was NOT going to do it, but... well, I did it. One of them is the one I teased, with Ram being raised by the Buxtons, having a lot of internalized racism inside and Bheem having to help him find himself, that is on A03, and is named The Earth, the Trees, the Tribe. The other two are sort of crossovers because see, I fell in love with RRR, and with Charan and Tarak, and then some lovely people invited me to a discord about RRR and well, next thing I know, I have watched like 10 of their movies and trying to find more.
And then... @ririsasy said in one of the discord servers that it'd be fun if all the different roles of Charan and Tarak were clones and... uhm... a new verse was born in my head.
IT DOES COUNT as an RRR Fic, see, because all of the Charan characters I'm including (7, from 5 different movies as in two of them he plays two characters) are clones of our dear Rama Raju, made by a British lab because of course the British can't leave Rama Raju alone. And while I still haven't said what the deal is with the Tarak Characters (Also 7, from 5 different movies, as in one of them, he plays three characters), they at the very least have dreams of Bheem's life, so yeah, basically, the Universe saw that in modern times there were Seven New Rama Rajus, so it went OOOPS, we need Seven New Bheems to balance. Because yes, obviously, the Rama Rajus are in love with the Bheems. Or well, they will be, as soon as they meet.
(They even have designated pairings. It's not just first come, first served. They have to find their specific Ram or Bheem. The Universe doesn't play around)
Now, I know some of us, specially in the English-speaking side of fandom, haven't watched all of Charan and Tarak's movies, so I am going to be making some posts about the pairings in question, so you guys can get a taste... and WATCH the movies in question!
So let's start with Clone one of the Rams. Chelluboina Chitti Babu, whom you might have seen in my dash before with his beloved chicken, Chicken. Now, Chicken is not that important in the movie Chitti is from, but he became a fan favorite because he's so cute, so in the fic, he's Chitti's pet.
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We also have Chitti to thank for Charan now liking lungi more than pants. Just for that, Chitti should be named a national hero.
Anyway, he is from the movie Rangashtalam, which you can watch legally as far as I know in Einthusan in telugu. And it's a movie you NEED to watch. Seriously, anything I say about it (Except that Chicken is only in it for like, two seconds) is a spoiler that will make the experience of watching it for the first time less epic.
Also, Chitti here is half-deaf, and part of the plot is a lot about how he has a lot of inner ableism and the acting of Charan is amazing.
Anyway, he is paired in my fic with this Bheem clone, Anand.
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Anand is an environmentalist who, after his uncle panics a bit for a fight he had with some goons, ends up joining a garage, Janatha's Garage (lit. The People's Garage) where they fix... EVERYTHING. And that includes your problems. I know it's a bad summary, but it's again a movie you seriously need to watch. I also adore the music on this one. ALL of the music, but specially the titular Janatha's Garage song.
I also found this one in Einthusan, although I believe Amazon Prime has it in some areas.
They are the very first ones that appear on the fic, so if you have watched them? You can start reading it! (hint hint, nudge nudge)
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rambheem-is-real · 2 years
Damn I've been searching for RRR posts all this while and the two weeks I take a break and there's a ton!
Ok I just wanted to shoot an idea I had (I don't think I'll be able to write it anytime soon in detail but this is the shorter version... (Maybe someone can pick it up too, I won't mind!)
Bheem stared blankly at the sheet of paper in front of him. He didn't know why but Jenny (and surprisingly Malli, when did she learn?) had head on confronted him about properly learning to write English (Anna was teaching him that already!) And now they had given him an assignment to write a letter!
But to who should he write? What should it be about? Should it be something he should send to that person later on? Or was it just for fun? He had so many questions, none of which were answered by his two teachers.
Unbeknownst to him though, Malli and Jenny thought that he would write a love letter confessing his love for Ram, or at least, if not acknowledge the love, mention something about their bond...
Contrary to their belief though, all Bheem could flow out was guilt laced words. His guilt about the secrets. His guilt about the harsh words. His guilt about hurting Ram. His guilt of how he was responsible for the torture Ram had to endure. Pages purely reeking of guilt, intended to be hidden away from the eye of the world, written in his broken English. Especially not for the eyes of Ram, who he knew wouldn't agree with his view. Who would start blaming himself for everything that happened. For all he knew, his letter was going to become one with the dust, never reaching the eyes of anyone.
But then Ram finds it.
yeah there’s been a lot of activity and new members in the last two weeks lol
omg that’s a great fanfic idea! perfect for some rambheem angst 😊 if you’re able to write the rest of it, tag me! 
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rapunzels-stuff · 2 years
So here I am wondering what to write about and honestly I was just in the the mood for some fluff RRR best friendship (Ram and Bheem) arguments after Ram reunited with Sita. So yeah tell me some stuff you think that they would friendly argue about and I will write some incorrect quotes or a fanfic on it and tag the person that gave me the idea.
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for the fanfic ask thing: 1, 5, 12, 14,15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 26, 30, 31, 34, 35.
i know those are a lot so consider this a bribe to answer this (take your time tho, this is just a treat for later, there's no pressure):
Tumblr media
*Goes to pick the cat up*
Me to cat: I'm adopting you. You shall be called Catrina the first.
Okay so here we go
1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
Ans: probably a 3.5, ig?
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
Ans: This one
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
Ans: Oh my god okay so I have been working on a idea i had for a novel and although it's not even halfway done, I'm super excited.
14: what's your favourite fandom to write for?
Ans: The Marauders and RRR
15. What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve ever written for?
Ans: The KYY fandom
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
Ans: Enemies to lovers only one bed trope
17. A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
Ans: The shy side character is the villain
22. Do you listen to anything while you write?
Ans: YES. I have a few playlists. I'll share them here if you want!
23. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
Ans: I prefer completely independent ideas since I find promos or challenges a bit challenging to write. (Pun intended)
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
Ans: Yes, I've tried writing poetry (Hindi, Marathi and English) but I'm scared that it's bad but I'd love to explore writing poetry more.
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
Ans: I don't have any OCs, yet.
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
Ans: ' मज जन्म फळाचा मिळता, मी केळे झालो असतो, मी असतो जर का भाजी तर भेंडी झालो असतो. मज चिरता-चीरता कोणी रडले वा हसले नाही. मी कांदा झालो नाही, अंबाही झालो नाही. '
Translation: If I had been born as a fruit, I would have become a banana. If I had been a vegetable, I would be okra. Nobody would have neither cried nor laughed while cutting me. I didn't become an onion and neither did I become a mango.
- from 'Mi morcha nela nahi' by Sandeep Khare
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
Ans: Okay so basically I'll just use this as a way to thank the gods (and myself) for finding tumblr! Like I've been on wattpad and ao3 for a long time and have been reading and writing (wattpad only and also incomplete and irregular) fics but the sheer TALENT I found on Tumblr. Literal gold. Amazing. Thank you everyone for like being SUCH GOOD WRITERS and also inspiring me to start writing regularly. THANK YOU SO MUCh
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titconao3 · 3 years
2021 Fic Year in Review
Tagged by: @beguilewritesstuff​ (post here)
Number of completed works: 11. i only publish finished works, but i started more fics than that.
Total word count: published: 182,699. Significantly less than previous years.
Fandoms written in: Marvel (DD, Punisher, Loki stuff, and WOW that Venom/DD fic was published in 2021 and not 10 years ago? some Foggy, some Thor, some Stephen Strange, and some Cap!), What We Do In The Shadows (TV). Shippy stuff, gen stuff.
Did you write more, less, or about what you’d expected? Less that i wanted to, but i could tell early on that it wouldn't be a very productive year compared with previous ones.
What’s your own favorite story of the year? that i wrote? hard to say. i don’t really like pimping my own stuff because it feels like if anyone says something nice about it afterwards, then it’s because people feel they have to, to be polite or something like that, and it’s not deserved or genuine. Not that i don’t want to get nice feedback ;-) just that i don’t want to feel like i’m only getting it because i’m pestering people into leaving some. i did enjoy collaborating with artists for several events i participated in and one spontaneous collab (shout-out to @rrr-nightingale, @dichotomystudios, iithril, @pesticide-for-gods, @talking4the1 )
Did you take any writing risks this year? i’m not sure what that means... taking risks? Does branching out into a new fandom count? Otherwise, i’m not trying to break literary ground or anything like that. i tried new tropes, new characters. i did write my longest fic to date, and quite a bunch turned out longer than i’d thought.
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year? No profic for me. i don’t want to make this a job. fanfic... well, i’d like to get back in the groove? But generally speaking, i don’t want to set goals and fail at reaching them.
Most popular story of the year? it’s probably Bridge Over Troubled Water according to AO3 stats (i don’t know how else to measure popularity?), but that’s because it was published early in the year, and it’s one time i posted one chapter per day (per prompt) for @frattweek, so it got more hits plus some people commented on several chapters, so that’s cheating compared with all my other fics which, whatever the length, i publish all in one go. The Loki stuff isn’t very “popular” in comparison with my DD stuff (not that i’m a BNF there either ;-), and the WWIDTS fic was published late in the year so it’s hard to say.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: i mean, i’d like each and everyone of them to get all the love, obviously ;-) but all got kudos/comments, whatever the exact number, so... thanks ^_^
Most fun story to write: the easiest to write was probably the WWDITS one, but i can’t say it was fun - it was easy to write because it was a bad day mood-wise and i was in exactly the right headspace for what i wanted to achieve. The DD/Venom/Eddie one was maybe fun to write, but it was written the year before and published on the first day of 2021, so does it count? Hm. Maybe the Tiny Matt one. There was a lot of giggling with @dichotomystudios while back-and-forthing ideas.
Biggest disappointment: so many WIPs that i never finished, languishing on the computer. i have some that are two years old or more, but whenever i tried to pick them up i just hated what was already on the page. i don’t know if it’s because they’ve been left unfinished for too long, or because they're actually crap, or because it was just not the right time.
Biggest surprise: Hm. Getting into a new fandom (What We Do In The Shadows - come sign up for the exchange! /pimp over)? But also, i didn’t expect to write so much Loki stuff. i’ve read Loki fics on and off for years, but i never expected to actively dip my toes in that pool; i thought there were already so many great works and creators that i didn’t need to add my words for the longest time. Funnily enough, while i did watch the Loki show, it’s not what i want to explore in fics.
Tagging: whoever wants to do this! i’d love to see some artists do this too *winkwinknudgenudge*
My AO3 page is here, if you’re curious. You can easily filter out the fandoms and characters/ships you don’t like. They were all betaed by @pixelbypixelfanfic, without whom many of those wouldn’t have seen the light of day.
Also, there’s a fanweek ongoing on @daredevilexchange - details here!
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kingreywrites · 4 years
What is your favourite new dream angsty fanfic ?
THAT'S SUCH A HARD QUESTION ANON i don't have an absolute fav 😭 but here are some incredible angsty fics i can think of right now:
[btw be mindful of the tags, i don't mind a little nsfw moments and/or whump but that may not be your jam!!]
Dear Eugene by @dreaming-in-seams
(WWII AU which has some incredible angst! it's such an amazing story!!)
Anyone can hide; by unintentionallyangsty
(IT'S EUGENE ANGST and i always love eugene angst 😭)
Here in this light by Hannamoon
(nightmare fics are always so good and this one is AMAZING)
Do You Know by @eugeneismyqueen
(listen. i'm OBSESSED with this fic and it already has some impeccable angst AND I KNOW THERE WILL BE MORE)
There's no peace in quiet by @unfragilelove
(okay so this is a death fic and it will make you cry i'm still not over it omg)
Bouclier by @eugene-not-flynn
(It's so good ;-; definitely one of my fav tangled fics)
Safe With Me by Ninja_Librarian
(Sadly it's not finished but the first two chapters are literally SO good!!)
Birthright by Gelstertherealgel
(An amazing moongene fic with LOADS of angst)
Flynnagan Rider was a ss…swashbuckling rrr…rooo…rogue… by nachocheese26
(More Eugene angst than new dream angst but it's incredible so I'm putting it here anyway 😭)
Heal What Has Been Hurt by @ink-and-moonbeams
(nightmare fic nightmARE FIC NIGHTMARE FIC)
Yes or No by @runningracingdancingchasing
(I LOVE the idea of this story so much!! It's a RP so you get Eugene and Rapunzel's povs, and it has INCREDIBLE new dream angst!!)
Souvenir by @cancerian-woman
(... :'( this is angsty but it's so good)
I am.... definitely forgetting a LOT of amazing angsty fics but that's what I remember right now!! Also I limited myself at one fic per author (i didn't want this to be too long fgsjksks) but definitely check out their other fics, they're incredible too!! 🥺 I hope that helped!! 💖
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kaelio · 3 years
i mean alright but i feel like when browsing ao3 and even filtering for shit i know is gonna be bad, i encounter like, typos and basic bad writing a lot more than i do in published fiction, with the exception of shitty self-published stuff. RRR is one of the few fanfics I've read, and I've read a lot of good ones, which feels like it could make a great published novel. there's a lot of shit in everything but fanfic does feel like it's worse in a way that will stunt you if that's ALL you read
yeah porbablor
i naturally write with correct grammar, however (or have to deliberately choose not to) so the idea of a pass to correct grammar (as opposed to typos) doesn't entirely make sense to me. sometimes i fuck up tenses or whatever but it's usually because i think it sounds better anyway. it's just fanfic. rrr can't even be cleaved from ds9; it's intrinsically and very tightly linked to canon so if i do stuff just because i want to well... why not. i have a real job.
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